'.str_replace(UC_ROOT, '', $lock_file).'
之后再来刷新页面'); showfooter(); } if(!$action) { showheader(); ?>

本程序用于升级 UCenter 1.5.2 到 UCenter 1.6.0

运行本升级程序之前,请确认已经上传 UCenter 1.6.0 的全部文件和目录



connect(UC_DBHOST, UC_DBUSER, UC_DBPW, UC_DBNAME, UC_DBCHARSET); runquery($sql); dir_clear(UC_ROOT.'./data/view'); dir_clear(UC_ROOT.'./data/cache'); if(is_dir(UC_ROOT.'./plugin/setting')) { dir_clear(UC_ROOT.'./plugin/setting'); @unlink(UC_ROOT.'./plugin/setting/index.htm'); @rmdir(UC_ROOT.'./plugin/setting'); } header("Location: upgrade3.php?action=pm&forward=".urlencode($forward)); } elseif($action == 'pm') { showheader(); echo "


"; $db = new ucserver_db(); $db->connect(UC_DBHOST, UC_DBUSER, UC_DBPW, UC_DBNAME, UC_DBCHARSET); $total = getgpc('total'); $start = getgpc('start') ? getgpc('start') : 0; $limit = 1000; $next = 0; if(!$total) { $db->query("truncate table ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_indexes"); $db->query("truncate table ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_members"); for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { $db->query("truncate table ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_messages_$i"); } $db->query("truncate table ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_lists"); $total = $db->result_first("SELECT MAX(pmid) FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pms WHERE related=1"); } if($total) { $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pms WHERE pmid>'$start' AND related=1 ORDER BY pmid LIMIT $limit"); while($data = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $next = $data['pmid']; if(!$data['msgfromid'] || !$data['msgtoid'] || $data['msgfromid'] == $data['msgtoid']) { continue; } $plid = $founderid = 0; $data['msgfrom'] = addslashes($data['msgfrom']); $data['subject'] = addslashes($data['subject']); $data['message'] = addslashes($data['message']); $relationship = relationship($data['msgfromid'], $data['msgtoid']); $querythread = $db->query("SELECT plid, authorid FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_lists WHERE min_max='$relationship'"); if($thread = $db->fetch_array($querythread)) { $plid = $thread['plid']; $founderid = $thread['authorid']; } if(!$plid) { $db->query("INSERT INTO ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_lists(authorid, pmtype, subject, members, min_max, dateline) VALUES('$data[msgfromid]', 1, '', 2, '$relationship', '$data[dateline]')"); $plid = $db->insert_id(); $db->query("INSERT INTO ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_members(plid, uid, isnew, lastupdate) VALUES('$plid', '$data[msgfromid]', 0, 0)"); $db->query("INSERT INTO ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_members(plid, uid, isnew, lastupdate) VALUES('$plid', '$data[msgtoid]', 0, 0)"); } $db->query("INSERT INTO ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_indexes(plid) VALUES('$plid')"); $pmid = $db->insert_id(); if($founderid == $data['msgfromid']) { $delstatus = $data['delstatus']; } else { $delstatus = ($data['delstatus'] == 1) ? 2 : ($data['delstatus'] == 2 ? 1 : 0); } if($data['subject'] && strcmp($data['subject'], $data['message'])) { $data['message'] = $data['subject']."\r\n".$data['message']; } $db->query("INSERT INTO ".UC_DBTABLEPRE.getposttablename($plid)."(pmid, plid, authorid, message, delstatus, dateline) VALUES('$pmid', '$plid', '$data[msgfromid]', '".$data['message']."', '$delstatus', '$data[dateline]')"); } if($next > 0) { $end = $next; echo "短消息数据已处理 $start / $total ..."; $url_forward = "upgrade3.php?action=pm&start=$end&total=$total&forward=".urlencode($forward); echo "

浏览器会自动跳转页面,无需人工干预。除非当您的浏览器长时间没有自动跳转时,请点击这里"; echo ""; } else { header("Location: upgrade3.php?action=pmstats&forward=".urlencode($forward)); } } else { @touch($lock_file); echo "升级完成。"; } showfooter(); } elseif($action == 'pmstats') { showheader(); echo "


