186 lines
7.0 KiB
186 lines
7.0 KiB
* DiscuzX Convert
* $Id: home_magic.php 10469 2010-05-11 09:12:14Z monkey $
$curprg = basename(__FILE__);
$op = getgpc('op', 'G');
$op = in_array($op, array('usermagic', 'magicinlog', 'magicuselog')) ? $op : 'magic';
$kept_magics = array(
$query = $db_target->query('SELECT magicid, identifier FROM '.$db_target->table_name('common_magic')." WHERE identifier IN ('".implode("','", $kept_magics)."')");
while($value=$db_source->fetch_array($query)) {
$x_magics[$value['identifier']] = intval($value['magicid']);
if($op=='magic') {
$uch_magics = array();
$query = $db_source->query('SELECT m.*, ms.storage, ms.sellcount FROM '.$db_source->table_name('magic')." m LEFT JOIN ".$db_source->table_name('magicstore')." ms ON m.mid = ms.mid WHERE m.mid IN ('".implode("','", $kept_magics)."')");
while($value=$db_source->fetch_array($query)) {
if(!isset($x_magics[$value['mid']])) {
$uch_magics[$value['mid']] = $value;
foreach($uch_magics as $mid=>$value) {
$magic = array(
'available' => !empty($value['close']) ? '0' : '1',
'name' => $value['name'],
'description' => $value['description'],
'identifier' => $mid,
'price' => $value['charge'],
'num' => $value['storage'],
'salevolume' => $value['sellcount'],
'supplynum' => $value['providecount'],
'usenum' => $value['usecount'],
'magicperm' => $value['custom'],
'useevent' => '0'
if($value['provideperoid']==604800) {
$magic['supplytype'] = '2';
} elseif($value['provideperoid']==86400) {
$magic['supplytype'] = '1';
} elseif($value['provideperoid'] == 3600) {
$magic['supplytype'] = '1';
$magic['supplynum'] = $magic['supplynum'] * 24;
} else {
$magic['supplytype'] = '1';
$magic['supplynum'] = 9999;
if($value['useperoid']==604800) {
$magic['useperoid'] = '2';
} elseif($value['useperoid']==86400) {
$magic['useperoid'] = '4';
} elseif($value['useperoid'] == 3600) {
$magic['useperoid'] = '4';
$magic['usenum'] = $magic['usenum'] * 24;
} else {
$magic['useperoid'] = '0';
$magic = daddslashes($magic);
$keys = '`'.implode('`, `', array_keys($magic)).'`';
$values = "'".implode("', '", $magic)."'";
$db_target->query('INSERT INTO '.$db_target->table_name('common_magic')."($keys) VALUES ($values)");
$table_source = $db_source->tablepre.'magic';
showmessage("继续转换数据表 ".$table_source." 用户道具", "index.php?a=$action&source=$source&prg=$curprg&op=usermagic&start=0");
} elseif($op == 'usermagic') {
$start = getgpc('start');
$start = empty($start) ? 0 : intval($start);
$limit = 1000;
$nextid = $start + $limit;
$uch_magics = array();
$query = $db_source->query('SELECT m.* FROM '.$db_source->table_name('magic')." m WHERE m.mid IN ('".implode("','", $kept_magics)."')");
while($value=$db_source->fetch_array($query)) {
$uch_magics[$value['mid']] = $value;
$done = true;
$inserts = $updates = array();
$query = $db_source->query('SELECT uid, mid, `count` as num FROM '.$db_source->table_name('usermagic')." WHERE `count` > 0 ORDER BY uid LIMIT $start, $limit");
while($value=$db_source->fetch_array($query)) {
$done = false;
if(isset($x_magics[$value['mid']])) {
$value['magicid'] = $x_magics[$value['mid']];
$inserts[] = "('$value[uid]', '$value[magicid]', '$value[num]')";
} else {
$credit = intval($uch_magics[$value['mid']]['charge'] * $value['num']);
