
886 lines
31 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
* This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
* $Id: restore.php 36278 2016-12-09 07:52:35Z nemohou $
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
if(function_exists('set_magic_quotes_runtime')) {
define('IN_DISCUZ', TRUE);
define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/../');
@include_once ROOT_PATH.'./config/config_global.php';
define('CHARSET', $_config['output']['charset']);
define('DBCHARSET', $_config['db']['1']['dbcharset']);
$lock_file = ROOT_PATH.'./data/restore.lock';
if(file_exists($lock_file)) {
require_once ROOT_PATH.'./source/discuz_version.php';
$operation = trim(getgpc('operation', 'G'));
$operation = $operation ? $operation : 'import';
$phpself = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$siteurl = htmlspecialchars('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].preg_replace("/\/+(api)?\/*$/i", '', substr($phpself, 0, strrpos($phpself, '/'))).'/');
$db = function_exists("mysql_connect") ? new dbstuff : new dbstuffi;
if(!@$db->connect($_config['db']['1']['dbhost'], $_config['db']['1']['dbuser'], $_config['db']['1']['dbpw'], $_config['db']['1']['dbname'], $_config['db']['1']['dbcharset'])) {
if($operation == 'import') {
if(!submitcheck('importsubmit', 1)) {
$exportlog = $exportsize = $exportziplog = array();
check_exportfile($exportlog, $exportziplog, $exportsize);
if(empty($exportlog) && empty($exportziplog)) {
show_importfile_list($exportlog, $exportziplog, $exportsize);
} else {
$readerror = 0;
$datafile_vol1 = trim(getgpc('datafile_vol1'));
if($datafile_vol1) {
$datafile = $datafile_vol1;
} else {
$datafile = getgpc('datafile_server', 'G');
$datafile = urldecode($datafile);
if(@$fp = fopen($datafile, 'rb')) {
$confirm = trim(getgpc('confirm', 'G'));
$confirm = $confirm ? 1 : 0;
$sqldump = fgets($fp, 256);
$identify = explode(',', base64_decode(preg_replace("/^# Identify:\s*(\w+).*/s", "\\1", $sqldump)));
$dumpinfo = array('method' => $identify[3], 'volume' => intval($identify[4]), 'tablepre' => $identify[5], 'dbcharset' => $identify[6]);
if(!$confirm) {
$showmsg = '';
if($dumpinfo['tablepre'] != $_config['db']['1']['tablepre'] && !getgpc('ignore_tablepre', 'G')) {
$showmsg .= lang('tableprediff');
if($dumpinfo['dbcharset'] != $_config['db']['1']['dbcharset']) {
$showmsg .= lang('dbcharsetdiff');
if($showmsg) {
show_msg(lang('different_dbcharset_tablepre', TRUE, array('diff' => $showmsg)), $siteurl.'restore.php?operation=import&datafile_server='.$datafile.'&autoimport=yes&importsubmit=yes&confirm=yes', 'confirm');
if($dumpinfo['method'] == 'multivol') {
$sqldump .= fread($fp, filesize($datafile));
} else {
if(getgpc('autoimport', 'G')) {
show_msg('database_import_multivol_succeed', '', 'message', 1);
} else {
if($dumpinfo['method'] == 'multivol') {
$sqlquery = splitsql($sqldump);
foreach($sqlquery as $sql) {
$sql = syntablestruct(trim($sql), $db->version() > '4.1', DBCHARSET);
if($sql != '') {
$db->query($sql, 'SILENT');
if(($sqlerror = $db->error()) && $db->errno() != 1062) {
$db->halt('MySQL Query Error', $sql);
$delunzip = getgpc('delunzip', 'G');
if($delunzip) {
$datafile_next = preg_replace("/-($dumpinfo[volume])(\..+)$/", "-".($dumpinfo['volume'] + 1)."\\2", $datafile);
$datafile_next = urlencode($datafile_next);
if($dumpinfo['volume'] == 1) {
show_msg(lang('database_import_multivol_redirect', TRUE, array('volume' => $dumpinfo['volume'])),
$siteurl."restore.php?operation=import&datafile_server=$datafile_next&autoimport=yes&importsubmit=yes&confirm=yes".(!empty($delunzip) ? '&delunzip=yes' : ''),
} elseif(getgpc('autoimport', 'G')) {
show_msg(lang('database_import_multivol_redirect', TRUE, array('volume' => $dumpinfo['volume'])), $siteurl."restore.php?operation=import&datafile_server=$datafile_next&autoimport=yes&importsubmit=yes&confirm=yes".(!empty($delunzip) ? '&delunzip=yes' : ''), 'redirect');
} else {
show_msg('database_import_succeed', '', 'message', 1);
} elseif($dumpinfo['method'] == 'shell') {
list($dbhost, $dbport) = explode(':', $dbhost);
$query = $db->query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'basedir'");
list(, $mysql_base) = $db->fetch($query, $db->drivertype == 'mysqli' ? MYSQLI_NUM : MYSQL_NUM);
$mysqlbin = $mysql_base == '/' ? '' : addslashes($mysql_base).'bin/';
shell_exec($mysqlbin.'mysql -h"'.$dbhost.($dbport ? (is_numeric($dbport) ? ' -P'.$dbport : ' -S"'.$dbport.'"') : '').
