
272 lines
14 KiB

Globals from FOIA VistA with corrected Node problem for the cross references in the mental health files for C and AU
Cache 13-Sep-2008 18:35:03 ZWR
^RGHL7(991.1,0)="CIRN HL7 EXCEPTION LOG^991.1^^"
^RGHL7(991.11,0)="CIRN HL7 EXCEPTION TYPE^991.11I^234^39"
^RGHL7(991.11,1,10)="Invalid integration control number"
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,1,0)="The integration control number (ICN) is used to uniquely identify a patient "
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,2,0)="within VHA. This patient's ICN has failed validation for one of the reasons "
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,3,0)="listed below:"
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,5,0)="NO MPI NODE or NO ICN: The patient has not been assigned an ICN. This should "
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,6,0)="not occur under normal circumstances."
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,8,0)="BAD ICN CHECKSUM: The checksum accompanying the ICN in the message does not "
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,9,0)="match that stored in the ICN CHECKSUM field of the PATIENT file entry for this "
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,10,0)="patient. Further processing of the message is not possible until this problem "
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,11,0)="is resolved. Possible causes include a bad checksum stored in the PATIENT file "
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,12,0)="of either the sending or the receiving institution, or a message that was "
^RGHL7(991.11,1,99,13,0)="corrupted during transmission."
^RGHL7(991.11,6,10)="Unexpected system error"
^RGHL7(991.11,6,99,1,0)="An unexpected error caused processing of the message to terminate prematurely. "
^RGHL7(991.11,6,99,2,0)="This should be reported to the CIRN Support Team for analysis and remedial "
^RGHL7(991.11,7,10)="Unknown segment identifier"
^RGHL7(991.11,7,99,1,0)="A segment identifier is not recognized as valid by CIRN. This could be caused "
^RGHL7(991.11,7,99,2,0)="by a corrupt message, a message that has been directed to the wrong receiver, "
^RGHL7(991.11,7,99,3,0)="or a change in the format of the message. "
^RGHL7(991.11,18,10)="Unclassified exception"
^RGHL7(991.11,18,99,1,0)="Refer to the supplemental text reported with this exception to determine the "
^RGHL7(991.11,18,99,2,0)="nature of the problem. This exception type should normally not be used, but is "
^RGHL7(991.11,18,99,3,0)="provided for backward compatibility."
^RGHL7(991.11,200,10)="Missing BHS Segment"
^RGHL7(991.11,200,99,1,0)="Missing BHS Segment in message received from the MPI in the batch load"
^RGHL7(991.11,201,10)="Missing MSH Segment"
^RGHL7(991.11,201,99,1,0)="Missing MSH segment in MPI Batch Message being processed from the MPI."
^RGHL7(991.11,202,10)="Missing QAK Segment"
^RGHL7(991.11,202,99,1,0)="Missing QAK segment in MPI Batch Initialization Message from the MPI."
^RGHL7(991.11,203,10)="Missing MSA Segment"
^RGHL7(991.11,203,99,1,0)="Missing MSA segment from MPI Batch Initialization Message from the MPI."
^RGHL7(991.11,204,10)="Missing RDF Segment"
^RGHL7(991.11,204,99,1,0)="Missing RDF Segment from MPI Initialization Batch Message from the MPI."
^RGHL7(991.11,205,10)="Missing RDT Segment"
^RGHL7(991.11,205,99,1,0)="Missing RDT Segment from the Batch Initialization Message from the MPI."
^RGHL7(991.11,206,10)="Could Not Create VTQ"
^RGHL7(991.11,206,99,1,0)="Unable to create VTQ query segment in Batch Initialization Message to the"
^RGHL7(991.11,206,99,2,0)="MPI. Tracking only missing encoding characters or invalid DFN."
^RGHL7(991.11,207,10)="Application Reject Error"
^RGHL7(991.11,207,99,1,0)="Application Rejection Error, wrong application sent in message to MPI."
^RGHL7(991.11,208,10)="Application Error"
^RGHL7(991.11,208,99,1,0)="Application Error returned from the MPI."
^RGHL7(991.11,209,10)="Required field(s) missing for patient sent to MPI"
^RGHL7(991.11,209,99,1,0)="Required fields: Name, date of birth, sex or SSN"
^RGHL7(991.11,209,99,2,0)="are missing for the patient sent to the MPI for ICN assignment."
^RGHL7(991.11,210,10)="Patient DFN Failed"
^RGHL7(991.11,210,99,1,0)="Patient DFN is bad, lookup in Patient file failed."
^RGHL7(991.11,211,10)="CMOR Lookup Failed"
^RGHL7(991.11,211,99,1,0)="CMOR Lookup failed in Institution file. Maybe two entries with the same"
^RGHL7(991.11,211,99,2,0)="station number or missing a station number."
^RGHL7(991.11,212,10)="TF Update Failed in Pivot file"
^RGHL7(991.11,212,99,1,0)="Attempted to add treating facility update to Adt/HL7 Pivot file and it"
^RGHL7(991.11,212,99,2,0)="failed to add."
^RGHL7(991.11,213,10)="SSN Match Failed"
^RGHL7(991.11,213,99,1,0)="SSN returned from MPI did not match DFN's entry in Patient file."
^RGHL7(991.11,214,10)="Name Doesn't Match"
^RGHL7(991.11,214,99,1,0)="Name returned from MPI did not match DFN's entry in Patient file."
^RGHL7(991.11,215,10)="Death Entry on MPI not in VISTA"
^RGHL7(991.11,215,99,1,0)="MPI had Date of Death field populated. Vista did not have Date of Death."
