2020-11-30 14:30:30 -08:00

487 lines
16 KiB

//go:generate mapstructure-to-hcl2 -type Config
//go:generate struct-markdown
package alicloudimport
import (
packerecs "github.com/hashicorp/packer/builder/alicloud/ecs"
packersdk "github.com/hashicorp/packer/packer-plugin-sdk/packer"
const (
Packer = "HashiCorp-Packer"
BuilderId = "packer.post-processor.alicloud-import"
OSSSuffix = "oss-"
RAWFileFormat = "raw"
VHDFileFormat = "vhd"
const (
PolicyTypeSystem = "System"
NoSetRoleError = "NoSetRoletoECSServiceAcount"
RoleNotExistError = "EntityNotExist.Role"
DefaultImportRoleName = "AliyunECSImageImportDefaultRole"
DefaultImportPolicyName = "AliyunECSImageImportRolePolicy"
DefaultImportRolePolicy = `{
"Statement": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [
"Version": "1"
// Configuration of this post processor
type Config struct {
packerecs.Config `mapstructure:",squash"`
// The name of the OSS bucket where the RAW or VHD file will be copied to
// for import. If the Bucket doesn't exist, the post-process will create it for
// you.
OSSBucket string `mapstructure:"oss_bucket_name" required:"true"`
// The name of the object key in `oss_bucket_name` where the RAW or VHD
// file will be copied to for import. This is treated as a [template
// engine](/docs/templates/engine), and you may access any of the variables
// stored in the generated data using the [build](/docs/templates/engine)
// template function.
OSSKey string `mapstructure:"oss_key_name"`
// Whether we should skip removing the RAW or VHD file uploaded to OSS
// after the import process has completed. `true` means that we should
// leave it in the OSS bucket, `false` means to clean it out. Defaults to
// `false`.
SkipClean bool `mapstructure:"skip_clean"`
Tags map[string]string `mapstructure:"tags"`
// The description of the image, with a length limit of `0` to `256`
// characters. Leaving it blank means null, which is the default value. It
// cannot begin with `http://` or `https://`.
AlicloudImageDescription string `mapstructure:"image_description"`
AlicloudImageShareAccounts []string `mapstructure:"image_share_account"`
AlicloudImageDestinationRegions []string `mapstructure:"image_copy_regions"`
// Type of the OS, like linux/windows
OSType string `mapstructure:"image_os_type" required:"true"`
// Platform such as `CentOS`
Platform string `mapstructure:"image_platform" required:"true"`
// Platform type of the image system: `i386` or `x86_64`
Architecture string `mapstructure:"image_architecture" required:"true"`
// Size of the system disk, in GB, values
// range:
// - cloud - 5 \~ 2000
// - cloud_efficiency - 20 \~ 2048
// - cloud_ssd - 20 \~ 2048
Size string `mapstructure:"image_system_size"`
// The format of the image for import, now alicloud only support RAW and
// VHD.
Format string `mapstructure:"format" required:"true"`
// If this value is true, when the target image name is duplicated with an
// existing image, it will delete the existing image and then create the
// target image, otherwise, the creation will fail. The default value is
// false.
AlicloudImageForceDelete bool `mapstructure:"image_force_delete"`
ctx interpolate.Context
type PostProcessor struct {
config Config
DiskDeviceMapping []ecs.DiskDeviceMapping
ossClient *oss.Client
ramClient *ram.Client
func (p *PostProcessor) ConfigSpec() hcldec.ObjectSpec { return p.config.FlatMapstructure().HCL2Spec() }
func (p *PostProcessor) Configure(raws ...interface{}) error {
err := config.Decode(&p.config, &config.DecodeOpts{
PluginType: BuilderId,
Interpolate: true,
InterpolateContext: &p.config.ctx,
InterpolateFilter: &interpolate.RenderFilter{
Exclude: []string{
}, raws...)
if err != nil {
return err
errs := new(packersdk.MultiError)
// Check and render oss_key_name
if err = interpolate.Validate(p.config.OSSKey, &p.config.ctx); err != nil {
errs = packersdk.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing oss_key_name template: %s", err))
errs = packersdk.MultiErrorAppend(errs, p.config.AlicloudImageTag.CopyOn(&p.config.AlicloudImageTags)...)
// Check we have alicloud access variables defined somewhere
errs = packersdk.MultiErrorAppend(errs, p.config.AlicloudAccessConfig.Prepare(&p.config.ctx)...)
