adding traking-help

This commit is contained in:
george 2011-09-07 22:20:11 +00:00
parent 8dbd91bec4
commit 11fe880fbf
22 changed files with 2200 additions and 0 deletions

View File

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View File

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>EDIS: Configuration</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="display board, colors, selections, lists, parameters, room lists, area lists, display columns, column order, column color">
<link href="Accessible_Design.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br>
Configure View</h1>
<h2 align="center">
Configure the EDIS Display, List Selections, and Parameters</h2>
<a name="top"></a>
<p>The <b>Configure</b> view lets authorized users configure the application to include locally meaningful pick lists and create customized electronic whiteboard displays. Specifically, the view provides subviews that allow users to configure:</p>
<li><a href="#roomarea">Room and area selections</a></li>
<li><a href="#listselections">Additional selections for pick lists</a> (status, disposition, delay-reason, and source lists)</li>
<li><a href="#display">Display board options</a></li>
<li><a href="#colors">Colors</a></li>
<li><a href="#parameters">Parameters</a></li>
<h3 align="left"><a name="roomarea"></a>Room and Area Configurations</h3>
<p>The<strong> </strong><b>Room / Area</b> subview enables you to:</p>
<li>Add or configure rooms and areas</li>
<li>Specify display names for rooms and areas</li>
<li>Determine when the display board displays rooms and areas</li>
<li>Select a default status for patients who occupy specific rooms or areas</li>
<li>Mark rooms or areas inactive</li>
<li>Select the occupancy category into which rooms and areas fall (single patient, multiple patient, and so forth) </li>
<li>Indicate areas that contain two or more beds (for exposure reports)</li>
<li>Specify the electronic white-board display on which rooms and areas appear</li>
<li>Configure background and text colors for rooms and areas</li></ul>
<h4 align="left">Add, Configure, and Edit Rooms and Areas</h4>
<p align="left"><img src="images/configuration_view_room_area.png" alt="Screen capture: the Configuration view, Room / Area subview" border="1"><br>
<strong>The Configuration view, Room / Area subview.</strong></p>
<li>Select the <strong>Room / Area</strong> subview. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the left-hand view-selection menu. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the <strong>Configure</strong> view. Use the SPACEBAR key to select this view. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Room / Area</strong> subview and use the SPACEBAR or ENTER key to select it.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Add Room/Area.</strong> The application displays the <strong>Room / Area Edit</strong> pane and adds a new placeholder row in the <strong>Rooms / Areas</strong> grid. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Add Room/Area</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<li>To edit an existing room or area, click the room or area in the <strong>Rooms / Areas</strong> grid. Keyboard: use the TAB<strong></strong> key to locate the <strong>Rooms / Areas</strong> grid. Use the DOWN ARROW key to enter the grid, and use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a room or area.</li>
In the <strong>Name</strong> box (<strong>Edit</strong> pane), replace the application&rsquo;s placeholder name (<strong>new1</strong>) with the name of the room you want to add. <em>The application does not support duplicate room or area names.</em> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Name</strong> box.</li>
In the <strong>Display Name</strong> box, replace the placeholder name <strong>(new1)</strong> with the name you want EDIS to display. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Display Name</strong> box.</li>
Select one of the following three options from the <strong>Display When</strong> list: <strong>Occupied, Always,</strong> or <strong>Never.</strong> Your selection determines when EDIS includes the room or area on the electronic whiteboard display. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Display When</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select an option from this list. </li>
To configure a default status for patients who are assigned to the new room (optional), select a status from the <strong>Default Status</strong> list. (Sites can configure their own selections for this list.) Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Default Status</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a default status from the list.</li>
<li>If the new room or area is currently inactive, select the <strong>Inactive?</strong> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Inactive?</strong> check box. Use the SPACEBAR key to select (or cancel the selection of) the <strong>Inactive?</strong> check box.</li>
From the <strong>Category</strong> list, select the occupancy category into which the room or area falls. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Category</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select an occupancy category from the list.</li>
If a room or area contains two or more beds, type in the <strong>Shared Name</strong> box a name that associates the beds. For example, if area OBS contains two beds, OBS-1 and OBS-2, configure a room or area for each bed and type OBS in the <strong>Shared Name</strong> box for both OBS-1 and OBS-2. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Shared Name</strong> box.</li>
<li>If your site uses more than one electronic whiteboard display, type in the <strong>Use</strong> <strong>Board</strong> box the name of the display board on which the room or area will appear. All patients appear on the application&rsquo;s main electronic whiteboard display. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use</strong> <strong>Board</strong> box.</li>
<li>Configure a <a href="#roomareacolors">text and/or background color</a> for the room or area (optional).</li>
To dismiss the <strong>Edit</strong> pane and view all columns in the <strong>Rooms / Areas</strong> grid, click <strong>All Columns</strong>. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>All Columns</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. </li>
<li>Click <strong>Save Room / Area Changes</strong> to save your changes. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message that tells you it has successfully saved your changes. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save Room / Area Changes</strong> button. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the <strong>Save Room / Area Changes</strong> button. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button, use the SPACEBAR key to select the <strong>Close</strong> button.</li>
<h5 align="left"><a name="roomareacolors"></a>Configuring Color for Rooms and Areas</h5>
<p>The application allows you to configure text and background colors for rooms and areas.</p>
Select the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box. Use the SPACEBAR key to select (or cancel the selection of) this check box.</li>
<li>To configure a color for text, click the color-selection box labeled <b>Text.</b> EDIS displays a color-selection grid (<img src="images/color_grid.gif" alt="color-selection grid" width="41" height="44">).</li>
<li>Click a color in the grid to select a text color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, Job Access with Speech (JAWS) users can type in hexadecimal color codes for text. </li>
<li>To configure a background color, click the color-selection box labeled <b>Back.</b> EDIS displays a color-selection grid.</li>
<li>Click a color in the grid to select a background color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type hexadecimal color codes for for backgrounds. </li>
<li>Click <strong>Save Room / Area Changes</strong> to save your changes. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message that tells you it has successfully saved your changes. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save Room / Area Changes</strong> button. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the <strong>Save Room / Area Changes</strong> button. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button, use the SPACEBAR key to select the <strong>Close</strong> button.</li>
<table><!--This table is for formatting purposes only--><tr align="top"><td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td><i>Colors you configure for room and area assignments will not appear on the display board unless colors (in general) are enabled for room and area selections in the<strong> Configuration</strong> view&rsquo;s <strong>Display Board </strong>subview. (See <a href="#edit">“Configure or Edit Display Board Columns”</a> for more information) </i></td>
<h4><a name="roomareaorder"></a>Specifying the Order of Rooms and Areas</h4>
<p>Use a drag and drop operation to change the order of rooms and areas in the <strong>Rooms / Areas</strong> grid. EDIS bases the order of its <strong>Room / Area</strong> selection lists on the order of rooms and areas in the <strong>Rooms / Areas </strong>grid. Keyboard actions are not available for drag-and-drop operations.</p>
<p><a href="#top">Top</a></p>
<h3 align="left"><a name="display"></a>Display Board Configurations</h3>
<p align="left"><img src="images/Configuration_view_display_board.png" alt="Screen capture: the Configure view, Display Board subview" width="600" height="349" border="1"><br>
<strong>The Configure view&mdash;Display Board subview.</strong></p>
<p>The <b>Display Board</b> subview enables you to:</p>
<li><a href="#adddisplay">Add a new display board</a></li>
<li><a href="#add">Add</a> or <a href="#remove">remove</a> display-board columns</li>
<li><a href="#edit">Edit column headers</a></li>
<li>Identify information upon which you want to base cell colors in display-board columns </li>
<li>Identify information upon which you want to base colors in display-board rows</li>
<li><a href="#reposition">Reposition</a> and <a href="#resize">resize</a> display board columns</li>
<li>Select optimal display sizes</li>
<li>Select font sizes</li>
<li>Set scroll-delay times</li>
<li>Compress (squish) all data rows into a single view (if possible)</li>
<li>Save display-board configuration changes</li>
<p>EDIS enables you to configure each display board separately. Simply select the board you want to configure in the <strong>Board Name</strong> list. The application displays editable information about the board in the <strong>Board Properties</strong> pane.
<h4 align="left"><a name="adddisplay">Add a New Display Board</a></h4>
<p align="left">EDIS enables you to create multiple display boards. However, be advised: <em>you cannot delete display boards after you've saved them. </em></p>
Click <strong>Add Board. </strong>EDIS adds a placeholder name <strong>(New-1)</strong> in the <strong>Board Name </strong>list and the <strong>Board Name</strong> box, which is located in the <strong>Board Properties</strong> pane. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Add Board</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button.
<li>In the <strong>Board Name</strong> box, replace the placeholder name with the name you want to use for this new display board. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Board Name</strong> box. </li>
<li>(Optional) In the <strong>Row Color Based On</strong> list, select a display-board item upon which you want to base row colors. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Row Color Based On</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select an item from the list. </li>
<li>In the <strong>Display Size</strong> list, select the screen size of your new display board. Display sizes are site configurable. If the <strong>Display Size</strong> list does not contain your new board&rsquo;s screen size, check with your site&rsquo;s CAC or IRM staff. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Display Size</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW <strong></strong> keys to select a display size from the list. </li>
<li>In the <strong>Font Size</strong> box, type or select a font size for your new display board. Available font sizes range from six to 36 points. The <strong>Preview Display Board</strong> pane dynamically displays your font choices. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Font Size</strong> box. Type a font size, or use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a font size.</li>
<li>(Optional) Select the <strong>Squish Rows To Fit (if possible)</strong> check box. This selection allows EDIS to compress all data rows to completely fit within your site&rsquo;s display screen, if this is possible. To ensure readability, the application compresses data only down to a row size of 18 points and a font size of nine points. <em>If, after applying the maximum compression, your site&rsquo;s data will still not fit within a single display view, the application applies scrolling functionality and restores the display board&rsquo;s font size to the value you specified in the <strong>Font Size</strong> box.</em> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Squish (if possible)</strong> check box. Use the SPACEBAR key to select&mdash;or cancel the selection of&mdash;the check box. </li>
<li>In the <strong>Scroll Delay</strong> box, type or select a scroll-delay time (in seconds). The application automatically activates scrolling when the screen&rsquo;s real estate is not sufficient to display all of the patients who are currently on the <strong>Active Patients</strong> list. The delay-time setting determines how long screen contents remain stationary. For example, suppose your display can accommodate only 20 patients and 25 patients are currently on the list. Further, suppose that the EDIS scroll-delay time is set at five seconds. In this case, EDIS displays the first 20 patients for five seconds, then scrolls to display the remaining five patients for five seconds, and so forth. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Scroll Delay</strong> box. Type a delay time or use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to select a delay time.<br>
<!--This table is only for layout--> <table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="3">
<td valign="top"><em>Note:</em></td>
<td><em>EDIS refreshes the display board every 30 seconds. Each refresh resets the display-board view. Set scroll-delay intervals that allow the application to display all patients within the span of a single refresh cycle. (JAWS users can disable automatic refresh functionality and manually refresh the display board by pressing the F7
key. However, automatic refresh is disabled only when JAWS is running.)</em></td>
<h4 align="left"><a name="add">Add Display Board Columns</a></h4>
<p align="left">Display boards can include any of the following columns:</p>
<li><strong>Room/Bed: </strong>the rooms, beds, and areas associated with the display board</li>
<li><strong>Patient Name:</strong> patients' surnames</li>
<li><strong>Patient X9999:</strong> the first initials of patients' surnames concatenated with the last four digits of their Social Security numbers (SSNs)</li>
<li><strong>Visit Created:</strong> checkmarks that indicate EDIS has created visits for patients in CPRS or blank spaces that indicate EDIS has not created visits</li>
<li><strong>Complaint:</strong> patients' display-board complaints</li>
<li><strong>Comments:</strong> comments that users have entered via the <strong>Update</strong> view</li>
<li><strong>Provider Initials:</strong> the initials of providers whom users have selected via the <strong>Triage</strong>, <strong>Update, </strong>or<strong> Disposition</strong> view</li>
<li><strong>Resident Initials:</strong> the initials of residents whom users have selected via the <strong>Triage, Update</strong>, or <strong>Disposition</strong> view</li>
<li><strong>Nurse Initials:</strong> the initials of nurses whom users have selected via the <strong>Triage</strong> or <strong>Update</strong> view</li>
<li><strong>Acuity:</strong> acuities users have entered via the <strong>Triage</strong> view</li>
<li><strong>Status: </strong> statuses users have entered via the <strong>Update</strong> and <strong>Disposition</strong> views</li>
<li><strong>Lab Active/Complete:</strong> the number of active laboratory orders associated with patients' emergency-department visits over the number of completed laboratory orders</li>
<li><strong>Imaging Active/Complete:</strong> the number of active imaging orders associated with patients' emergency-department visits over the number of completed imaging orders</li>
<li><strong>New (Unverified) Orders: </strong>the number of unverified orders associated with patients' emergency-department visits (for sites using CPRS 26, EDIS decrements this number when unverified orders are completed; for sites using CPRS 27, EDIS decrements this number when unverified orders are verified)</li>
<li><strong>Total Minutes:</strong> the number of minutes from patients' time-in values (the times users added patients to&mdash;or identified them in&mdash;EDIS) to the present</li>
<li><strong>Minutes at Location: </strong>the number of minutes patients have been assigned to their present locations</li>
<p><img src="images/Configuration_view_display_board_add_column.png" alt="Screen capture: the Configure view, Display Board subview, Add Column list" border="1"><br>
<strong>The Add Column list.</strong></p>
<li>Click to open the <strong>Add Column</strong> list. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Add Column</strong> list. Press the SPACEBAR key to open the list.</li>
<li>Click to select a column name from the <strong>Add Column</strong> list. The <strong>Preview Display Board</strong> pane dynamically displays columns as you add them. Keyboard: use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the name of the column you want to add. Use the SPACEBAR or ENTER key to select the column.</li>
<li>Repeat steps 1 and 2 as necessary. Keyboard: the application maintains its focus on the <strong>Add Column</strong> list, so you won&rsquo;t need to relocate the list with each new column addition. Press the SPACEBAR key to reopen the list.<br><!--This table is for layout only--><table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="3">
<td valign="top"><em>Note:</em></td>
<td><em>After you add columns, you can specify their order using a drag-and-drop operation. (See “<a href="#reposition">Specify the Order of Display Board Columns.</a>”) However, keyboard operations are not available for post-addition column ordering. If you exclusively use keyboard actions, please add columns in the order you want them to appear on your electronic whiteboard display.</em></td>
<h4 align="left"><a name="remove">Remove Display Board Columns</a></h4>
<p>You can remove columns from the <b>Selected Columns</b> list in any of the following ways: </p>
<li>Remove a single column: click an individual column in the <b>Selected Columns</b> list and press the DELETE key. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Selected Columns</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select the column you want to remove. Press the DELETE key to remove the column.</li>
<li>Remove a group of columns: select a group of columns in the <b>Selected Columns</b> list by clicking the first column in the group, then pressing and holding down the CTRL key as you click the remaining columns. Release the CTRL key and press the DELETE key to remove the group. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Selected Columns</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select the first column in the group. Press and hold down the CTRL key while using the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate additional columns in the group. Press the SPACEBAR key to select each column. Release the CTRL key and press the DELETE key to delete the group. </li>
<li>Remove a range of columns: select a range of columns in the <b>Selected Columns</b> list by clicking the first column in the range, then pressing and holding down the SHIFT key as you click the last column. Release the SHIFT key and press the DELETE key to remove the range. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Selected Columns </strong>list. Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to locate the first column in the range. Press and hold down the SHIFT key while using the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to select the remaining columns in the range. Release the SHIFT key and press the DELETE key to remove the range. </li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="edit">Configure or Edit Display Board Columns</a></h4>
<li> In the <strong>Selected Columns</strong> list, click the column whose properties you want to configure or edit. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Selected Columns</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW key to enter the list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the column you want to configure.</li>
<li>In the <strong>Header</strong> box, which is located in the <strong>Column Properties</strong> pane, replace the application&rsquo;s default or current header (optional). Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Header</strong> box. </li>
<li>Select an item in the <strong>Color Based On</strong> list (optional). Your selection here determines the criteria the application uses to display color configurations in electronic whiteboard display columns. <em>The application gives preference to colors you configure for columns over colors you configure for rows.</em> List items include: <strong>Status / Acuity</strong>, <strong>Status</strong>, <strong>Acuity</strong>, <strong>Room / Bed</strong>, <strong>Provider</strong>, <strong>Resident</strong>, <strong>Nurse</strong>, <strong>Urgency &ndash; Lab</strong>, <strong>Urgency &ndash; Radiology</strong>, <strong>Total Elapsed Minutes</strong>, <strong>Minutes at Location</strong>, <strong>Minutes for Lab Order</strong>, <strong>Minutes for Imaging Order</strong>, and <strong>Minutes for Unverified Order</strong>. </li>
<!--This table is for layout only--><table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="3">
<td valign="top"><em>Note:</em></td>
<td valign="top"><p><em>Although you configure color selections in the <strong>Assign Staff</strong> view and the <strong>Colors</strong> and <strong>Room / Area</strong> subviews, the <strong>Display Board</strong> subview of the <strong>Configuration</strong> view is where you determine which of these colors the board displays and where it displays them.
<p><em>Your selection determines which color or colors appear on the display board for the column youve selected. For example, suppose you select the <strong>Status</strong> column. Then suppose you click this columns <strong>Color Based On</strong> list and select <strong>Acuity</strong>. In this case, the board will display in its <strong>Status</strong> column colors you have configured for acuity.</em></p></td>
<h4 align="left"><a name="reposition">Specify the Order of Display Board Columns</a></h4>
<p>You can specify the order of electronic whiteboard display columns by using a drag-and-drop operation in either the <strong>Preview Display Board</strong> pane or the <strong>Selected Columns</strong> list.</p>
<p>To perform a drag-and-drop operation, click a column header and, without releasing your mouse button, move the header to its new location. Release the mouse button. Keyboard actions are not available for drag-and-drop operations. To reorder columns using your keyboard, remove columns in the <strong>Selected Columns</strong> list and re-add them in the order you want them to appear on the electronic whiteboard display. </p>
<h4 align="left"><a name="resize">Resize Display Board Columns</a></h4>
<p align="left">You resize columns in the <strong>Preview Display Board</strong> pane by using a drag-and-drop operation (keyboard actions are not available):</p>
<ol><li>Point your mouse at the border of the column you want to resize.</li>
<li>When your mouse pointer becomes a slider (<img src="images/column_slider.gif" alt="column_slider" width="16" height="16" align="bottom">), hold down your right mouse button and drag the boarder to resize the column.</li>
<li>Release your mouse button.</li></ol>
<h4 align="left"><a name="savedisplay">Save Display Board Configuration Changes</a></h4>
<p>Click <strong>Save Display Board Changes</strong>. EDIS displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to confirm that it has successfully saved your changes. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save Display Board Changes</strong> button. Press the
key to select the button. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button, and use the
key to select it. </p>
<p><a href="#top">Top</a></p>
<h3 align="left"><a name="colors"></a>Configure Colors</h3>
<p><img src="images/Configuration_view_Colors_subview_status_acuity.png" alt="Screen capture: the Configure view, Colors subview, Status / Acuity selected" border="1"><br>
<strong>The Configure view&mdash;Colors subview, Status / Acuity selected.</strong></p>
<p>The<strong> </strong><b>Colors</b> subview enables you to configure colors for the following items: </p>
<li><b><a href="#acuity">Status / Acuity</a></b></li>
<li><b><a href="#acuity">Status</a></b></li>
<li><b><a href="#acuity">Acuity</a></b></li>
<li><b><a href="#urgency">Urgency Lab</a></b></li>
<li><b><a href="#urad">Urgency Radiology</a></b></li>
<li><b><a href="#totalmins">Total Elapsed Minutes</a></b></li>
<li><b><a href="#locmins">Minutes at Location</a></b></li>
<li><b><a href="#labmins">Minutes for Lab Order</a></b></li>
<li><b><a href="#imagmins">Minutes for Imaging Order</a></b></li>
<li><b><a href="#unverordermins">Minutes for Unverified Order</a></b></li></ul>
<h4 align="left"><a name="acuity">Configure Colors for Status and Acuity Values</a></h4>
You can configure colors for all status values. The following initial values ship with the application:
<li><b>Admitted </b></li>
<li><strong>Awaiting Triage</strong></li>
<li><strong>ED Boarding [Hold]</strong></li>
<li><b>ED Observation Unit</b></li>
<li><b>ED Patient</b></li>
<li><b>En Route/Prearrival</b></li>
<p>You can also configure colors for the following acuity values (the application supports Emergency Severity Index [ESI] acuity values):</p>
<li><b>1</b> (most urgent)</li>
<li><b>5</b> (least urgent)</li></ul>
<p>In addition, you can use the <b>Status / Acuity</b> selection to configure colors for the combined set of status and acuity values.</p>
<!--This table is for formatting purposes only-->
<tr align="top">
<td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td valign="top"><i>Color-map selections in the <strong>Colors</strong> subview must match at least one color selection in the <strong>Display Board </strong>subview. For example, if you configure colors using the <strong>Status / Acuity</strong> selection in the <strong>Colors</strong> subview, select <strong>Status / Acuity</strong> in the<strong> Colors Based On </strong>column or <strong>Row Color </strong>list in the <strong>Display Board </strong>subview. Also note: if you configure colors for the <strong>Status/Acuity </strong>selection&nbsp; and also for the&nbsp; <strong>Acuity</strong> and/or <strong>Status</strong> selections,&nbsp; the application will display the colors you configured for <strong>Status / Acuity</strong>.&nbsp; </i></td>
<li>In the <b>Available Color Maps</b> list, select <b>Status, Acuity,</b> or <b>Status / Acuity.</b> EDIS displays the <b>Colors for Status, Colors for Acuity,</b> or <b>Colors for Status / Acuity</b> grid, respectively. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Available Color Maps </strong>list. Use the DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW key to select <strong>Status / Acuity</strong>, <strong>Status,</strong> or <strong>Acuity.</strong></li>
<li>To configure colors for a value listed in the grid, select the value. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the grid. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW key s to select a value within the grid. </li>
<li>Click the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box. The application displays text and background color-selection boxes. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the check box.</li>
<li>To configure a color for the values text, click the <b>Text</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select the color. General keyboard instructions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes.<br>
<img src="images/color_grid.gif" alt="Screen capture: the Color grid" border="1"><br>
<strong>The color grid.</strong></li>
<li>To configure a color for the values background, click the <b>Back</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select the background color. General keyboard instructions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes.</li>
<li>Repeat steps 15 to configure colors for additional values.</li>
