257 lines
11 KiB
257 lines
11 KiB
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const grayMatter = require('gray-matter')
const fetchPluginDocs = require('./fetch-plugin-docs')
const validateFilePaths = require('@hashicorp/react-docs-sidenav/utils/validate-file-paths')
const validateRouteStructure = require('@hashicorp/react-docs-sidenav/utils/validate-route-structure')
* Resolves nav-data from file, including optional
* resolution of remote plugin docs entries
* @param {string} navDataFile path to the nav-data.json file, relative to the cwd. Example: "data/docs-nav-data.json".
* @param {string} localContentDir path to the content root, relative to the cwd. Example: "content/docs".
* @param {object} options optional configuration object
* @param {string} options.remotePluginsFile path to a remote-plugins.json file, relative to the cwd. Example: "data/docs-remote-plugins.json".
* @returns {array} the resolved navData. This includes NavBranch nodes pulled from remote plugin repositories, as well as filePath properties on all local NavLeaf nodes, and remoteFile properties on all NavLeafRemote nodes.
async function resolveNavData(navDataFile, localContentDir, options = {}) {
const { remotePluginsFile, currentPath } = options
// Read in files
const navDataPath = path.join(process.cwd(), navDataFile)
const navData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(navDataPath, 'utf8'))
// Fetch remote plugin docs, if applicable
let withPlugins = navData
if (remotePluginsFile) {
// Resolve plugins, this yields branches with NavLeafRemote nodes
withPlugins = await mergeRemotePlugins(
// Resolve local filePaths for NavLeaf nodes
const withFilePaths = await validateFilePaths(withPlugins, localContentDir)
// Return the nav data with:
// 1. Plugins merged, transformed into navData structures with NavLeafRemote nodes
// 2. filePaths added to all local NavLeaf nodes
return withFilePaths
// Given a remote plugins config file, and the full tree of docs navData which
// contains top-level branch routes that match plugin component types,
// fetch and parse all remote plugin docs, merge them into the
// broader tree of docs navData, and return the docs navData
// with the merged plugin docs
async function mergeRemotePlugins(remotePluginsFile, navData, currentPath) {
// Read in and parse the plugin configuration JSON
const remotePluginsPath = path.join(process.cwd(), remotePluginsFile)
const pluginEntries = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(remotePluginsPath, 'utf-8'))
// Add navData for each plugin's component.
// Note that leaf nodes include a remoteFile property object with the full MDX fileString
const pluginEntriesWithDocs = await Promise.all(
async (entry) => await resolvePluginEntryDocs(entry, currentPath)
// group navData by component type, to prepare to merge plugin docs
// into the broader tree of navData.
const pluginDocsByComponent = pluginEntriesWithDocs.reduce(
(acc, pluginEntry) => {
const { components } = pluginEntry
Object.keys(components).forEach((type) => {
const navData = components[type]
if (!navData) return
if (!acc[type]) acc[type] = []
return acc
// merge plugin docs, by plugin component type,
// into the corresponding top-level component NavBranch
const navDataWithPlugins = navData.slice().map((n) => {
// we only care about top-level NavBranch nodes
if (!n.routes) return n
// for each component type, check if this NavBranch
// is the parent route for that type
const componentTypes = Object.keys(pluginDocsByComponent)
let typeMatch = false
for (var i = 0; i < componentTypes.length; i++) {
const componentType = componentTypes[i]
const routeMatches = n.routes.filter((r) => r.path === componentType)
if (routeMatches.length > 0) {
typeMatch = componentType
// if this NavBranch does not match a component type slug,
// then return it unmodified
if (!typeMatch) return n
// if there are no matching remote plugin components,
// then return the navBranch unmodified
const pluginsOfType = pluginDocsByComponent[typeMatch]
if (!pluginsOfType || pluginsOfType.length == 0) return n
// if this NavBranch is the parent route for the type,
// then append all remote plugins of this type to the
// NavBranch's child routes
const routesWithPlugins = n.routes.slice().concat(pluginsOfType)
// console.log(JSON.stringify(routesWithPlugins, null, 2))
// Also, sort the child routes so the order is alphabetical
routesWithPlugins.sort((a, b) => {
// ensure casing does not affect ordering
const aTitle = a.title.toLowerCase()
const bTitle = b.title.toLowerCase()
// (exception: "Overview" comes first)
if (aTitle === 'overview') return -1
if (bTitle === 'overview') return 1
// (exception: "Community-Supported" comes last)
if (aTitle === 'community-supported') return 1
if (bTitle === 'community-supported') return -1
// (exception: "Custom" comes second-last)
if (aTitle === 'custom') return 1
if (bTitle === 'custom') return -1
return aTitle < bTitle ? -1 : aTitle > bTitle ? 1 : 0
// return n
return { ...n, routes: routesWithPlugins }
// return the merged navData, which now includes special NavLeaf nodes
// for plugin docs with remoteFile properties
return navDataWithPlugins
// Fetch remote plugin docs .mdx files, and
// transform each plugin's array of .mdx files into navData.
