diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c9bff57..d8efc1a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ### **简介** -Discuz! X 官方 Git/SVN (https://git.oschina.net/ComsenzDiscuz/DiscuzX) ,简体中文 UTF8 版本,其他版本请自行转码或者在 Discuz! 官方站下载安装包。 +Discuz! X 官方 Git (https://gitee.com/ComsenzDiscuz/DiscuzX) ,简体中文 UTF8 版本,其他版本请自行转码或者[附件](http://gitee.com/ComsenzDiscuz/DiscuzX/attach_files)中下载 ### **声明** 您可以 Fork 本站代码,但未经许可 **禁止** 在本产品的整体或任何部分基础上以发展任何派生版本、修改版本或第三方版本用于 **重新分发** @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ Discuz! X 官方 Git/SVN (https://git.oschina.net/ComsenzDiscuz/DiscuzX) ,简 ### **感谢 Fans** -- DiscuzFans:https://git.oschina.net/sinlody/DiscuzFans -- DiscuzLite:https://git.oschina.net/3dming/DiscuzL +- DiscuzFans:https://gitee.com/sinlody/DiscuzFans +- DiscuzLite:https://gitee.com/3dming/DiscuzL ### **DxGit Forker 交流群** [QQ群 62652633](http://shang.qq.com/wpa/qunwpa?idkey=5c7c9ff98ebd001751bcda84b47c77830c554f729c72c247957cd86bdd83aa47) 本群仅限 Fork 本 Git 的用户加入,入群请提供您 Fork 的地址(不知道啥是Fork?[看这里](http://git.mydoc.io/?t=180700)) ### **友情提示** -从2017-07-08起已进入X3.4功能范畴,X3.3已发布Release,并不再更新。X3.4版本主旨在清除云平台相关功能,由于涉及删除文件,非正常方式的更新和升级将导致运行错误,请确保您真需要升级到此版本。升级前请严格遵循升级规范,建立文件夹 old,旧程序除了 data、config、uc_client、uc_server 目录以外的程序移动进入 old 目录中后再更新新版文件。 \ No newline at end of file +从 2017-07-08 起本 Git 已进入 X3.4 功能范畴,X3.3 已发布 Release,并不再更新,如需更新补丁者可自定对照[更新历史](https://gitee.com/ComsenzDiscuz/DiscuzX/commits/master)修改。X3.4 版本主旨在清除云平台相关功能,由于涉及删除文件,非正常方式的更新和升级将导致运行错误。请确保您真需要升级到此版本,升级前请严格遵循升级规范,建立文件夹 old,旧程序除了 data、config、uc_client、uc_server 目录以外的程序移动进入 old 目录中后再更新新版文件。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/upload/source/function/function_core.php b/upload/source/function/function_core.php index 4379229..9e1bc50 100644 --- a/upload/source/function/function_core.php +++ b/upload/source/function/function_core.php @@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ function checkrobot($useragent = '') { static $kw_browsers = array('msie', 'netscape', 'opera', 'konqueror', 'mozilla'); $useragent = strtolower(empty($useragent) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : $useragent); - if(strpos($useragent, 'http://') === false && dstrpos($useragent, $kw_browsers)) return false; if(dstrpos($useragent, $kw_spiders)) return true; + if(strpos($useragent, 'http://') === false && dstrpos($useragent, $kw_browsers)) return false; return false; } function checkmobile() { diff --git a/upload/source/module/misc/misc_mobile.php b/upload/source/module/misc/misc_mobile.php index b2d4100..d24a3a5 100644 --- a/upload/source/module/misc/misc_mobile.php +++ b/upload/source/module/misc/misc_mobile.php @@ -55,6 +55,21 @@ if($_GET['view'] == true) { ob_start(); include template('mobile/forum/discuz'); } else { + if($_G['setting']['domain']['app']['mobile']) { + $url = 'http://'.$_G['setting']['domain']['app']['mobile']; + $file = 'newmobiledomain.png'; + } elseif($_G['setting']['mobile']['allowmnew']) { + $url = $_G['siteurl'].'m/'; + $file = 'newmobileurl.png'; + } else { + $url = $_G['siteurl']; + $file = 'newmobile.png'; + } + $qrimg = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./data/cache/'.$file; + if(!file_exists($qrimg)) { + require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'source/plugin/mobile/qrcode.class.php'; + QRcode::png($url, $qrimg, QR_ECLEVEL_Q, 4); + } include template('mobile/common/preview'); } function output_preview() { diff --git a/upload/source/plugin/mobile/mobile.class.php b/upload/source/plugin/mobile/mobile.class.php index fe83f52..2c7048a 100644 --- a/upload/source/plugin/mobile/mobile.class.php +++ b/upload/source/plugin/mobile/mobile.class.php @@ -426,25 +426,6 @@ class base_plugin_mobile_forum extends base_plugin_mobile { class base_plugin_mobile_misc extends base_plugin_mobile { - function mobile() { - global $_G; - if(empty($_GET['view']) && !defined('MOBILE_API_OUTPUT')) { - if(in_array('mobileoem', $_G['setting']['plugins']['available'])) { - loadcache('mobileoem_data'); - } - $_G['setting']['pluginhooks'] = array(); - $qrfile = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./data/cache/mobile_siteqrcode.png'; - if(!file_exists($qrfile) || $_G['adminid'] == 1) { - require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'source/plugin/mobile/qrcode.class.php'; - QRcode::png($_G['siteurl'], $qrfile); - } - define('MOBILE_API_OUTPUT', 1); - $_G['disabledwidthauto'] = 1; - define('TPL_DEFAULT', true); - include template('mobile:mobile'); - exit; - } - } } diff --git a/upload/static/image/mobile/browser.jpg b/upload/static/image/mobile/browser.jpg index 5f6f7f6..78225a5 100644 Binary files a/upload/static/image/mobile/browser.jpg and b/upload/static/image/mobile/browser.jpg differ diff --git a/upload/static/image/mobile/style.css b/upload/static/image/mobile/style.css index 2024a5c..6f8ec60 100644 --- a/upload/static/image/mobile/style.css +++ b/upload/static/image/mobile/style.css @@ -1,280 +1,280 @@ -@charset "utf-8"; - -/* common */ - * { word-wrap: break-word; } - ul,ol,li,span,p,form,h1,h2,h3,4,h5,h6,dl,dt,dd { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; z-index:inherit; } - img,a img { border:0; margin:0; padding:0; } - ul,ol,li { list-style:none; } - * { margin:0; padding:0; } - html,body { height:100%; font:12px/1.6 Microsoft YaHei, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#4C4C4C; } - input,select,textarea,button { font:14px/1.5 Microsoft YaHei, Helvetica, sans-serif; } - body, ul, ol, li, dl, dd, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, form, fieldset, .pr, .pc { margin: 0; padding: 0; } - table { empty-cells: show; border-collapse: collapse; } - caption, th { text-align: left; font-weight: 400; } - ul li, .xl li { list-style: none; } - h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-size: 1em; } - em, cite, i { font-style: normal; } - a img { border: none; } - label { cursor: pointer; } - .bg { background: url(./images/pic_bg.jpg); } - .rq { color: red; } - - a:link,a:visited,a:hover { color:#4C4C4C; text-decoration:none; } - .blue { color: #0086CE; } - a.blue:link, a.blue:visited, a.blue:hover { color:#0086CE; text-decoration:none; } - .grey { color:#9C9C9C; } - a.grey:link, a.grey:visited, a.grey:hover { color:#9C9C9C; text-decoration:none; } - .orange { color:#F60; } - a.orange:link,a.orange:visited,a.orange:hover{color:#F60;text-decoration:none } - - .z { float: left; } .y { float: right; } - .cl:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .cl { zoom: 1; } - .overflow{overflow:hidden;} - .none { display:none; } - .vm { vertical-align: middle; } - .vm * { vertical-align: middle; } - .hm { text-align: center; } - - .bl_none { border-bottom:0 !important; } - .bl_line { border-bottom:1px solid #DDD; } - .b_radius {border-radius:10px;} - - .b_m { margin:10px;} - .b_p { padding:10px} - - .mtn { margin-top: 5px !important; } - .mbn { margin-bottom: 5px !important; } - .mtm { margin-top: 10px !important; } - .mbm { margin-bottom: 10px !important; } - .mtw { margin-top: 20px !important; } - .mbw { margin-bottom: 20px !important; } - - .pr, .pc { vertical-align: middle; margin: 0 5px 1px 0; padding: 0;+margin-right: 2px;_margin-right: 2px; } - -/*----- header -----*/ - .visitclienttip { background:#BDD5E6; height:30px; padding:5px 10px;border-bottom:1px solid #F7F7F7;} - .visitclienttip p { line-height:30px; } - .visitclienttip a.btn_download { background:#3D98CF; border-radius:5px; float:right; display:block; width:70px; text-align: center; line-height:24px; color:#E9EFF3; margin-top:3px; box-shadow:1px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } - .visitclienttip a.btn_download:hover {background:#3094CF;} - - .nav { background: url(./images/header_bg.jpg); height: 32px; text-align:center; font-size:19px; padding:8px 10px 8px 0; } - .nav .name {display:inline-block; height:30px; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; width:50%;} - - .hdc { padding:10px 10px 0; background: url(./images/nav_b_line.png) repeat-x 0 100%; margin-bottom:10px; } - .hdc h2 { float: left; padding: 0 20px 8px 10px; } - .user_fun { } - .user_fun li { float:right; padding:15px 5px 20px; } - .user_fun li a,.nav .icon_edit a { display:block; width:28px; height:28px; background: url(./images/icon.png) no-repeat; line-height:2000px; overflow:hidden; } - .user_fun .on { background: url(./images/arrow_top.png) no-repeat 50% 100%;} - .user_fun a.icon_userinfo { background-position:0 0;} - .user_fun a.icon_userinfo:hover,.user_fun .on a.icon_userinfo { background-position:0 -28px;} - .user_fun a.icon_threadlist { background-position:-28px 0; 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display:inline-block; max-width:90%; overflow:hidden; font-weight:400; } - .category .subname_list {position: absolute; top:35px; left:0; width:100%; z-index:10;} - .category .subname_list ul {background:#FFF; border:2px solid #DDD; border-top:0; box-shadow: 1px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); width: 118px; font-size:14px; padding:0; line-height:38px; margin: 0 auto;} - .category .subname_list li { border-bottom:1px solid #EEE; } - .category .subname_list a:hover { color:#2782BA; } - .category .subname_list a { display:block; white-space: nowrap; margin: 0 10px; overflow: hidden;} - -/*----- forumlist -----*/ - .wp {} - .wm { margin:0 10px; } - .bm { margin-bottom: 10px; } - .bm_c { padding: 0 10px; } - - .bm_h .o { float: right; width: 31px; } - .bm_h .o img { float: right; cursor: pointer; } - .bm_h .i { padding-left: 10px; } - .bm_h .pn { margin-top: 4px; } - .bm_h { height: 54px; background: url(./images/titlebg.png) repeat-x left bottom; line-height: 54px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } - .bm_h h2 { height: 54px; background: url(./images/titlebg.png) no-repeat left top; } - .bm_h:hover { background: url(./images/titlebg.png) repeat-x left -54px; } - .bm_h h2 a { display:block; margin:0 31px 0 10px; padding-left:10px; font-size:18px; line-height:54px; font-weight:400; } - - .sub_forum { background: #FFF; border:1px solid #EDEDED; border-top:0; border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;} - .sub_forum li { height:38px; line-height:38px; border-bottom:1px solid #EDEDED; font-size:16px; overflow:hidden; } - .sub_forum li:last-child { border-bottom:none;} - .sub_forum li a { display: block; padding:0 10px; } - .sub_forum li .num { background:#35A3E6; color:#FFF; float: right; font-size: 14px; height: 25px; line-height: 25px; margin-top: 7px; padding: 0 10px;border-radius:10px; } - -/*-- threadlist --*/ - .threadlist { padding:0 0px} - .threadlist .thread_tit { padding: 0 10px; border-bottom:1px solid #D9D8D8; line-height:40px; color: #0162AC; font-size:15px; font-size:700;} - .threadlist li { position:relative; border-bottom:1px solid #D9D8D8; font-size:16px; } - .threadlist li a { display:block; padding:7px 10px; font-size:16px; line-height:25px; } - .threadlist .num { position:absolute; background: url(./images/icon_num.png) no-repeat 0 3px; right:10px; bottom:10px; padding:0 0 0 18px; font-size:12px; color:#C0C0C0; } - .threadlist .icon_top,.threadlist .icon_tu { position:absolute; left:0; top:-1px;} - .threadlist .by { font-size:12px; color:#A5A5A5; display:block; } - -/*----- post -----*/ - .btn_pn { width:44px; height:31px; overflow:hidden; border:0; line-height:31px;} - .btn_pn_grey { background:#EFEFEF url(./images/btn_s_bg.png) no-repeat 0 0; color:#999;} - .btn_pn_blue { background:#2498D8 url(./images/btn_s_bg.png) no-repeat 0 -31px; color:#FFF; } - - .post_msg_from li,.post_from li{ line-height:38px; padding:0 10px; font-size:16px; } - .post_msg_from .px,.post_from .px { width:100%; background:none; padding:0; font-size:16px; } - .post_msg_from textarea,.post_from textarea{ border:0; width:100%; background:none; padding:5px 0; font-size:16px;} - .post_from .sort_sel { background:none; width:100%; border: 0;font-size:16px; color:graytext; margin-left:-2px; } - - .post_imglist { padding:15px 0 0 15px; } - .post_imglist li { position:relative; float:left; padding: 0 10px 0 0; } - .post_imglist li .del { position: absolute; left:-5px; top:-10px; } - .post_imglist li .p_img img { padding:2px; border:1px solid #DDD; } - - .sec_code { padding:10px; color:#999; } - .sec_code .px { color:#999; } - -/*----- viewthread -----*/ - .postlist h2 { clear:both; font-size:16px; line-height:1.5em; font-weight:bold; margin:5px 10px 0 10px; } - .plc { border-bottom:1px solid #D9D8D8; overflow:hidden; position:relative; } - .plc .avatar { position:absolute; left:10px; top:9px; display:inline; } - .plc .avatar img{ border:1px solid #D7D7D7; padding:1px; } - .plc .pi { margin-left:55px; margin-right:10px; padding:7px 0; position:relative;} - .plc .pi .authi{ position:relative; } - .plc .pi .authi li em{ float:right; font-style: normal; } - .plc .pi .message{ font-size:15px; } - .plc .pi .message .jammer{ font-size:10px; color:#F0F0F0; } - .plc .pi .message img,.plc .pi .img_one img { margin:0px 4px 0px 0; max-width:100%;} - .plc .pi .message .quote{ padding:10px 10px 7px 11px; margin:5px 0; border:1px dashed #D7D7D7; font-size:12px; } - .plc .pi .img_list { margin:4px auto; } - .plc .pi .img_list li { float:left; width:83px; height:83px; margin:0 4px 4px; text-align:center;vertical-align: middle; line-height:83px; } - .plc .pi .img_list li a { display:block;} - - .manage { margin:4px -10px 0 0; position:absolute; top:38px; right:5px; height:50px; } - .button { width:53px; height:39px; color:#FFF; background:url(./images/button_bg.png) no-repeat; margin:0 2px; border:0; font-size:12px; } - .button2 { width:50px; height:32px; color:#FFF; background:url(./images/button_bg2.png) no-repeat; margin:7px 0 3px 0; border:0; font-size:12px; } - - .fastpost .input { width:100%; height:34px; text-indent:7px; margin-top:2px; border:1px solid #D9D8D8; } - .search { padding:7px 10px;} - .search .input { width:100%; height:30px; text-indent:7px; margin-top:2px; border:1px solid #D9D8D8;} - -/*----- pop -----*/ - .tip { width:300px; height:180px; background: url(./images/pic_bg.jpg) repeat; margin:0 auto;border:1px solid #D7D7D7; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px;text-align:center; - } - .tip dt { padding:30px 20px; height:75px; font-size:15px; } - .tip dd { background:#FFF; border-top:1px solid #D7D7D7; } - .tip dd a { margin-left:15px; } - -/*----- page -----*/ - .page { text-align:center; margin:20px 10px; } - .page a { border:1px solid #D7D7D7; border-radius:5px; padding:5px 9px; background:#FFF; } - .page select{ border: 1px solid #CCC; height: 28px;} - -/*----- myinfo -----*/ - .user_avatar { text-align:center; margin:20px 0; } - .user_avatar img { border-radius:45px; border:1px solid #FFF; box-shadow: 1px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); width:60px; height:60px; } - .user_avatar .name { color:#2782BA; font-size:16px; line-height:40px; } - - .user_box { background:#FFF; border-radius:10px; border:1px solid #DDD; margin:0 10px; } - .user_box li { line-height:38px; border-bottom:1px solid #DDD; padding:0 20px 0 10px; color:#333; font-size:14px; font-weight:700; } - .user_box li span { color:#2782BA; float:right; } - .btn_exit { padding:10px; } - .btn_exit a { background: url(./images/exit.png) no-repeat; width:300px; height:41px; display:block; line-height:2000px; overflow:hidden; margin:0 auto; } - .btn_exit a:hover { background: url(./images/exit_on.png) no-repeat;} - - .myinfo_list { width:300px; margin:0 auto; } - .myinfo_list li { background: url(./images/my_subject_bg.png) no-repeat; width:145px; height:73px; float:left; margin:0 0 10px 5px; } - .myinfo_list li a { display:block; line-height:73px; text-align:center; font-size:16px; } - .tit_msg { position: relative; } - .tit_msg img { position:absolute; left:108px; top:28px; } - -/*----- view message -----*/ - .friend_msg { padding:5px 0; } - .friend_msg .avat img,.self_msg .avat img{ padding:1px; background: #F2F2F2; border: 1px solid #BABABA; display: inline-block; } - .self_msg { padding:5px 0; } - .friend_msg .date { color:#BEBEBD; padding-left:12px; } - .self_msg .date { color:#BEBEBD; padding-right:12px; text-align:right; } - - .dialog_green .dialog_c { background: url(./images/dialog_bg.png) repeat-y; width:230px;} - .dialog_green .dialog_t { background: url(./images/dialog_t.png) no-repeat left top; width:180px;font-size:15px; line-height:25px; padding:15px 25px 0 25px;} - .dialog_green .dialog_b { background: url(./images/dialog_b.png) no-repeat left bottom; width:230px; height:17px; overflow:hidden; } - .dialog_white .dialog_c { background: url(./images/dialog_bg.png) repeat-y right top; width:230px; } - .dialog_white .dialog_t { background: url(./images/dialog_t.png) no-repeat right top; width:180px;font-size:15px; line-height:25px; padding:15px 25px 0 25px;} - .dialog_white .dialog_b { background: url(./images/dialog_b.png) no-repeat right bottom; width:230px; height:17px; overflow:hidden; } - - .reply .px { border-radius:4px; padding:7px 10px; width:95%; border:1px solid #D9D8D8; } - .reply .px:focus { color:#4C4C4C;} - -/*----- login & register -----*/ - .loginbox { padding:10px;} - .login_from { background:#FFF; border-radius:10px; border:1px solid #DDD; margin-bottom:15px; } - .login_from li { border-bottom:1px solid #DDD; line-height:45px; padding:0 10px; color:#AFAFAF; font-size:14px; } - .btn_login .pn,.btn_register .pn { background: url(./images/login.png) no-repeat; width:289px; height:45px; display:block; line-height:46px; overflow:hidden; margin:0 auto; color:#FFF; font-size:16px; font-weight:700; text-align:center;border:0; } - .btn_login .pn:hover,.btn_register .pn:hover { background: url(./images/login_on.png) no-repeat; color:#F0EFEF; } - .btn_qqlogin a { background: url(./images/qqlogin.png) no-repeat; width:300px; height:45px; display:block; line-height:2000px; overflow:hidden; margin:0 auto; } - .btn_qqlogin a:hover { background: url(./images/qqlogin_on.png) no-repeat; } - .loginbox p { line-height:35px; font-size:14px; color:#AFAFAF;} - .reg_link a { background: url(./images/icon_arrow.png) no-repeat 100% center; padding-right:10px; color:#AFAFAF; } - .px{ border:1px solid #ddd; padding: 2px 4px; line-height: 17px; font-size:15px; } - .px:focus { color:#4C4C4C;} - .p_fre { width: auto !important; } - .sel_list { width:100%;border: 0; padding: 2px 4px; font-size:14px; font-weight:700; } - .login_select { display: block; position: relative;} - .login_select .login-btn-inner { display: block; font-size: 14px; font-weight:700; min-width: 0.75em; overflow: hidden; position: relative; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } - .login_select