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* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
* This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
* $Id: lang_template.php 34422 2014-04-23 09:56:17Z nemohou $
* This file is automatically generate
$lang = array (
'activity_about_member' => '剩余名额',
'activity_already' => '已参加人数',
'additional' => '附加',
'debate_opponent' => '反方',
'debate_square' => '正方',
'thread_poll' => '投票',
'credits' => '积分',
'login' => '登录',
'active_email' => '接收邮箱',
'active_email_comment' => '必填,用来接收邀请码的邮箱地址',
'apitype_alipay' => '支付宝',
'apitype_tenpay' => '财付通',
'buy_nums' => '购买数量',
'confirms' => '确定',
'copycode' => '全部复制到剪贴板',
'copycode_invite_succeed' => '邀请码已经复制到剪贴板',
'invitecode_buycode' => '获取邀请码',
'invitecode_email' => '我们还将邀请码发送到了您填写的邮箱 <span class="xi1">$order[email]</span> 以备查阅',
'invitecode_expiration' => '失效时间',
'invitecode_succeed_title' => '恭喜您,成功获得邀请码',
'money_unit' => '元',
'need_money' => '需支付',
'reg_continue' => '继续注册',
'trade_type' => '付款方式',
'e_fontoptions' => '"宋体", "新宋体", "黑体", "微软雅黑", "Arial", "Verdana", "simsun", "Helvetica", "Trebuchet MS", "Tahoma", "Impact", "Times New Roman", "仿宋,仿宋_GB2312", "楷体,楷体_GB2312"',
'editor_increase' => '加大编辑框',
'editor_narrow' => '缩小编辑框',
'post_autosave_restore' => '恢复数据',
'post_check_length' => '字数检查',
'post_savedata' => '保存数据',
'post_topicreset' => '清除内容',
'all' => '全部',
'faq' => '帮助',
'faq_search_nomatch' => '对不起,没有找到匹配结果',
'homepage' => '首页',
'keyword_faq' => '关键字为“<span class="xi1">$keyword</span>”的帮助',
'open' => '展开',
'search' => '搜索',
'close' => '关闭',
'focus_hottopics' => '站长推荐',
'focus_show' => '查看',
'newpm_subject' => '新的短消息',
'newpm_notice_info' => '有新的短消息,快去看看吧',
'newnotice_notice_info' => '有新的提醒,快去看看吧',
'footer_next' => '下一条',
'footer_previous' => '上一条',
'login_invisible_mode' => '隐身',
'login_normal_mode' => '在线',
'scrolltop' => '返回顶部',
'thread_groupupgrade' => '距离下一级还需',
'time_now' => 'GMT{$_G[timenow][offset]}, {$_G[timenow][time]}',
'activation' => '激活',
'admincp' => '管理中心',
'changestyle' => '切换风格',
'cloudcp' => '云平台',
'default' => '默认',
'forum_manager' => '{$_G[setting][navs][2][navname]}管理',
'shortcut_notice' => '您经常访问 {$_G[setting][bbname]},试试添加到桌面,访问更方便!',
'shortcut_add' => '添加 {$_G[setting][bbname]} 到桌面',
'go_to_mobile' => '进入手机版',
'header_diy_mode_adv' => '高级模式',
'header_diy_mode_simple' => '简洁模式',
'header_qq_login_user' => 'QQ 登录用户',
'login_switch_invisible_mode' => '切换在线状态',
'logout' => '退出',
'my_nav' => '快捷导航',
'my_nav_login' => '请 <a href="javascript:;" class="xi2" onclick="lsSubmit()"><strong>登录</strong></a> 后使用快捷导航<br />没有帐号?<a href="member.php?mod={$_G[setting][regname]}" class="xi2 xw1">$_G[\'setting\'][\'reglinkname\']</a>',
