155 lines
6.1 KiB
155 lines
6.1 KiB
* DiscuzX Convert
* $Id: home_event.php 10469 2010-05-11 09:12:14Z monkey $
$curprg = basename(__FILE__);
$table_source = $db_source->tablepre.'event';
$start = getgpc('start');
$start = empty($start) ? 0 : intval($start);
$limit = $setting['limit']['event'] ? $setting['limit']['event'] : 100;
$nextid = 0;
$home = load_process('home');
$eventfid = intval($home['forum']['event']);
if(!empty($eventfid)) {
$value = $db_target->fetch_first('SELECT * FROM '.$db_target->table_name('forum_forum')." WHERE fid='$eventfid' AND status!='3'");
if(empty($value)) {
$eventfid = 0;
if(empty($eventfid)) {
$board_name = 'UCHome数据';
$forum_name = 'UCHome活动';
$value = $db_target->fetch_first('SELECT fid FROM '.$db_target->table_name('forum_forum')." WHERE type='forum' AND status='1' AND `name`='$forum_name'");
if(!empty($value)) {
$eventfid = intval($value['fid']);
} else {
$value = $db_target->fetch_first('SELECT fid FROM '.$db_target->table_name('forum_forum')." WHERE type='group' AND status='1' AND `name`='$board_name'");
if($value) {
$fup = intval($value['fid']);
} else {
$board = array(
'name' => $board_name,
'type' => 'group',
'status' => '1',
$fup = $db_target->insert('forum_forum', $board, true);
$forum = array(
'name' => $forum_name,
'fup' => $fup,
'type' => 'forum',
'allowsmilies' => 1,
'allowbbcode' => 1,
'allowimgcode' => 1,
'status' => '1',
$eventfid = $db_target->insert('forum_forum', $forum, true);
$forumfield = array(
'fid' => $eventfid,
'description' => '从 UCenter Home 转移过来的活动内容'
$db_target->insert('forum_forumfield', $forumfield);
$eventclass = array();
$query = $db_source->query('SELECT classid, classname FROM '.$db_source->table_name('eventclass'));
while($value=$db_source->fetch_array($query)) {
$eventclass[$value['classid']] = $value['classname'];
include_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/editor.func.php';
$event_query = $db_source->query("SELECT e.*, ef.detail, ef.limitnum FROM $table_source e LEFT JOIN ".$db_source->table_name('eventfield')." ef ON e.eventid = ef.eventid WHERE e.eventid > $start ORDER BY e.eventid LIMIT $limit");
while ($event = $db_source->fetch_array($event_query)) {
$nextid = intval($event['eventid']);
$commentnum = $db_source->result_first('SELECT count(*) FROM '.$db_source->table_name('comment')." WHERE id='$event[eventid]' AND idtype='eventid'");
$lastcomment = array();
if($commentnum) {
$lastcomment = $db_source->fetch_first('SELECT author, dateline FROM '.$db_source->table_name('comment')." WHERE id='$event[eventid]' AND idtype='eventid' ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT 1");
$threadarr = array(
'fid' => $eventfid,
'author' => $event['username'],
'authorid' => $event['uid'],
'subject' => $event['title'],
'dateline' => $event['dateline'],
'lastpost' => !empty($lastcomment) ? $lastcomment['dateline'] : $event['updatetime'],
'lastposter' => !empty($lastcomment) ? $lastcomment['author'] : $event['username'],
'views' => $event['viewnum'],
'replies' => $commentnum,
'special' => 4
$tid = $db_target->insert('forum_thread', daddslashes($threadarr), true);
$event['detail'] = html2bbcode($event['detail']);
$postarr = array(
'fid' => $eventfid,
'tid' => $tid,
'first' => '1',
'author' => $event['username'],
'authorid' => $event['uid'],
'subject' => $event['subject'],
'dateline' => $event['dateline'],
'message' => $event['detail']
$pid = $db_target->insert('forum_post', daddslashes($postarr), true);
$aid = 0;
$activityarr = array(
'tid' => $tid,
'uid' => $event['uid'],
'aid' => $aid,
'cost' => '',
'starttimefrom' => $event['starttime'],
'starttimeto' => $event['endtime'],
'place' => '['.$event['province'].$event['city'].'] '.$event['location'],
'class' => $eventclass[$event['classid']],
'number' => $event['limitnum'],
'applynumber' => $event['membernum'] - 1,// Home 里的活动成员包括创建者
'expiration' => $event['deadline']
$db_target->insert('forum_activity', daddslashes($activityarr));
$inserts = array();
$query = $db_source->query('SELECT * FROM '.$db_source->table_name('userevent')." WHERE eventid = '$event[eventid]' AND status IN ('1', '2')");
while($value=$db_source->fetch_array($query)) {
$value['verified'] = $value['status'] == 1 ? 0 : 1;
$value['username'] = addslashes($value['username']);
$inserts[] = "('$tid', '$value[username]', '$value[uid]', '$value[verified]', '$value[dateline]', '-1')";
if($inserts) {
$db_target->query('INSERT INTO '.$db_target->table_name('forum_activityapply').'(tid, username ,uid, verified, dateline, payment) VALUES '.implode(', ', $inserts));
if($commentnum) {
$inserts = array();
$query = $db_source->query('SELECT * FROM '.$db_source->table_name('comment')." WHERE id='$event[eventid]' AND idtype='eventid' ORDER BY cid");
while($value=$db_source->fetch_array($query)) {
$value['message'] = addslashes(html2bbcode($value['message']));
$value['author'] = addslashes($value['author']);
$inserts[] = "('$fid', '$tid', '$value[author]', '$value[authorid]', '$value[dateline]', '$value[message]')";
$db_target->query('INSERT INTO '.$db_target->table_name('forum_post')."(fid, tid, author, authorid, dateline, message) VALUES ".implode(', ',$inserts));
$posts = $commentnum + 1;
$db_target->query("UPDATE ".$db_target->table_name('common_member_count')." SET threads=threads+1 WHERE uid='$event[uid]'");
$db_target->query("UPDATE ".$db_target->table_name('forum_forum')." SET threads=threads+1, posts=posts+$posts WHERE fid='$eventfid'");
if($nextid) {
showmessage("继续转换数据表 ".$table_source." eventid> $nextid", "index.php?a=$action&source=$source&prg=$curprg&start=$nextid");
$maxpid = $db_target->result_first("SELECT MAX(pid) FROM ".$db_target->table('forum_post'));
$maxpid = intval($maxpid) + 1;
$db_target->query("ALTER TABLE ".$db_target->table('forum_post_tableid')." AUTO_INCREMENT=$maxpid");