Click <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> to save your color configurations. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to inform you that it has saved your color selections. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR <strong></strong> key to select it.</li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="urgency">Configure Colors for Urgency Lab Values</a></h4>
<p><img src="images/Configuration_view_Colors_subview_urgency_lab.png" alt="Screen capture: the Configure view, Colors subview, Colors for Urgency - Lab Values selected" border="1"><br>
<strong>The Colors for Urgency - Lab grid.</strong></p>
<p>You can configure colors for the following values: </p>
<li><b>No Orders</b></li>
<li><b>Active Orders</b></li>
<li><b>STAT Orders</b></li></ul>
<li>In the <b>Available Color Maps</b> list, select <b>Urgency &ndash; Lab.</b> EDIS displays the <b>Colors for Urgency Lab</b> grid. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Available Color Maps</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW key to enter the list, and use the DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW key to locate <strong>Urgency &ndash; Lab</strong>.</li>
<li>To configure colors for a value listed in the grid, select the value, then select the <b>Use Color</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Urgency &ndash; Lab</strong> grid. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a value in the grid. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box, and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<li>To configure a color for the values text, click the <b>Text</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a text color. General keyboard instructions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes.</li>
<li>To configure a color for the values background, click the <b>Back</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a background color. General keyboard instructions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes.</li>
<li>Repeat steps 24 to configure colors for additional values.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> to save your color configurations. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to inform you that it has saved your color selections. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB<strong></strong> key to locate <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="urad">Configure Colors for Urgency Radiology Values</a></h4>
<p><img src="images/Configuration_view_Colors_subview_urgency_rad.png" alt="Screen capture: Configure view, Colors subview, Urgencey - Radiology values " border="1"><br>
<strong>Colors for Urgency - Radiology grid.</strong></p>
<p>You can configure colors for the following values:</p>
<li><b>No Orders</b></li>
<li><b>Active Orders</b></li>
<li><b>STAT Orders</b></li></ul>
<li>In the <b>Available Color Maps</b> list, select <b>Urgency &ndash; Radiology.</b> EDIS displays the <b>Colors for Urgency Radiology</b> grid. Keyboard: use the TAB<strong> </strong>key to locate the <strong>Available Color Maps</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select <strong>Urgency &ndash; Radiology</strong>. </li>
<li>To configure colors for a value listed in the grid, select the value, then select the <b>Use Color</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Colors for Urgency &ndash; Radiology</strong> grid. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a value. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<li>To configure a color for the values text, click the <b>Text</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a text color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users may type in hexadecimal color codes. </li>
<li>To configure a color for the values background, click the <b>Back</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a background color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users may type in hexadecimal color codes. </li>
<li>Repeat steps 24 to configure colors for additional values.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> to save your color configurations. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to inform you that it has saved your color selections. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="totalmins">Configure Colors for Total Elapsed Minutes</a></h4>
<p>The application measures total elapsed minutes from patients' time-in values. </p>
<p><img src="images/Configuration_view_Colors_subview_TEM.png" alt="Screen capture: Configure view, Colors subview, Colors for Total Elapsed Minutes" border="1"><br>
<strong>Configure colors for the Total Elapsed Minutes selection.</strong></p>
<li>Select <strong>Total Elapsed Minutes</strong> in the <b>Available Color Maps</b> list. The application displays the <b>Colors for Total Elapsed Minutes</b> grid. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Available Color Maps</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select <strong>Total Elapsed Minutes.</strong></li>
<li>To add a time value to the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> column, click <strong>Add</strong>. The application displays the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Add</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button.</li>
<li>Type a starting value in the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute </strong>box. EDIS uses this value to determine when to display your color configuration. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> box.</li>
<li>To associate a color with this value, select the <b>Use Color</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use Color </strong>check box and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<li>To configure a color for the values text, click the <b>Text</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a text color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users may type in hexadecimal color codes. </li>
<li>To configure a color for the values background, click the <b>Back</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a background color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users may type in hexadecimal color codes. </li>
<li>Repeat steps 26 to configure colors for additional values.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> to save your color configurations. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to inform you that it has saved your color selections. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB<strong></strong> key to locate <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="locmins">Configure Colors for Minutes at Location</a></h4>
<p>The application measures elapsed time from patients' most recent room assignments.</p>
<p><img src="images/Configuration_view_Colors_subview_mins_at_loc.png" alt="Screen capture: Configure view, Colors subview, Minutes at Location selection" width="600" height="455" border="1"><br>
<strong>The Colors for Minutes at Location grid.</strong></p>
<li>Select <strong>Minutes at Location </strong>in the <b>Available Color Maps</b> list. The application displays the <b>Colors for Minutes at Location</b> grid. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Available Color Maps</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select <strong>Minutes at Location.</strong></li>
<li>To add a time value to the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> column, click <strong>Add</strong>. The application displays the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> box. Keyboard: use the TAB<strong></strong> key to locate the <strong>Add</strong> button.</li>
<li>Type a starting value in the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute </strong>box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> box.</li>
<li>To associate a color with this value, select the <b>Use Color</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. </li>
<li>To configure a color for the values text, click the <b>Text</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a text color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes. </li>
<li>To configure a color for the values background, click the <b>Back</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a background color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes. </li>
<li>Repeat steps 26 to configure colors for additional values.</li>
Click <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> to save your color configurations. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to inform you that it has saved your color selections. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.
<h4 align="left"><a name="labmins">Configure Colors for Minutes for Lab Order</a></h4>
<p>Values measure elapsed time from orders' release to the laboratory. </p>
<p><img src="images/Configuration_view_Colors_subview_mins_for_lab_order.png" alt="Screen capture: Configure view, Colors subview, Minutes for Lab Order selection" width="600" height="453" border="1"><br>
<strong>The Colors for Minutes for Lab Order grid.</strong></p>
<li>Select <strong>Minutes for Lab Order</strong> in the <strong>Available Color Maps</strong> list. The application displays the <strong>Colors for Minutes for Lab Order </strong>grid. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Available Color Maps</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select <strong>Minutes for Lab Order</strong>.</li>
<li>To add a time value to the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> column, click <strong>Add</strong>. The application displays the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Add</strong> button.</li>
<li>Type a starting value in the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute </strong>box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> box.</li>
<li>To associate a color with this value, select the <b>Use Color</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box and use the SPACEBAR key to select the check box. </li>
<li>To configure a color for the values text, click the <b>Text</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a text color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes.</li>
<li>To configure a color for the values background, click the <b>Back</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a background color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes.</li>
<li>Repeat steps 26 to configure colors for additional values.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> to save your color configurations. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to inform you that it has saved your color selections. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="imagmins">Configure Colors for Minutes for Imaging Order</a></h4>
<p>Values measure elapsed time from orders' release to radiology.</p>
<p><img src="images/Configuration_view_Colors_subview_mins_img.png" alt="Screen capture: Configure view, Colors subview, Minutes for Imaging selection" width="600" height="451" border="1"><br>
<strong>The Colors for Minutes for Imaging Order grid.</strong></p>
<li>Select <strong>Minutes for Imaging Order </strong>in the <b>Available Color Maps</b> list. The application displays the <b>Colors for Minutes for Imaging Order</b> grid. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Available Color Maps</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select <strong>Minutes for Imaging Order.</strong></li>
<li>To add a time value to the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> column, click <strong>Add</strong>. The application displays the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Add</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button. </li>
<li>Type a starting value in the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute </strong>box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> box.</li>
<li>To associate a color with this value, select the <b>Use Color</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box and use the SPACEBAR key to select the check box. </li>
<li>To configure a color for the values text, click the <b>Text</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a text color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes.</li>
<li>To configure a color for the values background, click the <b>Back</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a background color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes. </li>
<li>Repeat steps 26 to configure colors for additional values.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> to save your color configurations. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to inform you that it has saved your color selections. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="unverordermins">Configure Colors for Minutes for Unverified Orders</a></h4>
<p>Values measure elapsed time from orders' release.</p>
<p><img src="images/Configuration_view_Colors_subview_mins_unver_order.png" alt="Screen capture: Configure view, Colors subview, Minutes for Unverified Order selection" width="600" height="450"><br>
<strong>The Colors for Minutes for Unverified Order grid.</strong></p>
<li>Select <strong>Minutes for Unverified Order</strong> in the <b>Available Color Maps</b> list. The application displays the <b>Colors for Minutes for Unverified Order</b> grid. Keyboard: use the TAB <strong></strong> key to locate the <strong>Available Color Maps</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select <strong>Minutes for Unverified Order.</strong></li>
<li>To add a time value to the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> column, click <strong>Add</strong>. The application displays the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Add</strong> button and press the SPACEBAR key to select it. </li>
Type a starting value in the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute </strong>box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Starting at Elapsed Minute</strong> box.</li>
<li>To associate a color with this value, select the <b>Use Color</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box and use the SPACEBAR key to select the check box.</li>
<li>To configure a color for the values text, click the <b>Text </b>color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a text color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes.</li>
<li>To configure a color for the values background, click the <b>Back</b> color-selection box. The application displays a color-selection grid. Click a color within the grid to select a background color. General keyboard actions are not available for this step; however, JAWS users can type in hexadecimal color codes. </li>
<li>Repeat steps 26 to configure colors for additional values.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> to save your color configurations. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to inform you that it has saved your color selections. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate <strong>Save Color Changes</strong> and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR<strong></strong> key to select it.</li>
<p><a href="#top">Top</a>
<h3 align="left"><a name="parameters"></a>Configure Parameters</h3>
<p align="left"><img src="images/configuration_view_parameters_subview.png" alt="Screen capture: the Configure view, Parameters subview" border="1"><br>
<strong>The Configure view&mdash;Parameters subview.</strong></p>
<p>The <b>Parameters</b> subview allows you to set the following parameters: </p>
<li><a href="#show_residents"><b>Show residents on entry form.</b> </a>This parameter enables sites that have residents to include them on the applications data-entry views. Resident-selection lists appear on the <strong>Triage, Update, Disposition, </strong>and <strong>Edit Closed</strong> views. </li>
<li><b><a href="#req_diag">Diagnosis is required before removing a patient.</a></b> When sites select this parameter, EDIS requires emergency-department personnel to enter diagnoses as a precondition to removing patients from the display board&mdash;unless the patient's disposition is one of the following: <strong>Patient Name Entered in Error, Left Without Being Treated/Seen,</strong> or <strong>Sent to Nurse Eval / Drop In Clinic.</strong></li>
<li><b><a href="#icd9">Diagnosis must be coded as ICD.</a></b> When sites select this parameter, the application uses VistAs ICD-9-CM search for all diagnosis entries. When sites do not select this parameter, the application provides a free-text field for recording diagnoses.</li>
<li><a href="#dispo_req"><strong>Disposition is required before removing patient. </strong></a>When sites select this parameter, the application requires emergency department personnel to enter dispositions before removing patients from the display board.</li>
<li><a href="#delay"><strong>Delay reason is required for visits exceeding [site-specified] minutes. </strong></a>When sites select this parameter, the application does not allow users to remove patients whose stays have exceeded a specific number of minutes without first entering a reason for delay&mdash;unless the patient's disposition indicates that he or she has been assigned to an observation ward.</li>
<li><strong><a href="#ambulance">Arriving Ambulance Room/Area is.</a></strong> This parameter enables sites to select a default room or area for patients who are arriving by ambulance or other emergency-transport vehicles. </li>
<li><strong><a href="#room_area">Default Room/Area is.</a></strong> This parameter enables sites to select a default room or area. </li>
<p>The <b>Parameters</b> subview also enables you to specify <a href="#shift_start">shift start times and durations</a>. The application uses this information to pull data for shift reports. </p>
<h4 align="left"><a name="show_residents"></a>Include Residents on Entry Form</h4>
<li>Select the <b>Show residents on entry form</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Show residents on entry form</strong> check box. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the checkbox. </li>
<li>Clear the check box to remove the resident-selection list from the entry form. Keyboard: use the SPACEBAR key to clear the selection of the check box. </li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="req_diag"></a>Require a Diagnosis</h4>
<li>Select the <b>Diagnosis is required before removing patient</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Diagnosis is required before removing patient</strong> check box. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the check box. </li>
<li>Clear the check box to remove the requirement. Keyboard: use the SPACEBAR key to clear the check box. </li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="icd9"></a>Require ICD-9-CM or Free-text Diagnoses</h4>
<li>To require ICD-9-CM diagnoses, select the <b>Diagnosis must be coded as ICD</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Diagnosis must be coded as ICD</strong> check box. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the check box. </li>
<li>To require free-text diagnoses, do not select&#151;or clear the selection of&#151;the <b>Diagnosis must be coded as ICD</b> check box. Keyboard: use the SPACEBAR key to clear the selection of the check box. </li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="dispo_req"></a>Require Disposition to Remove Patient</h4>
<li>Select the <b>Disposition is required before removing patient</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Disposition is required before removing patient</strong> check box. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the check box. </li>
<li>To remove the requirement, clear the check box. Keyboard: use the SPACEBAR key to clear the check box. </li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="delay"></a>Require a Reason for Delay</h4>
<li>Select the <b>Delay reason is required for visits exceeding ... minutes</b> check box. In the <b>minutes</b> box, type or select a number of minutes after which the application should require a reason for delay. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Delay reason is required for visits exceeding ...minutes</strong> check box. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the check box. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>minutes</strong> box. Type a number of minutes or use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to select a number of minutes. </li>
<table><!--This table is for formatting purposes only--><tr align="top"><td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td><i>The national visit limit for emergency departments is currently six hours (360 minutes). </i></td></tr></table>
<li>Clear the check box to remove the requirement. Keyboard: use the SPACEBAR key to clear the check box.</li>
<h4 align="left"><a name="shift_start"></a>Configure Shift Parameters</h4>
<li>In the <b>First shift begins at</b> box, type the time (in hours and minutes&#151;hh:mm) your sites first shift begins. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>First shift begins at</strong> box.</li>
<li>In the <b>Shift duration is… hours</b> and <b>minutes</b> boxes, type or select the hours and minutes that mark the duration of your sites shifts. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Shift duration is ...hours </strong>and <strong>minutes </strong>boxes. Type hours and minutes or use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to select hours and minutes. </li>
<h4><a name="ambulance"></a>Set a Default Room or Area for Patients Arriving by Ambulance</h4>
<p>Select a room or area from the <strong>Arriving Ambulance Room/Area is </strong>list. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Arriving Ambulance Room/Area is</strong> list. Use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to select a default room or area from the list. </p>
<h4><a name="room_area"></a>Set a Default Room or Area</h4>
<p>Select a room or area from the <strong>Default Room/Area is </strong>list. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Default Room/Area is </strong>list. Use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to select a default room or area from the list.</p>
<h4 align="left"><a name="save_params"></a>Save Parameter Selections</h4>
<p>Click <strong>Save Parameter Changes</strong>. The application displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to inform you that it has successfully saved your changes. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save Parameter Changes </strong>button. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the button. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</p>
Some parameter settings require you to log out of the application and log back in. For example, if you select the <strong>Diagnosis must be coded as ICD</strong> check box, you must log out and log back in to see the change on the application&rsquo;s <strong>Disposition</strong> view. Likewise, after selecting the <strong>Show residents on entry form</strong> check box, you must log out and log back in to see resident lists on the application&rsquo;s <strong>Update</strong> view.
<p><a href="#top">Top</a></p>
<h3 align="left"><a name="listselections">Add Choices to Selection Lists</a></h3>
<p align="left"><img src="images/configuration_view_selections_subview.png" alt="Screen capture: the Configure view, Selections subview" width="600" height="451" border="1"><br>
<strong>The Configure view&mdash;Selections subview. </strong></p>
<p>The<strong> </strong><b>Selections</b> subview enables you to add locally meaningful choices to selection lists that ship with EDIS. Specifically, you can add selections to the following lists: </p>
<li><b>Status&#151;</b>the application ships with the following statuses:
<li>Awaiting Triage</li>
<li>ED Boarding [Hold]</li>
<li>ED Observation Unit</li>
<li>ED Patient</li>
<li>En Route/Prearrival</li>
<li><b>Disposition&#151;</b>the application ships with the following dispositions:
<li>Admitted to VA Ward</li>
<li>Admitted to Telemetry</li>
<li>Admitted to ICU</li>
<li>Admitted to Psychiatry</li>
<li>AMA (left against medical advice)</li>
<li>Left Without Being Treated/Seen</li>
<li>Transferred to VA Facility</li>
<li>Transferred to non-VA Facility</li>
<li>Sent to Nurse Eval / Drop In Clinic</li>
<li>Patient Name Entered in Error</li>
<li><b>Delay Reason&#151;</b>the application ships with the following reasons for delay:
<li>Obtain Inpatient Bed</li>
<li>ED to Hospital Bed</li>
<li>Obtain Imaging Results</li>
<li>Obtain Imaging Studies</li>
<li>Obtain Drugs/Pharmacology</li>
<li>Obtain Lab Results</li>
<li>Obtain Lab Studies</li>
<li>Obtain Medical Supplies</li>
<li>Arrange Emergency Surgery</li>
<li>Obtain Consult</li>
<li>On-call Staff</li>
<li>Patient Transport Home</li>
<li>Overcrowding of ED</li>
<li>Patient Transport Other</li>
<li>Obtain Accepting Physician</li>
<li>Obtain Escort</li>
<li>Admitting Physician Evaluation</li>
<li>Admit Physician Writing Dispo</li>
<li>Patient Admitted to Observation</li>
<li>ED Staff Limits</li>
<li>ED Physician Limits</li>
<li>Interfacility Transfer</li>
<li>Obtain Ambulance Services</li>
<li><b>Source&#151;</b>the application ships with the following sources:
<li>On-site Clinic</li>
<li>On-site Nursing Home</li>
<li>VA Clinic, Off-site</li>
<li>VA Nursing Home, Off-site</li>
<li>Non-VA Clinic/Office</li>
<li>Non-VA Nursing Home</li>
<li>Transfer, Other</li>
<p>The EDIS technical working group (TWG) and technical advisory group (TAG) have vetted these default lists. When sites add selections, the application denotes local adaptations of national status-, disposition-, reason-for-delay-, and source-list values by displaying the word <em>local</em> in the subviews <strong>National Name</strong> column. National definitions are available for:</p>
<p><a href="Disposition.html#delaydefinitions">Delay reasons</a> <br>
<a href="Disposition.html#dispodefinitions">Dispositions</a><br>
<a href="SignIn.html#sourcedefs">Sources</a><br>
<a href="Triage.html">Statuses</a><br>
<h4 align="left"><a name="adding_selections"></a>Add Status, Disposition, Delay Reason, and Source Selections</h4>
<li>Select <b>Status, Disposition, Delay Reason,</b> or <b>Source</b> in the <b>Selection List.</b> The application displays the <b>Selections for Status, Selections for Disposition, Selections for Delay Reason,</b> or <b>Selections for Source </b>grid, respectively. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Selection List</strong>. Use the DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW key to select <strong>Status, Disposition, Delay Reason, </strong>or <strong>Source.</strong></li>
<li>Click <b>Add.</b> The application displays the <strong>Edit Selection Item</strong> pane. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Add</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button.</li>
<li>In the <strong>Name</strong> box (<strong>Edit Selection Item</strong> pane), type a name for the selection you want to add. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Name</strong> box. </li>
<li>In the <strong>Abbreviation</strong> box, type an abbreviation for the item you want to add. EDIS uses this abbreviation for its electronic whiteboard display. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Abbreviation</strong> box. </li>
<em>Status selection &nbsp;additions</em>: if applicable, type the letter <em>A</em> (for <em>admitted</em>) or the letter <em>O</em> (for <em>observation</em>), or both in the <strong>Flags</strong> box. EDIS uses these flags for reporting and to determine whether or not it should require a reason for delay when emergency-department stays exceed site-specified time limits. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Flags</strong> box.</li>
<li><em>Disposition selection additions</em>: if applicable, type <em>VA</em> (for <em>VA admission</em>), <em>A</em> (for <em>admitted</em>), or <em>M </em>(for <em>missed opportunity</em>) in the <strong>Flags</strong> box. EDIS uses these flags for reporting. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Flags</strong> box.</li>
<li>(Optional) If you want to inactivate the new item, select the <strong>Inactive</strong> check box. The application does not include inactive items on its selection lists. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Inactive</strong> check box and use the SPACEBAR key to select it</li>
<li>(Optional) Change the order in which EDIS displays list selections in its data views by using a drag-and-drop operation to reorder selections in the <strong>Selections for Status</strong>, <strong>Selections for Disposition</strong>, <strong>Selections for Delay Reason</strong>, or <strong>Selections for Source</strong> lists. Keyboard instructions are not available for this step.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Save Selection List Changes</strong> to save your additions (or edits). EDIS displays an <strong>Alert</strong> message to tell you it successfully saved your changes. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss this message. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save Selection List Changes</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Close</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<p><a href="#top">Top</a></p>
<h3 align="left">Related Topics</h3>
<p><a href="General.html">General Information</a></p>
<p><a href="index.html">Index</a></p>
<p><a href="TOC.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

