
391 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Globalization;
namespace IndianHealthService.BMXNet
public class BMXNetDataReader : IDataReader
// The DataReader should always be open when returned to the user.
private bool m_fOpen = true;
// Keep track of the results and position
// within the resultset (starts prior to first record).
private RPMSDb.RPMSDbResultSet m_resultset;
private static int m_STARTPOS = -1;
private int m_nPos = m_STARTPOS;
* Keep track of the connection in order to implement the
* CommandBehavior.CloseConnection flag. A null reference means
* normal behavior (do not automatically close).
private BMXNetConnection m_connection = null;
* Because the user should not be able to directly create a
* DataReader object, the constructors are
* marked as internal.
internal BMXNetDataReader(RPMSDb.RPMSDbResultSet resultset)
m_resultset = resultset;
internal BMXNetDataReader(RPMSDb.RPMSDbResultSet resultset, BMXNetConnection connection)
m_resultset = resultset;
m_connection = connection;
public int Depth
* Always return a value of zero if nesting is not supported.
get { return 0; }
public bool IsClosed
* Keep track of the reader state - some methods should be
* disallowed if the reader is closed.
get { return !m_fOpen; }
public int RecordsAffected
* RecordsAffected is only applicable to batch statements
* that include inserts/updates/deletes. BMXNet always
* returns -1.
get { return -1; }
public void Close()
* Close the reader. BMXNet only changes the state,
* but an actual implementation would also clean up any
* resources used by the operation. For example,
* cleaning up any resources waiting for data to be
* returned by the server.
m_fOpen = false;
public bool NextResult()
// BMXNet only returns a single resultset. However,
// DbDataAdapter expects NextResult to return a value.
return false;
public bool Read()
// Return true if it is possible to advance and if you are still positioned
// on a valid row. Because the data array in the resultset
// is two-dimensional, you must divide by the number of columns.
if (++m_nPos >= / m_resultset.metaData.Length)
return false;
return true;
public DataTable GetSchemaTable()
DataTable dtSchema = new DataTable();
dtSchema.Columns.Add("ColumnName", typeof(System.String));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("ColumnSize", typeof(Int32));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("ColumnOrdinal", typeof(Int32));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("NumericPrecision", typeof(Int16));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("NumericScale", typeof(Int16));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("DataType", typeof(System.Type));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("AllowDBNull", typeof(bool));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("IsReadOnly", typeof(bool));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("IsUnique", typeof(bool));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("IsRowVersion", typeof(bool));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("IsKey", typeof(bool));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("IsAutoIncrement", typeof(bool));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("IsLong", typeof(bool));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("BaseTableName", typeof(System.String));
dtSchema.Columns.Add("BaseColumnName", typeof(System.String));
dtSchema.ExtendedProperties.Add("BMXTable", m_resultset.fmFileID);
dtSchema.ExtendedProperties.Add("BMXKey", m_resultset.fmKeyField);
for (int i=0; i < m_resultset.metaData.GetLength(0); i++)
DataRow r = dtSchema.NewRow();
r["BaseTableName"] = m_resultset.fmFileID;
r["BaseColumnName"] = m_resultset.metaData[i].fmFieldID;
r["ColumnName"] = m_resultset.metaData[i].name;
r["ColumnSize"] = m_resultset.metaData[i].maxSize;
r["ColumnOrdinal"] = i;
r["NumericPrecision"] = 0;
r["NumericScale"] = 0;
r["DataType"] = m_resultset.metaData[i].type;
r["AllowDBNull"] = false;
r["IsReadOnly"] = m_resultset.metaData[i].fmReadOnly;
r["IsUnique"] = false;
if (m_resultset.metaData[i].name == "BMXIEN")
r["IsUnique"] = true;
r["IsRowVersion"] = false;
r["IsKey"] = m_resultset.metaData[i].fmKeyField;
r["IsAutoIncrement"] = false;
r["IsLong"] = false;
return dtSchema;
public int FieldCount
// Return the count of the number of columns, which in
// this case is the size of the column metadata
// array.
get { return m_resultset.metaData.Length; }
public String GetName(int i)
return m_resultset.metaData[i].name;
public String GetDataTypeName(int i)
* Usually this would return the name of the type
* as used on the back end, for example 'smallint' or 'varchar'.
* BMXNet returns the simple name of the .NET Framework type.
return m_resultset.metaData[i].type.Name;
public Type GetFieldType(int i)
// Return the actual Type class for the data type.
return m_resultset.metaData[i].type;
public Object GetValue(int i)
return[m_nPos, i];
public int GetValues(object[] values)
int i = 0, j = 0;
for ( ; i < values.Length && j < m_resultset.metaData.Length; i++, j++)
values[i] =[m_nPos, j];
return i;
public int GetOrdinal(string name)
// Look for the ordinal of the column with the same name and return it.
for (int i = 0; i < m_resultset.metaData.Length; i++)
if (0 == _cultureAwareCompare(name, m_resultset.metaData[i].name))
return i;
// Throw an exception if the ordinal cannot be found.
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Could not find specified column in results");
public object this [ int i ]
get { return[m_nPos, i]; }
public object this [ String name ]
// Look up the ordinal and return
// the value at that position.
get { return this[GetOrdinal(name)]; }
public bool GetBoolean(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (bool)[m_nPos, i];
public byte GetByte(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (byte)[m_nPos, i];
public long GetBytes(int i, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferoffset, int length)
// BMXNet does not support this method.
throw new NotSupportedException("GetBytes not supported.");
public char GetChar(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (char)[m_nPos, i];
public long GetChars(int i, long fieldoffset, char[] buffer, int bufferoffset, int length)
// BMXNet does not support this method.
throw new NotSupportedException("GetChars not supported.");
public Guid GetGuid(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (Guid)[m_nPos, i];
public Int16 GetInt16(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (Int16)[m_nPos, i];
public Int32 GetInt32(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (Int32)[m_nPos, i];
public Int64 GetInt64(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (Int64)[m_nPos, i];
public float GetFloat(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (float)[m_nPos, i];
public double GetDouble(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (double)[m_nPos, i];
public String GetString(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (String)[m_nPos, i];
public Decimal GetDecimal(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (Decimal)[m_nPos, i];
public DateTime GetDateTime(int i)
* Force the cast to return the type. InvalidCastException
* should be thrown if the data is not already of the correct type.
return (DateTime)[m_nPos, i];
public IDataReader GetData(int i)
* BMXNet code does not support this method. Need,
* to implement this in order to expose nested tables and
* other hierarchical data.
throw new NotSupportedException("GetData not supported.");
public bool IsDBNull(int i)
return[m_nPos, i] == DBNull.Value;
* Implementation specific methods.
private int _cultureAwareCompare(string strA, string strB)
return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo.Compare(strA, strB, CompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType | CompareOptions.IgnoreWidth | CompareOptions.IgnoreCase);
void IDisposable.Dispose()
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
catch (Exception e)
throw new SystemException("An exception of type " + e.GetType() +
" was encountered while closing the BMXNetDataReader.");