'open_diy' => '打开 DIY 面板',
'pm_center' => '消息',
'portal_block_manage' => '模块管理',
'portal_manage' => '门户管理',
'remind' => '提醒',
'setup' => '设置',
'freeze' => '已冻结',
'switch_narrow' => '切换到窄版',
'switch_wide' => '切换到宽版',
'switch_blind' => '开启辅助访问',
'task_doing' => '进行中的任务',
'to_be_continue' => '继续访问电脑版',
'usergroup' => '用户组',
'visit_my_space' => '访问我的空间',
'your_mobile_browser' => '请选择 ',
'e_redo' => '重做',
'e_undo' => '撤销',
'header_add_frame' => '添加框架',
'header_add_module' => '添加模块',
'header_clearall' => '清空',
'header_clearall_desc' => '清空页面上所在DIY数据',
'header_diy' => '自定义',
'header_diy_backup_tip' => '您可以通过导出进行模板备份',
'header_diy_i_know' => '我知道了',
'header_diy_sample_mode' => '当前为<strong>简洁模式</strong>,您可以更新模块,修改模块属性和数据,要使用完整的拖拽功能,<a href="javascript:;" onclick="spaceDiy.init();" class="xw1 xi2">请点击进入高级模式</a>',
'header_export' => '导出',
'header_export_desc' => '导出当前页面中所有DIY数据',
'header_frame' => '框架',
'header_import' => '导入',
'header_import_desc' => '将DIY数据导入到当前页面',
'header_module' => '模块',
'header_more_actions' => '更多操作',
'header_perview' => '预览',
'header_perview_desc' => '预览DIY的效果',
'header_restore_backup' => '恢复备份',
'header_restore_backup_desc' => '恢复备份',
'header_start' => '开始',
'header_update' => '更新',
'header_update_desc' => '更新当前页面所有模块的数据',
'save' => '保存',
'style' => '风格',
'find' => '查找',
'invite' => '邀请',
'invite_all_friend' => '全部好友',
'invite_friend' => '邀请好友',
'invite_my_follow' => '我关注的',
'invite_orderby_friend' => '按好友分组查找',
'invite_orderby_name' => '按好友用户名查找',
'invite_send' => '发送邀请',
'invite_still_choose' => '还能选择',
'selected' => '已选',
'unit' => '个',
'unselected' => '未选',
'imgcropper' => '裁切图片',
'imgcropper_crop' => '裁切',
'preview_footertext' => '版权及页脚信息',
'preview_highlightlink' => '高亮链接',
'preview_lighttext' => '浅色文字',
'preview_link' => '链接文字',
'preview_midtext' => '中等文本',
'preview_msg' => '<a href="javascript:;" class="xi2">Crossday Discuz! Board</a> 社区系统(简称 <stong class="xw1 xi1">Discuz!</stong>)是一个采用 PHP 和 MySQL 等其他多种数据库构建的高效建站解决方案。',
'preview_smalltext' => 'SMALL FONT',
'preview_text' => '普通文本',
'preview_threadtext' => '主题列表字体',
'table_header' => '表头',
'album' => '相册',
'article' => '文章',
'blog' => '日志',
'enter_content' => '请输入搜索内容',
'hot_search' => '热搜',
'search_this_forum' => '本版',
'thread' => '帖子',
'users' => '用户',
'input_message1' => '还可输入',
'input_message2' => '个字符',
'report' => '举报',
'report_reason' => '请点击举报理由',
'report_reason_message' => "['广告垃圾','违规内容','恶意灌水','重复发帖','其他']",
'report_reason_other' => '请填写举报内容',
'seccode' => '验证码',
'seccode_change' => '换一个',
'secqaa' => '验证问答',
'at_friend' => '@朋友',
'e_at' => '@朋友',
'e_bold' => '文字加粗',
'e_code' => '代码',
'e_forecolor' => '设置文字颜色',
'e_image' => '图片',
'e_quote' => '引用',
'e_url' => '添加链接',