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<title>EDIS: Display Board</title>
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<meta name="keywords" content="room, patient, comment, complaint, prv, provider, res, resident, rn, nurse, acuity status, l, minutes for laboratory orders, i, minutes for imaging orders, unverified orders, e mins, elapsed minutes, mins, minutes at location, columns, resize, rearrange, sort">
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<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br>
Display Board View</h1>
<h2 align="center">Viewing and Customizing the Display Board </h2>
<p>The application's <b>Display Board</b> view offers a PC- or workstation-based preview of your sites main electronic white-board display configuration. (You can create multiple large display boards, however the application displays only your sites main board in its<strong> Display Board </strong>view.) If you have access to this view, you can customize it as you would any other grid-based view: </p>
<li><a href="#reposition">Arrange columns</a></li>
<li><a href="#resize">Resize columns</a></li>
<li><a href="#sort">Sort information within columns</a></li></ul>
<p>You cannot save the layout changes you make from within this view. Further, the changes you make appear only on your local machine (as opposed to appearing on the large&mdash;or big-board&mdash;display). Please contact the person who configures EDIS for your site (usually an information resource manager [IRM] or clinical application coordinator [CAC]) to request permanent changes to your site's large displays.. </p>
<p><img src="images/display_board_view_general.png" alt="Screen capture: the Display Board view" width="600" height="231" border="1"><br />
The <strong>Display Board </strong>view.</p>
<h3 align="left">Viewing the Display Board</h3>
<p>The PC-based <strong>Display Board</strong> view contains only the columns your site has selected for its main display board. Following is a list of the columns from which your site can choose:</p>
<li><b>Room / Bed:</b> patients&#146; room or bed assignments</li>
<li><strong>Clinic: </strong>the emergency department&#146;s clinic locations</li>
<li><b>Patient Name:</b> patients&#146; names</li>
<li><strong>Patient X9999:</strong> an alternative way to display patients&#146; names (the first letter of patients surnames concatenated with the last four digits of their Social Security numbers)</b></li>
<li><strong>Visit Created:</strong> a check box that indicates whether or not EDIS has created a visit in CPRS</li>
<li><b>Comment:</b> optional comments</li>
<li><b>Complaint:</b> patients display-board complaints</li>
<li><b>Provider Initials:</b> providers initials</li>
<li><b>Resident Initials:</b> residents initials</li>
<li><b>Nurse Initials:</b> nurses initials</li>
<li><b>Acuity:</b> patients acuities</li>
<li><b>Status:</b> patients statuses</li>
<li><b>Lab Active/Complete:</b> the total number of patients active laboratory orders relative to the total number of their completed laboratory orders</li>
<li><b>Imaging Active/Complete:</b> the total number of patients active imaging orders relative to the total number of their completed imaging orders</li>
<li><b>New (Unverified) Orders:</b> patients unverified orders (values decrement when nurses verify the orders in CPRS and when ancillary services [lab and imaging] complete the orders)</li>
<li><b>Total Minutes:</b> the total number of minutes patients have been in the emergency department</li>
<li><b>Minutes at Location:</b> the total number of minutes patients have been in their present locations</li>
<table width="529" border="0" summary="this table is for formatting purposes">
<td width="42" valign="top"><em>Note:</em></td>
<td width="477" valign="top"><em>EDIS displays information only for laboratory, imaging, and new orders that are associated with patients&#146; current emergency-department visits</em></td>
<h3 align="left">Customizing Your View</h3>
<h4 align="left"><a name="reposition">Reposition Display Board Columns</a></h4>
<p align="left">Use a drag-and-drop operation to reposition columns:</p>
<li>Click the header of a column you want to reposition.</li>
<li>Holding down your mouse button, drag the column header to its new location.</li>
<li>Release your mouse button.</li></ol>
<h4 align="left"><a name="resize">Resize Display Board Columns</a></h4>
<p align="left">Use a drag-and-drop operation to resize display board columns:</p>
<li>Point your mouse at the border of the column you want to resize.</li>
<li>When your mouse pointer becomes a slider (<img src="slider.jpg" alt="screen capture of slider" width="17" height="19" align="bottom">), hold down your right mouse button and drag the boarder to resize the column.</li>
<li>Release your mouse button.</li></ol>
<h4 align="left"><a name="sort">Sort Information within Columns</a></h4>
<li>Click a column header to sort the information within the column in descending order.</li>
<li>Click the column header again to sort the columns contents in ascending order.</li>
<table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="3" summary="this table is for formatting purposes">
<td width="48" valign="top"><em>Note:</em></td>
<td width="534"><em>Sorting information within columns in the PC-based <strong>Display Board</strong> view does not cause EDIS to similarly sort information in large&mdash;or big-board display&mdash;columns. EDIS sorts big-board display columns first in the order of the rooms and areas listed in the <strong>Room / Area</strong> configuration subview and then in the order of patients&#146; acuities.</em></td>
<h3 align="left">Related Topics</h3>
<p><a href="General.html">General Information</a></p>
<p><a href="DisplayBoard.html">Index</a></p>
<p><a href="TOC.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

