
291 lines
9.1 KiB

package main
import (
packersdk ""
// PACKERSPACE is used to represent the spaces that separate args for a command
// without being confused with spaces in the path to the command itself.
type config struct {
DisableCheckpoint bool `json:"disable_checkpoint"`
DisableCheckpointSignature bool `json:"disable_checkpoint_signature"`
RawBuilders map[string]string `json:"builders"`
RawProvisioners map[string]string `json:"provisioners"`
RawPostProcessors map[string]string `json:"post-processors"`
Builders packersdk.MapOfBuilder `json:"-"`
Provisioners packersdk.MapOfProvisioner `json:"-"`
PostProcessors packersdk.MapOfPostProcessor `json:"-"`
Plugins plugin.Config
// decodeConfig decodes configuration in JSON format from the given io.Reader into
// the config object pointed to.
func decodeConfig(r io.Reader, c *config) error {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r)
return decoder.Decode(c)
// LoadExternalComponentsFromConfig loads plugins defined in RawBuilders, RawProvisioners, and RawPostProcessors.
func (c *config) LoadExternalComponentsFromConfig() {
// helper to build up list of plugin paths
extractPaths := func(m map[string]string) []string {
paths := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for _, v := range m {
paths = append(paths, v)
return paths
var pluginPaths []string
pluginPaths = append(pluginPaths, extractPaths(c.RawProvisioners)...)
pluginPaths = append(pluginPaths, extractPaths(c.RawBuilders)...)
pluginPaths = append(pluginPaths, extractPaths(c.RawPostProcessors)...)
var externallyUsed = make([]string, 0, len(pluginPaths))
for _, pluginPath := range pluginPaths {
name, err := c.loadSingleComponent(pluginPath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("loaded plugin: %s = %s", name, pluginPath)
externallyUsed = append(externallyUsed, name)
if len(externallyUsed) > 0 {
log.Printf("using external plugins %v", externallyUsed)
func (c *config) loadSingleComponent(path string) (string, error) {
pluginName := filepath.Base(path)
// On Windows, ignore any plugins that don't end in .exe.
// We could do a full PATHEXT parse, but this is probably good enough.
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(pluginName)) != ".exe" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error loading plugin %q, no exe extension", path)
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error loading plugin %q: %s", path, err)
// If the filename has a ".", trim up to there
if idx := strings.Index(pluginName, "."); idx >= 0 {
pluginName = pluginName[:idx]
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(pluginName, "packer-builder-"):
pluginName = pluginName[len("packer-builder-"):]
c.Builders[pluginName] = func() (packersdk.Builder, error) {
return c.Plugins.Client(path).Builder()
case strings.HasPrefix(pluginName, "packer-post-processor-"):
pluginName = pluginName[len("packer-post-processor-"):]
c.PostProcessors[pluginName] = func() (packersdk.PostProcessor, error) {
return c.Plugins.Client(path).PostProcessor()
case strings.HasPrefix(pluginName, "packer-provisioner-"):
pluginName = pluginName[len("packer-provisioner-"):]
c.Provisioners[pluginName] = func() (packersdk.Provisioner, error) {
return c.Plugins.Client(path).Provisioner()
return pluginName, nil
// This is a proper packer.BuilderFunc that can be used to load packersdk.Builder
// implementations from the defined plugins.
func (c *config) StartBuilder(name string) (packersdk.Builder, error) {
log.Printf("Loading builder: %s\n", name)
return c.Builders.Start(name)
// This is a proper implementation of packer.HookFunc that can be used
// to load packersdk.Hook implementations from the defined plugins.
func (c *config) StarHook(name string) (packersdk.Hook, error) {
log.Printf("Loading hook: %s\n", name)
return c.Plugins.Client(name).Hook()
// This is a proper packersdk.PostProcessorFunc that can be used to load
// packersdk.PostProcessor implementations from defined plugins.
func (c *config) StartPostProcessor(name string) (packersdk.PostProcessor, error) {
log.Printf("Loading post-processor: %s", name)
return c.PostProcessors.Start(name)
// This is a proper packer.ProvisionerFunc that can be used to load
// packer.Provisioner implementations from defined plugins.
