Pratyush singhal 6ce6bd8ad3 refactor: add multiError in createInstanceMetadata method to capture multiple errors
Signed-off-by: Pratyush singhal <>
2019-06-11 20:09:14 +05:30

345 lines
10 KiB

package googlecompute
import (
func TestStepCreateInstance_impl(t *testing.T) {
var _ multistep.Step = new(StepCreateInstance)
func TestStepCreateInstance(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateInstance)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
state.Put("ssh_public_key", "key")
c := state.Get("config").(*Config)
d := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
d.GetImageResult = StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{}, 100)
// run the step
assert.Equal(t, step.Run(context.Background(), state), multistep.ActionContinue, "Step should have passed and continued.")
// Verify state
nameRaw, ok := state.GetOk("instance_name")
assert.True(t, ok, "State should have an instance name.")
// cleanup
// Check args passed to the driver.
assert.Equal(t, d.DeleteInstanceName, nameRaw.(string), "Incorrect instance name passed to driver.")
assert.Equal(t, d.DeleteInstanceZone, c.Zone, "Incorrect instance zone passed to driver.")
assert.Equal(t, d.DeleteDiskName, c.InstanceName, "Incorrect disk name passed to driver.")
assert.Equal(t, d.DeleteDiskZone, c.Zone, "Incorrect disk zone passed to driver.")
func TestStepCreateInstance_fromFamily(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
Name string
Family string
Expect bool
{"test-image", "", false},
{"test-image", "test-family", false}, // name trumps family
{"", "test-family", true},
for _, tc := range cases {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateInstance)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
state.Put("ssh_public_key", "key")
c := state.Get("config").(*Config)
c.SourceImage = tc.Name
c.SourceImageFamily = tc.Family
d := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
d.GetImageResult = StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{}, 100)
// run the step
assert.Equal(t, step.Run(context.Background(), state), multistep.ActionContinue, "Step should have passed and continued.")
// cleanup
// Check args passed to the driver.
if tc.Expect {
assert.True(t, d.GetImageFromFamily, "Driver wasn't instructed to use an image family")
} else {
assert.False(t, d.GetImageFromFamily, "Driver was unexpectedly instructed to use an image family")
func TestStepCreateInstance_windowsNeedsPassword(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateInstance)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
state.Put("ssh_public_key", "key")
c := state.Get("config").(*Config)
d := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
d.GetImageResult = StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{"windows"}, 100)
c.Comm.Type = "winrm"
// run the step
if action := step.Run(context.Background(), state); action != multistep.ActionContinue {
t.Fatalf("bad action: %#v", action)
// Verify state
nameRaw, ok := state.GetOk("instance_name")
if !ok {
t.Fatal("should have instance name")
createPassword, ok := state.GetOk("create_windows_password")
if !ok || !createPassword.(bool) {
t.Fatal("should need to create a windows password")
// cleanup
if d.DeleteInstanceName != nameRaw.(string) {
t.Fatal("should've deleted instance")
if d.DeleteInstanceZone != c.Zone {
t.Fatalf("bad instance zone: %#v", d.DeleteInstanceZone)
if d.DeleteDiskName != c.InstanceName {
t.Fatal("should've deleted disk")
if d.DeleteDiskZone != c.Zone {
t.Fatalf("bad disk zone: %#v", d.DeleteDiskZone)
func TestStepCreateInstance_windowsPasswordSet(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateInstance)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
state.Put("ssh_public_key", "key")
config := state.Get("config").(*Config)
driver := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
driver.GetImageResult = StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{"windows"}, 100)
config.Comm.Type = "winrm"
config.Comm.WinRMPassword = "password"
// run the step
if action := step.Run(context.Background(), state); action != multistep.ActionContinue {
t.Fatalf("bad action: %#v", action)
// Verify state
nameRaw, ok := state.GetOk("instance_name")
if !ok {
t.Fatal("should have instance name")
_, ok = state.GetOk("create_windows_password")
if ok {
t.Fatal("should not need to create windows password")
// cleanup
if driver.DeleteInstanceName != nameRaw.(string) {
t.Fatal("should've deleted instance")
if driver.DeleteInstanceZone != config.Zone {
t.Fatalf("bad instance zone: %#v", driver.DeleteInstanceZone)
if driver.DeleteDiskName != config.InstanceName {
t.Fatal("should've deleted disk")
if driver.DeleteDiskZone != config.Zone {
t.Fatalf("bad disk zone: %#v", driver.DeleteDiskZone)
func TestStepCreateInstance_error(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateInstance)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
state.Put("ssh_public_key", "key")
d := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
d.RunInstanceErr = errors.New("error")
d.GetImageResult = StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{}, 100)
// run the step
assert.Equal(t, step.Run(context.Background(), state), multistep.ActionHalt, "Step should have failed and halted.")
