
443 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-12-15 08:20:54 -05:00
[Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
$Id: seccode.class.php 1164 2014-10-31 06:58:24Z hypowang $
class seccode {
var $code; //100000-999999 <20><>Χ<EFBFBD><CEA7><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
var $type = 0; //0 Ӣ<><D3A2>ͼƬ<CDBC><C6AC>֤<EFBFBD><D6A4> 1 <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>ͼƬ<CDBC><C6AC>֤<EFBFBD><D6A4> 2 Flash <20><>֤<EFBFBD><D6A4> 3 <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>֤<EFBFBD><D6A4>
var $width = 0;
var $height = 0;
var $background = 1;
var $adulterate = 1;
var $ttf = 0;
var $angle = 0;
var $color = 1;
var $size = 0;
var $shadow = 1;
var $animator = 0; //GIF <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
var $fontpath = ''; //TTF <20>ֿ<EFBFBD>Ŀ¼
var $datapath = '';
var $includepath= '';
var $fontcolor;
var $im;
static function seccode_check($code, $input) {
if ($code == '' || $input == '') {
return false;
return $input === $code;
function seccodeconvert(&$seccode) {
$s = sprintf('%04s', base_convert($seccode, 10, 20));
$seccode = '';
for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$unit = ord($s{$i});
$seccode .= ($unit >= 0x30 && $unit <= 0x39) ? $seccodeunits[$unit - 0x30] : $seccodeunits[$unit - 0x57];
function display() {
$this->type == 2 && !extension_loaded('ming') && $this->type = 0;
$this->width = $this->width >= 0 && $this->width <= 200 ? $this->width : 150;
$this->height = $this->height >= 0 && $this->height <= 80 ? $this->height : 60;
if($this->type < 2 && function_exists('imagecreate') && function_exists('imagecolorset') && function_exists('imagecopyresized') &&
function_exists('imagecolorallocate') && function_exists('imagechar') && function_exists('imagecolorsforindex') &&
function_exists('imageline') && function_exists('imagecreatefromstring') && (function_exists('imagegif') || function_exists('imagepng') || function_exists('imagejpeg'))) {
} elseif($this->type == 2 && extension_loaded('ming')) {
} elseif($this->type == 3) {
} else {
function fileext($filename) {
return trim(substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1, 10));
function image() {
$bgcontent = $this->background();
if($this->animator == 1 && function_exists('imagegif')) {
include_once $this->includepath.'gifmerge.class.php';
$trueframe = mt_rand(1, 9);
for($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$this->im = imagecreatefromstring($bgcontent);
$x[$i] = $y[$i] = 0;
$this->adulterate && $this->adulterate();
if($i == $trueframe) {
$this->ttf && function_exists('imagettftext') || $this->type == 1 ? $this->ttffont() : $this->giffont();
$d[$i] = mt_rand(250, 400);
} else {
$d[$i] = mt_rand(5, 15);
$frame[$i] = ob_get_contents();
$anim = new GifMerge($frame, 255, 255, 255, 0, $d, $x, $y, 'C_MEMORY');
header('Content-type: image/gif');
echo $anim->getAnimation();
} else {
$this->im = imagecreatefromstring($bgcontent);
$this->adulterate && $this->adulterate();
$this->ttf && function_exists('imagettftext') || $this->type == 1 ? $this->ttffont() : $this->giffont();
if(function_exists('imagepng')) {
header('Content-type: image/png');
} else {
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
imagejpeg($this->im, '', 100);
function background() {
$this->im = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
$backgroundcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, 255, 255, 255);
$backgrounds = $c = array();
if($this->background && function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg') && function_exists('imagecolorat') && function_exists('imagecopymerge') &&
function_exists('imagesetpixel') && function_exists('imageSX') && function_exists('imageSY')) {
