tooling. Tested on OSX, `Windows, and Linux. Documented command line dependencies. Added acceptance tests (behind testacc flag, since there are dependencies). This option is only implemented for the vmware and hyperv iso builders. It will be implemented for others in later PRs in order to make review easier.
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//go:generate struct-markdown
package common
import (
powershell "github.com/hashicorp/packer/common/powershell"
const (
DefaultDiskSize = 40 * 1024 // ~40GB
MinDiskSize = 256 // 256MB
MaxDiskSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024 // 64TB
MaxVHDSize = 2040 * 1024 // 2040GB
DefaultDiskBlockSize = 32 // 32MB
MinDiskBlockSize = 1 // 1MB
MaxDiskBlockSize = 256 // 256MB
DefaultRamSize = 1 * 1024 // 1GB
MinRamSize = 32 // 32MB
MaxRamSize = 32 * 1024 // 32GB
MinNestedVirtualizationRamSize = 4 * 1024 // 4GB
LowRam = 256 // 256MB
DefaultUsername = ""
DefaultPassword = ""
type CommonConfig struct {
common.FloppyConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
common.CDConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
// The block size of the VHD to be created.
// Recommended disk block size for Linux hyper-v guests is 1 MiB. This
// defaults to "32" MiB.
DiskBlockSize uint `mapstructure:"disk_block_size" required:"false"`
// The amount, in megabytes, of RAM to assign to the
// VM. By default, this is 1 GB.
RamSize uint `mapstructure:"memory" required:"false"`
// A list of ISO paths to
// attach to a VM when it is booted. This is most useful for unattended
// Windows installs, which look for an Autounattend.xml file on removable
// media. By default, no secondary ISO will be attached.
SecondaryDvdImages []string `mapstructure:"secondary_iso_images" required:"false"`
// The size or sizes of any
// additional hard disks for the VM in megabytes. If this is not specified
// then the VM will only contain a primary hard disk. Additional drives
// will be attached to the SCSI interface only. The builder uses
// expandable rather than fixed-size virtual hard disks, so the actual
// file representing the disk will not use the full size unless it is
// full.
AdditionalDiskSize []uint `mapstructure:"disk_additional_size" required:"false"`
// If set to attach then attach and
// mount the ISO image specified in guest_additions_path. If set to
// none then guest additions are not attached and mounted; This is the
// default.
GuestAdditionsMode string `mapstructure:"guest_additions_mode" required:"false"`
// The path to the ISO image for guest
// additions.
GuestAdditionsPath string `mapstructure:"guest_additions_path" required:"false"`
// This is the name of the new virtual machine,
// without the file extension. By default this is "packer-BUILDNAME",
// where "BUILDNAME" is the name of the build.
VMName string `mapstructure:"vm_name" required:"false"`
// The name of the switch to connect the virtual
// machine to. By default, leaving this value unset will cause Packer to
// try and determine the switch to use by looking for an external switch
// that is up and running.
SwitchName string `mapstructure:"switch_name" required:"false"`
// This is the VLAN of the virtual switch's
// network card. By default none is set. If none is set then a VLAN is not
// set on the switch's network card. If this value is set it should match
// the VLAN specified in by vlan_id.
SwitchVlanId string `mapstructure:"switch_vlan_id" required:"false"`
// This allows a specific MAC address to be used on
// the default virtual network card. The MAC address must be a string with
// no delimiters, for example "0000deadbeef".
MacAddress string `mapstructure:"mac_address" required:"false"`
// This is the VLAN of the virtual machine's network
// card for the new virtual machine. By default none is set. If none is set
// then VLANs are not set on the virtual machine's network card.
VlanId string `mapstructure:"vlan_id" required:"false"`
// The number of CPUs the virtual machine should use. If
// this isn't specified, the default is 1 CPU.
Cpu uint `mapstructure:"cpus" required:"false"`
// The Hyper-V generation for the virtual machine. By
// default, this is 1. Generation 2 Hyper-V virtual machines do not support
// floppy drives. In this scenario use secondary_iso_images instead. Hard
// drives and DVD drives will also be SCSI and not IDE.
Generation uint `mapstructure:"generation" required:"false"`
// If true enable MAC address spoofing
// for the virtual machine. This defaults to false.
EnableMacSpoofing bool `mapstructure:"enable_mac_spoofing" required:"false"`
// If true enable dynamic memory for
// the virtual machine. This defaults to false.
EnableDynamicMemory bool `mapstructure:"enable_dynamic_memory" required:"false"`
// If true enable secure boot for the
// virtual machine. This defaults to false. See secure_boot_template
// below for additional settings.
EnableSecureBoot bool `mapstructure:"enable_secure_boot" required:"false"`
// The secure boot template to be
// configured. Valid values are "MicrosoftWindows" (Windows) or
// "MicrosoftUEFICertificateAuthority" (Linux). This only takes effect if
// enable_secure_boot is set to "true". This defaults to "MicrosoftWindows".
SecureBootTemplate string `mapstructure:"secure_boot_template" required:"false"`
// If true enable
// virtualization extensions for the virtual machine. This defaults to
// false. For nested virtualization you need to enable MAC spoofing,
// disable dynamic memory and have at least 4GB of RAM assigned to the
// virtual machine.
