
9538 lines
422 KiB

Globals from FOIA VistA with corrected Node problem for the cross references in the mental health files for C and AU
Cache 13-Sep-2008 18:35:03 ZWR
^XMB(1,1,5,3,0)="PRIMARY MENU^19^AP"
^XMB(1,1,5,"B","PRIMARY MENU",3)=""
^XMB(3.51,0)="SPOOL DOCUMENT^3.51s^^0"
^XMB(3.6,1,1,1,0)="User |2| has signed on at Device |3|."
^XMB(3.6,1,3,1,0)="This bulletin is triggered whenever someone signs on thru 'XUS'"
^XMB(3.6,1,4,1,1,1,0)="User number ('DUZ') of user signing on."
^XMB(3.6,1,4,2,1,1,0)="Name of user"
^XMB(3.6,1,4,3,1,1,0)="Device at which sign-on occurred."
^XMB(3.6,2,1,1,0)="Device |1| has made |2| bad sign-on attempts "
^XMB(3.6,2,1,2,0)="and has been locked."
^XMB(3.6,2,1,3,0)="The device will automatically clear after the Lockout time in the Kernel"
^XMB(3.6,2,1,4,0)="System Parameters."
^XMB(3.6,2,1,5,0)="To make the device or IP address useable before the lockout time is up"
^XMB(3.6,2,1,6,0)="use the ""CLEAR TERMINAL"" or ""Release IP lock"" option to make the device"
^XMB(3.6,2,1,7,0)="available again."
^XMB(3.6,2,1,8,0)="Select |3| as the device to release."
^XMB(3.6,2,3,1,0)="This bulletin is triggered when the number of bad sign-ons"
^XMB(3.6,2,3,2,0)="causes a terminal device or IP address to be ""locked out""."
^XMB(3.6,2,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of device being locked."
^XMB(3.6,2,4,2,1,1,0)="Number of bad signons recorded for the device."
^XMB(3.6,2,4,3,1,1,0)="This hold the name of the device to release."
^XMB(3.6,3,1,1,0)="""|2|"" attempted to sign on to device |1| with code ""|3|"","
^XMB(3.6,3,1,2,0)="but the device is locked out during the time period |4|."
^XMB(3.6,3,3,1,0)="This bulletin is triggered by the Sign-on system if the device being"
^XMB(3.6,3,3,2,0)="used has a ""PROHIBITED SIGN-ON TIMES"" value, and somebody has tried to"
^XMB(3.6,3,3,3,0)="sign on during that prohibited time period."
^XMB(3.6,3,3,4,0)="the prohibited time frame."
^XMB(3.6,3,4,1,1,1,0)="Device name ($I)"
^XMB(3.6,3,4,2,1,1,0)="User name "
^XMB(3.6,3,4,3,1,1,0)="The access code used for sign-on"
^XMB(3.6,3,4,4,1,1,0)="The time range during which sign-on is prohibited."
^XMB(3.6,4,1,1,0)="User |1| tried to sign on to device |2|, which has SECURITY code |3|,"
^XMB(3.6,4,1,2,0)="but |1| has security code '|4|'. Use ^UTIO to edit the device's"
^XMB(3.6,4,1,3,0)="SECURITY, if necessary."
^XMB(3.6,4,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent by the sign-on system if a user uses"
^XMB(3.6,4,3,2,0)="a terminal that has 'SECURITY' to sign on, and his 'DUZ(0)'"
^XMB(3.6,4,3,3,0)="code is not found in the terminal's 'SECURITY' code."
^XMB(3.6,4,3,4,0)="code as the FILE MANAGER ACCESS CODE attempts to sign on."
^XMB(3.6,4,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of User"
^XMB(3.6,4,4,3,1,1,0)="Device's security code"
^XMB(3.6,4,4,4,1,1,0)="User's security code"
^XMB(3.6,5,1,1,0)="USER |1| has been terminated as of |2|"
^XMB(3.6,5,1,2,0)="The error message was '|3|'."
^XMB(3.6,5,3,1,0)="This bulletin is issued whenever a message cannot be delivered after the"
^XMB(3.6,5,3,2,0)="Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ""DATA"" command is issued. It indicates that"
^XMB(3.6,5,3,3,0)="that the ""Mail From:"" and RCPT (recipient) commands were successfully "
^XMB(3.6,5,3,4,0)="issued, but that something in the header of the message was rejected,"
^XMB(3.6,5,3,5,0)="such as duplicate message ID. The error message returned by the remote"
^XMB(3.6,5,3,6,0)="receiver is included in the bulletin."
^XMB(3.6,5,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of the remote site rejecting the message (may be intermediate relay)"
^XMB(3.6,5,4,2,1,1,0)="Title and message number of message which was rejected"
^XMB(3.6,5,4,3,1,1,0)="The rejection message issued by the rejecting receiver."
^XMB(3.6,6,1,1,0)="The user above tried to assign the ACCESS CODE that"
^XMB(3.6,6,1,2,0)="already belonged to |1|."
^XMB(3.6,6,1,3,0)="|1| should change his/her code as soon as possible, since its"
^XMB(3.6,6,1,4,0)="secrecy has now been compromised."
^XMB(3.6,6,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent by the Syntax check of the ACCESS CODE field"
^XMB(3.6,6,3,2,0)="of the USER file, whenever someone tries to assign an ACCESS CODE"
^XMB(3.6,6,3,3,0)="that is already in use for a different USER."
^XMB(3.6,6,3,4,0)=" The bulletin goes to whoever is in the MAIL GROUP, plus the user"
^XMB(3.6,6,3,5,0)="who tried to input the code."
^XMB(3.6,6,4,1,1,1,0)="The name of the USER whose ACCESS CODE was discovered."
^XMB(3.6,7,1,1,0)="User # |1| has dropped into programmer mode on device |2| ."
^XMB(3.6,7,3,1,0)="User going into progmode message."
^XMB(3.6,7,4,1,1,1,0)="user name"
^XMB(3.6,8,0)="XQSERVER^Server Request Notice"
^XMB(3.6,8,1,1,0)=" |1|"
^XMB(3.6,8,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,8,1,3,0)="A request for execution of a server option has been received."
^XMB(3.6,8,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,8,1,5,0)="Sender: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,8,1,6,0)="Option name: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,8,1,7,0)="Subject: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,8,1,8,0)="Message #: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,8,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,8,1,10,0)="Comments: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,8,1,11,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,8,1,12,0)="This is the bulletin named XQSERVER."
^XMB(3.6,8,1,13,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,8,3,1,0)="This is the standard, or default, bulletin used by the menu system"
^XMB(3.6,8,3,2,0)="to notify IRM staff and users about server request events."
^XMB(3.6,8,4,1,1,1,0)="The date and time in human-readable form when the server request"
^XMB(3.6,8,4,1,1,2,0)="was received."
^XMB(3.6,8,4,2,1,1,0)="The name of the sender of the server request."
^XMB(3.6,8,4,3,1,1,0)="The name of the option which was requested by Mailman."
^XMB(3.6,8,4,4,1,1,0)="The subject of the message which requested a server."
^XMB(3.6,8,4,5,1,1,0)="The internal number of the message requesting a server."
^XMB(3.6,8,4,6,1,1,0)="Comments appended to the bulleting. These may include errors trapped"
^XMB(3.6,8,4,6,1,2,0)="by the server software and/or the operating system, as well as general"
^XMB(3.6,8,4,6,1,3,0)="purpose messages."
^XMB(3.6,9,0)="XTRMON^Changes to routines"
^XMB(3.6,9,1,1,0)="A check of the routines in |3| on |1|"
^XMB(3.6,9,1,2,0)="showed that |2| routines changed, Here is the list:"
^XMB(3.6,9,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,9,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used by the XTRMON routine to send mail messages"
^XMB(3.6,9,3,2,0)="about routines that change in the set of routines being tracked."
^XMB(3.6,10,0)="XMRDACK^Confirmation of message"
^XMB(3.6,10,1,1,0)="Your message:"
^XMB(3.6,10,1,2,0)="Subj: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,10,1,3,0)="has been read by |2|."
^XMB(3.6,10,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used by MailMan to inform the sender of a message"
^XMB(3.6,10,3,2,0)="that a recipient has read the message."
^XMB(3.6,10,3,3,0)="The sender of the message must have set the CONFIRMATION REQUESTED"
^XMB(3.6,10,3,4,0)="flag to ON when the message was created."
^XMB(3.6,10,4,1,1,1,0)="Message subject"
^XMB(3.6,10,4,2,1,1,0)="Name of the user who just read the message"
^XMB(3.6,13,1,1,0)="User |1| has been added to the New Person file."
^XMB(3.6,13,3,1,0)="This message is sent whenever a new user is added to "
^XMB(3.6,13,3,2,0)="the user file"
^XMB(3.6,15,1,1,0)="The MailMan ""banner"" for |2| has been changed to read:"
^XMB(3.6,15,3,1,0)="This bulletin might be generated when a user changes his banner."
^XMB(3.6,15,4,1,1,1,0)="The contents of the new BANNER"
^XMB(3.6,15,4,2,1,1,0)="Name of Mailbox holder whose banner has been changed"
^XMB(3.6,22,0)="XMVALBAD^Invalid validation number received"
^XMB(3.6,22,1,1,0)="validation breach to domain |1|."
^XMB(3.6,22,3,1,0)="This bulletin is fired whenever a remote mailman domain attempts to "
^XMB(3.6,22,3,2,0)="establish a connection with this domain and the validation numbers"
^XMB(3.6,22,3,3,0)="do not properly match. This may indicate a attempted breach of security"
^XMB(3.6,22,3,4,0)="or some other network failure. In order to re-establish communication with "
^XMB(3.6,22,3,5,0)="this domain, call the site manager to reset your validation numbers."
^XMB(3.6,22,4,1,1,1,0)="name of domain attempting to get in"
^XMB(3.6,23,0)="XM_TRANSMISSION_ERROR^MailMan Error Detected During Message Delivery"
^XMB(3.6,23,1,1,0)="During message delivery, the following error was detected:"
^XMB(3.6,23,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,23,3,1,0)="This bulletin is fired off when the background delivery process"
^XMB(3.6,23,3,2,0)="detects an error. The message or response it is supposed to deliver"
^XMB(3.6,23,3,3,0)="does not exist. We just move on to the next message."
^XMB(3.6,23,3,5,0)="There are no parameters. The error text is appended to the bulletin."
^XMB(3.6,25,1,2,0)="The following records have been identified as Verified Duplicates"
^XMB(3.6,25,1,3,0)="of the |1| file:"
^XMB(3.6,25,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,25,1,6,0)="From record DA/DFN: |2| To record DA/DFN: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,25,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,25,1,8,0)="|4| |5|"
^XMB(3.6,25,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,25,1,11,0)="The FROM record will be merged to the TO record. Please resolve any"
^XMB(3.6,25,1,12,0)="package discrepancies so that the merge may proceed."
^XMB(3.6,25,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent by the Kernel Duplicate Resolution software"
^XMB(3.6,25,3,2,0)="anytime a pair of Potential Duplicates are reviewed and the "
^XMB(3.6,25,3,3,0)="operator determines that the pair are indeed Verified Duplicates."
^XMB(3.6,25,3,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,25,3,5,0)="This bulletin is sent only if a package merge developer does not"
^XMB(3.6,25,3,6,0)="have a routine that sends its own customized verified message."
^XMB(3.6,25,4,1,1,1,0)="The file from which the two records come from."
^XMB(3.6,25,4,2,1,1,0)="The From record's DA/DFN."
^XMB(3.6,25,4,3,1,1,0)="The To record's DA/DFN."
^XMB(3.6,25,4,4,1,1,0)="The internal value of the .01 field of the From Record."
^XMB(3.6,25,4,5,1,1,0)="The internal value of the .01 field of the To Record."
^XMB(3.6,26,1,2,0)="The following records from the |1| file have been merged."
^XMB(3.6,26,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,26,1,5,0)="From record DA/DFN: |2| To record DA/DFN: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,26,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,26,1,7,0)="|4| |5|"
^XMB(3.6,26,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,26,1,10,0)="The FROM Record has now been merged to the TO Record."
^XMB(3.6,26,1,12,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,26,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent by the Kernel Duplicate Resolution"
^XMB(3.6,26,3,2,0)="software when a Verified Duplicate pair are merged together."
^XMB(3.6,26,3,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,26,3,4,0)="This bulletin is sent only if a package merge developer does not"
^XMB(3.6,26,3,5,0)="have a routine that sends its own customized merge message."
^XMB(3.6,26,4,1,1,1,0)="The file from which the two records come from."
^XMB(3.6,26,4,2,1,1,0)="The From record's DA/DFN."
^XMB(3.6,26,4,3,1,1,0)="The To record's DA/DFN."
^XMB(3.6,26,4,4,1,1,0)="The internal value of the .01 field of the From Record."
^XMB(3.6,26,4,5,1,1,0)="The internal value of the .01 field of the To Record."
^XMB(3.6,26,4,6,1,1,0)="The package merge error listing header."
^XMB(3.6,27,1,2,0)="This is to notify you that an error was encountered while trying to"
^XMB(3.6,27,1,3,0)="either check for duplicates or during the early merge process of"
^XMB(3.6,27,1,4,0)="the |1| file."
^XMB(3.6,27,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,27,1,6,0)="From DA/DFN: |2| To DA/DFN: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,27,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,27,1,8,0)="|4| |5|"
^XMB(3.6,27,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,27,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent by the Kernel Duplicate Resolution software"
^XMB(3.6,27,3,2,0)="when an error that halts the process is encountered by a background"
^XMB(3.6,27,3,3,0)="task. It is only sent if there is a entry in the 'Duplicate Manager"
^XMB(3.6,27,3,4,0)="Mail Group' in the Duplicate Resolution file."
^XMB(3.6,27,4,1,1,1,0)="The file from which the two records come from."
^XMB(3.6,27,4,2,1,1,0)="The From record's DA/DFN."
^XMB(3.6,27,4,3,1,1,0)="The To record's DA/DFN."
^XMB(3.6,27,4,4,1,1,0)="The internal value of the .01 field of the From Record."
^XMB(3.6,27,4,5,1,1,0)="The internal value of the .01 field of the To Record."
^XMB(3.6,27,4,6,1,1,0)="The error condition that was encountered."
^XMB(3.6,28,0)="FHDIREQ^Dietetic Consultation Request"
^XMB(3.6,28,1,1,0)="You have a |1| request."
^XMB(3.6,28,1,2,0)="Patient is |3| on ward |4|, room |2|."
^XMB(3.6,28,3,1,0)="Bulletin Ward Clinician when consult is entered on a"
^XMB(3.6,28,3,2,0)="patient on a ward for which the clinician is responsible."
^XMB(3.6,28,4,1,1,1,0)="Type of consultation requested; from file 119.52"
^XMB(3.6,28,4,3,1,1,0)="Patient name"
^XMB(3.6,28,4,4,1,1,0)="Current ward of patient"
^XMB(3.6,28,4,5,1,1,0)="Comment by person ordering"
^XMB(3.6,29,0)="FHDIORD^Diet Order"
^XMB(3.6,29,1,1,0)="|1| on ward |2|, room |5| has been ordered"
^XMB(3.6,29,1,3,0)="Effective |4|"
^XMB(3.6,29,3,1,0)="Bulletin Ward Clinician when 'Bulletinized' Diet Order"
^XMB(3.6,29,3,2,0)="is entered."
^XMB(3.6,29,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient name"
^XMB(3.6,29,4,2,1,1,0)="Current ward"
^XMB(3.6,29,4,3,1,1,0)="Diet order"
^XMB(3.6,29,4,4,1,1,0)="Effective date of diet order"
^XMB(3.6,30,0)="FHDITF^Tubefeeding Order"
^XMB(3.6,30,1,1,0)="You have a Tubefeeding Order for |1| ( |2| )"
^XMB(3.6,30,1,2,0)="on ward |3|, room |4|"
^XMB(3.6,30,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,30,3,1,0)="Bulletin to alert Ward Clinician of Tubefeeding Order."
^XMB(3.6,30,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient Name"
^XMB(3.6,30,4,2,1,1,0)="Last 4 SSN digits"
^XMB(3.6,30,4,3,1,1,0)="Ward Name"
^XMB(3.6,30,4,5,1,1,0)="Comment indicating whether tray order and SF were cancelled."
^XMB(3.6,31,0)="FHDIOO^Additional Order"
^XMB(3.6,31,1,1,0)="|6| Additional Order: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,31,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,31,1,3,0)=" |3|, |4|, |2|"
^XMB(3.6,31,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,31,1,5,0)="Comment: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,31,3,1,0)="Bulletin to alert Ward Clinician of Additional Order."
^XMB(3.6,31,4,6,1,1,0)="Comment to indicate approval or disapproval for the Additional Order."
^XMB(3.6,32,0)="FHDIDIP^Meal Pattern"
^XMB(3.6,32,1,1,0)="|1| on ward |2|, room |3| has no meal pattern for"
^XMB(3.6,32,1,3,0)="Effective |5|"
^XMB(3.6,32,3,1,0)="Bulletin Ward Clinician when a Diet Order has no Meal Pattern."
^XMB(3.6,32,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient name"
^XMB(3.6,32,4,2,1,1,0)="Current ward"
^XMB(3.6,32,4,4,1,1,0)="Diet order"
^XMB(3.6,32,4,5,1,1,0)="Effective date of diet order"
^XMB(3.6,33,1,1,0)="A new equipment record has been added to the AEMS/MERS database."
^XMB(3.6,33,1,2,0)="The ENTRY NUMBER is |1|."
^XMB(3.6,33,1,3,0)="It was entered by |2|."
^XMB(3.6,33,1,4,0)="The MFGR EQUIPMENT NAME is |3|."
^XMB(3.6,33,1,5,0)="The EQUIPMENT CATEGORY is |4|."
^XMB(3.6,33,1,6,0)="The SERVICE is |5|."
^XMB(3.6,33,1,7,0)="The STATION NUMBER is |6|."
^XMB(3.6,33,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,33,3,1,0)="Bulletin to alert users (generally in Engineering and A&MM Services)"
^XMB(3.6,33,3,2,0)="that a new equipment record has been added to the AEMS/MERS database."
^XMB(3.6,33,4,1,1,1,0)="The IEN (computer generated)."
^XMB(3.6,33,4,2,1,1,0)="Name of the user who entered the new record (from NEW PERSON FILE)."
^XMB(3.6,33,4,3,1,1,0)="Brief description of the item."
^XMB(3.6,33,4,4,1,1,0)="The EQUIPMENT CATEGORY assigned (mainly for preventive maintenance"
^XMB(3.6,33,4,5,1,1,0)="The owning SERVICE. Generally (but not always) determined from"
^XMB(3.6,33,4,5,1,2,0)="the CMR (Consolidated Memorandum of Receipt)."
^XMB(3.6,33,4,6,1,1,0)="Station number."
^XMB(3.6,33,4,7,1,1,0)="Text indicating if equipment is capitalized NX and if reported to FAP."
^XMB(3.6,36,0)="OR FLAGGED ORDER^Order flagged for clarification"
^XMB(3.6,36,1,1,0)="The following order has been flagged for clarification:"
^XMB(3.6,36,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,36,1,3,0)=" Patient: |1| |2| |3|"
^XMB(3.6,36,1,4,0)=" Order Date: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,36,1,5,0)=" Start Time: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,36,1,6,0)=" Stop Time: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,36,1,7,0)=" Status: |11|"
^XMB(3.6,36,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,36,1,9,0)=" |5|"
^XMB(3.6,36,1,10,0)=" |6|"
^XMB(3.6,36,1,11,0)=" |7|"
^XMB(3.6,36,1,12,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,36,1,13,0)="REASON FOR FLAG:"
^XMB(3.6,36,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to notify the requestor of an order that one"
^XMB(3.6,36,3,2,0)="of the orders has been flagged and is in need of clarification."
^XMB(3.6,36,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient name"
^XMB(3.6,36,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient SSN"
^XMB(3.6,36,4,3,1,1,0)="Patient date of birth"
^XMB(3.6,36,4,4,1,1,0)="Order Date"
^XMB(3.6,36,4,5,1,1,0)="1st line of order text"
^XMB(3.6,36,4,6,1,1,0)="2nd line of order text"
^XMB(3.6,36,4,7,1,1,0)="3rd line of order text"
^XMB(3.6,36,4,8,1,1,0)="Start time of order"
^XMB(3.6,36,4,9,1,1,0)="Stop time of order"
^XMB(3.6,36,4,10,1,1,0)="Reason for flag"
^XMB(3.6,37,1,1,0)="This is to inform you that the |1| card for "
^XMB(3.6,37,1,2,0)="|2| was not successfully embossed. It has been placed in hold"
^XMB(3.6,37,1,3,0)="status. Please check the embosser to make sure it is on-line and clear"
^XMB(3.6,37,1,4,0)="error if one exists."
^XMB(3.6,37,4,1,1,1,0)="Type of card requested"
^XMB(3.6,37,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient's name"
^XMB(3.6,38,1,1,0)="Embosser has encountered an ERROR. Please check embosser and clear"
^XMB(3.6,38,1,2,0)="error. The data card for |1| was in the process "
^XMB(3.6,38,1,3,0)="of being embossed. It will be completed as soon as error is cleared."
^XMB(3.6,38,3,1,0)="Alerts users to problem with embosser."
^XMB(3.6,38,4,1,1,1,0)="Patients name"
^XMB(3.6,39,0)="DG SENSITIVITY^Sensitive Patient Record Accessed"
^XMB(3.6,39,1,1,0)="The user indicated above has accessed the following sensitive"
^XMB(3.6,39,1,2,0)="patient record:"
^XMB(3.6,39,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,39,1,4,0)=" Patient Name: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,39,1,5,0)=" SSN : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,39,1,6,0)=" Option Used : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,39,1,7,0)=" Date/time : |4| "
^XMB(3.6,39,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent if the following two conditions are"
^XMB(3.6,39,3,3,0)=" a. The user does not hold the DG SENSITIVITY key and"
^XMB(3.6,39,3,4,0)=" b. the ADT Parameter for SENSITIVITY BULLETIN is set to"
^XMB(3.6,39,3,5,0)=" '1'."
^XMB(3.6,39,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient Name"
^XMB(3.6,39,4,3,1,1,0)="Option used to access patient record"
^XMB(3.6,39,4,4,1,1,0)="date/time of access"
^XMB(3.6,40,1,1,0)="I attempted to update inconsistencies for the below indicated patient but"
^XMB(3.6,40,1,2,0)="was unable to complete the task because I don't hold the 'DG ELIGIBILITY'"
^XMB(3.6,40,1,3,0)="security key and certain data have been verified already. Please use the"
^XMB(3.6,40,1,4,0)="'EDIT INCONSISTENT DATA' option to clear up these inconsistencies asap."
^XMB(3.6,40,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,40,1,6,0)="PATIENT NAME: |1| SSN: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,40,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,40,1,8,0)="NOTIFICATION STATUS: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,40,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,40,1,10,0)="INITIALLY IDENTIFIED BY: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,40,1,11,0)="INITIALLY IDENTIFIED ON: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,41,1,1,0)="|2|, |3|, has been |4|"
^XMB(3.6,41,1,2,0)="and his/her eligibility has not been verified."
^XMB(3.6,41,4,1,1,1,0)="Action (admit, register, appointment)"
^XMB(3.6,41,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient Name"
^XMB(3.6,41,4,4,1,1,0)="Action (in different terms)"
^XMB(3.6,42,0)="PRCF FMS ADJUSTMENTS^Bulletin for CCP message"
^XMB(3.6,42,1,1,0)="The FMS conversion CCP message |1|, has been filed. To generate the"
^XMB(3.6,42,1,2,0)="reports you should D REPORT^PRCFOOR2."
^XMB(3.6,42,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to notify IRM users that the CCP message has"
^XMB(3.6,42,3,2,0)="been filed and the conversion reports are ready to be printed."
^XMB(3.6,42,4,1,1,1,0)="Internal reference number of CCP message in file 423.6."
^XMB(3.6,43,0)="PRCF_850_BULLETIN^Notification to user of successful completion of OOR message."
^XMB(3.6,43,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,43,1,2,0)=" The message number |1|, for your Outstanding Obligation"
^XMB(3.6,43,1,3,0)=" Report (850), has been processed successfully. Please run"
^XMB(3.6,43,1,4,0)=" option 'Outstanding Obligation Report' (PRCF OUTSTANDING)"
^XMB(3.6,43,1,5,0)=" to print your report. This report is for Fiscal service."
^XMB(3.6,43,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,43,3,1,0)="This bulletin will notify the user of a successful completion of the"
^XMB(3.6,43,3,2,0)="the OOR message."
^XMB(3.6,43,4,1,1,1,0)="Message number."
^XMB(3.6,44,0)="PRCF_850_BULLETIN1^Unsuccessful processing of OOR message notice."
^XMB(3.6,44,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,44,1,2,0)=" The message number |1| has failed. Please contact IRM."
^XMB(3.6,44,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,44,3,1,0)="This bulletin will notify the user of a unsuccessful completion of the"
^XMB(3.6,44,3,2,0)="OOR message processing."
^XMB(3.6,44,4,1,1,1,0)="Message number"
^XMB(3.6,45,1,1,0)="|1| has been updated by FMS."
^XMB(3.6,45,3,1,0)="This bulletin will notify the FMS mail group that an entry"
^XMB(3.6,45,3,2,0)="in their VENDOR file has been updated by FMS. They will see"
^XMB(3.6,45,3,3,0)="both the original data and what has been changed."
^XMB(3.6,45,4,1,1,1,0)="Vendor file name, the .01 field value."
^XMB(3.6,46,0)="PRC_IFCAP_CHANGE^Notification from IFCAP of a CHANGE through an amendment"
^XMB(3.6,46,1,1,0)="Purchase Order |1| for inventory point |2| has been"
^XMB(3.6,46,1,2,0)="changed as follows:"
^XMB(3.6,46,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be used to notify users that there has been"
^XMB(3.6,46,3,2,0)="a change to a P.O. to allow updating the inventory point."
^XMB(3.6,46,3,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,46,3,4,0)="This bulletin is called from 'PRCHAMYD' routine."
^XMB(3.6,46,4,1,1,1,0)="PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER."
^XMB(3.6,46,4,2,1,1,0)="INVENTORY POINT NAME FROM .01 FIELD OF FILE 445."
^XMB(3.6,47,0)="PRCOEDI ACKNOWLEDGE^Receipt of a POA transaction created on |1|"
^XMB(3.6,47,1,1,0)="This is to let you know that a POA transaction has arrived for site"
^XMB(3.6,47,1,2,0)="|2| on |3| at |4|. This transaction is for |5|. "
^XMB(3.6,47,3,1,0)="This is a test bulletin to see:"
^XMB(3.6,47,3,2,0)="a. if any POAs arrive at this ISC."
^XMB(3.6,47,3,3,0)="b. if I can create a bulletin properly."
^XMB(3.6,47,4,1,1,1,0)="The date and time the POA was created."
^XMB(3.6,47,4,2,1,1,0)="The site number."
^XMB(3.6,47,4,3,1,1,0)="The date the POA was received."
^XMB(3.6,47,4,4,1,1,0)="The time the POA was received."
^XMB(3.6,47,4,5,1,1,0)="The file 442 entry listed for this POA."
^XMB(3.6,48,1,1,0)="Accounts Receivable Nightly process aborted. Pointer files corrupted."
^XMB(3.6,48,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,48,1,3,0)="NOTICE: This corruption *MUST* BE CORRECTED ASAP. Until this is"
^XMB(3.6,48,1,4,0)="corrected, Patient Statements, interest/admin charges, UB forms, etc."
^XMB(3.6,48,1,5,0)="will not take place."
^XMB(3.6,48,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,48,1,7,0)=" Following is a summary of the error:"
^XMB(3.6,48,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,48,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be sent if the Accounts Receivable Nightly Process"
^XMB(3.6,48,3,2,0)="aborts because of corruption of the AR pointer files."
^XMB(3.6,49,0)="GMRA MARK CHART^Mark Patient |7|"
^XMB(3.6,49,1,1,0)="The |6| for the following patient needs to be updated to"
^XMB(3.6,49,1,2,0)="indicate that the following allergy/adverse reaction has been recorded."
^XMB(3.6,49,1,3,0)=" Patient: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,49,1,4,0)=" Patient ID: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,49,1,5,0)=" Location: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,49,1,6,0)=" Reactant: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,49,1,7,0)=" Mechanism: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,49,3,1,0)="This bulletin will alert the appropriate users to mark the chart and/or ID"
^XMB(3.6,49,3,2,0)="band for the patient and allergy/adverse reaction specified in the"
^XMB(3.6,49,4,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient who needs the chart marked."
^XMB(3.6,49,4,2,1,1,0)="This is the allergy/adverse reaction that needs to be added to the chart"
^XMB(3.6,49,4,2,1,2,0)="for this patient."
^XMB(3.6,49,4,3,1,1,0)="Location for the patient."
^XMB(3.6,49,4,4,1,1,0)="This is the patient ID. This will allow the user to select the correct"
^XMB(3.6,49,4,4,1,2,0)="patient on a ward."
^XMB(3.6,49,4,5,1,1,0)="Mechanism of a given patient reaction."
^XMB(3.6,49,4,6,1,1,0)="Indicates if the patient's chart, ID band or both need to be"
^XMB(3.6,49,4,7,1,1,0)="Same as 6 but the wording can be different so a new parameter is"
^XMB(3.6,50,1,1,0)="The following allergy/adverse reaction needs to be verified for the "
^XMB(3.6,50,1,2,0)="following patient:"
^XMB(3.6,50,1,3,0)=" Patient: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,50,1,4,0)=" SSN: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,50,1,5,0)=" Reaction: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,50,1,6,0)=" OBS/HIS: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,50,1,7,0)=" Location: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,50,3,1,0)="This bulletin will indicate that an allergy/adverse reaction needs to be"
^XMB(3.6,50,4,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient for whom the allergy/adverse reaction needs "
^XMB(3.6,50,4,2,1,1,0)="This is the allergy/adverse reaction that needs to be verified."
^XMB(3.6,50,4,3,1,1,0)="Location of the patient."
^XMB(3.6,50,4,4,1,1,0)="Patient Social Security Number."
^XMB(3.6,50,4,5,1,1,0)="Describes the type of the reaction i.e., observed or historical."
^XMB(3.6,51,1,1,0)="An observed drug reaction has been entered. Please ensure that an FDA"
^XMB(3.6,51,1,2,0)="report has been filed."
^XMB(3.6,51,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,51,1,4,0)=" Patient: |1| |2|"
^XMB(3.6,51,1,5,0)=" Causative Agent: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,51,1,6,0)=" Sign Off By: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,51,1,7,0)=" Sign Off D/T: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,51,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be issued when an agent is both observed and"
^XMB(3.6,51,3,2,0)="a drug and has been signed off."
^XMB(3.6,51,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient name."
^XMB(3.6,51,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient's SSN."
^XMB(3.6,51,4,3,1,1,0)="The causative agent."
^XMB(3.6,51,4,4,1,1,0)="Who entered the agent."
^XMB(3.6,51,4,5,1,1,0)="The date and time this event was signed off."
^XMB(3.6,52,1,1,0)="The following reaction has been ENTERED IN ERROR. Please ensure that the"
^XMB(3.6,52,1,2,0)="patient's Chart/ID Band |8|are updated to reflect this change."