select { position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 2; cursor: pointer; height: 3em; left: 0; max-height: 100%; min-height: 100%; opacity: 0.0001;} - .login-btn-text { float:left; } - .login_select .icon-arrow { background: url(./images/icon_arrow.png) no-repeat 15px 17px; width:30px; height:30px; float:right; } - - .login_pop { background:#F1F1F1; padding: 0 14px 20px; } - .log_tit { text-align:center; font-size:16px; font-weight:700; line-height:45px; } - .icon_close { background: url(./images/icon_close.png) no-repeat 0 0; width:13px; height:11px; overflow:hidden; display:block; margin-top:17px; } - .btn_qqlogintext { margin:10px 0; } - .btn_qqlogintext a.text_qqlogin { background: url(./images/qqlogintext.png) no-repeat; width:120px; height:25px; display:block; line-height:2000px; overflow:hidden; } - .login_pop .login_from { margin-bottom: 10px; } - .login_pop .login_check { margin:0 0 10px 0; color:#A5A5A5; } - .q_reg a { color:#A5A5A5; font-size:14px; } - .s_code { color:#A5A5A5; } - .s_code .px { color:#A5A5A5; } - .s_code .px:focus { color:#4C4C4C; } - a.other_c { color:#A5A5A5; margin-left:5px; } - -/*----- collection -----*/ - .coll_list { background:#FFF; margin:10px; border:1px solid #DDD; padding:0 10px; } - .coll_list li { border-bottom:1px solid #DDD; line-height:45px; } - .coll_list li a { display:block; font-size:16px; padding: 0 0 0 10px; } - - .jump_c { padding:130px 25px; font-size:15px; } - .grey { color:#A5A5A5; } - .jump_c a { color:#2782BA; } - -/*----- page message & pm-----*/ - .pmbox li { position:relative; color:#A5A5A5; border-bottom:1px solid #DDD; font-size:14px; height:55px; overflow:hidden; } - .pmbox li .avatar_img img { background:#F2F2F2; position:absolute; left:10px; top:7px; border:1px solid #E9E9E9; padding:2px; display:inline-block; } - .pmbox li a { display:block; padding:5px 10px 5px 55px; } - .pmbox li .num { background:#35A3E6; color:#FFF; float: right; font-size: 14px; height: 21px; line-height: 21px; padding: 0 10px;border-radius:10px; } - .pmbox li .time { float:right; } - .pmbox li .name { color:#333; } - .grey { color:#A5A5A5; } - -/*----- clew con -----*/ - .clew_con { padding:10px; } - .clew_con .tit {line-height:40px; font-size:14px; } - .clew_con p { margin:10px 0; } - .clew_con .button {background:#3D98CF; border-radius:5px; display:inline-block; margin-left:6px; 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margin: 0 10px; overflow: hidden;} + +/*----- forumlist -----*/ + .wp {} + .wm { margin:0 10px; } + .bm { margin-bottom: 10px; } + .bm_c { padding: 0 10px; } + + .bm_h .o { float: right; width: 31px; } + .bm_h .o img { float: right; cursor: pointer; } + .bm_h .i { padding-left: 10px; } + .bm_h .pn { margin-top: 4px; } + .bm_h { height: 54px; background: url(./images/titlebg.png) repeat-x left bottom; line-height: 54px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } + .bm_h h2 { height: 54px; background: url(./images/titlebg.png) no-repeat left top; } + .bm_h:hover { background: url(./images/titlebg.png) repeat-x left -54px; } + .bm_h h2 a { display:block; margin:0 31px 0 10px; padding-left:10px; font-size:18px; line-height:54px; font-weight:400; } + + .sub_forum { background: #FFF; border:1px solid #EDEDED; border-top:0; border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;} + .sub_forum li { height:38px; line-height:38px; border-bottom:1px solid #EDEDED; font-size:16px; overflow:hidden; } + .sub_forum li:last-child { border-bottom:none;} + .sub_forum li a { display: block; 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} + .plc { border-bottom:1px solid #D9D8D8; overflow:hidden; position:relative; } + .plc .avatar { position:absolute; left:10px; top:9px; display:inline; } + .plc .avatar img{ border:1px solid #D7D7D7; padding:1px; } + .plc .pi { margin-left:55px; margin-right:10px; padding:7px 0; position:relative;} + .plc .pi .authi{ position:relative; } + .plc .pi .authi li em{ float:right; font-style: normal; } + .plc .pi .message{ font-size:15px; } + .plc .pi .message .jammer{ font-size:10px; color:#F0F0F0; } + .plc .pi .message img,.plc .pi .img_one img { margin:0px 4px 0px 0; max-width:140px; max-height:140px; } + .plc .pi .message .quote{ padding:10px 10px 7px 11px; margin:5px 0; border:1px dashed #D7D7D7; font-size:12px; } + .plc .pi .img_list { margin:4px auto; } + .plc .pi .img_list li { float:left; width:83px; height:83px; margin:0 4px 4px; text-align:center;vertical-align: middle; line-height:83px; } + .plc .pi .img_list li a { display:block;} + + .manage { margin:4px -10px 0 0; position:absolute; top:38px; right:5px; height:50px; } + .button { width:53px; height:39px; color:#FFF; background:url(./images/button_bg.png) no-repeat; margin:0 2px; border:0; font-size:12px; } + .button2 { width:50px; height:32px; color:#FFF; background:url(./images/button_bg2.png) no-repeat; margin:7px 0 3px 0; border:0; font-size:12px; } + + .fastpost .input { width:100%; height:34px; text-indent:7px; margin-top:2px; border:1px solid #D9D8D8; } + .search { padding:7px 10px;} + .search .input { width:100%; height:30px; text-indent:7px; margin-top:2px; border:1px solid #D9D8D8;} + +/*----- pop -----*/ + .tip { width:300px; height:180px; background: url(./images/pic_bg.jpg) repeat; margin:0 auto;border:1px solid #D7D7D7; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px;text-align:center; + } + .tip dt { padding:30px 20px; height:75px; font-size:15px; } + .tip dd { background:#FFF; border-top:1px solid #D7D7D7; } + .tip dd a { margin-left:15px; } + +/*----- page -----*/ + .page { text-align:center; 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margin:0 auto; } + .myinfo_list li { background: url(./images/my_subject_bg.png) no-repeat; width:145px; height:73px; float:left; margin:0 0 10px 5px; } + .myinfo_list li a { display:block; line-height:73px; text-align:center; font-size:16px; } + .tit_msg { position: relative; } + .tit_msg img { position:absolute; left:108px; top:28px; } + +/*----- view message -----*/ + .friend_msg { padding:5px 0; } + .friend_msg .avat img,.self_msg .avat img{ padding:1px; background: #F2F2F2; border: 1px solid #BABABA; display: inline-block; } + .self_msg { padding:5px 0; } + .friend_msg .date { color:#BEBEBD; padding-left:12px; } + .self_msg .date { color:#BEBEBD; padding-right:12px; text-align:right; } + + .dialog_green .dialog_c { background: url(./images/dialog_bg.png) repeat-y; width:230px;} + .dialog_green .dialog_t { background: url(./images/dialog_t.png) no-repeat left top; width:180px;font-size:15px; line-height:25px; padding:15px 25px 0 25px;} + .dialog_green .dialog_b { background: url(./images/dialog_b.png) no-repeat left bottom; width:230px; height:17px; overflow:hidden; } + .dialog_white .dialog_c { background: url(./images/dialog_bg.png) repeat-y right top; width:230px; } + .dialog_white .dialog_t { background: url(./images/dialog_t.png) no-repeat right top; width:180px;font-size:15px; line-height:25px; padding:15px 25px 0 25px;} + .dialog_white .dialog_b { background: url(./images/dialog_b.png) no-repeat right bottom; width:230px; height:17px; overflow:hidden; } + + .reply .px { border-radius:4px; padding:7px 10px; width:95%; border:1px solid #D9D8D8; } + .reply .px:focus { color:#4C4C4C;} + +/*----- login & register -----*/ + .loginbox { padding:10px;} + .login_from { background:#FFF; border-radius:10px; border:1px solid #DDD; margin-bottom:15px; } + .login_from