tablepre.'poll'; include_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/editor.func.php'; $limit = $setting['limit']['poll'] ? $setting['limit']['poll'] : 100; $nextid = 0; $start = intval(getgpc('start')); $home = load_process('home'); $fid = intval(getgpc('fid')) ? intval(getgpc('fid')) : intval($home['forum']['poll']) ? intval($home['forum']['poll']) : 0; if(!$fid) { $forumname = 'UCHome投票数据'; $value = $db_target->fetch_first('SELECT fid FROM '.$db_target->table_name('forum_forum')." WHERE status IN('1','2') AND type='forum' AND `name`='$forumname'"); if(!empty($value)) { $fid = intval($value['fid']); } else { $value = $db_target->fetch_first('SELECT fid FROM '.$db_target->table_name('forum_forum')." WHERE status IN('1','2') AND type='group' AND `name`='$forumname'"); if($value) { $fup = intval($value['fid']); } else { $board = array( 'name' => daddslashes($forumname), 'type' => 'group', 'status' => '1', ); $fup = $db_target->insert('forum_forum', $board, true); } $forum = array( 'name' => daddslashes($forumname), 'fup' => $fup, 'type' => 'forum', 'allowsmilies' => 1, 'allowbbcode' => 1, 'allowimgcode' => 1, 'status' => '1', ); $fid = $db_target->insert('forum_forum', $forum, true); $forumfield = array( 'fid' => $fid, 'description' => '从 UCenter Home 转移过来的投票内容' ); $db_target->insert('forum_forumfield', $forumfield); } } $pids = $polls = $pollpreview = $optionuser = array(); $pollquery = $db_source->query("SELECT pf.*, p.* FROM {$db_source->tablepre}poll p LEFT JOIN {$db_source->tablepre}pollfield pf ON WHERE>'$start' ORDER BY LIMIT $limit"); while($value = $db_source->fetch_array($pollquery)) { $optionuser = array(); $postnum = 1; $nextid = $value['pid']; $value['summary'] = !empty($value['summary']) ? html2bbcode($value['summary']) : ''; $value['message'] = html2bbcode($value['message']); $pollpreview = $value['option'] = unserialize($value['option']); $value = daddslashes($value); $threadarr = array( 'fid' => $fid, 'author' => $value['username'], 'authorid' => $value['uid'], 'subject' => $value['subject'], 'dateline' => $value['dateline'], 'lastpost' => $value['lastvote'], 'lastposter' => $value['username'], 'views' => $value['replynum'], 'replies' => $value['replynum'], 'special' => 1 ); $tid = $db_target->insert('forum_thread', $threadarr, true); $postarr = array( 'fid' => $fid, 'tid' => $tid, 'first' => '1', 'author' => $value['username'], 'authorid' => $value['uid'], 'subject' => $value['subject'], 'dateline' => $value['dateline'], 'message' => $value['message'] ); $db_target->insert('forum_post', $postarr); if(!empty($value['summary'])) { $postarr = array( 'fid' => $fid, 'tid' => $tid, 'first' => '1', 'author' => $value['username'], 'authorid' => $value['uid'], 'subject' => $value['subject'], 'dateline' => ($value['dateline']+10), 'message' => $value['summary'] ); $db_target->insert('forum_post', $postarr); $postnum++; } $pollarr = array( 'tid' => $tid, 'overt' => 0, 'multiple' => $value['maxchoice'] > 1 ? 1 : 0, 'visible' => 0, 'maxchoices' => $value['maxchoice'], 'expiration' => $value['expiration'], 'pollpreview' => daddslashes(implode("\t", $pollpreview)), 'voters' => $value['voternum'] ); $db_target->insert('forum_poll', $pollarr); $query = $db_source->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_source->tablepre}polluser WHERE pid='$value[pid]'"); while($puser = $db_source->fetch_array($query)) { $puser['option'] = str_replace('"', '', $puser['option']); $puser['option'] = explode('、', $puser['option']); $optionuser[$puser['uid']] = $puser; } $changeoid = array(); $query = $db_source->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_source->tablepre}polloption WHERE pid='$value[pid]'"); while($pollopt = $db_source->fetch_array($query)) { $pollopt = daddslashes($pollopt, 1); $votes = 0; $uids = ''; foreach($optionuser as $uid => $polluser) { foreach($polluser['option'] as $id => $option) { if($option == str_replace('"', '', $pollopt['option'])) { $votes++; $uids .= $uid."\t"; $optionuser[$uid]['oid'][$pollopt['oid']] = $pollopt['oid']; } } } $optionarr = array( 'tid' => $tid, 'votes' => $votes, 'polloption' => $pollopt['option'], 'voterids' => $uids ); $changeoid[$pollopt['oid']] = $db_target->insert('forum_polloption', $optionarr, true); $option[$pollopt['pid']] = $pollopt; } if($optionuser) { foreach($optionuser as $uid => $polluser) { $oparr = array(); if($polluser['oid']) { foreach($polluser['oid'] as $key => $id) { $oparr[$key] = $changeoid[$key]; } } $userdate = array( 'tid' => $tid, 'uid' => intval($uid), 'username' => daddslashes($polluser['username']), 'options' => implode("\t", $oparr), 'dateline' => $polluser['dateline'] ); $db_target->insert('forum_pollvoter', $userdate); } } $lastpost = array(); $query = $db_source->query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_source->table('comment')." WHERE id='$value[pid]' AND idtype='pid' ORDER BY dateline"); while($comment = $db_source->fetch_array($query)) { $comment['message'] = html2bbcode($comment['message']); $comment = daddslashes($comment); $postarr = array( 'fid' => $fid, 'tid' => $tid, 'first' => '0', 'author' => $comment['author'], 'authorid' => $comment['authorid'], 'useip' => $comment['ip'], 'dateline' => $comment['dateline'], 'message' => $comment['message'] ); $lastpost = array( 'lastpost' => $comment['dateline'], 'lastposter' => $comment['author'], ); $db_target->insert('forum_post', $postarr); $db_target->insert('common_member_count', array('uid' => $comment['authorid']), 0, false, true); $db_target->query("UPDATE ".$db_target->table('common_member_count')." SET posts=posts+1 WHERE uid='$comment[authorid]'", 'UNBUFFERED'); } if($lastpost) { $db_target->update('forum_thread', $lastpost, array('tid' => $tid)); } $db_target->insert('common_member_count', array('uid' => $comment['authorid']), 0, false, true); $db_target->query("UPDATE ".$db_target->table('common_member_count')." SET threads=threads+1, posts=posts+$postnum WHERE uid='$value[uid]'", 'UNBUFFERED'); $db_target->query("UPDATE ".$db_target->table('forum_forum')." SET lastpost='$lastpost[lastpost]', threads=threads+1, posts=posts+$value[replynum], todayposts=todayposts+$value[replynum] WHERE fid='$fid'", 'UNBUFFERED'); } if($nextid) { showmessage("继续转换数据表 ".$table_source." pid > $nextid", "index.php?a=$action&source=$source&prg=$curprg&start=$nextid&fid=$fid"); } $maxpid = $db_target->result_first("SELECT MAX(pid) FROM ".$db_target->table('forum_post')); $maxpid = intval($maxpid) + 1; $db_target->query("ALTER TABLE ".$db_target->table('forum_post_tableid')." AUTO_INCREMENT=$maxpid"); ?>