^XMB(3.6,52,1,3,0)=" Patient: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,52,1,4,0)=" SSN: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,52,1,5,0)=" Reaction: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,52,1,6,0)=" Location: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,52,1,7,0)=" Originator: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,52,1,8,0)=" Originated: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,52,1,9,0)=" Entered in Error by: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,52,1,10,0)=" Entered in Error on: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,52,3,1,0)="This bulletin is to be sent to both the verifiers and the chart marking"
^XMB(3.6,52,3,2,0)="groups so that the reaction can be corrected on the patient record."
^XMB(3.6,52,3,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,52,3,4,0)="In addition, if the reactant is an observed drug reaction, the"
^XMB(3.6,52,3,5,0)="P&T committee members will also be notified."
^XMB(3.6,52,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient Name."
^XMB(3.6,52,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient Social Security Number."
^XMB(3.6,52,4,3,1,1,0)="Reaction that is entered in error for this patient."
^XMB(3.6,52,4,4,1,1,0)="Patient location."
^XMB(3.6,52,4,5,1,1,0)="Originator of the reaction."
^XMB(3.6,52,4,6,1,1,0)="User who entered the reaction in error."
^XMB(3.6,52,4,7,1,1,0)="Date that the reaction was entered in error."
^XMB(3.6,52,4,8,1,1,0)="Items to be checked as a result of the entry being marked as"
^XMB(3.6,52,4,8,1,2,0)="entered in error."
^XMB(3.6,52,4,9,1,1,0)="Gives the date the allergy was entered into the system."
^XMB(3.6,53,1,1,0)="The following reaction has had the Signs/Symptoms changed. Please"
^XMB(3.6,53,1,2,0)="review the MEDWatch form if needed."
^XMB(3.6,53,1,3,0)=" Patient: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,53,1,4,0)=" SSN: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,53,1,5,0)=" Reaction: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,53,1,6,0)=" Location: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,53,1,7,0)=" Originator: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,53,3,1,0)="This bulletin is to be set to the P&T committee if a reaction has had"
^XMB(3.6,53,3,2,0)="the Signs/Symptoms changed at anytime."
^XMB(3.6,53,4,1,1,1,0)="This field is the patient name."
^XMB(3.6,53,4,2,1,1,0)="This field is the patient SSN."
^XMB(3.6,53,4,3,1,1,0)="This field is the reaction that was entered for this patient."
^XMB(3.6,53,4,4,1,1,0)="This field is the hospital location for this patient."
^XMB(3.6,53,4,5,1,1,0)="This field is the person who originated the reaction."
^XMB(3.6,54,0)="RT RECORD FOUND^Missing |10| has been FOUND"
^XMB(3.6,54,1,1,0)="The |2|for |1| |9|was found."
^XMB(3.6,54,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,54,1,3,0)="The following is information concerning the finding of the record:"
^XMB(3.6,54,1,4,0)=" - WHO entered the record as FOUND : |6|"
^XMB(3.6,54,1,5,0)=" - BORROWER who had missing record : |5|"
^XMB(3.6,54,1,6,0)=" - PHONE #/Physical LOCATION : |7|"
^XMB(3.6,54,1,7,0)=" - WHEN was the record found : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,54,1,8,0)=" - STATUS of missing record : |4|"
^XMB(3.6,54,1,9,0)=" - MOVEMENT attempted when found : |8|"
^XMB(3.6,54,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,54,1,11,0)="For more information use the 'Record Inquiry' option of the 'Record"
^XMB(3.6,54,1,12,0)="Information' menu."
^XMB(3.6,54,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of patient/entity whose record was found."
^XMB(3.6,54,4,2,1,1,0)="Type of record found."
^XMB(3.6,54,4,3,1,1,0)="Date and time record was found."
^XMB(3.6,54,4,4,1,1,0)="Current status of found record."
^XMB(3.6,54,4,5,1,1,0)="Where it was found."
^XMB(3.6,54,4,6,1,1,0)="Who entered the record as found."
^XMB(3.6,54,4,7,1,1,0)="Phone # and physical location of where it was found."
^XMB(3.6,54,4,8,1,1,0)="Type of movement attempted when record was found."
^XMB(3.6,54,4,9,1,1,0)="SSN of patient."
^XMB(3.6,54,4,10,1,1,0)="Record type and volume of missing record."
^XMB(3.6,55,1,1,0)="An attempt was made to process |1|'s |7|"
^XMB(3.6,55,1,2,0)=" missing |2|."
^XMB(3.6,55,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,55,1,4,0)="The following is information related to the attempt:"
^XMB(3.6,55,1,5,0)=" - WHO made the attempt : |6|"
^XMB(3.6,55,1,6,0)=" - WHEN was the attempt made : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,55,1,7,0)=" - What DEVICE was it made on : |5|"
^XMB(3.6,55,1,8,0)=" - What CPU was it made on : |8|"
^XMB(3.6,55,1,9,0)=" - Type of MOVEMENT attempted : |4|"
^XMB(3.6,55,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,55,4,1,1,1,0)="The patient's name"
^XMB(3.6,55,4,2,1,1,0)="Type of record"
^XMB(3.6,55,4,3,1,1,0)="When attempt was made."
^XMB(3.6,55,4,4,1,1,0)="Type of movement attempted."
^XMB(3.6,55,4,5,1,1,0)="Device where attempt was made."
^XMB(3.6,55,4,6,1,1,0)="User who made the attempt."
^XMB(3.6,55,4,7,1,1,0)="SSN of patient."
^XMB(3.6,55,4,8,1,1,0)="CPU and UCI where attempt was made."
^XMB(3.6,56,0)="RT RECORD DELETION^Notification of a Deletion of a Record"
^XMB(3.6,56,1,1,0)="The following record has been deleted:"
^XMB(3.6,56,1,2,0)=" Name : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,56,1,3,0)=" Type of Record : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,56,1,4,0)=" Volume : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,56,1,5,0)=" Record Number : |4|"
^XMB(3.6,56,1,6,0)=" User : |5|"
^XMB(3.6,56,1,7,0)=" Date/Time : |6|"
^XMB(3.6,56,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,56,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of entity(ie. patient)."
^XMB(3.6,56,4,2,1,1,0)="Type of record deleted."
^XMB(3.6,56,4,3,1,1,0)="Volume of record deleted."
^XMB(3.6,56,4,4,1,1,0)="Internal record number."
^XMB(3.6,56,4,5,1,1,0)="User deleting record."
^XMB(3.6,56,4,6,1,1,0)="Date and time of deletion."
^XMB(3.6,57,0)="RT MISSING RECORD^A |2| has been flagged as MISSING"
^XMB(3.6,57,1,1,0)="The following record has been flagged as missing:"
^XMB(3.6,57,1,2,0)=" Name : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,57,1,3,0)=" Type of Record : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,57,1,4,0)=" Volume : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,57,1,5,0)=" |5|"
^XMB(3.6,57,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,57,1,7,0)="If you find this record please call |4| or respond"
^XMB(3.6,57,1,8,0)="to this message."
^XMB(3.6,57,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,57,1,10,0)="Thank you."
^XMB(3.6,57,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of entity(ie. name of patient.)"
^XMB(3.6,57,4,2,1,1,0)="Record Type."
^XMB(3.6,57,4,3,1,1,0)="Volume Number."
^XMB(3.6,57,4,4,1,1,0)="Application (ie. MAS)"
^XMB(3.6,57,4,5,1,1,0)="SS# if entity DPT"
^XMB(3.6,58,0)="RT CANCELED REQ^Notification of a cancelation of a request."
^XMB(3.6,58,1,1,0)="The following request has been canceled:"
^XMB(3.6,58,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,58,1,3,0)=" Name : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,58,1,4,0)=" Type of Record : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,58,1,5,0)=" Volume : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,58,1,6,0)=" Record Number : |4|"
^XMB(3.6,58,1,7,0)=" Requestor : |5|"
^XMB(3.6,58,1,8,0)=" Request Number : |7|"
^XMB(3.6,58,1,9,0)=" Canceled by : |6|"
^XMB(3.6,58,3,1,0)="This bulletin is to notify the users of a request that is canceled."
^XMB(3.6,58,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of person"
^XMB(3.6,58,4,2,1,1,0)="type of record Ex. administrative"
^XMB(3.6,58,4,3,1,1,0)="Record Volume"
^XMB(3.6,58,4,4,1,1,0)="Record number"
^XMB(3.6,58,4,5,1,1,0)="Who requested the record."
^XMB(3.6,58,4,6,1,1,0)="Who canceled the record"
^XMB(3.6,58,4,7,1,1,0)="Request number"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,2,0)=" |1| "
^XMB(3.6,59,1,4,0)=" Station Name Number Mail Routing Symbol "
^XMB(3.6,59,1,5,0)=" 1a. |2|"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,6,0)=" 1b. |3|"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,7,0)=" 1c. |4|"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,9,0)=" 4. NAME (Last,First,Middle) "
^XMB(3.6,59,1,10,0)=" |5| "
^XMB(3.6,59,1,12,0)=" 5. [CN] |6| [SS] |7| "
^XMB(3.6,59,1,14,0)=" 6. [SN] |8| "
^XMB(3.6,59,1,16,0)=" 8. TYPE OF TRANSFER [|10|] Permanent [|11|] Temporary "
^XMB(3.6,59,1,18,0)=" 11. TRANSFER CLAIMS FOLDER [|12|] "
^XMB(3.6,59,1,20,0)=" 12a. DATE OF TRANSFER 12b. REC. STAT. NO. 12c. TRF. STA. NO. "
^XMB(3.6,59,1,21,0)=" |14| |15| |16|"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,23,0)=" 13. OTHER FOLDER TRANSFER"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,24,0)=" MED HOSP X-"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,25,0)=" [|21|] LG [|22|] PG [|23|] OPT [|24|] REC [|25|] CORRESP [|26|] RAY"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,26,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,59,1,27,0)=" COUNSELING/TRAINING"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,28,0)=" [|27|] R&E [|28|] INS [|29|] SUBFOLDER [|30|] SPECIFY"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,29,0)=" SPECIFY: |300|"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,32,0)=" |31|"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,33,0)=" |32|"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,35,0)=" 15. ADJUDICATION ACTION PENDING [|33|] YES [|34|] NO"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,37,0)=" 16. FROM (originating office) |35|"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,39,0)=" 17. DATE |36|"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,41,0)=" 18. CHECK WHEN COPY 2 IS SENT TO TELECOM [|37|] UNIT"
^XMB(3.6,59,1,43,0)="|100| |100A|"
^XMB(3.6,60,1,1,0)="----CMOP message----"
^XMB(3.6,60,3,1,0)="This bulletin is required by the Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy"
^XMB(3.6,61,0)="DVB HINQ RESPONSE^Processed HINQs"
^XMB(3.6,61,1,1,0)=" Processing of the HINQ Suspense file has finished."
^XMB(3.6,61,1,2,0)=" A total of |1| HINQ request(s) have been completed."
^XMB(3.6,61,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,61,1,4,0)=" |4| returned a successful response."
^XMB(3.6,61,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,61,1,6,0)=" |3| returned an abbreviated response |5|"
^XMB(3.6,61,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,61,1,8,0)=" |2| returned an error response."
^XMB(3.6,61,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,61,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to inform the users of returned HINQs."
^XMB(3.6,61,4,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the total number of HINQs processed."
^XMB(3.6,61,4,2,1,1,0)="Is the number of errored HINQs."
^XMB(3.6,61,4,3,1,1,0)="abbreviated responses"
^XMB(3.6,61,4,4,1,1,0)="new (successful responses)"
^XMB(3.6,62,0)="DVBA C 2507 EXAM READY^C & P Exam Ready for Release"
^XMB(3.6,62,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,62,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,62,1,3,0)="A 2507 request for:"
^XMB(3.6,62,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,62,1,5,0)=" Name: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,62,1,6,0)=" SSN: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,62,1,7,0)=" Request Date: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,62,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,62,1,9,0)="has been completely transcribed and may now be"
^XMB(3.6,62,1,10,0)="reviewed for release to the regional office."
^XMB(3.6,62,3,1,0)="Alerts selected personnel that a 2507 exam is ready for release."
^XMB(3.6,62,4,1,1,1,0)="patient name"
^XMB(3.6,62,4,2,1,1,0)="social security number"
^XMB(3.6,62,4,3,1,1,0)="date of request for 2507"
^XMB(3.6,63,0)="DVBA C 2507 EXAM REOPENED^2507 Exam Reopened |7|"
^XMB(3.6,63,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,63,1,2,0)="One or more C&P exams for:"
^XMB(3.6,63,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,63,1,4,0)=" Name: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,63,1,5,0)=" SSN: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,63,1,6,0)=" Request date: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,63,1,7,0)="Request Release Date: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,63,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,63,1,9,0)="has been reopened by |4|."
^XMB(3.6,63,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,63,3,1,0)="Alerts supervisors to a 2507 exam being reopened."
^XMB(3.6,63,4,1,1,1,0)="patient name"
^XMB(3.6,63,4,2,1,1,0)="social security number"
^XMB(3.6,63,4,3,1,1,0)="date of request for 2507"
^XMB(3.6,63,4,4,1,1,0)="DUZ of user who reopened the exams."
^XMB(3.6,63,4,5,1,1,0)="Date the request was released back to the Regional Office."
^XMB(3.6,63,4,6,1,1,0)="One of two messages will be displayed. A message will be displayed when"
^XMB(3.6,63,4,6,1,2,0)="an exam is re-opened on a request that has not been released back to the"
^XMB(3.6,63,4,6,1,3,0)="Regional Office. The message lets the receipants know that this re-open"
^XMB(3.6,63,4,6,1,4,0)="does not affect the AMIE AMIS 290 report. A message will be displayed"
^XMB(3.6,63,4,6,1,5,0)="when an exam is re-opened on a request that has been released back to the"
^XMB(3.6,63,4,6,1,6,0)="Regional Office. The message lets the receipants know that this re-open"
^XMB(3.6,63,4,6,1,7,0)="DOES affect the AMIE AMIS 290 report."
^XMB(3.6,63,4,7,1,1,0)="When the AMIE AMIS 290 is affected, this will be noted in the subject line"
^XMB(3.6,63,4,7,1,2,0)="of the bulletin. Otherwise nothing will be added to the subject line."
^XMB(3.6,64,0)="DVBA C NEW C&P VETERAN^New C&P Veteran Added to Patient File"
^XMB(3.6,64,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,64,1,2,0)="The following veteran has been added to the Patient file"
^XMB(3.6,64,1,3,0)="for Compensation and Pension exam purposes:"
^XMB(3.6,64,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,64,1,5,0)=" Name: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,64,1,6,0)=" SSN: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,64,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,64,1,8,0)="Added by: |3| on |4|."
^XMB(3.6,64,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,64,3,1,0)="Alerts MAS of new C&P veteran when added to Patient file (#2)."
^XMB(3.6,64,4,1,1,1,0)="Veteran name."
^XMB(3.6,64,4,2,1,1,0)="Social security number."
^XMB(3.6,64,4,3,1,1,0)="Person who added veteran (name)."
^XMB(3.6,64,4,4,1,1,0)="Date new veteran was added."
^XMB(3.6,65,0)="DVBA C EDIT ADDRESS^Editing of patient address"
^XMB(3.6,65,1,1,0)="The address information for |1|"
^XMB(3.6,65,1,2,0)="was changed on |2| by |3|."
^XMB(3.6,65,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,65,1,4,0)=" Old Permanent Address Changed Permanent Address"
^XMB(3.6,65,1,5,0)=" --------------------- -------------------------"
^XMB(3.6,65,3,1,0)="This bulletin will contain which patient address got changed by whom and"
^XMB(3.6,65,4,1,1,1,0)="this is the patient's name"
^XMB(3.6,65,4,2,1,1,0)="When the address was edited."
^XMB(3.6,65,4,3,1,1,0)="Who did the editing of the address"
^XMB(3.6,66,0)="YS PSYCHTEST^Surrogate Entry of Tests and Interviews"
^XMB(3.6,66,1,1,0)="Tests and/or interviews were undertaken by |1|."
^XMB(3.6,66,1,2,0)="They were initiated by |2| on |3|,"
^XMB(3.6,66,1,3,0)="with |4| listed as requesting the tests."
^XMB(3.6,66,1,5,0)="Test(s) and/or Interview(s): |5|"
^XMB(3.6,66,1,6,0)=" |6| |7| |8| |9| |10| |11| |12| |13| |14| |15|"
^XMB(3.6,66,3,1,0)="Notifies mental health professionals when someone requests"
^XMB(3.6,66,3,2,0)="tests or interviews in their names."
^XMB(3.6,66,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of individual initiating tests/interviews"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,2,1,1,0)="Date tests/interviews initiated"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,3,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,4,1,1,0)="Requestor name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,5,1,1,0)="""*"" indicates incomplete test/interview"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,6,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,7,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,8,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,9,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,10,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,11,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,12,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,13,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,14,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,66,4,15,1,1,0)="Test/interview name"
^XMB(3.6,67,0)="PRSA LV TK^Notify TK of Past Leave Request"
^XMB(3.6,67,1,1,0)="|1| has requested |2| beginning |3|."
^XMB(3.6,67,1,2,0)="That date has already been posted."
^XMB(3.6,67,3,1,0)="This bulletin will notify the timekeeper that a leave request"
^XMB(3.6,67,3,2,0)="has been entered for a day which has already been posted."
^XMB(3.6,67,3,3,0)="The bulletin is not generated if the same type of leave was"
^XMB(3.6,67,3,4,0)="posted for the date."
^XMB(3.6,67,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of employee."
^XMB(3.6,67,4,2,1,1,0)="Type of requested leave."
^XMB(3.6,67,4,3,1,1,0)="Start date of requested leave."
^XMB(3.6,68,0)="PRS UPDATE CCORG^Needed update PAID code: Cost Center/Organization"
^XMB(3.6,68,1,1,0)="An incomplete record was found while PAID user, |2| was running the"
^XMB(3.6,68,1,2,0)="|3| report for employee, |4|. "
^XMB(3.6,68,1,3,0)="The missing data is a description in the PAID code file for "
^XMB(3.6,68,1,4,0)="the cost center/organization code |1|. This needs to be updated. "
^XMB(3.6,68,1,5,0)="Correct the problem through the Update PAID Codes option. First enter "
^XMB(3.6,68,1,6,0)="the code |1| at the COST CENTER/ORGANIZATION CODE prompt. Then "
^XMB(3.6,68,1,7,0)="update the description field. An example follows."
^XMB(3.6,68,1,10,0)=" Select FILE: COST CENTER/ORGANIZATION"
^XMB(3.6,68,1,11,0)=" Select COST CENTER/ORGANIZATION CODE: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,68,1,12,0)=" CODE: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,68,1,13,0)=" DESCRIPTION: <enter description here>"
^XMB(3.6,68,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent when either of the two options, Employee Leave Used and"
^XMB(3.6,68,3,2,0)="Employee Leave Requested are run from the menu path, T&A Supervisor Menu,"
^XMB(3.6,68,3,3,0)="Employee Reports, Employee Leave Reports. The condition that the code for an"
^XMB(3.6,68,3,4,0)="employees Cost Center/Organization code (field #458 in file 450) does not"
^XMB(3.6,68,3,5,0)="resolve with a human readable description in file 454.1 will cause this "
^XMB(3.6,68,3,6,0)="bulletin to be sent."
^XMB(3.6,68,4,1,1,1,0)="This is the employees cost center organization code. It's located in file"
^XMB(3.6,68,4,1,1,2,0)="450 (PAID EMPLOYEE FILE) field #458."
^XMB(3.6,68,4,2,1,1,0)="This is the person who is using the option to print employee leave reports."
^XMB(3.6,68,4,3,1,1,0)="This is the report that was being run, either Employee Leave Used "
^XMB(3.6,68,4,3,1,2,0)="or Employee Leave Pattern."
^XMB(3.6,68,4,4,1,1,0)="This is the employee who is being reported on. They have a Cost "
^XMB(3.6,68,4,4,1,2,0)="Center/Organization code that doesn't have a description in file 454.1."
^XMB(3.6,69,0)="PXCA PCE ERROR BULLETIN^Error in PCE's processing of data from Data Capture"
^XMB(3.6,69,1,1,0)="There were error(s) in processing the encounter for |1|"
^XMB(3.6,69,1,2,0)="at Appointment Date/Time of |2|."
^XMB(3.6,69,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,69,1,4,0)="Error number |3| was recorded at |4|."
^XMB(3.6,69,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent when PCE has error(s) in processing data from ATOY's"
^XMB(3.6,69,3,2,0)="Generic Interface."
^XMB(3.6,69,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient Name"
^XMB(3.6,69,4,2,1,1,0)="Appointment Date/Time"
^XMB(3.6,69,4,3,1,1,0)="Error Number"
^XMB(3.6,69,4,4,1,1,0)="Error Date/Time"
^XMB(3.6,70,0)="FBAA PURGE^Fee Payment Data Purged"
^XMB(3.6,70,1,1,0)="|1| has run the Fee Purge data routine. The data was purged on |2|."
^XMB(3.6,70,1,2,0)="All payment data which was Finalized prior to |3| was purged. A report"
^XMB(3.6,70,1,3,0)="containing all purged data (by veteran name) was created."
^XMB(3.6,70,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,70,1,5,0)="|4| Outpatient Medical payments were purged. "
^XMB(3.6,70,1,6,0)="|5| Pharmacy payments were purged. "
^XMB(3.6,70,1,7,0)="|6| Travel payments were purged. "
^XMB(3.6,70,3,1,0)="Informs Fee Supervisor(s) when IRM staff executes the Fee Purge routine."
^XMB(3.6,70,4,1,1,1,0)="User name who executed the Purge routine."
^XMB(3.6,70,4,2,1,1,0)="The date the Purge routine was run."
^XMB(3.6,70,4,3,1,1,0)="The cut-off date for the purge. Meaning data prior to this date was "
^XMB(3.6,70,4,4,1,1,0)="Total number of Outpatient Medical payments purged."
^XMB(3.6,70,4,5,1,1,0)="Total number of Pharmacy payments purged."
^XMB(3.6,70,4,6,1,1,0)="Total number of travel payments purged."
^XMB(3.6,71,0)="FBAA BATCH PURGE^Fee Batch Numbers Purged"
^XMB(3.6,71,1,1,0)="|1| has run the Fee Batch Number purge routine. The batches were purged on |2|. All batches that were finalized prior to |3| were purged. The total number of batches purged was |4|."
^XMB(3.6,71,3,1,0)="Informs Fee Supervisor(s) when the IRM staff executes the Fee Batch"
^XMB(3.6,71,3,2,0)="Number purge routine."
^XMB(3.6,71,4,1,1,1,0)="User name who executed the purge routine."
^XMB(3.6,71,4,2,1,1,0)="The date the purge routine was run."
^XMB(3.6,71,4,3,1,1,0)="The cut-off date for the purge. Meaning all batches"
^XMB(3.6,71,4,3,1,2,0)="finalized prior to this date were purged."
^XMB(3.6,71,4,4,1,1,0)="Total number of batch numbers that were purged during this purge"
^XMB(3.6,72,1,1,0)="There appears to be a change of insurance information "
^XMB(3.6,72,1,2,0)="for |1| with PT.ID of |2|."
^XMB(3.6,72,1,3,0)="The explanation of change is as follows:"
^XMB(3.6,72,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,72,1,5,0)=" |3|"
^XMB(3.6,72,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be used to notify MCCR that there is a possible"
^XMB(3.6,72,3,2,0)="discrepancy found on a patient's insurance information. Fee Basis"
^XMB(3.6,72,3,3,0)="is not allowed to directly change a patient's insurance information"
^XMB(3.6,72,3,4,0)="that is the reason for this bulletin."
^XMB(3.6,72,4,1,1,1,0)="The name of the patient with a possible insurance discrepancy."
^XMB(3.6,72,4,2,1,1,0)="The patient identifier (SSN)."
^XMB(3.6,72,4,3,1,1,0)="A free text explanation of the discrepancy found on the"
^XMB(3.6,72,4,3,1,2,0)="insurance information in the patient file."
^XMB(3.6,73,1,1,0)="The purge of transmitted MRA's has completed."
^XMB(3.6,73,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,73,1,3,0)="Total Veteran MRA's deleted: |1|."
^XMB(3.6,73,1,4,0)="Total Vendor MRA's deleted: |2|."
^XMB(3.6,73,3,1,0)="Bulletin is triggered upon completion of the 'Purge Transmitted MRA's'"
^XMB(3.6,73,4,1,1,1,0)="A numeric count of the total Veteran MRA's deleted."
^XMB(3.6,73,4,2,1,1,0)="A numeric count of the total Vendor MRA's deleted."
^XMB(3.6,74,0)="RAD/NUC MED EXAM DELETED^Imaging Exam Deleted (|2|)^0"
^XMB(3.6,74,1,1,0)="The following exam has been deleted:"
^XMB(3.6,74,1,2,0)=" 1) Patient : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,74,1,3,0)=" 2) SSN : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,74,1,4,0)=" 3) Case Number : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,74,1,5,0)=" 4) Exam Date : |4|"
^XMB(3.6,74,1,6,0)=" 5) Requested Date : |5|"
^XMB(3.6,74,1,7,0)=" 6) Imaging Loc : |6|"
^XMB(3.6,74,1,8,0)=" 7) Procedure : |7|"
^XMB(3.6,74,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to notify the radiology supervisor that a radiology"
^XMB(3.6,74,3,2,0)="exam has been deleted and the computer user who did the deletion."
^XMB(3.6,74,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient whose exam was deleted."
^XMB(3.6,74,4,2,1,1,0)="Social Security Number of the patient whose exam is being deleted."
^XMB(3.6,74,4,3,1,1,0)="Case Number of the deleted exam."
^XMB(3.6,74,4,4,1,1,0)="Exam date of deleted exam."
^XMB(3.6,74,4,5,1,1,0)="Requested date of the deleted exam."
^XMB(3.6,74,4,6,1,1,0)="Radiology location where the exam was registered."
^XMB(3.6,74,4,7,1,1,0)="AMIS procedure of deleted exam."
^XMB(3.6,75,0)="RAD/NUC MED REPORT DELETION^Imaging Report Deleted (|2|)"
^XMB(3.6,75,1,1,0)="The report for the exam with the following identification was deleted:"
^XMB(3.6,75,1,2,0)=" 1) Patient : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,75,1,3,0)=" 2) Patient SSN : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,75,1,4,0)=" 3) Case Number : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,75,1,5,0)=" 4) Exam Date/Time : |4|"
^XMB(3.6,75,1,6,0)=" 5) Desired Date : |5|"
^XMB(3.6,75,1,7,0)=" 6) Report Status : |6|"
^XMB(3.6,75,1,8,0)=" 7) Imaging Loc : |7|"
^XMB(3.6,75,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to notify a mail group that a radiology report"
^XMB(3.6,75,3,2,0)="has been deleted."
^XMB(3.6,75,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient whose report was deleted."
^XMB(3.6,75,4,2,1,1,0)="Social Security Number of patient whose report was deleted."
^XMB(3.6,75,4,3,1,1,0)="Case Number of the deleted report."
^XMB(3.6,75,4,4,1,1,0)="Date/Time of visit for the deleted report."
^XMB(3.6,75,4,5,1,1,0)="Desired Date of the examination for the deleted report. This data is"
^XMB(3.6,75,4,5,1,2,0)="derived from the Examinations multiple of the Radiology Patient file."
^XMB(3.6,75,4,6,1,1,0)="Status of the report at the time of deletion."
^XMB(3.6,75,4,7,1,1,0)="This is the imaging location where the exam was performed. Data is"
^XMB(3.6,75,4,7,1,2,0)="derived from the imaging location on the exam record."
^XMB(3.6,76,0)="RAD/NUC MED REPORT UNVERIFIED^Imaging Report Unverified (|2|)^0"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,1,0)="The following verified radiology report has been unverified:"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,2,0)=" 1) Patient : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,3,0)=" 2) SSN : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,4,0)=" 3) Case Number : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,5,0)=" 4) Exam Date : |4|"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,6,0)=" 5) Desired Date : |5|"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,7,0)=" 6) New Status : |6|"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,8,0)=" 7) Requesting Physician : |7|"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,9,0)=" 8) Procedure : |8|"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,10,0)=" 9) Imaging Loc : |9|"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,11,0)=" 10) Interpreting Staff : |10|"
^XMB(3.6,76,1,12,0)=" 11) Interpreting Resident: |11|"
^XMB(3.6,76,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to notify the radiology supervisor that a 'verified'"
^XMB(3.6,76,3,2,0)="radiology report was 'unverified' and the computer user who did the"
^XMB(3.6,76,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient whose report was unverified."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,2,1,1,0)="Social Security Number of the patient whose report is now unverified."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,3,1,1,0)="Case Number of the unverified report."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,4,1,1,0)="Exam Date of the unverified report."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,5,1,1,0)="Desired Date of the exam to which this unverified report is related."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,5,1,2,0)="This data is derived from the Radiology Patient file."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,6,1,1,0)="The new status of the report."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,7,1,1,0)="The Physician who has requested this unverified report. This data is"
^XMB(3.6,76,4,7,1,2,0)="derived from the Examinations multiple in the Radiology Patient file."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,8,1,1,0)="Radiology procedure that is associated with this unverified report."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,9,1,1,0)="Imaging location where the exam was performed."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,10,1,1,0)="Primary Interpreting Staff member associated with this exam."
^XMB(3.6,76,4,11,1,1,0)="Primary Interpreting Resident associated with this exam."
^XMB(3.6,77,0)="RAD/NUC MED REQUEST CANCELLED^Imaging Request Cancelled (|2|)"
^XMB(3.6,77,1,1,0)="The request for exam with the following identification was cancelled:"
^XMB(3.6,77,1,2,0)=" 1) Patient : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,77,1,3,0)=" 2) Patient SSN : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,77,1,4,0)=" 3) Procedure : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,77,1,5,0)=" 4) Reason for Study : |4|"
^XMB(3.6,77,1,6,0)=" 5) Date Desired : |5|"
^XMB(3.6,77,1,7,0)=" 6) Requesting Physician : |6|"
^XMB(3.6,77,1,8,0)=" 7) Requesting Location : |7|"
^XMB(3.6,77,1,9,0)=" 8) Reason : |8|"
^XMB(3.6,77,1,10,0)=" 9) User : |9|"
^XMB(3.6,77,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to notify the 'RA REQUEST CANCELLED' mail group that"
^XMB(3.6,77,3,2,0)="a radiology request has been cancelled."
^XMB(3.6,77,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient whose request was cancelled."
^XMB(3.6,77,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient SSN of the patient whose request was cancelled."
^XMB(3.6,77,4,3,1,1,0)="The name of the radiology procedure requested."
^XMB(3.6,77,4,4,1,1,0)="The reason the study was initiated."
^XMB(3.6,77,4,5,1,1,0)="The date the radiology order was desired."
^XMB(3.6,77,4,6,1,1,0)="The physician who ordered the request."
^XMB(3.6,77,4,7,1,1,0)="The requesting location of the procedure."
^XMB(3.6,77,4,8,1,1,0)="The reason the request was cancelled."
^XMB(3.6,77,4,9,1,1,0)="The user that cancelled the request."