// Organize this navData by component, add it to the plugin config entry,
// and return the modified entry.
// Note that navData leaf nodes have a special remoteFile property,
// which contains { filePath, fileString } data for the remote
// plugin doc .mdx file
async function resolvePluginEntryDocs(pluginConfigEntry, currentPath) {
const {
path: slug,
sourceBranch = 'main',
} = pluginConfigEntry
const docsMdxFiles = await fetchPluginDocs({ repo, tag: version })
// We construct a special kind of "NavLeaf" node, with a remoteFile property,
// consisting of a { filePath, fileString, sourceUrl }, where:
// - filePath is the path to the source file in the source repo
// - fileString is a string representing the file source
// - sourceUrl is a link to the original file in the source repo
// We also add a pluginTier attribute
const navNodes = docsMdxFiles.map((mdxFile) => {
const { filePath, fileString } = mdxFile
// Process into a NavLeaf, with a remoteFile attribute
const dirs = path.dirname(filePath).split('/')
const dirUrl = dirs.slice(2).join('/')
const basename = path.basename(filePath, path.extname(filePath))
// build urlPath
// note that this will be prefixed to get to our final path
const isIndexFile = basename === 'index'
const urlPath = isIndexFile ? dirUrl : path.join(dirUrl, basename)
// parse title, either from frontmatter or file name
const { data: frontmatter } = grayMatter(fileString)
const { nav_title, sidebar_title } = frontmatter
const title = nav_title || sidebar_title || basename
// construct sourceUrl (used for "Edit this page" link)
const sourceUrl = `https://github.com/${repo}/blob/${sourceBranch}/${filePath}`
// determine pluginTier
const pluginOwner = repo.split('/')[0]
const pluginTier = pluginOwner === 'hashicorp' ? 'official' : 'community'
// Construct and return a NavLeafRemote node
return {
path: urlPath,
remoteFile: { filePath, fileString, sourceUrl },
navNodes.sort((a, b) => {
// ensure casing does not affect ordering
const aTitle = a.title.toLowerCase()
const bTitle = b.title.toLowerCase()
// (exception: "Overview" comes first)
if (aTitle === 'overview') return -1
if (bTitle === 'overview') return 1
return aTitle < bTitle ? -1 : aTitle > bTitle ? 1 : 0
const navNodesByComponent = navNodes.reduce((acc, navLeaf) => {
const componentType = navLeaf.remoteFile.filePath.split('/')[1]
if (!acc[componentType]) acc[componentType] = []
return acc
}, {})
const components = Object.keys(navNodesByComponent).map((type) => {
// Plugins many not contain every component type,
// we return null if this is the case
const rawNavNodes = navNodesByComponent[type]
if (!rawNavNodes) return null
// Avoid unnecessary nesting if there's only a single doc file
const navData = normalizeNavNodes(title, rawNavNodes)
// Prefix paths to fit into broader docs nav-data
const pathPrefix = path.join(type, slug)
const withPrefixedPaths = visitNavLeaves(navData, (n) => {
const prefixedPath = path.join(pathPrefix, n.path)
return { ...n, path: prefixedPath }
// If currentPath is provided, then remove the remoteFile
// from all nodes except the currentPath. This ensures we deliver
// only a single fileString in our getStaticProps JSON.
// Without this optimization, we would send all fileStrings
// for all NavLeafRemote nodes
const withOptimizedFileStrings = visitNavLeaves(withPrefixedPaths, (n) => {
if (!n.remoteFile) return n
const noCurrentPath = typeof currentPath === 'undefined'
const isPathMatch = currentPath === n.path
if (noCurrentPath || isPathMatch) return n
const { filePath } = n.remoteFile
return { ...n, remoteFile: { filePath } }
// Return the component, with processed navData
return { type, navData: withOptimizedFileStrings }
const componentsObj = components.reduce((acc, component) => {
if (!component) return acc
acc[component.type] = component.navData
return acc
}, {})
return { ...pluginConfigEntry, components: componentsObj }
// For components with a single doc file, transform so that
// a single leaf node renders, rather than a nav branch
function normalizeNavNodes(pluginName, routes) {
const isSingleLeaf =
routes.length === 1 && typeof routes[0].path !== 'undefined'
const navData = isSingleLeaf
? [{ ...routes[0], path: '' }]
: [{ title: pluginName, routes }]
return navData
// Traverse a clone of the given navData,
// modifying any NavLeaf nodes with the provided visitFn
function visitNavLeaves(navData, visitFn) {
return navData.slice().map((navNode) => {
if (typeof navNode.path !== 'undefined') {
return visitFn(navNode)
if (navNode.routes) {
return { ...navNode, routes: visitNavLeaves(navNode.routes, visitFn) }
return navNode
module.exports = resolveNavData