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Globals from FOIA VistA with corrected Node problem for the cross references in the mental health files for C and AU
Cache 13-Sep-2008 18:35:03 ZWR
^XWB(8994,0)="REMOTE PROCEDURE^8994^2424^2387"
^XWB(8994,1,1,1,0)="This RPC receives a string which will be sent right back to the client."
^XWB(8994,1,1,2,0)="It exists for support of EGcho - Broker demonstration program."
^XWB(8994,1,1,3,0)="to run d ECHO^XWBZ1(something)"
^XWB(8994,2,1,1,0)="This RPC brings back a small list of elements to the client. It exists for"
^XWB(8994,2,1,2,0)="support of EGcho - Broker demonstration program."
^XWB(8994,3,0)="XWB EGCHO BIG LIST^BIG^XWBZ1^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,3,1,1,0)="This RPC brings back a lot of meaningless data to the client. It exists for"
^XWB(8994,3,1,2,0)="support of EGcho - Broker demonstration program."
^XWB(8994,4,1,1,0)="Sorts a given numeric array, starting from HI or LO"
^XWB(8994,4,1,2,0)="It exists for support of EGcho - Broker demonstration program."
^XWB(8994,4,2,1,1,1,0)="The string LO or HI"
^XWB(8994,4,2,2,1,1,0)="The array of numbers. Pass using . syntax"
^XWB(8994,4,2,2,1,2,0)="X(12)="""",X(23)="""",... for example"
^XWB(8994,4,3,1,0)="Sorted array"
^XWB(8994,5,0)="XWB EGCHO MEMO^MEMO^XWBZ1^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,5,1,1,0)="This RPC accepts text from a client which it will send right back to the"
^XWB(8994,5,1,2,0)="client. It exists for support of EGcho - Broker demonstration program."
^XWB(8994,8,1,1,0)="Returns a list of remote procedures from the REMOTE PROCEDURE file."
^XWB(8994,9,1,1,0)="This RPC accepts the name of a variable which will be evaluated and its"
^XWB(8994,9,1,2,0)="value returned to the server. For example, this RPC may be called with"
^XWB(8994,9,1,3,0)="a parameter like DUZ which will be returned as 123456."
^XWB(8994,10,1,1,0)="Establishes environment necessary for DHCP sign-on"
^XWB(8994,11,1,1,0)="Returns an array of strings that are used in the hashing algorithm."
^XWB(8994,11,1,2,0)="The strings that are returned are picked up from Z^XUSRB."
^XWB(8994,12,1,1,0)="This API checks if a ACCESS/VERIFY code pair is valid."
^XWB(8994,12,1,2,0)="It returns an array of values"
^XWB(8994,12,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,12,1,4,0)="R(0)=DUZ if sign-on was OK, zero if not OK."
^XWB(8994,12,1,5,0)="R(1)=(0=OK, 1,2...=Can't sign-on for some reason)."
^XWB(8994,12,1,6,0)="R(2)=verify needs changing."
^XWB(8994,12,1,9,0)="R(5)=count of the number of lines of text, zero if none."
^XWB(8994,12,1,10,0)="R(5+n)=message text."
^XWB(8994,12,2,1,1,1,0)="accessCode_"";""_verifyCode in unencrypted form."
^XWB(8994,13,0)="XUS INTRO MSG^INTRO^XUSRB^3^R^^^1^^^1"
^XWB(8994,13,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the INTRO message from the KERNEL SYSTEM PARAMETERS file."
^XWB(8994,14,1,1,0)="Establishes context on the server, which will be checked by the Broker before"
^XWB(8994,14,1,2,0)="executing any other remote procedure. Since context is nothing more than a"
^XWB(8994,14,1,3,0)="client/server ""B""-type option in the OPTION file (#19), standard MenuMan"
^XWB(8994,14,1,4,0)="security is applied in establishing a context. Therefore, a context option"
^XWB(8994,14,1,5,0)="can be granted to user(s) exactly the same way as regular options are done"
^XWB(8994,14,1,6,0)="using MenuMan."
^XWB(8994,14,1,8,0)="A context can not be established for the following reasons:"
^XWB(8994,14,1,10,0)=" <20> The user has no access to that option"
^XWB(8994,14,1,12,0)=" <20> The option is temporarily out of order"
^XWB(8994,14,1,14,0)="An application can switch from one context to another as often as it needs to."
^XWB(8994,14,1,15,0)="Each time a context is created the previous context is overwritten."
^XWB(8994,14,1,17,0)="For more information on creating a context and the overall Broker security"
^XWB(8994,14,1,18,0)="see Broker on-line help documentation."
^XWB(8994,15,1,1,0)="Per LIST^DIC(), returns the starting location, number of records to retrieve, file to retrieve them from, and index to use."
^XWB(8994,15,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,15,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,16,1,1,0)="Generic call to file edits into FM file."
^XWB(8994,16,2,1,0)="EDIT RESULTS^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,16,2,1,1,1,0)="Results of editing to be placed in FDA array by broker."
^XWB(8994,16,2,2,0)="EDIT MODE^1^3^1"
^XWB(8994,16,2,2,1,1,0)="Is processing in edit or add data mode."
^XWB(8994,16,2,"B","EDIT MODE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,16,2,"B","EDIT RESULTS",1)=""
^XWB(8994,16,3,1,0)="If file update is successful, then a 1 is returned. A 0 is returned if"
^XWB(8994,17,1,1,0)="Allows file entry deletion via FileMan ^DIK call."
^XWB(8994,17,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains subscripts that indicate global root and entry number."
^XWB(8994,17,3,1,0)="Indicates whether delete operation was successful."
^XWB(8994,18,0)="SC FIND^FINDC^SCUTBK2^2^P"
^XWB(8994,18,1,1,0)="Per FIND^DIC, find records in a file."
^XWB(8994,18,2,1,0)="LIST OF ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,18,2,"B","LIST OF ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,19,1,1,0)="Broker callback to get file number."
^XWB(8994,19,2,1,0)="FILE NAME^1^50^1"
^XWB(8994,19,2,"B","FILE NAME",1)=""
^XWB(8994,20,1,1,0)="Call to pass back a global node."
^XWB(8994,20,2,1,0)="GLOBAL NODE^1^512^1"
^XWB(8994,20,2,"B","GLOBAL NODE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,21,1,1,0)="Calls database server at GETS^DIQ."
^XWB(8994,21,2,1,0)="GETS ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,21,2,"B","GETS ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,22,1,1,0)="Allow locking/unlocking of M global node."
^XWB(8994,22,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains subscripts identify node, whether to lock or unlock and"
^XWB(8994,22,2,1,1,2,0)="timeout(in seconds)."
^XWB(8994,22,3,1,0)="Indicates whether lock operation was successful."
^XWB(8994,23,1,1,0)="This function allows the application to validate user input to"
^XWB(8994,23,1,2,0)="a field before filing data. The call uses the database server VAL^DIE"
^XWB(8994,23,2,2,1,1,0)="This array contains the following parameters necessary to call VAL^DIE:"
^XWB(8994,23,2,2,1,2,0)=" - ""FILE"" - file number"
^XWB(8994,23,2,2,1,3,0)=" - ""IENS"" - internal entry numbers"
^XWB(8994,23,2,2,1,4,0)=" - ""IENS"" - internal entry numbers"
^XWB(8994,23,2,2,1,5,0)=" - ""VALUE"" - user input value"
^XWB(8994,23,3,1,0)="This call passes back information in the [data] section and"
^XWB(8994,23,3,2,0)="the [errors] section."
^XWB(8994,24,1,1,0)="Returns the number of entries found in the global node at the ROOT,XREF,"
^XWB(8994,24,1,2,0)="VALUE. If 0 is returned, then there were no values at that node."
^XWB(8994,24,1,3,0)="Pass in (""ROOT""), (""XREF""), (""VALUE"")"
^XWB(8994,24,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains the subscript that indicates the global root, the cross reference, "
^XWB(8994,24,2,1,1,2,0)="and the value to order on in the global."
^XWB(8994,24,3,1,0)="The number of entries found in the global node at the xref and value."
^XWB(8994,25,0)="SC PRTP^PRTP^SCUTBK1^1^P"
^XWB(8994,25,1,1,0)="Returns the currently active staff member for a position. Send in"
^XWB(8994,25,1,2,0)="Position Ien and date range, returns name and ien from New Person"
^XWB(8994,25,1,4,0)=" SC(""IEN"")=ien"
^XWB(8994,25,1,5,0)=" SC(""BEGIN"")=begining date for check"
^XWB(8994,25,1,6,0)=" SC(""END"")=ending date for check"
^XWB(8994,25,2,1,0)="INPUT ARRAY^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,25,2,1,1,1,0)="See RPC Description for values"
^XWB(8994,25,2,"B","INPUT ARRAY",1)=""
^XWB(8994,26,1,1,0)="Sends Mailman message from information sent from client"
^XWB(8994,26,2,1,0)="MESSAGE ARRAY^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,26,2,"B","MESSAGE ARRAY",1)=""
^XWB(8994,27,1,1,0)="This call passes back whether the date for a new history entry is valid"
^XWB(8994,27,1,2,0)="or not. Primarily for files 404.52, 404.58, 404.59. Returns a"
^XWB(8994,27,1,3,0)="1 if ok, or a 0 if not."
^XWB(8994,27,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,27,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,28,1,1,0)="This call returns a 1 if changing an exisiting date for a History"
^XWB(8994,28,1,2,0)="entry is ok, or a 0 if the date cannot be changed. Primary history"
^XWB(8994,28,1,3,0)="files are 404.52, 404.58, 404.59"
^XWB(8994,28,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,28,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,29,1,1,0)="This call returns a 1 if the entry can be inactivated, or a 0 if the"
^XWB(8994,29,1,2,0)="entry cannot. Used primarily for history files."
^XWB(8994,29,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512"
^XWB(8994,29,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,30,1,1,0)="This call returns a 1 if the entry can be deleted, a 0 if it cannot be"
^XWB(8994,30,1,2,0)="deleted. Restricted to files 404.52, 404.58, 404.59 history files"
^XWB(8994,30,1,3,0)="at present."
^XWB(8994,30,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,30,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,31,1,1,0)="This call returns a 1 if the status of a new history entry is ok, a 0"
^XWB(8994,31,1,2,0)="if it is not. Currently restricted to files, 404.52, 404.58, 404.59"
^XWB(8994,31,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,31,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,32,1,1,0)="Returns mean test data for patient from API call LST^DGMTU"
^XWB(8994,32,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,32,3,1,0)="Mean test data in string format"
^XWB(8994,33,1,1,0)="Returns a list of teams the patient is currently assigned to."
^XWB(8994,33,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,33,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,34,1,1,0)="Patient lookup. This is intended as a temporary RPC until a VA or"
^XWB(8994,34,1,2,0)="FileMan component is available. Does a Multiple index lookup on"
^XWB(8994,34,1,3,0)="the PATIENT file (#2). This does not invoke DPTLK. Given lookup"
^XWB(8994,34,1,4,0)="value, this returns a list of the form DFN^patient name^DOB^PID."
^XWB(8994,34,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,34,1,6,0)="Only the first 500 records that match the value are returned."
^XWB(8994,34,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,34,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,35,1,1,0)="Returns an array of positions. For each position, the standard role,"
^XWB(8994,35,1,2,0)="team member currently filling, and the preceptor (if any) for the "
^XWB(8994,35,1,3,0)="team member. Returns both Internal and external values."
^XWB(8994,35,1,4,0)="Piece 1: Team Ien"
^XWB(8994,35,1,5,0)="|TAB| 2: Position Ien"
^XWB(8994,35,1,6,0)="|TAB| 3: Team member Ien (File #200)"
^XWB(8994,35,1,7,0)="|TAB| 4: Team member's name"
^XWB(8994,35,1,8,0)=" 5: Precpetor's Ien (File #200)"
^XWB(8994,35,1,9,0)="|TAB| 6: Preceptor's Name"
^XWB(8994,35,1,10,0)="|TAB| 7: Primary Care role (if any) for position."
^XWB(8994,35,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,35,2,1,1,1,0)=" DFN : Patient's dfn"
^XWB(8994,35,2,1,1,2,0)=" BEGIN: Beginning date range"
^XWB(8994,35,2,1,1,3,0)=" END : Ending date range"
^XWB(8994,35,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,36,1,1,0)="File a single value, similar to DIE stuff. For those instances where"
^XWB(8994,36,1,2,0)="a single value needs to be filed or changed, and that value is not"
^XWB(8994,36,1,3,0)="associated with a specific component on the client side. ie changing"
^XWB(8994,36,1,4,0)="a flag."
^XWB(8994,36,2,1,0)="LIST ARRAY^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,36,2,1,1,1,0)="File, Ien, Field number, and value to be filed."
^XWB(8994,36,2,"B","LIST ARRAY",1)=""
^XWB(8994,36,3,1,0)="1 if Update ok, 0 if the update was not completed."
^XWB(8994,37,1,1,0)="This API returns the 0th node of the Team file(#404.51) entry"
^XWB(8994,37,1,2,0)="and the list of current autolinks."
^XWB(8994,37,2,1,1,1,0)="Pointer to entry in Team file."
^XWB(8994,37,3,1,0)="Array contains the 0th node for the Team file(#404.51)"
^XWB(8994,37,3,2,0)="entry and the list of entities autolinked to the team."
^XWB(8994,37,3,4,0)="The 0th node is stored in the 0th subscript of the array."
^XWB(8994,37,3,6,0)="Each subscript starting at 1 in the array will have the following structure:"
^XWB(8994,37,3,10,0)="1- AutoLink Display Text"
^XWB(8994,37,3,11,0)="2- Autolink Type"
^XWB(8994,37,3,12,0)="3- AutoLink Entity IEN"
^XWB(8994,37,3,14,0)="Normally, the display text value is the .01 field but when more identifying"
^XWB(8994,37,3,15,0)="information is needed, then this string could contain more."
^XWB(8994,38,1,1,0)="Return 1 if the user is assigned the key passed in, else"
^XWB(8994,38,1,2,0)="return 0"
^XWB(8994,38,2,1,0)="INPUT VALUE^1^512^1"
^XWB(8994,38,2,"B","INPUT VALUE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,39,1,1,0)="This API sets the list of autolinks for a team."
^XWB(8994,39,2,1,0)="LIST OF AUTOLINKS^2^^1"
^XWB(8994,39,2,1,1,1,0)="List of entities autolinked to the team."
^XWB(8994,39,2,1,1,3,0)="Each subscript in the array will have the following structure:"
^XWB(8994,39,2,1,1,7,0)="1- AutoLink Display Text"
^XWB(8994,39,2,1,1,8,0)="2- Autolink Type"
^XWB(8994,39,2,1,1,9,0)="3- AutoLink Entity IEN"
^XWB(8994,39,2,1,1,11,0)="Normally, the display text value is the .01 field but when more identifying"
^XWB(8994,39,2,1,1,12,0)="information is needed, then this string could contain more."
^XWB(8994,39,2,2,1,1,0)="Pointer to entry in Team file."
^XWB(8994,39,2,"B","LIST OF AUTOLINKS",1)=""
^XWB(8994,39,3,1,0)="Indicates that the autolink set process was successful(1)"
^XWB(8994,39,3,2,0)="or unsuccessful(0)."
^XWB(8994,40,1,1,0)="This rpc returns the list of Team names that are autolinked to an entity."
^XWB(8994,40,2,2,0)="AUOTLINK TYPE^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,40,2,2,1,1,0)="Possible types of autolinks are the following:"
^XWB(8994,40,2,2,1,2,0)=" - Ward"
^XWB(8994,40,2,2,1,3,0)=" - Specialty"
^XWB(8994,40,2,2,1,4,0)=" - Room-Bed"
^XWB(8994,40,2,2,1,5,0)=" - Practitioner"
^XWB(8994,40,2,2,1,6,0)=" - Clinic"
^XWB(8994,40,2,3,0)="AUTOLINK IEN^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,40,2,3,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of autoLink entity."
^XWB(8994,40,2,3,1,3,0)="For example, if the entity is a ward, this parameter contains"
^XWB(8994,40,2,3,1,4,0)="the entry number in the Ward Loaction file for the entity."
^XWB(8994,40,2,"B","AUOTLINK TYPE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,40,2,"B","AUTOLINK IEN",3)=""
^XWB(8994,40,3,1,0)="List of Teams for which the entity is autolinked."
^XWB(8994,40,3,3,0)="The value of each item in the array is the Team name."
^XWB(8994,41,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a scheduling report definition as defined"
^XWB(8994,41,1,2,0)="in file 404.92."
^XWB(8994,41,2,1,0)="REPORT ENTRY^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,41,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of the report definition from file 404.92."
^XWB(8994,41,2,"B","REPORT ENTRY",1)=""
^XWB(8994,41,3,1,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the array, the following is returned:"
^XWB(8994,41,3,2,0)="SCDATA(0) := 0th node of report defintion (404.92)"
^XWB(8994,41,3,3,0)=" (1..n) := sections for"
^XWB(8994,41,3,4,0)=" [Description], [Sorts], [Fields], [Files]"
^XWB(8994,41,3,7,0)=" - each node returned equals a text node in the description"
^XWB(8994,41,3,8,0)=" word processing multiple"
^XWB(8994,41,3,11,0)=" - each node returned equals a text node in the SORTS multiple"
^XWB(8994,41,3,14,0)=" - each node describes fields used by the report as defined in"
^XWB(8994,41,3,15,0)=" the FIELDS multiple"
^XWB(8994,41,3,16,0)=" Piece Description"
^XWB(8994,41,3,17,0)=" ----- -----------"
^XWB(8994,41,3,18,0)=" 1 Corresponding Delphi Component Name"
^XWB(8994,41,3,19,0)=" 2 Is field required?"
^XWB(8994,41,3,20,0)=" 3 <not used>"
^XWB(8994,41,3,21,0)=" 4 Default Value"
^XWB(8994,41,3,24,0)=" - each node describes files used by the report as defined in"
^XWB(8994,41,3,25,0)=" the FILES multiple"
^XWB(8994,41,3,26,0)=" Piece Description"
^XWB(8994,41,3,27,0)=" ----- -----------"
^XWB(8994,41,3,28,0)=" 1 File type (DIVISION, TEAM, etc.)"
^XWB(8994,41,3,29,0)=" 2 File number"
^XWB(8994,41,3,30,0)=" 3 Number of selections from file required"
^XWB(8994,41,3,31,0)=" (ONE/MANY/ALL/NONE)"
^XWB(8994,41,3,32,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,42,1,1,0)="This RPC returns user related data often needed by scheduling"
^XWB(8994,42,1,2,0)="modules. The data returned is used to set instance variables"
^XWB(8994,42,1,3,0)="for the TScUser object type on the client."
^XWB(8994,42,2,1,0)="DUZ NUMBER^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,42,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of the user."
^XWB(8994,42,2,"B","DUZ NUMBER",1)=""
^XWB(8994,42,3,1,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the array, the following is returned:"
^XWB(8994,42,3,2,0)=" SCDATA(0) -> <ien of user> ^ <name of user> ^ <default query id>"
^XWB(8994,42,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,42,3,4,0)=" --- OR ---"
^XWB(8994,42,3,6,0)=" SCDATA(0) -> 0 - meaning errors found ^ <number of errors>"
^XWB(8994,42,3,7,0)="SCDATA(1...n) -> error text"
^XWB(8994,43,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a scheduling report query template definition"
^XWB(8994,43,1,2,0)="as definedin file 404.95."
^XWB(8994,43,2,1,0)="QUERY ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,43,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of the report query template definition"
^XWB(8994,43,2,1,1,2,0)="from file 404.95"
^XWB(8994,43,2,"B","QUERY ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,43,3,1,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the array, the following is returned:"
^XWB(8994,43,3,2,0)="SCDATA(0) := 0th node of report query template definition (404.95)"
^XWB(8994,43,3,3,0)=" (1) := External values for 0th node pieces"
^XWB(8994,43,3,4,0)=" (2..n) := sections for"
^XWB(8994,43,3,5,0)=" [Description], [Fields], [Selections]"
^XWB(8994,43,3,8,0)=" - each node returned equals a text node in the description"
^XWB(8994,43,3,9,0)=" word processing multiple"
^XWB(8994,43,3,12,0)=" - each node describes fields used by the report as defined in"
^XWB(8994,43,3,13,0)=" the FIELDS multiple"
^XWB(8994,43,3,14,0)=" Piece Description"
^XWB(8994,43,3,15,0)=" ----- -----------"
^XWB(8994,43,3,16,0)=" 1 Corresponding Delphi Component Name"
^XWB(8994,43,3,17,0)=" 2 Value for field"
^XWB(8994,43,3,20,0)=" - each node describes files used by the report as defined in"
^XWB(8994,43,3,21,0)=" the FILES multiple"
^XWB(8994,43,3,22,0)=" Piece Description"
^XWB(8994,43,3,23,0)=" ----- -----------"
^XWB(8994,43,3,24,0)=" 1 External file entry value"
^XWB(8994,43,3,25,0)=" 2 File type (DIVISION, TEAM, etc.)"
^XWB(8994,43,3,26,0)=" 3 Internal entry number for value"
^XWB(8994,43,3,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,44,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a list of entries that is displayed"
^XWB(8994,44,1,2,0)="to the user as part of the entry selection process."
^XWB(8994,44,1,3,0)="This process occurs during query template setup. It"
^XWB(8994,44,1,4,0)="involves the user indicating which divsions, teams,"
^XWB(8994,44,1,5,0)="roles, clinics, practitioners and user classes s/he"
^XWB(8994,44,1,6,0)="desires information about on a report."
^XWB(8994,44,2,1,0)="ENTITY TYPE^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,44,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates the entity type of the slecetion."
^XWB(8994,44,2,1,1,3,0)="The following types are possible:"
^XWB(8994,44,2,1,1,4,0)=" DIVISION"
^XWB(8994,44,2,1,1,5,0)=" TEAM"
^XWB(8994,44,2,1,1,6,0)=" PRACTITIONER"
^XWB(8994,44,2,1,1,7,0)=" ROLE"
^XWB(8994,44,2,1,1,8,0)=" CLINIC"
^XWB(8994,44,2,1,1,9,0)=" USER CLASS"
^XWB(8994,44,2,2,0)="REPORT ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,44,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of the report definition."
^XWB(8994,44,2,2,1,3,0)="Each report has a differenrt set of criteria that"
^XWB(8994,44,2,2,1,4,0)="the query specification must meet. This affects"
^XWB(8994,44,2,2,1,5,0)="which entity entries are allowed to be chosen by"
^XWB(8994,44,2,2,1,6,0)="the user."
^XWB(8994,44,2,3,0)="REPORT NAME^1^50^1"
^XWB(8994,44,2,3,1,1,0)="Name of the report."
^XWB(8994,44,2,4,0)="SEARCH TEXT^1^50^1"
^XWB(8994,44,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the free-text entered by"
^XWB(8994,44,2,4,1,2,0)="the user that is compared to the entity entry's name"
^XWB(8994,44,2,4,1,3,0)="to filter out possible choices. If null, then"
^XWB(8994,44,2,4,1,4,0)="all valid entries are presented to the user."
^XWB(8994,44,2,5,1,1,0)="This array contains all of the selections already made"
^XWB(8994,44,2,5,1,2,0)="by the user for the current query template. This list"
^XWB(8994,44,2,5,1,3,0)="of selections is then used to filter out possible selections"
^XWB(8994,44,2,5,1,4,0)="for the current 'entity type' being requested."
^XWB(8994,44,2,5,1,6,0)="For example, often the report criteria requires one or"
^XWB(8994,44,2,5,1,7,0)="more teams must be selected. However, the team must be"
^XWB(8994,44,2,5,1,8,0)="in one of the divisions already selected by the user."
^XWB(8994,44,2,5,1,9,0)="In this case, the user's division selections are"
^XWB(8994,44,2,5,1,10,0)="used to filter out inapproiate teams during a team"
^XWB(8994,44,2,5,1,11,0)="array build."
^XWB(8994,44,2,"B","ENTITY TYPE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,44,2,"B","REPORT ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,44,2,"B","REPORT NAME",3)=""
^XWB(8994,44,2,"B","SEARCH TEXT",4)=""
^XWB(8994,44,3,1,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the array, the following is returned:"
^XWB(8994,44,3,2,0)=" SCDATA(1...n) -> <name of entry> ^ <type of entity> ^ <internal entry number of entity>"
^XWB(8994,45,1,1,0)="This RPC returns information assoicated with an entry"
^XWB(8994,45,1,2,0)="on the entity selection form of the Query Template Utility."
^XWB(8994,45,1,4,0)="The RPC gets invoked as a result of the user clicking the"
^XWB(8994,45,1,5,0)="right mouse button and selecting 'Details'."
^XWB(8994,45,2,1,0)="ENTITY TYPE^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,45,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates the entity type of the slecetion."
^XWB(8994,45,2,1,1,3,0)="The following types are possible:"
^XWB(8994,45,2,1,1,4,0)=" DIVISION"
^XWB(8994,45,2,1,1,5,0)=" TEAM"
^XWB(8994,45,2,1,1,6,0)=" PRACTITIONER"
^XWB(8994,45,2,1,1,7,0)=" ROLE"
^XWB(8994,45,2,1,1,8,0)=" CLINIC"
^XWB(8994,45,2,1,1,9,0)=" USER CLASS"
^XWB(8994,45,2,2,0)="INTERNAL ENTRY NUMBER^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,45,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the internal entry number for"
^XWB(8994,45,2,2,1,2,0)="the entity."
^XWB(8994,45,2,"B","ENTITY TYPE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,45,2,"B","INTERNAL ENTRY NUMBER",2)=""
^XWB(8994,45,3,1,0)="This RPC passes back an array of information for the"
^XWB(8994,45,3,2,0)="entity. The information is enity type specific."
^XWB(8994,45,3,3,0)="For example, if the selection is a DIVISION entity"
^XWB(8994,45,3,4,0)="then a least of Teams for that Division are returned."
^XWB(8994,45,3,7,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the array, the data is"
^XWB(8994,45,3,8,0)="returned in nodes SCDATA(1..n)."
^XWB(8994,46,1,1,0)="This RPC attempts to save the query template definition for"
^XWB(8994,46,1,2,0)="the user. Before saving query, the RPC will validate the query"
^XWB(8994,46,1,3,0)="criteria and report any errors without saving query."
^XWB(8994,46,1,5,0)="The query template definition must pass the validation"
^XWB(8994,46,1,6,0)="check before it can be saved."
^XWB(8994,46,2,1,0)="QUERY DEFINITION^2^^1"
^XWB(8994,46,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the complete definition of the query"
^XWB(8994,46,2,1,1,2,0)="template. The format of the definition data is defined by"
^XWB(8994,46,2,1,1,3,0)="the TScQryDef.BuildQuery method on the client."
^XWB(8994,46,2,"B","QUERY DEFINITION",1)=""
^XWB(8994,46,3,1,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the return array, the following is"
^XWB(8994,46,3,2,0)="the definition of the data being passed back via this RPC:"
^XWB(8994,46,3,4,0)=" SCDATA(0) -> 1 - meaning deletion was successful ^ <new query ien> ^ <1/0 reload client flag(some inappropriate data was stripped during save>"
^XWB(8994,46,3,6,0)=" --- OR ---"
^XWB(8994,46,3,7,0)=" -> 0 - meaning errors found ^ <number of errors>"
^XWB(8994,46,3,8,0)=" SCDATA(1...n) -> error text"
^XWB(8994,47,1,1,0)="This RPC will validate the criteria specified in the"
^XWB(8994,47,1,2,0)="query template definiton passed in as part of the call."
^XWB(8994,47,1,3,0)="The validation checks the criteria against what data"
^XWB(8994,47,1,4,0)="is required the report assoicated with the template."
^XWB(8994,47,1,6,0)="If the validation check fails, then the errors found"
^XWB(8994,47,1,7,0)="are returned as part of the RPC, otherwise a success"
^XWB(8994,47,1,8,0)="flag(1) is returned."
^XWB(8994,47,2,1,0)="QUERY DEFINITION^2^^1"
^XWB(8994,47,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the complete definition of the query"
^XWB(8994,47,2,1,1,2,0)="template. The format of the definition data is defined by"
^XWB(8994,47,2,1,1,3,0)="the TScQryDef.BuildQuery method on the client."
^XWB(8994,47,2,2,0)="VALIDATE MODE^1^50^1"
^XWB(8994,47,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates whether all validation checks"
^XWB(8994,47,2,2,1,2,0)="need to be made(FULL) or only those checks related to"
^XWB(8994,47,2,2,1,3,0)="entity entry selection(SELECTIONS) should be made."
^XWB(8994,47,2,"B","QUERY DEFINITION",1)=""
^XWB(8994,47,2,"B","VALIDATE MODE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,47,3,1,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the array, the following is returned:"
^XWB(8994,47,3,2,0)=" SCDATA(0) -> 1 - meaning validation checks found no errors"
^XWB(8994,47,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,47,3,4,0)=" --- OR ---"
^XWB(8994,47,3,6,0)=" SCDATA(0) -> 0 - meaning errors found ^ <number of errors>"
^XWB(8994,47,3,7,0)="SCDATA(1...n) -> error text"
^XWB(8994,48,1,1,0)="This RPC allows for the deletion of a query, usually"
^XWB(8994,48,1,2,0)="at the request of the user."
^XWB(8994,48,2,1,0)="QUERY DEFINITION^2^^1"
^XWB(8994,48,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the complete definition of the query"
^XWB(8994,48,2,1,1,2,0)="template. The format of the definition data is defined by"
^XWB(8994,48,2,1,1,3,0)="the TScQryDef.BuildQuery method on the client."
^XWB(8994,48,2,"B","QUERY DEFINITION",1)=""
^XWB(8994,48,3,1,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the return array, the following is"
^XWB(8994,48,3,2,0)="the definition of the data being passed back via this RPC:"
^XWB(8994,48,3,4,0)=" SCDATA(0) -> 1 - meaning deletion was successful"
^XWB(8994,48,3,5,0)=" --- OR ---"
^XWB(8994,48,3,6,0)=" -> 0 - meaning errors found ^ <number of errors>"
^XWB(8994,48,3,8,0)=" SCDATA(1...n) -> error text"
^XWB(8994,49,1,1,0)="This RPC checks to see if the user already has a query"
^XWB(8994,49,1,2,0)="with the name being passed in as part of the RPC."
^XWB(8994,49,1,4,0)="If there is already a query with the same name, the RPC"
^XWB(8994,49,1,5,0)="passes back the internal entry number of the RPC, otherwise"
^XWB(8994,49,1,6,0)="the RPC passes back a 0."
^XWB(8994,49,2,1,0)="QUERY NAME^1^30^1"
^XWB(8994,49,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the query that needs to be checked for existence."
^XWB(8994,49,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of user that the query name"
^XWB(8994,49,2,2,1,2,0)="will be assoicated with, usually DUZ."
^XWB(8994,49,2,"B","QUERY NAME",1)=""
^XWB(8994,49,3,1,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the return array, the following is"
^XWB(8994,49,3,2,0)="the definition of the data being passed back via this RPC:"
^XWB(8994,49,3,4,0)=" SCDATA(1) -> 0 means no query with the passed in name was"
^XWB(8994,49,3,5,0)=" found for the user"
^XWB(8994,49,3,7,0)=" --- OR ---"
^XWB(8994,49,3,9,0)=" <n> where n is the internal entry number of the RPC"
^XWB(8994,49,3,10,0)=" found for the name passed in for the user."
^XWB(8994,50,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to set or change the user's defualt PCMM"
^XWB(8994,50,1,2,0)="query template."
^XWB(8994,50,2,1,0)="USER NUMBER^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,50,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of the user (DUZ)."
^XWB(8994,50,2,2,0)="QUERY ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,50,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of query template(#404.95) that the user"
^XWB(8994,50,2,2,1,2,0)="selected as his/her default."
^XWB(8994,50,2,"B","QUERY ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,50,2,"B","USER NUMBER",1)=""
^XWB(8994,50,3,1,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the array, the following is returned:"
^XWB(8994,50,3,2,0)=" SCDATA(0) -> 1 - meaning that deafult was successfully set/changed"
^XWB(8994,50,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,50,3,4,0)=" --- OR ---"
^XWB(8994,50,3,6,0)=" SCDATA(0) -> 0 - meaning errors found ^ <number of errors>"
^XWB(8994,50,3,7,0)="SCDATA(1...n) -> error text"
^XWB(8994,51,1,1,0)="This RPC queues a report to print based the"
^XWB(8994,51,1,2,0)="the query template definition passed in as"
^XWB(8994,51,1,3,0)="part ithe RPC call."
^XWB(8994,51,1,5,0)="The RPC returns the TaskMan task number."
^XWB(8994,51,1,7,0)="Before the report assoicated with the query template"
^XWB(8994,51,1,8,0)="is queued to print, it must pass a validation check."
^XWB(8994,51,1,9,0)="This check makes sure the criteria in the template"
^XWB(8994,51,1,10,0)="is appropriate for the report. If the validation fails,"
^XWB(8994,51,1,11,0)="the errors are returned as part of the RPC."
^XWB(8994,51,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the printer where report should print."
^XWB(8994,51,2,2,0)="RUN DATE^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,51,2,2,1,1,0)="Date report should be printed."
^XWB(8994,51,2,3,1,1,0)="Time of day report should be printed."
^XWB(8994,51,2,4,0)="QUERY DEFINITION^2^^1"
^XWB(8994,51,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the complete definition of the query"
^XWB(8994,51,2,4,1,2,0)="template. The format of the definition data is defined by"
^XWB(8994,51,2,4,1,3,0)="the TScQryDef.BuildQuery method on the client."
^XWB(8994,51,2,"B","QUERY DEFINITION",4)=""
^XWB(8994,51,2,"B","RUN DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,51,3,1,0)="Using SCDATA to represent the array, the following is returned:"
^XWB(8994,51,3,2,0)=" SCDATA(0) -> TaskMan task number assicated with queued report"
^XWB(8994,51,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,51,3,4,0)=" --- OR if errors were found during validation ---"
^XWB(8994,51,3,6,0)=" SCDATA(0) -> 0 - meaning errors found ^ <number of errors>"
^XWB(8994,51,3,7,0)="SCDATA(1...n) -> error text"
^XWB(8994,52,1,1,0)="Returns a list of staff members."
^XWB(8994,52,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,52,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,52,3,1,0)="Returns IEN^NAME^TITLE^USER CLASS"
^XWB(8994,53,1,1,0)="Returns a 1 if the User class is installed and in use, a 0 if the User"
^XWB(8994,53,1,2,0)="Class is not installed"
^XWB(8994,53,2,2,0)="SCHEDULING PARAMETER ENTRY^1^512^1"
^XWB(8994,54,1,1,0)="Returns the primary care team for a patient for the date specified."
^XWB(8994,54,1,2,0)="Pass in the DFN and Date. Returns team information."
^XWB(8994,54,2,1,0)="LIST ARRAY^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,54,2,"B","LIST ARRAY",1)=""
^XWB(8994,55,1,1,0)="Retrieve a block of patients available to be assigned from the ^TMP"
^XWB(8994,55,1,2,0)="holding global built by the SC BLD PAT.... remote procedure call."
^XWB(8994,55,1,3,0)="Input $J, the starting number in the block, the ending number in the"
^XWB(8994,55,1,4,0)="block, and the last entry in the global."
^XWB(8994,55,2,1,0)="PARAMETER LIST^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,55,2,"B","PARAMETER LIST",1)=""
^XWB(8994,56,1,1,0)="Builds a list of patients to be assigned to either a team or position"
^XWB(8994,56,1,2,0)="through the multiple assignment form. This list is called by the "
^XWB(8994,56,1,3,0)="actual ""filer"" for either the Team or the position. The list's "
^XWB(8994,56,1,4,0)="format is ^TMP($J,""SC PATIENT LIST"",DFN)"
^XWB(8994,57,1,1,0)="File patient team assignments in ^TMP(""SC PATIENT LIST"",DFN) global"
^XWB(8994,57,1,2,0)="for later processing"
^XWB(8994,57,2,2,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,57,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",2)=""
^XWB(8994,58,1,1,0)="This RPC build a list of patients by assignment to a selected clinic."
^XWB(8994,58,1,2,0)="Lookup is in the Hospital location file, screening of ""C"" in the "
^XWB(8994,58,1,3,0)="(0,3) node. List is stored in ^TMP($J,""SCCLPT"",N)=DFN. List is "
^XWB(8994,58,1,4,0)="alphabetized by name."
^XWB(8994,58,2,1,0)="PARAMETER LIST^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,58,2,"B","PARAMETER LIST",1)=""
^XWB(8994,59,1,1,0)="File patient position assignments in ^TMP(""SC PATIENT LIST"",DFN) global"
^XWB(8994,59,1,2,0)="for later processing"
^XWB(8994,59,2,2,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,59,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",2)=""
^XWB(8994,60,1,1,0)="Buils a list of patients who are associated with a particular stop code."
^XWB(8994,60,1,2,0)="Only those patients within the specified date range will appear in the list."
^XWB(8994,60,1,3,0)="Screens out inactive stop codes. Format of the list is ^TMP($J,""SCSCDE"",DFN)"
^XWB(8994,60,2,1,0)="PARAMETER LIST^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,60,2,"B","PARAMETER LIST",1)=""
^XWB(8994,61,1,1,0)="Builds a list of patients who are assigned to the selected team. format"
^XWB(8994,61,1,2,0)="of the list is ^TMP($J,""SCTEAM"",n)=DFN."
^XWB(8994,61,2,1,0)="PARAMETER LIST^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,61,2,"B","PARAMETER LIST",1)=""
^XWB(8994,62,1,1,0)="Build a list of patients who are assigned to a selected position."
^XWB(8994,62,1,2,0)="The format of the list is ^TMP($J,""SCPOS"",n)=DFN. This list is called"
^XWB(8994,62,1,3,0)="the actual filer through another RPC."
^XWB(8994,62,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,62,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,63,1,1,0)="Enrolls patient in the clinic that is associated with the position the"
^XWB(8994,63,1,2,0)="patient is being assigned to. Pass in DFN, Clinic, "
^XWB(8994,63,1,3,0)="required fields, and the date assigned."
^XWB(8994,63,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,63,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,64,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,64,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,65,1,1,0)="File patient - team assignments in ^TMP(""SC PATIENT LIST"",DFN) global"
^XWB(8994,65,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,65,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,66,1,1,0)="Builds a list of patients for a selected clinic by appointment date range."
^XWB(8994,66,1,2,0)="This list is stored in ^TMP($J,""SCAPP"",n)=DFN. List is in alphabetical"
^XWB(8994,66,2,1,0)="PARAMETER LIST^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,66,2,"B","PARAMETER LIST",1)=""
^XWB(8994,67,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,67,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,68,1,1,0)="Builds a list of patients that have a primary care assignment, but no"
^XWB(8994,68,1,2,0)="current primary care team assignment. Uses $$PTPCNTM^SCAPMC20"
^XWB(8994,68,2,1,0)="PARAMETER LIST^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,68,2,1,1,1,0)="Pass in Team to be assigned to and effective date for search."
^XWB(8994,68,2,1,1,2,0)="Position to be assigned to is required for assign to position"
^XWB(8994,68,2,"B","PARAMETER LIST",1)=""
^XWB(8994,69,1,1,0)="Builds the before and after status for a single patient assignment to"
^XWB(8994,69,1,2,0)="either a team or a position, and fires off a mailman message."
^XWB(8994,70,1,1,0)="This call will convert a form id (printed at the top of an encounter form)"
^XWB(8994,70,1,2,0)="and return information about the patient, the appointment, and the form."
^XWB(8994,70,1,3,0)="See routine IBDRPC3 for output descritpion."
^XWB(8994,70,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the form id printed at the top of the encounter form, and should"
^XWB(8994,70,2,1,1,2,0)="match and internal entry number from the FORM TRACKING file (357.96)."
^XWB(8994,70,3,1,0)="Returns a 17 piece record, see IBDRPC3 for details."
^XWB(8994,71,1,1,0)="This call will return the Form Specification file (as an array) that is"
^XWB(8994,71,1,2,0)="used by the scanning software to recognize a form. Lines longer than"
^XWB(8994,71,1,3,0)="255 characters are truncated on the server and flagged with ""~~~"""
^XWB(8994,71,1,4,0)="indicating the need to concatenate on the client."
^XWB(8994,71,2,1,1,1,0)="Input the form type number from the top of the form, (the left most"
^XWB(8994,71,3,1,0)="Returns an array that is to be saved on the client as a formspec file."
^XWB(8994,72,1,1,0)="Returns a list of input objects on all encounter forms defined for a"
^XWB(8994,72,1,2,0)="clinic in the clinic setup. There are 3 types of input objects,"
^XWB(8994,72,1,3,0)="lists, hand print fields, and multiple choice fields. Each has its"
^XWB(8994,72,1,4,0)="own set of unique characterists for input."
^XWB(8994,72,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to file 44 or a unique clinic name."
^XWB(8994,72,3,1,0)="Output is an array of input objects from the forms, each node"
^XWB(8994,72,3,2,0)="is an 8 piece record. See IBDFRPC for details."
^XWB(8994,73,1,1,0)="Returns a list of input objects on one encounter forms ."
^XWB(8994,73,1,2,0)="There are 3 types of input objects,"
^XWB(8994,73,1,3,0)="lists, hand print fields, and multiple choice fields. Each has its"
^XWB(8994,73,1,4,0)="own set of unique characterists for input. "
^XWB(8994,73,2,1,1,1,0)="Input the pointer to the encounter form file or the unique name of the"
^XWB(8994,73,2,1,1,2,0)="encounter form"
^XWB(8994,73,3,1,0)="Output is an array of input objects from the form, each node"
^XWB(8994,73,3,2,0)="is an 8 piece record. See IBDFRPC for details."
^XWB(8994,74,1,1,0)="This call will return specific information about any one input object"
^XWB(8994,74,1,2,0)="regardless of type. Developers should first use the RPC to return the"
^XWB(8994,74,1,3,0)="available input objects (either by form or by clinic). "
^XWB(8994,74,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,74,1,5,0)="There are 3 types of input objects, lists (both static and dynamic),"
^XWB(8994,74,1,6,0)="hand print fields, and multiple choice fields. Each input object"
^XWB(8994,74,1,7,0)="may be associated with selection rules and data qualifiers. There"
^XWB(8994,74,1,8,0)="are 4 selection rules: "
^XWB(8994,74,1,9,0)=" 0 := any number (including zero)"
^XWB(8994,74,1,10,0)=" 1 := exactly one"
^XWB(8994,74,1,11,0)=" 2 := at most one (0 or 1)"
^XWB(8994,74,1,12,0)=" 3 := at least one (1 or more)"
^XWB(8994,74,1,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,74,1,14,0)="There are also a number of data qualifiers that are used to describe the"
^XWB(8994,74,1,15,0)="data, for example, primary, secondary, add to problem list, etc."
^XWB(8994,74,2,1,1,1,0)="The following variables are required:"
^XWB(8994,74,2,1,1,2,0)=" IBDF(""PI"") := pointer to the package interface file"
^XWB(8994,74,2,1,1,3,0)=" IBDF(""IEN"") := pointer to the input object (file depends on type)"
^XWB(8994,74,2,1,1,4,0)=" IBDF(""CLINIC"") := pointer to the hospital location file (required only"
^XWB(8994,74,2,1,1,5,0)=" to return provider lists)"
^XWB(8994,74,2,1,1,6,0)=" IBDF(""DFN"") := pointer to patient file (required only for patient"
^XWB(8994,74,2,1,1,7,0)=" specific dynamic lists such as patient active problems)"
^XWB(8994,74,2,1,1,8,0)="All are returned by one of the available rpc's in aics."
^XWB(8994,74,3,1,0)="Returns array describing input object. See routine IBDFRPC1 for details."
^XWB(8994,74,3,2,0)="See routine IBDFDE* for examples of use. (ibdfde2* for lists, ibdfde3 for"
^XWB(8994,74,3,3,0)="hand print fields, ibdfde4 for multiple choice fields)"
^XWB(8994,74,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,74,3,5,0)="The return array is different for the different types of objects."
^XWB(8994,75,1,1,0)="This RPC is to be used by the AICS workstation software only. It accepts"
^XWB(8994,75,1,2,0)="data in the format returned by the scanning software and converts the"
^XWB(8994,75,1,3,0)="data in the format expected by PCE and passes the data to PCE."
^XWB(8994,75,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the input data."
^XWB(8994,75,3,1,0)="Returns an array of data describing the input data in human readable"
^XWB(8994,75,3,2,0)="terms and any errors and warnings sent by PCE."
^XWB(8994,76,1,1,0)="This call is used to validate user information and for display on the"
^XWB(8994,76,1,2,0)="Show User screen."
^XWB(8994,76,2,1,1,1,0)="validates that user is holder of specified security key."
^XWB(8994,76,3,1,0)="returns an 11 piece record of user/system information"
^XWB(8994,77,1,1,0)="This call is the public RPC for developers to input data from an"
^XWB(8994,77,1,2,0)="encounter form to AICS for processing to PCE. See routine IBDFRPC4"
^XWB(8994,77,1,3,0)="for detailed description of variables."
^XWB(8994,77,2,1,1,1,0)="See routine IBDFRPC4 for details of required variables. See routines"
^XWB(8994,77,2,1,1,2,0)="IBDFDE* for examples of use."
^XWB(8994,77,3,1,0)="Returns status of passing of data to PCE."
^XWB(8994,78,1,1,0)="Returns a numeric between 1 and 9999999 that is used as part of the file"
^XWB(8994,78,1,2,0)="name to store the next unknown image as."
^XWB(8994,79,1,1,0)="Store elapsed time for data entry"
^XWB(8994,80,1,1,0)="This call back is used by AICS to log entries in the AICS ERROR AND WARNING"
^XWB(8994,80,1,2,0)="FILE when the recognition of a form is canceled or otherwise interrupted."
^XWB(8994,81,1,1,0)="This RPC will cause the information on images saved to be stored in the"
^XWB(8994,81,1,2,0)="AICS IMAGE LOG file."
^XWB(8994,82,0)="TIU NOTES^NOTES^TIUSRVLO^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,82,1,1,0)="This API gets lists of progress notes for a patient, with optional "
^XWB(8994,82,1,2,0)="parameters for STATUS, EARLY DATE/TIME, and LATE DATE/TIME."
^XWB(8994,82,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient file."
^XWB(8994,83,1,1,0)="This RPC will get the textual portion of a TIU Document Record."
^XWB(8994,84,1,1,0)="This API gets lists of Discharge Summaries for a patient, with optional "
^XWB(8994,84,1,2,0)="parameters for STATUS, EARLY DATE/TIME, and LATE DATE/TIME."
^XWB(8994,84,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient file."
^XWB(8994,85,1,1,0)="This API gets lists of Progress Notes by visit from TIU."
^XWB(8994,85,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the VISIT File."
^XWB(8994,85,3,1,0)="This is the pointer to the visit file."
^XWB(8994,86,1,1,0)="This API returns lists of Discharge Summaries by visit."
^XWB(8994,86,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the visit file."
^XWB(8994,87,1,1,0)="This API returns a list of Progress Notes Titles, including a SHORT LIST"
^XWB(8994,87,1,2,0)="of preferred titles as defined by the user, and a LONG LIST of all titles"
^XWB(8994,87,1,3,0)="defined at the site."
^XWB(8994,89,1,1,0)="This RPC will load the boilerplate text associated with the selected"
^XWB(8994,89,1,2,0)="title, and execute the methods for any objects embedded in the boilerplate"
^XWB(8994,89,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION FILE (#8925.1), which"
^XWB(8994,89,2,1,1,2,0)="identifies the title of the document to be loaded."
^XWB(8994,89,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient for whom the document is being entered."
^XWB(8994,89,2,3,1,1,0)="This optional parameter is the visit string, formatted as:"
^XWB(8994,89,2,3,1,5,0)="It's necessary when objects included in the boilerplate are sensitive to the "
^XWB(8994,89,2,3,1,6,0)="attributes of the visit (e.g., the object VISIT DATE)."
^XWB(8994,90,1,1,0)="This API Supports the application of the user's electronic signature to a"
^XWB(8994,90,1,2,0)="TIU document while evaluating authorization, and validating the user's"
^XWB(8994,90,1,3,0)="electronic signature."
^XWB(8994,90,2,1,1,1,0)="This it the record number (IEN) in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE (#8925) for the"
^XWB(8994,90,2,1,1,2,0)="record which has been electronically signed."
^XWB(8994,90,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the network-encrypted string of what the user entered as his/her"
^XWB(8994,90,2,2,1,2,0)="electronic signature code. The SIGN API will call Kernel to validate the"
^XWB(8994,90,2,2,1,3,0)="signature code, determine the user's role and privilege with respect to"
^XWB(8994,90,2,2,1,4,0)="the document in question, and apply the signature to the document, if"
^XWB(8994,90,3,1,0)="This is the error code which may result if the user enters an invalid"
^XWB(8994,90,3,2,0)="code, or if the Authorization/Subscription Utility determines that the"
^XWB(8994,90,3,3,0)="user is NOT authorized to sign (or cosign) the document, as specified by"
^XWB(8994,90,3,4,0)="the site's business rules."
^XWB(8994,91,1,1,0)="Returns Users personal preferences for TIU in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,91,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,91,1,5,0)=" ==>SELECTION PREFERENCE [6S] ^ ASK 'Save changes?' AFTER EDIT [7S] ^"
^XWB(8994,91,1,6,0)=" ==>ASK SUBJECT FOR PROGRESS NOTES [8S] ^"
^XWB(8994,91,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to file 200 (DUZ) for the current user."
^XWB(8994,91,3,3,0)=" ==>SELECTION PREFERENCE [6S] ^ ASK 'Save changes?' AFTER EDIT [7S] ^"
^XWB(8994,91,3,4,0)=" ==>ASK SUBJECT FOR PROGRESS NOTES [8S] ^"
^XWB(8994,92,1,1,0)="This API updates the record named in the TIUDA parameter, with the"
^XWB(8994,92,1,2,0)="information contained in the TIUX(Field #) array. The body of the"
^XWB(8994,92,1,3,0)="modified TIU document should be passed in the TIUX(""TEXT"",i,0) subscript,"
^XWB(8994,92,1,4,0)="where i is the line number (i.e., the ""TEXT"" node should be ready to MERGE"
^XWB(8994,92,1,5,0)="with a word processing field). Any filing errors which may occur will be"
^XWB(8994,92,1,6,0)="returned in the single valued ERR parameter (which is passed by"
^XWB(8994,92,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the return parameter, which is passed by reference. If an error"
^XWB(8994,92,2,1,1,2,0)="occurs, it will be a pointer to the FM dialog file followed by the integer"
^XWB(8994,92,2,1,1,3,0)="1 in the second ""^""-piece (e.g., 8925001^1)."
^XWB(8994,92,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the record # (IEN) of the TIU Document in file #8925."
^XWB(8994,92,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the input array which contains the data to be filed in the"
^XWB(8994,92,2,3,1,2,0)="modified document. It should look something like this:"
^XWB(8994,92,2,3,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,92,2,3,1,7,0)="TIUX(""TEXT"",1,0)=""The patient is a 70 year old WHITE MALE, who presented"
^XWB(8994,92,2,3,1,8,0)="to the ONCOLOGY CLINIC"""
^XWB(8994,92,2,3,1,9,0)="TIUX(""TEXT"",2,0)=""On JULY 3, 1996@10:00 AM, with the chief complaint of"
^XWB(8994,92,2,3,1,10,0)="NECK PAIN..."""
^XWB(8994,92,2,4,1,1,0)="This BOOLEAN Flag is passed in to suppress the call to the COMMIT CODE for"
^XWB(8994,92,2,4,1,2,0)="the TIU DOCUMENT in question (i.e., SUPPRESS=1 ==> don't execute commit"
^XWB(8994,92,2,4,1,3,0)="code; SUPPRESS=0 or UNDEFINED ==> DO execute commit code)."
^XWB(8994,93,1,1,0)="This Boolean RPC simply evaluates whether the current user requires"
^XWB(8994,93,1,2,0)="cosignature for TIU DOCUMENTS, and returns a 1 if true, or a 0 if false."
^XWB(8994,93,2,1,1,1,0)="Pointer to the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION FILE (#8925.1)."
^XWB(8994,93,2,2,1,1,0)="Pointer to the TIU DOCUMENT FILE (#8925). References the document to be"
^XWB(8994,93,2,3,1,1,0)="Optional parameter. Pointer to the NEW PERSON FILE (#200). Pass this in if "
^XWB(8994,93,2,3,1,2,0)="author is NOT the current user (e.g., User is a transcriptionist."
^XWB(8994,93,3,1,0)="Boolean result: 0 if FALSE, OR 1 if TRUE."
^XWB(8994,94,1,1,0)="This RPC loads the return array with data in a format consistent with that"
^XWB(8994,94,1,2,0)="required by the TIU UPDATE RECORD API. It should be invoked when the user"
^XWB(8994,94,1,3,0)="invokes the Edit action, to load the dialog for editing the document."
^XWB(8994,94,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) in file 8925 for the document to be"
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,0)="DR ^1^245^0"
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,1,1,0)="This optional parameter allows the calling application to specify the"
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,1,2,0)="fields to be returned in Y(FIELD #) as expected by the edit dialog."
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,1,4,0)="e.g., for a PROGRESS NOTE, the user may only edit the DATE/TIME OF NOTE"
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,1,5,0)="(Field #1301), the AUTHOR OF NOTE (Field #1202), and (per user preference)"
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,1,6,0)="the SUBJECT of the note (Field #1701) (in addition to the body of the"
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,1,7,0)="note, of course). For a Discharge Summary, the user may edit the URGENCY"
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,1,8,0)="of the record (Field #.09), DICTATED BY (Field #1202), DICTATION DATE"
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,1,9,0)="(Field #1307), ATTENDING PHYSICIAN (Field #1209), and an optional SUBJECT"
^XWB(8994,94,2,2,1,10,0)="(if specified as preferred by the user)."
^XWB(8994,94,2,"B","DR ",2)=""
^XWB(8994,94,3,1,0)="The return array will be subscripted by the field #, with the body of the"
^XWB(8994,94,3,2,0)="document in the ^TMP(""TIUEDIT"",$J,""TEXT"",n) subscript."
^XWB(8994,95,1,1,0)="Gets details for display of a given record."
^XWB(8994,95,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) in the TIU Document File (#8925)."
^XWB(8994,95,3,1,0)="Returns all known details of the record identified by TIUDA (Source,"
^XWB(8994,95,3,2,0)="Signature, Linked Problems, Body of document, etc.)."
^XWB(8994,96,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure allows the creation of addenda to TIU Documents."
^XWB(8994,96,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number of the parent document in file 8925."
^XWB(8994,96,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a local input array containing the data to be filed for the"
^XWB(8994,96,2,2,1,2,0)="addendum record, formatted as described for the TIU UPDATE RECORD RPC."
^XWB(8994,96,3,1,0)="This is the record number of the resulting addendum."
^XWB(8994,96,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,96,3,3,0)="NOTE: If no addendum record may be created, then the return variable will"
^XWB(8994,96,3,4,0)="look as follows: ""-1^Could not create addendum."""
^XWB(8994,97,1,1,0)="This remote procedure allows the creation of TIU DOCUMENT records."
^XWB(8994,97,2,1,1,1,0)="This REQUIRED PARAMETER is the pointer to the patient file."
^XWB(8994,97,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION FILE which identifies"
^XWB(8994,97,2,2,1,2,0)="the TITLE of the document to be filed."
^XWB(8994,97,2,3,1,1,0)="This optional parameter is the Date/time of visit. If the parameter VSIT"
^XWB(8994,97,2,3,1,2,0)="is present, this will be ignored. Otherwise, the RPC will attempt to"
^XWB(8994,97,2,3,1,3,0)="generate a match with a visit based on DFN, VDT, and VLOC (visit"
^XWB(8994,97,2,3,1,4,0)="location). In the event that the RPC cannot generate such a match, a new"
^XWB(8994,97,2,3,1,5,0)="EVENT-type Visit will be created with the current date/time."
^XWB(8994,97,2,4,1,1,0)="This optional parameter is the Location of Visit (e.g., Cardiology"
^XWB(8994,97,2,4,1,2,0)="Clinic). It is a pointer to Hospital location (File #44)."
^XWB(8994,97,2,5,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the Visit File (#9000010) entry for the visit to"
^XWB(8994,97,2,5,1,2,0)="which the document is to be linked."
^XWB(8994,97,2,6,1,1,0)="This is the input array in which the identifiers of the document, as well"
^XWB(8994,97,2,6,1,2,0)="as its text, are to be stored in the format described for the TIU UPDATE"
^XWB(8994,97,2,6,1,3,0)="RECORD RPC."
^XWB(8994,97,2,7,1,1,0)="This parameter identifies the visit location, date/time, and Service"
^XWB(8994,97,2,7,1,2,0)="Category (Hospitalization, Ambulatory, Telecommunications, or Event"
^XWB(8994,97,2,7,1,3,0)="(HISTORICAL)) in the form of a semi-colon delimited string (e.g.,"
^XWB(8994,97,2,8,1,1,0)="BOOLEAN flag indicating whether or not to suppress execution of the COMMIT"
^XWB(8994,97,2,8,1,2,0)="ACTION for the document in question. This gives the calling application"
^XWB(8994,97,2,8,1,3,0)="control over the circumstances in which the COMMIT CODE should be"
^XWB(8994,97,2,9,1,1,0)="This parameter can optionally be set to 1 to indicate the ASAVE "
^XWB(8994,97,2,9,1,2,0)="cross-reference in the TIU Document file (#8925) should not be set when "
^XWB(8994,97,2,9,1,3,0)="calling this RPC. The intent of this cross-reference is for telnet type "
^XWB(8994,97,2,9,1,4,0)="sessions where a user could be dropped. The cross-reference is used to "
^XWB(8994,97,2,9,1,5,0)="provide the user with an easy way to resume editing the TIU Document they "
^XWB(8994,97,2,9,1,6,0)="were working on when they were dropped. In the Clinical Procedures "
^XWB(8994,97,2,9,1,7,0)="realm, for example, where the stub is created in the 'background' this"
^XWB(8994,97,2,9,1,8,0)="cross-reference should not be set since the user is not interactively"
^XWB(8994,97,2,9,1,9,0)="involved in the creation of the record."
^XWB(8994,97,3,1,0)="If the call is successful, this will be the record number (IEN) of the"
^XWB(8994,97,3,2,0)="resulting entry in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE (#8925). In the event of a"
^XWB(8994,97,3,3,0)="filing error, the first ""^""-piece will be zero, and the second ""^""-piece"
^XWB(8994,97,3,4,0)="of this scalar return variable will be a textual message describing the"
^XWB(8994,97,3,5,0)="nature of the error (e.g., 0^Invalid TITLE Selected."")."
^XWB(8994,98,1,1,0)="Deletes TIU Document records...Evaluates authorization."
^XWB(8994,98,2,1,1,1,0)="Record number of TIU Document to be deleted."
^XWB(8994,98,2,2,1,1,0)="This optional parameter specifies the reason for deletion (i.e., Privacy"
^XWB(8994,98,2,2,1,2,0)="Act, or Administrative Action). It only needs to be passed if the document "
^XWB(8994,98,2,2,1,3,0)="has already been signed, and the user is still authorized to delete the"
^XWB(8994,98,3,1,0)="Returns error message with ERR=1^Explanation text if the user is NOT"
^XWB(8994,98,3,2,0)="authorized to delete the named record (e.g., it's his, but signed; or it's"
^XWB(8994,98,3,3,0)="not his, and he better keep his paws off it)."
^XWB(8994,99,1,1,0)="Allows Printing of TIU Documents on demand."
^XWB(8994,99,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number of the document in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE"
^XWB(8994,99,2,1,1,2,0)="(#8925). It uniquely identifies the document to be printed."
^XWB(8994,99,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the NAME of the device to which the document is to be printed."
^XWB(8994,99,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,99,2,2,1,3,0)="NOTE: You may not pass the $I for the device, or the Pointer to the DEVICE"
^XWB(8994,99,2,2,1,4,0)="FILE entry corresponding to the device. ONLY THE DEVICE NAME will work."
^XWB(8994,99,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a flag which tells the print driver to specify a CHART versus WORK"
^XWB(8994,99,2,3,1,2,0)="copy of the document. If it is undefined or its value is 0, then the"
^XWB(8994,99,2,3,1,3,0)="printed copy will be marked as a WORK COPY. If its value is 1, then it"
^XWB(8994,99,2,3,1,4,0)="will be marked as a CHART COPY."
^XWB(8994,99,3,1,0)="This is an error flag/message which will have two '^'-pieces. The first"
^XWB(8994,99,3,2,0)="piece will be a boolean flag indicating whether or not the call failed (0"
^XWB(8994,99,3,3,0)="indicates success, while 1 indicates failure). The second piece is a"
^XWB(8994,99,3,4,0)="textual message indicating the nature of the error. In the event of"
^XWB(8994,99,3,5,0)="success, the second piece will describe whether the printout will be for a"
^XWB(8994,99,3,6,0)="CHART COPY or a WORK COPY."
^XWB(8994,100,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure returns the parameters by which a given document"
^XWB(8994,100,1,2,0)="or document type is to be processed."
^XWB(8994,100,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number of the document in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE"
^XWB(8994,100,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the record number of the Document Definition in the TIU DOCUMENT"
^XWB(8994,100,2,2,1,2,0)="DEFINITION FILE (#8925.1). e.g., TIUTYP=3 corresponds to the Class"
^XWB(8994,100,2,2,1,3,0)="Progress Notes, etc."
^XWB(8994,100,3,1,0)="This call returns an array with just one element (so far). The string"
^XWB(8994,100,3,2,0)="will have the following '^'-delimited pieces:"
^XWB(8994,100,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,100,3,4,0)="TIUY(0)= (#.01) DOCUMENT DEFINITION [1P] ^ (#.02) REQUIRE RELEASE"
^XWB(8994,100,3,5,0)=" ==>[2S] ^ (#.03) REQUIRE MAS VERIFICATION [3S] ^ (#.04)"
^XWB(8994,100,3,6,0)=" ==>REQUIRE AUTHOR TO SIGN [4S] ^ (#.05) WHEN MAY CHART COPY"
^XWB(8994,100,3,7,0)=" ==>BE PRINTED [5P] ^ (#.06) ROUTINE PRINT EVENT(S) [6S] ^"
^XWB(8994,100,3,8,0)=" ==>(#.07) STAT PRINT EVENT(S) [7S] ^ (#.08) MANUAL PRINT"
^XWB(8994,100,3,9,0)=" ==>AFTER ENTRY [8S] ^ (#.09) ALLOW CHART PRINT OUTSIDE MAS"
^XWB(8994,100,3,10,0)=" ==>[9S] ^ (#.1) ALLOW >1 RECORDS PER VISIT [10S] ^ (#.11)"
^XWB(8994,100,3,11,0)=" ==>ENABLE IRT INTERFACE [11S] ^ (#.12) IRT DEFICIENCY [12P]"
^XWB(8994,100,3,12,0)=" ==>^ (#.13) DEFAULT PRINTER [13P] ^"
^XWB(8994,101,1,1,0)="Returns a set of discharge summary urgencies for use in a long list box."
^XWB(8994,101,3,1,0)="The array of urgencies are returned in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,101,3,3,0)=" Y(1) = <internal value> ^ <external value>"
^XWB(8994,101,3,7,0)=" Y(1) = P^priority"
^XWB(8994,101,3,8,0)=" Y(2) = R^routine"
^XWB(8994,102,1,1,0)="This RPC allows the calling application to evaluate privilege to perform"
^XWB(8994,102,1,2,0)="any ASU-mediated action on a TIU document."
^XWB(8994,102,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) of the document in file 8925."
^XWB(8994,102,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the ASU ACTION (.01 field from file 8930.8) which is to be"
^XWB(8994,102,2,2,1,2,0)="performed by the calling application (e.g., EDIT RECORD, SIGNATURE, COPY,"
^XWB(8994,102,2,2,1,3,0)="etc.). To function appropriately, only valid actions may be passed."
^XWB(8994,102,3,1,0)="Boolean Truth value, with explanatory message in second '^'-piece if"
^XWB(8994,102,3,2,0)="FALSE. That is:"
^XWB(8994,102,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,102,3,4,0)="When privilege to perform action on document is granted, TIUY=1"
^XWB(8994,102,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,102,3,6,0)="When privilege to perform action on document is denied, TIUY=0^Why not"
^XWB(8994,103,1,1,0)="Returns lists of TIU Documents that satisfy the following search criteria:"
^XWB(8994,103,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,103,1,3,0)="1 - signed documents (all) "
^XWB(8994,103,1,4,0)="2 - unsigned documents "
^XWB(8994,103,1,5,0)="3 - uncosigned documents"
^XWB(8994,103,1,6,0)="4 - signed documents/author"
^XWB(8994,103,1,7,0)="5 - signed documents/date range"
^XWB(8994,103,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the Class of TIU DOCUMENTS which the user is"
^XWB(8994,103,2,1,1,2,0)="interested in (e.g., 3 for PROGRESS NOTES, 244 for DISCHARGE SUMMARIES,"
^XWB(8994,103,2,2,1,1,0)="This is an integer number which maps the context in which the user wishes"
^XWB(8994,103,2,2,1,2,0)="the notes to be returned. The mapping is as follows:"
^XWB(8994,103,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,103,2,2,1,4,0)="1 - signed documents (all)"
^XWB(8994,103,2,2,1,5,0)="2 - unsigned documents "
^XWB(8994,103,2,2,1,6,0)="3 - uncosigned documents"
^XWB(8994,103,2,2,1,7,0)="4 - signed documents/author"
^XWB(8994,103,2,2,1,8,0)="5 - signed documents/date range"
^XWB(8994,103,2,3,1,1,0)="Pointer to Patient File (#2)."
^XWB(8994,103,2,4,1,1,0)="EARLY DATE/TIME in regular FileMan format for the inclusive lower bound on"
^XWB(8994,103,2,4,1,2,0)="the search."
^XWB(8994,103,2,5,1,1,0)="LATE DATE/TIME in regular FileMan format for the inclusive upper bound on"
^XWB(8994,103,2,5,1,2,0)="the search."
^XWB(8994,103,2,6,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the NEW PERSON FILE (#200) for the author of the"
^XWB(8994,103,2,6,1,2,0)="documents to be retrieved."
^XWB(8994,103,2,7,1,1,0)="This is the maximum number of documents to be retrieved in the current"
^XWB(8994,103,2,8,1,1,0)="This is the sequence by reference date/time (A=ascending (OLDEST FIRST),"
^XWB(8994,103,2,8,1,2,0)="D=descending (NEWEST FIRST)) in which the user would like the list"
^XWB(8994,103,2,9,1,1,0)="This BOOLEAN parameter determines whether addenda will be included in the"
^XWB(8994,103,2,9,1,2,0)="return array, when their parent documents are identified by the search"
^XWB(8994,103,2,9,1,3,0)="criteria, and vice versa. Also if SHOWADD is TRUE (1), the ""+"" at the"
^XWB(8994,103,2,9,1,4,0)="beginning of the return text will be omitted (since it offers only"
^XWB(8994,103,2,9,1,5,0)="redundant information)."
^XWB(8994,103,2,10,1,1,0)="Optional Boolean parameter determines whether Undictated and "
^XWB(8994,103,2,10,1,2,0)="Untranscribed documents should be returned along with Unsigned"
^XWB(8994,103,2,10,1,3,0)="documents, when the CONTEXT is passed as 2."
^XWB(8994,103,3,1,0)="The return array has elements with the following positional values:"
^XWB(8994,103,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,103,3,5,0)=" Discharge Date/time^Variable Pointer to Request (e.g., Consult)^# of"
^XWB(8994,103,3,6,0)=" Associated Images^Subject^Has Children^IEN of Parent Document"
^XWB(8994,104,0)="TIU NOTES 16 BIT^NOTES^TIUSRVLC^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,104,1,1,0)="This API gets lists of progress notes for a patient, with optional "
^XWB(8994,104,1,2,0)="parameters for STATUS, EARLY DATE/TIME, and LATE DATE/TIME."
^XWB(8994,104,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient file."
^XWB(8994,105,1,1,0)="This RPC infers whether the user is trying to sign or cosign the docuement"
^XWB(8994,105,1,2,0)="in question, and indicates which ASU ACTION the GUI should pass to the TIU"
^XWB(8994,105,1,3,0)="AUTHORIZATION RPC."
^XWB(8994,105,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number of the TIU Document in file 8925."
^XWB(8994,105,3,1,0)="Returns a single valued string, indicating whether the client application"
^XWB(8994,105,3,2,0)="should pass SIGNATURE or COSIGNATURE to the TIU AUTHORIZATION RPC. "
^XWB(8994,106,1,1,0)="This RPC receives a string which will be sent right back to the client."
^XWB(8994,106,1,2,0)="It exists for support of RPC Broker Example program."
^XWB(8994,107,1,1,0)="This RPC brings back a list of elements to the client. The user can request"
^XWB(8994,107,1,2,0)="either a number of lines or a number of Kilobytes of data to be returned."
^XWB(8994,107,1,3,0)="This RPC exists support of RPC Broker Example program."
^XWB(8994,107,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter can be only one of two values:"
^XWB(8994,107,2,1,1,2,0)=" LINES - RPC will return a number of lines"
^XWB(8994,107,2,1,1,3,0)=" KILOBYTES - RPC will return a number of kilobytes of data"
^XWB(8994,107,2,2,1,1,0)="Either a number of lines or a number of kilobytes to send back."
^XWB(8994,110,1,1,0)="This API will check if the user (DUZ) holds a security key or an array of"
^XWB(8994,110,1,3,0)="If a single security KEY is sent the result is returned in R(0)."
^XWB(8994,110,1,4,0)="If an array is sent down then the return array has the same order as the"
^XWB(8994,110,1,5,0)="calling array."
^XWB(8994,110,2,1,1,1,0)="If key is a single value it holds the one key to check."
^XWB(8994,110,2,1,1,2,0)="If key is an array then the result is an array that matches the key"
^XWB(8994,110,2,1,1,3,0)="list with values that match the status of the key check for each key."
^XWB(8994,110,2,1,1,4,0)="The return is a 1 if the user has the key and 0 if not."
^XWB(8994,111,0)="XUS CVC^CVC^XUSRB^2^R"
^XWB(8994,111,1,1,0)="This RPC is used as part of Kernel to allow the user to change there"
^XWB(8994,111,1,2,0)="verify code."
^XWB(8994,112,1,1,0)="Returns instructions on entering new access/verify codes."
^XWB(8994,113,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to retrieve all data in PCE for a particlar encounter"
^XWB(8994,113,1,2,0)="formatted for display in a memo component."
^XWB(8994,114,1,1,0)="This RPC can be used to return a list of appointments for a patient. It"
^XWB(8994,114,1,2,0)="defaults to returning the past 1 year's kept appointments."
^XWB(8994,114,2,1,1,1,0)="Requires the variable IBDF(""DFN"") be set to the patient internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,114,2,1,1,2,0)="IBDF(""F"") is the from date (defaults to t-1year)"
^XWB(8994,114,2,1,1,3,0)="IBDF(""T"") is the to date (defaults to t@midnight)"
^XWB(8994,114,2,1,1,4,0)="IBDF(""W"") is the types of appointments to return, see SDA^VAPDT"
^XWB(8994,114,3,1,0)="Returns the list of appointments in reverse chronological order,"
^XWB(8994,114,3,2,0)=" p1 := appointment date (external)"
^XWB(8994,114,3,3,0)=" p2 := clinic (external)"
^XWB(8994,114,3,4,0)=" p3 := status (external)"
^XWB(8994,114,3,5,0)=" p4 := appt type (external)"
^XWB(8994,114,3,6,0)=" p5 := appointment date (internal)"
^XWB(8994,114,3,7,0)=" p6 := clinic (internal)"
^XWB(8994,114,3,8,0)=" p7 := status (internal)"
^XWB(8994,114,3,9,0)=" p8 := appt type (internal)"
^XWB(8994,115,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns an array of diagnoses"
^XWB(8994,115,1,2,0)="for an encounter."
^XWB(8994,115,1,5,0)="For encounters before 10/1/96, only scheduling data in the"
^XWB(8994,115,1,6,0)="OUTPATIENT DIAGNOSIS (#409.43) file may exist. It will only"
^XWB(8994,115,1,7,0)="exist if the site required diagnoses as part of the check"
^XWB(8994,115,1,8,0)="out process."
^XWB(8994,115,1,10,0)="This RPC will attempt to find this 'old' data, reformat the data"
^XWB(8994,115,1,11,0)="to meet the V POV structure and return the list of diagnoses as"
^XWB(8994,115,1,12,0)="described above. (Only the diagnosis code internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,115,1,13,0)="is available for 'old' encounters.)"
^XWB(8994,115,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,115,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,115,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,115,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,115,3,1,0)="The 0th node of a record in the V POV file."
^XWB(8994,115,3,3,0)="Example Array Item: 97^101^459^192^^^^^^^^P"
^XWB(8994,115,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,115,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,115,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,116,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a subscripted array of providers"
^XWB(8994,116,1,2,0)="for an encounter."
^XWB(8994,116,1,5,0)="For encounters before 10/1/96, only scheduling data in the"
^XWB(8994,116,1,6,0)="OUTPATIENT PROVIDER (#409.44) file may exist. It will only"
^XWB(8994,116,1,7,0)="exist if the site required provider as part of the check out process. "
^XWB(8994,116,1,9,0)="This RPC will attempt to find this 'old' data, reformat the"
^XWB(8994,116,1,10,0)="data to meet the V PROVIDER structure and return the list of"
^XWB(8994,116,1,11,0)="providers as described above. (Only the provider internal entry"
^XWB(8994,116,1,12,0)="number is available for 'old' encounters.)"
^XWB(8994,116,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,116,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,116,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,116,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,116,3,1,0)="The 0th node of a record in the V PROVIDER file."
^XWB(8994,116,3,3,0)="Example Array Item: 11344^706^407^P^^11"
^XWB(8994,116,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,116,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,116,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,117,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a subscripted array of CPTs"
^XWB(8994,117,1,2,0)="for an encounter."
^XWB(8994,117,1,5,0)="For encounters before 10/1/96, only scheduling data in the"
^XWB(8994,117,1,6,0)="SCHEDULING VISITS (#409.5) file may exist. It will only"
^XWB(8994,117,1,7,0)="exist if the site required procedures as part of the check"
^XWB(8994,117,1,8,0)="out process. "
^XWB(8994,117,1,10,0)="This RPC will attempt to find this 'old' data, reformat the"
^XWB(8994,117,1,11,0)="data to meet the V CPT structure and return the list of procedures"
^XWB(8994,117,1,12,0)="as described above. (Only the CPT code internal entry number and"
^XWB(8994,117,1,13,0)="count are available for 'old' encounters.)"
^XWB(8994,117,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,117,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,117,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,117,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,117,3,1,0)="The 0th node of a record in the V CPT file."
^XWB(8994,117,3,3,0)="Example Array Item: 10060^706^407^69^^^^^^^^^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,117,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,117,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,117,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,118,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a boolean indicator on whether at"
^XWB(8994,118,1,2,0)="least one provider has been associated with an encounter."
^XWB(8994,118,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,118,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,118,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,118,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,118,3,1,0)="1 - Yes, at least one provider is assoicated encounter"
^XWB(8994,118,3,3,0)="0 - No, no providers are associated encounter"
^XWB(8994,119,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a boolean indicator on"
^XWB(8994,119,1,2,0)="whether at least one diagnoses has been associated with an encounter."
^XWB(8994,119,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,119,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,119,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,119,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,119,3,1,0)="1 - Yes, at least one diagnosis is associated with encounter"
^XWB(8994,119,3,3,0)="0 - No, no diagnoses are associated with encounter"
^XWB(8994,120,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a boolean indicator on whether at"
^XWB(8994,120,1,2,0)="least one procedure has been associated with an encounter."
^XWB(8994,120,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,120,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,120,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,120,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,120,3,1,0)="1 - Yes, at least one procedure is assoicated with encounter"
^XWB(8994,120,3,3,0)="0 - No, no procedures are associated with encounter"
^XWB(8994,121,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a boolean indicator"
^XWB(8994,121,1,2,0)="on whether a specific provider is associated with an encounter."
^XWB(8994,121,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,121,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,121,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,121,2,2,0)="PRACTITIONER ID^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,121,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the NEW PERSON"
^XWB(8994,121,2,2,1,2,0)="[#200 - ^VA(200)] file for a practitioner."
^XWB(8994,121,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,121,2,"B","PRACTITIONER ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,121,3,1,0)="1 - yes, specific provider is associated with encounter"
^XWB(8994,121,3,3,0)="0 - no, provider is not associated with encounter"
^XWB(8994,122,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a boolean indicator on"
^XWB(8994,122,1,2,0)="whether a specific diagnosis is associated with an encounter."
^XWB(8994,122,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,122,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,122,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,122,2,2,0)="DIAGNOSIS IEN^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,122,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the ICD"
^XWB(8994,122,2,2,1,2,0)="DIAGNOSIS [#80 - ^ICD9] file."
^XWB(8994,122,2,"B","DIAGNOSIS IEN",2)=""
^XWB(8994,122,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,122,3,1,0)="1 - yes, specific diagnosis is associated with encounter"
^XWB(8994,122,3,3,0)="0 - no, diagnosis is not associated with encounter"
^XWB(8994,123,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a boolean indicator on"
^XWB(8994,123,1,2,0)="whether a specific procedure is associated with an encounter."
^XWB(8994,123,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,123,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,123,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,123,2,2,0)="CPT IEN^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,123,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the CPT [#81 - ^ICPT] file."
^XWB(8994,123,2,"B","CPT IEN",2)=""
^XWB(8994,123,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,123,3,1,0)="1 - yes, specific procedure is associated with encounter"
^XWB(8994,123,3,3,0)="0 - no, procedure is not associated with encounter"
^XWB(8994,124,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns the internal entry"
^XWB(8994,124,1,2,0)="number of an OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER file (#409.68) entry for the"
^XWB(8994,124,1,3,0)="first the first standalone add/edit for a patient in a specified date range."
^XWB(8994,124,1,5,0)="Use same date for begin and end dates for specific (single) date check."
^XWB(8994,124,1,7,0)="Standalone encounter is an encounter with no parent and the originating"
^XWB(8994,124,1,8,0)="process is 'Stop Code Addition'."
^XWB(8994,124,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,124,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the PATIENT [#2 - ^DPT] file."
^XWB(8994,124,2,2,0)="BEGIN DATE/TIME^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,124,2,2,1,1,0)="Beginning date and time in VA FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,124,2,2,1,3,0)="Time is optional."
^XWB(8994,124,2,3,0)="END DATE/TIME^1^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,124,2,3,1,1,0)="Ending date and time in VA FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,124,2,3,1,3,0)="Time is optional."
^XWB(8994,124,2,4,0)="SEARCH FLAGS^1^^1^4"
^XWB(8994,124,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter allows developers to set specific flags that are"
^XWB(8994,124,2,4,1,2,0)="used as an API searches encounter records. The flags indicate how"
^XWB(8994,124,2,4,1,3,0)="the API should function."
^XWB(8994,124,2,4,1,5,0)=" Character Description"
^XWB(8994,124,2,4,1,6,0)=" --------- -----------"
^XWB(8994,124,2,4,1,7,0)=" C Use only completed encounters"
^XWB(8994,124,2,"B","BEGIN DATE/TIME",2)=""
^XWB(8994,124,2,"B","END DATE/TIME",3)=""
^XWB(8994,124,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,124,2,"B","SEARCH FLAGS",4)=""
^XWB(8994,124,3,1,0)="<pointer> - Outpatient Encounter ien for first standalone encounter found"
^XWB(8994,124,3,2,0)=" in date range"
^XWB(8994,124,3,4,0)=" <null> - if no encounter exists"
^XWB(8994,125,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns the internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,125,1,2,0)="of the primary diagnosis code (ICD9) for an encounter."
^XWB(8994,125,1,4,0)="Note: For encounters before 10/1/96, this RPC will always return 0."
^XWB(8994,125,1,5,0)="This primary diagnosis was not retrieved nor stored by the system"
^XWB(8994,125,1,6,0)="for these 'old' encounters."
^XWB(8994,125,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,125,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,125,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,125,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,125,3,1,0)="<pointer> - ien to ^ICD9 for primary dx."
^XWB(8994,125,3,3,0)=" 0 - no primary dx found for encounter"
^XWB(8994,126,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns the internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,126,1,2,0)="of an OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER file (#409.68) entry for the first encounter"
^XWB(8994,126,1,3,0)="for a patient in a specified date range."
^XWB(8994,126,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,126,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the PATIENT [#2 - ^DPT] file."
^XWB(8994,126,2,2,0)="BEGIN DATE/TIME^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,126,2,2,1,1,0)="Beginning date and time in VA FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,126,2,2,1,3,0)="Time is optional."
^XWB(8994,126,2,3,0)="END DATE/TIME^1^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,126,2,3,1,1,0)="End date and time in VA FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,126,2,3,1,3,0)="Time is optional."
^XWB(8994,126,2,4,0)="SEARCH FLAGS^1^^1^4"
^XWB(8994,126,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter allows developers to set specific flags that are"
^XWB(8994,126,2,4,1,2,0)="used as an API searches encounter records. The flags indicate how"
^XWB(8994,126,2,4,1,3,0)="the API should function."
^XWB(8994,126,2,4,1,5,0)=" Character Description"
^XWB(8994,126,2,4,1,6,0)=" --------- -----------"
^XWB(8994,126,2,4,1,7,0)=" C Use only completed encounters"
^XWB(8994,126,2,"B","BEGIN DATE/TIME",2)=""
^XWB(8994,126,2,"B","END DATE/TIME",3)=""
^XWB(8994,126,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,126,2,"B","SEARCH FLAGS",4)=""
^XWB(8994,126,3,1,0)="<pointer> - Outpatient Encounter ID for first encounter found in date range"
^XWB(8994,126,3,3,0)=" <null> - if no encounter exists"
^XWB(8994,127,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns the internal entry"
^XWB(8994,127,1,2,0)="number of an OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER file (#409.68) entry for the"
^XWB(8994,127,1,3,0)="last standalone add/edit for a patient in a specified date range."
^XWB(8994,127,1,5,0)="Standalone encounter is an encounter with no parent and the"
^XWB(8994,127,1,6,0)="originating process is 'Stop Code Addition'."
^XWB(8994,127,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,127,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the PATIENT [#2 - ^DPT] file."
^XWB(8994,127,2,2,0)="BEGIN DATE/TIME^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,127,2,2,1,1,0)="Beginning date and time in VA FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,127,2,2,1,3,0)="Time is optional."
^XWB(8994,127,2,3,0)="SEARCH FLAGS^1^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,127,2,3,1,1,0)="This parameter allows developers to set specific flags that are"
^XWB(8994,127,2,3,1,2,0)="used as an API searches encounter records. The flags indicate how"
^XWB(8994,127,2,3,1,3,0)="the API should function."
^XWB(8994,127,2,3,1,5,0)=" Character Description"
^XWB(8994,127,2,3,1,6,0)=" --------- -----------"
^XWB(8994,127,2,3,1,7,0)=" C Use only completed encounters"
^XWB(8994,127,2,"B","BEGIN DATE/TIME",2)=""
^XWB(8994,127,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,127,2,"B","SEARCH FLAGS",3)=""
^XWB(8994,127,3,1,0)="<pointer> - Outpatient Encounter ID for last standalone encounter found"
^XWB(8994,127,3,2,0)=" after date"
^XWB(8994,127,3,4,0)=" <null> - if no encounter exists"
^XWB(8994,128,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns the Oth and other nodes of"
^XWB(8994,128,1,2,0)="an Outpatient Encounter entry."
^XWB(8994,128,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,128,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,128,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,128,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,128,3,1,0)="The first piece of ';;' of each array item is the node."
^XWB(8994,128,3,2,0)="The second piece of ';;' of each array item is the node value."
^XWB(8994,128,3,4,0)="Example Array Item: 0;;2970602.08^706^144^62^407^^2970805.1107^1^^9^1^2^10"
^XWB(8994,128,3,7,0)="Currently(7/97), only fields .01 thru .08 and .1 thru .13 of the zeroth"
^XWB(8994,128,3,8,0)="are returned. Other nodes and fields are not supported."
^XWB(8994,128,3,10,0)="For detail information regarding the fields, see data dictionary for"
^XWB(8994,128,3,11,0)="the Outpatient Encounter file (#409.68)."
^XWB(8994,129,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) will parse the data returned by"
^XWB(8994,129,1,2,0)="the 'SDOE GET GENERAL DATA' RPC into individual field nodes. "
^XWB(8994,129,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER DATA^2^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,129,2,1,1,1,0)="This array contains subscripts that correspond to each node of data for"
^XWB(8994,129,2,1,1,2,0)="an Outpatient Encounter entry."
^XWB(8994,129,2,1,1,4,0)="Note: Currently (7/97) only the zeroth node is returned. Also, only"
^XWB(8994,129,2,1,1,5,0)="fields .01 thru .08 and .1 thru .13 of the zeroth are returned."
^XWB(8994,129,2,1,1,6,0)="Other nodes and fields are not supported."
^XWB(8994,129,2,1,1,8,0)="For detail information regarding the fields, see data dictionary for"
^XWB(8994,129,2,1,1,9,0)="the Outpatient Encounter file (#409.68)."
^XWB(8994,129,2,2,0)="ENCOUNTER PARSE FORMAT^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,129,2,2,1,1,0)="Defines format for parsed data."
^XWB(8994,129,2,2,1,3,0)="Valid Values:"
^XWB(8994,129,2,2,1,5,0)=" INTERNAL - use internal format "
^XWB(8994,129,2,2,1,6,0)=" EXTERNAL - external/display format."
^XWB(8994,129,2,"B","ENCOUNTER DATA",1)=""
^XWB(8994,129,2,"B","ENCOUNTER PARSE FORMAT",2)=""
^XWB(8994,129,3,1,0)="The first piece of ';;' of each array item is the field number. "
^XWB(8994,129,3,2,0)="The second piece of ';;' of each array item is the field value."
^XWB(8994,129,3,4,0)="The parser will either use internal or external values for the"
^XWB(8994,129,3,5,0)="field node values. The developer specifies internal/external via a parameter."
^XWB(8994,129,3,7,0)="Example of external parsing:"
^XWB(8994,129,3,8,0)=" .01;;Sep 04, 1997@11:00"
^XWB(8994,129,3,9,0)=" .02;;ARDALINO,J"
^XWB(8994,129,3,10,0)=" .03;;DERMATOLOGY"
^XWB(8994,129,3,11,0)=" .04;;DERMATOLOGY"
^XWB(8994,129,3,12,0)=" .05;;Sep 04, 1997@11:00"
^XWB(8994,129,3,13,0)=" .06;;"
^XWB(8994,129,3,14,0)=" .07;;Sep 22, 1997@21:25"
^XWB(8994,129,3,15,0)=" .08;;STOP CODE ADDITION"
^XWB(8994,129,3,16,0)=" .1;;REGULAR"
^XWB(8994,129,3,17,0)=" .11;;TROY"
^XWB(8994,129,3,18,0)=" .12;;CHECKED OUT"
^XWB(8994,129,3,19,0)=" .13;;NSC"
^XWB(8994,130,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns the zeroth node of an"
^XWB(8994,130,1,2,0)="Outpatient Encounter."
^XWB(8994,130,2,1,0)="ENCOUNTER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,130,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the OUTPATIENT"
^XWB(8994,130,2,1,1,2,0)="ENCOUNTER [#409.68 - ^SCE] file."
^XWB(8994,130,2,"B","ENCOUNTER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,130,3,1,0)="Zeroth node of Outpatient Encounter or Null."
^XWB(8994,130,3,4,0)="Only supported fields are returned. Those fields not supported/returned"
^XWB(8994,130,3,5,0)="are null."
^XWB(8994,130,3,7,0)="Currently(7/97), only fields .01 thru .08 and .1 thru .13 of the zeroth"
^XWB(8994,130,3,8,0)="are returned. Other nodes and fields are not supported."
^XWB(8994,130,3,10,0)="For detail information regarding the fields, see data dictionary for"
^XWB(8994,130,3,11,0)="the Outpatient Encounter file (#409.68)."
^XWB(8994,131,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a list of Outpatient"
^XWB(8994,131,1,2,0)="Encounters for a specified date range."
^XWB(8994,131,2,1,0)="BEGIN DATE/TIME^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,131,2,1,1,1,0)="Beginning date and time in VA FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,131,2,1,1,3,0)="Time is optional."
^XWB(8994,131,2,2,0)="END DATE/TIME^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,131,2,2,1,1,0)="End date and time in VA FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,131,2,2,1,3,0)="Time is optional."
^XWB(8994,131,2,"B","BEGIN DATE/TIME",1)=""
^XWB(8994,131,2,"B","END DATE/TIME",2)=""
^XWB(8994,131,3,1,0)="The first piece of ';;' of each array item is the internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,131,3,2,0)="The second piece of ';;' of each array item is the value of the zeroth node."
^XWB(8994,131,3,4,0)="Example Array Item: 1232;;2970602.08^706^144^62^407^^2970805.1107^1^^9^1^2^10"
^XWB(8994,131,3,8,0)="Currently(7/97) only the zeroth node is returned. Also,"
^XWB(8994,131,3,9,0)="only fields .01 thru .08 and .1 thru .13 of the zeroth are"
^XWB(8994,131,3,10,0)="returned. Other nodes and fields are not supported."
^XWB(8994,131,3,12,0)="For detail information regarding the fields, see data dictionary"
^XWB(8994,131,3,13,0)="for the Outpatient Encounter file (#409.68)."
^XWB(8994,132,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a list of Outpatient"
^XWB(8994,132,1,2,0)="Encounters for a specified patient and specified date range."
^XWB(8994,132,2,1,0)="BEGIN DATE/TIME^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,132,2,1,1,1,0)="Beginning date and time in VA FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,132,2,1,1,3,0)="Time is optional."
^XWB(8994,132,2,2,0)="END DATE/TIME^1^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,132,2,2,1,1,0)="End date and time in VA FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,132,2,2,1,3,0)="Time is optional."
^XWB(8994,132,2,3,0)="PATIENT ID^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,132,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the PATIENT [#2 - ^DPT] file."
^XWB(8994,132,2,"B","BEGIN DATE/TIME",1)=""
^XWB(8994,132,2,"B","END DATE/TIME",2)=""
^XWB(8994,132,2,"B","PATIENT ID",3)=""
^XWB(8994,132,3,1,0)="The first piece of ';;' of each array item is the internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,132,3,2,0)="The second piece of ';;' of each array item is the value of the zeroth node."
^XWB(8994,132,3,4,0)="Example Array Item: 1232;;2970602.08^706^144^62^407^^2970805.1107^1^^9^1^2^10"
^XWB(8994,132,3,8,0)="Currently(7/97) only the zeroth node is returned. Also,"
^XWB(8994,132,3,9,0)="only fields .01 thru .08 and .1 thru .13 of the zeroth are"
^XWB(8994,132,3,10,0)="returned. Other nodes and fields are not supported."
^XWB(8994,132,3,12,0)="For detail information regarding the fields, see data dictionary"
^XWB(8994,132,3,13,0)="for the Outpatient Encounter file (#409.68)."
^XWB(8994,133,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) returns a list of Outpatient"
^XWB(8994,133,1,2,0)="Encounters for a specified visit."
^XWB(8994,133,2,1,0)="VISIT IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,133,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of an entry in the"
^XWB(8994,133,2,1,1,2,0)="VISIT [#9000010 - ^AUPNVSIT] file."
^XWB(8994,133,2,"B","VISIT IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,133,3,1,0)="The first piece of ';;' of each array item is the internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,133,3,2,0)="The second piece of ';;' of each array item is the value of the zeroth node."