if($handle = @opendir($this->datapath.'background/')) {
while($bgfile = @readdir($handle)) {
if(preg_match('/\.jpg$/i', $bgfile)) {
$backgrounds[] = $this->datapath.'background/'.$bgfile;
if($backgrounds) {
$imwm = imagecreatefromjpeg($backgrounds[array_rand($backgrounds)]);
$colorindex = imagecolorat($imwm, 0, 0);
$this->c = imagecolorsforindex($imwm, $colorindex);
$colorindex = imagecolorat($imwm, 1, 0);
imagesetpixel($imwm, 0, 0, $colorindex);
$c[0] = $c['red'];$c[1] = $c['green'];$c[2] = $c['blue'];
imagecopymerge($this->im, $imwm, 0, 0, mt_rand(0, 200 - $this->width), mt_rand(0, 80 - $this->height), imageSX($imwm), imageSY($imwm), 100);
if(!$this->background || !$backgrounds) {
for($i = 0;$i < 3;$i++) {
$start[$i] = mt_rand(200, 255);$end[$i] = mt_rand(100, 150);$step[$i] = ($end[$i] - $start[$i]) / $this->width;$c[$i] = $start[$i];
for($i = 0;$i < $this->width;$i++) {
$color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $c[0], $c[1], $c[2]);
imageline($this->im, $i, 0, $i-(isset($angle) ? $angle : 0), $this->height, $color);
$c[0] += $step[0];$c[1] += $step[1];$c[2] += $step[2];
$c[0] -= 20;$c[1] -= 20;$c[2] -= 20;
if(function_exists('imagepng')) {
} else {
imagejpeg($this->im, '', 100);
$bgcontent = ob_get_contents();
$this->fontcolor = $c;
return $bgcontent;
function adulterate() {
$linenums = $this->height / 10;
for($i=0; $i <= $linenums; $i++) {
$color = $this->color ? imagecolorallocate($this->im, mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(0, 255)) : imagecolorallocate($this->im, $this->fontcolor[0], $this->fontcolor[1], $this->fontcolor[2]);
$x = mt_rand(0, $this->width);
$y = mt_rand(0, $this->height);
if(mt_rand(0, 1)) {
imagearc($this->im, $x, $y, mt_rand(0, $this->width), mt_rand(0, $this->height), mt_rand(0, 360), mt_rand(0, 360), $color);
} else {
$linemaxlong = isset($linemaxlong) ? $linemaxlong : 0;
$linex = isset($linex) ? $linex : 0;
$liney = isset($liney) ? $liney : 0;
imageline($this->im, $x, $y, $linex + mt_rand(0, $linemaxlong), $liney + mt_rand(0, mt_rand($this->height, $this->width)), $color);
function adulteratefont() {
$seccodeunits = 'BCEFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789';
$x = $this->width / 4;
$y = $this->height / 10;
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $this->fontcolor[0], $this->fontcolor[1], $this->fontcolor[2]);
for($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$adulteratecode = $seccodeunits[mt_rand(0, 23)];
imagechar($this->im, 5, $x * $i + mt_rand(0, $x - 10), mt_rand($y, $this->height - 10 - $y), $adulteratecode, $text_color);
function ttffont() {
$seccode = $this->code;
$charset = isset($GLOBALS['charset']) ? $GLOBALS['charset'] : '';
$seccoderoot = $this->type ? $this->fontpath.'ch/' : $this->fontpath.'en/';
$dirs = opendir($seccoderoot);
$seccodettf = array();
while($entry = readdir($dirs)) {
if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && in_array(strtolower($this->fileext($entry)), array('ttf', 'ttc'))) {
$seccodettf[] = $entry;
if(empty($seccodettf)) {
$seccodelength = 4;
if($this->type && !empty($seccodettf)) {
if(strtoupper($charset) != 'UTF-8') {
include $this->includepath.'chinese.class.php';
$cvt = new Chinese($charset, 'utf8');
$seccode = $cvt->Convert($seccode);
$seccode = array(substr($seccode, 0, 3), substr($seccode, 3, 3));
$seccodelength = 2;
$widthtotal = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $seccodelength; $i++) {
$font[$i]['font'] = $seccoderoot.$seccodettf[array_rand($seccodettf)];
$font[$i]['angle'] = $this->angle ? mt_rand(-30, 30) : 0;
$font[$i]['size'] = $this->type ? $this->width / 7 : $this->width / 6;
