
157 lines
4.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-12-15 08:20:54 -05:00
* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
* This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
* $Id: space_notice.php 34047 2013-09-25 04:41:45Z nemohou $
if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) {
exit('Access Denied');
$perpage = 30;
$perpage = mob_perpage($perpage);
$page = empty($_GET['page'])?0:intval($_GET['page']);
if($page<1) $page = 1;
$start = ($page-1)*$perpage;
ckstart($start, $perpage);
$list = array();
$mynotice = $count = 0;
$multi = '';
if(empty($_G['member']['category_num']['manage']) && !in_array($_G['adminid'], array(1,2,3))) {
$view = (!empty($_GET['view']) && (isset($_G['notice_structure'][$_GET[view]]) || in_array($_GET['view'], array('userapp'))))?$_GET['view']:'mypost';
$actives = array($view=>' class="a"');
$opactives[$view] = 'class="a"';
$categorynum = $newprompt = array();
if($view == 'userapp') {
space_merge($space, 'status');
if($_GET['op'] == 'del') {
$appid = intval($_GET['appid']);
C::t('common_myinvite')->delete_by_appid_touid($appid, $_G['uid']);
showmessage('do_success', "home.php?mod=space&do=notice&view=userapp&quickforward=1");
$filtrate = 0;
$count = 0;
$apparr = array();
$type = intval($_GET['type']);
foreach(C::t('common_myinvite')->fetch_all_by_touid($_G['uid']) as $value) {
$key = md5($value['typename'].$value['type']);
$apparr[$key][] = $value;
if($filtrate) {
} else {
if($count < $perpage) {
if($type && $value['appid'] == $type) {
$list[$key][] = $value;
} elseif(!$type) {
$list[$key][] = $value;
$mynotice = $count;
} else {
if(!empty($_GET['ignore'])) {
foreach (array('wall', 'piccomment', 'blogcomment', 'clickblog', 'clickpic', 'sharecomment', 'doing', 'friend', 'credit', 'bbs', 'system', 'thread', 'task', 'group') as $key) {
$noticetypes[$key] = lang('notification', "type_$key");
$isread = in_array($_GET['isread'], array(0, 1)) ? intval($_GET['isread']) : 0;
$category = $type = '';
if(isset($_G['notice_structure'][$view])) {
if(!in_array($view, array('mypost', 'interactive'))) {
$category = $view;
} else {
$deftype = $_G['notice_structure'][$view][0];
if($_G['member']['newprompt_num']) {
foreach($_G['notice_structure'][$view] as $subtype) {
if($_G['member']['newprompt_num'][$subtype]) {
$deftype = $subtype;
$type = in_array($_GET['type'], $_G['notice_structure'][$view]) ? trim($_GET['type']) : $deftype;
$wherearr = array();
$new = -1;
if(!empty($type)) {
$wherearr[] = "`type`='$type'";
$sql = ' AND '.implode(' AND ', $wherearr);
$newnotify = false;
$count = C::t('home_notification')->count_by_uid($_G['uid'], $new, $type, $category);
if($count) {
if($new == 1 && $perpage == 30) {
$perpage = 200;
foreach(C::t('home_notification')->fetch_all_by_uid($_G['uid'], $new, $type, $start, $perpage, $category) as $value) {
if($value['new']) {
$newnotify = true;
$value['style'] = 'color:#000;font-weight:bold;';
} else {
$value['style'] = '';
$value['rowid'] = '';
if(in_array($value['type'], array('friend', 'poke'))) {
$value['rowid'] = ' id="'.($value['type'] == 'friend' ? 'pendingFriend_' : 'pokeQuery_').$value['authorid'].'" ';
if($value['from_num'] > 0) $value['from_num'] = $value['from_num'] - 1;
$list[$value['id']] = $value;
$multi = '';
$multi = multi($count, $perpage, $page, "home.php?mod=space&do=$do&isread=1");
if($newnotify) {
C::t('home_notification')->ignore($_G['uid'], $type, $category, true, true);
if($_G['setting']['cloud_status']) {
$noticeService = Cloud::loadClass('Service_Client_Notification');
$noticeService->setNoticeFlag($_G['uid'], TIMESTAMP);
helper_notification::update_newprompt($_G['uid'], ($type ? $type : $category));
if($_G['setting']['my_app_status']) {
$mynotice = C::t('common_myinvite')->count_by_touid($_G['uid']);
if($_G['member']['newprompt']) {
$recountprompt = 0;
foreach($_G['member']['category_num'] as $promptnum) {
$recountprompt += $promptnum;
$recountprompt += $mynotice;
if($recountprompt == 0) {
C::t('common_member')->update($_G['uid'], array('newprompt' => 0));
$readtag = array($type => ' class="a"');
dsetcookie('promptstate_'.$_G['uid'], $newprompt, 31536000);
include_once template("diy:home/space_notice");