^XWB(8994,133,3,4,0)="Example Array Item: 1232;;2970602.08^706^144^62^407^^2970805.1107^1^^9^1^2^10"
^XWB(8994,133,3,7,0)="Currently(7/97) only the zeroth node is returned. Also,"
^XWB(8994,133,3,8,0)="only fields .01 thru .08 and .1 thru .13 of the zeroth are"
^XWB(8994,133,3,9,0)="returned. Other nodes and fields are not supported."
^XWB(8994,133,3,11,0)="For detail information regarding the fields, see data dictionary"
^XWB(8994,133,3,12,0)="for the Outpatient Encounter file (#409.68)."
^XWB(8994,134,1,1,0)="BOOLEAN RPC which evaluates whether the title indicated is that of a"
^XWB(8994,134,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number in file 8925.1 for the title selected."
^XWB(8994,134,3,1,0)="Scalar value indicating the truth value of the result (i.e., 0 indicates"
^XWB(8994,134,3,2,0)="FALSE - the title is NOT that of a CONSULT; 1 indicates TRUE - the title"
^XWB(8994,134,3,3,0)="IS that of a consult)."
^XWB(8994,135,1,1,0)="This RPC serves data to a longlist of selectable TITLES by CLASS. e.g.,"
^XWB(8994,135,1,2,0)="passing the class PROGRESS NOTES will return active Progress Notes titles"
^XWB(8994,135,1,3,0)="which the current user is authorized to enter notes under."
^XWB(8994,135,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the CLASS in the Document Definition File (#8925.1)"
^XWB(8994,135,2,1,1,2,0)="from which the application intends to allow selection of TITLES."
^XWB(8994,135,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the reference title from which the longlist is scrolling."
^XWB(8994,135,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the direction in which the longlist is scrolling from the"
^XWB(8994,135,2,3,1,2,0)="reference title."
^XWB(8994,135,3,1,0)="This is an array of the 44 nearest titles to that indicate by the user in"
^XWB(8994,135,3,2,0)="the direction passed by the longlist component."
^XWB(8994,136,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure returns the user's list of preferred titles for a"
^XWB(8994,136,1,2,0)="given class of documents, along with the default title, if specified."
^XWB(8994,136,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the user's ID number (Pointer to file 200)."
^XWB(8994,136,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the Class of Documents (Pointer to file 8925.1) from which the"
^XWB(8994,136,2,2,1,2,0)="title is to be selected."
^XWB(8994,136,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the array subscript from which to begin incrementing (in the event"
^XWB(8994,136,2,3,1,2,0)="that the preferred list is to be appended to an existing array)."
^XWB(8994,137,1,1,0)="This RPC serves data to a longlist of selectable TITLES for CONSULTS."
^XWB(8994,137,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the reference title from which the longlist is scrolling."
^XWB(8994,137,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the direction in which the longlist is scrolling from the"
^XWB(8994,137,2,3,1,2,0)="reference title."
^XWB(8994,137,3,1,0)="This is an array of the 44 nearest titles to that indicate by the user in"
^XWB(8994,137,3,2,0)="the direction passed by the longlist component."
^XWB(8994,138,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the record number of the class CONSULTS in the TIU"
^XWB(8994,138,1,2,0)="DOCUMENT DEFINITION file (#8925.1)."
^XWB(8994,138,3,1,0)="The value returned will be either a positive integer, corresponding to the"
^XWB(8994,138,3,2,0)="record number identifying the CONSULTS class, or zero, indicating that"
^XWB(8994,138,3,3,0)="CONSULTS are not yet implemented in TIU."
^XWB(8994,139,1,1,0)="Calls database server at GETS^DIQ."
^XWB(8994,139,2,1,0)="GETS ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,139,2,"B","GETS ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,140,0)="DDR LISTER^LISTC^DDR^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,140,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,140,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,141,0)="DDR FILER^FILEC^DDR3^2^R"
^XWB(8994,141,1,1,0)="Generic call to file edits into FM file."
^XWB(8994,141,2,1,0)="EDIT RESULTS^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,141,2,1,1,1,0)="Results of editing to be placed in FDA array by broker."
^XWB(8994,141,2,2,0)="EDIT MODE^1^3^1"
^XWB(8994,141,2,2,1,1,0)="Is processing in edit or add data mode."
^XWB(8994,141,2,"B","EDIT MODE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,141,2,"B","EDIT RESULTS",1)=""
^XWB(8994,141,3,1,0)="If file update is successful, then a 1 is returned. A 0 is returned if"
^XWB(8994,142,0)="DDR VALIDATOR^VALC^DDR3^2^R"
^XWB(8994,142,1,1,0)="This function allows the application to validate user input to"
^XWB(8994,142,1,2,0)="a field before filing data. The call uses the database server VAL^DIE"
^XWB(8994,142,2,2,1,1,0)="This array contains the following parameters necessary to call VAL^DIE:"
^XWB(8994,142,2,2,1,2,0)=" - ""FILE"" - file number"
^XWB(8994,142,2,2,1,3,0)=" - ""IENS"" - internal entry numbers"
^XWB(8994,142,2,2,1,4,0)=" - ""VALUE"" - user input value"
^XWB(8994,142,2,2,1,5,0)=" - ""VALUE"" - user input value"
^XWB(8994,142,3,1,0)="This call passes back information in the [data] section and"
^XWB(8994,142,3,2,0)="the [errors] section."
^XWB(8994,143,1,1,0)="This function deletes an entry in a FileMan file using ^DIK."
^XWB(8994,143,2,1,1,1,0)="This array contains the following parameters necessary to call ^DIK."
^XWB(8994,143,2,1,1,2,0)=" ""ROOT"" global root of file or subfile"
^XWB(8994,143,2,1,1,3,0)=" ""IEN"" internal entry number of record to be deleted in IENS format"
^XWB(8994,143,3,1,0)="This parameter returns 1 if record was deleted else it returns 0."
^XWB(8994,144,1,1,0)="This function will lock or unlock an M global node. Also,"
^XWB(8994,144,1,2,0)="this function allows the calling application to specify the"
^XWB(8994,144,1,3,0)="timeout (in seconds) for a 'lock' command."
^XWB(8994,144,2,1,1,1,0)="This array contains the following parameter necessary for"
^XWB(8994,144,2,1,1,2,0)="a Lock command:"
^XWB(8994,144,2,1,1,3,0)="|TAB|- NODE - the global node that needs to be locked/unlocked"
^XWB(8994,144,2,1,1,4,0)="|TAB|- LOCKMODE - the operation to be done, Lock or Unlock"
^XWB(8994,144,2,1,1,5,0)="|TAB|- TIMEOUT - integer representing the number of seconds during which"
^XWB(8994,144,2,1,1,6,0)="the system attempts to lock or unlock a node before returning control to"
^XWB(8994,144,2,1,1,7,0)="the program ."
^XWB(8994,144,3,1,0)="This parameter returns 1 if the lock or unlock command is successful,"
^XWB(8994,144,3,2,0)="otherwise a 0 is returned."
^XWB(8994,145,0)="DDR FIND1^FIND1C^DDR2^2^R^"
^XWB(8994,145,1,1,0)="This function returns the internal entry number of a record using"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,1,0)="This array contains the following parameters necessary to call"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,4,0)=" ""FILE"" the file or subfile number to search"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,5,0)=" ""IENS"" the IENS that identifies the subfile if FILE is a subfile number"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,6,0)=" ""FLAGS"" possible values include:"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,7,0)=" A allow pure numeric input to always be tried as an IEN"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,8,0)=" M multiple index allowed"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,9,0)=" O only find an exact match if possible"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,10,0)=" Q quick lookup"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,11,0)=" X exact match only"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,12,0)=" R record the ien in ^DISV via RECALL^DILFD"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,13,0)=" ""VALUE"" the lookup value"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,14,0)=" ""XREF"" the indexes that would be searched for a match"
^XWB(8994,145,2,1,1,15,0)=" ""SCREEN"" screen to apply to the record found"
^XWB(8994,145,3,1,0)="This parameter returns a valid internal record number if a match"
^XWB(8994,145,3,2,0)="is found, a 0 if no match was found or a -1 if an error occurred."
^XWB(8994,145,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,145,3,4,0)="(For now, this is 'single value'. It will return the error array"
^XWB(8994,147,0)="DDR FINDER^FINDC^DDR0^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,147,2,1,0)="FIND ATTRIBUTES^2^512"
^XWB(8994,147,2,"B","FIND ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,148,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,148,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,149,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to obtain the active positions associated with a patient"
^XWB(8994,149,1,2,0)="team assignment."
^XWB(8994,149,2,1,1,1,0)="The parameters are DFN, Beginning date range, Ending date range, and Team"
^XWB(8994,149,3,1,0)="The results parameter will contain a global reference that will contain the"
^XWB(8994,149,3,2,0)="following information:"
^XWB(8994,149,3,3,0)="IEN of Team Position file"
^XWB(8994,149,3,4,0)="Name of position"
^XWB(8994,149,3,5,0)="Current effective date"
^XWB(8994,149,3,6,0)="Pointer to role"
^XWB(8994,149,3,7,0)="Name of role"
^XWB(8994,149,3,8,0)="Pointer to user class"
^XWB(8994,149,3,9,0)="Name of user class"
^XWB(8994,149,3,10,0)="Refer to the routine for details"
^XWB(8994,149,3,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,150,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,150,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,152,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512"
^XWB(8994,152,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,153,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,153,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,154,2,3,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,154,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",3)=""
^XWB(8994,155,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,155,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,155,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,155,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,156,1,1,0)="Returns the list of additional signers currently identified for a given"
^XWB(8994,156,1,2,0)="TIU document."
^XWB(8994,156,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record # of the TIU Document in file 8925."
^XWB(8994,156,3,1,0)="This is an array of persons whose signature is expected on the document."
^XWB(8994,156,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,156,3,4,0)=" TIUY(1)=213^CASEY,BEN"
^XWB(8994,156,3,5,0)=" TIUY(2)=73425^HOWSER,DOOGEY"
^XWB(8994,156,3,6,0)=" TIUY(3)=172^WELBY,MARCUS"
^XWB(8994,156,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,156,3,8,0)="Note that the array elements are returned as DUZ^Username."
^XWB(8994,157,1,1,0)="This RPC accepts a list of persons, and adds them as additional signers"
^XWB(8994,157,1,2,0)="for the document identified by the first parameter."
^XWB(8994,157,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record # (ien) of the document in file 8925."
^XWB(8994,157,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the list of users, passed by reference, as shown below:"
^XWB(8994,157,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,157,2,2,1,3,0)=" TIULIST(1)=213[^CASEY,BEN]"
^XWB(8994,157,2,2,1,4,0)=" TIULIST(2)=73425[^HOWSER,DOOGEY]"
^XWB(8994,157,2,2,1,5,0)=" TIULIST(3)=172[^WELBY,MARCUS]"
^XWB(8994,157,2,2,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,157,2,2,1,7,0)="NOTE that names passed as second '^'-pieces are optional."
^XWB(8994,157,3,1,0)="'^'-delimited String, which includes the DUZ's of the users who were"
^XWB(8994,157,3,2,0)="successfully added as additional signers."
^XWB(8994,158,1,1,0)="This RPC will issue an incremental LOCK on the record identified by the"
^XWB(8994,158,1,2,0)="TIUDA parameter, returning an integer truth value indicating success"
^XWB(8994,158,1,3,0)="or failure in obtaining the LOCK."
^XWB(8994,158,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the record in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE (#8925)."
^XWB(8994,158,3,1,0)="ERR flag indicating whether or not an incremental LOCK was obtained:"
^XWB(8994,158,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,158,3,3,0)=" 0 if the LOCK was GRANTED"
^XWB(8994,158,3,4,0)=" 1^<Explanatory Message> if LOCK was DENIED"
^XWB(8994,159,1,1,0)="This RPC will decrement the lock on a given TIU Document Record, identified"
^XWB(8994,159,1,2,0)="by the TIUDA input parameter. The return value will always be 0."
^XWB(8994,159,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the record in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE (#8925)."
^XWB(8994,159,3,1,0)="Since decrementing a lock never fails, return value will always be 0."
^XWB(8994,160,1,1,0)="BOOLEAN RPC to evaluate user's privilege to modify the expected cosigner, "
^XWB(8994,160,1,2,0)="given the current status of the document, and the user's role with respect "
^XWB(8994,160,1,3,0)="to it."
^XWB(8994,160,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the document in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE (#8925)."
^XWB(8994,160,3,1,0)=" Boolean Truth value, with explanatory message in second '^'-piece if"
^XWB(8994,160,3,2,0)=" FALSE. That is:"
^XWB(8994,160,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,160,3,4,0)=" When privilege to change the Expected Cosigner is granted, TIUY=1"
^XWB(8994,160,3,5,0)=" When privilege to change the Expected Cosigner is denied, TIUY=0^Why not"
^XWB(8994,161,1,1,0)="BOOLEAN RPC that evaluates wheter a justification is required for deletion "
^XWB(8994,161,1,2,0)="(e.g., deletion is authorized, but the document has been signed, etc.)."
^XWB(8994,161,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) of the document in file 8925."
^XWB(8994,161,3,1,0)="Single valued, BOOLEAN return variable, where 1 indicates that the calling"
^XWB(8994,161,3,2,0)="application should ask for a justification, and 0 indicates that no "
^XWB(8994,161,3,3,0)="justification is needed."
^XWB(8994,162,1,1,0)="Given a TIU XQAID, return the patient and document type for the item being"
^XWB(8994,162,2,1,1,1,0)="The XQAID of the alert."
^XWB(8994,162,3,1,0)="TIUDA^DFN^gui tab indicator"
^XWB(8994,162,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,162,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,162,3,5,0)="TIUDA is the document IEN in ^TIU(8925"
^XWB(8994,162,3,6,0)="DFN is the patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,162,3,7,0)="gui tab indicator is an arbitrarily set constant based on the document"
^XWB(8994,162,3,8,0)=" type."
^XWB(8994,163,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the IEN of the first and ONLY entry in the 404.91 parameter"
^XWB(8994,164,1,1,0)="Successful result enables PCMM client to operate with PCMM server and"
^XWB(8994,164,1,2,0)="returns the value to use for RPCTimeLimit."
^XWB(8994,164,2,1,1,1,0)="PatchVersion ^ ClientVersion"
^XWB(8994,164,3,1,0)="Pre SD*5.3*204: 1 if client ok, else 0."
^XWB(8994,164,3,2,0)="Post SD*5.3*204: RPCTimeLimit [n30-300] if client ok, else 0."
^XWB(8994,165,1,1,0)="Returns a list of allergies for a patient."
^XWB(8994,165,2,2,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,165,2,2,1,1,0)="The record number of the patient (DFN) from the Patient file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,165,2,"B","PATIENT ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,165,3,1,0)="Array of patient allergies. Returned data is delimited by ""^"" and"
^XWB(8994,165,3,2,0)="includes: allergen/reactant, reactions/symptoms (multiple symptoms/"
^XWB(8994,165,3,3,0)="reactions are possible - delimited by "";""), severity, allergy id (record"
^XWB(8994,165,3,4,0)="number from the Patient Allergies file (#120.8)."
^XWB(8994,166,1,1,0)="This function returns a string of information for a specific allergy/"
^XWB(8994,166,1,2,0)="adverse reaction. Returned data is delimited by ""^"" and includes:"
^XWB(8994,166,1,3,0)="allergen/reactant, originator, originator title, verified/not verified, "
^XWB(8994,166,1,4,0)="observed/historical,<blank>,type, observation date, severity, drug class, "
^XWB(8994,166,1,5,0)="symptoms/reactions (mulitple symptoms possible - delimited by "";""), "
^XWB(8994,166,2,1,0)="ALLERGY ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,166,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the allergy/adverse reaction from the Patient"
^XWB(8994,166,2,1,1,2,0)="Allergies file (#120.8)."
^XWB(8994,166,2,"B","ALLERGY ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,166,3,1,0)="String of information for a specific allergy/adverse reaction. Returned"
^XWB(8994,166,3,2,0)="data is delimited by ""^"" and includes: allergen/reactant, originator, "
^XWB(8994,166,3,3,0)="originator title, verified/not verified, observed/historical, <blank>, "
^XWB(8994,166,3,4,0)="type, observation date, severity, drug class, symptoms/reactions (mulitple"
^XWB(8994,166,3,5,0)="symptoms are possible - delimited by "";""), comments."
^XWB(8994,167,1,1,0)="Function returns a list of problems for a patient."
^XWB(8994,167,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,167,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the patient from the Patient FIle (#2)."
^XWB(8994,167,2,2,1,1,0)="The status of the problems to retrieve. A = Active problems only, "
^XWB(8994,167,2,2,1,2,0)="I = Inactive problems only, """" or undefined = all problems regardless of"
^XWB(8994,167,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,167,3,1,0)="Array of patient problems in the format: problem id^problem name^status"
^XWB(8994,168,1,1,0)="Function returns a string of detailed information for a problem."
^XWB(8994,168,2,1,0)="PROBLEM ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,168,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the problem from the Problem File (#9000011)."
^XWB(8994,168,2,"B","PROBLEM ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,168,3,1,0)="String of detailed problem information delimited by ""^"". String includes:"
^XWB(8994,168,3,2,0)="<under discussion>"
^XWB(8994,169,1,1,0)="Function returns a list of notifications for a patient for the current user."
^XWB(8994,169,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,169,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the patient from the Patient File (#2)."
^XWB(8994,169,2,2,0)="START DATE^1^16"
^XWB(8994,169,2,2,1,1,0)="Start date for retrieving patient notifications in Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,169,2,3,0)="STOP DATE^1^16"
^XWB(8994,169,2,3,1,1,0)="Stop date for retrieving patient notifications in Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,169,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,169,2,"B","START DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,169,2,"B","STOP DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,169,3,1,0)="Array of patient notifications delimited by ""^"". Returned data includes"
^XWB(8994,169,3,2,0)="alert id (XQAID)^alert message^patient id (DFN). "
^XWB(8994,170,1,1,0)="Function returns notifications for current user."
^XWB(8994,170,2,1,0)="USER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,170,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the user (DUZ) from the New Person File (#200)."
^XWB(8994,170,2,2,0)="START DATE^1^16"
^XWB(8994,170,2,2,1,1,0)="The start date of the period to retrieve notifications for the user in "
^XWB(8994,170,2,2,1,2,0)="Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,170,2,3,0)="STOP DATE^1^16"
^XWB(8994,170,2,3,1,1,0)="The stop date of the period to retrieve notifications for the user in"
^XWB(8994,170,2,3,1,2,0)="Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,170,2,"B","START DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,170,2,"B","STOP DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,170,2,"B","USER ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,170,3,1,0)="Array of notifications for the user delimited by ""^"". Returned data"
^XWB(8994,170,3,2,0)="includes: alert/notification id (XQAID)^alert message^patient id (DFN)."
^XWB(8994,171,1,1,0)="Array of patient most recent vitals within start and stop date/times. If"
^XWB(8994,171,1,2,0)="no start and stop dates are indicated, the most recent are returned."
^XWB(8994,171,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,171,1,4,0)="If no start date is passed then the start date is 1 (i.e. before any"
^XWB(8994,171,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,171,1,7,0)="If no stop date is passed then the start date is also the stop date and if"
^XWB(8994,171,1,8,0)="there is not start date then 9999999 is used as the stop date."
^XWB(8994,171,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,171,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient id (DFN) from Patient File (#2)."
^XWB(8994,171,2,2,0)="START DATE/TIME^1^16"
^XWB(8994,171,2,2,1,1,0)="Start date/time for vital retrieval in Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,171,2,2,1,2,0)="If none is passed then the start date is 1 (i.e. before any dates)."
^XWB(8994,171,2,3,0)="STOP DATE/TIME^1^16"
^XWB(8994,171,2,3,1,1,0)="Stop date/time for vital retrieval in Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,171,2,3,1,2,0)="If none is passed then the Start date is also the stop date and if there"
^XWB(8994,171,2,3,1,3,0)="is not start date then 9999999 is used as the stop date"
^XWB(8994,171,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,171,2,"B","START DATE/TIME",2)=""
^XWB(8994,171,2,"B","STOP DATE/TIME",3)=""
^XWB(8994,171,3,1,0)="Array of patient most recent vitals within start and stop date/times. "
^XWB(8994,171,3,2,0)="If no start and stop dates are indicated, the most recent are returned."
^XWB(8994,171,3,3,0)="Vitals are returned in the format:"
^XWB(8994,171,3,4,0)="vital ien^vital type^rate/value^date/time taken"
^XWB(8994,172,1,1,0)="Function returns the current user's default patient list."
^XWB(8994,172,3,1,0)="User's default patient list in the format: patient dfn^patient name."
^XWB(8994,173,1,1,0)="Function returns an array of providers."
^XWB(8994,173,3,1,0)="Array of providers in the format: provider id (DUZ)^provider name"
^XWB(8994,174,1,1,0)="Function returns an array of patients linked to a provider/user."
^XWB(8994,174,2,1,0)="USER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,174,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the user/provider from the New Person File (#200)"
^XWB(8994,174,2,"B","USER ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,174,3,1,0)="Array of patients linked to the user/provider in the format: patient id"
^XWB(8994,174,3,2,0)="(DFN)^patient name."
^XWB(8994,175,1,1,0)="Returns patients with appointments at a clinic between start and stop dates"
^XWB(8994,175,2,1,0)="CLINIC ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,175,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the clinic from the Hospital Location File (#44)."
^XWB(8994,175,2,2,0)="START DATE^1^16"
^XWB(8994,175,2,2,1,1,0)="The start date of the clinic appointments to retrieve (not in FM format.)"
^XWB(8994,175,2,3,0)="STOP DATE^1^16"
^XWB(8994,175,2,3,1,1,0)="The stop date of the clinic appointments to retrieve (not in Fileman format.)"
^XWB(8994,175,2,"B","CLINIC ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,175,2,"B","START DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,175,2,"B","STOP DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,175,3,1,0)="Array of patients with appointments between start date and stop date"
^XWB(8994,175,3,2,0)="delimited by ""^"". Returned data includes patient id (DFN)^patient name."
^XWB(8994,176,1,1,0)="Function returns an array of treating specialties."
^XWB(8994,176,3,1,0)="Array of treating specialties in the format: specialty id^specialty name."
^XWB(8994,177,1,1,0)="Function returns an array of patients linked to a treating specialty."
^XWB(8994,177,2,1,0)="SPECIALTY ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,177,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the treating specialty from the Facility Treating"
^XWB(8994,177,2,1,1,2,0)="Specialty File (#45.7)."
^XWB(8994,177,2,"B","SPECIALTY ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,177,3,1,0)="Array of patients linked to the treating specialty in the format: patient"
^XWB(8994,177,3,2,0)="id (DFN)^patient name."
^XWB(8994,178,1,1,0)="Function returns a list of teams."
^XWB(8994,178,3,1,0)="Array of teams in the format: team id^team name."
^XWB(8994,179,1,1,0)="Function returns an array of patients on a team."
^XWB(8994,179,2,1,0)="TEAM ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,179,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number from the OE/RR Team File (#100.21)."
^XWB(8994,179,2,"B","TEAM ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,179,3,1,0)="Array of patients on a team in the format: patient id (DFN)^patient name."
^XWB(8994,180,1,1,0)="Function returns a list of patients on a ward."
^XWB(8994,180,2,1,0)="WARD ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,180,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the ward from the Ward Location File (#42)."
^XWB(8994,180,2,"B","WARD ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,180,3,1,0)="Array of patients on the ward in the format: patient id (DFN)^patient name."
^XWB(8994,181,1,1,0)="Function returns a list of clinics."
^XWB(8994,181,3,1,0)="Array of clinics delimited by ""^"". Returned data includes clinic id from"
^XWB(8994,181,3,2,0)="the Hospital Location file (#44)^clinic name."
^XWB(8994,182,1,1,0)="Function returns a list of a patient's medications."
^XWB(8994,182,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,182,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient id (DFN) from Patient File (#2)."
^XWB(8994,182,2,2,0)="START DATE/TIME^1^16^0"
^XWB(8994,182,2,2,1,1,0)="Start date/time in FileMan format indicating what date/time to begin"
^XWB(8994,182,2,2,1,2,0)="listing medications."
^XWB(8994,182,2,3,0)="STOP DATE/TIME^1^16^0"
^XWB(8994,182,2,3,1,1,0)="Stop date/time in FileMan format indicating what date/time to end listing"
^XWB(8994,182,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,182,2,"B","START DATE/TIME",2)=""
^XWB(8994,182,2,"B","STOP DATE/TIME",3)=""
^XWB(8994,182,3,1,0)="Array medications in the format: medication id^nameform (orderable item)^"
^XWB(8994,182,3,2,0)="stop date/time^route^schedule/iv rate^refills remaining"
^XWB(8994,183,1,1,0)="This function returns a string of follow-up data. Content of the data "
^XWB(8994,183,1,2,0)="varies by notification."
^XWB(8994,183,2,1,1,1,0)="The identifier used by the Kernel Alert utility to uniquely identify an"
^XWB(8994,183,2,1,1,2,0)="alert/notification. For OE/RR alerts the format is:"
^XWB(8994,183,2,1,1,3,0)="""OR,<dfn>,<notif ien>;<notif date.time>"""
^XWB(8994,183,3,1,0)="String of information required to complete the follow-up action."
^XWB(8994,184,1,1,0)="This function deletes an alert."
^XWB(8994,184,2,1,1,1,0)="The alert identifier used by the Kernel Alert utility to uniquely identify"
^XWB(8994,184,2,1,1,2,0)="an alert/notification. For OE/RR alerts, the format is:"
^XWB(8994,184,2,1,1,3,0)="""OR,<dfn>,<notif ien>;<notif date.time>"""
^XWB(8994,184,3,1,0)="True or False for successful deletion or failure."
^XWB(8994,185,1,1,0)="Function returns a list of wards."
^XWB(8994,185,3,1,0)="Array of wards in the format: ward id^ward name."
^XWB(8994,186,1,1,0)="Returns the follow-up action type for a notification as identified via the"
^XWB(8994,186,1,2,0)="alert xqaid."
^XWB(8994,186,2,1,1,1,0)="The identifier used by the Kernel Alert utility to uniquely identify an"
^XWB(8994,186,2,1,1,2,0)="alert/notification. For OE/RR alerts the format is:"
^XWB(8994,186,2,1,1,3,0)="""OR,<dfn>,<notif ien>;<notif date.time>"""
^XWB(8994,186,3,1,0)="Text decsribing the follow-up action type (e.g. NEW ORDER, REPORT, etc.)"
^XWB(8994,186,3,2,0)="This is used to determine how and what to display to the user during the"
^XWB(8994,186,3,3,0)="notification's follow-up action."
^XWB(8994,187,1,1,0)="This function returns an array of follow-up data. Content of the data"
^XWB(8994,187,1,2,0)="varies by notification."
^XWB(8994,187,2,1,1,1,0)="The identifier used by the Kernel Alert utility to uniquely identify an"
^XWB(8994,187,2,1,1,2,0)="alert/notification. The OE/RR alerts the format is:"
^XWB(8994,187,2,1,1,3,0)="""OR,<dfn>,<notif ien>;<notif date.time>"""
^XWB(8994,187,3,1,0)="Array of information required to complete the follow-up action."
^XWB(8994,188,0)="ORQOR DETAIL^DETAIL^ORWOR^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,188,1,1,0)="Returns detailed information regarding an order."
^XWB(8994,188,2,2,1,1,0)="Order identifier/number from file #100."
^XWB(8994,188,3,1,0)="Array of detailed order information."
^XWB(8994,189,1,1,0)="Function returns the source of the current user's default patient list."
^XWB(8994,189,3,1,0)="User's default patient list source in the format: list ien^list name."
^XWB(8994,190,1,1,0)="Returns identifying information for a patient."
^XWB(8994,191,1,1,0)="Returns a set of patient names for use with a long list box."
^XWB(8994,192,1,1,0)="Retrieves the ""What's This"" text for a given control."
^XWB(8994,193,1,1,0)="This call returns an up to date laboratory cumulative report for a given "
^XWB(8994,193,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter identifies the patient for whom the lab cumulative report "
^XWB(8994,193,2,1,1,2,0)="should be obtained."
^XWB(8994,193,3,1,0)="Data is returned in a table containing two sections. The first section"
^XWB(8994,193,3,2,0)="lists the lines in the cumulative report where a header begins, in the "
^XWB(8994,193,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,193,3,5,0)=" line number ^ header name"
^XWB(8994,193,3,7,0)="The end of this section is delimited by a line of text: [REPORT TEXT]"
^XWB(8994,193,3,9,0)="After [REPORT TEXT] the rest of the lines comprise the text of the "
^XWB(8994,193,3,10,0)="cumulative report."
^XWB(8994,194,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patient appointments and visits for a date/time range."
^XWB(8994,194,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,194,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient ID (DFN) from Patient File [#2]."
^XWB(8994,194,2,2,0)="START DATE/TIME^1^16^0"
^XWB(8994,194,2,2,1,1,0)="Start date/time to return visits and appointments. In internal FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,194,2,3,0)="STOP DATE/TIME^1^16^0"
^XWB(8994,194,2,3,1,1,0)="Stop date/time to return visits and appointments. In internal FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,194,2,4,1,1,0)="This is a dummy parameter so the Broker won't crash."
^XWB(8994,194,2,4,1,2,0)="appointments for this location only will be returned."
^XWB(8994,194,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,194,2,"B","START DATE/TIME",2)=""
^XWB(8994,194,2,"B","STOP DATE/TIME",3)=""
^XWB(8994,194,3,1,0)="List of patient appointments and visits in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,194,3,2,0)="visit/appt id (inpatient admissions include an ""a"" suffix, visits suffix is "
^XWB(8994,194,3,3,0)="""v"")^visit/appt location^header of ""admitted:"" or ""visited:""^date/time of"
^XWB(8994,194,3,4,0)="visit or appt^inverse date/time of visit or appt"
^XWB(8994,194,3,5,0)="all dates in the system will be returned. If no input location is"
^XWB(8994,194,3,6,0)="indicated, visits and appointments across all locations will be returned."
^XWB(8994,195,1,1,0)="Returns a list of active Patient Postings for a patient."
^XWB(8994,195,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,195,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient ID (DFN) from Patient File [#2]."
^XWB(8994,195,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,195,3,1,0)="Array of Patient Postings in the format:"
^XWB(8994,195,3,2,0)="Patient Posting IEN^acronym^category^modifier^date/time"
^XWB(8994,196,1,1,0)="Returns the ward, room-bed for a patient."
^XWB(8994,196,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,196,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier (DFN) from file #2"
^XWB(8994,196,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,196,3,1,0)="ward ien [file #42]^ward name room name-bedname"
^XWB(8994,197,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patient immunizations."
^XWB(8994,197,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,197,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier (DFN) from patient file [#2]."
^XWB(8994,197,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,197,3,1,0)="List of patient immunizations in format:"
^XWB(8994,198,0)="ORQOR LIST^LIST^ORQOR1^2^S"
^XWB(8994,198,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patient orders."
^XWB(8994,198,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN from Patient file [#2]."
^XWB(8994,198,2,2,1,1,0)="Entry number of the desired display group from the Display Group File "
^XWB(8994,198,2,3,1,1,0)="Flag identifying the context of the orders to be retreived."
^XWB(8994,198,2,4,1,1,0)="The startdate for the order search in 'T' or Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,198,2,4,1,2,0)="Startdate is only considered when FLAG is '1' (return all orders)."
^XWB(8994,198,2,5,1,1,0)="The stopdate for the order search in 'T' or Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,198,2,5,1,2,0)="Stopdate is only considered when FLAG is '1' (return all orders)."
^XWB(8994,198,3,1,0)="Array of orders in the format:"
^XWB(8994,199,1,1,0)="Returns the details of a lab order."
^XWB(8994,199,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier (DFN) from Patient File [#2]"
^XWB(8994,199,2,3,0)="ORDER NUMBER^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,199,2,3,1,1,0)="OE/RR order number from the Orders file [#100]."
^XWB(8994,199,2,"B","ORDER NUMBER",3)=""
^XWB(8994,199,3,1,0)="Detailed text of the order. May include more than one atomic result (as"
^XWB(8994,199,3,2,0)="in the details of a Chem 7 order.)"
^XWB(8994,200,1,1,0)="Returns the progress notes based on patient and visit identifier."
^XWB(8994,200,2,1,0)="Patient DFN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,200,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier (DFN) from File #2 (Patient)."
^XWB(8994,200,2,2,1,1,0)="Visit identifier."
^XWB(8994,200,2,"B","Patient DFN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,200,3,1,0)="Formatted progress notes."
^XWB(8994,201,1,1,0)="Returns discharge summary for a visit."
^XWB(8994,201,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier (DFN) from File #2 (Patient)."
^XWB(8994,201,2,2,1,1,0)="Visit identifier."
^XWB(8994,201,3,1,0)="Formatted discharge summary."
^XWB(8994,202,1,1,0)="Returns the details of a medication order."
^XWB(8994,202,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,202,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier from Patient file [#2]."
^XWB(8994,202,2,2,0)="MEDICATION ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,202,2,2,1,1,0)="Medication identifier as drawn from the medication consdensed list (ORQQPS"
^XWB(8994,202,2,2,1,2,0)="LIST). The first piece of the condensed list. E.g. 31945R;O, 231156U;I,"
^XWB(8994,202,2,"B","MEDICATION ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,202,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,202,3,1,0)="Formatted details of the medication."
^XWB(8994,203,1,1,0)="Returns the default sort method for notification display based on the "
^XWB(8994,203,1,2,0)="precedence USER, DIVISION, SYSTEM, PACKAGE."
^XWB(8994,203,3,1,0)="Single value indicating sort method: U: Urgency, T: Type, P:Patient."
^XWB(8994,204,1,1,0)="Returns mail groups in a system."
^XWB(8994,204,3,1,0)="Array of mail groups in the format: IEN^NAME"
^XWB(8994,205,1,1,0)="Returns a patient's attending physician and primary provider."
^XWB(8994,205,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier from the PATIENT FILE [#2]."
^XWB(8994,205,3,1,0)="Patient's attending physician and primary provider in the format:"
^XWB(8994,206,0)="ORWD DEF^DEF^ORWD^2"
^XWB(8994,206,1,1,0)="Returns the formatting definition for an ordering dialog from the ORDER"
^XWB(8994,206,1,2,0)="DIALOG file (101.41)."
^XWB(8994,207,1,1,0)="Returns a null list."
^XWB(8994,207,3,1,0)="A null list."
^XWB(8994,208,1,1,0)="Returns the date search range in number of days (e.g. 90) to begin the "
^XWB(8994,208,1,2,0)="search before today. For example, a value of 90 would indicate to limit the"
^XWB(8994,208,1,3,0)="search between ninety day. Limited to Outpatients."
^XWB(8994,208,3,1,0)="Date search range in number of days (e.g. 90) to begin the search before"
^XWB(8994,208,3,2,0)="today. For example, a value of 90 would indicate to limit the search"
^XWB(8994,208,3,3,0)="between ninety day. Limited to outpatients."
^XWB(8994,209,1,1,0)="Returns a list of allergens, severity and signs/symptoms in a report"
^XWB(8994,209,1,2,0)="format which can be used in a ""detailed"" display. This RPC was set up"
^XWB(8994,209,1,3,0)="to support the listing of allergies when selected from the Patient Postings"
^XWB(8994,209,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,209,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the patient from the Patient File [#2]."
^XWB(8994,209,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,209,3,1,0)="Array of report formatted information regarding the patient's allergens,"
^XWB(8994,209,3,2,0)="severity of reaction and signs/symptoms."
^XWB(8994,210,0)="ORWORR GET^GET^ORWORR^2"
^XWB(8994,210,1,1,0)="Returns a list of orders & and associated fields and text."
^XWB(8994,211,1,1,0)="Returns preferences for the current user."
^XWB(8994,212,0)="ORWD SAVE^SAVE^ORWD^2"
^XWB(8994,212,1,1,0)="Saves an order. The order is passed in ORDIALOG format."
^XWB(8994,213,0)="ORWD SIGN^SIGN^ORWD^2"
^XWB(8994,213,1,1,0)="Changes signature status on a list of orders and optionally releases the"
^XWB(8994,213,1,2,0)="orders to their respective services."
^XWB(8994,214,0)="ORWD OI^OI^ORWD^2"
^XWB(8994,214,1,1,0)="Returns a group of orderable items to be used in the OnNeedData event for"
^XWB(8994,214,1,2,0)="a long list box."
^XWB(8994,215,0)="ORWDLR DEF^DEF^ORWDLR^2"
^XWB(8994,215,1,1,0)="Loads dialog data (lists & defaults) for a lab order."
^XWB(8994,216,1,1,0)="Loads sample, specimen, and urgency information for a given lab test."
^XWB(8994,217,1,1,0)="Function returns a list of providers linked to a patient via teams."
^XWB(8994,217,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier from patient file [#2]."
^XWB(8994,217,3,1,0)="Array of providers linked to patient via teams in format:"
^XWB(8994,218,1,1,0)="Returns lab specimens that have an abbreviation (used as default list)."
^XWB(8994,219,1,1,0)="Returns a list of collection samples for a lab order."
^XWB(8994,220,1,1,0)="No longer used."
^XWB(8994,221,1,1,0)="Validates a broker encrypted electronic signature."
^XWB(8994,222,1,1,0)="Returns a list of appointments for a patient (for visit selection)."
^XWB(8994,223,1,1,0)="Returns a set of hospital locations for use in a long list box."
^XWB(8994,224,1,1,0)="Returns a list of admissions for a patient (for visit selection)."
^XWB(8994,225,1,1,0)="Returns the Form ID (mapping to a windows form) for an ordering dialog."
^XWB(8994,226,1,1,0)="Returns the responses for an already existing order."
^XWB(8994,227,1,1,0)="Returns 1 if action is valid for an order, otherwise 0^error."
^XWB(8994,228,1,1,0)="Saves the action on a order in an unsigned/unreleased state."
^XWB(8994,229,0)="ORWD DT^DT^ORWD^1"
^XWB(8994,229,1,1,0)="Returns a date in internal Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,230,0)="ORWDCSLT LOOK200^LOOK200^ORWDCSLT^1"
^XWB(8994,230,1,1,0)="Validates Attn: field of a consult order."
^XWB(8994,231,1,1,0)="Load dialog data (lists & defaults) for a consult order. (16-BIT)"
^XWB(8994,232,1,1,0)="Returns 1 if the users possesses the PROVIDER key."
^XWB(8994,233,1,1,0)="Loads a list of activities for an activity order."
^XWB(8994,234,1,1,0)="Loads dialog data (lists & defaults) for a pharmacy order once an"
^XWB(8994,234,1,2,0)="orderable item (Drug & Form) is selected."
^XWB(8994,235,0)="ORWDRA DEF^DEF^ORWDRA^2"
^XWB(8994,235,1,1,0)="Loads dialog data (lists & defaults) for a radiology order."
^XWB(8994,236,1,1,0)="Loads dialog data (lists & defaults) for a vitals order."
^XWB(8994,237,0)="ORWDPS DEF^DEF^ORWDPS^2"
^XWB(8994,237,1,1,0)="Loads dialog data (lists & defaults) for a pharmacy order (inpatient and"
^XWB(8994,238,1,1,0)="Calculates a stop date (for lab orders with schedules)."
^XWB(8994,239,1,1,0)="Returns a set of New Person file entries for use in a long list box."
^XWB(8994,240,1,1,0)="Returns a list of print devices."
^XWB(8994,241,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list on imaging exams for a"
^XWB(8994,241,1,2,0)="specific patient."
^XWB(8994,241,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of patient in the Patient file [^DPT]."
^XWB(8994,241,3,1,0)="The format of the returned global array is the following:"
^XWB(8994,241,3,3,0)=" Piece Description Format"
^XWB(8994,241,3,4,0)=" ----- ----------- ------"
^XWB(8994,241,3,5,0)=" 1 Exam ID: Inverse FM date/time of Exam_-_Case IEN"
^XWB(8994,241,3,6,0)=" 2 Exam date and time FM date/time format"
^XWB(8994,241,3,7,0)=" 3 Procedure name Free text"
^XWB(8994,241,3,8,0)=" 4 Case Number Number"
^XWB(8994,241,3,9,0)=" 5 Status Free text"
^XWB(8994,241,3,10,0)=" 6 Severity Y or null (ie. Is it an abnormal result?)"
^XWB(8994,242,0)="ORWRA REPORT TEXT^RPT^ORWRA^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,242,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns an array containing"
^XWB(8994,242,1,2,0)="a formattied imaging report. This array matches exactly"
^XWB(8994,242,1,3,0)="the report format on the roll 'n scroll version of CPRS."
^XWB(8994,242,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of patient in the Patient file [^DPT]."
^XWB(8994,242,2,2,1,1,0)="Imaging exam ID."
^XWB(8994,242,2,2,1,3,0)=" Format: Inverse FM date/time of Exam_-_Case IEN"
^XWB(8994,242,2,2,1,4,0)="Example: 7049175.8893-1"
^XWB(8994,242,3,1,0)="The global array returned contains the formatted text"
^XWB(8994,242,3,2,0)="of the imaging report. This text is can be displayed"
^XWB(8994,242,3,3,0)="without any further changes."
^XWB(8994,243,1,1,0)="Problem list for CPRS GUI client"
^XWB(8994,243,3,1,0)="List of problems with comments"
^XWB(8994,244,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list of reports,"
^XWB(8994,244,1,2,0)="Health Summary types and date ranges that can be displayed"
^XWB(8994,244,1,3,0)="at the workstation."
^XWB(8994,244,1,5,0)="There are no input parameters fo this rpc."
^XWB(8994,244,3,1,0)="This rpc returns the list of reports, health summary types"
^XWB(8994,244,3,2,0)="and date ranges allowed on the Report tab."
^XWB(8994,244,3,4,0)="Note: Health Summary Types returned are based on the"
^XWB(8994,244,3,5,0)=" ORWRP HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE LIST parameter defintion in file"
^XWB(8994,244,3,6,0)=" PARAMETERS(#8989.5) and PARAMETER DEFINITION FILE(#8989.51)."
^XWB(8994,244,3,11,0)="[REPORT LIST]"
^XWB(8994,244,3,12,0)="<id> ^ <name> ^ <ask date range> ^ <ask health summary type> ^ <right margin>"
^XWB(8994,244,3,13,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,14,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,15,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,17,0)="[HEALTH SUMMARY TYPES]"
^XWB(8994,244,3,18,0)="<internal entry number to HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE file> ^ <name of type>"
^XWB(8994,244,3,19,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,20,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,21,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,23,0)="[DATE RANGES]"
^XWB(8994,244,3,24,0)="<days for TODAY> ^ <display text>"
^XWB(8994,244,3,25,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,26,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,27,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,32,0)="[REPORT LIST]"
^XWB(8994,244,3,33,0)="<id> ^ <name> ^ <ask date range> ^ <ask health summary type> ^ <right margin>"
^XWB(8994,244,3,34,0)="1^Health Summary^N^Y^80"
^XWB(8994,244,3,35,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,36,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,37,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,39,0)="[HEALTH SUMMARY TYPES]"
^XWB(8994,244,3,40,0)="23^Current RX's"
^XWB(8994,244,3,41,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,42,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,43,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,45,0)="[DATE RANGES]"
^XWB(8994,244,3,47,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,48,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,244,3,49,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,245,2,1,1,1,0)="USER ID"
^XWB(8994,245,2,2,1,1,0)="IFN OF CLINIC"
^XWB(8994,245,3,1,0)="ARRAY OF CATEGORIES"
^XWB(8994,246,1,1,0)="Returns array of user specific problems to select from"
^XWB(8994,246,2,1,1,1,0)="IFN of problem category"
^XWB(8994,247,1,1,0)="Get a list from clinical lexicon for display in list or combo box"
^XWB(8994,247,2,1,1,1,0)="BACK/FORE FLAG"
^XWB(8994,247,2,2,1,1,0)="MAX NUMBER OF LIST ELEMENTS"
^XWB(8994,248,1,1,0)="Return array of default fields and original fields - GMPFLD() and GMPORIG()"
^XWB(8994,248,2,1,1,1,0)="IFN for problem"
^XWB(8994,249,1,1,0)="returns death indicator, sc and exposures"
^XWB(8994,250,0)="ORWRP REPORT TEXT^RPT^ORWRP^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,250,1,1,0)="This rpc retrieves the report text for a report selected on"
^XWB(8994,250,1,2,0)="the Report tab."
^XWB(8994,250,1,3,0)="the report format on the roll 'n scroll version of CPRS."
^XWB(8994,250,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the Patient file."
^XWB(8994,250,2,2,0)="REPORT ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,250,2,2,1,1,0)="Identification number of the desired report."
^XWB(8994,250,2,3,0)="HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE^1^20^0"
^XWB(8994,250,2,3,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE file."
^XWB(8994,250,2,3,1,3,0)="This parameter is only required for Health Summary reports."
^XWB(8994,250,2,4,0)="DATE RANGE^1^5^0"
^XWB(8994,250,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates the number of days from TODAY"
^XWB(8994,250,2,4,1,2,0)="that the report should search for information."
^XWB(8994,250,2,4,1,4,0)="This parameter is required for vital reports."
^XWB(8994,250,2,5,0)="REPORT SECTION^1^2^1"
^XWB(8994,250,2,5,1,1,0)="This parameter specifics which portion of the report should be"
^XWB(8994,250,2,5,1,4,0)="If REPORT SECTION equals 0 then the entire report is re-compiled and the"
^XWB(8994,250,2,5,1,5,0)="first section is passed back. If the report is large then it is"
^XWB(8994,250,2,5,1,6,0)="necessary to divide it into sections. Currently, each section can"
^XWB(8994,250,2,5,1,7,0)="not be more than be more than 20,000 characters"
^XWB(8994,250,2,"B","DATE RANGE",4)=""
^XWB(8994,250,2,"B","HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,250,2,"B","REPORT ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,250,2,"B","REPORT SECTION",5)=""
^XWB(8994,250,3,1,0)="Text array for report section is returned."
^XWB(8994,250,3,3,0)="Also, the first line of the text contains the following information:"
^XWB(8994,250,3,4,0)=" <number of current section being passed> ^ <last section number>"
^XWB(8994,252,1,1,0)="This rpc is used to print a report on the Report tab"
^XWB(8994,252,1,2,0)="in CPRS."
^XWB(8994,252,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the device where the report should print."
^XWB(8994,252,2,1,1,3,0)="Format: <device name> ; <right margin> ; <page length>"
^XWB(8994,252,2,1,1,5,0)="Right margin and page length are optional."
^XWB(8994,252,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the Patient file."
^XWB(8994,252,2,3,0)="REPORT ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,252,2,3,1,1,0)="Identification number of the desired report."
^XWB(8994,252,2,4,0)="HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE^1^20^0"
^XWB(8994,252,2,4,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE"
^XWB(8994,252,2,4,1,4,0)="This parameter is only required for Health Summary reports."
^XWB(8994,252,2,5,0)="DATE RANGE^1^5^1"
^XWB(8994,252,2,5,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates the number of days from TODAY"
^XWB(8994,252,2,5,1,2,0)="that the report should search for information."
^XWB(8994,252,2,5,1,4,0)="This parameter is required for vital reports."
^XWB(8994,252,2,6,0)="EXAM ID^1^20^0"
^XWB(8994,252,2,6,1,1,0)="Identification number of the exam."
^XWB(8994,252,2,"B","DATE RANGE",5)=""
^XWB(8994,252,2,"B","EXAM ID",6)=""
^XWB(8994,252,2,"B","HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE",4)=""
^XWB(8994,252,2,"B","REPORT ID",3)=""
^XWB(8994,252,3,1,0)="If the print request was successfully queued then the"
^XWB(8994,252,3,2,0)="Task manager task number is return. Otherwise, and error"
^XWB(8994,252,3,3,0)="code and error description are returned."
^XWB(8994,252,3,5,0)="Error Code Table:"
^XWB(8994,252,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,252,3,7,0)=" Code Text"
^XWB(8994,252,3,8,0)=" ---- ----"
^XWB(8994,252,3,9,0)=" 0 <Task Number>"
^XWB(8994,252,3,11,0)=" 1 No device selected"
^XWB(8994,252,3,12,0)=" 2 No report specified"
^XWB(8994,252,3,13,0)=" 3 Report type specified is not valid"
^XWB(8994,252,3,14,0)=" 4 No date range specified"
^XWB(8994,252,3,15,0)=" 5 No health summary type specified"
^XWB(8994,252,3,16,0)=" 6 Patient specified is not valid"
^XWB(8994,252,3,17,0)=" 7 No exam identified"
^XWB(8994,252,3,18,0)=" 8 No procedure date identified"
^XWB(8994,252,3,19,0)=" 9 No assessment identified"
^XWB(8994,253,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list of lab cumulative sections,"
^XWB(8994,253,1,2,0)="and date ranges that can be displayed at the workstation."
^XWB(8994,253,1,4,0)="There are no input parameters fo this rpc."
^XWB(8994,253,3,1,0)="This rpc returns the list of lab cumulative sections"
^XWB(8994,253,3,2,0)="and date ranges allowed on the Labs tab."
^XWB(8994,253,3,6,0)="[REPORT LIST]"
^XWB(8994,253,3,7,0)="<section name id> ^ <mixed case name> ^ <ask date range> ^ <ask health summary type> ^ <right margin>"
^XWB(8994,253,3,8,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,9,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,10,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,12,0)="[DATE RANGES]"
^XWB(8994,253,3,13,0)="<days for TODAY> ^ <display text>"
^XWB(8994,253,3,14,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,15,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,16,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,21,0)="[REPORT LIST]"
^XWB(8994,253,3,22,0)="<section name id> ^ <mixed case name> ^ <ask date range> ^ <ask health summary type> ^ <right margin>"
^XWB(8994,253,3,23,0)="MISCELLANEOUS TESTS^Miscellaneous Tests^Y^N^80"
^XWB(8994,253,3,24,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,25,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,26,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,28,0)="[DATE RANGES]"
^XWB(8994,253,3,30,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,31,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,253,3,32,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,254,2,1,1,1,0)="RECORD IFN"
^XWB(8994,254,2,2,1,1,0)="PROBLEM RESP PROVIDER"
^XWB(8994,254,2,3,1,1,0)="FACILITY ID"
^XWB(8994,254,3,1,0)="BOOLEAN 1= FILE OK, 0 NO FILE"
^XWB(8994,255,1,1,0)="This rpc retrieves the part of the lab cumulative report "
^XWB(8994,255,1,2,0)="selected by the user on the Labs tab."
^XWB(8994,255,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the Patient file."
^XWB(8994,255,2,2,0)="PART OF CUMULATIVE^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,255,2,2,1,1,0)="Name that uniquely identifies the desired part of the lab cumulative."
^XWB(8994,255,2,4,0)="DATE RANGE^1^5^0"
^XWB(8994,255,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates the number of days from TODAY"
^XWB(8994,255,2,4,1,2,0)="that the cumulative should search for information."
^XWB(8994,255,2,5,0)="REPORT SECTION^1^2^1"
^XWB(8994,255,2,5,1,1,0)="This parameter specifics which section of the lab cumulative part"
^XWB(8994,255,2,5,1,2,0)="should be retrieved. (An example of a part is 'Miscellaneous Tests'.)"
^XWB(8994,255,2,5,1,4,0)="If REPORT SECTION equals 0 then the entire part is re-compiled and the"
^XWB(8994,255,2,5,1,5,0)="first section is passed back. If the part is large then it is"
^XWB(8994,255,2,5,1,6,0)="necessary to divide it into sections. Currently, each section can"
^XWB(8994,255,2,5,1,7,0)="not be more than be more than 20,000 characters"
^XWB(8994,255,2,"B","DATE RANGE",4)=""
^XWB(8994,255,2,"B","PART OF CUMULATIVE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,255,2,"B","REPORT SECTION",5)=""
^XWB(8994,255,3,1,0)="Text array for report section is returned."
^XWB(8994,255,3,3,0)="Also, the first line of the text contains the following information:"
^XWB(8994,255,3,4,0)=" <number of current section being passed> ^ <last section number>"
^XWB(8994,256,1,1,0)="Returns list of clinics for problem list. Should be replaced by CLIN^ORQPT"
^XWB(8994,257,1,1,0)="Add new problem record"
^XWB(8994,258,1,1,0)="Returns user parameters for problem list"
^XWB(8994,259,1,1,0)="Updates problem record"
^XWB(8994,259,2,1,1,1,0)="UPDATE ARRAY"
^XWB(8994,260,1,1,0)="DELETES A PROBLEM"
^XWB(8994,261,1,1,0)="This rpc is used to print an imaging report on the Imaging tab"
^XWB(8994,261,1,2,0)="in CPRS."
^XWB(8994,261,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the device where the report should print."
^XWB(8994,261,2,1,1,3,0)="Format: <device name> ; <right margin> ; <page length>"
^XWB(8994,261,2,1,1,5,0)="Right margin and page length are optional."
^XWB(8994,261,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the Patient file."
^XWB(8994,261,2,3,0)="EXAM ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,261,2,3,1,1,0)="Identification number of the imaging exam."
^XWB(8994,261,2,"B","EXAM ID",3)=""
^XWB(8994,261,3,1,0)="If the print request was successfully queued then the"
^XWB(8994,261,3,2,0)="Task manager task number is return. Otherwise, and error"
^XWB(8994,261,3,3,0)="code and error description are returned."
^XWB(8994,261,3,5,0)="Error Code Table:"
^XWB(8994,261,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,261,3,7,0)=" Code Text"
^XWB(8994,261,3,8,0)=" ---- ----"
^XWB(8994,261,3,9,0)=" 0 <Task Number>"
^XWB(8994,261,3,11,0)=" 1 No device selected"
^XWB(8994,261,3,12,0)=" 2 No exam specified"
^XWB(8994,261,3,13,0)=" 6 Patient specified is not valid"
^XWB(8994,263,2,1,1,1,0)="IFN OF PROBLEM"
^XWB(8994,264,2,1,1,1,0)="PROBLEM IFN"
^XWB(8994,265,2,1,1,1,0)="ARRAY OF PROVIDER IEN"
^XWB(8994,266,3,1,0)="ARRAY OF IEN^NAME"
^XWB(8994,267,1,1,0)="Checks restrictions for entering inpatient meds. If no restrictions, a 0"
^XWB(8994,267,1,2,0)="is returned. If there is a restriction, it is returned in the format:"
^XWB(8994,267,1,3,0)=" 1^restriction text"
^XWB(8994,269,1,1,0)="Checks restrictions for entering outpatient meds. If no restrictions, a 0"
^XWB(8994,269,1,2,0)="is returned. If there is a restriction, it is returned in the format:"
^XWB(8994,269,1,3,0)=" 1^restriction text"
^XWB(8994,270,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list on consult reports for a"
^XWB(8994,270,1,2,0)="specific patient."
^XWB(8994,270,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of patient in the Patient file [^DPT]."
^XWB(8994,270,3,1,0)="The format of the returned global array is the following:"
^XWB(8994,270,3,3,0)=" Piece Description Format"
^XWB(8994,270,3,4,0)=" ----- ----------- ------"
^XWB(8994,270,3,5,0)=" 1 Report ID ien to REQUEST/CONSULTATION file(#123)"
^XWB(8994,270,3,6,0)=" 2 Consult entered date FM date/time format"
^XWB(8994,270,3,7,0)=" 3 Procedure name Free text"
^XWB(8994,270,3,8,0)=" 4 Status abbreviation Free text"
^XWB(8994,271,0)="ORWCS REPORT TEXT^RPT^ORWCS^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,271,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns an array containing"
^XWB(8994,271,1,2,0)="a formattied consult report. This array matches exactly"
^XWB(8994,271,1,3,0)="the report format on the roll 'n scroll version of CPRS."
^XWB(8994,271,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of patient in the Patient file [^DPT]."
^XWB(8994,271,2,2,0)="CONSULT ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,271,2,2,1,1,0)="Consult ID."
^XWB(8994,271,2,2,1,3,0)="Format: Internal entry number to REQUEST/CONSULTATION file (#123)"
^XWB(8994,271,2,2,1,4,0)="Example: 1000"
^XWB(8994,271,2,"B","CONSULT ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,271,3,1,0)="The global array returned contains the formatted text"
^XWB(8994,271,3,2,0)="of the consult report. This text is can be displayed"
^XWB(8994,271,3,3,0)="without any further changes."
^XWB(8994,272,1,1,0)="This rpc is used to print a consult report on the Consult tab"
^XWB(8994,272,1,2,0)="in CPRS."
^XWB(8994,272,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the device where the report should print."
^XWB(8994,272,2,1,1,3,0)="Format: <device name> ; <right margin> ; <page length>"
^XWB(8994,272,2,1,1,5,0)="Right margin and page length are optional."
^XWB(8994,272,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the Patient file."
^XWB(8994,272,2,3,0)="CONSULT ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,272,2,3,1,1,0)="Identification number of the consult."
^XWB(8994,272,2,"B","CONSULT ID",3)=""
^XWB(8994,272,3,1,0)="If the print request was successfully queued then the"
^XWB(8994,272,3,2,0)="Task manager task number is return. Otherwise, and error"
^XWB(8994,272,3,3,0)="code and error description are returned."
^XWB(8994,272,3,5,0)="Error Code Table:"
^XWB(8994,272,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,272,3,7,0)=" Code Text"
^XWB(8994,272,3,8,0)=" ---- ----"
^XWB(8994,272,3,9,0)=" 0 <Task Number>"
^XWB(8994,272,3,11,0)=" 1 No device selected"
^XWB(8994,272,3,12,0)=" 2 No exam specified"
^XWB(8994,272,3,13,0)=" 6 Patient specified is not valid"
^XWB(8994,273,0)="ORWD KEY^KEY^ORWD^1"
^XWB(8994,273,1,1,0)="RPC which receives a key name and returns a 1 if the user holds the key,"
^XWB(8994,273,1,2,0)="otherwise a 0 is returned."
^XWB(8994,274,3,1,0)="ARRAY OF IEN^NAME"
^XWB(8994,275,1,1,0)="Returns the date search range in number of days (e.g. 2) to begin the "
^XWB(8994,275,1,2,0)="search before today. For example, a value of 2 would indicate to limit the"
^XWB(8994,275,1,3,0)="search between two days and today. Limited to inpatients."
^XWB(8994,275,2,1,1,1,0)="Identifier from Patient file [#2]."
^XWB(8994,275,3,1,0)="Date search range in number of days (e.g. 2) to begin the search before"
^XWB(8994,275,3,2,0)="today. For example, a value of 2 would indicate to limit the search"
^XWB(8994,275,3,3,0)="between two days and today. Limited to inpatients."
^XWB(8994,276,1,1,0)="Returns a list of clinical reminders."
^XWB(8994,276,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,276,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier (DFN) from patient file [#2]."
^XWB(8994,276,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,276,3,1,0)="List of patient clinical reminders in format:"
^XWB(8994,277,0)="ORWPT LAST5^LAST5^ORWPT^2"
^XWB(8994,277,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patients matching the string of Last Name Initial_Last 4"
^XWB(8994,277,1,2,0)="SSN (Initial/Last 4 look-up to PATIENT file)."
^XWB(8994,278,0)="ORWU DT^DT^ORWU^1"
^XWB(8994,278,1,1,0)="Returns date in internal VA FileMan format."
^XWB(8994,279,1,1,0)="Returns a list of selectable options from which a user can choose a date"
^XWB(8994,279,1,2,0)="range for appointments."
^XWB(8994,280,1,1,0)="Returns a list of clinics from the HOSPITAL LOCATION file (#44)."
^XWB(8994,281,0)="ORWPT TOP^TOP^ORWPT^2"
^XWB(8994,281,1,1,0)="Returns the last selected patient by the defined user."
^XWB(8994,282,1,1,0)="Returns a 1 if the patient record is flagged as senstive, otherwise"
^XWB(8994,282,1,2,0)="returns 0."
^XWB(8994,283,1,1,0)="RPC to return key information on a patient as follows:"
^XWB(8994,283,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,283,1,3,0)="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14"
^XWB(8994,284,1,1,0)="Returns external values to display for encounter in format:"
^XWB(8994,289,0)="ORWLRR TG^TG^ORWLRR^2"
^XWB(8994,291,0)="ORWLRR ATG^ATG^ORWLRR^2"
^XWB(8994,297,0)="ORWLRR GRID^GRID^ORWLRR^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,298,0)="ORWPT16 ID INFO^IDINFO^ORWPT16^1"
^XWB(8994,300,0)="ORWPT16 LOOKUP^LOOKUP^ORWPT16^2"
^XWB(8994,301,0)="ORWPT16 DEMOG^DEMOG^ORWPT16^1"
^XWB(8994,305,0)="ORWPT16 PSCNVT^PSCNVT^ORWPT16^1"
^XWB(8994,306,1,1,0)="Returns information about the current user in the format:"
^XWB(8994,308,0)="ORWU16 HOSPLOC^HOSPLOC^ORWU16^2"
^XWB(8994,309,0)="ORWU16 VALDT^VALDT^ORWU16^1"
^XWB(8994,310,0)="ORWU16 NEWPERS^NEWPERS^ORWU16^2"
^XWB(8994,311,0)="ORWU16 DEVICE^DEVICE^ORWU16^2"
^XWB(8994,313,1,1,0)="Returns the external form of a pointer value given the IEN and file"
^XWB(8994,315,0)="ORWLRR MICRO^MICRO^ORWLRR^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,316,0)="ORWLRR CHART^CHART^ORWLRR^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,319,0)="ORWPT PTINQ^PTINQ^ORWPT^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,319,1,1,0)="Returns formatted patient inquiry text for display in GUI environment."
^XWB(8994,320,1,1,0)="Returns a list of diagnosis codes for a clinic location."
^XWB(8994,321,1,1,0)="Returns a list of procedures for a clinic location."
^XWB(8994,322,1,1,0)="Returns a list of visit types for a clinic."
^XWB(8994,323,0)="ORWRP16 REPORT TEXT^RPT^ORWRP16^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,323,1,1,0)="This rpc retrieves the report text for a report selected on"
^XWB(8994,323,1,2,0)="the Report tab."
^XWB(8994,323,1,3,0)="the report format on the roll 'n scroll version of CPRS."
^XWB(8994,323,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the Patient file."
^XWB(8994,323,2,2,0)="REPORT ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,323,2,2,1,1,0)="Identification number of the desired report."
^XWB(8994,323,2,3,0)="HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE^1^20^0"
^XWB(8994,323,2,3,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE file."
^XWB(8994,323,2,3,1,3,0)="This parameter is only required for Health Summary reports."
^XWB(8994,323,2,4,0)="DATE RANGE^1^5^0"
^XWB(8994,323,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates the number of days from TODAY"
^XWB(8994,323,2,4,1,2,0)="that the report should search for information."
^XWB(8994,323,2,4,1,4,0)="This parameter is required for vital reports."
^XWB(8994,323,2,5,0)="REPORT SECTION^1^2^1"
^XWB(8994,323,2,5,1,1,0)="This parameter specifics which portion of the report should be"
^XWB(8994,323,2,5,1,4,0)="If REPORT SECTION equals 0 then the entire report is re-compiled and the"
^XWB(8994,323,2,5,1,5,0)="first section is passed back. If the report is large then it is"
^XWB(8994,323,2,5,1,6,0)="necessary to divide it into sections. Currently, each section can"
^XWB(8994,323,2,5,1,7,0)="not be more than be more than 20,000 characters"
^XWB(8994,323,2,"B","DATE RANGE",4)=""
^XWB(8994,323,2,"B","HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,323,2,"B","REPORT ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,323,2,"B","REPORT SECTION",5)=""
^XWB(8994,323,3,1,0)="Text array for report section is returned."
^XWB(8994,323,3,3,0)="Also, the first line of the text contains the following information:"
^XWB(8994,323,3,4,0)=" <number of current section being passed> ^ <last section number>"
^XWB(8994,324,0)="ORWRP16 REPORT LISTS^LIST^ORWRP16^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,324,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list of reports,"
^XWB(8994,324,1,2,0)="Health Summary types and date ranges that can be displayed"
^XWB(8994,324,1,3,0)="at the workstation."
^XWB(8994,324,1,5,0)="There are no input parameters fo this rpc."
^XWB(8994,324,3,1,0)="This rpc returns the list of reports, health summary types"
^XWB(8994,324,3,2,0)="and date ranges allowed on the Report tab."
^XWB(8994,324,3,4,0)="Note: Health Summary Types returned are based on the"
^XWB(8994,324,3,5,0)=" ORWRP HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE LIST parameter defintion in file"
^XWB(8994,324,3,6,0)=" PARAMETERS(#8989.5) and PARAMETER DEFINITION FILE(#8989.51)."
^XWB(8994,324,3,11,0)="[REPORT LIST]"
^XWB(8994,324,3,12,0)="<id> ^ <name> ^ <ask date range> ^ <ask health summary type> ^ <right margin>"
^XWB(8994,324,3,13,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,14,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,15,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,17,0)="[HEALTH SUMMARY TYPES]"
^XWB(8994,324,3,18,0)="<internal entry number to HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE file> ^ <name of type>"
^XWB(8994,324,3,19,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,20,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,21,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,23,0)="[DATE RANGES]"
^XWB(8994,324,3,24,0)="<days for TODAY> ^ <display text>"
^XWB(8994,324,3,25,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,26,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,27,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,32,0)="[REPORT LIST]"
^XWB(8994,324,3,33,0)="<id> ^ <name> ^ <ask date range> ^ <ask health summary type> ^ <right margin>"
^XWB(8994,324,3,34,0)="1^Health Summary^N^Y^80"
^XWB(8994,324,3,35,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,36,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,37,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,39,0)="[HEALTH SUMMARY TYPES]"
^XWB(8994,324,3,40,0)="23^Current RX's"
^XWB(8994,324,3,41,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,42,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,43,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,45,0)="[DATE RANGES]"
^XWB(8994,324,3,47,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,48,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,324,3,49,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,325,1,1,0)="Returns the details of a clinical reminder."
^XWB(8994,325,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,325,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier from Patient file [#2]."
^XWB(8994,325,2,2,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,325,2,2,1,1,0)="Clinical reminder identifier (ien) from PCE REMINDER/MAINTENANCE ITEM file"
^XWB(8994,325,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,325,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,325,3,1,0)="Formatted details of the clinical reminder."
^XWB(8994,326,1,1,0)="Returns service connected percentage and rated disabilities for a patient."
^XWB(8994,327,1,1,0)="Returns a list of service connected conditions that may be selected."
^XWB(8994,328,0)="ORWUX SYMTAB^SYMTAB^ORWUX^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,328,1,1,0)="Returns the contents of the current session's symbol table."
^XWB(8994,329,1,1,0)="Returns the encounter information for an associated note in the format:"
^XWB(8994,329,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,329,1,4,0)="LST(n)=TYP+^CODE^CAT^NARR^QUAL1^QUAL2 (QUAL1=Primary!Qty, QUAL2=Prv)"
^XWB(8994,331,1,1,0)="Returns a list of items for the CPRS GUI Tools menu."
^XWB(8994,332,1,1,0)="Returns 1 if a user holds a security key, otherwise 0."
^XWB(8994,333,1,1,0)="Returns the tree for all display groups."
^XWB(8994,334,1,1,0)="Returns the status flags available for review orders action."
^XWB(8994,335,1,1,0)="Returns IEN of a display group."
^XWB(8994,336,1,1,0)="Saves PCE information entered into CPRS GUI."
^XWB(8994,337,1,1,0)="Returns 1 if TIU DOCUMENT file entry needs a CPT code."
^XWB(8994,339,1,1,0)="Delete PCE information related to a note being deleted."
^XWB(8994,340,0)="ORWPCE LEX^LEX^ORWPCE^2"
^XWB(8994,340,1,1,0)="Returns list based on lexicon look-up."
^XWB(8994,341,1,1,0)="Returns a code associated with a lexicon entry."
^XWB(8994,342,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the sizing related CPRS GUI chart parameters for the"
^XWB(8994,343,1,1,0)="This RPC saves the size (bounds) for a particular CPRS GUI control."
^XWB(8994,344,1,1,0)="This RPC saves the sizing related CPRS GUI chart parameters for the"
^XWB(8994,346,0)="ORQQVI1 GRID^GRID^ORQQVI1^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,347,1,1,0)="Returns listing of a patient's active inpatient and outpatient"
^XWB(8994,348,1,1,0)="Return user's default patient list source."
^XWB(8994,349,0)="ORWPS DETAIL^DETAIL^ORWPS^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,349,1,1,0)="Returns text of details for a specific mediction order."
^XWB(8994,350,0)="ORWU PATCH^PATCH^ORWU^1"
^XWB(8994,350,1,1,0)="Returns a 1 if the specified patch is installed on the system, otherwise"
^XWB(8994,350,1,2,0)="returns a 0."
^XWB(8994,351,1,1,0)="This RPC will return a list of active and pending consult requests to"
^XWB(8994,351,1,2,0)="associate a result with."
^XWB(8994,351,2,1,1,1,0)="Record Number of patient in file 2."
^XWB(8994,351,3,1,0)="Returns an array where the zeroeth element will be either:"
^XWB(8994,351,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,351,3,3,0)=" 0 ==> there are no active or pending consult requests for"
^XWB(8994,351,3,4,0)=" the patient indicated."
^XWB(8994,351,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,351,3,6,0)=" integer >0 ==> the number of requests returned in GMRCY(i)"
^XWB(8994,351,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,351,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,353,1,1,0)="Validates that values passed in do not violate key integrity. Underlying"
^XWB(8994,353,1,2,0)="DBS call is KEYVAL^DIE."
^XWB(8994,353,2,1,0)="VALUES TO VALIDATE^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,353,2,1,1,1,0)="Array of data used to create FDA for KEYVAL^DIE call. Alternating lines"
^XWB(8994,353,2,1,1,2,0)="contain file#^IENS^field# and value associated with preceding file, record,"
^XWB(8994,353,2,1,1,3,0)="and field."
^XWB(8994,353,2,"B","VALUES TO VALIDATE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,353,3,1,0)="If values pass validation, 1 is returned in first node of array. If"
^XWB(8994,353,3,2,0)="validation fails, 0 is returned in first node followed by error"
^XWB(8994,354,1,1,0)="This remote procedure returns the number of documents that are linked to a "
^XWB(8994,354,1,2,0)="particular visit."
^XWB(8994,354,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) of the VISIT in the VISIT FILE."
^XWB(8994,354,3,1,0)="This is the COUNT of TIU DOCUMENTS which are currently associated with the "
^XWB(8994,354,3,2,0)="VISIT passed in the VSIT input parameter."
^XWB(8994,355,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to set the user's selected Division in DUZ(2) during"
^XWB(8994,355,3,1,0)="The RPC will return 0 if the input wasn't OK"
^XWB(8994,355,3,2,0)="and 1 if the value was accepted."
^XWB(8994,356,0)="XUS GET USER INFO^USERINFO^XUSRB2^2^P^^^0^1"
^XWB(8994,356,1,1,0)="Returns information about a user after logon. "
^XWB(8994,356,3,1,0)="Result(0) is the users DUZ."
^XWB(8994,356,3,2,0)="Result(1) is the user name from the .01 field."
^XWB(8994,356,3,3,0)="Result(2) is the users full name from the name standard file."
^XWB(8994,356,3,4,0)="Result(3) is data about the division that the user is working in."
^XWB(8994,356,3,5,0)=" IEN of file 4^Station Name^Station Number"
^XWB(8994,356,3,6,0)="Result(4) is the users Title."
^XWB(8994,356,3,7,0)="Result(5) is the Service/Section."
^XWB(8994,356,3,8,0)="Result(6) is the users langage choice."
^XWB(8994,356,3,9,0)="Result(7) is the users DTIME value."
^XWB(8994,357,1,1,0)="This RPC will return a list of divisions of a user."
^XWB(8994,357,2,1,1,1,0)="If passed this will be the user to get the division info on."
^XWB(8994,358,1,1,0)="Returns info regarding setup and parameters of the Broker."
^XWB(8994,358,3,1,0)="RESULTS(0) = Timeout period for handler READs."
^XWB(8994,359,0)="PSB SCANPT^SCANPT^PSBRPC^2^P^^^^3"
^XWB(8994,359,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to validate the data scanned in at the scan patient "
^XWB(8994,359,1,2,0)="wristband prompt of the mnOpenPatient component. The value passed in "
^XWB(8994,359,1,3,0)="is either the full SSN scanned in from the patient wristband -or- the "
^XWB(8994,359,1,4,0)="1U4N syntax of the patient lookup. In either case the call must "
^XWB(8994,359,1,5,0)="return only one patient from the lookup. If the 1U4N syntax is used "
^XWB(8994,359,1,6,0)="and multiple patients are found the call returns an error. If only "
^XWB(8994,359,1,7,0)="one patient is found the RESULTS( ) array is loaded with the patient "
^XWB(8994,359,1,8,0)="data and passed back to the client for verification."
^XWB(8994,359,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the scanned valued passed by the client."
^XWB(8994,359,2,1,1,2,0)="wristband prompt of the mnOpenPatient component. The value passed in"
^XWB(8994,359,2,1,1,3,0)="is either the full SSN scanned in from the patient wristband -or- the"
^XWB(8994,359,2,1,1,4,0)="1U4N syntax of the patient lookup. In either case the call must"
^XWB(8994,359,2,1,1,5,0)="return only one patient from the lookup. If the 1U4N syntax is used"
^XWB(8994,359,2,1,1,6,0)="and multiple patients are found the call returns an error. If only"
^XWB(8994,359,2,1,1,7,0)="one patient is found the RESULTS( ) array is loaded with the patient"
^XWB(8994,359,2,1,1,8,0)="data and passed back to the client for verification."
^XWB(8994,359,2,"B","PSBSSN",1)=" "
^XWB(8994,359,3,1,0)="If no patient or multiple patients are found with the scan value an "
^XWB(8994,359,3,2,0)="error is returned in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,359,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,359,3,4,0)=" Results[0] = 1"
^XWB(8994,359,3,5,0)=" Results[1] = '-1^Unable to Determine Patient ID'"
^XWB(8994,359,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,359,3,7,0)="If a unique patient is found the following data is returned to the "
^XWB(8994,359,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,359,3,10,0)=" Results[0] = Count of returned records"
^XWB(8994,359,3,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,359,3,12,0)="In the case of an error:"
^XWB(8994,359,3,13,0)=" Results[1] = '-1^ ""the appropriate error message"" '"
^XWB(8994,359,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,359,3,15,0)=" Results[1] = DFN"
^XWB(8994,359,3,16,0)=" Results[2] = Name"
^XWB(8994,359,3,17,0)=" Results[3] = SSN^Dashed SSN"
^XWB(8994,359,3,18,0)=" Results[4] = Internal DOB^External DOB"
^XWB(8994,359,3,19,0)=" Results[5] = Age"
^XWB(8994,359,3,20,0)=" Results[6] = Internal Sex^External Sex"
^XWB(8994,359,3,21,0)=" Results[7] = Internal Last Mvmt^External Last Mvmt"
^XWB(8994,359,3,22,0)=" Results[8] = Internal Type Mvmt^External Type Mvmt"
^XWB(8994,359,3,23,0)=" Results[9] = Internal Ward Location^External Ward Location^"
^XWB(8994,359,3,24,0)=" Internal Hospital Location^External Hospital Location"
^XWB(8994,359,3,25,0)=" Results[10] = Internal Bed Location^External Bed Location"
^XWB(8994,359,3,26,0)=" Results[11] = Internal P-Care Physician^External P-Care Physician"
^XWB(8994,359,3,27,0)=" Results[12] = Internal Treating Speciality^External Treating Speciality"
^XWB(8994,359,3,28,0)=" Results[13] = Movement Diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,359,3,29,0)=" Results[14] = 1 if in Bed Status 0 if not in Bed Status (i.e. Pass)"
^XWB(8994,359,3,30,0)=" Results[15] = Expected return date from Pass"
^XWB(8994,359,3,31,0)=" Results[16] = Reactions"
^XWB(8994,359,3,32,0)=" Results[17] = Height"
^XWB(8994,359,3,33,0)=" Results[18] = Weight"
^XWB(8994,359,3,34,0)=" Results[19] = Means Tests"
^XWB(8994,359,3,35,0)=" Results[20] = ICN umber"
^XWB(8994,359,3,36,0)=" Results[21] = "" Admission Status message """
^XWB(8994,359,3,37,0)=" Results[22] = This NODE begins 'other' patient information."
^XWB(8994,359,3,38,0)=" This NODE may be null. Records on this NODE will"
^XWB(8994,359,3,39,0)=" have a header. A header will consist of one of the "
^XWB(8994,359,3,40,0)=" following:"
^XWB(8994,359,3,41,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,359,3,42,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,359,3,43,0)=" ""PATFLG"""
^XWB(8994,359,3,44,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,359,3,45,0)=" The PATFLG header will initiate a patient "
^XWB(8994,359,3,46,0)=" flag record. The patient flag record will "
^XWB(8994,359,3,47,0)=" be constructed as follows: "
^XWB(8994,359,3,48,0)=" ""PATFLG"" ^ FLAG NAME ^ index#"
^XWB(8994,361,0)="PSB INSTRUCTOR^INST^PSBRPC^2^P^^^^2"
^XWB(8994,361,1,1,0)="Used by frmInstructor to validate that an instructor is at the client "
^XWB(8994,361,1,2,0)="with a student. Validation is acheived via the instructor entering "
^XWB(8994,361,1,3,0)="their SSN and electronic signature code. This is then validated "
^XWB(8994,361,1,4,0)="against the NEW PERSON file (#200). If a valid user is obtained, "
^XWB(8994,361,1,5,0)="that user must posses the PSB INSTRUCTOR key to be passed back as an "
^XWB(8994,361,1,6,0)="eligible instructor for the student."
^XWB(8994,361,2,1,1,1,0)="Access Code "
^XWB(8994,361,2,1,1,2,0)="edtSSN component on frmInstructor."
^XWB(8994,361,2,2,1,1,0)="Verify Code"
^XWB(8994,361,2,2,1,2,0)="instructor into the edtESIG component on frmInstructor."
^XWB(8994,361,3,1,0)="Results array is returned in the following forms:"
^XWB(8994,361,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,361,3,3,0)="Valid authorization of instructor."
^XWB(8994,361,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,361,3,5,0)=" Results[0] = 'Instructors DUZ^Instructors Name'"
^XWB(8994,361,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,361,3,7,0)="Invalid authorization of instructor."
^XWB(8994,361,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,361,3,9,0)=" Results[0] = '-1^Invalid Instructor Access'"
^XWB(8994,361,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,361,3,11,0)="Success of the call is validated by the first up-arrow piece of data "
^XWB(8994,361,3,12,0)="being greater than 0."
^XWB(8994,362,1,1,0)="This RPC is called at application startup to populate the BCMA_User "
^XWB(8994,362,1,2,0)="object with the users defaults. No paramters are passed, the current "
^XWB(8994,362,1,3,0)="DUZ is assumed."
^XWB(8994,362,3,1,0)="(0) = -1^Error Description"
^XWB(8994,362,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,362,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,362,3,5,0)="(0) = DUZ"
^XWB(8994,362,3,6,0)="(1) = User name"
^XWB(8994,362,3,7,0)="(2) = Student Key Flag"
^XWB(8994,362,3,8,0)="(3) = Manager Key flag"
^XWB(8994,362,3,9,0)="(4) = CPRS Med Order Button Key Flag "
^XWB(8994,362,3,10,0)="(5) = Window settings"
^XWB(8994,362,3,11,0)=" Window Left"
^XWB(8994,362,3,12,0)=" Window Height"
^XWB(8994,362,3,13,0)=" Window Top"
^XWB(8994,362,3,14,0)=" Window Width"
^XWB(8994,362,3,15,0)="(6) = Virtual Due List Setup"
^XWB(8994,362,3,16,0)="(7) = Division number ^ Site ID ^ (if production system ""1"", if test system ""0"")"
^XWB(8994,362,3,17,0)="(8) = Division name"
^XWB(8994,362,3,18,0)="(9) = ESIG flag "
^XWB(8994,362,3,19,0)="(10) = BCMA Online flag"
^XWB(8994,362,3,20,0)="(11) = Time "
^XWB(8994,362,3,21,0)="(12) = Unit Dose column widths"
^XWB(8994,362,3,22,0)="(13) = Check digit"
^XWB(8994,362,3,23,0)="(14) = IVPB column widths"
^XWB(8994,362,3,24,0)="(15) = IV column widths"
^XWB(8994,362,3,25,0)="(16) = Printer user default IEN"
^XWB(8994,362,3,26,0)="(17) = Printer user default IEN^Name"
^XWB(8994,362,3,27,0)="(18) = Read Only Security Key flag"
^XWB(8994,362,3,28,0)="(19) = User's preference per Coversheet Views' column sort"
^XWB(8994,362,3,29,0)=" Medication Overview sort col #"
^XWB(8994,362,3,30,0)=" PRN Overview sort col #"
^XWB(8994,362,3,31,0)=" IV Overview sort col #"
^XWB(8994,362,3,32,0)=" Expired/Expiring sort col #"
^XWB(8994,362,3,33,0)="(20) = User's preference per Coversheet View1 columns' widths"
^XWB(8994,362,3,34,0)="(21) = User's preference per Coversheet View2 columns' widths"
^XWB(8994,362,3,35,0)="(22) = User's preference per Coversheet View3 columns' widths"
^XWB(8994,362,3,36,0)="(23) = User's preference per Coversheet View4 columns' widths"
^XWB(8994,363,0)="PSB USERSAVE^USRSAVE^PSBRPC^2^^^^^2"
^XWB(8994,363,1,1,0)="Save the users current window settings for the next session."
^XWB(8994,363,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains the current window settings so that the next time the user "
^XWB(8994,363,2,1,1,2,0)="activates the application the window will reappear in the same format."
^XWB(8994,363,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,363,2,1,1,4,0)="Data is in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,363,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,363,2,1,1,6,0)=" Window Top;Window Left;Window Height;Window Width;Window State"
^XWB(8994,363,2,2,1,1,0)="VDL settings"
^XWB(8994,363,2,3,0)="PSBUDCW ^1^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,363,2,3,1,1,0)="UD tab column settings"
^XWB(8994,363,2,4,1,1,0)="PB tab column settings "
^XWB(8994,363,2,5,1,1,0)="IV tab column settings "
^XWB(8994,363,2,6,1,1,0)="Last print device used."
^XWB(8994,363,2,"B","PSBUDCW ",3)=""
^XWB(8994,363,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,363,3,3,0)=" Results[0]='1^Saved'"
^XWB(8994,363,3,4,0)=" Results[0]='-1^Unable to save settings' if an error occurs in filing."
^XWB(8994,364,0)="PSB FMDATE^FMDATE^PSBRPC^2^P^^^^2"
^XWB(8994,364,1,1,0)="Used to validate Fileman dates."
^XWB(8994,364,2,1,1,1,0)="The user supplied input for a date."
^XWB(8994,364,3,1,0)="If validation fails the following is returned to the client:"
^XWB(8994,364,3,3,0)=" Results[0] = '-1^Validation Falure'"
^XWB(8994,364,3,5,0)="If validation is successful the following is returned to the client:"
^XWB(8994,364,3,7,0)=" Results[0] = internal FM Date/Time^External FM Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,366,0)="PSB SCANMED^SCANMED^PSBRPC2^2^P^^^^2"
^XWB(8994,366,1,1,0)="Takes the scanned valued from the medication and does a lookup on file "
^XWB(8994,366,1,2,0)="50 for an exact match. If more than one or less than one entry are "
^XWB(8994,366,1,3,0)="found for the lookup an error is returned to the client."
^XWB(8994,366,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the data received from the client scanning the medication."
^XWB(8994,366,2,2,1,1,0)="Takes the scanned valued from the medication and does a lookup on file"
^XWB(8994,366,2,2,1,2,0)="50 for an exact match. If more than one or less than one entry are"
^XWB(8994,366,2,2,1,3,0)="found for the lookup an error is returned to the client."
^XWB(8994,366,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the current tab the user is on."
^XWB(8994,366,3,1,0)="Return on error:"
^XWB(8994,366,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,366,3,3,0)=" Results[0] = '-1^Unable to determine exact medication'"
^XWB(8994,366,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,366,3,5,0)="Return on successful scan:"
^XWB(8994,366,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,366,3,7,0)=" Results[0] = number of items returned in the results array."
^XWB(8994,366,3,8,0)=" Results[1] = DD^IEN^Generic Name"
^XWB(8994,366,3,9,0)=" SOL^IEN^Generic Name"
^XWB(8994,366,3,10,0)=" ADD^IEN^Generic Name"
^XWB(8994,367,0)="PSB PARAMETER^RPC^PSBPAR^2^P^^^^2"
^XWB(8994,367,1,1,0)="Called by client to return or set parameters"
^XWB(8994,367,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains the command to perform against the system parameters."
^XWB(8994,367,2,1,1,3,0)="GETPAR: Get a single instance of a parameter"
^XWB(8994,367,2,1,1,4,0)="GETLST: Get all instances of a multiple valued parameter"
^XWB(8994,367,2,1,1,5,0)="SETPAR: Set a single instance of a parameter"
^XWB(8994,367,2,1,1,6,0)="CLRLST: Clear all instances of parameters in a list"
^XWB(8994,367,2,2,1,1,0)="Contains the entity to act upon. Usually ""###;DIC(4,"" for division."
^XWB(8994,367,2,3,1,1,0)="The parameter as defined in file 8989.51."
^XWB(8994,367,2,4,1,1,0)="The instance of the parameter that you want to return. Defaults to 1."
^XWB(8994,367,2,5,1,1,0)="If setting a parameter this contains the data value to place in the "
^XWB(8994,368,0)="PSB TRANSACTION^RPC^PSBML^2^P^^^^3"
^XWB(8994,368,1,1,0)="This is the filing RPC for all data returning from the client"
^XWB(8994,368,1,2,0)="regarding the medication log. Filing is handled by business rules on"
^XWB(8994,368,1,3,0)="the server and this RPC will return either '1^Data Filed' or"
^XWB(8994,368,1,4,0)="'-1^reason for not filing data' to the client. Results of the "
^XWB(8994,368,1,5,0)="processed transaction is communicated via the RESULTS array. The "
^XWB(8994,368,1,6,0)="number of RESULTS subscripts used (n) will be presented in RESULTS[0]. "
^XWB(8994,368,1,7,0)="RESULTS [1..n] will contain the RESULTS message. "
^XWB(8994,368,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,9,0)="Business rules are conducted via the [0] node data. If a '+1^MEDPASS'"
^XWB(8994,368,1,10,0)="is encountered it is a complete new med pass and is validated as such."
^XWB(8994,368,1,11,0)="Transaction type MEDPASS is the only type that requires a +1 in the "
^XWB(8994,368,1,12,0)="first piece of the header, all other transactions MUST supply a valid "
^XWB(8994,368,1,13,0)="medication log entry in the IENS."
^XWB(8994,368,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,15,0)="The data for filing is passed in as a list in Param[1] as shown below."
^XWB(8994,368,1,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,17,0)="Example Delphi Call"
^XWB(8994,368,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,19,0)=" with RPCBroker1 do"
^XWB(8994,368,1,20,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,368,1,21,0)=" RemoteProcedure := 'PSB TRANSACTION';"
^XWB(8994,368,1,22,0)=" Param[0].Value := '88484^COMMENT';"
^XWB(8994,368,1,23,0)=" Param[0].PType := Literal;"
^XWB(8994,368,1,24,0)=" Param[1].Mult['0'] := 'Comment for the med pass';"
^XWB(8994,368,1,25,0)=" Param[1].Ptype := List;"
^XWB(8994,368,1,26,0)=" Call;"
^XWB(8994,368,1,27,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,368,1,28,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,30,0)="TRANSACTION = MEDPASS"
^XWB(8994,368,1,31,0)=" Note: Entries 1-6 are required, 7,8,9 are required depending on "
^XWB(8994,368,1,32,0)=" item [2] order type..."
^XWB(8994,368,1,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,34,0)=" [0] = Patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,368,1,35,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,36,0)=" [1] = IV/Unit Dose Order Number"
^XWB(8994,368,1,37,0)=" Note: will be passed in as I;#### for IV and U;#### for Unit Dose"
^XWB(8994,368,1,38,0)=" future release will allow P;#### for pending"
^XWB(8994,368,1,39,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,40,0)=" [2] = Schedule"
^XWB(8994,368,1,41,0)=" Note: C:Continuous P:PRN 1:One Time O:On Call"
^XWB(8994,368,1,42,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,43,0)=" [3] = Status"
^XWB(8994,368,1,44,0)=" Note: G:Given H:Held R:Refused"
^XWB(8994,368,1,45,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,46,0)=" [4] = Orderable Item"
^XWB(8994,368,1,47,0)=" Note: IEN to 'PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM' (#50.7)"
^XWB(8994,368,1,48,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,49,0)=" [5] = Scheduled Administration Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,368,1,50,0)=" Note: This is when the med is scheduled, med is entered as GIVEN NOW!"
^XWB(8994,368,1,51,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,52,0)=" [6] = Reason Given PRN^PRN Reason Flag"
^XWB(8994,368,1,53,0)=" Note: Required if given PRN must be null if not PRN"
^XWB(8994,368,1,54,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,55,0)=" [7] = Comment"
^XWB(8994,368,1,56,0)=" Note: 1-200 characters"
^XWB(8994,368,1,57,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,58,0)=" [8] = Injection Site"
^XWB(8994,368,1,59,0)=" [9] = Tab^Unique ID #"
^XWB(8994,368,1,60,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,61,0)=" [10..n]= RecordType^IEN^Units Ordered^Units Given^Units Type"
^XWB(8994,368,1,62,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,63,0)=" Record Type = DD: Dispense Drug"
^XWB(8994,368,1,64,0)=" SOL: Solution"
^XWB(8994,368,1,65,0)=" ADD: Additive"
^XWB(8994,368,1,66,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,67,0)=" IEN = Internal Entry Number of the following"
^XWB(8994,368,1,68,0)=" if Record Type = DD: DRUG (FILE #50) "
^XWB(8994,368,1,69,0)=" SOL: IV SOLUTIONS (FILE #??)"
^XWB(8994,368,1,70,0)=" ADD: IV ADDITIVES (FILE #??)"
^XWB(8994,368,1,71,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,72,0)=" Units Ordered = Number of units in the Inpt Meds Order"
^XWB(8994,368,1,73,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,74,0)=" Units Given = Number of units scanned/entered by the user"
^XWB(8994,368,1,75,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,76,0)=" Units Type = Type of administration unit (i.e. TAB, CAPLET, ML)"
^XWB(8994,368,1,77,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,79,0)="TRANSACTION = COMMENT"
^XWB(8994,368,1,80,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,81,0)=" [0] = Comment to append to the log entry"
^XWB(8994,368,1,82,0)=" Note: Will be appended to the log with user ien and NOW as a date"
^XWB(8994,368,1,83,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,86,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,87,0)=" [0] = Effective Comment"
^XWB(8994,368,1,88,0)=" Note: will be filed as entered now by current user"
^XWB(8994,368,1,89,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,92,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,93,0)=" [0] = New Status"
^XWB(8994,368,1,94,0)=" Note: If status is Given, Date/Time administered D/T will be set to NOW"
^XWB(8994,368,1,95,0)=" If status is Held/Refused administered D/T will be set to null"
^XWB(8994,368,1,96,0)=" Status on med log must be <> null to execute."
^XWB(8994,368,1,97,0)=" New status must NOT match current status or G will overwrite "
^XWB(8994,368,1,98,0)=" administration DT."
