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$Id: portal.js 31313 2012-08-10 03:51:03Z zhangguosheng $
function block_get_setting(classname, script, bid) {
var x = new Ajax();
x.get('portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=block&op=setting&bid='+bid+'&classname='+classname+'&script='+script+'&inajax=1', function(s){
ajaxinnerhtml($('tbody_setting'), s);
function switch_blocktab(type) {
if(type == 'setting') {
$('blockformsetting').style.display = '';
$('blockformdata').style.display = 'none';
$('li_setting').className = 'a';
$('li_data').className = '';
} else {
$('blockformsetting').style.display = 'none';
$('blockformdata').style.display = '';
$('li_setting').className = '';
$('li_data').className = 'a';
function showpicedit(pre) {
pre = pre ? pre : 'pic';
if($(pre+'way_remote').checked) {
$(pre+'_remote').style.display = "block";
$(pre+'_upload').style.display = "none";
} else {
$(pre+'_remote').style.display = "none";
$(pre+'_upload').style.display = "block";
function block_show_thumbsetting(classname, styleid, bid) {
var x = new Ajax();
x.get('portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=block&op=thumbsetting&classname='+classname+'&styleid='+styleid+'&bid='+bid+'&inajax=1', function(s){
ajaxinnerhtml($('tbody_thumbsetting'), s);
function block_showstyle(stylename) {
var el_span = $('span_'+stylename);
var el_value = $('value_' + stylename);
if (el_value.value == '1'){
el_value.value = '0';
el_span.className = "";
} else {
el_value.value = '1';
el_span.className = "a";
function block_pushitem(bid, itemid) {
var id = $('push_id').value;
var idtype = $('push_idtype').value;
if(id && idtype) {
var x = new Ajax();
x.get('portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=block&op=push&&bid='+bid+'&itemid='+itemid+'&idtype='+idtype+'&id='+id+'&inajax=1', function(s){
ajaxinnerhtml($('tbody_pushcontent'), s);
function block_delete_item(bid, itemid, itemtype, itemfrom, from) {
var msg = itemtype==1 ? '您确定要删除该数据吗?' : '您确定要屏蔽该数据吗?';
if(confirm(msg)) {
var url = 'portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=block&op=remove&bid='+bid+'&itemid='+itemid;
if(itemfrom=='ajax') {
var x = new Ajax();
x.get(url+'&inajax=1', function(){
if(succeedhandle_showblock) succeedhandle_showblock('', '', {'bid':bid});
showWindow('showblock', 'portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=block&op=data&bid='+bid+'&from='+from+'&tab=data&t='+(+ new Date()), 'get', 0);
} else {
location.href = url;
function portal_comment_requote(cid, aid) {
var x = new Ajax();
x.get('portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=comment&op=requote&cid='+cid+'&aid='+aid+'&inajax=1', function(s){
ajaxinnerhtml($('message'), s);
function insertImage(text) {
text = "\n[img]" + text + "[/img]\n";
insertContent('message', text);
function insertContent(target, text) {
var obj = $(target);
selection = document.selection;
if(!isUndefined(obj.selectionStart)) {
var opn = obj.selectionStart + 0;
obj.value = obj.value.substr(0, obj.selectionStart) + text + obj.value.substr(obj.selectionEnd);
} else if(selection && selection.createRange) {
var sel = selection.createRange();
sel.text = text;
sel.moveStart('character', -strlen(text));
} else {
obj.value += text;
function searchblock(from) {
var value = $('searchkey').value;
var targettplname = $('targettplname').value;
value = BROWSER.ie && document.charset == 'utf-8' ? encodeURIComponent(value) : (value ? value.replace(/#/g,'%23') : '');
var url = 'portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=portalblock&searchkey='+value+'&from='+from;
url += targettplname != '' ? '&targettplname='+targettplname+'&type=page' : '&type=block';
function reloadselection(url) {
ajaxget(url+'&t='+(+ new Date()), 'block_selection');
function getColorPalette(colorid, id, background) {
return "<input id=\"c"+colorid+"\" onclick=\"createPalette('"+colorid+"', '"+id+"');\" type=\"button\" class=\"pn colorwd\" value=\"\" style=\"background-color: "+background+"\">";
function listblock_bypage(id, idtype) {
var tpl = $('rtargettplname') ? $('rtargettplname').value : '';
var searchkey = $('rsearchkey') ? $('rsearchkey').value.replace('#', '%23') : '';
ajaxget('portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=portalblock&op=recommend&getdata=yes&searchkey='+searchkey+'&targettplname='+tpl+'&id='+id+'&idtype='+idtype, 'itemeditarea');
function recommenditem_check() {
var sel = $('recommend_bid');
if(sel && sel.value) {
document.forms['recommendform'].action = document.forms['recommendform'].action+'&bid='+sel.value;
return true;
} else {
return false;
function recommenditem_byblock(bid, id, idtype) {
var editarea = $('itemeditarea');
if(editarea) {
var olditemeditarea = $('olditemeditarea');