// define all our required parameters
templates := map[string]*string{
"oss_bucket_name": &p.config.OSSBucket,
// Check out required params are defined
for key, ptr := range templates {
if *ptr == "" {
errs = packersdk.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("%s must be set", key))
// Anything which flagged return back up the stack
if len(errs.Errors) > 0 {
return errs
packersdk.LogSecretFilter.Set(p.config.AlicloudAccessKey, p.config.AlicloudSecretKey)
return nil
func (p *PostProcessor) PostProcess(ctx context.Context, ui packersdk.Ui, artifact packersdk.Artifact) (packersdk.Artifact, bool, bool, error) {
var err error
generatedData := artifact.State("generated_data")
if generatedData == nil {
// Make sure it's not a nil map so we can assign to it later.
generatedData = make(map[string]interface{})
p.config.ctx.Data = generatedData
// Render this key since we didn't in the configure phase
p.config.OSSKey, err = interpolate.Render(p.config.OSSKey, &p.config.ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Error rendering oss_key_name template: %s", err)
if p.config.OSSKey == "" {
p.config.OSSKey = "Packer_" + strconv.Itoa(time.Now().Nanosecond())
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Rendered oss_key_name as %s", p.config.OSSKey))
ui.Say("Looking for RAW or VHD in artifact")
// Locate the files output from the builder
source := ""
for _, path := range artifact.Files() {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, VHDFileFormat) || strings.HasSuffix(path, RAWFileFormat) {
source = path
// Hope we found something useful
if source == "" {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("No vhd or raw file found in artifact from builder")
ecsClient, err := p.config.AlicloudAccessConfig.Client()
if err != nil {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect alicloud ecs %s", err)
endpoint := getEndPoint(p.config.AlicloudRegion, p.config.OSSBucket)
describeImagesRequest := ecs.CreateDescribeImagesRequest()
describeImagesRequest.RegionId = p.config.AlicloudRegion
describeImagesRequest.ImageName = p.config.AlicloudImageName
imagesResponse, err := ecsClient.DescribeImages(describeImagesRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Failed to start import from %s/%s: %s", endpoint, p.config.OSSKey, err)
images := imagesResponse.Images.Image
if len(images) > 0 && !p.config.AlicloudImageForceDelete {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Duplicated image exists, please delete the existing images " +
"or set the 'image_force_delete' value as true")
bucket, err := p.queryOrCreateBucket(p.config.OSSBucket)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Failed to query or create bucket %s: %s", p.config.OSSBucket, err)
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for uploading file %s to %s/%s...", source, endpoint, p.config.OSSKey))
err = bucket.PutObjectFromFile(p.config.OSSKey, source)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Failed to upload image %s: %s", source, err)
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Image file %s has been uploaded to OSS", source))
if len(images) > 0 && p.config.AlicloudImageForceDelete {
deleteImageRequest := ecs.CreateDeleteImageRequest()
deleteImageRequest.RegionId = p.config.AlicloudRegion
deleteImageRequest.ImageId = images[0].ImageId
_, err := ecsClient.DeleteImage(deleteImageRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Delete duplicated image %s failed", images[0].ImageName)
importImageRequest := p.buildImportImageRequest()
importImageResponse, err := ecsClient.ImportImage(importImageRequest)
if err != nil {
e, ok := err.(errors.Error)
if !ok || e.ErrorCode() != NoSetRoleError {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Failed to start import from %s/%s: %s", endpoint, p.config.OSSKey, err)
ui.Say("initialize ram role for importing image")
if err := p.prepareImportRole(); err != nil {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Failed to start import from %s/%s: %s", endpoint, p.config.OSSKey, err)
acsResponse, err := ecsClient.WaitForExpected(&packerecs.WaitForExpectArgs{
RequestFunc: func() (responses.AcsResponse, error) {
return ecsClient.ImportImage(importImageRequest)
EvalFunc: func(response responses.AcsResponse, err error) packerecs.WaitForExpectEvalResult {
if err == nil {
return packerecs.WaitForExpectSuccess
e, ok = err.(errors.Error)
if ok && packerecs.ContainsInArray([]string{
}, e.ErrorCode()) {
return packerecs.WaitForExpectSuccess
if ok && e.ErrorCode() != NoSetRoleError {
return packerecs.WaitForExpectFailToStop
return packerecs.WaitForExpectToRetry
if err != nil {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Failed to start import from %s/%s: %s", endpoint, p.config.OSSKey, err)
importImageResponse = acsResponse.(*ecs.ImportImageResponse)
imageId := importImageResponse.ImageId
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for importing %s/%s to alicloud...", endpoint, p.config.OSSKey))
_, err = ecsClient.WaitForImageStatus(p.config.AlicloudRegion, imageId, packerecs.ImageStatusAvailable, time.Duration(packerecs.ALICLOUD_DEFAULT_LONG_TIMEOUT)*time.Second)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Import image %s failed: %s", imageId, err)
