Remove the redundant StepRemoveDevices and rely on the cleanup to be handled by: * StepAttachParallelsTools.Cleanup * StepAttachFloppy.Cleanup * stepAttachISO.Cleanup
342 lines
11 KiB
342 lines
11 KiB
package iso
import (
parallelscommon ""
const BuilderId = "rickard-von-essen.parallels"
type Builder struct {
config config
runner multistep.Runner
type config struct {
common.PackerConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
parallelscommon.FloppyConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
parallelscommon.OutputConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
parallelscommon.PrlctlConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
parallelscommon.PrlctlVersionConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
parallelscommon.RunConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
parallelscommon.ShutdownConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
parallelscommon.SSHConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
parallelscommon.ToolsConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
BootCommand []string `mapstructure:"boot_command"`
DiskSize uint `mapstructure:"disk_size"`
GuestOSType string `mapstructure:"guest_os_type"`
HardDriveInterface string `mapstructure:"hard_drive_interface"`
HostInterfaces []string `mapstructure:"host_interfaces"`
HTTPDir string `mapstructure:"http_directory"`
HTTPPortMin uint `mapstructure:"http_port_min"`
HTTPPortMax uint `mapstructure:"http_port_max"`
ISOChecksum string `mapstructure:"iso_checksum"`
ISOChecksumType string `mapstructure:"iso_checksum_type"`
ISOUrls []string `mapstructure:"iso_urls"`
VMName string `mapstructure:"vm_name"`
RawSingleISOUrl string `mapstructure:"iso_url"`
// Deprecated parameters
GuestOSDistribution string `mapstructure:"guest_os_distribution"`
ParallelsToolsHostPath string `mapstructure:"parallels_tools_host_path"`
tpl *packer.ConfigTemplate
func (b *Builder) Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, error) {
md, err := common.DecodeConfig(&b.config, raws...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.config.tpl, err = packer.NewConfigTemplate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.config.tpl.UserVars = b.config.PackerUserVars
// Accumulate any errors and warnings
errs := common.CheckUnusedConfig(md)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.FloppyConfig.Prepare(b.config.tpl)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, b.config.OutputConfig.Prepare(b.config.tpl, &b.config.PackerConfig)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.RunConfig.Prepare(b.config.tpl)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.PrlctlConfig.Prepare(b.config.tpl)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.PrlctlVersionConfig.Prepare(b.config.tpl)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.ShutdownConfig.Prepare(b.config.tpl)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.SSHConfig.Prepare(b.config.tpl)...)
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, b.config.ToolsConfig.Prepare(b.config.tpl)...)
warnings := make([]string, 0)
if b.config.DiskSize == 0 {
b.config.DiskSize = 40000
if b.config.HardDriveInterface == "" {
b.config.HardDriveInterface = "sata"
if b.config.GuestOSType == "" {
b.config.GuestOSType = "other"
if b.config.GuestOSDistribution != "" {
// Compatibility with older templates:
// Use value of 'guest_os_distribution' if it is defined.
b.config.GuestOSType = b.config.GuestOSDistribution
warnings = append(warnings,
"A 'guest_os_distribution' has been completely replaced with 'guest_os_type'\n"+
"It is recommended to remove it and assign the previous value to 'guest_os_type'.\n"+
"Run it to see all available values: `prlctl create x -d list` ")
if b.config.HTTPPortMin == 0 {
b.config.HTTPPortMin = 8000
if b.config.HTTPPortMax == 0 {
b.config.HTTPPortMax = 9000
if len(b.config.HostInterfaces) == 0 {
b.config.HostInterfaces = []string{"en0", "en1", "en2", "en3", "en4", "en5", "en6", "en7",
"en8", "en9", "ppp0", "ppp1", "ppp2"}
if b.config.VMName == "" {
b.config.VMName = fmt.Sprintf("packer-%s", b.config.PackerBuildName)
// Errors
templates := map[string]*string{
"guest_os_type": &b.config.GuestOSType,
"hard_drive_interface": &b.config.HardDriveInterface,
"http_directory": &b.config.HTTPDir,
"iso_checksum": &b.config.ISOChecksum,
"iso_checksum_type": &b.config.ISOChecksumType,
"iso_url": &b.config.RawSingleISOUrl,
"vm_name": &b.config.VMName,
for n, ptr := range templates {
var err error
*ptr, err = b.config.tpl.Process(*ptr, nil)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Error processing %s: %s", n, err))
for i, url := range b.config.ISOUrls {
var err error
b.config.ISOUrls[i], err = b.config.tpl.Process(url, nil)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Error processing iso_urls[%d]: %s", i, err))
for i, command := range b.config.BootCommand {
if err := b.config.tpl.Validate(command); err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("Error processing boot_command[%d]: %s", i, err))
if b.config.HardDriveInterface != "ide" && b.config.HardDriveInterface != "sata" && b.config.HardDriveInterface != "scsi" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("hard_drive_interface can only be ide, sata, or scsi"))
if b.config.HTTPPortMin > b.config.HTTPPortMax {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("http_port_min must be less than http_port_max"))
if b.config.ISOChecksumType == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("The iso_checksum_type must be specified."))
