447 lines
16 KiB
447 lines
16 KiB
* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
* This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
* $Id: search_forum.php 33198 2013-05-06 09:23:45Z jeffjzhang $
if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) {
exit('Access Denied');
define('NOROBOT', TRUE);
if(!$_G['setting']['search']['forum']['status']) {
if(!$_G['adminid'] && !($_G['group']['allowsearch'] & 2)) {
showmessage('group_nopermission', NULL, array('grouptitle' => $_G['group']['grouptitle']), array('login' => 1));
$_G['setting']['search']['forum']['searchctrl'] = intval($_G['setting']['search']['forum']['searchctrl']);
require_once libfile('function/forumlist');
require_once libfile('function/forum');
require_once libfile('function/post');
loadcache(array('forums', 'posttable_info'));
$posttableselect = '';
if(!empty($_G['cache']['posttable_info']) && is_array($_G['cache']['posttable_info'])) {
$posttableselect = '<select name="seltableid" id="seltableid" class="ps" style="display:none">';
foreach($_G['cache']['posttable_info'] as $posttableid => $data) {
$posttableselect .= '<option value="'.$posttableid.'"'.($_GET['posttableid'] == $posttableid ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.($data['memo'] ? $data['memo'] : 'post_'.$posttableid).'</option>';
$posttableselect .= '</select>';
$srchmod = 2;
$cachelife_time = 300; // Life span for cache of searching in specified range of time
$cachelife_text = 3600; // Life span for cache of text searching
$srchtype = empty($_GET['srchtype']) ? '' : trim($_GET['srchtype']);
$searchid = isset($_GET['searchid']) ? intval($_GET['searchid']) : 0;
$seltableid = intval($_GET['seltableid']);
if($srchtype != 'title' && $srchtype != 'fulltext') {
$srchtype = '';
$srchtxt = trim($_GET['srchtxt']);
$srchuid = intval($_GET['srchuid']);
$srchuname = isset($_GET['srchuname']) ? trim(str_replace('|', '', $_GET['srchuname'])) : '';;
$srchfrom = intval($_GET['srchfrom']);
$before = intval($_GET['before']);
$srchfid = $_GET['srchfid'];
$srhfid = intval($_GET['srhfid']);
$keyword = isset($srchtxt) ? dhtmlspecialchars(trim($srchtxt)) : '';
$forumselect = forumselect();
if(!empty($srchfid) && !is_numeric($srchfid)) {
$forumselect = str_replace('<option value="'.$srchfid.'">', '<option value="'.$srchfid.'" selected="selected">', $forumselect);
$mySearchData = $_G['setting']['my_search_data'];
if($mySearchData['status'] && !$srchfrom && !$searchid) {
if (!$_G['setting']['my_siteid']) {
dheader('Location: index.php');
$appService = Cloud::loadClass('Service_App');
if($appService->getCloudAppStatus('search') && $searchparams) {
$source = 'discuz';
$cloudSource = array('collectionsearch', 'hotsearch');
if(!empty($_GET['srhlocality'])) {
$sourcetype = explode('::', $_GET['srhlocality']);
if($sourcetype[0] == 'forum') {
$source = $sourcetype[1] == 'index' ? 'forum' : ($sourcetype[1] == 'forumdisplay' ? 'forum_forum' : 'forum_thread');
} elseif($sourcetype[0] == 'portal') {
$source = $sourcetype[1] == 'view' ? 'article' : ($sourcetype[1] == 'list' ? 'portal_list': 'portal');
} elseif($sourcetype[0] == 'group') {
$source = $sourcetype[1] == 'viewthread' ? 'group_thread' : ($sourcetype[1] == 'group' ? 'group_forum' : 'group');
} elseif($sourcetype[0] == 'home') {
$source = 'home'.(empty($sourcetype[1]) ? '' : '_'.$sourcetype[1]);
} elseif($sourcetype[0] == 'misc' && $sourcetype[1] == 'ranklist') {
$source = 'toplist';
} elseif(in_array($_GET['source'], $cloudSource)) {
$source = $_GET['source'];
$params = array();
$params['source'] = $source;
$params['q'] = $keyword;
$params['module'] = 'forum';
if($srhfid) {
$params['fId'] = $srhfid;
if($_GET['adv']) {
$params['isAdv'] = 1;
