Revert "补充X3.3清理云平台插件降级工具"

This reverts commit 4343a93279.
This commit is contained in:
Comsenz 2017-07-10 10:18:45 +08:00
parent 4343a93279
commit f357b38163
1 changed files with 15 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -1751,7 +1751,7 @@ if($_GET['step'] == 'start') {
show_msg("用户勋章数据升级完毕", "$theurl?step=data&op=$nextop");
} elseif($_GET['op'] == 'closeswitch') {
$nextop = 'clearCloud';
$nextop = 'end';
if($first_to_2_5) {
$newsettings = array();
$newsettings['strongpw'] = 0;
@ -1759,21 +1759,6 @@ if($_GET['step'] == 'start') {
show_msg("数据升级结束", "$theurl?step=data&op=$nextop");
} elseif($_GET['op'] == 'clearCloud') {
$nextop = 'end';
$plugins = array('qqconnect', 'cloudstat', 'soso_smilies', 'security', 'pcmgr_url_safeguard', 'manyou', 'cloudcaptcha');
foreach($plugins as $pluginid) {
$plugin = C::t('common_plugin')->fetch_by_identifier($pluginid);
if($plugin) {
$modules = unserialize($plugin['modules']);
$modules['system'] = 0;
$modules = serialize($modules);
C::t('common_plugin')->update($plugin['pluginid'], array('modules' => $modules));
show_msg("云平台插件已降为非系统级插件", "$theurl?step=data&op=$nextop");
} else {
$deletevar = array('app', 'home');//config中需要删除的项目
@ -1906,6 +1891,20 @@ if($_GET['step'] == 'start') {
show_msg("默认风格已恢复,进入下一步", "$theurl?step=cache");
} elseif ($_GET['step'] == 'cache') {
$appService = Cloud::loadClass('Service_App');
try {
$cloudstatus = $appService->checkCloudStatus();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$result = false;
if($cloudstatus == 'cloud' && !$appService->getCloudAppStatus('search')) {
$cloudAppService = Cloud::loadClass('Service_Client_Cloud');
$result = $cloudAppService->appOpen();
} catch(Exception $e) {
if($result == true) {
$opensoso = '<br><br>友情提示:<br>为更好的降低论坛搜索时的数据压力,本次升级已经帮本站开通纵横搜索服务。<br>你可以在 <a href=\\\'../admin.php?frames=yes&action=cloud&operation=search\\\' target=\\\'_blank\\\'>站点后台-&gt;应用-&gt;纵横搜索 进行管理</a>。';