$this->size && $font[$i]['size'] = mt_rand($font[$i]['size'] - $this->width / 40, $font[$i]['size'] + $this->width / 20);
$box = imagettfbbox($font[$i]['size'], 0, $font[$i]['font'], $seccode[$i]);
$font[$i]['zheight'] = max($box[1], $box[3]) - min($box[5], $box[7]);
$box = imagettfbbox($font[$i]['size'], $font[$i]['angle'], $font[$i]['font'], $seccode[$i]);
$font[$i]['height'] = max($box[1], $box[3]) - min($box[5], $box[7]);
$font[$i]['hd'] = $font[$i]['height'] - $font[$i]['zheight'];
$font[$i]['width'] = (max($box[2], $box[4]) - min($box[0], $box[6])) + mt_rand(0, $this->width / 8);
$font[$i]['width'] = $font[$i]['width'] > $this->width / $seccodelength ? $this->width / $seccodelength : $font[$i]['width'];
$widthtotal += $font[$i]['width'];
$x = mt_rand($font[0]['angle'] > 0 ? cos(deg2rad(90 - $font[0]['angle'])) * $font[0]['zheight'] : 1, $this->width - $widthtotal);
!$this->color && $text_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $this->fontcolor[0], $this->fontcolor[1], $this->fontcolor[2]);
for($i = 0; $i < $seccodelength; $i++) {
if($this->color) {
$this->fontcolor = array(mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(0, 255));
$this->shadow && $text_shadowcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, 255 - $this->fontcolor[0], 255 - $this->fontcolor[1], 255 - $this->fontcolor[2]);
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $this->fontcolor[0], $this->fontcolor[1], $this->fontcolor[2]);
} elseif($this->shadow) {
$text_shadowcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, 255 - $this->fontcolor[0], 255 - $this->fontcolor[1], 255 - $this->fontcolor[2]);
$y = $font[0]['angle'] > 0 ? mt_rand($font[$i]['height'], $this->height) : mt_rand($font[$i]['height'] - $font[$i]['hd'], $this->height - $font[$i]['hd']);
$this->shadow && imagettftext($this->im, $font[$i]['size'], $font[$i]['angle'], $x + 1, $y + 1, $text_shadowcolor, $font[$i]['font'], $seccode[$i]);
imagettftext($this->im, $font[$i]['size'], $font[$i]['angle'], $x, $y, $text_color, $font[$i]['font'], $seccode[$i]);
$x += $font[$i]['width'];
function giffont() {
$seccode = $this->code;
$seccodedir = array();
if(function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
$seccoderoot = $this->datapath.'gif/';
$dirs = opendir($seccoderoot);
while($dir = readdir($dirs)) {
if($dir != '.' && $dir != '..' && file_exists($seccoderoot.$dir.'/9.gif')) {
$seccodedir[] = $dir;
$widthtotal = 0;
for($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$this->imcodefile = $seccodedir ? $seccoderoot.$seccodedir[array_rand($seccodedir)].'/'.strtolower($seccode[$i]).'.gif' : '';
if(!empty($this->imcodefile) && file_exists($this->imcodefile)) {
$font[$i]['file'] = $this->imcodefile;
$font[$i]['data'] = getimagesize($this->imcodefile);
$font[$i]['width'] = $font[$i]['data'][0] + mt_rand(0, 6) - 4;
$font[$i]['height'] = $font[$i]['data'][1] + mt_rand(0, 6) - 4;
$font[$i]['width'] += mt_rand(0, $this->width / 5 - $font[$i]['width']);
$widthtotal += $font[$i]['width'];
} else {
$font[$i]['file'] = '';
$font[$i]['width'] = 8 + mt_rand(0, $this->width / 5 - 5);
$widthtotal += $font[$i]['width'];
$x = mt_rand(1, $this->width - $widthtotal);
for($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$this->color && $this->fontcolor = array(mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(0, 255));
if($font[$i]['file']) {
$this->imcode = imagecreatefromgif($font[$i]['file']);
if($this->size) {
$font[$i]['width'] = mt_rand($font[$i]['width'] - $this->width / 20, $font[$i]['width'] + $this->width / 20);
$font[$i]['height'] = mt_rand($font[$i]['height'] - $this->width / 20, $font[$i]['height'] + $this->width / 20);