^XWB(8994,368,1,99,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,100,0)=" [1] = Comment"
^XWB(8994,368,1,101,0)=" Note: Comment *IS* Required"
^XWB(8994,368,1,102,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,104,0)="TRANSACTION = EDIT"
^XWB(8994,368,1,105,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,106,0)=" [0] = Action Status"
^XWB(8994,368,1,107,0)=" [1] = Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,368,1,108,0)=" [2] = Inf/Inj Site"
^XWB(8994,368,1,109,0)=" [3] = IV Unique ID"
^XWB(8994,368,1,110,0)=" [4] = Admin Date/Time (fileman format)"
^XWB(8994,368,1,111,0)=" [5] = Prn Reason"
^XWB(8994,368,1,112,0)=" [6] = Prn Effectiveness"
^XWB(8994,368,1,113,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,114,0)=" [7] = Comment"
^XWB(8994,368,1,115,0)=" Note: comment data is required!"
^XWB(8994,368,1,116,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,117,0)=" [8] = ""DD/ADD/SOL^ Drug IEN ^ Dose Ordered ^ Dose Given "
^XWB(8994,368,1,118,0)=" ^ Unit of Administration"""
^XWB(8994,368,1,119,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,368,1,120,0)=" [n] = ""additional data per DD/ADD/SOL associated with order."""
^XWB(8994,368,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains the IEN or +1 up-arrow transaction. See RPC description."
^XWB(8994,368,2,2,1,1,0)="See description."
^XWB(8994,368,3,1,0)="See description."
^XWB(8994,369,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,369,2,2,1,1,0)="Medication Order Number"
^XWB(8994,369,2,3,1,1,0)="Order Type"
^XWB(8994,369,2,3,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,369,2,3,1,3,0)="U for unit dose order"
^XWB(8994,369,2,3,1,4,0)="V for IV order"
^XWB(8994,369,2,4,1,1,0)="Administration date/time, if one is present."
^XWB(8994,369,2,5,1,1,0)="Medication tab the order is on."
^XWB(8994,369,2,6,1,1,0)="The actual scan value."
^XWB(8994,369,2,7,1,1,0)="Current scan status of the VDL of the medication."
^XWB(8994,369,2,8,1,1,0)="Current order status on the VDL>"
^XWB(8994,369,2,9,1,1,0)="Action the user is trying to take."
^XWB(8994,369,3,1,0)="Results[0] = number of nodes"
^XWB(8994,369,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,369,3,3,0)="Results[0] = 1^Data Successfully Filed^Med Log IEN"
^XWB(8994,369,3,4,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,369,3,5,0)=" Message"
^XWB(8994,369,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,369,3,7,0)=" -1^Error message"
^XWB(8994,369,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,369,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,369,3,10,0)="For PRN medication order:"
^XWB(8994,369,3,11,0)="Results[0] = number of nodes"
^XWB(8994,369,3,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,369,3,13,0)="Results[1] = 1^Brief Adminstration History"
^XWB(8994,369,3,14,0)="Results[2] = 1^ 1"
^XWB(8994,369,3,15,0)=" 2^ Admin date&time (Fileman format)"
^XWB(8994,369,3,16,0)=" 3^ Admin status"
^XWB(8994,369,3,17,0)=" 4^ Schedule Type"
^XWB(8994,369,3,18,0)=" 5^ Reason"
^XWB(8994,369,3,19,0)=" 6^ Injection site"
^XWB(8994,369,3,20,0)=" 7^ Doses given"
^XWB(8994,369,3,21,0)=" 8^ Unit of administration (free text)"
^XWB(8994,370,1,1,0)="Client date/time in external FileMan format. Returns the variance from the"
^XWB(8994,370,1,2,0)="server to the client in minutes."
^XWB(8994,370,2,1,1,1,0)="Client date/time in external fileman format."
^XWB(8994,370,3,1,0)="A number in minutes."
^XWB(8994,372,1,1,0)="Returns the history of a medication for a patient from the orderable item."
^XWB(8994,372,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient IEN number."
^XWB(8994,372,2,2,1,1,0)="Orderable Item #"
^XWB(8994,372,3,1,0)="Results[1] = Text ""Medication Administration History"""
^XWB(8994,372,3,2,0)="Results[2] = "
^XWB(8994,372,3,3,0)="Results[3] = Text ""PATIENT: "" Patient Name"
^XWB(8994,372,3,4,0)="Results[4] = Text ""MEDICATION:"" Orderable Item Name"
^XWB(8994,372,3,5,0)="Results[5] = "
^XWB(8994,372,3,6,0)="Results[6] = Text ""Location St Sch Administration Date Admin By I"
^XWB(8994,372,3,7,0)="njection Site"""
^XWB(8994,372,3,8,0)="Results[7] = Text ""Medication & Dosage"""
^XWB(8994,372,3,9,0)="Results[8] ="
^XWB(8994,372,3,10,0)="Results[9] = Location^Status^Schedule^Action date/time^Action by"
^XWB(8994,372,3,11,0)="Results[10] = Medication^Dosage"
^XWB(8994,372,3,12,0)="Results[11] = "
^XWB(8994,373,0)="PSB GETPRNS^GETPRNS^PSBPRN^4^P^^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,373,1,1,0)="Returns all administrations of a PRN order that have NOT had the PRN"
^XWB(8994,373,1,2,0)="Effectiveness documented in the current admission or within the hours "
^XWB(8994,373,1,3,0)="defined in PRN documentation site parameter whichever is greater of the "
^XWB(8994,373,1,4,0)="two. When the PRN medication is administered a flag is set based on the "
^XWB(8994,373,1,5,0)="given PRN Reason. This flag will dictate whether BCMA will mandate a"
^XWB(8994,373,1,6,0)="PAIN SCORE measurement with PRN documentation."
^XWB(8994,373,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient IEN number."
^XWB(8994,373,2,2,1,1,0)="Order number from Inpatient Medications. If order number is passed then "
^XWB(8994,373,2,2,1,2,0)="returns all PRN effectiveness not documented for that order."
^XWB(8994,373,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,373,2,2,1,4,0)="If order number is NOT passed, then returns all PRN effectiveness not "
^XWB(8994,373,2,2,1,5,0)="documented for that patient."
^XWB(8994,373,3,1,0)="Results[0] = Number of Nodes."
^XWB(8994,373,3,2,0)="Results[1]= ^1 Med Log IEN"
^XWB(8994,373,3,3,0)=" ^2 Patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,373,3,4,0)=" ^3 Patient Location"
^XWB(8994,373,3,5,0)=" ^4 Administration Date/Time (Fileman format)"
^XWB(8994,373,3,6,0)=" ^5 Action By"
^XWB(8994,373,3,7,0)=" ^6 Administration Medication"
^XWB(8994,373,3,8,0)=" ^7 PRN Reason"
^XWB(8994,373,3,9,0)=" ^8 Orderable item IEN"
^XWB(8994,373,3,10,0)=" ^9 Order Number"
^XWB(8994,373,3,11,0)=" ^10 PRN Reason Flag"
^XWB(8994,373,3,12,0)="Results[2]= ^1 Special Instructions"
^XWB(8994,373,3,13,0)="Results[3]= ^1 ""DD/ADD/SOL"""
^XWB(8994,373,3,14,0)=" ^2 Name of dispense drug/additive/solution"
^XWB(8994,373,3,15,0)=" ^3 Dose given"
^XWB(8994,373,3,16,0)=" ^4 Unit of administration (free text)"
^XWB(8994,373,3,17,0)="Results[4]= ^1 ""END"""
^XWB(8994,374,0)="PSB REPORT^RPC^PSBO^4^P^^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,374,1,1,0)="Return the text for the specified report and the user has the option to "
^XWB(8994,374,1,2,0)="print the reports."
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains the character designation for the needed report"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,2,0)="DL: Due Lisgt"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,3,0)="MH: Medication Administration History"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,4,0)="ML: Medication Log"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,5,0)="WA: Ward Administration Times"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,6,0)="MM: Missed Medication"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,7,0)="PE: PRN Effectiveness"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,8,0)="PM: Patient Medication History"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,9,0)="WA: Ward Administration Times"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,10,0)="MV: Medication Variance Log"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,11,0)="BL: Bar Code Label"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,12,0)="MD: Missing Dose by Ward"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,13,0)="AL: Allergy Request"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,14,0)="PI: Patient Inquiry"
^XWB(8994,374,2,1,1,15,0)="DO: Display Order"
^XWB(8994,374,2,2,1,1,0)="Patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,374,2,3,1,1,0)="Internal Fileman Start Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,374,2,4,1,1,0)="Fileman Stop Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,374,2,5,1,1,0)="Contains the parameters for a Due List in up-arrow pieces."
^XWB(8994,374,2,5,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,5,1,3,0)="Piece 1: 1/0 Include Continuous Meds"
^XWB(8994,374,2,5,1,4,0)=" 2: 1/0 Include PRN Meds"
^XWB(8994,374,2,5,1,5,0)=" 3: 1/0 Include OnCall Meds"
^XWB(8994,374,2,5,1,6,0)=" 4: 1/0 Include OneTime Meds"
^XWB(8994,374,2,5,1,7,0)=" 5: 1/0 Include Comments"
^XWB(8994,374,2,5,1,8,0)=" 6: 1/0 Include Audits"
^XWB(8994,374,2,5,1,9,0)="blanks at the end of the report."
^XWB(8994,374,2,6,1,1,0)="Contains the name of the device that the report prints to."
^XWB(8994,374,2,7,1,1,0)="Sorts the report by patient or by ward"
^XWB(8994,374,2,8,1,1,0)="Order/Orderable Item number. "
^XWB(8994,374,2,9,1,1,0)="Ward Location "
^XWB(8994,374,2,10,1,1,0)="Sort By Patient - ""P"""
^XWB(8994,374,2,10,1,2,0)=" or By Bed - ""B"""
^XWB(8994,374,2,11,1,1,0)="Contains the parameters for Due list in up-arrow pieces"
^XWB(8994,374,2,11,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,11,1,3,0)="Piece 1: 1/0 Include Blanks (Changes/Addendums)"
^XWB(8994,374,2,11,1,4,0)=" 2: 1/0 Include IV Meds"
^XWB(8994,374,2,11,1,5,0)=" 3: 1/0 Include Unit Dose Meds"
^XWB(8994,374,2,11,1,6,0)=" 4: 1/0 Include Future Orders"
^XWB(8994,374,2,12,1,1,0)="The PSBORDNUM is the pharmacy order number from the Inpatient Medications"
^XWB(8994,374,2,12,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,12,1,4,0)="Example: 10U or 10V"
^XWB(8994,374,2,12,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,12,1,6,0)="This order number is used to do a lookup of medications by orderable item "
^XWB(8994,374,2,12,1,7,0)="for the medication history report."
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,1,0)="This OPTIONAL parameter contains list of data to input for the creating "
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,2,0)="of a report. The report's developer/designer should be aware of"
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,3,0)="the type of information to be input via this parameter. For example per "
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,4,0)="the BCMA Medication Therapy Report , this parameter will contain a list of"
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,5,0)="Dispensed Drug(s)/VA Drug Classification(s)/Orderable Items to be used "
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,6,0)="per a ""Medical Therapy Report""."
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,7,0)=" Each item in the list will be tagged respectively: ""DD""/""VAC""/""OIT"" Each"
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,8,0)="item will have the appropriate file pointer data as ""^""piece #3."
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,12,0)="List[0]= ""MT^OIT^1043"""
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,13,0)="List[1]= ""MT^OIT^475"""
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,14,0)="List[2]= ""MT^OIT^464"""
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,15,0)="List[3]= ""MT^OIT^88"""
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,13,1,19,0)="The data in the list will be filed into SUBFILE #53.692 (MULTIPLE)."
^XWB(8994,374,2,14,1,1,0)="Optional parameter contains ""additional"" report criteria. The Idea "
^XWB(8994,374,2,14,1,2,0)="is to make the first part of the data to designate the purpose of the data"
^XWB(8994,374,2,14,1,3,0)="being input. An example is to send an addition ""Query Date"" the "
^XWB(8994,374,2,14,1,4,0)="literal ""QD^3070419.1200"" could be the input data. "
^XWB(8994,374,2,14,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,14,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,14,1,7,0)="Current list of tags:"
^XWB(8994,374,2,14,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,14,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,374,2,14,1,10,0)="""QD"" - query date"
^XWB(8994,374,3,1,0)="Text of report."
^XWB(8994,376,1,1,0)="Allows the client to submit a missing dose interactively."
^XWB(8994,376,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN (IEN)"
^XWB(8994,376,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the drug from File #50."
^XWB(8994,376,2,4,1,1,0)="Missing Dose reason."
^XWB(8994,376,2,4,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,376,2,5,1,1,0)="Administration time of the medication."
^XWB(8994,376,2,6,1,1,0)="Needed date/time of the medication"
^XWB(8994,376,2,7,1,1,0)="Unique ID of an IV bag if it's an IV order."
^XWB(8994,376,2,8,1,1,0)="Order Number"
^XWB(8994,376,2,9,1,1,0)="Medication Schedule."
^XWB(8994,376,3,1,0)="Results[0] = 1^Missing Dose Submitted^351"
^XWB(8994,377,1,1,0)="Validate the data in PSBESIG against the user currently signed on (DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,377,2,1,1,1,0)="Data typed in by the user, which validates the E-SIG."
^XWB(8994,377,3,1,0)="(0)= -1 (1-n)= Error Description"
^XWB(8994,377,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,377,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,377,3,5,0)="(0)= 1^ESig Verified"
^XWB(8994,378,0)="PSB LOCK^LOCK^PSBRPC^2"
^XWB(8994,379,1,1,0)="Returns a simple value to the client. Used to establish continued "
^XWB(8994,379,1,2,0)="existence of the client to the server: resets the server READ timeout."
^XWB(8994,379,3,1,0)="Returned value not used on client."
^XWB(8994,387,1,1,0)="This remote procedure allows creation and update of Templates."
^XWB(8994,387,2,1,1,1,0)="This optional parameter is the record number of the Template to be"
^XWB(8994,387,2,1,1,2,0)="modified. If the Template is new, it may be passed as zero or null, to"
^XWB(8994,387,2,1,1,3,0)="indicate that a new Template is to be created."
^XWB(8994,387,2,2,1,1,0)="This array contains the data to be filed in the Template entry,"
^XWB(8994,387,2,2,1,2,0)="subscripted by field number. It should look something like this:"
^XWB(8994,387,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,387,2,2,1,4,0)="TIUX(.01)=""ACTIVE MEDICATIONS"""
^XWB(8994,387,2,2,1,9,0)="TIUX(2,1,0)=""Active Medications:"""
^XWB(8994,387,3,1,0)="If the call is successful, this will be the record number (IEN) of the"
^XWB(8994,387,3,2,0)="resulting entry in the TIU TEMPLATE FILE (#8927). In the event of a"
^XWB(8994,387,3,3,0)="filing error, the first ""^""-piece will be zero, and the second ""^""-piece"
^XWB(8994,387,3,4,0)="of this scalar return variable will be a textual message describing the"
^XWB(8994,387,3,5,0)="nature of the error (e.g., 0^The .01 field failed the input transform"")."
^XWB(8994,388,1,1,0)="This RPC will create or update the items for a Group, Class, or Root."
^XWB(8994,388,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number of the Group, Class or Root to which the items"
^XWB(8994,388,2,1,1,2,0)="are to be added or modified."
^XWB(8994,388,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the list of items to be filed for the entry. It should be"
^XWB(8994,388,2,2,1,2,0)="formatted as follows:"
^XWB(8994,388,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,388,2,2,1,4,0)="TIUX(SEQ)=IEN of the ITEM in the TEMPLATE file (#8927)"
^XWB(8994,388,2,2,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,388,2,2,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,388,2,2,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,388,2,2,1,12,0)="where the values 172, 173, and 174 are valid pointers to Template file"
^XWB(8994,388,3,1,0)="This array indicates the success or failure of each field to file for each"
^XWB(8994,388,3,2,0)="item. If successful, each array element will contain the subfile entry"
^XWB(8994,388,3,3,0)="number of the item as filed. If one or more values fail the input"
^XWB(8994,388,3,4,0)="transforms for their corresponding fields, the corresponding array element"
^XWB(8994,388,3,5,0)="will have the value 0^ Explanatory message."
^XWB(8994,388,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,388,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,388,3,11,0)="SUCCESS(3)=""0^ The value 174 does not pass the input transform for field"
^XWB(8994,388,3,12,0)=" .02 in subfile 8927.03."""
^XWB(8994,389,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the list of TIU OBJECTS that the current user may select"
^XWB(8994,389,3,1,0)="The global array ^TMP(""TIU OBJECTS"",$J,1...n)=IEN^NAME is returned."
^XWB(8994,390,1,1,0)="This RPC will delete orphan entries in the Template file (i.e., only"
^XWB(8994,390,1,2,0)="those entries that have been removed from any Groups, Classes, Personal"
^XWB(8994,390,1,3,0)="or Shared Root entries)."
^XWB(8994,390,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a list of records which are to be deleted."
^XWB(8994,390,3,1,0)="This is the number of records actually deleted by the call."
^XWB(8994,391,1,1,0)="This RPC will evaluate boilerplate passed in the input array, checking to"
^XWB(8994,391,1,2,0)="see whether any of the embedded objects are inactive, faulty, or"
^XWB(8994,391,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a local array containg boilerplate text for the template in word"
^XWB(8994,391,2,1,1,2,0)="processing subscript format, e.g.:"
^XWB(8994,391,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,391,2,1,1,4,0)="TIUX(2,1,0)=""The pt. is a |AGE| yo |RACE| |SEX| who presented to the"""
^XWB(8994,391,2,1,1,5,0)="TIUX(2,2,0)=""PULMONARY clinic on |VISIT DATE| for pulmonary function"""
^XWB(8994,391,2,1,1,6,0)="TIUX(2,3,0)=""tests to rule out Asthma/COPD."""
^XWB(8994,391,3,1,0)="The return array, TIUY will have the following format:"
^XWB(8994,391,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,391,3,3,0)="If no problems are identified with the boilerplate text, the array will be"
^XWB(8994,391,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,391,3,6,0)="If any problems are identified, the array will contain explatatory text,"
^XWB(8994,391,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,391,3,9,0)="TIUY(1)=Object |PFT RESULT| is faulty: "
^XWB(8994,391,3,10,0)="TIUY(2)=No Object Method."
^XWB(8994,392,1,1,0)="This RPC links a document with an image. It will support a many-to-many"
^XWB(8994,392,1,2,0)="association between documents and images."
^XWB(8994,392,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) of the document in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE"
^XWB(8994,392,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) of the document in the IMAGE FILE (#2005)."
^XWB(8994,392,3,1,0)="The return variable is a scalar result. If a link is successfully created, "
^XWB(8994,392,3,2,0)="it will be the record number of the link in the TIU EXTERNAL LINKAGE FILE "
^XWB(8994,392,3,3,0)="(#8925.91). If a link cannot be made (e.g., the document and image are "
^XWB(8994,392,3,4,0)="already linked), the return variable will be a two '^'-piece result, with"
^XWB(8994,392,3,5,0)="zero in the first '^'-piece, and an explanatory message in the second (e.g.,"
^XWB(8994,392,3,6,0)="0^ Document already linked to this image)."
^XWB(8994,393,1,1,0)="This RPC will remove a link between a document and an image. Only valid "
^XWB(8994,393,1,2,0)="links may be removed."
^XWB(8994,393,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) of the document in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE"
^XWB(8994,393,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) of the document in the IMAGE FILE (#2005)."
^XWB(8994,393,3,1,0)="This is a BOOLEAN result. If the call is made with record numbers for which "
^XWB(8994,393,3,2,0)="a valid link exists, it will remove the link, and the return value will be "
^XWB(8994,393,3,3,0)="1 (TRUE), otherwise, the return value will have two '^'-pieces (i.e., zero "
^XWB(8994,393,3,4,0)="and an explanatory message (e.g., 0^ Document and Image not currently "
^XWB(8994,394,1,1,0)="Given a Document, get the list of associated images."
^XWB(8994,394,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) of the document in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE"
^XWB(8994,394,3,1,0)="This is the list of Images associated with the Document identified by TIUDA."
^XWB(8994,394,3,2,0)="For example:"
^XWB(8994,394,3,8,0)="Where the rvalue of each list element is the record number (IEN) of each"
^XWB(8994,394,3,9,0)="image in the IMAGE FILE (#2005)."
^XWB(8994,395,1,1,0)="Given an image, get the list of associated documents."
^XWB(8994,395,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) of the image in the IMAGE FILE (#2005). "
^XWB(8994,395,3,1,0)="This is the list of Documents associated with the Image identified by IMGDA."
^XWB(8994,395,3,2,0)="For example:"
^XWB(8994,395,3,8,0)="Where the rvalue of each list element is the record number (IEN) of image in"
^XWB(8994,395,3,9,0)="the TIU DOCUMENT FILE (#8925)."
^XWB(8994,396,1,1,0)="This API returns all psychological test administrations for a specified "
^XWB(8994,396,1,2,0)="patient during a specified time period. No scoring is returned. ASI s and "
^XWB(8994,396,1,3,0)="optionally GAF s are also returned."
^XWB(8994,396,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,396,1,5,0)="Input: "
^XWB(8994,396,1,6,0)=" DFN : patient internal identifier"
^XWB(8994,396,1,7,0)=" BEGIN: inclusive date in %DT acceptable format "
^XWB(8994,396,1,8,0)="(11/11/2011) to begin search [optional]"
^XWB(8994,396,1,9,0)=" END: inclusive date in %DT acceptable format (11/11/2011) "
^XWB(8994,396,1,10,0)="to end search [optional]"
^XWB(8994,396,1,11,0)=" CODE: YS(""CODE"")=""GAF"" set to optionally return GAF "
^XWB(8994,396,1,12,0)="administrations "
^XWB(8994,396,1,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,396,1,16,0)="YSDATA(x)= internal administration date^external administration date^test "
^XWB(8994,396,1,17,0)="code "
^XWB(8994,396,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,396,1,19,0)="Data is sorted in order of most recent administration to the oldest "
^XWB(8994,396,1,20,0)="administration. If no administrations are found YSDATA(2) will not be "
^XWB(8994,397,1,1,0)="This API returns all psychological test administrations for a specified "
^XWB(8994,397,1,2,0)="patient during a specified time period for a specified test or "
^XWB(8994,397,1,3,0)="instrument. If a scale is also specified, scoring for that scale is "
^XWB(8994,397,1,4,0)="returned. User must have adequate privileges to receive this information "
^XWB(8994,397,1,5,0)="(i.e. often the YSP KEY). "
^XWB(8994,397,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,397,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,397,1,9,0)=" DFN : patient internal identifier"
^XWB(8994,397,1,10,0)=" CODE: Test code from file 601 including ""ASI"" and ""GAF"" "
^XWB(8994,397,1,11,0)="e.g. ""CAGE"", ""BDI"""
^XWB(8994,397,1,12,0)=" BEGIN: inclusive date in %DT acceptable format (11/11/2011) to"
^XWB(8994,397,1,13,0)="begin search [optional]"
^XWB(8994,397,1,14,0)=" END: inclusive date in %DT acceptable format (11/11/2011) "
^XWB(8994,397,1,15,0)="to end search [optional]"
^XWB(8994,397,1,16,0)=" LIMIT: constrains to the last N administrations [optional]"
^XWB(8994,397,1,17,0)=" Scale: scale number from file 601 or 1-7 on ASI [optional]"
^XWB(8994,397,1,20,0)="YSDATA(x)= internal administration date ^ external administration"
^XWB(8994,397,1,21,0)="date^test code [^scale name^raw score^transformed score]"
^XWB(8994,397,1,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,397,1,23,0)="Data is sorted in order of most recent administration to the oldest "
^XWB(8994,397,1,24,0)="administration. If no administrations are found Array(2) will not be "
^XWB(8994,397,1,25,0)="returned. If patient has no psych testing at all ,an error will be "
^XWB(8994,398,1,1,0)="This API returns all scoring information for a specified patient given a "
^XWB(8994,398,1,2,0)="specified administration date for a specified test or instrument. User "
^XWB(8994,398,1,3,0)="must have adequate privileges to receive this information (i.e. often the "
^XWB(8994,398,1,4,0)="YSP KEY)"
^XWB(8994,398,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,398,1,6,0)="Input: "
^XWB(8994,398,1,7,0)=" DFN : patient internal identifier"
^XWB(8994,398,1,8,0)=" CODE: Test code from file 601 or ""ASI"" e.g. ""CAGE"", ""BDI"""
^XWB(8994,398,1,9,0)="ADATE: inclusive administration date in %DT acceptable format (11/11/2011)"
^XWB(8994,398,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,398,1,12,0)="Array(2)= Patient Name^Test Code^Test Title^Internal Admin date^External "
^XWB(8994,398,1,13,0)="Admin Date ^Ordered by"
^XWB(8994,398,1,14,0)="Array(3)=R1^Responses 1-200 undelimited"
^XWB(8994,398,1,15,0)="Array(4)=R2^ Responses 201-400 undelimited (even if less than 200)"
^XWB(8994,398,1,16,0)="Array(5)=R3^ Responses 401-600 undelimited"
^XWB(8994,398,1,17,0)="Array(6)=S1^Scale Name^Raw Score^Transformed Score"
^XWB(8994,398,1,18,0)="Array(7)=S2^ Scale Name^Raw Score^Transformed Score"
^XWB(8994,398,1,19,0)=" And onward as needed"
^XWB(8994,399,1,1,0)="This API allows saving of patient responses to a test or interview in the "
^XWB(8994,399,1,2,0)="M database. The patient ien, the test code, and administration date is "
^XWB(8994,399,1,3,0)="required along with the responses. All responses are checked for "
^XWB(8994,399,1,4,0)="validity. No scoring is returned but successful addition to the M "
^XWB(8994,399,1,5,0)="database is indicated."
^XWB(8994,399,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,399,1,7,0)="Input: "
^XWB(8994,399,1,8,0)=" DFN : patient internal identifier"
^XWB(8994,399,1,9,0)=" CODE: Test code from file 601 or ""ASI"" e.g. ""CAGE"", ""BDI"""
^XWB(8994,399,1,10,0)="ADATE: inclusive administration date in %DT acceptable format (11/11/2011)"
^XWB(8994,399,1,11,0)=" Staff: DUZ of professional ordering the test"
^XWB(8994,399,1,12,0)="R1: string of patient responses 1-200"
^XWB(8994,399,1,13,0)=" R2: string of patient responses 201-400 [as needed]"
^XWB(8994,399,1,14,0)=" R3: string of patient responses 401-600 [as needed]"
^XWB(8994,399,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,399,1,17,0)="Array(1)=[DATA] indicates successful call"
^XWB(8994,400,1,1,0)="This API returns the text, bottom, introduction and possible correct "
^XWB(8994,400,1,2,0)="responses for a specified test item in file 601. It will work only for "
^XWB(8994,400,1,3,0)="tests as opposed to interviews or batteries. The ASI is not supported."
^XWB(8994,400,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,400,1,5,0)="Input: "
^XWB(8994,400,1,6,0)=" CODE: Test code from file 601 e.g. ""CAGE"", ""BDI"""
^XWB(8994,400,1,7,0)="ITEM: a positive whole number between 1 and the highest item number for "
^XWB(8994,400,1,8,0)="the specified test."
^XWB(8994,400,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,400,1,11,0)="Array(1)=[DATA] ;indicates successful call"
^XWB(8994,400,1,12,0)="Array(2)=MMPI2^1 ;SECOND LINE IS TEST Code^ item number"
^XWB(8994,400,1,13,0)="Array(item number,""I"",line number)=introductory text"
^XWB(8994,400,1,14,0)="Array(item number,""T"", line number)=text of question"
^XWB(8994,400,1,15,0)="Array(item number,""R"",0)=allowed responses"
^XWB(8994,400,1,16,0)="Array(item number,""R"",line number)= response cues"
^XWB(8994,401,1,1,0)="This API returns the text, bottom, introduction and possible correct "
^XWB(8994,401,1,2,0)="responses for all items in a test in file 601. It will work only for "
^XWB(8994,401,1,3,0)="tests as opposed to interviews or batteries. The ASI is not supported."
^XWB(8994,401,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,401,1,5,0)="Input: "
^XWB(8994,401,1,6,0)=" CODE: Test code from file 601 e.g. ""CAGE"", ""BDI"""
^XWB(8994,401,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,401,1,9,0)="Array(1)=[DATA] ;indicates successful call"
^XWB(8994,401,1,10,0)="Array(2)=MMPI2 ;SECOND LINE IS TEST Code"
^XWB(8994,401,1,11,0)="Array(item number,""I"",line number)=introductory text"
^XWB(8994,401,1,12,0)="Array(item number,""T"", line number)=text of question"
^XWB(8994,401,1,13,0)="Array(item number,""R"",0)=allowed responses"
^XWB(8994,401,1,14,0)="Array(item number,""R"",line number)= response cues"
^XWB(8994,403,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) will:"
^XWB(8994,403,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,403,1,3,0)=" - Verify user is not accessing his/her own Patient file record if"
^XWB(8994,403,1,4,0)="the Restrict Patient Record Access (#1201) field in the MAS parameters"
^XWB(8994,403,1,5,0)="(#43) file is set to yes and the user does not hold the DG RECORD ACCESS"
^XWB(8994,403,1,6,0)="security key. If parameter set to yes and user is not a key holder , a"
^XWB(8994,403,1,7,0)="social security number must be defined in the New Person file for the user"
^XWB(8994,403,1,8,0)="to access any Patient file record."
^XWB(8994,403,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,403,1,10,0)=" - Determine if user accessing a sensitive record or an employee's"
^XWB(8994,403,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN = Patient (#2) file DFN."
^XWB(8994,403,2,3,1,1,0)="DGMSG = 1 - if message should be generated when a user's SSN is undefined"
^XWB(8994,403,2,3,1,2,0)=" 0 - message will not be generated"
^XWB(8994,403,2,3,1,3,0)=" If not defined, defaults to 1."
^XWB(8994,403,2,4,1,1,0)="Contains Option name^Menu text for DG Security Log update."
^XWB(8994,403,3,1,0)="RESULT(1) = -1-RPC/API failed "
^XWB(8994,403,3,2,0)=" Required variable not defined"
^XWB(8994,403,3,3,0)=" 0-No display/action required"
^XWB(8994,403,3,4,0)=" Not an employee, not sensitive or not accessing own Patient"
^XWB(8994,403,3,5,0)=" record"
^XWB(8994,403,3,6,0)=" 1-Display warning message"
^XWB(8994,403,3,7,0)=" Sensitive - inpatient or a DG SENSITIVITY key holder"
^XWB(8994,403,3,8,0)=" or Employee and DG SECURITY OFFICER key holder"
^XWB(8994,403,3,9,0)=" 2-Display warning message, require OK to continue and call"
^XWB(8994,403,3,10,0)=" DG SENSITIVE RECORD BULLETIN RPC to update DG Security Log"
^XWB(8994,403,3,11,0)=" file and generate Sensitive Record Access mail message."
^XWB(8994,403,3,12,0)=" Sensitive - not an inpatient and not a key holder"
^XWB(8994,403,3,13,0)=" or Employee/not a DG SECURITY OFFICER key holder"
^XWB(8994,403,3,14,0)=" 3-Access to record denied"
^XWB(8994,403,3,15,0)=" Accessing own Patient file record"
^XWB(8994,403,3,16,0)=" 4-Access to Patient file (#2) records denied"
^XWB(8994,403,3,17,0)=" SSN not defined"
^XWB(8994,403,3,18,0)="RESULT(2-n) = error message or warning/Privacy Act message. Error and"
^XWB(8994,403,3,19,0)="warning messages will begin in RESULT(2) array. The Privacy Act message"
^XWB(8994,403,3,20,0)="is the longest message and will utilize RESULT(2)- RESULT(8)."
^XWB(8994,403,3,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,403,3,22,0)="If RESULT(1)=1, the DG Security Log file is updated."
^XWB(8994,403,3,23,0)="If RESULT(1)=2, the user must acknowledge they want to access the"
^XWB(8994,403,3,24,0)="restricted record and the application must call the DG SENSITIVE RECORD"
^XWB(8994,403,3,25,0)="BULLETIN RPC to update the DG Security Log file and generate the Sensitive"
^XWB(8994,403,3,26,0)="Record Access mail message."
^XWB(8994,404,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) will add an entry to the DG SECURITY LOG"
^XWB(8994,404,1,2,0)="(#38.1) file and/or generate the sensitive record access bulletin"
^XWB(8994,404,1,3,0)="depending on the value in ACTION input parameter. If ACTION parameter not"
^XWB(8994,404,1,4,0)="defined, defaults to update DG Security Log file and generate Sensitive"
^XWB(8994,404,1,5,0)="Record Access mail message."
^XWB(8994,404,2,1,1,1,0)="ACTION = 1 - Set DG Security Log entry"
^XWB(8994,404,2,1,1,2,0)=" 2 - Generate Sensitive Record Access bulletin"
^XWB(8994,404,2,1,1,3,0)=" 3 - Both"
^XWB(8994,404,2,2,1,1,0)="DFN = Patient (#2) file DFN"
^XWB(8994,404,2,5,1,1,0)="DGOPT = Option Name^Menu test "
^XWB(8994,404,2,5,1,2,0)=" If not defined, OP^XQCHK identifies option or defaults to UNKNOWN."
^XWB(8994,404,3,1,0)="RESULT=1 - successfully added entry and/or generated sensitive record"
^XWB(8994,404,3,2,0)=" access bulletin"
^XWB(8994,404,3,3,0)=" 0 - unsuccessful"
^XWB(8994,405,0)="DG CHK BS5 XREF Y/N^GUIBS5^DPTLK6^2^P^^^"
^XWB(8994,405,2,1,1,1,0)="PATIENT FILE IEN"
^XWB(8994,406,0)="DG CHK BS5 XREF ARRAY^GUIBS5A^DPTLK6^2^P^^^1"
^XWB(8994,406,1,2,0)="RETURN 1 OR 0 IN 1ST STRING (-1 IF BAD DFN OR NO ZERO NODE)."
^XWB(8994,406,1,5,0)="1^DFN^PATIENT NAME^DOB^SSN"
^XWB(8994,406,2,1,1,1,0)="PATIENT FILE IEN"
^XWB(8994,407,2,1,1,1,0)="Institution file pointer"
^XWB(8994,408,1,2,0)="RETURNS 1 OR 0"
^XWB(8994,408,2,1,1,1,0)="PATIENT FILE IEN"
^XWB(8994,409,2,1,1,1,0)="PATIENT IEN"
^XWB(8994,409,2,2,1,1,0)="Institution file pointer"
^XWB(8994,410,0)="PSB CHECK SERVER^CHECK^PSBUTL^2^^^^^2"
^XWB(8994,410,1,1,0)="Returns -1 or 1 when checking for patches and build on the server."
^XWB(8994,410,2,1,1,1,0)="B = Returns Build Version for packages by Namespace"
^XWB(8994,410,2,1,1,2,0)="P = Returns if Patch is installed"
^XWB(8994,410,2,2,1,1,0)="Build/Package namespace (i.e. PSB) or Patch Number"
^XWB(8994,410,3,1,0)="(0)= -1^Error Description "
^XWB(8994,410,3,3,0)="(0)= 1^Successful"
^XWB(8994,412,1,1,0)="This remote procedure returns the pointer to the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION"
^XWB(8994,412,1,2,0)="FILE that corresponds to the TITLE of the document identified in the TIUDA"
^XWB(8994,412,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number (IEN) of the document in the TIU"
^XWB(8994,412,2,1,1,2,0)="DOCUMENT FILE (#8925)."
^XWB(8994,412,3,1,0)="This is the internal entry number (IEN) of the document's TITLE in the TIU"
^XWB(8994,412,3,2,0)="DOCUMENT DEFINITION FILE (#8925.1)."
^XWB(8994,413,1,1,0)="This will return the Integration Control Number (ICN) from the"
^XWB(8994,413,1,2,0)="Maser Patient Index (MPI) for a patient."
^XWB(8994,413,2,1,0)="PATIENT IEN^1^255^1^1"
^XWB(8994,413,2,1,1,1,0)="The patient Internal Entry Number (IEN)."
^XWB(8994,413,2,"B","PATIENT IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,413,3,1,0)="Returns the Integration Control Number (ICN) from the Master "
^XWB(8994,413,3,2,0)="Patient Index (MPI)."
^XWB(8994,414,1,1,0)="Given a patient Integration Control Number (ICN), this will return"
^XWB(8994,414,1,2,0)="the patient Internal Entry Number (IEN) from the PATIENT file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,414,2,1,0)="PATIENT ICN^1^255^1^1"
^XWB(8994,414,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient Integration Control Number (ICN)."
^XWB(8994,414,2,"B","PATIENT ICN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,414,3,1,0)="Patient DFN."
^XWB(8994,415,1,1,0)="Given a patient DFN, it will determine if the Integration Control "
^XWB(8994,415,1,2,0)="Number (ICN) assigned to the patient is a local ICN or a national ICN."
^XWB(8994,415,2,1,0)="Patient DFN.^1^255^1^1"
^XWB(8994,415,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN from PATIENT file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,415,2,"B","Patient DFN.",1)=""
^XWB(8994,415,3,1,0)="This function is used to see if a patient has a local Integration "
^XWB(8994,415,3,2,0)="Control Number (ICN)."
^XWB(8994,415,3,3,0)=" DFN - Internal Entry Number (IEN) of patient in Patient file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,415,3,4,0)=" Returned: 0 = Patient does not exist, DFN is not defined or no MPI node"
^XWB(8994,415,3,5,0)=" OR Patient does not have a local ICN."
^XWB(8994,415,3,6,0)=" 1 = Patient has a local ICN assigned."
^XWB(8994,416,1,1,0)="Given a patient DFN, this will return a list of treating facilities."
^XWB(8994,416,2,1,0)="Patient DFN.^1^255^1^1"
^XWB(8994,416,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN from PATIENT file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,416,2,"B","Patient DFN.",1)=""
^XWB(8994,416,3,1,0)="This will return a list of treating facilities in the following"
^XWB(8994,416,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,416,3,5,0)="If there is a problem (patient does not exist, etc.), the first"
^XWB(8994,416,3,6,0)="line item will be a -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,417,1,1,0)="Used by the GUI to supply a long list of boilerplated titles."
^XWB(8994,417,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the reference title from which the longlist is scrolling."
^XWB(8994,417,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the direction in which the longlist is scrolling from the"
^XWB(8994,417,2,2,1,2,0)="reference title."
^XWB(8994,417,3,1,0)="This is an array of the 44 nearest titles to that indicate by the user in"
^XWB(8994,417,3,2,0)="the direction passed by the longlist component."
^XWB(8994,418,1,1,0)="Returns a titles boilerplate."
^XWB(8994,418,2,1,1,1,0)="Title IEN"
^XWB(8994,418,3,1,0)="Title's Boilerplate."
^XWB(8994,419,1,1,0)="This returns a report of consults for a service/grouper for a"
^XWB(8994,419,1,2,0)="given set of statuses and date range."
^XWB(8994,419,2,1,1,1,0)="The service or grouper to create the list for. The default if none is"
^XWB(8994,419,2,1,1,2,0)="passed is ""1"" for ALL SERVICES."
^XWB(8994,419,2,2,0)="START DATE^1^7^0^2"
^XWB(8994,419,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the start date range for the report or ""ALL"" for all dates. The"
^XWB(8994,419,2,2,1,2,0)="default if none is passed is ""ALL"" and the END DATE will not be used."
^XWB(8994,419,2,3,0)="END DATE^1^7^0^3"
^XWB(8994,419,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the ending date range for the report. Not used if the START DATE"
^XWB(8994,419,2,3,1,2,0)="is ""ALL"" for all dates."
^XWB(8994,419,2,4,1,1,0)="This is a comma separated list of the statuses to include in the report."
^XWB(8994,419,2,4,1,2,0)="If none is passed the default list is ""3,4,5,6,8,9,11,99"" which is all the"
^XWB(8994,419,2,4,1,3,0)="status that are pending resolution."
^XWB(8994,419,2,5,0)="LIST CONTROL^1^1^0^5"
^XWB(8994,419,2,5,1,1,0)=" 0, null or not define then just the display list is displayed"
^XWB(8994,419,2,5,1,2,0)=" 1 then the list will be two pieces with the first being the ien of the"
^XWB(8994,419,2,5,1,3,0)=" consult for selection in the gui and the second piece being the"
^XWB(8994,419,2,5,1,4,0)=" display text."
^XWB(8994,419,2,5,1,5,0)=" 10 then the consults will have a line number on them for selection"
^XWB(8994,419,2,5,1,6,0)=" 20 then the consults will have the consult number displayed"
^XWB(8994,419,2,5,1,7,0)=" 100 then use abbreviations for the statuses"
^XWB(8994,419,2,5,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,419,2,5,1,9,0)="1, (10 or 20) and 100 can be added together to add there features"
^XWB(8994,419,2,"B","END DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,419,2,"B","LIST CONTROL",5)=""
^XWB(8994,419,2,"B","START DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,420,1,1,0)="This returns a report of completion time statistics for a consult"
^XWB(8994,420,1,2,0)="service/grouper for a given set of statuses and date range."
^XWB(8994,420,2,1,1,1,0)="The service or grouper to create the list for. The default if none is"
^XWB(8994,420,2,1,1,2,0)="passed is ""1"" for ALL SERVICES."
^XWB(8994,420,2,2,0)="START DATE^1^7^0^2"
^XWB(8994,420,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the start date range for the report or ""ALL"" for all dates. The"
^XWB(8994,420,2,2,1,2,0)="default if none is passed is ""ALL"" and the END DATE will not be used."
^XWB(8994,420,2,3,0)="END DATE^1^7^0^3"
^XWB(8994,420,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the ending date range for the report. Not used if the START DATE"
^XWB(8994,420,2,3,1,2,0)="is ""ALL"" for all dates."
^XWB(8994,420,2,"B","END DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,420,2,"B","START DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,421,1,1,0)="This API allows scoring of patient responses to a test or interview "
^XWB(8994,421,1,2,0)="without making changes in the M database. The patient ien, the test "
^XWB(8994,421,1,3,0)="code, and administration date is required along with the responses. All "
^XWB(8994,421,1,4,0)="responses are checked for validity. Scoring is returned in the output "
^XWB(8994,421,1,5,0)="documented in the SCOREIT API."
^XWB(8994,421,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,421,1,7,0)="Input: "
^XWB(8994,421,1,8,0)=" DFN : patient internal identifier"
^XWB(8994,421,1,9,0)=" CODE: Test code from file 601 or ""ASI"" e.g. ""CAGE"", ""BDI"""
^XWB(8994,421,1,10,0)="ADATE: inclusive administration date in %DT acceptable format (11/11/2011)"
^XWB(8994,421,1,11,0)=" Staff: DUZ of professional ordering the test"
^XWB(8994,421,1,12,0)="R1: string of patient responses 1-200"
^XWB(8994,421,1,13,0)=" R2: string of patient responses 201-400 [as needed]"
^XWB(8994,421,1,14,0)=" R3: string of patient responses 401-600 [as needed]"
^XWB(8994,421,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,421,1,17,0)="Array(2)= Patient Name^Test Code^Test Title^Internal Admin date^External "
^XWB(8994,421,1,18,0)="Admin Date ^Ordered by"
^XWB(8994,421,1,19,0)="Array(3)=R1^Responses 1-200 undelimited"
^XWB(8994,421,1,20,0)="Array(4)=R2^ Responses 201-400 undelimited (even if less than 200)"
^XWB(8994,421,1,21,0)="Array(5)=R3^ Responses 401-600 undelimited"
^XWB(8994,421,1,22,0)="Array(6)=S1^Scale Name^Raw Score^Transformed Score"
^XWB(8994,421,1,23,0)="Array(7)=S2^ Scale Name^Raw Score^Transformed Score"
^XWB(8994,421,1,24,0)=" And onward as needed"
^XWB(8994,422,1,1,0)="This API returns text to be entered in a progress note based on the "
^XWB(8994,422,1,2,0)="outcome of a test administration. Input is the output of SCOREIT or "
^XWB(8994,422,1,3,0)="PREVIEW API. Output adds this text to the output YSDATA"
^XWB(8994,422,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,422,1,5,0)="Input: "
^XWB(8994,422,1,6,0)="Array(2)= Patient Name^Test Code^Test Title^Internal Admin date^External "
^XWB(8994,422,1,7,0)="Admin Date ^Ordered by"
^XWB(8994,422,1,8,0)="Array(3)=R1^Responses 1-200 undelimited"
^XWB(8994,422,1,9,0)="Array(4)=R2^ Responses 201-400 undelimited (even if less than 200)"
^XWB(8994,422,1,10,0)="Array(5)=R3^ Responses 401-600 undelimited"
^XWB(8994,422,1,11,0)="Array(6)=S1^Scale Name^Raw Score^Transformed Score"
^XWB(8994,422,1,12,0)="Array(7)=S2^ Scale Name^Raw Score^Transformed Score"
^XWB(8994,422,1,13,0)=" And onward as needed"
^XWB(8994,422,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,422,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,422,1,17,0)="Array(2)= Patient Name^Test Code^Test Title^Internal Admin date^External "
^XWB(8994,422,1,18,0)="Admin Date ^Ordered by"
^XWB(8994,422,1,19,0)="Array(3)=R1^Responses 1-200 undelimited"
^XWB(8994,422,1,20,0)="Array(4)=R2^ Responses 201-400 undelimited (even if less than 200)"
^XWB(8994,422,1,21,0)="Array(5)=R3^ Responses 401-600 undelimited"
^XWB(8994,422,1,22,0)="Array(6)=S1^Scale Name^Raw Score^Transformed Score"
^XWB(8994,422,1,23,0)="Array(7)=S2^ Scale Name^Raw Score^Transformed Score"
^XWB(8994,422,1,24,0)=" And onward as needed"
^XWB(8994,422,1,25,0)="Array(""ON"")= output text"
^XWB(8994,423,0)="TIU GET REQUEST^GET1405^TIUSRVR^1^S"
^XWB(8994,423,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure returns the variable pointer to the REQUESTING"
^XWB(8994,423,1,2,0)="PACKAGE REFERENCE (File #8925, Field #1405). This would be the record in"
^XWB(8994,423,1,3,0)="the Requesting Package (e.g., Consult/Request Tracking or Surgery) for"
^XWB(8994,423,1,4,0)="which the resulting document has been entered in TIU."
^XWB(8994,423,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (IEN) of the document in the TIU Document File"
^XWB(8994,423,3,1,0)="This is the Variable pointer (e.g., ""15741;GMR(123,"") to the corresponding"
^XWB(8994,424,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the default provider as specified by the TIU Site Parameter"
^XWB(8994,424,1,2,0)="DEFAULT PRIMARY PROVIDER, which has the following allowable values:"
^XWB(8994,424,1,4,0)="0 NONE, DON'T PROMT"
^XWB(8994,424,1,5,0)="In which case the call will return 0^"
^XWB(8994,424,1,7,0)="1 DEFAULT, BY LOCATION"
^XWB(8994,424,1,8,0)="In this case, the call will return the default provider for a given Hospital"
^XWB(8994,424,1,9,0)="Location, as specified in the set-up for the Clinic in MAS. If a default"
^XWB(8994,424,1,10,0)="provider is specified for the location in question, that person will be"
^XWB(8994,424,1,11,0)="returned. If the Clinic set-up specifies use of the Primary Provider (if "
^XWB(8994,424,1,12,0)="defined) for the patient, then that person will be returned. The return"
^XWB(8994,424,1,13,0)="format will be DUZ^LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME."
^XWB(8994,424,1,15,0)="2 AUTHOR (IF PROVIDER)"
^XWB(8994,424,1,16,0)="In this case, the call will return the current user (if they are a known "
^XWB(8994,424,1,17,0)="Provider). If their not a known Provider, then the call will return 0^."
^XWB(8994,424,2,1,1,1,0)="Pointer to the Hospital Location File (#44)."
^XWB(8994,424,2,2,1,1,0)="Optional Pointer to the New Person File (#200) identifying the Author. If "
^XWB(8994,424,2,2,1,2,0)="nothing is passed, the current user will be assumed."
^XWB(8994,424,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the Record # (IEN) of the document in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE"
^XWB(8994,424,3,1,0)="This RPC returns the default provider as specified by the TIU Site Parameter"
^XWB(8994,424,3,2,0)="DEFAULT PRIMARY PROVIDER, which has the following allowable values:"
^XWB(8994,424,3,4,0)="0 NONE, DON'T PROMT"
^XWB(8994,424,3,5,0)="In which case the call will return 0^"
^XWB(8994,424,3,7,0)="1 DEFAULT, BY LOCATION"
^XWB(8994,424,3,8,0)="In this case, the call will return the default provider for a given Hospital"
^XWB(8994,424,3,9,0)="Location, as specified in the set-up for the Clinic in MAS. If a default"
^XWB(8994,424,3,10,0)="provider is specified for the location in question, that person will be"
^XWB(8994,424,3,11,0)="returned. If the Clinic set-up specifies use of the Primary Provider (if "
^XWB(8994,424,3,12,0)="defined) for the patient, then that person will be returned. The return"
^XWB(8994,424,3,13,0)="format will be DUZ^LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME."
^XWB(8994,424,3,15,0)="2 AUTHOR (IF PROVIDER)"
^XWB(8994,424,3,16,0)="In this case, the call will return the current user (if they are a known "
^XWB(8994,424,3,17,0)="Provider). If their not a known Provider, then the call will return 0^."
^XWB(8994,425,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the TIU Parameters for the Division the user is logged in "
^XWB(8994,425,3,1,0)="The call returns a '^'-delimited string, with the following pieces:"
^XWB(8994,425,3,4,0)="==> [3N] ^ GRACE PERIOD FOR PURGE [4N] ^ GRACE PERIOD FOR SIGNATURE [5N] ^"
^XWB(8994,425,3,8,0)="==> SIGNAL [12F] ^ MAJOR DELIMITER [13F] ^"
^XWB(8994,425,3,10,0)="The pieces correspond to fields .01 through .13 in the TIU PARAMETERS FILE "
^XWB(8994,426,1,1,0)="This Boolean RPC returns TRUE if the user was a known provider on the date "
^XWB(8994,426,2,1,1,1,0)="Optional pointer to the NEW PERSON FILE (#200). If user is unspecified the "
^XWB(8994,426,2,1,1,2,0)="current user will be assumed."
^XWB(8994,426,2,2,1,1,0)="Optional FileMan formatted date (time). If none is provided the current date "
^XWB(8994,426,2,2,1,2,0)="is assumed."
^XWB(8994,427,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure receives a pointer to the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION"
^XWB(8994,427,1,2,0)="FILE (#8925.1) and returns a string containing the Print Name of the"
^XWB(8994,427,1,3,0)="corresponding Document Definition."
^XWB(8994,427,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION FILE (#8925.1)."
^XWB(8994,427,3,1,0)="This is a string containing the Print Name of the Document Definition"
^XWB(8994,427,3,2,0)="referenced by TIUTYPE."
^XWB(8994,428,1,1,0)="This Boolean Remote Procedure will evaluate whether a given document was"
^XWB(8994,428,1,2,0)="committed to the database, or whether the user who last edited it was"
^XWB(8994,428,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Internal Entry Number of the Document in the TIU Document File"
^XWB(8994,428,3,1,0)="This Boolean result will be returned TRUE (1) if the document was"
^XWB(8994,428,3,2,0)="committed to the database successfully. Otherwise, it will return FALSE,"
^XWB(8994,428,3,3,0)="with an explanatory message (e.g., ""0^You appear to have been"
^XWB(8994,429,1,1,0)="If RPC is installed, available in relevant context, and of proper version"
^XWB(8994,429,1,2,0)="returns 1. "
^XWB(8994,429,1,3,0)="Otherwise, returns 0."
^XWB(8994,429,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the RPC to be tested."
^XWB(8994,429,2,2,0)="RUN CONTEXT^1^1^0^2"
^XWB(8994,429,2,2,1,1,0)="Specific context in which RPC will run. Possible values are:"
^XWB(8994,429,2,2,1,2,0)=" L = run Locally (on the server the user is logged on to)"
^XWB(8994,429,2,2,1,3,0)=" R = run Remotely (on a server the user is not logged on to)"
^XWB(8994,429,2,2,1,4,0)="If this parameter is not sent, RPC is checked for both local and"
^XWB(8994,429,2,2,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,429,2,2,1,7,0)="The check is done against the value in the INACTIVE field in the "
^XWB(8994,429,2,2,1,8,0)="Remote Procedure file. See that field's description for more details."
^XWB(8994,429,2,3,0)="VERSION NUMBER^1^11^0^3"
^XWB(8994,429,2,3,1,1,0)="Minimum version number of the RPC."
^XWB(8994,429,2,3,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,429,2,3,1,3,0)="This parameter is only used if the RUN CONTEXT parameter = ""R"". If a"
^XWB(8994,429,2,3,1,4,0)="numeric value is in this parameter, the value must be less than or equal"
^XWB(8994,429,2,3,1,5,0)="to the value in the VERSION field of the Remote Procedure file for the"
^XWB(8994,429,2,3,1,6,0)="RPC is be marked available. Note: if the VERSION field is null, the"
^XWB(8994,429,2,3,1,7,0)="check will fail for any numeric value in this parameter."
^XWB(8994,429,2,"B","RUN CONTEXT",2)=""
^XWB(8994,429,2,"B","VERSION NUMBER",3)=""
^XWB(8994,429,3,1,0)="Boolean. 1 = RPC available."
^XWB(8994,429,3,2,0)=" 0 = RPC not available."
^XWB(8994,430,1,1,0)="If RPC in the passed array is installed, available in relevant context,"
^XWB(8994,430,1,2,0)="and of proper version returns 1 for that RPC. Otherwise, returns 0."
^XWB(8994,430,2,1,1,1,0)="This 0-based array contains list of RPCs to be checked along with"
^XWB(8994,430,2,1,1,2,0)="(optionally) a minimum acceptable version of the RPC. The format is:"
^XWB(8994,430,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,430,2,1,1,4,0)=" RPCName^RPCVersionNumber"
^XWB(8994,430,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,430,2,1,1,6,0)="Th RPCVersionNumber is only used if the RUN CONTEXT parameter = ""R"". If a"
^XWB(8994,430,2,1,1,7,0)="numeric value is in the second ^-piece and the RUN CONTEXT =""R"", the value"
^XWB(8994,430,2,1,1,8,0)="must be less than or equal to the value in the VERSION field of the Remote"
^XWB(8994,430,2,1,1,9,0)="Procedure file for the RPC to be marked available. Note: if the VERSION"
^XWB(8994,430,2,1,1,10,0)="field is null, the check will fail for any numeric value."
^XWB(8994,430,2,2,0)="RUN CONTEXT^1^1^0^1"
^XWB(8994,430,2,2,1,1,0)="Specific context in which RPCs will run. Possible values are:"
^XWB(8994,430,2,2,1,2,0)=" L = run Locally (on the server the user is logged on to)"
^XWB(8994,430,2,2,1,3,0)=" R = run Remotely (on a server the user is not logged on to)"
^XWB(8994,430,2,2,1,4,0)="If this parameter is not sent, RPC is checked for both local and"
^XWB(8994,430,2,2,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,430,2,2,1,7,0)="The check is done against the value in the INACTIVE field in the "
^XWB(8994,430,2,2,1,8,0)="Remote Procedure file. See that field's description for more details."
^XWB(8994,430,2,"B","RUN CONTEXT",2)=""
^XWB(8994,430,3,1,0)="A 0-based array. The index corresponds to the index of the RPC in the RPC"
^XWB(8994,430,3,2,0)="Input Parameter. A value of 1 means the corresponding RPC is available; a"
^XWB(8994,430,3,3,0)="value of 0 means it is not available."
^XWB(8994,431,0)="XWB REMOTE RPC^EN1^XWB2HL7^2^S^0^^0^1"
^XWB(8994,431,1,1,0)="This is the RPC that is called to request that an application RPC"
^XWB(8994,431,1,2,0)="be run on a remote system. The data is passed by HL7 to the remote system"
^XWB(8994,431,1,3,0)="as is the return value. "
^XWB(8994,431,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,431,1,5,0)="This RPC will return a HANDLE that can be used to check if the data has"
^XWB(8994,431,1,6,0)="been sent back from the remote system. The HANDLE can be used in another"
^XWB(8994,431,1,7,0)="RPC to check the status of the RPC."
^XWB(8994,431,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Institution's station # to send the RPC to."
^XWB(8994,431,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the name of the remote RPC to be run."
^XWB(8994,431,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the first input parameter to the remote RPC."
^XWB(8994,431,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the second input parameter to the remote RPC."
^XWB(8994,431,3,1,0)=" The return value is always an array. The first node of the array is"
^XWB(8994,431,3,2,0)="equal to a string that serves as a HANDLE. This is used to check the"
^XWB(8994,431,3,3,0)="status of a RPC request and to retrieve the results of the RPC."
^XWB(8994,431,3,4,0)=" In the case of an error condition, the first node of the array is"
^XWB(8994,431,3,5,0)="equal to a string with the syntax ""-1^error text""."
^XWB(8994,432,1,1,0)="This RPC will return the status of a remote RPC."
^XWB(8994,432,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the handle used to check the status of the remote RPC."
^XWB(8994,432,3,1,0)=" The return value is always an array. The first node of the array is"
^XWB(8994,432,3,2,0)=" equal to one of the following values:"
^XWB(8994,432,3,3,0)=" ""-1^Bad Handle"" - An invalid handle has been passed. "
^XWB(8994,432,3,4,0)=" ""0^New"" - The request has been sent."
^XWB(8994,432,3,5,0)=" ""0^Running"" - HL7 indicates that the message is being processed."
^XWB(8994,432,3,6,0)=" ""1^Done"" - RPC has completed and the data has returned to the local "
^XWB(8994,432,3,7,0)=" server. The data is not returned by this RPC. Use the XWB REMOTE"
^XWB(8994,432,3,8,0)=" GETDATA RPC to retrieve the data."
^XWB(8994,432,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,432,3,10,0)=" The second node of the array is the status from the HL7 package."
^XWB(8994,433,1,1,0)="This RPC will return an ARRAY with what ever data has been sent back from"
^XWB(8994,433,1,2,0)="the remote site."
^XWB(8994,433,2,1,1,1,0)="The HANDLE from the XWB REMOTE RPC call. It is used to link the call to"
^XWB(8994,433,2,1,1,2,0)="the data."
^XWB(8994,433,3,1,0)=" The return value is the array of data. In the event of an error"
^XWB(8994,433,3,2,0)="condition, the first node of the array is equal to a string with the"
^XWB(8994,433,3,3,0)="syntax ""-1^error text""."
^XWB(8994,434,0)="XWB DEFERRED RPC^EN1^XWBDRPC^2^P^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,434,1,1,0)="This is the RPC that is called to request that a RPC be run through"
^XWB(8994,434,1,2,0)="taskman in the background."
^XWB(8994,434,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,434,1,4,0)="The first parameter is the name of the RPC to be run."
^XWB(8994,434,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,434,1,6,0)="The next 1-10 parameters are the ones for the RPC."
^XWB(8994,434,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter is the name of the RPC to be run in the background. This"
^XWB(8994,434,2,1,1,2,0)="first input parameter may include an optional version information about"
^XWB(8994,434,2,1,1,3,0)="the RPC, making the syntax like this: RPCname^RPCversion. The optional"
^XWB(8994,434,2,1,1,4,0)="version number will be placed in XWBAPVER when the RPC runs in the"
^XWB(8994,434,3,1,0)="The return value is always an array. The first node of the array is equal"
^XWB(8994,434,3,2,0)="to a string that serves as a HANDLE. This is used to check the status of a"
^XWB(8994,434,3,3,0)="RPC request and to retrieve the results of the RPC. In the case of an"
^XWB(8994,434,3,4,0)="error condition, the first node of the array is equal to a string with the"
^XWB(8994,434,3,5,0)="syntax ""-1^error text""."
^XWB(8994,435,1,1,0)="This RPC will return the status of a deferred RPC."
^XWB(8994,435,2,1,1,1,0)="The handle returned from the XWB DEFERRED RPC."
^XWB(8994,435,3,1,0)=" The return value is always an array. The first node of the array is"
^XWB(8994,435,3,2,0)="equal to one of the following values:"
^XWB(8994,435,3,3,0)=" ""-1^Bad Handle"" - An invalid handle has been passed. "
^XWB(8994,435,3,4,0)=" ""O^New"" - The request has been sent."
^XWB(8994,435,3,5,0)=" ""0^Running"" - RPC is still processing"
^XWB(8994,435,3,6,0)=" ""1^Done"" - RPC has completed and the data has returned to the local "
^XWB(8994,435,3,7,0)=" server. The data is not returned by this RPC. Use the XWB REMOTE"
^XWB(8994,435,3,8,0)=" GETDATA RPC to retrieve the data."
^XWB(8994,436,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to return the data from the XWB DEFERRED RPC call."
^XWB(8994,436,2,1,1,1,0)="The HANDLE from the XWB DEFERRED RPC. It is used to link the call to the"
^XWB(8994,436,3,1,0)=" The return value is the array of data. In the event of an error"
^XWB(8994,436,3,2,0)="condition, the first node of the array is equal to a string with the"
^XWB(8994,436,3,3,0)="syntax ""-1^error text""."
^XWB(8994,437,0)="XWB DIRECT RPC^DIRECT^XWB2HL7^2^S^0^^0^1"
^XWB(8994,437,1,1,0)=" This is the Broker RPC that is called to request that a RPC be run on a"
^XWB(8994,437,1,2,0)="remote system. The data is passed by HL7 to the remote system as is the"
^XWB(8994,437,1,3,0)="return value. The difference between this and the XWB REMOTE RPC is this"
^XWB(8994,437,1,4,0)="is a blocking call meaning the user's workstation will not process"
^XWB(8994,437,1,5,0)="anything else until the data returns from the remote system."
^XWB(8994,437,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Institution's station # to send the RPC to."
^XWB(8994,437,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the name of the remote RPC to be run."
^XWB(8994,437,3,1,0)=" The return value is the array of data. In the case of an error"
^XWB(8994,437,3,2,0)="condition, the first node of the array is equal to a string with the"
^XWB(8994,437,3,3,0)="syntax ""-1^error text""."
^XWB(8994,438,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to CLEAR the data under a HANDLE in the ^XTMP global."
^XWB(8994,438,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the HANDLE from the XWB REMOTE RPC."
^XWB(8994,438,3,1,0)="The return value is always an array. The first node of the array is equal"
^XWB(8994,438,3,2,0)="to 1."
^XWB(8994,439,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to CLEAR the data under a handle in the ^XTMP global."
^XWB(8994,439,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the HANDLE from the XWB DEFERRED RPC."
^XWB(8994,439,3,1,0)="The return value is always an array. The first node of the array is equal"
^XWB(8994,439,3,2,0)="to 1."
^XWB(8994,440,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to CLEAR all the data known to this job in the ^XTMP"
^XWB(8994,440,1,2,0)="global. Makes use of the list in ^TMP(""XWBHDL"",$J,handle)."
^XWB(8994,440,3,1,0)="The return value is always an array. The first node of the array is equal"
^XWB(8994,440,3,2,0)="to 1."
^XWB(8994,441,0)="XUS GET TOKEN^ASH^XUSRB4^1^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,441,3,1,0)="This RPC returns a handle to a token that will sign-on a new process."
^XWB(8994,442,1,1,0)="Returns data from Patient Treatment file (#45)."
^XWB(8994,442,1,2,0)="Results(0)=1 (-1 if error)"
^XWB(8994,442,1,3,0)=" (1)=type of disposition^place of disposition^primary ICD9 code"
^XWB(8994,442,1,4,0)=" (2)=2nd thru 10th ICD9 codes (uses ""^"" as delimiter)"
^XWB(8994,442,1,5,0)="(more data may be added later) "
^XWB(8994,442,2,1,1,1,0)="the Patient Treatment IFN (.001 of #45 file)"
^XWB(8994,443,1,1,0)="Returns a list of entries from a cross-reference passed in."
^XWB(8994,444,1,1,0)="Returns an array of orderable items in the format:"
^XWB(8994,444,1,2,0)=" Y(n)=IEN^.01 Name^.01 Name -or- IEN^Synonym <.01 Name>^.01 Name"
^XWB(8994,445,1,1,0)="Return format information for an order dialog in the format:"
^XWB(8994,445,1,2,0)=" LST(n): PrmtID^PrmtIEN^FmtSeq^Fmt^Omit^Lead^Trail^NwLn^Wrap^Chld^IsChld"
^XWB(8994,446,1,1,0)="Return responses for a quick order (no longer used)."
^XWB(8994,447,0)="ORWPCE IMM^IMM^ORWPCE^2"
^XWB(8994,447,1,1,0)="Returns a list of immunizations for a clinic."
^XWB(8994,448,0)="ORWPCE SK^SK^ORWPCE^2"
^XWB(8994,448,1,1,0)="Returns a list of skin tests for a clinic."
^XWB(8994,449,0)="ORWPCE PED^PED^ORWPCE^2"
^XWB(8994,449,1,1,0)="Returns list of education topics for a clinic."
^XWB(8994,450,0)="ORWPCE HF^HF^ORWPCE^2"
^XWB(8994,450,1,1,0)="Returns a list of health factors for a clinic."
^XWB(8994,451,0)="ORWPCE TRT^TRT^ORWPCE^2"
^XWB(8994,451,1,1,0)="Returns a list of treatments for a clinic."
^XWB(8994,452,0)="ORWPCE XAM^XAM^ORWPCE^2"
^XWB(8994,452,1,1,0)="Returns a list of exams for a clinic."
^XWB(8994,453,1,1,0)="Returns values for a set of codes given a file and field number."
^XWB(8994,454,1,1,0)="Returns a list of active immunizations."
^XWB(8994,455,1,1,0)="Returns a list of the active skin test codes."
^XWB(8994,456,1,1,0)="Returns a list of active education topics."
^XWB(8994,457,1,1,0)="Returns a list of active health factor types."
^XWB(8994,458,1,1,0)="Returns the list of active exam types."
^XWB(8994,459,1,1,0)="Returns the list of active treatments."
^XWB(8994,460,0)="ORWDCN32 DEF^DEF^ORWDCN32^2"
^XWB(8994,460,1,1,0)="Load dialog data (lists & defaults) for a consult order. (32-BIT)"
^XWB(8994,461,0)="ORWDRA32 DEF^DEF^ORWDRA32^2"
^XWB(8994,461,1,1,0)="Loads dialog data (lists & defaults) for a radiology order."
^XWB(8994,462,0)="ORWDX SAVE^SAVE^ORWDX^2"
^XWB(8994,462,1,1,0)="Save the order by passing in the following information:"
^XWB(8994,462,1,2,0)=" ORVP=DFN"
^XWB(8994,462,1,3,0)=" ORNP=Provider"
^XWB(8994,462,1,4,0)=" ORL=Location"
^XWB(8994,462,1,5,0)=" DLG=Order Dialog,"
^XWB(8994,462,1,6,0)=" ORDG=Display Group"
^XWB(8994,462,1,7,0)=" ORIT=Quick Order Dialog,"
^XWB(8994,462,1,8,0)=" ORIFN=null if new order"
^XWB(8994,462,1,9,0)=" ORDIALOG=Response List"
^XWB(8994,463,1,1,0)="Returns default lists for order dialogs in CPRS GUI."
^XWB(8994,464,1,1,0)="Returns defaults for pharmacy orderable items."
^XWB(8994,465,1,1,0)="Returns a list of all available medication routes."
^XWB(8994,466,0)="ORWDLR32 DEF^DEF^ORWDLR32^2"
^XWB(8994,466,1,1,0)="Get lab order dialog definition."
^XWB(8994,467,0)="ORWDLR32 LOAD^LOAD^ORWDLR32^2"
^XWB(8994,467,1,1,0)="Return sample, specimen, & urgency info about a lab test."
^XWB(8994,468,1,1,0)="Returns all collection samples in the format:"
^XWB(8994,468,1,2,0)=" n^SampIEN^SampName^SpecPtr^TubeTop^^^LabCollect^^SpecName"
^XWB(8994,469,1,1,0)="Returns a list of lab specimens with abbreviations."
^XWB(8994,470,0)="ORWDLR32 STOP^STOP^ORWDLR33^1"
^XWB(8994,470,1,1,0)="Returns a calculated stop date for a lab order."
^XWB(8994,471,0)="ORWDX SEND^SEND^ORWDX^2"
^XWB(8994,471,1,1,0)="RPC to sign a list of orders with input as follows:"
^XWB(8994,471,1,2,0)=" DFN=Patient"
^XWB(8994,471,1,3,0)=" ORNP=Provider"
^XWB(8994,471,1,4,0)=" ORL=Location"
^XWB(8994,471,1,5,0)=" ES=Encrypted ES code "
^XWB(8994,471,1,6,0)=" ORWREC(n)=ORIFN;Action^Signature Sts^Release Sts^Nature of Order"
^XWB(8994,472,0)="ORWDPS32 AUTH^AUTH^ORWDPS32^1"
^XWB(8994,472,1,1,0)="Checks restrictions for entering inpatient meds. If no restrictions, a 0"
^XWB(8994,472,1,2,0)="is returned. If there is a restriction, it is returned in the format:"
^XWB(8994,472,1,3,0)=" 1^restriction text "
^XWB(8994,473,1,1,0)="Return message text that is associated with a dispense drug."
^XWB(8994,474,1,1,0)="Return 1 if orderable item is an IV medication, otherwise return 0."
^XWB(8994,475,1,1,0)="Return a list of formulary alternatives."
^XWB(8994,476,1,1,0)="Return list of dialogs for writing orders in format:"
^XWB(8994,476,1,2,0)=" Y(n)=DlgName^ListBox Text"
^XWB(8994,477,0)="ORQQCN LIST^LIST^ORQQCN^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,477,1,1,0)="Returns a list of consult requests for a patient within optional date range"
^XWB(8994,477,1,2,0)="and optional service."
^XWB(8994,477,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN from File #2 (Patient File.)"
^XWB(8994,477,2,2,0)="START DATE^1^16"
^XWB(8994,477,2,2,1,1,0)="Optional start date to begin the search."
^XWB(8994,477,2,3,0)="STOP DATE^1^16"
^XWB(8994,477,2,3,1,1,0)="Optional stop date to end the search."
^XWB(8994,477,2,4,1,1,0)="Optional consulting service from the Request Service file (#123.5)."
^XWB(8994,477,2,"B","START DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,477,2,"B","STOP DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,477,3,1,0)="Array of consult requests in the form:"
^XWB(8994,477,3,2,0)="Consult id^date/time of request^status^consulting service^procedure"
^XWB(8994,478,1,1,0)="Returns formatted detailed information regarding the consult request,"
^XWB(8994,478,1,2,0)="including result report if available."
^XWB(8994,478,2,1,0)="CONSULT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,478,2,1,1,1,0)="Consult ID or identifier"
^XWB(8994,478,2,"B","CONSULT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,478,3,1,0)="Formatted array of the detailed request and result report (if any)."
^XWB(8994,479,0)="ORK TRIGGER^EN^ORKCHK^2^R"
^XWB(8994,479,1,1,0)="This function returns a list of order check messages. "
^XWB(8994,479,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,479,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number from the Patient File [#2]."
^XWB(8994,479,2,2,0)="ORDER INFO^2^255^1"
^XWB(8994,479,2,2,1,1,0)="Array of order information in the format: orderable item #|filler app|"
^XWB(8994,479,2,2,1,2,0)="nat't id^nat'l text^nat'l coding system^local id^local text^local coding"
^XWB(8994,479,2,2,1,3,0)="system|order effective date/time|order number."
^XWB(8994,479,2,3,0)="ORDER MODE/EVENT^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,479,2,3,1,1,0)="Indicates the mode or event which trigger the need for order checking."
^XWB(8994,479,2,3,1,2,0)="Set of codes including: DISPLAY, SELECT, ACCEPT, SESSION, NOTIF, ALL."
^XWB(8994,479,2,"B","ORDER INFO",2)=""
^XWB(8994,479,2,"B","ORDER MODE/EVENT",3)=""
^XWB(8994,479,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,479,3,1,0)="Array of formatted order check messages in the format:"
^XWB(8994,479,3,2,0)="order number^order check number^clinical danger level^message"
^XWB(8994,480,1,1,0)="Test version of RECEIVE CONSULT for use with GUI. (REV - 8/22/97)"
^XWB(8994,480,2,1,0)="CONSULT ID^1^16^1^"
^XWB(8994,480,2,1,1,1,0)="Consult IEN from Consults file (123)."
^XWB(8994,480,2,2,0)="CONSULT RECEIVER^1^16^1^"
^XWB(8994,480,2,2,1,1,0)="Person receiving the consult, not necessarily the enterer of the action."
^XWB(8994,480,2,2,1,2,0)="Pointer to NEW PERSON file (200)."
^XWB(8994,480,2,"B","CONSULT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,480,2,"B","CONSULT RECEIVER",2)=""
^XWB(8994,480,3,1,0)="'0' IF SUCCESSFUL, '1^error message' if unsuccessful"
^XWB(8994,481,1,1,0)="Discontinue a consult or deny a consult request."
^XWB(8994,481,2,1,0)="CONSULT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,481,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal file number of the consult/request."
^XWB(8994,481,2,2,0)="PROVIDER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,481,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal file number of the person discontinuing/denying the consult."
^XWB(8994,481,2,2,1,2,0)="Points to NEW PERSON file (#200)"
^XWB(8994,481,2,3,0)="DATE OF ACTION^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,481,2,3,1,1,0)="Date of the discontinuance/denial of the consult."
^XWB(8994,481,2,4,0)="ACTION TYPE^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,481,2,4,1,1,0)="'DC' for discontinue, 'DY' for deny"
^XWB(8994,481,2,5,1,1,0)="Array of comments related to the discontinuance/denial of the consult."
^XWB(8994,481,2,"B","ACTION TYPE",4)=""
^XWB(8994,481,2,"B","CONSULT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,481,2,"B","DATE OF ACTION",3)=""
^XWB(8994,481,2,"B","PROVIDER ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,481,3,1,0)="'1^Error message' if unsuccessful"
^XWB(8994,481,3,2,0)="'0' if successful"
^XWB(8994,482,1,1,0)="Forwards a consult to a subservice of the forwarding service, as defined"
^XWB(8994,482,1,2,0)="in file 123.5"
^XWB(8994,482,2,1,0)="CONSULT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,482,2,1,1,1,0)="Consult IEN from file 123"
^XWB(8994,482,2,2,0)="TO SERVICE^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,482,2,2,1,1,0)="Service to which the consult is to be forwarded. Pointer to file 123.5"
^XWB(8994,482,2,3,1,1,0)="Person performing the forwarding action. If null, defaults to user DUZ."
^XWB(8994,482,2,3,1,2,0)="Points to NEW PERSON file, #200."
^XWB(8994,482,2,4,0)="ATTENTION OF^1^16"
^XWB(8994,482,2,4,1,1,0)="Person to whose attention the consult is being forwarded in the"
^XWB(8994,482,2,4,1,2,0)="destination service. Pointer to NEW PERSON file, #200."
^XWB(8994,482,2,5,1,1,0)="Urgency of the request, as defined in PROTOCOL file."
^XWB(8994,482,2,6,1,1,0)="Comments related to the forwarding action."
^XWB(8994,482,2,"B","ATTENTION OF",4)=""
^XWB(8994,482,2,"B","CONSULT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,482,2,"B","TO SERVICE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,482,3,1,0)="'0' if successful"
^XWB(8994,482,3,2,0)="'1^error message' if unsuccessful"
^XWB(8994,483,1,1,0)="Based on the IEN of the consult passed in, returns a string representing"
^XWB(8994,483,1,2,0)="various facets of the user's access level for that consult and service."
^XWB(8994,483,1,3,0)="This allows dynamic enabling/disabling of GUI menus based on the user's"
^XWB(8994,483,1,4,0)="ability to act on that particular consult. "
^XWB(8994,483,2,1,0)="CONSULT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,483,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal file number of the selected consult."
^XWB(8994,483,2,"B","CONSULT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,483,3,1,0)=" Piece 1 : 1: equivalent to GMRCACTM USER REVIEW SCREEN - simple"
^XWB(8994,483,3,2,0)=" actions"
^XWB(8994,483,3,3,0)=" 2: equivalent to GMRCACTM SERVICE ACTION menu - all actions"
^XWB(8994,483,3,4,0)=" possible to a service user"
^XWB(8994,483,3,5,0)=" 3: equivalent to GMRCACTM TRK MEDICINE CONSULTS menu - all"
^XWB(8994,483,3,6,0)=" actions that the user of the medicine package can take."
^XWB(8994,483,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,483,3,8,0)=" Piece 2 : field in file 123.5 (REQUEST SERVICES) that gave the user"
^XWB(8994,483,3,9,0)=" update authority (ex. Update user w/o Notification)"
^XWB(8994,483,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,483,3,11,0)=" Piece 3 : Service in file 123.5 (REQUEST SERVICES) that gave the user"
^XWB(8994,483,3,12,0)=" update authority (ex. CARDIOLOGY,NEUROLOGY)"
^XWB(8994,483,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,483,3,14,0)=" Piece 4 : contains a 1 if user is allowed to associate medicine"
^XWB(8994,483,3,15,0)=" results with a consult procedure request"
^XWB(8994,483,3,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,483,3,17,0)=" Piece 5 : contains a 1 if user can disassociate a medicine result that"
^XWB(8994,483,3,18,0)=" was incorrectly associated with a consult procedure request"
^XWB(8994,483,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,483,3,20,0)=" Piece 6 : contains a 1 if user is allowed to EDIT and RESUBMIT a"
^XWB(8994,483,3,21,0)=" canceled request"
^XWB(8994,483,3,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,483,3,23,0)=" Piece 7 : 0 - Item is not a Clinical Procedure"
^XWB(8994,483,3,24,0)=" 1 - Item is a Clinical Procedure, but no instrument results"
^XWB(8994,483,3,25,0)=" will be associated with it."
^XWB(8994,483,3,26,0)=" 2 - Item is a Clinical Procedure, but instrument results are"
^XWB(8994,483,3,27,0)=" not yet available for interpretation."
^XWB(8994,483,3,28,0)=" 3 - Item is a Clinical Procedure, instrument results are"
^XWB(8994,483,3,29,0)=" ready for interpretation, but interpretation has not"
^XWB(8994,483,3,30,0)=" yet been completed."
^XWB(8994,483,3,31,0)=" 4 - Item is a Clinical Procedure, and instrument results"
^XWB(8994,483,3,32,0)=" interpretation is complete."
^XWB(8994,484,1,1,0)="Returns a list of applicable urgencies from PROTOCOL file 101,"
^XWB(8994,484,1,2,0)="given a ConsultIEN and type."
^XWB(8994,484,2,1,0)="Consult ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,484,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal file number of consult in file 123."
^XWB(8994,484,2,2,0)="Request type^1^30^0"
^XWB(8994,484,2,2,1,1,0)="Consult or procedure. Pointer to PROTOCOL file 101. Value is"
^XWB(8994,484,2,2,1,2,0)="either 'GMRCOR CONSULT' or 'GMRCOR REQUEST'."
^XWB(8994,484,2,"B","Consult ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,484,2,"B","Request type",2)=""
^XWB(8994,484,3,1,0)="Returns list of urgencies that apply to this request or procedure."
^XWB(8994,484,3,2,0)="in the format IEN^text. IENs are pointers to PROTOCOL file 101."
^XWB(8994,485,1,1,0)="Allows addition of a comment to a consult request/consult without changing"
^XWB(8994,485,1,2,0)="its status. Optionally, allows sending of an alert to the requesting"
^XWB(8994,485,1,3,0)="provider and others."
^XWB(8994,485,2,1,0)="Consult ID^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,485,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of the consult in file 123, REQUEST/CONSULT."
^XWB(8994,485,2,2,1,1,0)="Array of comments in the form ARRAY(0)..ARRAY(n)."
^XWB(8994,485,2,3,1,1,0)="If '1', send an alert to the requesting provider. Otherwise, don't."
^XWB(8994,485,2,4,0)="Alert to^1^80^0^4"
^XWB(8994,485,2,4,1,1,0)="Contains pointers to NEW PERSON FILE (200) for those to receive alert for"
^XWB(8994,485,2,4,1,2,0)="this addition of a comment. "
^XWB(8994,485,2,"B","Alert to",4)=""
^XWB(8994,485,2,"B","Consult ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,485,3,1,0)="0 if successful, '1^error message' if unsuccessful"
^XWB(8994,486,1,1,0)="Given a Consult ID from file 123, return the zero node to the client for"
^XWB(8994,486,1,2,0)="loading into a consult record in RESULTS[0]. If the consult has any"
^XWB(8994,486,1,3,0)="associated TIU records (completion, addenda) these will be returned in"
^XWB(8994,486,2,1,0)="Consult ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,486,2,1,1,1,0)="Consult IEN from file #123, REQUEST/CONSULT."
^XWB(8994,486,2,"B","Consult ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,486,3,1,0)="'-1^error message' if unsuccessful"
^XWB(8994,486,3,2,0)="Zero node from ^GMR(123 if successful as RESULTS[0], and any associated"
^XWB(8994,486,3,3,0)="TIU records in RESULTS[i..j]"
^XWB(8994,487,1,1,0)="Returns a specially formatted list of consult services for use in"
^XWB(8994,487,1,2,0)="populating a GUI TreeView control."
^XWB(8994,488,1,1,0)="Returns a list of consult statuses currently in use, as reflected in the"
^XWB(8994,488,1,2,0)="""AC"" XREF of ^GMR(123.1."
^XWB(8994,488,3,1,0)="List of [Status IEN in ^ORD(100.01 concatenated with status text]"
^XWB(8994,488,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,489,1,1,0)="Returns a display of Medicine Package results, followed by any TIU"
^XWB(8994,489,2,1,0)="Consult ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,489,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of the consults request in file 123,"
^XWB(8994,489,2,"B","Consult ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,489,3,1,0)="Medicine results, followed by TIU results, in word processing format."
^XWB(8994,490,1,1,0)="Function returns a patient's vital measurements between start date and "
^XWB(8994,490,1,2,0)="stop date."
^XWB(8994,490,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,490,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient id (DFN) from Patient File (#2)."
^XWB(8994,490,2,2,0)="START DATE/TIME^1^16"
^XWB(8994,490,2,2,1,1,0)="Start date/time for vital retrieval in Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,490,2,3,0)="STOP DATE/TIME^1^16"
^XWB(8994,490,2,3,1,1,0)="Stop date/time for vital retrieval in Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,490,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,490,2,"B","START DATE/TIME",2)=""
^XWB(8994,490,2,"B","STOP DATE/TIME",3)=""
^XWB(8994,490,3,1,0)="Array of patient vitals within start and stop date/times. If no start and"
^XWB(8994,490,3,2,0)="stop dates are indicated, the most recent are returned. Vitals are "
^XWB(8994,490,3,3,0)="returned in the format:"
^XWB(8994,490,3,4,0)="vital ien^vital type^rate/value^date/time taken"
^XWB(8994,496,0)="ORQQCN SHOW SF513^SHOW513^ORQQCN2^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,496,1,1,0)="Returns text of consults standard form 513 for display in GUI application."
^XWB(8994,497,0)="ORQQCN PRINT SF513^PRT513^ORQQCN2^1"
^XWB(8994,503,1,1,0)="Returns an error message if the selected action is not valid for a"
^XWB(8994,503,1,2,0)="particular CPRS GUI order."
^XWB(8994,504,1,1,0)="RPC to place an existing order on hold."
^XWB(8994,505,1,1,0)="RPC to remove a particular order from hold status."
^XWB(8994,506,0)="ORWDXA DC^DC^ORWDXA^2"
^XWB(8994,506,1,1,0)="RPC to discontinue, cancel, or delete an existing order."
^XWB(8994,507,1,1,0)="RPC to return a list of valid discontinuation reasons."
^XWB(8994,508,1,1,0)="Set order to send an alert when the order is resulted."
^XWB(8994,509,1,1,0)="Flag an existing order."
^XWB(8994,510,1,1,0)="Unflag an existing order."
^XWB(8994,511,1,1,0)="Return text associated with a particular flagged order (reason for flag)."
^XWB(8994,512,1,1,0)="Complete an order."
^XWB(8994,513,1,1,0)="Verify an order via CPRS GUI."
^XWB(8994,514,0)="ORWDPS32 SCSTS^SCSTS^ORWDPS32^1"
^XWB(8994,514,1,1,0)="Return pharmacy-related service connected eligibility for a patient."
^XWB(8994,515,0)="ORWOR RESULT^RESULT^ORWOR^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,515,1,1,0)="Returns results of a CPRS order."
^XWB(8994,516,1,1,0)="Return ward comments for an order."
^XWB(8994,517,1,1,0)="Set ward comments for an order."
^XWB(8994,519,1,1,0)="Return display name for a dialog."
^XWB(8994,520,1,1,0)="Return quick list for a display group."
^XWB(8994,521,1,1,0)="This calls the PCE API $$ACTIVPRV^PXAPI(provider ien, encounter d/t) to"
^XWB(8994,521,1,2,0)="see if the provider can be stored by PCE. Returns a 1 if provider is "
^XWB(8994,521,1,3,0)="good and 0 if the provider is not active or does not have an active "
^XWB(8994,521,1,4,0)="person class."
^XWB(8994,521,2,1,0)="PROVIDER IEN^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,521,2,2,0)="ENCOUNTER DATE/TIME^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,521,2,"B","ENCOUNTER DATE/TIME",2)=""
^XWB(8994,521,2,"B","PROVIDER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,521,3,1,0)="1 if provider is good and 0 if the provider is not active or does not have"
^XWB(8994,521,3,2,0)="an active person class."
^XWB(8994,522,1,1,0)="Returns the maximum number of days for a continuous lab order."
^XWB(8994,523,1,1,0)="Save quick order list."
^XWB(8994,524,1,1,0)="Save display name for quick order dialog."
^XWB(8994,525,1,1,0)="Return IEN of new or existing quick order."
^XWB(8994,526,1,1,0)="Return current quick order name."
^XWB(8994,528,1,1,0)="Returns the base dialog FormID for an order."
^XWB(8994,529,1,1,0)="Return 1 if an order has been released, otherwise return 0."
^XWB(8994,530,1,1,0)="Returns expanded list of display groups."
^XWB(8994,530,1,2,0)="for the current site/user."
^XWB(8994,531,1,1,0)="Return fields for renew action in format:"
^XWB(8994,531,1,2,0)=" LST(0)=RenewType^Start^Stop^Refills^Pickup LST(n)=Comments"
^XWB(8994,532,0)="ORWU VALDT^VALDT^ORWU^1"
^XWB(8994,532,1,1,0)="Validates date/time entry and returns value of Y from %DT call."
^XWB(8994,533,1,1,0)="Renew an existing order."
^XWB(8994,535,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list of patient procedures for a"
^XWB(8994,535,1,2,0)=" specific patient."
^XWB(8994,535,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of patient in the Patient file [^DPT]."
^XWB(8994,536,1,1,0)="Returns a list of specimens from the TOPOGRAPHY FIELD file (#61)."
^XWB(8994,537,1,1,0)="Given a patient and an admission date, return the discharge date/time."
^XWB(8994,537,2,1,1,1,0)="The patient ien (i.e., DFN)."
^XWB(8994,537,2,2,1,1,0)="Date the patient was admitted."
^XWB(8994,537,3,1,0)="Y=DISDT, where DISDT is the discharge date/time, or DT if none."
^XWB(8994,537,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,537,3,3,0)="where DCDT is the discharge date/time, or '0' if none."
^XWB(8994,538,1,1,0)="Returns a list of medications to display on the CPRS GUI cover sheet for a"
^XWB(8994,539,0)="ORWCV VST^VST1^ORWCV^2"
^XWB(8994,539,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a list of appointments and admissions for a patient based"
^XWB(8994,539,1,2,0)="on parameters that define the beginning and ending range for CPRS GUI."
^XWB(8994,540,0)="ORWCV LAB^LAB^ORWCV^2"
^XWB(8994,540,1,1,0)="Returns a list of labs to display on the CPRS GUI cover sheet for a"
^XWB(8994,541,1,1,0)="Checks the value of the ORWOR COVER RETRIEVAL parameter and queues"
^XWB(8994,541,1,2,0)="processes to build CPRS GUI cover sheet lists as specified in the"
^XWB(8994,542,1,1,0)="This API returns the text of a progress note or discharge summary related"
^XWB(8994,542,1,2,0)="to a visit/appointment."
^XWB(8994,543,0)="ORWCV POLL^POLL^ORWCV^2"
^XWB(8994,543,1,1,0)="This RPC is a process to poll the cover sheet tasks for completion and"
^XWB(8994,543,1,2,0)="display the information in the appropriate CPRS GUI cover sheet location."
^XWB(8994,544,0)="ORWCV STOP^STOP^ORWCV^1"
^XWB(8994,544,1,1,0)="RPC to stop retrieval of cover sheet information for CPRS GUI."
^XWB(8994,545,1,1,0)="Saves user's preference for default list source."
^XWB(8994,546,0)="ORWORR GET4LST^GET4V11^ORWORR^2"
^XWB(8994,546,1,1,0)="Returns the order fields for a list of orders."
^XWB(8994,547,0)="ORWORR AGET^AGET^ORWORR^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,547,1,1,0)="Get an abbreviated order list for a patient in the format:"
^XWB(8994,547,1,2,0)=" ^TMP(""ORR"",$J,ORLIST,n)=IFN^DGrp^ActTm"
^XWB(8994,551,1,1,0)="Function returns notifications for current user."
^XWB(8994,552,1,1,0)="Returns the notification sort method for user/division/system/pkg."
^XWB(8994,554,1,1,0)="Returns the server version of a particular option. This is specifically"
^XWB(8994,554,1,2,0)="used by CPRS GUI to determine the current server version of the associated"
^XWB(8994,555,0)="ORWDX LOCK^LOCK^ORWDX^1"
^XWB(8994,555,1,1,0)="RPC to attempt to lock patient for ordering (returns 1 if successful or 0"
^XWB(8994,555,1,2,0)="if unsuccessful)."
^XWB(8994,556,1,1,0)="Unlocks the patient for ordering purposes."
^XWB(8994,557,0)="ORWDPS32 IVAMT^IVAMT^ORWDPS32^1"
^XWB(8994,557,1,1,0)="Returns return UNITS^AMOUNT |^AMOUNT^AMOUNT...| for IV solutions."
^XWB(8994,558,1,1,0)="Return a 1 if IV rate text is valid, otherwise return 0."
^XWB(8994,559,1,1,0)="Returns the default list for the vitals order dialog in CPRS GUI."
^XWB(8994,560,1,1,0)="Build list of active problems for patient."
^XWB(8994,561,1,1,0)="Given an XQAID, return XQADATA for an alert."
^XWB(8994,562,1,1,0)="Given a Consult IEN in file 123, return a formatted list item for that"
^XWB(8994,562,1,2,0)="single consult only, in the same format as returned by ORQQCN LIST."
^XWB(8994,563,1,1,0)="Given an orderable item from the S.PROC XREF in 101.43, return the"
^XWB(8994,563,1,2,0)="Consults service from 123.5 that can perform the procedure."
^XWB(8994,563,2,1,0)="ORDERABLE ITEM ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,563,2,"B","ORDERABLE ITEM ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,564,0)="ORWDFH TXT^TXT^ORWDFH^2"
^XWB(8994,564,1,1,0)="RPC to return the text of the current and any future diets for a patient."
^XWB(8994,565,1,1,0)="Returns dietetics parameters for a patient at a location."
^XWB(8994,566,1,1,0)="Returns a list of active tubefeeding products."
^XWB(8994,567,1,1,0)="For a diet order, this RPC returns:"
^XWB(8994,567,1,2,0)=" Orderable Item^Text^Type^Precedence^AskExpire "
^XWB(8994,568,1,1,0)="Returns active diets (including NPO) in the format:"
^XWB(8994,568,1,2,0)=" IEN^NAME"
^XWB(8994,568,1,3,0)=" or IEN^SYNONYM <NAME>^NAME"
^XWB(8994,569,1,1,0)="Returns cc's given a product, strength, and quantity."