li { border-bottom:1px solid #DDD; line-height:45px; padding:0 10px; color:#AFAFAF; font-size:14px; } + .btn_login .pn,.btn_register .pn { background: url(./images/login.png) no-repeat; width:289px; height:45px; display:block; line-height:46px; overflow:hidden; margin:0 auto; color:#FFF; font-size:16px; font-weight:700; text-align:center;border:0; } + .btn_login .pn:hover,.btn_register .pn:hover { background: url(./images/login_on.png) no-repeat; color:#F0EFEF; } + .btn_qqlogin a { background: url(./images/qqlogin.png) no-repeat; width:300px; height:45px; display:block; line-height:2000px; overflow:hidden; margin:0 auto; } + .btn_qqlogin a:hover { background: url(./images/qqlogin_on.png) no-repeat; } + .loginbox p { line-height:35px; font-size:14px; color:#AFAFAF;} + .reg_link a { background: url(./images/icon_arrow.png) no-repeat 100% center; padding-right:10px; color:#AFAFAF; } + .px{ border:1px solid #ddd; padding: 2px 4px; line-height: 17px; font-size:15px; } + .px:focus { color:#4C4C4C;} + .p_fre { width: auto !important; } + .sel_list { width:100%;border: 0; padding: 2px 4px; font-size:14px; font-weight:700; } + .login_select { display: block; position: relative;} + .login_select .login-btn-inner { display: block; font-size: 14px; font-weight:700; min-width: 0.75em; overflow: hidden; position: relative; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } + .login_select select { position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 2; cursor: pointer; height: 3em; left: 0; max-height: 100%; min-height: 100%; opacity: 0.0001;} + .login-btn-text { float:left; } + .login_select .icon-arrow { background: url(./images/icon_arrow.png) no-repeat 15px 17px; width:30px; height:30px; float:right; } + + .login_pop { background:#F1F1F1; padding: 0 14px 20px; } + .log_tit { text-align:center; font-size:16px; font-weight:700; line-height:45px; } + .icon_close { background: url(./images/icon_close.png) no-repeat 0 0; width:13px; height:11px; overflow:hidden; display:block; margin-top:17px; } + .btn_qqlogintext { margin:10px 0; } + .btn_qqlogintext a.text_qqlogin { background: url(./images/qqlogintext.png) no-repeat; width:120px; height:25px; display:block; line-height:2000px; overflow:hidden; } + .login_pop .login_from { margin-bottom: 10px; } + .login_pop .login_check { margin:0 0 10px 0; color:#A5A5A5; } + .q_reg a { color:#A5A5A5; font-size:14px; } + .s_code { color:#A5A5A5; } + .s_code .px { color:#A5A5A5; } + .s_code .px:focus { color:#4C4C4C; } + a.other_c { color:#A5A5A5; margin-left:5px; } + +/*----- collection -----*/ + .coll_list { background:#FFF; margin:10px; border:1px solid #DDD; padding:0 10px; } + .coll_list li { border-bottom:1px solid #DDD; line-height:45px; } + .coll_list li a { display:block; font-size:16px; padding: 0 0 0 10px; } + + .jump_c { padding:130px 25px; font-size:15px; } + .grey { color:#A5A5A5; } + .jump_c a { color:#2782BA; } + +/*----- page message & pm-----*/ + .pmbox li { position:relative; color:#A5A5A5; border-bottom:1px solid #DDD; font-size:14px; height:55px; overflow:hidden; } + .pmbox li .avatar_img img { background:#F2F2F2; position:absolute; left:10px; top:7px; border:1px solid #E9E9E9; padding:2px; display:inline-block; } + .pmbox li a { display:block; padding:5px 10px 5px 55px; } + .pmbox li .num { background:#35A3E6; color:#FFF; 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{lang login_mobile}

{lang login_mobile_join}

- - http://{$_G['setting']['domain']['app']['mobile']} - - {$_G['siteurl']}forum.php - +

{lang mobile_favorite}
{lang mobile_favorite_comment}
{lang mobile_viewthread}
{lang mobile_viewthread_comment}
{lang mobile_pm}
{lang mobile_other_1}
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