2016-12-15 08:20:54 -05:00
< ? php
* [ Discuz ! ] ( C ) 2001 - 2099 Comsenz Inc .
* This is NOT a freeware , use is subject to license terms
* $Id : lang_threadlist . php 27449 2012 - 02 - 01 05 : 32 : 35 Z zhangguosheng $
if ( ! defined ( 'IN_DISCUZ' )) {
exit ( 'Access Denied' );
$lang = array
'threadlist_fids' => '所在版块' ,
'threadlist_fids_comment' => '设置允许参与新帖调用的版块,可以按住 CTRL 多选,全选或全不选均为不做限制' ,
'threadlist_uids' => '楼主UID' ,
'threadlist_uids_comment' => '设置要楼主UID, 多个UID请用半角逗号“,”隔开。' ,
'threadlist_startrow' => '起始数据行数' ,
'threadlist_startrow_comment' => '如需设定起始的数据行数, 请输入具体数值, 0 为从第一行开始,以此类推' ,
'threadlist_items' => '显示数据条数' ,
'threadlist_items_comment' => '设置一次显示的主题条目数,请设置为大于 0 的整数' ,
'threadlist_titlelength' => '标题最大字节数' ,
'threadlist_titlelength_comment' => '设置当标题长度超过本设定时, 是否将标题自动缩减到本设定中的字节数, 0 为不自动缩减' ,
'threadlist_fnamelength' => '标题最大字节数包含版块名称' ,
'threadlist_fnamelength_comment' => '设置标题长度是否将所在版块名称的长度一同计算在内' ,
'threadlist_summarylength' => '主题简短内容文字数' ,
'threadlist_summarylength_comment' => '设置主题简短内容的文字数, 0 为使用默认值 255' ,
'threadlist_tids' => '指定主题' ,
'threadlist_tids_comment' => '设置要指定显示的主题 tid ,多个 tid 请用半角逗号“,”隔开。注意: 留空为不进行任何过滤' ,
'threadlist_keyword' => '标题关键字' ,
'threadlist_keyword_comment' => '设置标题包含的关键字。注意: 留空为不进行任何过滤; 关键字中可使用通配符 *; 匹配多个关键字全部,可用空格或 AND 连接。如 win32 AND unix; 匹配多个关键字其中部分,可用 | 或 OR 连接。如 win32 OR unix' ,
'threadlist_tagkeyword' => 'TAG标签' ,
'threadlist_tagkeyword_comment' => 'TAG标签关键字。注意: 留空为不进行任何过滤; 关键字中可使用通配符 *; 匹配多个关键字其中部分,可用 | 或 OR 连接。如 win32 OR unix' ,
'threadlist_typeids' => '主题分类ID' ,
'threadlist_typeids_comment' => '输入主题分类ID, 多个 ID 之间用半角逗号“,”隔开。' ,
'threadlist_typeids_all' => '全部的主题分类' ,
'threadlist_sortids' => '分类信息' ,
'threadlist_sortids_comment' => '设置特定分类信息的主题。注意: 全选或全不选均为不进行任何过滤' ,
'threadlist_sortids_all' => '全部的分类信息' ,
2017-03-17 12:00:26 -04:00
'threadlist_reply' => '无回复主题过滤' ,
2016-12-15 08:20:54 -05:00
'threadlist_digest' => '精华主题过滤' ,
'threadlist_digest_comment' => '设置特定的主题范围。注意: 全选或全不选均为不进行任何过滤' ,
'threadlist_digest_0' => '普通主题' ,
'threadlist_digest_1' => '精华 I' ,
'threadlist_digest_2' => '精华 II' ,
'threadlist_digest_3' => '精华 III' ,
'threadlist_stick' => '置顶主题过滤' ,
'threadlist_stick_comment' => '设置特定的主题范围。注意: 全选或全不选均为不进行任何过滤' ,
'threadlist_stick_0' => '普通主题' ,
'threadlist_stick_1' => '置顶 I' ,
'threadlist_stick_2' => '置顶 II' ,
'threadlist_stick_3' => '置顶 III' ,
'threadlist_special' => '特殊主题过滤' ,
'threadlist_special_comment' => '设置特定的主题范围。注意: 全选或全不选均为不进行任何过滤' ,
'threadlist_special_1' => '投票主题' ,
'threadlist_special_2' => '商品主题' ,
'threadlist_special_3' => '悬赏主题' ,
'threadlist_special_4' => '活动主题' ,
'threadlist_special_5' => '辩论主题' ,
'threadlist_special_0' => '普通主题' ,
'threadlist_special_reward' => '悬赏主题过滤' ,
'threadlist_special_reward_comment' => '设置特定类型的悬赏主题' ,
'threadlist_special_reward_0' => '全部' ,
'threadlist_special_reward_1' => '已解决' ,
'threadlist_special_reward_2' => '未解决' ,
'threadlist_recommend' => '推荐主题过滤' ,
'threadlist_viewmod' => '文章模式查看' ,
'threadlist_recommend_comment' => '设置是否只显示推荐的主题' ,
'threadlist_picrequired' => '必须含图片附件' ,
'threadlist_picrequired_comment' => '设置是否只显示含有图片附件的主题' ,
'threadlist_orderby' => '主题排序方式' ,
'threadlist_orderby_comment' => '设置以哪一字段或方式对主题进行排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_lastpost' => '按最后回复时间倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_dateline' => '按发布时间倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_replies' => '按回复数倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_views' => '按浏览次数倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_heats' => '按热度倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_recommends' => '按主题评价倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_hourviews' => '按指定时间内浏览次数倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_todayviews' => '按当天浏览次数倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_weekviews' => '按本周浏览次数倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_monthviews' => '按当月浏览次数倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_hours' => '指定时间(小时)' ,
'threadlist_orderby_hours_comment' => '指定时间内浏览次数倒序排序的时间值' ,
'threadlist_orderby_todayhots' => '按当天累计售出数倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_weekhots' => '按本周累计售出数倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_monthhots' => '按当月累计售出数倒序排序' ,
'threadlist_lastpost' => '最后更新时间' ,
'threadlist_postdateline' => '主题发布时间' ,
'threadlist_postdateline_nolimit' => '不限制' ,
'threadlist_postdateline_hour' => '1小时内' ,
'threadlist_postdateline_day' => '24小时内' ,
'threadlist_postdateline_week' => '7天内' ,
'threadlist_postdateline_month' => '1个月内' ,
'threadlist_lastpost_nolimit' => '不限制' ,
'threadlist_lastpost_hour' => '1小时内' ,
'threadlist_lastpost_day' => '24小时内' ,
'threadlist_lastpost_week' => '7天内' ,
'threadlist_lastpost_month' => '1个月内' ,
'threadlist_price_add' => ' 附加 ' ,
'threadlist_place' => '活动地点' ,
'threadlist_class' => '活动类型' ,
'threadlist_gender' => '性别要求' ,
'threadlist_gender_0' => '不限' ,
'threadlist_gender_1' => '男' ,
'threadlist_gender_2' => '女' ,
'threadlist_orderby_weekstart' => '按一周内活动开始时间排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_monthstart' => '按一月内活动开始时间排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_weekexp' => '按一周内报名截止时间排序' ,
'threadlist_orderby_monthexp' => '按一月内报名截止时间排序' ,
'threadlist_highlight' => '获得高亮值' ,