View File

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>EDIS: Disposition</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="disposition, delay reason, diagnosis, procedure, search, add, name, save, cancel,free-text, ICD-9-CM, visit, episode of care">
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<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon"><br/>Disposition View</h1>
<h2 align="center">Disposing Patients and Removing Patients from the Display Board</h2>
<h5><a href="#disposition">Select a Disposition</a> &#124; <a href="#delay">Select a Reason for Delay</a> &#124 <a href="#icd9cm">Enter ICD-9-CM Diagnoses</a> &#124;<a href="#freetext"> Enter Free-Text Diagnoses</a> &#124; <a href="#removeenteredinerror">Remove Patients Entered in Error</a> &#124; <a href="#remove">Remove Patients from the Display Board</a></h5>
<p>The <b>Disposition</b> view enables you to enter patients <a href="#disposition">dispositions</a> and either <a href="#freetext">free-text</a> or International Classification of Diseases-9-Clinical Modifications <a href="#icd9cm">(ICD-9-CM)</a> diagnoses, depending upon how your site sets the applications parameters. </p>
<p>If your site has enabled coded diagnoses, entering a diagnosis in EDIS adds the diagnosis to the emergency-department visit EDIS creates in CPRS. Conversely, <a href="#adddxinCPRS">adding a diagnosis <em>for this visit</em> in CPRS</a> automatically adds the diagnosis in EDIS. (EDIS creates the visit when you select a physician, resident, or nurse in the <b>Update</b> view, or a nurse in the <b>Triage</b> view, or when you add a diagnosis in the <strong>Disposition</strong> view.) </p>
<p>Also depending on your site&#146;s configuration, the <strong>Disposition</strong> view may require you to select a disposition or a <a href="#delay">delay reason</a> (for patients whose emergency-department stays have exceeded your site&#146;s specified time limit.) In addition, this view enables you to add or update provider and resident assignments, update room and area assignments, update patients&#146; statuses, <a href="#save">save</a> your changes, and <a href="#remove">remove patients</a> from the display board.</p>
<p><img src="images/CPRS_disposition_EDIS_for_mockup.png" alt="Screen capture:Disposition view; EDIS and CPRS synchronize ICD-9-CM diagnoses" width="600" height="376" border="1"><br />
Disposition view with ICD-9-CM diagnoses enabled.</p>
<h3 align="left"><a name=disposition></a>Select a Disposition</h3>
<li>Select a patient in the <b>Active Patients</b> list. The system displays the <b>Patient Information</b> pane. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Active Patients</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a patient from the list. </li>
<li>Open the <b>Disposition</b> list and select a disposition. Depending upon your site&#146;s configuration, the application may require a disposition before allowing you to remove a patient from the display board. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Disposition</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a disposition from the list. </li>
<h4><a name="dispodefinitions"></a>Defining National Disposition Selections</h4>
<p>The EDIS TWG offers the following definitions for nationally released disposition selections:</p>
<p><strong>Admitted to VA Ward&mdash;</strong>the patient was admitted to an inpatient location, <em>not</em> including an ICU, telemetry, or psychiatric unit.<br>
<strong>AMA&mdash;</strong>the patient left against medical advice <em>after signing a form</em>; the patient may or may not have been medically evaluated before leaving.<br>
<strong>Sent to Urgent Care Clinic&mdash;</strong>the patient was discharged from the emergency department and referred to another evaluation clinic at the same site; some degree of triage is necessary to make this judgment.<br>
<strong>Deceased&mdash;</strong>the patient is dead.<br>
<strong>Eloped&mdash;</strong>the patient left the emergency department and his or her disposition is unknown; a nurse or physician may have seen and evaluated the patient.<br>
<strong>Patient Name Entered in Error&mdash;</strong>the patient&rsquo;s name was entered in error; this disposition removes the patient from the board.<br>
<strong>Home&mdash;</strong>the patient was discharged to his or her previous living arrangement.<br>
<strong>Admitted to ICU&mdash;</strong>the patient was admitted to an inpatient critical-care unit.<br>
<strong>Left Without Being Treated/Seen&mdash;</strong>the patient left the emergency department before receiving treatment <em>and before signing the form; </em>this is not the same as AMA, which assumes the patient signed a form before leaving. <br>
<strong>Sent to Nurse Eval / Drop-in Clinic&mdash;</strong>the patient was discharged from the emergency department and referred to another evaluation clinic at the same site; some degree of triage is necessary to make this judgment. <br>
<strong>Admitted to Psychiatry&mdash;</strong>the patient was admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit.<br>
<strong>Admitted to Telemetry&mdash;</strong>the patient was admitted to an inpatient telemetry unit. <br>
<strong>Transferred to a Non-VA Facility&mdash;</strong>the patient was discharged from the emergency department and sent to another, non-VA, facility.<br>
<strong>Transferred to VA Facility&mdash;</strong>the patient was discharged from the emergency department and sent to another VA facility.</p>
<h3 align="left"><a name=delay></a>Select a Reason for Delay</h3>
<li>If the <b>Delay Reason</b> list is available, open it and select a reason for delay. Depending upon your sites configuration, the application may require a reason for delay when patients emergency-department visits have exceeded a specified number of minutes. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Delay Reason</strong> list and use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a reason from the list.<br>
The <b>Delay Reason</b> list is available only under the following conditions:
<ul><li>Your site requires a delay reason <i>and</i></li>
<li>The patient&#146;s stay has exceeded the site-determined limit <i>and</i></li>
<li>The patient is not in an observation ward</li></ul> <p>If your site requires a reason for delay and the patients stay has exceeded your sites maximum number of minutes, the application will require you to enter a delay reason before it allows you to remove the patient from the display board. </p>
<h4><a name="delaydefinitions"></a>Defining National Reason-for-Delay Selections</h4>
<p>The EDIS TWG offers the following definitions for nationally released reason-for-delay selections:</p>
<p><strong>Obtain Accepting Physician&mdash;</strong>the delay was caused by the inability to find an accepting physician to admit the patient. This selection includes the elapsed time between determining the patient&rsquo;s need for admission and obtaining an accepting physician.<br>
<strong>Admit Physician Writing Dispo&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from the physician&rsquo;s failure to write the patient&rsquo;s admit or discharge order. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the patient was ready for his or her disposition and when the physician wrote the order to admit or discharge the patient. <br>
<strong>Admitting Physician Evaluation</strong>&mdash;the delay was related to the admitting physician&rsquo;s evaluation and confirmation of the patient&rsquo;s disposition. For this selection, delay time begins when the physician sees the patient and ends when:<br><ul>
<li>H&amp;P is done</li>
<li>Ancillary studies that are necessary for disposing the patient are done and resulted</li>
<li>The patient is ready to be disposed</li></ul>
<strong>Patient Admitted to Observation&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from the patient&rsquo;s admission to observation. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the patient was ready to be disposed and the time the physician wrote an order to admit the patient to 23 hours of emergency-department or floor observation.<br>
<strong>Obtain Ambulance Services&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from the time it took to obtain ambulance services. This selection includes the elapsed time between when emergency department staff requested ambulance services and the time the ambulance service arrived.<br>
<strong>Obtain Consultant&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from an ordered consultation&rsquo;s lack of completion. This selection includes the elapsed time from when a physician ordered a consultation to the time the physician obtained the consultation.<br>
<strong>ED to Hospital Bed&mdash;</strong>the delay represents the difference between the time the patient was assigned a hospital bed and the time the patient was transported from the emergency department; for example, this delay could represent the time emergency department staff spent waiting for an escort, for a bed to be cleaned, for a nursing report, or for staffing. <br>
<strong>Obtain Escort&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from the time it took to obtain an escort for the purpose of transporting the patient <em>(not including transport to a hospital bed&mdash;use <strong>ED to Hospital Bed</strong> for this reason)</em>. This selection includes the time that elapsed between when the emergency department called an escort and the time the escort arrived to transport the patient to a clinic, radiology, or another ancillary department.<br>
<strong>Patient Transport Home&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from an inability to find transportation for a discharged patient or from the time it took the identified source of transportation to arrive at the emergency department. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the patient was ready for discharge and the time the patient left the emergency department. <br>
<strong>Obtain Imaging Results&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from time spent waiting to obtain imaging results. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the imaging study was completed and the time the study was resulted.<br>
<strong>Obtain Imaging Studies&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from time spent waiting for imaging studies. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the physician ordered the imaging study and the time the study was done and ready for interpretation.<br>
<strong>Obtain Inpatient Bed&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from the time spent waiting for an impatient bed assignment. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the physician wrote the admission order and the time bed control or the house supervisor assigned the patient to a bed&mdash;the time an ICU patient waited for an ICU bed to open up, for example. <br>
<strong>Interfacility Transfer&mdash;</strong>the delay was caused by an inability to transfer the patient to another facility in a timely manner. <br>
<strong>Obtain Lab Results&mdash;</strong>the delay was caused by the lack of a timely turnaround for laboratory tests. This selection includes the elapsed time between when labs were drawn or obtained and the time the labs were resulted. <br>
<strong>Obtain Lab Studies&mdash;</strong>the delay was caused by an inability to get labs drawn in a timely fashion. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the physician wrote the lab order and the time the lab test was drawn.<br>
<strong>On-call Staff&mdash;</strong>the delay was caused by an inability to contact on-call staff.<br>
<strong>Overcrowding of ED&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from waiting for an emergency department bed to become available (includes hallway beds and beds that were unavailable because of staffing issues); no beds were available for inbound ambulances, including hallway beds.<br>
<strong>Obtain Drugs/Pharmacology</strong><strong>&mdash;</strong>the delay was caused by an inability to get ordered drugs from the pharmacy. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the physician ordered the medications and the time the emergency department received the medications. <br>
<strong>ED Physician Limits&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from time the physician spent seeing patients. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the patient was placed in a bed and when the physician saw the patient. For example, this reason for delay might apply if five patients presented with chest pains, all within 10 minutes. <br>
<strong>ED Staff Limits&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from a failure to process the patient (see the patient or accomplish orders, for example) in a timely manner because of insufficient staffing. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the physician wrote an order (splint a broken ankle, for example) and the time the order was accomplished.<br>
<strong>Obtain Medical Supplies&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from an inability to obtain medical supplies (splints, crutches, and c-line kits, for example) in a timely manner. This selection includes elapsed time from when emergency department personnel ordered the supplies (or identified the need for them) and the time the emergency department received the supplies. <br>
<strong>Arrange Emergency Surgery&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from the time it took to get the patient (who needed surgery) to the operating room. <br>
<strong>Patient Transport Other&mdash;</strong>the delay resulted from the time it took to find transportation for the patient to a location other than home. This selection includes the elapsed time between when the patient was ready for transport to the time the patient left the emergency department. &nbsp;</p>
<h3 align="left"><a name=icd9cm></a>Enter ICD-9-CM Diagnoses</h3>
<li>Type a diagnosis in the <b>Diagnosis </b> search box and click <b>Search </b> or press the <<b>Enter</b>> key. The application lists possible matches from VistAs ICD-9-CM code base. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Diagnosis</strong> search box. Type a diagnosis in the box and press the ENTER key.</li>
<li>Select an ICD-9-CM diagnosis from the list and click <b>Add</b> or press the ENTER key. The application adds this diagnosis to the <b>Selected Diagnoses </b> list. Keyboard: use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the diagnosis you want to select and press the ENTER key to select this diagnosis. To select another diagnosis from the same search list, use the TAB key to reenter the list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the additional diagnosis, and press the ENTER key to select this diagnosis. You can also select diagnoses by using the TAB key to locate the <strong>Add</strong> button, then pressing the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<li>To remove a diagnosis from the <strong>Selected Diagnoses</strong> list, select the diagnosis and click <strong>Remove</strong> or press the DELETE key. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Selected Diagnoses</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the diagnosis you want to remove. Press the DELETE key to remove the diagnosis. You can also simultaneously press the SHIFT and TAB keys to locate the <strong>Remove</strong> button, and then press the SPACEBAR key to remove the selected diagnosis. </li>
<li>Repeat steps 1&ndash;3 as needed.</li>
<li>In the <strong>Selected Diagnoses</strong> list, select a primary diagnosis and click <strong>Set as Primary Diagnosis</strong>. Keyboard: in the <strong>Selected Diagnoses</strong> list, use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the primary diagnosis. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Set as Primary Diagnosis</strong> button, and use the SPACEBAR key to select this button. </li>
<p><i>Saving an ICD-9-CM diagnosis in EDIS adds the diagnosis to the patient&#146;s emergency-department visit in CPRS. If the application hasn't already created a PCE visit for the patient, it will also create a visit at this time. The application does not add free-text diagnoses to the patient&#146;s visit.</i></p>
<h3 align="left"><a name=freetext></a>Enter Free-Text Diagnoses</h3>
<p>You can type in free-text diagnoses only if your site has set the parameter that enables you to do so. </p>
<li>Type a diagnosis or procedure in the <b>Diagnosis </b>box and click <b>Add</b> or press the ENTER key. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Diagnosis</strong> box. Type a diagnosis in the box and press the ENTER key. You can also press the TAB key to locate the <strong>Add</strong> button and press the SPACEBAR key to select the button. The application displays your diagnosis or procedure in the <b>Selected Diagnoses </b> list. </li>
<li>To remove an item from the <strong>Selected Diagnoses</strong> list, select the item and click <strong>Remove</strong> or press the DELETE key. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Selected Diagnoses</strong> list and use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate and select the diagnosis you want to remove. Use the DELETE key to remove the diagnosis. You can also remove the diagnosis by simultaneously pressing the SHIFT and TAB keys to locate the <strong>Remove</strong> button, then pressing the SPACEBAR key to select the button.</li>
<li>Repeat steps 1&#150;2 as needed.</li>
<li>In the <strong>Selected Diagnoses</strong> list, choose a primary diagnosis, then click <strong>Set as Primary Diagnosis</strong>. Keyboard: use the TAB key to enter the <strong>Selected Diagnoses</strong> list and the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the primary diagnosis. Use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Set as Primary Diagnosis</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<img src="images/disposition_free_text.png" alt="Screen capture: the Disposition view with free-text dispositions enabled; delay reason and disposition required" border="1"><br />
The <strong>Disposition</strong> view with free-text diagnoses enabled.
<h3 align="left"><a name=remove></a>Remove Patients from the Display Board</h3>
<li>Click <b>Save &amp; Remove from Board</b> to save changes and remove patients from the display board. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save &amp; Remove from Board</strong> button. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the button.<br><br>
This button is available only after users have entered all of the disposition information your site&rsquo;s EDIS implementation requires. If you haven&rsquo;t entered a provider or acuity, the application alerts you to do these things before it allows you to save your changes and remove your patient from the board&mdash;unless your patient&rsquo;s disposition is <strong>Patient Name Entered in Error, Left Without Being Treated / Seen</strong>, or <strong>Sent to Nurse Eval / Drop In Clinic. </strong><br><br>
Clicking the <strong>Save &amp; Remove from Board</strong> button removes patients from the display board and saves previously unsaved changes. While the application retains information about the visits of patients you&rsquo;ve removed from the display board, only users who have access to the <strong>Edit Closed</strong> view will have direct access to this information. Users who have access to the <strong>Reports</strong> view will have indirect access to this information.</li>
<h3 align="left"><a name=removeenteredinerror></a>Remove Patients Entered in Error</h3>
<li>Open the <strong>Disposition</strong> list. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Disposition</strong> list.</li>
<li>Select <strong>Patient Name Entered in Error</strong>. Keyboard: use the DOWN ARROW key to select <strong>Patient Name Entered in Error.</strong></li>
<li>Click <strong>Save &amp; Remove from Board</strong>. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save &amp; Remove from Board</strong> button and press the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<h3 align="left"><a name=save></a>Save Changes</h3>
<li>Click <b>Save</b> to save your changes and exit the <b>Patient Information</b> pane, or click <b>Cancel</b> to exit the pane without saving your changes. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save</strong> or <strong>Cancel</strong> button. Press the SPACEBAR key to select the button.</li>
<table><!--This table is for formatting purposes only--><tr align="top"><td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td>The <b>Save</b> button is available only after youve added or updated information in the <b>Patient Information</b> pane.</td>
<h3 align="left">Related Topics</h3>
<p><a href="General.html">General Information</a></p>
<p><a href="index.html">Index</a></p>
<p><a href="TOC.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

View File

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<title>EDIS: Edit Closed Visit</title>
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<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon"><br>Edit Closed View</font></h1>
<h2 align="center">Editing Emergency Department Records for Patients Whose Visits Are Closed </h2>
<p>This view enables authorized users to edit the EDIS records of patients who are no longer on the display board. EDIS logs all changes for subsequent reference (as it does with changes users make while patients are still signed in to the emergency department).</p>
<p><img src="images/edit_closed_general.png" alt="Screen capture: the Edit Closed view" width="600" height="383" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Edit Closed view.</strong></p>
<li>Type in the <strong>Patient Name or Date</strong> box a date (mm/dd/yy format) or all or part of the patient&rsquo;s name (Surname,Firstname format). For example, you can type the patient&rsquo;s surname initial, entire surname, or surname and first-name initial. You can also type the patient&rsquo;s full SSN or the initial letter of the patient&rsquo;s surname concatenated with the last four digits of his or her SSN (X9999 format), the word <em>today</em> (for a list of today&rsquo;s visits), or t-n ( where <em>t</em> represents today, and <em>n</em> represents the number of days prior to today; for example t-1 represents yesterday). Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Patient Name or Date</strong> box.</li>
<li>Click <b>Search</b> or press the ENTER key. EDIS lists possible matches in the search-results list. </li>
<li>Select from this list the patient whose record you want to update. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the search list. Use the DOWN ARROW key to enter the list and use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select the patient whose record you want to update. </li>
<li>To identify a previously unidentified patient, click <b>Identify Patient</b> in the <b>Patient Information</b> bar. EDIS displays the <b>Add Patient</b> dialog box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Identify Patient </strong>button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. </li>
<li>The <strong>Add Patient</strong> dialog offers two ways to identify patients: <strong>Search for Patient in VistA</strong> and <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA.</strong> <strong>Search for Patient in VistA</strong> is the application&#146;s default selection. To search for the patient in VistA, type all or part of the patient&rsquo;s name in the <strong>Find Patient</strong> box (Surname,Firstname format) and either click <strong>Search</strong> or press the ENTER key. You may also type the patient&rsquo;s full SSN, the last four digits of the patient&rsquo;s SSN, or the initial letter of the patient&rsquo;s surname concatenated with the last four digits of his or her SSN (X9999 format). EDIS displays a list of possible matches. </li>
<li>Select the patients name and click <b>Continue.</b> Keyboard: use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the patient&#146;s name. Press the ENTER key to select the name.
<li type="a" value="1">If the patient you are seeking is not included in the list, select <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</strong>. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Search for Patient in VistA</strong> button, then use the DOWN ARROW key to locate the <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</strong> button. Press the SPACEBAR key to select this button.</li>
<li type="a">Type the patient&#146;s name in the <strong>Patient Name</strong> box and click <strong>Continue.</strong> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Continue</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button. </li>
<li>Add or update other data-entry fields as necessary. You can add information to, or update, the following fields: <b>Complaint for Display Board, Long Complaint (optional), Room / Area, Acuity, Status, Provider, Resident, Nurse, Comment, Source, Disposition, Delay Reason</b>, <b>Selected Diagnoses, </b> <strong>Time In</strong>, and <strong>Time Out.</strong> (Click the <strong>Time In</strong> or <strong>Time Out </strong>spin-box arrows or use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to edit the patients time in or time out.)</li>
<li>Click <b>Save</b> to save your changes or click <b>Cancel</b> to discard them. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save</strong> or <strong>Cancel</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button of your choice.</li>
<table><!--This table is for formatting purposes only--><tr align="top"><td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td><i>The <b>Save</b> button is available only after youve added or updated information in the <b>Patient Information</b> pane. The application allows you to save your changes only if all required data fields contain valid entries. Also note: if you attempt to change the time out value (or other value) for a patient who left the emergency department before he or she was seen, EDIS will not allow you to save your change until you add a provider name.</i></td></tr></table>
<h3 align="left">Related Topics</h3>
<p><a href="General.html">General Information</a></p>
<p><a href="index.html">Index</a></p>
<p><a href="TOC.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