'" -u"'.$dbuser.'" -p"'.$dbpw.'" "'.$dbname.'" < '.getgpc('datafile'));
show_msg('database_import_succeed', '', 'message', 1);
} else {
} elseif($operation == 'importzip') {
if(!getgpc('datafile_server')) {
} else {
$datafile_server = getgpc('datafile_server');
if(!@file_exists($datafile_server)) {
$datafile_vol1 = trim(getgpc('datafile_vol1', 'G'));
$multivol = intval(getgpc('multivol', 'G'));
require_once ROOT_PATH.'./source/class/class_zip.php';
$unzip = new SimpleUnzip();
$backupdir = substr($datafile_server, 8, 13);
if($unzip->Count() == 0 || $unzip->GetError(0) != 0 || !preg_match("/\.sql$/i", $importfile = $unzip->GetName(0))) {
$identify = explode(',', base64_decode(preg_replace("/^# Identify:\s*(\w+).*/s", "\\1", substr($unzip->GetData(0), 0, 256))));
$confirm = getgpc('confirm', 'G');
$confirm = !empty($confirm) ? 1 : 0;
if(!$confirm && $identify[1] != DISCUZ_VERSION) {
show_msg('database_import_confirm', $siteurl.'restore.php?operation=importzip&datafile_server='.$datafile_server.'&importsubmit=yes&confirm=yes', 'confirm');
$sqlfilecount = 0;
foreach($unzip->Entries as $entry) {
if(preg_match("/\.sql$/i", $entry->Name)) {
$fp = fopen('../data/'.$backupdir.'/'.$entry->Name, 'w');
fwrite($fp, $entry->Data);
if(!$sqlfilecount) {
$info = '<b>'.basename($datafile_server).'</b><br />'.lang('version').': '.$identify[1].'<br />'.lang('type').': '.lang('db_export_'.$identify[2]).'<br />'.lang('db_method').': '.($identify[3] == 'multivol' ? lang('db_multivol') : lang('db_shell')).'<br />';
if($multivol) {
$datafile_server = preg_replace("/-(\d+)(\..+)$/", "-$multivol\\2", $datafile_server);
if(file_exists($datafile_server)) {
show_msg(lang('database_import_multivol_unzip_redirect', TRUE, array('multivol' => $multivol)), $siteurl.'restore.php?operation=importzip&multivol='.$multivol.'&datafile_vol1='.$datafile_vol1.'&datafile_server='.$datafile_server.'&importsubmit=yes&confirm=yes', 'redirect');
} else {
show_msg('database_import_multivol_confirm', $siteurl.'restore.php?operation=import&datafile_server='.$datafile_vol1.'&importsubmit=yes&delunzip=yes', 'confirm');
if($identify[3] == 'multivol' && $identify[4] == 1 && preg_match("/-1(\..+)$/", $datafile_server)) {
$datafile_vol1 = $datafile_server;
$datafile_server = preg_replace("/-1(\..+)$/", "-2\\1", $datafile_server);
if(file_exists($datafile_server)) {
show_msg(lang('database_import_multivol_unzip_redirect', TRUE, array('multivol' => 1)), $siteurl.'restore.php?operation=importzip&multivol=1&datafile_vol1=../data/'.$backupdir.'/'.$importfile.'&datafile_server='.$datafile_server.'&importsubmit=yes&confirm=yes', 'redirect');
show_msg(lang('database_import_unzip', TRUE, array('info' => $info)), $siteurl.'restore.php?operation=import'.($datafile_vol1 ? '&datafile_vol1='.$datafile_vol1 : '').'&datafile_server=../data/'.$backupdir.'/'.$importfile.'&importsubmit=yes&delunzip=yes', 'confirm');
function get_backup_dir() {
$backupdirs = array();
$dir = dir(ROOT_PATH.'./data');
while(($file = $dir->read()) !== FALSE) {
if(filetype(ROOT_PATH.'./data/'.$file) == 'dir' && preg_match('/^backup_\w+/', $file)) {
$backupdirs[] = $file;
return $backupdirs;
function check_exportfile(&$exportlog, &$exportziplog, &$exportsize) {
$backupdirs = get_backup_dir();
if(empty($backupdirs)) {
foreach($backupdirs as $backupdir) {
$dir = dir(ROOT_PATH.'./data/'.$backupdir);
while($entry = $dir->read()) {