$y = mt_rand(0, $this->height - $font[$i]['height']);
if($this->shadow) {
$this->imcodeshadow = $this->imcode;
imagecolorset($this->imcodeshadow, 0 , 255 - $this->fontcolor[0], 255 - $this->fontcolor[1], 255 - $this->fontcolor[2]);
imagecopyresized($this->im, $this->imcodeshadow, $x + 1, $y + 1, 0, 0, $font[$i]['width'], $font[$i]['height'], $font[$i]['data'][0], $font[$i]['data'][1]);
imagecolorset($this->imcode, 0 , $this->fontcolor[0], $this->fontcolor[1], $this->fontcolor[2]);
imagecopyresized($this->im, $this->imcode, $x, $y, 0, 0, $font[$i]['width'], $font[$i]['height'], $font[$i]['data'][0], $font[$i]['data'][1]);
} else {
$y = mt_rand(0, $this->height - 20);
if($this->shadow) {
$text_shadowcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, 255 - $this->fontcolor[0], 255 - $this->fontcolor[1], 255 - $this->fontcolor[2]);
imagechar($this->im, 5, $x + 1, $y + 1, $seccode[$i], $text_shadowcolor);
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $this->fontcolor[0], $this->fontcolor[1], $this->fontcolor[2]);
imagechar($this->im, 5, $x, $y, $seccode[$i], $text_color);
$x += $font[$i]['width'];
function flash() {
$spacing = 5;
$codewidth = ($this->width - $spacing * 5) / 4;
$strforswdaction = '';
for($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$strforswdaction .= $this->swfcode($codewidth, $spacing, $this->code[$i], $i+1);
$movie = new SWFMovie();
$movie->setDimension($this->width, $this->height);
$movie->setBackground(255, 255, 255);
$fontcolor = '0x'.(sprintf('%02s', dechex (mt_rand(0, 255)))).(sprintf('%02s', dechex (mt_rand(0, 128)))).(sprintf('%02s', dechex (mt_rand(0, 255))));
$strAction = "
_root.createEmptyMovieClip ( 'triangle', 1 );
with ( _root.triangle ) {
lineStyle( 3, $fontcolor, 100 );
$movie->add(new SWFAction( str_replace("\r", "", $strAction) ));
header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');
function swfcode($width, $d, $code, $order) {
$str = '';
$height = $this->height - $d * 2;
$x_0 = ($order * ($width + $d) - $width);
$x_1 = $x_0 + $width / 2;
$x_2 = $x_0 + $width;
$y_0 = $d;
$y_2 = $y_0 + $height;
$y_1 = $y_2 / 2;
$y_0_5 = $y_2 / 4;
$y_1_5 = $y_1 + $y_0_5;
switch($code) {
case 'B':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_1_5.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0_5.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_0.');moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');';break;
case 'C':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');';break;
case 'E':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');';break;
case 'F':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');';break;
case 'G':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');';break;
case 'H':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_1.');';break;
case 'J':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1_5.');';break;
case 'K':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');moveTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');';break;
case 'M':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');';break;
case 'P':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0_5.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');';break;
case 'Q':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');';break;
case 'R':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0_5.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');moveTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');';break;
case 'T':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');moveTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_2.');';break;
case 'V':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');';break;
