_table = 'portal_article_title'; $this->_pk = 'aid'; parent::__construct(); } public function update_click($cid, $clickid, $incclick) { $clickid = intval($clickid); if($clickid < 1 || $clickid > 8 || empty($cid) || empty($incclick)) { return false; } return DB::query('UPDATE %t SET click'.$clickid.' = click'.$clickid.'+\'%d\' WHERE aid = %d', array($this->_table, $incclick, $cid)); } public function fetch_count_for_cat($catid) { if(empty($catid)) { return 0; } return DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE catid=%d', array($this->_table, $catid)); } public function fetch_count_for_idtype($id, $idtype) { return DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE id=%d AND idtype=%s", array($this->_table, $id, $idtype)); } public function fetch_all_for_cat($catid, $status = null, $orderaid = 0, $start = 0, $limit = 0) { if(empty($catid)) { return array(); } $statussql = $status !== null ? ' AND '.DB::field('status', $status) : ''; $orderaidsql = $orderaid ? ' ORDER BY aid DESC' : ''; return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE '.DB::field('catid', $catid).$statussql.$orderaidsql.DB::limit($start, $limit), array($this->_table)); } public function update_for_cat($catid, $data) { if(empty($catid) || empty($data)) { return false; } return DB::update($this->_table, $data, DB::field('catid', $catid)); } public function range($start = 0, $limit = 0) { return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM '.DB::table($this->_table).' ORDER BY dateline DESC'.DB::limit($start, $limit)); } public function fetch_all_by_sql($where, $order = '', $start = 0, $limit = 0, $count = 0, $alias = '') { $where = $where && !is_array($where) ? " WHERE $where" : ''; if(is_array($order)) { $order = ''; } if($count) { return DB::result_first('SELECT count(*) FROM '.DB::table($this->_table).' %i %i %i '.DB::limit($start, $limit), array($alias, $where, $order)); } return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM '.DB::table($this->_table).' %i %i %i '.DB::limit($start, $limit), array($alias, $where, $order)); } public function fetch_all_by_title($idtype, $subject) { $parameter = array($this->_table); $or = $wheresql = ''; $subject = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $subject)); if(empty($subject)) { return array(); } for($i = 0; $i < count($subject); $i++) { if(preg_match("/\{(\d+)\}/", $subject[$i])) { $subject[$i] = preg_replace("/\\\{(\d+)\\\}/", ".{0,\\1}", preg_quote($subject[$i], '/')); $wheresql .= " $or title REGEXP %s"; $parameter[] = $subject[$i]; } else { $wheresql .= " $or title LIKE %s"; $parameter[] = '%'.$subject[$i].'%'; } $or = 'OR'; } return DB::fetch_all("SELECT $idtype FROM %t WHERE $wheresql", $parameter); } public function fetch_all_for_search($aids, $orderby = '', $ascdesc = '', $start = 0, $limit = 0) { return DB::fetch_all("SELECT at.*,ac.viewnum, ac.commentnum FROM ".DB::table($this->_table)." at LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('portal_article_count')." ac ON at.aid=ac.aid WHERE at.".DB::field('aid', $aids).($orderby ? " ORDER BY ".DB::order($orderby, $ascdesc) : ' ').DB::limit($start, $limit)); } public function repair_htmlmade($ids) { if(($ids = dintval($ids, true))) { return DB::update($this->_table, array('htmlmade' => 0), DB::field($this->_pk, $ids)); } return false; } public function fetch_all_aid_by_dateline($dateline, $catids = array(), $startid = 0, $endid = 0) { $data = array(); $where = array(); if($startid) { $where[] = DB::field('aid', intval($startid), '>='); } if($endid) { $where[] = DB::field('aid', intval($endid), '<='); } if($catids) { $where[] = DB::field('catid', dintval($catids, true)); } if($dateline) { $where[] = DB::field('dateline', intval($dateline), '>='); } if($where) { $data = DB::fetch_all('SELECT aid FROM '.DB::table($this->_table).' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $where).' LIMIT 200000', NULL, $this->_pk); } return $data; } public function fetch_preaid_by_catid_aid($catid, $aid) { $ret = 0; if(($catid = intval($catid)) && ($aid = intval($aid))) { $ret = DB::result_first('SELECT aid FROM %t WHERE catid=%d AND aid<%d ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT 1', array($this->_table, $catid, $aid)); } return $ret; } public function fetch_nextaid_by_catid_aid($catid, $aid) { $ret = 0; if(($catid = intval($catid)) && ($aid = intval($aid))) { $ret = DB::result_first('SELECT aid FROM %t WHERE catid=%d AND aid>%d ORDER BY aid ASC LIMIT 1', array($this->_table, $catid, $aid)); } return $ret; } } ?>