$entry = '../data/'.$backupdir.'/'.$entry;
if(is_file($entry)) {
if(preg_match("/\.sql$/i", $entry)) {
$filesize = filesize($entry);
$fp = fopen($entry, 'rb');
$identify = explode(',', base64_decode(preg_replace("/^# Identify:\s*(\w+).*/s", "\\1", fgets($fp, 256))));
$key = preg_replace('/^(.+?)(\-\d+)\.sql$/i', '\\1', basename($entry));
$exportlog[$key][$identify[4]] = array(
'version' => $identify[1],
'type' => $identify[2],
'method' => $identify[3],
'volume' => $identify[4],
'tablepre' => $identify[5],
'dbcharset' => $identify[6],
'filename' => $entry,
'dateline' => filemtime($entry),
'size' => $filesize
$exportsize[$key] += $filesize;
} elseif(preg_match("/\.zip$/i", $entry)) {
$key = preg_replace('/^(.+?)(\-\d+)\.zip$/i', '\\1', basename($entry));
$filesize = filesize($entry);
$exportziplog[$key][] = array(
'type' => 'zip',
'filename' => $entry,
'size' => filesize($entry),
'dateline' => filemtime($entry)
function show_importfile_list($exportlog = array(), $exportziplog = array(), $exportsize = array()) {
$title = array('filename', 'director', 'version', 'time', 'type', 'size', 'db_method', 'db_volume', '');
echo "\n<table width='100%'>\n<tr>";
foreach($title as $col) {
echo "<th>".lang($col)."</th>";
echo "</tr>\n";
foreach($exportlog as $key => $val) {
$info = $val[1];
$info['dateline'] = is_int($info['dateline']) ? gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info['dateline'] + 3600 * 8) : lang('unknown');
$info['size'] = sizecount($exportsize[$key]);
$info['volume'] = count($val);
$info['method'] = $info['type'] != 'zip' ? ($info['method'] == 'multivol' ? lang('db_multivol') : lang('db_shell')) : '';
echo "<tr>";
"<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"display('exportlog_$key')\">".basename($info['filename'])."</a></td>",
'<td width="150">'.dirname($info['filename']).'</td>',
'<td width="60">'.$info['version'].'</td>',
'<td width="140">'.$info['dateline'].'</td>',
'<td width="170">'.lang('db_export_'.$info['type']).'</td>',
'<td width="80">'.$info['size'].'</td>',
'<td width="30">'.$info['method'].'</td>',
'<td width="30">'.$info['volume'].'</td>',
'<td width="40">'.($info['type'] == 'zip' ? "<a href=\"{$siteurl}restore.php?operation=importzip&datafile_server=$info[filename]&importsubmit=yes\" onclick=\"return confirm('".lang('database_import_confirm_zip')."');\">".lang('db_import_unzip')."</a>" : "<a href=\"{$siteurl}restore.php?operation=import&datafile_server=$info[filename]&importsubmit=yes\" ".(($info['version'] != DISCUZ_VERSION) ? "onclick=\"return confirm('".lang('database_import_confirm')."');\"" : "onclick=\"return confirm('".lang('database_import_confirm_sql')."');\"").">".lang('import')."</a>")."</td>"
echo "</tr>\n";
echo '<tbody id="exportlog_'.$key.'" style="display:none">';
foreach($val as $info) {
$info['dateline'] = is_int($info['dateline']) ? gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info['dateline'] + 3600 * 8) : lang('unknown');
$info['size'] = sizecount($info['size']);
echo "<tr>";
"<td colspan='2' class='subtb'><a href=\"$info[filename]\">".$info['filename']."</a></td>",
echo "</tr>\n";
echo '</tbody>';
foreach($exportziplog as $key => $val) {
$info = $val[0];
$info['dateline'] = is_int($info['dateline']) ? gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info['dateline'] + 3600 * 8) : lang('unknown');
$info['size'] = sizecount($info['size']);