^XMB(3.6,78,0)="RAD/NUC MED REQUEST HELD^Imaging Request Held (|2|)"
^XMB(3.6,78,1,1,0)="The request for exam with the following identification was held:"
^XMB(3.6,78,1,2,0)=" 1) Patient : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,78,1,3,0)=" 2) Patient SSN : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,78,1,4,0)=" 3) Procedure : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,78,1,5,0)=" 4) Reason for Study : |4|"
^XMB(3.6,78,1,6,0)=" 5) Date Desired : |5|"
^XMB(3.6,78,1,7,0)=" 6) Requesting Physician : |6|"
^XMB(3.6,78,1,8,0)=" 7) Requesting Location : |7|"
^XMB(3.6,78,1,9,0)=" 8) Reason : |8|"
^XMB(3.6,78,1,10,0)=" 9) User : |9|"
^XMB(3.6,78,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to notify the 'RA REQUEST HELD' mail group that a"
^XMB(3.6,78,3,2,0)="radiology request has been held. "
^XMB(3.6,78,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient whose request was held."
^XMB(3.6,78,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient SSN of the patient whose request was held."
^XMB(3.6,78,4,3,1,1,0)="The name of the radiology procedure requested."
^XMB(3.6,78,4,4,1,1,0)="The reason the study was initiated."
^XMB(3.6,78,4,5,1,1,0)="The date the radiology order was desired."
^XMB(3.6,78,4,6,1,1,0)="The physician who ordered the request."
^XMB(3.6,78,4,7,1,1,0)="The requesting location of the procedure."
^XMB(3.6,78,4,8,1,1,0)="The reason the request was held."
^XMB(3.6,78,4,9,1,1,0)="The user who held the request."
^XMB(3.6,80,1,1,0)="A |1| for the following title"
^XMB(3.6,80,1,2,0)=" |2| |3|"
^XMB(3.6,80,1,3,0)="has been transmitted to you. It is being processed and should"
^XMB(3.6,80,1,4,0)="be available in your Library Title Setup (LTS) option within 24 hours."
^XMB(3.6,80,3,1,0)="This bulletin is to notify the appropriate Library users when"
^XMB(3.6,80,3,2,0)="transactions have been received from the national librarians on"
^XMB(3.6,80,4,1,1,1,0)="the type of transaction"
^XMB(3.6,80,4,2,1,1,0)="title of serial"
^XMB(3.6,80,4,3,1,1,0)="Old title if a corrected title"
^XMB(3.6,82,0)="RAD/NUC MED CREDIT FAILURE^Imaging Credit Failure for (|13|)"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,1,0)="A credit failure occurred for the following:"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,2,0)=" 1) Patient : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,3,0)=" 2) SSN : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,4,0)=" 3) Exam Date : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,5,0)=" 4) Case Number : |4|"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,6,0)=" 5) Procedure : |5|"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,7,0)=" 6) CPT Code : |6|"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,8,0)=" 7) CPT Modifiers : |7|"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,9,0)=" 8) Imaging loc DSS ID : |8|"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,10,0)=" 9) Interpreter : |9|"
^XMB(3.6,82,1,11,0)=" 10) Imaging Location : |10|"
^XMB(3.6,82,3,1,0)="This bulletin will notify users in the selected mailgroup(s) that"
^XMB(3.6,82,3,2,0)="a crediting failure occurred."
^XMB(3.6,82,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient name "
^XMB(3.6,82,4,2,1,1,0)="Social Security Number of the patient."
^XMB(3.6,82,4,3,1,1,0)="Examination Date for the patient."
^XMB(3.6,82,4,4,1,1,0)="Case Number of the examination."
^XMB(3.6,82,4,5,1,1,0)="Name of the registered procedure.."
^XMB(3.6,82,4,6,1,1,0)="CPT Code for the procedure."
^XMB(3.6,82,4,7,1,1,0)="CPT Modifiers string"
^XMB(3.6,82,4,8,1,1,0)="Stop Code for the Imaging Location where the exam was registered."
^XMB(3.6,82,4,9,1,1,0)="Interpreter of the examination"
^XMB(3.6,82,4,10,1,1,0)="Imaging location where the exam took place"
^XMB(3.6,82,4,11,1,1,0)="Indicate if this case is part of an exam set"
^XMB(3.6,82,4,12,1,1,0)="Indicates if the PCE software detected an error."
^XMB(3.6,82,4,14,1,1,0)="one line text comment"
^XMB(3.6,83,0)="SCDX AMBCARE TO NPCDB SUMMARY^Transmission of data to NPCDB completed"
^XMB(3.6,83,1,1,0)="Transmission of data to the National Patient Care Database has completed."
^XMB(3.6,83,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,83,1,3,0)="A total of |1| Encounters were sent."
^XMB(3.6,83,1,4,0)="A total of |3| Outpatient Encounters were sent."
^XMB(3.6,83,1,5,0)="A total of |4| Inpatient Encounters were sent."
^XMB(3.6,83,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,83,1,7,0)="A total of |2| Encounters were not sent."
^XMB(3.6,83,1,8,0)="A total of |5| Outpatient Encounters were not sent. "
^XMB(3.6,83,1,9,0)="A total of |6| Inpatient Encounters were not sent."
^XMB(3.6,83,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,83,1,11,0)="Please review the IEMM Error listing for further details."
^XMB(3.6,83,3,1,0)="Bulletin sent at the [un]successful completion of generating workload"
^XMB(3.6,83,3,2,0)="information to be transmitted to the National Patient Care Database via"
^XMB(3.6,83,4,1,1,1,0)="Number of encounters that were successfully sent to NPCDB."
^XMB(3.6,83,4,2,1,1,0)="Number of encounters that were not sent to NPCDB."
^XMB(3.6,83,4,3,1,1,0)="Number of outpatient encounters that were successfully sent to NPCDB."
^XMB(3.6,83,4,4,1,1,0)="Number of inpatient encounters that were successfully sent to NPCDB."
^XMB(3.6,83,4,5,1,1,0)="Number of outpatient encounters that were not sent to NPCDB."
^XMB(3.6,83,4,6,1,1,0)="Number of inpatient encounters that were not sent to NPCDB."
^XMB(3.6,84,1,1,0)="UOR # |1| has been investigated by |2| and "
^XMB(3.6,84,1,2,0)="is ready to review. The UOR was entered into the records "
^XMB(3.6,84,1,3,0)="by |3|."
^XMB(3.6,84,3,1,0)="Bulletin to Police Supervisors that a UOR has been completed and"
^XMB(3.6,84,3,2,0)="is ready to review."
^XMB(3.6,84,4,1,1,1,0)="The UOR #"
^XMB(3.6,84,4,2,1,1,0)="Investigating Officer"
^XMB(3.6,84,4,3,1,1,0)="The USER"
^XMB(3.6,85,1,1,0)="Your offense report, UOR # |1|, has been reviewed and"
^XMB(3.6,85,1,2,0)="additional information is needed. Please see me for"
^XMB(3.6,85,1,3,0)="further details."
^XMB(3.6,85,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent to an investigating officer when his"
^XMB(3.6,85,3,2,0)="UOR has been reviewed and needs additional information."
^XMB(3.6,85,4,1,1,1,0)="the UOR#"
^XMB(3.6,86,1,1,0)="UOR # |1| has been input. This UOR falls within the VACO"
^XMB(3.6,86,1,2,0)="48 hour reporting criteria."
^XMB(3.6,86,3,1,0)="Bulletin to Chiefs that a UOR input that falls within the VACO 48"
^XMB(3.6,86,3,2,0)="hour reporting criteria."
^XMB(3.6,86,4,1,1,1,0)="UOR #"
^XMB(3.6,87,1,1,0)="The above user has cancelled the following Prosthetics transaction."
^XMB(3.6,87,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,87,1,3,0)="Reference: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,87,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,87,1,5,0)="Initiator: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,87,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,87,1,7,0)="Cancellation Date: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,87,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,87,1,9,0)="Reason for cancellation: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,87,4,1,1,5,0)="cancellation date"
^XMB(3.6,87,4,1,1,6,0)="cancellation remarks"
^XMB(3.6,87,4,3,1,1,0)="cancellation date"
^XMB(3.6,87,4,4,1,1,0)="cancellation remarks"
^XMB(3.6,88,0)="QAM MONITOR TOOL 1^|1|: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,88,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,88,1,3,0)="Monitor code: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,88,1,4,0)="Monitor title: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,88,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,88,1,6,0)="Time frame: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,88,1,7,0)="Threshold: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,88,1,8,0)="Min sample: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,88,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,88,1,10,0)="Fall outs: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,88,1,11,0)="Sample size: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,88,1,12,0)="Calculated percentage: |10|"
^XMB(3.6,88,1,13,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,88,1,14,0)="Date threshold met: |11|"
^XMB(3.6,88,3,1,0)="This bulletin is automatically sent when:"
^XMB(3.6,88,3,2,0)=" 1) The threshold is met or exceeded."
^XMB(3.6,88,3,3,0)=" 2) The minimum sample size is met or exceeded."
^XMB(3.6,88,3,4,0)=" 3) The end of the time frame has been reached."
^XMB(3.6,88,3,5,0)="Each of these conditions may be turned on or off in the QA MONITOR"
^XMB(3.6,88,3,6,0)="file (#743)."
^XMB(3.6,88,4,1,1,1,0)="Monitor status"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,1,1,2,0)=" Threshold met"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,1,1,3,0)=" Minimum sample size met"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,1,1,4,0)=" Time frame expired"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,2,1,1,0)="Monitor code"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,3,1,1,0)="Expanded monitor status"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,3,1,2,0)=" Similar to parameter 1, but more verbose"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,4,1,1,0)="Monitor title"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,5,1,1,0)="Time frame"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,7,1,1,0)="Minimum sample size"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,8,1,1,0)="Number of fall outs"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,9,1,1,0)="Sample size"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,10,1,1,0)="Calculated percentage"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,10,1,2,0)=" #8/#9*100%"
^XMB(3.6,88,4,11,1,1,0)="Date threshold met"
^XMB(3.6,89,0)="QAM MONITOR TOOL 2^|1|: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,89,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,89,1,3,0)="Monitor code: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,89,1,4,0)="Monitor title: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,89,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,89,1,6,0)="Time frame: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,89,1,7,0)="Threshold: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,89,1,8,0)="Alert level: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,89,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,89,1,10,0)="Fall outs: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,89,1,11,0)="Sample size: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,89,1,12,0)="Calculated percentage: |10|"
^XMB(3.6,89,1,13,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,89,1,14,0)="Date threshold met: |11|"
^XMB(3.6,89,3,1,0)="This bulletin is automatically sent when:"
^XMB(3.6,89,3,2,0)=" 1) The threshold is met or exceeded."
^XMB(3.6,89,3,3,0)=" 2) The pre-threshold alert level is met or exceeded."
^XMB(3.6,89,3,4,0)=" 3) The end of the time frame has been reached."
^XMB(3.6,89,3,5,0)="Each of these conditions may be turned on or off in the QA MONITOR"
^XMB(3.6,89,3,6,0)="file (#743)."
^XMB(3.6,89,4,1,1,1,0)="Monitor status"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,1,1,2,0)=" Threshold met"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,1,1,3,0)=" Pre-threshold alert level met"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,1,1,4,0)=" Time frame expired"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,2,1,1,0)="Monitor code"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,3,1,1,0)="Expanded monitor status"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,3,1,2,0)=" Similar to parameter 1, but more verbose"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,4,1,1,0)="Monitor title"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,5,1,1,0)="Time frame"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,7,1,1,0)="Pre-threshold alert level"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,8,1,1,0)="Number of fall outs"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,9,1,1,0)="Sample size"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,10,1,1,0)="Calculated percentage"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,10,1,2,0)=" #8/#9*100%"
^XMB(3.6,89,4,11,1,1,0)="Date threshold met"
^XMB(3.6,90,1,1,0)="Your ROES transaction file has been updated."
^XMB(3.6,90,3,1,0)="This bulletin serves as a notification that a ROES update message has been"
^XMB(3.6,90,3,2,0)="loaded for Audiology and Speech Pathology Service."
^XMB(3.6,91,0)="RMPF-FILE-UPDATE^Server Request Notice"
^XMB(3.6,91,1,1,0)=" |1|"
^XMB(3.6,91,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,91,1,3,0)="A request for execution of a server option has been recieved."
^XMB(3.6,91,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,91,1,5,0)="Sender: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,91,1,6,0)="Option name: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,91,1,7,0)="Subject: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,91,1,8,0)="Message #: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,91,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,91,1,10,0)="Comments: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,91,1,11,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,91,1,12,0)=" This is the server bulletin RMPF-FILE-UPDATE"
^XMB(3.6,91,3,1,0)="This is the bulletin which notifies ROES administrative staff at a station that file updates have been performed at the DDC, and duplicated at the station."
^XMB(3.6,91,4,1,1,1,0)="The date and time in human-readable form when the server request"
^XMB(3.6,91,4,1,1,2,0)="was recieved."
^XMB(3.6,91,4,2,1,1,0)="The name of the sender of the server request."
^XMB(3.6,91,4,3,1,1,0)="The name of the option which was requested by Mailman."
^XMB(3.6,91,4,4,1,1,0)="The subject of the message which requested a server."
^XMB(3.6,91,4,5,1,1,0)="The internal number of the message requesting a server."
^XMB(3.6,91,4,6,1,1,0)="Comments appended to the bulleting. These may include errors trapped"
^XMB(3.6,91,4,6,1,2,0)="by the server software and/or the operating system, as well as general"
^XMB(3.6,91,4,6,1,3,0)="purpose messages."
^XMB(3.6,92,1,1,0)="Your ROES Order File has been updated."
^XMB(3.6,92,3,1,0)="This bulletin serves as a notification that a ROES update message has"
^XMB(3.6,92,3,2,0)="been loaded for Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service."
^XMB(3.6,93,1,1,0)="Your Equipment Request, Transaction #: |1| was not"
^XMB(3.6,93,1,2,0)="approved. Please make any necessary corrections and either"
^XMB(3.6,93,1,3,0)="resubmit or cancel the request."
^XMB(3.6,93,3,1,0)="This message will be sent to the requestor when the CMR official"
^XMB(3.6,93,3,2,0)="did not approve an equipment request."
^XMB(3.6,93,4,1,1,1,0)="Transaction number from file 413"
^XMB(3.6,94,1,1,0)="Your Turn-in Request, Transaction # |1| was not approved."
^XMB(3.6,94,1,2,0)="Please make any necessary corrections and either resubmit"
^XMB(3.6,94,1,3,0)="or cancel the request."
^XMB(3.6,94,3,1,0)="This message will be sent when a turn-in request has not been"
^XMB(3.6,94,3,2,0)="approved by the CMR Official."
^XMB(3.6,94,4,1,1,1,0)="turn-in transaction number from file 413.1"
^XMB(3.6,95,1,1,0)="The Equipment Request, Transaction #: |1| is being returned"
^XMB(3.6,95,1,2,0)="because the line item(s) requested are not considered non-expendable."
^XMB(3.6,95,3,1,0)="This mail message is sent from the Personal Property Manager"
^XMB(3.6,95,3,2,0)="(PPM) if the items are determined to not be non-expendable."
^XMB(3.6,95,4,1,1,1,0)="transaction number from file 413"
^XMB(3.6,96,1,1,0)="You have been selected to review Equipment Request,"
^XMB(3.6,96,1,2,0)="Transaction #: |1| for your approval/disapproval. Please"
^XMB(3.6,96,1,3,0)="review and indicate your decision by |2|. Thank you."
^XMB(3.6,96,3,1,0)="This message is sent to those individuals selected to"
^XMB(3.6,96,3,2,0)="review and concur with the equipment request."
^XMB(3.6,96,4,1,1,1,0)="equipment request number from file 413"
^XMB(3.6,96,4,2,1,1,0)="date entered by Personal Property Manager (PPM)"
^XMB(3.6,97,1,1,0)="The Equipment Committee has deferred Equipment Request,"
^XMB(3.6,97,1,2,0)="Transaction #: |1| until a later time. Please resubmit this"
^XMB(3.6,97,1,3,0)="request later."
^XMB(3.6,97,3,1,0)="This message will be sent if the Equipment Committee defers"
^XMB(3.6,97,3,2,0)="the equipment request."
^XMB(3.6,97,4,1,1,1,0)="transaction number from file 413"
^XMB(3.6,98,1,1,0)="The Equipment Committee has not approved Equipment Request,"
^XMB(3.6,98,1,2,0)="Transaction #: |1|. Please cancel this request."
^XMB(3.6,98,3,1,0)="This message will be sent if the Equipment Committee does not"
^XMB(3.6,98,3,2,0)="approve the equipment request."
^XMB(3.6,98,4,1,1,1,0)="transaction number from file 413"
^XMB(3.6,99,1,1,0)="Equipment Request, Transaction #: |1| did not pass the"
^XMB(3.6,99,1,2,0)="concurrence process. Fifty percent or more of the concurring"
^XMB(3.6,99,1,3,0)="officials did not approve this request."
^XMB(3.6,99,3,1,0)="This message is sent if a majority of concurring officials did"
^XMB(3.6,99,3,2,0)="not approve the equipment request."
^XMB(3.6,99,4,1,1,1,0)="transaction number from file 413"
^XMB(3.6,100,1,1,0)="The Equipment Committee has approved Equipment Request,"
^XMB(3.6,100,1,2,0)="Transaction #: |1| for purchase."
^XMB(3.6,100,3,1,0)="This mail message is sent when the Equipment Committee approves"
^XMB(3.6,100,3,2,0)="the equipment request and passes it on to become a 2237."
^XMB(3.6,100,4,1,1,1,0)="transaction number from file 413"
^XMB(3.6,101,1,1,0)="The Equipment Committee has approved Equipment Request,"
^XMB(3.6,101,1,2,0)="Transaction #: |1| pending funding. It will"
^XMB(3.6,101,1,3,0)="be purchased as soon as funding is received."
^XMB(3.6,101,3,1,0)="This message is sent when the Equipment Committee approves the"
^XMB(3.6,101,3,2,0)="equipment request, but no funds are available at this time."
^XMB(3.6,101,4,1,1,1,0)="transaction number from file 413"
^XMB(3.6,102,1,1,0)="Transaction #: |1|, |2|, should"
^XMB(3.6,102,1,2,0)="be reviewed for any changes that may need to be made"
^XMB(3.6,102,1,3,0)="prior to creation of a 2237."
^XMB(3.6,102,3,1,0)="This message will be sent to the appropriate CMR Official if a NX"
^XMB(3.6,102,3,2,0)="transaction should be reviewed/edited one more time before a 2237"
^XMB(3.6,102,3,3,0)="is created. This should be done in those cases where a request"
^XMB(3.6,102,3,4,0)="has been in the pipeline for a lengthy period of time."
^XMB(3.6,102,4,1,1,1,0)="Transaction number"
^XMB(3.6,102,4,2,1,1,0)="The short description of the request."
^XMB(3.6,103,1,1,0)="You have been assigned to pickup the items found on Turn-In"
^XMB(3.6,103,1,2,0)="Request #: |1|."
^XMB(3.6,103,3,1,0)="This bulletin is to be used to send a message to those persons"
^XMB(3.6,103,3,2,0)="picked by the Warehouse Manager to pickup assigned turn-in"
^XMB(3.6,103,4,1,1,1,0)="This turn-in request transaction number."
^XMB(3.6,104,0)="PRCHQ 864 NORMAL^864 Text Message has been received for RFQ # |1|"
^XMB(3.6,104,1,1,0)="864 Text Message # |3| has arrived from vendor |2| for"
^XMB(3.6,104,1,2,0)="for RFQ # |1|."
^XMB(3.6,104,3,1,0)="Reporting arrival of 864 Text Message for review."
^XMB(3.6,105,0)="PRCHQ 864 ERROR^Error during filing 864 message for RFQ # |1|"
^XMB(3.6,105,1,1,0)="During the filing of a 864 Text Message from vendor |3|"
^XMB(3.6,105,1,2,0)="for RFQ # |1| the following error(s) occured:"
^XMB(3.6,105,3,1,0)="Reporting error during filing of 864 Message from vendor for an RFQ"
^XMB(3.6,106,0)="PRCHQ 843 UPDATE VENDOR INFO^On 843 Transaction update of vendor info for Dun# |1|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,1,0)=" Dun #: |1| Vendor Name: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,2,0)=" Tax ID: |3| Phone #: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,3,0)=" Ordering Address"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,4,0)=" Line #1: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,5,0)=" Line #2: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,6,0)=" Line #3: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,7,0)=" City: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,8,0)=" State: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,9,0)=" Zip Code: |10|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,10,0)=" Socioeconomic Factors"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,11,0)=" Business Size: |11|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,12,0)=" Minority Small: |12|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,13,0)=" Minority Large: |13|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,14,0)=" Woman Small: |14|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,15,0)=" Woman Large: |15|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,16,0)=" Disadv. Small: |16|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,17,0)=" Vietnam Vet: |17|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,18,0)=" Section 8(A): |18|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,19,0)=" Payment Address"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,20,0)=" Addr Name 1: |19|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,21,0)=" Addr Name 2: |20|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,22,0)=" Line #1: |21|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,23,0)=" Line #2: |22|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,24,0)=" Line #3: |23|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,25,0)=" City: |24|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,26,0)=" State |25|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,27,0)=" Zip Code: |26|"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,28,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,106,1,29,0)=" Please review this information and determine if the File #440 values for"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,30,0)=" this vendor need to be updated."
^XMB(3.6,106,1,31,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,106,1,32,0)=" The vendor supplied this information in support of a quote for RFQ"
^XMB(3.6,106,1,33,0)=" # |27|."
^XMB(3.6,106,3,1,0)="Vendor supplied information updating addresses and socio-economic status"
^XMB(3.6,106,3,2,0)="for vendor already in file #440."
^XMB(3.6,107,0)="DGQE PHOTO CAPTURE^|1|"
^XMB(3.6,107,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,107,3,1,0)="Bulletin sent at the [un]successful completion of generating workload"
^XMB(3.6,107,3,2,0)="information to be transmitted to the photo capture station via HL7."
^XMB(3.6,107,4,1,1,1,0)="Subject of message - allows use of one bulletin for success and"
^XMB(3.6,107,4,1,1,2,0)="unsuccessful completion."
^XMB(3.6,109,1,1,0)=" ******* CONVERSION COMPLETED *******"
^XMB(3.6,109,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,109,1,3,0)="The conversion of Progress Notes into Text Integration Utility"
^XMB(3.6,109,1,4,0)="(TIU) has successfully completed. The Progress Note File "
^XMB(3.6,109,1,5,0)="^GMR(121 should be archived and removed from the system at your"
^XMB(3.6,109,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,109,1,8,0)=" CONVERSION STARTED: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,109,1,9,0)="CONVERSION COMPLETED: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,109,1,10,0)=" NOTES CONVERTED: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,109,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be delivered to the user who initiated the"
^XMB(3.6,109,3,2,0)="conversion as a notice that processing has completed without"
^XMB(3.6,109,4,1,1,1,0)="Date/Time conversion began."
^XMB(3.6,109,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/Time conversion completed."
^XMB(3.6,109,4,3,1,1,0)="Number of notes successfully processed."
^XMB(3.6,110,1,1,0)=" ******* CONVERSION COMPLETED *******"
^XMB(3.6,110,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,110,1,3,0)="The Progress Note conversion has completed. The following is"
^XMB(3.6,110,1,4,0)="a listing of notes that were not converted during the processing."
^XMB(3.6,110,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,110,1,7,0)=" ====================================="
^XMB(3.6,110,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,110,1,9,0)=" CONVERSION STARTED: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,110,1,10,0)="CONVERSION COMPLETED: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,110,1,11,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,110,1,12,0)=" NOTES CONVERTED: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,110,1,13,0)=" NOTES NOT CONVERTED: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,110,1,14,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,110,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be delivered to the mail group indicated in"
^XMB(3.6,110,3,2,0)="response to ""mail group"" question. If a mail group is not named,"
^XMB(3.6,110,3,3,0)="the user who initiated the conversion will be sent the bulletin."
^XMB(3.6,110,3,4,0)="It contains a listing of notes that could not be converted "
^XMB(3.6,110,3,5,0)="during processing."
^XMB(3.6,110,4,1,1,1,0)="Date/Time conversion started"
^XMB(3.6,110,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/Time conversion completed"
^XMB(3.6,110,4,3,1,1,0)="Number of notes successfully processed."
^XMB(3.6,110,4,4,1,1,0)="Number of notes not processed. The listing which follows will"
^XMB(3.6,110,4,4,1,2,0)="show reason for failure."
^XMB(3.6,110,4,5,1,1,0)="Listing of progress notes that were not converted."
^XMB(3.6,111,1,1,0)=" ******* CONVERSION COMPLETED *******"
^XMB(3.6,111,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,111,1,3,0)="The conversion of Discharge Summaries to Text Integration Utility"
^XMB(3.6,111,1,4,0)="(TIU) has successfully completed. The GMR REPORTS File "
^XMB(3.6,111,1,5,0)="^GMR(128, should be archived and removed from the system at your"
^XMB(3.6,111,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,111,1,8,0)=" CONVERSION STARTED: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,111,1,9,0)="CONVERSION COMPLETED: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,111,1,10,0)=" SUMMARIES CONVERTED: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,111,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be delivered to the user who initiated the"
^XMB(3.6,111,3,2,0)="conversion as a notice that processing has completed without"
^XMB(3.6,111,4,1,1,1,0)="Date/Time conversion began."
^XMB(3.6,111,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/Time conversion completed."
^XMB(3.6,111,4,3,1,1,0)="Number of Summaries successfully processed."
^XMB(3.6,112,1,1,0)=" ******* CONVERSION COMPLETED *******"
^XMB(3.6,112,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,112,1,3,0)="The Discharge Summary conversion has completed. One or more Summaries"
^XMB(3.6,112,1,4,0)="were not converted due to missing information, or inability to match"
^XMB(3.6,112,1,5,0)="the record to an existing admission."
^XMB(3.6,112,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,112,1,8,0)=" ========================================="
^XMB(3.6,112,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,112,1,10,0)=" CONVERSION STARTED: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,112,1,11,0)=" CONVERSION COMPLETED: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,112,1,12,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,112,1,13,0)=" SUMMARIES CONVERTED: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,112,1,15,0)=" SUMMARIES NOT CONVERTED: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,112,1,16,0)=" - MISSING INFORMATION: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,112,1,17,0)=" - NO ADMISSION FOUND: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,112,1,20,0)="You may see a list of the records which failed to convert by using the"
^XMB(3.6,112,1,21,0)="M global lister (i.e., ^%G) to examine the ^GMR(128,""CNV"",""FAIL"",DS #, "
^XMB(3.6,112,1,22,0)="subscript. The DS # refers to the entry number in file 128."
^XMB(3.6,112,4,1,1,1,0)="Date/Time conversion started"
^XMB(3.6,112,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/Time conversion completed"
^XMB(3.6,112,4,3,1,1,0)="Number of Summaries successfully processed."
^XMB(3.6,112,4,4,1,1,0)="Number of Summaries not Converted."
^XMB(3.6,112,4,5,1,1,0)="Number of Summaries which were not converted due to missing"
^XMB(3.6,112,4,6,1,1,0)="Number of Summaries which failed to convert due to current admission"
^XMB(3.6,112,4,6,1,2,0)="not being found."
^XMB(3.6,113,1,1,0)="Volunteer Timekeeping Server Message: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,113,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,113,1,3,0)="Sender: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,113,1,4,0)="Subject: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,113,1,5,0)="Message #: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,113,1,6,0)="Comments: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,113,3,1,0)="This is the standard, or default, bulletin used by the menu system"
^XMB(3.6,113,3,2,0)="to notify IRM staff and users about server request events."
^XMB(3.6,113,4,1,1,1,0)="The date and time in human-readable form when the server request"
^XMB(3.6,113,4,1,1,2,0)="was recieved."
^XMB(3.6,113,4,2,1,1,0)="The name of the sender of the server request."
^XMB(3.6,113,4,3,1,1,0)="The name of the option which was requested by Mailman."
^XMB(3.6,113,4,4,1,1,0)="The subject of the message which requested a server."
^XMB(3.6,113,4,5,1,1,0)="The internal number of the message requesting a server."
^XMB(3.6,113,4,6,1,1,0)="Comments appended to the bulleting. These may include errors trapped"
^XMB(3.6,113,4,6,1,2,0)="by the server software and/or the operating system, as well as general"
^XMB(3.6,113,4,6,1,3,0)="purpose messages."
^XMB(3.6,114,0)="PRS LAST SAT OT/CT^Call Back OT/CT is being paid"
^XMB(3.6,114,1,1,0)="|1| worked less than 2 hours of overtime or comptime "
^XMB(3.6,114,1,2,0)="on the last saturday of pay period |2|. This work has been "
^XMB(3.6,114,1,3,0)="calculated as two hours of call back and is included in the 8B string."
^XMB(3.6,114,1,4,0)="The work was posted as ending at midnight. At the time that the "
^XMB(3.6,114,1,5,0)="supervisor certified this timecard the work ending at midnight was not "
^XMB(3.6,114,1,6,0)="abutted to a tour in the next pay period."
^XMB(3.6,114,1,8,0)="The pay period can be reviewed through the payroll main menu option."
^XMB(3.6,114,1,10,0)=" ""Display Employee Pay Period"""
^XMB(3.6,114,1,12,0)="If this period of work is supposed to be abbutted to a tour beginning"
^XMB(3.6,114,1,13,0)="at midnight on Sunday of pay period |3|, then perform the "
^XMB(3.6,114,1,14,0)="following actions in order."
^XMB(3.6,114,1,16,0)=" 1. The timekeeper for T&L unit |4| should update "
^XMB(3.6,114,1,17,0)=" |1|'s tour of duty for pay period |3| through "
^XMB(3.6,114,1,18,0)=" the option, ""Enter/Edit Employee Tour of Duty""."
^XMB(3.6,114,1,20,0)=" 2. Payroll should return |1|'s record to the "
^XMB(3.6,114,1,21,0)=" timekeeper for T&L unit |4| through option,"
^XMB(3.6,114,1,22,0)=" ""Return Record to Timekeeper"". "
^XMB(3.6,114,1,24,0)=" 3. The supervisor for T&L unit |4| should certify "
^XMB(3.6,114,1,25,0)=" |1|'s record again."
^XMB(3.6,114,3,1,0)=" This bulletin is designed to warn payroll when a nurse has worked less"
^XMB(3.6,114,3,2,0)="than 2 hours overtime or comptime and is being paid 2 hrs call back. The"
^XMB(3.6,114,3,3,0)="bulletin is only sent when the OT/CT is worked on the last saturday of"
^XMB(3.6,114,3,4,0)="the pay period and the work is performed up to midnight. call back. "
^XMB(3.6,114,3,6,0)=" It is crucial that when timekeepers are posting overtime for nurses "
^XMB(3.6,114,3,7,0)="under the following conditions that they are sure that the tour of duty "
^XMB(3.6,114,3,8,0)="for the new pay period is up to date."
^XMB(3.6,114,3,10,0)=" 1. OT ends at midnight on the last saturday of the pay period."
^XMB(3.6,114,3,11,0)=" 2. Sunday tour begins at midnight"
^XMB(3.6,114,3,12,0)=" 3. Overtime is abutted to the Sunday tour"
^XMB(3.6,114,3,13,0)=" 4. OT/CT is less than 2 hours."
^XMB(3.6,114,4,1,1,1,0)="Employee's Name"
^XMB(3.6,114,4,2,1,1,0)="Pay Period being decomposed."
^XMB(3.6,114,4,3,1,1,0)="Next Pay Period."
^XMB(3.6,114,4,4,1,1,0)="Time and Leave unit of the employee and their supervisor."
^XMB(3.6,115,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,115,1,2,0)="An error has occurred while generating a message/segment for "
^XMB(3.6,115,1,3,0)="|1| for event on |2|, pivot number |3|."