^XWB(8994,570,0)="ORWDX MSG^MSG^ORWDX^2"
^XWB(8994,570,1,1,0)="Return message text for an orderable item."
^XWB(8994,571,0)="ORWDX DGRP^DGRP^ORWDX^1"
^XWB(8994,571,1,1,0)="Returns the display group pointer for an order dialog."
^XWB(8994,572,1,1,0)="Return the IEN for Requesting Physician Cancelled reason."
^XWB(8994,573,1,1,0)="Returns the text of an existing order."
^XWB(8994,574,1,1,0)="RPC to add a late tray diet order."
^XWB(8994,575,1,1,0)="Returns the IEN for the Isolation/Precaution orderable item."
^XWB(8994,576,1,1,0)="Return a patient's current isolation."
^XWB(8994,577,1,1,0)="Returns a list of active Isolation/Precaution Type (file #119.4) entries."
^XWB(8994,578,1,1,0)="Given a TIU XQAID, return the patient and document type for the item being"
^XWB(8994,578,2,1,1,1,0)="The XQAID of the alert."
^XWB(8994,578,3,1,0)="TIUDA^DFN^gui tab indicator"
^XWB(8994,578,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,578,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,578,3,5,0)="TIUDA is the document IEN in ^TIU(8925"
^XWB(8994,578,3,6,0)="DFN is the patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,578,3,7,0)="gui tab indicator is an arbitrarily set constant based on the document"
^XWB(8994,578,3,8,0)=" type."
^XWB(8994,579,1,1,0)="Return type of dietetics order based on display group."
^XWB(8994,580,1,1,0)="Return 1 if orderable item is a supply, otherwise return 0."
^XWB(8994,581,2,1,0)="Consult ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,581,2,"B","Consult ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,582,1,1,0)="Is the given time a routine lab collection time for the given location?"
^XWB(8994,582,2,1,0)="Collection Time^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,582,2,1,1,1,0)="Valid FileMan data/time string to check whether it is a valid lab"
^XWB(8994,582,2,1,1,2,0)="collect time."
^XWB(8994,582,2,2,1,1,0)="Pointer to Hospital Location"
^XWB(8994,582,2,"B","Collection Time",1)=""
^XWB(8994,582,3,1,0)="True if a valid lab collect time"
^XWB(8994,582,3,2,0)="False if not, or if parameters missing or invalid"
^XWB(8994,583,1,1,0)="Returns menu contents for an order dialog in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,583,1,2,0)=" LST(0)=name^# cols^path switch^^^ Key Variables (pieces 6-20)"
^XWB(8994,583,1,3,0)=" LST(n)=col^row^type^ien^formid^autoaccept^display text^mnemonic"
^XWB(8994,583,1,4,0)=" ^displayonly"
^XWB(8994,584,1,1,0)="Return the FormID for a dialog entry."
^XWB(8994,585,1,1,0)="Return prompting information for a generic dialog in the format:"
^XWB(8994,586,1,1,0)="Return name(s) of dialog & base dialog given IEN in format:"
^XWB(8994,586,1,2,0)=" VAL=InternalName^DisplayName^BaseDialogIEN^BaseDialogName"
^XWB(8994,587,1,1,0)="Return primary care information for a patient in the format:"
^XWB(8994,587,1,2,0)=" VAL=Primary Care Team^Primary Care Provider^Attending"
^XWB(8994,588,1,1,0)="Returns primary care detailed information about a patient."
^XWB(8994,589,1,1,0)="Returns a 1 if a specified user holds a specified key, otherwise returns"
^XWB(8994,590,1,1,0)="Returns the dialog IEN for an order."
^XWB(8994,591,1,1,0)="Validate a schedule and return a 1 if it is valid, otherwise return 0."
^XWB(8994,592,1,1,0)="Validate a medication quantity and return a 1 if it is valid, otherwise"
^XWB(8994,592,1,2,0)="return 0."
^XWB(8994,593,1,1,0)="Place a quick order in CPRS GUI without the verify step."
^XWB(8994,594,1,1,0)="Returns the global reference for a particular file number."
^XWB(8994,595,1,1,0)="Returns a 1 if the dialog should be kept for another order, otherwise 0."
^XWB(8994,596,0)="ORWUXT LST^LST^ORWUXT^2"
^XWB(8994,597,0)="ORWUXT VAL^VAL^ORWUXT^1"
^XWB(8994,598,0)="ORWUXT REF^REF^ORWUXT^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,599,1,1,0)="Returns help text showing lab immediate collect times for the user's"
^XWB(8994,600,1,1,0)="Returns default immediate collect time for the user's division."
^XWB(8994,600,3,1,0)="Fileman Date/time^text date/time"
^XWB(8994,601,1,1,0)="Determines whether the suplied time is a valid lab immediate collect time."
^XWB(8994,601,3,1,0)="1^message if valid."
^XWB(8994,601,3,2,0)="0^message if invalid"
^XWB(8994,602,1,1,0)="Returns a list of comments associated with a problem IEN."
^XWB(8994,602,2,1,0)="Problem IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,602,2,"B","Problem IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,603,0)="ORWDXC ON^ON^ORWDXC^1"
^XWB(8994,603,1,1,0)="Returns E if order checking enabled, otherwise D."
^XWB(8994,604,1,1,0)="Return list of Order Checks for a FillerID (namespace)."
^XWB(8994,605,1,1,0)="Return the FillerID (namespace) for a dialog."
^XWB(8994,606,1,1,0)="Return list of Order Checks on Accept Order."
^XWB(8994,607,1,1,0)="Save order checks for session."
^XWB(8994,608,1,1,0)="Return list of order checks on release of order."
^XWB(8994,609,1,1,0)="Delete order."
^XWB(8994,610,1,1,0)="Allows resubmission of a cancelled consult or procedure request after"
^XWB(8994,610,1,2,0)="editing. This is a backdoor resubmission, and CPRS will be notified via"
^XWB(8994,610,1,3,0)="the HL7 proocess."
^XWB(8994,611,1,1,0)="Check patient's unsigned orders, and kill unsigned orders alert for this"
^XWB(8994,611,1,2,0)="user if no unsigned orders remain for his/her signature."
^XWB(8994,611,2,1,0)="Patient DFN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,611,2,"B","Patient DFN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,612,1,1,0)="Returns a list of orderable procedures. Same as ORDITM^ORWDX except:"
^XWB(8994,612,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,612,1,3,0)="1. Checks inactive date in file 101.43 against NOW instead of DT."
^XWB(8994,612,1,4,0)="2. Checks for at least one service that can perform the procedure."
^XWB(8994,612,1,5,0)="3. Returns variable pointer to procedure in 4th piece of each item."
^XWB(8994,613,1,1,0)="Given a consult IEN, returns the current values of that record's fields."
^XWB(8994,613,2,1,0)="Consult IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,613,2,"B","Consult IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,613,3,1,0)="Returns a compound array in the format:"
^XWB(8994,613,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,613,3,3,0)="~SECTION NAME"
^XWB(8994,613,3,4,0)="dCurrent value"
^XWB(8994,613,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,613,3,10,0)="for processing in the GUI."
^XWB(8994,614,1,1,0)="Returns the fields for a single order in the format:"
^XWB(8994,614,1,2,0)=" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12"
^XWB(8994,614,1,3,0)=" .LST=~IFN^Grp^ActTm^StrtTm^StopTm^Sts^Sig^Nrs^Clk^PrvID^PrvNam^ActDA"
^XWB(8994,615,1,1,0)="Given a text string, return a list of possible matches from several"
^XWB(8994,615,1,2,0)="different sources."
^XWB(8994,615,2,1,0)="user input string^1^32^1"
^XWB(8994,615,2,"B","user input string",1)=""
^XWB(8994,616,0)="ORWDAL32 DEF^DEF^ORWDAL32^2"
^XWB(8994,616,1,1,0)="Returns default values and list sets for Allergy ordering dialog."
^XWB(8994,618,1,1,0)="Because the combo box on the Consults order dialog needs to include a"
^XWB(8994,618,1,2,0)="shortlist at the top, a call was needed that returned the list of consults"
^XWB(8994,618,1,3,0)="services alphabetically as a long list. This is it."
^XWB(8994,618,2,1,1,1,0)="Starting service for the returned list, full or partial name."
^XWB(8994,618,2,2,1,1,0)="Direction of the lookup."
^XWB(8994,618,3,1,0)="List of consults services as returned by GMRCASV, but in alphabetical"
^XWB(8994,618,3,2,0)="order with no duplicates, for display/selection in a long list box."
^XWB(8994,619,1,1,0)="Returns order dialog information for a new medication."
^XWB(8994,620,1,1,0)="Returns default for refill location (mail or window)."
^XWB(8994,621,1,1,0)="RPC to submit a request for a refill."
^XWB(8994,622,1,1,0)="This rpc is used to print a report on the Labs tab"
^XWB(8994,622,1,2,0)="in CPRS."
^XWB(8994,622,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the device where the report should print."
^XWB(8994,622,2,1,1,3,0)="Format: <device name> ; <right margin> ; <page length>"
^XWB(8994,622,2,1,1,5,0)="Right margin and page length are optional."
^XWB(8994,622,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the Patient file."
^XWB(8994,622,2,3,0)="REPORT ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,622,2,3,1,1,0)="Identification number of the desired report."
^XWB(8994,622,2,5,0)="DATE RANGE^1^5^0"
^XWB(8994,622,2,5,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates the number of days from TODAY"
^XWB(8994,622,2,5,1,2,0)="that the report should search for information."
^XWB(8994,622,2,"B","DATE RANGE",5)=""
^XWB(8994,622,2,"B","REPORT ID",3)=""
^XWB(8994,622,3,1,0)="If the print request was successfully queued then the"
^XWB(8994,622,3,2,0)="Task manager task number is return. Otherwise, and error"
^XWB(8994,622,3,3,0)="code and error description are returned."
^XWB(8994,622,3,5,0)="Error Code Table:"
^XWB(8994,622,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,622,3,8,0)=" Code Text"
^XWB(8994,622,3,9,0)=" ---- ----"
^XWB(8994,622,3,10,0)=" 0 <Task Number>"
^XWB(8994,622,3,11,0)=" 1 No device selected"
^XWB(8994,622,3,12,0)=" 2 No report specified"
^XWB(8994,622,3,13,0)=" 3 Report type specified is not valid"
^XWB(8994,622,3,14,0)=" 4 No date range specified"
^XWB(8994,622,3,15,0)=" 6 Patient specified is not valid"
^XWB(8994,623,2,1,0)="Problem IFN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,623,2,"B","Problem IFN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,624,1,1,0)="Build responses for an order"
^XWB(8994,624,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,624,1,4,0)=" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11-20"
^XWB(8994,624,1,5,0)="FLDS=DFN^LOC^ORNP^INPT^SEX^AGE^EVENT^SC%^^^Key Variables..."
^XWB(8994,624,1,6,0)="ORIT=+ORIT: ptr to 101.41, $E(ORIT)=C: copy $E(ORIT)=X: change"
^XWB(8994,624,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,624,1,10,0)="LST(n)=verify text or rejection text"
^XWB(8994,625,1,1,0)="Clear ORECALL. Used by CPRS GUI to clean up ^TMP(""ORECALL"",$J) and"
^XWB(8994,626,1,1,0)="Returns disabled message for an ordering dialog."
^XWB(8994,627,1,1,0)="Returns date of death if patient has expired. Otherwise returns 0."
^XWB(8994,628,0)="ORWD1 PARAM^PARAM^ORWD1^1"
^XWB(8994,628,1,1,0)="Returns the prompt and device parameters for Automated order prints"
^XWB(8994,628,2,1,1,1,0)="Pointer to the Hospital location file where the prints are generated"
^XWB(8994,628,3,1,0)="See description in PARAM^ORWD1"
^XWB(8994,629,0)="ORWPT CWAD^CWAD^ORWPT^1"
^XWB(8994,629,1,1,0)="Returns the CWAD flag(s) for a patient."
^XWB(8994,630,1,1,0)="Same as ORWDX SEND, but allows print devices as parameter."
^XWB(8994,630,2,1,1,1,0)="chart device^label device^requisition device^work copy device"
^XWB(8994,630,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,630,2,1,1,3,0)="All are pointers to the DEVICE file."
^XWB(8994,631,1,1,0)="RPC used by CPRS GUI to print orders to a designated print device."
^XWB(8994,632,0)="ORQQVI1 DETAIL^DETAIL^ORQQVI1^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,633,1,1,0)="Returns order sheets for a patient."
^XWB(8994,634,1,1,0)="Returns a list of valid treating specialities."
^XWB(8994,635,1,1,0)="RPC used by CPRS GUI to print orders to a designated print device after"
^XWB(8994,635,1,2,0)="the review or sign actions were used."
^XWB(8994,636,1,1,0)="Returns device information related to a location/nature of order when an"
^XWB(8994,636,1,2,0)="order is signed or released via CPRS GUI."
^XWB(8994,637,0)="ORWD2 MANUAL^MANUAL^ORWD2^1"
^XWB(8994,637,1,1,0)="Returns device information for manual prints done via CPRS GUI."
^XWB(8994,638,1,1,0)="Return the menu style for the system."
^XWB(8994,639,1,1,0)="Saves preferred view (inpatient/outpatient) and list of preferred"
^XWB(8994,639,1,2,0)="clinics/services to NEW PERSON file, field 125.nn. Also sets value of"
^XWB(8994,639,1,3,0)="parameter [ORCH CONTEXT PROBLEMS], which controls the default status of"
^XWB(8994,639,1,4,0)="the problems shown, as well as whether comments should be displayed."
^XWB(8994,639,1,5,0)="Preferences take effect for both GUI and List Manager, and can be changed"
^XWB(8994,639,1,6,0)="from either interface."
^XWB(8994,639,2,1,1,1,0)="See field 125.nn of the NEW PERSON file for format of the first piece,"
^XWB(8994,639,2,1,1,2,0)="related to inpatient/outpatient and clinics/services."
^XWB(8994,639,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,639,2,1,1,4,0)="Piece 2 is in the format 'a;b;c;d'. The first two ';' pieces are ignored."
^XWB(8994,639,2,1,1,5,0)="The third piece represents the status of the problems to be displayed"
^XWB(8994,639,2,1,1,6,0)="(A,I,R,B) for Active, Inactive, Removed, and Both Active/Inactive. The"
^XWB(8994,639,2,1,1,7,0)="4th ';' piece is a 1 to show comments, and a 0 to hide comments. See"
^XWB(8994,639,2,1,1,8,0)="parameter ORCH CONTEXT PROBLEMS for description."
^XWB(8994,641,1,1,0)="Returns data for one collection sample in the format: "
^XWB(8994,641,1,2,0)=" n^SampIEN^SampName^SpecPtr^TubeTop^^^LabCollect^^SpecName"
^XWB(8994,641,2,1,0)="COLL SAMP IEN^1^32^1"
^XWB(8994,641,2,"B","COLL SAMP IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,642,1,1,0)="Returns IEN^NAME of requested a TOPOGRAPHY FIELD (file #61) entry."
^XWB(8994,642,2,1,0)="SPECIMEN IEN^1^32^1"
^XWB(8994,642,2,"B","SPECIMEN IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,643,1,1,0)="Returns a list of wards from the HOSPITAL LOCATION file."
^XWB(8994,645,0)="ORWDPS32 DOSES^DOSES^ORWDPS32^2"
^XWB(8994,645,1,1,0)="Return doses for an orderable item."
^XWB(8994,646,1,1,0)="Given an SSN in the format 999999999(P), return a list of matching"
^XWB(8994,646,2,1,1,1,0)="SSN in the format '999999999(P)'."
^XWB(8994,653,1,1,0)="Auto unflag orders/delete alert."
^XWB(8994,654,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the default settings for the display of imaging exams on"
^XWB(8994,654,1,2,0)="the reports tab. "
^XWB(8994,654,3,1,0)="The format of the returned string is as follows (pieces separated by '^')"
^XWB(8994,654,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,654,3,3,0)=" Piece Description"
^XWB(8994,654,3,4,0)=" ----- -----------"
^XWB(8994,654,3,5,0)=" 1 Beginning date for search"
^XWB(8994,654,3,6,0)=" 2 End date for search"
^XWB(8994,654,3,7,0)=" 3 Maximum number of exams"
^XWB(8994,655,1,1,0)="Return the contents of an order set in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,655,1,2,0)=" LST(0): SetDisplayText^Key Variables"
^XWB(8994,655,1,3,0)=" LST(n): DlgIEN^DlgType^DisplayText"
^XWB(8994,656,1,1,0)="Return list or order checks on accept delayed orders."
^XWB(8994,657,1,1,0)="This RPC loads the size (bounds) for a particular CPRS GUI control. "
^XWB(8994,658,3,1,0)="ifn^status, or 0 if not found"
^XWB(8994,659,2,2,0)="PATIENT DFN^1^32"
^XWB(8994,659,2,"B","PATIENT DFN",2)=""
^XWB(8994,660,1,1,0)="RPC to attempt to lock a specific order."
^XWB(8994,661,1,1,0)="RPC to unlock a specific order."
^XWB(8994,662,1,1,0)="Returns dialog information when NEW CONSULT/PROCEDURE is selected from"
^XWB(8994,662,1,2,0)="the consults tab."
^XWB(8994,662,2,1,0)="dialog type^1^1^1"
^XWB(8994,662,2,1,1,1,0)="""C"" for consult, ""P"" for procedure"
^XWB(8994,662,2,"B","dialog type",1)=""
^XWB(8994,664,3,1,0)=" ; Input:"
^XWB(8994,664,3,2,0)=" ; SERV = IEN from REQUEST SERVICES (#123.5) file"
^XWB(8994,664,3,3,0)=" ;"
^XWB(8994,664,3,4,0)=" ; Returns: string A^B"
^XWB(8994,664,3,5,0)=" ; A = O (optional), R (required) or S (suppress)"
^XWB(8994,664,3,6,0)=" ; B = F (free-text) or L (lexicon)"
^XWB(8994,665,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patients currently residing on a specified ward"
^XWB(8994,666,1,1,0)="Prints CPRS GUI information to windows printer."
^XWB(8994,667,0)="ORQQCN SF513 WINDOWS PRINT^WPRT513^ORQQCN2^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,667,1,1,0)="Print consults Standard Form 513 to Windows device from GUI application."
^XWB(8994,668,1,1,0)="Prints text from CPRS GUI to a windows printer."
^XWB(8994,669,1,1,0)="Returns a list of the remote VA facilities at which the selected patient"
^XWB(8994,669,1,2,0)="has been seen."
^XWB(8994,670,1,1,0)="Returns a list of lab collect times for a date and location."
^XWB(8994,671,1,1,0)="Returns whether the Windows printer is set as the default for the user. "
^XWB(8994,672,1,1,0)="Returns default printer."
^XWB(8994,673,1,1,0)="Saves printer as user's default printer."
^XWB(8994,674,1,1,0)="Return value (see details there) determines if and when the consults"
^XWB(8994,674,1,2,0)="'reason for request' can be edited."
^XWB(8994,674,2,1,0)="SERVICE ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,674,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of consults service from file 123.5"
^XWB(8994,674,2,"B","SERVICE ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,674,3,1,0)="0=editable anytime"
^XWB(8994,674,3,2,0)="1=editable only on edit of order before release"
^XWB(8994,674,3,3,0)="2=never editable"
^XWB(8994,675,1,1,0)="Returns a formatted global of a TIU document for output to a Windows print"
^XWB(8994,675,2,1,0)="Note IEN^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,675,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of document in file 8925."
^XWB(8994,675,2,2,0)="Chart Copy?^1^2"
^XWB(8994,675,2,2,1,1,0)="If true, print chart copy, else print work copy."
^XWB(8994,675,2,"B","Chart Copy?",2)=""
^XWB(8994,675,2,"B","Note IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,675,3,1,0)="Formatted global containing the text of the document."
^XWB(8994,676,1,1,0)="This RPC returns an array of the ADHOC Health Summary components."
^XWB(8994,676,3,1,0)="Here is the format of the returned array:"
^XWB(8994,676,3,2,0)="Y(i)=(1)I;IFN^(2)Component Name [Abb]^(3)Occ Limit^(4)Time Limit^(5)Header"
^XWB(8994,676,3,3,0)="Name^(6)Hosp Loc Disp^(7)ICD Text Disp^(8)Prov Narr Disp^(9)Summary Order"
^XWB(8994,677,1,1,0)="This RPC gets a list of files to select from for the ADHOC Health Summary."
^XWB(8994,677,3,1,0)="An array of files is returned that can be selected from for this component"
^XWB(8994,677,3,2,0)="in the format:"
^XWB(8994,677,3,3,0)=" Y(i)=ifn^filename^file #^Selection limit"
^XWB(8994,677,3,4,0)="This is taken from the subfile:"
^XWB(8994,678,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to build the ADHOC Health Summary from an array of"
^XWB(8994,678,1,2,0)="pre-selected health summary components."
^XWB(8994,678,2,1,1,1,0)="The input array is defined as:"
^XWB(8994,678,2,1,1,2,0)="COMPS(i)=array of subcomponents chosen, value is pointer at"
^XWB(8994,678,2,1,1,4,0)="Additional pieces may be present for components that require additional"
^XWB(8994,678,2,1,1,5,0)="parameters such as Headers, Time and Occurrance limits, and selected file"
^XWB(8994,678,2,1,1,6,0)="entries, such as selected lab tests."
^XWB(8994,678,2,1,1,7,0)=" COMPS(i)=segment^OccuranceLimit^TimeLimit^Header^segment^file^ifn^zeroth"
^XWB(8994,678,2,1,1,8,0)="node of file"
^XWB(8994,678,3,1,0)="Text array for report section is returned."
^XWB(8994,678,3,3,0)="Also, the first line of the text contains the following information:"
^XWB(8994,678,3,4,0)=" <number of current section being passed> ^ <last section number>"
^XWB(8994,679,1,1,0)="This RPC gets the list of file entries for the file defined for a specific"
^XWB(8994,679,1,2,0)="Health Summary component on the ADHOC Health Summary. Current choices"
^XWB(8994,679,1,3,0)="include files 60, 9999999.64, 811.9, 8925.1, 81, and possibly others"
^XWB(8994,679,1,4,0)="(handled generically). The file entries are used to populate a combo box"
^XWB(8994,679,1,5,0)="on the form."
^XWB(8994,679,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the file number for the entries to be used to populate the combo"
^XWB(8994,679,3,1,0)="The global array returned is in the format:"
^XWB(8994,679,3,2,0)=" ifn^zero node of the entry (e.g. ^LAB(60,DA,0))"
^XWB(8994,680,1,1,0)="This RPC expands a Laboratory Test panel to all it's sub-components for"
^XWB(8994,680,1,2,0)="selection in the ADHOC Health Summary."
^XWB(8994,680,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer value to the Laboratory Test (#60) file of the panel"
^XWB(8994,680,2,1,1,2,0)="to be expanded."
^XWB(8994,680,3,1,0)="The array returned is a list of all the components of a Laboratory test"
^XWB(8994,680,3,2,0)="panel. Each array element has the following data:"
^XWB(8994,680,3,3,0)=" Y(i)=test ptr^zero node of ^LAB(60,ifn,0)"
^XWB(8994,681,1,1,0)="Returns a list of historical locations from the LOCATION file"
^XWB(8994,682,1,1,0)="Return 1 if Interactive Reminders are active, otherwise return 0."
^XWB(8994,683,1,1,0)="Returns the visit IEN."
^XWB(8994,684,1,1,0)="Returns indication of whether a consult/procedure request can be"
^XWB(8994,684,2,1,0)="Consult IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,684,2,1,1,1,0)="Pointer to record in file 123."
^XWB(8994,684,2,"B","Consult IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,684,3,1,0)="1 if editable and can be resubmitted."
^XWB(8994,684,3,2,0)="0^REASON if not resubmittable."
^XWB(8994,685,1,1,0)="Evaluate expiring med orders. If none remain, kill current alert for"
^XWB(8994,685,1,2,0)="current user. Kill for other users if alert so defined."
^XWB(8994,685,2,1,0)="Patient DFN^1^32^1"
^XWB(8994,685,2,"B","Patient DFN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,686,1,1,0)="Returns message if patient has data on a legacy system."
^XWB(8994,687,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE of the indicated clinic is a mental health clinic."
^XWB(8994,687,2,1,1,1,0)="Clinic IEN."
^XWB(8994,688,0)="ORWPCE GAFOK^GAFOK^ORWPCE2^1^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,688,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if supporting mental health code exists to read and write"
^XWB(8994,688,1,2,0)="GAF scores."
^XWB(8994,689,1,1,0)="Returns a list of GAF Scores"
^XWB(8994,689,2,1,1,1,0)="ORINPUT(""DFN"") = Patient DFN."
^XWB(8994,689,2,1,1,2,0)="ORINPUT(""LIMIT"") = Number of most recent GAF scores to retrieve."
^XWB(8994,689,3,1,0)="Array of GAF Scores."
^XWB(8994,690,1,1,0)="Saves a GAF Score."
^XWB(8994,690,2,1,1,1,0)="ORINPUT(""DFN"") = Patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,690,2,1,1,2,0)="ORINPUT(""GAF"") = GAF Score"
^XWB(8994,690,2,1,1,3,0)="ORINPUT(""DATE"") = Date/Time of Diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,690,2,1,1,4,0)="ORINPUT(""STAFF"") = Diagnosis By DUZ"
^XWB(8994,691,1,1,0)="Returns the number of days in the future to allow Lab Collects."
^XWB(8994,692,0)="ORWPCE FORCE^FORCE^ORWPCE2^1^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,692,1,1,0)="Returns the value of the ORWPCE FORCE GUI PCE ENTRY parameter."
^XWB(8994,692,2,1,1,1,0)="The user to check the parameter for."
^XWB(8994,692,2,2,1,1,0)="Location to use in checking the parameter."
^XWB(8994,693,1,1,0)="Returns the IEN for a route if the name is valid."
^XWB(8994,694,1,1,0)="Retrieves the user's default view for the orders tab."
^XWB(8994,695,1,1,0)="Sets the default view on the orders tab for the user."
^XWB(8994,696,0)="ORWU PARAM^PARAM^ORWU^1"
^XWB(8994,696,1,1,0)="Simple call to return a parameter value. The call assumes the current"
^XWB(8994,696,1,2,0)="user, 'defaultable' entities, and one instance."
^XWB(8994,697,1,1,0)="Does a lookup similar to GENERIC^ORWU. Also allows passing of a reference"
^XWB(8994,697,1,2,0)="to a screen in the Order Dialog file to screen to lookup."
^XWB(8994,698,1,1,0)="Validates a numeric entry."
^XWB(8994,699,1,1,0)="After viewing unsigned orders for a patient via an alert, evaluates"
^XWB(8994,699,1,2,0)="whether the alert should be deleted for the current user."
^XWB(8994,699,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,699,1,4,0)="The following two exception conditions exist when determining how alert"
^XWB(8994,699,1,5,0)="deletion will occur. In all other cases, alert deletion will occur when"
^XWB(8994,699,1,6,0)="the patient has no unsigned orders."
^XWB(8994,699,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,699,1,8,0)="1) If the recipient of this alert does NOT have the ORES key, the"
^XWB(8994,699,1,9,0)="alert will be deleted for that recipient after he reviews the unsigned"
^XWB(8994,699,1,10,0)="orders. "
^XWB(8994,699,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,699,1,12,0)="2) If the recipient has the ORES key and is NOT linked to the patient"
^XWB(8994,699,1,13,0)="as attending, inpatient primary provider or via OE/RR teams, his alert"
^XWB(8994,699,1,14,0)="will be deleted when his unsigned orders are signed. (If unsigned orders"
^XWB(8994,699,1,15,0)="written by other providers for the patient remain, alerts for these other "
^XWB(8994,699,1,16,0)="providers will not be deleted.) For example, a consulting surgeon (with"
^XWB(8994,699,1,17,0)="ORES) places three unsigned orders for a patient. He then receives an"
^XWB(8994,699,1,18,0)="""Order requires electronic signature"" alert for the patient. He uses the "
^XWB(8994,699,1,19,0)="View Alerts follow-up action and is presented with ten unsigned orders for"
^XWB(8994,699,1,20,0)="the patient. Only three of the ten orders are his. The surgeon signs his"
^XWB(8994,699,1,21,0)="three unsigned orders. If the surgeon is not linked to the patient as"
^XWB(8994,699,1,22,0)="attending, inpatient primary providers or via OE/RR teams, the alert will "
^XWB(8994,699,1,23,0)="be deleted (for him only.) "
^XWB(8994,699,1,24,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,699,1,25,0)="In most cases alert deletion will occur when the patient has no unsigned"
^XWB(8994,699,1,26,0)="orders. For example, if a recipient has the ORES key and is linked to the"
^XWB(8994,699,1,27,0)="patient as attending, inpatient primary provider or via OE/RR teams, all"
^XWB(8994,699,1,28,0)="unsigned orders for the patient must be signed before his alert is"
^XWB(8994,699,2,1,1,1,0)="The alert ID."
^XWB(8994,699,3,1,0)="Nothing returned."
^XWB(8994,700,1,1,0)="Given a TIU document IEN, return the information required to construct a"
^XWB(8994,700,1,2,0)="listbox item for that single document."
^XWB(8994,700,2,1,0)="Documemnt IEN^1^32^1"
^XWB(8994,700,2,"B","Documemnt IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,700,3,1,0)=" The return element has pieces with the following positional values:"
^XWB(8994,700,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,700,3,5,0)=" Discharge Date/time^Variable Pointer to Request (e.g., Consult)^# of"
^XWB(8994,700,3,6,0)=" Associated Images"
^XWB(8994,701,1,1,0)="Returns the passed array with the second piece set to 0 or 1."
^XWB(8994,701,2,1,1,1,0)="This array contains the values that would be present in the 811.1 file's"
^XWB(8994,701,2,1,1,2,0)="""B"" cross reference. Since the .01 field of this file is a variable"
^XWB(8994,701,2,1,1,3,0)="pointer, it should appear as follows:"
^XWB(8994,701,2,1,1,5,0)="PCE Data Type Array Value"
^XWB(8994,701,2,1,1,7,0)="Exam IEN;AUTTEXAM("
^XWB(8994,701,2,1,1,8,0)="Health Factor IEN;AUTTHF("
^XWB(8994,701,2,1,1,9,0)="Immunization IEN;AUTTIMM("
^XWB(8994,701,2,1,1,10,0)="Education Topic IEN;AUTTEDT("
^XWB(8994,701,2,1,1,11,0)="Skin Test IEN;AUTTSK("
^XWB(8994,701,3,1,0)="0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE)"
^XWB(8994,702,1,1,0)="Returns the value of the ORWPCE ASK ENCOUNTER UPDATE parameter."
^XWB(8994,702,2,1,1,1,0)="The user to get the parameter for."
^XWB(8994,702,2,2,1,1,0)="The Location to use when getting the parameter."
^XWB(8994,702,3,1,0)="The 0-3 value stored in the ORWPCE ASK ENCOUNTER UPDATE parameter."
^XWB(8994,702,3,3,0)=" 0 = User is the Primary Encounter Provider, and Encounter Data is Needed"
^XWB(8994,702,3,4,0)=" 1 = User is the Primary Encounter Provider"
^XWB(8994,702,3,5,0)=" 2 = Encounter Data is Needed"
^XWB(8994,702,3,6,0)=" 3 = Always"
^XWB(8994,703,1,1,0)="Returns the GAF Scale Rating Form URL"
^XWB(8994,703,3,1,0)="GAF Web Page URL"
^XWB(8994,704,1,1,0)="Returns array of subtopics for any given education topic"
^XWB(8994,704,2,1,0)="EDUCATION TOPIC ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,704,2,1,1,1,0)="Education topic (ien) from EDUCATION TOPIC file [#9999999.09]"
^XWB(8994,704,2,"B","EDUCATION TOPIC ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,704,3,1,0)="FORMAT OF OUTPUT"
^XWB(8994,704,3,2,0)="ARRAY(1) = ien^name^print name^sequence number"
^XWB(8994,704,3,3,0)="ARRAY(2) = ien^name^print name^sequence number"
^XWB(8994,705,1,1,0)="Returns list of education topics for a reminder"
^XWB(8994,705,2,1,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,705,2,1,1,1,0)="Clinical reminder (ien) from CLINICAL REMINDER DEFINITION file [#811.9]"
^XWB(8994,705,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,705,3,1,0)="List of education topics for this reminder in format"
^XWB(8994,706,1,1,0)="Detailed description of education topic"
^XWB(8994,706,2,1,0)="EDUCATION TOPIC ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,706,2,1,1,1,0)="Education topic (ien) from EDUCATION TOPIC file [#9999999.09]"
^XWB(8994,706,2,"B","EDUCATION TOPIC ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,706,3,1,0)="Detailed description of education topic as formatted text"
^XWB(8994,706,3,2,0)=" FORMAT OF OUTPUT"
^XWB(8994,706,3,3,0)=" ARRAY(1) = Display text line 1"
^XWB(8994,706,3,4,0)=" ARRAY(2) = Display text line 2"
^XWB(8994,706,3,5,0)=" ARRAY(3) = etc"
^XWB(8994,707,1,1,0)="Returns array for given mental health instrument"
^XWB(8994,707,2,1,0)="MENTAL HEALTH INSTRUMENT^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,707,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the mental health instrument"
^XWB(8994,707,2,"B","MENTAL HEALTH INSTRUMENT",1)=""
^XWB(8994,707,3,1,0)="Returns array of mental health instrument questions/answers"
^XWB(8994,708,1,1,0)="Returns progress note text based on the results of the test."
^XWB(8994,708,2,1,0)="RESULT GROUP/ELEMENT^1^16^0^2"
^XWB(8994,708,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the result group for the test."
^XWB(8994,708,2,2,0)="TEST RESULTS^1^16^1^3"
^XWB(8994,708,2,2,1,1,0)="Field to pass contents of the YS array (R1,R2,DFN,DUZ,ADATE etc)."
^XWB(8994,708,2,"B","RESULT GROUP/ELEMENT",1)=""
^XWB(8994,708,2,"B","TEST RESULTS",2)=""
^XWB(8994,708,3,1,0)="Returns array of progress note text as multiple type 7 records."
^XWB(8994,709,1,1,0)="Stores test result responses from a reminder dialog."
^XWB(8994,709,2,1,0)="TEST RESULTS^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,709,2,1,1,1,0)="Test results. Needs to pass contents of the YS array (R1,R2,DFN,DUZ,ADATE"
^XWB(8994,709,2,1,1,2,0)=" etc)."
^XWB(8994,709,2,"B","TEST RESULTS",1)=""
^XWB(8994,709,3,1,0)="Returns either "
^XWB(8994,709,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,709,3,3,0)=" [DATA]saved ok"
^XWB(8994,709,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,709,3,5,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,709,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,709,3,7,0)=" -1^[ERROR]description of error"
^XWB(8994,710,1,1,0)="Returns header text to be inserted in each progress note."
^XWB(8994,710,2,1,0)="HOSPITAL LOCATION^1^16^"
^XWB(8994,710,2,1,1,1,0)="Patients location from HOSPITAL LOCATION [#44]. May be null."
^XWB(8994,710,2,"B","HOSPITAL LOCATION",1)=""
^XWB(8994,710,3,1,0)="Returns text for progress note header"
^XWB(8994,710,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,711,1,1,0)="Returns list of all CPRS lookup categories and associated reminders"
^XWB(8994,711,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,711,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient Identifier from Patient file [#2]"
^XWB(8994,711,2,2,0)="HOSPITAL LOCATION^1^16^0^2"
^XWB(8994,711,2,2,1,1,0)="Patient's HOSPITAL LOCATION [#44]. May be null."
^XWB(8994,711,2,"B","HOSPITAL LOCATION",2)=""
^XWB(8994,711,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,711,3,1,0)="Returns array of categories and reminders based on CPRS lookup categories"
^XWB(8994,711,3,2,0)="for this patient service/location."
^XWB(8994,711,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,711,3,4,0)=" FORMAT OF OUTPUT"
^XWB(8994,711,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,711,3,6,0)=" ARRAY(1)=identifier^type^name^parent identifier^reminder ien"
^XWB(8994,711,3,7,0)=" ARRAY(2)=identifier^type^name^parent identifier^reminder ien"
^XWB(8994,712,1,1,0)="Returns the details of a clinical reminder"
^XWB(8994,712,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,712,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier from Patient file [#2]"
^XWB(8994,712,2,2,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1^2"
^XWB(8994,712,2,2,1,1,0)="Clinical reminder (ien) from CLINICAL REMINDER DEFINITION file [#811.9]"
^XWB(8994,712,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,712,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,712,3,1,0)="Formatted details of the clinical reminder"
^XWB(8994,713,1,1,0)="Dialog for a given reminder"
^XWB(8994,713,2,1,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,713,2,1,1,1,0)="Clinical reminder (ien) from CLINICAL REMINDER DEFINITION file [#811.9]"
^XWB(8994,713,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,713,3,1,0)="For each dialog item in the reminder dialog for the reminder :"
^XWB(8994,713,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,713,3,3,0)=" 1) Initial states"
^XWB(8994,713,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,713,3,5,0)=" 1^dialog item ien[#801.41]^dialog ien [#801.412]^^^^"
^XWB(8994,713,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,713,3,7,0)=" 2) Question text "
^XWB(8994,713,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,713,3,9,0)=" 2^dialog item ien[#801.41]^dialog ien [#801.412]^text "
^XWB(8994,714,1,1,0)="Additional prompts for a given dialog element"
^XWB(8994,714,2,1,0)="DIALOG ELEMENT IEN^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,714,2,1,1,1,0)="Reminder dialog element identifier (ien) from REMINDER DIALOG file"
^XWB(8994,714,2,2,1,1,0)="Used only for taxonomy dialogs."
^XWB(8994,714,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,714,2,2,1,3,0)=" 0 - Current Diagnosis/Procedure"
^XWB(8994,714,2,2,1,4,0)=" 1 - Historical Diagnosis/Procedure"
^XWB(8994,714,2,3,0)="DIALOG LINE CPT/POV^1^3^^3"
^XWB(8994,714,2,3,1,1,0)="For taxonomy dialog the type of finding (POV/CPT) for this dialog line"
^XWB(8994,714,2,"B","DIALOG ELEMENT IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,714,2,"B","DIALOG LINE CPT/POV",3)=""
^XWB(8994,714,3,1,0)="For a selected dialog element"
^XWB(8994,714,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,714,3,3,0)=" 3) Resolutions"
^XWB(8994,714,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,714,3,5,0)=" 3^dialog item ien[#801.41]^line id^resolution type code^ien[#various]"
^XWB(8994,714,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,714,3,7,0)=" 4) Additional prompts"
^XWB(8994,714,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,714,3,9,0)=" 4^dialog item ien[#801.41]^line id^prompt text"
^XWB(8994,714,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,714,3,11,0)=" 5) Listbox items (cpt/pov)"
^XWB(8994,714,3,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,714,3,13,0)=" 5^dialog item ien[#801.41]^line id^cpt/pov ien^code/desc"
^XWB(8994,715,1,1,0)="Allows evaluation of a list of reminders. Returns a list of clinical"
^XWB(8994,715,1,2,0)="reminders due/applicable or not applicable to the patient."
^XWB(8994,715,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,715,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier from the patient file [#2]"
^XWB(8994,715,2,2,0)="REMINDER ARRAY^2^16^1^2"
^XWB(8994,715,2,2,1,1,0)="List of reminders in format :"
^XWB(8994,715,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,715,2,2,1,3,0)=" array(1) = reminder ien1 (from #811.9)"
^XWB(8994,715,2,2,1,4,0)=" array(2) = reminder ien2"
^XWB(8994,715,2,2,1,5,0)=" etc"
^XWB(8994,715,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,715,2,"B","REMINDER ARRAY",2)=""
^XWB(8994,715,3,1,0)="List of reminders in format:"
^XWB(8994,715,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,715,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,715,3,5,0)=" DUE=0 - Applicable"
^XWB(8994,715,3,6,0)=" DUE=1 - Due"
^XWB(8994,715,3,7,0)=" DUE=2 - Not Applicable"
^XWB(8994,716,1,1,0)="Detailed description of reminder"
^XWB(8994,716,2,1,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,716,2,1,1,1,0)="Clinical reminder (ien) from CLINICAL REMINDER DEFINITION file [#811.9]"
^XWB(8994,716,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,716,3,1,0)="Detailed description of clinical reminder as formatted text"
^XWB(8994,716,3,2,0)=" FORMAT OF OUTPUT"
^XWB(8994,716,3,3,0)=" ARRAY(1) = Display text line 1"
^XWB(8994,716,3,4,0)=" ARRAY(2) = Display text line 2"
^XWB(8994,716,3,5,0)=" ARRAY(3) = etc"
^XWB(8994,717,1,1,0)="Web addresses for selected reminder"
^XWB(8994,717,2,1,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,717,2,1,1,1,0)="Clinical reminder (ien) from CLINICAL REMINDER DEFINITION file [#811.9]"
^XWB(8994,717,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,717,3,1,0)="Formatted list of web addresses"
^XWB(8994,717,3,2,0)=" description^address"
^XWB(8994,717,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,717,3,4,0)=" E.G."
^XWB(8994,717,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,717,3,6,0)=" ARRAY(0)=4"
^XWB(8994,717,3,7,0)=" ARRAY(1)=Influenza Directive^"
^XWB(8994,717,3,8,0)=" ARRAY(2)=Medical Home Pages^"
^XWB(8994,717,3,9,0)=" ARRAY(3)=National Guideline Clearinghouse^"
^XWB(8994,717,3,10,0)=" ARRAY(4)=VISN01 Web Page^"
^XWB(8994,718,1,1,0)="Returns list of CPRS reminders for patient/location (no evaluation is"
^XWB(8994,718,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,718,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier from the patient file [#2]"
^XWB(8994,718,2,2,0)="HOSPITAL LOCATION^1^16^^2"
^XWB(8994,718,2,2,1,1,0)="Patients location from HOSPITAL LOCATION [#44]. May be null"
^XWB(8994,718,2,"B","HOSPITAL LOCATION",2)=""
^XWB(8994,718,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,718,3,1,0)="List of reminder iens."
^XWB(8994,719,1,1,0)="Returns a list of clinical reminders due/applicable or not applicable to"
^XWB(8994,719,1,2,0)="the patient."
^XWB(8994,719,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,719,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier from the patient file [#2]"
^XWB(8994,719,2,2,0)="HOSPITAL LOCATION^1^16^^2"
^XWB(8994,719,2,2,1,1,0)="Patients location from HOSPITAL LOCATION [#44]. May be null."
^XWB(8994,719,2,"B","HOSPITAL LOCATION",2)=""
^XWB(8994,719,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,719,3,1,0)="List of reminders in format:"
^XWB(8994,719,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,719,3,4,0)=" DUE=0 - Applicable"
^XWB(8994,719,3,5,0)=" DUE=1 - Due"
^XWB(8994,720,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if all supporing code is in place for Mental Health Tests."
^XWB(8994,721,1,1,0)="Return lab test description information."
^XWB(8994,722,1,1,0)="Returns outstanding unsigned orders."
^XWB(8994,723,1,1,0)="Returns the patient's current location if an inpatient."
^XWB(8994,724,0)="ORWD1 COMLOC^COMLOC^ORWD1^1"
^XWB(8994,724,1,1,0)="Returns true if all orders in a list have a common ordering location."
^XWB(8994,725,0)="ORWD1 SIG4ANY^SIG4ANY^ORWD1^1"
^XWB(8994,725,1,1,0)="Returns true if any orders in the list require a signature."
^XWB(8994,726,0)="ORWD1 SIG4ONE^SIG4ONE^ORWD1^1"
^XWB(8994,726,1,1,0)="Returns true if an order requires a signature."
^XWB(8994,727,1,1,0)="Returns resolved boilerplate form CONSULT SERIVCES file (123.5) reflecting"
^XWB(8994,727,1,2,0)="the service's prerequisites for ordering a consult."
^XWB(8994,727,2,1,0)="Service IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,727,2,1,1,1,0)="Service IEN in file 123.5."
^XWB(8994,727,2,2,0)="Patient ID^1^32^1"
^XWB(8994,727,2,2,1,1,0)="Patient DFN."
^XWB(8994,727,2,"B","Patient ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,727,2,"B","Service IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,727,3,1,0)="Resolved boilerplate text from file 123.5, reflecting the service's"
^XWB(8994,727,3,2,0)="prerequisites for ordering a consult."
^XWB(8994,728,1,1,0)="Changes status of consult to ""Scheduled"", optionally adding a comment and"
^XWB(8994,728,1,2,0)="sending alerts."
^XWB(8994,728,2,1,0)="Consult IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,728,2,1,1,1,0)="Consult IEN in file 123."
^XWB(8994,728,2,2,0)="Responsible provider^1^32^1"
^XWB(8994,728,2,3,0)="Date of action^1^16"
^XWB(8994,728,2,4,0)="Send alerts?^1^2^1"
^XWB(8994,728,2,5,0)="Send alerts to^1^100^0"
^XWB(8994,728,2,5,1,1,0)=""";"" separated list of alert recipients - pointers to file 200."
^XWB(8994,728,2,6,1,1,0)="Array of comments to be added with this action."
^XWB(8994,728,2,"B","Consult IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,728,2,"B","Date of action",3)=""
^XWB(8994,728,2,"B","Responsible provider",2)=""
^XWB(8994,728,2,"B","Send alerts to",5)=""
^XWB(8994,728,2,"B","Send alerts?",4)=""
^XWB(8994,729,1,1,0)=" This rpc is used to print a remote report on the Report tab"
^XWB(8994,729,1,2,0)=" in CPRS."
^XWB(8994,729,2,1,1,1,0)=" Name of the device where the report should print."
^XWB(8994,729,2,1,1,2,0)=" Format: <device name> ; <right margin> ; <page length>"
^XWB(8994,729,2,1,1,3,0)=" Right margin and page length are optional."
^XWB(8994,729,2,2,1,1,0)=" Internal entry number of entry in the Patient file."
^XWB(8994,729,2,3,0)="REPORT ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,729,2,3,1,1,0)=" Identification number of the desired report."
^XWB(8994,729,2,4,1,1,0)="List of remote handles to print for."
^XWB(8994,729,2,"B","REPORT ID",3)=""
^XWB(8994,729,3,1,0)=" If the print request was successfully queued then the"
^XWB(8994,729,3,2,0)=" Task manager task number is return. Otherwise, and error"
^XWB(8994,729,3,3,0)=" code and error description are returned."
^XWB(8994,729,3,4,0)=" Error Code Table:"
^XWB(8994,729,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,729,3,6,0)=" Code Text"
^XWB(8994,729,3,7,0)=" ---- ----"
^XWB(8994,729,3,8,0)=" 0 <Task Number>"
^XWB(8994,729,3,9,0)=" 1 No device selected"
^XWB(8994,729,3,10,0)=" 2 No report specified"
^XWB(8994,729,3,11,0)=" 3 Report type specified is not valid"
^XWB(8994,729,3,12,0)=" 4 No date range specified"
^XWB(8994,729,3,13,0)=" 5 No health summary type specified"
^XWB(8994,729,3,14,0)=" 6 Patient specified is not valid"
^XWB(8994,729,3,15,0)=" 7 No exam identified"
^XWB(8994,729,3,16,0)=" 8 No procedure date identified"
^XWB(8994,729,3,17,0)=" 9 No assessment identified"
^XWB(8994,730,1,1,0)=" Prints CPRS GUI information to windows printer."
^XWB(8994,731,1,1,0)=" This rpc is used to print a remote report on the Labs tab"
^XWB(8994,731,1,2,0)=" in CPRS."
^XWB(8994,731,1,4,0)=" If the print request was successfully queued then the"
^XWB(8994,731,1,5,0)=" Task manager task number is return. Otherwise, and error"
^XWB(8994,731,1,6,0)=" code and error description are returned."
^XWB(8994,731,1,7,0)=" Error Code Table:"
^XWB(8994,731,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,731,1,9,0)=" Code Text"
^XWB(8994,731,1,10,0)=" ---- ----"
^XWB(8994,731,1,11,0)=" 0 <Task Number>"
^XWB(8994,731,1,12,0)=" 1 No device selected"
^XWB(8994,731,1,13,0)=" 2 No report specified"
^XWB(8994,731,1,14,0)=" 3 Report type specified is not valid"
^XWB(8994,731,1,15,0)=" 4 No date range specified"
^XWB(8994,731,1,16,0)=" 6 Patient specified is not valid"
^XWB(8994,732,1,1,0)=" Prints remote CPRS GUI information to windows printer."
^XWB(8994,733,1,1,0)="For a list of reminders [#811.9] returns same list with status to indicate"
^XWB(8994,733,1,2,0)="if an active dialog exists for the reminder."
^XWB(8994,733,2,1,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,733,2,1,1,1,0)="Array of clinical reminder iens [#811.9] to be checked."
^XWB(8994,733,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,733,3,1,0)="Array of clinical reminders in format"
^XWB(8994,733,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,733,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,733,3,6,0)="Where status:"
^XWB(8994,733,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,733,3,8,0)="0 - No active dialog"
^XWB(8994,733,3,9,0)="1 - Active dialog"
^XWB(8994,734,1,1,0)="Indicates if a given mental health test can be given by the given user."
^XWB(8994,734,2,1,1,1,0)="MENTAL HEALTH TEST NAME"
^XWB(8994,734,2,2,1,1,0)="The user giving the test."
^XWB(8994,734,3,1,0)="Returns a 1 (TEST AUTHORIZED) or a 0 (TEST NOT AUTHORIZED)."
^XWB(8994,735,1,1,0)="This RPC returns an array of ADHOC Health Summary subcomponents."
^XWB(8994,736,1,1,0)="Saves the user's preferred font."
^XWB(8994,737,1,1,0)="When entering quick orders from an order menu, the ^TMP(""ORECALL"",$J)"
^XWB(8994,737,1,2,0)="array contains the last responses entered. This RPC allows retrieval of"
^XWB(8994,737,1,3,0)="the previous order's collection time from that array."
^XWB(8994,737,3,1,0)="The previous order's collection time, if any."
^XWB(8994,738,0)="ORWD1 SVONLY^SVONLY^ORWD1^1"
^XWB(8994,738,1,1,0)="Prints service copies only (used when user says ""Don't Print"" for the"
^XWB(8994,738,1,2,0)="other copies)."
^XWB(8994,739,1,1,0)="Returns the visit status of the visit associated with a note:"
^XWB(8994,739,1,3,0)="1 if the visit is being pointed to by an appointment"
^XWB(8994,739,1,4,0)="0 if the visit is NOT being pointed to by an appointment"
^XWB(8994,739,1,5,0)="-1 if the visit is invalid or could not be determined"
^XWB(8994,739,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of the Note."
^XWB(8994,739,2,2,1,1,0)="Patient DFN."
^XWB(8994,739,2,3,1,1,0)="Hospital Location."
^XWB(8994,739,2,4,1,1,0)="Visit Date"
^XWB(8994,740,1,1,0)="Returns a list of CPT Modifiers for a given CPT Code."
^XWB(8994,740,2,1,1,1,0)="CPT Code"
^XWB(8994,740,3,1,0)="Returns an array in the format IEN^Descriptive Name^CPT Modifier Code."
^XWB(8994,741,1,1,0)="Returns information for a specific CPT Code."
^XWB(8994,741,2,1,1,1,0)="CPT MODIFIER IEN"
^XWB(8994,741,3,1,0)="IEN^Descriptive Name^Code"
^XWB(8994,742,0)="PSB MAIL^RPC^PSBRPCXM^4^P^^^^2"
^XWB(8994,742,1,1,0)="A call is made that allows the GUI to send its' own formatted mail"
^XWB(8994,742,2,1,1,1,0)="The type of action being attempted:"
^XWB(8994,742,2,1,1,2,0)=" ""CREATE"""
^XWB(8994,742,2,1,1,3,0)=" ""APPEND"""
^XWB(8994,742,2,1,1,4,0)=" ""SUBJECT"""
^XWB(8994,742,2,1,1,5,0)=" ""SENDTO"""
^XWB(8994,742,2,1,1,6,0)=" ""EXECUTE"""
^XWB(8994,742,2,2,1,1,0)="The text to be acted on."
^XWB(8994,742,3,1,0)="Various success or failure tags depending on action."
^XWB(8994,743,1,1,0)="This BOOLEAN RPC evaluates the question of whether a particular document"
^XWB(8994,743,1,2,0)="may be attached as an entry to an Interdisciplinary Note (i.e., can this"
^XWB(8994,743,1,3,0)="document be an ID Child?)."
^XWB(8994,743,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the prospective ID Child document in the TIU Document"
^XWB(8994,743,3,1,0)="This is the BOOLEAN result:"
^XWB(8994,743,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,743,3,3,0)=" 1 = Document may be attached"
^XWB(8994,743,3,4,0)=" 0^Explanatory message = Document may NOT be attached"
^XWB(8994,743,3,5,0)=" -1^Explanatory message = Document may NOT be attached, because"
^XWB(8994,743,3,6,0)=" a business rule allows it to also be a"
^XWB(8994,743,3,7,0)=" parent document."
^XWB(8994,744,1,1,0)="This BOOLEAN RPC evaluates the question of whether a particular document"
^XWB(8994,744,1,2,0)="may receive an entry as an Interdisciplinary Parent Note (i.e., can this"
^XWB(8994,744,1,3,0)="document be an ID Parent?)."
^XWB(8994,744,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the prospective ID Parent document in the TIU Document"
^XWB(8994,744,3,1,0)="This is the BOOLEAN result:"
^XWB(8994,744,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,744,3,3,0)=" 1 = Document may receive an ID Entry"
^XWB(8994,744,3,4,0)=" 0^Explanatory message = Document may NOT receive an ID Entry"
^XWB(8994,745,1,1,0)="This RPC will attach a a document as an Interdisciplinary (ID) entry to an"
^XWB(8994,745,1,2,0)="ID Parent document."
^XWB(8994,745,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the Entry which is to be attached as the ID Child."
^XWB(8994,745,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of the TIU Document which is to be the"
^XWB(8994,745,2,2,1,2,0)="ID Parent to which the ID Entry is attached."
^XWB(8994,745,3,1,0)="This is a flag indicating the success or failure of the call:"
^XWB(8994,745,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,745,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,745,3,5,0)="IF THE CALL FAILS, 0^Explanatory Message WILL BE RETURNED."
^XWB(8994,746,1,1,0)="This call will remove an ID Entry from an Interdisciplinary Note."
^XWB(8994,746,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of the ID Entry which is to be removed"
^XWB(8994,746,2,1,1,2,0)="from the ID Note."
^XWB(8994,746,3,1,0)="This is a flag indicating the success or failure of the call:"
^XWB(8994,746,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,746,3,4,0)="IF THE CALL FAILS, 0^Explanatory Message WILL BE RETURNED."
^XWB(8994,747,1,1,0)="Returns Default Template Settings"
^XWB(8994,748,1,1,0)="Saves Template Default Settings"
^XWB(8994,749,1,1,0)="Returns a Template's Description"
^XWB(8994,749,2,1,1,1,0)="Template IEN"
^XWB(8994,750,0)="TIU FIELD LOAD^LOAD^TIUSRVF^2^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,750,1,1,0)="Returns a single Template Field object"
^XWB(8994,750,2,1,1,1,0)="Template Field Name"
^XWB(8994,750,3,1,0)="Array in the format:"
^XWB(8994,750,3,3,0)="1: Node 0 of TIU Template Field File (#8927.1)"
^XWB(8994,750,3,4,0)="2: D^Description Records"
^XWB(8994,750,3,5,0)="3: I^Item Records"
^XWB(8994,751,0)="TIU FIELD LIST^LIST^TIUSRVF1^2^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,751,1,1,0)="Returns long list array of template fields"
^XWB(8994,752,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if the current user is allowed to edit template fields."
^XWB(8994,753,0)="TIU FIELD LOCK^LOCK^TIUSRVF1^1^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,753,1,1,0)="Locks a template field record for editing"
^XWB(8994,753,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of Template Field."
^XWB(8994,753,3,1,0)="Flag returns success of lock."
^XWB(8994,754,1,1,0)="Unlock Template Field"
^XWB(8994,754,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of Template Field"
^XWB(8994,755,0)="TIU FIELD SAVE^SAVE^TIUSRVF^1^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,755,1,1,0)="Saves a single Template Field"
^XWB(8994,755,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of dialog field, if any"
^XWB(8994,755,2,2,1,1,0)="Data to save in template field"
^XWB(8994,755,3,1,0)="Returns success or failuer of save operation."
^XWB(8994,756,1,1,0)="Imports Template Fields from XML format"
^XWB(8994,756,2,1,1,1,0)="Template Fields in XML format"
^XWB(8994,756,3,1,0)="Returns a list of the template fields imported, and the success of each"
^XWB(8994,756,3,2,0)="import. Some template fields may be renamed in the process."
^XWB(8994,757,1,1,0)="Exports Template Fields in XML format"
^XWB(8994,757,2,1,1,1,0)="List of template field names to export."
^XWB(8994,757,3,1,0)="XML version of template fields."
^XWB(8994,758,1,1,0)="Returns a single Template Field object."
^XWB(8994,758,2,1,1,1,0)="Template Field IEN"
^XWB(8994,758,3,1,0)="Array in the format:"
^XWB(8994,758,3,3,0)="1: Node 0 of TIU Template Field File (#8927.1)"
^XWB(8994,758,3,4,0)="2: D^Description Records"
^XWB(8994,758,3,5,0)="3: I^Item Records"
^XWB(8994,759,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if the template field name is unique"
^XWB(8994,759,2,1,1,1,0)="Template Field Name."
^XWB(8994,759,2,2,1,1,0)="Optional IEN of existing field"
^XWB(8994,760,1,1,0)="Deletes an entry in the Template Field (8927.1) file."
^XWB(8994,760,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of record to delete."
^XWB(8994,761,1,1,0)="Returns a list of reminder dialogs allowed for use as Templates."
^XWB(8994,761,3,1,0)="Array of allowed reminder dialogs in IEN^Dialog Name format."
^XWB(8994,762,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE is the passed in reminder dialog is allowed to be used in"
^XWB(8994,762,1,2,0)="a TIU Template."
^XWB(8994,762,2,1,1,1,0)="Reminder Dialog IEN."
^XWB(8994,763,1,1,0)="Reads through an array of text and converts all entries of template"
^XWB(8994,763,1,2,0)="fields to their assocaited List Manager text values."
^XWB(8994,763,2,1,1,1,0)="Input text to search for template fields."
^XWB(8994,763,3,1,0)="Same input array with template fields removed."
^XWB(8994,764,1,1,0)="Returns a list or Patient Data Objects allowed in Personal Templates."
^XWB(8994,765,1,1,0)="Locks Template"
^XWB(8994,765,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of template to lock."
^XWB(8994,765,3,1,0)="Returns success of lock."
^XWB(8994,766,1,1,0)="Unlocks a template."
^XWB(8994,766,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of Template to unlock."
^XWB(8994,767,1,1,0)="Long List of User Classes"
^XWB(8994,768,1,1,0)="Returns a list of Divisions and User Classes for a specific User."
^XWB(8994,768,3,1,0)="Array in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,768,3,2,0)="D^Division IEN"
^XWB(8994,768,3,3,0)="C^User Class IEN"
^XWB(8994,768,3,4,0)="First Division should be DUZ(2)."
^XWB(8994,769,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to query only the information for pharmacy co-payment"
^XWB(8994,769,1,2,0)="billing that has happened for the given month/year."
^XWB(8994,769,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient's ICN for reference to any VistA database"
^XWB(8994,769,2,2,1,1,0)="This is in fileman format the month/year for which the request is being made."
^XWB(8994,769,3,1,0)="The return array is in file 354.71 format."
^XWB(8994,770,1,1,0)="This remote procedure is used to receive transaction information from a"
^XWB(8994,770,1,2,0)="remote facility and reply with an acknowledgement."
^XWB(8994,770,1,3,0)="This RPC call does not send user data to remote side."
^XWB(8994,770,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the data sent by the remote treating facility to be filled in"
^XWB(8994,770,2,1,1,2,0)="file 354.71."
^XWB(8994,770,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the patient's ICN."
^XWB(8994,770,3,1,0)="The return is the transaction IEN on this facility, indicating acceptance"
^XWB(8994,770,3,2,0)="of the transmission. Otherwise a 0 is returned."
^XWB(8994,771,1,1,0)="Dialog for a given dialog ien."
^XWB(8994,771,2,1,0)="DIALOG IEN^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,771,2,1,1,1,0)="Reminder Dialog ien from #801.41"
^XWB(8994,771,2,"B","DIALOG IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,771,3,1,0)="For each dialog element/group in the reminder dialog:"
^XWB(8994,771,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,771,3,3,0)=" 1) Initial states"
^XWB(8994,771,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,771,3,5,0)=" 1^dialog item ien[#801.41]^dialog ien [#801.412]^^^^"
^XWB(8994,771,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,771,3,7,0)=" 2) Question text "
^XWB(8994,771,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,771,3,9,0)=" 2^dialog item ien[#801.41]^dialog ien [#801.412]^text "
^XWB(8994,772,1,1,0)="List reminders and categories in display order for a reminder category."
^XWB(8994,772,2,1,1,1,0)="Category ien [#811.7]"
^XWB(8994,772,3,1,0)="List of active reminders and sub-categories:"
^XWB(8994,772,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,772,3,3,0)="R_u_ien_u_reminder name_u_reminder print name"
^XWB(8994,772,3,4,0)="C_u_ien_u_category name"
^XWB(8994,773,1,1,0)="Returns list of reminders and categories."
^XWB(8994,774,1,1,0)="Returns default start and stop dates for clinics in the form: start^stop."
^XWB(8994,774,1,2,0)="Start and stop are free text and are not in FM format. "
^XWB(8994,774,3,1,0)="Default start and stop dates for clinics in the form: start^stop. Start"
^XWB(8994,774,3,2,0)="and stop are free text and are not in FM format. For example, ""T-1"" may"
^XWB(8994,774,3,3,0)="be used."
^XWB(8994,775,1,1,0)="Returns a list of medicine results that can be attached to a procedure."
^XWB(8994,775,2,1,0)="CONSULT IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,775,2,1,1,1,0)="Consult (procedure) IEN in file 123."
^XWB(8994,775,2,"B","CONSULT IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,775,3,1,0)="List of medicine results in the format:"
^XWB(8994,775,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,775,3,3,0)="19;MCAR(691.5,^ELECTROCARDIOGRAM^JUN 30,1999^ABNORMAL"
^XWB(8994,775,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,775,3,5,0)="where piece 1 = variable pointer to result"
^XWB(8994,775,3,6,0)=" 2 = naem of result"
^XWB(8994,775,3,7,0)=" 3 = date of result"
^XWB(8994,775,3,8,0)=" 4 = interpretation of result"
^XWB(8994,776,1,1,0)="Returns list of medicine results that are currently attached to a"
^XWB(8994,776,2,1,0)="Consult IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,776,2,1,1,1,0)="Consult (procedure) IEN in file 123."
^XWB(8994,776,2,"B","Consult IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,776,3,1,0)="List of medicine results in the format:"
^XWB(8994,776,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,776,3,3,0)="19;MCAR(691.5,^ELECTROCARDIOGRAM^JUN 30,1999^ABNORMAL"
^XWB(8994,776,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,776,3,5,0)="where piece 1 = variable pointer to result "
^XWB(8994,776,3,6,0)=" 2 = name of result"
^XWB(8994,776,3,7,0)=" 3 = date of result"
^XWB(8994,776,3,8,0)=" 4 = interpretation of result"
^XWB(8994,777,1,1,0)="Detailed display of medicine results."
^XWB(8994,777,2,1,0)="Medicine result pointer^1^24^1"
^XWB(8994,777,2,1,1,1,0)="Variable pointer to medicine result."
^XWB(8994,777,2,"B","Medicine result pointer",1)=""
^XWB(8994,777,3,1,0)="Detailed display of medicine result."
^XWB(8994,778,1,1,0)="Allows a med result to be attached to a procedure request."
^XWB(8994,778,2,1,0)="Consult IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,778,2,1,1,1,0)="Consult (procedure) IEN in file 123."
^XWB(8994,778,2,2,0)="Result pointer^1^24^1"
^XWB(8994,778,2,2,1,1,0)="Variable pointer to medicine result."
^XWB(8994,778,2,3,1,1,0)="Date the result was attached."
^XWB(8994,778,2,5,0)="Resp Person^1^16"
^XWB(8994,778,2,5,1,1,0)="Pointer to file 200, for the person attaching the result."
^XWB(8994,778,2,6,0)="Alerts to^1^254"
^XWB(8994,778,2,6,1,1,0)="Semicolon-delimited list of user DUZs to send alerts to for this action."
^XWB(8994,778,2,"B","Alerts to",6)=""
^XWB(8994,778,2,"B","Consult IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,778,2,"B","Resp Person",5)=""
^XWB(8994,778,2,"B","Result pointer",2)=""
^XWB(8994,779,1,1,0)="Allows removal of medicine results from a procedure."
^XWB(8994,779,2,1,0)="Consult IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,779,2,1,1,1,0)="Consult (procedure) IEN in file 123."
^XWB(8994,779,2,2,0)="Med Result^1^24^1"
^XWB(8994,779,2,2,1,1,0)="Variable pointer to medicine result."
^XWB(8994,779,2,3,1,1,0)="Date the result was removed."
^XWB(8994,779,2,4,0)="Resp Person^1^16"
^XWB(8994,779,2,4,1,1,0)="Pointer to file 200 for the person removing the result."
^XWB(8994,779,2,"B","Consult IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,779,2,"B","Med Result",2)=""
^XWB(8994,779,2,"B","Resp Person",4)=""
^XWB(8994,780,0)="ORWTPP GETTU^GETTU^ORWTPP^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,793,0)="ORWTPP SAVET^SAVET^ORWTPP^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,800,0)="ORWTPP TEAMS^TEAMS^ORWTPP^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,804,0)="ORWTPN GETTC^GETTC^ORWTPN^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,820,0)="ORWTPP GETOC^GETOC^ORWTPP^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,829,1,1,0)="Evaluate expiring flagged orderable item orders. If none remain, kill"
^XWB(8994,829,1,2,0)="current alert for current user. Kill for other users if alert so defined."
^XWB(8994,829,2,1,0)="Patient DFN^1^32^1"
^XWB(8994,829,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,829,2,2,0)="Alert type^1^8^1"
^XWB(8994,829,2,2,1,1,0)="Pointer to type of alert in the OE/RR NOTIFICATIONS file (100.9). This can"
^XWB(8994,829,2,2,1,2,0)="either be of type FLAGGED OI EXPIRING - INPT (#64) or FLAGGED OI EXPIRING"
^XWB(8994,829,2,2,1,3,0)="- OUTPT (#65)."
^XWB(8994,829,2,"B","Alert type",2)=""
^XWB(8994,829,2,"B","Patient DFN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,830,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list of lab reports,"
^XWB(8994,830,1,3,0)="There are no input parameters fo this rpc."
^XWB(8994,831,1,1,0)="Calculates the correct service category."
^XWB(8994,831,2,1,1,1,0)="Initial Service Connection Category."
^XWB(8994,831,2,2,1,1,0)="Pointer to the hospital location."
^XWB(8994,831,2,3,1,1,0)="Patient Status"
^XWB(8994,831,2,3,1,2,0)="0 = Outpatient"
^XWB(8994,831,2,3,1,3,0)="1 = Inpatient"
^XWB(8994,831,3,1,0)="Returns the calculated service category."
^XWB(8994,832,1,1,0)="This is a modified version of ORQQCN GET SERVICE TREE that also includes"
^XWB(8994,832,1,2,0)="synonyms for the services returned. It also allows passing of an optional"
^XWB(8994,832,1,3,0)="Consult IEN, for screening allowable services to forward the consult to,"
^XWB(8994,832,1,4,0)="especially in the case of interfacility consults."
^XWB(8994,832,2,1,0)="Start With^1^32"
^XWB(8994,832,2,1,1,1,0)="Which service in the hierarchy to begin with."
^XWB(8994,832,2,2,1,1,0)="0 for display purposes, 1 to order or forward a consult."
^XWB(8994,832,2,3,0)="Include Synonyms^1^2"
^XWB(8994,832,2,3,1,1,0)="0 to exclude synonyms, 1 to include synonyms."
^XWB(8994,832,2,4,0)="Consult IEN^1^16^0"
^XWB(8994,832,2,4,1,1,0)="OPTIONAL - Include pointer to file 123, the Consult Request file. Used "
^XWB(8994,832,2,4,1,2,0)="when forwarding a consult, and screening needs to be done to limit the "
^XWB(8994,832,2,4,1,3,0)="list of services."
^XWB(8994,832,2,"B","Consult IEN",4)=""
^XWB(8994,832,2,"B","Include Synonyms",3)=""
^XWB(8994,832,2,"B","Start With",1)=""
^XWB(8994,832,3,1,0)="Output: Array formatted as follows-"
^XWB(8994,832,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,832,3,3,0)=" svc ien^svc name or syn^parent^has children^svc usage^orderable item"
^XWB(8994,833,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list of Cover Sheet reports,"
^XWB(8994,833,1,3,0)="There are no input parameters fo this rpc."
^XWB(8994,834,1,1,0)="Returns ""1"" if TIU*1.0*100 is installed, ""0"" otherwise. This lets the"
^XWB(8994,834,1,2,0)="CPRS GUI enable or disable the Interdisciplinary Notes functionality until"
^XWB(8994,834,1,3,0)="the server is ready."
^XWB(8994,834,3,1,0)="See description."
^XWB(8994,835,1,1,0)="Returns the value of the ORQQPX REMINDER FOLDERS parameter for the"
^XWB(8994,835,1,2,0)="current user."
^XWB(8994,835,3,1,0)="Returns the value of the ORQQPX REMINDER FOLDERS parameter"
^XWB(8994,836,1,1,0)="Sets the value of the ORQQPX REMINDER FOLDERS parameter for the"
^XWB(8994,836,1,2,0)="current user."
^XWB(8994,836,2,1,1,1,0)="String containing a one character code for each folder visible in the"
^XWB(8994,836,2,1,1,2,0)="reminder tree structure of the CPRS GUI."
^XWB(8994,836,2,1,1,4,0)="Visible Folder Codes are:"
^XWB(8994,836,2,1,1,5,0)=" D=Due"
^XWB(8994,836,2,1,1,6,0)=" A=Applicable"
^XWB(8994,836,2,1,1,7,0)=" N=Not Applicable"
^XWB(8994,836,2,1,1,8,0)=" E=Evaluated"
^XWB(8994,836,2,1,1,9,0)=" O=Other"
^XWB(8994,837,1,1,0)="Returns the contents of the ORQQPX DEFAULT LOCATIONS parameter."
^XWB(8994,837,2,1,1,1,0)="Current Location."
^XWB(8994,844,0)="ORWDX DGNM^DGNM^ORWDX^1"
^XWB(8994,845,0)="ORWUL QV4DG^QV4DG^ORWUL^1"
^XWB(8994,846,0)="ORWUL FV4DG^FV4DG^ORWUL^1"
^XWB(8994,851,0)="ORWDPS1 CHK94^CHK94^ORWDPS1^1"
^XWB(8994,853,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if encounters can be entered at any time"
^XWB(8994,853,3,1,0)="1 if Encounters can be entered at any time."
^XWB(8994,857,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if text generated from a reminder dialog, when processing"
^XWB(8994,857,1,2,0)="a reminder, is to be inserted at the current cursor location, rather"
^XWB(8994,857,1,3,0)="than at the bottom of the note."
^XWB(8994,860,1,1,0)="Get list of Column headers for a ListView type report from file 101.24."
^XWB(8994,861,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if visit type should be automatically selected."
^XWB(8994,863,1,1,0)="Returns a list of reminders for cover sheet evaluation."
^XWB(8994,864,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if the new cover sheet parameters are to be used."
^XWB(8994,865,1,1,0)="Returns Cover Sheet reminder settings"
^XWB(8994,865,2,1,1,1,0)="Parameter Level setting"
^XWB(8994,865,2,2,1,1,0)="Optional User Class IEN if level is CLASS"
^XWB(8994,866,1,1,0)="Saves Parameter Level settings."
^XWB(8994,866,2,1,1,1,0)="Parameter Level"
^XWB(8994,866,2,2,1,1,0)="Optional User Class IEN if LVL is CLASS"
^XWB(8994,867,1,1,0)="Returns true if the user has access to the specified menu option."
^XWB(8994,867,2,1,1,1,0)="Either the Option Name or Option IEN"
^XWB(8994,868,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if encounters should be automatically checked out."
^XWB(8994,869,1,1,0)="Returns a list of excluded PCE entries"
^XWB(8994,869,2,2,1,1,0)="Excluded PCE data items are stored in one of five parameters."
^XWB(8994,869,2,2,1,2,0)="Type dictates the parameter this call will retrieve."
^XWB(8994,869,2,2,1,4,0)=" Type Parameter"
^XWB(8994,869,2,2,1,5,0)=" 1 ORWPCE EXCLUDE IMMUNIZATIONS"
^XWB(8994,869,2,2,1,6,0)=" 2 ORWPCE EXCLUDE SKIN TESTS"
^XWB(8994,869,2,2,1,7,0)=" 3 ORWPCE EXCLUDE PATIENT ED"
^XWB(8994,869,2,2,1,8,0)=" 4 ORWPCE EXCLUDE HEALTH FACTORS"
^XWB(8994,869,2,2,1,9,0)=" 5 ORWPCE EXCLUDE EXAMS"
^XWB(8994,869,3,1,0)="Array of Seq#^IEN"
^XWB(8994,871,1,1,0)="Returns the current user's default patient selection list SORT ORDER"
^XWB(8994,871,3,1,0)="Current user's SORT setting, such as ""A"" for alphabetic, ""S"" for source,"
^XWB(8994,876,1,1,0)=" Given a title, call CANLINK^TIULP to determine whether this title can use"
^XWB(8994,876,1,2,0)=" linked as an Interdisciplinary child note."
^XWB(8994,876,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,876,1,4,0)="dbia #2322"
^XWB(8994,876,3,1,0)=" 1^ - document can be an ID child"
^XWB(8994,876,3,2,0)=" 0^error - document cannot be an ID child, and reason."
^XWB(8994,877,1,1,0)="Generates an exam worksheet."
^XWB(8994,878,1,1,0)="Verifies the user has been granted access to AMIE II/CAPRI"
^XWB(8994,879,1,1,0)="Lists all of the patient's AMIE II C&P exam requests whether complete, new"
^XWB(8994,879,1,2,0)="or pending."
^XWB(8994,880,0)="DVBAB SEND MSG^MSG^DVBAB1^1^S"
^XWB(8994,880,1,1,0)="Used to generate e-mail messages for specific CAPRI actions, such as"
^XWB(8994,880,1,2,0)="changing a C&P exam request."
^XWB(8994,880,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the cancelling users DUZ."
^XWB(8994,880,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the Subjecto of the message - XMSUB"
^XWB(8994,880,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the text of the message - XMTEXT"
^XWB(8994,880,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the mail group name - MGN"
^XWB(8994,881,1,1,0)="Returns a list of past, future or all appointments."
^XWB(8994,881,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the DFN - the ien for the patient selected"
^XWB(8994,881,2,2,1,1,0)="This is CHOICE - valid input is A (for All appointments), F (for Future"
^XWB(8994,881,2,2,1,2,0)="Appointments, or P (for Past Appointments)."
^XWB(8994,881,3,1,0)="Returns LIST of appointments for the patient based on value of CHOICE."
^XWB(8994,882,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list of reports,"
^XWB(8994,882,1,2,0)="Health Summary types and date ranges that can be displayed"
^XWB(8994,882,1,3,0)="at the workstation."
^XWB(8994,882,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,882,1,5,0)="There are no input parameters for this RPC."
^XWB(8994,883,0)="DVBAB PTINQ^PTINQ^DVBAB1^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,883,1,1,0)="Returns a patient inquiry text report."
^XWB(8994,884,1,1,0)="Used to record the number of exams pending for a specified patient."
^XWB(8994,885,1,1,0)="This rpc retrieves the report text for a report selected on"
^XWB(8994,885,1,2,0)="the Report tab."
^XWB(8994,885,1,3,0)="the report format on the roll 'n scroll version of CPRS."
^XWB(8994,885,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the Patient file."
^XWB(8994,885,2,2,0)="REPORT ID^1^20^1"
^XWB(8994,885,2,2,1,1,0)="Identification number of the desired report."
^XWB(8994,885,2,3,0)="HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE^1^20^0"
^XWB(8994,885,2,3,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of entry in the HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE file."
^XWB(8994,885,2,3,1,3,0)="This parameter is only required for Health Summary reports."
^XWB(8994,885,2,4,0)="DATE RANGE^1^5^0"
^XWB(8994,885,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates the number of days from TODAY"
^XWB(8994,885,2,4,1,2,0)="that the report should search for information."
^XWB(8994,885,2,4,1,4,0)="This parameter is required for vital reports."
^XWB(8994,885,2,5,0)="REPORT SECTION^1^2^1"
^XWB(8994,885,2,5,1,1,0)="This parameter specifics which portion of the report should be"
^XWB(8994,885,2,5,1,4,0)="If REPORT SECTION equals 0 then the entire report is re-compiled and the"
^XWB(8994,885,2,5,1,5,0)="first section is passed back. If the report is large then it is"
^XWB(8994,885,2,5,1,6,0)="necessary to divide it into sections. Currently, each section can"
^XWB(8994,885,2,5,1,7,0)="not be more than be more than 20,000 characters"
^XWB(8994,885,2,"B","DATE RANGE",4)=""
^XWB(8994,885,2,"B","HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,885,2,"B","REPORT ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,885,2,"B","REPORT SECTION",5)=""
^XWB(8994,885,3,1,0)="Text array for report section is returned."
^XWB(8994,885,3,3,0)="Also, the first line of the text contains the following information:"
^XWB(8994,885,3,4,0)=" <number of current section being passed> ^ <last section number>"
^XWB(8994,886,0)="DVBAB 2507 PENDING REPORT^STRT^DVBAB6^4^S^^^0"
^XWB(8994,886,1,1,0)="Generates a report based on the status of 2507 requests."
^XWB(8994,886,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the status. Valid choices are: A (age), S (status), V (veteran"
^XWB(8994,886,2,1,1,2,0)="name), or R (routing location)."
^XWB(8994,886,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the Request Status. Valid choices are: A (all), P (pending), N"
^XWB(8994,886,2,2,1,2,0)="(new), or T (transcribed). If DVBCSORT=A,S, or V - RSTAT cannot be null."
^XWB(8994,886,2,3,1,1,0)="If DVBCSORT = A (age) this must be the earliest age to start with (ie. 30"
^XWB(8994,886,2,3,1,2,0)="days old). This goes with the next variable OLDAYS which is the oldest"
^XWB(8994,886,2,3,1,3,0)="age (ie. 1 day old and cannot be 0). ERDAYS must be < OLDAYS"
^XWB(8994,886,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the Oldest age (ie 1 day) if DVBCSORT=A (age). This goes with"
^XWB(8994,886,2,4,1,2,0)="ERDAYS (earliest age - ie 30 days). ERDAYS must be < OLDAYS"
^XWB(8994,886,2,5,1,1,0)="This is the regional office number - this is required only if DVBCSORT=R,"
^XWB(8994,886,2,5,1,2,0)="otherwise send as null."
^XWB(8994,886,2,6,1,1,0)="This is the elapsed time. Values are C (calendar days - default) or W"
^XWB(8994,886,2,6,1,2,0)="(workdays). If DVBCSORT=A,S, or V - this must not be null."
^XWB(8994,886,3,1,0)="MSG is returned."
^XWB(8994,887,1,1,0)="Returns a list of Institutions."
^XWB(8994,888,1,1,0)="Returns the current date/time from VistA"
^XWB(8994,889,0)="DVBAB AMIS REPORT^STRT^DVBAB3^2^R^^^0"
^XWB(8994,889,1,1,0)="Returns an AMIS report for specified search criteria."
^XWB(8994,890,1,1,0)="Generates a service-connected veterans report."
^XWB(8994,890,2,1,1,1,0)="START DATE"
^XWB(8994,890,2,2,1,1,0)="STOP DATE"
^XWB(8994,891,1,1,0)="Generates a report containing the pending C&P exam requests."
^XWB(8994,892,1,1,0)="Generates an exam worksheet."
^XWB(8994,893,1,1,0)="Returns an admission inquiry report for the specified date range."
^XWB(8994,894,1,1,0)="Generates an incompetent veteran report."
^XWB(8994,895,1,1,0)="Generates a discharge report."
^XWB(8994,896,1,1,0)="Generates a re-admission report."
^XWB(8994,897,1,1,0)="Generates an admission report for the specified date range."
^XWB(8994,898,1,1,0)="Generates a list of pending 7131 requests."
^XWB(8994,899,1,1,0)="Returns a detailed summary of a specific C&P request."
^XWB(8994,900,0)="DVBAB REPORT 7131INQ^STRT^DVBAB71^4^R"
^XWB(8994,900,1,1,0)="Returns a 7131 inquiry report."
^XWB(8994,901,1,1,0)="Returns a list of the site's laboratory test names."
^XWB(8994,902,1,1,0)="Used to ensure GUI and VISTA are on the same version of CAPRI."
^XWB(8994,902,2,1,1,1,0)="Version # of CAPRI GUI. Sets a variable DVBABVx so that the error trap "
^XWB(8994,902,2,1,1,2,0)="will display what version of the client software the user was utilizing."
^XWB(8994,904,1,1,0)="Returns an array of users with access to a particular DSS unit. User access "
^XWB(8994,904,1,2,0)="to a DSS unit is determined from file #200."
^XWB(8994,904,2,1,1,1,0)="DSS unit IEN must be passed in as input parameter."
^XWB(8994,904,3,1,0)="Returns an array list with user name and ien from file #200."
^XWB(8994,905,1,1,0)="Returns a list active, inactive or both of Event Code Screens from EC EVENT "
^XWB(8994,905,1,2,0)="CODE SCREENS FILE #720.3."
^XWB(8994,905,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY can contains the following elements separated by up-arrow."
^XWB(8994,905,2,1,1,2,0)=" STAT - Active and/or inactive Event Code Screens"
^XWB(8994,905,2,1,1,3,0)=" A-ctive (default), I-nactive, B-oth"
^XWB(8994,905,2,1,1,4,0)=" LOCIEN - Location IEN (optional)"
^XWB(8994,905,2,1,1,5,0)=" DSSIEN - DSS IEN (optional)"
^XWB(8994,905,2,1,1,7,0)="If no parameter is passed, a status of active is assumed and all locations."
^XWB(8994,905,2,1,1,8,0)="If a LOCIEN is passed, then only the event codes screens with that location "
^XWB(8994,905,2,1,1,9,0)="IEN is returned. Similarily, if a DSSIEN is passed, event code screens with "
^XWB(8994,905,2,1,1,10,0)="for that DSS Unit is returned."
^XWB(8994,905,3,1,0)="The result array contains the following data separated by up-arrow."
^XWB(8994,905,3,2,0)=" 1. 720.3 ien"
^XWB(8994,905,3,3,0)=" 2. Location description"
^XWB(8994,905,3,4,0)=" 3. DSS Unit description"
^XWB(8994,905,3,5,0)=" 4. Category Description"
^XWB(8994,905,3,6,0)=" 5. Procedure 5 digit code and description"
^XWB(8994,906,1,1,0)="Return array entries with Procedure reasons linked to an Event Code screen."
^XWB(8994,906,2,1,1,1,0)="The Event Code screen IEN from file #720.3."
^XWB(8994,906,3,1,0)="Returns an array with data containing "
^XWB(8994,906,3,2,0)=" 1. Procedure reason"
^XWB(8994,906,3,3,0)=" 2. Procedure reason ien from #720.4"
^XWB(8994,906,3,4,0)=" 3. Event Code screens/procedure reason link ien #720.5"
^XWB(8994,907,1,1,0)="Returns details on a specific Event Code Screen from the EC EVENT CODE SCREENS"
^XWB(8994,907,1,2,0)="FILE #720.3."
^XWB(8994,907,2,1,1,1,0)="The input parameter ECARY contains the Event code screen IEN."
^XWB(8994,907,3,1,0)="The return variable contains the following data separated by up-arrows."
^XWB(8994,907,3,2,0)=" 1. 720.3 ien"
^XWB(8994,907,3,3,0)=" 2. synonym"
^XWB(8994,907,3,4,0)=" 3. volume"
^XWB(8994,907,3,5,0)=" 4. associated clinic"
^XWB(8994,907,3,6,0)=" 5. Procedure reason indicator"
^XWB(8994,907,3,7,0)=" 6. Status"
^XWB(8994,908,1,1,0)="Returns an array of patient entries from EVENT CAPTURE PATIENT FILE #721 that "
^XWB(8994,908,1,2,0)="matches a location, DSS unit, patient DFN, start date and end date."
^XWB(8994,908,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the following values separated by up-arrows:-"
^XWB(8994,908,2,1,1,2,0)=" 1. ECLOC - Location ien"
^XWB(8994,908,2,1,1,3,0)=" 2. ECPAT - Patient DFN ien"
^XWB(8994,908,2,1,1,4,0)=" 3. ECUNT - DSS unit ien"
^XWB(8994,908,2,1,1,5,0)=" 4. ECSD - Start Date"
^XWB(8994,908,2,1,1,6,0)=" 5. ECED - End Date"
^XWB(8994,908,3,1,0)="Returns an array with Event Capture Patient entries with the following data:-"
^XWB(8994,908,3,2,0)=" 1. 721 IEN 6. Provider"
^XWB(8994,908,3,3,0)=" 2. Procedure date and time 7. Ordering Section"
^XWB(8994,908,3,4,0)=" 3. Category 8. Associated Clinic"
^XWB(8994,908,3,5,0)=" 4. Procedure 9. Primary Diagnoses"
^XWB(8994,908,3,6,0)=" 5. Volume 10. Provider IEN"
^XWB(8994,909,1,1,0)="Returns the entries from the HELP FILE #9.2 based on a help frame."
^XWB(8994,909,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the Help Frame Name."
^XWB(8994,909,3,1,0)="Returns an array with help text from the HELP FRAM File (#9.2)."
^XWB(8994,910,0)="EC GETECLOC^ECLOC^ECUMRPC^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,910,1,1,0)="Returns an array with all active Event Capture locations from file #4."
^XWB(8994,910,3,1,0)="Returns array with value set to location and location IEN respectively."
^XWB(8994,911,1,1,0)="Returns an array of DSS units for which the user has access."
^XWB(8994,911,2,1,1,1,0)="The input variable ECARY contains a value from the location or New Person file."
^XWB(8994,911,2,1,1,2,0)=" 1. ECL - Location IEN, #4(if define gives User's DSS units for a location)"
^XWB(8994,911,2,1,1,3,0)=" 2. ECDUZ - New Person IEN, #200 (if define gives list of DSS Units available"
^XWB(8994,911,2,1,1,4,0)=" to user)"
^XWB(8994,911,3,1,0)="Returns an array of DSS Units. Data pieces separated by an up-arrow as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,911,3,2,0)=" 1. IEN of file 724"
^XWB(8994,911,3,3,0)=" 2. Name of DSS Unit"
^XWB(8994,911,3,4,0)=" 3. Send to PCE Flag"
^XWB(8994,912,1,1,0)="Performs a search on a CPT string and returns an array list of matches from "
^XWB(8994,912,1,2,0)="file #81."
^XWB(8994,912,2,1,1,1,0)="CPT search string."
^XWB(8994,912,3,1,0)="Returns a global array with CPT IEN, code and name respectively."
^XWB(8994,913,1,1,0)="Returns an array of procedures for an Event Code screen (file #720.3). Event"
^XWB(8994,913,1,2,0)="code screens are based on location, DSS unit and Category."
^XWB(8994,913,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the following values separated by up-arrow."
^XWB(8994,913,2,1,1,2,0)=" 1. ECL - Location IEN"
^XWB(8994,913,2,1,1,3,0)=" 2. ECD - DSS Unit IEN"
^XWB(8994,913,2,1,1,4,0)=" 3. ECC - Category IEN"
^XWB(8994,913,3,1,0)="Returns an array of procedures. Data pieces as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,913,3,2,0)=" 1. EC National Number SPACE Procedure Name SPACE [Synonym]"
^XWB(8994,913,3,3,0)=" 2. Procedure Code"
^XWB(8994,913,3,4,0)=" 3. CPT Code"
^XWB(8994,913,3,5,0)=" 4. Default volume"
^XWB(8994,913,3,6,0)=" 5. Event code screen IEN"
^XWB(8994,914,0)="EC GETECSCATS^CAT^ECUERPC^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,914,1,1,0)="Returns an array of categories for an Event Code screen based on a specific"
^XWB(8994,914,1,2,0)="location and DSS unit."
^XWB(8994,914,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the following values separated by up-arrow."
^XWB(8994,914,2,1,1,2,0)=" 1. ECL - Location IEN"
^XWB(8994,914,2,1,1,3,0)=" 2. ECD - DSS Unit IEN"
^XWB(8994,914,3,1,0)="Returns an array of categories with data pieces as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,914,3,2,0)=" 1. Category IEN"
^XWB(8994,914,3,3,0)=" 2. Category description"
^XWB(8994,915,1,1,0)="Returns an array with entries from EVENT CAPTURE PATIENT FILE #721 for "
^XWB(8994,915,1,2,0)="patients for a specific procedure."
^XWB(8994,915,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the following values separated by up-arrows:-"
^XWB(8994,915,2,1,1,2,0)=" 1. ECLOC - Location ien"
^XWB(8994,915,2,1,1,3,0)=" 2. ECUNT - DSS unit ien"
^XWB(8994,915,2,1,1,4,0)=" 3. ECC - Category ien"
^XWB(8994,915,2,1,1,5,0)=" 4. ECP - Procedure ien"
^XWB(8994,915,2,1,1,6,0)=" 5. ECSD - Start Date"
^XWB(8994,915,2,1,1,7,0)=" 6. ECED - End Date"
^XWB(8994,915,3,1,0)="Returns an array of Event Capture Patients with the following data:-"
^XWB(8994,915,3,2,0)=" 1. 721 IEN 4. Primary Diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,915,3,3,0)=" 2. Patient name 5. Ordering Section"
^XWB(8994,915,3,4,0)=" 3. Procedure Date and Time 6. Associated Clinic"
^XWB(8994,916,0)="EC REPORTS^RPTEN^ECRRPC^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,916,1,1,0)="This call is used by all Event Capture GUI reports. Produces report based on"
^XWB(8994,916,1,2,0)="option selected from the Delphi application."
^XWB(8994,916,2,1,1,1,0)="The input array ECARY will be defined based on the report to be generated. The"
^XWB(8994,916,2,1,1,2,0)="report handle or type must be defined. It is also necessary to specify whether "
^XWB(8994,916,2,1,1,3,0)="the report will be printed to a device or displayed. The following is an example"
^XWB(8994,916,2,1,1,4,0)="of the variables defined for 'Patient Summary Report'."
^XWB(8994,916,2,1,1,5,0)=" ECARY(""ECDFN"")=170"
^XWB(8994,916,2,1,1,6,0)=" ECARY(""ECED"")=3010430"
^XWB(8994,916,2,1,1,7,0)=" ECARY(""ECHNDL"")=""ECPAT"""
^XWB(8994,916,2,1,1,8,0)=" ECARY(""ECPTYP"")=""D"""
^XWB(8994,916,2,1,1,9,0)=" ECARY(""ECRY"")=Y"
^XWB(8994,916,2,1,1,10,0)=" ECARY(""ECSD"")=3010401"
^XWB(8994,916,3,1,0)="Returns the report or the task number if queued."
