267 lines
9.7 KiB
267 lines
9.7 KiB
* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
* This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
* $Id: class_membersearch.php 33687 2013-08-02 01:46:22Z nemohou $
if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) {
exit('Access Denied');
class membersearch {
function membersearch(){}
function getfield($fieldid='') {
static $fields = array(
'uid'=>'member', 'username'=>'member', 'groupid'=>'member', 'medalid'=>'medal','tagid'=>'tag','idtype'=>'tag',
'email'=>'member', 'credits'=>'member', 'regdate'=>'member',
'status'=>'member', 'freeze'=>'member', 'emailstatus'=>'member', 'avatarstatus'=>'member','videophotostatus'=>'member',
'conisbind'=>'member','uin' => 'black','sid'=>'session',
'extcredits1'=>'count', 'extcredits2'=>'count', 'extcredits3'=>'count', 'extcredits4'=>'count',
'extcredits5'=>'count', 'extcredits6'=>'count', 'extcredits7'=>'count', 'extcredits8'=>'count',
'fid' => 'groupuser', 'level' => 'groupuser',
'verify1' => 'verify', 'verify2' => 'verify', 'verify3' => 'verify', 'verify4' => 'verify', 'verify5' => 'verify', 'verify6' => 'verify', 'verify7' => 'verify',
'regip'=>'status', 'lastip'=>'status', 'lastvisit'=>'status', 'lastpost' => 'status', 'realname'=>'profile',
'birthyear'=>'profile', 'birthmonth'=>'profile', 'birthday'=>'profile', 'gender'=>'profile',
'constellation'=>'profile', 'zodiac'=>'profile', 'telephone'=>'profile', 'mobile'=>'profile',
'idcardtype'=>'profile', 'idcard'=>'profile', 'address'=>'profile', 'zipcode'=>'profile', 'nationality'=>'profile',
'birthprovince'=>'profile', 'birthcity'=>'profile', 'resideprovince'=>'profile',
'residecity'=>'profile', 'residedist'=>'profile', 'residecommunity'=>'profile',
'residesuite'=>'profile', 'graduateschool'=>'profile', 'education'=>'profile',
'occupation'=>'profile', 'company'=>'profile', 'position'=>'profile', 'revenue'=>'profile',
'affectivestatus'=>'profile', 'lookingfor'=>'profile', 'bloodtype'=>'profile',
'height'=>'profile', 'weight'=>'profile', 'alipay'=>'profile', 'icq'=>'profile',
'qq'=>'profile', 'yahoo'=>'profile', 'msn'=>'profile', 'taobao'=>'profile', 'site'=>'profile',
'bio'=>'profile', 'interest'=>'profile', 'field1'=>'profile', 'field2'=>'profile',
'field3'=>'profile', 'field4'=>'profile', 'field5'=>'profile', 'field6'=>'profile',
'field7'=>'profile', 'field8'=>'profile', 'token' => 'token');
return $fieldid ? $fields[$fieldid] : $fields;
function gettype($fieldid) {
static $types = array(
'uid'=>'int', 'groupid'=>'int', 'medalid'=>'int', 'tagid'=>'int', 'credits'=>'int',
'status'=>'int', 'freeze'=>'int', 'emailstatus'=>'int', 'avatarstatus'=>'int','videophotostatus'=>'int',
'extcredits1'=>'int', 'extcredits2'=>'int', 'extcredits3'=>'int', 'extcredits4'=>'int',
'extcredits5'=>'int', 'extcredits6'=>'int', 'extcredits7'=>'int', 'extcredits8'=>'int',
'posts'=>'int', 'friends'=>'int', 'birthyear'=>'int', 'birthmonth'=>'int', 'birthday'=>'int', 'gender'=>'int',
'uin'=>'int', 'sid'=>'noempty', 'token' => 'noempty'
return $types[$fieldid] ? $types[$fieldid] : 'string';
function search($condition, $maxsearch=100, $start=0){
$list = array();
$sql = membersearch::makesql($condition);
if($maxsearch) {
$sql .= " LIMIT $start, $maxsearch";
if(isset($condition['token_noempty'])) {
try {
$query = DB::query($sql);
while($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
$list[] = intval($value['uid']);
} catch (Exception $e) {}
} else {
$query = DB::query($sql);
while($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
$list[] = intval($value['uid']);
return $list;
function getcount($condition) {
$count = 0;
if(isset($condition['token_noempty'])) {
try {
$count = DB::result_first(membersearch::makesql($condition, true));
} catch (Exception $e) {}
} else {
$count = DB::result_first(membersearch::makesql($condition, true));
return intval($count);
function filtercondition($condition) {
$tablename = isset($condition['tablename']) ? $condition['tablename'] : '';
$fields = membersearch::getfield();
foreach($condition as $key => $value) {
$rkey = str_replace(array('_low', '_high', '_noempty', '_after', '_before'), '', $key);
if(!(isset($fields[$rkey]) || in_array($key, array('verify', 'fid', 'tagid')))) {
$condition['tablename'] = $tablename;
return $condition;
function makesql($condition, $onlyCount=false) {
$tables = $wheres = array();
$isarchive = $condition['tablename'] === 'archive' ? true : false;
if($condition['verify']) {