"; $db = new ucserver_db(); $db->connect(UC_DBHOST, UC_DBUSER, UC_DBPW, UC_DBNAME, UC_DBCHARSET); $total = getgpc('total'); $start = getgpc('start') ? getgpc('start') : 0; $limit = 1000; $next = 0; if(!$total) { $total = $db->result_first("SELECT MAX(plid) FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_lists"); } if($total) { $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_lists WHERE plid>'$start' ORDER BY plid LIMIT $limit"); while($data = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $next = $data['plid']; $users = explode('_', $data['min_max']); $pmsarr = $db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pms WHERE msgfromid IN ('$users[0]','$users[1]') AND msgtoid IN ('$users[0]', '$users[1]') ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1"); $pmsarr['msgfrom'] = addslashes($pmsarr['msgfrom']); $pmsarr['subject'] = addslashes($pmsarr['subject']); $pmsarr['message'] = addslashes($pmsarr['message']); if($pmsarr['subject'] && strcmp($pmsarr['subject'], $pmsarr['message'])) { $pmsarr['message'] = $pmsarr['subject']."\r\n".$pmsarr['message']; } if($users[0] == $data['authorid']) { $touid = $users[1]; } else { $touid = $users[0]; } $lastsummary = removecode(trim($pmsarr['message']), 150); $lastmessage = array('lastauthorid' => $pmsarr['msgfromid'], 'lastauthor' => $pmsarr['msgfrom'], 'lastsummary' => $lastsummary); $lastmessage = addslashes(serialize($lastmessage)); $db->query("UPDATE ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_lists SET lastmessage='$lastmessage' WHERE plid='$data[plid]'"); $db->query("UPDATE ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_members SET lastdateline='$pmsarr[dateline]' WHERE plid='$data[plid]'"); if($count = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE.getposttablename($data['plid'])." WHERE plid='$data[plid]' AND delstatus IN (0, 1)")) { $db->query("UPDATE ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_members SET pmnum='$count' WHERE plid='$data[plid]' AND uid='$touid'"); } else { $db->query("DELETE FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_members WHERE plid='$data[plid]' AND uid='$touid'"); } if($count = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE.getposttablename($data['plid'])." WHERE plid='$data[plid]' AND delstatus IN (0, 2)")) { $db->query("UPDATE ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_members SET pmnum='$count' WHERE plid='$data[plid]' AND uid='$data[authorid]'"); } else { $db->query("DELETE FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."pm_members WHERE plid='$data[plid]' AND uid='$data[authorid]'"); } } } if($next > 0) { $end = $next; echo "短消息其它数据已处理 $start / $total ..."; $url_forward = "upgrade3.php?action=pmstats&start=$end&total=$total&forward=".urlencode($forward); echo "