^XWB(8994,917,1,1,0)="Returns the IEN from a file."
^XWB(8994,917,2,2,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the following elements"
^XWB(8994,917,2,2,1,2,0)=" 1. FIL - File number"
^XWB(8994,917,2,2,1,3,0)=" 2. TXT - .01 description"
^XWB(8994,917,3,1,0)="Returns a file IEN."
^XWB(8994,918,1,1,0)="This is a general purpose call that provides segments of the patient data "
^XWB(8994,918,1,2,0)="from the Event Capture Patient File #721."
^XWB(8994,918,2,1,1,1,0)="The input variable ECARY contains the following values:-"
^XWB(8994,918,2,1,1,2,0)=" ECIEN - Event Capture Patient ien (#2)"
^XWB(8994,918,2,1,1,3,0)=" ECTYP - Data type to return"
^XWB(8994,918,2,1,1,4,0)=" Types are:-"
^XWB(8994,918,2,1,1,5,0)=" DXS - primary and secondary diagnosis codes"
^XWB(8994,918,2,1,1,6,0)=" MOD - modifiers"
^XWB(8994,918,2,1,1,7,0)=" CLASS - classification data"
^XWB(8994,918,2,1,1,8,0)=" OTH - other type data."
^XWB(8994,918,3,1,0)="Base on the type data requested, returns either of the following."
^XWB(8994,918,3,2,0)=" DXS - primary and secondary diagnosis codes"
^XWB(8994,918,3,3,0)=" MOD - modifiers"
^XWB(8994,918,3,4,0)=" CLASS - classification data"
^XWB(8994,918,3,5,0)=" OTH - other type data."
^XWB(8994,919,1,1,0)="Returns CPT modifier entries for a CPT Procedure based on procedure date."
^XWB(8994,919,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the following values separated by up-arrows."
^XWB(8994,919,2,1,1,2,0)=" 1. ECCPT - CPT code ien (file #81)"
^XWB(8994,919,2,1,1,3,0)=" 2. ECDT - Procedure date and time (fileman format)"
^XWB(8994,919,3,1,0)="Returns an array of CPT procedure modifiers as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,919,3,2,0)=" 1. 2-character modifier"
^XWB(8994,919,3,3,0)=" 2. modifer name"
^XWB(8994,919,3,4,0)=" 3. modifier ien (#81.3)"
^XWB(8994,920,1,1,0)="Returns an array of valid providers based on a procedure date."
^XWB(8994,920,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the procedure date."
^XWB(8994,920,3,1,0)="Returns an array of active providers. Data pieces are as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,920,3,2,0)=" 1. IEN of file 200"
^XWB(8994,920,3,3,0)=" 2. Provider Name"
^XWB(8994,920,3,4,0)=" 3. Occupation"
^XWB(8994,920,3,5,0)=" 4. Speciality"
^XWB(8994,920,3,6,0)=" 5. Subspeciality"
^XWB(8994,921,1,1,0)="Returns an array of active, inactive or both of Event Capture national and "
^XWB(8994,921,1,2,0)="local Procedures from file #725."
^XWB(8994,921,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the following subscripted elements"
^XWB(8994,921,2,1,1,2,0)=" ECPX - Procedures to output, L- local, N- National, B- Both"
^XWB(8994,921,2,1,1,3,0)=" STAT - Active or inactive EC Nat Codes"
^XWB(8994,921,2,1,1,4,0)=" A-ctive (default), I-nactive, B-oth"
^XWB(8994,921,2,1,1,6,0)="If not valued is passed in defaults to Local and Active."
^XWB(8994,921,3,1,0)="Returns an array of EC local/national procedures with the following pieces of "
^XWB(8994,921,3,2,0)="dat separated by a up-arrow."
^XWB(8994,921,3,3,0)=" 1. File #725 IEN"
^XWB(8994,921,3,4,0)=" 2. Name National Number"
^XWB(8994,921,3,5,0)=" 3. Inactive Date"
^XWB(8994,921,3,6,0)=" 4. Synonym"
^XWB(8994,921,3,7,0)=" 5. CPT ien"
^XWB(8994,921,3,8,0)=" 6. CPT code"
^XWB(8994,921,3,9,0)=" 7. CPT Short Name"
^XWB(8994,922,1,1,0)="This RPC validates EC spreadsheet data and returns an array containing error messages"
^XWB(8994,922,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a row of data in the spreadsheet"
^XWB(8994,922,3,1,0)="This is a list of error codes and messages"
^XWB(8994,923,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patient eligibilities."
^XWB(8994,923,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable, ECARY contains the patient IEN (#2)."
^XWB(8994,923,3,1,0)="Returns an array of patient eligibilities as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,923,3,2,0)=" 1. Primary/secondary Elig flag (Flag 1-primary, 0-secondary)"
^XWB(8994,923,3,3,0)=" 2. Eligibility ien"
^XWB(8994,923,3,4,0)=" 3. Eligibility description"
^XWB(8994,924,1,1,0)="Returns a patient in/out status and classification. Classifications are:"
^XWB(8994,924,1,2,0)="Agent Orange, Ionizing Radiation, SC Condition, Environmental Contaminants and"
^XWB(8994,924,1,3,0)="Military Sexual Trauma."
^XWB(8994,924,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the following values separated by up-arrow."
^XWB(8994,924,2,1,1,2,0)=" 1. ECDFN - Patient ien (#2)"
^XWB(8994,924,2,1,1,3,0)=" 2. ECD - DSS Unit ien (#724)"
^XWB(8994,924,2,1,1,4,0)=" 3. ECDT - Procedure date and time (fileman format)"
^XWB(8994,924,3,1,0)="Returns a single line with values for a patient status and classifications."
^XWB(8994,924,3,2,0)="Data is delimited by (^) and '~'. Values after the '~' refers to those "
^XWB(8994,924,3,3,0)="classifications that must be asked by Delphi application when the answer to "
^XWB(8994,924,3,4,0)="SC=No. Pieces delimited by '^' are:-"
^XWB(8994,924,3,5,0)=" 1. Patient Status: I for inpatient or O for outpatient"
^XWB(8994,924,3,6,0)=" 2-6. Classification: 2- Agent Orange, 3- Ionizing Radiation"
^XWB(8994,924,3,7,0)=" 4- SC Condition, 5- Environmental Contaminants"
^XWB(8994,924,3,8,0)=" 6- Military Sexual Trauma"
^XWB(8994,924,3,9,0)=" Data delimited by '~' follows those of '^'. Pieces as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,924,3,10,0)=" 1. Agent Orange 2. Ionizing Radiation"
^XWB(8994,924,3,11,0)=" 3. Environmental Contaminants"
^XWB(8994,925,1,1,0)="Returns a patient encounter primary and secondary diagnosis codes from Event "
^XWB(8994,925,1,2,0)="Capture Patient File (#721)."
^XWB(8994,925,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY has the followed pieces of data separated by up-arrows."
^XWB(8994,925,2,1,1,2,0)=" 1. ECDFN - Patient ien (#200)"
^XWB(8994,925,2,1,1,3,0)=" 2. ECDT - Procedure date and time (fileman format)"
^XWB(8994,925,2,1,1,4,0)=" 3. ECL - Location ien"
^XWB(8994,925,2,1,1,5,0)=" 4. EC4 - Clinic ien"
^XWB(8994,925,3,1,0)="Returns an array with a patient encounter diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,925,3,2,0)=" 1. Primary/secondary flag (1-primary, 0-secondary)"
^XWB(8994,925,3,3,0)=" 2. DX ien"
^XWB(8994,925,3,4,0)=" 3. DX code and description"
^XWB(8994,926,1,1,0)="Returns array with active and/or inactive DSS units from file 724."
^XWB(8994,926,2,1,1,1,0)="Optional input variable ECARY containing a status of:"
^XWB(8994,926,2,1,1,2,0)=" STAT - Active or inactive DSS Units (optional)"
^XWB(8994,926,2,1,1,3,0)=" A-ctive (default), I-nactive, B-oth"
^XWB(8994,926,3,1,0)="The results array contains data for DSS units as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,926,3,2,0)=" 1. IEN of DSS Unit"
^XWB(8994,926,3,3,0)=" 2. Name of DSS Unit"
^XWB(8994,926,3,4,0)=" 3. Service"
^XWB(8994,926,3,5,0)=" 4. Medical Speciality"
^XWB(8994,926,3,6,0)=" 5. Cost Center"
^XWB(8994,926,3,7,0)=" 6. Unit Number"
^XWB(8994,926,3,8,0)=" 7. Inactive Flag"
^XWB(8994,926,3,9,0)=" 8. Associated Stop Code"
^XWB(8994,926,3,10,0)=" 9. Category flag"
^XWB(8994,926,3,11,0)=" 10. Default date entry"
^XWB(8994,926,3,12,0)=" 11. Send to PCE Flag"
^XWB(8994,927,0)="EC GETCAT^CAT^ECUMRPC1^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,927,1,1,0)="Returns a list of active and/or inactive categories from file #726."
^XWB(8994,927,2,2,1,1,0)="Status of A-ctive, I-nactive or B-oth."
^XWB(8994,927,3,1,0)="Returns an array with categories. Data pieces as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,927,3,2,0)=" 1. IEN of Category"
^XWB(8994,927,3,3,0)=" 2. Name of Category"
^XWB(8994,927,3,4,0)=" 3. Creation Date"
^XWB(8994,927,3,5,0)=" 4. Inactive Date"
^XWB(8994,928,0)="EC GETPXLST^PXFND^ECUMRPC2^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,928,1,1,0)="Performs a search on a procedure string and returns an array list of matches"
^XWB(8994,928,1,2,0)="from file #81 and/or #725."
^XWB(8994,928,1,3,0)="User can type "
^XWB(8994,928,1,4,0)=" 1. "" string"" to search file 81."
^XWB(8994,928,1,5,0)=" 2. "" string"" to search file 725."
^XWB(8994,928,1,6,0)=" 3. ""search string"" to search both files."
^XWB(8994,928,2,1,1,1,0)="Procedure search string."
^XWB(8994,928,3,1,0)="Returns a global array with "
^XWB(8994,928,3,2,0)="1. Procedure IEN"
^XWB(8994,928,3,3,0)="2. Procedure code and name."
^XWB(8994,929,1,1,0)="Checks whether category is used in an Event Code Screen."
^XWB(8994,929,2,1,1,1,0)="Variable ECARY contains the DSS Unit ien (file #724) that will be checked to "
^XWB(8994,929,2,1,1,2,0)="determine if category exist."
^XWB(8994,929,3,1,0)="Returns a value of 1 or 0 indicating whether category is used in Event Code "
^XWB(8994,929,3,2,0)="Screen, 1-Yes or 0-No."
^XWB(8994,930,0)="EC FILER^FILE^ECFLRPC^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,930,1,1,0)="A general purpose Event Capture filer used when filing data into ECS files."
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,1,0)="The input array ECARY defines all the fields and values needed for a particular "
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,2,0)="file. The variable ECARY(""ECFILE"") must always be set to the file number where"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,3,0)="data will be saved. The following are the options and file available"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,4,0)=" ECFILE Option"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,5,0)=" ------ ------"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,6,0)=" 721 Event Capture Patient File"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,7,0)=" 724 DSS Unit"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,8,0)=" 720.3 EC Event Code Screens"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,9,0)=" 720.4 Event Code Reasons"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,10,0)=" 725 EC Local Procedure"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,11,0)=" 726 Event Capture Category"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,12,0)=" 4 Event Capture Locations"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,13,0)=" 200 Allocate/Deallocate users to Unit"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,14,0)=" 200A Allocate/Deallocate Units to user"
^XWB(8994,930,2,1,1,15,0)=" 8989.5 Update HFS directory"
^XWB(8994,930,3,1,0)="Returns a flag of sucess or failure or a list of error codes."
^XWB(8994,931,0)="EC GETLIST^SRCLST^ECUMRPC1^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,931,1,1,0)="This call is used to perform a search on a file based on a search string."
^XWB(8994,931,2,1,1,1,0)="The input string ECARY contains three pieces separated by ""^"""
^XWB(8994,931,2,1,1,2,0)=" ECSTR - Search string"
^XWB(8994,931,2,1,1,3,0)=" ECFIL - File to search"
^XWB(8994,931,2,1,1,4,0)=" ECDIR - Search order"
^XWB(8994,931,3,1,0)="Returns a list of values based on the search criteria."
^XWB(8994,932,1,1,0)="Returns a list of Event Code Screen from EC EVENT CODE CREENS FILE #720.3"
^XWB(8994,932,1,2,0)="based on a DSS Unit and location."
^XWB(8994,932,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the value for DSS Unit"
^XWB(8994,932,2,1,1,2,0)=" ECD - DSS Unit IEN"
^XWB(8994,932,2,1,1,3,0)=" ECL - Location"
^XWB(8994,932,3,1,0)="Returns an array with data Event Code screens as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,932,3,2,0)=" 1. 720.3 ien"
^XWB(8994,932,3,3,0)=" 2. Procedure 5 digit code and description"
^XWB(8994,932,3,4,0)=" 3. Location"
^XWB(8994,932,3,5,0)=" 4. Status(active, inactive)"
^XWB(8994,932,3,6,0)=" 5. Category description"
^XWB(8994,933,0)="EC GETLOC^GLOC^ECUMRPC2^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,933,1,1,0)="This broker entry point returns all active, inactive or both locations "
^XWB(8994,933,1,2,0)="from file #4."
^XWB(8994,933,2,1,1,1,0)="Input variable ECARY contains the following values:-"
^XWB(8994,933,2,1,1,2,0)=" STAT - Active, inactive or both (optional)"
^XWB(8994,933,3,1,0)="Results array contain the following values:-"
^XWB(8994,933,3,2,0)=" 1. Location IEN"
^XWB(8994,933,3,3,0)=" 2. Location description"
^XWB(8994,933,3,4,0)=" 3. State"
^XWB(8994,933,3,5,0)=" 4. Current Location Flag"
^XWB(8994,933,3,6,0)=" 5. Facility Type"
^XWB(8994,933,3,7,0)=" 6. Station Number"
^XWB(8994,934,1,1,0)="This broker entry point returns the defaults for procedure data entry."
^XWB(8994,934,2,1,1,1,0)="Input value, ECARY, contains the following values separated by ""^"""
^XWB(8994,934,2,1,1,2,0)=" ECL - Location IEN"
^XWB(8994,934,2,1,1,3,0)=" ECD - DSS Unit IEN"
^XWB(8994,934,2,1,1,4,0)=" ECC - Category IEN"
^XWB(8994,934,2,1,1,5,0)=" ECP - Procedure IEN"
^XWB(8994,934,3,1,0)="Output value, RESULTS, contain the data pieces as follows:-"
^XWB(8994,934,3,2,0)=" 1 - Associated Clinic IEN"
^XWB(8994,934,3,3,0)=" 2 - Associated Clinic"
^XWB(8994,934,3,4,0)=" 3 - Medical Speciality IEN"
^XWB(8994,934,3,5,0)=" 4 - Medical Speciality"
^XWB(8994,935,0)="EC GETDATE^ECDATE^ECUURPC^1^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,935,1,1,0)="Broker call returns the client date as a Fileman internal and external date "
^XWB(8994,935,2,1,1,1,0)="Client entered date and date flag passed in variable ECARY:-"
^XWB(8994,935,2,1,1,2,0)=" DTSTR - Date String, eg N, T@800, 4/15@1205"
^XWB(8994,935,2,1,1,3,0)=" FLG - Date Flag, eg R means time is required"
^XWB(8994,935,3,1,0)="Returns in variable RETURN:- Fileman internal date^External date format."
^XWB(8994,935,3,2,0)="If date is invalid, returns 0^Invalid Date/Time."
^XWB(8994,936,0)="EC CLASHELP^CLHLP^ECUERPC1^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,936,1,1,0)="RPC Broker entry point for classification help."
^XWB(8994,936,2,1,1,1,0)="Input key ECARY consist of the following pieces:-"
^XWB(8994,936,2,1,1,2,0)="ECDFN - Patient DFN from file (#2)"
^XWB(8994,936,2,1,1,3,0)="ECKY - Key to provide help on. Example ECKY='SC' provides help on service"
^XWB(8994,936,2,1,1,4,0)=" connection."
^XWB(8994,936,3,1,0)="Array of help text for classification."
^XWB(8994,937,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,937,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,937,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,937,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN in the Image File."
^XWB(8994,937,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the Flags parameter used in the call to GETS^DIQ. If this is "
^XWB(8994,937,2,2,1,2,0)="null, then the default of ""IERN"" is used."
^XWB(8994,937,3,1,0)="Returns an array of "
^XWB(8994,937,3,2,0)=" Field Names = (internal value) = External Value"
^XWB(8994,937,3,3,0)=" (internal value) is only displayed if it is different than External Value"
^XWB(8994,937,3,4,0)=" i.e. pointer values, Set of codes..."
^XWB(8994,938,1,1,0)="RPC Call to add new entry to Image File using UPDATE^DIE."
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,1,0)="MAGGZ is an array of fields and their entries. "
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,2,0)=" i.e. MAGGZ(1)="".5^38"" field .5 data is 38"
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,4,0)="If Long Description is included in fields, we create a new array to hold"
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,5,0)="the text, and pass that to UPDATE^DIE."
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,7,0)="If this entry is an object group then MAGGZ(n)=""2005.04^344"""
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,8,0)="(The field 2005.04 is the OBJECT GROUP MULTIPLE.)"
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,10,0)="Special processing is done to 'coded' entries."
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,11,0)="i.e. MAGGZ(n)=""ABS^STUFFONLY"" The ""ABS"" code tells routine to take extra"
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,12,0)="action depending on piece 2, ""STUFFONLY"", which says to NOT schedule the"
^XWB(8994,938,2,2,1,13,0)="abstract to be created by the background processor."
^XWB(8994,938,3,1,0)="MAGGRY - Ret variable (Single Variable)"
^XWB(8994,938,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,938,3,3,0)="If successful MAGGRY = IEN^Drive:Dir ^ FILE NAME"
^XWB(8994,938,3,4,0)=" IEN is Internal Entry Number of ^MAG(2005."
^XWB(8994,938,3,5,0)=" Drive:Dir is the Drive and Directory where the image file is saved."
^XWB(8994,938,3,6,0)=" FILE NAME is what the application will name the image file."
^XWB(8994,938,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,938,3,8,0)="If UNsuccessful MAGGRY = 0^Error desc"
^XWB(8994,939,1,1,0)="Piece1=0 if failure"
^XWB(8994,939,1,2,0)="Piece1=1 if successful"
^XWB(8994,939,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,939,1,4,0)="Note: you must create the mail group IMAGE TELECONSULT (RADIOLOGY) and"
^XWB(8994,939,1,5,0)=" add members to recieve the consult notification mail message."
^XWB(8994,939,2,2,1,1,0)="DUZ number for sender of message"
^XWB(8994,939,2,3,1,1,0)="Message to be sent; $END$; Recipient list"
^XWB(8994,939,3,1,0)="Piece1=0 if failure"
^XWB(8994,939,3,2,0)="Piece1=1 if successful"
^XWB(8994,939,3,3,0)="Piece2=error if needed"
^XWB(8994,940,1,1,0)="Return a list of Medicine procedures/subspecialities."
^XWB(8994,940,1,2,0)="List can be subset of whole if site uses Imaging Capture Security Keys to "
^XWB(8994,940,1,3,0)="limit the users access to only Medicine Procedures "
^XWB(8994,940,1,4,0)="that they have a MAGCAP ... Key for."
^XWB(8994,940,2,1,1,1,0)="Not using this input for any processing in Version 2.5"
^XWB(8994,940,2,1,1,2,0)="It might be used for a future version."
^XWB(8994,940,2,1,1,3,0)="Kept in the parameter list, for backward compatibility."
^XWB(8994,940,2,1,1,5,0)="If MAGGZY=1, then add procedure PRINT NAME (full name) in output."
^XWB(8994,940,3,1,0)="Returns list of: NAME PRINT NAME ^ GLOBAL ^ IEN"
^XWB(8994,940,3,2,0)=" i.e. ""ECG ELECTROCARDIOGRAM^MCAR(691.5^2"""
^XWB(8994,941,1,1,0)="Return a List of All Patient Procedures in subspeciality."
^XWB(8994,941,1,2,0)="For use when capturing Images and linking to a Medicine Procedure."
^XWB(8994,941,2,1,1,1,0)="Input is '^' delimited string of info."
^XWB(8994,941,2,1,1,2,0)="Medicine SubSpecialty ^ Patient ^ To Date ^ From Date"
^XWB(8994,941,2,1,1,3,0)="IEN(^MCAR(697.2) ^ DFN ^ TO DATE ^(FROM DATE def to TODAY)"
^XWB(8994,941,2,1,1,4,0)=" i.e. ""43^643^07/03/95"""
^XWB(8994,941,3,1,0)="Returns an array of procedures "
^XWB(8994,941,3,2,0)="each item in array has data in format : "
^XWB(8994,941,3,4,0)="DateTime ^ SubSpecialty ^ Patient ^ File# ^ IEN #"
^XWB(8994,942,1,1,0)="Returns an array of health summary types."
^XWB(8994,942,2,1,1,1,0)="Null value, not used."
^XWB(8994,942,3,1,0)="Array of health summary types."
^XWB(8994,942,3,2,0)=" Array(i)=Health Summary name ^ ien"
^XWB(8994,943,1,1,0)="Returns a health summary for a patient of the type requested."
^XWB(8994,943,2,2,1,1,0)="; MAGGZ -> DFN ^ HS Type (IEN)"
^XWB(8994,943,2,2,1,2,0)="The patient's DFN and the health summary type's internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,943,3,1,0)="Array contains lines of health summary that was requested."
^XWB(8994,944,1,1,0)="Returns associated report for Image IEN."
^XWB(8994,944,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number in file ^MAG(2005."
^XWB(8994,944,2,2,1,1,0)="If this flag is sent with a value of 1, then the QA check will"
^XWB(8994,944,2,2,1,2,0)="not be run. Image report will be returned even if it is an"
^XWB(8994,944,2,2,1,3,0)="image of Questionable Integrity."
^XWB(8994,944,2,2,1,4,0)="This is used when deleting an Image, but the user needs to see"
^XWB(8994,944,2,2,1,5,0)="the report that may have been blocked otherwise."
^XWB(8994,944,2,2,1,6,0)="Defaults to 0 (false) "
^XWB(8994,944,3,1,0)="Report returned is the Long Description of the image entry from the image"
^XWB(8994,944,3,2,0)="file. Followed by the associated report; either Radiology, Surgery,"
^XWB(8994,944,3,3,0)="Medicine, Lab or Progress note."
^XWB(8994,944,3,4,0)="or Lab."
^XWB(8994,945,1,1,0)="Files image pointer in procedure file and procedure pointers in image file."
^XWB(8994,945,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA = DATETIME^PSIEN^DFN^MCIEN A string of 4 pieces "
^XWB(8994,945,2,1,1,4,0)="DFN : PATIENT DFN"
^XWB(8994,945,2,1,1,5,0)="MCIEN : PROCEDURE FILE, INTERNAL NUMBER ^MCAR(697.2,X"
^XWB(8994,945,2,2,1,1,0)="An array of images that are to be associated with the procedure."
^XWB(8994,945,3,1,0)="Returns ""1^ message"" if successful."
^XWB(8994,945,3,2,0)="Returns ""0^ message"" if unsuccessful."
^XWB(8994,945,3,4,0)="If we are creating a New Procedure Stub and it is successful"
^XWB(8994,945,3,5,0)="then "
^XWB(8994,945,3,6,0)="Return ""IEN^Procedure Stub Created"""
^XWB(8994,946,0)="MAG ABSJB^ABSJB^MAGGTU71^1^R"
^XWB(8994,946,1,1,0)="Sets queue entry to create abstract and/or copy to jukebox."
^XWB(8994,946,2,1,1,1,0)="Pointer to image file"
^XWB(8994,946,2,2,1,1,0)="$P(1) IEN. Set an Abstract Queue for the IEN."
^XWB(8994,946,2,2,1,2,0)=" - Abstract will be created."
^XWB(8994,946,2,2,1,3,0)="$p(2) IEN. Set a JukeBox Queue for the IEN."
^XWB(8994,946,2,2,1,4,0)=" - Image will be copied from Jukebox."
^XWB(8994,946,3,1,0)="1|0 ^ message 1 = success 0 = failure"
^XWB(8994,946,3,2,0)="Piece1=1 if successful"
^XWB(8994,947,1,1,0)="Input is Radiology patient 'RADFN'. Output is a list of Patient exams."
^XWB(8994,947,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Radiology Patient DFN. i.e. RADFN"
^XWB(8994,947,3,1,0)="If unsucessful, ARRAY(0) = ""0^reason for failure """
^XWB(8994,947,3,2,0)="If successful,"
^XWB(8994,947,3,3,0)="ARRAY(0) = # returned ^ # column headers ^ header 1 ^header 2 ^ header...."
^XWB(8994,947,3,4,0)="ARRAY(1..n) = col 1 value ^ col 2 value ^.. col n value ^ _ RAD DATA"
^XWB(8994,947,3,5,0)=" RAD DATA is the Radiology values stored in ^TMP($J,""RAEX"",x) that"
^XWB(8994,947,3,6,0)=" the radiology procedure RAPTLU sets during the search for patient"
^XWB(8994,947,3,7,0)=" exams. (see routine RAPTLU )"
^XWB(8994,947,3,8,0)=" ^TMP($J,""RAEX"",RACNT)="
^XWB(8994,947,3,9,0)=" RADFN_""^""_RADTI_""^""_RACNI_""^""_RANME_""^""_RASSN_""^"""
^XWB(8994,947,3,10,0)=" _RADATE_""^""_RADTE_""^""_RACN_""^""_RAPRC_""^""_RARPT_""^""_RAST"
^XWB(8994,947,3,12,0)="Routine MAGGTRA is a copy of RAPTLU that was modified by the imaging"
^XWB(8994,947,3,13,0)="team to be a silent call, while returning the same data in the same"
^XWB(8994,947,3,14,0)="format the users are familiar with."
^XWB(8994,947,3,15,0)="DBA discussion is underway."
^XWB(8994,948,1,1,0)="Files the image pointer into the Radiology package and the Radiology"
^XWB(8994,948,1,2,0)="pointers into the Imaging package."
^XWB(8994,948,2,1,1,1,0)="Not being used anymore, kept for backward compatibility."
^XWB(8994,948,2,1,1,2,0)="DUZ of user. "
^XWB(8994,948,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of Image File entry ^MAG(2005,"
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,1,0)="First ""^"" piece is MAGIEN, The IMAGE File Internal number. ^MAG(2005,"
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,2,0)="Next ""^"" pieces are the same RAD DATA that was sent in the "
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,3,0)=" RPC Call MAGGRADLIST, as the return Array."
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,4,0)=" RADFN_""^""_RADTI_""^""_RACNI_""^""_RANME_""^""_RASSN_""^"""
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,5,0)=" _RADATE_""^""_RADTE_""^""_RACN_""^""_RAPRC_""^""_RARPT_""^""_RAST"
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,6,0)="The same DATA that the RAD procedure RAPTLU saved in ^TMP($J,""RAEX"",RACNT)"
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,8,0)="We saved the variables that the RAD Routine RAPTLU set up when creating"
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,9,0)="the list of Rad Exams for the patient. We send it back as input here,"
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,10,0)="Initialize the variables so when we need to call any Rad Procedure, we"
^XWB(8994,948,2,3,1,11,0)="have what we need."
^XWB(8994,948,3,1,0)="If successful, '1^message'"
^XWB(8994,948,3,2,0)="If unsuccessful, '0^message'"
^XWB(8994,949,1,1,0)="Displays the Patient Profile in a Delphi Window. The call first opens the"
^XWB(8994,949,1,2,0)="'IMAGING WORKSTATION' device and then calls EN^DGRPD."
^XWB(8994,949,1,3,0)="Then calls EN^DGRPD "
^XWB(8994,949,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient's DFN."
^XWB(8994,949,3,1,0)="Array containing report text (one line per node)."
^XWB(8994,950,1,1,0)="Returns list of 'MAG DESCRIPTIVE CATEGORIES'. i.e., NAME^IEN"
^XWB(8994,950,3,1,0)="Returns a list of 'MAG DESCRITIVE CATEGORIES'."
^XWB(8994,950,3,2,0)=" ARRAY(I)=Catergory Name^ien"
^XWB(8994,952,1,1,0)="The line tag STAIN is used for selection of Histological stain"
^XWB(8994,952,1,2,0)="Send array of entries in file 2005.4, Image Histological Stain"
^XWB(8994,952,3,1,0)="Send array of entries in file 2005.4, Image Histological Stain"
^XWB(8994,953,1,1,0)=";The line tag MICRO is used for selection of Microscopic Objective."
^XWB(8994,953,1,2,0)="An array of entries in the Microscopic Objective file are returned."
^XWB(8994,953,3,1,0)="Send array of entries in file 2005.41, Microscopic Objective."
^XWB(8994,954,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of Lab Sections to the calling app."
^XWB(8994,954,1,2,0)="The line tag SECT is used for selection of the Laboratory section"
^XWB(8994,954,1,3,0)="Build Pathology selection from file 68 accordingly to user's division"
^XWB(8994,954,3,1,0)="MAGRY - Returns array of lab section name, section abbreviation used in"
^XWB(8994,954,3,2,0)="defining the accession number & xref lookup, as well as the IEN"
^XWB(8994,954,3,3,0)="in Imaging Parent file."
^XWB(8994,955,1,1,0)=";The line tag START is used for selection of the specimen that the image"
^XWB(8994,955,1,2,0)=" relates to. This line tag will require a lab section (Autopsy/"
^XWB(8994,955,1,3,0)=" Gross, Autopsy/Microscopic, EM, Surgical Path, or Cytology),"
^XWB(8994,955,1,4,0)="the Accession year, and either an Accession # or Autopsy #. Based on"
^XWB(8994,955,1,5,0)="this information it will return an array of specimens for selection."
^XWB(8994,955,2,1,1,1,0)="Lab section, i.e. SP, CY, etc."
^XWB(8994,955,2,2,1,1,0)="Lab specimen year."
^XWB(8994,955,2,3,1,1,0)="Lab accession number."
^XWB(8994,955,2,4,1,1,0)="PATIENT'S DFN"
^XWB(8994,955,3,1,0)="Array of lab specimens, date/time, pathologist."
^XWB(8994,956,1,1,0)="Files the Lab pointer in Image File, ^MAG(2005, and files the image"
^XWB(8994,956,1,2,0)="pointer in the Lab file. ^LR(LRDFN,LRSECT"
^XWB(8994,956,2,1,1,1,0)="IMIEN - ^MAG(2005,IMIEN image captured."
^XWB(8994,956,2,2,1,1,0)=";DATA - stain^micro obj^Pt name^ssn^date/time^acc#^Pathologist^specimen"
^XWB(8994,956,2,2,1,2,0)="desc.^lab section^dfn^lrdfn^lri^spec ien^field#^global root e.g."
^XWB(8994,956,2,2,1,3,0)=" ^LR(1,""SP"",7069 758,.1,1"
^XWB(8994,956,2,2,1,4,0)=" ;DATA is the result of START^MAGGTLB (the specimen variable during the"
^XWB(8994,956,2,2,1,5,0)=" ;image capture window)."
^XWB(8994,956,2,2,1,6,0)=" ;Will return a single value on filing success."
^XWB(8994,956,3,1,0)="Returns '1^success' or '0^error text'."
^XWB(8994,957,1,1,0)="User selects a Radiology exam from the listing displayed, we return a list"
^XWB(8994,957,1,2,0)="of images associated with that exam."
^XWB(8994,957,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA is the exam data that was output from the MAGGRADLIST RPC call."
^XWB(8994,957,2,1,1,2,0)="DATA is the Radiology values stored in ^TMP($J,""RAEX"",x)"
^XWB(8994,957,2,1,1,3,0)=" that the radiology procedure RAPTLU sets during the search"
^XWB(8994,957,2,1,1,4,0)=" for patient exams. (see routine RAPTLU )"
^XWB(8994,957,2,1,1,5,0)=" ^TMP($J,""RAEX"",RACNT)="
^XWB(8994,957,2,1,1,6,0)=" RADFN_""^""_RADTI_""^""_RACNI_""^""_RANME_""^""_RASSN_""^"""
^XWB(8994,957,2,1,1,7,0)=" _RADATE_""^""_RADTE_""^""_RACN_""^""_RAPRC_""^""_RARPT_""^""_RAST"
^XWB(8994,957,3,1,0)="Returns an array of images associated with the Radiology exam. Each array"
^XWB(8994,957,3,2,0)="entry has image data returned from the call BOTH^MAGFILEA which is the"
^XWB(8994,957,3,3,0)="same data returned by all calls that return image data."
^XWB(8994,958,1,1,0)="Returns the user preferences for the Imaging Display windows."
^XWB(8994,958,3,1,0)="Each entry of the return array has the window name as first piece, "
^XWB(8994,958,3,2,0)="followed by the window parameters. i.e. height, width, visible, etc."
^XWB(8994,959,1,1,0)="Saves the Imaging user's window preferences to the Imaging User Preferences"
^XWB(8994,959,1,2,0)="file. ^MAG(2006.18,"
^XWB(8994,959,2,1,1,1,0)="Each array node has window name as first piece followed by the window"
^XWB(8994,959,3,1,0)="returns: '1^User preferences saved'"
^XWB(8994,959,3,2,0)=" or '0^error text' (if error)"
^XWB(8994,960,1,1,0)="Returns the Radiology report for the input value RARPT. ^RARPT(RARPT)"
^XWB(8994,960,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of ^RARPT(RARPT)."
^XWB(8994,960,3,1,0)="Returns the report in an array."
^XWB(8994,961,1,1,0)="Returns a list of Surgery Cases for the Patient."
^XWB(8994,961,2,1,1,1,0)="The DFN of patient."
^XWB(8994,961,3,1,0)="Returns an array of Surgery cases for the given DFN."
^XWB(8994,961,3,2,0)="Calls Surgery API GET^SROGTSR to get the list."
^XWB(8994,961,3,3,0)="We insert headers as first list entry, for easy display in Delphi Window."
^XWB(8994,961,3,5,0)="MAGRY(0) = count of cases ^ ""Cases found"""
^XWB(8994,961,3,6,0)=" second array entry is the column headers"
^XWB(8994,961,3,7,0)="MAGRY(1) =""# ^ Date ^ Case description^ # Images"""
^XWB(8994,961,3,8,0)=" entries 2..n are the data and extra internal info : "
^XWB(8994,961,3,9,0)=" the surgery internal number SROP and Date in internal format."
^XWB(8994,961,3,11,0)="MAGRY(2..N) = Sting of '^' delimited pieces."
^XWB(8994,961,3,12,0)=" ; for Imaging Versions < 2.5 the data is"
^XWB(8994,961,3,13,0)=" ; # DATE DESC SRF(IEN FM DATE"
^XWB(8994,961,3,15,0)=" ;"
^XWB(8994,961,3,16,0)=" ; for Imaging Versions > 2.4, the data is different"
^XWB(8994,962,1,1,0)="Files the pointers in the Surgery and Image packages."
^XWB(8994,962,2,1,1,1,0)="Image file internal number. ^MAG(2005,"
^XWB(8994,962,2,2,1,1,0)="Sting of '^' delimited pieces."
^XWB(8994,962,2,2,1,2,0)="it is the same data that is set into the list of"
^XWB(8994,962,2,2,1,3,0)="surgery cases when image application asks for list of patients cases."
^XWB(8994,962,2,2,1,4,0)=" ; for Imaging Versions < 2.5 the data is"
^XWB(8994,962,2,2,1,5,0)=" ; # DATE DESC SRF(IEN FM DATE"
^XWB(8994,962,2,2,1,6,0)=" ;CNT_U_(READABLE DATE)_U_SROPS(1)_U_SROP_U_SRSDATE"
^XWB(8994,962,2,2,1,7,0)=" ;"
^XWB(8994,962,2,2,1,8,0)=" ; for Imaging Versions > 2.4, the data is different"
^XWB(8994,962,2,2,1,9,0)=" ;CNT_U_(READABLE DATE)_U_SROPS(1)_U_IMAGECT_U_""|""_SROP_U_SRSDATE"
^XWB(8994,962,3,1,0)="If success, returns ""1^success"""
^XWB(8994,962,3,2,0)="If error, returns ""0^error text"""
^XWB(8994,963,1,1,0)="Call from Delphi to log action of copying image from display application "
^XWB(8994,963,1,2,0)="into the IMAGE ACCESS LOG file ^MAG(2006.95"
^XWB(8994,963,2,1,0)=" ZY^1^245^1^1"
^XWB(8994,963,2,1,1,1,0)="'^' delimited string contains the following:"
^XWB(8994,963,2,1,1,2,0)=" 1 ACCESS TYPE - A|B|C|D|E"
^XWB(8994,963,2,1,1,3,0)=" 2 USER - DUZ"
^XWB(8994,963,2,1,1,4,0)=" 3 IMAGE - MAGIEN"
^XWB(8994,963,2,1,1,5,0)=" 4 USER INTERFACE SOFTWARE - STRING"
^XWB(8994,963,2,1,1,6,0)=" 5 PATIENT - DFN"
^XWB(8994,963,2,1,1,7,0)=" 6 IMAGE COUNT"
^XWB(8994,963,2,"B"," ZY",1)=""
^XWB(8994,963,3,1,0)="Returns ""1^"" if success."
^XWB(8994,963,3,2,0)="Returns ""0^error text"" if failure."
^XWB(8994,964,0)="MAGG DTTM^DTTM^MAGGTU5^1^R"
^XWB(8994,964,1,1,0)="Does a FileMan conversion using %DT=""T"" D ^%DT,$$FMTE^XLFDT(Y,""8"")"
^XWB(8994,964,2,1,0)=" X^1^30^1^1"
^XWB(8994,964,2,1,1,1,0)="User input to date/time field "
^XWB(8994,964,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the Date to be converted in External or Internal Format."
^XWB(8994,964,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a Flag to tell if Future Dates are allowed."
^XWB(8994,964,2,3,1,2,0)="The defaults is 0, so Future Dates Are Allowed."
^XWB(8994,964,2,3,1,3,0)="If 1, then NOFDT is true and NO Future Dates are Allowed."
^XWB(8994,964,2,"B"," X",1)=""
^XWB(8994,964,3,1,0)="Returns date/time in format Month DD, YYYY@HH:MM"
^XWB(8994,964,3,2,0)="i.e. Jan 04, 1999@11:55"
^XWB(8994,965,1,1,0)="Returns Array of info about user, and site settings."
^XWB(8994,965,1,2,0)="the user's security keys for later applications."
^XWB(8994,965,2,1,1,1,0)="Workstation ID and Location from MAG.INI file section [SYS_SiteParam]."
^XWB(8994,965,3,1,0)=" ; MAGRY(1) = DUZ ^ FULL NAME ^ INITIALS"
^XWB(8994,965,3,2,0)=" ; MAGRY(2) = Network UserName ^ PassWord."
^XWB(8994,965,3,3,0)=" ; MAGRY(3) = MUSE Site number. ( default = 1)"
^XWB(8994,965,3,4,0)=" ; Node 4 is data from IMAGING SITE PARAMATERS File #2006.1 and INSTITUTION File #4"
^XWB(8994,965,3,5,0)=" ; MAGRY(4)= IEN ^ SITE CODE ^ DUZ(2) ^ INSTITUTION NAME (.01) ^ $$CONSOLID ^ STATION NUMBER (99)"
^XWB(8994,965,3,6,0)=" ; MAGRY(5) = +<CP Version>|0 ^ Version of CP installed on Server"
^XWB(8994,965,3,7,0)=" ; MAGRY(6) = Warning message if we can't resolve which Site Parameter entry to use."
^XWB(8994,965,3,8,0)=" ; MAGRY(7) = Warning message <reserved for future>"
^XWB(8994,965,3,9,0)=" ; MAGRY(8) = 1|0 1 = Production account 0 = Test Account (or couldn't determine)"
^XWB(8994,965,3,10,0)=" ; MAGRY(9) = Vista Site Service PHYSICAL REFERENCE from Network Location File."
^XWB(8994,965,3,11,0)=" ; MAGRY(10)=Domain Name"
^XWB(8994,966,1,1,0)="Return an array of Imaging Keys that this user holds."
^XWB(8994,966,3,1,0)="Returns an array of IMAGING Security Keys"
^XWB(8994,966,3,2,0)="to use on the workstation to limit capture ability"
^XWB(8994,966,3,3,0)="and to limit functionality on Display application."
^XWB(8994,967,1,1,0)="Verifies the Electronic signature of the current user. "
^XWB(8994,967,1,2,0)="Uses 'DUZ' defined in the partition."
^XWB(8994,967,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the encrypted electronic signature entered by the user on the"
^XWB(8994,967,2,1,1,2,0)="Imaging window."
^XWB(8994,967,3,1,0)="Returns ""1^message"" for success"
^XWB(8994,967,3,2,0)=" ""0^message"" for failure or error."
^XWB(8994,968,1,1,0)="The workstation sends data to be entered into the Imaging File: "
^XWB(8994,968,1,2,0)=" IMAGING WINDOWS WORKSTATION ^MAG(2006.81 "
^XWB(8994,968,2,1,1,1,0)=" ; DATA is '^' delimited piece"
^XWB(8994,968,2,1,1,2,0)=" ; 1 Workstation name 2 Date/Time of capture app."
^XWB(8994,968,2,1,1,3,0)=" ; 3 Date/Time of Display App."
^XWB(8994,968,2,1,1,4,0)=" ; 4 Location of worksation 5 Date/Time of MAGSETUP"
^XWB(8994,968,2,1,1,5,0)=" ; 6 Version of Display 7 Version of Capture"
^XWB(8994,968,3,1,0)="If error the ""0^error message "" is returned. "
^XWB(8994,968,3,2,0)=" If success ""1^"" is returned."
^XWB(8994,969,1,1,0)="Tracks the time of the Imaging session."
^XWB(8994,969,1,2,0)="Kills TMP globals, cleans up."
^XWB(8994,969,3,1,0)="always returns '1'. Mainly for future use and Imaging statistics."
^XWB(8994,970,1,1,0)="Utilites for Imaging system manager."
^XWB(8994,970,1,2,0)="RPC Call for MAGSYS utility. List of Workstation Information."
^XWB(8994,970,2,1,1,1,0)="the Computer Name running MAGSYS."
^XWB(8994,970,3,1,0)="Returns the Imaging windows workstation file entries."
^XWB(8994,970,3,2,0)="each entry is an '^' delimited piece of the following info."
^XWB(8994,970,3,3,0)="$p(1) Computer Name"
^XWB(8994,970,3,4,0)="$p(2) Date of Last Logon, by a user."
^XWB(8994,970,3,5,0)="$p(3) Last User DFN"
^XWB(8994,970,3,6,0)="$p(4) Active or Not"
^XWB(8994,970,3,7,0)="$p(5) Service/Section"
^XWB(8994,970,3,8,0)="$p(6) Last User Name"
^XWB(8994,970,3,9,0)="$p(7) Date of Display exe last used."
^XWB(8994,970,3,10,0)="$p(8) Date/Time of Last Logoff."
^XWB(8994,970,3,11,0)="$p(9) Display Version IMGVWP10.EXE"
^XWB(8994,970,3,12,0)="$p(10) Capture Version info TELE19N.EXE"
^XWB(8994,970,3,13,0)="$p(11) Date of MAGSETUP.EXE last run on this wrks."
^XWB(8994,970,3,14,0)="$p(12) Date of Capture exe last used."
^XWB(8994,970,3,15,0)="$p(13) current session error count."
^XWB(8994,970,3,16,0)="$p(14) Sess Ct for Wrks"
^XWB(8994,970,3,17,0)="$p(15) WRKS IEN ^MAG(2006,81,I"
^XWB(8994,971,0)="MAGG MED NEW^NEW^MAGGTMC1^1^R"
^XWB(8994,971,1,1,0)="Makes a procedure stub in the Medicine package."
^XWB(8994,971,1,2,0)="This call doesn't require an Image pointer, so the stub is just that"
^XWB(8994,971,1,3,0)=" : a stub with nothing in it."
^XWB(8994,971,2,1,1,1,0)="; DATA = DATETIME^PSIEN^DFN"
^XWB(8994,971,3,1,0)="Returns MCIEN of newly created procedure stub"
^XWB(8994,972,1,1,0)="Returns information on 1 Image"
^XWB(8994,972,2,1,1,1,0)="internal entry number in IMAGE file ^MAG(2005,IEN"
^XWB(8994,972,2,2,1,1,0)="If this flag is sent with a value of 1, then the QA check will"
^XWB(8994,972,2,2,1,2,0)="not be run. Image information will be returned even if it is an"
^XWB(8994,972,2,2,1,3,0)="image of Questionable Integrity."
^XWB(8994,972,2,2,1,4,0)="This is used when deleting an Image, but the user needs to see"
^XWB(8994,972,2,2,1,5,0)="information that may have been blocked otherwise."
^XWB(8994,972,3,1,0)="Returns '^' delimited string of image info"
^XWB(8994,972,3,2,0)="$P(1^2^3) IEN^Image FullPath and name^Abstract FullPath and Name"
^XWB(8994,972,3,3,0)="$P(4) SHORT DESCRIPTION field and desc of offline JukeBox"
^XWB(8994,972,3,4,0)="$P(5) PROCEDURE/ EXAM DATE/TIME field"
^XWB(8994,972,3,5,0)="$P(6) OBJECT TYPE"
^XWB(8994,972,3,6,0)="$P(7) PROCEDURE field"
^XWB(8994,972,3,7,0)="$P(8) display date"
^XWB(8994,972,3,8,0)="$P(9) to return the PARENT DATA FILE image pointer"
^XWB(8994,972,3,9,0)="$p(10) return the ABSTYPE 'M' magnetic 'W' worm 'O' offline"
^XWB(8994,972,3,10,0)="$p(11) is 'A' accessable 'O' offline"
^XWB(8994,972,3,11,0)="$p(12^13) Dicom Series Number $p(12) and Image Number $p(13)"
^XWB(8994,972,3,12,0)="$p(14 is count of images in group, 1 if single image."
^XWB(8994,972,3,13,0)="$p(15^16) SiteParameter IEN ^ SiteParameter CODE"
^XWB(8994,972,3,14,0)="$P(17) is err description of Integrity Check"
^XWB(8994,972,3,15,0)="$P(18) Image BIGPath and name //Patch 5"
^XWB(8994,972,3,16,0)="$P(19^20) Patient DFN ^ Patient Name; // Patch 3.8"
^XWB(8994,972,3,17,0)="$P(21) Image Class: Clin,Admin,Clin/Admin,Admin/Clin"
^XWB(8994,973,1,1,0)="Deletes Image entry from Image file, ^MAG(2005 and Image File from disk."
^XWB(8994,973,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number in the IMAGE FM File. ^MAG(2005"
^XWB(8994,973,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a Group Delete Flag"
^XWB(8994,973,2,2,1,2,0)="1 or 0"
^XWB(8994,973,2,2,1,3,0)=" 1 = Allow Group Delete"
^XWB(8994,973,2,2,1,4,0)=" 0 = Do not Allow Group Deletes."
^XWB(8994,973,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a free text description of the Reason for Deleting the Image."
^XWB(8994,973,3,1,0)=" 1^Image deleted"
^XWB(8994,973,3,2,0)=" 0^<reason image wasn't deleted>"
^XWB(8994,974,1,1,0)="For help in development and testing."
^XWB(8994,974,1,2,0)="It returns the NODE from Imaging file to view in raw form."
^XWB(8994,974,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the node of file ^MAG(2005,NODE to be displayed in the window."
^XWB(8994,974,3,1,0)="The ^MAG(2005,IEN Global data in raw form."
^XWB(8994,975,1,1,0)="Returns session listing for a workstation."
^XWB(8994,975,2,1,1,1,0)=" DATA is '^' delimited string"
^XWB(8994,975,2,1,1,2,0)=" IEN Workstatin File ^ From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,975,2,1,1,3,0)="IEN is from the Workstation file ^MAG(2006.81"
^XWB(8994,975,3,1,0)="Returns an array of user sessions on this workstation."
^XWB(8994,975,3,2,0)="each entry has session info in an '^' delimited piece"
^XWB(8994,975,3,3,0)="in the format : "
^XWB(8994,975,3,4,0)=" $p(1) User Name"
^XWB(8994,975,3,5,0)=" $p(2) Workstation Name"
^XWB(8994,975,3,6,0)=" $p(3) Date of Last Logon, by a user."
^XWB(8994,975,3,7,0)=" $p(4) Date/Time of Last Logoff."
^XWB(8994,975,3,8,0)=" $p(5) patients viewed this session"
^XWB(8994,975,3,9,0)=" $p(6) images viewed this session."
^XWB(8994,975,3,10,0)=" $p(7) Images captured this session"
^XWB(8994,975,3,11,0)=" $p(8) action count"
^XWB(8994,975,3,12,0)=" $p(9) error count"
^XWB(8994,975,3,13,0)=" $p(10) session ien"
^XWB(8994,976,1,1,0)="Returns a display of this session activity."
^XWB(8994,976,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the Session in file ^MAG(2006.82."
^XWB(8994,976,3,1,0)="Returns a list of actions and errors that"
^XWB(8994,976,3,2,0)=" occured during this Imaging Session. "
^XWB(8994,976,3,3,0)="List entry [ERRORS] indicates that what follows in the list are the errors"
^XWB(8994,976,3,4,0)="that occured during the session."
^XWB(8994,977,1,1,0)="Certain actions performed by a user are tracked for statistical purposes"
^XWB(8994,977,2,1,1,1,0)="LOGACT calls ACTION^MAGGTAU to log action."
^XWB(8994,977,2,1,1,2,0)=" ; ACTIONS LOGGED"
^XWB(8994,977,2,1,1,3,0)=" ; LOGON - Session StartTime LOGOFF - Session End Time"
^XWB(8994,977,2,1,1,4,0)=" ; IMG - Image accessed PAT - Patient Accessed"
^XWB(8994,977,2,1,1,5,0)=" ; CAP - Image Captured MOD - Image entry modified"
^XWB(8994,977,2,1,1,6,0)=" ;"
^XWB(8994,977,2,1,1,7,0)=" ; ACTION is ""^"" delimited string"
^XWB(8994,977,2,1,1,8,0)=" ; $P(1) is code ( see above ) $P(2) is DFN"
^XWB(8994,977,2,1,1,9,0)=" ; $P(3) is Image IEN"
^XWB(8994,977,3,1,0)="Always returns the string ""1^Action logged"""
^XWB(8994,978,1,1,0)="Queues images to be copied from JukeBox to harddrive."
^XWB(8994,978,1,2,0)=" (to the Image Write Directory)"
^XWB(8994,978,2,1,1,1,0)="A Code containing A | F | B "
^XWB(8994,978,2,1,1,2,0)=" if [ A then Abstracts will be queued."
^XWB(8994,978,2,1,1,3,0)=" if [ F then Full Resolution image will be queued"
^XWB(8994,978,2,1,1,4,0)=" if [ B then BIG file ( Xray 2k x 2k ) will be queued"
^XWB(8994,978,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IEN from Image File ^MAG(2005 to be queued."
^XWB(8994,978,3,1,0)=" 1^message for success"
^XWB(8994,978,3,2,0)=" 0^message for error"
^XWB(8994,979,1,1,0)="RPC Call to queue all images of an"
^XWB(8994,979,1,2,0)=" Image group for a copy from JukeBox."
^XWB(8994,979,1,3,0)=" This can also be a PREFETCH, in which case the Images being"
^XWB(8994,979,1,4,0)=" Queued have a lower priority than other copies from JukeBox"
^XWB(8994,979,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the Image Group in MAG(2005 file."
^XWB(8994,979,2,2,1,1,0)=" ; CODE is a string code for which images to Queue"
^XWB(8994,979,2,2,1,2,0)=" ; [""A"" Abatract"
^XWB(8994,979,2,2,1,3,0)=" ; [""F"" Full Resolution"
^XWB(8994,979,2,2,1,4,0)=" ; [""B"" Big File"
^XWB(8994,979,2,3,1,1,0)=" QCODE is a QUEUE code. If = 1 then this is a prefetch"
^XWB(8994,979,3,1,0)="'^' delimited string. Standard Imaging return format "
^XWB(8994,979,3,2,0)=" i.e. '1 | 0 ^ message '"
^XWB(8994,979,3,3,0)=" - - - - "
^XWB(8994,979,3,4,0)=" Count of Images Queued ^ message"
^XWB(8994,980,1,1,0)="This is called for a PREFETCH, the images queued this way have a "
^XWB(8994,980,1,2,0)=" lower priority than other copy from JukeBox queues."
^XWB(8994,980,1,3,0)="Queues all images for a patient. i.e. All images for a patient will be"
^XWB(8994,980,1,4,0)="copied from the jukebox to the harddrive."
^XWB(8994,980,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patients DFN."
^XWB(8994,980,2,2,1,1,0)=" ; CODE is a string code for which images to Queue"
^XWB(8994,980,2,2,1,2,0)=" ; [""A"" Abatract"
^XWB(8994,980,2,2,1,3,0)=" ; [""F"" Full Resolution"
^XWB(8994,980,2,2,1,4,0)=" ; [""B"" Big File"
^XWB(8994,980,3,1,0)="""1^message"" if successful"
^XWB(8994,980,3,2,0)="""0^error message"" if error occured "
^XWB(8994,981,1,1,0)="Queues a list of images to be copied from jukebox to harddrive. "
^XWB(8994,981,2,1,1,1,0)=" A Code containing A | F | B"
^XWB(8994,981,2,1,1,2,0)=" if [ A then Abstracts will be queued."
^XWB(8994,981,2,1,1,3,0)=" if [ F then Full Resolution image will be queued."
^XWB(8994,981,2,1,1,4,0)=" if [ B then BIG file ( Xray 2k x 2k ) will be queued."
^XWB(8994,981,2,2,1,1,0)="The list of Image IEN's to be queued."
^XWB(8994,981,3,1,0)="Standard Imaging return variable 1 = success 0 = error"
^XWB(8994,981,3,2,0)=" 1^message "
^XWB(8994,981,3,3,0)=" 0^error message"
^XWB(8994,982,1,1,0)="Returns an ID, generated as a temporary way to link, flouroscopic"
^XWB(8994,982,1,2,0)="images captured by other system to images captured on this"
^XWB(8994,982,1,4,0)="They will be linked by both being saved under the same Medicine procedure."
^XWB(8994,982,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA = psien ^ dfn ^ mcien"
^XWB(8994,982,3,1,0)="Returns 1^DICOMID if successful"
^XWB(8994,982,3,2,0)=" 0^error message IF Unsuccessful"
^XWB(8994,983,1,1,0)="This sends a message when an image has been accessed from a Jukebox"
^XWB(8994,983,1,2,0)="platter that is offline, as determined by having an entry in "
^XWB(8994,983,1,3,0)="the file ^MAGQUEUE(2006.033."
^XWB(8994,983,2,1,1,1,0)="The full path and file name of the Image accessed."
^XWB(8994,983,2,2,1,1,0)="The Internal entry number in file MAG(2005. "
^XWB(8994,983,3,1,0)="always returns ""1^message sent"""
^XWB(8994,984,1,1,0)="Provides a list of Active Background Processes."
^XWB(8994,984,2,1,1,1,0)="This value is the actual workstation name as specified by"
^XWB(8994,984,2,1,1,2,0)="the network operating system. It is identical to the field"
^XWB(8994,984,2,1,1,3,0)="in the VISTA workstation file (#2006.8) named WRKS COMPUTER"
^XWB(8994,984,2,1,1,4,0)="NAME (#50)."
^XWB(8994,984,2,2,1,1,0)="This value is by design either ""B-PROC"" or ""Purge"" and is used to rename"
^XWB(8994,984,2,2,1,2,0)="the VISTA Job name on DSM systems. This value has the last two IP octet"
^XWB(8994,984,2,2,1,3,0)="concatenated to it for easy identification for system management purposes."
^XWB(8994,984,2,2,1,4,0)="It is also displayed in the title bar of the workstation process form."
^XWB(8994,984,2,2,1,5,0)="of the workstation process form."
^XWB(8994,984,3,1,0)="(0)=""-1^No Background Processor parameters on system"" OR"
^XWB(8994,984,3,2,0)="(0)=""-1^Not assigned as a Background Processor"" OR"
^XWB(8994,984,3,3,0)="(0)=""0^BP List^IM-_(Purge or B-Proc)_Last two IP Octet^SYSNAME^WS id"
^XWB(8994,984,3,4,0)="(1)=Process (either JUKEBOX,JBTOHD,DELETE,ABSTRACT,ROUTE)^#to be processed"
^XWB(8994,985,1,1,0)="Requeues a process which failed."
^XWB(8994,985,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal Entry Number of the Vista Imaging Queue file (#2006.03) of the"
^XWB(8994,985,2,1,1,2,0)="entry to be requeued."
^XWB(8994,985,3,1,0)="The Internal Entry number of the newly requeued task."
^XWB(8994,986,1,1,0)="Updates the status field in the specified queue record."
^XWB(8994,986,2,1,1,1,0)="The internal entry number of the Vista Imaging Queue file - the queue item"
^XWB(8994,986,2,1,1,2,0)="to be updated."
^XWB(8994,986,2,2,1,1,0)="The message string result of the process:"
^XWB(8994,986,2,2,1,2,0)="piece 1 if positive indicates the successful completion of the queue task"
^XWB(8994,986,2,2,1,3,0)=" if negative indicates that the queue was not successfully completed"
^XWB(8994,986,2,2,1,4,0)="piece 2 is the process message"
^XWB(8994,986,2,2,1,5,0)="piece 3 contains the network location reference (IEN) of the location"
^XWB(8994,986,2,2,1,6,0)=" successfully copied to by the queue task"
^XWB(8994,987,1,1,0)="Returns parameters for the next queue process for the specified type."
^XWB(8994,987,2,1,1,1,0)="The background processor queue type"
^XWB(8994,987,3,1,0)="The internal entry number (IEN) of the Mag Queue file (#2006.03) of"
^XWB(8994,987,3,2,0)="the next queue to be processed."
^XWB(8994,988,1,1,0)="Returns a list of all online file servers at a site."
^XWB(8994,988,1,2,0)="This network location file list requires the following from each"
^XWB(8994,988,1,5,0)="type: MAG"
^XWB(8994,988,1,6,0)="path does not contain: "":"""
^XWB(8994,988,1,7,0)="NON-ROUTER "
^XWB(8994,988,2,1,1,1,0)="No input parameter required."
^XWB(8994,988,3,1,0)="(0)=""-1^No additional servers to process"" or"
^XWB(8994,988,3,2,0)="share network path of the current Vista Imaging Write Location first "
^XWB(8994,988,3,3,0)="(0)=network path^Location file(#2005.2) IEN^free space^disk capacity"
^XWB(8994,988,3,4,0)="(1)= """
^XWB(8994,988,3,5,0)="(2)= """
^XWB(8994,988,3,6,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,988,3,7,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,988,3,8,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,989,1,1,0)="Updates the online file server entries in the Network location file"
^XWB(8994,989,1,2,0)="with the disk size and the space available."
^XWB(8994,989,2,1,1,1,0)="The network location file (#2005.2) internal entry number of the record"
^XWB(8994,989,2,1,1,2,0)="to be updated. "
^XWB(8994,989,2,2,1,1,0)="The amount of space available for copying images."
^XWB(8994,989,2,3,1,1,0)="The disk capacity of the network share."
^XWB(8994,989,3,1,0)="""1^Update Complete"""
^XWB(8994,990,1,1,0)="Finds the available network file server with the most space, "
^XWB(8994,990,1,2,0)="changes the current write space pointer and returns the IEN."
^XWB(8994,990,1,3,0)="The candidate list requires the following criteria:"
^XWB(8994,990,1,5,0)="type: MAG"
^XWB(8994,990,1,6,0)="path does not contain: "":"""
^XWB(8994,990,2,1,1,1,0)="No input parameter required."
^XWB(8994,990,2,2,1,1,0)="If this value is set to '1' then if the share space does not meet the lower"
^XWB(8994,990,2,2,1,2,0)="limit as established by the PERCENT SERVER RESERVE (#11) "
^XWB(8994,990,2,2,1,3,0)="in the SITE PARAMETER FILE (#2006.1) then a message will be"
^XWB(8994,990,2,2,1,4,0)="sent to the G.MAG SERVER mail group."
^XWB(8994,990,3,1,0)="Returns 0 if unsuccessful , 1 if successful in the first piece"
^XWB(8994,990,3,2,0)="network location^network share path in pieces 2 and 3"
^XWB(8994,991,1,1,0)="This RPC returns an array of file types which the background processor"
^XWB(8994,991,1,2,0)="will use to move files from magnetic to jukebox and back for this"
^XWB(8994,991,1,3,0)="Vista installation."
^XWB(8994,991,2,1,1,1,0)="No input parameter required."
^XWB(8994,992,1,1,0)="Nulls the appropriate magnetic network location reference."
^XWB(8994,992,2,1,1,1,0)="The Image file name to be updated."
^XWB(8994,992,2,2,1,1,0)="The image file extension to be updated."
^XWB(8994,992,2,3,1,1,0)="Image file internal entry number to be updated."
^XWB(8994,992,2,4,1,1,0)="'NET' or 'JB' to specify which Image system reference to update."
^XWB(8994,992,3,1,0)="Boolean: 0:failed, 1:success"
^XWB(8994,993,1,1,0)="Site Purge parameter fetch."
^XWB(8994,993,2,1,1,1,0)="No input parameter required."
^XWB(8994,994,1,4,0)="RESULT VALUES"
^XWB(8994,994,2,3,0)="FILE EXTENSION^1^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,994,2,4,0)="NETWORK LOCATION^1^^1^4"
^XWB(8994,994,2,4,1,1,0)="Current share network path being evaluated."
^XWB(8994,994,2,5,1,1,0)="Boolean which defines whether site is evaluating radiology holds or not."
^XWB(8994,994,2,5,1,2,0)="This value comes from the site parameter file (#2006.1) field #13"
^XWB(8994,994,2,"B","FILE EXTENSION",3)=""
^XWB(8994,994,2,"B","NETWORK LOCATION",4)=""
^XWB(8994,994,3,1,0)="PIECE 1:-3 = FOREIGN FILE, DO NOT PURGE"
^XWB(8994,994,3,2,0)=" -2 = QUEUED FOR JUKEBOX COPY, DO NOT PURGE"
^XWB(8994,994,3,3,0)=" -1 = DO NOT PURGE"
^XWB(8994,994,3,4,0)=" 0 = PURGE('MAG 2005 ENTRY)!('JUKEBOX PTRS & 'EXCEPTIONS)"
^XWB(8994,994,3,6,0)=" 2 = PURGE GIVEN NDC IF TGA PRESENT"
^XWB(8994,994,3,11,0)="PIECE 2:0 = NONPACS"
^XWB(8994,994,3,12,0)=" :1 = PACS"
^XWB(8994,994,3,13,0)="PIECE 3: RECORD CATEGORY"
^XWB(8994,994,3,14,0)=" 1 = 'NO 2005 ENTRY"
^XWB(8994,994,3,15,0)=" 2 = RADIOLOGY HOLD"
^XWB(8994,994,3,16,0)=" 3 = NO JUKEBOX/JUKEBOX PTRS"
^XWB(8994,994,3,22,0)=" 9 = RECORD NOT IN THE IMAGE FILE"
^XWB(8994,994,3,23,0)=" 10 = FOREIGN IMAGE FILE"
^XWB(8994,994,3,24,0)=" 11 = NOT AN IMAGE FILE"
^XWB(8994,994,3,25,0)=" 12 = FILE LOCATION NOT VALID"
^XWB(8994,995,1,1,0)="The output of this RPC is a list of all online magnetic shares"
^XWB(8994,995,1,2,0)="(non-routing). This list establishes a set of roots for the purge process"
^XWB(8994,995,1,3,0)="to downwardly traverse and evaluate the age and Vista attributes of each"
^XWB(8994,995,1,4,0)="image file for the purpose of purging archaic and archived files."
^XWB(8994,995,2,1,1,1,0)="No input parameter required."
^XWB(8994,995,3,1,0)="result(0)=network path1"
^XWB(8994,995,3,2,0)="result(1)=network path2"
^XWB(8994,996,1,1,0)="This RPC is used by the purge routine to update the magnetic references in"
^XWB(8994,996,1,2,0)="the image file(#2005) for images have migrated to heretofore unmapped"
^XWB(8994,996,1,3,0)="network locations."
^XWB(8994,996,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the network path on which the image file was found."
^XWB(8994,996,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the filename, including extension, which requires its location"
^XWB(8994,996,2,2,1,2,0)="updated. "
^XWB(8994,996,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of the image file (#2005) which requires"
^XWB(8994,996,3,1,0)="NULL: no return value is defined."
^XWB(8994,997,1,1,0)="Returns a list of Images for the Radiology Exam selected in CPRS."
^XWB(8994,997,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Data that CPRS sends Imaging, in the windows messaging format."
^XWB(8994,997,2,1,1,2,0)="i.e. VISTA Messaging between applications."
^XWB(8994,997,2,1,1,3,0)="example : 'RPT^CPRS^29027^RA^i79029185.9998-1'"
^XWB(8994,997,3,1,0)="Returns a list of images and image information "
^XWB(8994,997,3,2,0)="Imaging application puts these images in the Group window."
^XWB(8994,998,1,1,0)="Returns the global node of an Image File entry."
^XWB(8994,998,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the node to display."
^XWB(8994,998,2,1,1,2,0)="i.e. the IEN of the Image file ^MAG(2005"
^XWB(8994,998,3,1,0)="Returns the NODE of the Image file. i.e. ^MAG(2005,NODE"
^XWB(8994,999,1,1,0)="Returns array of images for an Image entry."
^XWB(8994,999,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry of Image entry in Image File ^MAG(2005,"
^XWB(8994,999,2,2,1,1,0)="If this flag is sent with a value of 1, then the QA check will"
^XWB(8994,999,2,2,1,2,0)="not be run. Image Group Abs will be returned even if it is an"
^XWB(8994,999,2,2,1,3,0)="Image Group of Questionable Integrity."
^XWB(8994,999,2,2,1,4,0)="This is used when deleting an Image, but the user needs to see"
^XWB(8994,999,2,2,1,5,0)="the abstracts that may have been blocked otherwise."
^XWB(8994,999,2,2,1,6,0)="Defaults to 0 (false)"
^XWB(8994,999,3,1,0)="Array of Image information for each entry in the Image Group."
^XWB(8994,1000,1,1,0)="This returns the full list of images for a patient."
^XWB(8994,1000,2,1,1,1,0)="This is DFN of patient."
^XWB(8994,1000,3,1,0)="Returns an array, (Global Array if list gets too big), of all images for"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,2,0)="the patient."
^XWB(8994,1000,3,3,0)="Each list entry has image info in the format : "
^XWB(8994,1000,3,4,0)=" - - - - - - "
^XWB(8994,1000,3,5,0)="$P(1^2^3) IEN^Image FullPath and name^Abstract FullPath and Name"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,6,0)="$P(4) SHORT DESCRIPTION field and desc of offline JukeBox"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,7,0)="$P(5) PROCEDURE/ EXAM DATE/TIME field"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,8,0)="$P(6) OBJECT TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,9,0)="$P(7) PROCEDURE field"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,10,0)="$P(8) display date"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,11,0)="$P(9) to return the PARENT DATA FILE image pointer"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,12,0)="$p(10) return the ABSTYPE 'M' magnetic 'W' worm 'O' offline"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,13,0)="$p(11) is 'A' accessable 'O' offline"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,14,0)="$p(12^13) Dicom Series Number $p(12) and Image Number $p(13)"
^XWB(8994,1000,3,15,0)="$p(14) is count of images in group, 1 if single image."
^XWB(8994,1000,3,16,0)=" - - - - - -"
^XWB(8994,1001,1,1,0)="When the purge process finds an image file on the magnetic servers"
^XWB(8994,1001,1,2,0)="which does not have a jukebox reference it is here queued for a JUKEBOX"
^XWB(8994,1001,2,1,1,1,0)="The internal entry number of the Vista image file (#2005) for this image."
^XWB(8994,1001,3,1,0)="The internal entry number of the Vista Queue file (#2006.03)."
^XWB(8994,1002,1,1,0)="This provides a method of capturing errors logged during the purge"
^XWB(8994,1002,1,2,0)="process. This function provides a list which can be examined at a later"
^XWB(8994,1002,1,3,0)="date and will be rolled into the purge log file on the WS which performed"
^XWB(8994,1002,1,4,0)="the purge."
^XWB(8994,1002,2,1,1,1,0)="No input parameter is defined."
^XWB(8994,1002,3,1,0)="This is a list of the file names and image file (#2005) references"
^XWB(8994,1002,3,2,0)="which could not successfully be evaluated by the purge process."
^XWB(8994,1002,3,3,0)="""filename^2005 ptr"""
^XWB(8994,1003,1,1,0)="Reports on the current set of Jukebox to harddisk (JBTOHD) processes (Who,"
^XWB(8994,1003,1,2,0)="queued, what patients, when, and workstation logons)"
^XWB(8994,1003,2,1,1,1,0)="No input parameter is defined for this procedure."
^XWB(8994,1003,3,1,0)="This array contains information regarding the queuer, the file types, and"
^XWB(8994,1003,3,2,0)="the patients involved in queues yet to be processed in the queue file."
^XWB(8994,1004,1,1,0)="Returns a list of Images with Capture date/time, image description for"
^XWB(8994,1004,1,2,0)="each patient image, and it will list all images of all groups and all"
^XWB(8994,1004,1,3,0)="single images."
^XWB(8994,1004,1,4,0)="Called from capture application to list most recent images captured"
^XWB(8994,1004,1,5,0)="for a patient. "
^XWB(8994,1004,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient's DFN."
^XWB(8994,1004,2,2,1,1,0)="The maximum number of images to return."
^XWB(8994,1004,3,1,0)="Returns the array, reverse chronological order of"
^XWB(8994,1004,3,2,0)=" recent images for a patient."
^XWB(8994,1005,0)="MAGQB QSL^BPQSL^MAGQBUT1^2^R"
^XWB(8994,1005,1,1,0)="This procedure call sets the queue file last process queue to the input"
^XWB(8994,1005,1,2,0)="parameter. This is used by the Queue Manager reset the queue method."
^XWB(8994,1005,2,1,0)="QUEUE TYPE^1^256^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1005,2,1,1,1,0)="This defines the queue type to be reset."
^XWB(8994,1005,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the QUEUE file (#2006.03) internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,1005,2,"B","QUEUE TYPE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1005,3,1,0)="No output or result values have been defined for this procedure call."
^XWB(8994,1006,1,1,0)="Called by imaging application to get the Site defined timeout for "
^XWB(8994,1006,1,2,0)="the Imaging applications. "
^XWB(8994,1006,1,3,0)="Accepted input is ""DISPLAY"" , ""CAPTURE"", ""VISTARAD"" or ""TELEREADER""."
^XWB(8994,1006,2,1,1,1,0)="Either ""DISPLAY"" ""CAPTURE"" or ""VISTARAD""."
^XWB(8994,1006,3,1,0)="Returns the entry in the IMAGING SITE PARAMETERS File for the Timeout"
^XWB(8994,1006,3,2,0)="of the application sent as parameter."
^XWB(8994,1007,1,1,0)="This procedure call deletes single queues file entries from the queue file"
^XWB(8994,1007,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the queue file internal entry number to be deleted."
^XWB(8994,1007,3,1,0)="No return parameter has been defined for this procedure call."
^XWB(8994,1008,1,1,0)="Removes bad queue entries."
^XWB(8994,1008,2,1,1,1,0)="No input parameter is defined for this procedure call."
^XWB(8994,1008,3,1,0)="No ouput parmeter is defined for this procedure call."
^XWB(8994,1009,0)="MAGQ JBS^ENTRY^MAGQBPG1^2^R"
^XWB(8994,1009,1,1,0)="This list process returns a list of jukebox shares for the BP Verifier."
^XWB(8994,1009,2,1,0)="WS Name^1^3^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1009,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the tree letter BP Workstation name."
^XWB(8994,1009,2,2,1,1,0)="'jbscan' literal."
^XWB(8994,1009,2,"B","WS Name",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1009,3,1,0)="This is the list of jukebox shares."
^XWB(8994,1010,0)="MAGQ JBSCN^CNP2^MAGQBPG1^1^R"
^XWB(8994,1010,1,1,0)="This function returns the next image file entry to be evaluated by the"
^XWB(8994,1010,1,2,0)="BP verifier function."
^XWB(8994,1010,2,1,1,1,0)="This value is the inital $Order value applied to the Image file."
^XWB(8994,1010,3,1,0)="A string containing each of the network and Jukebox internal entry"
^XWB(8994,1010,3,2,0)="numbers (IENs) where the Vista imaging file references exists."
^XWB(8994,1011,0)="MAGQ SHARES^SHR^MAGQBPG1^2^R"
^XWB(8994,1011,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a list of online shares for the verifier process to"
^XWB(8994,1011,1,2,0)="validate Vista Imaging file references to."
^XWB(8994,1011,2,1,1,1,0)="No input parameters are defined for this procedure."
^XWB(8994,1011,3,1,0)="This list contains the path and internal entry number of all the ONline"
^XWB(8994,1011,3,2,0)="Vista magnetic cache shares for the verifier to validate the image file"
^XWB(8994,1011,3,3,0)="references against."
^XWB(8994,1012,1,1,0)="Files the TIU pointer in Imaging and the Imaging Pointer in TIU."
^XWB(8994,1012,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Image File entry Internal number."
^XWB(8994,1012,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the TIU internal number."
^XWB(8994,1012,3,1,0)="success 1^message"
^XWB(8994,1012,3,2,0)="error 0^error message"
^XWB(8994,1013,0)="MAG3 LOOKUP ANY^LKP^MAGGNLKP^2^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1013,1,1,0)="Lookup using FIND^DIC for general purpose file lookup."
^XWB(8994,1013,2,1,1,1,0)=" ; ZY is parameter sent by calling app (Delphi)"
^XWB(8994,1013,2,1,1,2,0)=" ; FILE NUM ^ NUM TO RETURN ^ TEXT TO MATCH ^ ^ SCREEN ($P 5-99)"
^XWB(8994,1013,2,2,1,1,0)="MAGIN is parameter sent by calling app (Delphi)"
^XWB(8994,1013,2,2,1,2,0)=" FILE NUM ^ NUM TO RETURN ^ TEXT TO MATCH ^ FIELDS ^ SCREEN ($P 5-99)"
^XWB(8994,1013,2,3,1,1,0)="|TAB|; DATA : "
^XWB(8994,1013,2,3,1,2,0)="|TAB|; LVIEW =Piece 1 "
^XWB(8994,1013,2,3,1,3,0)="|TAB|; +LVIEW = 1 : "
^XWB(8994,1013,2,3,1,4,0)="|TAB|; result array is formatted for a magListView control"
^XWB(8994,1013,2,3,1,5,0)="|TAB|; i.e. ^ delimiter for data and ""|"" delimiter for IEN"
^XWB(8994,1013,2,3,1,6,0)="|TAB|; +LVIEW = 0 : "
^XWB(8994,1013,2,3,1,7,0)="|TAB|; old way, "" "" delim for data and '^' delim for IEN"
^XWB(8994,1013,2,3,1,8,0)="|TAB|; INDX = Piece 2"
^XWB(8994,1013,2,3,1,9,0)="|TAB|; This is the index to search "
^XWB(8994,1013,2,3,1,10,0)="|TAB|; Defaults to ""B"""
^XWB(8994,1013,3,1,0)="Returns a list of matching entries."
^XWB(8994,1013,3,2,0)="Each list entry is NAME^IEN "
^XWB(8994,1014,1,1,0)="get TIU data from the TIUDA."
^XWB(8994,1014,1,2,0)="Returns Document Type, and Document Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,1014,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal number in the TIU Document file."
^XWB(8994,1014,3,1,0)="Returns Document Type, and Document Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,1015,1,1,0)="Returns a list of all images for a TIU document."
^XWB(8994,1015,1,2,0)="for a TIU document"
^XWB(8994,1015,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of document i.e. ^TIU(8925,TIUDA"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,1,0)="Array of ""^"" delimited Image information in the format : "
^XWB(8994,1015,3,2,0)="$P(1^2^3) IEN^Image FullPath and name^Abstract FullPath and Name"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,3,0)="$P(4) SHORT DESCRIPTION field"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,4,0)="$P(5) PROCEDURE/ EXAM DATE/TIME field"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,5,0)="$P(6) OBJECT TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,6,0)="$P(7) PROCEDURE field"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,7,0)="$P(8) Procedure Date in Display format"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,8,0)="$P(9) PARENT DATA FILE image pointer"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,9,0)="$P(10) the ABSTYPE : 'M' magnetic 'W' worm 'O' offline"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,10,0)="$P(11) Image accessibility 'A' accessable or 'O' offline"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,11,0)="$p(12^13) Dicom Series number and Dicom Image Number"
^XWB(8994,1015,3,12,0)="$p(14) Count of images in the group, or 1 if a single image"
^XWB(8994,1016,0)="MAGQ JPUD^JPUD^MAGQBPG1^1^R"
^XWB(8994,1016,1,1,0)="This call is to update the Image file JUKEBOX file references."
^XWB(8994,1016,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the network location file IEN."
^XWB(8994,1016,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the image file extension of the file whose jukebox reference is in"
^XWB(8994,1016,2,2,1,2,0)="need of updating."
^XWB(8994,1016,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the IMAGE file (#2005) internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,1016,3,1,0)="Boolean: '1' equals success, '0' call failed."
^XWB(8994,1017,0)="MAGQ VCUD^VCUD^MAGQBPG1^1^R"
^XWB(8994,1017,1,1,0)="This call is to update the Image file VMC file references."
^XWB(8994,1017,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the network location file IEN."
^XWB(8994,1017,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the image file extension of the file whose network reference is in"
^XWB(8994,1017,2,2,1,2,0)="need of updating."
^XWB(8994,1017,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the IMAGE file (#2005) internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,1017,3,1,0)="Boolean: '1' equals success, '0' call failed."
^XWB(8994,1018,1,1,0)="This procedure will remove an image file entry and clean"
^XWB(8994,1018,1,2,0)="up references to it."
^XWB(8994,1018,2,1,1,1,0)="The internal entry number of the image entry to be removed."
^XWB(8994,1018,3,1,0)="Return Array RY(0)=""1^SUCCESS"""
^XWB(8994,1018,3,2,0)=" RY(0)=""0^reason for failure"""
^XWB(8994,1018,3,3,0)=" RY(1)..RY(n)= IEN's of deleted images."
^XWB(8994,1019,0)="MAGQ ISN^ISN^MAGUSIT^1^R"
^XWB(8994,1019,1,1,0)="This is the mail message component of the ""ImageGroupNotify"" method."
^XWB(8994,1019,1,2,0)="This report is sent to the MAG SERVER mail group in order to alert"
^XWB(8994,1019,1,3,0)="members of the occurance of image file size variance. This is indicative"
^XWB(8994,1019,1,4,0)="of a network and Clinical imaging event requiring action to correct the"
^XWB(8994,1019,1,5,0)="clinical database."
^XWB(8994,1019,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the filename and extension which has file size variance."
^XWB(8994,1019,2,2,0)="Network source file size.^1^1^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1019,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the bite integer which represents the size property."
^XWB(8994,1019,2,3,0)="Jukebox size^1^1^1^3"
^XWB(8994,1019,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the Jukebox file size integer property."
^XWB(8994,1019,2,"B","Jukebox size",3)=""
^XWB(8994,1019,2,"B","Network source file size.",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1019,3,1,0)="Boolean: '1' equals success, '0' equals failure."
^XWB(8994,1020,0)="MAGG PAT FIND^FIND^MAGGTPT1^2^R^^^"
^XWB(8994,1020,1,1,0)="Patient Lookup uses FIND^DIC"
^XWB(8994,1020,2,1,1,1,0)="'^' delimited string"
^XWB(8994,1020,2,1,1,2,0)=" FILE NUM ^ NUM TO RETURN ^ TEXT TO MATCH ^ ^ SCREEN ($P 5-99)"
^XWB(8994,1020,3,1,0)="Returns a list of matching entries."
^XWB(8994,1020,3,2,0)="The First entry is always 1 or 0 ^ message"
^XWB(8994,1020,3,3,0)="1 for success"
^XWB(8994,1020,3,4,0)="0 for failure"
^XWB(8994,1020,3,5,0)="Entries 2-N are the patients matching the input."
^XWB(8994,1020,3,6,0)="each list entry has patient name and identifiers _'^'_DFN"
^XWB(8994,1021,1,1,0)="Returns a string of '^' delimited pieces of patient information."
^XWB(8994,1021,2,1,1,1,0)="; DATA: MAGDFN ^ NOLOG ^ ISICN"
^XWB(8994,1021,2,1,1,2,0)="; MAGDFN -- Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,1021,2,1,1,3,0)="; NOLOG -- 0/1; if 1, then do NOT update the Session log"
^XWB(8994,1021,2,1,1,4,0)="; ISICN -- 0/1 if 1, then this is an ICN,"
^XWB(8994,1021,2,1,1,5,0)=" if 0 (default) this is a DFN ; Patch 41"
^XWB(8994,1021,3,1,0)="The result String returns the following."
^XWB(8994,1021,3,2,0)=" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "
^XWB(8994,1021,3,3,0)=" status ^ DFN ^ name ^ sex ^ DOB ^ SSN ^ S/C"
^XWB(8994,1021,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1021,3,5,0)=" 8 9 10"
^XWB(8994,1021,3,6,0)="TYPE ^ Veteran(y/n) ^ Patient Image Count"
^XWB(8994,1021,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1021,3,8,0)=" 11 12 13"
^XWB(8994,1021,3,9,0)=" ICN SITE Number ^ Production Account 1/0"
^XWB(8994,1022,1,1,0)="This RPC calls the GUIBS5A^DPTLK6 API. To return a list of Patients if"
^XWB(8994,1022,1,2,0)="any match the Last Name and Last 4 SSN of the input DFN."
^XWB(8994,1022,1,3,0)="It is the Similiar Patient Check."
^XWB(8994,1022,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN of Patient to check."
^XWB(8994,1022,3,1,0)="List of patient names and DFNs matching the input DFN."
^XWB(8994,1023,1,1,0)="Returns a list of all entries in the Network Location file (2005.2)."
^XWB(8994,1023,3,1,0)="List of network locations with properties"
^XWB(8994,1023,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1023,3,3,0)="ien^\\server\share\^storage type^operational status^uname^password^muse site#"
^XWB(8994,1024,1,1,0)="Returns the status of the first EKG network location type."
^XWB(8994,1024,1,2,0)="If an EKG storage type doesn't exist then an offline status is returned."
^XWB(8994,1024,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1025,1,1,0)="This returns an Image list of Patient Photo iD's in the Image File."
^XWB(8994,1025,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the DFN of the patient in question."
^XWB(8994,1025,3,1,0)="Returns a list of all patient Photo on file in the Image File."
^XWB(8994,1025,3,2,0)="(0) node = 1^count of photos returned - could be zero"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,3,0)=" or 0^error message"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,4,0)=" each entry in list has Imaging standard Image info format i.e."
^XWB(8994,1025,3,5,0)=" '^' delimited string of image info in the format"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,6,0)=" - - - - -"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,7,0)="$P(1^2^3) IEN^Image FullPath and name^Abstract FullPath and Name"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,8,0)="$P(4) SHORT DESCRIPTION field and desc of offline JukeBox"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,9,0)="$P(5) PROCEDURE/ EXAM DATE/TIME field"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,10,0)="$P(6) OBJECT TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,11,0)="$P(7) PROCEDURE field"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,12,0)="$P(8) display date"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,13,0)="$P(9) to return the PARENT DATA FILE image pointer"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,14,0)="$p(10) return the ABSTYPE 'M' magnetic 'W' worm 'O' offline"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,15,0)="$p(11) is 'A' accessable 'O' offline"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,16,0)="$p(12^13) Dicom Series Number $p(12) and Image Number $p(13)"
^XWB(8994,1025,3,17,0)="$p(14 is count of images in group, 1 if single image."
^XWB(8994,1025,3,18,0)=" - - - - "
^XWB(8994,1026,1,1,0)="This call inserts text into the Error field of the IMAGING WINDOWS"
^XWB(8994,1026,1,2,0)="SESSION FILE."
^XWB(8994,1026,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the list of text to insert."
^XWB(8994,1026,3,1,0)="always returns ""1^"""
^XWB(8994,1027,1,1,0)="This procedure provides a list of all active person file members who have the ""MAG SYSTEM"" security key assignned to them."
^XWB(8994,1027,3,1,0)="file 200 IEN^Person file name"
^XWB(8994,1028,1,1,0)="Returns template linked to a specific title or reason for request."
^XWB(8994,1029,1,1,0)="Returns a long list of all active titles."
^XWB(8994,1030,0)="ORWCOM PTOBJ^PTOBJ^ORWCOM^1^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1030,1,1,0)="Returns COM Object entries from different parameters."
^XWB(8994,1030,3,1,0)="Zero Node from File 101.15"
^XWB(8994,1031,1,1,0)="Returns COM Objects for order accept"
^XWB(8994,1031,2,1,1,1,0)="Display Group IEN"
^XWB(8994,1031,3,1,0)="Zero node from File 101.15"
^XWB(8994,1032,1,1,0)="Returns a list of all active COM objects"
^XWB(8994,1033,1,1,0)="Returns details of COM object when passed in COM IEN."
^XWB(8994,1034,1,1,0)="Check for presence of SR*3.0*100 (Surgery Electronic Signature) patch, and"
^XWB(8994,1034,1,2,0)="also for parameter value. If both TRUE, surgery tab will be displayed in"
^XWB(8994,1034,3,1,0)="TRUE - surgery patch installed,and parameter enabled."
^XWB(8994,1034,3,2,0)="FALSE - one or both of the above not true."
^XWB(8994,1035,0)="ORWSR LIST^LIST^ORWSR^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1035,1,1,0)="Return list of surgery cases for a patient."
^XWB(8994,1035,2,1,0)="patient id^1^32^1"
^XWB(8994,1035,2,2,0)="BEGIN DATE^1^16^0"
^XWB(8994,1035,2,3,0)="END DATE^1^16^0"
^XWB(8994,1035,2,4,1,1,0)="Not yet implemented. Reserved for future use."
^XWB(8994,1035,2,"B","BEGIN DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1035,2,"B","END DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,1035,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1035,2,"B","patient id",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1035,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1035,3,3,0)="For treeview use, the CONTEXT input parameter will be concatenated as"
^XWB(8994,1035,3,4,0)="piece 14. If not present, piece 14 will be set to ""1""."
^XWB(8994,1040,1,1,0)="Given a TIU document IEN, return the surgical case record and all other"
^XWB(8994,1040,1,2,0)="documents related to the case, for display in the GUI treeview."
^XWB(8994,1040,2,1,1,1,0)="Document IEN in file 8925."
^XWB(8994,1040,3,1,0)="Same as ORWSR LIST, but for only one case."
^XWB(8994,1041,1,1,0)="Returns a list of all surgery cases for a patient, without documents as"
^XWB(8994,1041,1,2,0)="returned by ORWSR LIST."
^XWB(8994,1041,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,1041,3,1,0)="Case IEN^Procedure name^FileMan date of surgery^surgeon IEN;Surgeon name^"
^XWB(8994,1042,2,1,0)="CASE IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,1042,2,"B","CASE IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1043,2,1,0)="CASE IEN^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,1043,2,"B","CASE IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1044,1,1,0)="Given orderable item IEN, return pointer to file 123.3"
^XWB(8994,1044,2,1,0)="orderable item^1"
^XWB(8994,1044,2,"B","orderable item",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1045,1,1,0)="This RPC loads and expands nested reports defined in the OE/RR Reports"
^XWB(8994,1045,1,2,0)="file (#101.24) for use on the Reports Tab in CPRS."
^XWB(8994,1046,1,1,0)="Delete user level's specific health summary component setting( date range and max occurences)"
^XWB(8994,1047,1,1,0)="get default setting for all reports(time/occ limits)"
^XWB(8994,1048,1,1,0)="set user level individual report's time/occ setting"
^XWB(8994,1049,0)="ORWTPD RSDFLT^RSDFLT^ORWTPD^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1049,1,1,0)="get system or package level default setting for all repors."
^XWB(8994,1050,1,1,0)="Set user level default time/occ limits for all reports"
^XWB(8994,1051,1,1,0)="Make default time/occ setting take action on each report"
^XWB(8994,1053,1,1,0)="This rpc is used to print a V type report on the Reports tab in CPRS"
^XWB(8994,1054,1,1,0)="This RPC saves the column width sizes for reports in CPRS for the user."
^XWB(8994,1054,2,1,1,1,0)="Format: ifn^C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 ..."
^XWB(8994,1054,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1054,2,1,1,3,0)="Where ifn is the internal number of the report in file 101.24, and the"
^XWB(8994,1054,2,1,1,4,0)="2nd '^' piece is the columns separated by commas."
^XWB(8994,1055,1,1,0)="This RPC returns an array of the ADHOC Health Summary components by abbreviation."
^XWB(8994,1055,3,1,0)="Here is the format of the returned array:"
^XWB(8994,1055,3,2,0)="Y(i)=(1)I;IFN^(2)Abb -Component Name^(3)Occ Limit^(4)Time Limit^(5)Header"
^XWB(8994,1055,3,3,0)="Name^(6)Hosp Loc Disp^(7)ICD Text Disp^(8)Prov Narr Disp^(9)Summary Order"
^XWB(8994,1056,1,1,0)="This saves the last Adhoc Health Summary lookup used by a user in CPRS."
^XWB(8994,1056,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the value passed to the parameter ORWRP ADHOC LOOKUP"
^XWB(8994,1056,2,1,1,2,0)=" 0: Name"
^XWB(8994,1056,2,1,1,3,0)=" 1: Abbreviation"
^XWB(8994,1056,2,1,1,4,0)=" 2: Display Header"
^XWB(8994,1057,1,1,0)="This gets the last Adhoc Health Summary lookup used by a user in CPRS."
^XWB(8994,1057,3,1,0)="This returns the value saved in the parameter ORWRP ADHOC LOOKUP"
^XWB(8994,1057,3,2,0)=" 0: Name"
^XWB(8994,1057,3,3,0)=" 1: Abbreviation"
^XWB(8994,1057,3,4,0)=" 2: Display Header"
^XWB(8994,1058,1,1,0)="This RPC returns an array of the ADHOC Health Summary components by "
^XWB(8994,1058,1,2,0)="display name."
^XWB(8994,1058,3,1,0)="Here is the format of the returned array:"
^XWB(8994,1058,3,2,0)="Y(i)=(1)I;IFN^(2)Display name [Abb]^(3)Occ Limit^(4)Time Limit^(5)Header"
^XWB(8994,1058,3,3,0)="Name^(6)Hosp Loc Disp^(7)ICD Text Disp^(8)Prov Narr Disp^(9)Summary Order"
^XWB(8994,1058,3,4,0)=" Name^(6)Hosp Loc Disp^(7)ICD Text Disp^(8)Prov Narr Disp^(9)Summary Order"
^XWB(8994,1059,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if location is a Clinic."
^XWB(8994,1060,0)="ORWSR RPTLIST^RPTLIST^ORWSR^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1061,1,1,0)="Saves MST data"
^XWB(8994,1062,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list of patient procedures for a"
^XWB(8994,1062,1,2,0)=" specific patient."
^XWB(8994,1062,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of patient in the Patient file [^DPT]."
^XWB(8994,1063,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns a list on imaging exams for a"
^XWB(8994,1063,1,2,0)="specific patient."
^XWB(8994,1063,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of patient in the Patient file [^DPT]."