^RGHL7(991.11,216,10)="Death Entry on Vista not in MPI"
^RGHL7(991.11,216,99,1,0)="VISTA had Date of Death field populated. MPI did not have Date of Death."
^RGHL7(991.11,217,10)="Death Entries on MPI and Vista DO NOT Match"
^RGHL7(991.11,217,99,1,0)="MPI and VistA had different dates of death for this patient."
^RGHL7(991.11,218,10)="Potential Matches Returned"
^RGHL7(991.11,218,99,1,0)="Missing or Local ICN resolution job returned potential matches from the"
^RGHL7(991.11,218,99,2,0)="MPI. This must be resolved via the Interactive Query option."
^RGHL7(991.11,219,10)="Missing ICN"
^RGHL7(991.11,219,99,1,0)="The message being prcessed is missing required field, ICN."
^RGHL7(991.11,220,10)="Error Setting Up HL7"
^RGHL7(991.11,220,99,1,0)="Error returned from HL7 call to setup hl7 variables or sending messages."
^RGHL7(991.11,221,10)="Missing Site/CMOR"
^RGHL7(991.11,221,99,1,0)="Site/CMOR not in CMOR message"
^RGHL7(991.11,222,10)="Invalid Event Type"
^RGHL7(991.11,222,99,1,0)="Invalid Event passed in CMOR message"
^RGHL7(991.11,223,10)="Missing Excepted Field"
^RGHL7(991.11,223,99,1,0)="Missing excepted field"
^RGHL7(991.11,224,10)="Missing/Unable to get Logical Link"
^RGHL7(991.11,224,99,1,0)="Link was unable to be retrieved."
^RGHL7(991.11,225,10)="Have Subscribers"
^RGHL7(991.11,225,99,1,0)="Have subscribers for given patient and can not have subscribers to perform"
^RGHL7(991.11,226,10)="Not CMOR"
^RGHL7(991.11,226,99,1,0)="Message received is not from the CMOR and should not be processed."
^RGHL7(991.11,227,10)="Multiple ICNs"
^RGHL7(991.11,227,99,1,0)="There is a new business rule that ""More than one patient in a single"
^RGHL7(991.11,227,99,2,0)=" Patient file can not have the same ICN"". If an ICN is returned from the"
^RGHL7(991.11,227,99,3,0)=" MPI and another patient in that database already has that same ICN, an"
^RGHL7(991.11,227,99,4,0)=" exception will be logged and the ICN, CMOR, etc will not be updated for"
^RGHL7(991.11,227,99,5,0)=" this new patient. "
^RGHL7(991.11,228,10)="Patient Does Not Exist"
^RGHL7(991.11,228,99,1,0)="The patient does not exist in the patient file."
^RGHL7(991.11,229,10)="Duplicate Station Number in Institution File (#4)"
^RGHL7(991.11,229,99,1,0)="A Station Number has been entered for multiple institutions in"
^RGHL7(991.11,229,99,2,0)="the Institution (#4) file."
^RGHL7(991.11,230,10)="Invalid Sender Of Facility Integration Message"
^RGHL7(991.11,230,99,1,0)="The CMOR can only accept the Facility Integration Message from the legacy site."
^RGHL7(991.11,231,10)="Treating Facility Not Known To CMOR"
^RGHL7(991.11,231,99,1,0)="This site has treating facilities for the patient that the"
^RGHL7(991.11,231,99,2,0)="CMOR does not have."
^RGHL7(991.11,232,10)="Subscriber Not Known To CMOR"
^RGHL7(991.11,232,99,1,0)="This site has subscribers that the CMOR does not have."
^RGHL7(991.11,233,10)="Cannot Merge Duplicate Pair"
^RGHL7(991.11,233,99,1,0)="Record pair rejected during merge due to a conflict in ICN or CMOR data."
^RGHL7(991.11,233,99,2,0)="Check the pair."
^RGHL7(991.11,234,10)="Primary View Reject"
^RGHL7(991.11,234,99,1,0)="VistA data was rejected on the MPI either because the Authority Score was "
^RGHL7(991.11,234,99,2,0)="not high enough, or it failed a business rule."
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Application Error",208)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Application Reject Error",207)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","CMOR Lookup Failed",211)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Cannot Merge Duplicate Pair",233)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Could Not Create VTQ",206)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Death Entries on MPI and Vista",217)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Death Entry on MPI not in VIST",215)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Death Entry on Vista not in MP",216)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Duplicate Station Number in In",229)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Error Setting Up HL7",220)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Have Subscribers",225)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Invalid Event Type",222)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Invalid Sender Of Facility Int",230)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Invalid integration control nu",1)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Missing BHS Segment",200)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Missing Excepted Field",223)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Missing ICN",219)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Missing MSA Segment",203)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Missing MSH Segment",201)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Missing QAK Segment",202)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Missing RDF Segment",204)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Missing RDT Segment",205)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Missing Site/CMOR",221)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Missing/Unable to get Logical ",224)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Multiple ICNs",227)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Name Doesn't Match",214)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Not CMOR",226)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Patient DFN Failed",210)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Patient Does Not Exist",228)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Potential Matches Returned",218)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Primary View Reject",234)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Required field(s) missing for ",209)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","SSN Match Failed",213)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Subscriber Not Known To CMOR",232)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","TF Update Failed in Pivot file",212)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Treating Facility Not Known To",231)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Unclassified exception",18)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Unexpected system error",6)=""
^RGHL7(991.11,"C","Unknown segment identifier",7)=""