浏览器会自动跳转页面,无需人工干预。除非当您的浏览器长时间没有自动跳转时,请点击这里"; echo ""; } else { @touch($lock_file); echo "升级完成。"; } showfooter(); } function removecode($str, $length) { static $uccode = null; if($uccode === null) { require_once UC_ROOT.'lib/uccode.class.php'; $uccode = new uccode(); } $str = $uccode->complie($str); return trim(cutstr(strip_tags($str), $length)); } function cutstr($string, $length, $dot = ' ...') { if(strlen($string) <= $length) { return $string; } $string = str_replace(array('&', '"', '<', '>'), array('&', '"', '<', '>'), $string); $strcut = ''; if(strtolower(UC_CHARSET) == 'utf-8') { $n = $tn = $noc = 0; while($n < strlen($string)) { $t = ord($string[$n]); if($t == 9 || $t == 10 || (32 <= $t && $t <= 126)) { $tn = 1; $n++; $noc++; } elseif(194 <= $t && $t <= 223) { $tn = 2; $n += 2; $noc += 2; } elseif(224 <= $t && $t < 239) { $tn = 3; $n += 3; $noc += 2; } elseif(240 <= $t && $t <= 247) { $tn = 4; $n += 4; $noc += 2; } elseif(248 <= $t && $t <= 251) { $tn = 5; $n += 5; $noc += 2; } elseif($t == 252 || $t == 253) { $tn = 6; $n += 6; $noc += 2; } else { $n++; } if($noc >= $length) { break; } } if($noc > $length) { $n -= $tn; } $strcut = substr($string, 0, $n); } else { for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $strcut .= ord($string[$i]) > 127 ? $string[$i].$string[++$i] : $string[$i]; } } $strcut = str_replace(array('&', '"', '<', '>'), array('&', '"', '<', '>'), $strcut); return $strcut.$dot; } function dir_clear($dir) { $directory = dir($dir); while($entry = $directory->read()) { $filename = $dir.'/'.$entry; if(is_file($filename)) { @unlink($filename); } } @touch($dir.'/index.htm'); $directory->close(); } function random($length, $numeric = 0) { PHP_VERSION < '4.2.0' && mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000); if($numeric) { $hash = sprintf('%0'.$length.'d', mt_rand(0, pow(10, $length) - 1)); } else { $hash = ''; $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $max = strlen($chars) - 1; for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $hash .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $max)]; } } return $hash; } function generate_key() { $random = random(32); $info = md5($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].time()); $return = ''; for($i=0; $i<64; $i++) { $p = intval($i/2); $return[$i] = $i % 2 ? $random[$p] : $info[$p]; } return implode('', $return); } function createtable($sql, $dbcharset) { $type = strtoupper(preg_replace("/^\s*CREATE TABLE\s+.+\s+\(.+?\).*(ENGINE|TYPE)\s*=\s*([a-z]+?).*$/isU", "\\2", $sql)); $type = in_array($type, array('MYISAM', 'HEAP')) ? $type : 'MYISAM'; return preg_replace("/^\s*(CREATE TABLE\s+.+\s+\(.+?\)).*$/isU", "\\1", $sql). (mysql_get_server_info() > '4.1' ? " ENGINE=$type default CHARSET=".UC_DBCHARSET : " TYPE=$type"); } function runquery($query) { global $db; $query = str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace(' uc_', ' '.UC_DBTABLEPRE, $query)); $expquery = explode(";\n", $query); foreach($expquery as $sql) { $sql = trim($sql); if($sql == '' || $sql[0] == '#') continue; if(strtoupper(substr($sql, 0, 12)) == 'CREATE TABLE') { $db->query(createtable($sql, UC_DBCHARSET)); } elseif (strtoupper(substr($sql, 0, 11)) == 'ALTER TABLE') { runquery_altertable($sql); } else { $db->query($sql); } } } function getgpc($k, $var='R') { switch($var) { case 'G': $var = &$_GET; break; case 'P': $var = &$_POST; break; case 'C': $var = &$_COOKIE; break; case 'R': $var = &$_REQUEST; break; } return isset($var[$k]) ? $var[$k] : NULL; } function relationship($fromuid, $touid) { if($fromuid < $touid) { return $fromuid.'_'.$touid; } elseif($fromuid > $touid) { return $touid.'_'.$fromuid; } else { return ''; } } function getposttablename($plid) { $id = substr((string)$plid, -1, 1); return 'pm_messages_'.$id; } function showheader() { global $version_old, $version_new; ob_start(); $charset = UC_CHARSET; print <<< EOT UCenter 升级程序( $version_old >> $version_new)
>> UCenter 升级程序( $version_old >> $version_new)

本升级程序只能从 $version_old 升级到 $version_new ,运行之前,请确认已经上传所有文件,并做好数据备份
升级当中有任何问题请访问技术支持站点 http://www.discuz.net

EOT; } function showfooter() { echo <<< EOT
EOT; ob_flush(); exit(); } function showerror($message, $break = 1) { echo '


'; if($break) showfooter(); } function redirect($url) { $url = $url.(strstr($url, '&') ? '&' : '?').'t='.time(); echo <<< EOT


