Readme File Last Updated: 06/12/2002 ========================================= Package: Kernel Delphi Components (KDC) Current Version: 1.0 (XU*8*207) Original Release Date: June 2002 Dept. of Veterans Affairs VHA OI System Design & Development (SD&D) ========================================= The KDC1_0DG.ZIP file contains a standalone copy of the latest version of the "Kernel Delphi Components Developer's Guide," which consists of the following two files: * Help (.HLP) file * Contents (.CNT) file By default, the "Kernel Delphi Components Developer's Guide" is distributed with the Kernel Delphi Components in Kernel Patch XU*8*207. When installing the KDC, the "Kernel Delphi Components Developer's Guide" is automatically integrated with Delphi, which must already be installed on a Programmer Workstation. The KDC1_0DG.ZIP file allows non-developers or developers without Borland's Delphi software to install the "Kernel Delphi Components Developer's Guide" separate from the KDC. Users can use the "Kernel Delphi Components Developer's Guide" to learn more about development using the Kernel Delphi Components. TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= * 06/12/02: Kernel Delphi Components Developer's Guide (standalone online help) Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06/04/02: Kernel Delphi Components Developer's Guide (standalone online help) Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Notes: ------------------ 1. Create a separate directory for the "Kernel Delphi Components Developer's Guide" help files. In a normal installation of the KDC the Help files are located in the following directory: c:\Program Files\VISTA\Kernel\Help It is important that the KDC.HLP and KDC.CNT files be located in the same directory. For example, the directory structure should look similar to the following: VISTA | | Kernel | | Help | ______|______ | | | | KDC.HLP KDC.CNT 2. Download the KDC1_0DG.ZIP file into the directory you created/selected in Step #1. 3. Unzip the file. Follow the normal procedures when unzipping a file. 4. Open the "Kernel Delphi Components Developer's Guide" by double clicking on the KDC.HLP file. You can now browse the "Kernel Delphi Components Developer's Guide" and learn more about development using VistA's Kernel Delphi Components software.