if(!empty($_GET['author'])) {
if(!empty($_GET['scope'])) {
if(!empty($_GET['orderField'])) {
$searchparams['params'] = array_merge($searchparams['params'], $params);
$utilService = Cloud::loadClass('Service_Util');
$url = $searchparams['url'] . '?' . $utilService->httpBuildQuery($searchparams['params'], '', '&');
if(!submitcheck('searchsubmit', 1)) {
if($_GET['adv']) {
include template('search/forum_adv');
} else {
include template('search/forum');
} else {
$orderby = in_array($_GET['orderby'], array('dateline', 'replies', 'views')) ? $_GET['orderby'] : 'lastpost';
$ascdesc = isset($_GET['ascdesc']) && $_GET['ascdesc'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
if(!empty($searchid)) {
require_once libfile('function/misc');
$page = max(1, intval($_GET['page']));
$start_limit = ($page - 1) * $_G['tpp'];
$index = C::t('common_searchindex')->fetch_by_searchid_srchmod($searchid, $srchmod);
if(!$index) {
$keyword = dhtmlspecialchars($index['keywords']);
$keyword = $keyword != '' ? str_replace('+', ' ', $keyword) : '';
$index['keywords'] = rawurlencode($index['keywords']);
$searchstring = explode('|', $index['searchstring']);
$index['searchtype'] = $searchstring[0];//preg_replace("/^([a-z]+)\|.*/", "\\1", $index['searchstring']);
$searchstring[2] = base64_decode($searchstring[2]);
$srchuname = $searchstring[3];
$modfid = 0;
if($keyword) {
$modkeyword = str_replace(' ', ',', $keyword);
$fids = explode(',', str_replace('\'', '', $searchstring[5]));
if(count($fids) == 1 && in_array($_G['adminid'], array(1,2,3))) {
$modfid = $fids[0];
if($_G['adminid'] == 3 && !C::t('forum_moderator')->fetch_uid_by_fid_uid($modfid, $_G['uid'])) {
$modfid = 0;
$threadlist = $posttables = array();
foreach(C::t('forum_thread')->fetch_all_by_tid_fid_displayorder(explode(',',$index['ids']), null, 0, $orderby, $start_limit, $_G['tpp'], '>=', $ascdesc) as $thread) {
$thread['subject'] = bat_highlight($thread['subject'], $keyword);
$thread['realtid'] = $thread['isgroup'] == 1 ? $thread['closed'] : $thread['tid'];
$threadlist[$thread['tid']] = procthread($thread, 'dt');
$posttables[$thread['posttableid']][] = $thread['tid'];
if($threadlist) {
foreach($posttables as $tableid => $tids) {
foreach(C::t('forum_post')->fetch_all_by_tid($tableid, $tids, true, '', 0, 0, 1) as $post) {
$threadlist[$post['tid']]['message'] = bat_highlight(messagecutstr($post['message'], 200), $keyword);
$multipage = multi($index['num'], $_G['tpp'], $page, "search.php?mod=forum&searchid=$searchid&orderby=$orderby&ascdesc=$ascdesc&searchsubmit=yes");
$url_forward = 'search.php?mod=forum&'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$fulltextchecked = $searchstring[1] == 'fulltext' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
include template('search/forum');
} else {
if($_G['group']['allowsearch'] & 32 && $srchtype == 'fulltext') {
} elseif($srchtype != 'title') {
$srchtype = 'title';
$forumsarray = array();
if(!empty($srchfid)) {
foreach((is_array($srchfid) ? $srchfid : explode('_', $srchfid)) as $forum) {
if($forum = intval(trim($forum))) {
$forumsarray[] = $forum;
$fids = $comma = '';
foreach($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) {
if($forum['type'] != 'group' && (!$forum['viewperm'] && $_G['group']['readaccess']) || ($forum['viewperm'] && forumperm($forum['viewperm']))) {
if(!$forumsarray || in_array($fid, $forumsarray)) {
$fids .= "$comma'$fid'";
$comma = ',';
if($_G['setting']['threadplugins'] && $specialplugin) {
$specialpluginstr = implode("','", $specialplugin);
$special[] = 127;
} else {
$specialpluginstr = '';
$special = $_GET['special'];
$specials = $special ? implode(',', $special) : '';
$srchfilter = in_array($_GET['srchfilter'], array('all', 'digest', 'top')) ? $_GET['srchfilter'] : 'all';