$info['method'] = $info['method'] == 'multivol' ? lang('db_multivol') : lang('db_zip');
echo "<tr>";
"<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"display('exportlog_$key')\">".basename($info['filename'])."</a></td>",
"<td colspan='2'>".dirname($info['filename'])."</td>",
"<td width='140'>".$info['dateline']."</td>",
"<td width='170'>".lang('db_export_'.$info['type'])."</td>",
"<td width='80'>".$info['size']."</td>",
"<td colspan='2'>".$info['method']."</td>",
"<td width='40'><a href=\"{$siteurl}restore.php?operation=importzip&datafile_server=$info[filename]&importsubmit=yes\" onclick=\"return confirm('".lang('database_import_confirm_zip')."');\">".lang('db_import_unzip')."</a></td>"
echo "</tr>\n";
echo '<tbody id="exportlog_'.$key.'" style="display:none">';
foreach($val as $info) {
$info['dateline'] = is_int($info['dateline']) ? gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info['dateline'] + 3600 * 8) : lang('unknown');
$info['size'] = sizecount($info['size']);
$info['method'] = $info['method'] == 'multivol' ? lang('db_multivol') : lang('db_zip');
echo "<tr>";
"<td colspan='3' class='subtb'><a href=\"$info[filename]\">".$info['filename']."</a></td>",
"<td colspan='3'>".$info['method']."</td>"
echo "</tr>\n";
echo '</tbody>';
echo "</table>\n";
function submitcheck($var, $allowget = 0, $seccodecheck = 0, $secqaacheck = 0) {
if(!getgpc($var)) {
return FALSE;
} else {
if($allowget || ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FLASH_VERSION']) && (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ||
preg_replace("/https?:\/\/([^\:\/]+).*/i", "\\1", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == preg_replace("/([^\:]+).*/", "\\1", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])))) {
return TRUE;
} else {
echo 'submit_invalid';exit;
function getgpc($k, $type='GP') {
$type = strtoupper($type);
switch($type) {
case 'G': $var = &$_GET; break;
case 'P': $var = &$_POST; break;
case 'C': $var = &$_COOKIE; break;
if(isset($_GET[$k])) {
$var = &$_GET;
} else {
$var = &$_POST;
return isset($var[$k]) ? $var[$k] : NULL;
function sizecount($size) {
if($size >= 1073741824) {
$size = round($size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . ' GB';
} elseif($size >= 1048576) {
$size = round($size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . ' MB';
} elseif($size >= 1024) {
$size = round($size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . ' KB';
} else {
$size = $size . ' Bytes';
return $size;
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<title>Discuz! 数据恢复工具</title>
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<div class="bodydiv">
Discuz! 数据恢复工具
<span> &nbsp; 恢复当中有任何问题请访问技术支持站点 <a href="http://www.discuz.net" target="_blank">http://www.discuz.net</a></span>
<div class="main">
function show_footer($quit = true) {
echo <<< EOT
<div id="footer">&copy; 2001 - 2011 <a href="http://www.comsenz.com/">Comsenz</a> Inc.</div>
function show_msg($message, $url_forward = '', $type = 'message', $success = 0) {
global $siteurl;
$message = lang($message);
if($type == 'message') {
echo '<span'.($success ? '' : ' class="red"').'>'.$message.'</span>';
} elseif($type == 'redirect') {
echo "$message ...";
echo "<br /><br /><br /><a href=\"$url_forward\">浏览器会自动跳转页面,无需人工干预。除非当您的浏览器长时间没有自动跳转时,请点击这里</a>";
echo "<script>setTimeout(\"redirect('$url_forward');\", 1250);</script>";
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echo "$message";
