set_config($config); } } function set_config($config) { $this->config = &$config; $this->tablepre = "`{$config['dbname']}`.{$config['tablepre']}"; } function connect($halt = true) { $this->curlink = null; $this->_dbconnect( $this->config['dbhost'], $this->config['dbuser'], $this->config['dbpw'], $this->config['dbcharset'], $this->config['dbname'], $this->config['pconnect'], $halt ); return $this->curlink ? true : false; } function _dbconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbcharset, $dbname, $pconnect, $halt = true) { $dbcharset = !$dbcharset ? 'binary' : $dbcharset; $link =$this->curlink = null; $func = empty($pconnect) ? 'mysql_connect' : 'mysql_pconnect'; if(!$link = @$func($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, 1)) { $halt && $this->halt('Connect Error'); } else { $this->curlink = & $link; if($this->version() > '4.1') { $serverset = $dbcharset ? 'character_set_connection='.$dbcharset.', character_set_results='.$dbcharset.', character_set_client=binary' : ''; $serverset .= $this->version() > '5.0.1' ? ((empty($serverset) ? '' : ',').'sql_mode=\'\'') : ''; $serverset && mysql_query("SET $serverset", $link); } if($dbname) { $return = $this->query("use `$dbname`", $halt ? '' : 'SILENT'); if(!$return) { $this->curlink = null; } } } return $link; } function table_name($tablename) { return $this->tablepre.$tablename; } function select_db($dbname) { return mysql_select_db($dbname, $this->curlink); } function fetch_array($query, $result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC) { return mysql_fetch_array($query, $result_type); } function fetch_first($sql) { return $this->fetch_array($this->query($sql)); } function result_first($sql) { return $this->result($this->query($sql), 0); } function query($sql, $type = '') { if(defined('DISCUZ_DEBUG') && DISCUZ_DEBUG) { $starttime = dmicrotime(); } $func = $type == 'UNBUFFERED' && @function_exists('mysql_unbuffered_query') ? 'mysql_unbuffered_query' : 'mysql_query'; if(!($query = $func($sql, $this->curlink))) { if(in_array($this->errno(), array(2006, 2013)) && substr($type, 0, 5) != 'RETRY') { $this->connect(); return $this->query($sql, 'RETRY'.$type); } if($type != 'SILENT' && substr($type, 5) != 'SILENT') { $this->halt('query_error', $sql); } } if(defined('DISCUZ_DEBUG') && DISCUZ_DEBUG) { $this->sqldebug[] = array($sql, number_format((dmicrotime() - $starttime), 6), debug_backtrace()); } $this->querynum++; return $query; } function affected_rows() { return mysql_affected_rows($this->curlink); } function error() { return (($this->curlink) ? mysql_error($this->curlink) : mysql_error()); } function errno() { return intval(($this->curlink) ? mysql_errno($this->curlink) : mysql_errno()); } function result($query, $row = 0) { $query = @mysql_result($query, $row); return $query; } function num_rows($query) { $query = mysql_num_rows($query); return $query; } function num_fields($query) { return mysql_num_fields($query); } function free_result($query) { return mysql_free_result($query); } function insert_id() { return ($id = mysql_insert_id($this->curlink)) >= 0 ? $id : $this->result($this->query("SELECT last_insert_id()"), 0); } function fetch_row($query) { $query = mysql_fetch_row($query); return $query; } function fetch_fields($query) { return mysql_fetch_field($query); } function version() { if(empty($this->version)) { $this->version = mysql_get_server_info($this->curlink); } return $this->version; } function close() { return $this->curlink ? mysql_close($this->curlink) : true; } function table($table) { return $this->table_name($table); } function insert($table, $data, $return_insert_id = false, $replace = false, $silent = false) { $sql = $this->implode_field_value($data); $cmd = $replace ? 'REPLACE INTO' : 'INSERT INTO'; $table = $this->table($table); $silent = $silent ? 'SILENT' : ''; $return = $this->query("$cmd $table SET $sql", $silent); return $return_insert_id ? $this->insert_id() : $return; } function update($table, $data, $condition, $unbuffered = false, $low_priority = false) { $sql = $this->implode_field_value($data); $cmd = "UPDATE ".($low_priority ? 'LOW_PRIORITY' : ''); $table = $this->table($table); $where = ''; if(empty($condition)) { $where = '1'; } elseif(is_array($condition)) { $where = $this->implode_field_value($condition, ' AND '); } else { $where = $condition; } $res = $this->query("$cmd $table SET $sql WHERE $where", $unbuffered ? 'UNBUFFERED' : ''); return $res; } function implode_field_value($array, $glue = ',') { $sql = $comma = ''; foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $sql .= $comma."`$k`='$v'"; $comma = $glue; } return $sql; } function halt($message = '', $sql = '') { $dberror = $this->error(); $dberrno = $this->errno(); $phperror = ' '; foreach (debug_backtrace() as $error) { $error['file'] = str_replace(DISCUZ_ROOT, '', $error['file']); $phperror .= " "; } $phperror .= '
File Line Class Type Function
$error[file] $error[line] $error[class] $error[type] $error[function]
'; $help_link = "".rawurlencode($dberrno)."&dberror=".rawurlencode($dberror); echo "
MySQL Error
Message: $message
SQL: $sql
Error: $dberror
Errno.: $dberrno
Click here to seek help.

PHP Backtrace
"; exit(); } }