_table = 'common_template_permission'; $this->_pk = ''; parent::__construct(); } public function fetch_all_by_targettplname($targettplname) { return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE targettplname=%s ORDER BY inheritedtplname', array($this->_table, $targettplname), 'uid'); } public function fetch_all_by_uid($uids, $flag = true, $sort = 'ASC', $start = 0, $limit = 0) { $wherearr = array(); $sort = $sort === 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'; if(($uids = dintval($uids, true))) { $wherearr[] = DB::field('uid', $uids); } if(!$flag) { $wherearr[] = 'inheritedtplname = \'\''; } $where = $wherearr ? ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $wherearr) : ''; return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM '.DB::table($this->_table).$where.' ORDER BY uid '.$sort.', inheritedtplname'.DB::limit($start, $limit), NULL, 'targettplname'); } public function count_by_uids($uids, $flag) { $wherearr = array(); if(($uids = dintval($uids, true))) { $wherearr[] = DB::field('uid', $uids); } if(!$flag) { $wherearr[] = 'inheritedtplname = \'\''; } $where = $wherearr ? ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $wherearr) : ''; return DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.DB::table($this->_table).$where); } public function delete_by_targettplname_uid_inheritedtplname($targettplname = false, $uids = false, $inheritedtplname = false) { $wherearr = array(); if($targettplname) { $wherearr[] = DB::field('targettplname', $targettplname); } if(($uids = dintval($uids, true))) { $wherearr[] = DB::field('uid', $uids); } if($inheritedtplname === true) { $wherearr[] = "inheritedtplname!=''"; } elseif($inheritedtplname !== false && is_string($inheritedtplname)) { $wherearr[] = DB::field('inheritedtplname', $inheritedtplname); } return $wherearr ? DB::delete($this->_table, implode(' AND ', $wherearr)) : false; } public function insert_batch($users, $templates, $uptplname = '') { $blockperms = array(); if(!empty($users) && !empty($templates)){ if(!is_array($templates)) { $templates = array($templates); } foreach($users as $user) { $inheritedtplname = $uptplname ? $uptplname : ''; foreach ($templates as $tpl) { if($tpl) { $blockperms[] = "('$tpl','$user[uid]','$user[allowmanage]','$user[allowrecommend]','$user[needverify]','$inheritedtplname')"; $inheritedtplname = empty($inheritedtplname) ? $tpl : $inheritedtplname; } } } if($blockperms) { DB::query('REPLACE INTO '.DB::table($this->_table).' (targettplname,uid,allowmanage,allowrecommend,needverify,inheritedtplname) VALUES '.implode(',', $blockperms)); } } } } ?>