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<title>General Help</title>
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<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br/>
General Information</h1>
<h4 align="center"><a href="#selectview">Select a View</a> &#124; <a href="#datagrids">Work with Data Grids</a> &#124; <a href="#conventions">Document Conventions</a> &#124 <a href="#alerts">Notifications</a></h4>
<p><font color="315a9c" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><i><b>General Overview</b></i></font></p>
<p>Emergency Department Integration Software (EDIS) incorporates several Web-based views that extend the current Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS). The views are based on a class-three application developed by the Upstate New York Veterans Health Care Network&#151;or Veterans Integrated Services Network (VISN) 2. Most views are site-configurable. EDIS enables you to:</p>
<li>Add emergency-department patients to the system&#145;s display board</li>
<li>View information about patients on the display board</li>
<li>Add and edit patient information</li>
<li>Remove patients from the display board</li>
<li>Create administrative reports</li>
<p>The application also includes views for entering patients&#146; dispositions, removing patients from the display board, and configuring the display board.</p>
<p><font color="#315A9C"><i><b>Help Overview</b></i></font></p>
<p>These context-sensitive Help pages step you through the process of performing the following tasks:</p><ul>
<li>Sign in patients to the emergency department (when you use the VistA Scheduling package [Appointment Management] to make appointments for&mdash;or check patients into&mdash;the emergency department, EDIS automatically adds the patients to its <strong>Active Patients</strong> list)</li>
<li>Triage patients</li>
<li>Update patient information as patients progress through the emergency-care process</li>
<li>View the display board</li>
<li>Enter patients&#146; dispositions in EDIS and CPRS</li>
<li>Remove patients from the display board (incorporates discharge and admit processes)</li>
<li>Make site- and shift-relevant staff assignments</li>
<li>Edit visit-related information</li>
<li>Create reports</li>
<li>Configure the application using its graphical user interface (GUI) tools</li>
<p><font color="#315a9c"><i><b><a name="role_based_access"></a>Role-Based Access</b></i></font></p>
<p>EDIS provides role-based access to the specific functionality sets that are available through its views. If you do not have access to a view that you need, please contact the information resource management (IRM) or clinical application coordinator (CAC) staff responsible for role-based access at your site. Please see <i>Emergency Department Integration Software Technical Manual—M Server</i> for information about configuring role-based access to application functionality.</p>
<p><font color="315a9c"><i><b><a name="accessibility"></a>Accessibility</b></i></font></p>
<p>EDIS Help files support assistive reading devices such as Job Access with Speech (JAWS). Because the views that comprise EDIS provide GUI access to underlying functionality, the application&#146;s Help pages will include steps for accessing application functionality via mouse devices and keyboard actions (when keyboard actions are available). </font></p>
<h5><a name="JAWS_workstation"></a>JAWS Workstation Requirements</h5>
<p>If you are a JAWS user, you or your site&rsquo;s IRM staff must download and install Adobe Flex accessibility scripts. To download JAWS scripts for Flex 3, go to <a href=""></a>. Click the executable file to install the scripts on your machine. These scripts work for JAWS 9 and 10; however, the EDIS project team recommends that you use JAWS 10 for the best results with EDIS.</p>
<p>Flex applications behave a bit differently than do regular Web applications&mdash;a result of the way Flash and Flex interact with browsers and JAWS screen readers. JAWS, Flex, and EDIS work together best with Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0. (Testers experienced a few problems with IE 7.0 and Firefox.) Regardless of which browser you use, you can expect a slight learning curve. </p>
<!---The following table is for layout only.--->
<table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="3">
<td><em>JAWS 10 users must turn off autoforms mode (use JAWS Verbosity settings). </em></td>
<h5><a name="recommendations"></a>Recommendations for JAWS Users</h5>
<p>The EDIS project team offers the following recommendations for using EDIS effectively with JAWS:</p>
<li>Use JAWS 10.</li>
<li>Use JAWS in forms mode; most functions work best in forms mode. </li>
<li>In JAWS 10, use JAWS Verbosity settings to turn off autoforms mode.</li>
<li>Make certain the latest Flex scripts are installed on your machine. (You can download JAWS scripts for Flex3&mdash;an executable file&mdash;at <a href=""></a>.)</li>
<h4><a name="timeouts"></a>Application Timeouts </h4>
<p>EDIS uses the same parameter settings that CPRS uses for application timeouts and timeout countdowns: namely ORWOR TIMEOUT CHART and ORWOR TIMEOUT COUNTDOWN settings. If the ORWOR TIMEOUT CHART parameter contains a value, this value determines the amount of time that EDIS can sit idle before it displays a timeout warning and begins its countdown. If the ORWOR TIMEOUT CHART parameter contains no value, EDIS uses the value of the Timed Read (DTIME) parameter, which is available through VistAs user setup menu. The value of the ORWOR TIMEOUT COUNTDOWN setting determines the length of the applications timeout countdown.
EDIS displays its timeout message and countdown within the browser, at the bottom of your current EDIS view. Because JAWS cannot read this message, EDIS also sounds a chime as it begins its timeout countdown.</p>
<p><img src="images/time_out.png" alt="Screen capture: EDIS timeout warning" width="600" height="32" border="1"><br>The EDIS timeout warning and countdown.</p>
<h3><a name="conventions"></a>Document Conventions</font></h3>
<li><b>Bold type</b> indicates application elements (views, panes, links, buttons, and text boxes, for example) and key names</li>
<li>Key names appear in all CAPITAL LETTERS</li>
<li><i>Italicized</i> text indicates special emphasis</li>
<p><font color="315a9c"><i><b><a name="Views"></a>EDIS Views</b></i></font></p>
<p>Following is a list and brief explanation of each view:</p><ul>
<li><font color="315a9c"><i>Sign In</i></font><br/>
The <b>Sign In</b> view enables you to add patients to the application and the display board. This view also allows you to add for-display complaints, assign rooms or areas, and select patients' sources (onsite clinics or offsite nursing homes, for example).</li>
<li><font color="315a9c"><i>Triage</i></font><br/>
The <b>Triage</b> view enables you to add patients to the display board, add their acuities, and add or update their room or area assignments.</li>
<li><font color="315a9c"><i>Update</i></font><br/>
The <b>Update</b> view enables you to add patient-status information, care-related comments, and provider and resident assignments. You can also update emergency-department staff assignments and room or area assignments. </li>
<li><font color="315a9c"><i>Disposition</i></font><br/>
The </b><strong>Disposition</strong></b> view enables you to enter patients&#146; dispositions and diagnoses (either International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modifications [ICD-9-CM] or free-text). If patients&#146; stays have exceeded the national emergency-department visit limit (currently six hours) the application may require you to select a reason for delay.</li>
<li><font color="315a9c"><i>Edit Closed</i></font><br/>
The <b>Edit Closed</b> view enables you to edit patients&#146; information after their emergency-department visits have ended.</li>
<li><font color="315a9c"><i>Display Board</i></font><br/>
The <b>Display Board</b> view is a PC-based version of your site&#146;s main electronic white-board&#151;or big-board&#151;display. You can configure multiple big-board displays for your site. However, you can view only your site&#146;s main display board using the PC-based <b>Display Board</b> view.</li>
<li><font color="315a9c"><i>Assign Staff</i></font><br/>
The <b>Assign Staff</b> view enables you to create site-specific staff-selection lists. You can also use this view to assign color indicators for individual staff members.</li>
<li><font color="315a9c"><i>Reports</i></font><br/>
The <b>Reports</b> view enables you to select date ranges for, and run, 11 standard reports. EDIS also includes two restricted reports that require security-key access.</li>
<li><font color="315a9c"><i>Configure</i></font><br/>
The <b>Configure</b> view enables you to localize the tracking system. For example, it enables you to assign locally meaningful color codes for patients&#146; acuities and statuses, populate pick lists with the names of your site&#146;s treatment areas, and set up display boards that contain only relevant information. </li>
<h3><a name="selectview"></a>Select a View</font></h3>
<li>Click the view you want to access on the left-hand menu pane. This menu is available from all application views. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the left-hand view-selection menu. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the view you want to select. Press the SPACEBAR key to select the view. </li>
<p><img src="images/overview_of_GUI.png" alt="Screen capture: EDIS interface" width="600" height="388" border="2"><br />
The EDIS user interface.</p>
<h3><a name="datagrids"></a>Work with Data Grids</h3>
<p>EDIS commonly displays information using a tabular&#151;or grid&#151;format. The application&#146;s data grids allow you to:</p> <ul>
<li><a href="#arrange">Arrange columns</a> </li>
<li><a href="#resize">Resize columns</a></li>
<li><a href="#sort">Sort information within columns</a></li>
<p>The results of these actions are temporary. EDIS does not retain data-grid changes.</p>
<h4><a name="arrange"></a>Arrange Columns</h4>
<p>Use a drag-and-drop operation (steps follow) to arrange columns.</p>
<li>Point to a column header and hold down the left mouse button.</li>
<li>Still holding down the left mouse button, move the column header to a new location. </li>
<li>Release the left mouse button.</li></ol>
<h4><a name="resize"></a>Resize Columns</h4>
<p>Use a drag-and-drop operation (steps follow) to resize columns.</p>
<li>Point your mouse to a column boarder in the header row. EDIS displays a column slider (<img src="slider.jpg" alt="screen capture of slider" width="17" height="19" longdesc="slider.jpg">) in place of the pointer. </li>
<li>Hold down the left mouse button and move the boarder to a new location.</li>
<li>Release the left mouse button.</li></ol>
<p><img src="images/column_slider.png" alt="Screen capture: the column slider" width="300" border="2"><br />
The slider for resizing columns.</p>
<h4><a name="sort"></a>Sort Information within Columns</font></h4>
<p>You can sort the information within any column.</p><ul>
<li>Click a column header to sort the information within the column in descending order. </li>
<li>Click the column header again to sort the columns contents in ascending order. </li>
<p><img src="images/sort_columns.png" alt="Screen capture: ascending-descending sort arrows" width="533" height="154" border="2"><br />
Sort information within columns by clicking on column headers. </p>
<h4><a name="alerts"></a>Notifications</h4>
<p>When you select patients who are already registered in your local VistA system, EDIS may display one or more of the following notifications:</p>
<li><strong>Restricted Record Warning:</strong> EDIS displays this message when you select a patient whose records contain confidential information. Only authorized users may view restricted patient records.<br><img src="images/sensitive_patient_warning.png" alt="Screen capture: the Restricted Record warning" border="1"><br>
The Restricted Record warning for patients whose records contain confidential data.</li>
<li><strong>Patient Record Flags:</strong> these advisory messages are available via the <strong>Flag</strong> button (<img src="prf_button.jpg" alt="Screen capture of the patient-record flag button" width="11" height="15">) when you select the <strong>Sign In, Triage, Update, Disposition,</strong> or <strong>Edit Closed </strong>view. The <strong>Flag</strong> button appears on the application's <strong>Patient Information</strong> bar. When you click the <strong>Flag</strong> button, EDIS displays important information to help you and other clinical staff better care for patients whose behavior or medical conditions warrant special attention. The application displays patient-record flags in the <strong>Active Flag</strong> window. </li>
<p><img src="images/patient_flag_advisory.jpg" alt="Screen Capture: patient-record-flag window with advisory message" width="700" height="398" border="2"><br />
The <strong>Active Flag</strong> window.</p>
<li><strong>Duplicate Selection: </strong>EDIS displays this advisory alert when you attempt to add patients who are already active in the application. <br /><img src="images/duplicate_patient_notification.png" alt="Screen capture: Duplicate patient notification" vspace="3" border="1"><br>
The <strong>Duplicate</strong> <strong>Selection</strong> warning.<br>
<li> <strong>Multiple Patient Icon:</strong> the application alerts you to the possibility of confusing patients&#146; identities by displaying an icon (<img src="multiple_patient_icon.jpg" alt="Screen capture of the multiple-patient icon" width="21" height="22">) when two or more patients share the same last name or at least two consecutive ending digits of their Social Security numbers. </li>
<h3>Related Topics</h3>
<p><a href="TOC.html" title="Table of Contents">Table of Contents</a><br/>
<a href="Index.html">Index</a></p>

View File

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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>EDIS Tracker: Identify Patients</TITLE>
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<h1 align=center><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br/>
Identify Patient Button</h1>
<h2 align=center>Identify Unknown Patients</h2>
<p>The <b>Identify Patient</b> button enables you to identify patients in VistA after you&#146;ve added them to the display board via the <b>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</b> or <b>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown </b>selection. <b>Identify Patient</b> is available only for patients whom users added via one of these selections. The application displays this button on the <b>Patient Information</b> bar in the following views:</p>
<li><b>Sign In</b></li>
<li><b>Edit Closed</b></li></ul>
<p>If someone has added the wrong patient using the <strong>Search for Patient in VistA</strong> selection, you can remove the patient from the board by selecting <strong>Patient Name Entered in Error</strong> on the <strong>Disposition</strong> list (<a href="Disposition.html">Disposition</a> view).</p>
<p><img src="images/patient_information_pane_sign_in.png" alt="Screen capture: the patient information pane with Identify Patient button" border="1"><br />
The <strong>Identify Patient</strong> button.</p>
<h3 align=left>Identifying Patients Who Are Already Signed In</h3>
<li>In the <b>Active Patients</b> list, select the patient whom you want to identify. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Active Patients</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW key to enter the list, and use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a patient from the list. </li>
<li>In the <b>Patient Information</b> bar, click <b>Identify Patient</b>. The application displays the <b>Identify Patient</b> dialog box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Identify Patient</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button. </li>
<li> Type all or part of the patients name in the <strong>Find Patient</strong> box using this format: Surname,Firstname. For example, you can search using the patients surname only, or the patients surname and the first initial of his or her first name. You can also search using the initial letter of the patients surname concatenated with the last four digits of his or her Social Security number (X9999 format), the patients entire Social Security number (SSN), or the last four digits of his or her SSN.</li>
<li>Select the patient from this list and press the ENTER key or click <b>Continue</b>. Keyboard: use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the patient&#146;s name and use the ENTER key to select the name. You can also select the name by using the TAB key to locate the <strong>Continue</strong> button and the SPACEBAR key to select the button. </li>
<li>If your patient is not on the list and you added him or her via the <strong>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown </strong>selection, click the <b>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</b> button. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Search for Patient in VistA</strong> button, then use the DOWN ARROW key to locate the <b>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA </b>button. Press the SPACEBAR key to select this button. </li>
<li>EDIS automatically populates the <strong>Patient Name</strong> box with the name you typed in the <strong>Find Patient</strong> box. Correct this name if necessary. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Patient Name</strong> box. </li>
<li>Press the ENTER key or click <b>Continue.</b> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Continue</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. </li>
<li>Click <b>Save</b>. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the<strong> Save</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button.</li>
<h3 align=left>Related
<li><a href="General.html">General Information</a></li>
<li><a href="SignIn.html">Sign In View</a></li>
<li><a href="Triage.html">Triage View</a></li>
<li><a href="TOC.html">Table of Contents</a>

