fetch_max_tid(); $limittid = max(0,($maxtid - $maxnum)); $this->page = intval($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $start = ($this->page - 1)*$this->perpage; $num = $this->perpage; if($_G['cache']['mobile_pnewpic'] && (TIMESTAMP - $_G['cache']['mobile_pnewpic']['cachetime']) < 900) { $tids = array_slice($_G['cache']['mobile_pnewpic']['data'], $start ,$num); if(empty($tids)) { return; } } else { $tids = array(); } $tsql = $addsql = ''; $updatecache = false; $fids = array(); if($_G['setting']['followforumid']) { $addsql .= ' AND '.DB::field('fid', $_G['setting']['followforumid'], '<>'); } if($tids) { $tids = dintval($tids, true); $tidsql = DB::field('tid', $tids); } else { $tidsql = 'tid>'.intval($limittid); $addsql .= ' AND attachment=2 AND displayorder>=0 ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 600'; $tids = array(); foreach($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) { if($forum['type'] != 'group' && $forum['status'] > 0 && (!$forum['viewperm'] && $_G['group']['readaccess']) || ($forum['viewperm'] && forumperm($forum['viewperm']))) { $fids[] = $fid; } } if(empty($fids)) { return ; } $updatecache = true; } $list = $threadids = array(); $n = 0; $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('forum_thread')." WHERE ".$tidsql.$addsql); while($thread = DB::fetch($query)) { if(empty($tids) && ($thread['isgroup'] || !in_array($thread['fid'], $fids))) { continue; } if($thread['displayorder'] < 0) { continue; } $threadids[] = $thread['tid']; if($tids || ($n >= $start && $n < ($start + $num))) { $list[$thread['tid']] = $thread; } $n ++; } $threadlist = array(); if($tids) { foreach($tids as $key => $tid) { if($list[$tid]) { $threadlist[$tid] = $list[$tid]; } } } else { $threadlist = $list; } unset($list); $images = array(); if($threadlist) { $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('forum_threadimage')." WHERE ".DB::field('tid', array_keys($threadlist))); while($image = DB::fetch($query)) { if($image['remote']) { $img = $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'].'forum/'.$image['attachment']; } else { $img = $_G['setting']['attachurl'].'forum/'.$image['attachment']; } $images[$image['tid']] = $img; } } if($updatecache) { $data = array('cachetime' => TIMESTAMP, 'data' => $threadids); $_G['cache']['mobile_pnewpic'] = $data; savecache('mobile_pnewpic', $_G['cache']['mobile_pnewpic']); } foreach($threadlist as $thread) { $this->field('author', '0', $thread['author']); $this->field('dateline', '0', $thread['dateline']); $this->field('replies', '1', $thread['replies']); $this->field('views', '2', $thread['views']); $this->id = $thread['tid']; $this->title = $thread['subject']; $this->image = $images[$thread['tid']] ? $images[$thread['tid']] : STATICURL.'image/common/nophoto.gif'; $this->icon = '1'; $this->poptype = '0'; $this->popvalue = ''; $this->clicktype = 'tid'; $this->clickvalue = $thread['tid']; $this->insertrow(); } } } ?>