// Add the reported Alicloud image ID to the artifact list
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Importing created alicloud image ID %s in region %s Finished.", imageId, p.config.AlicloudRegion))
artifact = &packerecs.Artifact{
AlicloudImages: map[string]string{
p.config.AlicloudRegion: imageId,
BuilderIdValue: BuilderId,
Client: ecsClient,
if !p.config.SkipClean {
ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting import source %s/%s/%s", endpoint, p.config.OSSBucket, p.config.OSSKey))
if err = bucket.DeleteObject(p.config.OSSKey); err != nil {
return nil, false, false, fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete %s/%s/%s: %s", endpoint, p.config.OSSBucket, p.config.OSSKey, err)
return artifact, false, false, nil
func (p *PostProcessor) getOssClient() *oss.Client {
if p.ossClient == nil {
log.Println("Creating OSS Client")
ossClient, _ := oss.New(getEndPoint(p.config.AlicloudRegion, ""), p.config.AlicloudAccessKey,
p.ossClient = ossClient
return p.ossClient
func (p *PostProcessor) getRamClient() *ram.Client {
if p.ramClient == nil {
ramClient, _ := ram.NewClientWithAccessKey(p.config.AlicloudRegion, p.config.AlicloudAccessKey, p.config.AlicloudSecretKey)
p.ramClient = ramClient
return p.ramClient
func (p *PostProcessor) queryOrCreateBucket(bucketName string) (*oss.Bucket, error) {
ossClient := p.getOssClient()
isExist, err := ossClient.IsBucketExist(bucketName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !isExist {
err = ossClient.CreateBucket(bucketName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bucket, err := ossClient.Bucket(bucketName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return bucket, nil
func (p *PostProcessor) prepareImportRole() error {
ramClient := p.getRamClient()
getRoleRequest := ram.CreateGetRoleRequest()
getRoleRequest.RoleName = DefaultImportRoleName
_, err := ramClient.GetRole(getRoleRequest)
if err == nil {
if e := p.updateOrAttachPolicy(); e != nil {
return e
return nil
e, ok := err.(errors.Error)
if !ok || e.ErrorCode() != RoleNotExistError {
return e
if err := p.createRoleAndAttachPolicy(); err != nil {
return err
time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute)
return nil
func (p *PostProcessor) updateOrAttachPolicy() error {
ramClient := p.getRamClient()
listPoliciesForRoleRequest := ram.CreateListPoliciesForRoleRequest()
listPoliciesForRoleRequest.RoleName = DefaultImportRoleName
policyListResponse, err := p.ramClient.ListPoliciesForRole(listPoliciesForRoleRequest)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to list policies: %s", err)
rolePolicyExists := false
for _, policy := range policyListResponse.Policies.Policy {
if policy.PolicyName == DefaultImportPolicyName && policy.PolicyType == PolicyTypeSystem {
rolePolicyExists = true
if rolePolicyExists {
updateRoleRequest := ram.CreateUpdateRoleRequest()
updateRoleRequest.RoleName = DefaultImportRoleName
updateRoleRequest.NewAssumeRolePolicyDocument = DefaultImportRolePolicy
if _, err := ramClient.UpdateRole(updateRoleRequest); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to update role policy: %s", err)
} else {
attachPolicyToRoleRequest := ram.CreateAttachPolicyToRoleRequest()
attachPolicyToRoleRequest.PolicyName = DefaultImportPolicyName
attachPolicyToRoleRequest.PolicyType = PolicyTypeSystem
attachPolicyToRoleRequest.RoleName = DefaultImportRoleName
if _, err := ramClient.AttachPolicyToRole(attachPolicyToRoleRequest); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to attach role policy: %s", err)
return nil
func (p *PostProcessor) createRoleAndAttachPolicy() error {
ramClient := p.getRamClient()
createRoleRequest := ram.CreateCreateRoleRequest()
createRoleRequest.RoleName = DefaultImportRoleName
createRoleRequest.AssumeRolePolicyDocument = DefaultImportRolePolicy
if _, err := ramClient.CreateRole(createRoleRequest); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create role: %s", err)
attachPolicyToRoleRequest := ram.CreateAttachPolicyToRoleRequest()
attachPolicyToRoleRequest.PolicyName = DefaultImportPolicyName
attachPolicyToRoleRequest.PolicyType = PolicyTypeSystem
attachPolicyToRoleRequest.RoleName = DefaultImportRoleName
if _, err := ramClient.AttachPolicyToRole(attachPolicyToRoleRequest); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to attach policy: %s", err)
return nil
func (p *PostProcessor) buildImportImageRequest() *ecs.ImportImageRequest {
request := ecs.CreateImportImageRequest()
request.RegionId = p.config.AlicloudRegion
request.ImageName = p.config.AlicloudImageName
request.Description = p.config.AlicloudImageDescription
request.Architecture = p.config.Architecture
request.OSType = p.config.OSType
request.Platform = p.config.Platform
request.DiskDeviceMapping = &[]ecs.ImportImageDiskDeviceMapping{
DiskImageSize: p.config.Size,
Format: p.config.Format,
OSSBucket: p.config.OSSBucket,
OSSObject: p.config.OSSKey,
return request
func getEndPoint(region string, bucket string) string {
if bucket != "" {
return "https://" + bucket + "." + getOSSRegion(region) + ".aliyuncs.com"
return "https://" + getOSSRegion(region) + ".aliyuncs.com"
func getOSSRegion(region string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(region, OSSSuffix) {
return region
return OSSSuffix + region