function usercontrol() {
function onsynlogin() {
$uid = $this->input('uid');
if($this->app['synlogin']) {
if($this->user = $_ENV['user']->get_user_by_uid($uid)) {
$synstr = '';
foreach($this->cache['apps'] as $appid => $app) {
if($app['synlogin']) {
if($app['appid'] != $this->app['appid']) {
$synstr .= '';
if(is_array($app['extra']['extraurl'])) foreach($app['extra']['extraurl'] as $extraurl) {
$synstr .= '';
return $synstr;
return '';
function onsynlogout() {
if($this->app['synlogin']) {
$synstr = '';
foreach($this->cache['apps'] as $appid => $app) {
if($app['synlogin']) {
if($app['appid'] != $this->app['appid']) {
$synstr .= '';
if(is_array($app['extra']['extraurl'])) foreach($app['extra']['extraurl'] as $extraurl) {
$synstr .= '';
return $synstr;
return '';
function onregister() {
$username = $this->input('username');
$password = $this->input('password');
$email = $this->input('email');
$questionid = $this->input('questionid');
$answer = $this->input('answer');
$regip = $this->input('regip');
if(($status = $this->_check_username($username)) < 0) {
return $status;
if(($status = $this->_check_email($email)) < 0) {
return $status;
$uid = $_ENV['user']->add_user($username, $password, $email, 0, $questionid, $answer, $regip);
return $uid;
function onedit() {
$username = $this->input('username');
$oldpw = $this->input('oldpw');
$newpw = $this->input('newpw');
$email = $this->input('email');
$ignoreoldpw = $this->input('ignoreoldpw');
$questionid = $this->input('questionid');
$answer = $this->input('answer');
if(!$ignoreoldpw && $email && ($status = $this->_check_email($email, $username)) < 0) {
return $status;
$status = $_ENV['user']->edit_user($username, $oldpw, $newpw, $email, $ignoreoldpw, $questionid, $answer);
if($newpw && $status > 0) {
$_ENV['note']->add('updatepw', 'username='.urlencode($username).'&password=');
return $status;
function onlogin() {
$isuid = $this->input('isuid');
$username = $this->input('username');
$password = $this->input('password');
$checkques = $this->input('checkques');
$questionid = $this->input('questionid');
$answer = $this->input('answer');
$ip = $this->input('ip');
$this->settings['login_failedtime'] = is_null($this->settings['login_failedtime']) ? 5 : $this->settings['login_failedtime'];
if($ip && $this->settings['login_failedtime'] && !$loginperm = $_ENV['user']->can_do_login($username, $ip)) {
$status = -4;
return array($status, '', $password, '', 0);
if($isuid == 1) {
$user = $_ENV['user']->get_user_by_uid($username);
} elseif($isuid == 2) {
$user = $_ENV['user']->get_user_by_email($username);
} else {
$user = $_ENV['user']->get_user_by_username($username);
$passwordmd5 = preg_match('/^\w{32}$/', $password) ? $password : md5($password);
if(empty($user)) {
$status = -1;
} elseif($user['password'] != md5($passwordmd5.$user['salt'])) {
$status = -2;
} elseif($checkques && $user['secques'] != $_ENV['user']->quescrypt($questionid, $answer)) {
$status = -3;
} else {
$status = $user['uid'];
if($ip && $this->settings['login_failedtime'] && $status <= 0) {
$_ENV['user']->loginfailed($username, $ip);
$merge = $status != -1 && !$isuid && $_ENV['user']->check_mergeuser($username) ? 1 : 0;
return array($status, $user['username'], $password, $user['email'], $merge);
function onlogincheck() {
$username = $this->input('username');
$ip = $this->input('ip');
return $_ENV['user']->can_do_login($username, $ip);
function oncheck_email() {
$email = $this->input('email');
return $this->_check_email($email);
function oncheck_username() {
$username = $this->input('username');
if(($status = $this->_check_username($username)) < 0) {
return $status;
} else {
return 1;
function onget_user() {
$username = $this->input('username');
if(!$this->input('isuid')) {
$status = $_ENV['user']->get_user_by_username($username);
} else {
$status = $_ENV['user']->get_user_by_uid($username);
if($status) {
return array($status['uid'],$status['username'],$status['email']);
} else {
return 0;
function ongetprotected() {
$protectedmembers = $this->db->fetch_all("SELECT uid,username FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."protectedmembers GROUP BY username");
return $protectedmembers;
function ondelete() {
$uid = $this->input('uid');
return $_ENV['user']->delete_user($uid);
function ondeleteavatar() {
$uid = $this->input('uid');
function onaddprotected() {
$username = $this->input('username');
$admin = $this->input('admin');
$appid = $this->app['appid'];
$usernames = (array)$username;
foreach($usernames as $username) {
$user = $_ENV['user']->get_user_by_username($username);
$uid = $user['uid'];
$this->db->query("REPLACE INTO ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."protectedmembers SET uid='$uid', username='$username', appid='$appid', dateline='{$this->time}', admin='$admin'", 'SILENT');
return $this->db->errno() ? -1 : 1;
function ondeleteprotected() {
$username = $this->input('username');
$appid = $this->app['appid'];
$usernames = (array)$username;
foreach($usernames as $username) {