ajaxinnerhtml(olditemeditarea, editarea.innerHTML);
if(!$('recommendback')) {
var back = document.createElement('div');
back.innerHTML = '<em id="recommendback" onclick="recommenditem_back()" class="cur1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&laquo;返回</em>';
var return_mods = $('return_mods') || $('return_recommend') || $('return_');
if(return_mods) {
if(bid) {
if($('recommend_bid')) {
$('recommend_bid').value = bid;
ajaxget('portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=block&op=recommend&bid='+bid+'&id='+id+'&idtype='+idtype+'&handlekey=recommenditem', 'itemeditarea');
} else {
ajaxinnerhtml(editarea, '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>');
function delete_recommenditem(dataid, bid) {
if(dataid && bid) {
var x = new Ajax();
x.get('portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=block&op=delrecommend&bid='+bid+'&dataid='+dataid+'&inajax=1', function(s){
if(!$('recommenditem_ul').getElementsByTagName('li').length) {
function recommenditem_back(){
var editarea = $('itemeditarea');
var oldeditarea = $('olditemeditarea');
var recommendback = $('recommendback');
ajaxinnerhtml(editarea, oldeditarea.innerHTML);
if(recommendback) {
if($('recommend_bid')) {
$('recommend_bid').value = '';
function blockBindTips() {
var elems = ($('blockformsetting') || document).getElementsByTagName('img');
var k = 0;
var stamp = (+new Date());
var tips = '';
for(var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
tips = elems[i]['tips'] || elems[i].getAttribute('tips') || '';
if(tips && ! elems[i].isBindTips) {
elems[i].isBindTips = '1';
elems[i].id = elems[i].id ? elems[i].id : ('elem_' + stamp + k.toString());
showPrompt(elems[i].id, 'mouseover', tips, 1, true);
function blockSetCacheTime(timer) {
function toggleSettingShow() {
if(!$('tbody_setting').style.display) {
$('tbody_setting').style.display = 'none';
$('a_setting_show').innerHTML = '展开设置项';
} else {
$('tbody_setting').style.display = '';
$('a_setting_show').innerHTML = '收起设置项';
function switchSetting() {
var checked = $('isblank').checked;
if(checked) {
$('tbody_setting').style.display = 'none';
$('a_setting_show').innerHTML = '展开设置项';
} else {
$('tbody_setting').style.display = '';
$('a_setting_show').innerHTML = '收起设置项';
function checkblockname(form) {
if(!(trim(form.name.value) > '')) {
showDialog('模块标识不能为空', 'error', null, function(){form.name.focus();});
return false;
if(form.summary && form.summary.value) {
var tag = blockCheckTag(form.summary.value, true);
if(tag) {
showDialog('自定义内容错误HTML代码'+tag+' 标签不匹配', 'error', null, function(){form.summary.select();});
return false;
return true;
function blockCheckTag(summary, returnValue) {
var obj = null, fn = null;
if(typeof summary == 'object') {
obj = summary;
summary = summary.value;
fn = function(){obj.focus();obj.select();};
if(trim(summary) > '') {
var tags = ['div', 'table', 'tbody', 'tr', 'td', 'th'];
for(var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
var tag = tags[i];
var reg = new RegExp('<'+tag+'', 'gi');
var preTag = [];
var one = [];
while (one = reg.exec(summary)) {
reg = new RegExp('</'+tag+'>', 'gi');
var endTag = [];
var one = [];
while (one = reg.exec(summary)) {
if(!preTag && !endTag) continue;
if((!preTag && endTag) || (preTag && !endTag) || preTag.length != endTag.length) {
if(returnValue) {
return tag;
} else {
showDialog('HTML代码'+tag+' 标签不匹配', 'error', null, fn, true, fn);
return false;
return false;
function showBlockSummary() {
return false;
function hideBlockSummary() {
return false;
function blockconver(ele,bid) {
if(ele && bid) {
if(confirm('您确定要转换模块的类型从 '+ele.options[0].innerHTML+' 到 '+ele.options[ele.selectedIndex].innerHTML)) {
} else {
ele.selectedIndex = 0;
function blockFavorite(bid){
if(bid) {
function strLenCalc(obj, checklen, maxlen) {
var v = obj.value, charlen = 0, maxlen = !maxlen ? 200 : maxlen, curlen = 0, len = strlen(v);
for(var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
if(v.charCodeAt(i) < 0 || v.charCodeAt(i) > 255) {
curlen += 2;
} else {
curlen += 1;
checklen = $(checklen);
if(checklen.style.display == 'none') checklen.style.display = '';
if(curlen <= maxlen) {
checklen.innerHTML = '已输入 <b>'+(curlen)+'</b> 个字符';
return true;
} else {
checklen.innerHTML = '超出 <b style="color:red">'+(curlen - maxlen)+'</b> 个字符';
return false;
function check_itemdata_lentgh(form) {
if(form.title && (!strLenCalc(form.title, "titlechk", form.title.getAttribute('_maxlength')) || !form.title.value)) {
showDialog('标题长度不正确', 'error', null, function(){form.title.select();});
return false;
if(form.summary && !strLenCalc(form.summary, "summarychk", form.summary.getAttribute('_maxlength'))) {
showDialog('简介长度不正确', 'error', null, function(){form.summary.select();});
return false;
return true;