_table = 'home_blog'; $this->_pk = 'blogid'; parent::__construct(); } public function fetch_by_id_idtype($id) { if(!$id) { return null; } return DB::fetch_first('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE %i', array($this->_table, DB::field('blogid', $id))); } public function update_dateline_by_id_idtype_uid($id, $idtype, $dateline, $uid) { return DB::update($this->_table, array('dateline' => $dateline), DB::field($idtype, $id).' AND '.DB::field('uid', $uid)); } public function range($start = 0, $limit = 0, $ordersc = 'DESC', $orderby = 'dateline', $friend = null, $status = null, $uid = null, $dateline = null) { $wheresql = '1'; $wheresql .= $friend ? ' AND '.DB::field('friend', $friend) : ''; $wheresql .= $uid ? ' AND '.DB::field('uid', $uid) : ''; $wheresql .= $status ? ' AND '.DB::field('status', $status) : ''; $wheresql .= $dateline ? ' AND '.DB::field('dateline', $dateline, '>=') : ''; if(in_array($orderby, array('hot', 'dateline'))) { $wheresql .= ' ORDER BY '.DB::order($orderby, $ordersc); } $wheresql .= ' '.DB::limit($start, $limit); return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE %i', array($this->_table, $wheresql), $this->_pk); } public function fetch_all($blogid, $orderby = '', $ordersc = '', $start = 0, $limit = 0) { if(!$blogid) { return null; } $wheresql = DB::field('blogid', $blogid); if($orderby = DB::order($orderby, $ordersc)) { $wheresql .= ' ORDER BY '.$orderby; } if($limit = DB::limit($start, $limit)) { $wheresql .= ' '.$limit; } return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE %i', array($this->_table, $wheresql), $this->_pk); } public function increase($blogid, $uid, $setarr) { $sql = array(); $allowkey = array('hot', 'viewnum', 'replynum', 'favtimes', 'sharetimes'); foreach($setarr as $key => $value) { if(($value = intval($value)) && in_array($key, $allowkey)) { $sql[] = "`$key`=`$key`+'$value'"; } } $wheresql = DB::field('blogid', $blogid); if($uid) { $wheresql .= ' AND '.DB::field('uid', $uid); } if(!empty($sql)){ return DB::query('UPDATE %t SET %i WHERE %i', array($this->_table, implode(',', $sql), $wheresql)); } } public function update_click($blogid, $clickid, $incclick) { $clickid = intval($clickid); if($clickid < 1 || $clickid > 8) { return null; } return DB::query('UPDATE %t SET click'.$clickid.' = click'.$clickid.'+\'%d\' WHERE blogid = %d', array($this->_table, $incclick, $blogid)); } public function update_classid_by_classid($classid, $newclassid) { return DB::query('UPDATE %t SET classid = %d WHERE classid = %d', array($this->_table, $newclassid, $classid)); } public function fetch_blogid_by_subject($keyword, $limit) { $field = "subject LIKE '%{text}%'"; if(preg_match("(AND|\+|&|\s)", $keyword) && !preg_match("(OR|\|)", $keyword)) { $andor = ' AND '; $keywordsrch = '1'; $keyword = preg_replace("/( AND |&| )/is", "+", $keyword); } else { $andor = ' OR '; $keywordsrch = '0'; $keyword = preg_replace("/( OR |\|)/is", "+", $keyword); } $keyword = str_replace('*', '%', addcslashes(daddslashes($keyword), '%_')); foreach(explode('+', $keyword) as $text) { $text = trim($text); if($text) { $keywordsrch .= $andor; $keywordsrch .= str_replace('{text}', $text, $field); } } $wheresql = " ($keywordsrch)"; if($limit) { $wheresql .= ' ORDER BY blogid DESC '.DB::limit(0, $limit); } return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE %i', array($this->_table, $wheresql), $this->_pk); } public function fetch_blogid_by_uid($uid, $start = 0, $limit = 0) { if(!$uid) { return null; } return DB::fetch_all('SELECT blogid FROM %t WHERE uid IN (%n) %i', array($this->_table, $uid, DB::limit($start, $limit)), $this->_pk); } public function fetch_all_by_uid($uid, $orderby = 'dateline', $start = 0, $limit = 0) { if(!