View File

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>EDIS: Reports</title>
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<meta name="keywords" content="reports, ed ien, time in, time out, complaint, md, acuity, elapsed, triage, wait, disposition, adm dec, adm delay, diagnoses, activity, acutiy, delay, delay summary, exposure, missed opportunites, patient intake, shift, va admissions, xref, provider, run reports, view reports, print reports, export reports">
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<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br>
Reports View</h1>
<h2 align="center">Run and View Reports<br>Export and Print Reports</h2>
<p>EDIS allows your site to control access to the <b>Reports</b> view in several ways. For example, your site can deny access (in which case you dont see the <b>Reports</b> selection on the applications left-hand menu). It can also enable you to <a href="#runview">run, view</a>, and <a href="#print">print </a>eleven standard reports, and allow you to <a href="#export">export</a> them for use in spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel. (Sites control user access to EDIS&#146;s export feature via the EDPR EXPORT security key.)</p>
<h3 align="left">Eleven Standard Reports</h3>
<h5 align="center"><a href="#activity">Activity Report</a> &#124; <a href="#acuity">Acuity Report</a> &#124; <a href="#delay">Delay Report</a> &#124; <a href="#delaysum">Delay Summary Report</a> &#124; <a href="#bvac">ED BVAC Patients Report</a> &#124; <a href="#exp">Exposure Report</a> &#124; <a href="#misso">Missed Opportunities Report</a> &#124; <a href="#ordersbyacuity">Orders by Acuity Report</a> &#124; <a href="#pintake">Patient Intake Report</a> &#124; <a href="#shift">Shift Report</a> &#124; <a href="#admiss">VA Admissions Report</a></h5>
<p><img src="images/reports_view_list.jpg" alt="Screen capture: the Reports view Report list" width="600" height="479" border="2"><br />
The <strong>Reports</strong> view <strong>Report</strong> list.</p>
<h4 align="left"><font color="#315A9C" face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif"><a name="ColumnHeadings"></a>Report Columns</font></h4>
<p>EDIS&#146;s eleven standard reports are data grids that include one or more of the following columns:</p>
<li><b>IEN:</b> the EDIS internal entry number (IEN—a number recorded in the .001 field of VistA VA FileMan files)</li>
<li><b>Time In: </b>the time at which an EDIS user identified and added the patient, or the time at which an Appointment Management user created an emergency-department appointment for the patient</li>
<li><b>Time Out:</b> the time at which the facility closed the patients emergency department visit</li>
<li><b>Complaint:</b> the patients display-board complaint</li>
<li><b>MD:</b> the initials of the patients physician</li>
<li><b>Acuity:</b> the patients acuity level</li>
<li><b>Elapsed:</b> total elapsed time (from the patients time in to his or her time out, in minutes; asterisks indicate stays that have exceeded the current nationally recognized stay limit of 360 minutes)</li>
<li><b>Triage:</b> the elapsed time between the patients time in and his or her initial acuity assessment</li>
<li><b>Wait:</b> the elapsed time between the patients time in and his or her first assignment to a location other than the waiting room</li>
<li><b>Disposition (Dispo):</b> the patients disposition</li>
<li><b>Admission Decision (Adm Dec):</b> the elapsed time between the patients time in and the decision to admit the patient</li>
<li><b>Admission Delay (Adm Delay):</b> the elapsed time between the patients time out and the decision to admit the patient</li>
<li><b>Diagnosis:</b> the patients diagnosis</li>
<li><strong>ICD9</strong>: the patient&#146;s International Classification of Diseases 9, Clinical Modifications (ICD-9-CM) diagnosis</li>
<h4><a name="dispoabbreviations"></a>Disposition Abbreviations</h4>
<p>The EDIS TWG provided the following abbreviations for nationally released dispositions; EDIS reports use these abbreviations when space is limited:</p>
<!--this table is for layout only -->
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="456">
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>VA</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Admitted to VA Ward</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>AMA</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>AMA</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>CL</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Sent to Urgent Care Clinic</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>D</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Deceased</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>E</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Eloped</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>ERR</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Patient Name Entered in Error</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>H</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Home</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>ICU</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Admitted to ICU</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>L</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Left Without Being Treated/Seen</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>NEC</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Sent to Nurse Eval / Drop-In Clinic</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>PSY</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Admitted to Psychiatry</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>T</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Admitted to Telemetry</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>NVA</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Transferred to Non-VA Facility</p></td>
<td width="132" valign="top"><p>O</p></td>
<td width="324" valign="top"><p>Transferred to VA Facility</p></td>
<h4 align="left">Standard Reports</h4>
<P><a name="activity"></a><b>Activity Report:</b> for each patient whose visit falls within the date and time range you select, this report lists available information in the following columns: </P><ul>
<li><b>Time In</b></li>
<li><b>Time Out</b></li> <li><b>Complaint</b></li>
<li><b>Disposition (Dispo)</b></li>
<li><b>Admission Decision (Adm Dec)</b></li>
<li><b>Admission Delay (Adm Delay)</b></li>
<p>In addition, this report provides averages for several important time-based measurements (<b>Admission Decision, Admission Delay, Elapsed, Wait,</b> and <b>Triage</b>) in several patient categories:</p>
<li>All patients</li>
<li>Patients who were not admitted to a VA facility</li>
<li>Patients who were admitted to a VA facility</li>
<li> All patients in each of the following disposition categories: <strong>Deceased</strong> (D), <strong>Eloped</strong> (E), <strong>Patient Name Entered in Error</strong> (ERR), <strong>Home</strong> (H), <strong>Admitted to ICU</strong> (ICU), <strong>Left Without Being Treated/Seen</strong> (L), <strong>Sent to Nurse Eval / Drop In Clinic</strong> (NEC), <strong>Transferred to non-VA Facility</strong> (NVA), <strong>Admitted to Psychiatry</strong> (PSY), <strong>Admitted to Telemetry</strong> (T), and <strong>Admitted to VA Ward</strong> (VA).
<p><img src="images/activity_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Activity report" width="600" height="435" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Activity report.</strong></p>
<p><a name="acuity"></a><b>Acuity Report:</b> this report displays statistics that measure patient workload for each acuity level. For the date and time range you select, statistics show the number of patients who fell into each acuity category, the number of patients in each category who were admitted, and the number in each category who were admitted to a VA facility. The Acuity report also provides the following average times for patients in each acuity category: </p><ul>
<li><b>Admission Decision</b> (all facilities)</li>
<li><b>Admission Decision</b> (VA facilities)</li>
<li><b>Admission Delay</b> (VA facilities)</li>
<p><img src="images/acuity_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Acutiy report" width="600" height="250" border="1"></p>
<p><strong>The Acuity Report.</strong></p>
<p>Test sites found that this report times out for date ranges that cover a large number of visits (1,400 visits within a one-month range, for example). They recommend clicking <strong>Continue</strong> and toggling between the <strong>Display Board</strong> and <strong>Reports</strong> views to get data from extended time ranges.</p>
<p><a name="delay"></a><b>Delay Report:</b> this report presents information about patients whose emergency department stays exceeded the nationally recognized limit (six hours or 360 minutes). For each patient whose stay exceeded this limit, the Delay report displays available information in the following columns:</p> <ul>
<li><b>Time In</b></li>
<li><b>Delay Reason</b></li>
<li><b>Admission Decision (Adm Dec)</b></li>
<li><b>Admission Delay (Adm Delay)</b></li>
<p><img src="images/delay_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Delay report" width="600" height="277" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Delay report.</strong></p>
<!--this table is for layout only-->
<table width="817" border="0">
<td width="48" valign="top"><strong><em>Note:</em></strong></td>
<td width="759" valign="top"><em>EDIS does not include in its Delay and Delay Summary reports patients whose emergency-department visits are not yet closed&#151;regardless of the number of hours their visits have consumed.</em></td>
<p><a name="delaysum"></a><b>Delay Summary Report:</b> this report presents average visit and decision-to-admit times (and other important information) for the following three visit categories: </p><ul><li>All emergency department visits</li><li>All visits that resulted in VA-facility admissions</li><li>All visits that did not result in VA-facility admissions</li></ul>
<p>This report also presents acuity-based tallies for each applicable reason for delay.</p>
<p><img src="images/delay_summary_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Delay Summary report" width="600" height="279" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Delay Summary report.</strong></p>
<p><b><a name="bvac"></a>ED BVAC Patients:</b> the ED BVAC (Emergency Department Behavioral VA Care) Patients report captures the following information for behavioral-health patients: </p>
<li><b>Time In</b></li>
<li><b>Time Out</b></li>
<li><b>Admission Decision (Adm Dec)</b></li>
<li><b>Admission Delay (Adm Delay)</b></li>
<li><b>ICD9</b> (ICD-9-CM codes for this report are greater than 290 and less than 316)</li></ul>
<p>This report also provides service-related information such as whether or not the patient is a Vietnam veteran, has been exposed to Agent Orange, has a VA pension, and so forth.</p>
<p><img src="images/ed_bvac_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the ED BVAC report" width="600" height="279" border="1"><br />
<strong>The ED BVAC Patients report.</strong></p>
<b><a name="exp"></a>Exposure Report:</b> this report identifies patients and staff who may have been in the emergency department when a contagious patient was present for treatment. To run the report, you enter the internal entry number (IEN) from the contagious patients Visit file (#9000010). EDIS then uses information in this file to compile lists of all patients and staff who were in the emergency department during the time of the contagious patients visit.
<p><img src="images/exposure_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Exposure report" width="600" height="464" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Exposure report.</strong></p>
<p><a name="misso"></a><b>Missed Opportunities Report:</b> this report displays the following information about patients whose disposition is AMA (left against medical advice), L (left without being treated or seen), or E (eloped): </p><ul>
<li><b>Time In</b></li>
<li><b>Admission Decision (Adm Dec)</b></li>
<p><img src="images/missed_opportunities_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Missed Opportunities report" width="600" height="303" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Missed Opportunities report.</strong></p>
<p><a name="ordersbyacuity"></a><b>Orders by Acuity:</b> for each acuity, this report tallies the number of medication, laboratory, imaging, consultation, and other orders emergency department staff placed within the date and time range you specify. </p>
<p><img src="images/orders_by_acuity_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Orders by Acuity report" width="600" height="303" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Orders by Acuity report.</strong></p>
<p><a name="pintake"></a><b>Patient Intake Report:</b> the Patient Intake report provides time-of-day and day-of-week statistics about the number of patients who visited the emergency department during the date and time range you select.</p>
<P>Columns that report day-of-week tallies cover the entire time and date range against which you run the report. For example, if the date range you enter includes two Tuesdays, the intersection of the <strong>Tue</strong> column and the <strong>0700-0800</strong> row will display the total number of patients who visited the emergency department on both Tuesdays between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. The <strong>Total</strong> column contains a sum of all daily totals across each time-based row. For example, in the <strong>0700-0800</strong> row, the <strong>Total</strong> column contains a sum of daily totals from the <strong>Sun</strong> through <strong>Sat</strong> columns. <br>
For each time-based row, the <strong>Avg/Day</strong> column presents an average that is based on the figure in the <strong>Total</strong> column and the total number of days in the date range you select. For example, if your date range is January 1, 2009 through January 31, 2009, the total number of days (the denominator) will be 31. </p>
The report&rsquo;s <strong>Avg/Hour</strong> row contains an average that is based on the total number of visits in each day&rsquo;s column divided by the total number of hours for each day in the search range you select. For example, in the <strong>Sun</strong> column, the application calculates the following average: the total number of Sunday visits (the value in the <strong>Total</strong> row, <strong>Sun</strong> column) divided by 24 (the number of hours in a day) multiplied by the number of Sundays in the date range you select.
<p><img src="images/patient_intake_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Patient Intake report" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Patient Intake report.</strong></p>
<p>The Patient Intake report does not include maximum, minimum, and mean calculations.</p>
<p><a name="shift"></a><b>Shift Report:</b> this report presents a shift-based calculation of the following categories:</p> <ul>
<li><b>Carried Over at Report Start</b></li>
<li><b>Number of New Patients</b></li>
<li><strong>Number of Patients Discharged</strong></li>
<li><b>Number of Dec to Admit to VA</b></li>
<li><b>Number of Dec to Admit to Other</b></li>
<li><b>Number over Six Hours</b></li>
<li><b>Number Waiting for Triage</b></li>
<li><b>Number of Occupied Beds</b></li>
<li><b>Number of Missed Opportunities</b></li>
<li><b>Number Deceased</b></li>
<li><b>Number With No Disposition</b></li>
<li><b>Carry over to Next Shift</b></li>
<p><img src="images/shift_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Shift report" width="599" height="303" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Shift report.</strong></p>
<p><a name="admiss"></a><b>VA Admissions Report:</b> this report uses disposition entries to identify patients who were admitted to VA facilities (VA wards, intensive care units [ICUs], telemetry, and observation wards, for example) during the time and date range you specify.</p>
<p>The report contains available information in the following columns:</p>
<li><strong>Time Out</strong></li>
<li><strong>Adm Dec</strong> (Admission Decision)</li>
<li><strong>Adm</strong> (Admission) <strong>Delay</strong></li>
<p>The report also provides averages for patients who fall into each applicable VA admission category. </p>
<p><img src="images/va_admissions_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the VA Admissions report" width="600" height="301" border="1"><br />
<strong>The VA Admissions report.</strong></p>
<blockquote><h4 align="left"><a name="restricted"></a>Cross Reference and Provider Reports</h4>
<p>EDIS also provides two non-standard (restricted) reports: the Patient XRef (Cross Reference) and Provider reports. Because these two reports contain personally identifying information, you need special security keys (in VistA) to access and run them.</p>
<p><b><a name="xref"></a>XREF: </b>this report provides a cross reference between the EDIS IEN and patient identifiers (including patients surname initials concatenated with the last four digits of their social security numbers [SSNs]). The report also includes patients DFNs, which are the IENs in VistA&#146;s Patient file (#2).</p>
<p><img src="images/patient_xref_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Patient XRef report" width="600" height="324" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Patient XRef (Cross Reference) report.</strong></p>
<p><b><a name="provider"></a>Provider:</b> The Provider report lists the total number of patients each provider saw during the date and time range you specify. It also provides a by-shift and by-acuity count of patients, the time between each patient&#146;s emergency-department check in and his or her diagnosis, and the time between each patients provider assignment and his or her disposition.</p>
<p><img src="images/provider_report.png" alt="Screen capture: the Provider report" width="600" height="368" border="1"><br />
<strong>The Provider report.</strong></p>
<table><!--This table is for formatting purposes only--><tr align="top"><td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td><i>If the Provider reports <b>MD Assign to Dispo</b>(sition) column contains only zeros, your site probably doesn't require providers to enter a disposition before releasing patients. </i></td>
<h3 align="left"><a name="runview"></a>Run and View Reports</h3>
<li>Select <b>Reports</b> on the applications left-hand menu bar. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the left-hand menu bar. Use the DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW key to locate <strong>Reports</strong>. Use the SPACEBAR key to select <strong>Reports</strong>. </li>
<li>Select a report from the </b><strong>Report</strong></b> list. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Report</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a report from the list. </li>
<li>Click the <b>Calendar</b> icon (<img src="calendar_icon.jpg" alt="Screen capture of calendar icon" width="14" height="15">) and select a starting date for your report or type a starting date in the <b>Start Date</b> box using this format: mm/dd/yyyy. (The application automatically formats shorter dates. For example, if you type 8/8/09, the application will reformat the date as 08/08/2009.) Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Start Date</strong> box.</li>
<li>Select a starting time in the <b>Start Time</b> box (<img src="start_time_box_reports.jpg" alt="Screen capture of the start-time box" width="78" height="27">). Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the hour selector in the <strong>Start Time</strong> box. Select a start-time hour using the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys. Use the TAB key to locate the minutes selector in the <strong>Start Time</strong> box. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select start-time minutes.</li>
<li>If you are running the Exposure report, type the contagious patient&rsquo;s IEN in the <strong>visit IEN</strong> box. The Exposure report does not require a date range.</li>
<li>Click the <b>Calendar</b> icon and select a stop date for your report or type a stop date in the <b>Stop Date</b> box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Stop Date</strong> box.</li>
<li>Select a stop time in the <b>Stop Time</b> box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the hour selector in the <strong>Stop Time</strong> box. Select a stop-time hour using the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys. Use the TAB key to locate the minutes selector in the <strong>Stop Time</strong> box. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select stop-time minutes.</li>
<li>Click <b>Run Report.</b> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Run Report </strong>button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. </li>
<p>If your reports contain negative numbers, the problem could lie with logic that EDIS&rsquo;s reports functionality inherited from the class-three Syracuse application. Syracuse reporting logic assumes that users will enter information in a certain sequence. For example, the application assumes that users will assign a provider before entering a patient&rsquo;s disposition. To calculate the time that elapsed between a patient&rsquo;s provider assignment and disposition, the application subtracts provider-entry time from disposition-entry time. If users assign providers after they&rsquo;ve entered dispositions, reports such as the Provider report will contain negative numbers.<br>
Negative numbers can also be a result of not-so-careful data entry. For example, suppose a patient&rsquo;s stay began on July 10 at 11:00 p.m. and ended on July 11 at 1:00 a.m. Further, suppose someone mistakenly removed this patient from the board at 11:55 p.m. When correcting this error, if the user corrects the patient&rsquo;s time-out hour-and-minute value, but neglects to update the date value, the patient&rsquo;s time-out value will be chronologically before his or her time-in value, and EDIS will calculate the patient&rsquo;s stay at -22 hours. </p>
<table><!--This table is for formatting purposes only--><tr align="top"><td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td><p><em>When reports exceed your window&rsquo;s viewing capacity, the application includes a scroll bar, as it does in the following screen capture: </em></p>
<p><img src="images/report_view_scroll_bar_help.png" alt="screen capture of report with internal scroll bar"></p></td>
<h4><a name="print"></a>Print Reports</h4>
<p>To print a report, click <b>Print. </b> You can find the <strong>Print</strong> button in the upper right-hand corner of the <strong>Reports</strong> view. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate <strong>Print</strong> and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. The application displays your operating system&#146;s print dialog. </p>
<h4><a name="export"></a>Export Reports</h4>
<li>Click <b>Export.</b> If you are authorized to export reports, you&#146;ll find this link in the upper right-hand corner of the <strong>Reports</strong> view. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate <strong>Export</strong> and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. </li>
<li>In the <strong>Select location for download by</strong> dialog box, select a location for your exported report. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save in</strong> selector. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to find a location for your exported report. Press the ENTER key to select the location. </li>
<li>In the <strong>File name</strong> box, type a name for your exported report. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>File name</strong> box.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Save</strong>. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save </strong>button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<li>The application displays a message informing you that your download is complete. Click <strong>Close</strong> to dismiss the message. Keyboard: use the SPACEBAR key to select the <strong>Close</strong> button. </li>
<p><img src="images/exported_activity_report.jpg" alt="Screen capture: exported Activity report displayed in Microsoft Excel" border="1"><br />
<strong>Exported Activity report in Microsoft Excel.</strong></p>
<h4 align="left">Related Topics</h4>
<p><a href="General.html">General Information</a></p>
<p><a href="index.html">Index</a></p>
<p><a href="TOC.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

View File

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<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br>Sign In View</h1>
<h2 align="center">Adding Patients to EDIS</h2>
<p>EDIS automatically adds patients when you use VistAs Scheduling (Appointment Management) package to create an emergency department appointment for patients. </p>
<p>The EDPF LOCATION parameter, which holds your sites emergency department location or locations, controls this functionality. Parameter settings ensure that only emergency-department check ins and appointments add patients to EDIS. </p>
<p>You can also add patients to the application from its <strong>Sign In</strong> and <strong>Triage</strong> views.</p>
<p>The <b>Sign In</b> view encompasses four areas:</p> <ul>
<li><b>Add Patient </b>button: the <b>Add Patient</b> button enables you to add patients to the application</li>
<li><b>Active Patients </b> list: the <b>Active Patients List</b> is a comprehensive list of patients who are currently active in the application</li>
<li><b>Patient Information </b> bar: when you select a patient in the <b>Active Patients</b> list, the <b>Patient Information </b> bar displays the patient&#146;s demographic information from VistA. It also displays notifications such as patient-record flags</li>
<li><a href="#patientinformationpane"><b>Patient Information </b>pane:</a> this area includes several data-entry fields that are usually available at sign in</li>
<p><img src="images/add_patient_dialog_sign_in.png" alt="Screen capture: the add patient dialog box" width="600" height="376" border="1"><br />
The <strong>Add Patient</strong> dialog box.</p>
<h3 align="left"><a name="add_patients_sign_in"></a>Add Patients from the Sign In View</h3>
Click <b>Add Patient</b> in the upper right-hand corner of the <b>Active Patients</b> list. Keyboard users: use the TAB key to locate the <b>Add Patient</b> button and then press the SPACEBAR key to select it. The application displays the <b>Add Patient</b> dialog box, which offers the following three selections: </p>
<li><a href="#findpatient"><b>Search for Patient in VistA</b></a>: enables you to add patients who are already in your local VistA system</li>
<li><a href="#noneoftheabove"><b>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</b></a>: enables you to add patients who are not in your local VistA system</li>
<li><b><a href="#ambulancearriving">Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown</a></b>: enables you to add information for patients whose identities are unknown</li></ul>
<p>The <strong>Identify Patient</strong> button allows you to associate the emergency-department tracking records of patients who were added using the <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</strong> or <strong>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown</strong> selections with their electronic records in VistA. This button is located on the <b>Patient Information</b> bar. </p>
<table><!--This table is for formatting purposes only--><tr align="top"><td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td><i>EDIS does not activate the <b>Add Patient</b> button when you are already in the process of signing in a patient or updating a patient&#146;s sign-in information. To activate the <b>Add Patient</b> button in either of these cases, you must click <b>Save</b> to complete the sign-in process or <b>Cancel</b> to cancel the process and discard the information you&#146;ve entered.<br/><br/>
Keyboard users: press the TAB key to locate the <b>Cancel</b> or <b>Save</b> button. Press the SPACEBAR key to select the button of your choice.</i></td>
<h3 align="left"><a name="findpatient"></a>Search for Patient in VistA</h3>
<li>If necessary, select <b>Search for Patient in VistA</b>. (<b>Search for Patient in VistA</b> is the application&#146;s default selection; in most cases, you wont need to manually select this button.) Keyboard: if the <strong>Search for Patient in VistA</strong> button isn&#146;t already selected, use the TAB key to locate the button that is selected (<strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA </strong>or <strong>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown</strong>). Use the UP ARROW key to locate the <strong>Search for Patient in VistA</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<li>Type all or part of the patient&#146;s name in the <strong>Find Patient</strong> box using this format: Surname,Firstname. For example, you can search using the patient&#146;s surname only, or the patient&#146;s surname and the first initial of his or her first name. You can also search using the initial letter of the patient&#146;s surname concatenated with the last four digits of his or her Social Security number (X9999 format), the patient&#146;s entire Social Security number (SSN), or the last four digits of his or her SSN. </li>
<li>Click <b>Search</b> or press the ENTER key. </li>
<li>The <b>Add Patient</b> dialog box lists possible matches. Select the correct patient and press the ENTER key or click <b>Continue</b>. Keyboard: use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the correct patient, and then press the ENTER key to select the patient. You can also use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Continue</strong> button and then press the SPACEBAR key to select the button. The application displays the <b>Patient Information</b> pane.</li>
<h3 align="left"><a name="noneoftheabove"></a>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</h3>
<p>If the <b>Find Patient</b> search list does not contain a match, add the patient using the <b>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</b> selection.</p>
<li>Select <b>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA.</b> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the currently selected button and then use the DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW key to locate the <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</strong> button. Press the SPACEBAR key to select this button.</li>
<li>EDIS automatically populates the <strong>Patient Name</strong> box with the name you typed to initiate a VistA search. If this name is incorrect or incomplete, type the patient&#146;s full name in the <strong>Patient Name </strong>box using this format: Lastname,Firstname. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Patient Name</strong> box.</li>
<li>Press the ENTER key or click <b>Continue.</b> The application displays the <b>Patient Information</b> pane.</li>
<blockquote><h4><a name="Adding_unidentified_patients"></a>Adding Unidentified Patients</h4>
<p>When you must add unresponsive patients whose identities you do not know, use the <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA </strong>selection and follow the naming protocol defined in section 12 of VHA Directive 2006-036: <em>Data Quality Requirements for Identity Management and Master Patient Index Functions</em>. (Use the name UU-UNRESPONSIVE,PATIENT for the first such patient, UU-UNRESPONSIVE,PATIENT A for the second, UU-UNRESPONSIVE,PATIENT B for the third, and so forth.) You can find the full text of this directive at </p>
<h3 align="left"><a name="ambulancearriving"></a>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown</h3>
<p>The application enables you to add unknown patients who are arriving by ambulance or other types of emergency transportation, thereby allowing you to make room, provider, and nurse assignments before these patients arrive.</p>
<li>Select <b>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown.</b> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the currently selected button, and use the DOWN ARROW key to locate the <strong>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown </strong>button. Press the SPACEBAR key to select this button. </li>
<li>Click <b>Continue.</b> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Continue</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. The application displays the <b>Patient Information</b> pane.</li>
<h3 align="left"><a name="patientinformationpane"></a>Add Information to the Patient Information Pane</h3>
<p><img src="images/patient_information_pane_sign_in.png" alt="screen capture: the patient information pane, sign in view" width="500" height="297" border="1"><br />
The <strong>Patient Information </strong>pane.</p>
<li>In the <b>Complaint for Display Board</b> box, type the complaint you want the application to display on the display board. This information is mandatory; you must type a complaint in this box or the application will not add your patient. The box accepts up to 50 characters.</b> Keyboard: press the TAB key to locate the <strong>Complaint for Display Board</strong> box. </li>
<li>Open the <b>Room / Area</b> list. Keyboard: press the TAB key to locate the <strong>Room / Area</strong> list.</li>
<li>Select a room or area. This information is mandatory. You must select a room or area or the application will not add your patient. The application&#146;s default selection is the waiting room. Keyboard: with the application&#146;s focus on the <strong>Room / Area</strong> list, use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a room or area from the list. </li>
<li>Open the <b>Source</b> list and select the source of the patient&#146;s emergency-department visit&#151;an offsite clinic, for example.</b> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Source</strong> list and use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a source from the list.
<li>Click <b>Save</b> to save the patient&#146;s sign-in information and add him or her to the display board.<br>
Click <b>Cancel</b> to cancel the sign-in process. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save</strong> or <strong>Cancel</strong> button and press the SPACEBAR key to select the button.</li>
<h4><a name="sourcedefs"></a>Definitions for Nationally Released Source Selections</h4>
<p>The EDIS TWG has provided the following definitions for nationally released source selections:</p>
<p><strong>Non-VA Clinic/Office&mdash;</strong>a non-VA clinic, primary care, or other type of provider sent the patient.<br>
<strong>VA Clinic, Off-Site</strong>&mdash;an offsite VA clinic&mdash;a community-based outpatient clinic (CBOC), for example&mdash;sent the patient.<br>
<strong>On-Site Clinic</strong><strong>&mdash;</strong>an onsite physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, nurse, or other care provider sent the patient for evaluation.<br>
<strong>Non-VA Nursing Home&mdash;</strong>a non-VA community living center (CLC) sent the patient.<br>
<strong>VA Nursing Home, Off-Site&mdash;</strong>an off-campus VA CLC transferred the patient.<br>
<strong>On-Site Nursing Home&mdash;</strong>an on-campus VA CLC transferred the patient.<br>
<strong>Self-Referred</strong>&mdash;the patient presents from outside the community without a referral&mdash;regardless of his or her mode of transportation.<br>
<strong>Transfer, Other&mdash;</strong>other facilities transferred the patient (VA ED-to-ED transfers for subspecialty care would fall into this category).</p>
<h3 align="left">Related Topics</h3>
<ul><li><a href="General.html">General Information</a></li>
<li><a href="IdentifyPatient.htm">Identify Unknown Patients</a></li>
<li><a href="Triage.html">Triage View</a></li>
<li><a href="TOC.html">Table of Contents</a></li>
<li><a href="Index.html">Index</a></li>