EnableVirtualizationExtensions bool `mapstructure:"enable_virtualization_extensions" required:"false"`
// The location under which Packer will create a directory to house all the
// VM files and folders during the build. By default `%TEMP%` is used
// which, for most systems, will evaluate to
// `%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Temp`.
// The build directory housed under `temp_path` will have a name similar to
// `packerhv1234567`. The seven digit number at the end of the name is
// automatically generated by Packer to ensure the directory name is
// unique.
TempPath string `mapstructure:"temp_path" required:"false"`
// This allows you to set the vm version when calling New-VM to generate
// the vm.
Version string `mapstructure:"configuration_version" required:"false"`
// If "true", Packer will not delete the VM from
// The Hyper-V manager.
KeepRegistered bool `mapstructure:"keep_registered" required:"false"`
Communicator string `mapstructure:"communicator"`
// If true skip compacting the hard disk for
// the virtual machine when exporting. This defaults to false.
SkipCompaction bool `mapstructure:"skip_compaction" required:"false"`
// If true Packer will skip the export of the VM.
// If you are interested only in the VHD/VHDX files, you can enable this
// option. The resulting VHD/VHDX file will be output to
// <output_directory>/Virtual Hard Disks. By default this option is false
// and Packer will export the VM to output_directory.
SkipExport bool `mapstructure:"skip_export" required:"false"`
// Packer defaults to building Hyper-V virtual
// machines by launching a GUI that shows the console of the machine being
// built. When this value is set to true, the machine will start without a
// console.
Headless bool `mapstructure:"headless" required:"false"`
// When configured, determines the device or device type that is given preferential
// treatment when choosing a boot device.
// For Generation 1:
// - `IDE`
// - `CD` *or* `DVD`
// - `Floppy`
// - `NET`
// For Generation 2:
// - `IDE:x:y`
// - `SCSI:x:y`
// - `CD` *or* `DVD`
// - `NET`
FirstBootDevice string `mapstructure:"first_boot_device" required:"false"`
// When configured, the boot order determines the order of the devices
// from which to boot.
// The device name must be in the form of `SCSI:x:y`, for example,
// to boot from the first scsi device use `SCSI:0:0`.
// **NB** You should also set `first_boot_device` (e.g. `DVD`).
// **NB** Although the VM will have this initial boot order, the OS can
// change it, for example, Ubuntu 18.04 will modify the boot order to
// include itself as the first boot option.
// **NB** This only works for Generation 2 machines.
BootOrder []string `mapstructure:"boot_order" required:"false"`
func (c *CommonConfig) Prepare(ctx *interpolate.Context, pc *common.PackerConfig) ([]error, []string) {
// Accumulate any errors and warns
var errs []error
var warns []string
if c.VMName == "" {
c.VMName = fmt.Sprintf("packer-%s", pc.PackerBuildName)
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", "VMName", c.VMName))
if c.SwitchName == "" {
c.SwitchName = c.detectSwitchName(pc.PackerBuildName)
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Using switch %s", c.SwitchName))
if c.Generation < 1 || c.Generation > 2 {
c.Generation = 1
if c.Generation == 2 {
if len(c.FloppyFiles) > 0 || len(c.FloppyDirectories) > 0 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Generation 2 vms don't support floppy drives. Use ISO image instead.")
errs = append(errs, err)
if len(c.AdditionalDiskSize) > 64 {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("VM's currently support a maximum of 64 additional SCSI attached disks."))
// Errors
errs = append(errs, c.FloppyConfig.Prepare(ctx)...)
errs = append(errs, c.CDConfig.Prepare(ctx)...)
if c.GuestAdditionsMode == "" {
if c.GuestAdditionsPath != "" {
c.GuestAdditionsMode = "attach"
} else {
c.GuestAdditionsPath = os.Getenv("WINDIR") + "\\system32\\vmguest.iso"
if _, err := os.Stat(c.GuestAdditionsPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err != nil {
c.GuestAdditionsPath = ""
c.GuestAdditionsMode = "none"
} else {
c.GuestAdditionsMode = "attach"
if c.GuestAdditionsPath == "" && c.GuestAdditionsMode == "attach" {
c.GuestAdditionsPath = os.Getenv("WINDIR") + "\\system32\\vmguest.iso"
if _, err := os.Stat(c.GuestAdditionsPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err != nil {
c.GuestAdditionsPath = ""
for _, isoPath := range c.SecondaryDvdImages {
if _, err := os.Stat(isoPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err != nil {
errs = append(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Secondary Dvd image does not exist: %s", err))
numberOfIsos := len(c.SecondaryDvdImages)
if c.GuestAdditionsMode == "attach" {
if _, err := os.Stat(c.GuestAdditionsPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err != nil {
errs = append(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Guest additions iso does not exist: %s", err))
numberOfIsos = numberOfIsos + 1
if c.Generation < 2 && numberOfIsos > 2 {
if c.GuestAdditionsMode == "attach" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("There are only 2 ide controllers available, so "+
"we can't support guest additions and these secondary dvds: %s",
strings.Join(c.SecondaryDvdImages, ", ")))
} else {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("There are only 2 ide controllers available, so "+
"we can't support these secondary dvds: %s",
strings.Join(c.SecondaryDvdImages, ", ")))
} else if c.Generation > 1 && len(c.SecondaryDvdImages) > 16 {
if c.GuestAdditionsMode == "attach" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("There are not enough drive letters available for "+
"scsi (limited to 16), so we can't support guest additions and these secondary dvds: %s",
strings.Join(c.SecondaryDvdImages, ", ")))
} else {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("There are not enough drive letters available for "+
"scsi (limited to 16), so we can't support these secondary dvds: %s",
strings.Join(c.SecondaryDvdImages, ", ")))
if c.EnableVirtualizationExtensions {
hasVirtualMachineVirtualizationExtensions, err := powershell.HasVirtualMachineVirtualizationExtensions()
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Failed detecting virtual machine virtualization "+
"extensions support: %s", err))
} else {
if !hasVirtualMachineVirtualizationExtensions {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("This version of Hyper-V does not support "+
"virtual machine virtualization extension. Please use Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 "+
"or newer."))