^XMB(3.6,115,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,115,1,5,0)="Error Message(s):"
^XMB(3.6,115,3,1,0)="Bulletin for error messages that occur while generating a message or"
^XMB(3.6,115,3,2,0)="segment for VAFH PIMS HL7."
^XMB(3.6,115,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient's DFN"
^XMB(3.6,115,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/time of the event."
^XMB(3.6,115,4,3,1,1,0)="Pivot number for the event."
^XMB(3.6,116,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,116,3,1,0)="Bulletin sent at completion of Incomplete Encounter Mgmt report"
^XMB(3.6,116,3,2,0)="generation. Allows single bulletin to be used for multiple"
^XMB(3.6,116,4,1,1,1,0)="Subject of message - allows multiple reports to use single bulletin."
^XMB(3.6,117,1,1,0)="Title transaction from FORUM was unable to be processed because"
^XMB(3.6,117,1,2,0)="of title differences between your system and FORUM. Please"
^XMB(3.6,117,1,3,0)="process title from option, 'Process Titles from FORUM Manually'."
^XMB(3.6,117,3,1,0)="This bulletin is to notify the appropriate Library users when"
^XMB(3.6,117,3,2,0)="transactions received from FORUM cannot be processed because"
^XMB(3.6,117,3,3,0)="of title problems. Users receiving this message should process"
^XMB(3.6,117,3,4,0)="the title manually."
^XMB(3.6,118,0)="OOPS CASE^ASISTS Case Notification"
^XMB(3.6,118,1,1,0)=" ****INFORMATION ONLY***"
^XMB(3.6,118,1,2,0)="An incident (injury, illness or accident) has occurred."
^XMB(3.6,118,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,118,1,4,0)="Date of incident: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,118,1,5,0)="Case #: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,118,1,6,0)="Injury/Illness: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,118,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,118,1,8,0)="The 1st line supervisor is required to:"
^XMB(3.6,118,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,118,1,10,0)="a. Complete a Report of Accident through the option:"
^XMB(3.6,118,1,11,0)=" Complete/Validate/Sign Accident Report 2162."
^XMB(3.6,118,1,12,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,118,1,13,0)="b. Inform the injured employee on rights and benefits for completing"
^XMB(3.6,118,1,14,0)=" the CA-1 (Injury) or CA-2 (Illness) Compensation Claims."
^XMB(3.6,118,1,16,0)="The supervisors on this case are:"
^XMB(3.6,118,1,17,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,118,1,18,0)="Supervisor: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,118,1,19,0)="Secondary Supervisor: |5| "
^XMB(3.6,118,3,1,0)="This bulletin will notify interested parties of the creation"
^XMB(3.6,118,3,2,0)="of a Case."
^XMB(3.6,118,4,2,1,1,0)="Date of Injury"
^XMB(3.6,118,4,4,1,1,0)="Supervisor for employee"
^XMB(3.6,118,4,5,1,1,0)="Secondary Supervisor"
^XMB(3.6,118,4,6,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates whether the claim was a CA1 or CA2 so the Supervisor "
^XMB(3.6,118,4,6,1,2,0)="knows when they recieve the case notification."
^XMB(3.6,119,0)="OOPS SAFETY^Safety Officer Notification"
^XMB(3.6,119,1,1,0)="A Report of Accident and Illness has been released for your review."
^XMB(3.6,119,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,119,1,4,0)="Date of Injury/Illness: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,119,1,5,0)="Case# |3|"
^XMB(3.6,119,3,1,0)="This Bulletin will notify the Safety Officer of cases ready"
^XMB(3.6,119,3,2,0)="for review."
^XMB(3.6,119,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of involved person"
^XMB(3.6,119,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/time of injury/illness"
^XMB(3.6,119,4,3,1,1,0)="Case # of Incident"
^XMB(3.6,120,0)="OOPS EMPLOYEE^Employee Notification to Supervisor"
^XMB(3.6,120,1,1,0)="A CA-1 or CA-2 for the following incident has been signed by the employee."
^XMB(3.6,120,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,120,1,3,0)="Date of Incident: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,120,1,4,0)="Case# |3|"
^XMB(3.6,120,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,120,1,6,0)="The Incident Report is ready for review by the supervisor. It must be"
^XMB(3.6,120,1,7,0)="completed and filed with the Agency Worker's Compensation office within 2-3 "
^XMB(3.6,120,1,8,0)="working days."
^XMB(3.6,120,3,1,0)="This Bulletin will notify supervisors and union representatives that a"
^XMB(3.6,120,3,2,0)="CA-1 or CA-2 has been signed by an employee."
^XMB(3.6,120,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/time of incident."
^XMB(3.6,120,4,3,1,1,0)="Case # of incident."
^XMB(3.6,121,0)="OOPS BILL OF RIGHTS^Employee Bill of Rights for Accidents and Occupational Illnesses"
^XMB(3.6,121,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,121,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,121,1,4,0)=" The Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) describes an employee's"
^XMB(3.6,121,1,5,0)=" rights and entitlements to benefits following a work-related"
^XMB(3.6,121,1,6,0)=" injury or illness."
^XMB(3.6,121,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,121,1,8,0)=" You have the right to file a CA-1 (injury) or CA-2 (illness), to apply"
^XMB(3.6,121,1,9,0)=" for compensation."
^XMB(3.6,121,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,121,1,11,0)=" Entitlements include the option to receive medical treatment by either"
^XMB(3.6,121,1,12,0)=" the VA Employee Health Unit or by your primary care physician."
^XMB(3.6,121,1,13,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,121,1,14,0)=" You have the right to request union representation."
^XMB(3.6,121,1,15,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,121,1,16,0)=" For additional information and explanation of your rights and"
^XMB(3.6,121,1,17,0)=" responsibilities, contact your Workers' Compensation"
^XMB(3.6,121,1,18,0)=" Specialist/Coordinator/Manager."
^XMB(3.6,121,3,1,0)="The Employee Bill of Rights for Accidents and Occupational Illnesses"
^XMB(3.6,122,0)="OOPS SUPERVISOR^Supervisor has signed CA-1/CA-2"
^XMB(3.6,122,1,1,0)="The supervisor has signed the CA-1 or CA-2 for the following incident:"
^XMB(3.6,122,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,122,1,3,0)="Date of Incident: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,122,1,4,0)="Case# |3|"
^XMB(3.6,122,3,1,0)="This message is sent to the OOPS UNION mail group when a supervisor signs"
^XMB(3.6,122,3,2,0)="a CA-1 or CA-2"
^XMB(3.6,122,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/Time of Incident"
^XMB(3.6,122,4,3,1,1,0)="Case # of incident"
^XMB(3.6,123,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to transfer data to the National SCD registry"
^XMB(3.6,123,3,2,0)="program office. It should be associated to the SPNL SCD COORDINATOR"
^XMB(3.6,123,3,3,0)="mail group."
^XMB(3.6,124,0)="PRCH GPF^GPF |1| Transaction Return Notification"
^XMB(3.6,124,1,1,0)="The following |1| transaction was not processed"
^XMB(3.6,124,1,2,0)="by |2| and is returned without action"
^XMB(3.6,124,1,3,0)="for the reason(s) indicated."
^XMB(3.6,124,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,124,1,5,0)="Transaction number: |3| Amount: $|4|"
^XMB(3.6,124,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,124,3,1,0)="General post fund transaction return from Fiscal bulletin"
^XMB(3.6,124,4,1,1,1,0)="Form type as 1358 or 2237"
^XMB(3.6,124,4,2,1,1,0)="Department that is returning the transaction"
^XMB(3.6,124,4,3,1,1,0)="Transaction number"
^XMB(3.6,124,4,4,1,1,0)="Dollar amount of transaction"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,1,0)=" ******* RE-INDEXING OF TIU DOCUMENTS COMPLETED *******"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,125,1,3,0)="The Re-indexing of the TIU DOCUMENTS file (#8925) has successfully"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,125,1,6,0)=" RE-INDEX STARTED: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,7,0)=" RE-INDEX COMPLETED: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,9,0)=" COMPLETED Documents Re-indexed: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,10,0)=" UNSIGNED Documents Re-indexed: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,11,0)=" UNCOSIGNED Documents Re-indexed: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,13,0)=" TOTAL # of Documents Re-indexed: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,14,0)=" ELAPSED TIME: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,15,0)=" DOCUMENTS/SECOND: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,17,0)="NOTE: Not every document in file 8925 will be included in one of these"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,18,0)="indices, so you shouldn't expect agreement between the total # of"
^XMB(3.6,125,1,19,0)="documents re-indexed and the total # of entries in the file."
^XMB(3.6,125,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be delivered to the user who initiated the re-indexing"
^XMB(3.6,125,3,2,0)="process as a notice that processing has completed without error."
^XMB(3.6,125,4,1,1,1,0)="Date/Time re-indexing began."
^XMB(3.6,125,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/Time re-indexing completed."
^XMB(3.6,125,4,3,1,1,0)="Number of Documents added to the ACLPT X-ref."
^XMB(3.6,125,4,4,1,1,0)="Number of Documents added to the ACLSB X-ref."
^XMB(3.6,125,4,5,1,1,0)="Number of Documents added to the ACLAU X-ref."
^XMB(3.6,125,4,6,1,1,0)="Number of Documents added to the ACLEC X-ref."
^XMB(3.6,125,4,7,1,1,0)="TOTAL Number of Documents Re-indexed."
^XMB(3.6,125,4,8,1,1,0)="Elapsed Time."
^XMB(3.6,125,4,9,1,1,0)="Re-indexing rate (documents/sec)"
^XMB(3.6,126,0)="OR CONVERSION ERRORS^OE/RR Version 3 Protocol File Conversion"
^XMB(3.6,126,1,1,0)="The following |1| protocol(s) were not successfully converted to a new"
^XMB(3.6,126,1,2,0)="entry in the Order Dialog file (#101.41). Use the CPRS Implementation"
^XMB(3.6,126,1,3,0)="Menu to create dialogs for these protocols, if desired."
^XMB(3.6,126,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,126,1,5,0)="Protocol IEN Protocol Name"
^XMB(3.6,126,1,6,0)="------------ -------------"
^XMB(3.6,126,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be delivered to the user who initiated the Protocol file"
^XMB(3.6,126,3,2,0)="conversion upon its completion. Listed here will be the protocol entries"
^XMB(3.6,126,3,3,0)="for which conversion was attempted but not successful; not all protocols"
^XMB(3.6,126,3,4,0)="will be converted by this process, only those which are currently in use"
^XMB(3.6,126,3,5,0)="via an active Add Orders menu."
^XMB(3.6,126,4,1,1,1,0)="This is the total number of protocols found that could not be converted"
^XMB(3.6,126,4,1,1,2,0)="to a new entry in the Order Dialog file."
^XMB(3.6,127,0)="OCX POSTINIT COMPLETE^Order Check Postinit Completed"
^XMB(3.6,127,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,127,1,2,0)=" The Order Check Post Init has completed "
^XMB(3.6,127,1,3,0)=" on |2| by |3|."
^XMB(3.6,127,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,127,1,5,0)=" |1|"
^XMB(3.6,127,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,127,1,7,0)=" Elapsed Time: |4|."
^XMB(3.6,127,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,127,3,1,0)="Bulletin sent to Order Check Expert System Developers"
^XMB(3.6,127,3,2,0)="when the OCX package postinits have completed"
^XMB(3.6,127,4,1,1,1,0)="Version Number of Installed OCX package"
^XMB(3.6,127,4,2,1,1,0)="Date Postinit Finished"
^XMB(3.6,127,4,3,1,1,0)="Person who installed package"
^XMB(3.6,127,4,4,1,1,0)="Elapsed time in minutes and seconds that the "
^XMB(3.6,127,4,4,1,2,0)="compiler took to complete."
^XMB(3.6,128,0)="OCX COMPILER RUN^Order Check Compiler Status"
^XMB(3.6,128,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,128,1,2,0)=" The Order Check routine compiler |11| "
^XMB(3.6,128,1,3,0)=" on |2| by |3|."
^XMB(3.6,128,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,128,1,5,0)=" |1|"
^XMB(3.6,128,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,128,1,7,0)=" Elapsed time: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,128,1,8,0)=" |5|"
^XMB(3.6,128,1,9,0)=" Execution Trace Mode: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,128,1,10,0)=" Elapsed time Logging Mode: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,128,1,11,0)=" Raw Data Logging Mode: |8| "
^XMB(3.6,128,1,12,0)=" Lines of code generated: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,128,1,13,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,128,1,14,0)=" |10|"
^XMB(3.6,128,3,1,0)="Bulletin sent to Order Check Expert System Developers"
^XMB(3.6,128,3,2,0)="when the OCX routine compiler has finished."
^XMB(3.6,128,4,1,1,1,0)="Version Number of Installed OCX package"
^XMB(3.6,128,4,2,1,1,0)="Date Postinit Finished"
^XMB(3.6,128,4,3,1,1,0)="Person who installed package"
^XMB(3.6,128,4,4,1,1,0)="Elapsed time in minutes and seconds that the code compiler ran."
^XMB(3.6,128,4,5,1,1,0)="Automatic install mode flag"
^XMB(3.6,128,4,6,1,1,0)="Execution Trace mode flag"
^XMB(3.6,128,4,7,1,1,0)="Elapsed time logging flag"
^XMB(3.6,128,4,8,1,1,0)="Raw Data Logging flag"
^XMB(3.6,128,4,9,1,1,0)="Number of lines of code the compiler generated."
^XMB(3.6,128,4,10,1,1,0)="Optional Error message"
^XMB(3.6,128,4,11,1,1,0)="This parameter will be either 'has completed normally or 'ABORTED'"
^XMB(3.6,128,4,11,1,2,0)="depending on the success of the compiler run"
^XMB(3.6,129,0)="ORB SURROGATE RECIPIENT^Surrogate Recipient for OE/RR Notifications/Alerts"
^XMB(3.6,129,1,1,0)=" |1|"
^XMB(3.6,129,1,2,0)=" |2|"
^XMB(3.6,129,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to notify users when they have been identified as the"
^XMB(3.6,129,3,2,0)="surrogate recipient of another user's OE/RR Notifications/Alerts. It is"
^XMB(3.6,129,3,3,0)="also sent when they are removed as the surrogate recipient."
^XMB(3.6,129,4,1,1,1,0)="First line of text."
^XMB(3.6,129,4,2,1,1,0)="Second line of text."
^XMB(3.6,130,1,1,0)="An event has occurred on your system which may require further action."
^XMB(3.6,130,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,130,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,131,0)="GMPL DUPLICATE PROBLEMS^Duplicates from Patient Problem List"
^XMB(3.6,131,1,1,0)="After installing patch GMPL*2*12 the background job that cleaned up the "
^XMB(3.6,131,1,2,0)="Duplicates from the file found |1| Duplicate(s) and hid them from view."
^XMB(3.6,131,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent to the person installing the patch GMPL*2*12. It will "
^XMB(3.6,131,3,2,0)="tell them the number of duplicate problems ""HIDDEN"" (deleted) from view of"
^XMB(3.6,131,3,3,0)="any user."
^XMB(3.6,131,4,1,1,1,0)="The Number of problems hidden from view."
^XMB(3.6,132,0)="XM SEND ERR RECIPIENT^Message not delivered to recipient"
^XMB(3.6,132,1,1,0)="Your message [#|5|]"
^XMB(3.6,132,1,2,0)="SUBJECT: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,132,1,3,0)="was not delivered to |2|."
^XMB(3.6,132,1,4,0)="The error message was:"
^XMB(3.6,132,3,1,0)="This message is issued by the MailMan network processor when a message"
^XMB(3.6,132,3,2,0)="recipient has been rejected by the remote node. The rejection message"
^XMB(3.6,132,3,3,0)="of the remote node is included in the bulletin."
^XMB(3.6,132,4,1,1,1,0)="The subject of the message"
^XMB(3.6,132,4,2,1,1,0)="The recipient, as specified by the user"
^XMB(3.6,132,4,3,1,1,0)="The error message returned by the remote site."
^XMB(3.6,132,4,4,1,1,0)="The recipient, as attempted by MailMan"
^XMB(3.6,132,4,5,1,1,0)="This is the message IEN in the message file 3.9."
^XMB(3.6,133,0)="XM SEND ERR SERVER MSG^XMIT Err: Server Message not found"
^XMB(3.6,133,1,1,0)="Message not delivered to server |1|"
^XMB(3.6,133,1,2,0)="because the message was not in the message file (3.9)."
^XMB(3.6,133,1,4,0)="Task #|2| has been left for your action."
^XMB(3.6,133,3,1,0)="This bulletin is fired when a task tries to send a message to a server,"
^XMB(3.6,133,3,2,0)="but the message is not in the Message global."
^XMB(3.6,133,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of the server to which the message was supposed to go."
^XMB(3.6,133,4,2,1,1,0)="Task number for the task responsible for sending the message to the server."
^XMB(3.6,134,0)="XM SEND ERR REMOTE MSG ID^Transmit Error: No Remote Msg ID"
^XMB(3.6,134,1,1,0)="Message #|1| originated from a remote site."
^XMB(3.6,134,1,2,0)="It should have a 'remote message id' on node 5, but it doesn't."
^XMB(3.6,134,1,3,0)="To prevent duplicate message deliveries, it was not delivered."
^XMB(3.6,134,3,1,0)="While trying to send a response to a message which originated from a"
^XMB(3.6,134,3,2,0)="remote site, we noticed that the 'remote message id' is missing from"
^XMB(3.6,134,3,3,0)="the original message. Without this id, we can't tell the site which"
^XMB(3.6,134,3,4,0)="message we are responding to."
^XMB(3.6,134,3,6,0)="'remote message id' is field 9 in file 3.9."
^XMB(3.6,134,4,1,1,1,0)="XMZ, or message number in file 3.9"
^XMB(3.6,135,0)="XM SEND ERR MSG^Message not delivered"
^XMB(3.6,135,1,1,0)="Your message, SUBJECT: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,135,1,2,0)="was rejected by |2|"
^XMB(3.6,135,1,4,0)="The error message was:"
^XMB(3.6,135,1,7,0)="Intended recipients were:"
^XMB(3.6,135,3,1,0)="When a remote site rejects an entire message for whatever reason"
^XMB(3.6,135,3,2,0)="(too many lines, for example), this bulletin is sent to the message"
^XMB(3.6,135,4,1,1,1,0)="Subject of the message"
^XMB(3.6,135,4,2,1,1,0)="Site which rejected the message"
^XMB(3.6,135,4,3,1,1,0)="Error message returned by the site"
^XMB(3.6,136,0)="XM FWD ADDRESS DELETE^Forwarding Address Deleted"
^XMB(3.6,136,1,1,0)="Your forwarding address: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,136,1,2,0)="has been deleted because it is not valid."
^XMB(3.6,136,1,3,0)="The error message is:"
^XMB(3.6,136,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent when MailMan notices that a user has an invalid"
^XMB(3.6,136,3,2,0)="forwarding address. The forwarding address is deleted, and the user"
^XMB(3.6,136,3,3,0)="is notified why."
^XMB(3.6,136,4,1,1,1,0)="User's invalid forwarding address."
^XMB(3.6,136,4,2,1,1,0)="Error message as to why the user's address is invalid."
^XMB(3.6,137,0)="XM GROUP ERROR^Error in Mail Group"
^XMB(3.6,137,1,1,0)="While addressing a message to mail group: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,137,1,2,0)="the following problems were noted:"
^XMB(3.6,137,3,1,0)="Notifies selected users of problems with a mail group."
^XMB(3.6,137,3,2,0)="Such problems may include:"
^XMB(3.6,137,3,3,0)="- Group contains a circular reference to a group."
^XMB(3.6,137,3,4,0)="- Local member should not be receiving mail (no access code)."
^XMB(3.6,137,3,5,0)="- Remote member has invalid or ambiguous or closed domain."
^XMB(3.6,137,3,6,0)="- Distribution list domain is invalid or ambiguous or closed."
^XMB(3.6,137,4,1,1,1,0)="The mail group under which the problems were noted."
^XMB(3.6,138,0)="DG SENSITIVITY REMOVED^Patient Sensitivity Removed"
^XMB(3.6,138,1,1,0)="The level of sensitivity assigned by |1|"
^XMB(3.6,138,1,2,0)="has been removed from |2|"
^XMB(3.6,138,1,3,0)="on |7|."
^XMB(3.6,138,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,138,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,138,3,1,0)="Bulletin to notify mail group when patient sensitivity is removed."
^XMB(3.6,138,4,1,1,1,0)="Person who assigned sensitivity"
^XMB(3.6,138,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient sensitivity removed from"
^XMB(3.6,138,4,3,1,1,0)="Additional source removal warning"
^XMB(3.6,138,4,4,1,1,0)="Additional source removal warning"
^XMB(3.6,138,4,5,1,1,0)="Additional record access information"
^XMB(3.6,138,4,6,1,1,0)="Additional record access information"
^XMB(3.6,138,4,7,1,1,0)="date/time of sensitivity removal"
^XMB(3.6,139,0)="XUTM PROBLEM DEVICES^Problem Devices"
^XMB(3.6,139,1,1,0)="This is the XUTM PROBLEM DEVICE bulletin, it reports devices that TaskMan"
^XMB(3.6,139,1,2,0)="is having problems opening."
^XMB(3.6,139,1,3,0)="The list shows the $I value for the device."
^XMB(3.6,139,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used by the XUTMKA routine to report devices that TaskMan"
^XMB(3.6,139,3,2,0)="is having problems opening."
^XMB(3.6,140,1,1,0)="CMOR Compare Message Processed."
^XMB(3.6,140,3,1,0)="This bulletin is to alert the install team that the CMOR compare message"
^XMB(3.6,140,3,2,0)="has been processed on the CMOR site and that X patients had their CMOR"
^XMB(3.6,140,3,3,0)="changed. This will assist the team in knowing that these messages have"
^XMB(3.6,140,3,4,0)="been processed and how many where changed."
^XMB(3.6,141,0)="XUVISIT^A visitor has been added to your New Person File^"
^XMB(3.6,141,1,1,0)=" |1|"
^XMB(3.6,141,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,141,1,3,0)=" A visitor has been added to your New Person File with no Access or"
^XMB(3.6,141,1,4,0)="Verify Codes."
^XMB(3.6,141,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,141,1,6,0)=" Name: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,141,1,7,0)=" DUZ: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,141,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,141,1,9,0)=" This visitor was authenticated at |4|, (|5|)."
^XMB(3.6,141,1,10,0)="This user has a DUZ of |6| on the authenticating system, and a phone"
^XMB(3.6,141,1,11,0)="number of |7|."
^XMB(3.6,141,1,12,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,141,1,13,0)="This is the bulletin named XUVISIT."
^XMB(3.6,141,3,1,0)=" This is the default XUESSO bulletin which is issued at the time a new"
^XMB(3.6,141,3,2,0)="visitor is intered in the New Person File. A ""visitor"" is a user who has"
^XMB(3.6,141,3,3,0)="been validated at another VA site and is entered in you data base so that"
^XMB(3.6,141,3,4,0)="he or she may look up patient data."
^XMB(3.6,141,4,1,1,1,0)="Title/date of this bulletin."
^XMB(3.6,141,4,2,1,1,0)="The name of the visitor."
^XMB(3.6,141,4,3,1,1,0)="The DUZ of this visitor in the New Person File."
^XMB(3.6,141,4,4,1,1,0)="The name of the site where the visitor was authenticated."
^XMB(3.6,141,4,5,1,1,0)="The number of the site where the visitor was authenticated."
^XMB(3.6,141,4,6,1,1,0)="The visitors DUZ at the authenticating site."
^XMB(3.6,141,4,7,1,1,0)="The visitor's phone number at the authenticating site."
^XMB(3.6,142,0)="DGRU REJECT^RAI/MDS Update Message Reject"
^XMB(3.6,142,1,1,0)=" Patient |1|, SSN# |2|"
^XMB(3.6,142,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,142,1,3,0)=" An HL7 |7| event code message sent to the Accu-Max system has been"
^XMB(3.6,142,1,4,0)=" rejected."
^XMB(3.6,142,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,142,1,6,0)=" |4|"
^XMB(3.6,142,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,142,1,8,0)=" Message ID: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,142,1,9,0)=" Date/Time: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,142,3,1,0)="This bulletin will handle reject messages from the COTS RAI/MDS system"
^XMB(3.6,142,3,2,0)="and forward the reject notification."
^XMB(3.6,142,4,7,1,1,0)="Event Code"
^XMB(3.6,143,1,1,0)=" Patient |1|,"
^XMB(3.6,143,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,143,1,3,0)=" The following error occurred when the HL7 |2| message"
^XMB(3.6,143,1,4,0)=" to the COTS RAI/MDS system was created or transmitted:"
^XMB(3.6,143,1,5,0)=" |3|"
^XMB(3.6,143,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,143,1,7,0)=" Entered By |4|"
^XMB(3.6,143,1,8,0)=" Date/Time |5|"
^XMB(3.6,143,3,1,0)="This will be generated when there is a problem building or sending an"
^XMB(3.6,143,3,2,0)="HL7 message for the RAI/MDS system."
^XMB(3.6,144,0)="DGRU HL7SND^RAI/MDS Message Transmit to COTS^7^0"
^XMB(3.6,144,1,1,0)="A |1| HL7 message has been sent to the RAI/MDS COTS system for"
^XMB(3.6,144,1,2,0)="|2| - SSN |5|."
^XMB(3.6,144,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,144,1,4,0)="Message Number: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,144,1,5,0)="Message Date/Time: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,144,3,1,0)="Notification bulletin that an HL7 message has been sent to the RAI/MDS"
^XMB(3.6,144,3,2,0)="COTS system. "
^XMB(3.6,144,4,1,1,1,0)="HL7 Message type"
^XMB(3.6,144,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient Name"
^XMB(3.6,144,4,3,1,1,0)="HL7 Message ID, File #772."
^XMB(3.6,144,4,4,1,1,0)="Message Date/time"
^XMB(3.6,144,4,5,1,1,0)="Social Security Number"
^XMB(3.6,145,0)="XM SUPER SEARCH^Super Search Conducted^90"
^XMB(3.6,145,1,1,0)="|1| conducted a Super Search of the Message file."
^XMB(3.6,145,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,145,1,3,0)="The criteria used were:"
^XMB(3.6,145,3,1,0)="Every time a super search is conducted, this bulletin is sent to alert"
^XMB(3.6,145,3,2,0)="those responsible for ensuring that the capability is not misused."
^XMB(3.6,145,3,4,0)="A super search is a search of the entire Message file based on any number"
^XMB(3.6,145,3,5,0)="of criteria. All messages are looked at, regardless of who sent them."
^XMB(3.6,145,3,7,0)="This bulletin reports who performed the search and what criteria were used."
^XMB(3.6,145,3,9,0)="This bulletin is sent to the mail group XM SUPER SEARCH."
^XMB(3.6,145,3,10,0)="The ISO should be a member of that group."
^XMB(3.6,145,3,12,0)="See the XM SUPER SEARCH option for more information."
^XMB(3.6,145,4,1,1,1,0)="The user who conducted the Super Search."
^XMB(3.6,146,0)="XM FILTER FWD ADDRESS DELETE^Filter 'forward to' Address Deleted^30"
^XMB(3.6,146,1,1,0)="Your 'forward to' address: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,146,1,2,0)="has been deleted from your filter: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,146,1,3,0)="because it is not valid. The error message is:"
^XMB(3.6,146,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent when MailMan notices that a user has an invalid"
^XMB(3.6,146,3,2,0)="'forward to' address in one of the filters. The 'forward to' address"
^XMB(3.6,146,3,3,0)="is deleted, and the user is notified why."
^XMB(3.6,146,4,1,1,1,0)="User's invalid 'forward to' address."
^XMB(3.6,146,4,2,1,1,0)="The name of the filter containing the invalid address."
^XMB(3.6,146,4,3,1,1,0)="Error message as to why the address is invalid."
^XMB(3.6,148,0)="XM DOMAIN ADDED^New Domain: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,148,1,1,0)="This site has just received an incoming transmission from"
^XMB(3.6,148,1,2,0)="'|2|'. Since we have no record of this domain"
^XMB(3.6,148,1,3,0)="in the DOMAIN file 4.2, and did not find '|1|' in the"
^XMB(3.6,148,1,4,0)="INTERNET SUFFIX file 4.2996, we have added '|1|' to the"
^XMB(3.6,148,1,5,0)="DOMAIN file."
^XMB(3.6,148,1,7,0)="If you think this domain should be added to file 4.2996,"
^XMB(3.6,148,1,8,0)="please enter a NOIS. Only internationally recognized internet"
^XMB(3.6,148,1,9,0)="suffixes should be added to file 4.2996, and then only via"
^XMB(3.6,148,1,10,0)="a MailMan patch."
^XMB(3.6,148,1,12,0)="If you think this domain may be a poorly named VHA domain,"
^XMB(3.6,148,1,13,0)="please enter a NOIS. All new VHA domains should end in"
^XMB(3.6,148,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent to alert IRM to the new domain. This shouldn't happen"
^XMB(3.6,148,3,2,0)="very often, and if it does, the domain name should be investigated."
^XMB(3.6,148,3,4,0)="If you think that it is a bad name, enter a NOIS so it can be investigated."
^XMB(3.6,148,3,6,0)="If this new top-level domain is a valid internet suffix, it should be"
^XMB(3.6,148,3,7,0)="deleted from the DOMAIN file and added to file 4.2996, INTERNET SUFFIX,"
^XMB(3.6,148,3,8,0)="and a NOIS should be entered for MailMan, so that a patch can be sent"
^XMB(3.6,148,3,9,0)="out to add this top-level domain to file 4.2996 at every site."
^XMB(3.6,148,4,1,1,1,0)="Top-level (last dot piece) domain name."
^XMB(3.6,148,4,2,1,1,0)="Full domain name"
^XMB(3.6,149,0)="PRCP_NO_REFILL^Notification of ordered items without a refill amount^15"
^XMB(3.6,149,1,1,0)="GIP did not get refill information on the following items in order |1|"
^XMB(3.6,149,1,2,0)="to update |2| or |3|."
^XMB(3.6,149,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,149,1,4,0)="Please determine the correct quantities received and enter an emergency"
^XMB(3.6,149,1,5,0)="order to correct the counts in the primary and secondary inventory points."
^XMB(3.6,149,3,1,0)="This bulletin alerts staff that a posted distribution order includes items"
^XMB(3.6,149,3,2,0)="that were not marked as refilled by the supply station. It is expected"
^XMB(3.6,149,3,3,0)="that staff will verify the correct refill amount for these items by"
^XMB(3.6,149,3,4,0)="creating another order of emergency or call-in to correct discrepancies"
^XMB(3.6,149,3,5,0)="resulting in both the primary and secondary inventory points."
^XMB(3.6,149,4,1,1,1,0)="Distribution Order Number"
^XMB(3.6,149,4,2,1,1,0)="Primary Inventory Point"
^XMB(3.6,149,4,3,1,1,0)="Secondary Inventory Point"
^XMB(3.6,150,0)="PRCP_BAD_ORDER^Notification of trouble with an HL7 refill transaction^15"
^XMB(3.6,150,1,1,0)="An HL7 item refill/post order transaction on order # |1| for the"
^XMB(3.6,150,1,2,0)="secondary inventory point, |2|, rejected."
^XMB(3.6,150,1,3,0)="Please note the problem and make any corrections."