$uid) { return null; } if($orderby = DB::order($orderby, 'DESC')) { $order = 'ORDER BY '.$orderby; } return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE uid IN (%n) %i', array($this->_table, $uid, $order.' '.DB::limit($start, $limit)), $this->_pk); } public function fetch_all_by_hot($hot, $orderby = 'dateline', $start = 0, $limit = 0) { if(!$uid) { return null; } if($orderby = DB::order($orderby, 'DESC')) { $order = 'ORDER BY '.$orderby; } return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE hot>=%d %i', array($this->_table, $hot, $order.' '.DB::limit($start, $limit)), $this->_pk); } public function count_by_catid($catid) { return DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE catid = %d', array($this->_table, $catid)); } public function count_by_uid($uid) { return DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE uid = %d', array($this->_table, $uid)); } public function delete_by_catid($catid) { if(!$catid) { return null; } return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('catid', $catid)); } public function delete_by_uid($uids) { if(!$uids) { return null; } return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('uid', $uids)); } public function update_by_catid($catid, $data) { if(empty($data) || !is_array($data) || !$catid) { return null; } return DB::update($this->_table, $data, DB::field('catid', $catid)); } public function count_uid_by_blogid($blogid) { if(!is_array($blogid) || !$blogid) { return null; } return DB::fetch_all('SELECT uid, COUNT(blogid) AS count FROM %t WHERE blogid IN (%n) GROUP BY uid', array($this->_table, $blogid)); } public function count_all_by_search($blogid = null, $uids = null, $starttime = null, $endtime = null, $hot1 = null, $hot2 = null, $viewnum1 = null, $viewnum2 = null, $replynum1 = null, $replynum2 = null, $friend = null, $ip = null, $keywords = null, $lengthlimit = null, $classid = null, $catid = null, $subject = null, $countwithoutjoin = false, $status = null) { return $this->fetch_all_by_search(3, $blogid, $uids, $starttime, $endtime, $hot1, $hot2, $viewnum1, $viewnum2, $replynum1, $replynum2, $friend, $ip, $keywords, $lengthlimit, null, null, 0, 0, $classid, $catid, $subject, null, $countwithoutjoin, $status); } public function fetch_all_by_search($fetchtype = 1, $blogid = null, $uids = null, $starttime = null, $endtime = null, $hot1 = null, $hot2 = null, $viewnum1 = null, $viewnum2 = null, $replynum1 = null, $replynum2 = null, $friend = null, $ip = null, $keywords = null, $lengthlimit = null, $orderby = null, $ordersc = null, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $classid = null, $catid = null, $subject = null, $findex = null, $countwithoutjoin = false, $status = null) { $sql = ''; $sql .= $blogid ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('blogid', $blogid) : ''; $sql .= is_array($uids) && count($uids) > 0 ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('uid', $uids) : ''; $sql .= $starttime ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('dateline', $starttime, '>') : ''; $sql .= $endtime ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('dateline', $endtime, '<') : ''; $sql .= $hot1 ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('hot', $hot1, '>=') : ''; $sql .= $hot2 ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('hot', $hot2, '<=') : ''; $sql .= $viewnum1 ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('viewnum', $viewnum1, '>=') : ''; $sql .= $viewnum2 ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('viewnum', $viewnum1, '<=') : ''; $sql .