View File

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>EDIS: Staff List</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="provider assignments, resident assignments, nurse assignments, initials, configure, colors">
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<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br>
Assign Staff View</h1>
<h2 align="center">Add and Remove Staff<br>Configure Colors for Staff</h2>
<p>This view allows authorized users to <a href="#addproviders">add staff names</a> to&#151;and <a href="#removeproviders">remove</a> them from&#151;pick lists that are available in the <b>Triage, Update, Disposition,</b> and <b>Edit Closed</b> views. You can also <a href="#configurecolors">configure text and background colors</a> for staff assignments.</p>
<p><img src="images/assign_staff_general.png" alt="Screen capture: the Assign Staff view" width="600" height="382" border="1"><br><strong>The Assign Staff view.</strong> </p>
<h3 align="left"><a name="addproviders"></a>Add Providers, Residents, and Nurses</h3>
<li>Type the name of a physician, resident, or nurse in the views <b>Providers, Residents,</b> or <b>Nurses</b> search box, respectively. EDIS displays a list of possible matches from your local VistA system. (Nurse search lists are based on your site&rsquo;s EDPF NURSE STAFF SCREEN parameter setting.) Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Providers, Residents,</strong> or <strong>Nurses</strong> search box.</li>
<li>Select the name of the physician, resident, or nurse you want to add and click <b>Add</b> or press the ENTER key. EDIS adds the name to the <b>Provider, Resident,</b> or <b>Nurse</b> list, respectively. Keyboard: use the DOWN ARROW key to enter the search list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the name of the physician, resident, or nurse you want to add. Press the ENTER key to add this name. </li>
<li>Click <b>Save Staff Changes</b> to save your additions. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate <strong>Save Staff Changes </strong>and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<h3 align="left"><a name="removeproviders"></a>Remove Providers, Residents, and Nurses</h3>
<li>In the <strong>Provider, Resident,</strong> or <strong>Nurse</strong> list, select the physician, resident, or nurse whose name you want to remove. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Provider, Resident,</strong> or <strong>Nurse</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the name of the provider, resident, or nurse you want to remove. </li>
<li>Click <b>Remove</b> or press the DELETE key.</li>
<li>Click <b>Save Staff Changes</b> to save your changes. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save Staff Changes</strong> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button.</li>
<h3 align="left"><a name="configurecolors"></a>Configure Colors for Providers, Residents, and Nurses</h3>
<p align="left">The application allows you to configure text and background colors for providers, residents, and nurses. </p>
<li>Select a physician, resident, or nurse in the <b>Provider, Resident,</b> or <b>Nurse</b> list. EDIS displays the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Provider, Resident,</strong> or <strong>Nurse</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a name on the list. </li>
<li>Select the <b>Use Color</b> check box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Use Color</strong> check box and use the SPACEBAR key to select it. </li>
<li>To configure a color for text, click the color-selection box labeled <b>Text.</b> EDIS displays a color-selection grid (<img src="color_selector_4_text_and_background_color_boxes.jpg" alt="Screen capture of color-selection grid" width="40" height="40">). Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the<strong> Text</strong> box.</li>
<li>Click a color in the grid to select a text color. Keyboard actions are not available for this step. However, Job Access with Speech (JAWS) users may type a hexidecimal color code to select a text color.)</li>
<li>To configure a background color, click the color-selection box labeled <b>Back.</b> EDIS displays a color-selection grid. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Back </strong>box. </li>
<li>Click a color in the grid to select a background color. Keyboard actions are not available for this step; however JAWS users may type a hexidecimal color code to select a background color.</li>
<li>Click <b>Save Staff Changes</b> to save your color selections. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save Staff Changes</strong> button and press the SPACEBAR key to select it. </li>
<!--Table is for layout only-->
<table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="3">
<td width="50" valign="top"><em>Note: </em></td>
<td width="532"><p><em>Colors you configure for staff assignments will not appear on the display board unless colors (in general) are enabled for staff selections in the<strong> Configuration</strong> view&rsquo;s <strong>Display Board </strong>subview. </em></p></td>
<h3 align="left">Related Topics</h3>
<p><a href="Configuration.html">Configure View</a></p>
<p><a href="General.html">General Information</a></p>
<p><a href="index.html">Index</a></p>
<p><a href="TOC.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

View File

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<title>EDIS Tracker: TOC</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="sign in, triage, edit closed, update, disposition, configure, assign staff, reports, general information">
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<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br>
Table of Contents</h1>
<h4><a href="General.html">General Information</a></h4>
<h4><a href="SignIn.html">Sign In View</a></h4>
<h4><a href="IdentifyPatient.htm">Identify Patients</a></h4>
<h4><a href="Triage.html">Triage View</a></h4>
<h4><a href="Update.html">Update View</a></h4>
<h4><a href="Disposition.html">Disposition View</a></h4>
<h4><a href="EditClosedVisit.html">Edit Closed View</a></h4>
<h4><a href="DisplayBoard.html">Display Board View</a></h4>
<h4><a href="StaffList.html">Assign Staff View</a></h4>
<h4><a href="Reports.html">Reports View</a></h4>
<h4><a href="Configuration.html">Configuration View</a></h4>
<h4><a href="index.html">Index</a></h4>

View File

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>EDIS: Triage</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="update patient information, acuity, room, area, source, patients, select patients, patient-status notifications, display board complaint, room, area, source, cancel, save, complaint, long complaint, patient information pane">
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<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br>
Triage View</h1>
<h2 align="center">Add Triage Information <br/>Create a Visit in CPRS<br/>Add Patients</h2>
<h4 align="center"><a href="#patientinformationpane">Add Triage Information</a> &#124; <a href="#createvisit">Create Visit</a> &#124; <a href="#addpatients">Add Patient</a> </h4>
<p>You use the <b>Triage</b> view to edit or update information that you gather as part of the triage process. From this view, you can update patients&#146; display-board complaints; include additional, not-for-display information about their complaints (optional); update their room or area assignments; add information about their acuities; make nursing, provider, and resident assignments; update or add patients&#146; sources (offsite clinics, for example); and specify clinic locations for patients&#146; emergency-department visits. You can also add patients to the display board from the <strong>Triage</strong> view.</p>
<p><img src="images/triage_view_general.png" alt="Screen capture: the Triage view" width="600" height="404" border="1"><br />
The Triage view.</p>
<h3 align="left"><a name="patientinformationpane">Adding Triage Information via the Patient Information Pane</a></h3>
<li>In the <strong>Active Patients</strong> list, select the patient whose triage information you want to enter. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Active Patients</strong> list. Use the
DOWN ARROW key to enter the list, and use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the patient you want to select. The <strong>Patient Information</strong> pane displays current information for the selected patient.</li>
<li>If applicable, update the patient&#146;s display-board complaint in the <b>Complaint for Display Board</b> box. <i>If you are adding the patient from the <b>Triage</b> view, you must type a display-board complaint. The application will not allow you to add the patient if the <b>Complaint for Display Board</b> box is empty.</i> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Complaint for Display Board</strong> box.</li>
<li>In the <b>Long Complaint (optional)</b> box, you may type supplementary information about the patient&#146;s display-board complaint. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Long Complaint (optional) </strong>box. </li>
<li>If applicable, open the <strong>Room / Area </strong>list and make or update the patients room or area assignment. (<em>Room or area information is mandatory</em>; the waiting room is the applications default selection.) Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Room / Area</strong> list, and use the
DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a room or area from the list. </li>
<li>Select an acuity value from the <b>Acuity</b> list. Acuity information is mandatory for this view; if you do not select an acuity, the application will not allow you to save your updates or edits. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Acuity</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select an acuity.</li>
<table><!--This table is for formatting purposes only--><tr align="top"><td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td><i><a name="esi"></a>EDIS supports the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) triage algorithm, which ranks patients&#146; acuities using the numbers 1 (most urgent) through 5 (least urgent). Please visit the <a href="">Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ESI</a> Web site for more information. </i></td>
<li>Open the <strong>Status</strong> list and select the patient&#146;s status. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Status</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a status from the list. (Your site can add locally meaningful statuses. For a list and brief explaination of nationally released status selections, see the &quot;<a href="#StatusDefinitions">Definitions for Status Selections</a>&quot; section, which follows this instruction set.)</li>
<li>Select a provider from the <b>Provider </b> list. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Provider</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a provider from the list. The <strong>Provider</strong> list is also available on the <strong>Update</strong> and <strong>Disposition</strong> views.</li>
<li>If the <strong>Resident</strong> list (controlled by a site-selectable parameter) is available, select a resident from the list. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Resident</strong> list and use the
DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a resident from the list. If the <strong>Resident</strong> list is available on the <strong>Triage</strong> view, it is also available on the <strong>Update</strong> and <strong>Disposition</strong> views. </li>
<li>Select a nurse from the <strong>Nurse</strong> list. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Nurse</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a nurse from the list. The <strong>Nurse</strong> list is also available on the <strong>Update</strong> view. </li>
<table><!--This table is for formatting purposes only--><tr align="top"><td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td><i>When you make a nurse, resident, or provider assignment in EDIS, the application automatically creates a Patient Care Encounter (PCE) visit in CPRS&mdash;if it hasn't already done so, or unless the nurse or provider does not have an active person class in VistA. EDIS does not create visits for patients youve added using the <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</strong> or <strong>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown</strong> selections.</i></td>
<li>If applicable, add or edit the patient&#146;s source from the <b>Source</b> list. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Source</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a source from the list.</li>
<li>If the <strong>Clinic</strong> list is available, select the location that you want EDIS to use for creating the patient&rsquo;s PCE visit. This list is controlled by site-selected parameters. If your site&rsquo;s emergency department has only one location, or uses only one location at any given time, this list may not be available. The list is also unavailable if a PCE visit is already associated with the patient&rsquo;s emergency-department episode of care. </li>
<li>Click <strong>Save</strong> to save your edits and updates or click <strong>Cancel</strong> to close the <strong>Patient </strong><b> Information</b> pane without saving your changes. <i>The <b>Save</b> button is available only after you&#146;ve added or updated information in the <b>Patient Information</b> pane.</i> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save</strong> or <strong>Cancel</strong> button. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the button. </li>
<h3><a name="StatusDefinitions"></a>Definitions for Status Selections</h3>
<p>The EDIS technical working group (TWG) has provided the following definitions for nationally released status selections:</p>
<p><strong>Admitted&mdash;</strong>the patient is admitted, but is still in the emergency department.<br>
<strong>ED Boarding [Hold]&mdash;</strong>the patient is admitted and is designated as a holder (implying extended time in the emergency department).<br>
<strong>Discharged&mdash;</strong>the patient is discharged, but is still in the emergency department.<br>
<strong>ED Observation Unit&mdash;</strong>the patient is an observation patient under the emergency department&rsquo;s care.<br>
<strong>ED Patient&mdash;</strong>the patient is an emergency department patient (after triage).<br>
<strong>En Route/Prearrival&mdash;</strong>the patient is en route to the emergency department.<br>
<strong>Awaiting Triage&mdash;</strong>the patient is at the emergency department and is awaiting triage. </p>
<p>Other <strong>Status</strong>-list selections are site configurable.</p>
<h3><a name="createvisit">Create a Visit in CPRS</a></h3>
<p>Adding a provider (or a nurse who has an active person class in the New Person file) in EDIS automatically creates a visit in CPRS&mdash;<em>unless EDIS has already created a visit for a particular emergency-department episode of care or the staff member you assigned does not have a valid person class in VistA.</em> To reduce the possibility of creating duplicate visits, EDIS checks back one hour for Patient Care Encounter (PCE) visit entries associated with the emergency department location (or locations) specified in the VistA EDPF LOCATION parameter. (EDPF LOCATION parameter settings and&mdash;if applicable&mdash;<strong>Clinic</strong> list selections determine the location EDIS uses to create visits.)</p>
<p>EDIS creates only one visit for each emergency-department episode of care (or encounter). You can avoid creating duplicate visits for the same episode of care by selecting the visit that EDIS creates when you complete patients emergency-department encounters in CPRS.</p>
<p><img src="images/CPRS_PCE_visit_Cover_tab.jpg" alt="Screen capture: CPRS cover sheet displaying EDIS-created visit" width="548" height="417"><br />
Adding a nurse, resident, or provider assignment in EDIS creates a Patient Care Encounter visit in CPRS.</p>
<h3 align="left"><a name="addpatients">Add Patients from the <b>Triage</b> View</a></h3>
<p align="left"><img src="images/add_patient_dialog_triage.png" alt="Screen capture: the Add Patient dialog, Triage view" width="600" height="546" border="1"><br />
The <strong>Add Patient</strong> dialog box.</p>
Click <b>Add Patient</b> in the upper right-hand corner of the <b>Active Patients</b> list.
Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <b>Add Patient</b> button and use the SPACEBAR key to select the button. </p>
<table><!--This table is for formatting purposes only--><tr align="top"><td valign="top"><i>Note:</i></td>
<td><i>EDIS does not activate the <b>Add Patient</b> button when you are already in the process of signing in or triaging a patient or updating a patient&#146;s triage information. To activate the <b>Add Patient</b> button in any of these cases, you must select <b>Save</b> to complete the sign-in or triage process, or <b>Cancel</b> to cancel the process and discard the information you&#146;ve entered.<br/>
Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <b>Cancel</b> or <b>Save</b> button. Press the SPACEBAR key to select the button.</i></td>
<p> The application displays the <b>Add Patient</b> dialog box, which offers the following three selections: </p>
<li><a href="#findpatient"><b>Search for Patient in VistA</b></a>: enables you to add patients who are already in your local VistA system</li>
<li><a href="#noneoftheabove"><b>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</b></a>: enables you to add patients who are not in your local VistA system</li>
<li><b><a href="#ambulancearriving">Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown</a></b>: enables you to add information for patients whose identities are unknown</li>
<h3 align="left"><a name="findpatient"></a>Search for Patient in VistA</h3>
<li>If necessary, select <b>Search for Patient in VistA</b>. (<b>Search for Patient in VistA</b> is the application&#146;s default selection; in most cases, you wont need to manually select this button.) Keyboard: if the <strong>Search for Patient in VistA</strong> button isn&#146;t selected, use the TAB key to locate the selected button <strong>(Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</strong> or <strong>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown)</strong>. Use the UP ARROW key to locate the <strong>Search for Patient in VistA </strong>button and use the SPACEBAR key to select it.</li>
<li>Type all or part of the patients name in the <strong>Find Patient</strong> box using this format: Surname,Firstname. For example, you can search using the patients surname only, or the patients surname and the first initial of his or her first name. You can also search using the initial letter of the patients surname concatenated with the last four digits of his or her Social Security number (X9999 format), the patients entire Social Security number (SSN), or the last four digits of his or her SSN. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Find Patient</strong> box. </li>
<li>Click <b>Search</b> or press the ENTER key. </li>
<li>The <b>Add Patient</b> dialog box lists possible matches. Select the correct patient and press the ENTER key or click <b>Continue</b>. Keyboard: use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to locate the correct patient. Press the ENTER key to select the patient. You can also select the patient by using the TAB key to locate the <strong>Continue</strong> button and then pressing the SPACEBAR key to select the button. </li>
<p>The application displays the <b>Patient Information</b> pane.</p>
<h3 align="left"><a name="noneoftheabove"></a>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</h3>
<p>If the <b>Find Patient</b> search list does not contain a match, add the patient using the <b>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</b> selection.</p>
<li>Select <b>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA.</b> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Search for Patient in VistA</strong> (or currently selected) button. Use the DOWN ARROW (or UP ARROW) key to locate the <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</strong> button. Use the SPACEBAR key to select this button. </li>
<li>Type the patient&#146;s name in the <b>Patient Name</b> box. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Patient Name</strong> box.</li>
<li>Click <b>Continue</b> or press the ENTER key. The application displays the <b>Patient Information</b> pane.</li>
<p><img src="images/enter_name_patient_not_vista_triage.png" alt="Screen capture: Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA selection" width="500" height="475" border="1"><br />
The <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not In VistA</strong> button.</p>
<blockquote><h4>Adding Unidentified Patients</h4>
<p>When you must add unresponsive patients whose identities you do not know, use the <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</strong> selection and follow the naming protocol defined in section 12 of VHA Directive 2006-036: <em>Data Quality Requirements for Identity Management and Master Patient Index Functions</em>. (Use the name UU-UNRESPONSIVE,PATIENT for the first such patient, UU-UNRESPONSIVE,PATIENT A for the second, UU-UNRESPONSIVE,PATIENT B for the third, and so forth.) You can find the full text of this directive at <a href=""> </a></p>
<ol><li>If you&#146;ve cleared the patient&#145s name in the <b>Find Patient</b> box, retype it.</li>
<li>Press and hold the CTRL key and press the TAB key. Release the CTRL key. Repeat this step until you bring the application&#146;s focus to the <b>None of the above -- new patient</b> button. Press the SPACEBAR key to select this button.</li>
<li>Press the TAB key until you bring the application&#146;s focus to the <b>Cancel</b> or <b>Continue</b> button.</li>
<li>Press the SPACEBAR key to select the button of your choice.</li>
<li>If you select <b>Continue</b>, the application displays the <b>Patient Information</b> pane.</li></ol>-->
<h3 align="left"><a name="ambulancearriving"></a>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown</h3>
<p>EDIS enables you to prepare for unknown patients who are arriving by ambulance or other types of emergency transportation. You can make room, provider, resident, and nurse assignments before these patients arrive.</p>
<li>Select <b>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown.</b> Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the currently selected button <strong>(Search for Patient in VistA</strong> or <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA)</strong>. Use the DOWN ARROW key to locate the <strong>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown</strong> button.</li>
<li>Click <b>Continue.</b> The application displays the <b>Patient Information</b> pane.</li>
<p><img src="images/ambulance_arriving_selection.png" alt="Screen capture: Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown selection" width="400" height="443" border="1"><br />
The <strong>Add Patient</strong> dialog box with the <strong>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown</strong> button selected. </p>
<ol><li>From the <b>Add Patient</b> dialog box, press and hold the CTRL key and press the TAB key. Release the CTRL key. Repeat this step until you bring the application&#146;s focus to the <b>Ambulance is arriving, patient unknown</b> button.</li>
<li>Press the SPACEBAR key to select this button.</li>
<li>Press the TAB key to bring the application&#146;s focus to the <b>Continue</b> button.</b>
<li>Press the SPACEBAR key to select the <b>Continue</b> button.</li></ol>-->
<p>The <a href="IdentifyPatient.htm"><b>Identify Patient</b> </a>button, which is located on the <b>Patient Information</b> bar, allows you to identify patients who are in VistA after you&#146;ve added them as patients whose identities are unknown.</p>
<h3>Related Topics</h3>
<ul><li><a href="General.html">General Information</a></li>
<li><a href="Index.html">Index</a></li>
<li><a href="SignIn.html">Sign In View</a></li>
<li><a href="TOC.html">Table of Contents</a></li>