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."protectedmembers WHERE username='$username' AND appid='$appid'");
return $this->db->errno() ? -1 : 1;
function onmerge() {
$oldusername = $this->input('oldusername');
$newusername = $this->input('newusername');
$uid = $this->input('uid');
$password = $this->input('password');
$email = $this->input('email');
if(($status = $this->_check_username($newusername)) < 0) {
return $status;
$uid = $_ENV['user']->add_user($newusername, $password, $email, $uid);
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."mergemembers WHERE appid='".$this->app['appid']."' AND username='$oldusername'");
return $uid;
function onmerge_remove() {
$username = $this->input('username');
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."mergemembers WHERE appid='".$this->app['appid']."' AND username='$username'");
return NULL;
function _check_username($username) {
$username = addslashes(trim(stripslashes($username)));
if(!$_ENV['user']->check_username($username)) {
} elseif(!$_ENV['user']->check_usernamecensor($username)) {
} elseif($_ENV['user']->check_usernameexists($username)) {
return 1;
function _check_email($email, $username = '') {
if(!$_ENV['user']->check_emailformat($email)) {
} elseif(!$_ENV['user']->check_emailaccess($email)) {
} elseif(!$this->settings['doublee'] && $_ENV['user']->check_emailexists($email, $username)) {
} else {
return 1;
function ongetcredit($arr) {
$appid = $this->input('appid');
$uid = $this->input('uid');
$credit = $this->input('credit');
$app = $this->cache['apps'][$appid];
$apifilename = isset($app['apifilename']) && $app['apifilename'] ? $app['apifilename'] : 'uc.php';
if($app['extra']['apppath'] && @include $app['extra']['apppath'].'./api/'.$apifilename) {
$uc_note = new uc_note();
return $uc_note->getcredit(array('uid' => $uid, 'credit' => $credit), '');
} else {
$url = $_ENV['note']->get_url_code('getcredit', "uid=$uid&credit=$credit", $appid);
return $_ENV['misc']->dfopen($url, 0, '', '', 1, $app['ip'], UC_NOTE_TIMEOUT);
function onuploadavatar() {
@header("Expires: 0");
@header("Cache-Control: private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE);
@header("Pragma: no-cache");
$this->init_input(getgpc('agent', 'G'));
$uid = $this->input('uid');
if(empty($uid)) {
return -1;
if(empty($_FILES['Filedata'])) {
return -3;
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']);
if(!in_array($type, array(1,2,3,6))) {
return -4;
$imgtype = array(1 => '.gif', 2 => '.jpg', 3 => '.png');
$filetype = $imgtype[$type];
if(!$filetype) $filetype = '.jpg';
$tmpavatar = UC_DATADIR.'./tmp/upload'.$uid.$filetype;
file_exists($tmpavatar) && @unlink($tmpavatar);
if(@copy($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $tmpavatar) || @move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $tmpavatar)) {
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($tmpavatar);
if($width < 10 || $height < 10 || $type == 4) {
return -2;
} else {
return -4;
$avatarurl = UC_DATAURL.'/tmp/upload'.$uid.$filetype;
return $avatarurl;
function onrectavatar() {
@header("Expires: 0");
@header("Cache-Control: private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE);
@header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8");
$uid = $this->input('uid');
if(empty($uid)) {
return '';
$home = $this->get_home($uid);
if(!is_dir(UC_DATADIR.'./avatar/'.$home)) {
$this->set_home($uid, UC_DATADIR.'./avatar/');
$avatartype = getgpc('avatartype', 'G') == 'real' ? 'real' : 'virtual';
$bigavatarfile = UC_DATADIR.'./avatar/'.$this->get_avatar($uid, 'big', $avatartype);
$middleavatarfile = UC_DATADIR.'./avatar/'.$this->get_avatar($uid, 'middle', $avatartype);
$smallavatarfile = UC_DATADIR.'./avatar/'.$this->get_avatar($uid, 'small', $avatartype);
$bigavatar = $this->flashdata_decode(getgpc('avatar1', 'P'));
$middleavatar = $this->flashdata_decode(getgpc('avatar2', 'P'));
$smallavatar = $this->flashdata_decode(getgpc('avatar3', 'P'));
if(!$bigavatar || !$middleavatar || !$smallavatar) {
return '';
$success = 1;
$fp = @fopen($bigavatarfile, 'wb');
@fwrite($fp, $bigavatar);
$fp = @fopen($middleavatarfile, 'wb');
@fwrite($fp, $middleavatar);
$fp = @fopen($smallavatarfile, 'wb');
@fwrite($fp, $smallavatar);
$biginfo = @getimagesize($bigavatarfile);
$middleinfo = @getimagesize($middleavatarfile);
$smallinfo = @getimagesize($smallavatarfile);
if(!$biginfo || !$middleinfo || !$smallinfo || $biginfo[2] == 4 || $middleinfo[2] == 4 || $smallinfo[2] == 4
|| $biginfo[0] > 200 || $biginfo[1] > 250 || $middleinfo[0] > 120 || $middleinfo[1] > 120 || $smallinfo[0] > 48 || $smallinfo[1] > 48) {
file_exists($bigavatarfile) && unlink($bigavatarfile);
file_exists($middleavatarfile) && unlink($middleavatarfile);
file_exists($smallavatarfile) && unlink($smallavatarfile);
$success = 0;
$filetype = '.jpg';
if($success) {
return '';
} else {
return '';
function flashdata_decode($s) {
$r = '';
$l = strlen($s);
for($i=0; $i<$l; $i=$i+2) {
$k1 = ord($s[$i]) - 48;
$k1 -= $k1 > 9 ? 7 : 0;
$k2 = ord($s[$i+1]) - 48;
$k2 -= $k2 > 9 ? 7 : 0;
$r .= chr($k1 << 4 | $k2);
return $r;