echo "<br /><br /><br /><button id=\"confirmbtn\" onclick=\"redirect('$url_forward')\">确定</button><button id=\"cancelbtn\" onclick=\"redirect('{$siteurl}restore.php')\">取消</button>";
function show_error($type, $errors = '', $quit = false) {
$title = lang($type);
$comment = lang($type.'_comment', false);
$errormsg = '';
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foreach ((array)$errors as $k => $v) {
if(is_numeric($k)) {
$comment .= "<li><em class=\"red\">".lang($v)."</em></li>";
if($step > 0) {
echo "<div class=\"desc\"><b>$title</b><ul>$comment</ul>";
} else {
echo "</div><div class=\"main\" style=\"margin-top: -123px;\"><b>$title</b><ul style=\"line-height: 200%; margin-left: 30px;\">$comment</ul>";
if($quit) {
echo '<br /><span class="red">'.lang('error_quit_msg').'</span><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />';
echo '</div>';
$quit && show_footer();
function show_tips($tip, $title = '', $comment = '', $style = 1) {
$title = empty($title) ? lang($tip) : $title;
$comment = empty($comment) ? lang($tip.'_comment', FALSE) : $comment;
if($style) {
echo "<div class=\"desc\">$title";
} else {
echo "</div><div class=\"main\" style=\"margin-top: -123px;\">$title<div class=\"desc1 marginbot\"><ul>";
$comment && print('<br>'.$comment);
echo "</div>";
function lang($lang_key, $force = true, $replace = array()) {
$lang = array('filename' => '文件名称',
'director' => '所在目录',
'version' => '版本',
'time' => '备份时间',
'type' => '类型',
'size' => '尺寸',
'db_method' => '方式',
'db_volume' => '卷数',
'import' => '导入',
'different_dbcharset_tablepre' => '检测到导入的备份数据与配置文件的{diff} 不同,您还要继续运行此程序吗?',
'db_import_tips' => '本功能在恢复备份数据的同时,将全部覆盖原有数据,请确定恢复前已将论坛关闭,恢复全部完成后可以将论坛重新开放。<br />您可以通过数据备份管理功能查看站点的备份文件的详细信息,删除过期的备份,并导入需要的备份。<br /><span class="red">恢复数据的整个过程会在一个新页面完成您成功恢复数据后请务必及时删除restore.php文件。</span><br />',
'db_export_discuz' => 'Discuz! 数据(不含UCenter)',
'db_export_discuz_uc' => 'Discuz! 和 UCenter 数据',
'db_multivol' => '多卷',
'db_import_unzip' => '解压缩',
'db_export_zip' => '压缩备份',
'db_zip' => 'ZIP',
'db_shell' => 'Shell',
'unknown' => '未知',
'backup_file_unexist' => '备份文件不存在',
'connect_error' => '连接数据库失败请您查看数据库配置文件config/config_global.php和config/config_ucenter.php是否存在以及配置是否正确',
'dbcharsetdiff' => ' 数据库字符集($_config[\'db\'][\'1\'][\'dbcharset\'])',
'tableprediff' => ' 表前缀($_config[\'db\'][\'1\'][\'tablepre\'])',
'database_import_multivol_succeed' => '分卷数据成功导入站点数据库<br />请在后台更新缓存<br /><span class="red">请尽快删除restore.php文件以免对数据造成影响</span>',
'database_import_file_illegal' => '数据文件不存在:可能服务器不允许上传文件或文件大小超过限制',
'database_import_multivol_prompt' => '分卷数据第一卷成功导入数据库,您需要自动导入本次备份的其他分卷吗?',
'database_import_succeed' => '数据已成功导入站点数据库<br />请在后台更新缓存<br /><span class="red">请尽快删除restore.php文件以免对数据造成影响</span>',
'database_import_format_illegal' => '数据文件非 Discuz! 格式,无法导入',
'database_import_unzip' => '{info}<br />备份文件解压缩完毕,您需要自动导入备份吗?导入后解压缩的文件将会被删除',
'database_import_multivol_unzip' => '{info}<br />备份文件解压缩完毕,您需要自动解压缩其他的分卷文件吗?',
'database_import_multivol_unzip_redirect' => '数据文件 #{multivol} 解压缩成功,程序将自动继续',
'database_import_confirm' => '导入和当前 Discuz! 版本不一致的数据极有可能产生无法解决的故障,您确定继续吗?',
'database_import_confirm_sql' => '您确定导入该备份吗?',
'database_import_confirm_zip' => '您确定解压该备份吗?',
'database_import_multivol_confirm' => '所有分卷文件解压缩完毕,您需要自动导入备份吗?导入后解压缩的文件将会被删除',
'database_import_multivol_redirect' => '数据文件 #{volume} 成功导入,程序将自动继续',
'error_quit_msg' => '必须解决以上问题,才能继续恢复数据',
