165 lines
5.2 KiB
165 lines
5.2 KiB
* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
* This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
* $Id: update.func.php 34824 2014-08-12 02:27:09Z nemohou $
if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) {
exit('Access Denied');
include_once libfile('function/plugin');
if(!function_exists('updatetable')) {
function updatetable($sql) {
global $_G;
$config = array(
'dbcharset' => $_G['config']['db']['1']['dbcharset'],
'charset' => $_G['config']['output']['charset'],
'tablepre' => $_G['config']['db']['1']['tablepre']
preg_match_all("/CREATE\s+TABLE.+?pre\_(.+?)\s*\((.+?)\)\s*(ENGINE|TYPE)\s*=\s*(\w+)/is", $sql, $matches);
$newtables = empty($matches[1])?array():$matches[1];
$newsqls = empty($matches[0])?array():$matches[0];
if(empty($newtables) || empty($newsqls)) {
return array(1);
foreach($newtables as $i => $newtable) {
$newcols = updatetable_getcolumn($newsqls[$i]);
if(!$query = DB::query("SHOW CREATE TABLE ".DB::table($newtable), 'SILENT')) {
preg_match("/(CREATE TABLE .+?)\s*(ENGINE|TYPE)\s*=\s*(\w+)/is", $newsqls[$i], $maths);
$maths[3] = strtoupper($maths[3]);
if($maths[3] == 'MEMORY' || $maths[3] == 'HEAP') {
$type = helper_dbtool::dbversion() > '4.1' ? " ENGINE=MEMORY".(empty($config['dbcharset'])?'':" DEFAULT CHARSET=$config[dbcharset]" ): " TYPE=HEAP";
} else {
$type = helper_dbtool::dbversion() > '4.1' ? " ENGINE=MYISAM".(empty($config['dbcharset'])?'':" DEFAULT CHARSET=$config[dbcharset]" ): " TYPE=MYISAM";
$usql = $maths[1].$type;
$usql = str_replace("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pre_", 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.$config['tablepre'], $usql);
$usql = str_replace("CREATE TABLE pre_", 'CREATE TABLE '.$config['tablepre'], $usql);
if(!DB::query($usql, 'SILENT')) {
return array(-1, $newtable);
} else {
$value = DB::fetch($query);
$oldcols = updatetable_getcolumn($value['Create Table']);
$updates = array();
$allfileds =array_keys($newcols);
foreach ($newcols as $key => $value) {
if($key == 'PRIMARY') {
if($value != $oldcols[$key]) {
if(!empty($oldcols[$key])) {
$usql = "RENAME TABLE ".DB::table($newtable)." TO ".DB::table($newtable.'_bak');
if(!DB::query($usql, 'SILENT')) {
return array(-1, $newtable);
$updates[] = "ADD PRIMARY KEY $value";
} elseif ($key == 'KEY') {
foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) {
if(!empty($oldcols['KEY'][$subkey])) {
if($subvalue != $oldcols['KEY'][$subkey]) {
$updates[] = "DROP INDEX `$subkey`";
$updates[] = "ADD INDEX `$subkey` $subvalue";
} else {
$updates[] = "ADD INDEX `$subkey` $subvalue";
} elseif ($key == 'UNIQUE') {
foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) {
if(!empty($oldcols['UNIQUE'][$subkey])) {
if($subvalue != $oldcols['UNIQUE'][$subkey]) {
$updates[] = "DROP INDEX `$subkey`";
$updates[] = "ADD UNIQUE INDEX `$subkey` $subvalue";
} else {
$usql = "ALTER TABLE ".DB::table($newtable)." DROP INDEX `$subkey`";
DB::query($usql, 'SILENT');
$updates[] = "ADD UNIQUE INDEX `$subkey` $subvalue";
} else {
if(!empty($oldcols[$key])) {
if(strtolower($value) != strtolower($oldcols[$key])) {
$updates[] = "CHANGE `$key` `$key` $value";
} else {
$i = array_search($key, $allfileds);
$fieldposition = $i > 0 ? 'AFTER `'.$allfileds[$i-1].'`' : 'FIRST';
$updates[] = "ADD `$key` $value $fieldposition";
if(!empty($updates)) {
$usql = "ALTER TABLE ".DB::table($newtable)." ".implode(', ', $updates);
if(!DB::query($usql, 'SILENT')) {
return array(-1, $newtable);
return array(1);
function updatetable_getcolumn($creatsql) {
$creatsql = preg_replace("/ COMMENT '.*?'/i", '', $creatsql);
preg_match("/\((.+)\)\s*(ENGINE|TYPE)\s*\=/is", $creatsql, $matchs);
$cols = explode("\n", $matchs[1]);
$newcols = array();
foreach ($cols as $value) {
$value = trim($value);
if(empty($value)) continue;
$value = updatetable_remakesql($value);
if(substr($value, -1) == ',') $value = substr($value, 0, -1);
$vs = explode(' ', $value);
$cname = $vs[0];
if($cname == 'KEY' || $cname == 'INDEX' || $cname == 'UNIQUE') {
$name_length = strlen($cname);
if($cname == 'UNIQUE') $name_length = $name_length + 4;
$subvalue = trim(substr($value, $name_length));
$subvs = explode(' ', $subvalue);
$subcname = $subvs[0];
$newcols[$cname][$subcname] = trim(substr($value, ($name_length+2+strlen($subcname))));
} elseif($cname == 'PRIMARY') {
$newcols[$cname] = trim(substr($value, 11));
} else {
$newcols[$cname] = trim(substr($value, strlen($cname)));
return $newcols;
function updatetable_remakesql($value) {
$value = trim(preg_replace("/\s+/", ' ', $value));
$value = str_replace(array('`',', ', ' ,', '( ' ,' )', 'mediumtext'), array('', ',', ',','(',')','text'), $value);
return $value;