%utcover ;JLI - generic coverage and unit test runner ;12/16/15 08:42 ;;1.4;MASH;;Feb 27, 2016;Build 1 ; Submitted to OSEHRA Dec 16, 2015 by Joel L. Ivey under the Apache 2 license (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html) ; Original routine authored by Joel L. Ivey 08/15. Additional work 08/15-12/15. ; ; Changes: (Moved from %ut and %ut1) ; 130726 SMH - Moved test collection logic from %utUNIT to here (multiple places) ; 131218 SMH - dependence on XLFSTR removed ; 131218 SMH - CHEKTEST refactored to use $TEXT instead of ^%ZOSF("LOAD") ; 131218 SMH - CATCHERR now nulls out $ZS if on GT.M ; ; ------- COMMENTS moved from %ut due to space requirements ; ; 100622 JLI - corrected typo in comments where %utINPT was listed as %utINP ; 100622 JLI - removed a comment which indicated data could potentially be returned from the called routine ; in the %utINPT array. ; 100622 JLI - added code to handle STARTUP and SHUTDOWN from GUI app ; 110719 JLI - modified separators in GUI handling from ^ to ~~^~~ ; in the variable XTGUISEP if using a newer version of the ; GUI app (otherwise, it is simply set to ^) since results ; with a series of ^ embedded disturbed the output reported ; 130726 SMH - Fixed SETUP and TEARDOWN so that they run before/after each ; test rather than once. General refactoring. ; 130726 SMH - SETUT initialized IO in case it's not there to $P. Inits vars ; using DT^DICRW. ; 131217 SMH - Change call in SETUP to S U="^" instead of DT^DICRW ; 131218 SMH - Any checks to $ZE will also check $ZS for GT.M. ; 131218 SMH - Remove calls to %ZISUTL to manage devices to prevent dependence on VISTA. ; Use %utNIT("DEV","OLD") for old devices ; 140109 SMH - Add parameter %utBREAK - Break upon error ; 1402 SMH - Break will cause the break to happen even on failed tests. ; 140401 SMH - Added Succeed entry point for take it into your hands tester. ; 140401 SMH - Reformatted the output of M-Unit so that the test's name ; will print BEFORE the execution of the test. This has been ; really confusing for beginning users of M-Unit, so this was ; necessary. ; 140401 SMH - OK message gets printed at the end of --- as [OK]. ; 140401 SMH - FAIL message now prints. Previously, OK failed to be printed. ; Unfortunately, that's rather passive aggressive. Now it ; explicitly says that a test failed. ; 140503 SMH - Fixed IO issues all over the routine. Much simpler now. ; 140731 JLI - Combined routine changes between JLI and SMH ; Moved routines from %utNIT and %utNIT1 to %ut and %ut1 ; Updated unit test routines (%utt1 to %utt6) ; Created M-UNIT TEST GROUP file at 17.9001 based on the 17.9001 file ; 141030 JLI - Removed tag TESTCOVR and code under it, not necessary ; since %uttcovr can handle all of the calling needed ; Added call to run routine %utt6 if run from the top, ; since this will run the full range of unit tests ; Modified STARTUP and SHUTDOWN commands to handle in ; each routine where they are available, since only ; running one STARTUP and SHUTDOWN (the first seen by ; the program) restricted their use in suites of multiple ; tests. ; 150101 JLI - Added COV entry to %ut (in addition to current in %ut1) so it is easier ; to remember how to use it. ; 150621 JLI - Added a global location to pick up summary data for a unit test call, so ; programs running multiple calls can generate a summary if desired. ; ; D EN^%ut("%uttcovr") ; unit tests Q ; MULTAPIS(TESTROUS) ; RUN TESTS FOR SPECIFIED ROUTINES AND ENTRY POINTS ; can be run from %ut using D MULTAPIS^%ut(.TESTROUS) ; input TESTROUS - passed by reference - array of routine names to run tests for ; specify