'space', 'uid' => $space['uid'], 'do' => 'reward', 'view' => $_GET['view'], 'order' => $_GET['order'], 'flag' => $_GET['flag'], 'type' => $_GET['type'], 'fuid' => $_GET['fuid'], 'searchkey' => $_GET['searchkey'] ); $theurl = 'home.php?'.url_implode($gets); $multi = ''; $conditions['special'] = 3; $conditions['specialthread'] = 1; $f_index = ''; $ordersql = 't.dateline DESC'; $need_count = true; require_once libfile('function/misc'); if($_GET['view'] == 'me') { $conditions = array('authorid' => $space['uid'], 'special' => 3, 'specialthread' => 1); } else { space_merge($space, 'field_home'); if($space['feedfriend']) { $fuid_actives = array(); require_once libfile('function/friend'); $fuid = intval($_GET['fuid']); if($fuid && friend_check($fuid, $space['uid'])) { $conditions = array('authorid' => $fuid, 'special' => 3, 'specialthread' => 1); $fuid_actives = array($fuid=>' selected'); } else { $conditions['authorid'] = explode(',', $space['feedfriend']); } $query = C::t('home_friend')->fetch_all_by_uid($space['uid'], 0, 100, true); foreach($query as $value) { $userlist[] = $value; } } else { $need_count = false; } } $actives = array($_GET['view'] =>' class="a"'); if($need_count) { if($_GET['view'] != 'me') { $conditions['sticky'] = 0; } if($searchkey = stripsearchkey($_GET['searchkey'])) { $conditions['keywords'] = $searchkey; $searchkey = dhtmlspecialchars($searchkey); } if($_GET['flag'] < 0) { $wheresql .= " AND t.price < '0'"; $conditions['pricesless'] = 0; $alltype .= '1'; } elseif($_GET['flag'] > 0) { $wheresql .= " AND t.price > '0'"; $conditions['pricemore'] = 0; $alltype .= '0'; } $count = C::t('forum_thread')->count_search($conditions); if($count) { foreach(C::t('forum_thread')->fetch_all_search($conditions, 0, $start, $perpage, 'dateline') as $value) { if(empty($value['author']) && $value['authorid'] != $_G['uid']) { $hiddennum++; continue; } $list[] = procthread($value); } $multi = multi($count, $perpage, $page, $theurl); } } $creditid = 0; if($_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][2]) { $creditid = intval($_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][2]); } elseif ($_G['setting']['creditstrans']) { $creditid = intval($_G['setting']['creditstrans']); } if($_G['uid']) { $_GET['view'] = !$_GET['view'] ? 'we' : $_GET['view']; $navtitle = lang('core', 'title_'.$_GET['view'].'_reward'); } else { $_GET['order'] = !$_GET['order'] ? 'dateline' : $_GET['order']; $navtitle = lang('core', 'title_'.$_GET['order'].'_reward'); } include_once template("diy:home/space_reward"); ?>