'attach_forward' => '如果 {$refreshsecond} 秒后下载仍未开始,请点击此链接',
'board_message' => '提示信息',
'cancel' => '取消',
'message_closetime' => '秒后窗口关闭',
'message_forward' => '如果您的浏览器没有自动跳转,请点击此链接',
'message_go_back' => '[ 点击这里返回上一页 ]',
'message_locationtime' => '秒后页面跳转',
'basic_situation' => '基本概况',
'forum_stat' => '版块统计',
'manage_team' => '管理团队',
'member_list' => '会员列表',
'mod_works' => '管理统计',
'stats' => '站点统计',
'trend' => '趋势统计',
'app_add' => '添加$_G[setting][navs][5][navname]',
'app_management' => '管理$_G[setting][navs][5][navname]',
'submit' => '提交',
'e_attach_del' => '删除',
'e_attach_mediacode' => '添加附件媒体播放代码',
'e_attach_url' => '添加附件地址',
'readperm' => '阅读权限',
'update' => '更新',
'delete' => '删除',
'none_newthread' => '暂无新回复主题',
'author' => '作者',
'username' => '用户名',
'anonymous' => '匿名',
'edit' => '编辑',
'thread_activity' => '活动',
'thread_debate' => '辩论',
'thread_reward' => '悬赏',
'thread_trade' => '商品',
'more' => '更多',
'publish' => '发布',
'guest' => '游客',
'upload' => '上传',
'e_attach_insert' => '点击附件文件名添加到帖子内容中',
'e_attach_inserturl' => '"attach://" 开头的附件地址支持任何人下载请谨慎添加',
'e_img_albumlist' => '相册图片',
'e_img_attach' => '上传图片',
'e_img_height' => '高(可选)',
'e_img_insertphoto' => '点击图片添加到帖子内容中',
'e_img_inserturl' => '请输入图片地址',
'e_img_width' => '宽(可选)',
'e_img_www' => '网络图片',
'target_blank' => '新窗口打开',
'return' => '返回',
'discuzcode' => 'Discuz 代码',
'member' => '会员',
'panel_login' => '登录管理面板',
'panel_login_password' => '密码',
'panel_login_username' => '用户名',
'panel_notice_login' => '首次进入管理面板或空闲时间过长, 您输入密码才能进入。如果密码输入错误超过 5 次,管理面板将会锁定 15 分钟。',
'select_all' => '全选',
'e_at_title' => '@好友和关注的人',
'e_attach' => '附件',
'e_attach_title' => '添加附件',
'e_audio' => '音乐',
'e_audio_title' => '添加音乐',
'e_autotypeset' => '自动排版',
'e_center' => '居中',
'e_code_title' => '添加代码文字',
'e_downremoteimg' => '下载图片',
'e_downremoteimg_title' => '下载远程图片',
'e_flash' => 'Flash',
'e_flash_title' => '添加 Flash',
'e_font' => '字体',
'e_fontname' => '设置字体',
'e_fontsize' => '设置文字大小',
'e_free' => '添加免费信息',
'e_hide' => '添加隐藏内容',
'e_hr_title' => '分隔线',
'e_image_title' => '添加图片',
'e_italic' => '文字斜体',
'e_left' => '居左',
'e_orderedlist' => '排序的列表',
'e_pasteword' => 'Word 粘贴',
'e_pasteword_title' => '从 Word 粘贴内容',
'e_quote_title' => '添加引用文字',
'e_removeformat' => '清除文本格式',
'e_right' => '居右',
'e_size' => '大小',
'e_smilies' => '表情',
'e_smilies_title' => '添加表情',
'e_table' => '添加表格',
'e_underline' => '文字加下划线',
'e_unlink' => '移除链接',
'e_unorderedlist' => '未排序列表',
'e_video' => '视频',
'e_video_title' => '添加视频',
'smilies' => '表情',
'uid' => 'UID',
'recommend' => '模块推送',
'trade' => '商品',
'manage' => '管理',
'not_enough' => '不足',
'moderate_need' => '待审核',
'portal' => '门户',
'reward_answer' => '我来回答',
'favorite' => '收藏',
'choose_please' => '请选择',
'create' => '创建',