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>EDIS: Update</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="room, area, status, provider, resident, nurse, comments, save, close, update, patient information">
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<body bgcolor="#D0D8F0">
<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br>
Update View</h1>
<h2 align="center">Update Patient Information <br/> Create a Visit</h2>
<h4 align="Center"><a href="#update">Update Patient Information</a> &#124; <a href="#create">Create a Visit</a></h4>
<h3><a name="update">Add or Update Patient Information</a></h3>
The <b>Update</b> view enables you to add or update the following information:</p><ul><li>Room or area assignments</li>
<li>Patients&#146; statuses</li>
<li>Provider assignments</li>
<li>Resident assignments</li>
<li>Nurse assignments</li>
<p><img src="images/update_view_general.png" alt="Screen capture: the Update view" width="600" height="378" border="1"><br />
The <strong>Update</strong> view.</p>
<li>Click <strong>Update</strong> in the application&#146;s left-hand menu bar. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the left-hand menu bar and use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to locate the <strong>Update</strong> view. Press the SPACEBAR key to select this view.
<li>Select from the <b>Active Patients</b> list the patient whose information you want to edit or update. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Active Patients</strong> list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select from the list the patient whose data you want to update.</li>
<li>In the <b>Patient Information</b> pane, select and edit the fields and staff assignments you want to update. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate information fields. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select items from lists.</li>
When you make a nurse, resident, or provider assignment in EDIS, the application automatically creates a Patient Care Encounter (PCE) visit in CPRS&mdash;if it hasn&rsquo;t already done so, or unless the nurse or provider does not have an active person class in VistA. <em>EDIS does not create visits for patients you&rsquo;ve added using the <strong>Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA</strong> or <strong>Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown </strong>selections<strong>.</strong>
<!--This table is for formatting only --><table width="688" border="0">
<td width="52" valign="top">Note: </td>
<td width="626" valign-"top">As a rule, EDIS requires you to enter a provider before it allows you to remove a patient from the display board. Exceptions to this rule apply to the following dispositions: <strong>Patient Name Entered in Error</strong>, <strong>Left Without Being Treated/Seen</strong>, and <strong>Sent to Nurse Eval / Drop In Clinic.</strong></td>
<li>Click <b>Save</b> to save your edits and updates or click <b>Cancel</b> to close the <b>Patient Information</b> pane without saving your changes. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the <strong>Save</strong> or <strong>Cancel</strong> button. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the button. <i>The <b>Save</b> button is available only after you&#146;ve added or updated information in the <b>Patient Information</b> pane.</i></li>
<h3><a name="create">Create a Visit</a></h3>
<p>Adding a nurse, provider, or resident assignment in EDIS automatically creates a visit in CPRS&mdash;<em>unless EDIS has already created a visit for a particular emergency-department episode of care or the staff member you assigned does not have a valid person class in VistA.</em> To reduce the possibility of creating duplicate visits, EDIS checks back one hour for Patient Care Encounter (PCE) visit entries associated with the emergency department location your site&rsquo;s IT staff has specified. (EDPF LOCATION parameter settings and&mdash;if applicable&mdash;<strong>Clinic</strong> list selections determine the location EDIS uses to create visits. The <strong>Clinic</strong> list is available on the <strong>Triage</strong> view.)</p>
The application creates only one visit for each emergency-department episode of care (or encounter). You can avoid creating duplicate visits for the same episode of care by selecting the visit that EDIS creates when you complete patients&rsquo; emergency-department encounters in CPRS. EDIS displays a green checkmark in the <strong>Display</strong> <strong>Board</strong> view&rsquo;s <strong>Visit</strong> column to indicate that it has created a visit in CPRS.
<h3><a name="primaryprovider"></a>Setting a Primary Provider for Your Patient&#146;s Visit</h3>
<li>When you select a physician from EDIS&#146;s <strong>Provider</strong> list, the application sets the physician as the primary provider for your patient&#146;s visit in CPRS. If you subsequently change the assigned physician in EDIS, EDIS assigns the new physician as the primary provider for the visit in CPRS. In this case, EDIS assigns the originally selected physician as a secondary provider.</li>
<li>When you select a primary provider for the patient&#146;s emergency-department visit in CPRS, EDIS updates its <strong>Provider </strong>selection to reflect this change.</li>
<h3>Related Topics</h3>
<ul><li><a href="General.html">General Information</a></li>
<li><a href="IdentifyPatient.htm">Identify Patients</a></li>
<li><a href="Update.html">Index</a></li>
<li><a href="TOC.html">Table of Contents</a></li></ul>

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>EDIS Tracker: Index</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="sign in, triage, edit closed, update, disposition, configure, assign staff, reports, general information">
<link href="Accessible_Design.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<h1 align="center"><img src="images/EDIS_ICON_Small.gif" alt="EDIS icon" width="184" height="184"><br>
<p><a href="General.html#accessibility">Accessibility</a><br/>
<a href="Reports.html#activity">Activity report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#acuity">Acuity report </a><br>
Add information to the Patient Information pane<br>
<blockquote><a href="SignIn.html#patientinformationpane">Sign In view</a><br>
<a href="Triage.html#patientinformationpane">Triage view</a><br>
<a href="Update.html#update">Update view</a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html">Disposition view</a><br>
<a href="EditClosedVisit.html">Edit Closed view</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#add">Add columns to the display board</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#adddisplay">Add a new display board</a><br>
Add Patients <br>
<blockquote><a href="SignIn.html#add_patients_sign_in">from the Sign In view</a><br>
<a href="Triage.html#addpatients">from the Triage view</a><br>
<a href="SignIn.html#ambulancearriving">using the Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown selection</a><br>
<a href="SignIn.html#noneoftheabove">using the Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA selection</a><br>
<a href="SignIn.html#findpatient">using the Search for Patient in VistA selection</a>
<a href="SignIn.html#adding_unidentified_patients">Adding unidentified patients</a><br>
<a href="StaffList.html#addproviders">Adding providers, residents, and nurses to staff pick lists </a><br>
<a href="General.html#timeouts">Application timeouts</a><br>
<a href="General.html#datagrids">Arrange columns (data grids)</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#reposition">Arranging display-board columns</a><br>
<a href="StaffList.html">Assign Staff view</a><br/>
Column headings <blockquote><a href="Configuration.html#add">for the display board</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#ColumnHeadings">for reports </a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html">Configuration view</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#colors">Colors subview</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#display">Display Board subview</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#roomarea">Room / Area subview</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#parameters">Parameters subview</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#listselections">Selections subview</a><br>
Colors subview, Configuration view<br>
<a href="Configuration.html#colors">Configuring colors</a>
<blockquote><a href="Configuration.html#acuity">for acuity and status values</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#locmins">for Minutes at Location values</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#imagmins">for Minutes for Imaging Orders values</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#labmins">for Minutes for Lab Order values</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#unverordermins">for Minutes for Unverified Orders values</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#roomareacolors">for rooms and areas</a><br>
<a href="StaffList.html#configurecolors">for staff (providers, residents, and nurses)</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#totalmins">for Total Elapsed Minutes values</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#urgency">for Urgency &mdash; Lab values</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#urad">for Urgency &ndash; Radiology values </a></blockquote>
<a href="Configuration.html#edit">Configuring and editing display-board columns</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#shift_start">Configuring shift parameters</a><br>
<a href="Triage.html#createvisit">Creating a visit in CPRS</a><br>
Data grids
<blockquote><a href="General.html#arrange">arrange columns</a><br/><a href="General.html#resize">resize columns
<a href="General.html#sort">sort information in columns</a></blockquote>
<a href="Disposition.html#delaydefinitions">Delay reason definitions</a> (national)<br>
<a href="Reports.html#delay">Delay report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#delaysum">Delay Summary report</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#display">Display Board subview, Configure view</a><br>
<blockquote><a href="Configuration.html#add">adding display-board columns</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#adddisplay">adding new display boards</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#reposition">arranging display-board columns</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#edit">configuring and editing display-board columns</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#display">display-board configuration</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#remove">removing display-board columns</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#resize">resizing display-board columns</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#savedisplay">saving display-board configurations</a></blockquote>
<a href="DisplayBoard.html">Display Board view (PC-based)</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#dispoabbreviations">Disposition abbreviations</a> (national)<br>
<a href="Disposition.html#dispodefinitions">Disposition definitions </a>(national)<br>
<a href="Disposition.html">Disposition view</a><br>
<blockquote><a href="Disposition.html#disposition">selecting a disposition</a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html#delay">selecting a reason for delay</a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html#icd9cm">entering ICD-9-CM diagnoses</a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html#freetext">entering free-text diagnoses</a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html#remove">removing patients from the display board</a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html#removeenteredinerror">removing patients who were entered in error</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#bvac">ED BVAC Patients report</a><br>
<a href="EditClosedVisit.html">Edit Closed view</a><br/>
<a href="Triage.html#esi">Emergency Severity Index (ESI) </a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html#freetext">Entering free-text diagnoses</a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html#icd9cm">Entering ICD-9-CM diagnoses</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#export">Exporting reports</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#exp">Exposure report</a><br>
<a href="General.html">General Information</a>
<a href="IdentifyPatient.htm">Identify patients</a><br/>
<a href="Configuration.html#show_residents">Including residents on the entry form</a><br>
<a href="General.html#accessibility">Job Access with Speech (JAWS)</a><br/>
<blockquote><a href="General.html#JAWS_workstation">JAWS workstation requirements</a><br>
<a href="General.html#recommendations">recommendations for JAWS users</a></blockquote>
<a href="Reports.html#misso">Missed Opportunities report</a><br>
<a href="General.html#alerts">Notifications</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#ordersbyacuity">Orders by Acuity report</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#parameters">Parameters subview, Configure view</a>
<blockquote><a href="Configuration.html#shift_start">configuring shift parameters</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#show_residents">including residents on the entry form</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#req_diag">requiring diagnoses </a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#icd9">requiring diagnoses coded as ICD-9-CM or free text</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#dispo_req">requiring a disposition to remove patients from the board</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#delay">requiring a reason for delay</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#save_params">saving parameter configurations</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#room_area">setting a default room or area</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#ambulance">setting a default room or area for patients arriving by emergency transport</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#pintake">Patient Intake report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#xref">Patient XRef (Cross Reference) report (restricted)</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#print">Printing reports</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#provider">Provider report (restricted)</a><br>
<a href="General.html#accessibility">Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 508)</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#remove">Removing display-board columns</a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html#remove">Removing patients from the display board</a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html#removeenteredinerror">Removing patients who were entered in error</a><br>
<a href="StaffList.html#removeproviders">Removing providers, residents, and nurses from staff pick lists</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html">Reports view</a><br/>
<a href="Reports.html#activity">Activity report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#acuity">Acuity report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#ColumnHeadings">Column headings </a>
<a href="Reports.html#delay">Delay Report </a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#delaysum">Delay Summary report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#bvac">ED BVAC Patients report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#export">exporting reports</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#exp">Exposure report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#misso">Missed Opportunities report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#ordersbyacuity">Orders by Acuity report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#pintake">Patient Intake report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#xref">Patient XRef (Cross Reference) report (restricted)</a> <br>
<a href="Reports.html#print">printing reports</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#provider">Provider report (restricted)</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#runview">running and viewing reports</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#shift">Shift report</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#admiss">VA Admissions report</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#icd9">Requiring diagnoses coded as ICD-9-CM or free text</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#req_diag">Requiring diagnoses to remove patients from the board</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#delay">Requiring reasons for delay</a><br>
<a href="General.html#resize">Resizing columns</a><br/>
<a href="Configuration.html#resize">Resizing display-board columns</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#restricted">Restricted reports</a><br>
<a href="General.html#role_based_access">Role-based access</a><br/>
<a href="Configuration.html#roomarea">Room / Area subview, Configure view </a><br>
<blockquote><a href="Configuration.html#roomareacolors">configuring colors for rooms and areas</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#roomareaorder">specifying the order of rooms and areas in selection lists</a><br></blockquote>
<a href="Reports.html#runview">Running and viewing reports</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#listselections">Selections subview, Configure view</a><br>
<blockquote><a href="Configuration.html#adding_selections">adding selections to lists</a></blockquote>
<a href="Disposition.html#disposition">Selecting a disposition</a><br>
<a href="Disposition.html#delay">Selecting a reason for delay</a><br>
<a href="General.html#selectview">Selecting views</a><br/>
<a href="Configuration.html#room_area">Setting a default room or area</a><br>
<a href="Configuration.html#ambulance">Setting a default room or area for patients arriving by ambulance</a><br>
<a href="Update.html#primaryprovider">Setting a primary provider</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#shift">Shift report</a><br>
<a href="SignIn.html">Sign In view</a><br/>
<a href="General.html#sort">Sort information in columns</a>
<a href="SignIn.html#sourcedefs">Source definitions </a>(national)<br>
<a href="Configuration.html#roomareaorder">Specifying the order of rooms and areas on selection lists</a><br>
<a href="Triage.html#StatusDefinitions">Status Definitions </a>(national)<br>
<a href="Triage.html">Triage view</a><br/>
<a href="Update.html">Update view</a><br>
<a href="Reports.html#admiss">VA Admissions report</a><br>
<a href="SignIn.html">Sign In view</a><br/>
<a href="Triage.html">Triage view</a><br/>
<a href="Update.html">Update view</a><br/>
<a href="Disposition.html">Disposition view</a><br/>
<a href="EditClosedVisit.html">Edit Closed view</a><br/>
<a href="DisplayBoard.html">Display Board view</a><br/>
<a href="StaffList.html">Assign Staff view</a><br/>
<a href="Reports.html">Reports view</a><br/>
<a href="Configuration.html">Configure view</a> </blockquote>
<p><a href="General.html#datagrids"></a></p>

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