case 'W':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');';break;
case 'X':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');';break;
case 'Y':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');moveTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_1.', '.$y_2.');';break;
case '2':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');';break;
case '3':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_1.');';break;
case '4':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_1.');';break;
case '6':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');';break;
case '7':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');';break;
case '8':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');moveTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_1.');';break;
case '9':$str .= 'moveTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_1.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_0.');lineTo('.$x_2.', '.$y_2.');lineTo('.$x_0.', '.$y_2.');';break;
return $str;
function audio() {
header('Content-type: audio/mpeg');
for($i = 0;$i <= 3; $i++) {
function bitmap() {
$numbers = array
'B' => array('00','fc','66','66','66','7c','66','66','fc','00'),
'C' => array('00','38','64','c0','c0','c0','c4','64','3c','00'),
'E' => array('00','fe','62','62','68','78','6a','62','fe','00'),
'F' => array('00','f8','60','60','68','78','6a','62','fe','00'),
'G' => array('00','78','cc','cc','de','c0','c4','c4','7c','00'),
'H' => array('00','e7','66','66','66','7e','66','66','e7','00'),
'J' => array('00','f8','cc','cc','cc','0c','0c','0c','7f','00'),
'K' => array('00','f3','66','66','7c','78','6c','66','f7','00'),
'M' => array('00','f7','63','6b','6b','77','77','77','e3','00'),
'P' => array('00','f8','60','60','7c','66','66','66','fc','00'),
'Q' => array('00','78','cc','cc','cc','cc','cc','cc','78','00'),
'R' => array('00','f3','66','6c','7c','66','66','66','fc','00'),
'T' => array('00','78','30','30','30','30','b4','b4','fc','00'),
'V' => array('00','1c','1c','36','36','36','63','63','f7','00'),
'W' => array('00','36','36','36','77','7f','6b','63','f7','00'),
'X' => array('00','f7','66','3c','18','18','3c','66','ef','00'),
'Y' => array('00','7e','18','18','18','3c','24','66','ef','00'),
'2' => array('fc','c0','60','30','18','0c','cc','cc','78','00'),
'3' => array('78','8c','0c','0c','38','0c','0c','8c','78','00'),
'4' => array('00','3e','0c','fe','4c','6c','2c','3c','1c','1c'),
'6' => array('78','cc','cc','cc','ec','d8','c0','60','3c','00'),
'7' => array('30','30','38','18','18','18','1c','8c','fc','00'),
'8' => array('78','cc','cc','cc','78','cc','cc','cc','78','00'),
'9' => array('f0','18','0c','6c','dc','cc','cc','cc','78','00')
foreach($numbers as $i => $number) {
for($j = 0; $j < 6; $j++) {
$a1 = substr('012', mt_rand(0, 2), 1).substr('012345', mt_rand(0, 5), 1);
$a2 = substr('012345', mt_rand(0, 5), 1).substr('0123', mt_rand(0, 3), 1);
mt_rand(0, 1) == 1 ? array_push($numbers[$i], $a1) : array_unshift($numbers[$i], $a1);
mt_rand(0, 1) == 0 ? array_push($numbers[$i], $a1) : array_unshift($numbers[$i], $a2);
$bitmap = array();
for($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
for($j = 0; $j <= 3; $j++) {
$bytes = $numbers[$this->code[$j]][$i];
$a = mt_rand(0, 14);
array_push($bitmap, $bytes);
for($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
$a = substr('012345', mt_rand(0, 2), 1) . substr('012345', mt_rand(0, 5), 1);
array_unshift($bitmap, $a);
array_push($bitmap, $a);
$image = pack('H*', '424d9e000000000000003e000000280000002000000018000000010001000000'.
'0000600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFF00'.implode('', $bitmap));
header('Content-Type: image/bmp');
echo $image;