'finished' => '完成',
'ignore_all' => '忽略全部',
'pass_all' => '全部通过',
'create_on' => '创建于',
'activity' => '活动',
'debate' => '辩论',
'poll' => '投票',
'reward' => '悬赏',
'add' => '添加',
'blockdata_recommend' => '模块推送',
'share' => '分享',
'article_push' => '生成文章',
'doing' => '记录',
'friends' => '好友',
'online_member' => '在线成员',
'my_space' => '我的中心',
'magic' => '道具',
'medals' => '勋章',
'task' => '任务',
'notice' => '提醒',
'notice_pm' => '我的私信',
'notice_mypost' => '我的帖子',
'notice_mypost_at' => '提到我的',
'notice_mypost_post' => '帖子',
'notice_mypost_pcomment' => '点评',
'notice_mypost_activity' => '活动',
'notice_mypost_reward' => '悬赏',
'notice_mypost_goods' => '商品',
'notice_interactive' => '坛友互动',
'notice_interactive_follow' => '我关注的',
'notice_interactive_follower' => '新听众',
'notice_interactive_poke' => '打招呼',
'notice_interactive_friend' => '好友',
'notice_interactive_comment' => '评论',
'notice_interactive_wall' => '留言',
'notice_interactive_click' => '挺你',
'notice_interactive_sharenotice' => '分享',
'notice_system' => '系统提醒',
'notice_manage' => '管理工作',
'notice_app' => '应用提醒',
'notice_userapp' => '应用邀请',
'you' => '您',
'group_expiry_type_ext' => '扩展用户组',
'task_done' => '已完成的任务',
'task_failed' => '失败的任务',
'task_new' => '新任务',
'task_admins' => '管理人员',
'task_applicants' => '已有 $task[applicants] 位会员参与此任务',
'task_applies_full' => '人数已满',
'task_apply_condition' => '申请此任务所需条件',
'task_applyagain' => ' 后可以再次申请',
'task_applyagain_now' => '现在可以再次申请',
'task_complete' => '已完成',
'task_complete_condition' => '完成此任务所需条件',
'task_complete_on' => '完成于',
'task_detail' => '任务详情',
'task_endtime' => '当前任务下线时间为 $task[endtime],过期后您将不能申请此任务',
'task_general_users' => '普通会员',
'task_group_nopermission' => '您所在的用户组无法申请此任务',
'task_lose_on' => '失败于',
'task_numlimit' => '人次上限',
'task_period_day' => '每 $task[period] 天允许申请一次',
'task_period_hour' => '每隔 $task[period] 小时允许申请一次',
'task_period_month' => '每月 $task[period] 日允许申请一次',
'task_period_week' => '每周 $periodweek 允许申请一次',
'task_reapply' => '后可以重新申请',
'task_reapply_now' => '现在可以重新申请',
'task_relatedtask' => '必须完成指定任务',
'task_reward' => '奖励',
'task_applies' => '人气',
'task_nodoing' => '暂无进行中的任务,请到新任务中申请!',
'task_nonew' => '暂无新任务,周期性任务完成后可以再次申请,敬请关注!',
'password_security' => '密码安全',
'increase' => '增加',
'friend_top' => '排行榜',
'connect_register_profile' => '创建新帐号',
'connect_register_bind' => '已有本站帐号',
'connect_member_login_tip' => '欢迎使用QQ帐号登录 {$_G[setting][bbname]}',
'connect_config_newpassword_comment' => '您目前使用的是QQ帐号绑定本站您可以在这里设置独立密码只有设置了独立密码后本站需要填写密码的相应功能才可使用',
'wechat_config_newpassword_comment' => '您目前使用的是微信帐号绑定本站,您可以在这里设置独立密码,只有设置了独立密码后本站需要填写密码的相应功能才可使用',
'email' => 'Email',
'security_question' => '安全提问(未设置请忽略)',
'security_question_0' => '安全提问',
'security_question_1' => '母亲的名字',