// Verify state
_, ok := state.GetOk("error")
assert.True(t, ok, "State should have an error.")
_, ok = state.GetOk("instance_name")
assert.False(t, ok, "State should not have an instance name.")
func TestStepCreateInstance_errorOnChannel(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateInstance)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
state.Put("ssh_public_key", "key")
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
errCh <- errors.New("error")
d := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
d.RunInstanceErrCh = errCh
d.GetImageResult = StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{}, 100)
// run the step
assert.Equal(t, step.Run(context.Background(), state), multistep.ActionHalt, "Step should have failed and halted.")
// Verify state
_, ok := state.GetOk("error")
assert.True(t, ok, "State should have an error.")
_, ok = state.GetOk("instance_name")
assert.False(t, ok, "State should not have an instance name.")
func TestStepCreateInstance_errorTimeout(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateInstance)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
state.Put("ssh_public_key", "key")
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
config := state.Get("config").(*Config)
config.stateTimeout = 1 * time.Microsecond
d := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
d.RunInstanceErrCh = errCh
d.GetImageResult = StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{}, 100)
// run the step
assert.Equal(t, step.Run(context.Background(), state), multistep.ActionHalt, "Step should have failed and halted.")
// Verify state
_, ok := state.GetOk("error")
assert.True(t, ok, "State should have an error.")
_, ok = state.GetOk("instance_name")
assert.False(t, ok, "State should not have an instance name.")
func TestStepCreateInstance_noServiceAccount(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateInstance)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
state.Put("ssh_public_key", "key")
c := state.Get("config").(*Config)
c.DisableDefaultServiceAccount = true
c.ServiceAccountEmail = ""
d := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
d.GetImageResult = StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{}, 100)
// run the step
assert.Equal(t, step.Run(context.Background(), state), multistep.ActionContinue, "Step should have passed and continued.")
// cleanup
// Check args passed to the driver.
assert.Equal(t, d.RunInstanceConfig.DisableDefaultServiceAccount, c.DisableDefaultServiceAccount, "Incorrect value for DisableDefaultServiceAccount passed to driver.")
assert.Equal(t, d.RunInstanceConfig.ServiceAccountEmail, c.ServiceAccountEmail, "Incorrect value for ServiceAccountEmail passed to driver.")
func TestStepCreateInstance_customServiceAccount(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
step := new(StepCreateInstance)
defer step.Cleanup(state)
state.Put("ssh_public_key", "key")
c := state.Get("config").(*Config)
c.DisableDefaultServiceAccount = true
c.ServiceAccountEmail = "custom-service-account"
d := state.Get("driver").(*DriverMock)
d.GetImageResult = StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{}, 100)
// run the step
assert.Equal(t, step.Run(context.Background(), state), multistep.ActionContinue, "Step should have passed and continued.")
// cleanup
// Check args passed to the driver.
assert.Equal(t, d.RunInstanceConfig.DisableDefaultServiceAccount, c.DisableDefaultServiceAccount, "Incorrect value for DisableDefaultServiceAccount passed to driver.")
assert.Equal(t, d.RunInstanceConfig.ServiceAccountEmail, c.ServiceAccountEmail, "Incorrect value for ServiceAccountEmail passed to driver.")
func TestCreateInstanceMetadata(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
c := state.Get("config").(*Config)
image := StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{}, 100)
key := "abcdefgh12345678"
// create our metadata
metadata, err := c.createInstanceMetadata(image, key)
assert.True(t, err == nil, "Metadata creation should have succeeded.")
// ensure our key is listed
assert.True(t, strings.Contains(metadata["sshKeys"], key), "Instance metadata should contain provided key")
func TestCreateInstanceMetadata_noPublicKey(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
c := state.Get("config").(*Config)
image := StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{}, 100)
sshKeys := c.Metadata["sshKeys"]
// create our metadata
metadata, err := c.createInstanceMetadata(image, "")
assert.True(t, err == nil, "Metadata creation should have succeeded.")
// ensure the ssh metadata hasn't changed
assert.Equal(t, metadata["sshKeys"], sshKeys, "Instance metadata should not have been modified")
func TestCreateInstanceMetadata_metadataFile(t *testing.T) {
state := testState(t)
c := state.Get("config").(*Config)
image := StubImage("test-image", "test-project", []string{}, 100)
content := testMetadataFileContent
fileName := testMetadataFile(t)
c.MetadataFiles["user-data"] = fileName
// create our metadata
metadata, err := c.createInstanceMetadata(image, "")
assert.True(t, err == nil, "Metadata creation should have succeeded.")
// ensure the user-data key in metadata is updated with file content
assert.Equal(t, metadata["user-data"], content, "user-data field of the instance metadata should have been updated.")