} else {
b.config.ISOChecksumType = strings.ToLower(b.config.ISOChecksumType)
if b.config.ISOChecksumType != "none" {
if b.config.ISOChecksum == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("Due to large file sizes, an iso_checksum is required"))
} else {
b.config.ISOChecksum = strings.ToLower(b.config.ISOChecksum)
if h := common.HashForType(b.config.ISOChecksumType); h == nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
fmt.Errorf("Unsupported checksum type: %s", b.config.ISOChecksumType))
if b.config.RawSingleISOUrl == "" && len(b.config.ISOUrls) == 0 {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("One of iso_url or iso_urls must be specified."))
} else if b.config.RawSingleISOUrl != "" && len(b.config.ISOUrls) > 0 {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("Only one of iso_url or iso_urls may be specified."))
} else if b.config.RawSingleISOUrl != "" {
b.config.ISOUrls = []string{b.config.RawSingleISOUrl}
for i, url := range b.config.ISOUrls {
b.config.ISOUrls[i], err = common.DownloadableURL(url)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse iso_url %d: %s", i+1, err))
// Warnings
if b.config.ISOChecksumType == "none" {
warnings = append(warnings,
"A checksum type of 'none' was specified. Since ISO files are so big,\n"+
"a checksum is highly recommended.")
if b.config.ShutdownCommand == "" {
warnings = append(warnings,
"A shutdown_command was not specified. Without a shutdown command, Packer\n"+
"will forcibly halt the virtual machine, which may result in data loss.")
if b.config.ParallelsToolsHostPath != "" {
warnings = append(warnings,
"A 'parallels_tools_host_path' has been deprecated and not in use anymore\n"+
"You can remove it from your Packer template.")
if errs != nil && len(errs.Errors) > 0 {
return warnings, errs
return warnings, nil
func (b *Builder) Run(ui packer.Ui, hook packer.Hook, cache packer.Cache) (packer.Artifact, error) {
// Create the driver that we'll use to communicate with Parallels
driver, err := parallelscommon.NewDriver()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed creating Parallels driver: %s", err)
steps := []multistep.Step{
ParallelsToolsFlavor: b.config.ParallelsToolsFlavor,
ParallelsToolsMode: b.config.ParallelsToolsMode,
Checksum: b.config.ISOChecksum,
ChecksumType: b.config.ISOChecksumType,
Description: "ISO",
ResultKey: "iso_path",
Url: b.config.ISOUrls,
Force: b.config.PackerForce,
Path: b.config.OutputDir,
Files: b.config.FloppyFiles,
ParallelsToolsMode: b.config.ParallelsToolsMode,
Commands: b.config.Prlctl,
Tpl: b.config.tpl,
BootWait: b.config.BootWait,
Headless: b.config.Headless, // TODO: migth work on Enterprise Ed.
BootCommand: b.config.BootCommand,
HostInterfaces: b.config.HostInterfaces,
VMName: b.config.VMName,
Tpl: b.config.tpl,
SSHAddress: parallelscommon.SSHAddress,
SSHConfig: parallelscommon.SSHConfigFunc(b.config.SSHConfig),
SSHWaitTimeout: b.config.SSHWaitTimeout,
Path: b.config.PrlctlVersionFile,
ParallelsToolsFlavor: b.config.ParallelsToolsFlavor,
ParallelsToolsGuestPath: b.config.ParallelsToolsGuestPath,
ParallelsToolsMode: b.config.ParallelsToolsMode,
Tpl: b.config.tpl,
Command: b.config.ShutdownCommand,
Timeout: b.config.ShutdownTimeout,
// Setup the state bag
state := new(multistep.BasicStateBag)
state.Put("cache", cache)
state.Put("config", &b.config)
state.Put("driver", driver)
state.Put("hook", hook)
state.Put("ui", ui)
// Run
if b.config.PackerDebug {
b.runner = &multistep.DebugRunner{
Steps: steps,
PauseFn: common.MultistepDebugFn(ui),
} else {
b.runner = &multistep.BasicRunner{Steps: steps}
// If there was an error, return that
if rawErr, ok := state.GetOk("error"); ok {
return nil, rawErr.(error)
// If we were interrupted or cancelled, then just exit.
if _, ok := state.GetOk(multistep.StateCancelled); ok {
return nil, errors.New("Build was cancelled.")
if _, ok := state.GetOk(multistep.StateHalted); ok {
return nil, errors.New("Build was halted.")
return parallelscommon.NewArtifact(b.config.OutputDir)
func (b *Builder) Cancel() {
if b.runner != nil {
log.Println("Cancelling the step runner...")