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* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
* This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
* $Id: lang_template.php 28113 2012-02-22 09:25:55Z svn_project_zhangjie $
* This file is automatically generate
$lang = array (
'all' => '全部',
'have' => '已有',
'homepage' => '首页',
'hot' => '热度',
'join' => '人参加',
'message' => '条留言',
'none_data' => '没有相关数据',
'ranklist' => '排行',
'ranklist_activity' => '活动排行',
'ranklist_activity_end' => '报名截止',
'ranklist_activity_start' => '活动时间:',
'ranklist_favorite' => '收藏排行',
'ranklist_hot' => '热度排行',
'ranklist_month' => '本月',
'ranklist_share' => '分享排行',
'ranklist_thread_favorite' => '收藏',
'ranklist_thread_share' => '分享',
'ranklist_today' => '今日',
'ranklist_update' => '排行榜数据已被缓存,上次于 $lastupdate 被更新,下次将于 $nextupdate 进行更新',
'ranklist_week' => '本周',
'blog_ranklist' => '日志排行',
'comment' => '评论',
'comment_ranklist' => '评论排行',
'hot_ranklist' => '人气排行',
'ranklist_thread_view' => '查看',
'views' => '人气:',
'visit_ranklist' => '查看排行',
'forum' => '版块',
'ranklist_forum' => '版块排行',
'ranklist_forum_day_post' => '最近 24 小时发帖',
'ranklist_forum_month_post' => '最近 30 天发帖',
'ranklist_forum_post' => '发帖',
'ranklist_post' => '发帖排行',
'ranklist_post_day' => '最近 24 小时发帖排行',
'ranklist_reply' => '回复排行',
'reply' => '回复',
'credit_num' => '积分数',
'credit_ranking' => '积分排行',
'group' => '群组',
'member_num' => '成员数',
'ranklist_group' => '群组排行',
'ranklist_group_credit' => '群组积分数排行',
'ranklist_member_num' => '成员数排行',
'auction_ranking' => '竞价排行',
'close_ranking_note' => '管理员已关闭竞价,暂时无法继续上榜',
'credit_is_not_number' => '您所填写的{$extcredits[$creditid][title]}不是一个合法数值',
'credit_title_error' => '您所填写的{$extcredits[$creditid][title]}不能小于1',
'credit_title_message' => '您的当前{$extcredits[$creditid][title]}为 {$space[credit]},请填写一个小于该值的数字',
'current_ranking' => '当前排名',
'edit_price' => '修改单价',
'friend_need_help' => '要帮助的好友',
'friend_num_ranking' => '好友数排行',
'friend_top_note' => '排行榜公告',
'handsel' => '赠送',
'handsel_bid' => '赠送竞价',
'help_friend_in_top' => '帮助好友来上榜',
'i_ranking' => '我也要上榜',
'increase_bid' => '增加竞价',
'make_persistent_efforts' => '再接再厉',
'max_char_ranking' => '最多50个汉字会显示在榜单中',
'my_ranking_declaration' => '我的上榜宣言',
'not_exceed' => '不要超过自己的',
'please_input_friend_name' => '请输入好友的用户名',
'price_can_not_be_higher_than_the_total' => '您所填写的单价不能高于竞价总额',
'ranking_message_0' => '您现在还没有上榜。让自己上榜吧,这会大大提升您的主页曝光率。',
'ranking_message_1' => '竞价单价越多,竞价排名越靠前,您的主页曝光率也会越高;',
'ranking_message_2' => '上榜用户的主页被别人有效浏览一次,将从竞价{$extcredits[$creditid][title]}中扣除您设定的竞价值(恶意刷新访问不扣减)。',
'ranklist_beauty' => '美女排行',
'ranklist_blog' => '日志数排行',
'ranklist_handsome' => '帅哥排行',
'ranklist_invite' => '邀请排行',
'ranklist_member' => '用户排行',
'ranklist_onlinetime' => '在线时间排行',
'ranklist_post_num' => '发帖数排行',
'reminder' => '提示信息',
'self_current_credit' => '您当前的',
'self_current_friend_num' => '您当前的好友数',
'show_unitprice' => '竞价单价',
'top_100_update' => '下面列出的为排行前100名数据每 $cache_time 分钟更新一次。',
'unitprice_is_not_number' => '您所填写的单价不是一个合法数值',
'unitprice_title_error' => '您所填写的单价不能小于1',
'your_current_bid' => '自己当前的竞价单价',
'add_friend' => '加为好友',
'blogs_num' => '日志数',
'day_post_num' => '最近24小时发帖数',
'digest_num' => '精华数',
'friends_num' => '好友数',
'invite_num' => '邀请数',
'last_activity' => '最后活跃',
'minute' => '分钟',
'modify' => '修改',
'month_post_num' => '最近30天发帖数',
'no_members_of' => '没有相关成员。',
'online' => '在线',
'online_time' => '在线时间',
'order' => '排序:',
'post_num' => '发帖数',
'posts_num' => '帖子数',
'say_hi' => '打个招呼',
'send_pm' => '发送消息',
'show_credit' => '剩余竞价',
'show_credit_note' => '竞价宣言',
'visit_friend' => '去串个门',
'hot_pic_ranklist' => '热图排行',
'ranklist_picture' => '图片排行',
'people_join' => '人参与',
'ranklist_poll' => '投票排行',
'to_poll' => '去投票',
'bidding_rank' => '竞价排名',
'i_want_rank' => '我要上榜',
'more' => '更多',
'ranklist_thread' => '帖子排行',
'activity' => '活动',
'blogs' => '日志',
'pics' => '图片',
'poll' => '投票',
'posts' => '帖子',
'user' => '用户',
'author' => '作者',
'ranklist_thread_heat' => '热度',
'ranklist_thread_reply' => '回复',
'thread' => '主题',