^XWB(8994,1063,3,1,0)="The format of the returned global array is the following:"
^XWB(8994,1063,3,3,0)=" Piece Description Format"
^XWB(8994,1063,3,4,0)=" ----- ----------- ------"
^XWB(8994,1063,3,5,0)=" 1 Site SiteName;#"
^XWB(8994,1063,3,6,0)=" 2 Exam ID: Inverse FM date/time of Exam_-_Case IEN"
^XWB(8994,1063,3,7,0)=" 3 Exam date and time FM date/time format"
^XWB(8994,1063,3,8,0)=" 4 Procedure name Free text"
^XWB(8994,1063,3,9,0)=" 5 Case Number Number"
^XWB(8994,1063,3,10,0)=" 6 Status Free text"
^XWB(8994,1063,3,11,0)=" 7 Severity Y or null (ie. Is it an abnormal result?)"
^XWB(8994,1064,0)="ORWRA REPORT TEXT1^RPT1^ORWRA^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1064,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns an array containing"
^XWB(8994,1064,1,2,0)="a formattied imaging report. This array matches exactly"
^XWB(8994,1064,1,3,0)="the report format on the roll 'n scroll version of CPRS."
^XWB(8994,1064,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of patient in the Patient file [^DPT]."
^XWB(8994,1064,2,2,1,1,0)="Imaging exam ID."
^XWB(8994,1064,2,2,1,3,0)=" Format: Inverse FM date/time of Exam_-_Case IEN"
^XWB(8994,1064,2,2,1,4,0)="Example: 7049175.8893-1"
^XWB(8994,1064,3,1,0)="The global array returned contains the formatted text"
^XWB(8994,1064,3,2,0)="of the imaging report. This text is can be displayed"
^XWB(8994,1064,3,3,0)="without any further changes."
^XWB(8994,1065,1,1,0)="This does a Fileman lookup on the INSTALL file and returns the last entry"
^XWB(8994,1065,1,2,0)="for the value passed."
^XWB(8994,1065,2,1,1,1,0)="Enter the name of the KIDS build for which you which to see its"
^XWB(8994,1065,2,1,1,2,0)="installation state. Pass the name of the KIDS build as it appears in the"
^XWB(8994,1065,2,1,1,3,0)="INSTALL file. You may pass a partial name, but this call will only return"
^XWB(8994,1065,2,1,1,4,0)="the data on the last entry installed"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,1,0)="An array is returned in case an error is encountered or if multiple"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,2,0)="entries are found that match the input value. This RPC will sort all"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,3,0)="values found by S1,S2,S3 where"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,4,0)=" S1 = KIDS NAME"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,5,0)=" S2 = install completed date (if present), otherwise install loaded date"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,6,0)=" S3 = internal entry number in the INSTALL FILE"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1065,3,8,0)="It starts looking at all entries found in reverse order (most recent"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,9,0)="first) for the first successfully installed KIDS build."
^XWB(8994,1065,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1065,3,11,0)="The array returned is RET(x)= 1^message (if successfully installed)"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,12,0)=" =-1^error message (could be multiple lines)"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1065,3,14,0)="Since one can load and install the same KIDS multiple times, this will try"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,15,0)="to retrieve the last successfully installed KIDS build. Success is"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,16,0)="defined as STATUS = Install Completed AND there is an INSTALL DATE"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1065,3,19,0)="Example of possible scenario, install completed but they they reloaded the"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,20,0)="KIDS build but did not install it. Then you will receive an array:"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,21,0)=" RET(1) = -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1065,3,22,0)=" RET(2) = 1^message"
^XWB(8994,1067,1,1,0)="Retrieve the user's quick list of CPT codes."
^XWB(8994,1067,1,2,0)="stored file 220.5, field 19600."
^XWB(8994,1067,3,1,0)="This will return the user's quick list in the standard array format."
^XWB(8994,1067,3,2,0)="That format is described in GETADA^DENTVRP1"
^XWB(8994,1067,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1067,3,4,0)="On error, return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1067,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1067,3,6,0)="End description, 06-24-2003"
^XWB(8994,1067,3,7,0)=" p5 :== ctv value from file 228"
^XWB(8994,1067,3,8,0)=" p6 :== # tooth surfaces from file 228"
^XWB(8994,1067,3,9,0)=" p7 :== y if cpt related to a tooth (from file 228)"
^XWB(8994,1067,3,10,0)=" p8 :== y if cpt related to a quadrant from file 228"
^XWB(8994,1067,3,11,0)=" p9 :== # canals if cpt related to tooth canal from file 228"
^XWB(8994,1067,3,12,0)=" p10 :== associated ICD9 diagnosis (from file 228) in the format"
^XWB(8994,1067,3,13,0)=" pointer to icd9 (file 80)~icd9 short desc~icd9 code name"
^XWB(8994,1068,1,1,0)="This will add a new CPT to the user's quick list."
^XWB(8994,1068,1,2,0)="the Dental Provider file (#220.5)."
^XWB(8994,1068,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the cpt code name (.01) value in the CPT file (#81)"
^XWB(8994,1068,3,1,0)="Return 1 if successfully added, else return -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,1069,1,1,0)="This call will allow the updating of certain fields in file 228."
^XWB(8994,1069,1,2,0)="You can delete a locally added medical CPT code."
^XWB(8994,1069,1,3,0)="You can edit the diagnosis codes mapped to any CPT code."
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA(1) = ien for file 228"
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,2,0)="DATA(n) = <file 228 field number> ^ new value"
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,3,0)=" n = 2,3,4,5,6,7"
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,5,0)="The only acceptable fields are .01, 1.01 - 1.05"
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,6,0)="For field .01, the only accpetable values are <null> or ""@"" indicating "
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,7,0)="the desire to delete the entry."
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,9,0)="For the diagnosis fields, 1.01 - 1.05, value must be <null> or ""@"" or the "
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,10,0)="external representation of the diagnosis code. Your diagnosis codes "
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,11,0)="should start with field 1.01, then 1.02, etc."
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,13,0)="Sending of <null> diagnosis code fields is optional. Any field from 1.01 "
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,14,0)="to 1.05 not received will be set to a <null> value which means deleted "
^XWB(8994,1069,2,1,1,15,0)="any existing data in those fields."
^XWB(8994,1069,2,2,1,1,0)="Check which security key this user has. The default value is 'L', or you"
^XWB(8994,1069,2,2,1,2,0)="may pass 'M' If L, then see if user owns the local edit security key to"
^XWB(8994,1069,2,2,1,3,0)="edit entries in the local number space (>100,000). If you pass 'M' then"
^XWB(8994,1069,2,2,1,4,0)="this will check to see if the user owns the VACO security key and if so"
^XWB(8994,1069,2,2,1,5,0)="then the user can edit any entry in the file."
^XWB(8994,1069,3,1,0)="If the data was successfully filed, then return"
^XWB(8994,1069,3,2,0)=" 1^Entry successfully updated"
^XWB(8994,1069,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1069,3,4,0)="Else return -1^error message "
^XWB(8994,1069,3,5,0)=" 0^warning message"
^XWB(8994,1069,3,6,0)=" this will only apply to field 4 in file 19600 which corresponds"
^XWB(8994,1069,3,7,0)=" to the data value to be filed into file 221. The data will still"
^XWB(8994,1069,3,8,0)=" be filed into file 19600 with message to reedit if user wishes to"
^XWB(8994,1069,3,9,0)=" bring value within warning range"
^XWB(8994,1070,0)="DENTV DD GET 228^DD^DENTVRP3^2^A"
^XWB(8994,1070,1,1,0)="This rpc return the data dictionary definitions for file 228."
^XWB(8994,1070,1,2,0)="This returns only those data elements in file 228 which we possibly allow "
^XWB(8994,1070,1,3,0)="edits. The site can edit the mapped diagnosis codes for any CPT code. "
^XWB(8994,1070,1,4,0)="The site can add medical codes to the ADA table."
^XWB(8994,1070,2,1,1,1,0)="Optional - default value is 'L' - the other value allowed is 'M'"
^XWB(8994,1070,2,1,1,2,0)="If KEY=""L"" then user has local authority to add cpt codes to file 19600 in"
^XWB(8994,1070,2,1,1,3,0)="the local number space."
^XWB(8994,1070,2,1,1,4,0)="If KEY=""M"" then user is a VACO representative and is authorized to add cpt"
^XWB(8994,1070,2,1,1,5,0)="codes to the VACO controlled number space in file 19600."
^XWB(8994,1070,3,1,0)="On error, return List[0] := -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1070,3,3,0)="Return an array as such:"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,4,0)=" List[n] := p1^p2^p3^p4 for n=0,1,2,3,..."
^XWB(8994,1070,3,5,0)=" p1 = field number from file 228"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,6,0)=" p2 = field label"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,7,0)=" p3 = P"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,8,0)=" p4 = file number this field points to"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1070,3,10,0)="end description 6-25-2003"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,11,0)=" If p3=P, then p4 = number of pointed to file"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,12,0)=" If p3=L, then p4 = min:max (length)"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,13,0)=" If p3=X, then gui needs to call vejdwpdd dd get 221 dd rpc"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1070,3,15,0)="If p3 = S or L , then immediately following the array(#) will be a list of"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,16,0)="acceptable choices for the list box."
^XWB(8994,1070,3,17,0)=" If p3 = L, then array(# + n) = !text for list box"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,18,0)=" If p3 = S, then array(# + n) = !text^code (set of code)"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,19,0)="Then when all set of codes or free text lists are sent, then the list box"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,20,0)="termination string will be $, i.e., array(# + n + 1) = $"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1070,3,22,0)="If local security key owner, then only return fields .01,1,5,6 (cpt, icd9,"
^XWB(8994,1070,3,23,0)="subcat-1, & subcat-2)"
^XWB(8994,1072,1,1,0)="Pass this RPC a cpt code and it will return the data stored in file 228"
^XWB(8994,1072,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the CPT code name. You can also send the ien to file 81 (CPT)"
^XWB(8994,1072,2,2,1,1,0)="Check which security key this user has. The default value is 'L', or you"
^XWB(8994,1072,2,2,1,2,0)="may pass 'M' If L, then see if user owns the local edit security key to"
^XWB(8994,1072,2,2,1,3,0)="edit entries in the local number space (>100,000). If you pass 'M' then"
^XWB(8994,1072,2,2,1,4,0)="this will check to see if the user owns the VACO security key and if so"
^XWB(8994,1072,2,2,1,5,0)="then the user can edit any entry in the file."
^XWB(8994,1072,3,1,0)="This returns the data in file 228 associated with a cpt code. It"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1072,3,4,0)="arr(#) = p1^p2^p3^p4^p5 where"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,5,0)=" p1 := field number from file 228"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,6,0)=" p2 := field label from fiel 228"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,7,0)=" p3 := internal value for field p1"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,8,0)=" p4 := external value for field p1"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,9,0)=" p5 := optional - for fields .01,1 short description from"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,10,0)=" pointed to file"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,11,0)=" p6 := FLAGS"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,12,0)=" p7 := RVU"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,13,0)=" p8 := VA-DSS PRODUCT LINE (GROUP)"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,14,0)=" p9 := Subcategory 2 (determines nationally mapped CPTs)"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,15,0)="If the user does not have the security key, then only data for fields"
^XWB(8994,1072,3,16,0)=".01,1,5,6 will be returned (cpt, icd9, subcat-1, subcat-2)"
^XWB(8994,1073,1,1,0)="This rpc returns the internal entry number to file 228 for a cpt code."
^XWB(8994,1073,2,1,1,1,0)="Format: data = p1 ^ p2 where"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,1,1,2,0)=" p1 = cpt code name (or ien to file 81)"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,1,1,3,0)=" p2 = optional - if p2=1 then add cpt code to file 228"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,1,1,4,0)=" if p2 is undefined or is 0, then lookup ien to file 228,"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,1,1,5,0)=" but do not add if cpt is not in file 228"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,2,1,1,0)="Check which security key this user has. The default value is 'L', or you"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,2,1,2,0)="may pass 'M' If L, then see if user owns the local edit security key to"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,2,1,3,0)="edit entries in the local number space (>100,000). If you pass 'M' then"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,2,1,4,0)="this will check to see if the user owns the VACO security key and if so"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,2,1,5,0)="then the user can edit any entry in the file. Regardless of the key"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,2,1,6,0)="owned, if the record being edited has an ien>100,000 then only fields"
^XWB(8994,1073,2,2,1,7,0)=".01,1,5,6 may be edited."
^XWB(8994,1073,3,1,0)="Returns a literal:"
^XWB(8994,1073,3,2,0)=" return ien to file 228 if found, else"
^XWB(8994,1073,3,3,0)=" return error message, -1^error_msg"
^XWB(8994,1074,1,1,0)="This rpc will check to see if user holds the DENTV EDIT FILE security"
^XWB(8994,1074,2,1,1,1,0)="Optional if KEY=""L"" (or KEY not passed at all), then check to see if the"
^XWB(8994,1074,2,1,1,2,0)="user owns the VEJDWPD EDIT LOCAL security key. If they do, then they can"
^XWB(8994,1074,2,1,1,3,0)="add cpt codes to file 19600 in the local number space."
^XWB(8994,1074,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1074,2,1,1,5,0)="If KEY=""M"", then check to see if the user owns the VEJDWPD EDIT FILE"
^XWB(8994,1074,2,1,1,6,0)="security key. If so, then they are a VACO representative, and are allowed"
^XWB(8994,1074,2,1,1,7,0)="to add cpt procedures to file 19600 with iens <100,000"
^XWB(8994,1074,3,1,0)="Returns 1 if user holds the security key"
^XWB(8994,1074,3,2,0)=" 0 otherwise"
^XWB(8994,1075,1,1,0)="This will mark records in file 228.1 as deleted. Through indexes on the"
^XWB(8994,1075,1,2,0)="DATE DELETED field in file 228.1, the associated transactions in file"
^XWB(8994,1075,1,3,0)="228.2 will be marked as deleted. Since these two files are considered "
^XWB(8994,1075,1,4,0)="part of the official medical record, then, according to HIPAA, once a "
^XWB(8994,1075,1,5,0)="permenant record has been filed, it cannot be deleted unless an audit "
^XWB(8994,1075,1,6,0)="trail is maintained. So we will keep these deleted records in these two "
^XWB(8994,1075,1,7,0)="files but will mark the records as having been deleted."
^XWB(8994,1075,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number in file 228.1 to be deleted"
^XWB(8994,1075,2,2,1,1,0)="You can provide a reason as to why this record was deleted."
^XWB(8994,1075,3,1,0)="Return a message:"
^XWB(8994,1075,3,2,0)=" 1^Record 'ien' has been deleted"
^XWB(8994,1075,3,3,0)=" 0^Record already deleted on <date.time>"
^XWB(8994,1075,3,4,0)=" -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1076,1,1,0)="This will delete a CPT code from a user's quick list."
^XWB(8994,1076,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the cpt code name (.01) in the cpt file (#81)"
^XWB(8994,1076,3,1,0)="Return 1 if successfully deleted, else return -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,1077,1,1,0)="This will return the dental encounter data for a given record in file"
^XWB(8994,1077,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number for file 228.1"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,1,0)="This will return two lines of data:"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,2,0)=" RET(1) = p1^p2^p3^...^p15 RET(2) = q1^q2^q3^q4^q5"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,3,0)=" p1 = date record created q1 = DAS record number (date)"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,4,0)=" p2 = creator q2 = DAS patient category"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,5,0)=" p3 = provider q3 = DAS bed section"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,6,0)=" p4 = encounter date/time q4 = DAS division"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,7,0)=" p5 = location q5 = DAS disposition"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,8,0)=" p6 = primary pce diagnosis short description"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,9,0)=" p7 = primary pce diagnosis code"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,10,0)=" p8 = duz of pce primary provider"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,11,0)=" p9 = name (1st m last) of pce primary provider"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,12,0)=" p10 = service connected (y)"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,13,0)=" p11 = agent orange related (y)"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,14,0)=" p12 = ionizing radiation (y)"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,15,0)=" p13 = environmental contamination related (y)"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,16,0)=" p14 = military sexual trauma (y)"
^XWB(8994,1077,3,17,0)=" p15 = head & neck cancer (y)"
^XWB(8994,1078,1,1,0)="RPC to return dental classifications from file 220.2"
^XWB(8994,1078,3,1,0)="This returns the dental classifications from file 220.2 in an array in the"
^XWB(8994,1078,3,2,0)="following format:"
^XWB(8994,1078,3,3,0)=" array(#) = p1^p2^p3 where"
^XWB(8994,1078,3,4,0)=" p1 := ien to file 220.2"
^XWB(8994,1078,3,5,0)=" p2 := dental classification name"
^XWB(8994,1078,3,6,0)=" p3 := I or O"
^XWB(8994,1078,3,7,0)=" where I indicates an inpatient classification"
^XWB(8994,1078,3,8,0)=" O indicates an outpatient classification"
^XWB(8994,1079,1,1,0)="This rpc will extract data from the history file (228.1) and format it"
^XWB(8994,1079,1,2,0)="so that the data can be imported into a spreadsheet. The data will be in"
^XWB(8994,1079,1,3,0)="delimited format, with the '^' as the delimiter."
^XWB(8994,1079,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the start date/time for the extract. The date/time must be in"
^XWB(8994,1079,2,1,1,2,0)="Fileman internal format."
^XWB(8994,1079,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the end date for the extract. It must be in internal Fileman"
^XWB(8994,1079,2,3,1,1,0)="Optional - if you want to extract only those records for a particular"
^XWB(8994,1079,2,3,1,2,0)="provider, then pass that provider's ien from file 200."
^XWB(8994,1079,2,4,1,1,0)="Optional - if you wish to extract records for a particular patient, then"
^XWB(8994,1079,2,4,1,2,0)="pass the ien of that patient."
^XWB(8994,1079,2,5,1,1,0)="Contains the string CFPO or any combination of that."
^XWB(8994,1079,2,5,1,2,0)=" C=complete txns (defaulted for old extract option)"
^XWB(8994,1079,2,5,1,3,0)=" P=planned txns"
^XWB(8994,1079,2,5,1,4,0)=" F=Findings"
^XWB(8994,1079,2,5,1,5,0)=" O=Observed"
^XWB(8994,1079,2,6,1,1,0)="Contains the external facility ID (500, 500BZ, etc) for which the user "
^XWB(8994,1079,2,6,1,2,0)="wants extracted data. If this field is null (not sent), then all "
^XWB(8994,1079,2,6,1,3,0)="facilities will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1079,3,1,0)=" RET is returned as the global reference ^TMP(""DENT"",$J)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,2,0)=" SD = start date for extract (required)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,3,0)=" ED = end date for extract (required)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,4,0)=" PROV = provider ien (optional) - if present only return prov's recs"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,5,0)=" DFN = patient ien (optional) - if present only return pat's recs"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,6,0)=" FLG = E or R (optional) - default is ""E"" if not passed"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,7,0)=" E = use encounter date/time R = use record created date"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,8,0)=" STN = facility to extract "
^XWB(8994,1079,3,9,0)=" Format of global array returned. Each record found in file 228.1"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,10,0)=" will consist of the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,11,0)=" # indicates start of individual record"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,12,0)=" $ indicates end of individual record"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,13,0)=" Line 1 of a record: # (starter block)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,14,0)=" Line 2 of a record: p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7^p8^p9^p10^p11^ where"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,15,0)=" p1 = ien to file 228.1"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,16,0)=" p2 = name of patient p3 = SSN of patient"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,17,0)=" p4 = group flag (y) p5 = date record created"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,18,0)=" p6 = name of person who entered record"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,19,0)=" p7 = name of provider p8 = ien to visit file"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,20,0)=" p9 = date of encounter p10 = time of encounter"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,21,0)=" p11 = date/time of DAS entry"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,22,0)=" Line 3 of record: p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7^p8^p9^p10^p11 where"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,23,0)=" p1 = location p7 = primary pce diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,24,0)=" p2 = agent orange related (y) p8 = DAS patient category"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,25,0)=" p3 = environmental contaminant related (y)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,26,0)=" p4 = ionizing rad related (y) p9 = DAS bed section"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,27,0)=" p5 = service connected related (y)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,28,0)=" p6 = military sexual trauma (y) p10 = DAS division"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,29,0)=" p11 = DAS disposition"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,30,0)=" Lines 4,5,6,etc of a record consist of the individual tooth data"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,31,0)=" p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7^p8^p9^p10^p11^p12^p13^p14^p15 where"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,32,0)=" p1 = tooth # (0-32)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,33,0)=" p2 = surfaces"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,34,0)=" p3 = cpt code"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,35,0)=" p4 = cpt short desc"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,36,0)=" p5 = quadrants"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,37,0)=" p6 = # canals"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,38,0)=" p7 = primary flag (y)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,39,0)=" p8 = icd9 code (primary)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,40,0)=" p9 = ctv value"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,41,0)=" p10 = flag indicating data filed to DAS (y)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,42,0)=" p11 = flag indicating data filed to PCE (y)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,43,0)=" p12,p13,p14,p15 = icd9 code (secondary codes)"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,44,0)=" Last line of a record = $"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,45,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1079,3,46,0)="The program receiving this data needs a loop looking for start block #"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,47,0)=" 1. Gets line starting with '#'"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,48,0)=" 2. Save all characters after the # to be used to create an excel row"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,49,0)=" 3. Get next continuation line"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,50,0)=" 4. Then loop to retrieve all tooth related data"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,51,0)=" a. Then output as string the data from step 2 + 3 + 4 as one line"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,52,0)=" for one row in the spreadsheet. If multiple teeth per record,"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,53,0)=" then you should have multiple rows in your spreadsheet."
^XWB(8994,1079,3,54,0)=" 5. $ indicates termination of individual record, go back and look for"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,55,0)=" next start block #"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,56,0)=" 6. User should now have a .TXT file for importing into Excel to be"
^XWB(8994,1079,3,57,0)=" parsed using the ^ as a delimiter."
^XWB(8994,1080,1,1,0)="This will file non-clinical admin time into file 226"
^XWB(8994,1080,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA = p1^p2^p3^p4 where"
^XWB(8994,1080,2,1,1,2,0)=" p1 :== duz - pointer to file 200 (also must be in file 220.5)"
^XWB(8994,1080,2,1,1,3,0)=" p2 :== single character code (A)dmin (f)ee basis (R)esearch"
^XWB(8994,1080,2,1,1,4,0)=" (E)ducation/training"
^XWB(8994,1080,2,1,1,5,0)=" p3 :== non-clinical admin time hr.min (0.25 - 49.75)"
^XWB(8994,1080,2,1,1,6,0)=" [in 15 minute increments]"
^XWB(8994,1080,2,1,1,7,0)=" p4 :== station.division name (from file 225)"
^XWB(8994,1080,3,1,0)="Returns a string 1^Record successfully added"
^XWB(8994,1080,3,2,0)=" -1^various error messages"
^XWB(8994,1081,1,1,0)="The will process the data from the DRM GUI and file it to the "
^XWB(8994,1081,1,2,0)="corresponding files. It will create a record in file 221, 228.1, one or "
^XWB(8994,1081,1,3,0)="more files in 228.2, and will file data to PCE."
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,1,0)="This array will contain all the data needed."
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,2,0)=" data(1) = p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7 where"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,3,0)=" p1=dfn p2=visit file ien p3=appt date.time"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,4,0)=" p4=new appt date.time p5=location (file 44 ien)"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,5,0)=" p6=primary provider p7=primary icd9 for pce"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,7,0)=" data(2) = secondary provider^sec prov^sec prov^ ...."
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,8,0)=" data(3) = p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6 [ SC^AO^IR^EC^MST^HNC ]"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,9,0)=" data(4)= DAS category ^ bedsection ^ disposition ^ station.division"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,11,0)=" NOTES: Must have a location in order to create a new visit by passing a"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,12,0)="new appointment date.time If filing data to PCE, then location and"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,13,0)="primary ICD9 are mandatory"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,15,0)=" data(n) = p1^p2^p3^p4^...^p12 where n=5,6,7,8,9.... and where"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,16,0)=" p1 = optional - flag for filing data"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,17,0)=" p2 = cptcode (.01 field value from file 81)"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,18,0)=" p3 = tooth# (0-32)"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,19,0)=" p4 = surfaces"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,20,0)=" p5 = canals"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,21,0)=" p6 = quadrants"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,22,0)=" p7 = primary (Y)"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,23,0)=" p8 = icd9 code (primary diag code for this procedure and tooth)"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,24,0)=" p9,p10,p11,p12 - optional secondary icd9 codes"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,25,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,26,0)=" NOTES: p1 is optional - format mmm where m is either 0 or 1"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,27,0)=" null or 111 - file data to old DAS, new dental history, and to PCE"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,28,0)=" 000 - don't file data - should never be"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,29,0)=" 100 - file to old DAS only"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,30,0)=" 010 - file to new dental history only"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,31,0)=" 001 - file to PCE only"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,32,0)=" 110 - file to old DAS and new dental history"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,33,0)=" 101 - file to old DAS and PCE"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,34,0)=" 011 - file to new dental history and PCE"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,35,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,36,0)=" p4,p5,p6,p8-p11 - all optional - send data only if relevant"
^XWB(8994,1081,2,1,1,37,0)=" p5 - qty may be eliminated pending outcome of current messages"
^XWB(8994,1081,3,1,0)="The return array data will be in the format n^text where"
^XWB(8994,1081,3,2,0)=" n = -1 if an error or other unacceptable condition encountered"
^XWB(8994,1081,3,3,0)=" for DAS & dental history n = ien to corresponding file"
^XWB(8994,1081,3,4,0)=" for pce, return 1^PCE<message>^visit ien"
^XWB(8994,1082,1,1,0)="This works in conjunction with the DENTV GET CATEGORIES rpc. You pass"
^XWB(8994,1082,1,2,0)="the subcategory name and this call will return the array of cpt codes"
^XWB(8994,1082,1,3,0)="associated with that subcategory name."
^XWB(8994,1082,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1082,1,5,0)="end description update 6-23-2003"
^XWB(8994,1082,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the subcategory name from file 228 that was retrieved by using"
^XWB(8994,1082,2,1,1,2,0)="the DENTV GET CATEGORIES rpc."
^XWB(8994,1082,3,1,0)="An array of cpt codes is returned that have this subcategory (fields 5 or"
^XWB(8994,1082,3,2,0)="6 in file 228). The global array returns data in ^TMP(""DENTV"",$J). For "
^XWB(8994,1082,3,3,0)="a descripiton of the data return format see GETADA^DENTVRP1."
^XWB(8994,1083,1,1,0)="This rpc will return the different categories (fields 5 & 6) in file 228"
^XWB(8994,1083,2,1,1,1,0)="This is optional. If passed it should be either 1, 2, or 12"
^XWB(8994,1083,2,1,1,2,0)="If it is not passed, then this call will default to 12"
^XWB(8994,1083,2,1,1,3,0)=" For file 228,"
^XWB(8994,1083,2,1,1,4,0)=" If TYP=1, then only return the subcategory-1 names (field 5)"
^XWB(8994,1083,2,1,1,5,0)=" If TYP=2, then only return the subcategory-2 names (field 6)"
^XWB(8994,1083,2,1,1,6,0)=" If TYP=12, then return both subcategories' names"
^XWB(8994,1083,3,1,0)="An array is returned (in alphabetical order) of the various subcategory"
^XWB(8994,1083,3,2,0)="values found in file 228 (fields 5 and 6)"
^XWB(8994,1083,3,3,0)=" array(#) = subcategory name"
^XWB(8994,1084,1,1,0)="This call will return all ADA CPT codes which match the inputted string."
^XWB(8994,1084,1,2,0)="You can pass the cpt code name or a string, like 'surf'."
^XWB(8994,1084,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the string of characters that will be used in a Fileman lookup on"
^XWB(8994,1084,2,1,1,2,0)="the ADA code file (#228). You may send either the ada code name or a"
^XWB(8994,1084,2,1,1,3,0)="string of characters, like 'surface'"
^XWB(8994,1084,3,1,0)="An array of codes will be returned. For format of that array see the"
^XWB(8994,1084,3,2,0)="return description in GETADA^DENTVRP1."
^XWB(8994,1084,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1084,3,4,0)="Two possible error messages may be returned:"
^XWB(8994,1084,3,5,0)=" 1. If the lookup value you send is null, then '-1^No input string sent'"
^XWB(8994,1084,3,6,0)=" will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1084,3,7,0)=" 2. If a lookup value was sent, but no matches were found, then the"
^XWB(8994,1084,3,8,0)=" message returned will be -1^No matches found for 'VALUE'"
^XWB(8994,1085,1,1,0)="This returns the dental history for a single tooth for a patient or for "
^XWB(8994,1085,1,2,0)="all records."
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,1,0)="Input parameter for looking up dental history in file 19600.1"
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,2,0)=" Format: Patient DFN ^ tooth# ^ FMDate where"
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,4,0)=" Patient DFN := required - pointer to patient file (2)"
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,6,0)=" tooth# := optional - number of the tooth you wish the history on."
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,7,0)=" If tooth#=0 or tooth#="""", then return data that was not"
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,8,0)=" associated with any particular tooth."
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,9,0)=" If tooth#=""ALL"", then it will return data for all teeth and"
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,10,0)=" for procedures not related to a specific tooth."
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,12,0)=" FMDate := optional - Fileman date format - optional - default to all"
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,13,0)=" records. If date is passed, then only records whose date is"
^XWB(8994,1085,2,2,1,14,0)=" greater than or equal to this date will be returned"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,1,0)="A global array will be passed back to the calling client. The format"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,2,0)="of the returned array is defined in the TH module in the DENTVRH routine."
^XWB(8994,1085,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1085,3,4,0)="If any errors are encountered, an error message will be returned in the"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,5,0)="format -1^error message text"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1085,3,7,0)="end return description 7/9/2003"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,8,0)=" specific tooth"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,9,0)="p2 :== date of 19600.1 record, human readable, in reverse chronological"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,10,0)=" order (newest record first)."
^XWB(8994,1085,3,11,0)=" p3 :== cpt short description"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,12,0)=" p4 :== cpt code"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,13,0)=" p5 :== provider's name"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,14,0)=" p6 :== surfaces"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,15,0)=" p7 :== quadrant"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,16,0)=" p8 :== # canals"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,17,0)=" p9 :== primary (this will be null or equal to 'YES')"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,18,0)=" p10 :== pce primary icd9 short description"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,19,0)=" p11 :== pce primary icd9 diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,20,0)=" p12 :== record number (ien) in file 19600.1"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,21,0)=" p13 :== visit/appointment date/time (may be null)"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,22,0)=" p14 :== ctv value"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1085,3,24,0)=" The diagnoses codes (1-5) associated with each tooth/cpt code will be"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,25,0)=" on the second continuation line"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,26,0)=" q1 :== icd9-1 short description of the primary dental diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,27,0)=" q2 :== icd9-1 code of the primary dental diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,28,0)=" If there are more than one diagnoses associated with a tooth/cpt"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,29,0)=" combination then q3^q4 / q5^q6 / q7^q8 / q9^q10 will follow q1^q2 "
^XWB(8994,1085,3,30,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1085,3,31,0)="If any errors are encountered, then error messages will be returned in the"
^XWB(8994,1085,3,32,0)="format -1^error message text"
^XWB(8994,1087,1,1,0)="From user's duz, verify that the user is a valid dental provider"
^XWB(8994,1087,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a a pointer to the NEW PERSON file (#200)"
^XWB(8994,1087,3,1,0)="This will return the user's name if the user is an active dental"
^XWB(8994,1087,3,2,0)="provider. If the user is not, then it returns -1"
^XWB(8994,1087,3,3,0)=" This will return the SIGNATURE BLOCK PRINTED NAME if it is present in"
^XWB(8994,1087,3,4,0)="the NEW PERSON file."
^XWB(8994,1087,3,5,0)=" If not, then itr returns the .01 field value from the NEW PERSON file in"
^XWB(8994,1087,3,6,0)="first m last format."
^XWB(8994,1088,1,1,0)="This will invoke SDA^VADPT. It returns those appointments which were kept"
^XWB(8994,1088,1,2,0)="and all open future appointments depending upon the date range."
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA = DFN ^ BEG ^ END ^ ALOC ^ FLG where"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,3,0)=" DFN = required - pointer to patient file (#2)"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,4,0)=" BEG = optional - FM date/time - return all scheduled appointments"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,5,0)=" greater than BEG"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,6,0)=" END = optional - FM date/time - return all scheduled appointments"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,7,0)=" up to END"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,8,0)="ALOC = optional - name of location (file 44) or pointer to file 44"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,9,0)=" If present, then only appointments for that clinic returned"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,10,0)=" FLG = optional"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,11,0)=" 0 - return all kept appts from BEG to today"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,12,0)=" 1 - return future appts only"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,13,0)=" 2 - return appts from 0 & 1"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,15,0)="Date range takes precedence over FLG. So if you send BEG=DT-1,FLG=1 you"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,1,1,16,0)="will get no appointments since BEG not greater than NOW"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,2,1,1,0)="VECLIN is a local array which contains a list of clinics to be used to "
^XWB(8994,1088,2,2,1,2,0)="screen appointment list. Only those appointments in these clinics will "
^XWB(8994,1088,2,2,1,3,0)="be returned."
^XWB(8994,1088,2,2,1,4,0)=" VECLIN - optional - passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,2,1,5,0)=" VECLIN(#) = clinic name or ien"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a list of 3-digit stop codes used to screen appointments "
^XWB(8994,1088,2,3,1,2,0)="returned. Only those clinic locations whose stop code is in this list "
^XWB(8994,1088,2,3,1,3,0)="will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1088,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1088,2,3,1,5,0)=" SCODE - optional - passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,3,1,6,0)=" SCODE(#) = 3-digit stop code (lookup on C xref)"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,4,1,1,0)="This is a list of divisions to be used to screen appointments. Only "
^XWB(8994,1088,2,4,1,2,0)="appointments in clinics for divisions in this list will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1088,2,4,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1088,2,4,1,4,0)=" VEDIV - optional - passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1088,2,4,1,5,0)=" VEDIV(#) = division name or ien"
^XWB(8994,1088,3,1,0)="Data passed to broker via the global ^TMP(""VEJD"",$J,""APT"",#)"
^XWB(8994,1088,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1088,3,3,0)="Returns array(#) = p1^p2^p3^p4 in reverse chronological order."
^XWB(8994,1088,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1088,3,5,0)="p1 :== external appointment date/time"
^XWB(8994,1088,3,6,0)="p2 :== external clinic name"
^XWB(8994,1088,3,7,0)="p3 :== appointment date/time - fileman format"
^XWB(8994,1088,3,8,0)="p4 :== pointer to Hospital Location file (44)"
^XWB(8994,1088,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1088,3,10,0)="Error messages:"
^XWB(8994,1088,3,11,0)="array(1) = ""-1^Invalid patient DFN"" if bad patient pointer"
^XWB(8994,1088,3,12,0)="array(1) ="" -1^No appointments found"""
^XWB(8994,1089,1,1,0)="This will call the VEJDWPB GET SCHED APPTS rpc to get the scheduled"
^XWB(8994,1089,1,2,0)="appointments for the user inputted date range."
^XWB(8994,1089,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1089,1,4,0)="It then loops throughs the Visit file (#9000010) ""AA"" cross reference to"
^XWB(8994,1089,1,5,0)="find all visits."
^XWB(8994,1089,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1089,1,7,0)="It then uses the uses the IN5^VADPT to get the current admission."
^XWB(8994,1089,1,8,0)="It then uses the uses the IN5^VADPT to get the current admission."
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,1,0)=" DATA - required - DFN ^ BEG ^ END ^ ZLOC ^ FLG ^ MODS ^ CAT"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,2,0)=" DFN - required - pointer to file 2"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,3,0)=" BEG - optional - starting Fileman date/time"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,4,0)=" END - optional - ending fileman date/time - default = DT+.5"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,5,0)=" ALOC - optional - clinic, either name or file 44 ien retained for"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,6,0)=" backwards compatibility"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,7,0)=" FLG - optional - type of appts to return"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,8,0)=" 0 - active/kept appts (past) - default"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,9,0)=" 1 - future appts only"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,10,0)=" 2 - both past and future appts"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,11,0)=" MODS - optional - string of codes determine which encounters to return"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,12,0)=" default value = ASV"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,13,0)=" MODS[""A"" - return current admission regardless of date"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,14,0)=" MODS[""S"" - return schedule appts"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,15,0)=" MODS[""V"" - return visit file entries (#9000010)"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,16,0)=" CAT - optional - default value is 0 screen visits by service category"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,17,0)=" 1 - return all visits"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,18,0)=" 0 or <null> - do not return historical type visits"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,19,0)=" I $G(CAT) then do not screen visit entries by service category"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,1,1,20,0)=" I '$G(CAT) then screen out historical visits (E,D,X,N,C)"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,2,1,1,0)=" VECLIN is a local array which contains a list of clinics to be used to"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,2,1,2,0)=" screen appointment list. Only those appointments in these clinics will"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,2,1,3,0)=" be returned."
^XWB(8994,1089,2,2,1,4,0)=" VECLIN - optional - passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,2,1,5,0)=" VECLIN(#) = clinic name or ien"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,3,1,1,0)=" This is a list of 3-digit stop codes used to screen appointments"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,3,1,2,0)=" returned. Only those clinic locations whose stop code is in this list"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,3,1,3,0)=" will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1089,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1089,2,3,1,5,0)=" SCODE - optional - passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,3,1,6,0)=" SCODE(#) = 3-digit stop code (lookup on C xref)"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,4,1,1,0)=" This is a list of divisions to be used to screen appointments. Only"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,4,1,2,0)=" appointments in clinics for divisions in this list will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1089,2,4,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1089,2,4,1,4,0)=" VEDIV - optional - passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1089,2,4,1,5,0)=" VEDIV(#) = division name or ien"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,1,0)="It returns to the broker, via the global array ^TMP(""VEJD"",$J,""VSIT"",#)"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,2,0)=" 1. All visits and current admission"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,3,0)=" 2. Any scheduled visit for which there is no corresponding visit file"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,4,0)=" entry for the same date/time and clinic."
^XWB(8994,1089,3,5,0)=" 3. Format of data returned p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6 where"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,6,0)=" p1 := A (if admission) V (if visit) S (if scheduled appt)"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,7,0)=" p2 := visit file ien"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,8,0)=" p3 := date/time in external format"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,9,0)=" p4 := location name (from file 44)"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,10,0)=" p5 := date/time in internal fileman format"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,11,0)=" p6 := location file (#44) ien"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,12,0)=" 4. If no matching data was found then return"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,13,0)=" -1^Invalid patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,14,0)=" -1^No visits or appointments found"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,15,0)="hospital location value (file 44) from the visit ien. If it cannot, then"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,16,0)="the data returned by VSITAPI^VSITOE will be used. In this case, p4 will"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,17,0)="be the location from file 9999999.06 and p6=""""."
^XWB(8994,1089,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1089,3,19,0)="This rpc will"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,20,0)=" 1. Call the VEJDWPB GET SCHED APPTS rpc to get appointments"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,21,0)=" 2. Return only those kept appts which do not have a corresponding Visit"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,22,0)=" file entry (matching criteria: no visit with same date/time and file"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,23,0)=" 44 pointer as appointment)"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,24,0)=" 3. The VSITAPI^VSITOE calls will exclude all those visits whose code is"
^XWB(8994,1089,3,25,0)=" contained in ""EDXNC"" (i.e., exclude non-count/historical visits)"
^XWB(8994,1090,1,1,0)="This will return a string indicating whether the service condition"
^XWB(8994,1090,1,2,0)="questions need to be asked:"
^XWB(8994,1090,1,3,0)=" Agent Orange exposure"
^XWB(8994,1090,1,4,0)=" Environmental Contaminant exposure"
^XWB(8994,1090,1,5,0)=" Service Connected"
^XWB(8994,1090,1,6,0)=" Military Sexual Trauma"
^XWB(8994,1090,1,7,0)=" Head & Neck Cancer"
^XWB(8994,1090,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1090,1,9,0)="If VST is not passed, then APPT must be the scheduling appointment"
^XWB(8994,1090,1,10,0)="date/time and LOC must be the the hospital location data"
^XWB(8994,1090,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1090,1,12,0)="If VST is passed, then APPT and LOC are optional."
^XWB(8994,1090,2,2,1,1,0)=" DATA = DFN ^ APPT ^ LOC ^ VST where"
^XWB(8994,1090,2,2,1,2,0)=" DFN = required - pointer to the Patient file (2)"
^XWB(8994,1090,2,2,1,3,0)=" APPT = optional/required - FM date/time for the visit or the scheduled"
^XWB(8994,1090,2,2,1,4,0)=" appointment. If VST passed, then APPT is optional"
^XWB(8994,1090,2,2,1,5,0)=" LOC = required - either the name of the location (file 44) or the"
^XWB(8994,1090,2,2,1,6,0)=" pointer to file 44"
^XWB(8994,1090,2,2,1,7,0)=" VST = optional/required - pointer to Visit file (#9000010)"
^XWB(8994,1090,2,2,1,8,0)=" If APPT passed, then VST is optional"
^XWB(8994,1090,2,2,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1090,2,2,1,10,0)=" You must send either APPT or VST or both."
^XWB(8994,1090,3,1,0)="This will return a string in the format p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6 where"
^XWB(8994,1090,3,2,0)=" pi = 1 or null If pi=1 then ask appropriate yes/no question:"
^XWB(8994,1090,3,3,0)=" p1 = ask Agent Orange"
^XWB(8994,1090,3,4,0)=" p2 = ask Environmental Contaminant"
^XWB(8994,1090,3,5,0)=" p3 = ask Ionizing Radiation"
^XWB(8994,1090,3,6,0)=" p4 = ask Service Connected"
^XWB(8994,1090,3,7,0)=" p5 = ask Military Sexual Trauma"
^XWB(8994,1090,3,8,0)=" p6 = ask Head & Neck Cancer"
^XWB(8994,1090,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1090,3,10,0)="If invalid DFN passed, then error message returned,"
^XWB(8994,1090,3,11,0)=" ""-1^Invalid patient DFN"""
^XWB(8994,1090,3,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1090,3,13,0)="If the visit date cannot be determined, then error message returned"
^XWB(8994,1090,3,14,0)=" ""-1^No appointment/visit date"""
^XWB(8994,1091,1,1,0)="This will create a new entry in the problem list file using the"
^XWB(8994,1091,1,2,0)="D CREATE^GMPLUTL(.VEJDDATA,.VEJDRETN) call."
^XWB(8994,1091,2,1,1,1,0)="For detailed escription of the array setup see documentation in the"
^XWB(8994,1091,3,1,0)="If problem successfully added, returns 1^new IEN in problem list"
^XWB(8994,1091,3,2,0)="Otherwise, returns -1^Error message"
^XWB(8994,1092,1,1,0)="This will update an existing problem using the "
^XWB(8994,1092,1,2,0)="D UPDATE^GMPLUTL(.VEJDRETN,.VEJDDATA) call"
^XWB(8994,1092,2,1,1,1,0)="For detailed description of array format, see documentation in routine."
^XWB(8994,1092,3,1,0)="If update is successful, then returns 1^(data from gmplutl call)"
^XWB(8994,1092,3,2,0)="Otherwise, returns -1^(data from gmplutl call)"
^XWB(8994,1093,1,1,0)="This loops through the Visit file (#9000010) AA cross reference to find"
^XWB(8994,1093,1,2,0)="all visits for a patient and date range"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer value to the Patient file"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,2,1,1,0)="Optional - this is the starting date for the search in internal fileman"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,2,1,2,0)="date/time format of the visit. If not passed, then a date of T-365 will"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,2,1,3,0)="be used."
^XWB(8994,1093,2,3,1,1,0)="Optional - this is the ending date/time for the search in internal fileman"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,3,1,2,0)="format. If not passed, then a date of DT+.5 will be used."
^XWB(8994,1093,2,4,1,1,0)="Optional - you can look for visits for specific locations (file 44). The"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,4,1,2,0)="LC array is expected to be in the format LC(ien)="""" where ien is the"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,4,1,3,0)="pointer to file 44."
^XWB(8994,1093,2,5,1,1,0)="This flag controls whether service categories should be screened or not."
^XWB(8994,1093,2,5,1,2,0)="It is optional, the default value is to screen entries."
^XWB(8994,1093,2,5,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1093,2,5,1,4,0)="I +CAT then do not screen entries."
^XWB(8994,1093,2,5,1,5,0)="I '$G(CAT) then do not return entries whose service category is E,D,X,N,"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,5,1,6,0)="or C"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,6,1,1,0)=" VECLIN is a local array which contains a list of clinics to be used to"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,6,1,2,0)=" screen appointment list. Only those appointments in these clinics will"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,6,1,3,0)=" be returned."
^XWB(8994,1093,2,6,1,4,0)=" VECLIN - optional - passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,6,1,5,0)=" VECLIN(#) = clinic name or ien"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,7,1,1,0)=" This is a list of 3-digit stop codes used to screen appointments"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,7,1,2,0)=" returned. Only those clinic locations whose stop code is in this list"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,7,1,3,0)=" will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1093,2,7,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1093,2,7,1,5,0)=" SCODE - optional - passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,7,1,6,0)=" SCODE(#) = 3-digit stop code (lookup on C xref)"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,8,1,1,0)=" This is a list of divisions to be used to screen appointments. Only"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,8,1,2,0)=" appointments in clinics for divisions in this list will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1093,2,8,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1093,2,8,1,4,0)=" VEDIV - optional - passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,8,1,5,0)=" VEDIV(#) = division name or ien"
^XWB(8994,1093,2,"B","LC ",4)=""
^XWB(8994,1093,3,1,0)="The data is passed to the broker in the ^TMP(""VEJD"",$J,""VSIT"",#) where"
^XWB(8994,1093,3,2,0)="^TMP(""VEJD"",$J,""VSIT"",#) = p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6 where"
^XWB(8994,1093,3,3,0)=" p1 := A (if admission) or V (if visit)"
^XWB(8994,1093,3,4,0)=" p2 := visit file pointer (#9000010)"
^XWB(8994,1093,3,5,0)=" p3 := visit/admission external date/time"
^XWB(8994,1093,3,6,0)=" p4 := location name (file 44)"
^XWB(8994,1093,3,7,0)=" p5 := visit/admission internal fileman date/time"
^XWB(8994,1093,3,8,0)=" p6 := pointer to location (file 44)"
^XWB(8994,1093,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1093,3,10,0)="Or it will return"
^XWB(8994,1093,3,11,0)=" -1^No Patient DFN or"
^XWB(8994,1093,3,12,0)=" -1^No visits found"
^XWB(8994,1094,0)="VEJD DDR FINDER^FIND^VEJDDDR0^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1094,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of the file in which you wish to search."
^XWB(8994,1094,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IENS through which you wish to search for the value VEJDVAL."
^XWB(8994,1094,2,2,1,2,0)="If you are searching the top level of a file, this should be null. See"
^XWB(8994,1094,2,2,1,3,0)="the FileMan Programmers manual for instructions on constructing IENS"
^XWB(8994,1094,2,3,1,1,0)="This is an ^ (or "";"") delimited list of fields that you wish returned from"
^XWB(8994,1094,2,3,1,2,0)="each entry that matches the lookup conditions that you have specified."
^XWB(8994,1094,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the maximum number of entries to be returned. Defaults to all"
^XWB(8994,1094,2,4,1,2,0)="entries matching the lookup value (VEJDVAL)."
^XWB(8994,1094,3,1,0)="Returns an array in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1094,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1094,3,3,0)="Array[0]=Number of entries found^Number of entries requested^Any more"
^XWB(8994,1094,3,4,0)="entries to return?"
^XWB(8994,1094,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1094,3,6,0)="Array[1]-[n]=IEN^Values of fields requested in VEJDVAL (in order)"
^XWB(8994,1094,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1094,3,8,0)="For instance: if VEJDFILE=2 (the PATIENT file) and VEJDFELD="".01^.09"""
^XWB(8994,1094,3,9,0)="(name and SSAN respectively), then a sample return may look like:"
^XWB(8994,1094,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1094,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1094,3,14,0)="but if VEJDFELD="".09^.01"", you would see:"
^XWB(8994,1094,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1095,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of the file in which you wish to search."
^XWB(8994,1095,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IENS for the search. See the instructions on constructing an"
^XWB(8994,1095,2,2,1,2,0)="IENS in the FileMan Programmer's Manual"
^XWB(8994,1095,2,3,1,1,0)="This is an ^ (or "";"") delimited list of field numbers to return from the"
^XWB(8994,1095,2,3,1,2,0)="entry identified in VEJDIENS"
^XWB(8994,1095,2,4,1,1,0)="This is a string containing up to 3 characters that will modify how"
^XWB(8994,1095,2,4,1,2,0)="FileMan presents the results of this operation:"
^XWB(8994,1095,2,4,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1095,2,4,1,4,0)=" E: Return data in external format"
^XWB(8994,1095,2,4,1,5,0)=" I: Return data in internal format"
^XWB(8994,1095,2,4,1,6,0)=" Mutually exclusive."
^XWB(8994,1095,2,4,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1095,2,4,1,8,0)=" N: Do NOT return null values (do NOT use this, Jay. It will screw"
^XWB(8994,1095,2,4,1,9,0)="up how I put the entries in the return array for you)."
^XWB(8994,1095,2,4,1,10,0)=" R: Resolves field numbers to field names."
^XWB(8994,1095,3,1,0)="Returns an array with the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1095,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1096,0)="VEJD DDR LISTER^LIST^VEJDDDR0^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1103,1,1,0)="This RPC is for testing use only. It calls the Error Trap to save off the"
^XWB(8994,1103,1,2,0)="symbol table for debuging."
^XWB(8994,1103,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1103,1,4,0)="The call accepts up to 9 parameters that are labeled P1 to P9."
^XWB(8994,1103,3,1,0)="The return is the string: ""Error Trap called to save symbol table"""
^XWB(8994,1104,0)="YTAPI NEW ASI^ADDER^YTAPI8^2^S"
^XWB(8994,1104,1,1,0)="This remote procedure allows new entries to be added to the ADDICTION SEVERITY"
^XWB(8994,1104,1,2,0)="INDEX file (#604)."
^XWB(8994,1104,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1104,1,4,0)="Input required: none"
^XWB(8994,1104,1,7,0)="YSDATA(2)= IEN created in file 604"
^XWB(8994,1105,1,1,0)="This provides a method of sending a Patient DFN VISTA"
^XWB(8994,1105,1,2,0)=" mail message from client methods."
^XWB(8994,1105,2,1,1,1,0)="Message line input."
^XWB(8994,1105,2,2,1,1,0)="If this is the last line of the message then if this value is set to"
^XWB(8994,1105,2,2,1,2,0)=" ""1"" then the message will be sent."
^XWB(8994,1106,0)="TIU FIELD CHECK^CHKFLD^TIUSRVF1^2^R^^^1^"
^XWB(8994,1106,1,1,0)="Very similar to IMPORT^TIUSRVF, except does not save template fields."
^XWB(8994,1106,1,2,0)="Resolves self referencing loops, and takes into account fields with"
^XWB(8994,1106,1,3,0)="the same name already saved."
^XWB(8994,1106,3,1,0)="Returns an array of named results and modified XML, separated by a line"
^XWB(8994,1106,3,2,0)="with ""***"". The named results is in the format NAME^CODE^NEW_NAME, where"
^XWB(8994,1106,3,3,0)="NAME is the original name in the field, CODE indicates 0 or 1, where"
^XWB(8994,1106,3,4,0)="1 means the field does not need to be renamed, and 0 indicates an error"
^XWB(8994,1106,3,5,0)="or that the field should be renamed (to the name in the NEW_NAME field.)"
^XWB(8994,1106,3,6,0)="The NEW_NAME contains the error text XML ERROR if the XML has formatting"
^XWB(8994,1107,1,1,0)="Takes in the XML string, in the format XMLSET(1)="" <TEMPLATE_FIELDS>"" and "
^XWB(8994,1107,1,2,0)="merges them with the global ^TMP(""TIUFLDXML"",$J). If the subscript is 1,"
^XWB(8994,1107,1,3,0)="then it KILLs the global before it merges. This routine is used so very"
^XWB(8994,1107,1,4,0)="large lists of fields can be processed without many calls to the database."
^XWB(8994,1107,2,1,1,1,0)="Input in the format of XMLSET(1)=""<FIELD NAME=""12345"">"""
^XWB(8994,1107,3,1,0)="Returns a ""1"" if successful; 0 otherwise."
^XWB(8994,1108,1,1,0)="Calls the import process for a pre-loaded (into ^TMP) list of template"
^XWB(8994,1108,3,1,0)="Returns a list of field names imported in the format NAME^RCODE^RENAME, "
^XWB(8994,1108,3,2,0)="where NAME is the desired field name, RCODE is 1 or 0 if the field"
^XWB(8994,1108,3,3,0)="was added/same or renamed (respectively), and RENAME is the actual"
^XWB(8994,1108,3,4,0)="saved name of the field if RCODE is 0."
^XWB(8994,1109,1,1,0)="This RPC buffers the transmittal of text (i.e., the body of TIU Documents)"
^XWB(8994,1109,1,2,0)="from the Client to the Server. It allows documents of indefinite size to"
^XWB(8994,1109,1,3,0)="be filed, without risk of an allocate error on the M Server."
^XWB(8994,1109,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the TIU Document in the TIU DOCUMENT file (#8925)."
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the array in which the body of the TIU Document is being passed,"
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,2,0)="as: "
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,4,0)=" TIUX(""HDR"")=<# of Current Page>^<Total # of Pages>"
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,5,0)=" TIUX(""TEXT"",1,0)=<Line 1 of document body>"
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,6,0)=" TIUX(""TEXT"",2,0)=<Line 2 of document body>"
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,7,0)=" TIUX(""TEXT"",3,0)=<Line 3 of document body>"
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,8,0)=" . ."
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,9,0)=" . ."
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,10,0)=" . ."
^XWB(8994,1109,2,2,1,11,0)=" TIUX(""TEXT"",i,0)=<Line i of document body>"
^XWB(8994,1109,2,3,1,1,0)="Optional parameter. Default is 0 (no)."
^XWB(8994,1109,2,3,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1109,2,3,1,3,0)="Boolean flag that indicates whether to commit the data (as in the Save w/o"
^XWB(8994,1109,2,3,1,4,0)="signature action in CPRS), or to simply save it in the EDIT BUFFER for the"
^XWB(8994,1109,2,3,1,5,0)="document (as in the auto-save function)."
^XWB(8994,1109,3,1,0)="Four '^'-piece scalar result formatted as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1109,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1109,3,3,0)="If successful:"
^XWB(8994,1109,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1109,3,6,0)="If unsuccessful:"
^XWB(8994,1109,3,7,0)=" 0^0^0^Explanatory text"
^XWB(8994,1110,1,1,0)="This remote procedure sets the file attributes necessary to close a"
^XWB(8994,1110,1,2,0)="document by administrative action (either manually or by scanning a paper"
^XWB(8994,1110,1,3,0)="document that doesn't require the signature of an author as a typical TIU"
^XWB(8994,1110,1,4,0)="Document would)."
^XWB(8994,1110,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the document in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE (#8925)."
^XWB(8994,1110,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the alphabetic code for the manner in which the document was"
^XWB(8994,1110,2,2,1,2,0)="closed (i.e., ""S"" for Scanned Document, or ""M"" for Manual Closure)."
^XWB(8994,1110,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1110,2,2,1,4,0)="Optional: Defaults to ""S""."
^XWB(8994,1110,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the IEN in the NEW PERSON file (#200) of the person who closed the"
^XWB(8994,1110,2,3,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1110,2,3,1,4,0)="Optional: Defaults to DUZ (i.e., the current user)."
^XWB(8994,1110,3,1,0)="If successful, this RPC returns the IEN in the TIU DOCUMENT file (#8925)"
^XWB(8994,1110,3,2,0)="of the document that was closed."
^XWB(8994,1110,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1110,3,4,0)="Otherwise, it will return: 0^<Explanatory message>"
^XWB(8994,1111,0)="ORWPCE HNCOK^HNCOK^ORWPCE2^1^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1111,1,1,0)="Returns TRUE if the Head and/or Neck Cancer patches have been installed"
^XWB(8994,1114,0)="ORWPS MEDHIST^MEDHIST^ORWPS^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1115,0)="ORWDPS4 CPLST^CPLST^ORWDPS4^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1115,1,1,0)="Get co-pay ralated questions"
^XWB(8994,1116,1,1,0)="Save outpatient med order co-pay information."
^XWB(8994,1117,0)="IBARXM TRANS BILL^BILL^IBARXMR^1^R^^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1117,1,1,0)="This rpc will receive data that a charge should be created for a pharmacy "
^XWB(8994,1117,1,2,0)="copayment that had previously not been charged due to the patient "
^XWB(8994,1117,1,3,0)="reaching their copayment cap amount."
^XWB(8994,1117,1,4,0)="This RPC call does not send user data to remote side."
^XWB(8994,1117,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient's ICN, to be used to identify the patient."
^XWB(8994,1117,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the transaction number to bill."
^XWB(8994,1117,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the amount to bill."
^XWB(8994,1117,3,1,0)="The return value will be the transaction ien in file 354.71, to indicate"
^XWB(8994,1117,3,2,0)="that billing was successful. If not, then a -1 will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1121,0)="VAFC REMOTE PDAT^PDAT^VAFCRPC^2^P^0^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1121,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call will return the text Patient "
^XWB(8994,1121,1,2,0)="MPI/PD Data Inquiry report to a remote site."
^XWB(8994,1121,2,1,1,1,0)="This should be the ICN without the 'V' or the checksum."
^XWB(8994,1121,3,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call will return the text Patient"
^XWB(8994,1121,3,2,0)="MPI/PD Data Inquiry report to a remote site."
^XWB(8994,1122,1,1,0)="This is call to perform any post processing action required on "
^XWB(8994,1122,1,2,0)="a newly saved image of this type. post processing (for now) is"
^XWB(8994,1122,1,3,0)="determined by the MAG DESCRIPTIVE CAGETORIES file. If this image"
^XWB(8994,1122,1,4,0)="points to an entry in that file that has Action turned ON, then"
^XWB(8994,1122,1,5,0)="the TAG^ROUTINE will be called with the Image IEN."
^XWB(8994,1122,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number in the Image File (^MAG(2005))"
^XWB(8994,1123,1,1,0)="Checks the version of the Delphi Application "
^XWB(8994,1123,1,2,0)="Depending on version of VistA Imaging KIDs install, we"
^XWB(8994,1123,1,3,0)="could force the Delphi APP to HALT."
^XWB(8994,1123,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the version of the Delphi Application."
^XWB(8994,1123,3,1,0)="Return array can have multiple lines."
^XWB(8994,1123,3,2,0)="If multiple lines are returned, they are displayed"
^XWB(8994,1123,3,3,0)="in a dialog box."
^XWB(8994,1123,3,4,0)="Regardless of the "
^XWB(8994,1123,3,6,0)="the 0 node is of the form 1^continue or 2^message"
^XWB(8994,1123,3,7,0)="a code of 2 in the first piece will halt the Delphi App."
^XWB(8994,1123,3,8,0)="The message (if multiple lines exist) will always be displayed first."
^XWB(8994,1126,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,15,0)="This procedure is used by the Radiology Imaging Workstation to display a"
^XWB(8994,1126,1,16,0)="listing of all, or a subset of all, radiology exams for a selected"
^XWB(8994,1126,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN ^ #_YRS_LIMIT ^ #_EXAMS_LIMIT"
^XWB(8994,1126,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1126,2,1,1,3,0)="#_YRS_LIMIT -- optional; an integer value, used to limit the returned list"
^XWB(8994,1126,2,1,1,4,0)="to include only exams within the most recent # of years specified"
^XWB(8994,1126,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1126,2,1,1,6,0)="#_EXAMS_LIMIT -- optiona; integer value to limit the number of list"
^XWB(8994,1126,2,1,1,7,0)="entries returned"
^XWB(8994,1126,3,1,0)=" ARRAY(0) = # Exams Found ^ Text for listing title, or error message"
^XWB(8994,1126,3,2,0)=" ARRAY(1) = List Column Headings, delimited by ""^"""
^XWB(8994,1126,3,3,0)=" ARRAY(2..N+1)= Exam data for display, delimited by ""^"", followed by exam"
^XWB(8994,1126,3,4,0)=" data as stored by Radiology package routine RAPTLU in ^TMP"
^XWB(8994,1126,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1126,3,6,0)=" Display data: "
^XWB(8994,1126,3,8,0)=" EXAM LOC. ^ ^TMP($J,""RAEX"","
^XWB(8994,1126,3,9,0)=" Data from ^TMP (expressed as Rad Pkg variable names):"
^XWB(8994,1126,3,10,0)=" RADFN ^ RADTI ^ RACNI ^ RANME ^ RASSN ^ RADATE ^ RADTE ^ RACN ^"
^XWB(8994,1126,3,11,0)=" RAPRC ^ RARPT ^ RAST "
^XWB(8994,1127,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,15,0)="This procedure is used by the VistARad Workstation to obtain from"
^XWB(8994,1127,1,16,0)=" the Imaging Host system user permission to use the Demand Routing"
^XWB(8994,1127,3,1,0)="Returns ""TRUE"" or ""FALSE"", based on user security key."
^XWB(8994,1128,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,15,0)="This rpc processes a list of input exams to configure the dialog by which"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,16,0)="the user will request exams to be routed. The rpc returns the exam list"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,17,0)="and information used to prompt the user for routing destination and"
^XWB(8994,1128,1,18,0)="priority for each exam."
^XWB(8994,1128,2,1,1,1,0)="List of Radiology Exam pointers. Each entry in the list contains:"
^XWB(8994,1128,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1128,2,1,1,3,0)=" RADFN ^ RADTI ^ RACNI ^ RARPT"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,15,0)="For input list of exams, queue corresponding image files to be routed to"
^XWB(8994,1129,1,16,0)="indicated destinations (according to Network Location file entries)."
^XWB(8994,1129,2,1,1,1,0)="Each entry in the list contains:"
^XWB(8994,1129,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1129,2,1,1,3,0)=" Network Location ^ Priority | RADFN ^ RADTI ^ RACNI ^ RARPT"
^XWB(8994,1129,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1129,2,1,1,5,0)="Network Location is IEN to Network Location file."
^XWB(8994,1129,2,1,1,6,0)="Priority is a number; higher numbers indicate higher priority. The"
^XWB(8994,1129,2,1,1,7,0)="Priority is specific to the Routing Queue Manager."
^XWB(8994,1129,3,1,0)="Normal reply indicating success/failure of the operation."
^XWB(8994,1130,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,15,0)="This procedure is used by the Radiology Imaging Workstation to display"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,16,0)="listings of radiology exams:"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,17,0)=" 1) UNREAD Exams--list all Active exams for selected modalities (Rad"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,18,0)=" Imaging Types) having an Exam Status of ""Examined"" (or its"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,19,0)=" equivalent)."
^XWB(8994,1130,1,20,0)=" 2) RECENT Exams--list all Active exams for selected modalities (Rad"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,21,0)=" Imaging Types) EXCEPT those having an Exam Status of ""Examined"" (or"
^XWB(8994,1130,1,22,0)=" its equivalent)."
^XWB(8994,1130,1,23,0)=" 3) ALL ACTIVE--Lists the union of the above two lists."
^XWB(8994,1130,2,1,1,1,0)="The input string supplies two parameters: LIST_TYPE ^ MODALITY"
^XWB(8994,1130,2,1,1,2,0)=" LIST_TYPE: ""U""--UNREAD Exams List; or, "
^XWB(8994,1130,2,1,1,3,0)=" ""R""--RECENT Exams List"
^XWB(8994,1130,2,1,1,4,0)=" ""ALL""--All Active Exams"
^XWB(8994,1130,2,1,1,5,0)=" MODALITY: ""ALL""--list for all modalities; or,"
^XWB(8994,1130,2,1,1,6,0)=" ABB[^ABB^...] where ABB is the Radiology Imaging Type"
^XWB(8994,1130,2,1,1,7,0)=" Abbreviation (Imaging Types will correspond to modalities)"
^XWB(8994,1130,3,1,0)="ARRAY(0) = # Exams Found ^ Text for listing title, or error message"
^XWB(8994,1130,3,2,0)="ARRAY(1) = List Column Headings, delimited by ""^"""
^XWB(8994,1130,3,3,0)="ARRAY(2..N+1)= Exam data for display, delimited by ""^"", followed by exam"
^XWB(8994,1130,3,4,0)=" data as stored by Radiology package routine RAPTLU in ^TMP"
^XWB(8994,1130,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1130,3,6,0)=" Display data: ^ DAYCASE # ^ PAT. NAME ^ PAT ABB. ^ URGENCY ^ PROCEDURE ^"
^XWB(8994,1130,3,8,0)=" ^ ^TMP($J,""RAEX"","
^XWB(8994,1130,3,9,0)=" Data from ^TMP (expressed as Rad Pkg variable names):"
^XWB(8994,1130,3,10,0)=" RADFN ^ RADTI ^ RACNI ^ RANME ^ RASSN ^ RADATE ^ RADTE ^ RACN ^"
^XWB(8994,1130,3,11,0)=" RAPRC ^ RARPT ^ RAST"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,15,0)="This procedure is used by the Radiology Imaging Workstation to fetch image"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,16,0)="file information for all the images for a selected case. If the case's"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,17,0)="images are not on magnetic storage, but are on archive storage (e.g.,"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,18,0)="jukebox), then the procedure initiates a fetch of the image files from"
^XWB(8994,1131,1,19,0)="the archive."
^XWB(8994,1131,2,1,1,1,0)="Input value is the pointer to the RAD/NUC MED REPORTS file for the case;"
^XWB(8994,1131,2,1,1,2,0)="this pointer is referred to by the Radiology pkg variable RARPT."
^XWB(8994,1131,3,1,0)=" ARRAY(0) = # Images Found ^ Text for reply status or error message"
^XWB(8994,1131,3,2,0)=" ARRAY(1..N)= ""B2"" ^ Image file data, delimited by ""^"", as supplied by the"
^XWB(8994,1131,3,3,0)=" subroutine BOTH^MAGFILEA"
^XWB(8994,1131,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1131,3,5,0)=" If images are on archive storage (not on magnetic disk), then the return"
^XWB(8994,1131,3,6,0)=" is :"
^XWB(8994,1131,3,7,0)=" ARRAY(0) = 0 ^ N images on jukebox have been requested"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,15,0)="This procedure is used by the Radiology Imaging Workstation to fetch"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,16,0)="case pointer information for all the cases/prior exams related to a given"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,17,0)="case. If the images for the prior exams are not on magnetic storage, but"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,18,0)="are on archive storage (e.g., jukebox), then the procedure initiates a"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,19,0)="fetch of the image files from the archive. This procedure can be run in"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,20,0)="two modes: 1) to Pre-Fetch from the archive exams that are likely to be of"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,21,0)="interest to the radiologist--this mode would be invoked some time after"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,22,0)="a new exam is ordered (e.g., at Register Patient for Exam);"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,23,0)="2) to Auto-Display images for prior cases at"
^XWB(8994,1132,1,24,0)="the time the radiologist is reading a new case."
^XWB(8994,1132,2,1,1,1,0)="The input string has 5 pieces, delimited by ""^"":"
^XWB(8994,1132,2,1,1,2,0)=" ""P"" or ""A"" ^ RADFN ^ RADTI ^ RACNI ^ RARPT"
^XWB(8994,1132,2,1,1,3,0)=" P--run Pre-Fetch mode"
^XWB(8994,1132,2,1,1,4,0)=" A--run Auto-Display mode"
^XWB(8994,1132,2,1,1,5,0)=" RADFN, RADTI, & RACNI are pointers to the Current Case exam in file 70"
^XWB(8994,1132,2,1,1,6,0)=" RARPT--pointer to ^RARPT (file 74) for the current case"
^XWB(8994,1132,2,1,1,7,0)="Either RARPT or the values RADFN/RADTI/RACNI may be passed for executing"
^XWB(8994,1132,2,1,1,8,0)="this function."
^XWB(8994,1132,3,1,0)=" ARRAY(0) = # Cases Found ^ Text for reply status or error message"
^XWB(8994,1132,3,2,0)=" ARRAY(1..N)= ""M08"" ^ RADFN ^ RADTI ^ RACNI ^ RARPT "
^XWB(8994,1133,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,15,0)="This procedure is used by the Radiology Imaging Workstation to update the"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,16,0)="Radiology Exam Status code for the current exam to ""Interpreted"" (or an"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,17,0)="equivalent value). Also, the case is closed by this procedure, and"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,18,0)="Key Image and/or Presentation State data is stored, if required."
^XWB(8994,1133,1,19,0)=" Note: This procedure will only update the Exam Status if the current"
^XWB(8994,1133,1,20,0)=" value is ""Examined""."
^XWB(8994,1133,2,1,1,1,0)="Input string = UPDFLAG ^ RARPT ^ RADFN ^ RADTI ^ RACNI ^ UPDPSKEY"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,1,1,2,0)=" UPDFLAG = 1/0 -- 1 to perform update; else no update made"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,1,1,3,0)=" RARPT = pointer to Rad Exam Report file"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,1,1,4,0)=" RADFN,RADTI,RACNI = pointers to Rad Patient File for the exam"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,1,1,5,0)=" UPDPSKEY = 1 if updating Pres State or Key Image data"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,2,1,1,0)="optional array of text containing Key Image and/or"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,2,1,2,0)="Image Presentation State data. The format of the message"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,2,1,3,0)="contained in DATA is:"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,2,1,5,0)="Image_IEN ^ KEY"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,2,1,7,0)="PS_UID ^ KEY"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,2,1,8,0)="xml text lines 1"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,2,1,9,0)="xml text lines 2:N (as needed)"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,2,1,11,0)="[*PS . . . *END_PS] (as many as for this image)"
^XWB(8994,1133,2,2,1,13,0)="[*IMAGE . . . *END_IMAGE] (as many as for the exam)"
^XWB(8994,1133,3,1,0)="Returns string = 1/0 ^ RESULT"
^XWB(8994,1133,3,2,0)=" 1--Normal result; 0--Unexpected result"
^XWB(8994,1133,3,3,0)=" RESULT--text description of the update results"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1134,1,15,0)="Returns the Detailed Request Display for the radiology exam."
^XWB(8994,1134,2,1,1,1,0)="Input is pointers to the Radiology exam--"
^XWB(8994,1134,2,1,1,2,0)="Can be either the RARPT value (pointer to the Rad Reports file), or the"
^XWB(8994,1134,2,1,1,3,0)="values of RADFN, RADTI, RACNI (pointers to the Rad Patient File)."
^XWB(8994,1134,2,1,1,4,0)=" Format is: RADFN^RADTI^RACNI^RARPT"
^XWB(8994,1134,3,1,0)="Returns info in an array."
^XWB(8994,1135,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,15,0)="This procedure is used by the Radiology Imaging Workstation to obtain from"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,16,0)="the Imaging Host system the image cache locations for images that have"
^XWB(8994,1135,1,17,0)="been routed to remote sites/workstations."
^XWB(8994,1135,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Remote Location identifier as defined on the reading"
^XWB(8994,1135,2,1,1,2,0)="workstation in MAGJ.INI"
^XWB(8994,1135,3,1,0)=" ARRAY(0) = # of Cache Locations below (0 to n)"
^XWB(8994,1135,3,2,0)=" ARRAY(1..n)= Physical Location ^ Subdirectory ^ Hash Indicator"
^XWB(8994,1135,3,3,0)=" ^ Password ^ Username ^ REMOTE_LOC_IEN"
^XWB(8994,1135,3,4,0)=" Only defined if ARRAY(0)>0"
^XWB(8994,1135,3,5,0)=" Physical Location = File Path string"
^XWB(8994,1135,3,6,0)=" Subdirectory = Directory root on Physical Location"
^XWB(8994,1135,3,7,0)=" Hash Indicator = Null, or 1 if images stored in hashed directories"
^XWB(8994,1135,3,8,0)=" Username = Used to establish a connection with the image share"
^XWB(8994,1135,3,9,0)=" Password = Used to establish a connection with the image share"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,15,0)="This procedure is used by the Radiology Imaging Workstation to obtain from"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,16,0)=" the Imaging Host system information for defined custom exam lists (from"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,17,0)="the file MAG RAD LISTS DEFINITION). This information is used to load"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,18,0)="a workstation menu option with available lists, as well as make these"
^XWB(8994,1136,1,19,0)="available via buttons on the VistaRad Server window."
^XWB(8994,1136,3,1,0)="ARRAY(0) = # of List entries below"
^XWB(8994,1136,3,2,0)="ARRAY(1:n) = Button Label ~ List # ~ Button Hints text ~ List Type"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,15,0)="This procedure is used by the Radiology Imaging Workstation to display"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,16,0)=" a listing of all radiology exams for a selected patient. Further details"
^XWB(8994,1137,1,17,0)="may be found in the Remote Procedure MAGJ PTRADEXAMS."
^XWB(8994,1137,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,1137,3,1,0)="See RPC: MAGJ PTRADEXAMS"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1138,1,15,0)="Imaging VistaRad workstation call to display a Radiology report."
^XWB(8994,1138,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the Radiology report file."
^XWB(8994,1138,3,1,0)="Text of the exam report is returned in a global array. A header line is"
^XWB(8994,1138,3,2,0)="inserted at the top, to be used for labeling the report display window."
^XWB(8994,1139,0)="MAGJ PT INFO^PINF1^MAGJUTL3^1^R"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1139,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1139,1,16,0)="Returns Patient data for the DFN input."
^XWB(8994,1139,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,1139,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1139,3,2,0)="Returns an '^' delimited string of patient info in the format :"
^XWB(8994,1139,3,3,0)=" Field Field Description"
^XWB(8994,1139,3,4,0)=" $p(1) .01 name"
^XWB(8994,1139,3,5,0)=" $p(2) .02 sex"
^XWB(8994,1139,3,6,0)=" $p(3) .03 DOB"
^XWB(8994,1139,3,7,0)=" $p(4) .09 SSN"
^XWB(8994,1139,3,8,0)=" $p(5) .301 S/C"
^XWB(8994,1139,3,9,0)=" $p(6) 391 TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1139,3,10,0)=" $p(7) 1901 Veteran(y/n)"
^XWB(8994,1140,0)="EC SPACEBAR^ECDEF^ECUERPC1^1^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1140,1,1,0)="This RPC would return the value equivalent to when the 'Spacebar and Return' "
^XWB(8994,1140,1,2,0)="keys are entering in the VISTA package."
^XWB(8994,1140,2,1,1,1,0)="The input variable ECARY contains the value of the file to obtain the VISTA "
^XWB(8994,1140,2,1,1,2,0)="equivalent of 'spacebar return'."
^XWB(8994,1140,3,1,0)="The RESULTS variable contains the IEN and the .01 field description."
^XWB(8994,1144,0)="ORBCMA5 ODITMBC^ODITMBC^ORBCMA5^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1148,0)="ORBCMA1 CHK94^CHK94^ORBCMA1^1"
^XWB(8994,1150,0)="ORBCMA1 FORMALT^FORMALT^ORBCMA1^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1151,0)="ORBCMA1 DOSEALT^DOSEALT^ORBCMA1^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1152,0)="ORBCMA1 SCHALL^SCHALL^ORBCMA1^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1153,0)="ORBCMA32 AUTH^AUTH^ORBCMA32^1"
^XWB(8994,1154,0)="ORBCMA32 DRUGMSG^DRUGMSG^ORBCMA32^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1154,2,1,0)="BOWDPS32 FORMALT"
^XWB(8994,1154,2,"B","BOWDPS32 FORMALT",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1155,0)="ORBCMA32 FORMALT^FORMALT^ORBCMA32^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1156,0)="ORBCMA32 VALROUTE^VALROUTE^ORBCMA32^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1157,0)="ORBCMA32 ISSPLY^ISSPLY^ORBCMA32^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1158,0)="ORBCMA32 IVAMT^IVAMT^ORBCMA32^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1159,0)="ORBCMA32 VALRATE^VALRATE^ORBCMA32^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1160,0)="ORBCMA32 VALSCH^VALSCH^ORBCMA32^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1161,0)="EC DIEDON^ECDOD^ECUERPC2^1^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1161,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a patient's date of death."
^XWB(8994,1161,2,1,1,1,0)="The input variable ECARY contains the patient's DFN."
^XWB(8994,1161,3,1,0)="The RPC returns either of the following pieces of data as output."
^XWB(8994,1161,3,2,0)=" 1. 0^Patient DFN is not defined"
^XWB(8994,1161,3,3,0)=" 2. DOD internal fileman format^message when patient died"
^XWB(8994,1161,3,4,0)=" 3. ^ [if patient is not dead]"
^XWB(8994,1162,1,1,0)="Passes Team List IEN, creates a TMP file entry of patients based thereon, "
^XWB(8994,1162,1,2,0)="and receives a $J job number in return."
^XWB(8994,1162,3,1,0)="Job Number ($J) to assist in subsequent reading of TMP global that was "
^XWB(8994,1163,0)="ORQPT READ RPL^RPLREAD^ORQPTQ11^2^^^^"
^XWB(8994,1163,1,1,0)="Passes global reference and other parameters, and receives a list of "
^XWB(8994,1163,1,2,0)="patients (up to 44 maximum) with IENs, for use in scrolling a Long List "
^XWB(8994,1163,1,3,0)="Box (LLB) componenet."
^XWB(8994,1163,3,1,0)="Array of patients with their IENs for populating Long List Box (LLB) "
^XWB(8994,1164,1,1,0)="This RPC is passed a ^TMP file root and $J"
^XWB(8994,1164,1,2,0)="(job number) and kills the ^TMP(""ORRPL"",$J global"
^XWB(8994,1164,1,3,0)="data based on the passed file root w/job number."
^XWB(8994,1165,0)="ORWDPS1 LOCPICK^LOCPICK^ORWDPS1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1166,1,1,0)="Given a TIU document of the clinical procedures class, return the author, "
^XWB(8994,1166,1,2,0)="title, cosigner, procedure summary code, and date/time of procedure, as "
^XWB(8994,1166,1,3,0)="stored on the server."
^XWB(8994,1166,2,1,1,1,0)="Pointer to file 8925 for the document."
^XWB(8994,1168,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patients matching the string of Last Name Initial_Last "
^XWB(8994,1168,1,2,0)="4 SSN (Initial/Last 4 look-up based on Restricted Patient List)."
^XWB(8994,1169,1,1,0)="Given an SSN in the format 999999999(P), return a list of matching "
^XWB(8994,1169,1,2,0)="patients based on Restricted Patient List."
^XWB(8994,1169,2,1,1,1,0)="SSN in the format '999999999(P)'."
^XWB(8994,1170,1,1,0)="Returns true if an order requires a digital signature."
^XWB(8994,1171,1,1,0)="Returns the external text of an existing order."
^XWB(8994,1172,1,1,0)="Returns the digital signature of an existing order."
^XWB(8994,1173,0)="ORWOR1 SIG^SIG^ORWOR1^1"
^XWB(8994,1173,1,1,0)="Returns 1 if signature gets stored."
^XWB(8994,1174,1,1,0)="This RPC checks for sensitive patients on a remote system."
^XWB(8994,1174,2,1,1,1,0)="PATID = DFN;ICN"
^XWB(8994,1175,0)="ORWTPD GETIMG^GETIMG^ORWTPD^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1176,0)="PSB GETORDERTAB^RPC^PSBVDLTB^4^P^^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,1176,1,1,0)="Gives the client VDL information for the specified patient and time frame."
^XWB(8994,1176,2,1,1,1,0)="The patient IEN from ^DPT."
^XWB(8994,1176,2,2,0)="VDL TAB^1^30^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1176,2,2,1,1,0)="The tab from the VDL that is being requested."
^XWB(8994,1176,2,3,0)="VDL DATE^1^30^0^3"
^XWB(8994,1176,2,3,1,1,0)="The date of the requested data. If not passed then current date/time are"
^XWB(8994,1176,2,"B","VDL DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,1176,2,"B","VDL TAB",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1176,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1176,3,2,0)="If a valid list of orders are found they are returned in a block format"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,3,0)="with the word 'END' delimiting orders/administrations. Lines for"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,4,0)="subsequent block are numbered sequential. They are not reset to 1 for"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1176,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1176,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1176,3,10,0)=" Results[0] = ^1 The number of lines returned(count)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,11,0)=" Results[1] = ^1 Data for the Unit Dose tab (0=no, 1=yes)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,12,0)=" ^2 Data for the Piggy Back tab (0=no, 1=yes)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,13,0)=" ^3 Data for the IV tab (0=no, 1=yes)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,14,0)=" ^4 Transfer type if there was a patient movement"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,15,0)=" ^5 Movement type if there was a patient movement"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,16,0)=" Results[2] = ^1 DFN"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,17,0)=" ^2 ORDER NUMBER (20V)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,18,0)=" ^3 NUMERIC PORTION OF ORDER NUMBER (20)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,19,0)=" ^4 ALPHA PORTION OF ORDER NUMBER (V)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,20,0)=" ^5 SCHEDULE TYPE (prn/continuous)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,21,0)=" ^6 SCHEDULE (Q4H)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,22,0)=" ^7 SELF MED (SM or HSM)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,23,0)=" ^8 DRUG NAME"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,24,0)=" ^9 DOSAGE/FLOW RATE"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,25,0)=" ^10 MED ROUTE"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,26,0)=" ^11 LAST ACTION DATE/TIME (FM format)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,27,0)=" ^12 MED LOG IEN (blank if no action)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,28,0)=" ^13 LAST ACTION STATUS (this entry)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,29,0)=" ^14 SCHEDULED ADMIN DATE/TIME"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,30,0)=" ^15 ORDERABLE ITEM IEN (^ORD(101.43)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,31,0)=" ^16 INJECTABLE (0=no, 1=yes)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,32,0)=" ^17 VARIABLE DOSE (0=no, 1=yes)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,33,0)=" ^18 DOSEAGE FORM"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,34,0)=" ^19 VERIFYING NURSE INITIALS (*** if none)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,35,0)=" ^20 LAST ACTION STATUS (whole order)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,36,0)=" ^21 ORDER START DATE/TIME (FM)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,37,0)=" ^22 ORDER STATUS"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,38,0)=" ^23 UNIQUE ID OF BAG"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,39,0)=" ^24 NURSES IEN"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,40,0)=" ^25 TRANSACTION TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,41,0)=" ^26 ORDER STOP DATE (FM)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,42,0)=" ^27 LAST ""GIVEN"" DATE (FM)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,43,0)=" ^28 GIVEN PATCH (1=yes)"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,44,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1176,3,45,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1176,3,46,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1176,3,47,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1176,3,48,0)=" ^Results[2] = ^1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,49,0)=" ^Results[n] ="
^XWB(8994,1176,3,50,0)=" Dispense Drug ^1 LITERAL ""DD"""
^XWB(8994,1176,3,51,0)=" ^2 DISPENSE DRUG IEN"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,52,0)=" ^3 DISPENSE DRUG NAME"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,53,0)=" ^4 UNITS PER DOSE"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,54,0)=" ^5 INACTIVE DATE"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,55,0)=" ^Results[n]"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,56,0)=" Additive ^1 LITERAL ""ADD"""
^XWB(8994,1176,3,57,0)=" ^2 ADDITIVE IEN"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,58,0)=" ^3 ADDITIVE NAME"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,59,0)=" ^4 STRENGTH"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,60,0)=" ^5 BOTTLE"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,61,0)=" ^Results[n]"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,62,0)=" Solution ^1 LITERAL ""SOL"""
^XWB(8994,1176,3,63,0)=" ^2 SOLUTION IEN"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,64,0)=" ^3 SOLUTION NAME"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,65,0)=" ^4 VOLUME"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,66,0)=" ^Results[n]"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,67,0)=" ID list ^1 LITERAL ""ID"""
^XWB(8994,1176,3,68,0)=" ^2 ID NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,69,0)=" ^3 ADDITIVE IEN"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,70,0)=" ^... EACH ADDITIONAL ADDITIVE IEN"
^XWB(8994,1176,3,71,0)=" ^Results[n] ^1 LITERAL ""END"" TO INDICATE END OF BLOCK"
^XWB(8994,1177,0)="PSB WARDLIST^WLIST^PSBPARIV^4^P^^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1177,1,1,0)="Returns a list of active wards that are available"
^XWB(8994,1177,1,2,0)="for the definition of IV parameters in the BCMA IV PARAMETERS file 53.66."
^XWB(8994,1177,1,3,0)="Wards already in file 53.66 are returned with the type of IV PARAMETERS"
^XWB(8994,1177,3,1,0)="Results(0) = ^1 the number of wards returned"
^XWB(8994,1177,3,2,0)="Results(1,2...) = ^1 the ward name"
^XWB(8994,1177,3,3,0)=" ^2 ""1"" for BOLD (ward is defined in 53.66)"
^XWB(8994,1177,3,4,0)=" ""0"" for NOBOLD (ward is not in 53.66)"
^XWB(8994,1177,3,5,0)=" ^3 IEN number from file 53.66"
^XWB(8994,1177,3,6,0)=" ^4 ""A"" if Admixture parameters in 53.66"
^XWB(8994,1177,3,7,0)=" ^5 ""C"" if Chemo parameters in 53.66"
^XWB(8994,1177,3,8,0)=" ^6 ""H"" if Hyperal parameters in 53.66"
^XWB(8994,1177,3,9,0)=" ^7 ""P"" if Piggyback parameters in 53.66"
^XWB(8994,1177,3,10,0)=" ^8 ""S"" if Syringe parameters in 53.66"
^XWB(8994,1178,0)="PSB GETIVPAR^GETPAR^PSBPARIV^4^P^^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1178,1,1,0)="Returns the IV parameters by IV type, as defined for a ward in file 53.66."
^XWB(8994,1178,2,1,1,1,0)="The IEN of the ward from file 53.66 or the word 'ALL'."
^XWB(8994,1178,2,2,1,1,0)="The IV type - 'A' for Additive"
^XWB(8994,1178,2,2,1,2,0)=" 'P' for Piggyback"
^XWB(8994,1178,2,2,1,3,0)=" 'H' for Hyperal"
^XWB(8994,1178,2,2,1,4,0)=" 'C' for Chemo"
^XWB(8994,1178,2,2,1,5,0)=" 'S' for Syringe"
^XWB(8994,1178,2,3,1,1,0)="^1=IEN of division as in the Ward Location file (File #42)"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,1,0)="A delimited string with the IV type and the defined parameters."
^XWB(8994,1178,3,2,0)="1=Warning, 2=No Warning, 3=Invalid."
^XWB(8994,1178,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1178,3,4,0)=" ^1=IV type"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,5,0)=" ^2=Additive"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,6,0)=" ^3=Strength"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,7,0)=" ^4=Bottle"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,8,0)=" ^5=Solution"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,9,0)=" ^6=Volume"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,10,0)=" ^7=Infusion Rate"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,11,0)=" ^8=Med Route"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,12,0)=" ^9=Schedule"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,13,0)=" ^10=Admin Time"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,14,0)=" ^11=Remarks"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,15,0)=" ^12=Other Print Info"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,16,0)=" ^13=Provider"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,17,0)=" ^14=Start Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,18,0)=" ^15=Stop Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,1178,3,19,0)=" ^16=Provider Comments"
^XWB(8994,1179,0)="PSB DEVICE^DEVICE^PSBRPC1^2^^^^^2"
^XWB(8994,1179,1,1,0)="Allows user to select a Printer from the GUI."
^XWB(8994,1179,2,1,1,1,0)="Text to $O from"
^XWB(8994,1179,2,2,1,1,0)="$O Direction"
^XWB(8994,1180,0)="PSB PUTIVPAR^PUTPAR^PSBPARIV^4^P^^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1180,1,1,0)="Sets 53.66 or parameters file w/input from 53.66 if ward is not ""ALL"""
^XWB(8994,1180,2,1,1,1,0)="^1=Ward name"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,1,1,2,0)="^2=IEN of ward as in file 53.66"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,1,0)="IV type - ""A"" for Additive"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,2,0)=" ""P"" for Piggyback"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,3,0)=" ""H"" for Hyperal"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,4,0)=" ""C"" for Chemo"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,5,0)=" ""S"" for Syringe"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,6,0)=" ""S"" for Syringe"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,8,0)="^2-^16 Setting"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,9,0)=" 1 for Warning"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,10,0)=" 2 for Non-Verify"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,2,1,11,0)=" 3 for Invalid"
^XWB(8994,1180,2,3,1,1,0)="^1=IEN of division as in the Ward Location file (File #42)"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,1,0)="The IV type - ""A"" for Additive"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,2,0)=" ""P"" for Piggyback"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,3,0)=" ""H"" for Hyperal"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,4,0)=" ""C"" for Chemo"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,5,0)=" ""S"" for Syringe"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,11,0)="^7=Infusion rate"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,12,0)="^8=Med route"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,14,0)="^10=Admin time"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,16,0)="^12=Other Print Info"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,18,0)="^14=Start Date/time"
^XWB(8994,1180,3,19,0)="^15=Provider comments"
^XWB(8994,1181,1,1,0)="Returns individual detailed bag history."
^XWB(8994,1181,2,1,1,1,0)="Patients IEN number"
^XWB(8994,1181,2,2,1,1,0)="Order number from Inpatient Medications"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,1,0)="Results(0) is the total line count or ""-1^No bags available for this "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,4,0)="Starting at Results(1) each bag will generate varying numbers of lines "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,5,0)="depending on the number of additives and solutions. Each bag is "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,6,0)="delimited by a line that consists only of the word ""END""."
^XWB(8994,1181,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,8,0)="The first line for a bag that has an entry in the med log indicating an "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,9,0)="action has been taken -"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,11,0)=" Pharmacy order number"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,12,0)=" Bags unique ID number"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,13,0)=" The ien from the med log, File 53.79"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,14,0)=" The date/time of the last action"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,15,0)=" The status of the last action"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,16,0)=" The injection site"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,18,0)="The first line for a bag that has NO entry in the medlog"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,20,0)=" Pharmacy order number"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,21,0)=" Bags unique ID number"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,22,0)=" null"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,23,0)=" Current date"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,24,0)=" Letter ""A"" (this indicates a status of Available)"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,25,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,26,0)="For a bag from a prior order still available for use (passes IV "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,27,0)="parameters tests)"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,28,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,29,0)=" Current pharmacy order number"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,30,0)=" Bags unique ID number"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,31,0)=" null"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,32,0)=" Current date"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,33,0)=" Letter ""A"" "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,34,0)=" Prior pharmacy order number"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,35,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,36,0)="Additional line indicate additives and solutions first piece will be ADD "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,37,0)="for additive and SOL for solutions"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,38,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1181,3,39,0)=" ADD or SOL"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,40,0)=" IEN from the additives or solutions file"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,41,0)=" Additive or solution name"
^XWB(8994,1181,3,42,0)=" Dosage ordered"
^XWB(8994,1182,0)="PSB BAG DETAIL^BAGDTL^PSBRPC2^2^P^^^^2"
^XWB(8994,1182,1,1,0)="Returns a chronological detailed history on each specific IV bag that is"
^XWB(8994,1182,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1182,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1182,1,5,0)="[0] = -1^No History On File "
^XWB(8994,1182,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1182,1,7,0)="[0] = Number of Nodes"
^XWB(8994,1182,1,8,0)="[1] = Action Date/Time^User ID^Action Status^Comments"
^XWB(8994,1182,2,1,1,1,0)="IV unique ID number."
^XWB(8994,1182,2,2,1,1,0)="IPM order number"
^XWB(8994,1183,0)="PSB ALLERGY^ALLR^PSBALL^2^P^^^^2"
^XWB(8994,1183,1,1,0)="Returns a list of allergies for a patient."
^XWB(8994,1183,2,1,0)=" PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,1183,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number of the patient (DFN) from the Patient file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,1183,2,"B"," PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1183,3,1,0)="Array of patient allergies. Returned data is delimited by ""^"" and"
^XWB(8994,1183,3,2,0)="includes: allergen/reactant, reactions/symptoms (multiple symptoms/"
^XWB(8994,1183,3,3,0)="reactions are possible - delimited by "";""), severity, allergy id (record"
^XWB(8994,1183,3,4,0)="number from the Patient Allergies file (#120.8)."