^XMB(3.6,150,3,1,0)="This bulletin alerts staff of refill activity that cannot be processed"
^XMB(3.6,150,3,2,0)="because the transaction information conflicts with system data or data"
^XMB(3.6,150,3,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,150,3,5,0)="Problems include: item not on the order specified, order not for the"
^XMB(3.6,150,3,6,0)="secondary specified, amount refilled inappropriate, HL7 transaction"
^XMB(3.6,150,3,7,0)="corrupted, order number specified is not in GIP"
^XMB(3.6,150,4,1,1,1,0)="Distribution Order Number from transaction"
^XMB(3.6,150,4,2,1,1,0)="Secondary inventory point name from the HL7 transaction."
^XMB(3.6,151,0)="PRCP_BAD_ACTIVITY^Notification of error in HL7 supply station activity transaction^15"
^XMB(3.6,151,1,1,0)="An HL7 utilization transaction for |1| rejected. "
^XMB(3.6,151,3,1,0)="This bulletin alerts staff of problems in HL7 transactions that update"
^XMB(3.6,151,3,2,0)="a secondary inventory point with supply station activity."
^XMB(3.6,151,3,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,151,3,4,0)="Problems include: item not on this inventory point, quantity is too large"
^XMB(3.6,151,3,5,0)="or too small, inventory point not in GIP."
^XMB(3.6,151,4,1,1,1,0)="secondary inventory Point Name"
^XMB(3.6,152,0)="PRCP_QTY_MISMATCH^Notification of inventory mismatches between systems^15"
^XMB(3.6,152,1,1,0)="An on-hand discrepancy with |1| exists for the"
^XMB(3.6,152,1,2,0)="item |2|."
^XMB(3.6,152,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,152,1,4,0)="The quantity in |1| is |3|"
^XMB(3.6,152,1,5,0)="The quantity on the supply station is |4|"
^XMB(3.6,152,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,152,1,7,0)="(Information acquired from HL7 txn# |5|)"
^XMB(3.6,152,3,1,0)="This bulletin will notify the secondary inventory staff of inventory"
^XMB(3.6,152,3,2,0)="inconsistencies between the inventory point and its associated supply"
^XMB(3.6,152,3,3,0)="station. Staff need to investigate these discrepancies and make the"
^XMB(3.6,152,3,4,0)="necessary adjustments."
^XMB(3.6,152,4,1,1,1,0)="secondary inventory point name"
^XMB(3.6,152,4,2,1,1,0)="Item Name and number"
^XMB(3.6,152,4,3,1,1,0)="quantity on the inventory point"
^XMB(3.6,152,4,4,1,1,0)="Quantity in the Supply Station"
^XMB(3.6,152,4,5,1,1,0)="The HL7 transaction which prompted the message to occur"
^XMB(3.6,153,0)="PRCP_ALL_ITEMS_QTY_UPDATE^Receipt of QOH response from supply station.^15"
^XMB(3.6,153,1,1,0)="A supply station QOH response was received for |1|."
^XMB(3.6,153,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,153,1,3,0)="Please investigate any discrepancies listed below."
^XMB(3.6,153,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,153,1,5,0)=" Quantities "
^XMB(3.6,153,1,6,0)=" GIP SuplSta Item No Description (first 30 chars) **comments"
^XMB(3.6,153,1,7,0)="------- ------- ------- -----------------------------------------------"
^XMB(3.6,153,3,1,0)="This bulletin alerts staff to the receipt to a QOH request. If any"
^XMB(3.6,153,3,2,0)="quantity discrepancies are found between the items in the supply station"
^XMB(3.6,153,3,3,0)="and those in the inventory point, they will be listed."
^XMB(3.6,153,4,1,1,1,0)="secondary inventory point name"
^XMB(3.6,154,0)="PRCP_ITEM_NAME^List item name differences between GIP and the Supply Station^15"
^XMB(3.6,154,1,1,0)="There is a name discrepancy in |1| for item# |2|."
^XMB(3.6,154,3,1,0)="Alerts staff in a secondary inventory point of item name discrepancies"
^XMB(3.6,154,3,2,0)="between the invetory point and the linked supply station."
^XMB(3.6,154,4,1,1,1,0)="Secondary Inventory Point"
^XMB(3.6,154,4,2,1,1,0)="Item number"
^XMB(3.6,155,0)="PRCP_BAD_QUERY^Notification of rejection of HL7 on-hand transaction^15"
^XMB(3.6,155,1,1,0)="A query on hand response for |1| "
^XMB(3.6,155,1,2,0)="could not be processed. Please place the request again."
^XMB(3.6,155,3,1,0)="This message alerts users when a response to a quantity on hand query"
^XMB(3.6,155,3,2,0)="could not be processed by GIP."
^XMB(3.6,155,4,1,1,1,0)="secondary inventory point"
^XMB(3.6,156,0)="PRCP_BAD_ITEM_QOH^Notification of items in a Supply Station not in GIP^15"
^XMB(3.6,156,1,1,0)="The supply station for |1| contains an item not in GIP."
^XMB(3.6,156,1,2,0)="Item: |2|."
^XMB(3.6,156,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,156,1,4,0)="(Information acquired from HL7 txn# |3|)"
^XMB(3.6,156,3,1,0)="This item will display when GIP receives a QOH response from the supply"
^XMB(3.6,156,3,2,0)="station containing an item not in file 441."
^XMB(3.6,156,4,1,1,1,0)="site and supply station name as received in the transaction"
^XMB(3.6,156,4,2,1,1,0)="The item number and name as received in the transaction."
^XMB(3.6,156,4,3,1,1,0)="HL7 transaction number"
^XMB(3.6,157,0)="PRCP_ORDER_NOT_GENERATED^Scheduled Order Not Generated^30"
^XMB(3.6,157,1,1,0)="The scheduler was unable to generate a distribution order for"
^XMB(3.6,157,1,2,0)="|1| because"
^XMB(3.6,157,3,1,0)="This message alerts staff expecting an order to be autogenerated for an"
^XMB(3.6,157,3,2,0)="inventory point that the order was not generated."
^XMB(3.6,157,4,1,1,1,0)="Inventory Point Name"
^XMB(3.6,158,0)="XM GROUP EDIT NOTIFY^Users have been added to your mail group^30"
^XMB(3.6,158,1,1,0)="|1| added the following users"
^XMB(3.6,158,1,2,0)="as members to mail group '|2|':"
^XMB(3.6,158,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,158,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent to a mail group's organizer and coordinator"
^XMB(3.6,158,3,2,0)="whenever someone other than themselves adds users to:"
^XMB(3.6,158,3,3,0)="1) a public mail group which doesn't allow users to self-enroll, or"
^XMB(3.6,158,3,4,0)="2) any private mail group."
^XMB(3.6,158,3,5,0)="The purpose is to let them know of the change."
^XMB(3.6,158,4,1,1,1,0)="user who added members to the mail group"
^XMB(3.6,158,4,2,1,1,0)="mail group name"
^XMB(3.6,159,0)="XM DATE PURGE WARNING^Date Purge Scheduled for |1|^^1"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,1,0)="Attention! On |1|, all* messages (and their responses)"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,2,0)="sent on or before |2| will be deleted from the system."
^XMB(3.6,159,1,3,0)="They will be gone forever."
^XMB(3.6,159,1,5,0)="You can find out if this will affect any messages in your mailbox and"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,6,0)="take appropriate measures."
^XMB(3.6,159,1,8,0)="From the main MailMan menu, respond to the prompts as follows:"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,10,0)="Select MailMan Menu Option: Query/Search for Messages"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,11,0)=" ="
^XMB(3.6,159,1,12,0)="Select message search method: M Search my Mailbox by multiple criteria"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,13,0)=" ="
^XMB(3.6,159,1,14,0)="Select search action: Enter 'Subject contains' string// DB Enter 'Message"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,15,0)="sent on or before' date =="
^XMB(3.6,159,1,16,0)="Message sent on or before: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,17,0)=" |3|"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,19,0)="This search will find all of your messages which will be deleted."
^XMB(3.6,159,1,21,0)="* Messages in SHARED,MAIL's mailbox, and messages in the POSTMASTER's"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,22,0)="remote transmit queues and server baskets (includes released patches"
^XMB(3.6,159,1,23,0)="on FORUM) are exempt from the purge."
^XMB(3.6,159,3,1,0)="This is the warning bulletin that is broadcast to all users whenever"
^XMB(3.6,159,3,2,0)="option XMPURGE-BY-DATE is used to purge messages older than a certain"
^XMB(3.6,159,3,3,0)="date. See that option for more information."
^XMB(3.6,159,4,1,1,1,0)="The date that the date purge will run."
^XMB(3.6,159,4,2,1,1,0)="All messages this date and older will be purged."
^XMB(3.6,159,4,3,1,1,0)="A line of '=', just as long as parameter 2."
^XMB(3.6,160,0)="OOPS WC EDITED^Worker's Compensation edited CA1"
^XMB(3.6,160,1,1,0)="The Supervisor's signature has been removed from the CA1 for the following"
^XMB(3.6,160,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,160,1,4,0)="Date of Incident: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,160,1,5,0)=" Case #: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,160,1,7,0)="The Worker's Compensation Manager has signed the claim."
^XMB(3.6,160,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,160,3,1,0)="This is the message that is sent to the Supervisor if the Worker's"
^XMB(3.6,160,3,2,0)="Compensation personnel edited one of the following fields after the"
^XMB(3.6,160,3,3,0)="Supervisor has signed the form: INJURED PERFORMING DUTY(#146), NOT INJURED"
^XMB(3.6,160,3,6,0)="AGREE EXPLAIN (#164), or REASON FOR CONTROVERTS (#165)."
^XMB(3.6,160,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of Person - name of the Person Involved"
^XMB(3.6,160,4,2,1,1,0)="Case Number - ASISTS Case number"
^XMB(3.6,160,4,3,1,1,0)="Date of Incident - this is the date/time of the injury/illness"
^XMB(3.6,161,0)="OOPS WORKERS COMP^Worker's Comp Notification"
^XMB(3.6,161,1,1,0)="The Supervisor signed the CA1/CA2 for the following incident on |4|:"
^XMB(3.6,161,1,3,0)="Date of Incident: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,161,1,4,0)=" Case #: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,161,1,6,0)="Note to Supervisor: The CA1/CA2 must be electronically signed by the"
^XMB(3.6,161,1,7,0)=" employee and supervisor. Then a copy of the CA1/CA2 must "
^XMB(3.6,161,1,8,0)=" be printed out, hand-signed and dated in blue ink, and "
^XMB(3.6,161,1,9,0)=" sent to the Worker's Compensation Manager's Office."
^XMB(3.6,161,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be sent to the Workers Comp personnel when the Supervisor"
^XMB(3.6,161,3,2,0)="has signed the CA1/CA2 claim."
^XMB(3.6,161,4,2,1,1,0)="Case number"
^XMB(3.6,161,4,3,1,1,0)="Date of Incident"
^XMB(3.6,161,4,4,1,1,0)="Date signed by Supervisor"
^XMB(3.6,162,0)="OOPS WC SIGNED^Worker's Compensation has signed CA-1/CA-2"
^XMB(3.6,162,1,1,0)="The Worker's Compensation Manager has signed the CA-1 or CA-2 for"
^XMB(3.6,162,1,2,0)="electronic transmission to DOL for the following incident:"
^XMB(3.6,162,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,162,1,4,0)="Date of Incident: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,162,1,5,0)=" Case #: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,162,3,1,0)="This message is sent to the Supervisor when a Worker's Compensation Manager"
^XMB(3.6,162,3,2,0)="has signed a CA-1/CA-2."
^XMB(3.6,162,4,2,1,1,0)="This is the case number."
^XMB(3.6,162,4,3,1,1,0)="This is the Date/Time of Incident."
^XMB(3.6,163,0)="OOPS SIGNATURE SECURITY^Notification of changed Employee data"
^XMB(3.6,163,1,1,0)="This is to notify the Employee, Supervisor, and Workers' Compensation Personnel"
^XMB(3.6,163,1,2,0)="that the Employee portion of a claim has been changed since the Employee "
^XMB(3.6,163,1,3,0)="electronically signed their portion of the claim."
^XMB(3.6,163,1,5,0)="The claim WAS NOT transmitted to the AAC. All electronic signatures have been"
^XMB(3.6,163,1,6,0)="removed. The claim must be reviewed, amended as required, and resigned prior "
^XMB(3.6,163,1,7,0)="being transmitted to the AAC."
^XMB(3.6,163,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,163,1,9,0)="The affected claim number is: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,163,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,163,3,1,0)="Mail bulletin to notify the employee, supervisor, and workers' compensation"
^XMB(3.6,163,3,2,0)="personnel that data has been altered after the employee has electronically"
^XMB(3.6,163,3,3,0)="signed their portion of the claim."
^XMB(3.6,163,4,2,1,1,0)="This is the claim number of the claim."
^XMB(3.6,164,0)="OOPS WCPBOR^Employee understanding Bill of Rights"
^XMB(3.6,164,1,1,0)="The following individual has indicated that they do NOT understand"
^XMB(3.6,164,1,2,0)="the Employee Bill of Rights and needs assistance from their"
^XMB(3.6,164,1,3,0)="Worker's Compensation Representative."
^XMB(3.6,164,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,164,1,5,0)="Individual: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,164,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be sent to the WCP worker if the employee indicates"
^XMB(3.6,164,3,2,0)="that they do not understand the Bill of Rights when entering a"
^XMB(3.6,164,3,3,0)="CA1 or CA2."
^XMB(3.6,164,4,1,1,1,0)="Person Involved name"
^XMB(3.6,165,0)="OOPS CONSENT^Employee Signed CA1 or CA2 with consent"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,1,0)="The employee has consented to a review of case: |1|. The following"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,2,0)="information is provided to the local bargaining unit for review."
^XMB(3.6,165,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,165,1,4,0)="Dt/Time Occurrance: |2| "
^XMB(3.6,165,1,5,0)=" Injury/Illness: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,6,0)=" Personnel Status: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,7,0)=" Type of Incident: |12|"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,8,0)=" Sex: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,9,0)=" Station Number: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,10,0)=" Education: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,11,0)=" Cost Center/Org: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,12,0)=" Grade/Step: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,13,0)=" Supervisor: |10|"
^XMB(3.6,165,1,14,0)=" Sec. Super: |11|"
^XMB(3.6,165,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be sent to the Union representatives if the employee"
^XMB(3.6,165,3,2,0)="signed a consent to release additional incident details to the union."
^XMB(3.6,165,4,1,1,1,0)="Case number"
^XMB(3.6,165,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/Time of occurrance"
^XMB(3.6,165,4,3,1,1,0)="Injury or Illness"
^XMB(3.6,165,4,4,1,1,0)="Personnel Status"
^XMB(3.6,165,4,5,1,1,0)="Sex of individual"
^XMB(3.6,165,4,6,1,1,0)="Station number"
^XMB(3.6,165,4,8,1,1,0)="Cost Center/Organization"
^XMB(3.6,165,4,9,1,1,0)="Grade and Step"
^XMB(3.6,165,4,10,1,1,0)="Supervisor's name"
^XMB(3.6,165,4,11,1,1,0)="Secondary Supervisors name"
^XMB(3.6,165,4,12,1,1,0)="Type of incident"
^XMB(3.6,166,0)="XUMF INSTITUTION^Master File Server - update notification - INSTITUTION file"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,1,0)="The following Master File Notification (MFN) message was"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,2,0)="received and processed by the Master File Server:"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,166,1,4,0)=" HL7 Message ID: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,166,1,6,0)="The following INSTITUTION (#4) file entry has been |2|:"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,166,1,8,0)=" IEN: |3| STATION NUMBER: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,166,1,10,0)=" UPDATED ENTRY"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,11,0)=" -------------"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,12,0)=" NAME: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,13,0)=" OFFICIAL VA NAME: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,14,0)=" FACILITY TYPE: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,15,0)=" INACTIVE FACILITY FLAG: |11|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,16,0)=" VISN: |13|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,17,0)=" PARENT FACILITY: |14|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,18,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,166,1,19,0)=" STREET ADDR. 1: |19|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,20,0)=" CITY: |20|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,21,0)=" STATE: |12|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,22,0)=" ZIP: |22|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,23,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,166,1,24,0)=" ST. ADDR. 1 (MAILING): |23|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,25,0)=" CITY (MAILING): |24|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,26,0)=" STATE (MAILING): |25|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,27,0)=" ZIP (MAILING): |26|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,28,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,166,1,29,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,166,1,30,0)=" OLD VALUES"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,31,0)=" ----------"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,32,0)=" NAME: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,33,0)=" OFFICIAL VA NAME: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,34,0)=" FACILITY TYPE: |10|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,35,0)=" INACTIVE FACILITY FLAG: |15|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,36,0)=" VISN: |17|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,37,0)=" PARENT FACILITY: |18|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,38,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,166,1,39,0)=" STREET ADDR. 1: |27|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,40,0)=" CITY: |28|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,41,0)=" STATE: |16|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,42,0)=" ZIP: |29|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,43,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,166,1,44,0)=" ST. ADDR. 1 (MAILING): |30|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,45,0)=" CITY (MAILING): |31|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,46,0)=" STATE (MAILING): |32|"
^XMB(3.6,166,1,47,0)=" ZIP (MAILING): |33|"
^XMB(3.6,166,3,1,0)="This bulletin notifies the XUMF INSTITUTION"
^XMB(3.6,166,3,2,0)="mail group that an unsolicited update message"
^XMB(3.6,166,3,3,0)="has been received and processed by the Master"
^XMB(3.6,166,3,4,0)="File Server mechanism. An INSTITUTION (#4)"
^XMB(3.6,166,3,5,0)="file entry has been added/updated."
^XMB(3.6,166,4,1,1,1,0)="Message ID"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,2,1,1,0)="Added or Updated"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,3,1,1,0)="Internal Entry Number"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,4,1,1,0)="STATION NUMBER"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,6,1,1,0)="OFFICIAL VA NAME"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,7,1,1,0)="FACILITY TYPE"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,8,1,1,0)="OLD NAME"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,9,1,1,0)="OLD OFFICAL VA NAME"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,10,1,1,0)="OLD FACILITY TYPE"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,11,1,1,0)="INACTIVE FACILITY FLAG"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,14,1,1,0)="PARENT FACILITY"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,15,1,1,0)="OLD INACTIVE FACILITY FLAG"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,16,1,1,0)="OLD STATE"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,17,1,1,0)="OLD VISN"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,18,1,1,0)="OLD PARENT FACILITY"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,19,1,1,0)="STREET ADDR. 1"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,23,1,1,0)="ST. ADDR. 1 (MAILING)"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,24,1,1,0)="CITY (MAILING)"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,25,1,1,0)="STATE (MAILING)"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,26,1,1,0)="ZIP (MAILING)"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,27,1,1,0)="OLD STREET ADDR. 1"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,28,1,1,0)="OLD CITY"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,29,1,1,0)="OLD ZIP"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,30,1,1,0)="OLD ST. ADDR. 1 (MAILING)"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,31,1,1,0)="OLD CITY (MAILING)"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,32,1,1,0)="OLD STATE (MAILING)"
^XMB(3.6,166,4,33,1,1,0)="OLD ZIP (MAILING)"
^XMB(3.6,167,0)="XUMF ERROR^Master File Server - error message"
^XMB(3.6,167,1,1,0)="The Master File Server has received a Message Acknowledgement (MSA) segment"
^XMB(3.6,167,1,2,0)="with an Acknowledgement Code indicating an application error for the following"
^XMB(3.6,167,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,167,1,5,0)=" HL7 Message ID: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,167,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,167,1,7,0)=" Server message:"
^XMB(3.6,167,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,167,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,167,1,11,0)=" HL7, FM, or other message:"
^XMB(3.6,167,1,12,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,167,1,14,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,167,1,16,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,167,1,17,0)="This message must be investigated our the master file related to this message"
^XMB(3.6,167,1,18,0)="will be out of sync with the national standard table."
^XMB(3.6,167,3,1,0)="This bulletin is triggered upon receipt of a Master File Notification message"
^XMB(3.6,167,3,2,0)="from the Master File Server."
^XMB(3.6,167,4,1,1,1,0)="Message Control ID"
^XMB(3.6,167,4,2,1,1,0)="message from MFS"
^XMB(3.6,167,4,3,1,1,0)="message from HL7 application, FileMan, or other source"
^XMB(3.6,167,4,4,1,1,0)="FM error message"
^XMB(3.6,168,0)="PRCP_ORDER_PARTIALLY_LOST^Partially filled order lost^15"
^XMB(3.6,168,1,1,0)="Order #|1| will not be completed by station, |2|. "
^XMB(3.6,168,1,2,0)="It has been |3|."
^XMB(3.6,168,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,168,1,4,0)="The supply station already refilled some items. This may cause"
^XMB(3.6,168,1,5,0)="on-hand discrepancies with GIP requiring your attention:"
^XMB(3.6,168,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,168,1,7,0)="|4| "
^XMB(3.6,168,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,168,1,11,0)="The items refilled are:"
^XMB(3.6,168,1,12,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,168,1,13,0)="Quantity Item Number and Description"
^XMB(3.6,168,1,14,0)="-------- -----------------------------------------------------------"
^XMB(3.6,168,3,1,0)="This message will be sent to the secondary inventory point managers when"
^XMB(3.6,168,3,2,0)="a supply station has reported refills against a distribution order but"
^XMB(3.6,168,3,3,0)="has not completed it. The purpose of the message is to notify staff of"
^XMB(3.6,168,3,4,0)="possible inconsistencies in the on-hand quantity between the supply"
^XMB(3.6,168,3,5,0)="station and the secondary."
^XMB(3.6,168,4,1,1,1,0)="Distribution Order Number"
^XMB(3.6,168,4,2,1,1,0)="Supply Station"
^XMB(3.6,168,4,3,1,1,0)="Activity removing further processing by the supply station"
^XMB(3.6,168,4,4,1,1,0)="Text directing staff on corrective actions - Line 1"
^XMB(3.6,168,4,5,1,1,0)="Text directing staff on corrective actions - Line 2"
^XMB(3.6,168,4,6,1,1,0)="Text directing staff on corrective actions - Line 3"
^XMB(3.6,169,1,1,0)="A Means Test for |1|, SSN(Last4) |2|"
^XMB(3.6,169,1,2,0)="was completed on |3| by |4|"
^XMB(3.6,169,3,1,0)="This bulletin is for sending Means Test completion notices"
^XMB(3.6,169,4,1,1,1,0)="PATIENT Patient's name from file #2"
^XMB(3.6,169,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient's SSN from file #2"
^XMB(3.6,169,4,3,1,1,0)="Date the Means test was completed"
^XMB(3.6,169,4,4,1,1,0)="USER User completing the means test from file #200"
^XMB(3.6,170,0)="XM FWD ADDRESS CHANGE^New forwarding address for |1|"
^XMB(3.6,170,1,1,0)="The new forwarding address for |1| is:"
^XMB(3.6,170,3,1,0)="This bulletin is generated when a user's forwarding address changes."
^XMB(3.6,170,3,2,0)="It is meant to be sent to IRM, or anyone with a need to know about"
^XMB(3.6,170,3,3,0)="a user's forwarding address."
^XMB(3.6,170,4,1,1,1,0)="User's name"
^XMB(3.6,170,4,2,1,1,0)="User's forwarding address"
^XMB(3.6,171,0)="XM SEND ERR TRANSMISSION^Transmit Failure to |1|^30"
^XMB(3.6,171,1,1,0)="Transmission has failed to |1|"
^XMB(3.6,171,1,2,0)="|2| times with the latest script."
^XMB(3.6,171,1,4,0)="The following errors occurred in the latest script:"
^XMB(3.6,171,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent when MailMan is unable to transmit to a site"
^XMB(3.6,171,3,2,0)="after it has tried all the available scripts."
^XMB(3.6,171,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of site we're trying to transmit to"
^XMB(3.6,171,4,2,1,1,0)="Number of times this script has failed"
^XMB(3.6,172,0)="XM TOO MANY MESSAGES^Please Terminate Messages^30^1"
^XMB(3.6,172,1,1,0)="You have at least |1| messages in your mailbox."
^XMB(3.6,172,1,2,0)="(|2| in your IN basket)"
^XMB(3.6,172,1,4,0)="Please terminate all of your unnecessary messages."
^XMB(3.6,172,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent by option XMMGR-DISK-MANY MESSAGE-MAINT, to ask"
^XMB(3.6,172,3,2,0)="users to terminate excess messages."
^XMB(3.6,172,4,1,1,1,0)="number of messages in mailbox"
^XMB(3.6,172,4,2,1,1,0)="number of messages in IN basket"
^XMB(3.6,173,0)="XM FWD ADDRESS CHECK^Test new forwarding address for |1|^30"
^XMB(3.6,173,1,1,0)="This is a test to confirm that the forwarding address"
^XMB(3.6,173,1,3,0)=" |2|"
^XMB(3.6,173,1,5,0)="belonging to |1| does not generate an error."
^XMB(3.6,173,1,7,0)="Please ignore this message."
^XMB(3.6,173,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent when a user's forwarding address changes."
^XMB(3.6,173,3,2,0)="It is sent to the forwarding address. If it gets through, fine."
^XMB(3.6,173,3,3,0)="If it doesn't, then the sender of the bulletin is notified. The"
^XMB(3.6,173,3,4,0)="sender is the POSTMASTER. Field 7.01 in file 4.3 controls whether"
^XMB(3.6,173,3,5,0)="the message is also sent to the POSTMASTER."
^XMB(3.6,173,4,1,1,1,0)="User's name"
^XMB(3.6,173,4,2,1,1,0)="User's forwarding address"
^XMB(3.6,174,0)="XM IN BASKET PURGE WARNING^Mailbox Maintenance"
^XMB(3.6,174,1,1,0)="You have not read the following messages in over |1| days."
^XMB(3.6,174,1,2,0)="MailMan will delete them on |2|, unless they become new"
^XMB(3.6,174,1,3,0)="or you read them or save them to another basket."
^XMB(3.6,174,3,1,0)="Sent by option XMMGR-IN-BASKET-PURGE"
^XMB(3.6,174,4,1,1,1,0)="messages not read in at least this many days"
^XMB(3.6,174,4,2,1,1,0)="Date messages will be deleted"
^XMB(3.6,175,0)="XM IN BASKET PURGE REQUEST^Mailbox Maintenance"
^XMB(3.6,175,1,1,0)="You have not read the following messages in over |1| days."
^XMB(3.6,175,1,2,0)="If you don't need them, consider deleting them."
^XMB(3.6,175,1,3,0)="MailMan will not delete them."
^XMB(3.6,175,3,1,0)="Sent by TEST^XMUPIN."
^XMB(3.6,175,4,1,1,1,0)="messages not read in at least this many days"
^XMB(3.6,176,1,1,0)="At |2| The CRL Upload task reported the following problem."
^XMB(3.6,176,1,2,0)=" ""|1|"""
^XMB(3.6,176,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,176,1,4,0)="Be sure that the ""CRLService"" is running on the server. Try stopping and"
^XMB(3.6,176,1,5,0)="restarting the service. It should be listening on port 10270."
^XMB(3.6,176,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent when the CRL UPLOAD TASK has a problem."
^XMB(3.6,176,4,1,1,1,0)="The error message."
^XMB(3.6,176,4,2,1,1,0)="The date time of the message."
^XMB(3.6,177,0)="OOPS SENSITIVE DATA^ASISTS Employee Sensitive data ."
^XMB(3.6,177,1,1,0)="This is a notification that the following supervisor "
^XMB(3.6,177,1,5,0)="used the ASISTS software to View sensitive data for the following employee:"
^XMB(3.6,177,1,7,0)="|2| on |3|."
^XMB(3.6,177,1,9,0)="without creating an Illness or Injury case. "
^XMB(3.6,177,3,1,0)="Bulletin is sent when a supervisor views Employee sensitive data but does not"
^XMB(3.6,177,3,2,0)="create an ASISTS case. "
^XMB(3.6,177,4,1,1,1,0)="This is the name of the Supervisor that accessed Employee Data, but did not"
^XMB(3.6,177,4,1,1,2,0)="create a case in the ASISTS package. "
^XMB(3.6,177,4,2,1,1,0)="This is the name of the Employee that sensitive data was retrieved for. "
^XMB(3.6,177,4,3,1,1,0)="This is the date that the Employee's sensitive data was viewed."
^XMB(3.6,178,0)="XM RELAY ATTEMPTED^Potential SPAM or VIRUS stopped^7"
^XMB(3.6,178,1,1,0)="A site calling itself |1|"
^XMB(3.6,178,1,2,0)="attempted to relay a message"
^XMB(3.6,178,1,3,0)="from: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,178,1,4,0)="to: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,178,1,5,0)="through this site."
^XMB(3.6,178,1,7,0)="This attempt was denied."
^XMB(3.6,178,1,9,0)="By far the most important thing that a service provider can do to reduce"
^XMB(3.6,178,1,10,0)="spam or viruses is to ensure that any mail servers in operation accept"
^XMB(3.6,178,1,11,0)="only outgoing mail from machines within their own domains. This prohibits"
^XMB(3.6,178,1,12,0)="SMTP relaying, denying spammers and virus propagators a necessary"
^XMB(3.6,178,1,13,0)="component of anonymity."
^XMB(3.6,178,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent when MailMan prevents an outside site from"
^XMB(3.6,178,3,2,0)="relaying a message to an outside site through this site."
^XMB(3.6,178,4,1,1,1,0)="The name of the site attempting to relay the message through this site."
^XMB(3.6,178,4,2,1,1,0)="The intended recipient of the message."
^XMB(3.6,178,4,3,1,1,0)="The envelope from of the message."
^XMB(3.6,179,1,1,0)="An ASISTS Case has been closed:"
^XMB(3.6,179,1,3,0)=" ASISTS Case Number: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,179,1,4,0)=" Case Closed By: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,179,1,5,0)=" Date Case Closed: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,179,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be sent to the OOPS SAFETY and OOPS WCP mail groups"
^XMB(3.6,179,3,2,0)="whenever an ASISTS case status is set to 'Closed'. If the case is opened and"
^XMB(3.6,179,3,3,0)="closed multiple times, a bulletin will be sent every time. The Name of the "
^XMB(3.6,179,3,4,0)="person closing the case is obtained from the DUZ for the user and the Date "
^XMB(3.6,179,3,5,0)="Closed is the system date when the user actually closed the case. New data"
^XMB(3.6,179,3,6,0)="fields HAVE NOT been created for this. The person who closed the case nor the"
^XMB(3.6,179,3,7,0)="Date Closed is stored."
^XMB(3.6,179,4,1,1,1,0)="Case Number of the case being closed"
^XMB(3.6,179,4,2,1,1,0)="This is the name of the user (DUZ) of the user who closed the case"
^XMB(3.6,179,4,3,1,1,0)="This is the date that the case was closed. It will always be the system date"
^XMB(3.6,179,4,3,1,2,0)="that the case was closed."
^XMB(3.6,180,0)="DGQE HL7ERR^VIC HL7 ERROR^^1"
^XMB(3.6,180,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,180,1,2,0)="* * * * V I C H L 7 E R R O R E N C O U N T E R E D * * * *"
^XMB(3.6,180,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,180,1,4,0)="A VIC General Order (ORM~O01) HL7 message has been rejected by the "
^XMB(3.6,180,1,5,0)="National Card Management Directory (NCMD) on |1|."
^XMB(3.6,180,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,180,1,7,0)=" Patient Name: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,180,1,8,0)=" NCMD Card ID: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,180,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,180,1,10,0)=" Action sent to NCMD: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,180,1,11,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,180,1,12,0)=" HL7 Message ID: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,180,1,13,0)=" Initial transmission date/time: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,180,3,1,0)="This bulletin is used to notify staff that a VIC General Order (ORM~O01) "
^XMB(3.6,180,3,2,0)="HL7 message has been rejected at the National Card Management Directory."