foreach($condition['verify'] as $key => $value) {
$condition[$value] = 1;
if($condition['fid']) {
$condition['level'] = '1,2,3,4';
if($condition['tagid']) {
$condition['idtype'] = 'uid';
$fields = membersearch::getfield();
foreach ($fields as $key=>$value) {
$return = array();
if(isset($condition[$key])) {
$return = membersearch::makeset($key, $condition[$key], membersearch::gettype($key));
} elseif(isset($condition[$key.'_low']) || isset($condition[$key.'_high'])) {
$return = membersearch::makerange($key, $condition[$key.'_low'], $condition[$key.'_high'], membersearch::gettype($key));
} elseif(isset($condition[$key.'_noempty'])) {
$return = membersearch::makeset($key, $condition[$key.'_noempty'], membersearch::gettype($key));
} elseif(isset($condition[$key.'_after']) || isset($condition[$key.'_before'])) {
$condition[$key.'_after'] = dmktime($condition[$key.'_after']);
$condition[$key.'_before'] = dmktime($condition[$key.'_before']);
$return = membersearch::makerange($key, $condition[$key.'_after'], $condition[$key.'_before'], membersearch::gettype($key));
if($return) {
$tables[$return['table']] = true;
$wheres[] = $return['where'];
if($tables && $wheres) {
$parts = array();
$table1 = $asuid = '';
$uidfield = 'uid';
foreach ($tables as $key => $value) {
$value = membersearch::gettable($key, $isarchive);
$parts[] = "$value as $key";
if(! $table1) {
$table1 = $key;
if($table1 == 'tag') {
$uidfield = 'itemid';
$asuid = ' as uid';
} else {
if($key == 'tag') {
$keyuid = 'itemid';
} else {
$keyuid = 'uid';
$wheres[] = $table1.'.'.$uidfield.' = '.$key.'.'.$keyuid;
$selectsql = $onlyCount ? 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT '.$table1.'.'.$uidfield.') as cnt ' : 'SELECT DISTINCT '.$table1.'.'.$uidfield.$asuid;
return $selectsql.' FROM '.implode(', ', $parts).' WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $wheres);
} else {
$selectsql = $onlyCount ? 'SELECT COUNT(uid) as cnt ' : 'SELECT uid';
return $selectsql.' FROM '.DB::table('common_member'.($isarchive ? '_archive' : ''))." WHERE 1";
function makeset($field, $condition, $type='string') {
$return = $values = array();
$return['table'] = membersearch::getfield($field);
if(! $return['table']){
return array();
$field = $return['table'].'.'.$field;
$islikesearch = $noempty = false;
if(!is_array($condition)) {
$condition = explode(',', $condition);
foreach ($condition as $value) {
$value = trim($value);
if($type == 'int') {
$value = intval($value);
} elseif($type == 'noempty') {
$noempty = true;
} elseif(!$islikesearch && strexists($value, '*')) {
$islikesearch = true;
if($type != 'int') $value = addslashes($value);
if($value !== null) {
$values[] = $value;
if(!$values) {
return array();
if($islikesearch) {
$likes = array();
foreach ($values as $value) {
if(strexists($value, '*')) {
$value = str_replace('*', '%', $value);
$likes[] = "$field LIKE '$value'";
} else {
$likes[] = "$field = '$value'";
$return['where'] = '('.implode(' OR ', $likes).')';
} elseif($noempty) {
$return['where'] = "$field != ''";
} elseif(count($values) > 1) {
$return['where'] = "$field IN ('".implode("','", $values)."')";
} else {
$return['where'] = "$field = '$values[0]'";
return $return;
function makerange($field, $range_low=null, $range_high=null, $type='string') {
$return = array();
$return['table'] = membersearch::getfield($field);
return array();
$field = $return['table'].'.'.$field;
if($type == 'int') {
$range_low = intval($range_low);
$range_high = intval($range_high);
} else {
$range_low = addslashes(trim($range_low));
$range_high = addslashes(trim($range_high));
$wheres = array();
if($range_low !== null) {
$wheres[] = "$field >= '$range_low'";
if($range_high !== null && $range_high > $range_low) {
$wheres[] = "$field <= '$range_high'";
if($wheres) {
$return['where'] = implode(' AND ', $wheres);
return $return;
} else {
return array();
function gettable($alias, $isarchive = false) {
static $mapping = array('member'=>'common_member', 'status'=>'common_member_status', 'profile'=>'common_member_profile', 'count'=>'common_member_count', 'session'=>'common_session', 'groupuser' => 'forum_groupuser', 'verify' => 'common_member_verify', 'black'=>'common_uin_black', 'medal'=>'common_member_medal', 'tag'=>'common_tagitem', 'token' => 'common_devicetoken');
return DB::table($isarchive && in_array($alias, array('member', 'status', 'profile', 'count')) ? $mapping[$alias].'_archive' : $mapping[$alias]);