^XWB(8994,1184,1,1,0)="Used to get a list of active providers."
^XWB(8994,1184,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the data that is passed to perform a lookup on the provider."
^XWB(8994,1184,3,1,0)="An array is returned in the format:"
^XWB(8994,1184,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1184,3,3,0)="(0) line count of array"
^XWB(8994,1184,3,4,0)="(1...n) IEN from VA(200^provider name"
^XWB(8994,1185,0)="PSB MOB DRUG LIST^OILST^PSBRPCMO^2^P^^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1185,1,1,0)="Used by the BCMA/CPRS Med Order Button to return an array of drug."
^XWB(8994,1185,2,1,1,1,0)="PSBSCAN is the value that has been scanned or entered by the user."
^XWB(8994,1185,2,2,1,1,0)="Type of list:"
^XWB(8994,1185,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1185,2,2,1,3,0)=" Dispensed Drugs = ""UD"""
^XWB(8994,1185,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1185,2,2,1,5,0)=" IV Medications = ""IV"""
^XWB(8994,1185,2,2,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1185,2,2,1,7,0)=" Orderable Item = ""OIT"""
^XWB(8994,1185,2,2,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1185,2,2,1,9,0)=" Drug Class = ""VAC"""
^XWB(8994,1185,3,1,0)="Results[0] = 1"
^XWB(8994,1185,3,2,0)="Results[1] = -1^Invalid Medication Lookup"
^XWB(8994,1185,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1185,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1185,3,6,0)="Results[0] = the number of items passed in the array"
^XWB(8994,1185,3,7,0)="Results[1] = ^1 either DD, SOL, ADD"
^XWB(8994,1185,3,8,0)=" ^2 IEN from drug file 50"
^XWB(8994,1185,3,9,0)=" ^3 Drug Name"
^XWB(8994,1185,3,10,0)=" ^4 Pharmacy Orderable Item IEN "
^XWB(8994,1185,3,11,0)=" ^5 Pharmacy Orderable Item Name"
^XWB(8994,1185,3,12,0)=" ^6 CPRS Orderable Item IEN"
^XWB(8994,1185,3,13,0)=" ^7 CPRS Orderable Item Name"
^XWB(8994,1186,0)="PSB CPRS ORDER^ORDER^PSBRPCMO^2^P^^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1186,1,1,0)="This RPC sets results of a Med Order Button transaction in a global for "
^XWB(8994,1186,1,2,0)="Inpatient Pharmacy to pick up."
^XWB(8994,1186,3,1,0)="Results[0] = Number of items in the array"
^XWB(8994,1186,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1186,3,3,0)="Results[1] = 1^Data successfully filed"
^XWB(8994,1186,3,4,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,1186,3,5,0)=" 1-^Data not filed"
^XWB(8994,1187,1,1,0)="This will return a list of active ward from the NURS LOCATION, file 211.4."
^XWB(8994,1187,3,1,0)="RESULTS(0) = Number of nodes returned."
^XWB(8994,1187,3,2,0)="RESULTS(1...n) = IEN from file 211.4^NAME"
^XWB(8994,1188,0)="PSB MAXDAYS^MAX^PSBRPC^2^P^^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1188,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the maximum number of days a user can view or print the "
^XWB(8994,1188,1,2,0)="MAH report. This parameter is set using CPRS and is call ORRP BCMA MAH."
^XWB(8994,1189,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to query only the information for pharmacy co-payment"
^XWB(8994,1189,1,2,0)="billing that has happened for the given month/year."
^XWB(8994,1189,1,3,0)="The RPC should be used only for queries, which will not allow the user to "
^XWB(8994,1189,1,4,0)="see information, because the user data will not be transmitted to remote "
^XWB(8994,1189,2,1,1,1,0)="This is in fileman format the month/year for which the request is being "
^XWB(8994,1189,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the patient's ICN for reference to any VistA database."
^XWB(8994,1189,3,1,0)="The return array is in file 354.71 format."
^XWB(8994,1202,0)="ROR LOG MESSAGE DETAILS^EN3^RORRP7^2^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1211,0)="XQAL GUI ALERTS^ENTRY^XQALGUI^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1211,1,1,0)="This is the RPC that handles the XUAlert component"
^XWB(8994,1211,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the only input parameter into the ENTRY tag. DATA is subscripted,"
^XWB(8994,1211,2,1,1,2,0)="and the subscript contains the actual variable name (and may be a global"
^XWB(8994,1211,2,1,1,3,0)="reference), while the value for the variable is the value associated with"
^XWB(8994,1211,2,1,1,4,0)="that DATA element."
^XWB(8994,1211,3,1,0)="The return parameter is a global array containing the return values"
^XWB(8994,1211,3,2,0)=" for the type of call."
^XWB(8994,1212,1,1,0)="This RPC evaluates whether or not a Title is under the"
^XWB(8994,1212,1,2,0)="CLINICAL PROCEDURES Class."
^XWB(8994,1212,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the TIU Document file (#8925.1) IEN for the Title selected."
^XWB(8994,1212,3,1,0)="A boolean value is returned."
^XWB(8994,1212,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1212,3,3,0)="1 = True. The Title is under CLINICAL PROCEDURES Class."
^XWB(8994,1212,3,4,0)="0 = False. The Title is NOT under the CLINICAL PROCEDURES Class."
^XWB(8994,1213,1,1,0)="This RPC gets the CLINICAL PROCEDURES TIU Document Definition"
^XWB(8994,1213,1,2,0)="file (#8925.1) IEN."
^XWB(8994,1213,3,1,0)="A numeric value is returned."
^XWB(8994,1213,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1213,3,3,0)="Either the CLINICAL PROCEDURES TIU Document file (#8925.1) IEN or 0."
^XWB(8994,1214,1,1,0)="This RPC serves data to a longlist of selectable Titles for CLINICAL"
^XWB(8994,1214,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the reference Title from which the longlist is scrolling."
^XWB(8994,1214,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the direction in which the longlist is scrolling from the"
^XWB(8994,1214,2,2,1,2,0)="reference Title."
^XWB(8994,1214,3,1,0)="An array is returned."
^XWB(8994,1214,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1214,3,3,0)="This is an array of the 44 nearest titles to that indicated by the user in"
^XWB(8994,1214,3,4,0)="the direction passed by the longlist component."
^XWB(8994,1215,0)="RG REMOTE HL7 TASK^TASK^RGMTRUN^2^P^0^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1215,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call will return the currently running"
^XWB(8994,1215,1,2,0)="Health Level Seven (HL7) tasks from a remote site to the"
^XWB(8994,1215,1,3,0)="Master Patient Index (MPI)."
^XWB(8994,1215,3,1,0)="This remote procedure call will return the currently running"
^XWB(8994,1215,3,2,0)="Health Level Seven (HL7) tasks from a remote site to the"
^XWB(8994,1215,3,3,0)="Master Patient Index (MPI)."
^XWB(8994,1216,0)="RG REM ACTIVITY^EN^RGACTIV^2^P^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1216,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call (RPC) returns Health Level Seven (HL7) message "
^XWB(8994,1216,1,2,0)="information and exception information for a patient. The HL7 data is from"
^XWB(8994,1216,1,3,0)="the ADT/HL7 PIVOT (#391.71) file and exception date is from the CIRN HL7 "
^XWB(8994,1216,1,4,0)="EXCEPTION LOG (#991.1) file."
^XWB(8994,1216,2,1,1,1,0)="Integration Control Number (ICN) for patient on whom data is requested."
^XWB(8994,1216,2,2,1,1,0)="Social Security Number (SSN) for patient on whom data is requested."
^XWB(8994,1217,1,1,0)="Return user's default patient list source."
^XWB(8994,1218,0)="DGWPT TOP^TOP^DGWPT^2"
^XWB(8994,1218,1,1,0)="Returns the last selected patient by the defined user."
^XWB(8994,1219,1,1,0)="Returns a 1 if the patient record is flagged as senstive, otherwise"
^XWB(8994,1219,1,2,0)="returns 0."
^XWB(8994,1220,1,1,0)="Saves user's preference for default list source."
^XWB(8994,1221,1,1,0)="Returns a list of selectable options from which a user can choose a date"
^XWB(8994,1221,1,2,0)="range for appointments."
^XWB(8994,1222,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patients currently residing on a specified ward"
^XWB(8994,1223,1,1,0)="Returns date of death if patient has expired. Otherwise returns 0."
^XWB(8994,1224,1,1,0)="Return primary care information for a patient in the format:"
^XWB(8994,1224,1,2,0)=" VAL=Primary Care Team^Primary Care Provider^Attending"
^XWB(8994,1225,1,1,0)="RPC to return key information on a patient as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1225,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1225,1,3,0)="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14"
^XWB(8994,1226,1,1,0)="This remote procedure allows staff to print out psychological tests and"
^XWB(8994,1226,1,2,0)="interview reports."
^XWB(8994,1226,2,1,1,1,0)="YSDFN is a pointer to the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1226,2,3,1,1,0)="This varible contains ""Test Completion Date,Name of the test"", for example"
^XWB(8994,1226,2,3,1,3,0)="The Name of the test and Completion Date are field 0.1 and field 1 of the"
^XWB(8994,1226,2,3,1,4,0)="Psych Instrument Patient file #601.2."
^XWB(8994,1226,3,1,0)="RESULT returns the test text report for a selected patient and a given"
^XWB(8994,1226,3,2,0)="test completion date."
^XWB(8994,1227,0)="YTAPI QUEST^QUEST^YTAPI6^2^R"
^XWB(8994,1227,1,1,0)="Returns flat array with data about a psychological test."
^XWB(8994,1227,1,2,0)="This API returns the text, bottom, introduction and possible correct "
^XWB(8994,1227,1,3,0)="responses for all items in a test in file 601. It will work only for "
^XWB(8994,1227,1,4,0)="tests as opposed to interviews or batteries. The ASI is not supported."
^XWB(8994,1227,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1227,1,6,0)="Input: "
^XWB(8994,1227,1,7,0)=" CODE: Test code from file 601 e.g. ""CAGE"", ""BDI"""
^XWB(8994,1227,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1227,1,10,0)="Array(1)=[DATA] ;indicates successful call"
^XWB(8994,1227,1,11,0)="Array(2)=MMPI2 ;SECOND LINE IS TEST Code"
^XWB(8994,1227,1,12,0)="Array(x)=first item number^I^introductory text"
^XWB(8994,1227,1,13,0)="Array(x)=first item number^T^text of question"
^XWB(8994,1227,1,14,0)="Array(x)=first item number^A^allowed responses"
^XWB(8994,1227,1,15,0)="Array(x)= first item number^R^response cues"
^XWB(8994,1227,1,18,0)="Array(x)=last item number^I^introductory text "
^XWB(8994,1227,1,19,0)="Array(x)=last item number^T^text of question "
^XWB(8994,1227,1,20,0)="Array(x)=last item number^A^allowed responses "
^XWB(8994,1227,1,21,0)="Array(x)=last item number^R^response cues"
^XWB(8994,1228,1,1,0)="Returns user privlege to see psych test results."
^XWB(8994,1228,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1228,1,3,0)="Input: YSCODE ;code of test or interview to check privelges for"
^XWB(8994,1228,1,6,0)="YSDATA(2)=1^user privileged for all tests"
^XWB(8994,1228,1,7,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,1228,1,8,0)="YSDATA(2)=1^exempt test"""
^XWB(8994,1228,1,9,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,1228,1,11,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,1228,1,12,0)="YSDATA(2)=1^exempt test"
^XWB(8994,1228,1,13,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,1228,1,14,0)="YSDATA(2)=0^no access"
^XWB(8994,1229,1,1,0)="API to save responses of partially completed psychological tests."
^XWB(8994,1229,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1229,1,4,0)=" DFN ;ien of file 2 Patient"
^XWB(8994,1229,1,5,0)=" YSCODE: code of test in file 604"
^XWB(8994,1229,1,6,0)=" YSNEXT: next item number to be answered"
^XWB(8994,1229,1,7,0)=" YSORDER: DUZ of staff ordering test"
^XWB(8994,1229,1,8,0)=" R1: array of answers 1-200"
^XWB(8994,1229,1,9,0)=" R2: array of answers 201-400"
^XWB(8994,1229,1,10,0)=" R3: array of answers 401-600"
^XWB(8994,1229,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1229,1,13,0)=" YSDATA(1)=[DATA]"
^XWB(8994,1229,1,14,0)=" YSDATA(2)=saved ok"
^XWB(8994,1230,1,1,0)="API to retrive partially completed psychological tests."
^XWB(8994,1230,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1230,1,3,0)="Input Required: DFN ;ien of file 2 Patient"
^XWB(8994,1230,1,4,0)=" YSCODE ; code for entry in file 601 Psycholgical Testing"
^XWB(8994,1230,1,6,0)=" YSDATA(1)=[DATA]"
^XWB(8994,1230,1,10,0)=" YSDATA(3)=responses 1-200"
^XWB(8994,1230,1,11,0)=" YSDATA(4)=responses 201-400"
^XWB(8994,1230,1,12,0)=" YSDATA(5)=responses 401-600"
^XWB(8994,1231,1,1,0)="API to returm a list of incomplete psychological tests."
^XWB(8994,1231,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1231,1,3,0)="Input Required: DFN ; ien of file 2 Patient"
^XWB(8994,1231,1,4,0)="Output: YSDATA(1)=[DATA]"
^XWB(8994,1231,1,5,0)=" YSDATA(X)=CODE^DATE OF ADMIN^(not) restartable"
^XWB(8994,1232,0)="YTAPI NEW GAF^ENT^YSGAFAP1^2^S"
^XWB(8994,1232,1,1,0)="Allows entry of a new GAF rating."
^XWB(8994,1232,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1232,1,3,0)="Input Required:"
^XWB(8994,1232,1,4,0)=" DFN - Patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,1232,1,5,0)=" GAF - GAF Score (Axis 5)"
^XWB(8994,1232,1,6,0)=" DATE - Date/Time of Diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,1232,1,7,0)=" STAFF - Diagnosis By DUZ"
^XWB(8994,1232,1,8,0)="Output: only reports success vs. error"
^XWB(8994,1232,1,9,0)=" YSDATA(1)=[DATA] VS. YSDATA(1)=[ERROR]"
^XWB(8994,1233,1,1,0)="This API lists all ASI administrations for a specified patient."
^XWB(8994,1233,1,2,0)="Input required: DFN (ien of file 2)"
^XWB(8994,1233,1,3,0)="Output is in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1233,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1233,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1233,1,11,0)="0 RETURNED IF NO ADMINS"
^XWB(8994,1234,1,1,0)="This API returns the ASI responses for a specified ASI administration."
^XWB(8994,1234,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1234,1,3,0)="Input required: DFN ; ien of file 2 Patient"
^XWB(8994,1234,1,4,0)=" IEN ; ien of file 604 Addiction Severity Index"
^XWB(8994,1234,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1234,1,6,0)="Output: YSDATA(1)=[DATA]"
^XWB(8994,1234,1,7,0)=" YSDATA(x)= Field #^Question name^is it Required^Answer"
^XWB(8994,1235,1,1,0)="This procedure prints the selected ASI in narrative form."
^XWB(8994,1235,2,1,1,1,0)="YSASDA is a pointer to the Addiction Severity Index file #604."
^XWB(8994,1235,3,1,0)="RESULT contians the narrative report for the selected ASI."
^XWB(8994,1236,0)="YSRP ASI ITEM^ASIITM^YSASRPWP^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1236,1,1,0)="This procedure prints the selected Addiction Severity Index in a captioned"
^XWB(8994,1236,2,1,1,1,0)="YSASDA is a pointer to the Addiction Severity Index file (#604)."
^XWB(8994,1236,3,1,0)="RESULT contains the item report for the selected ASI."
^XWB(8994,1237,1,1,0)="Allows interviewer to sign ASI, transcriber to ""sign off"" and send a"
^XWB(8994,1237,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1237,1,4,0)="Input Required:"
^XWB(8994,1237,1,5,0)=" CODE: electronic signature code"
^XWB(8994,1237,1,6,0)=" IEN: ien of ASI in file 604"
^XWB(8994,1237,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1237,1,8,0)="Output: reports on status of the operation only"
^XWB(8994,1237,1,9,0)=" YSDATA(1)=[DATA]"
^XWB(8994,1237,1,10,0)=" YSDATA(2)=1^ASI SIGNED"
^XWB(8994,1238,1,1,0)="When a clerk gives a psychological test by order of a clinician, a VISTA "
^XWB(8994,1238,1,2,0)="email bulletin is sent to that clinician, informing him/her of the "
^XWB(8994,1238,1,3,0)="administration of the test, the date, the clerk and the patient."
^XWB(8994,1238,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1238,1,5,0)="Input: DFN ;ien of file 2 Patient"
^XWB(8994,1238,1,6,0)=" YSORD ;DUZ of ordering clinician"
^XWB(8994,1238,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1238,1,9,0)="only success vs. error is reported."
^XWB(8994,1239,1,1,0)="This API returns the possible answer alternatives for each question in a "
^XWB(8994,1239,1,2,0)="test or interview from file 601, Psychological Testing"
^XWB(8994,1239,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1239,1,4,0)="Input Required: Code , the test/interview code ie MMPI2"
^XWB(8994,1239,1,5,0)="Output: YSDATA(1)=[DATA]"
^XWB(8994,1239,1,6,0)=" YSDATA(x)=Question number^A^string with approriate answers (ie "
^XWB(8994,1240,1,1,0)="This API saves data to the file 604, Addiction Severity Index."
^XWB(8994,1240,1,2,0)="Required input: YSIEN ,ien of the file 604 entry"
^XWB(8994,1240,1,3,0)=" YS(1)=file 604 field number^value to save"
^XWB(8994,1240,1,4,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,1240,1,5,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,1240,1,6,0)=" YS(x)=file 604 field number^value to save"
^XWB(8994,1240,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1240,1,8,0)="Output: only to indicate success vs error"
^XWB(8994,1240,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1240,1,10,0)=" YSDATA(1)=[DATA]"
^XWB(8994,1240,1,11,0)=" YSDATA(2)=OK ASI SAVE YSIEN"
^XWB(8994,1241,1,1,0)="This API creates a Pnote in TIU based on the ASI report."
^XWB(8994,1241,1,2,0)="Input required: IEN of file 604, Addiction Severity Index."
^XWB(8994,1241,1,3,0)="Output is only to show success or failure of the operation."
^XWB(8994,1241,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1241,1,6,0)="YSDATA(2)=OK Progress Note created/No Pnote entered"
^XWB(8994,1242,1,1,0)="Returns a list of all available test batteries and the tests within them."
^XWB(8994,1242,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1242,1,3,0)="Input: none"
^XWB(8994,1242,1,6,0)="YSADAT(x)=battery name^test1^test2^test3^test4"
^XWB(8994,1243,1,1,0)="This API is used to add comments to completed tests and interviews."
^XWB(8994,1243,2,1,1,1,0)="The YSDATA catains the following information:"
^XWB(8994,1243,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1243,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1243,2,1,1,6,0)="DFN: Pointer to the Patient file"
^XWB(8994,1243,2,1,1,7,0)="DATE/TIME TEST ENTERED: FileMan date/time format"
^XWB(8994,1243,2,1,1,8,0)="NAME OF TEST : Test name in the MH Intrument file #601"
^XWB(8994,1243,2,1,1,9,0)="DUZ and AUTHOR: Pointer to the New Person file #200"
^XWB(8994,1243,2,2,1,1,0)="YSCOMMT array contains comment lines to be filed."
^XWB(8994,1243,3,1,0)="RESULT(1)=""[ERROR]"",RESULT(2)="" No test found"""
^XWB(8994,1243,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1243,3,3,0)="RESULT(1)=""[DATA]"",RESULT(2)=""Save ok"""
^XWB(8994,1243,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1243,3,5,0)="RESULT(1)=""[ERROR]"",RESULT(2)=""Comment line not created"""
^XWB(8994,1243,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1243,3,7,0)="RESULT(1)=""[ERROR]"",RESULT(2)=""No comment entered"""
^XWB(8994,1244,1,1,0)="Input IEN of file 604, Addiction Severity Index"
^XWB(8994,1244,1,2,0)="Returns the 5 factor scores for an ASI in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1244,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1244,2,1,1,1,0)="An IEN for file 604 ""Addiction Severity Index""."
^XWB(8994,1245,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call (RPC) allows the changing/updating of the "
^XWB(8994,1245,1,2,0)="COORDINATING MASTER OF RECORD (#991.03) field in the PATIENT (#2) file "
^XWB(8994,1245,1,3,0)="for a specific patient. An A08 Update message can also be triggered."
^XWB(8994,1245,2,2,1,1,0)="ICN - not including the checksum"
^XWB(8994,1245,2,3,1,1,0)="The station number of the site that is to become the CMOR"
^XWB(8994,1245,2,4,1,1,0)="Social Security Number for the patient that is to be changed. SSN will"
^XWB(8994,1245,2,4,1,2,0)="only be used if ICN is not found to check if the problem is with the AICN"
^XWB(8994,1245,2,4,1,3,0)="x-ref on the ICN field."
^XWB(8994,1245,2,5,1,1,0)="This field will serve as a flag to note whether or not an A08 update "
^XWB(8994,1245,2,5,1,2,0)="message should be triggered."
^XWB(8994,1245,3,1,0)="1 if successfully change the CMOR"
^XWB(8994,1245,3,2,0)="-1^error message if unable to make the change"
^XWB(8994,1246,0)="MPIF SSN DUPS^TOSITE^MPIFDUPS^1^S^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1246,1,1,0)="This RPC will be used by the data management teams' stat report to search"
^XWB(8994,1246,1,2,0)="for multiple SSNs with differnt ICNs from the same site."
^XWB(8994,1247,1,1,0)="RPC to return ICN, Exceptions pending, CMOR, CMOR History, ICN History "
^XWB(8994,1247,1,2,0)="for any given ICN"
^XWB(8994,1247,3,1,0)="Array returned:"
^XWB(8994,1247,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1247,3,3,0)="RETURN(""ICN"") = current ICN value"
^XWB(8994,1247,3,4,0)="RETURN(""CMOR"") = current CMOR - station number"
^XWB(8994,1247,3,5,0)="RETURN(""ICN HISTORY"") = list of ICNs seperated by ^ - contents of ICN "
^XWB(8994,1247,3,6,0)="history multiple"
^XWB(8994,1247,3,7,0)="RETURN(""CMOR HISTORY"") = list of CMORs seperated by ^ - contents of CMOR "
^XWB(8994,1247,3,8,0)="history multiple"
^XWB(8994,1247,3,9,0)="RETURN(""EXCEPTIONS PENDING"") = "
^XWB(8994,1248,1,1,0)="Extended PDAT call remote. ICN or SSN can be passed."
^XWB(8994,1248,2,1,1,1,0)="ICN for patient requesting data on."
^XWB(8994,1248,2,2,1,1,0)="SSN for patient data to be returned on."
^XWB(8994,1248,2,7,1,1,0)="If there is no value or 0 is passed, then a new request for data should "
^XWB(8994,1248,2,7,1,2,0)="be made. If there is a 1 passed, then if there is an existing request in "
^XWB(8994,1248,2,7,1,3,0)="the ^XTMP(""MPIF EXT PDAT"",ICN/SSN,SITE) global, then that request should "
^XWB(8994,1248,2,7,1,4,0)="be used to return the data -- request had already been made."
^XWB(8994,1249,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call (RPC) allows the remote inactivation of a "
^XWB(8994,1249,1,2,0)="patient from the MPI at a specific site."
^XWB(8994,1249,2,1,1,1,0)="ICN to be inactivated"
^XWB(8994,1249,3,1,0)="0 for successful inactivation"
^XWB(8994,1249,3,2,0)="-1^error messaage in not successful"
^XWB(8994,1250,0)="MPIF REMOTE SPI^SPI^MPIFRPC2^2^^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1250,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call (RPC) allows the remote sending of a specific "
^XWB(8994,1250,1,2,0)="patient at a specific site to the MPI for ICN assignment. The patient is "
^XWB(8994,1250,1,3,0)="found based upon social security number."
^XWB(8994,1250,2,1,1,1,0)="SSN for the patient that is to be sent to the MPI for ICN assignment. "
^XWB(8994,1250,2,1,1,2,0)="Should there be more than one entry with that SSN, all will be sent."
^XWB(8994,1250,2,2,1,1,0)="DFN for patient to be SPI'd. DFN or SSN should be used to find patient."
^XWB(8994,1250,3,1,0)="Result of SSN being sent to MPI. If ICN found/created on the MPI that "
^XWB(8994,1250,3,2,0)="will be return. An error message will be returned if there was a problem "
^XWB(8994,1250,3,3,0)="or a local ICN assigned."
^XWB(8994,1251,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call (RPC) allows the remote update of the "
^XWB(8994,1251,1,2,0)="INTEGRATION CONTROL NUMBER (#991.01), ICN CHECKSUM (#991.02), and "
^XWB(8994,1251,1,3,0)="COORDINATING MASTER OF RECORD (#991.03) fields in the PATIENT (#2) file "
^XWB(8994,1251,1,4,0)="at a specified site. The patient is found based upon social security "
^XWB(8994,1251,2,1,1,1,0)="Social Security Number of the patient to be updated."
^XWB(8994,1251,2,2,1,1,0)="ICN - without the checksum to be updated in field 991.01"
^XWB(8994,1251,2,3,1,1,0)=" CHECKSUM for the patient to be stored in field 991.02"
^XWB(8994,1251,2,4,1,1,0)=" Station Number to be stored as the CMOR in field 991.03."
^XWB(8994,1251,2,5,1,1,0)="If an A08 message needs to be sent this flag should be set to 1."
^XWB(8994,1251,3,1,0)=" 1 for successful update"
^XWB(8994,1251,3,2,0)=" -1^error message if not successfully updated."
^XWB(8994,1252,1,1,0)="Returns text for notifications/alerts with a simple text message follow-up"
^XWB(8994,1252,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of patient in the Patient file [^DPT]."
^XWB(8994,1252,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal entry number of notification in the OE/RR Notification file"
^XWB(8994,1252,2,3,1,1,0)="Optional data used in some follow-up actions."
^XWB(8994,1253,0)="MAG4 VALIDATE DATA^VAL^MAGGSIV^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1253,1,1,0)="Validates the Image Data Array"
^XWB(8994,1253,2,1,1,1,0)="Each item in the Array is an '^' delimited piece of information."
^XWB(8994,1253,2,1,1,2,0)="in the format Field^Value OR ActionCode^value"
^XWB(8994,1253,2,2,1,1,0)="All = 1 and All items in MAGARRAY will be validated."
^XWB(8994,1253,2,2,1,2,0)="All = 0 and Validation stops after first item in MAGARRAY fails."
^XWB(8994,1254,1,1,0)="Called from MS Windows Application."
^XWB(8994,1254,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the array of data needed to Import the Image(s)"
^XWB(8994,1254,2,1,1,2,0)="Format is sequential array of ""Data Node^Data"""
^XWB(8994,1254,2,1,1,3,0)="i.e. MAGDATA(1)=""PXPKG^8925"""
^XWB(8994,1254,2,1,1,4,0)=" MAGDATA(2)=""PXIEN^443"""
^XWB(8994,1254,2,1,1,5,0)=" MAGDATA(3)=""IMAGE^\\SERVER\SHARE\FILENAME.EXT^Description"""
^XWB(8994,1254,3,1,0)="Return Parameter is an Array"
^XWB(8994,1254,3,2,0)="Example : Successful Queue"
^XWB(8994,1254,3,3,0)="MAGRY(0)=""111^Data has been Queued."""
^XWB(8994,1254,3,4,0)=" Queue Number ^ message is returned in the (0) node. "
^XWB(8994,1254,3,5,0)="No other nodes are defined."
^XWB(8994,1254,3,6,0)="Example: unsuccessful Queue"
^XWB(8994,1254,3,7,0)="MAGRY (0)=""0^Required parameter is null"""
^XWB(8994,1254,3,8,0)="MAGRY (1)=""Tracking ID is Required. !"""
^XWB(8994,1254,3,9,0)="MAGRY (2)=""Status Handler is Required. !"""
^XWB(8994,1254,3,10,0)="MAGRY (3)=""Acquisition Site is Required. !"""
^XWB(8994,1254,3,11,0)=" node (0) = 0 '^' Error message"
^XWB(8994,1254,3,12,0)=" node(1..n)= all error messages incurred during validation"
^XWB(8994,1255,1,1,0)="This call returns the Array of Data from the Import Queue, given a QUEUE Number"
^XWB(8994,1255,1,2,0)="Called from Delphi and 'M'"
^XWB(8994,1256,0)="MAG4 ADD IMAGE^ADD^MAGGSIA^2^R"
^XWB(8994,1256,1,1,0)="Adds a new entry to the IMAGE File ^MAG(2005"
^XWB(8994,1256,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the image data list in the form"
^XWB(8994,1256,2,1,1,2,0)="A(i)=field number^field value"
^XWB(8994,1256,2,1,1,3,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,1256,2,1,1,4,0)="A(i)=action code^value"
^XWB(8994,1256,3,1,0)=" Successful MAGRY = IEN^FILE NAME (with full path)"
^XWB(8994,1256,3,2,0)=" UNsuccessful MAGRY = 0^Error desc"
^XWB(8994,1257,1,1,0)="This RPC is called from the Imaging Delphi component when"
^XWB(8994,1257,1,2,0)="an image/images have been imported via the Imaging Import API"
^XWB(8994,1257,1,3,0)="being developed for use by Clinical Procedures."
^XWB(8994,1257,1,4,0)="This call is used in the test version of Import API, it will be "
^XWB(8994,1257,1,5,0)="replaced in the released version. In the released version the "
^XWB(8994,1257,1,6,0)="Imaging BackGround Processor will be calling the Status Callback"
^XWB(8994,1257,1,7,0)="routine of CP."
^XWB(8994,1257,2,1,1,1,0)="This array has the following structure:"
^XWB(8994,1257,2,1,1,2,0)="STATARR(0)=""0^Error message"" or ""1^Success"""
^XWB(8994,1257,2,1,1,3,0)="STATARR(1)=TrackingID "
^XWB(8994,1257,2,1,1,4,0)=" TrackingID was sent as a parameter by CP in the IMPORT() call."
^XWB(8994,1257,2,1,1,5,0)="STATARR(2)=Queue Number"
^XWB(8994,1257,2,1,1,6,0)=" The Queue Number was returned to CP from the IMPORT() call"
^XWB(8994,1257,2,1,1,7,0)="STATARR(3..n) If status is '0^ERROR message"" these remaining nodes"
^XWB(8994,1257,2,1,1,8,0)="will contain further error information. Intended for User Intervention"
^XWB(8994,1257,2,1,1,9,0)="and debugging purposes."
^XWB(8994,1257,3,1,0)="Return is a string, it is of no value. If this call generates an error,"
^XWB(8994,1257,3,2,0)="it will be caught in the error trap. The Queue Number can still be used"
^XWB(8994,1257,3,3,0)="to check the status of the IMPORT, and will have the error information "
^XWB(8994,1257,3,4,0)="that was to be passed to the STATUS CALLBACK routine."
^XWB(8994,1258,1,1,0)=" Imaging Capture workstation calls this RPC to get a TIU IEN to"
^XWB(8994,1258,1,2,0)=" attach images to."
^XWB(8994,1258,1,3,0)=" This call simply calls a CP API, which accepts"
^XWB(8994,1258,1,4,0)=" DFN, Consult #, Visit String (optional), Complete|Do not Complete the |"
^XWB(8994,1258,1,5,0)=" transaction."
^XWB(8994,1258,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN of Patient"
^XWB(8994,1258,2,2,1,1,0)=" This is the consult #. The consult # is returned as a part of the"
^XWB(8994,1258,2,2,1,2,0)=" Clinical Procedure Requests Query."
^XWB(8994,1258,2,3,1,1,0)=" Visit String, needed to create a New Tiu Note."
^XWB(8994,1258,2,3,1,2,0)=" Visit String is returned as part of the Query to get Patient Visits."
^XWB(8994,1258,2,3,1,3,0)=" The Query to get a list of patient visits, is done directly before"
^XWB(8994,1258,2,3,1,4,0)=" this call from the Capture Workstation."
^XWB(8994,1258,2,4,1,1,0)=" Flag: tells to Complete (1) or Not Complete (0) the CP transaction."
^XWB(8994,1258,2,4,1,2,0)=" If Not Complete, then this transaction is available on the CP User station"
^XWB(8994,1258,2,4,1,3,0)=" to attach images to."
^XWB(8994,1258,3,1,0)=" Returns the TIU IEN of the CP Note."
^XWB(8994,1258,3,2,0)=" or -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,1258,3,3,0)=" This RPC Call simply calls a CP API for imaging."
^XWB(8994,1259,1,1,0)="Return a list of Clinical Procedure Requests for a Patient."
^XWB(8994,1259,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN of Patient"
^XWB(8994,1259,2,2,1,1,0)=" IEN from file 702.01 if just ome procedure desired, but"
^XWB(8994,1259,2,2,1,2,0)=" it defaults to all."
^XWB(8994,1259,3,1,0)=" Returns a list of Patient CP requests to be displayed in a"
^XWB(8994,1259,3,2,0)=" List for User to select."
^XWB(8994,1260,1,1,0)=" This RPC call simply call a CP Routine that lists visits for a patient."
^XWB(8994,1260,1,2,0)=" Imaging prompts the user with this list when a Visit String"
^XWB(8994,1260,1,3,0)=" is needed by CP to create a Note."
^XWB(8994,1260,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN of Patient"
^XWB(8994,1260,2,2,1,1,0)=" Consult Number, returned in the Query to get patient CP Requests."
^XWB(8994,1260,3,1,0)="Array of Visits for the patient."
^XWB(8994,1261,1,1,0)="Returns a list of supported file extensions, used in Imaging."
^XWB(8994,1261,3,1,0)="list of supported file extensions, used in Imaging."
^XWB(8994,1262,1,1,0)="The Imaging capture station can mark a transaction as complete by making"
^XWB(8994,1262,1,2,0)=" this call after a successful capture. This call puts the procedure in"
^XWB(8994,1262,1,3,0)=" a status of 'pr' (ready for interpretation."
^XWB(8994,1262,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Complete Flag that Clinical Procedures doesn't deal with."
^XWB(8994,1262,2,1,1,2,0)=" It is always '2' which indicates a 'Complete' transaction."
^XWB(8994,1262,2,1,1,3,0)="Request listing. (CPLIST^GMRCCP)"
^XWB(8994,1262,2,2,1,1,0)="The TIUDA of the Note associated with the Consult. This TIUDA is produced by "
^XWB(8994,1262,2,2,1,2,0)="a call to ITIU^MDAPI"
^XWB(8994,1262,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the Complete Flag that Clinical Procedures doesn't deal with."
^XWB(8994,1262,2,3,1,2,0)="It is always '2' which indicates a 'Complete' transaction."
^XWB(8994,1262,3,1,0)="The result of the call to CPDOC^GMRCCP. 1 for success OR 0^error message"
^XWB(8994,1263,0)="MPIF ACK CHECK^EN^MPIFACHK^1^^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1263,1,1,0)="This RPC will check to see if there are any messages on the sites before "
^XWB(8994,1263,1,2,0)="date BEFORE that haven't received the application level ack back. If so, "
^XWB(8994,1263,1,3,0)="regenerate that message to the MPI. "
^XWB(8994,1263,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1263,1,5,0)="If a message is generated 1 will be returned, otherwise 0."
^XWB(8994,1263,2,1,1,1,0)="The FM date that the message should be sent BEFORE."
^XWB(8994,1263,3,1,0)="0 if no messages needed to be regenerated."
^XWB(8994,1263,3,2,0)="1 if any messages were regenerated."
^XWB(8994,1265,0)="XWB M2M EXAMPLE REF^REFRP^XWBM2MT^2^R^^^0"
^XWB(8994,1265,1,1,0)="Test RPC for M2M. This just returns result by reference."
^XWB(8994,1266,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call converts a user-supplied date/time into VA"
^XWB(8994,1266,1,2,0)="FileMan's internal and external date format."
^XWB(8994,1266,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1266,1,4,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4353."
^XWB(8994,1266,2,1,1,1,0)="GMRDATE is the user-supplied date/time text."
^XWB(8994,1266,3,1,0)="RESULT=Date in internal FileMan format^Date in external FileMan format"
^XWB(8994,1266,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1266,3,4,0)=" > S GMRDATE=""10/11/2005@10:30AM"""
^XWB(8994,1266,3,6,0)=" > RESULT=""3051011.103^OCT 11, 2005@10:30:00"""
^XWB(8994,1267,0)="GMV ADD VM^EN1^GMVDCSAV^1^S^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1267,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call is used to enter a new Vital/Measurement record"
^XWB(8994,1267,1,2,0)="in the GMRV Vital Measurement file (#120.5)."
^XWB(8994,1267,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1267,1,4,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 3996."
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,1,0)="This variable contains the data needed to create a Vital/Measurement"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,2,0)="record in the GMRV Vital Measurement (#120.5) file. The values are parsed"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,3,0)="out of the GMRVDATA variable and filed."
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,5,0)="GMRVDATA has the following data:"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,6,0)=" piece1^piece2^piece3^piece4^piece5"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,8,0)=" where:"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,9,0)=" piece1 = date/time in FileMan internal format"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,10,0)=" piece2 = patient number from FILE 2 (i.e., DFN)"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,11,0)=" piece3 = vital type, a semi-colon, the reading, a semi-colon, and "
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,12,0)=" oxygen flow rate and percentage values [optional] (e.g.,"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,13,0)=" 21;99;1 l/min 90%)"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,14,0)=" piece4 = hospital location (FILE 44) pointer value"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,15,0)=" piece5 = user number from FILE 200 (i.e., DUZ), an asterisk, and the "
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,16,0)=" qualifier (File 120.52) internal entry numbers separated by"
^XWB(8994,1267,2,1,1,17,0)=" colons (e.g., 547*50:65)"
^XWB(8994,1267,3,1,0)="RESULT does not return a value. "
^XWB(8994,1267,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1267,3,3,0)="The data is filed in the GMRV VITAL MEASUREMENT (#120.5) file."
^XWB(8994,1267,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1267,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1267,3,7,0)=" > S GMRVDATA=""3051011.1635^134^1;120/80;^67^87*2:38:50:75"""
^XWB(8994,1267,3,8,0)=" > D EN1^GMVDCSAV(.RESULT,GMRVDATA)"
^XWB(8994,1268,0)="GMV EXTRACT REC^GETVM^GMVGETD^4^S^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1268,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call retrieves vital records from the GMRV Vital"
^XWB(8994,1268,1,2,0)="Measurement (#120.5) file for a selected patient within a given date span."
^XWB(8994,1268,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1268,1,4,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4416."
^XWB(8994,1268,2,1,1,1,0)="GMRVDATA consists of 4 pieces of information:"
^XWB(8994,1268,2,1,1,2,0)=" piece1^piece2^piece3^piece4"
^XWB(8994,1268,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1268,2,1,1,4,0)=" where piece1 = Patient (#2) file pointer (i.e., DFN)"
^XWB(8994,1268,2,1,1,5,0)=" piece2 = End date of search (FileMan internal format)"
^XWB(8994,1268,2,1,1,6,0)=" piece3 = single vital type abbreviation (File 120.51, Field 1)"
^XWB(8994,1268,2,1,1,7,0)=" [optional] If not defined, the default is"
^XWB(8994,1268,2,1,1,8,0)=" ""T;P;R;BP;HT;WT;PN;PO2;CG;CVP"""
^XWB(8994,1268,2,1,1,9,0)=" piece4 = Start date of search (FileMan internal format)"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,1,0)="Returns the name of the global array (i.e., ^TMP($J,""GRPC"")) containing a"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,2,0)="list of vital records for the selected patient within the defined date"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1268,3,5,0)=" The TMP global contains: "
^XWB(8994,1268,3,6,0)=" ^TMP($J,""GRPC"",n)=piece1^piece2"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1268,3,8,0)=" where piece1 = File 120.5 IEN"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,9,0)=" piece2 = a string of text in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,10,0)=" Date/time taken (external) Vital Type Abbreviation: "
^XWB(8994,1268,3,11,0)=" Rate U.S. units (Metric value) (Qualifiers)"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,12,0)=" n = sequential number starting at 1."
^XWB(8994,1268,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1268,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1268,3,15,0)=" Example:"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,16,0)=" > S GMRVDATA=""134^3051028^BP^3051001"""
^XWB(8994,1268,3,18,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(538999278,""GRPC"")"""
^XWB(8994,1268,3,19,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,20,0)=" > Global ^TMP($J,""GRPC"""
^XWB(8994,1268,3,21,0)=" > ^TMP(538999278,""GRPC"",1)=8858^10/11/05@16:35 B/P: 120/80* (L ARM, "
^XWB(8994,1268,3,23,0)=" > 2)=8961^10/20/05@14:47 B/P: 128/81* (L ARM,"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,25,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1268,3,26,0)="If there is no data, then the following is returned:"
^XWB(8994,1268,3,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1269,1,1,0)="This procedure extracts MAS ward locations from Ward Location file (#42)"
^XWB(8994,1269,1,2,0)="if the ward has patients registered."
^XWB(8994,1269,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1269,1,4,0)="Note: No other Input Parameters besides RESULT needed."
^XWB(8994,1269,3,1,0)="Returns the global array name containing a list of MAS wards (i.e., "
^XWB(8994,1269,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1269,3,4,0)="^TMP($J,""GWARD"",n)=Ward IEN^Ward Name"
^XWB(8994,1269,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1269,3,6,0)="n is a sequential number starting at 1."
^XWB(8994,1270,0)="GMV WARD PT^WARDPT^GMVGETD^4^R^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1270,1,1,0)="This procedure lists patients registered on a particular MAS ward."
^XWB(8994,1270,2,1,1,1,0)="GMRWARD contains the name of ward from Ward Location file (#42)."
^XWB(8994,1270,3,1,0)="Returns the name of the global array containing the list of patients on "
^XWB(8994,1270,3,2,0)="the selected ward (i.e., ^TMP($J,""GMRPT""))."
^XWB(8994,1270,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1270,3,4,0)="^TMP($J,""GMRPT"",n)=DFN^Name^SSN (w/hyphens)^DOB^Sex and Age^Attending^"
^XWB(8994,1270,3,5,0)=" Veteran^Date of Death (internal)^Date of Death "
^XWB(8994,1270,3,6,0)=" (external)^Ward name^Roombed"
^XWB(8994,1270,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1270,3,8,0)="n is a sequential number starting at 1."
^XWB(8994,1270,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1270,3,10,0)="If there are no patients on the ward, then the global array is undefined."
^XWB(8994,1271,0)="GMV MARK ERROR^ERROR^GMVUTL1^1^S^0^^"
^XWB(8994,1271,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call marks a selected vitals record in the GMRV"
^XWB(8994,1271,1,2,0)="Vital Measurement (#120.5) file as entered-in-error."
^XWB(8994,1271,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1271,1,4,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4414."
^XWB(8994,1271,2,1,1,1,0)="GMVDATA contains the following information:"
^XWB(8994,1271,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1271,2,1,1,3,0)=" piece1^piece2^piece3"
^XWB(8994,1271,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1271,2,1,1,5,0)=" where piece1 = FILE 120.5 IEN "
^XWB(8994,1271,2,1,1,6,0)=" piece2 = FILE 200 IEN (i.e., DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,1271,2,1,1,7,0)=" piece3 = A single value to indicate the reason for the error."
^XWB(8994,1271,2,1,1,8,0)=" 1 = INCORRECT DATE/TIME, 2 = INCORRECT READING, 3 ="
^XWB(8994,1271,2,1,1,9,0)=" INCORRECT PATIENT and 4 = INVALID RECORD"
^XWB(8994,1271,3,1,0)="If the record is marked as entered in error, RESULT is set to ""OK""."
^XWB(8994,1271,3,2,0)="Otherwise, RESULT is set to ""Record Not Found"""
^XWB(8994,1271,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1271,3,4,0)=" Example:"
^XWB(8994,1271,3,5,0)=" > S GMVDATA=""1560^547^1"""
^XWB(8994,1271,3,7,0)=" > RESULT=""OK"""
^XWB(8994,1272,0)="GMV PT GRAPH^EN1^GMVSR0^1^R^0^^"
^XWB(8994,1272,1,1,0)="Prints Vitals/Measurements Graphic Reports."
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,1,0)="A multi-piece variable that identifies the values needed to run the "
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,4,0)=" Piece 1: DFN"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,5,0)=" 2: Start date/time of the report range (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,6,0)=" 3: End date/time of the report range (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,7,0)=" 4: Number indicating graph type *"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,8,0)=" 5: Device name (File 3.5, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,9,0)=" 6: Device internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,10,0)=" 7: date/time to print the report (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,11,0)=" 8: ward internal entry number (File 42)"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,12,0)=" 9: hospital location internal entry number (File 44)"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,13,0)=" 10: list of rooms separated by a comma (e.g., 200,210,220)"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,15,0)="* Graph = 1 prints Vital Signs Record"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,16,0)=" = 2 prints B/P Plotting Chart"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,17,0)=" = 3 prints Weight Chart"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,18,0)=" = 4 prints Pulse Oximetry/Respiratory Graph"
^XWB(8994,1272,2,1,1,19,0)=" = 5 prints Pain Chart"
^XWB(8994,1272,3,1,0)="Returns a message stating the outcome of the request to queue the report."
^XWB(8994,1272,3,2,0)="If the report was successfully queued, RESULT will be ""Report sent to "
^XWB(8994,1272,3,3,0)="device. Task #: "" ZTSK"" where ZTSK is the task number of the job. If the "
^XWB(8994,1272,3,4,0)="report could not be queued, RESULT will be ""Unable to task the report."""
^XWB(8994,1273,0)="GMV V/M ALLDATA^VMDATA^GMVGGR1^4^S^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1273,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call lists all vitals/measurements data for a given"
^XWB(8994,1273,1,2,0)="date/time span."
^XWB(8994,1273,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,1,4,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4654."
^XWB(8994,1273,2,1,1,1,0)="GMVDATA consists of 4 pieces of data:"
^XWB(8994,1273,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,2,1,1,3,0)=" piece1^piece2^piece3^piece4"
^XWB(8994,1273,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,2,1,1,5,0)=" where piece1 = File 2 IEN (i.e., DFN)"
^XWB(8994,1273,2,1,1,6,0)=" piece2 = Start date/time for search (FileMan internal format)"
^XWB(8994,1273,2,1,1,7,0)=" piece3 = End date/time for search (FileMan internal format)"
^XWB(8994,1273,2,1,1,8,0)=" piece4 = 0 (zero)"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,1,0)="RESULT array returns the data or a ""NO DATA"" message."
^XWB(8994,1273,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,3,0)="Case A: The NO DATA message is returned."
^XWB(8994,1273,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,5,0)="The TMP global returns:"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,6,0)=" ^TMP($J,1)=lastname,first social security number date of birth age "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,7,0)=" ""(Yrs)"" gender"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,8,0)=" ^TMP($J,2)=""Unit:"" unit ""Room:"" room"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,9,0)=" ^TMP($J,3)=""Division:"" division"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,10,0)=" ^TMP($J,4)= search date range"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,11,0)=" ^TMP($J,5)=""NO DATA"""
^XWB(8994,1273,3,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,13,0)="Example: "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,14,0)=" > S GMVDATA=""90^3051012^3051012^0"""
^XWB(8994,1273,3,16,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(539349605)"""
^XWB(8994,1273,3,17,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,18,0)=" > Global ^TMP($J"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,19,0)=" > ^TMP(539349605,1)=VITPATIENT,ONE 000-11-1234 JAN 2,1934 71 (Yrs) "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,20,0)=" MALE"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,21,0)=" 2)=Unit: Room: "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,22,0)=" 3)=Division: "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,23,0)=" 4)=OCT 11,2005 - OCT 11,2005"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,24,0)=" 5)=NO DATA"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,25,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,26,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,27,0)="Casee B: Fourth piece of GMVDATA (Flag) is 0"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,28,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,29,0)="The TMP global returns:"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,30,0)=" ^TMP($J,1)=lastname,first social security number date of birth age "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,31,0)=" ""(Yrs)"" sex"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,32,0)=" ^TMP($J,2)=""Unit:"" unit ""Room:"" room"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,33,0)=" ^TMP($J,3)=""Division:"" division"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,34,0)=" ^TMP($J,4)= search date range"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,35,0)=" ^TMP($J,n)=piece1 through piece23"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,36,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,37,0)=" where piece1 = date of reading in mm-dd-yy format"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,38,0)=" piece2 = time of reading in hh:mm:ss format"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,39,0)=" piece3 = Temperature value and qualifier abbreviations"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,40,0)=" piece4 = Pulse value and qualifier abbreviations"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,41,0)=" piece5 = Respiration and qualifier abbreviations"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,42,0)=" piece6 = Pulse Oximetry value, qualifier abbreviations, flow rate "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,43,0)=" and percentage value"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,44,0)=" piece7 = Blood Pressure value and qualifier abbreviations"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,45,0)=" piece8 = Weight value (pounds) and qualifier abbreviations"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,46,0)=" piece9 = Weight value (kilos)"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,47,0)=" piece10 = Body Mass Index calculation"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,48,0)=" piece11 = Height value (inches) and qualifier abbreviations "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,49,0)=" piece12 = Height value (centimeters)"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,50,0)=" piece13 = Circumference Girth value (inches) and qualifier "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,51,0)=" abbreviations"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,52,0)=" piece14 = Circumference Girth value (centimeters)"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,53,0)=" piece15 = Central Venous Pressure value (cmH2O)"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,54,0)=" piece16 = Central Venous Pressure value (mmHg)"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,55,0)=" piece17 = Input value (from Intake & Output package)"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,56,0)=" piece18 = Output value (from Intake & Output package)"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,57,0)=" piece19 = Pain value"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,58,0)=" piece20 = always null"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,59,0)=" piece21 = always null"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,60,0)=" piece22 = hospital location (FILE 44, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,61,0)=" piece23 = name of person who entered the data (FILE 200, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,62,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,63,0)="Example: "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,64,0)=" > S GMVDATA=""134^3050901^3050930^0"" "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,66,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(539349605)"""
^XWB(8994,1273,3,67,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,68,0)=" > Global ^TMP($J"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,69,0)=" > ^TMP(539349605,1)=VITPATIENT,TWO 000-11-1234 JUN 1,1957 48 (Yrs) "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,70,0)=" FEMALE"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,71,0)=" 2)=Unit: 2-ASM Room: "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,72,0)=" 3)=Division: TEST HINES"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,73,0)=" 4)=SEP 1,2005 - SEP 30,2005"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,74,0)=" 5)=09-14-05^17:18:00^^^^^^135- A St^61.36^22^66- "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,75,0)=" A^167.64^^^^^^^^ ^^2-ASM^VITPROVIDER,ONE"
^XWB(8994,1273,3,76,0)=" 6)=09-26-05^11:30:57^^^^^120/80*- La Si Car "
^XWB(8994,1273,3,77,0)=" Clf^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2-A SM^VITPROVIDER,TWO"
^XWB(8994,1274,1,1,0)="This procedure retrieves patients assigned to a given team."
^XWB(8994,1274,2,1,1,1,0)="GMVTEAM is the internal entry number of the selected team (File 100.21)."
^XWB(8994,1274,3,1,0)="Returns a list of patients in the array specified."
^XWB(8994,1274,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1274,3,3,0)="RESULT(n)=Patient name^DFN^SSN (w/hyphens)^DOB (external)^SEX and AGE^"
^XWB(8994,1274,3,4,0)=" Attending^Veteran^Date of Death (external)^Date of Death "
^XWB(8994,1274,3,5,0)=" (internal)^Ward name^Roombed"
^XWB(8994,1274,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1274,3,7,0)="n is a sequential number starting at 1."
^XWB(8994,1275,0)="GMV ALLERGY^ALLERGY^GMVUTL3^2^S^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1275,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call retrieves the patient's allergy information."
^XWB(8994,1275,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1275,1,3,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4350."
^XWB(8994,1275,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN is a pointer to the PATIENT file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,1275,3,1,0)="Returns the patient allergy information in the array specified."
^XWB(8994,1275,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1275,3,3,0)=" The result array returns:"
^XWB(8994,1275,3,4,0)=" RESULT(n)=This patient has the following allergy(ies):"
^XWB(8994,1275,3,5,0)=" (n+1)=piece1"
^XWB(8994,1275,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1275,3,7,0)=" where piece1 = the allergy name"
^XWB(8994,1275,3,8,0)=" n = sequential number starting at 1."
^XWB(8994,1275,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1275,3,10,0)="If there is no data, then the following is returned:"
^XWB(8994,1275,3,11,0)=" RESULT(1)=No Allergy Assessment"
^XWB(8994,1275,3,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1275,3,14,0)=" > S DFN=134"
^XWB(8994,1275,3,15,0)=" > D ALLERGY^GMVUTL3(.RESULT,DFN) ZW RESULT"
^XWB(8994,1275,3,16,0)=" > RESULT(1)=""This patient has the following allergy(ies): """
^XWB(8994,1275,3,17,0)=" > RESULT(2)=""PENICILLIN"""
^XWB(8994,1276,0)="GMV CLINIC PT^CLINPTS^GMVCLIN^2^R^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1276,1,1,0)="This procedure lists patients who have an appointment for a selected"
^XWB(8994,1276,1,2,0)="clinic and a given period of time."
^XWB(8994,1276,2,1,1,1,0)="CLIN contains the name of the selected clinic from the Hospital Location"
^XWB(8994,1276,2,1,1,2,0)="file (#44)."
^XWB(8994,1276,2,2,1,1,0)="BDATE contains TODAY, TOMORROW, YESTERDAY, PAST WEEK or PAST MONTH."
^XWB(8994,1276,3,1,0)="Returns a list of patient names and DFNs for the selected clinic and the"
^XWB(8994,1276,3,2,0)="given date span in the array specified."
^XWB(8994,1277,1,1,0)="Returns all qualifier information for the vital types selected."
^XWB(8994,1277,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1277,1,3,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4359."
^XWB(8994,1277,2,1,1,1,0)="A list of vital type abbreviations (FILE 120.51, Field 1) separated by"
^XWB(8994,1277,2,1,1,2,0)="up-arrows (e.g., ""HT^WT"" for height and weight). When the value is null,"
^XWB(8994,1277,2,1,1,3,0)="all qualifier information will be returned for all vital types."
^XWB(8994,1277,3,1,0)="Returns the qualifier information for the selected vital types in the "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,2,0)="array specified. Includes the abnormal high and low values for the vital "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,3,0)="type, if any."
^XWB(8994,1277,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,5,0)="The result array contains:"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,6,0)=" RESULT(n)=piece1^piece2^piece3^piece4^piece5^piece6^piece7^piece8^piece9"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,7,0)=" RESULT(n.nnn)=pieceA^pieceB^pieceC^pieceD"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,9,0)=" where n is a sequential number starting with 1"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,10,0)=" piece1 = V for vital type"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,11,0)=" piece2 = FILE 120.51 IEN for this vital type"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,12,0)=" piece3 = vital type name (FILE 120.51, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,13,0)=" piece4 = Abbreviation (FILE 120.51, Field 1)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,14,0)=" piece5 = PCE Abbreviation (FILE 120.51, Field 7)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,15,0)=" piece6 = If vital type is Blood Pressure this is the "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,16,0)=" abnormal systolic high value (File 120.57, Field 5.7)."
^XWB(8994,1277,3,17,0)=" If vital type is Temperature, this is the abnormal high "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,18,0)=" value (File 120.57, Field 5.1)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,19,0)=" If vital type is Respiration, this is the abnormal high"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,20,0)=" value (File 120.57, Field 5.5)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,21,0)=" If vital type is Pulse, this is the abnormal high value "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,22,0)=" (File 120.57, Field 5.3)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,23,0)=" If vital type is Central Venous Pressure, this is the "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,24,0)=" abnormal high value (File 120.57, Field 6.1)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,25,0)=" piece7 = If vital type is Blood Pressure this is the "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,26,0)=" abnormal diastolic high value (File 120.57, Field 5.71)."
^XWB(8994,1277,3,27,0)=" If vital type is Temperature, this is the abnormal low "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,28,0)=" value (File 120.57, Field 5.2)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,29,0)=" If vital type is Respiration, this is the abnormal low"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,30,0)=" value (File 120.57, Field 5.6)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,31,0)=" If vital type is Pulse, this is the abnormal low value "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,32,0)=" (File 120.57, Field 5.4)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,33,0)=" If vital type is Central Venous Pressure, this is the "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,34,0)=" abnormal low value (File 120.57, Field 6.2)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,35,0)=" piece8 = If vital type is Blood Pressure this is the "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,36,0)=" abnormal systolic low value (File 120.57, Field 5.8)."
^XWB(8994,1277,3,37,0)=" If vital type is Central Pressure, this is the abnormal "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,38,0)=" O2 saturation (File 120.57, Field 6.3)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,39,0)=" piece9 = If vital type is Blood Pressure this is the "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,40,0)=" abnormal diastolic low value (File 120.57, Field 5.81)."
^XWB(8994,1277,3,41,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,42,0)=" RESULT(n.nnn)=pieceA^pieceB^pieceC^pieceD"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,43,0)=" where pieceA = C for CATEGORY or Q for QUALIFIER"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,44,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,45,0)=" if pieceA is C, then "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,46,0)=" pieceB = FILE 120.53 IEN for this category"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,47,0)=" pieceC = category name (FILE 120.53, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,48,0)=" pieceD = null"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,49,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,50,0)=" if pieceB is Q, then"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,51,0)=" pieceB = FILE 120.52 IEN for this qualifier"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,52,0)=" pieceC = qualifier name (FILE 120.52, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,53,0)=" pieceD = synonym (FILE 120.52, Field .02)"
^XWB(8994,1277,3,54,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,56,0)=" > S GMVLIST=""HT^WT"" "
^XWB(8994,1277,3,58,0)=" > RESULT(1)=""V^8^HEIGHT^HT^HT^"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,59,0)=" > RESULT(1.001)=""C^4^QUALITY"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,60,0)=" > RESULT(1.002)=""Q^42^ACTUAL^A"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,61,0)=" > RESULT(1.003)=""Q^43^ESTIMATED^E"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,62,0)=" > RESULT(1.004)=""Q^107^Stated^St"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,63,0)=" > RESULT(2)=""V^9^WEIGHT^WT^WT^"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,64,0)=" > RESULT(2.001)=""C^2^METHOD"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,65,0)=" > RESULT(2.002)=""Q^39^OTHER^Oth"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,66,0)=" > RESULT(2.003)=""Q^50^SITTING^Si"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,67,0)=" > RESULT(2.004)=""Q^51^STANDING^St"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,68,0)=" > RESULT(2.005)=""C^4^QUALITY"""
^XWB(8994,1277,3,69,0)=" > RESULT(2.006)=""Q^42^ACTUAL^A"""
^XWB(8994,1278,0)="GMV PTSELECT^RPC^GMVRPCP^4^R^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1278,1,1,0)="Used as a method of processing a patient DFN and returning all warnings "
^XWB(8994,1278,1,2,0)="and notices (i.e. sensitivity or same last 4 of SSN) to the client "
^XWB(8994,1278,1,3,0)="application for processing. Also includes a call to log access of "
^XWB(8994,1278,1,4,0)="sensitive patients to the DG SECURITY LOG file."
^XWB(8994,1278,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the RPC return array variable."
^XWB(8994,1278,2,2,1,1,0)="Contains the appropriate method to perform within this RPC call."
^XWB(8994,1278,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1278,2,2,1,3,0)="Options are:"
^XWB(8994,1278,2,2,1,4,0)=" SELECT: Performs a select of the supplied DFN (param 3) and returns the "
^XWB(8994,1278,2,2,1,5,0)=" notices and warnings for the DFN"
^XWB(8994,1278,2,2,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1278,2,2,1,7,0)=" LOGSEC: Logs a security entry in the DG SECURITY LOG file."
^XWB(8994,1278,2,3,1,1,0)="Contains the DFN of the patient to process in the SELECT or LOGSEC method "
^XWB(8994,1278,2,3,1,2,0)="of param 2."
^XWB(8994,1278,2,4,1,1,0)="Used to pass in the option name to DGSEC when logging against the DG "
^XWB(8994,1278,2,4,1,2,0)="SECURITY LOG file."
^XWB(8994,1278,3,1,0)="RESULTS(0) =Success or failure flag (-1 or 1) from both SELECT & LOGSEC "
^XWB(8994,1278,3,2,0)=" methods"
^XWB(8994,1278,3,3,0)="RESULTS(1..n)=Messages to process by the client from the SELECT method."
^XWB(8994,1279,0)="GMV LATEST VM^GETLAT^GMVGETD^4^S^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1279,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call retrieves the latest vital records for a given"
^XWB(8994,1279,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1279,1,4,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4358."
^XWB(8994,1279,2,1,1,1,0)="GMRDFN variable is a pointer to the Patient (#2) file (i.e., DFN)."
^XWB(8994,1279,3,1,0)="Returns the name of the global array (i.e., ^TMP($J,""GRPC"")) containing "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,2,0)="the latest vitals for the selected patient."
^XWB(8994,1279,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,4,0)=" The TMP global contains: "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,5,0)=" ^TMP($J,""GRPC"",n)=piece1"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,7,0)=" where piece1 = is a formatted line of text."
^XWB(8994,1279,3,8,0)=" n = sequential number starting at 1."
^XWB(8994,1279,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,10,0)="The formatted line of text includes the vital type, value and unit"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,11,0)="(U.S.), value and unit (metric), qualifiers, supplemental oxygen, body"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,12,0)="mass index value, and person who entered the record."
^XWB(8994,1279,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,14,0)="If there is no data for the patient, the following is returned:"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,15,0)=" ^TMP($J,""GRPC"",1)=There are no results to report"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,18,0)=" > S GMRDFN=134"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,20,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(539349605,""GRPC"")"""
^XWB(8994,1279,3,21,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,22,0)=" > Global ^TMP($J,""GRPC"""
^XWB(8994,1279,3,23,0)=" > ^TMP(539349605,""GRPC"",1)=Temp.: (08/09/05@08:00) 102 F (38.9 C)*"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,24,0)=" (ORAL) _VITPROVIDER,ONE"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,25,0)=" > 2)=Pulse: (07/14/05@16:33) 55 "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,27,0)=" > 3)=Resp.: (07/14/05@16:33) 31 "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,29,0)=" > 4)=Pulse Ox: (08/22/05@13:48) 99% with "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,30,0)=" supplemental O2 1 L/min 90% NASAL CANNULA _VITPROVIDER,ONE"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,31,0)=" > 5)=B/P: (09/26/05@11:30) 120/80* (L "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,33,0)=" > 6)=Ht.: (09/14/05@17:18) 5 ft 6 in (167.64"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,34,0)=" cm) (ACTUAL) _VITPROVIDER,ONE"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,35,0)=" > 7)=Wt.: (09/14/05@17:18) 135 lb (61.36 kg)"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,37,0)=" > 8)=Body Mass Index: 22 "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,38,0)=" 9)=CVP: (08/22/05@17:09) 15 cmH2O (11.0 "
^XWB(8994,1279,3,39,0)=" mmHg) _VITPROVIDER,ONE"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,40,0)=" 10)=Circ/Girth: (07/22/05@10:22) 1 in (2.54 cm)"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,41,0)=" (DRY,ABDO MINAL) _VITPROVIDER,TWO"
^XWB(8994,1279,3,42,0)=" 11)=Pain: (09/15/05@16:43) 5 _VITPROVIDER,ONE"
^XWB(8994,1280,0)="GMV ROOM/BED^ROOMBED^GMVGETD^4^R^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1280,1,1,0)="This procedure extracts room/bed information from Room-Bed file (#405.4)"
^XWB(8994,1280,1,2,0)="for a given MAS ward."
^XWB(8994,1280,2,1,1,1,0)="GMRWARD is a MAS ward name from the Ward Location file (#42)."
^XWB(8994,1280,3,1,0)="Returns the global array name (i.e., ^TMP($J,""GROOM"")) containing a list"
^XWB(8994,1280,3,2,0)="of rooms/beds for the given MAS ward."
^XWB(8994,1280,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1280,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1280,3,6,0)="n is a sequential number starting at 1."
^XWB(8994,1280,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1280,3,8,0)="If there is no data, then the global array is undefined."
^XWB(8994,1281,0)="GMV CUMULATIVE REPORT^EN1^GMVSC0^1^R^0^^"
^XWB(8994,1281,1,1,0)="Prints the Cumulative Vitals Report."
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,1,0)="A multi-piece variable that identifies the values needed to run the "
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,4,0)=" Piece 1: DFN"
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,5,0)=" 2: Start date/time of the report range (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,6,0)=" 3: End date/time of the report range (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,7,0)=" 4: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,8,0)=" 5: Device name (File 3.5, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,9,0)=" 6: Device internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,10,0)=" 7: date/time to print the report (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,11,0)=" 8: ward internal entry number (File 42)"
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,12,0)=" 9: hospital location internal entry number (File 44)"
^XWB(8994,1281,2,2,1,13,0)=" 10: list of rooms separated by a comma (e.g., 200,210,220)"
^XWB(8994,1281,3,1,0)="Returns a message stating the outcome of the request to queue the report. "
^XWB(8994,1281,3,2,0)="If the report was successfully queued, RESULT will be ""Report sent to "
^XWB(8994,1281,3,3,0)="device. Task #: "" ZTSK"" where ZTSK is the task number of the job. If the "
^XWB(8994,1281,3,4,0)="report could not be queued, RESULT will be ""Unable to task the report."""
^XWB(8994,1282,1,1,0)="Prints the latest vitals/measurements for all patients on a given ward"
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,1,0)="A multi-piece variable that identifies the values needed to run the "
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,4,0)=" Piece 1: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,5,0)=" 2: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,6,0)=" 3: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,7,0)=" 4: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,8,0)=" 5: Device name (File 3.5, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,9,0)=" 6: Device internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,10,0)=" 7: date/time to print the report (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,11,0)=" 8: ward internal entry number (File 42)"
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,12,0)=" 9: hospital location internal entry number (File 44)"
^XWB(8994,1282,2,2,1,13,0)=" 10: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1282,3,1,0)="Returns a message stating the outcome of the request to queue the report."
^XWB(8994,1282,3,2,0)="If the report was successfully queued, RESULT will be ""Report sent to "
^XWB(8994,1282,3,3,0)="device. Task #: "" ZTSK"" where ZTSK is the task number of the job. If the "
^XWB(8994,1282,3,4,0)="report could not be queued, RESULT will be ""Unable to task the report."""
^XWB(8994,1283,1,1,0)="Prints the latest vitals/measurements for the selected patient."
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,1,0)="A multi-piece variable that identifies the values needed to run the "
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,4,0)=" Piece 1: DFN"
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,5,0)=" 2: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,6,0)=" 3: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,7,0)=" 4: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,8,0)=" 5: Device name (File 3.5, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,9,0)=" 6: Device internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,10,0)=" 7: date/time to print the report (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,11,0)=" 8: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,12,0)=" 9: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1283,2,2,1,13,0)=" 10: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1283,3,1,0)="Returns a message stating the outcome of the request to queue the report. "
^XWB(8994,1283,3,2,0)="If the report was successfully queued, RESULT will be ""Report sent to "
^XWB(8994,1283,3,3,0)="device. Task #: "" ZTSK"" where ZTSK is the task number of the job. If the "
^XWB(8994,1283,3,4,0)="report could not be queued, RESULT will be ""Unable to task the report."""
^XWB(8994,1284,1,1,0)="Prints a report of all vitals/measurements entered in error for the"
^XWB(8994,1284,1,2,0)="selected patient for a given date/time range."
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,1,0)="A multi-piece variable that identifies the values needed to run the "
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,4,0)=" Piece 1: DFN"
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,5,0)=" 2: Start date/time of the report range (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,6,0)=" 3: End date/time of the report range (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,7,0)=" 4: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,8,0)=" 5: Device name (File 3.5, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,9,0)=" 6: Device internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,10,0)=" 7: date/time to print the report (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,11,0)=" 8: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,12,0)=" 9: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1284,2,2,1,13,0)=" 10: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1284,3,1,0)="Returns a message stating the outcome of the request to queue the report. "
^XWB(8994,1284,3,2,0)="If the report was successfully queued, RESULT will be ""Report sent to "
^XWB(8994,1284,3,3,0)="device. Task #: "" ZTSK"" where ZTSK is the task number of the job. If the "
^XWB(8994,1284,3,4,0)="report could not be queued, RESULT will be ""Unable to task the report."""
^XWB(8994,1285,0)="GMV QUALIFIER TABLE^EN1^GMVCAQU^4^R^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1285,1,1,0)="Prints a list of categories and qualifiers associated with individual"
^XWB(8994,1285,1,2,0)="vital types (e.g., blood pressure). Data comes from the GMRV Vital"
^XWB(8994,1285,1,3,0)="Qualifier (#120.52) file and the GMRV Vital Category (#120.53) file."
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,1,0)="A multi-piece variable that identifies the values needed to run the "
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,4,0)=" Piece 1: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,5,0)=" 2: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,6,0)=" 3: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,7,0)=" 4: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,8,0)=" 5: Device name (File 3.5, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,9,0)=" 6: Device internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,10,0)=" 7: date/time to print the report (FileMan format)"
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,11,0)=" 8: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,12,0)=" 9: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1285,2,2,1,13,0)=" 10: n/a"
^XWB(8994,1285,3,1,0)="Returns a message stating the outcome of the request to queue the report. "
^XWB(8994,1285,3,2,0)="If the report was successfully queued, RESULT will be ""Report sent to "
^XWB(8994,1285,3,3,0)="device. Task #: "" ZTSK"" where ZTSK is the task number of the job. If the "
^XWB(8994,1285,3,4,0)="report could not be queued, RESULT will be ""Unable to task the report."""
^XWB(8994,1286,0)="GMV MANAGER^RPC^GMVRPCM^4^S^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1286,1,1,0)="Performs many functions for the Manager module."
^XWB(8994,1286,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,1,3,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4360."
^XWB(8994,1286,2,1,1,1,0)="Routine tag line in GMVRPCM to call."
^XWB(8994,1286,2,2,1,1,0)="Other data as required for the call."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,1,0)="This remote procedure call performs various actions such as building"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,2,0)="selection lists and modifying package parameters. The entry point is"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,3,0)="RPC^GMVRPCM. It has input parameters of RESULTS, OPTION and DATA (ex:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,6,0)="The RESULTS variable will contain the ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J) global array "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,7,0)="reference. The ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J) global array contains the results."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,9,0)="The OPTION variable identifies a line label in the GMVRPCM routine "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,10,0)="that will be invoked to process the call."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,12,0)="The DATA variable contains any additional values needed by the OPTION"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,13,0)="variable to process the call."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,16,0)="1) When the OPTION value is ADDQUAL, this RPC will link a GMRV VITAL "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,17,0)="QUALIFIER (#120.52) file entry to a GMRV VITAL TYPE (#120.51) file entry. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,19,0)="The DATA value is a three part value separated by semi-colons(;). The "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,20,0)="first value is the FILE 120.51 internal entry number (IEN). The second "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,21,0)="value is the GMRV VITAL CATEGORY (#120.53) IEN. The third value is the "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,22,0)="GMRV VITAL QUALIFIER (#120.52)."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,25,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,26,0)=" > S DATA=""1;1;1"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,27,0)=" > S OPTION=""ADDQUAL"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,29,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,30,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,31,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,32,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=1^Qualifier Assigned"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,34,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,35,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,36,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,37,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,38,0)="2) When the OPTION value is DELQUAL, this RPC will unlink a qualifier to "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,39,0)="a GMRV VITAL TYPE (#120.51) file entry. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,40,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,41,0)="The DATA value is a three part value separated by semi-colons. The first "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,42,0)="value is the FILE 120.51 internal entry number (IEN). The second value is "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,43,0)="the GMRV VITAL CATEGORY (#120.53) IEN. The third value is the GMRV VITAL "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,44,0)="QUALIFIER (#120.52) IEN."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,45,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,47,0)=" > S DATA=""1;1;1"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,48,0)=" > S OPTION=""DELQUAL"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,50,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,51,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,52,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,53,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=1^Qualifier removed."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,54,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,55,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,56,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,57,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,58,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,59,0)="3) When the OPTION value is DELTEMP, this RPC will delete a data input"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,60,0)="template definition."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,61,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,62,0)="The DATA value is a two part value separated by a caret (^). The first "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,63,0)="value is the ENTITY value. See IA #2263 for a list of entity values."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,64,0)="The second value is the name of the data input template."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,65,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,67,0)=" > S DATA=""USR^PAIN ONLY"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,68,0)=" > S OPTION=""DELTEMP"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,70,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,71,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,72,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,73,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=1^Template Removed. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,74,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,75,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,76,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,77,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,78,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,79,0)="4) When the OPTION value is GETCATS, this RPC will return a list of "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,80,0)="qualifiers (FILE 120.52) associated with a vital type (FILE 120.51). "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,81,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,82,0)="The DATA value is a one part value. It is a pointer value to FILE 120.51"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,83,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,84,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,85,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=piece1^piece2"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,86,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,n)=piece3^piece4^piece5"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,87,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,88,0)=" where piece1 = number of categories (FILE 120.53) associated with this "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,89,0)=" vital type"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,90,0)=" piece2 = vital type name"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,91,0)=" piece3 = category IEN (FILE 120.53)"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,92,0)=" piece4 = category name (FILE 120.53, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,93,0)=" piece5 = qualifier names (FILE 120.52, Field .01) separated by a "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,94,0)=" comma and space"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,95,0)=" n = sequential number starting with 1 "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,96,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,98,0)=" > S DATA=""21"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,99,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETCATS"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,101,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,102,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,103,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,104,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=1^PULSE OXIMETRY"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,108,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,109,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,110,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,111,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,112,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,113,0)="5) When the OPTION value is GETDATA, this RPC will return the value of "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,114,0)="the entry you specify."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,115,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,116,0)="The DATA value is a three part value. The first part is the file number. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,117,0)="The second part is the IEN number of the entry. The third part is the"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,118,0)="field number."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,119,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,120,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,121,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=external value of the field"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,122,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,124,0)=" > S DATA=""120.51^1^1"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,125,0)=" > D RPC(.RESULT,""GETDATA"",DATA) ZW RESULT "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,126,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539339804)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,127,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,128,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,129,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539339804,0)=BP"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,130,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,131,0)="If a value cannot be found, then a null value is returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,132,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,133,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,134,0)="6) When the OPTION value is GETDEF, this RPC will return default template"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,135,0)="names. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,136,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,137,0)="The DATA value is a one part value. If it is null, then all default "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,138,0)="templates for that user will be returned. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,139,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,140,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,141,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=piece1"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,142,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,n)=piece2^piece3"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,143,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,144,0)=" where piece1 = number of templates found"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,145,0)=" piece2 = an IEN value, a semi-colon, and a global reference"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,146,0)=" piece3 = template name"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,147,0)=" n = sequential number starting with 1"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,148,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,149,0)="Example A: "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,150,0)=" > S DATA="""" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,151,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETDEF"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,153,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,154,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,155,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,156,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=4"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,157,0)=" 1)=125;SC(^WARD 10A"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,158,0)=" 2)=334;DIC(4.2,^TEST"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,159,0)=" 3)=4601;VA(200,^Height ONLY"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,160,0)=" 4)=547;VA(200,^All Vital Signs"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,161,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,162,0)="If the DATA value is an entity value (see IA 2263 for a list of entity "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,163,0)="values), then the default template name for that entity will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,164,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,165,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,166,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=template name"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,167,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,168,0)="Example B:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,169,0)=" > S DATA=""USR"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,170,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETDEF"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,172,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,173,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,174,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,175,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=MY DEFAULT"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,176,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,177,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,178,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,179,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,180,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,181,0)="7) When the OPTION value is GETHILO, this RPC will return the abnormal "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,182,0)="high or low value for a vital type."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,183,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,184,0)="The DATA value is a one part value which identifies a field number in "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,185,0)="the GMRV VITALS PARAMETERS (#120.57) field."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,186,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,187,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,188,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=field value"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,189,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,191,0)=" > S DATA=5.2"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,192,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETHILO"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,194,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,195,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,196,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,197,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=94 "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,198,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,199,0)="A zero is returned if there is no value in the field. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,200,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,201,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,202,0)="8) When the OPTION value is GETLIST, this RPC returns a list of entries"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,203,0)="for the file number specified."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,204,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,205,0)="The DATA value is a one part value. It is a file number."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,206,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,207,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,208,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=piece1^piece2"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,209,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,n)=piece3^piece4"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,210,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,211,0)=" where piece1 = number of entries returned"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,212,0)=" piece2 = file name [not returned in all cases] "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,213,0)=" piece3 = file number, a semi-colon and record IEN"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,214,0)=" piece4 = the .01 value of the record"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,215,0)=" n = sequential number starting with 1"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,216,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,218,0)=" Retrieve a list of wards."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,219,0)=" > S DATA=42"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,220,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETLIST"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,222,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,223,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,224,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,225,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784,0)=26^WARD LOCATION"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,226,0)=" 1)=42;14^10A"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,227,0)=" n)=42;15^10B "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,228,0)=" 26)=42;39^10Z"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,229,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,230,0)=" Retrieve a list of clinics."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,231,0)=" > S DATA=44"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,232,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETLIST"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,234,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,235,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,236,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,237,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784,0)=61"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,238,0)=" 1)=44;6^HOUSE/A"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,239,0)=" n)=44;8^HOUSE/C"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,240,0)=" 61)=44;39^HOUSE/ZZ"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,241,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,242,0)=" Retrieve a list vital types."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,243,0)=" > S DATA=120.51"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,244,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETLIST"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,246,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,247,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,248,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,249,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784,0)=10^GMRV VITAL TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,250,0)=" 1)=120.51;1^BLOOD PRESSURE"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,251,0)=" N)=120.51;19^CENTRAL VENOUS PRESSURE"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,252,0)=" 10)=120.51;9^WEIGHT"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,253,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,254,0)=" Retrieve a list of qualifiers."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,255,0)=" > S DATA=120.52"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,256,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETLIST"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,258,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,259,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,260,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,261,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784,0)=80^GMRV VITAL QUALIFIER"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,262,0)=" 1)=120.52;74^ABDOMINAL"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,263,0)=" n)=120.52;42^ACTUAL"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,264,0)=" 80)=120.52;99^WRIST"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,265,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,266,0)=" Retrieve a list of CPRS teams."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,267,0)=" > S DATA=100.21"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,268,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETLIST"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,270,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,271,0)=" > D ^%G "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,272,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,273,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784,0)=103"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,274,0)=" 1)=100.21;28^1AS"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,275,0)=" n)=100.21;60^1ASO"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,276,0)=" 103)=100.21;96^consult team"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,277,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,278,0)=" Retrieve a list of nursing units."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,279,0)=" > S DATA=211.4"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,280,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETLIST"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,282,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,283,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,284,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,285,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539363784,0)=21"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,286,0)=" 1)=211.4;7^10E"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,287,0)=" n)=211.4;17^10W"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,288,0)=" 21)=211.4;9^SICU"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,289,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,290,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,291,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,292,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,293,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,294,0)="9) When the OPTION value is GETQUAL, this RPC returns a list of "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,295,0)="qualifiers associated with this vital type."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,296,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,297,0)="The DATA value is a two part value separated by a semi-colon. The first "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,298,0)="part is vital type (FILE 120.51) IEN. The second part is a category (FILE"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,299,0)="120.53) IEN."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,300,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,301,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,302,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=piece1^piece2"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,303,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,n)=piece3^piece4"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,304,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,305,0)=" where piece1 = number of entries found"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,306,0)=" piece2 = category name (FILE 120.53, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,307,0)=" piece3 = qualifier IEN"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,308,0)=" piece4 = qualifier name (FILE 120.52, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,309,0)=" n = sequential number starting with 1"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,310,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,312,0)=" > S DATA=""1;1"",OPTION=""GETQUAL"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,314,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,315,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,316,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,317,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=6^LOCATION"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,318,0)=" 1)=139^Test Qualifier"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,319,0)=" 2)=53^FEMORAL"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,320,0)=" 3)=2^L ARM"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,321,0)=" 4)=4^L LEG"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,322,0)=" 5)=24^PERIPHERAL"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,323,0)=" 6)=1^R ARM "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,324,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,325,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,326,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,327,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,328,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,329,0)="10) When the OPTION value is GETTEMP, this RPC will return a list data "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,330,0)="input templates definitions."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,331,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,332,0)="The DATA value is a two part value separated by a caret. The first part "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,333,0)="is an entity value. See IA 2263 for a list of entities. The second part is"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,334,0)="a data input template name. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,335,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,336,0)="When DATA is null, all data input template definitions are returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,337,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,338,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,339,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=piece1"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,340,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,n)=piece2^piece3^piece4^piece5^piece6"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,341,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,342,0)=" where piece1 = number of entries returned"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,343,0)=" piece2 = 1, 2, 3, or 4. (1 = Domain, 2 = Institution, 3 = Hospital"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,344,0)=" location and 4 = New Person)"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,345,0)=" piece3 = file IEN, a semi-colon and global reference"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,346,0)=" piece4 = Field .01 value of the file specified in piece3"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,347,0)=" piece5 = template name"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,348,0)=" piece6 = template description text, a bar, vital type IEN (FILE "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,349,0)="120.51), a colon, a metric flag (0=U.S. and 1=metric), category IEN"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,350,0)="(FILE 120.53), a coma, and a qualifier IEN (FILE 120.52), a tilde"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,351,0)="indicates additional category and qualifier combinations for the vital"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,352,0)="type. A semi-colon indicates the start of the next vital type."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,353,0)=" n = sequential number starting with 1"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,354,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,356,0)=" > S DATA=""USR"",OPTION=""GETTEMP"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,358,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,359,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,360,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,361,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=1"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,362,0)=" 1)=4^547;VA(200,^VITUSER,ONE^MY DEFAULT^ALL"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,363,0)=" VITALS|1:0:1,2~2,59~3,50;20:1"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,364,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,365,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,366,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,367,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,368,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,369,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,370,0)="11) When the OPTION value is LOOKUP, this RPC will do a file lookup"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,371,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,372,0)="The DATA value is a three part value separated by a caret. The first part "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,373,0)="is a file number. The second part is a value to look up. The third part is"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,374,0)="the field or fields to do the look up on. If the third piece is not "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,375,0)="defined, the lookup is done on the .01 field of the file."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,376,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,377,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,378,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=piece1"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,379,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,n)=piece2^piece3"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,380,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,381,0)=" where piece1 = number of entries found"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,382,0)=" piece2 = file number, a semi-colon and record IEN"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,383,0)=" piece3 = field value"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,384,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,386,0)=" > S DATA=""44^OUTPAT^.01"",OPTION=""LOOKUP"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,388,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539359648)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,389,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,390,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,391,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539359648,0)=3"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,392,0)=" 1)=44;75^OUTPATIENT NUC MED"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,393,0)=" 2)=44;74^OUTPATIENT RADIOLOGY"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,394,0)=" 3)=44;80^OUTPATIENT ULTRASOUND"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,395,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,396,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,397,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,398,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,399,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,400,0)="12) When the OPTION value is NEWQUAL, this RPC will always return an "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,401,0)="error message instructing the user to use the New Term Rapid Turnaround "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,403,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,404,0)="The DATA value is always null."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,405,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,407,0)=" > S DATA="""""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,408,0)=" > S OPTION=""NEWQUAL"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,410,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,411,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,412,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,413,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=-1^Use the New Term Rapid Turnaround (NTRT) "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,414,0)=" process to add qualifiers"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,415,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,416,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,417,0)="13) When the OPTION value is NEWTEMP, this RPC will file a new data "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,418,0)="input template."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,419,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,420,0)="The DATA value is a three part value separated by a caret. The first part "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,421,0)="is an entity. See IA 2263 for a list of entities. The second part is "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,422,0)="the name of the data input template. The third part is the description"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,423,0)="text. If the third part is null, the template description will default to"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,424,0)="""No Description""."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,425,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,426,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,427,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=piece1^piece2^piece3^piece4"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,428,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,429,0)=" where piece1 = 1, 2, 3, or 4 (1 = DOMAIN (#4.2), 2 = INSTITUTION (#4), "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,430,0)=" 3 = HOSPITAL LOCATION, and 4 = NEW PERSON)"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,431,0)=" piece2 = IEN, a semi-colon, and global reference (e.g., 3;DIC(4.2)"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,432,0)=" piece3 = the .01 field value for the record in piece2"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,433,0)=" piece4 = data input name"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,434,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,436,0)=" > S DATA=""USR^1 EAST^All Vital Types"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,437,0)=" > S OPTION=""NEWTEMP"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,439,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539343036)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,440,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,441,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,442,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539343036,0)=4^547;VA(200,^VITUSER,ONE^1 EAST"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,443,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,444,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,445,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,446,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,447,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,448,0)="14) When the OPTION value is RENTEMP, this RPC will rename a data input "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,449,0)="template. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,450,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,451,0)="The DATA value is a three part value separated by a caret. The first part "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,452,0)="is an entity. See IA 2263 for a list of entities. The second part is the"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,453,0)="current template name. The third part is the new name of the template."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,454,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,455,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,456,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=1^Renamed"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,457,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,459,0)=" > S DATA=""USR^FRANK'S DEFAULT^MY DEFAULT"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,460,0)=" > S OPTION=""RENTEMP"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,462,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,463,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,464,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,465,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=1^Renamed"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,466,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,467,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,468,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,469,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,470,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,471,0)="15) When the OPTION value is SETDATA, this RPC always returns an error"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,472,0)="message that instructs the user to use the New Term Rapid Turnaround"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,474,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,475,0)="The DATA value is null."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,476,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,478,0)=" > S DATA="""""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,479,0)=" > S OPTION=""SETDATA"" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,481,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,482,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,483,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,484,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=-1^Use the New Term Rapid Turnaround (NTRT) "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,485,0)=" process to add qualifiers"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,486,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,487,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,488,0)="16) When the OPTION value is SETDEF, this RPC will set that data input "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,489,0)="template as a default."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,490,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,491,0)="The DATA value is a two part value separated by a caret. The first part is"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,492,0)="an entity. See IA 2263 for a list of entities. The second part is the "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,493,0)="name of the template that will become the default template."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,494,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,495,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,496,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=1^Set As Default"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,497,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,499,0)=" > S DATA=""USR^FRANK'S LIST"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,500,0)=" > S OPTION=""SETDEF"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,502,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,503,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,504,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,505,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=1^Set As Default."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,506,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,507,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,508,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,509,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,510,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,511,0)="17) When the OPTION value is SETHILO, this RPC will set the high and low "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,512,0)="abnormal values for a vital type."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,513,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,514,0)="The DATA value is a two part value separated by a caret. The first part "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,515,0)="is a field number in the GMRV VITALS PARAMETERS (#120.57) file. The "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,516,0)="second part is the value that field should be set to."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,517,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,518,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,519,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=1^Update Complete. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,520,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,522,0)=" > S DATA=""5.1^102"",OPTION=""SETHILO"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,524,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,525,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,526,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,527,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=1^Update Complete."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,528,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,529,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,530,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,531,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,532,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,533,0)="18) When the OPTION value is SETTEMP, this RPC will save the input "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,534,0)="template definition."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,535,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,536,0)="DATA is a three part value separated by a caret. The first part is "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,537,0)="an entity. See IA 2263 for a list of entities. The second part is the"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,538,0)="template name. The third part is the template definition."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,539,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,540,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,541,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=1^Template Saved."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,542,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,544,0)=" > S DATA=""USR^ONE VITAL TYPE ONLY^CONTAINS ONLY ONE VITAL TYPE|2:0:1,102"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,545,0)=" > S OPTION=""SETTEMP"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,547,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,548,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,549,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,550,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539356158,0)=1^Template Saved."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,551,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,552,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,553,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,554,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned. "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,555,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,556,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,557,0)="19) When the OPTION value is VALID, this RPC will validate data."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,558,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,559,0)="DATA is a four part value separated by a caret. The first part is the "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,560,0)="a file number. The second part is a record number. The third part is a"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,561,0)="field number. The fourth part is the value to validate."
^XWB(8994,1286,3,562,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,563,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,564,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J,0)=1^Valid Data"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,565,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,567,0)=" > S DATA=""120.5^8864^.01^3051012.1034"",OPTION=""VALID"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,569,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539343036)"""
^XWB(8994,1286,3,570,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,571,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1286,3,572,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVMGR"",539343036,0)=1^Valid Data "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,573,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,574,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1286,3,575,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned."
^XWB(8994,1287,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patients in the ward and rooms specified."
^XWB(8994,1287,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the ward (e.g., 2EAST)."
^XWB(8994,1287,2,2,1,1,0)="The room numbers of the ward separated by comma (e.g., 200,210,220)."
^XWB(8994,1287,3,1,0)="RESULT(n)=patient name^DFN^DOB (external)^SSN (no hyphens)"
^XWB(8994,1287,3,2,0)=" where n is a sequential number beginning with 0 (zero)"
^XWB(8994,1288,0)="GMV GET CURRENT TIME^TIME^GMVUTL7^1^S^0^^0^"
^XWB(8994,1288,1,1,0)="Gets the current date and time from the server."
^XWB(8994,1288,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1288,1,3,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4355."
^XWB(8994,1288,3,1,0)="Returns current date and time in FileMan internal and external format."
^XWB(8994,1288,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1288,3,4,0)=" > D TIME^GMVUTL7(.RESULT) ZW RESULT"
^XWB(8994,1288,3,5,0)=" > RESULT=3051011.143332"
^XWB(8994,1288,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1288,3,7,0)="Note: There is an input parameter, P2, listed in the TIME line tag of the"
^XWB(8994,1288,3,8,0)="GMVUTL7 routine. However, it is not used. It can be set to any value or"
^XWB(8994,1288,3,9,0)="omitted. It remains for backwards compatibility."
^XWB(8994,1289,0)="GMV USER^RPC^GMVRPCU^4^S^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1289,1,1,0)="Retrieves data about the user (e.g., parameter settings)."
^XWB(8994,1289,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,1,3,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4366."
^XWB(8994,1289,2,1,1,1,0)="Routine tag line to call in GMVRPCU."