= $replynum1 ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('replynum', $replynum1, '>=') : ''; $sql .= $replynum2 ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('replynum', $replynum2, '<=') : ''; $sql .= $classid ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('classid', $classid) : ''; $sql .= $friend ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('friend', $friend) : ''; $sql .= !is_null($status) ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('status', $status) : ''; $ip = str_replace('*', '', $ip); if($fetchtype == 1) { $sql .= $ip ? ' AND bf.'.DB::field('postip', "%$ip%", 'like') : ''; } $orderby = $orderby ? $orderby : 'dateline'; $ordersc = $ordersc ? $ordersc : 'DESC'; if($fetchtype == 1 && $keywords != '' && !is_array($keywords)) { $sqlkeywords = ''; $or = ''; $keywords = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $keywords)); for($i = 0; $i < count($keywords); $i++) { $keywords[$i] = daddslashes($keywords[$i]); if(preg_match("/\{(\d+)\}/", $keywords[$i])) { $keywords[$i] = preg_replace("/\\\{(\d+)\\\}/", ".{0,\\1}", preg_quote($keywords[$i], '/')); $sqlkeywords .= " $or b.subject REGEXP '".$keywords[$i]."' OR bf.message REGEXP '".$keywords[$i]."'"; } else { $sqlkeywords .= " $or b.subject LIKE '%".$keywords[$i]."%' OR bf.message LIKE '%".$keywords[$i]."%'"; } $or = 'OR'; } if($sqlkeywords) { $sql .= " AND ($sqlkeywords)"; } } $sql .= $subject ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('subject', "%$subject%", 'like') : ''; $sql .= $catid ? ' AND b.'.DB::field('catid', $catid) : ''; if($fetchtype == 1) { $sql .= $lengthlimit ? ' AND LENGTH(bf.message) > '.intval($lengthlimit) : ''; } if($fetchtype == 3) { $selectfield = 'count(*)'; } elseif ($fetchtype == 2) { $selectfield = 'b.blogid'; } else { $selectfield = 'bf.*,b.*'; } if($findex) { $findex = 'USE INDEX(dateline)'; } else { $findex = ''; } if($fetchtype == 3) { return DB::result_first("SELECT $selectfield FROM %t b ".(($countwithoutjoin === false) ? 'LEFT JOIN %t bf USING(blogid) ' : ''). "WHERE 1 %i", ($countwithoutjoin === false) ? array($this->_table, 'home_blogfield', $sql) : array($this->_table, $sql)); } else { if($order = DB::order($orderby, $ordersc)) { $order = 'ORDER BY b.'.$order; } else { $order = ''; } return DB::fetch_all("SELECT $selectfield FROM %t b {$findex} LEFT JOIN %t bf USING(blogid) " . "WHERE 1 %i", array($this->_table, 'home_blogfield', $sql.' '.$order.' '.DB::limit($start, $limit))); } } public function fetch_all_by_block($blogids = null, $bannedids = null, $uids = null, $catid = null, $hours = null, $getpic = null, $getsummary = null, $picrequired = null, $orderby = 'dateline', $start = 0, $limit = 0) { $wheres = array(); if($blogids) { $wheres[] = 'b.'.DB::field('blogid', $blogids); } if($bannedids) { $val = implode(',', DB::quote($bannedids)); $wheres[] = 'b.blogid NOT IN ('.$val.')'; } if($uids) { $wheres[] = 'b.'.DB::field('uid', $uids); } if($catid && !in_array('0', $catid)) { $wheres[] = 'b.'.DB::field('catid', $catid); } if($hours) { $timestamp = TIMESTAMP - 3600 * $hours; $wheres[] = 'b.'.DB::field('dateline', $timestamp, '>=') ; } $tablesql = $fieldsql = ''; if($getpic || $getsummary || $picrequired) { if($picrequired) { $wheres[] = "bf.pic != ''"; } $tablesql = ' LEFT JOIN '.DB::table('home_blogfield')." bf ON b.blogid = bf.blogid"; $fieldsql = ', bf.pic, b.picflag, bf.message'; } $wheres[] = "b.friend = '0'"; $wheres[] = "b.status='0'"; $wheresql = $wheres ? implode(' AND ', $wheres) : '1'; return DB::fetch_all('SELECT b.* %i FROM %t b %i WHERE %i', array($fieldsql, $this->_table, $tablesql, $wheresql.' ORDER BY b.'.DB::order($orderby, 'DESC').' '.DB::limit($start, $limit))); } } ?>