func (c *config) StartProvisioner(name string) (packersdk.Provisioner, error) {
log.Printf("Loading provisioner: %s\n", name)
return c.Provisioners.Start(name)
func (c *config) discoverExternalComponents(path string) error {
var err error
if !filepath.IsAbs(path) {
path, err = filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return err
externallyUsed := []string{}
pluginPaths, err := c.discoverSingle(filepath.Join(path, "packer-builder-*"))
if err != nil {
return err
for pluginName, pluginPath := range pluginPaths {
newPath := pluginPath // this needs to be stored in a new variable for the func below
c.Builders[pluginName] = func() (packersdk.Builder, error) {
return c.Plugins.Client(newPath).Builder()
externallyUsed = append(externallyUsed, pluginName)
if len(externallyUsed) > 0 {
log.Printf("using external builders %v", externallyUsed)
externallyUsed = nil
pluginPaths, err = c.discoverSingle(filepath.Join(path, "packer-post-processor-*"))
if err != nil {
return err
for pluginName, pluginPath := range pluginPaths {
newPath := pluginPath // this needs to be stored in a new variable for the func below
c.PostProcessors[pluginName] = func() (packersdk.PostProcessor, error) {
return c.Plugins.Client(newPath).PostProcessor()
externallyUsed = append(externallyUsed, pluginName)
if len(externallyUsed) > 0 {
log.Printf("using external post-processors %v", externallyUsed)
externallyUsed = nil
pluginPaths, err = c.discoverSingle(filepath.Join(path, "packer-provisioner-*"))
if err != nil {
return err
for pluginName, pluginPath := range pluginPaths {
newPath := pluginPath // this needs to be stored in a new variable for the func below
c.Provisioners[pluginName] = func() (packersdk.Provisioner, error) {
return c.Plugins.Client(newPath).Provisioner()
externallyUsed = append(externallyUsed, pluginName)
if len(externallyUsed) > 0 {
log.Printf("using external provisioners %v", externallyUsed)
externallyUsed = nil
return nil
func (c *config) discoverSingle(glob string) (map[string]string, error) {
matches, err := filepath.Glob(glob)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res := make(map[string]string)
prefix := filepath.Base(glob)
prefix = prefix[:strings.Index(prefix, "*")]
for _, match := range matches {
file := filepath.Base(match)
// On Windows, ignore any plugins that don't end in .exe.
// We could do a full PATHEXT parse, but this is probably good enough.
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(file)) != ".exe" {
"[DEBUG] Ignoring plugin match %s, no exe extension",
// If the filename has a ".", trim up to there
if idx := strings.Index(file, ".exe"); idx >= 0 {
file = file[:idx]
// Look for foo-bar-baz. The plugin name is "baz"
pluginName := file[len(prefix):]
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Discovered plugin: %s = %s", pluginName, match)
res[pluginName] = match
return res, nil
func (c *config) discoverInternalComponents() error {
// Get the packer binary path
packerPath, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERR] Error loading exe directory: %s", err)
return err
for builder := range command.Builders {
builder := builder
_, found := (c.Builders)[builder]
if !found {
c.Builders[builder] = func() (packersdk.Builder, error) {
bin := fmt.Sprintf("%s%splugin%spacker-builder-%s",
packerPath, PACKERSPACE, PACKERSPACE, builder)
return c.Plugins.Client(bin).Builder()
for provisioner := range command.Provisioners {
provisioner := provisioner
_, found := (c.Provisioners)[provisioner]
if !found {
c.Provisioners[provisioner] = func() (packersdk.Provisioner, error) {
bin := fmt.Sprintf("%s%splugin%spacker-provisioner-%s",
packerPath, PACKERSPACE, PACKERSPACE, provisioner)
return c.Plugins.Client(bin).Provisioner()
for postProcessor := range command.PostProcessors {
postProcessor := postProcessor
_, found := (c.PostProcessors)[postProcessor]
if !found {
c.PostProcessors[postProcessor] = func() (packersdk.PostProcessor, error) {
bin := fmt.Sprintf("%s%splugin%spacker-post-processor-%s",
packerPath, PACKERSPACE, PACKERSPACE, postProcessor)
return c.Plugins.Client(bin).PostProcessor()
return nil