$searchstring = 'forum|'.$srchtype.'|'.base64_encode($srchtxt).'|'.intval($srchuid).'|'.$srchuname.'|'.addslashes($fids).'|'.intval($srchfrom).'|'.intval($before).'|'.$srchfilter.'|'.$specials.'|'.$specialpluginstr.'|'.$seltableid;
$searchindex = array('id' => 0, 'dateline' => '0');
foreach(C::t('common_searchindex')->fetch_all_search($_G['setting']['search']['forum']['searchctrl'], $_G['clientip'], $_G['uid'], $_G['timestamp'], $searchstring, $srchmod) as $index) {
if($index['indexvalid'] && $index['dateline'] > $searchindex['dateline']) {
$searchindex = array('id' => $index['searchid'], 'dateline' => $index['dateline']);
} elseif($_G['adminid'] != '1' && $index['flood']) {
showmessage('search_ctrl', 'search.php?mod=forum', array('searchctrl' => $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['searchctrl']));
if($searchindex['id']) {
$searchid = $searchindex['id'];
} else {
!($_G['group']['exempt'] & 2) && checklowerlimit('search');
if(!$srchtxt && !$srchuid && !$srchuname && !$srchfrom && !in_array($srchfilter, array('digest', 'top')) && !is_array($special)) {
dheader('Location: search.php?mod=forum');
} elseif(isset($srchfid) && !empty($srchfid) && $srchfid != 'all' && !(is_array($srchfid) && in_array('all', $srchfid)) && empty($forumsarray)) {
showmessage('search_forum_invalid', 'search.php?mod=forum');
} elseif(!$fids) {
showmessage('group_nopermission', NULL, array('grouptitle' => $_G['group']['grouptitle']), array('login' => 1));
if($_G['adminid'] != '1' && $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxspm']) {
if(C::t('common_searchindex')->count_by_dateline($_G['timestamp'], $srchmod) >= $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxspm']) {
showmessage('search_toomany', 'search.php?mod=forum', array('maxspm' => $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxspm']));
if($srchtype == 'fulltext' && $_G['setting']['sphinxon']) {
require_once libfile('class/sphinx');
$s = new SphinxClient();
$s->setServer($_G['setting']['sphinxhost'], intval($_G['setting']['sphinxport']));
$s->setLimits(0, intval($_G['setting']['sphinxlimit']), intval($_G['setting']['sphinxlimit']));
$s->setGroupBy('tid', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR);
if($srchfilter == 'digest') {
$s->setFilterRange('digest', 1, 3, false);
if($srchfilter == 'top') {
$s->setFilterRange('displayorder', 1, 2, false);
} else {
$s->setFilterRange('displayorder', 0, 2, false);
if(!empty($srchfrom) && empty($srchtxt) && empty($srchuid) && empty($srchuname)) {
$expiration = TIMESTAMP + $cachelife_time;
$keywords = '';
if($before) {
$spx_timemix = 0;
$spx_timemax = TIMESTAMP - $srchfrom;
} else {
$spx_timemix = TIMESTAMP - $srchfrom;
$spx_timemax = TIMESTAMP;
} else {
$uids = array();
if($srchuname) {
$uids = array_keys(C::t('common_member')->fetch_all_by_like_username($srchuname, 0, 50));
if(count($uids) == 0) {
$uids = array(0);
} elseif($srchuid) {
$uids = array($srchuid);
if(is_array($uids) && count($uids) > 0) {
$s->setFilter('authorid', $uids, false);
if($srchtxt) {
if(preg_match("/\".*\"/", $srchtxt)) {
$spx_matchmode = "PHRASE";
} elseif(preg_match("(AND|\+|&|\s)", $srchtxt) && !preg_match("(OR|\|)", $srchtxt)) {
$srchtxt = preg_replace("/( AND |&| )/is", "+", $srchtxt);
$spx_matchmode = "ALL";
} else {
$srchtxt = preg_replace("/( OR |\|)/is", "+", $srchtxt);
$spx_matchmode = 'ANY';
$srchtxt = str_replace('*', '%', addcslashes($srchtxt, '%_'));
foreach(explode('+', $srchtxt) as $text) {
$text = trim(daddslashes($text));
if($text) {
$sqltxtsrch .= $andor;
$sqltxtsrch .= $srchtype == 'fulltext' ? "(p.message LIKE '%".str_replace('_', '\_', $text)."%' OR p.subject LIKE '%$text%')" : "t.subject LIKE '%$text%'";