'restored_error' => '恢复数据功能锁定,已经恢复过了,如果您确定要恢复数据,请到服务器上删除./data/restore.lock',
$return = isset($lang[$lang_key]) ? $lang[$lang_key] : ($force ? $lang_key : '');
if($replace && is_array($replace)) {
$searchs = $replaces = array();
foreach($replace as $k => $v) {
$searchs[] = '{'.$k.'}';
$replaces[] = $v;
$return = str_replace($searchs, $replaces, $return);
return $return;
function splitsql($sql) {
$sql = str_replace("\r", "\n", $sql);
$ret = array();
$num = 0;
$queriesarray = explode(";\n", trim($sql));
foreach($queriesarray as $query) {
$queries = explode("\n", trim($query));
foreach($queries as $query) {
$ret[$num] .= $query[0] == "#" ? NULL : $query;
function syntablestruct($sql, $version, $dbcharset) {
if(strpos(trim(substr($sql, 0, 18)), 'CREATE TABLE') === FALSE) {
return $sql;
$sqlversion = strpos($sql, 'ENGINE=') === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
if($sqlversion === $version) {
return $sqlversion && $dbcharset ? preg_replace(array('/ character set \w+/i', '/ collate \w+/i', "/DEFAULT CHARSET=\w+/is"), array('', '', "DEFAULT CHARSET=$dbcharset"), $sql) : $sql;
if($version) {
return preg_replace(array('/TYPE=HEAP/i', '/TYPE=(\w+)/is'), array("ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=$dbcharset", "ENGINE=\\1 DEFAULT CHARSET=$dbcharset"), $sql);
} else {
return preg_replace(array('/character set \w+/i', '/collate \w+/i', '/ENGINE=MEMORY/i', '/\s*DEFAULT CHARSET=\w+/is', '/\s*COLLATE=\w+/is', '/ENGINE=(\w+)(.*)/is'), array('', '', 'ENGINE=HEAP', '', '', 'TYPE=\\1\\2'), $sql);
class dbstuff {
var $querynum = 0;
var $drivertype = 'mysql';
var $link;
var $histories;
var $time;
var $tablepre;
function connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname = '', $dbcharset, $pconnect = 0, $tablepre='', $time = 0) {
$this->time = $time;
$this->tablepre = $tablepre;
if($pconnect) {
if(!$this->link = mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw)) {
return FALSE;
} else {
if(!$this->link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, 1)) {
return FALSE;
if($this->version() > '4.1') {
if($dbcharset) {
mysql_query("SET character_set_connection=".$dbcharset.", character_set_results=".$dbcharset.", character_set_client=binary", $this->link);
if($this->version() > '5.0.1') {
mysql_query("SET sql_mode=''", $this->link);
if($dbname) {
mysql_select_db($dbname, $this->link);
return TRUE;
function fetch_array($query, $result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC) {
return mysql_fetch_array($query, $result_type);
function result_first($sql, &$data) {
$query = $this->query($sql);
$data = $this->result($query, 0);
function fetch_first($sql, &$arr) {
$query = $this->query($sql);
$arr = $this->fetch_array($query);
function fetch_all($sql, &$arr) {
$query = $this->query($sql);
while($data = $this->fetch_array($query)) {
$arr[] = $data;
function cache_gc() {
$this->query("DELETE FROM {$this->tablepre}sqlcaches WHERE expiry<$this->time");
function query($sql, $type = '', $cachetime = FALSE) {
$func = $type == 'UNBUFFERED' && @function_exists('mysql_unbuffered_query') ? 'mysql_unbuffered_query' : 'mysql_query';
if(!($query = $func($sql, $this->link)) && $type != 'SILENT') {
$this->halt('SQL:', $sql);
$this->histories[] = $sql;
return $query;
function affected_rows() {
return mysql_affected_rows($this->link);
function error() {
return (($this->link) ? mysql_error($this->link) : mysql_error());