^XMB(3.6,180,4,1,1,1,0)="Time and date that the rejection message was received."
^XMB(3.6,180,4,2,1,1,0)="Patient's name."
^XMB(3.6,180,4,3,1,1,0)="Card ID assigned when the initial VIC request was transmitted to the "
^XMB(3.6,180,4,3,1,2,0)="NCMD. The Card ID acts as the primary identifier for a VIC request at "
^XMB(3.6,180,4,3,1,3,0)="the NCMD."
^XMB(3.6,180,4,4,1,1,0)="The order control code is the action that the originating HL7 message was "
^XMB(3.6,180,4,4,1,2,0)="communicating to the NCMD. The action can be one of two choices:"
^XMB(3.6,180,4,4,1,3,0)="1. RL - Release Previous Hold notifies the NCMD that the VIC request can "
^XMB(3.6,180,4,4,1,4,0)="now be processed by the NCMD."
^XMB(3.6,180,4,4,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,180,4,4,1,6,0)="2. CA - Cancel notifies the NCMD to cancel the VIC request."
^XMB(3.6,180,4,5,1,1,0)="The HL7 Message ID is the message number of the originating HL7 message."
^XMB(3.6,180,4,6,1,1,0)="This is the transmission date/time of the original HL7 message being"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,1,0)="Laboratory results on the following patient have been received via a HL7"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,2,0)="interface that indicate the results have been amended. Please use the"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,3,0)="appropriate laboratory option to amend these results on this system."
^XMB(3.6,181,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,181,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,181,1,6,0)=" Action: |14|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,181,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,181,1,9,0)=" Interface: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,10,0)=" File #62.49: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,11,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,181,1,12,0)=" Patient Name: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,13,0)=" Patient ID: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,14,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,181,1,15,0)=" Specimen ID: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,16,0)=" Collection D/T: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,17,0)=" Test/analyte: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,18,0)=" Producer: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,19,0)=" Producer's ID: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,20,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,181,1,21,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,181,1,22,0)=" Observation"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,23,0)=" -----------"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,24,0)=" Value: |10|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,25,0)=" Units: |11|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,26,0)=" Ref range: |12|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,27,0)=" Flags: |13|"
^XMB(3.6,181,1,28,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,181,3,1,0)="Mail bulletin created by Laboratory package when processing a LEDI"
^XMB(3.6,181,3,2,0)="interface type HL7 result (ORU) message which contains laboratory"
^XMB(3.6,181,3,3,0)="testing results that are flagged as amended."
^XMB(3.6,182,1,1,0)="An order status change has been received for a patient via a HL7 interface"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,2,0)="that indicates the order has been changed. Please use the appropriate"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,3,0)="laboratory option to update this order on this system."
^XMB(3.6,182,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,182,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,182,1,6,0)=" Action: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,182,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,182,1,9,0)=" Interface: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,10,0)=" File #62.49: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,11,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,182,1,12,0)=" Patient Name: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,13,0)=" Patient ID: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,14,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,182,1,15,0)=" Specimen ID: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,16,0)=" Collection D/T: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,17,0)=" Test/analyte: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,18,0)=" Producer's ID: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,19,0)=" Manifest: |10|"
^XMB(3.6,182,1,20,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,182,3,1,0)="Mail bulletin created by Laboratory package when processing a LEDI"
^XMB(3.6,182,3,2,0)="interface type HL7 message."
^XMB(3.6,182,3,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,182,3,4,0)="If an order acknowledgment (ORR) message which contains laboratory test"
^XMB(3.6,182,3,5,0)="order status changes that indicate the order is not correct or cannot"
^XMB(3.6,182,3,6,0)="be performed/completed."
^XMB(3.6,182,3,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,182,3,8,0)="If an order result (ORU) message and it indicates that a laboratory"
^XMB(3.6,182,3,9,0)="test has been added by the reference laboratory to the original order."
^XMB(3.6,183,1,1,0)="Laboratory results on the following patient have been received via a HL7"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,2,0)="interface that indicate the results have units and/or normals different"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,3,0)="from those specified in the LABORATORY TEST file (#60). Please use the"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,4,0)="appropriate laboratory option to review these units/normals on this system."
^XMB(3.6,183,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,183,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,183,1,7,0)=" Interface: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,8,0)=" File #62.49: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,183,1,10,0)=" Patient Name: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,11,0)=" Patient ID: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,12,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,183,1,13,0)=" Specimen ID: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,14,0)=" Collection D/T: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,15,0)=" Test/analyte: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,16,0)=" Producer: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,17,0)=" Producer's ID: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,18,0)=" File #60: |10|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,19,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,183,1,20,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,183,1,21,0)=" Observation"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,22,0)=" -----------"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,23,0)=" Units: |11|"
^XMB(3.6,183,1,24,0)=" Ref range: |12|"
^XMB(3.6,183,3,1,0)="Mail bulletin created by Laboratory package when processing a LEDI"
^XMB(3.6,183,3,2,0)="interface type HL7 result (ORU) message which contains laboratory"
^XMB(3.6,183,3,3,0)="test result units and/or normals different from values specified for"
^XMB(3.6,183,3,4,0)="test in LABORATORY TEST file (#60) and which are flagged to be used"
^XMB(3.6,183,3,5,0)="for reference testing purposes."
^XMB(3.6,184,1,1,0)="Laboratory results on the following patient have been received via a HL7"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,2,0)="interface that indicate the results are critical or abnormal. Please use"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,3,0)="the appropriate laboratory option to review these results on this system."
^XMB(3.6,184,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,184,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,184,1,6,0)=" Interface: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,7,0)=" File #62.49: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,184,1,9,0)=" Patient Name: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,10,0)=" Patient ID: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,11,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,184,1,12,0)=" Specimen ID: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,13,0)=" Collection D/T: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,14,0)=" Test/analyte: |7|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,15,0)=" Producer: |8|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,16,0)=" Producer's ID: |9|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,17,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,184,1,18,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,184,1,19,0)=" Observation"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,20,0)=" -----------"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,21,0)=" Value: |10|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,22,0)=" Units: |11|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,23,0)=" Ref range: |12|"
^XMB(3.6,184,1,24,0)=" Flags: |13|"
^XMB(3.6,184,3,1,0)="Mail bulletin created by Laboratory package when processing a LEDI"
^XMB(3.6,184,3,2,0)="interface type HL7 result (ORU) message which contains laboratory"
^XMB(3.6,184,3,3,0)="testing results that are flagged as critical or abnormal. Values"
^XMB(3.6,184,3,4,0)="that are critical will always trigger the alert and bulletin. Values"
^XMB(3.6,184,3,5,0)="that are abnormal low or high will be triggered when site has flagged"
^XMB(3.6,184,3,6,0)="the corresponding test in AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4), NOTIFY ABNORMAL"
^XMB(3.6,184,3,7,0)="FLAGS field (#22) within the CHEM TEST multiple (#30) for the interface."
^XMB(3.6,185,1,1,0)="An error occurred when attempting to process an XML message that was sent"
^XMB(3.6,185,1,2,0)="to an HDIS MailMan Server. The message was not deleted and left in the "
^XMB(3.6,185,1,3,0)="server basket."
^XMB(3.6,185,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,185,1,5,0)="Message Number : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,185,1,6,0)="Message Sender : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,185,1,7,0)="Server Option : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,185,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,185,1,9,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,185,3,1,0)="Bulletin is generated when a problem processing a received XML encoded "
^XMB(3.6,185,3,2,0)="message occurs."
^XMB(3.6,185,4,1,1,1,0)="Message number (XMZ) of problem message"
^XMB(3.6,185,4,2,1,1,0)="Sender (XMFROM) of problem message"
^XMB(3.6,185,4,3,1,1,0)="Server option problem message was sent to"
^XMB(3.6,186,0)="HDIS ERRORS^HDIS Error has occurred^10^0"
^XMB(3.6,186,1,1,0)="An error has occurred at |1|"
^XMB(3.6,186,1,2,0)="On |2|"
^XMB(3.6,186,1,3,0)="Error message: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,186,3,1,0)="Notification of an error occurring during HDIS VUID processing."
^XMB(3.6,186,4,1,1,1,0)="Station Name and number."
^XMB(3.6,186,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/time error occurred."
^XMB(3.6,186,4,3,1,1,0)="An Error has occurred at |1| On |2|. Error Message: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,187,0)="HDIS NOTIFY ERT^Site: |5| File: |6| in |4| ready for ERT Update^10^1"
^XMB(3.6,187,1,1,0)="Data Standardization VUID processing at |1| (in the |4| account) for file |2| was completed on |3|."
^XMB(3.6,187,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,187,1,3,0)="Site needs full file update as soon as possible."
^XMB(3.6,187,3,1,0)="Notifies ERT mailgroup that site needs file update for specific domain."
^XMB(3.6,187,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of facility."
^XMB(3.6,187,4,2,1,1,0)="File name and number being implemented."
^XMB(3.6,187,4,3,1,1,0)="Date/time of VUID processing completion."
^XMB(3.6,187,4,4,1,1,0)="Describes Test or Production account."
^XMB(3.6,187,4,5,1,1,0)="Site number."
^XMB(3.6,187,4,6,1,1,0)="File Number"
^XMB(3.6,188,0)="HDIS NOTIFY HDR^Site: |5|, File: |6| in |4| ready for HDR Triggers^10^1"
^XMB(3.6,188,1,1,0)="Data Standardization VUID processing at |1| (in the |4| account) for file |2| was"
^XMB(3.6,188,1,2,0)="completed on |3|. "
^XMB(3.6,188,1,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,188,1,4,0)="File is ready for activation of HDR Triggers."
^XMB(3.6,188,3,1,0)="Used to notify HDR personnel that a file at a specific site is ready"
^XMB(3.6,188,3,2,0)="for activation of the HDR Triggers."
^XMB(3.6,188,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of facility as well as Mailman Domain."
^XMB(3.6,188,4,2,1,1,0)="File name and number completed."
^XMB(3.6,188,4,3,1,1,0)="Date and time of completion."
^XMB(3.6,188,4,4,1,1,0)="Production or Test account."
^XMB(3.6,188,4,5,1,1,0)="Site Number."
^XMB(3.6,188,4,6,1,1,0)="File Number."
^XMB(3.6,189,1,1,0)="While |1|"
^XMB(3.6,189,1,2,0)="involving an item with DynaMed Doc ID #: |2|,"
^XMB(3.6,189,1,3,0)="the following error occurred: |3|."
^XMB(3.6,189,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,189,1,5,0)="The DynaMed DOC ID gets saved into the Audit file when a request is "
^XMB(3.6,189,1,6,0)="received from DynaMed and a RIL is built. This value is the key used"
^XMB(3.6,189,1,7,0)="to update Due-ins in Dynamed. Therefore "
^XMB(3.6,189,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,189,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,189,1,11,0)="The following data pertains to this transaction:"
^XMB(3.6,189,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be used by processes within the IFCAP-DynaMed "
^XMB(3.6,189,3,2,0)="interface software to notify Control Point Officials and Control Point "
^XMB(3.6,189,3,3,0)="Clerks when an error condition occurs. The error would occur while"
^XMB(3.6,189,3,4,0)="processing a DynaMed-originating item in a RIL, a 2237, or a Purchase"
^XMB(3.6,189,4,1,1,1,0)="action/event/identifier ex. ""canceling a line item during edit of 2237 "
^XMB(3.6,189,4,2,1,1,0)="DM Doc ID value"
^XMB(3.6,189,4,3,1,1,0)="error reason, for example ""an error updating the Audit file"" or ""the "
^XMB(3.6,189,4,3,1,2,0)="Audit file item was missing its DynaMed Doc ID value"""
^XMB(3.6,190,0)="OOPS EMPSIGNCA7^Employee signed CA7"
^XMB(3.6,190,1,1,0)="A CA7 has been signed by the employee."
^XMB(3.6,190,1,3,0)="Date of Injury/Illness: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,190,1,4,0)=" Case Number: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,190,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,190,1,6,0)="This is a reminder to the Workers' Compensation Staff that all CA-7s"
^XMB(3.6,190,1,7,0)="are to be submitted to the OWCP within 5 calendar days from the date "
^XMB(3.6,190,1,8,0)="the employee signed the form."
^XMB(3.6,190,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent to the WC mail group when the employee has successfully"
^XMB(3.6,190,3,2,0)="signed the CA7."
^XMB(3.6,190,4,1,1,1,0)="Date of Incident."
^XMB(3.6,190,4,2,1,1,0)="Case number."
^XMB(3.6,191,1,1,0)="The following error condition was reported:"
^XMB(3.6,191,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,191,1,3,0)="Patient Name : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,191,1,4,0)="Clinic : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,191,1,5,0)="Appt. Date/Time : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,191,1,6,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,191,1,7,0)="Message Type: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,191,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,191,3,1,0)="This bulletin is for posting error conditions that occur during the "
^XMB(3.6,191,3,2,0)="Scheduling API or PFSS Event Driver processes."
^XMB(3.6,191,4,1,1,1,0)="Patient Name"
^XMB(3.6,191,4,2,1,1,0)="Appointment Date Time"
^XMB(3.6,191,4,3,1,1,0)="Clinic Name"
^XMB(3.6,191,4,4,1,1,0)="HL7 Message Type"
^XMB(3.6,191,4,5,1,1,0)="Error Message"
^XMB(3.6,192,0)="OR DRUG ORDER CANCELLED^Drug Order Cancelled"
^XMB(3.6,192,1,1,0)="Drug Order Cancelled:"
^XMB(3.6,192,1,2,0)=" |1| (|2|)"
^XMB(3.6,192,1,3,0)="Patient: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,192,1,4,0)="Reason: Entered In Error"
^XMB(3.6,192,1,5,0)="Cancelled By: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,192,4,1,1,1,0)="order text"
^XMB(3.6,192,4,2,1,1,0)="order id"
^XMB(3.6,193,1,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,193,1,2,0)=" User name : |1|"
^XMB(3.6,193,1,3,0)=" Title : |2|"
^XMB(3.6,193,1,4,0)=" Service : |3|"
^XMB(3.6,193,1,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,193,1,6,0)="was deactivated on |4|."
^XMB(3.6,193,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be sent to an assigned mail Group when a user get "
^XMB(3.6,193,4,1,1,1,0)="Name of user who gets deactivated."
^XMB(3.6,193,4,4,1,1,0)="Date of user gets deactivated."
^XMB(3.6,194,0)="KMPD ECHO^CP Echo Server Error^1"
^XMB(3.6,194,1,1,0)="The 'CP Echo Server' [KMPD ECHO] encountered an error."
^XMB(3.6,194,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,194,1,3,0)=" Date/Time: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,194,1,4,0)=" Sender: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,194,1,5,0)=" Option name: |3|"
^XMB(3.6,194,1,6,0)=" Subject: |4|"
^XMB(3.6,194,1,7,0)=" Message #: |5|"
^XMB(3.6,194,1,8,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,194,1,9,0)=" Comments: |6|"
^XMB(3.6,194,3,1,0)="This bulletin is sent to the KMP-CAPMAN mail group when the 'CP Echo "
^XMB(3.6,194,3,2,0)="Server' [KMPD ECHO] encounters an error."
^XMB(3.6,194,4,1,1,1,0)="The date and time in human-readable form when the server request was "
^XMB(3.6,194,4,2,1,1,0)="The name of the sender of the server request."
^XMB(3.6,194,4,3,1,1,0)="The name of the option which was requested by Mailman."
^XMB(3.6,194,4,4,1,1,0)="The subject of the message which requested a server."
^XMB(3.6,194,4,5,1,1,0)="The internal number of the message requesting a server."
^XMB(3.6,194,4,6,1,1,0)="Comments appended to the bulletin. These may include errors trapped by "
^XMB(3.6,194,4,6,1,2,0)="the server software and/or the operating system, as well as general "
^XMB(3.6,194,4,6,1,3,0)="purpose messages."
^XMB(3.6,195,1,1,0)="Provider |1| was inactivated from position |2|"
^XMB(3.6,195,4,2,1,1,0)="Team Position"
^XMB(3.6,196,0)="TIU ENTERPRISE STANDARD TITLES^Enterprise Standard Title Deployment^21"
^XMB(3.6,196,1,1,0)=" *** TIU TITLE DEPLOYMENT COMPLETED ***"
^XMB(3.6,196,1,2,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,196,1,3,0)="The VHA Enterprise Standard Title Deployment has completed. The following"
^XMB(3.6,196,1,4,0)="is a listing of titles which were either activated or inactivated by the"
^XMB(3.6,196,1,5,0)="deployment. If the Clinical Applications Coordinator(s) at your facility "
^XMB(3.6,196,1,6,0)="are not among the recipients of this bulletin, please forward it to them."
^XMB(3.6,196,1,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,196,1,9,0)=" ====================================="
^XMB(3.6,196,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,196,1,11,0)=" DEPLOYMENT STARTED: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,196,1,12,0)="DEPLOYMENT COMPLETED: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,196,3,1,0)="This bulletin will be delivered to members of the TIU CAC and XUMF SERVER"
^XMB(3.6,196,3,2,0)="mail groups when a deployment of Enterprise Standard Titles modifies the"
^XMB(3.6,196,3,3,0)="activation status of one or more Titles."
^XMB(3.6,196,4,1,1,1,0)="Date/Time deployment started."
^XMB(3.6,196,4,2,1,1,0)="Date/Time deployment completed."
^XMB(3.6,197,0)="EN NON-SPACE FILE LOC^Non-Space File Location |2|^^0"
^XMB(3.6,197,1,1,0)="A new value has been entered in the NON-SPACE FILE LOCATION field of the "
^XMB(3.6,197,1,2,0)="EQUIPMENT INV. (#6914) file because an appropriate selection was not "
^XMB(3.6,197,1,3,0)="available in the ENG SPACE (#6928) file."
^XMB(3.6,197,1,4,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,197,1,5,0)="Please use the Enter New Room Space Data to create an appropriate location"
^XMB(3.6,197,1,6,0)="in the ENG SPACE file. Once an appropriate location is available, the"
^XMB(3.6,197,1,7,0)="LOCATION field of the equipment should be updated. The NON-SPACE FILE"
^XMB(3.6,197,1,8,0)="LOCATION field will be automatically deleted when the equipment location"
^XMB(3.6,197,1,9,0)="is changed."
^XMB(3.6,197,1,10,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,197,1,11,0)="Some sites may choose to respond to this message when the location is "
^XMB(3.6,197,1,12,0)="available so the requester can update the equipment record."
^XMB(3.6,197,1,13,0)=" "
^XMB(3.6,197,1,14,0)="NON-SPACE FILE LOCATION: |2|"
^XMB(3.6,197,1,15,0)="was entered for Equipment Entry #: |1|"
^XMB(3.6,197,1,16,0)="by |3| on |4|"
^XMB(3.6,197,3,1,0)="This bulletin is automatically generated when a value is entered in the "
^XMB(3.6,197,3,2,0)="NON-SPACE FILE LOCATION field of the EQUIPMENT INV. (#6914) file."
^XMB(3.6,197,4,1,1,1,0)="ENTRY NUMER field value from the EQUIPMENT INV. file."
^XMB(3.6,197,4,2,1,1,0)="NON-SPACE FILE LOCATION value field from the EQUIPMENT INV. file."
^XMB(3.6,197,4,3,1,1,0)="NON-SPACE FILE PERSON field from the EQUIPMENT INV. file."
^XMB(3.6,197,4,4,1,1,0)="NON-SPACE FILE DATE/TIME field from the EQUIPMENT INV. file."
^XMB(3.6,"B","ABSV SERVER",113)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DG CONSISTENCY",40)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DG EMBOSSER",37)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DG EMBOSSER1",38)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DG SENSITIVITY",39)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DG UNVERIFIED ELIG",41)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DGQE HL7ERR",180)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DGQE PHOTO CAPTURE",107)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DGRU HL7SND",144)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DGRU RAI ERROR",143)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DGRU REJECT",142)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DVB HINQ RESPONSE",61)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DVBA C 2507 EXAM READY",62)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DVBA C 2507 EXAM REOPENED",63)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DVBA C EDIT ADDRESS",65)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","DVBA C NEW C&P VETERAN",64)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","EAS MTCOMPLETION",169)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","EN NEW EQUIPMENT",33)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","EN NON-SPACE FILE LOC",197)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","ESP UOR COMPLETED",84)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","ESP VACO 48 HR CRITERIA",86)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","FBAA BATCH PURGE",71)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","FBAA PURGE",70)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","GMRA MARK CHART",49)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","GMRA P&T COMMITTEE FDA",51)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","HDIS ERRORS",186)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","HDIS NOTIFY ERT",187)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","HDIS NOTIFY HDR",188)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","KMPD ECHO",194)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OCX COMPILER RUN",128)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS BILL OF RIGHTS",121)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS CASE",118)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS CONSENT",165)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS EMPLOYEE",120)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS EMPSIGNCA7",190)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS SAFETY",119)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS SENSITIVE DATA",177)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS SUPERVISOR",122)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS WC EDITED",160)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS WC SIGNED",162)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS WCPBOR",164)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OOPS WORKERS COMP",161)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","OR FLAGGED ORDER",36)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","PRCH GPF",124)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","PRCHQ 843 UPDATE VENDOR INFO",106)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","PRCHQ 864 ERROR",105)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","PRCHQ 864 NORMAL",104)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","PRS LAST SAT OT/CT",114)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","PRS UPDATE CCORG",68)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","PRSA LV TK",67)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","PSX CMOP",60)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","QAM MONITOR TOOL 1",88)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","QAM MONITOR TOOL 2",89)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","RMPFMESSAGE (ASPS)",90)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","RMPFMESSAGE (PSAS)",92)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","RT CANCELED REQ",58)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","RT MISSING RECORD",57)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","RT RECORD DELETION",56)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","RT RECORD FOUND",54)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","SD API ERROR NOTICE",191)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","VAFH ADT/HL7 ERROR",115)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XDR ERROR",27)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XDR MERGED",26)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XDR VERIFIED",25)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM BANNER MESSAGE",15)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM DATE PURGE WARNING",159)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM DOMAIN ADDED",148)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM FWD ADDRESS CHANGE",170)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM FWD ADDRESS CHECK",173)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM FWD ADDRESS DELETE",136)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM GROUP EDIT NOTIFY",158)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM GROUP ERROR",137)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM RELAY ATTEMPTED",178)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM SEND ERR MSG",135)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM SEND ERR RECIPIENT",132)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM SEND ERR REMOTE MSG ID",134)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM SEND ERR SERVER MSG",133)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM SUPER SEARCH",145)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XM TOO MANY MESSAGES",172)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XUMF ERROR",167)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XUMF INSTITUTION",166)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","XUSSPKI CRL SERVER",176)=""
^XMB(3.6,"B","YS PSYCHTEST",66)=""
^XMB(3.7,1,2,4,0)="STILL NEED TO INSTALL^0"
^XMB(3.7,1,2,6,0)="ENTERED IN ERROR"
^XMB(3.7,1,2,9,0)="MAKE FOIA BLD FILES^0"
^XMB(3.7,1,2,"B","ENTERED IN ERROR",6)=""
^XMB(3.7,1,2,"B","MAKE FOIA BLD FILES",9)=""
^XMB(3.7,1,2,"B","STILL NEED TO INSTALL",4)=""
^XMB(3.7,3,"L")="29 Nov 99 16:03^2991129^3"
^XMB(3.8,0)="MAIL GROUP^3.8^248^237"
^XMB(3.8,2,0)="EN PROJECTS^PU^y^^^"
^XMB(3.8,2,2,1,0)="Receive's Project Planning messages from the Regional Construction Database"
^XMB(3.8,3,2,1,0)="Receives confirmation messages from Austin Postmaster for"
^XMB(3.8,3,2,2,0)="messages sent by the Engineering package (via Generic"
^XMB(3.8,3,2,3,0)="Code Sheet) to Domain Q-FAM.VA.GOV (Fixed Assets)."
^XMB(3.8,4,0)="IB NEW INSURANCE^PU^^1^3050204"
^XMB(3.8,4,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive notification whenever a new insurance policy is added."
^XMB(3.8,5,2,1,0)="This mail group will be automatically mailed the IB Unbilled Amounts"
^XMB(3.8,5,2,2,0)="report each month."
^XMB(3.8,7,0)="GMRA MARK CHART^PU^y^^^"
^XMB(3.8,7,2,1,0)="This is a list of users who will need to mark a patient's chart that an adverse reaction/allergy was recorded. "
^XMB(3.8,8,2,1,0)="This is a complete list of all the verifiers who will need to be sent Drug reaction information."
^XMB(3.8,9,2,1,0)="This is a complete list of all the verifiers who will need to be sent Food reaction information."
^XMB(3.8,10,2,1,0)="This is a complete list of all the verifiers who will need to be sent Other reaction information."
^XMB(3.8,11,0)="GMRA P&T COMMITTEE FDA^PU^y^^^"
^XMB(3.8,11,2,1,0)="This mail group contains the members of the Pharmacy and Therapeutic (P&T) committee. Whenever an agent is signed off the committee will get a message. "
^XMB(3.8,12,0)="VAQ PDX ERRORS^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,12,2,1,0)="Mail group that will receive any recoverable errors that occur"
^XMB(3.8,12,2,2,0)="when using PDX. These errors will generally happen when a PDX"
^XMB(3.8,12,2,3,0)="message can not be properly received by the PDX Server or when"
^XMB(3.8,12,2,4,0)="a PDX message can not be properly created by the PDX Transmitter."
^XMB(3.8,12,2,5,0)="This group will typically consist of the ADPAC(s) and IRM personnel"
^XMB(3.8,12,2,6,0)="responsible for PDX."
^XMB(3.8,13,2,1,0)="Mail group that will receive notification of a PDX Request that"
^XMB(3.8,13,2,2,0)="has been received and requires manual processing. This group"
^XMB(3.8,13,2,3,0)="will typically consist of users that authorize the release of"
^XMB(3.8,13,2,4,0)="patient data to other facilities."
^XMB(3.8,14,2,1,0)="Mail group that will receive notification when an Unsolicited"
^XMB(3.8,14,2,2,0)="PDX has been received. This group will typically consist of"
^XMB(3.8,14,2,3,0)="users that receive patient data from other facilities."
^XMB(3.8,17,2,1,0)="Used to alert users of problems encountered with the Prescription Practices Utilities."
^XMB(3.8,19,0)="SD PM NOTIFICATION^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,19,2,1,0)="Mail group for local receipt of Performance Measure access extracts."
^XMB(3.8,20,2,1,0)="This mail group will recieve automatic notification via alert if taskman"
^XMB(3.8,20,2,2,0)="is running when the classification or manhour AMIS acuity batch jobs are"
^XMB(3.8,20,2,3,0)="not run to completion."
^XMB(3.8,21,0)="IBQ ROLLUP^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,21,2,1,0)="This mail group will automatically alert UR persons that entries"
^XMB(3.8,21,2,2,0)="are ready for/or received transmition."
^XMB(3.8,22,2,1,0)="Contains members to receive IVM HL7 transmissions"
^XMB(3.8,22,6,1,0)="S.HL SERVER@BIVM.VA.GOV"
^XMB(3.8,22,6,"B","S.HL SERVER@BIVM.VA.GOV",1)=""
^XMB(3.8,23,0)="IVM MESSAGES^PU^n"
^XMB(3.8,23,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive messages pertaining to erroneous data"
^XMB(3.8,23,2,2,0)="transmitted to the IVM Center and for data to be uploaded from the IVM"
^XMB(3.8,24,0)="MC MESSAGING SERVER^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,25,0)="SCDX AMBCARE TO NPCDB^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,25,2,1,0)="Mail Group used by the Ambulatory Care Reporting Project to"
^XMB(3.8,25,2,2,0)="transmit data to the National Patient Care Database via HL7"
^XMB(3.8,28,2,1,0)="This mail group was added for use in the Police and Security package."
^XMB(3.8,28,2,2,0)="It will receive confirmation messages from Q-VAP where the crime"
^XMB(3.8,28,2,3,0)="reports are sent."
^XMB(3.8,33,0)="RMPF ROES UPDATES (ASPS)^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,34,0)="RMPF ROES UPDATES (PSAS)^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,35,0)="PRCHQ RFQ^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,35,2,1,0)="This Mail Group gets bulletins sent from vendors and filing errors."
^XMB(3.8,37,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to notify DHCP staff of problems with the VIC card"
^XMB(3.8,37,2,2,0)="application (DGQE)."
^XMB(3.8,39,2,1,0)="This mail group is used for the transmission of HL7 messages derived from "
^XMB(3.8,39,2,2,0)="the parameters defined in the EMERGING PATHOGEN file (#69.5) to the "
^XMB(3.8,39,2,3,0)="Austin Automation Center. This mail group will also receive Confirmation "
^XMB(3.8,39,2,4,0)="and Processing Report Messages from Austin."
^XMB(3.8,39,6,1,0)="S.HL V16 SERVER@DEV"
^XMB(3.8,39,6,"B","S.HL V16 SERVER@DEV",1)=""
^XMB(3.8,40,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to deliver a formatted report taken from the "
^XMB(3.8,40,2,2,0)="HL7 message that is created to assist in the verification of data."
^XMB(3.8,41,2,1,0)="This mail group receives mail messages containing the Quarterly Report for"
^XMB(3.8,41,2,2,0)="Surgical Service, VHA Headquarters. This mail group receives an"
^XMB(3.8,41,2,3,0)="acknowledgment message from the national database when the transmitted"
^XMB(3.8,41,2,4,0)="Quarterly Report is received. Also, this group may receive alerts and"
^XMB(3.8,41,2,5,0)="other mail messages relating to the Quarterly Report."
^XMB(3.8,42,0)="NDF DATA^PU^n^176^3080722^^1"
^XMB(3.8,42,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive information about updates to NDF."
^XMB(3.8,43,0)="RC RC REFERRALS^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,43,2,1,0)="This mail group is for the Accounts Receivable bills that are"
^XMB(3.8,43,2,2,0)="referred to the Regional Counsel Office. The users in this "
^XMB(3.8,43,2,3,0)="mail group should be responsible for the coordination"
^XMB(3.8,43,2,4,0)="of bills referred to RC."
^XMB(3.8,43,2,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.8,43,2,6,0)="Each RC will have a mailgroup established with the same name."
^XMB(3.8,44,0)="PRPF BULLETINS^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,44,2,1,0)="This Mail Group contains the names of user to receive messages from"
^XMB(3.8,44,2,2,0)="the Patient Funds Package."
^XMB(3.8,45,0)="DGPRE PRE-REG STAFF^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,45,2,1,0)="Mail group for pre-registration notifications"
^XMB(3.8,46,0)="LAB REPORT^PU^^^^^"
^XMB(3.8,46,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to transmit and receive the interim report."
^XMB(3.8,49,0)="IB CHAMP RX REJ^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,49,2,1,0)="This mailgroup is used to report billing transactions rejected"
^XMB(3.8,49,2,2,0)="from the CHAMPUS fiscal intermediary."
^XMB(3.8,50,0)="IB CHAMP RX REV^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,50,2,1,0)="This mailgroup is used to report cancellation transactions rejected"
^XMB(3.8,50,2,2,0)="from the CHAMPUS fiscal intermediary."
^XMB(3.8,51,0)="IB CHAMP RX START^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,51,2,1,0)="This is used to report when the CHAMPUS billing engines have"
^XMB(3.8,51,2,2,0)="been started. It also reports when AWP updates are received."