'security_question_2' => '爷爷的名字',
'security_question_3' => '父亲出生的城市',
'security_question_4' => '您其中一位老师的名字',
'security_question_5' => '您个人计算机的型号',
'security_question_6' => '您最喜欢的餐馆名称',
'security_question_7' => '驾驶执照最后四位数字',
'group_expiry_time' => '到期时间',
'login_id' => '帐号',
'login_password' => '密码',
'login_permanent' => '自动登录',
'security_a' => '答案',
'security_q' => '安全提问',
'forgotpw' => '找回密码',
'image' => '图片',
'remote' => '远程',
'credit_ranking' => '积分排行',
'auction_ranking' => '竞价排行',
'close_ranking_note' => '管理员已关闭竞价,暂时无法继续上榜',
'credit_is_not_number' => '您所填写的{$extcredits[$creditid][title]}不是一个合法数值',
'credit_title_error' => '您所填写的{$extcredits[$creditid][title]}不能小于1',
'credit_title_message' => '您的当前{$extcredits[$creditid][title]}为: "+maxCredit+",请填写一个小于该值的数字',
'current_ranking' => '当前排名',
'friend_need_help' => '要帮助的好友',
'friend_num_ranking' => '好友数排行',
'friend_top_note' => '排行榜公告',
'handsel' => '赠送',
'handsel_bid' => '赠送竞价',
'help_friend_in_top' => '帮助好友来上榜',
'i_ranking' => '我也要上榜',
'increase_bid' => '增加竞价',
'make_persistent_efforts' => '再接再厉',
'max_char_ranking' => '最多50个汉字会显示在榜单中',
'my_ranking_declaration' => '我的上榜宣言',
'not_exceed' => '不要超过自己的',
'ranking_message_0' => '您现在还没有上榜。让自己上榜吧,这会大大提升您的主页曝光率。',
'ranking_message_1' => '竞价{$extcredits[$creditid][title]}越多,竞价排名越靠前,您的主页曝光率也会越高;',
'ranking_message_2' => '上榜用户的主页被别人有效浏览一次,其竞价{$extcredits[$creditid][title]}将减少1个(恶意刷新访问不扣减)。',
'self_current_credit' => '您当前的积分',
'self_current_friend_num' => '您当前的好友数',
'top_100_update' => '下面列出的为排行前100名数据每 $cache_time 分钟更新一次。',
'your_current_bid' => '自己当前的竞价',
'top_orderby_blogs' => '按日志总数',
'top_orderby_credits' => '按积分总数',
'top_orderby_posts' => '按发帖总数',
'top_orderby_uid' => '按注册时间',
'upload_pic' => '上传图片',
'aim_album' => '上传到:',
'default_album' => '默认相册',
'create_new_album' => '创建新相册',
'input_album_name' => '请输入相册名称',
'click_pic_to_editor' => '点击图片添加到编辑器内容中',
'select_album' => '选择相册',
'upload_attach' => '上传附件',
'filename' => '文件名',
'file_size' => '文件大小',
'click_filename_to_article' => '点击文件名将附件添加到文章中',
'connect_fill_profile_to_visit' => '请先<br /><a class="xi2" href="member.php?mod=connect"><strong>完善帐号信息</strong></a> 或 <a href="member.php?mod=connect&ac=bind" class="xi2 xw1"><strong>绑定已有帐号</strong></a><br />后使用快捷导航',
'ipnoice_current' => '本次登录位置',
'ipnoice_last' => '上次登录位置',
'ipnoice_lasttime' => '上次登录时间',
'ipnoice_title' => '安全提醒',
'ipnoice_link' => '登录地点异常,建议立即更改密码',
'recharge_immediately' => '立即充值',
'manage_grade' => '管理级别',
'manager' => '管理员',
'super_forummanager' => '超级版主',
'forummanager' => '版主',
'buy_usergroup' => '购买用户组',
'fastreply' => '快速回复',
'return_list' => '返回列表',
'return_forum' => '返回版块',
'temporarily_to_remind' => '暂不提醒',
'myitem' => '我的',
'mypost' => '帖子',