those to be called directly by including ^ as part of ; TAG^ROUTINE or ^ROUTINE. ; ROUTINE names without a ^ will be called as EN^%ut("ROUTINE") ; Sometimes to get complete coverage, different entry points may ; need to be called (e.g., at top and for VERBOSE), these should each ; be included. ; If the subscript is a number, it will take the list of comma separated ; values as the routines. If the the subscript is not a number, it will ; take it as a routine to be added to the list, then if the value of the ; contains a comma separated list of routines, they will be added as well. ; Thus a value of ; TESTROUS(1)="A^ROU1,^ROU1,^ROU2,ROU3" ; or a value of ; TESTROUS("A^ROU1")="^ROU1,^ROU2,ROU3" ; will both result in tests for ; D A^ROU1,^ROU1,^ROU2,EN^%ut("ROU3") K ^TMP("%utcover",$J,"TESTROUS") M ^TMP("%utcover",$J,"TESTROUS")=TESTROUS D COVENTRY K ^TMP("%utcover",$J,"TESTROUS") Q ; COVENTRY ; setup of COVERAGE NEWs most variables, so TESTROUS passed by global ; N I,ROU,VAL,VALS,UTDATA,TESTS,TESTROUS M TESTROUS=^TMP("%utcover",$J,"TESTROUS") S ROU="" F S ROU=$O(TESTROUS(ROU)) Q:ROU="" D . I ROU'=+ROU S TESTS(ROU)="" . F I=1:1 S VAL=$P(TESTROUS(ROU),",",I) Q:VAL="" S TESTS(VAL)="" . Q S ROU="" F S ROU=$O(TESTS(ROU)) Q:ROU="" D . W !!,"------------------- RUNNING ",ROU," -------------------" . I ROU[U D @ROU . I ROU'[U D @("EN^%ut("""_ROU_""")") . D GETUTVAL^%ut(.UTDATA) . Q I $D(UTDATA) D LSTUTVAL^%ut(.UTDATA) Q ; COVERAGE(ROUNMSP,TESTROUS,XCLDROUS,RESLTLVL) ; run coverage analysis for multiple routines and entry points ; can be run from %ut using D COVERAGE^%ut(ROUNMSP,.TESTROUS,.XCLDROUS,RESLTLVL) ; input ROUNMSP - Namespace for routine(s) to be analyzed ; ROUNAME will result in only the routine ROUNAME being analyzed ; ROUN* will result in all routines beginning with ROUN being analyzed ; input TESTROUS - passed by reference - see TESTROUS description for JUSTTEST ; input XCLDROUS - passed by reference - routines passed in a manner similar to TESTROUS, ; but only the routine names, whether as arguments or a comma separated ; list of routines, will be excluded from the analysis of coverage. These ; would normally be names of routines which are only for unit tests, or ; others which should not be included in the analysis for some reason. ; input RESLTLVL - This value determines the amount of information to be generated for the ; analysis. A missing or null value will be considered to be level 1 ; 1 - Listing of analysis only for routine overall ; 2 - Listing of analysis for routine overall and for each TAG ; 3 - Full analysis for each tag, and lists out those lines which were ; not executed during the analysis ; N I,ROU,TYPE,XCLUDE S RESLTLVL=$G(RESLTLVL,1) I (RESLTLVL<1) S RESLTLVL=1 I (RESLTLVL>3) S RESLTLVL=3 M ^TMP("%utcover",$J,"TESTROUS")=TESTROUS ; D COV^%ut1(ROUNMSP,"D COVENTRY^%utcover",-1) K ^TMP("%utcover",$J,"TESTROUS") S ROU="" F S ROU=$O(XCLDROUS(ROU)) Q:ROU="" D SETROUS(.XCLUDE,.XCLDROUS,ROU) N TEXTGLOB S TEXTGLOB=$NA(^TMP("%utcover-text",$J)) K @TEXTGLOB D LIST(.XCLUDE,RESLTLVL,TEXTGLOB) F I=1:1 Q:'$D(@TEXTGLOB@(I)) W !,@TEXTGLOB@(I) K @TEXTGLOB Q ; SETROUS(XCLUDE,XCLDROUS,ROU) ; ; XCLUDE - passed by reference - on return contains array with indices as routines to exclude from analysis ; XCLDROUS - passed by referenc - array may contain a comma-delimited list of routines to exclude from analysis ; ROU - input - if non-numberic is name of routine to exclude from analysis N I,VAL I ROU'=+ROU S XCLUDE(ROU)="" F I=1:1 S VAL=$P(XCLDROUS(ROU),",",I) Q:VAL="" S XCLUDE(VAL)="" Q ; LIST(XCLDROUS,TYPE,TEXTGLOB,GLOB,LINNUM) ; ; ZEXCEPT: TYPE1 - NEWed and set below for recursion ; input - ROULIST - a comma separated list of routine names that will ; be used to identify desired routines. Any name ; that begins with one of the specified values will ; be included ; input - TYPE - value indicating amount of detail desired ; 3=full with listing of untouched lines ; 2=moderated with listing by tags ; 1=summary with listing by routine ; input - TEXTGLOB - closed global location in which text is returned ; input - GLOB - used for unit tests - specifies global to work with ; so that coverage data is not impacted ; N CURRCOV,CURRLIN,LINCOV,LINE,LINTOT,ROULIST,ROUNAME,TAG,TOTCOV,TOTLIN,XVAL ; I '$D(LINNUM) S LINNUM=0 ; initialize on first entry I '$D(GLOB) N GLOB S GLOB=$NA(^TMP("%utCOVREPORT",$J)) D TRIMDATA(.XCLDROUS,GLOB) ; remove undesired routines from data ; N JOB,NAME,BASE,TEXT,VAL S TOTCOV=0,TOTLIN=0 ; F NAME="%utCOVREPORT","%utCOVRESULT","%utCOVCOHORT","%utCOVCOHORTSAV" D I TYPE>1 S ROUNAME="" F S ROUNAME=$O(@GLOB@(ROUNAME)) Q:ROUNAME="" S XVAL=^(ROUNAME) D . S CURRCOV=$P(XVAL,"/"),CURRLIN=$P(XVAL,"/",2) . S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)="",LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)="" . S TEXT="Routine "_ROUNAME_" ",TEXT=$E(TEXT,1,20) . I CURRLIN>0 S VAL=" ("_$J((100*CURRCOV)/CURRLIN,"",2),VAL=$E(VAL,$L(VAL)-6,$L(VAL)) . S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)=TEXT_" "_$S(CURRLIN>0:VAL_"%)",1:" ------ ")_" "_CURRCOV_" out of "_CURRLIN_" lines covered" . I TYPE>1 S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)=" - "_$S(TYPE=2:"Summary",1:"Detailed Breakdown") . S TAG="" F S TAG=$O(@GLOB@(ROUNAME,TAG)) Q:TAG="" S XVAL=^(TAG) D . . S LINCOV=$P(XVAL,"/"),LINTOT=$P(XVAL,"/",2) . . S TEXT=" Tag "_TAG_"^"_ROUNAME_" ",TEXT=$E(TEXT,1,26) . . I LINTOT>0 S VAL=" ("_$J((100*LINCOV)/LINTOT,"",2),VAL=$E(VAL,$L(VAL)-6,$L(VAL)) . . S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)=TEXT_$S(LINTOT>0:VAL_"%)",1:" ------ ")_" "_LINCOV_" out of "_LINTOT_" lines covered" . . I TYPE=2 Q . . I LINCOV=LINTOT Q . . S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)=" the following is a list of the lines **NOT** covered" . . S LINE="" F S LINE=$O(@GLOB@(ROUNAME,TAG,LINE)) Q:LINE="" D . . . I LINE=0 S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)=" "_TAG_" "_@GLOB@(ROUNAME,TAG,LINE) Q . . . S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)=" "_TAG_"+"_LINE_" "_@GLOB@(ROUNAME,TAG,LINE) . . . Q . . Q . Q ; for type=3 generate a summary at bottom after detail I TYPE=3 N TYPE1 S TYPE1=2 D LIST(.XCLDROUS,2,TEXTGLOB,GLOB,.LINNUM) K TYPE1 I TYPE=2,$G(TYPE1) Q ; CAME IN FROM ABOVE LINE ; summarize by just routine name S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)="",LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)="" S ROUNAME="" F S ROUNAME=$O(@GLOB@(ROUNAME)) Q:ROUNAME="" S XVAL=^(ROUNAME) D . S CURRCOV=$P(XVAL,"/"),CURRLIN=$P(XVAL,"/",2) . S TOTCOV=TOTCOV+CURRCOV,TOTLIN=TOTLIN+CURRLIN . I CURRLIN>0 S VAL=" ("_$J((100*CURRCOV)/CURRLIN,"",2),VAL=$E(VAL,$L(VAL)-6,$L(VAL)) . S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)="Routine "_ROUNAME_" "_$S(CURRLIN>0:VAL_"%)",1:" ------ ")_" "_CURRCOV_" out of "_CURRLIN_" lines covered" S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)="",LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)="" S LINNUM=LINNUM+1,@TEXTGLOB@(LINNUM)="Overall Analysis "_TOTCOV_" out of "_TOTLIN_" lines covered"_$S(TOTLIN>0:" ("_$P((100*TOTCOV)/TOTLIN,".")_"% coverage)",1:"") Q ; TRIMDATA(ROULIST,GLOB) ; N ROUNAME S ROUNAME="" F S ROUNAME=$O(ROULIST(ROUNAME)) Q:ROUNAME="" K @GLOB@(ROUNAME) Q ;