^XMB(3.8,52,2,1,0)="This group is used to receive messages from Austin regarding DMC Weekly"
^XMB(3.8,53,2,1,0)="This group is used to receive messages from Austin regarding DMC Master"
^XMB(3.8,56,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,56,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,57,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,57,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,58,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,58,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,59,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,59,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,60,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,60,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,61,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,61,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,62,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,62,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,63,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,63,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,64,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,64,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,65,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,65,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,66,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,66,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,67,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,67,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,68,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,68,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,69,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,69,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,70,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,70,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,71,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,71,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,72,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,72,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,73,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,73,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,74,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,74,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,75,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,75,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,76,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts."
^XMB(3.8,76,2,2,0)="A message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,77,0)="VAFH ADT/HL7^PU^y^^^^"
^XMB(3.8,78,0)="LAB MESSAGING^PU^y^^^"
^XMB(3.8,78,2,1,0)="This mail group is used by the LAB MESSAGING package to notify appropiate Lab"
^XMB(3.8,78,2,2,0)="and IRM staff of conditions affecting LAB MESSAGING that may need corrective"
^XMB(3.8,79,0)="ABSV TEST SITES^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,80,0)="ABSV BETA^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,81,0)="OOPS SAFETY^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,81,2,1,0)="This group should contain the Safety Officer(s) for the site. This group"
^XMB(3.8,81,2,2,0)="receives a message everytime there is an injury or illness reported and"
^XMB(3.8,81,2,3,0)="when the supervisor signs off on the 2162."
^XMB(3.8,82,0)="OOPS INJURY^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,82,2,1,0)="This mail group should contain members from Human Resources Management,"
^XMB(3.8,82,2,2,0)="Compensation Specialists, that manage the CA-1 and CA-2 forms. Whenever"
^XMB(3.8,82,2,3,0)="an injury or illness is reported, a message is sent to this mail group."
^XMB(3.8,83,0)="OOPS EH^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,83,2,1,0)="This mail group should contain members from Employee Health and Infection"
^XMB(3.8,83,2,2,0)="Control. This group will receive a message whenever there is an incident"
^XMB(3.8,83,2,3,0)="involving Exposure to Body Fluids, Needlesticks, or Sharps Exposures."
^XMB(3.8,84,0)="OOPS UNION^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,84,2,1,0)="This mail group should contain union representatives that monitor the CA-1"
^XMB(3.8,84,2,2,0)="and CA-2 forms. Whenever an injury or illness is reported, a message is"
^XMB(3.8,84,2,3,0)="sent to this mail group."
^XMB(3.8,85,0)="SRHL DISCREPANCY^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,85,2,1,0)="This mail group is used by the Surgery Interface ORU receiver routine to"
^XMB(3.8,85,2,2,0)="report message discrepancies. The discrepancies will include invalid file"
^XMB(3.8,85,2,3,0)="values for certain files, as well as invalid text identifiers from the"
^XMB(3.8,85,2,4,0)="SURGERY INTERFACE PARAMETER file (#133.2)."
^XMB(3.8,86,0)="SPNL SCD COORDINATOR^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,87,0)="LR NCH^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,87,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to transmit HL7 messages to and recieve"
^XMB(3.8,87,2,2,0)="acknowledgement messages from the Austin Automation Center."
^XMB(3.8,88,0)="LR NCH-REPORT^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,88,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to deliver NCH verification reports. These reports"
^XMB(3.8,88,2,2,0)="are the human readable format taken from the NCH HL7 message that was sent"
^XMB(3.8,88,2,3,0)="to the Austin Automation Center."
^XMB(3.8,89,2,1,0)="This Mail Group contains users responsible for DSS Extracts in general"
^XMB(3.8,89,2,2,0)="and (specifically) the prosthetics extract."
^XMB(3.8,90,0)="NPTF HL7 MESSAGES^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,90,2,1,0)="Mail group used for transmission of inpatient ADT/R information to the"
^XMB(3.8,90,2,2,0)="National Patient Care Database."
^XMB(3.8,90,2,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.8,91,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive confirmation messages from the Q-NPP domain"
^XMB(3.8,91,2,2,0)="located at the Austin Automation Center."
^XMB(3.8,92,0)="DGEN ELIGIBILITY ALERT^PU^y^1^3061227^^1"
^XMB(3.8,92,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to notify the local site of problems discovered"
^XMB(3.8,92,2,2,0)="during the upload of enrollment/eligibility data received from HEC. "
^XMB(3.8,92,2,4,0)="It is also used by HEC to communicate directly with the local site"
^XMB(3.8,92,2,5,0)="about a patient's enrollment and eligibility."
^XMB(3.8,93,0)="PSJ-ORDERS REINSTATED^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,93,2,1,0)="Members of this mail group will receive a message listing medications"
^XMB(3.8,93,2,2,0)="reinstated when a patient transfer or discharge is deleted."
^XMB(3.8,94,0)="PHARMACY PRIME VENDOR^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,94,2,1,0)="This patch creates the PHARMACY PRIME VENDOR mail group. The Prime Vendor"
^XMB(3.8,94,2,2,0)="Line Item Report will be sent to this mail group from the Austin"
^XMB(3.8,94,2,3,0)="Automation Center twice per week."
^XMB(3.8,95,0)="YS GAF TO NPCD^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,95,2,1,0)="This mail group is being used by Mental Health to transmit data to the National"
^XMB(3.8,95,2,2,0)="Patient Care Database via HL7."
^XMB(3.8,96,0)="YS GAF TRANSMISSION ACK^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,96,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive a message when a GAF score is transmitted to the"
^XMB(3.8,96,2,2,0)="National Patient Care Database or an error in the transmission has occurred."
^XMB(3.8,97,3)=" "
^XMB(3.8,98,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive messages for all Capacity Management packages"
^XMB(3.8,98,2,2,0)="(SAGG, RUM)."
^XMB(3.8,99,0)="RMPR INVENTORY^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,99,2,1,0)="This is a mail group that will receive messages from Prosthetics Inventory"
^XMB(3.8,100,0)="OCX DEVELOPERS^^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,101,0)="RC AR DATA COLLECTOR^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,101,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to transmit the reports generated by the"
^XMB(3.8,101,2,2,0)="AR Data Collector."
^XMB(3.8,102,0)="DGMST TO NPCD^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,102,2,1,0)="This is a test mail group for the MST status transmission"
^XMB(3.8,103,0)="SC CLINIC WAIT TIME^PU^y^423^3080705^^1"
^XMB(3.8,103,2,1,0)="This mail group receives summary bulletins from the 'Clinic Appointment"
^XMB(3.8,103,2,2,0)="Waiting Time Extract' distributed in patch SD*5.3*192."
^XMB(3.8,104,2,1,0)="This mail group should contain person(s) responsible for ensuring"
^XMB(3.8,104,2,2,0)="the integrity of the Patient Information Management System (PIMS)"
^XMB(3.8,104,2,3,0)="data. The members of this group will be notified upon login that"
^XMB(3.8,104,2,4,0)="there are patients awaiting review."
^XMB(3.8,105,0)="RG CIRN HL7 PROBLEMS^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,105,2,1,0)="This is the mail group that will receive notifications of problems that"
^XMB(3.8,105,2,2,0)="CIRN has when interacting with the VISTA HL7 package."
^XMB(3.8,106,0)="MPIF HL7 GROUP^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,106,2,1,0)="This is the mail group that is used to send HL7 messags via the MailMan"
^XMB(3.8,106,2,2,0)="protocol to the MPI in Austin."
^XMB(3.8,106,6,"B","S.HL V16 SERVER@MPI.ISC-ALBANY",1)=""
^XMB(3.8,107,0)="MPIF CMOR REQUEST^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,107,2,1,0)="The members of this group will receive mail that there may be a"
^XMB(3.8,107,2,2,0)="problem with a CIRN Master of Record Requests either from another"
^XMB(3.8,107,2,3,0)="facility or to another facility."
^XMB(3.8,108,0)="MPIF EXCEPTIONS^PU^^2^3010228^^1"
^XMB(3.8,108,2,1,0)="MPI Exception Messages to be addressed. These messages are all technical"
^XMB(3.8,108,2,2,0)="in nature, involving problems with HL7 messages or conflicts with CMORs or"
^XMB(3.8,108,2,3,0)="ICN not found. There normally isn't anything the site can do about these,"
^XMB(3.8,108,2,4,0)="so these messages are sent to a remote mail group. The remote mail group"
^XMB(3.8,108,2,5,0)="G.CIRN EXCEPTION MGT@FORUM.VA.GOV gets the messages instead of local"
^XMB(3.8,108,2,6,0)="members. If necessary, the remote mail group members will contact the"
^XMB(3.8,108,2,7,0)="site's personnel for assistance."
^XMB(3.8,108,6,"B","G.CIRN EXCEPTION MGT@FORUM.VA.",1)=""
^XMB(3.8,109,0)="DGEN EGT UPDATES^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,109,2,1,0)="This mail group will be used to notify members of an Enrollment Group Threshold (EGT) setting change."
^XMB(3.8,110,2,1,0)="Mail group used by the SCD hl7 interface to transmit data to the National"
^XMB(3.8,110,2,2,0)="SCD registry"
^XMB(3.8,111,0)="PCMM AUSTIN REPORTS^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,111,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive PCMM HL7 reject messages from Austin."
^XMB(3.8,112,0)="PCMM HL7 MESSAGES^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,112,2,1,0)="Repository for PCMM Primary Care HL7 messages."
^XMB(3.8,112,2,2,0)="Make Austin a member of this mail group so these HL7 messages"
^XMB(3.8,112,2,3,0)="are transmitted to the NPCD."
^XMB(3.8,113,0)="DG MISSING NEW PERSON SSN^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,113,2,1,0)="Members of this mail group will receive a message if a user is attempting"
^XMB(3.8,113,2,2,0)="to access a PATIENT (#2) file entry and he/she do not have a social"
^XMB(3.8,113,2,3,0)="security number assigned in the NEW PERSON (#200) file."
^XMB(3.8,114,0)="DGMT MT/CT UPLOAD ALERTS^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,114,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to notify the local site of detailed changes about"
^XMB(3.8,114,2,2,0)="the patient's Means and Copay Test status changes including hardships."
^XMB(3.8,115,0)="RCDP PAYMENTS^PU^n^7^3020327^^1"
^XMB(3.8,115,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to send payment processing information messages."
^XMB(3.8,116,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts. A"
^XMB(3.8,116,2,2,0)="message is sent to this group upon completion of package extracts."
^XMB(3.8,117,0)="OOPS NDB MESSAGES^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,117,2,1,0)="This group should contain the individuals who should receive any messages"
^XMB(3.8,117,2,2,0)="regarding the transmission of ASISTS 2162 data to the AAC or from the AAC. "
^XMB(3.8,118,0)="CARELIFE RESULT ERROR^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,118,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive messages concerning errors with the results"
^XMB(3.8,118,2,2,0)="from the CareVue system."
^XMB(3.8,120,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive confirmation and reject messages from Austin"
^XMB(3.8,120,2,2,0)="for TOP transmissions."
^XMB(3.8,121,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to notify the local site that PCMM HL7"
^XMB(3.8,121,2,2,0)="Transmission errors were received from the Austin Automation Center (AAC)."
^XMB(3.8,122,0)="DGRU ADT/HL7^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,122,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive HL7 transmission messages for the Resident"
^XMB(3.8,122,2,2,0)="Assessment Instrument / Minimum Data Set - Vendor HL7 Interface"
^XMB(3.8,123,0)="DGRU RAI NOTIFICATION^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,123,2,1,0)="Mail group to receive RAI/MDS notifications"
^XMB(3.8,124,0)="XM SUPER SEARCH^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,1,0)="This mail group is sent a bulletin whenever someone conducts a Super"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,2,0)="Search using the XM SUPER SEARCH option. The bulletin tells who"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,3,0)="conducted the search and what search criteria were used."
^XMB(3.8,124,2,5,0)="Members of this mail group should be anyone who ought to be notified"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,6,0)="whenever a Super Search is conducted. At an absolute minimum, the"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,7,0)="site ISO and alternate ISO(s) should be members. There should be"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,8,0)="enough responsible members of the group so that a certain level of"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,9,0)="comfort is achieved that the Super Searches will only be conducted"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,10,0)="for just cause. The more people there are, who are aware that a"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,11,0)="Super Search has been conducted, the less likely it is that the"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,12,0)="capability will be abused."
^XMB(3.8,124,2,13,0)=" "
^XMB(3.8,124,2,14,0)="The site Information Security Officer should be the coordinator of"
^XMB(3.8,124,2,15,0)="this group."
^XMB(3.8,125,2,1,0)="This is the mail group for ISMS transactions to IFCAP."
^XMB(3.8,126,2,1,0)="This is the mail group for FMS transactions to IFCAP."
^XMB(3.8,127,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to notify A&MM that an amendment is Pending"
^XMB(3.8,127,2,2,0)="Fiscal Action for 4 or more days."
^XMB(3.8,128,2,1,0)="Members of this group are notified whenever an obligation"
^XMB(3.8,128,2,2,0)="amount is decreased through use of the ""Obligate Data"" option."
^XMB(3.8,128,2,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.8,128,2,4,0)="This mail group is also used to notify Fiscal when the"
^XMB(3.8,128,2,5,0)="delivery date has been changed in a Purchase Order by"
^XMB(3.8,128,2,6,0)="A&MM Service."
^XMB(3.8,128,2,7,0)=" "
^XMB(3.8,128,2,8,0)="This mail group is used to notify Fiscal when an amendment has been"
^XMB(3.8,128,2,9,0)="Pending Fiscal Action for 4 or more days."
^XMB(3.8,129,0)="OGR AUSTIN MESSAGES^PU^n^^^"
^XMB(3.8,129,2,1,0)=" "
^XMB(3.8,130,2,1,0)="This mail group will be used to receive the electronic reception of the"
^XMB(3.8,130,2,2,0)="daily Purchase Card Bills as well as other daily, monthly or quarterly"
^XMB(3.8,130,2,3,0)="messages from the vendor bank concerning the Purchase Card Program."
^XMB(3.8,132,2,1,0)="This is the mail group for confirmation messages from Q-LOG."
^XMB(3.8,133,2,1,0)="Mail group to receive any notification messages on incoming"
^XMB(3.8,133,2,2,0)="web-based 1010EZ submission entries."
^XMB(3.8,134,0)="RC REPAY PLANS^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,135,0)="OOPS WCP^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,135,2,1,0)="This mail group contains members from Worker's Compensation. This group will"
^XMB(3.8,135,2,2,0)="receive notification whenever the Supervisor signs a CA1/CA2 claim."
^XMB(3.8,136,0)="OOPS WC MESSAGE^PU^^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,136,2,1,0)="This group will receive messages regarding the transmission of CA1/CA2 data to"
^XMB(3.8,136,2,2,0)="the AAC."
^XMB(3.8,137,0)="IB RX COPAY CAP ERROR^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,137,2,1,0)="This mail group receives error messages when a cap tracking transaction"
^XMB(3.8,137,2,2,0)="from file 354.71 cannot be transmitted to at least one of the patient's"
^XMB(3.8,137,2,3,0)="treating facilities for at least 2 days."
^XMB(3.8,138,0)="XUMF SERVER^PU^^14^3080313^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,138,2,1,0)="This mail group receives messages related to the Master File Server."
^XMB(3.8,138,3)=" "
^XMB(3.8,139,0)="XUMF INSTITUTION^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,139,2,1,0)="This mail group notifies members of update messages received from the Master"
^XMB(3.8,139,2,2,0)="File Server related to the INSTITUTION (#4) file."
^XMB(3.8,139,3)=" "
^XMB(3.8,140,0)="OFFLINE IMAGE TRACKERS^PU^^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,140,2,1,0)="Mail group to send messages regarding accessing images on offline"
^XMB(3.8,140,2,2,0)="jukebox platters."
^XMB(3.8,141,0)="MAG SERVER^PU^y^123^3080724^0"
^XMB(3.8,141,2,1,0)="Mail group to manage Image activity messages."
^XMB(3.8,142,2,1,0)="This mail group receives incoming messages, acknowledgements, and notifications"
^XMB(3.8,142,2,2,0)="from the HEC on the Veteran Site Extract merge at the HEC."
^XMB(3.8,143,0)="SC CWT EXTRACT MONITOR^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,143,2,1,0)="If defined, members of this mail group will receive the messages which"
^XMB(3.8,143,2,2,0)="contain the raw data sent to Austin as a part of the Clinic Wait Time"
^XMB(3.8,143,2,3,0)="extract. It facilitates the occasional monotoring of this process if"
^XMB(3.8,143,2,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.8,143,2,6,0)="This mail group should not normally have members defined. The presence of"
^XMB(3.8,143,2,7,0)="defined members will result in extract messages being stored in the local"
^XMB(3.8,143,2,8,0)="MESSAGE (#3.9) file. Storage of these messages locally will not occur if"
^XMB(3.8,143,2,9,0)="there are no local recipients."
^XMB(3.8,144,0)="AFJX PATID FILTER BLOCK^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,144,2,1,0)="If the patient ID filter blocks an incoming data request because it"
^XMB(3.8,144,2,2,0)="detected possible invalid health summary data, a warning is sent to"
^XMB(3.8,144,2,3,0)="members of this group."
^XMB(3.8,145,0)="EAS MEANS TEST SIGNATURE^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,145,2,1,0)="This mail group has been established to receive messages from HEC"
^XMB(3.8,145,2,2,0)="regarding veterans Means Test Signature status. "
^XMB(3.8,146,0)="PSA NDC UPDATES^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,146,2,1,0)=" This mail group is accessed to determine who should be notified by the"
^XMB(3.8,146,2,2,0)=" Drug Accountability software when an items price or NDC has changed."
^XMB(3.8,147,0)="PSA REORDER LEVEL^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,147,2,1,0)=" This mail group contains the personnel who are to receive the message"
^XMB(3.8,147,2,2,0)=" generated for the drugs whose stock level has fallen below the reorder"
^XMB(3.8,147,2,3,0)=" level. Previously, anyone holding the PSA ORDERS key would receive this"
^XMB(3.8,147,2,4,0)=" message."
^XMB(3.8,148,2,1,0)="Members of this mail group will be used to receive the ASI Case Finder Report."
^XMB(3.8,149,0)="RMPR PCE^PU^y^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,149,2,1,0)="This is a mail group that receives the prosthetics PCE messages."
^XMB(3.8,150,2,1,0)="This mail group will be used to deliver messages regarding Inter-facility"
^XMB(3.8,150,2,2,0)="Consult errors due to unknown patients."
^XMB(3.8,151,0)="IFC CLIN ERRORS^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,151,2,1,0)="The members of this mail group will receive Kernel alerts when "
^XMB(3.8,151,2,2,0)="Inter-facility consult transactions fail for reasons most likely due to "
^XMB(3.8,151,2,3,0)="improper setup or implementation."
^XMB(3.8,152,0)="IFC TECH ERRORS^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,152,2,1,0)="The members of this mail group will receive Kernel alerts when "
^XMB(3.8,152,2,2,0)="Inter-facility consult transactions fail due to technical problems with "
^XMB(3.8,152,2,3,0)="network connectivity or VistA HL7. "
^XMB(3.8,153,0)="IB EDI^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,153,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive error and confirmation messages dealing with"
^XMB(3.8,153,2,2,0)="EDI transmissions and return messages for IB."
^XMB(3.8,154,0)="IB EDI SUPERVISOR^PU^n^2^3071212^^1"
^XMB(3.8,154,2,1,0)="The members of this mail group will be the recipients of mail messages"
^XMB(3.8,154,2,2,0)="containing reports that cannot be divided by claim or batch that are sent by"
^XMB(3.8,154,2,3,0)="the clearinghouse for EDI."
^XMB(3.8,155,0)="EAS MTLETTERS^PU^y^2^3030715^^1"
^XMB(3.8,155,2,1,0)="Mail group for EAS automated Means Test letters statistics and reports"
^XMB(3.8,156,2,1,0)="Members of this mail group will receive notifications related to the"
^XMB(3.8,156,2,2,0)="Austin web-based Missing Patient Register application."
^XMB(3.8,157,0)="IBCI GENERAL ERROR^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,157,2,1,0)="The members of this mail group receive messages during the ClaimsManager"
^XMB(3.8,157,2,2,0)="Multiple Claim send option when bills have ClaimsManager errors."
^XMB(3.8,158,2,1,0)="The members of this mail group receive messages when there is a "
^XMB(3.8,158,2,2,0)="communication failure between the ClaimsManager server and VistA."
^XMB(3.8,159,2,1,0)="This mail group receives incoming messages, acknowledgements, and notifications"
^XMB(3.8,159,2,2,0)="from the HEC on the Veteran Site MPI seeding at the HEC."
^XMB(3.8,160,0)="IB LTC 1010EC MISSING^PU^n^1^3021025^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,160,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive messages when LTC care is provided to a "
^XMB(3.8,160,2,2,0)="patient and the patient has no 1010EC information on file."
^XMB(3.8,161,0)="IB LTC BACK BILLING^PU^n^1^3021025^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,161,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive messages when a patient has a change of LTC "
^XMB(3.8,161,2,2,0)="care (new, edit, deletion) that is after monthly LTC processing has "
^XMB(3.8,161,2,3,0)="occurred. The message indicates that there is a possible LTC Back"
^XMB(3.8,161,2,4,0)="Billing issue."
^XMB(3.8,162,2,1,0)="This mailgroup was created by patch TIU*1*146. It must remain. It was "
^XMB(3.8,162,2,2,0)="created as a mechanism to update key staff when patient safety-related "
^XMB(3.8,162,2,3,0)="information is distributed. The name must not change as it is used by "
^XMB(3.8,162,2,4,0)="the National Center for Patient Safety when distributing some "
^XMB(3.8,162,2,5,0)="informational bulletins."
^XMB(3.8,163,0)="XUHUI CHANGE EVENT^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,163,2,1,0)="This is the mail group that will receive messages from the HUI event of "
^XMB(3.8,163,2,2,0)="changes either to New Person record for a Provider or if the Provider key "
^XMB(3.8,163,2,3,0)="is allocated or de-allocated."
^XMB(3.8,164,0)="SD WAIT LIST TRANS TO AAC^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,165,2,1,0)="Repository for PCMM Primary Care Workload HL7 messages."
^XMB(3.8,165,2,2,0)="Make Austin a member of this mail group so these HL7 messages"
^XMB(3.8,165,2,3,0)="are transmitted to the NPCD."
^XMB(3.8,166,0)="RMIM FSOD^PU^n^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,166,2,1,0)="FIM COORDINATORS Mail Group."
^XMB(3.8,167,0)="RMIM FSOD TRANSMISSION^PU^n^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,167,2,1,0)="This mail group is used for the transmission of FIM data to the FSOD database"
^XMB(3.8,167,2,2,0)="in Austin. No members need to be in this group. The mail group should"
^XMB(3.8,167,2,3,0)="have REMOTE MEMBER: XXX@Q-FIM.MED.VA.GOV which should have been present"
^XMB(3.8,167,2,4,0)="when it was created by the install."
^XMB(3.8,168,0)="RMIM MAIL SERVER^PU^n^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,168,2,1,0)="This mail group may be used in the future for better communication between"
^XMB(3.8,168,2,2,0)="Facility System and the Austin System in regards to ACK or ERR status."
^XMB(3.8,169,0)="MT INCONSISTENCIES^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,170,0)="XUOAA CLIN TRAINEE^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,170,2,1,0)="This is the mail used by the HL7 MailMan logical link for sending out the"
^XMB(3.8,170,2,2,0)="HL7 PMU messages to support the Office of Academic Affiliations' Clinical"
^XMB(3.8,170,2,3,0)="Trainee Core Data Set project."
^XMB(3.8,171,2,1,0)="This mail group is for the Radiology Performance Indicator Summary report."
^XMB(3.8,172,0)="XUSSPKI CRL SERVER^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,172,2,1,0)="This mail group gets messages about problems with the communicating with"
^XMB(3.8,172,2,2,0)="the CRL server."
^XMB(3.8,172,3)="EAS MT LETTERS"
^XMB(3.8,173,0)="PSB BCBU ERRORS^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,173,2,1,0)="This Mail Group is used to Notify responsible users that there has been"
^XMB(3.8,173,2,2,0)="a problem with sending information to the Contingency Workstation."
^XMB(3.8,174,2,1,0)="When the OAAA HL7 messages are generated a message is generated with the "
^XMB(3.8,174,2,2,0)="number of records that are transmitted to the OAA national database."
^XMB(3.8,175,2,1,0)="This is the default mail group for receiving Patient Record Flag "
^XMB(3.8,175,2,2,0)="Assignment Review notifications."
^XMB(3.8,176,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to notify Patient Record Flag administrators of "
^XMB(3.8,176,2,2,0)="transmission errors that occur during the processing of HL7 messages."
^XMB(3.8,177,0)="IBCNE IIV MESSAGE^PU^^2^3060213^^1"
^XMB(3.8,177,2,1,0)="This mail group will be used to deliver notifications for"
^XMB(3.8,177,2,2,0)="the Insurance Identification and Verification process."
^XMB(3.8,178,2,1,0)="This mail group will be used to send information about the status of ICD9 "
^XMB(3.8,178,2,2,0)="codes attached to problems on problem selection lists."
^XMB(3.8,179,0)="ORCM CSV EVENT^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,179,2,1,0)="This mail group will be used to define the recipients of a mail message "
^XMB(3.8,179,2,2,0)="containing a list of quick orders from the ORDER DIALOG (#101.41) file "
^XMB(3.8,179,2,3,0)="that are affected by an ICD-9 code set version installation."
^XMB(3.8,180,0)="OOPS ISO NOTIFICATION^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,180,2,1,0)="Popupulate this mail group with the ISO staff who should receive notification"
^XMB(3.8,180,2,2,0)="when a supervisor accesses Employee data but does not create a claim."
^XMB(3.8,181,0)="RCDPE PAYMENTS^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,181,2,1,0)="This is the mail group that will receive most of the bulletins produced "
^XMB(3.8,181,2,2,0)="by the 3rd Party EDI Lockbox process in VistA."
^XMB(3.8,182,0)="RCDPE PAYMENTS MGMT^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,182,2,1,0)="This is the mail group for 3rd Part EDI Lockbox processing that will "
^XMB(3.8,182,2,2,0)="receive the bulletins regarding the transfer of EOBs to another site."
^XMB(3.8,183,2,1,0)="This is the mail queue that will receive all the EDI 3rd Party Lockbox"
^XMB(3.8,183,2,2,0)="transmissions from Austin."
^XMB(3.8,184,2,1,0)="This is the mail group that will receive the bulletins produced by the"
^XMB(3.8,184,2,2,0)="3rd Party EDI Lockbox process that relate to exceptions found when the EFT"
^XMB(3.8,184,2,3,0)="and ERA messages are received in VistA."
^XMB(3.8,185,0)="DG DAILY ADDRESS CHANGE^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,185,2,1,0)="The mail group will receive DG ALL ADDRESS CHANGE REPORT"
^XMB(3.8,186,0)="IB COMBAT VET RX COPAY^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,186,2,1,0)="Each site must determine the IB/Pharmacy staff members/responsibility "
^XMB(3.8,186,2,2,0)="for researching and canceling Rx charges. These staff members must"
^XMB(3.8,186,2,3,0)="be included in this e-mail group in order to receive the MailMan"
^XMB(3.8,187,0)="DG REGISTER ONCE^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,188,2,1,0)="Mail group to receive PAIT HL7 messages"
^XMB(3.8,189,0)="PSO TPB HL7 EXTRACT^PU^y^106^3060212^^1"
^XMB(3.8,189,2,1,0)="Members of this mail group will receive weekly mail messages regarding"
^XMB(3.8,189,2,2,0)="the HL7 transmission of the Transitional Pharmacy Benefit data."
^XMB(3.8,190,2,1,0)="When adding a new allergy entry the user is prompted for the reactant. "
^XMB(3.8,190,2,2,0)="If the user cannot find a reactant to match their input then they are "
^XMB(3.8,190,2,3,0)="given the option to send an email message requesting that the new "
^XMB(3.8,190,2,4,0)="reactant be added."
^XMB(3.8,190,2,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.8,190,2,6,0)="Members of this mail group will be recipients of that message."
^XMB(3.8,191,0)="PSO TPB GROUP^PR^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,192,0)="IVM ADDR UPDT REPORT^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,192,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive the IVM Address Updates Pending Review [IVM "
^XMB(3.8,192,2,2,0)="ADDR UPDT PENDING REVIEW] report."
^XMB(3.8,193,0)="HLEV EVENT MONITOR^PR^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,194,0)="HLEV SERVER^PR^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,195,0)="SD ENC PERF MON^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,195,2,1,0)="Mail group used for transmission of Encounter Performance Monitor summary "
^XMB(3.8,195,2,2,0)="data to Austin Automation Center. DO NOT USE THIS MAIL GROUP FOR OTHER "
^XMB(3.8,196,0)="SD PM NOTIFICATION TIU^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,196,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to notify local staff of completion for the"
^XMB(3.8,196,2,2,0)="extraction and transmission of the Additional Performance Monitor (TIU)"
^XMB(3.8,196,2,3,0)="National Rollup to Austin Automation Center (AAC) for National Reporting."
^XMB(3.8,196,2,4,0)="This process is queued to run on the 15th of each month and transmits data"
^XMB(3.8,196,2,5,0)="for the previous month starting with the first day and ending with the"
^XMB(3.8,196,2,6,0)="last day of the month. The menu option used to run this option is"
^XMB(3.8,196,2,7,0)="'Schedule APM Performance Monitor TasK' [SCRPW APM TASK JOB] and it is"
^XMB(3.8,196,2,8,0)="scheduled via TASKMAN."
^XMB(3.8,197,0)="MD DEVICE ERRORS^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,197,2,1,0)="Primary Mail Group for Medical Device errors."
^XMB(3.8,198,2,1,0)="This mail group receives bulletins when a VIC General Order (ORM~O01) HL7"
^XMB(3.8,198,2,2,0)="message is rejected by the National Card Management Directory."
^XMB(3.8,199,2,1,0)="This group is setup to provide a place to send unprocessed alerts if "
^XMB(3.8,199,2,2,0)="there is no other mechanism by which to reach a recipient. If other "
^XMB(3.8,199,2,3,0)="mechanisms, such as BACKUP REVIEWER entries in the PARAMETER file, are "
^XMB(3.8,199,2,4,0)="available, alerts will not be sent to this group. This group will only "
^XMB(3.8,199,2,5,0)="be used if all other mechanisms result in no active users to send the "
^XMB(3.8,199,2,6,0)="alert to."
^XMB(3.8,200,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive all FTP error messages for the CBO"
^XMB(3.8,200,2,2,0)="AR Data Extracts."
^XMB(3.8,201,2,1,0)="New Test que for HIPAA EDI Enhancements"
^XMB(3.8,202,0)="PSJ STAT NOW PENDING ORDER^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,203,0)="PSJ STAT NOW ACTIVE ORDER^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,205,0)="IB MEANS TEST^PU"
^XMB(3.8,205,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive Means Test error messages from integrated billing."
^XMB(3.8,205,2,2,0)="errors and the editing/deletion of records which are associated with"
^XMB(3.8,205,2,3,0)="Means Test/Category C billing."