$sqlsrch .= " AND ($sqltxtsrch)";
if(!empty($srchfrom)) {
if($before) {
$spx_timemix = 0;
$spx_timemax = TIMESTAMP - $srchfrom;
} else {
$spx_timemix = TIMESTAMP - $srchfrom;
$spx_timemax = TIMESTAMP;
$s->setFilterRange('lastpost', $spx_timemix, $spx_timemax, false);
if(!empty($specials)) {
$s->setFilter('special', explode(",", $special), false);
$keywords = str_replace('%', '+', $srchtxt).(trim($srchuname) ? '+'.str_replace('%', '+', $srchuname) : '');
$expiration = TIMESTAMP + $cachelife_text;
if($srchtype == "fulltext") {
$result = $s->query("'".$srchtxt."'", $_G['setting']['sphinxmsgindex']);
} else {
$result = $s->query($srchtxt, $_G['setting']['sphinxsubindex']);
$tids = array();
if($result) {
if(is_array($result['matches'])) {
foreach($result['matches'] as $value) {
if($value['attrs']['tid']) {
$tids[$value['attrs']['tid']] = $value['attrs']['tid'];
if(count($tids) == 0) {
$ids = 0;
$num = 0;
} else {
$ids = implode(",", $tids);
$num = $result['total_found'];
} else {
$digestltd = $srchfilter == 'digest' ? "t.digest>'0' AND" : '';
$topltd = $srchfilter == 'top' ? "AND t.displayorder>'0'" : "AND t.displayorder>='0'";
if(!empty($srchfrom) && empty($srchtxt) && empty($srchuid) && empty($srchuname)) {
$searchfrom = $before ? '<=' : '>=';
$searchfrom .= TIMESTAMP - $srchfrom;
$sqlsrch = "FROM ".DB::table('forum_thread')." t WHERE $digestltd t.fid IN ($fids) $topltd AND t.lastpost$searchfrom";
$expiration = TIMESTAMP + $cachelife_time;
$keywords = '';
} else {
$sqlsrch = $srchtype == 'fulltext' ?
"FROM ".DB::table(getposttable($seltableid))." p, ".DB::table('forum_thread')." t WHERE $digestltd t.fid IN ($fids) $topltd AND p.tid=t.tid AND p.invisible='0'" :
"FROM ".DB::table('forum_thread')." t WHERE $digestltd t.fid IN ($fids) $topltd";
if($srchuname) {
$srchuid = array_keys(C::t('common_member')->fetch_all_by_like_username($srchuname, 0, 50));
if(!$srchuid) {
$sqlsrch .= ' AND 0';
}/* elseif($srchuid) {
$srchuid = "'$srchuid'";
if($srchtxt) {
$srcharr = $srchtype == 'fulltext' ? searchkey($keyword, "(p.message LIKE '%{text}%' OR p.subject LIKE '%{text}%')", true) : searchkey($keyword,"t.subject LIKE '%{text}%'", true);
$srchtxt = $srcharr[0];
$sqlsrch .= $srcharr[1];
if($srchuid) {
$sqlsrch .= ' AND '.($srchtype == 'fulltext' ? 'p' : 't').'.authorid IN ('.dimplode((array)$srchuid).')';
if(!empty($srchfrom)) {
$searchfrom = ($before ? '<=' : '>=').(TIMESTAMP - $srchfrom);
$sqlsrch .= " AND t.lastpost$searchfrom";
if(!empty($specials)) {
$sqlsrch .= " AND special IN (".dimplode($special).")";
$keywords = str_replace('%', '+', $srchtxt);
$expiration = TIMESTAMP + $cachelife_text;
$num = $ids = 0;
$_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxsearchresults'] = $_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxsearchresults'] ? intval($_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxsearchresults']) : 500;
$query = DB::query("SELECT ".($srchtype == 'fulltext' ? 'DISTINCT' : '')." t.tid, t.closed, t.author, t.authorid $sqlsrch ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT ".$_G['setting']['search']['forum']['maxsearchresults']);
while($thread = DB::fetch($query)) {
$ids .= ','.$thread['tid'];
$searchid = C::t('common_searchindex')->insert(array(
'srchmod' => $srchmod,
'keywords' => $keywords,
'searchstring' => $searchstring,
'useip' => $_G['clientip'],
'uid' => $_G['uid'],
'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'],
'expiration' => $expiration,
'num' => $num,
'ids' => $ids
), true);
!($_G['group']['exempt'] & 2) && updatecreditbyaction('search');
dheader("location: search.php?mod=forum&searchid=$searchid&orderby=$orderby&ascdesc=$ascdesc&searchsubmit=yes&kw=".urlencode($keyword));