EOT; showfooter(); } function get_table_columns($table) { global $db; $tablecolumns = array(); if($db->version() > '4.1') { $query = $db->query("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM $table", 'SILENT'); } else { $query = $db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table", 'SILENT'); } while($field = @$db->fetch_array($query)) { $tablecolumns[$field['Field']] = $field; } return $tablecolumns; } function parse_alter_table_sql($s) { $arr = array(); preg_match("/ALTER TABLE (\w+)/i", $s, $m); $tablename = substr($m[1], strlen(UC_DBTABLEPRE)); preg_match_all("/add column (\w+) ([^\n;]+)/is", $s, $add); preg_match_all("/drop column (\w+)([^\n;]*)/is", $s, $drop); preg_match_all("/change (\w+) ([^\n;]+)/is", $s, $change); preg_match_all("/add key ([^\n;]+)/is", $s, $keys); preg_match_all("/add unique ([^\n;]+)/is", $s, $uniques); foreach($add[1] as $k => $colname) { $attr = preg_replace("/(.+),$/", "\\1", trim($add[2][$k])); $arr[] = array($tablename, 'ADD', $colname, $attr); } foreach($drop[1] as $k => $colname) { $attr = preg_replace("/(.+),$/", "\\1", trim($drop[2][$k])); $arr[] = array($tablename, 'DROP', $colname, $attr); } foreach($change[1] as $k => $colname) { $attr = preg_replace("/(.+),$/", "\\1", trim($change[2][$k])); $arr[] = array($tablename, 'CHANGE', $colname, $attr); } foreach($keys[1] as $k => $colname) { $attr = preg_replace("/(.+),$/", "\\1", trim($keys[0][$k])); $arr[] = array($tablename, 'INDEX', '', $attr); } foreach($uniques[1] as $k => $colname) { $attr = preg_replace("/(.+),$/", "\\1", trim($uniques[0][$k])); $arr[] = array($tablename, 'INDEX', '', $attr); } return $arr; } function runquery_altertable($sql) { global $db; $tablepre = UC_DBTABLEPRE; $dbcharset = UC_DBCHARSET; $updatesqls = parse_alter_table_sql($sql); foreach($updatesqls as $updatesql) { $successed = TRUE; if(is_array($updatesql) && !empty($updatesql[0])) { list($table, $action, $field, $sql) = $updatesql; if(empty($field) && !empty($sql)) { $query = "ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}{$table} "; if($action == 'INDEX') { $successed = $db->query("$query $sql", "SILENT"); } elseif ($action == 'UPDATE') { $successed = $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}{$table} SET $sql", 'SILENT'); } } elseif($tableinfo = get_table_columns($tablepre.$table)) { $fieldexist = isset($tableinfo[$field]) ? 1 : 0; $query = "ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}{$table} "; if($action == 'MODIFY') { $query .= $fieldexist ? "MODIFY $field $sql" : "ADD $field $sql"; $successed = $db->query($query, 'SILENT'); } elseif($action == 'CHANGE') { $field2 = trim(substr($sql, 0, strpos($sql, ' '))); $field2exist = isset($tableinfo[$field2]); if($fieldexist && ($field == $field2 || !$field2exist)) { $query .= "CHANGE $field $sql"; } elseif($fieldexist && $field2exist) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}{$table} DROP $field2", 'SILENT'); $query .= "CHANGE $field $sql"; } elseif(!$fieldexist && $fieldexist2) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}{$table} DROP $field2", 'SILENT'); $query .= "ADD $sql"; } elseif(!$fieldexist && !$field2exist) { $query .= "ADD $sql"; } $successed = $db->query($query); } elseif($action == 'ADD') { $query .= $fieldexist ? "CHANGE $field $field $sql" : "ADD $field $sql"; $successed = $db->query($query); } elseif($action == 'DROP') { if($fieldexist) { $successed = $db->query("$query DROP $field", "SILENT"); } $successed = TRUE; } } else { $successed = 'TABLE NOT EXISTS'; } } } return $successed; } ?>