^XMB(3.8,206,0)="IHD SEND^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,206,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to send messages for IHD Query to Austin Automation "
^XMB(3.8,207,2,1,0)="Used to recieve ACK messages from Austin for the IHD Query project"
^XMB(3.8,207,6,"B","S.HL MS SERVER@VISTA.PLATINUM.",1)=""
^XMB(3.8,209,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts. A message is"
^XMB(3.8,209,2,2,0)="sent to this group upon completion of package extracts. "
^XMB(3.8,210,0)="PSU PBM^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,210,2,1,0)="This mail group contains the persons who will receive mail message"
^XMB(3.8,210,2,2,0)="reports from the D&PPM monthly background job."
^XMB(3.8,211,0)="GEC2 NATIONAL ROLLUP^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,212,0)="XUMF ERROR^PU^^2^3070124^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,212,2,1,0)="This mail group receives messages related to the Master File Server."
^XMB(3.8,212,6,1,0)="G.XUMF ERROR@FORUM.VA.GOV"
^XMB(3.8,212,6,2,0)="G.HDIS ERRORS@FORUM.VA.GOV"
^XMB(3.8,212,6,"B","G.HDIS ERRORS@FORUM.VA.GOV",2)=""
^XMB(3.8,212,6,"B","G.XUMF ERROR@FORUM.VA.GOV",1)=""
^XMB(3.8,213,0)="HDIS ERRORS^PU^^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,213,6,1,0)="G.HDIS ERRORS@FORUM.VA.GOV"
^XMB(3.8,213,6,"B","G.HDIS ERRORS@FORUM.VA.GOV",1)=""
^XMB(3.8,214,0)="HDIS ERT NOTIFICATION^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,214,2,1,0)="Exchange mailgroup which will receive the ERT bulletins identifying "
^XMB(3.8,214,2,2,0)="site ready for ERT file update."
^XMB(3.8,214,6,1,0)="G.HDIS ERRORS@FORUM.VA.GOV"
^XMB(3.8,214,6,"B","G.HDIS ERRORS@FORUM.VA.GOV",1)=""
^XMB(3.8,215,0)="HDIS HDR NOTIFICATION^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,215,2,1,0)="Used to notify HDR personnel that a file at a facility is ready to"
^XMB(3.8,215,2,2,0)="have the HDR Triggers turned on."
^XMB(3.8,216,0)="PRCV Item Vendor Edits^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,216,2,1,0)="This mail group will be used to alert staff who maintain the Item Master "
^XMB(3.8,216,2,2,0)="File and Vendor File when an error occurs during attempts to update the "
^XMB(3.8,216,2,3,0)="COTS inventory system."
^XMB(3.8,217,0)="PRCV Audit File Alerts^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,217,2,1,0)="This mail group will be used to alert staff of inconsistencies or "
^XMB(3.8,217,2,2,0)="problems IFCAP finds with the Audit File while processing RILs, 2237s and "
^XMB(3.8,217,2,3,0)="Purchase Orders."
^XMB(3.8,218,0)="DG ISO SENSITIVE RCDS^PU^n^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,218,2,1,0)="This mail group is used by the DG SENSITIVE RCDS RPT-FORMAT and "
^XMB(3.8,218,2,2,0)="DG SENSITIVE RCDS RPT-TASK options."
^XMB(3.8,219,2,1,0)="Alerts users when status of SD WAIT LIST types(pcmm,clinic,specialty)"
^XMB(3.8,220,0)="XTPM PATCH MONITOR^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,220,2,1,0)="This mail group receives the delinquent patch notices."
^XMB(3.8,221,0)="XTPM PATCH MONITOR USER^PU^^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,221,2,1,0)="The regular patch monitor user."
^XMB(3.8,222,2,1,0)="This mail group is for the administration of the SD Wait List "
^XMB(3.8,222,2,2,0)="Inter-Facility Transfer function."
^XMB(3.8,222,2,3,0)=" "
^XMB(3.8,222,2,4,0)="When an appropriate action has occurred, such as the receipt of a request "
^XMB(3.8,222,2,5,0)="to transfer a patient from a Wait List to this facility, the members "
^XMB(3.8,222,2,6,0)="of this mail group are notified that the action has occurred."
^XMB(3.8,223,0)="DG PTF 801 TO PCE ERROR^PU^n^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,223,2,1,0)="This mail group is for receiving of PTF 801 screen data to PCE filing "
^XMB(3.8,223,2,2,0)="error messages. "
^XMB(3.8,224,0)="VDEF NATIONAL ALERTS^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,224,2,1,0)="VDEF processing alerts."
^XMB(3.8,225,0)="IBB PFSS DATA TRANS ERROR^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,225,2,1,0)="This Mailgroup will receive a message whenever an error is"
^XMB(3.8,225,2,2,0)="encountered while building an HL7 message for PFSS."
^XMB(3.8,226,0)="IBB PFSS CHARGE ERRORS^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,226,2,1,0)="The purpose of this mail group is to receive any error message generated"
^XMB(3.8,226,2,2,0)="in IBB during processing of charge transaction data. Processing of a"
^XMB(3.8,226,2,3,0)="charge transaction is initiated by a call from a clinical application"
^XMB(3.8,226,2,4,0)="to CHARGE^IBBAPI."
^XMB(3.8,226,2,5,0)=" "
^XMB(3.8,226,2,6,0)="This mail group is added to the MAIL GROUP file via patch IB*2.0*286."
^XMB(3.8,226,2,7,0)="A post-installation routine adds this mail group to the MAIL GROUP FOR"
^XMB(3.8,226,2,8,0)="CHARGE field (#.06) in the PFSS SITE PARAMETERS file (#372)."
^XMB(3.8,227,2,1,0)="This mail group will be used to alert staff of status updates and "
^XMB(3.8,227,2,2,0)="exceptions concerning processes related to the Clinical Logistics Report "
^XMB(3.8,227,2,3,0)="Server. The mail group will be exported with PRC*5.1*83 and the site "
^XMB(3.8,227,2,4,0)="will determine the members as advised by the Clinical Logistics Office."
^XMB(3.8,228,0)="SD RSA API ERRORS^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,228,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive any error notifications or conditions from "
^XMB(3.8,228,2,2,0)="the PFSS Event Driver and Scheduling RSA API calls."
^XMB(3.8,229,0)="TIU MIS ALERTS^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,229,2,1,0)="This mail group is for the purpose of receiving problem alerts for TIU. These alerts should be for problems in TIU Notes that are caused by a system bug. It is meant as a management tool - not an alert system for the end user."
^XMB(3.8,230,0)="OR DRUG ORDER CANCELLED^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,231,0)="XIP SERVER RESPONSE^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,231,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive the response message when either a scan of "
^XMB(3.8,231,2,2,0)="the COUNTY CODE(#5.13) and STATE(#5) whenever a manual scan is requested "
^XMB(3.8,231,2,3,0)="by doing from the programmer prompt:"
^XMB(3.8,231,2,4,0)=">D ^XIPMAIL"
^XMB(3.8,231,2,5,0)="or in response to a request of server:"
^XMB(3.8,231,2,6,0)=" XIPMAILSERVER[Check file 5.13 & file 5]"
^XMB(3.8,232,2,1,0)="This is the mail group that will receive separation notices."
^XMB(3.8,233,0)="BPS OPECC^PU^^1^3071212^^1"
^XMB(3.8,234,0)="SR CONSULT^PU^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,234,2,1,0)="This mail group is intended to alert Surgery personnel that a Surgery "
^XMB(3.8,234,2,2,0)="Request Consultation has been entered and does not contain the minimum "
^XMB(3.8,234,2,3,0)="required elements to initiate a pre-certification."
^XMB(3.8,235,2,1,0)="This mail group contains users responsible for DSS extracts. A message is"
^XMB(3.8,235,2,2,0)="sent to this group upon completion of package extracts. "
^XMB(3.8,237,0)="PCMM PATIENT/PROVIDER INACTIVE^PU^y^1^3080526^^1"
^XMB(3.8,237,2,1,0)="Receive information on PCMM patient and provider inactivation"
^XMB(3.8,238,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive information about activities that need "
^XMB(3.8,238,2,2,0)="investigation by site personnel. Examples would be a refill Release "
^XMB(3.8,238,2,3,0)="message is sent to Vista by the External Dispense machines, but the refill"
^XMB(3.8,238,2,4,0)="is not on file any longer, possibly was deleted."
^XMB(3.8,239,0)="XUMF NPI^PU^^^^0^1"
^XMB(3.8,239,2,1,0)="This mail group receives messages related to the Master File Server."
^XMB(3.8,239,6,1,0)="G.XUMF ERROR@FORUM.VA.GOV"
^XMB(3.8,239,6,"B","G.XUMF ERROR@FORUM.VA.GOV",1)=""
^XMB(3.8,240,0)="XIP POSTAL CODE UPDATE^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,240,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive the VistA e-mail message that will be "
^XMB(3.8,240,2,2,0)="generated by Kernel Server Option: XIPSRVR[Postal Code Update Server]. The"
^XMB(3.8,240,2,3,0)="message text will contain the detail records for which Postal Code/ZIP"
^XMB(3.8,240,2,4,0)="code that were either Added, Edited, or Inactivated in an up arrow"
^XMB(3.8,240,2,5,0)="format. The first line will be the Header Row."
^XMB(3.8,241,0)="TIU CACS^PU^n^11^3080313^^1"
^XMB(3.8,241,2,1,0)="This cross-reference identifies the people who should receive "
^XMB(3.8,241,2,2,0)="informational bulletins concerning the implementation of the Text "
^XMB(3.8,241,2,3,0)="Integration Utilities (TIU) Package."
^XMB(3.8,242,2,1,0)="Members of this mail group will automatically receive an email verification entry"
^XMB(3.8,242,2,2,0)="for each NPI Extract file that has been generated at the sites."
^XMB(3.8,243,0)="SDSC NIGHTLY TALLY^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,243,2,1,0)="This mail group is for ASCD (Automated Service Connected Designation)"
^XMB(3.8,243,2,2,0)="software. A breakdown of records reviewed during the nightly process will"
^XMB(3.8,243,2,3,0)="be sent to this mail group."
^XMB(3.8,244,0)="IBCNR EPHARM^PU^n^^^^3"
^XMB(3.8,244,2,1,0)="This mail group is forwarded notifications that are associated with"
^XMB(3.8,244,2,2,0)="electronic Pharmacy (ePharmacy) processing of claims."
^XMB(3.8,245,0)="YS MHA-MHNDB^PR^^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,245,2,1,0)="This group receives error messages from the HL7 system when problems "
^XMB(3.8,245,2,2,0)="arise sending messages to the Mental Health National database."
^XMB(3.8,246,0)="EN NON-SPACE FILE LOC^PU^y^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,246,2,1,0)="This mail group automatically receives a message when a value is entered"
^XMB(3.8,246,2,2,0)="in the NON-SPACE FILE LOCATION field of the EQUIPMENT INV. (#6914) file. "
^XMB(3.8,246,2,3,0)="The mail group is intended to have members that can add appropriate"
^XMB(3.8,246,2,4,0)="entries to the ENG SPACE (#6928) file based on the NON-SPACE FILE LOCATION"
^XMB(3.8,247,0)="EN IT EQUIPMENT^PU^n^^^^1"
^XMB(3.8,247,2,1,0)="This mail group receives messages about assignments of responsibility for "
^XMB(3.8,247,2,2,0)="IT equipment from the Engineering (AEMS/MERS) application. IT staff "
^XMB(3.8,247,2,3,0)="responsible for managing and monitoring the assignments of responsibility"
^XMB(3.8,247,2,4,0)="should be members of this group."
^XMB(3.8,248,2,1,0)="This mail group is used to send reject messages for Home Telehealth "
^XMB(3.8,248,2,2,0)="Registrations. "
^XMB(3.8,"B","ABSV BETA",80)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","ABSV TEST SITES",79)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","BPS OPECC",233)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","DG ISO SENSITIVE RCDS",218)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","DG PTF 801 TO PCE ERROR",223)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","DG REGISTER ONCE",187)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","DGEN EGT UPDATES",109)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","DGMST TO NPCD",102)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","DGPRE PRE-REG STAFF",45)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","DGRU ADT/HL7",122)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","EAS MTLETTERS",155)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","EN IT EQUIPMENT",247)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","EN NON-SPACE FILE LOC",246)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","EN PROJECTS",2)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","GEC2 NATIONAL ROLLUP",211)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","GMRA MARK CHART",7)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","GMRA P&T COMMITTEE FDA",11)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","HDIS ERRORS",213)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","HLEV EVENT MONITOR",193)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","HLEV SERVER",194)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB CHAMP RX REJ",49)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB CHAMP RX REV",50)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB CHAMP RX START",51)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB COMBAT VET RX COPAY",186)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB EDI",153)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB EDI SUPERVISOR",154)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB LTC 1010EC MISSING",160)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB LTC BACK BILLING",161)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB MEANS TEST",205)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB NEW INSURANCE",4)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IB RX COPAY CAP ERROR",137)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IBCI GENERAL ERROR",157)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IBCNE IIV MESSAGE",177)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IBCNR EPHARM",244)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IBQ ROLLUP",21)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IFC CLIN ERRORS",151)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IFC TECH ERRORS",152)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IHD SEND",206)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IVM ADDR UPDT REPORT",192)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","IVM MESSAGES",23)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","LAB MESSAGING",78)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","LAB REPORT",46)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","LR NCH",87)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","LR NCH-REPORT",88)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","MAG SERVER",141)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","MD DEVICE ERRORS",197)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","MPIF CMOR REQUEST",107)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","MPIF EXCEPTIONS",108)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","MPIF HL7 GROUP",106)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","NDF DATA",42)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","NPTF HL7 MESSAGES",90)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","OCX DEVELOPERS",100)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","OGR AUSTIN MESSAGES",129)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","OOPS EH",83)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","OOPS INJURY",82)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","OOPS NDB MESSAGES",117)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","OOPS SAFETY",81)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","OOPS UNION",84)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","OOPS WC MESSAGE",136)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","OOPS WCP",135)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","ORCM CSV EVENT",179)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PCMM AUSTIN REPORTS",111)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PCMM HL7 MESSAGES",112)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PRCHQ RFQ",35)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PRCV Audit File Alerts",217)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PRCV Item Vendor Edits",216)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PRPF BULLETINS",44)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PSA NDC UPDATES",146)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PSA REORDER LEVEL",147)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PSB BCBU ERRORS",173)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PSO TPB GROUP",191)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PSO TPB HL7 EXTRACT",189)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","PSU PBM",210)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RC AR DATA COLLECTOR",101)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RC RC REFERRALS",43)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RC REPAY PLANS",134)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RCDP PAYMENTS",115)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RCDPE PAYMENTS",181)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RCDPE PAYMENTS MGMT",182)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RG CIRN HL7 PROBLEMS",105)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RMIM FSOD",166)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RMIM MAIL SERVER",168)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RMPF ROES UPDATES (ASPS)",33)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RMPF ROES UPDATES (PSAS)",34)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RMPR INVENTORY",99)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","RMPR PCE",149)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","SC CLINIC WAIT TIME",103)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","SD ENC PERF MON",195)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","SD PM NOTIFICATION",19)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","SD RSA API ERRORS",228)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","SD WAIT LIST TRANS TO AAC",164)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","SDSC NIGHTLY TALLY",243)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","SR CONSULT",234)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","SRHL DISCREPANCY",85)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","TIU CACS",241)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","TIU MIS ALERTS",229)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","VAFH ADT/HL7",77)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","VAQ PDX ERRORS",12)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","XIP SERVER RESPONSE",231)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","XM SUPER SEARCH",124)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","XTPM PATCH MONITOR",220)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","XUHUI CHANGE EVENT",163)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","XUMF ERROR",212)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","XUMF INSTITUTION",139)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","XUMF NPI",239)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","XUMF SERVER",138)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","XUOAA CLIN TRAINEE",170)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","XUSSPKI CRL SERVER",172)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","YS GAF TO NPCD",95)=""
^XMB(3.8,"B","YS MHA-MHNDB",245)=""
^XMB(3.816,0)="DISTRIBUTION LIST^3.816^^0"
^XMB(3.9,1,0)="PLATINUM D2D-Only Backup Compl^.5^3080724.19064"
^XMB(3.9,1,2,1,0)="**********************>> WARNING <<***********************"
^XMB(3.9,1,2,6,0)="PLATINUM backup ran last night..."
^XMB(3.9,1,2,8,0)="Filename File Version File Date Kit Version"
^XMB(3.9,1,2,9,0)="CACHE_BACKUP.COM 31.14-18 2008-JUN-19 V31.14-18 "
^XMB(3.9,1,2,10,0)="CACHE_VMS.COM 31.14-15 2007-JUN-27 V31.14-18 "
^XMB(3.9,1,2,11,0)="CACHE_BKUP_CHK.COM 31.14-17 2008-MAR-25 V31.14-18 "
^XMB(3.9,1,2,12,0)="CACHE$BKUP_INTEGRIT.31.14-17 2008-MAY-04 V31.14-18 "
^XMB(3.9,1,2,13,0)="Cache version: Cache for OpenVMS/ALPHA V7.x (Alpha) 5.0.21 (Build 6408 + Adhoc 4377) 8-SEP-2006 21:50:41.99"
^XMB(3.9,1,2,15,0)=" Start: 24-JUL-2008 19:00:00"
^XMB(3.9,1,2,16,0)=" Finish: 24-JUL-2008 19:06:37"
^XMB(3.9,1,2,18,0)="DATFile: PLATINUM5A3_ALL.DAT"
^XMB(3.9,1,2,19,0)=" "
^XMB(3.9,1,2,20,0)="Checking log files for VMS errors..."
^XMB(3.9,1,2,21,0)="No errors found in backup log files."
^XMB(3.9,1,2,23,0)="Checking log files for failure to quiesce..."
^XMB(3.9,1,2,24,0)="No quiescence failures found in backup log files."
^XMB(3.9,1,2,26,0)="Checking log files for incremental backup failure..."
^XMB(3.9,1,2,27,0)="No backup failures found in backup log files."
^XMB(3.9,1,2,30,0)="Database files were backed up..."
^XMB(3.9,1,2,31,0)="%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created _$1$DGA112:[BKUP.PLATINUM]CACHE.DAT;3"
^XMB(3.9,1,2,32,0)=" "
^XMB(3.9,1,2,33,0)="***WARNING***: No journal files were backed up!"
^XMB(3.9,"B","PLATINUM D2D-Only Backup Compl",1)=""
^XMB(4.4,0)="MAILMAN TIME ZONE^4.4I^18^18"
^XMB(4.4,11,0)="BDT^BERING DAYLIGHT^-10"
^XMB(4.4,18,0)="YDT^YUKON DAYLIGHT^-8"
^XMB(4.4,"C","BERING DAYLIGHT",11)=""
^XMB(4.4,"C","BERING STANDARD",3)=""
^XMB(4.4,"C","CENTRAL DAYLIGHT",13)=""
^XMB(4.4,"C","EASTERN DAYLIGHT",14)=""
^XMB(4.4,"C","PACIFIC DAYLIGHT",17)=""
^XMB(4.4,"C","YUKON DAYLIGHT",18)=""
^XMB(4.4,"C","YUKON STANDARD",9)=""
^XMB(4.6,0)="TRANSMISSION SCRIPT^4.6^37^14"
^XMB(4.6,1,1,2,0)="W 2"
^XMB(4.6,1,1,4,0)="L CODE:"
^XMB(4.6,1,1,5,0)="S MAIL-BOX SWP"
^XMB(4.6,1,1,6,0)="L 220"
^XMB(4.6,1,2,1,0)="SWP means Sliding Window Protocol. SWP is a bit slower than 3BSCP, faster than SCP & 1SCP and more likely to succeed than 3BSCP."
^XMB(4.6,1,2,2,0)="the Longitudinal parity check checksum used by the 3BSCP protocol and"
^XMB(4.6,1,2,3,0)="is comparable in speed to the 3BSCP protocol, but is a bit slower and more"
^XMB(4.6,1,2,4,0)="likely to succeed. Speed reported is actual characters sent successfully."
^XMB(4.6,1,2,5,0)="Characters (lines) resent because of errors are not included in the total as"
^XMB(4.6,1,2,6,0)="they are iun the 3BSCP protocol. Error recovery is much better. During"
^XMB(4.6,1,2,7,0)="transmission of the text of the messasge, both sender and receiver stay"
^XMB(4.6,1,2,8,0)="in basically one program and do not cause as much swapping therefore."
^XMB(4.6,1,2,9,0)="Short of loss of the virtual connection, messages sent with this protocol "
^XMB(4.6,1,2,10,0)="will be transmitted. While the 3BSCP protocol must resend an entire block"
^XMB(4.6,1,2,11,0)="when it gets an error, this protocol sends only the line that was not"
^XMB(4.6,1,2,12,0)="acknowledged. It is therefore faster under non-ideal circumstances than "
^XMB(4.6,1,2,14,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,10,1,1,0)="W 4"
^XMB(4.6,10,1,2,0)="L:20 x"
^XMB(4.6,10,1,3,0)="S A"
^XMB(4.6,10,1,4,0)="L:20 in:"
^XMB(4.6,10,1,5,0)="X W $C(24,18,8,4),""VAAnnnn:""_XMHOST_"";password"",$C(13)"
^XMB(4.6,10,1,6,0)="L LINE"
^XMB(4.6,10,2,1,0)="mini-This is the script exchange needed to direct mail to a remote site"
^XMB(4.6,10,2,2,0)="through the VADATS miniengine."
^XMB(4.6,10,2,3,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,10,2,4,0)="'999' on line 4 should be replaced with your VADATS site number."
^XMB(4.6,10,2,5,0)="'password' on line 4 should be replaced with your VADATS site password."
^XMB(4.6,12,1,2,0)="L:120 CODE:"
^XMB(4.6,12,1,3,0)="S MAIL-BOX SCP"
^XMB(4.6,12,1,4,0)="L 220"
^XMB(4.6,12,2,1,0)="get into network mail"
^XMB(4.6,16,1,2,0)="L:120 CODE:"
^XMB(4.6,16,1,3,0)="S MAIL-BOX 1SCP"
^XMB(4.6,16,1,4,0)="L 220"
^XMB(4.6,18,1,2,0)="L CODE:"
^XMB(4.6,18,1,3,0)="S MAIL-BOX 3BSCP"
^XMB(4.6,18,1,4,0)="L 220"
^XMB(4.6,18,2,1,0)="BLOCK MODE PROTOCOL"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,1,0)="E Error trying to handshake with IDCU"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,2,0)="W 2"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,4,0)="L:3 USER ID"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,5,0)="S ISCDEV"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,6,0)="L:3 PASSWORD"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,7,0)="S PROGRAM"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,8,0)="L DESTINATION"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,9,0)="X W XMHOST"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,11,0)="L:9 CONNECTED"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,12,0)="E Timeout while logging into remote system"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,13,0)="L:20 TION?"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,14,0)="X W XMHOST,$C(13)"
^XMB(4.6,25,1,15,0)="L:20 CONNECTED"
^XMB(4.6,25,2,1,0)="Used for sending messages to domains on the IDCU network"
^XMB(4.6,28,1,1,0)="X L +^XMBX(""TCPCHAN"",XMHOST):3 E S ER=1,XMER=""CHANNEL IN USE"""
^XMB(4.6,28,1,3,0)="X O @XMSIO E S ER=1 L -^XMBX(""TCPCHAN"",XMHOST)"
^XMB(4.6,28,1,4,0)="X U XMRPORT:NOECHO S XMLTCP="""" W ""NOOP ""_^XMB(""NETNAME""),$C(10),!"
^XMB(4.6,28,1,5,0)="X S XMHANG=""C XMRPORT"" S IO=XMRPORT,IOST(0)=0"
^XMB(4.6,28,1,9,0)="X L -^XMBX(""TCPCHAN"",XMHOST) K XMSIO"
^XMB(4.6,28,1,10,0)="X S IO=IO(0) X ^%ZOSF(""EON"")"
^XMB(4.6,29,1,1,0)="X L +^XMBX(""TCPCHAN"",XMHOST):99 E S ER=1,XMER=""CHANNEL IN USE"""
^XMB(4.6,29,1,2,0)="X S X=""ERRSCRPT^XMRTCP"",@^%ZOSF(""TRAP"")"
^XMB(4.6,29,1,4,0)="X O @XMSIO E S ER=1 L -^XMBX(""TCPCHAN"",XMHOST)"
^XMB(4.6,29,1,5,0)="X U XMRPORT:NOECHO"
^XMB(4.6,29,1,6,0)="X S XMHANG=""C XMRPORT S IO="""""""",IOST(0)=0"",IO=25"
^XMB(4.6,29,1,7,0)="L 220"
^XMB(4.6,29,1,9,0)="X L -^XMBX(""TCPHAN"",XMHOST) K XMSIO"
^XMB(4.6,29,1,10,0)="X S IO=IO(0) X ^%ZOSF(""EON"")"
^XMB(4.6,29,2,1,0)="This is the transmission script used to contact other MailMan"
^XMB(4.6,29,2,2,0)="systems across an X.25 channel."
^XMB(4.6,31,1,2,0)="L:120 CODE:"
^XMB(4.6,31,1,3,0)="X W ""MAIL-BOX ""_XMPROT_$C(13)"
^XMB(4.6,31,1,4,0)="L:99 220"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,1,0)=" This is a generalized script that can be used with all protocols to"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,2,0)=" 'login' to a DHCP mail system for mail service. "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,3,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,4,0)=" You may be set up as follows: "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,5,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,6,0)=" O H=domain,P=SWP *** or *** O H=domainA.GOV,P=1SCP "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,7,0)=" *** or *** O H=domain.GOV,P=SCP *** or *** O H=domain,P=3BSC"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,8,0)="P "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,9,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,10,0)=" ."
^XMB(4.6,31,2,11,0)=" ."
^XMB(4.6,31,2,12,0)=" ."
^XMB(4.6,31,2,13,0)=" ."
^XMB(4.6,31,2,14,0)=" C MAILMAN "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,15,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,16,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,17,0)=" This script replaces all the following scripts: 1KERNEL, 3BKERNEL, "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,18,0)=" SWPKERNEL, and KERNEL. "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,19,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,20,0)=" Prior to this script you used to have to match the protocol in the opening"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,21,0)=" line of a transmission script with a particular entry in the Transmission"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,22,0)=" Script file (SCP and Kernel, 1SCP and 1KERNEL, 3BSCP and 3BKERNEL, or"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,23,0)=" SWP AND SWPKERNEL. Each time a domain was changed to use a different"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,24,0)=" protocol, two lines had to be changed and if you forgot, it wouldn't"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,25,0)=" work. If you use this one, it can be used with all and only the P=protocol"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,26,0)=" has to be changed whenever you change a domain to use a different protocol. "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,27,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,28,0)=" After you set up the entry, change as many domains as you like to use it."
^XMB(4.6,31,2,29,0)=" Use this as 'C MAILMAN' instead of: 'C 1KERNEL', 'C 3BKERNEL',"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,30,0)=" 'C SWPKERNEL' ... It will work for all of them."
^XMB(4.6,31,2,31,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,32,0)="For example my script to Altoona looks like:"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,33,0)="O H=ALTOONA.FORUM.VA.GOV,P=SWP"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,34,0)="C MINIENGINE"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,35,0)="C MAILMAN"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,36,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,37,0)="A site that helped me check this out even consolidated their MINIENGINE"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,38,0)="(IDCU) script and this new MAILMAN SCRIPT into a script he calls NETMAIL."
^XMB(4.6,31,2,39,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,40,0)="For those domains that are in the format:"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,41,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,42,0)="O H=<domain name>,P=SWP"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,43,0)="C MINIENGINE"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,44,0)="C MAILMAN"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,45,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,46,0)="He changed the code to"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,47,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,48,0)=" "
^XMB(4.6,31,2,49,0)="O H=<domain name>,P=SWP"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,50,0)="C NETMAIL (I just made up that name - where NETWAIL is a combination"
^XMB(4.6,31,2,51,0)=" of MINIENGINE & MAILMAN)"
^XMB(4.6,33,1,2,0)="L:120 CODE:"
^XMB(4.6,33,1,3,0)="S MAIL-BOX PC1"
^XMB(4.6,33,1,4,0)="L 220"
^XMB(4.6,33,2,1,0)="Protocol for asynchronous communications channels with little or no"
^XMB(4.6,34,1,1,0)="E Error trying to establish virtual circuit to remote host !"
^XMB(4.6,34,1,2,0)="W 6"
^XMB(4.6,34,1,4,0)="L USER ID?"
^XMB(4.6,34,1,5,0)="S ISCDEV"
^XMB(4.6,34,1,6,0)="L PASSWORD?"
^XMB(4.6,34,1,7,0)="S PROGRAM"
^XMB(4.6,34,1,8,0)="L DESTINATION"
^XMB(4.6,34,1,9,0)="S VHA.DMIA"
^XMB(4.6,34,1,10,0)="L:90 | CONNECTED| |DISCON|"
^XMB(4.6,35,1,1,0)="X L +^XMBX(""TCPCHAN"",XMHOST):99 E S ER=1,XMER=""CHANNEL IN USE"""
^XMB(4.6,35,1,2,0)="X S X=""ERRSCRPT^XMRTCP"",@^%ZOSF(""TRAP"")"
^XMB(4.6,35,1,3,0)="X S XMRPORT=56 O 56::30 E S ER=1 L -^XMBX(""TCPCHAN"",XMHOST)"
^XMB(4.6,35,1,4,0)="X U 56::""TCP"" W /SOCKET(XMHOST,25) S XMKEYTCP=$KEY"
^XMB(4.6,35,1,5,0)="X I XMKEYTCP="""" S ER=1 C 56 L Q"
^XMB(4.6,35,1,6,0)="X S XMHANG=""S IOST(0)"",IO=56,IOT=""TCP"",XMSTIME=30"
^XMB(4.6,35,2,1,0)="This is the transmission script used to contact other MailMan"
^XMB(4.6,35,2,2,0)="systems across an X.25 channel."
^XMB(4.6,36,1,1,0)="X L +^XMBX(""TCPCHAN"",XMINST):3 E S ER=1,XMER=""CHANNEL IN USE"""
^XMB(4.6,36,1,3,0)="X S XMHANG=""D CLOSE^%ZISTCP"""
^XMB(4.6,36,1,4,0)="L:180 |220| |421|"
^XMB(4.6,36,1,6,0)="X L -^XMBX(""TCPCHAN"",XMHOST)"
^XMB(4.6,36,2,1,0)="This is the mail transmission script used to send"
^XMB(4.6,36,2,2,0)="mail to other VA sites. It is specifically designed"
^XMB(4.6,36,2,3,0)="for use on a VMS/Cache system. It replaced the NT/Cache"
^XMB(4.6,36,2,4,0)="or VMS/DSM version previously used. It was changed"
^XMB(4.6,36,2,5,0)="during conversion activities Jan 14, 2005@13:51:50."
^XMB(4.6,37,1,1,0)="X L +^XMBX(""TCPCHAN"",XMHOST):99 E S ER=1,XMER=""CHANNEL IN USE"""
^XMB(4.6,37,1,2,0)="X S X=""ERRSCRPT^XMRTCP"",@^%ZOSF(""TRAP"")"
^XMB(4.6,37,1,3,0)="X S XMRPORT=$G(XMRPORT,25)"
^XMB(4.6,37,1,5,0)="X S XMHANG=""D CLOSE^%ZISTCP"""
^XMB(4.6,37,1,6,0)="X U IO:(DELIMITER=$C(13))"
^XMB(4.6,37,1,7,0)="L 220"
^XMB(4.6,37,1,9,0)="X L -^XMBX(""TCPHAN"",XMHOST) K XMSIO"
^XMB(4.6,37,2,1,0)="This is the transmission script used to contact other MailMan"
^XMB(4.6,37,2,2,0)="systems across an X.25 channel."