$updates[$value['uid']] = empty($updates[$value['uid']]) ? $credit : $updates[$value['uid']] + $credit;
if($inserts) {
$db_target->query('REPLACE INTO '.$db_target->table_name('common_member_magic')."(uid, magicid, num) VALUES ".implode(', ', $inserts));
if($updates) {
foreach($updates as $uid=>$credit) {
$credit = intval($credit);
$db_target->query('UPDATE '.$db_target->table_name('common_member')." SET credits = credits + $credit WHERE uid = '$uid'");
$table_source = $db_source->tablepre.'usermagic';
if($done == false) {
showmessage("继续转换数据表 ".$table_source." 用户道具-> $nextid", "index.php?a=$action&source=$source&prg=$curprg&op=usermagic&start=$nextid");
} else {
showmessage("继续转换数据表 ".$table_source." 道具收入记录->0", "index.php?a=$action&source=$source&prg=$curprg&op=magicinlog&start=0");
} elseif($op == 'magicinlog') {
$start = getgpc('start');
$start = empty($start) ? 0 : intval($start);
$limit = 2000;
$nextid = 0;
$done = true;
$inserts = array();
$query = $db_source->query('SELECT * FROM '.$db_source->table_name('magicinlog')." WHERE logid > $start AND mid IN ('".implode("','", $kept_magics)."') LIMIT $limit");
while($value=$db_source->fetch_array($query)) {
$done = false;
$nextid = intval($value['logid']);
$value['magicid'] = $x_magics[$value['mid']];
if($value['action']=='1') {
$inserts[] = "('$value[uid]', '$value[magicid]', '1', '$value[dateline]', '$value[count]', '$value[credit]', '0', '', '0')";
} elseif($value['action']=='2') {
$inserts[] = "('$value[uid]', '$value[magicid]', '2', '$value[dateline]', '$value[count]', '$value[credit]', '$value[uid]', 'uid', '$value[uid]')";
if($inserts) {
$db_target->query('INSERT INTO '.$db_target->table_name('common_magiclog')."(uid, magicid, action, dateline, amount, price, targetid, idtype, targetuid) VALUES ".implode(', ', $inserts));
$table_source = $db_source->tablepre.'magicinlog';
if($done == false) {
showmessage("继续转换数据表 ".$table_source." 道具收入记录-> $nextid", "index.php?a=$action&source=$source&prg=$curprg&op=magicinlog&start=$nextid");
} else {
showmessage("继续转换数据表 ".$table_source." 道具使用记录->0", "index.php?a=$action&source=$source&prg=$curprg&op=magicuselog&start=0");
} elseif($op == 'magicuselog') {
$start = getgpc('start');
$start = empty($start) ? 0 : intval($start);
$limit = 2000;
$nextid = 0;
$done = true;
$inserts = array();
$query = $db_source->query('SELECT * FROM '.$db_source->table_name('magicuselog')." WHERE logid > $start AND mid IN ('".implode("','", $kept_magics)."') LIMIT $limit");
while($value=$db_source->fetch_array($query)) {
$done = false;
$nextid = intval($value['logid']);
$value['magicid'] = $x_magics[$value['mid']];
$inserts[] = "('$value[uid]', '$value[magicid]', '2', '$value[dateline]', '$value[count]', '$value[credit]', '$value[id]', '$value[idtype]', '0')";
if($inserts) {
$db_target->query('INSERT INTO '.$db_target->table_name('common_magiclog')."(uid, magicid, action, dateline, amount, price, targetid, idtype, targetuid) VALUES ".implode(', ', $inserts));
$table_source = $db_source->tablepre.'magicuselog';
if($done == false) {
showmessage("继续转换数据表 ".$table_source." 道具使用记录-> $nextid", "index.php?a=$action&source=$source&prg=$curprg&op=magicuselog&start=$nextid");