if c.FirstBootDevice != "" {
_, _, _, err := ParseBootDeviceIdentifier(c.FirstBootDevice, c.Generation)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("first_boot_device: %s", err))
if c.EnableVirtualizationExtensions {
if c.EnableDynamicMemory {
warning := fmt.Sprintf("For nested virtualization, when virtualization extension is enabled, " +
"dynamic memory should not be allowed.")
warns = Appendwarns(warns, warning)
if !c.EnableMacSpoofing {
warning := fmt.Sprintf("For nested virtualization, when virtualization extension is enabled, " +
"mac spoofing should be allowed.")
warns = Appendwarns(warns, warning)
if c.RamSize < MinNestedVirtualizationRamSize {
warning := fmt.Sprintf("For nested virtualization, when virtualization extension is enabled, " +
"there should be 4GB or more memory set for the vm, otherwise Hyper-V may fail to start " +
"any nested VMs.")
warns = Appendwarns(warns, warning)
if c.SwitchVlanId != "" {
if c.SwitchVlanId != c.VlanId {
warning := fmt.Sprintf("Switch network adaptor vlan should match virtual machine network adaptor " +
"vlan. The switch will not be able to see traffic from the VM.")
warns = Appendwarns(warns, warning)
err := c.checkDiskBlockSize()
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
err = c.checkRamSize()
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
// warns
warning := c.checkHostAvailableMemory()
if warning != "" {
warns = Appendwarns(warns, warning)
if errs != nil && len(errs) > 0 {
return errs, warns
return nil, warns
func (c *CommonConfig) checkDiskBlockSize() error {
if c.DiskBlockSize == 0 {
c.DiskBlockSize = DefaultDiskBlockSize
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", "DiskBlockSize", c.DiskBlockSize))
if c.DiskBlockSize < MinDiskBlockSize {
return fmt.Errorf("disk_block_size: Virtual machine requires disk block size >= %v MB, but defined: %v",
MinDiskBlockSize, c.DiskBlockSize)
} else if c.DiskBlockSize > MaxDiskBlockSize {
return fmt.Errorf("disk_block_size: Virtual machine requires disk block size <= %v MB, but defined: %v",
MaxDiskBlockSize, c.DiskBlockSize)
return nil
func (c *CommonConfig) checkHostAvailableMemory() string {
powershellAvailable, _, _ := powershell.IsPowershellAvailable()
if powershellAvailable {
freeMB := powershell.GetHostAvailableMemory()
if (freeMB - float64(c.RamSize)) < LowRam {
return fmt.Sprintf("Hyper-V might fail to create a VM if there is not enough free memory in the system.")
return ""
func (c *CommonConfig) checkRamSize() error {
if c.RamSize == 0 {
c.RamSize = DefaultRamSize
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", "RamSize", c.RamSize))
if c.RamSize < MinRamSize {
return fmt.Errorf("memory: Virtual machine requires memory size >= %v MB, but defined: %v",
MinRamSize, c.RamSize)
} else if c.RamSize > MaxRamSize {
return fmt.Errorf("memory: Virtual machine requires memory size <= %v MB, but defined: %v",
MaxRamSize, c.RamSize)
return nil
func (c *CommonConfig) detectSwitchName(buildName string) string {
powershellAvailable, _, _ := powershell.IsPowershellAvailable()
if powershellAvailable {
// no switch name, try to get one attached to a online network adapter
onlineSwitchName, err := hyperv.GetExternalOnlineVirtualSwitch()
if onlineSwitchName != "" && err == nil {
return onlineSwitchName
return fmt.Sprintf("packer-%s", buildName)
func Appendwarns(slice []string, data ...string) []string {
m := len(slice)
n := m + len(data)
if n > cap(slice) { // if necessary, reallocate
// allocate double what's needed, for future growth.
newSlice := make([]string, (n+1)*2)
copy(newSlice, slice)
slice = newSlice
slice = slice[0:n]
copy(slice[m:n], data)
return slice