function errno() {
return intval(($this->link) ? mysql_errno($this->link) : mysql_errno());
function result($query, $row) {
$query = @mysql_result($query, $row);
return $query;
function num_rows($query) {
$query = mysql_num_rows($query);
return $query;
function num_fields($query) {
return mysql_num_fields($query);
function free_result($query) {
return mysql_free_result($query);
function insert_id() {
return ($id = mysql_insert_id($this->link)) >= 0 ? $id : $this->result($this->query("SELECT last_insert_id()"), 0);
function fetch_row($query) {
$query = mysql_fetch_row($query);
return $query;
function fetch_fields($query) {
return mysql_fetch_field($query);
function version() {
return mysql_get_server_info($this->link);
function close() {
return mysql_close($this->link);
function halt($message = '', $sql = '') {
show_error('run_sql_error', $message.$sql.'<br /> Error:'.$this->error().'<br />Errno:'.$this->errno(), 0);
class dbstuffi {
var $querynum = 0;
var $drivertype = 'mysqli';
var $link;
var $histories;
var $time;
var $tablepre;
function connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname = '', $dbcharset, $pconnect = 0, $tablepre='', $time = 0) {
$this->time = $time;
$this->tablepre = $tablepre;
$this->link = new mysqli();
if(!$this->link->real_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname)) {
return FALSE;
if($this->version() > '4.1') {
if($dbcharset) {
if($this->version() > '5.0.1') {
$this->query("SET sql_mode=''");
return TRUE;
function fetch_array($query, $result_type = MYSQLI_ASSOC) {
return $query ? $query->fetch_array($result_type) : null;
function result_first($sql, &$data) {
$query = $this->query($sql);
$data = $this->result($query, 0);
function fetch_first($sql, &$arr) {
$query = $this->query($sql);
$arr = $this->fetch_array($query);
function fetch_all($sql, &$arr) {
$query = $this->query($sql);
while($data = $this->fetch_array($query)) {
$arr[] = $data;
function cache_gc() {
$this->query("DELETE FROM {$this->tablepre}sqlcaches WHERE expiry<$this->time");
function query($sql, $type = '', $cachetime = FALSE) {
if(!($query = $this->link->query($sql, $resultmode)) && $type != 'SILENT') {
$this->halt('SQL:', $sql);
$this->histories[] = $sql;
return $query;
function affected_rows() {
return $this->link->affected_rows;
function error() {
return (($this->link) ? $this->link->error : mysqli_error());
function errno() {
return intval(($this->link) ? $this->link->errno : mysqli_errno());
function result($query, $row) {
if(!$query || $query->num_rows == 0) {
return null;
$assocs = $query->fetch_row();
return $assocs[0];
function num_rows($query) {
$query = $query ? $query->num_rows : 0;
return $query;
function num_fields($query) {
return $query ? $query->field_count : 0;
function free_result($query) {
return $query ? $query->free() : false;
function insert_id() {
return ($id = $this->link->insert_id) >= 0 ? $id : $this->result($this->query("SELECT last_insert_id()"), 0);
function fetch_row($query) {
$query = $query ? $query->fetch_row() : null;
return $query;
function fetch_fields($query) {
return $query ? $query->fetch_field() : null;
function version() {
return $this->link->server_info;
function close() {
return $this->link->close();
function halt($message = '', $sql = '') {
show_error('run_sql_error', $message.$sql.'<br /> Error:'.$this->error().'<br />Errno:'.$this->errno(), 0);