^XWB(8994,1289,2,2,1,1,0)="Other data as required for the call."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) performs various actions focusing on the "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,2,0)="user. The entry point is RPC^GMVRPCU. It has input parameters of RESULTS, "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,3,0)="OPTION and DATA (e.g., RPC^GMVRPCU(RESULTS,OPTION,DATA)). "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,5,0)="The RESULTS variable contains the results of the call or the location "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,6,0)="where the results can be found."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,8,0)="The OPTION variable identifies another entry point in the GMVRPCU routine "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,9,0)="that is invoked to process the call."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,11,0)="The DATA variable contains any values needed by the OPTION variable to "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,12,0)="process the call."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,14,0)="1) When the OPTION value is SETPAR, this RPC will set and/or delete the "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,15,0)="value of a GMV USER DEFAULTS setting (e.g., the user's default template)."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,17,0)="The DATA value is a two part value separated by a caret. The first part "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,18,0)="is name of a setting. The second part is the value of the setting. If the "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,19,0)="second part is null, the existing value of the setting is deleted."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,21,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,22,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVUSER"",$J,0)=1^Parameter set."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,23,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,24,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVUSER"",$J,0)=1^Parameter cleared"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,25,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,27,0)=" > S DATA=""DefaultTemplate^547;VA(200,|MY DEFAULT"",OPTION=""SETPAR"""
^XWB(8994,1289,3,29,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVUSER"",539374023)"""
^XWB(8994,1289,3,30,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,31,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVUSER"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,32,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVUSER"",539374023,0)=1^Parameter set."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,34,0)="If an error is encountered, a ""-1"" followed by a caret and the error "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,35,0)="message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,36,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,37,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,38,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,39,0)="2) When the OPTION value is GETPAR, this RPC will return the value of the"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,40,0)="GMV USER DEFAULTS setting specified in the DATA value."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,41,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,42,0)="The DATA value is a one part value. It is the name of a setting (e.g., "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,43,0)="the user's default template)."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,44,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,45,0)=" The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,46,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVUSER"",$J,0)=value of setting or null"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,47,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,49,0)=" > S DATA=""DefaultTemplate"",OPTION=""GETPAR"" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,51,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVUSER"",539374023)"""
^XWB(8994,1289,3,52,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,53,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVUSER"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,54,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVUSER"",539374023,0)=547;VA(200,|ONE VITAL TYPE ONLY"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,55,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,56,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,57,0)="3) When the OPTION value is SIGNON, this RPC will return information about"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,58,0)="the user who is currently signed onto the system."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,59,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,60,0)="The DATA value is not used. The user's IEN (i.e., DUZ) to the NEW PERSON "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,61,0)="(#200) file value must be defined when this call is made."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,62,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,63,0)="The RESULT variable will return the following array:"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,64,0)=" RESULT(0)=NEW PERSON (#200) file internal entry number (DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,65,0)=" RESULT(1)=User's name (FILE 200, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,66,0)=" RESULT(2)=Domain (FILE 4.2) internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,67,0)=" RESULT(3)=Domain name (FILE 4.2, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,68,0)=" RESULT(4)=Institution (FILE 4) internal entry number the user is signed"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,69,0)=" into (i.e., DUZ(2))"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,70,0)=" RESULT(5)=Institution name (FILE 4, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,71,0)=" RESULT(6)=""0"" or ""1"". ""1"" indicates the user has the GMV MANAGER or "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,72,0)=" programmer key. ""0"" indicates the user has neither key."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,73,0)=" RESULT(7)=The user's title (FILE 200, Field 8)"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,74,0)=" RESULT(8)=This value is always null."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,75,0)=" RESULT(9)=Number of seconds the system will wait for a response from "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,76,0)=" the user (i.e., DTIME). The default time is 300 seconds."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,77,0)=" RESULT(10)=INSTITUTION (#4) file IEN^FILE 4 external value^station "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,78,0)=" number (e.g., 499^SUPPORT ISC^499)."
^XWB(8994,1289,3,79,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1289,3,81,0)=" > S OPTION=""SIGNON"""
^XWB(8994,1289,3,82,0)=" > D RPC(.RESULT,OPTION) ZW RESULT"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,83,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVUSER"",539375907)"""
^XWB(8994,1289,3,84,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,85,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVUSER"",$J"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,86,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVUSER"",539375907,0)=547"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,87,0)=" 1)=VITUSER,ONE"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,88,0)=" 2)=334"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,89,0)=" 3)=DEV.DEV.FO-HINES.MED.VA.GOV"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,90,0)=" 4)=499"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,91,0)=" 5)=SUPPORT ISC"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,92,0)=" 6)=1"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,93,0)=" 7)=PROGRAMMER"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,94,0)=" 8)="
^XWB(8994,1289,3,95,0)=" 9)=9999"
^XWB(8994,1289,3,96,0)=" 10)=499^SUPPORT ISC^499"
^XWB(8994,1290,1,1,0)="Returns a list of active patients for a nursing location."
^XWB(8994,1290,2,1,1,1,0)="NURS LOCATION file (#211.4) ien."
^XWB(8994,1290,3,1,0)="ARRAY - Subscripted by sequential number with DFN in first piece and"
^XWB(8994,1290,3,2,0)="patient name in second piece."
^XWB(8994,1290,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1290,3,4,0)=" example: ARRAY(#)=DFN^patient name^SSN^DOB^SEX AND AGE^ATTENDING^VETERAN"
^XWB(8994,1291,0)="GMV CHECK DEVICE^CHKDEV^GMVUTL2^2^R^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1291,1,1,0)="This RPC calls a KERNEL utility to return a list of printers the user may "
^XWB(8994,1291,1,2,0)="select to print output. Returns a maximum of twenty entries."
^XWB(8994,1291,2,1,1,1,0)="The value to begin the search in the Device file (#3.5). Can be null."
^XWB(8994,1291,2,2,1,1,0)="Direction of the search (1 = forward, -1 = backwards)."
^XWB(8994,1291,2,2,1,2,0)="If DIR is null, then set to 1."
^XWB(8994,1291,2,3,1,1,0)="Right margin as a single number or range (e.g, 80, 132 or ""80-132"")."
^XWB(8994,1291,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1291,3,3,0)=" where n = a sequential number starting with 1"
^XWB(8994,1291,3,4,0)=" P1 = File 3.5 IEN"
^XWB(8994,1291,3,5,0)=" P2 = File 3.5 name (.01 value) "
^XWB(8994,1291,3,6,0)=" P3 = File 3.5 name (.01 value) or flag to indicate last entry in "
^XWB(8994,1291,3,7,0)=" the array"
^XWB(8994,1291,3,8,0)=" P4 = location of terminal"
^XWB(8994,1291,3,9,0)=" P5 = right margin"
^XWB(8994,1291,3,10,0)=" P6 = page length"
^XWB(8994,1292,0)="GMV PARAMETER^RPC^GMVPAR^4^S^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1292,1,1,0)="Sets and retrieves parameter values used by the graphical user interface."
^XWB(8994,1292,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,1,3,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4367."
^XWB(8994,1292,2,1,1,1,0)="Routine tag line to call."
^XWB(8994,1292,2,2,1,1,0)="The entity value to use. See Integration Agreement 2263 and FILE 8989.518"
^XWB(8994,1292,2,2,1,2,0)="for a list of entity values."
^XWB(8994,1292,2,3,1,1,0)="The parameter value to use. See FILE 8989.51 for a list of parameter"
^XWB(8994,1292,2,3,1,2,0)="values. This value must start with the letters ""GMV"" (no quotes)."
^XWB(8994,1292,2,4,1,1,0)="The instance to use. "
^XWB(8994,1292,2,5,1,1,0)="The value assigned to a parameter. Values are stored in FILE 8989.5."
^XWB(8994,1292,3,1,0)="This remote procedure call sets and retrieves parameter settings that "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,2,0)="are used in the graphical user interface."
^XWB(8994,1292,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,4,0)="The entry point is RPC^GMVPAR.. It has input parameters of RESULTS,"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,5,0)="OPTION, ENT, PAR, INST and VAL (ex:"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,8,0)="The RESULTS variable contains the results of the call or the location "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,9,0)="where the results can be found."
^XWB(8994,1292,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,11,0)="The OPTION variable identifies the entry point in the GMVPAR routine "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,12,0)="that will be invoked to process the call."
^XWB(8994,1292,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,14,0)="If an error occurrs, the ^TMP global contains: "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,15,0)=" ^TMP($J,0)=-1^error message text"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,18,0)="1) When the OPTION value is DELPAR, this RPC deletes the value for the "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,19,0)="instance, parameter and entity specified."
^XWB(8994,1292,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,21,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,22,0)=" ^TMP($J,0)=1^Instance deleted"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,25,0)=" > S OPTION=""DELPAR"",ENT=""SYS"",PAR=""GMV DLL VERSION"""
^XWB(8994,1292,3,26,0)=" > S INST=""GMV_VITALSVIEWENTER.DLL:v. 07/21/05 10:34"""
^XWB(8994,1292,3,28,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(538999278)"""
^XWB(8994,1292,3,29,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,30,0)=" > Global ^TMP($J"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,31,0)=" > ^TMP(538999278,0)=1^Instance deleted"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,32,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,34,0)="2) When the OPTION value is ENTVAL, this RPC returns the external value "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,35,0)="of the entity specified."
^XWB(8994,1292,3,36,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,37,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,38,0)=" TMP($J,0)=external value"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,39,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,41,0)=" > S OPTION=""ENTVAL"",ENT=""USR"" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,42,0)=" > D RPC(.RESULT,OPTION,ENT) ZW RESULT "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,43,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(538993252)"""
^XWB(8994,1292,3,44,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,45,0)=" > Global ^TMP($J"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,46,0)=" > ^TMP(538993252,0)=TRAXLER,FRANK"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,47,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,48,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,49,0)="3) When the OPTION value is GETLST, this RPC returns a list of instances "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,50,0)="and their values for the parameter and entity specified."
^XWB(8994,1292,3,51,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,52,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,53,0)=" ^TMP($J,0)=piece1"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,54,0)=" ^TMP($J,n)=piece2^piece3"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,55,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,56,0)=" where piece1 = number of entries returned"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,57,0)=" piece2 = instance name"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,58,0)=" piece3 = instance value"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,59,0)=" n = sequential number starting with 1"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,60,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,61,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,63,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETLST"",ENT=""USR"",PAR=""GMV USER DEFAULTS"""
^XWB(8994,1292,3,64,0)=" > D RPC(.RESULT,OPTION,ENT,PAR) ZW RESULT"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,65,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(538993252)"""
^XWB(8994,1292,3,66,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,67,0)=" > Global ^TMP($J"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,68,0)=" > ^TMP(538993252,0)=44"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,69,0)=" 1)=DefaultTemplate^547;VA(200,|MY DEFAULT"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,70,0)=" n)=UNIT_INDEX^0"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,71,0)=" 44)=WARD_INDEX^-1"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,72,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,73,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,74,0)="4) When the OPTION value is GETPAR, this RPC will get the value for the "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,75,0)="instance, parameter and entity specified. "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,76,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,77,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,78,0)=" ^TMP($J,0)=piece1"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,79,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,80,0)=" where piece1 = value"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,81,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,83,0)=" > S ENT=""USR"",PAR=""GMV USER DEFAULTS"",INST=""DefaultTemplate"" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,84,0)=" > S OPTION=""GETPAR"""
^XWB(8994,1292,3,86,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(538993252)"""
^XWB(8994,1292,3,87,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,88,0)=" > Global ^TMP($J"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,89,0)=" > ^TMP(538993252,0)=547;VA(200,|MY DEFAULT"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,90,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,91,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,92,0)="5) When the OPTION value is SETPAR, this RPC set the value of an instance "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,93,0)="for the instance, parameter and entity specified."
^XWB(8994,1292,3,94,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,95,0)="The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,96,0)=" ^TMP($J,0)=1^Parameter updated"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,97,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,98,0)="Example: "
^XWB(8994,1292,3,99,0)=" > S OPTION=""SETPAR"",ENT=""USR"",PAR=""GMV USER DEFAULTS"",INST=""SearchDelay"""
^XWB(8994,1292,3,100,0)=" > S VAL=1.5"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,102,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(538999278)"""
^XWB(8994,1292,3,103,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,104,0)=" > Global ^TMP($J"
^XWB(8994,1292,3,105,0)=" > ^TMP(538999278,0)=1^Parameter updated"
^XWB(8994,1293,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a Wait List data in SDWL(409.3,DA,0). This will only "
^XWB(8994,1293,1,2,0)="return the zero (0) node of the file."
^XWB(8994,1293,2,1,0)="Patient IEN (DFN)^4^^1"
^XWB(8994,1293,2,"B","Patient IEN (DFN)",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1294,0)="SD W/L CREATE FILE^INPUT^SDWLRP1^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1294,1,1,0)="This RPC creates a Patient Wait List file for PCMM (GUI)."
^XWB(8994,1295,0)="SD W/L RETRIVE BRIEF^OUTPUT1^SDWLRP1^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1295,1,1,0)="This RPC retrieves a brief output for Wait List data for a specific "
^XWB(8994,1299,0)="SD W/L RETRIVE CLINIC(#409.32)^OUTSC0^SDWLRP2^4^P^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1300,0)="SD W/L RETRIVE HOSP LOC(#44)^OUTSC2^SDWLRP2^4^P^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1301,0)="SD W/L RETRIVE TEAM(#404.51)^OUTST^SDWLRP2^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1302,0)="SD W/L RETRIVE TM POS(404.57)^OUTSP^SDWLRP2^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1303,0)="SD W/L RETRIVE SER/SP(409.31)^OUTSS^SDWLRP2^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1304,0)="SD W/L RETRIVE PERSON(200)^OUTPROV^SDWLRP2^4^P^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1305,0)="SD W/L PRIORITY(#409.3)^SDPRIOUT^SDWLRP3^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1306,0)="SD W/L REQ BY(409.3)^SDREQOUT^SDWLRP3^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1307,0)="SD W/L TYPE(409.3)^SDTYOUT^SDWLRP3^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1308,0)="SD W/L DISPOSITION(409.3)^SDDISOUT^SDWLRP3^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1309,0)="SD W/L CURRENT STATUS(409.3)^SDSTOUT^SDWLRP3^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1310,0)="SD W/L PACKAGE(409.3)^SDPACOUT^SDWLRP3^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1311,0)="SD W/L NEW ENROLLEE(409.3)^SDNEOUT^SDWLRP3^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1313,0)="SD W/L CREATE M/R^INPUTMR^SDWLRP1^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1314,0)="SD W/L IMPORT API^INPUT^SDWLRP4^1^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1315,1,1,0)="Place patient on Wait List"
^XWB(8994,1316,1,1,0)="Return List of Positions and FTEE values for Active Team"
^XWB(8994,1316,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal Team Number"
^XWB(8994,1317,1,1,0)="File FTEE value"
^XWB(8994,1318,0)="SC PC PROVIDER^PC^SCMCWAIT^2^A^0"
^XWB(8994,1318,1,1,0)="Send provider entry return 1 or zero if eligible to be Primary Care"
^XWB(8994,1318,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal file 200 provider entry"
^XWB(8994,1319,1,1,0)="Return conditions of Patient"
^XWB(8994,1319,2,1,0)="SC ^2"
^XWB(8994,1319,2,"B","SC ",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1320,1,1,0)="This remote procedure will produce a report showing both MT and LTC copay "
^XWB(8994,1320,1,2,0)="information at a remote facility."
^XWB(8994,1320,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient's ICN used to identify the patient at a remote "
^XWB(8994,1320,2,1,1,2,0)="facility. This is an optional paramater, the patient's DFN if known my "
^XWB(8994,1320,2,1,1,3,0)="be passed instead."
^XWB(8994,1320,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the patient's DFN, it is not required but will be used if "
^XWB(8994,1320,2,2,1,2,0)="passed. If it is not passed, then the patient's ICN will be necessary."
^XWB(8994,1320,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the starting date of the date range of the information "
^XWB(8994,1320,2,3,1,2,0)="requested. It is required."
^XWB(8994,1320,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the ending date of the date range requested."
^XWB(8994,1320,3,1,0)="The return value will be a global array that will be in output format "
^XWB(8994,1320,3,2,0)="ready to display or print as necessary."
^XWB(8994,1321,1,1,0)="Returns a result history of a CPRS order."
^XWB(8994,1322,1,1,0)="Check to see if HL7 TCP link is active."
^XWB(8994,1323,0)="OREVNTX PAT^PAT^OREVNTX^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1326,0)="OREVNTX1 GTEVT^GTEVT^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1328,0)="OREVNTX1 EVT^EVT^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1330,0)="OREVNTX1 NAME^NAME^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1332,0)="OREVNTX1 GTEVT1^GTEVT1^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1333,0)="OREVNTX1 DIV^DIV^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1334,0)="OREVNTX1 DIV1^DIV1^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1335,0)="OREVNTX1 LOC^LOC^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1336,0)="OREVNTX1 LOC1^LOC1^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1340,0)="ORWDX SENDED^SENDED^ORWDX^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1341,0)="OREVNTX1 GETDLG^GETDLG^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1342,0)="OREVNTX1 CURSPE^CURSPE^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1348,0)="ORECS01 VSITID^VSITID^ORECS01^1"
^XWB(8994,1349,0)="OREVNTX LIST^LIST^OREVNTX^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1350,0)="ORECS01 ECPRINT^ECPRINT^ORECS01^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1351,0)="ORECS01 ECRPT^ECRPT^ORECS01^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1355,0)="OREVNTX1 DEFLTS^DEFLTS^OREVNTX1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1356,0)="OREVNTX1 MULTS^MULTS^OREVNTX1^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1361,0)="ORECS01 GETDIV^GETDIV^ORECS01^1"
^XWB(8994,1363,0)="ORWORR RGET^RGET^ORWORR^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1366,0)="OREVNTX1 CMEVTS^CMEVTS^OREVNTX1^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1374,1,1,0)="This broker call returns specific EC patient visit data (location, DSS Unit,"
^XWB(8994,1374,1,2,0)="patient ien, etc) based on a Visit Number."
^XWB(8994,1374,2,1,1,1,0)="The value ECARY contains the Visit Number IEN (ECVSN), found in file (#9000010)."
^XWB(8994,1374,3,1,0)="This call returns the following EC patient values separated by an up-arrow (^):-"
^XWB(8994,1374,3,2,0)=" 1. Location IEN"
^XWB(8994,1374,3,3,0)=" 2. DSS Unit IEN"
^XWB(8994,1374,3,4,0)=" 3. Procedure Date/Time Fileman"
^XWB(8994,1374,3,5,0)=" 4. Procedure Date/Time Human Readable"
^XWB(8994,1374,3,6,0)=" 5. Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,1374,3,8,0)="or (if error)"
^XWB(8994,1374,3,9,0)=" 1. 0"
^XWB(8994,1374,3,10,0)=" 2. Error Message"
^XWB(8994,1375,1,1,0)="Broker call checks to see if a patch has been installed. Returns 1 if"
^XWB(8994,1375,1,2,0)="patch is installed."
^XWB(8994,1375,2,1,1,1,0)="Input a patch number, ex. EC*2.0*28."
^XWB(8994,1375,3,1,0)="Returns a 1 if patch has been installed, otherwise returns a 0."
^XWB(8994,1378,0)="RMPR NPPD LIST^EN^RMPR9LNP^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1378,1,3,0)=" ;RESULTS passed to broker in ^TMP($J,"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,4,0)=" ;delimited by ""^"""
^XWB(8994,1378,1,5,0)=" ;piece 1 = ENTRY DATE"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,6,0)=" ;piece 2 = PATIENT NAME"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,7,0)=" ;piece 3 = PSAS HCPCS with * if hcpcs has Calculation Flag"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,8,0)=" ;piece 4 = QTY"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,9,0)=" ;piece 5 = VENDOR"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,10,0)=" ;piece 6 = INITIAL ACTION DATE"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,11,0)=" ;piece 7 = TOTAL COST"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,12,0)=" ;piece 8 = DESCRIPTION"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,13,0)=" ;piece 9 = INITIATOR"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,14,0)=" ;piece 10 = NPPD LINE BEFORE GROUPER"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,15,0)=" ;piece 11 = STATION"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,16,0)=" ;piece 12 = GROUPER NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,17,0)=" ;piece 13 = FORM REQUESTED ON"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,18,0)=" ;piece 14 = TYPE OF TRANSACTION"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,19,0)=" ;piece 15 = SSN"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,20,0)=" ;piece 16 = IEN TO FILE 660"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,21,0)=" ;piece 17 = HCPCS SHORT DESCRIPTION"
^XWB(8994,1378,1,22,0)=" ;piece 18 = SOURCE"
^XWB(8994,1378,2,1,1,1,0)="The Fileman date to start the query. The begining date."
^XWB(8994,1378,2,2,1,1,0)="The Fileman date to end the query. The ending date."
^XWB(8994,1379,1,1,0)="This RPC is called at startup. No parameters are passed."
^XWB(8994,1379,3,1,0)="(0) = Count"
^XWB(8994,1379,3,2,0)="(1) = Current Gui Version_U_Previous Gui Version"
^XWB(8994,1380,1,1,0)="This call returns what ASISTS GUI menu options the user has assigned to them. "
^XWB(8994,1380,3,1,0)="In a single value ^ delimited array of seven pieces: P1 = if DUZ"
^XWB(8994,1380,3,2,0)="defined, P2 = 1 if Emp Health menu available, P3 = 1 if Emp menu, P4 = 1 if"
^XWB(8994,1380,3,3,0)="Supervisor menu, P5 = 1 if Safety Officer menu, P6 = 1 if Union, and P7 = 1 if"
^XWB(8994,1380,3,4,0)="Workers' Comp menu, otherwise piece = 0."
^XWB(8994,1381,1,1,0)="The broker call passes the file and field number back to the variable FLD on"
^XWB(8994,1381,1,2,0)="the M side. The M code will return the code (pointer) and the description for"
^XWB(8994,1381,1,3,0)="set of codes or table files to be used in lookups."
^XWB(8994,1381,2,2,1,1,0)="This must contain the File and Field number separated by the caret character."
^XWB(8994,1381,3,1,0)="This array will contain the code (pointer) and the description from the set of"
^XWB(8994,1381,3,2,0)="codes or table file passed back to the client."
^XWB(8994,1382,1,1,0)="Call this to return a list of body parts from file ^OOPS(2261.1 that do not"
^XWB(8994,1382,1,2,0)="have a numeric value in the code field."
^XWB(8994,1382,3,1,0)="This return parameter, RESULTS, returns an array with the Body Part "
^XWB(8994,1382,3,2,0)="Description and Code. The format for this array is:"
^XWB(8994,1382,3,3,0)=" Body Part Description - Body Part Code"
^XWB(8994,1383,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of cases that match the search criteria and are "
^XWB(8994,1383,1,2,0)="eligible for editing."
^XWB(8994,1383,2,1,1,1,0)="The value passed in PERSON determines which cases are included in the"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,1,1,2,0)="lookup. A single Person can be returned or a listing of all cases for a"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,1,1,3,0)="particular Supervisor or Secondary Supervisor. If a listing by Supervisor is"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,1,1,4,0)="desired the Supervisor's DUZ must be passed in. The format is:"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,1,1,5,0)=" PERSON = 0^ (all cases included)"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,1,1,6,0)=" 1^PERSON INVOLVED name"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,1,1,7,0)=" 2^SUP / SEC SUP DUZ"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter passes in the Case Status's of the claims to be included in the"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,2,1,2,0)="lookup criteria. This parameter must be set programatically as there is not a"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,2,1,3,0)="mechanism for user input. Typically, this would be set to only allow Open"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,2,1,4,0)="cases to be included, with few exceptions. The expected format is:"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,2,1,5,0)=" CSTAT = #^#^#^#^ where each number is defined below"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,2,1,6,0)=" 99^ all case status should be included"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,2,1,7,0)=" 0^ open cases"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,2,1,8,0)=" 1^ closed cases"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,2,1,9,0)=" 2^ deleted cases"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,2,1,10,0)=" 3^ replaced by amendment"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,1,0)="This parameter determines which PERSONNEL STATUS's should be included in the"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,2,0)="lookup criteria. This parameter is determined by the user and the format is"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,3,0)="as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,4,0)=" PSTAT = #^#^#^#^#^ for every Personnel Status"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,5,0)=" 0^ all personnel status's should be included"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,6,0)=" 1^ employee"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,7,0)=" 2^ volunteer"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,8,0)=" 3^ contractor"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,9,0)=" 4^ visitor"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,10,0)=" 5^ other"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,11,0)=" 6^ non-paid employee"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,12,0)=" 7^ medical student"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,13,0)=" 8^ nursing student"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,14,0)=" 9^ other student"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,3,1,15,0)=" 10^ resident physician"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter passes in the menu that the broker call was made from."
^XWB(8994,1383,2,4,1,2,0)=" CALL = E employee menu"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,4,1,3,0)=" S supervisor menu"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,4,1,4,0)=" H employee health menu"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,4,1,5,0)=" O safety officer menu"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,4,1,6,0)=" W workers comp menu"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,4,1,7,0)=" U union menu"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,5,1,1,0)="This parameter passes in the option that the broker call was made from, if"
^XWB(8994,1383,2,5,1,2,0)="needed. It is required to determine which fields should be availble for "
^XWB(8994,1383,2,5,1,3,0)="editing in the CA1, CA2, and 2162 forms."
^XWB(8994,1383,3,1,0)="An array is passed back which contains the case number, date/time of occurrence,"
^XWB(8994,1383,3,2,0)="the person involved, and the ASISTS IEN."
^XWB(8994,1383,3,4,0)="Data will be returned in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1383,3,5,0)=" 2002-00021^JAN 08, 2002@11:19^TURNIP,JANE^193^100-00-0038"
^XWB(8994,1384,1,1,0)="This broker call returns the Case Number, Type of Incident and Date/Time of "
^XWB(8994,1384,1,2,0)="any Open Case that matches the social Security Number that was entered in the"
^XWB(8994,1384,1,3,0)="Create Accident/Illness Report Option."
^XWB(8994,1384,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter passes the SSN entered in the Create Accident/Illness Report."
^XWB(8994,1384,3,1,0)="This array contains the Case Number, Type of Incident, and the Date/Time of "
^XWB(8994,1384,3,2,0)="the Occurrence for any Open cases matching the SSN that was entered."
^XWB(8994,1384,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1384,3,4,0)="The format for the return array is: "
^XWB(8994,1384,3,5,0)=" TURNIP,JANE NOV 01, 1999@12:00 Hollow Bore Needlestick"
^XWB(8994,1385,1,1,0)="This broker call files data entered in the Create Accident/Illness Report"
^XWB(8994,1385,2,1,1,1,0)="This input parameter is an array containing the data elements collected in"
^XWB(8994,1385,2,1,1,2,0)="Create Accident/Illness Report."
^XWB(8994,1386,1,1,0)="This call returns a listing of individuals in the PAID file #450 that match"
^XWB(8994,1386,1,2,0)="the Name or partial name entered. It returns PAID fields 6, 10, 13, 16, 31,"
^XWB(8994,1386,1,3,0)="32, 38, 186.1, 186.3, 186, 186.4, 458, 604."
^XWB(8994,1386,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the name or partial name of the employee being looked"
^XWB(8994,1386,3,1,0)="This return parameter, RESULTS, contains fields from the PAID Employee File"
^XWB(8994,1386,3,2,0)="(#450) that are needed in the ASISTS Accident Report File (#2260). An example"
^XWB(8994,1386,3,3,0)="of this data is as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1386,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1386,3,6,0)="AM (CO^13^NURSING ASSISTANT^0621^M^JUN 27, 1963^4^^^VA^^80120045^^ANNUAL^45000"
^XWB(8994,1387,1,1,0)="This call returns the name of new person, sex, DOB, and SSN of the individual"
^XWB(8994,1387,1,2,0)="whose name is passed in the input parameter."
^XWB(8994,1387,2,1,1,1,0)="This input parameter contains the name of the individual to look up and in"
^XWB(8994,1387,2,1,1,2,0)="the New Person file."
^XWB(8994,1387,3,1,0)="The return parameter contains the name of new person, sex, DOB, and SSN if an"
^XWB(8994,1387,3,2,0)="entry is found in the New Person File (#200)."
^XWB(8994,1387,3,4,0)="The return paramter format is: "
^XWB(8994,1387,3,5,0)=" 123456814^TURNER,JAMES^MALE^^333999888^INFORMATION SYSTEMS CENTER"
^XWB(8994,1388,0)="OOPS GET 2260 DATA^GET^OOPSGUI2^2^P^^^0"
^XWB(8994,1388,1,1,0)="This broker call will return data from ASISTS file 2260. "
^XWB(8994,1388,1,2,0)="The fields (in the array) returned will vary depending on the input parameter."
^XWB(8994,1388,1,3,0)="One field of the input parameter is FORM. If the claim is for a 2162, all the "
^XWB(8994,1388,1,4,0)="fields associated with ""2162"" nodes along with zero nodes will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1388,1,5,0)="If the form is either CA1 or CA2 all associated nodes will be returned in"
^XWB(8994,1388,1,6,0)="addition to the zero and ""CA"" nodes."
^XWB(8994,1388,2,1,1,1,0)="The input parameter must include the ASISTS IEN and the form type of data"
^XWB(8994,1388,2,1,1,2,0)="to be retrieved. These parameters must be separated by the caret character. Ie."
^XWB(8994,1388,2,1,1,5,0)="Valid form values are CA1, CA2, or 2162."
^XWB(8994,1389,1,1,0)="This call assures the date and/or time is a valid and reformats it."
^XWB(8994,1389,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the date to be validated and reformatted."
^XWB(8994,1389,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a control flag for assuring a valid date."
^XWB(8994,1389,3,1,0)="The return parameter, RESULTS, either returns a data in a valid Fileman"
^XWB(8994,1389,3,2,0)="format or returns an error message indicating that the date passed in the "
^XWB(8994,1389,3,3,0)="broker call was invalid and there was a ""DATE ERROR""."
^XWB(8994,1390,1,1,0)="This broker call is used to return an array which holds the integer values "
^XWB(8994,1390,1,2,0)="stored in the field included in the input parameter. Currently in ASISTS, the "
^XWB(8994,1390,1,3,0)="fields that are evaluated/returned via this broker are:"
^XWB(8994,1390,1,5,0)="140 Regular Work Schedule for CA1"
^XWB(8994,1390,1,6,0)="244 Regular Work Schedule for CA2"
^XWB(8994,1390,2,1,1,1,0)="The input parameter must contain the file, field and IEN to retrieve the"
^XWB(8994,1390,2,1,1,2,0)="requested informationd. The format of the input parmameter must be "
^XWB(8994,1390,3,1,0)="Return parameter RESULTS is an array containing the integers used to indicate"
^XWB(8994,1390,3,2,0)="a work schedule, ie. 2,3,4,5,6. "
^XWB(8994,1391,1,1,0)="This broker call with take and IEN as input and retrieve witness information"
^XWB(8994,1391,1,2,0)="and associated comments from the ASISTS 2260 file. "
^XWB(8994,1391,2,1,1,1,0)="The only input is the IEN of the ASISTS case number you wish to retrieve "
^XWB(8994,1391,2,1,1,2,0)="Witness information from. "
^XWB(8994,1391,3,1,0)="The Return parameter is an Array containing the Witness information "
^XWB(8994,1391,3,2,0)="(sometimes multiple entries ) and associated comments. "
^XWB(8994,1392,1,1,0)="This call will return the Default Medical Doctor information based on an IEN"
^XWB(8994,1392,1,2,0)="in the ASISTS 2260 file being passed in. The information returned is from the"
^XWB(8994,1392,1,3,0)="file 2262. "
^XWB(8994,1392,2,1,1,1,0)="This input value must be a valid IEN from the ASISTS 2260 file."
^XWB(8994,1392,3,1,0)="The results array will return data in the following format."
^XWB(8994,1392,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1392,3,3,0)=" Results(0)=""1^Valid Results"" or ""0^No Valid Results"""
^XWB(8994,1392,3,4,0)=" Results(1)=PROVIDER NAME"
^XWB(8994,1392,3,5,0)=" Results(2)=PROVIDER ADDRESS"
^XWB(8994,1392,3,6,0)=" Results(3)=PROVIDER CITY"
^XWB(8994,1392,3,7,0)=" Results(4)=PROVIDER STATE"
^XWB(8994,1392,3,8,0)=" Results(5)=PROVIDER ZIP CODE"
^XWB(8994,1392,3,9,0)=" Results(6)=PROVIDER TITLE"
^XWB(8994,1393,1,1,0)="This call looks up the Supervisor from the new person file. The IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1393,1,2,0)="claim is passed in to make sure that the person involved is not the supervisor."
^XWB(8994,1393,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the name or the partial name of the individual being looked up."
^XWB(8994,1393,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the SSN for the Person Involved in the case. It will be used to assure"
^XWB(8994,1393,2,2,1,2,0)="that the Supervisor for the case is not the same as the Person Involved."
^XWB(8994,1393,3,1,0)="This return parameter, RESULTS, contains a list of indiviuals found in the"
^XWB(8994,1393,3,2,0)="New Person File (#200) based on the input parameter, NAME. The format for"
^XWB(8994,1393,3,3,0)="this parameter is: IEN200^NAME^SSN^SERVICE"
^XWB(8994,1394,1,1,0)="Files an Amendment for the selected case in ASISTS."
^XWB(8994,1394,2,1,1,1,0)="The IEN of the ASISTS case to have an Amendment created for is passed in."
^XWB(8994,1394,3,1,0)="The new ASISTS case number is returned."
^XWB(8994,1395,0)="OOPS EDIT 2260^EDIT^OOPSGUI5^2^P^^^0"
^XWB(8994,1395,1,1,0)="This broker call passes in ASISTS data and files it in the ASISTS Accident"
^XWB(8994,1395,1,2,0)="Reporting File (#2260)."
^XWB(8994,1395,2,2,1,1,0)="This is an array of the sendparms created in Delphi to fill in the 2260."
^XWB(8994,1395,3,1,0)="Array indicating the success or failure of the update to the 2260 file."
^XWB(8994,1396,1,1,0)="This broker call passes in the ASISTS IEN, new case status and if the case"
^XWB(8994,1396,1,2,0)="status is deleted the reason for deletion."
^XWB(8994,1396,2,1,1,1,0)="The INPUT parameter has the format: IEN^CASE STATUS where IEN is the ASIST "
^XWB(8994,1396,2,1,1,2,0)="record IEN and CASE STATUS is the case status the claim should be changed to."
^XWB(8994,1396,2,2,1,1,0)="The parameter FLD58 is the text field Reason for Deletion if the case status"
^XWB(8994,1396,2,2,1,2,0)="has been changed to deleted."
^XWB(8994,1396,3,1,0)="The return parameter, RESULTS, contains a message indicating the new case"
^XWB(8994,1396,3,2,0)="number, if changed. The message is: Case Status has been changed "
^XWB(8994,1396,3,3,0)="to: 'case #'."
^XWB(8994,1397,1,1,0)="This call will replace Word Processing fields based on input paramters"
^XWB(8994,1397,1,2,0)="indicating the file, field and IEN of the record that will be changed. Another"
^XWB(8994,1397,1,3,0)="input parameter contains the data via a list or pointer that will be placed"
^XWB(8994,1397,1,4,0)="into the ""new"" word processing fields. "
^XWB(8994,1397,2,1,1,1,0)="The input parameter must contain the file,field and IEN of the record to be"
^XWB(8994,1397,2,1,1,2,0)="modified. It must be in the format"
^XWB(8994,1397,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the new text that will be inserted into the word processing field."
^XWB(8994,1397,3,1,0)="This return parameter does not contain any data or messages back to the "
^XWB(8994,1397,3,2,0)="client system. The return parameter is required in all broker calls and is"
^XWB(8994,1397,3,3,0)="therefore present in this call."
^XWB(8994,1398,1,1,0)="This broker call will compare two dates (which are part of the input) based "
^XWB(8994,1398,1,2,0)="on the 3rd input paramater which is a flag indicating which type of compare "
^XWB(8994,1398,1,3,0)="should be done. The RESULTS output indicates whether the dates pass (VALID"
^XWB(8994,1398,1,4,0)="DATE) or fail (DATE ERROR) the compare."
^XWB(8994,1398,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the base date/time in external format. In the case of testing"
^XWB(8994,1398,2,1,1,2,0)="whether one date is before another, this would be the ""base"" date. "
^XWB(8994,1398,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the post date or benchmark date in external format. In the example "
^XWB(8994,1398,2,2,1,2,0)="of testing if one date is earlier/less than another, this would be the "
^XWB(8994,1398,2,2,1,3,0)="latter date. "
^XWB(8994,1398,2,3,1,1,0)="This input parm indicates the type of comparison to be done. "
^XWB(8994,1398,2,3,1,3,0)="-2 means PDT must be < IDT (The DAY only)"
^XWB(8994,1398,2,3,1,4,0)="-1 means PDT must be < IDT (The DAY&TIME)"
^XWB(8994,1398,2,3,1,5,0)="0 means PDT must be = IDT (The DAY&TIME)"
^XWB(8994,1398,2,3,1,6,0)="1 means PDT must be > IDT (The DAY&TIME)"
^XWB(8994,1398,2,3,1,7,0)="2 means PDT must be > IDT (The DAY only)"
^XWB(8994,1398,3,1,0)="The return parameter, RESULTS, indicates if the compare was good (VALID DATE)"
^XWB(8994,1398,3,2,0)="or bad (DATE ERROR)."
^XWB(8994,1399,1,1,0)="This broker call returns the data in the ASISTS Accident Reporting File (#2260)"
^XWB(8994,1399,1,2,0)="for fields that are 1) Set of Codes, 2) Set of Codes Multiple, 3) Pointer to"
^XWB(8994,1399,1,3,0)="a file, and 4) Pointer to a file multiple."
^XWB(8994,1399,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the File #, the Field #, and the IEN of the data to be"
^XWB(8994,1399,3,1,0)="The RESULTS array will contain the data that was requested."
^XWB(8994,1400,1,1,0)="This call retrieves a listing of all Unions."
^XWB(8994,1400,3,1,0)="The 0 node of the ASISTS UNION INFORMATION File (#2263.7) is returned in the "
^XWB(8994,1400,3,2,0)="results array. This node contains the Union Name, Acronym, and Union "
^XWB(8994,1400,3,5,0)="The format of the return parameter is:"
^XWB(8994,1401,1,1,0)="This broker call will delete an entry in the Union File (#2263.7)."
^XWB(8994,1401,2,1,1,1,0)="The input parameter is the Internal Record Number of the Union record to be"
^XWB(8994,1401,3,1,0)="A success/failure message will be passed back to the client."
^XWB(8994,1402,1,1,0)="This call will either file a new Union record if there is no internal record"
^XWB(8994,1402,1,2,0)="number passed back or it will edit an existing union record if the internal "
^XWB(8994,1402,1,3,0)="record number is present and passed back."
^XWB(8994,1402,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the IEN, the Union Name, Union Acronym, and the Union"
^XWB(8994,1402,2,1,1,2,0)="representative in the format:"
^XWB(8994,1402,2,1,1,6,0)="The data in the Union Representative field is in external format."
^XWB(8994,1402,3,1,0)="The results parameter will contain a status message regarding the filing of"
^XWB(8994,1402,3,2,0)="the data."
^XWB(8994,1403,1,1,0)="This broker call returns the Site Parameter Name, IEN and the DOL District"
^XWB(8994,1403,1,2,0)="Office and is used to obtain the entries in the Station multiple."
^XWB(8994,1403,3,1,0)="This broker call returns the Site Parameter Name, IEN, and DOL District"
^XWB(8994,1403,3,2,0)="Office and is used to obtain the entries in the Station multiple."
^XWB(8994,1404,1,1,0)="This broker call will set a single field in file 2260. "
^XWB(8994,1404,2,2,1,1,0)="Contains the IEN of the record and the field number to be modified in file 2260."
^XWB(8994,1404,2,2,1,2,0)="The format for the IEN and field number is IEN^FIELDNUM."
^XWB(8994,1404,2,3,1,1,0)="The VALUE parm should be the external value that you want to set for the field"
^XWB(8994,1404,2,3,1,2,0)="specified in the INPUT parm."
^XWB(8994,1404,3,1,0)="The output (RESULTS) will contain a message indicating the results of the"
^XWB(8994,1404,3,2,0)="attempted update. ""UPDATE FAILED"" indicates there was an error/failure. "
^XWB(8994,1404,3,3,0)="""UPDATE COMPLETE"" indicates the update was valid."
^XWB(8994,1406,1,1,0)="This broker call deletes the Station Subfile for the IEN passed into it."
^XWB(8994,1406,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the Site Parameter IEN, the subfile number, and the"
^XWB(8994,1406,2,1,1,2,0)="IEN of the Station Subfile being deleted."
^XWB(8994,1406,3,1,0)="The return parameter, RESULTS, contains a message indicating whether the"
^XWB(8994,1406,3,2,0)="deletion was successful (Record successfully deleted) or was not "
^XWB(8994,1406,3,3,0)="(Deletion did not occur) successful."
^XWB(8994,1407,1,1,0)="This broker call will either add a new Station subfile to the Site parameter"
^XWB(8994,1407,1,2,0)="file or will allow for editing an existing Station subfile. If the Station"
^XWB(8994,1407,1,3,0)="IEN is passed in the INPUT parameter, the record will be edited. If a Station"
^XWB(8994,1407,1,4,0)="IEN is not passed in the input parameter, a new record will be created."
^XWB(8994,1407,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter (INPUT) contains the required IENs for filing a record. If the"
^XWB(8994,1407,2,1,1,2,0)="Station IEN is passed in the record will be edited, if no Station IEN is"
^XWB(8994,1407,2,1,1,3,0)="present, a new Station subrecord will be created. The format is:"
^XWB(8994,1407,2,1,1,4,0)="SITE IEN^SUBFILE #^STATION IEN"
^XWB(8994,1407,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the data to be filed in the Station subfile."
^XWB(8994,1407,3,1,0)="This return parameter, RESULTS, contains several messages indicating the "
^XWB(8994,1407,3,2,0)="status of filing the edits made to the Site Parameter file. These messages"
^XWB(8994,1407,3,4,0)=" Missing Record Identifiers, Cannot file"
^XWB(8994,1407,3,5,0)=" Missing Station, Cannot continue"
^XWB(8994,1407,3,6,0)=" Missing Station, cannot file"
^XWB(8994,1407,3,7,0)=" Update Successful"
^XWB(8994,1407,3,8,0)=" Update was not Successful"
^XWB(8994,1408,1,1,0)="This broker call will delete witness information from the ""CA1W"" node in "
^XWB(8994,1408,1,2,0)="file 2260 based on the IEN and sub file id passed in."
^XWB(8994,1408,2,1,1,1,0)="This required input parameter must contain the IEN and record number of the"
^XWB(8994,1408,2,1,1,2,0)="subfile for witness information to be deleted. The input format is IEN^SUB."
^XWB(8994,1408,2,2,0)="OOPS CHANGE CAS"
^XWB(8994,1408,2,"B","OOPS CHANGE CAS",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1408,3,1,0)="The return array will contain a status message for the deletion process and"
^XWB(8994,1408,3,2,0)="whether it was successful (SUCCESSFULLY DELETED) or not (DELETION FAILED)"
^XWB(8994,1409,1,1,0)="This broker call will add a new Witness record for a case in the ASISTS "
^XWB(8994,1409,1,2,0)="Accident Reporting File (#2260). It is called by the CA1 form in Delphi. "
^XWB(8994,1409,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN for the case in file 2260 that is having the witness info "
^XWB(8994,1409,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the Name, Street, City, State, Zip, and Date of Witness Signature. It"
^XWB(8994,1409,2,2,1,2,0)="must be in format... "
^XWB(8994,1409,2,4,1,1,0)="The input will be a string containing the comment to be added/associated with"
^XWB(8994,1409,2,4,1,2,0)="the witness record created. "
^XWB(8994,1409,3,1,0)="This will be a string, either ""WITNESS CREATION FAILED"" indicating the witness"
^XWB(8994,1409,3,2,0)="record was not created, or ""WITNESS CREATION SUCCESSFUL"" indicating success."
^XWB(8994,1410,1,1,0)="This broker call files any changes entered on an existing Witness."
^XWB(8994,1410,2,1,1,1,0)="This input parameter contains the IEN and Witness Number for the Witness"
^XWB(8994,1410,2,1,1,2,0)="being entered. It is in the format: IEN^WIT."
^XWB(8994,1410,2,2,1,1,0)="This input parameter contains the address information for the witness. It is"
^XWB(8994,1410,2,2,1,2,0)="in the format: NAME^STREET^CITY^STATE^ZIP^DATE SIGNED."
^XWB(8994,1410,2,3,1,1,0)="This input parameter contains the text for the Witness Comment."
^XWB(8994,1410,3,1,0)="The return parameter, RESULTS, contains a message indicating whether the"
^XWB(8994,1410,3,2,0)="edits were successfully made (EDIT SUCCESSFULL) or not (EDIT FAILED)"
^XWB(8994,1410,3,3,0)="successfully made."
^XWB(8994,1411,1,1,0)="The broker call will remove witness information (stored in node ""CA1W"") from"
^XWB(8994,1411,1,2,0)="the 2260 file."
^XWB(8994,1411,2,1,1,1,0)="The INPUT parm will contain the IEN of the case in the 2260 file, and the"
^XWB(8994,1411,2,1,1,2,0)="witness number in the format IEN^WITNESS NUMBER. The witness number is the sub"
^XWB(8994,1411,2,1,1,3,0)="field indentification as such... "
^XWB(8994,1411,2,1,1,4,0)="^OOPS(2260,170,""CA1W"",3,0) 3 BEING THE WITNESS NUMBER."
^XWB(8994,1412,1,1,0)="This broker call files changes to the Site Parameter File (#2262) name and "
^XWB(8994,1412,1,2,0)="District Office, if made."
^XWB(8994,1412,2,1,1,1,0)="This input parameter contains the IEN of the Site Parameter File (#2262), the"
^XWB(8994,1412,2,1,1,2,0)="Site Parameter Name, and the District Office. The format is:"
^XWB(8994,1412,3,1,0)="The return parameter, RESULTS, contains a message indicating whether changes"
^XWB(8994,1412,3,2,0)="made to the top level record were successful (Update Site data Successful)"
^XWB(8994,1412,3,3,0)="or were not (Update Site data was NOT Successful) successful."
^XWB(8994,1413,1,1,0)="This broker call will determine whether the individual can approve the"
^XWB(8994,1413,1,2,0)="Workers' Comp person being able to sign for the employee if accessed from the"
^XWB(8994,1413,1,3,0)="Safety or Employee Health menus."
^XWB(8994,1413,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the IEN of the ASISTS record to be evaluated and the"
^XWB(8994,1413,2,1,1,2,0)="calling menu in the format IEN^CALLING MENU."
^XWB(8994,1413,3,1,0)="The RESULTS(0) node in the array will contain a 1 or 0. If a 1, then the"
^XWB(8994,1413,3,2,0)="individual approving the Workers' Comp signing for the Employee is Ok, otherwise"
^XWB(8994,1413,3,3,0)="the signature form will not be available."
^XWB(8994,1414,1,1,0)="This broker call handles the validation of data prior to a user entering their "
^XWB(8994,1414,1,2,0)="electronic signature code. It also validates the electronic signature code "
^XWB(8994,1414,1,3,0)="and then assures that the users electronic signature code, the date/time of "
^XWB(8994,1414,1,4,0)="signature, and the users DUZ is filed in the Vista database."
^XWB(8994,1414,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the IEN of the record being filed, the form (CA1 or"
^XWB(8994,1414,2,1,1,2,0)="CA2), and the Field number that will trigger the data validation to be "
^XWB(8994,1414,2,1,1,3,0)="performed on the fields in the form."
^XWB(8994,1414,2,1,1,5,0)="The format for this parameter is: IEN^FORM^FIELD^WCFLAG."
^XWB(8994,1414,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter passes in the text to be encrypted, validated, and used as the"
^XWB(8994,1414,2,2,1,2,0)="electronic signature."
^XWB(8994,1414,3,1,0)="The RESULTS array will contain different message that indicate any problems"
^XWB(8994,1414,3,2,0)="or issues detected during the signing process. The following messages are"
^XWB(8994,1414,3,4,0)=" User not Authorized to sign form"
^XWB(8994,1414,3,5,0)=" Claim cannot be signed until the Bill of Rights Statement is understood "
^XWB(8994,1414,3,6,0)=" No Signature Entered"
^XWB(8994,1414,3,7,0)=" No Electronic Signature on File"
^XWB(8994,1414,3,8,0)=" Invalid Signature Entered"
^XWB(8994,1415,1,1,0)="This procedure is for updating entries in a multiple, in 2 stages."
^XWB(8994,1415,1,2,0)="Stage 1 deletes all current entries, step 2 creates new entries "
^XWB(8994,1415,1,3,0)="using data passed back from the GUI form."
^XWB(8994,1415,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the file, field, and IEN of the data to be filed in "
^XWB(8994,1415,2,1,1,2,0)="the format FILE^FIELD^IEN."
^XWB(8994,1415,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the data to be filed in the multiple."
^XWB(8994,1416,1,1,0)="This broker call will send the Bulletin to the union representative selected."
^XWB(8994,1416,1,2,0)="Note: a ASISTS legacy routine is called from this broker call to send the"
^XWB(8994,1416,2,1,1,1,0)="This required input field must be a valid IEN in the 2260 file. Note, there is"
^XWB(8994,1416,2,1,1,2,0)="no validation check done on the IEN."
^XWB(8994,1416,2,2,1,1,0)="This required input parameter must be a valid DUZ of the Union Representative"
^XWB(8994,1416,2,2,1,2,0)="selected to receive the Bulletin."
^XWB(8994,1416,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1416,2,2,1,4,0)="Note, like the IEN input parm, no validation is done on the DUZ being passed. "
^XWB(8994,1416,3,1,0)="The output parameter, RESULTS(0) will contain text indicating if the bulletin"
^XWB(8994,1416,3,2,0)="was sent, ""BULLETIN SENT"" or failed, ""BULLETIN FAILED""."
^XWB(8994,1417,1,1,0)="This broker call returns the Address, City, State and Zip code for a station"
^XWB(8994,1417,1,2,0)="stored in DIC(4 Institution file."
^XWB(8994,1417,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a required parm and it has to be a valid IEN for a station stored in "
^XWB(8994,1417,2,1,1,2,0)="DIC(4 Institution file."
^XWB(8994,1417,3,1,0)="The return parameter, RESULTS contains the Street Address, City, State"
^XWB(8994,1417,3,2,0)="and Zip code for the Station specified in the input parameter. It is in the"
^XWB(8994,1417,3,3,0)="format ST ADDR^CITY^STATE^ZIP if an entry is found in the Institution file "
^XWB(8994,1417,3,6,0)="If the input parameter, IEN, for the station is invalid or an entry is not"
^XWB(8994,1417,3,7,0)="found in the Institution file then RESULTS(0) will be ""INVALID STATION""."
^XWB(8994,1418,1,1,0)="This broker call is the front end for calling the routine to transmit"
^XWB(8994,1418,1,2,0)="data to the AAC for DOL (CA1 and CA2s) or to transmit data to the National "
^XWB(8994,1418,1,3,0)="Database (NDB)."
^XWB(8994,1418,2,1,1,1,0)="This input parameter contains the date that the claims were originally"
^XWB(8994,1418,2,1,1,2,0)="transmitted and should be re-transmitted for, the queue date and time, and"
^XWB(8994,1418,2,1,1,3,0)="whether the data to be transmitted should be DOL or NDB data. The format is:"
^XWB(8994,1418,2,1,1,4,0)="TRANSDT^QUEUEDT@TIME^DOL (or NDB)."
^XWB(8994,1418,3,1,0)="The Results parameter will contain the status message of the queue. If not"
^XWB(8994,1418,3,2,0)="successful, it will be 'ERROR', if successful it will be 'SUCCESSFULLY QUEUED'."
^XWB(8994,1419,1,1,0)="This broker call returns the data for creating the Type of Incident reports."
^XWB(8994,1419,1,2,0)="This report provides information on different Types of incidents. "
^XWB(8994,1419,2,1,1,1,0)="This will determine which report will be run. Report types are Type of Incident,"
^XWB(8994,1419,2,1,1,2,0)="Occupation Code, Characterization of Injury, Service, Body Parts, Day of Week,"
^XWB(8994,1419,2,1,1,3,0)="and Time of Day."
^XWB(8994,1419,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter determines which cases to include: Open, Closed, or Both Open"
^XWB(8994,1419,2,2,1,2,0)="and Closed."
^XWB(8994,1419,2,3,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the start date of the report. Those cases whose Date"
^XWB(8994,1419,2,3,1,2,0)="of Occurrence is greater than or equal to the Start date will be included."
^XWB(8994,1419,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the end date of the report. Those cases whose Date"
^XWB(8994,1419,2,4,1,2,0)="of Occurrence is less than or equal to the End date will be included."
^XWB(8994,1419,2,5,1,1,0)="This parameter will determine whether or not Lost Time claims should be "
^XWB(8994,1419,2,5,1,2,0)="included on the report."
^XWB(8994,1419,2,6,1,1,0)="This parameter will determine whether to run the report for all stations or"
^XWB(8994,1419,2,6,1,2,0)="a single station."
^XWB(8994,1419,3,1,0)="The RESULTS parameter will return data in the array."
^XWB(8994,1420,1,1,0)="This call clears the Supervisor signature and related fields if the Workers"
^XWB(8994,1420,1,2,0)="Compensation specialist has edited fields INJURED PERFORMING DUTY (#146),"
^XWB(8994,1420,1,5,0)="REASON AGENCY CONTROVERTS COP (#165) after the Supervisor signed. It also "
^XWB(8994,1420,1,6,0)="sets the field WORKER'S COMP EDIT (#199) so the required bulletin will "
^XWB(8994,1420,1,7,0)="be sent."
^XWB(8994,1420,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN for the ASISTS record that is being modified."
^XWB(8994,1420,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the menu that originated the call."
^XWB(8994,1420,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the form type which can be 2162, CA1, or CA2. However, the only form"
^XWB(8994,1420,2,3,1,2,0)="ever expected with this call is a CA1."
^XWB(8994,1420,3,1,0)="The RESULTS parameter will contain the name of the person who signed as the "
^XWB(8994,1421,1,1,0)="This broker call returns the data needed to produce the Log of Federal "
^XWB(8994,1421,1,2,0)="Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Report."
^XWB(8994,1421,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the Start Date and End date of the Report, the Station"
^XWB(8994,1421,2,1,1,2,0)="IEN or an 'A' to include all stations at that facilitiy and whether to include"
^XWB(8994,1421,2,1,1,3,0)="names on the report. The format is STARTDT^ENDDT^STATION^Y (or N if no)."
^XWB(8994,1421,2,2,1,1,0)="This paramter contains the menu that has called the report. This is mainly"
^XWB(8994,1421,2,2,1,2,0)="being used to exclude names from displaying on the Union menu."
^XWB(8994,1421,3,1,0)="The return parameter will contain the data, delimited by ^, for the data to be"
^XWB(8994,1421,3,2,0)="displayed in the report. The return parameter name is RESULTS."
^XWB(8994,1422,1,1,0)="This broker call retrieves the data required to generate the PRINT ACCIDENT"
^XWB(8994,1422,1,2,0)="REPORT STATUS Report."
^XWB(8994,1422,2,1,1,1,0)="This input parameter consists of the Start Date, End Date, and Station that "
^XWB(8994,1422,2,1,1,2,0)="the report should be run. The Date/Time of Incident (field #4) is used in the"
^XWB(8994,1422,2,1,1,3,0)="date criteria and the Station (field #13) is used for the Station. The format "
^XWB(8994,1422,2,1,1,4,0)="is STARTDATE^ENDDATE^STATION IEN."
^XWB(8994,1422,2,2,1,1,0)="This input parameter contains the letter of the calling menu. This will "
^XWB(8994,1422,2,2,1,2,0)="enable the name and SSN to be screened if the calling menu is the Union."
^XWB(8994,1422,3,1,0)="This broker call returns the ASISTS data to produce the PRINT ACCIDENT STATUS"
^XWB(8994,1423,1,1,0)="This broker call clears the signature from the ASISTS case for Form and "
^XWB(8994,1423,1,2,0)="discipline (calling menu)."
^XWB(8994,1424,1,1,0)="This broker call retrieves the data necessary to produce the Log of"
^XWB(8994,1424,1,2,0)="Needlestick report."
^XWB(8994,1424,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter consists of 4 parts, the Start Date and End Date for the report, "
^XWB(8994,1424,2,1,1,2,0)="the Station(s) to be included on the report, and whether or not to include "
^XWB(8994,1424,2,1,1,3,0)="names on the report. The parameter format is STARTDATE^ENDDATE^STATION^Y "
^XWB(8994,1424,2,1,1,4,0)="(or 'N'o). "
^XWB(8994,1424,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter will indicate which menu the report was called from."
^XWB(8994,1424,3,1,0)="The return parameter is a global array containing all the fields needed to"
^XWB(8994,1424,3,2,0)="produce the report. The data is returned in the global ^TMP($J,""NS"")."
^XWB(8994,1425,1,1,0)="This broker call returns the listing of NOI codes. If the claim is a CA1 then"
^XWB(8994,1425,1,2,0)="only codes begining with T are returned, if the claim is a CA2 only codes that"
^XWB(8994,1425,1,3,0)="do not begin with a T are returned."
^XWB(8994,1425,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter will be either CA1 or CA2 to indicate which type of claim is"
^XWB(8994,1425,2,1,1,2,0)="requesting the NOI codes."
^XWB(8994,1425,3,1,0)="The results array will return a list of NOI Descriptions with the code."
^XWB(8994,1426,1,1,0)="This broker call attempt to lock the record and if not successful, returns a "
^XWB(8994,1426,1,2,0)="message indicating that the record is in use by another user."
^XWB(8994,1426,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the ASISTS Internal Record Number that will be used to lock the record."
^XWB(8994,1426,3,1,0)="The return parameter will contain a status message concerning the lock."
^XWB(8994,1427,1,1,0)="This broker call will release the previously locked ASISTS record."
^XWB(8994,1427,2,1,1,1,0)="This input parameter contains the ASISTS Internal Record Number that will be"
^XWB(8994,1427,2,1,1,2,0)="used to attempt to unlock a previously locked record."
^XWB(8994,1427,3,1,0)="The return parameter will contain a status message relating to clearing the"
^XWB(8994,1428,1,1,0)="This broker call completes a lookup on the ASISTS Accident Reporting file and"
^XWB(8994,1428,1,2,0)="returns a list of valid ASISTS cases for selection."
^XWB(8994,1428,2,1,1,1,0)="This input parameter contains the Name of the person involved in an ASISTS "
^XWB(8994,1428,2,1,1,2,0)="claim that the lookup is being performed."
^XWB(8994,1428,3,1,0)="The return parameter contains a list of all valid claims for this person."
^XWB(8994,1429,1,1,0)="This broker call checks to make sure that if the PERSONNEL STATUS (field #2)"
^XWB(8994,1429,1,2,0)="is an employee and the Pay Plan is equal to ""OT"" that the Grade (#16), Step"
^XWB(8994,1429,1,3,0)="(#17), and Retirement (#60) fields contain valid responses."
^XWB(8994,1429,2,1,1,1,0)="The input parameter, IEN, contains the record identifier for the ASISTS claim"
^XWB(8994,1429,2,1,1,2,0)="that is being validated."
^XWB(8994,1429,2,2,1,1,0)="Parameter INPUT is the FORM name and IEN of OOPS(2260 claim number that needs"
^XWB(8994,1429,2,2,1,2,0)="to be checked. The input format is:"
^XWB(8994,1429,3,1,0)="The return parameter, RESULTS, contains a message indicating whether the"
^XWB(8994,1429,3,2,0)="PAID data for the ASISTS claim being validated is valid (Valid) or invalid"
^XWB(8994,1429,3,3,0)="(Invalid data in claim)."
^XWB(8994,1430,1,1,0)="This broker call will return a single data element from the file and field "
^XWB(8994,1430,1,2,0)="that is passed in as a parameter."
^XWB(8994,1430,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter is the internal record number of the file that the data element"
^XWB(8994,1430,2,1,1,2,0)="will be extracted from."
^XWB(8994,1430,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the file and field number where the data element should"
^XWB(8994,1430,2,2,1,2,0)="be extracted from in the format FILE NUMBER^FIELD NUMBER. An example would"
^XWB(8994,1430,2,2,1,3,0)="be 2260^119. This would 'pull' field 119 from the ASISTS Accident Reporting"
^XWB(8994,1430,2,2,1,4,0)="File (#2260)."
^XWB(8994,1430,3,1,0)="The external value of the data element extracted from the file and field"
^XWB(8994,1430,3,2,0)="passed in the second parameter will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1431,1,1,0)="Capture the Logoff event for the Imaging Session file."
^XWB(8994,1431,3,1,0)="Always returns ""1"""
^XWB(8994,1432,1,1,0)="Setting number of entries to be sent during seeding."
^XWB(8994,1432,2,1,1,1,0)="number of entries to be sent during each running of the seeding process."
^XWB(8994,1432,3,1,0)="Successful - 1"
^XWB(8994,1432,3,2,0)="Unsuccessful - 0"
^XWB(8994,1433,1,1,0)="This RPC will return the stats on the seeding process, including when the "
^XWB(8994,1433,1,2,0)="next seeding job is scheduled to run"
^XWB(8994,1433,3,1,0)="RETURN(1)= file 984.8 zero node"
^XWB(8994,1433,3,2,0)="RETURN(2)= when MPIF SEEDING TASK is scheduled to run next"
^XWB(8994,1433,3,3,0)="RETURN(3)= count of how many ICNs are remaining to be seeded."
^XWB(8994,1434,1,1,0)="Returns the list of reports that are available to a specific user."
^XWB(8994,1434,3,1,0)="A list of reports where: LST(n)=IEN^DisplayName"
^XWB(8994,1435,1,1,0)="Returns the name-value pairs the represent the definition of a report."
^XWB(8994,1435,2,1,1,1,0)="The internal number of the report entry."
^XWB(8994,1435,3,1,0)="Name-Value pairs the represent the query for the report and the"
^XWB(8994,1435,3,2,0)="formatting of the report."
^XWB(8994,1436,1,1,0)="Returns the external name of an entry given the internal number."
^XWB(8994,1436,2,1,1,1,0)="File number for the entry."
^XWB(8994,1436,2,2,1,1,0)="A list of internal entry numbers."
^XWB(8994,1436,3,1,0)="A list of resolved internal entry numbers where LST(n)=IEN^NAME"
^XWB(8994,1437,1,1,0)="Returns the list of sets available for listing orderable items."
^XWB(8994,1437,3,1,0)="Returns a list where LST(n)=ShortName^DisplayGroupName"
^XWB(8994,1438,1,1,0)="Returns a subset of orderable items for use in a long list box."
^XWB(8994,1438,2,1,1,1,0)="Starting name for cross reference"
^XWB(8994,1438,2,2,1,1,0)="Direction for $ORDER"
^XWB(8994,1438,2,3,1,1,0)="Identifies the SET xref to use in the orderable item file."
^XWB(8994,1438,3,1,0)="List in the format: LST(n)=IEN^DisplayName"
^XWB(8994,1438,3,2,0)=" or: LST(n)=IEN^Mnemonic <DisplayName>"
^XWB(8994,1439,1,1,0)="Returns a list of document classes."
^XWB(8994,1439,3,1,0)="Document Classes: IEN^DocumentClass"
^XWB(8994,1440,1,1,0)="Returns a list of order statuses"
^XWB(8994,1440,3,1,0)="Returns a list: LST(n)=IEN^StatusName"
^XWB(8994,1441,1,1,0)="Returns a list of signature statuses"
^XWB(8994,1441,3,1,0)="Returns a list where: LST(n)=Code^SignatureStatusName"
^XWB(8994,1442,1,1,0)="Returns a list of document statuses."
^XWB(8994,1442,3,1,0)="Returns a list where LST(n)=IEN^StatusName"
^XWB(8994,1443,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patients listed in a patient registry."
^XWB(8994,1443,2,1,1,1,0)="The name of the registry."
^XWB(8994,1443,2,2,1,1,0)="The mode by which the registry should be accessed (active, inactive, both)."
^XWB(8994,1443,3,1,0)="Returns a list of patients: LST(n)=DFN^PatientName"
^XWB(8994,1444,1,1,0)="Returns the IEN of an entry in CPRS QUERY DEFINITION given the display"
^XWB(8994,1444,1,2,0)="text of the entry. The entry must be a user-owned report."
^XWB(8994,1444,2,1,1,1,0)="Display text of the report entry."
^XWB(8994,1444,3,1,0)="Internal Entry Number of the report that was looked up."
^XWB(8994,1445,1,1,0)="Accepts a set of name-value pairs that describe a newly created custom"
^XWB(8994,1445,1,2,0)="report. This creates a new entry in CPRS QUERY DEFINITION."
^XWB(8994,1445,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the list of name-value pairs that represent a report definition."
^XWB(8994,1445,3,1,0)="The IEN of the newly created report entry."
^XWB(8994,1446,1,1,0)="Returns a list of name-value pairs that represent the display fields that"
^XWB(8994,1446,1,2,0)="are available based on the search items selected."
^XWB(8994,1446,2,1,1,1,0)="Identifies the types of display fields to return."
^XWB(8994,1446,2,1,1,2,0)="O=Orders, D=Documents, P=Patient, and V=Visits"
^XWB(8994,1446,3,1,0)="A list of name-value pairs that represent the columns available to the"
^XWB(8994,1446,3,2,0)="user for selection."
^XWB(8994,1447,1,1,0)="Sets up in ^TMP(""ORRHCQ"",$J) the parameters and constraints that will"
^XWB(8994,1447,1,2,0)="be used for the query."
^XWB(8994,1447,2,1,1,1,0)="This contains a list of name-value pairs that will used by the query"
^XWB(8994,1447,2,1,1,2,0)="routines. The name-value pairs identify the search items and any"
^XWB(8994,1447,2,1,1,3,0)="constraints (time ranges, etc.) that should be placed on the query."
^XWB(8994,1447,3,1,0)="Always returns true."
^XWB(8994,1448,1,1,0)="Causes the query results that are in ^TMP(""ORRHCQD"",$J) to be sorted on"
^XWB(8994,1448,1,2,0)="a particular column."
^XWB(8994,1448,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the name of the column that should be used as the sort key."
^XWB(8994,1448,2,2,1,1,0)="This is boolean true if the sort should be ascending, false if descending."
^XWB(8994,1448,3,1,0)="The sequence number of the first item to display."
^XWB(8994,1449,1,1,0)="Returns name-value pairs that represent columns for a subset of records."
^XWB(8994,1449,1,2,0)="The list view in the GUI posts an event for which records it needs to"
^XWB(8994,1449,1,3,0)="display. This call obtains the data for those records."
^XWB(8994,1449,2,1,1,1,0)="The first record that has been requested by the listview control."
^XWB(8994,1449,2,2,1,1,0)="The last record number that has been requested by the listview control."
^XWB(8994,1449,3,1,0)="Name-value pairs that represent each cell for the range of rows returned."
^XWB(8994,1450,1,1,0)="Returns the text to display for the details of an order."
^XWB(8994,1450,2,1,1,1,0)="The IEN of the order and optionally the ACTION ID: IEN;ACTION"
^XWB(8994,1450,3,1,0)="Word processing text describing order details."
^XWB(8994,1451,1,1,0)="Returns patient identifying information to display in the bar above the"
^XWB(8994,1451,1,2,0)="detailed display."
^XWB(8994,1451,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the identifier for the order or document."
^XWB(8994,1451,2,1,1,2,0)="Examples: ORD:342132;1 or DOC:23423"
^XWB(8994,1451,3,1,0)="Returns PatientName^SSN^Ward^Room-Bed"
^XWB(8994,1452,1,1,0)="Returns true if the current user owns this report."
^XWB(8994,1452,2,1,1,1,0)="The internal number of a report (entry in 102.21)."
^XWB(8994,1452,3,1,0)="1 if the user owns the report, otherwise 0."
^XWB(8994,1453,1,1,0)="Deletes a user-owned report"
^XWB(8994,1453,2,1,0)="DA number^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1453,2,1,1,1,0)="The internal number of the report to be deleted."
^XWB(8994,1453,2,"B","DA number",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1454,1,1,0)="Returns the sort types for the list of columns passed in."
^XWB(8994,1454,2,1,1,1,0)="List of column names."
^XWB(8994,1454,3,1,0)="Returns a list where LST(n)=ColumnName^SortType"
^XWB(8994,1455,1,1,0)="Cancels the query and cleans up the TMP globals."
^XWB(8994,1455,3,1,0)="Always returns true."
^XWB(8994,1456,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patient registries."
^XWB(8994,1456,3,1,0)="List of the names of available registries."
^XWB(8994,1457,1,1,0)="Returns the full name of a registry given the abbreviated name."
^XWB(8994,1457,2,1,1,1,0)="The abbreviated name that identifies the registry."
^XWB(8994,1457,3,1,0)="The full registry name."
^XWB(8994,1458,1,1,0)="Returns a list of all criteria that are available as query constraints"
^XWB(8994,1458,1,2,0)="and the parent search items each criterion is associated with."
^XWB(8994,1458,3,1,0)="A list where: LST(n)=Parent Tag = Child Tag"
^XWB(8994,1459,1,1,0)="Obtains a query definition based on the value of the TAG field."
^XWB(8994,1459,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of the TAG field for an entry in the CPRS QUERY DEFINITION file."
^XWB(8994,1459,3,1,0)="The name value pairs that represent a query definition."
^XWB(8994,1460,1,1,0)="Executes the query for a patient. An iterator is passed in, in the "
^XWB(8994,1460,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1460,1,4,0)=" ListSource Subscript ^ DFN ^ Item#"
^XWB(8994,1460,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1460,1,6,0)="The value returned includes the records found and the next iterator:"
^XWB(8994,1460,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1460,1,8,0)=" PtSearched ^ RecordCount ^ ListSource Subscript ^ NextDFN ^ Next Item#"
^XWB(8994,1460,2,1,1,1,0)="Iterator used to get the next patient in the query."
^XWB(8994,1460,3,1,0)="Returns the total number of records found for the patient. The actual"
^XWB(8994,1460,3,2,0)="query results are stored in ^TMP(""ORRHCQD"",$J)."
^XWB(8994,1462,0)="ORRHCQ RNGFM^RNGFM^ORRHCQ^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1463,0)="ORRHCR GENRPT^GENRPT^ORRHCR^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1467,0)="RMIM GET FORM^FRM^RMIMRP^2^P"
^XWB(8994,1468,0)="RMIM GET CASES^LC^RMIMRP^2^P"
^XWB(8994,1470,0)="RMIM GET USER INFO^DUZ^RMIMRP^2^P^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1471,0)="RMIM GET DFN^DFN^RMIMRP^2^P"
^XWB(8994,1472,0)="RMIM FIM PARAMETER^PRM^RMIMRP^2^P^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1472,1,1,0)="This remote procedure will return the local site parameters in an array. There"
^XWB(8994,1472,1,2,0)="are no input parameters."
^XWB(8994,1473,0)="RMIM GET PATIENT DME^DME^RMIMRP^2^P^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1473,1,1,0)="This remote procedure will return a list of durable medical equipment"
^XWB(8994,1473,1,2,0)="which has been issued to a patient within a date range."
^XWB(8994,1473,1,4,0)="Required input consists of a single parameter representing the"
^XWB(8994,1473,1,5,0)="internal entry number of a patient from file #2, and two dates"
^XWB(8994,1473,1,6,0)="in FileMan format. The three pieces will be delimited by the ^."
^XWB(8994,1473,1,8,0)="The first element of the results array will indicate the number of"
^XWB(8994,1473,1,9,0)="items returned. If and error occurs, the number will be negative and"
^XWB(8994,1473,1,10,0)="will be followed by a ^ and a string of text describing the error."
^XWB(8994,1473,1,12,0)="The other elements of the array will be constructed as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1473,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient internal entry number followed by date range for results."
^XWB(8994,1475,1,1,0)="Input parameter is any string that a user would normally enter to look up a"
^XWB(8994,1475,1,4,0)="Output is an array of DFN^PATIENT NAME^SSN^DOB."
^XWB(8994,1476,1,1,0)="Input parameter is PATIENT DFN."
^XWB(8994,1476,1,3,0)="Output parameter is a ^ delimited string as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1480,0)="RMIM VERSION^RPC^RMIMV^2"
^XWB(8994,1481,0)="RMIM CONSULT LIST^CON^RMIMV^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1481,1,1,0)="Returns a list of consult requests for a patient within optional date range"
^XWB(8994,1481,1,2,0)="and optional service."
^XWB(8994,1481,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN from File #2 (Patient File.)"
^XWB(8994,1481,2,2,0)="START DATE^1^16"
^XWB(8994,1481,2,2,1,1,0)="Optional start date to begin the search."
^XWB(8994,1481,2,3,0)="STOP DATE^1^16"
^XWB(8994,1481,2,3,1,1,0)="Optional stop date to end the search."
^XWB(8994,1481,2,4,1,1,0)="Optional consulting service from the Request Service file (#123.5)."
^XWB(8994,1481,2,"B","START DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1481,2,"B","STOP DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,1481,3,1,0)="Array of consult requests in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1481,3,2,0)="Consult id^date/time of request^status^consulting service^procedure"
^XWB(8994,1484,1,1,0)="Creates new Outcome Record."
^XWB(8994,1484,2,1,1,1,0)="Results passed back to calling application"
^XWB(8994,1484,2,2,1,1,0)="Patients internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,1484,2,3,1,1,0)="Whether Inpatient or Outpatient."
^XWB(8994,1484,3,1,0)="Returns a 1 if update occurs."
^XWB(8994,1485,1,1,0)="Returns subrecord text."
^XWB(8994,1485,2,1,1,1,0)="Subrecord text."
^XWB(8994,1485,2,2,1,1,0)="Subrecord IEN that is going to be returned."
^XWB(8994,1485,2,3,1,1,0)="Top record of the sub record to return."
^XWB(8994,1485,3,1,0)="Subrecord text."
^XWB(8994,1486,1,1,0)="Returns top level IEN and sub record IEN plus statuses."
^XWB(8994,1486,2,1,1,1,0)="Results of inquiry, includes top record and sub record status and IEN."
^XWB(8994,1486,2,2,1,1,0)="Patients internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,1487,0)="ANRV GET PTALL^LISTALL^ANRVOA^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1487,1,1,0)="Returns a list of all patients beginning with(x), from(x), to(x)"
^XWB(8994,1488,0)="ANRV GET PTLAST5^LAST5^ANRVOA^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1488,1,1,0)="Returns a list of patients using the last 5 format for inquiry e.g. Z9999."
^XWB(8994,1489,0)="ANRV PTINFO CORE^PINF^ANRVOA^1^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1489,1,1,0)="Returns patient information for verification. Must be changed eventually"
^XWB(8994,1489,1,2,0)="to include current Sensitive Patient Check.(TO DO)."
^XWB(8994,1489,2,1,1,1,0)="Patients Internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,1489,2,2,1,1,0)="Bolus of patient information."
^XWB(8994,1491,1,1,0)="Create's and sends completed VIST Outcomes to the national mailgroup to "
^XWB(8994,1491,1,2,0)="populate the national database."
^XWB(8994,1491,2,1,1,1,0)="1> CREATE Initializes message."
^XWB(8994,1491,2,1,1,2,0)="2> APPEND Add message text."
^XWB(8994,1491,2,1,1,3,0)="3> SUBJECT Give the message a subject."
^XWB(8994,1491,2,1,1,4,0)="4> SENDTO e-mail address to send message to."
^XWB(8994,1491,2,1,1,5,0)="5> EXECUTE Send the message using VistA Mail."
^XWB(8994,1492,1,1,0)="Updates the status of the top level Outcome record."
^XWB(8994,1494,1,1,0)="Manages the ANRV system parameters."
^XWB(8994,1495,0)="ANRV TANRVUSER^RPC^ANRVOA^4^R^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1495,1,1,0)="Manages all User calls."
^XWB(8994,1496,1,1,0)="Given an SSN in the format 999999999(P), return a list of matching patients."
^XWB(8994,1496,2,1,1,1,0)="SSN in the format 999999999(P)"
^XWB(8994,1497,1,1,0)="This does a remote query on the insurance information."
^XWB(8994,1497,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient's ICN."
^XWB(8994,1497,3,1,0)="The return is in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1497,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1497,3,3,0)=" -- output var(0) =: number of entries insurance multiple"
^XWB(8994,1497,3,4,0)=" var(x,0) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,0)"
^XWB(8994,1497,3,5,0)=" var(x,1) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,1)"
^XWB(8994,1497,3,6,0)=" var(x,2) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,2)"
^XWB(8994,1497,3,7,0)=" var(x,3) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,3)"
^XWB(8994,1497,3,8,0)=" var(x,4) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,4)"
^XWB(8994,1497,3,9,0)=" var(x,355.3) =: ^iba(355.3,$p(var(x,0),""^"",18),0)"
^XWB(8994,1497,3,10,0)=" var(""S"",COB sequence,x) =: (null) as an xref for COB"
^XWB(8994,1498,1,1,0)="This does a remote query on the insurance information. This is the one "
^XWB(8994,1498,1,2,0)="that used during tasked jobs to avoid user data exchange."
^XWB(8994,1498,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient's ICN."
^XWB(8994,1498,3,1,0)="The return is in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1498,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1498,3,3,0)=" -- output var(0) =: number of entries insurance multiple"
^XWB(8994,1498,3,4,0)=" var(x,0) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,0)"
^XWB(8994,1498,3,5,0)=" var(x,1) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,1)"
^XWB(8994,1498,3,6,0)=" var(x,2) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,2)"
^XWB(8994,1498,3,7,0)=" var(x,3) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,3)"
^XWB(8994,1498,3,8,0)=" var(x,4) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,4)"
^XWB(8994,1498,3,9,0)=" var(x,355.3) =: ^iba(355.3,$p(var(x,0),""^"",18),0)"
^XWB(8994,1498,3,10,0)=" var(""S"",COB sequence,x) =: (null) as an xref for COB"
^XWB(8994,1499,1,1,0)="RPC evaluates user's DIUSER status and termination status when selected."
^XWB(8994,1499,1,2,0)="Returns 0 if active"
^XWB(8994,1499,1,3,0)=" 1 if inactive"
^XWB(8994,1499,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the user in the NEW PERSON file (#200)."
^XWB(8994,1499,3,1,0)="1 if the user is inactive, 0 if active."
^XWB(8994,1500,1,1,0)="Boolean RPC to evaulate if note has a corresponding visit."
^XWB(8994,1500,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the TIU document type."
^XWB(8994,1500,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the patient's internal entry number (DFN)."
^XWB(8994,1500,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the patient's visit internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,1500,3,1,0)="Boolean value; 1 if limited to one visit, 0 if any."
^XWB(8994,1501,1,1,0)="Boolean RPC returns a value of 0 if the author has not signed and the user "
^XWB(8994,1501,1,2,0)="attempting to sign is the expected co-signer. Returns a 1 if the "
^XWB(8994,1501,1,3,0)="author has signed or the user attempting to sign is NOT the expected "
^XWB(8994,1501,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the TIU Document IEN."
^XWB(8994,1501,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the DUZ of the user attempting to sign."
^XWB(8994,1501,3,1,0)="Boolean Value:"
^XWB(8994,1501,3,2,0)="0 if author has NOT signed AND user is EC"
^XWB(8994,1501,3,3,0)="1 if author HAS signed OR user is NOT EC"
^XWB(8994,1501,3,4,0)=" 1 if author HAS signed OR user is NOT EC"
^XWB(8994,1502,0)="PSA UPLOAD^PSAUPLD^PSABRKU1^2^P^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1502,1,1,0)="This is the primary entry point for the Drug Accountability Upload GUI."
^XWB(8994,1503,0)="RMPR TRANS LIST^EN^RMPR9S4^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1503,1,1,0)="GUI 2319 Appliance Transaction List Tab 4."
^XWB(8994,1504,0)="RMPR PT DEM^EN^RMPR9DEM^2^P^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,1,0)="This procedure supplies the Patient Demographic data for "
^XWB(8994,1504,1,2,0)="TAB 1 of the GUI 2319 "
^XWB(8994,1504,1,3,0)="Same routine for RMPR PT ADD REMOTE PROCEDURE. "
^XWB(8994,1504,1,4,0)="Pass the IEN of file 668"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1504,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1504,1,9,0)="RESULTS(2)=SSN "
^XWB(8994,1504,1,16,0)="RESULTS(9)=MARRITAL STATUS"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,17,0)="RESULTS(11)=PRIMARY LONG ID"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,18,0)="RESULTS(12)=PRIMARY SHORT ID"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,19,0)="RESULTS(20)=FIRST LINE ST ADDRESS"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,27,0)="RESULTS(28)=NOK FIRST LINE ADDRESS"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,28,0)="RESULTS(29)=NOK CITY"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,29,0)="RESULTS(30)=NOK STATE"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,30,0)="RESULTS(31)=NOK ZIP"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,31,0)="RESULTS(32)=NOK PHONE"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,32,0)="RESULTS(33)=NOK RELATION"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,33,0)="RESULTS(34)=PATIENT TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,34,0)="RESULTS(35)=PERIOD OF SERVICE"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,36,0)="RESULTS(37)=ELIGIBILITY VERIFIED?"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,37,0)="RESULTS(38)=ONMETARY BENIFITS"
^XWB(8994,1504,1,39,0)="RESULTS(46)=POW YES/NO"
^XWB(8994,1505,0)="RMPR PT ADD^EN1^RMPR9DEM^2^P^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,1,0)="GUI 2319 Patient Demographics Tab 1."
^XWB(8994,1505,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1505,1,3,0)="Same routine for RMPR PT DEM REMOTE PROCEDURE. "
^XWB(8994,1505,1,4,0)="Pass the IEN of file 668"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1505,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1505,1,9,0)="RESULTS(2)=SSN "
^XWB(8994,1505,1,16,0)="RESULTS(9)=MARRITAL STATUS"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,17,0)="RESULTS(11)=PRIMARY LONG ID"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,18,0)="RESULTS(12)=PRIMARY SHORT ID"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,19,0)="RESULTS(20)=FIRST LINE ST ADDRESS"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,27,0)="RESULTS(28)=NOK FIRST LINE ADDRESS"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,28,0)="RESULTS(29)=NOK CITY"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,29,0)="RESULTS(30)=NOK STATE"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,30,0)="RESULTS(31)=NOK ZIP"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,31,0)="RESULTS(32)=NOK PHONE"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,32,0)="RESULTS(33)=NOK RELATION"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,33,0)="RESULTS(34)=PATIENT TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,34,0)="RESULTS(35)=PERIOD OF SERVICE"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,36,0)="RESULTS(37)=ELIGIBILITY VERIFIED?"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,37,0)="RESULTS(38)=ONMETARY BENIFITS"
^XWB(8994,1505,1,39,0)="RESULTS(46)=POW YES/NO"
^XWB(8994,1506,0)="RMPR TRANS HISA^EN^RMPR9S7^2^A^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1506,1,1,0)="GUI 2319 HISA information Tab 7."
^XWB(8994,1506,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1506,1,3,0)="PASS IEN OF FILE 668."
^XWB(8994,1506,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1506,1,5,0)="RETURNED RESUTLS "
^XWB(8994,1507,0)="RMPR TRANS HOME O2^EN^RMPR9S8^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1507,1,1,0)="GUI 2319 Home Oxygen tab 8."
^XWB(8994,1508,0)="RMPR CRITICAL COM^EN^RMPR9S6^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1508,1,1,0)="GUI 2319 Critical Comment Tab 6."
^XWB(8994,1508,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1508,1,3,0)="PASS IEN OF FILE 668"
^XWB(8994,1508,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1508,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1509,0)="RMPR DIS LIST^EN^RMPR9DM1^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1509,1,1,0)="GUI 2319 MAS DISABILITY AND PERCENT."
^XWB(8994,1509,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1509,1,3,0)="PASS IEN OF FILE 668."
^XWB(8994,1509,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1509,1,5,0)="RETURN RESULTS FROM FILE #2."
^XWB(8994,1509,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1509,1,8,0)="One line or multiple lines."
^XWB(8994,1510,0)="RMPR ADD ITEM^EN^RMPR9AI^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1510,1,1,0)="RPC to send purchasing information to file 666 GUI PURCHASING FILE."
^XWB(8994,1511,0)="RMPR LAST PT MOVEMENTS^EN^RMPR9LM^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,1,0)="This procedure supplies the data for the Last 2 inpatient movements for "
^XWB(8994,1511,1,2,0)="TAB 2 of the GUI 2319."
^XWB(8994,1511,1,3,0)="Pass IEN to Prosthetic Suspense (#668)"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1511,1,5,0)="Return RESULTS Array and Example:"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1511,1,10,0)="RESULTS(3)=Claim #"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,11,0)="RESULTS(4)= if 1 Yes a movement"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,12,0)="RESULTS(5)=Transaction type"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,13,0)="RESULTS(6)=Date of last Movement"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,14,0)="RESULTS(7)=Type of Movement"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,18,0)="RESULTS(11)= if 1 Yes Second to last Movement"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,19,0)="RESULTS(12)=2nd to last Transaction Type"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,20,0)="RESULTS(13)=2nd to last Transaction date"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,21,0)="RESULTS(14)=2nd to last Type of movement"
^XWB(8994,1511,1,22,0)="RESULTS(15)=2nd to last Ward"
^XWB(8994,1512,0)="RMPR VEN ADDRESS^EN1^RMPR9AI^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1512,1,1,0)="Dispaly vendor address, phone and fax number"
^XWB(8994,1513,1,1,0)="This procedure supplies the Clinic Enrollment data for "
^XWB(8994,1513,1,2,0)="TAB 2 of the GUI 2319."
^XWB(8994,1513,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1513,1,4,0)="Example of RESULTS "
^XWB(8994,1513,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1513,1,7,0)="RESULTS(1)=DATE ENROLLED"
^XWB(8994,1513,1,8,0)="RESULTS(2)=OPT OR AC"
^XWB(8994,1514,0)="RMPR CPRS DISPLAY^EN^RMPR9EPD^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1514,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1514,1,3,0)="PASS THE IEN OF FILE 668"
^XWB(8994,1514,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1514,1,5,0)="RETURN RESULTS: RESUTLS()=^TMP(""GMRCR"","
^XWB(8994,1515,1,1,0)="This procedure supplies the Clinic Letter List data for "
^XWB(8994,1515,1,2,0)="TAB 2 of the GUI 2319."
^XWB(8994,1515,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1515,1,4,0)="Pass IEN to Prosthetic Suspense (#668)"
^XWB(8994,1515,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1515,1,6,0)="Return RESULTS Array"
^XWB(8994,1515,1,7,0)="IEN of file 665.4^Patient Name^Letter Title^Author^Date Created"
^XWB(8994,1516,1,1,0)="This procedure supplies the Pending Appointment data for "
^XWB(8994,1516,1,2,0)="TAB 2 of the GUI 2319."
^XWB(8994,1516,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1516,1,4,0)="Pass IEN to Prosthetic Suspense (#668)"
^XWB(8994,1516,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1516,1,6,0)="Returned RESULTS Array:"
^XWB(8994,1517,0)="RMPR IFCAP CHECK AUTH^EN1^RMPR9SPC^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1517,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1517,1,2,0)="Check if user has any Purchase Cards Assigened."
^XWB(8994,1517,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1517,1,4,0)="RESULTS(0)=You are not an authorized Purchase Card User, CONTACT FISCAL!"
^XWB(8994,1517,1,6,0)="RESULTS(0)=You are not defined in the Prosthetics Site Parameter File."
^XWB(8994,1517,1,9,0)="Ien to file 669.9"
^XWB(8994,1517,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1517,1,11,0)="New X-ref in file 669.9 on Purchasing Agent Field. Set with routine "
^XWB(8994,1517,1,13,0)="""PA ,DUZ,IEN"
^XWB(8994,1517,1,14,0)="^RMPR(669.9,""PA"",88,9) = "
^XWB(8994,1517,1,15,0)="^RMPR(669.9,""PA"",2182,9) ="
^XWB(8994,1518,1,1,0)="This procedure supplies the Clinic Letter Display data for "
^XWB(8994,1518,1,2,0)="TAB 2 of the GUI 2319."
^XWB(8994,1518,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1518,1,4,0)="Pass IEN to Prosthetic Suspense (#665.4)"
^XWB(8994,1518,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1518,1,6,0)="Return RESULTS Array"
^XWB(8994,1518,1,7,0)="One line of the letter at a time from word processsing fields."
^XWB(8994,1518,1,8,0)="The number of lines will vary."
^XWB(8994,1519,1,1,0)="GUI 2319 Expansion of Screen 4 Transaction list."
^XWB(8994,1519,2,1,1,1,0)="The internal entry number of file # 660."
^XWB(8994,1520,0)="RMPR TRANS HOME O2 RX^EN^RMPR9S8P^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1520,1,1,0)="RX information for screen 8 of the GUI 2319 Home Oxygen."
^XWB(8994,1520,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1520,1,3,0)="Pass: IEN of File 660 "
^XWB(8994,1521,0)="RMPR VIEW REQ^EN^RMPR9VR^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1521,1,1,0)="This procedure supplies the View Request screen of file 668."
^XWB(8994,1521,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1521,1,3,0)="Entry Point: EN(RESULTS,RMPRA)^RMPR9VR"
^XWB(8994,1521,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1521,1,5,0)="RESULTS(0)= Order date/Suspense date"
^XWB(8994,1521,1,6,0)="RESULTS(1)= Requestor"
^XWB(8994,1521,1,7,0)="RESULTS(2)= Suspended by"
^XWB(8994,1521,1,8,0)="RESULTS(3)= Initial Action Date"
^XWB(8994,1521,1,9,0)="RESULTS(4)= Completion Date"
^XWB(8994,1522,0)="RMPR VIEW REQ DESC^EN2^RMPR9VR^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1522,1,1,0)="This procedure supplies the View Request Description display of file #668."
^XWB(8994,1522,1,2,0)="Entry Point: EN2(RESULTS,RMPRA)^RMPR9VR"
^XWB(8994,1522,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1522,1,4,0)="RESULTS Array: Word processing fields 0-infinite lines."
^XWB(8994,1523,0)="RMPR VIEW REQ IA NOTE^EN3^RMPR9VR^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1523,1,1,0)="This procedure supplies the View Request Initial Action Note display of "
^XWB(8994,1523,1,2,0)="file #668."
^XWB(8994,1523,1,3,0)="Entry Point: EN3(RESULTS,RMPRA)^RMPR9VR"
^XWB(8994,1523,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1523,1,5,0)="RESULTS Array: Word processing fields 0-infinite lines."
^XWB(8994,1524,0)="RMPR VIEW REQ COMP NOTE^EN4^RMPR9VR^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1524,1,1,0)="This procedure supplies the View Request Completion Note of file #668."
^XWB(8994,1524,1,3,0)="Entry Point: EN4(RESULTS,RMPRA)^RMPR9VR"
^XWB(8994,1524,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1524,1,5,0)="RESULTS Array: Word processing fields 0-infinite lines."
^XWB(8994,1525,0)="RMPR DOR^EN^RMPR9DO^4^P^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,1525,1,1,0)="GUI Order controll processing. Returns the list of all open pending "
^XWB(8994,1525,1,2,0)="consults from file 668."
^XWB(8994,1525,3,1,0)="Returns the list of all open pending consults from file 668."
^XWB(8994,1525,3,2,0)="The array format:"
^XWB(8994,1525,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1525,3,4,0)="RMPR9EO(line number,0)=date^patient name^ssn^type^days^status^des"
^XWB(8994,1526,1,1,0)="Sets/updates the external text of an order."
^XWB(8994,1526,1,2,0)="The updated text is also returned."
^XWB(8994,1527,1,1,0)="Returns a users DEA number."
^XWB(8994,1528,1,1,0)="Returns the schedule of the drug."
^XWB(8994,1529,1,1,0)="Function returns an array of patients on a team."
^XWB(8994,1529,2,1,0)="TEAM ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,1529,2,1,1,1,0)="The record number from the OE/RR Team File (#100.21)."
^XWB(8994,1529,2,"B","TEAM ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1529,3,1,0)="Array of patients on a team in the format: patient id (DFN)^patient name."
^XWB(8994,1530,0)="DVBAB REPORTS^START^DVBAB82^4^R^0"
^XWB(8994,1530,2,1,0)="REPORT TYPE^1^^1"
^XWB(8994,1530,2,2,0)="REPORT STRING^1"
^XWB(8994,1530,2,"B","REPORT STRING",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1530,2,"B","REPORT TYPE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1531,1,1,0)="Init Mailman variables."
^XWB(8994,1531,1,2,0)="Return string:"
^XWB(8994,1531,1,3,0)="e-mail address^"
^XWB(8994,1534,1,1,0)="This call should be made after a new patient is added into the patient "
^XWB(8994,1534,1,2,0)="file. It will call the MPI to assign an ICN. If no ICN can be obtained "
^XWB(8994,1534,1,3,0)="after 30 seconds, a local ICN will be assigned and the local ICN flag set."
^XWB(8994,1535,1,1,0)="Returns display text indicating when the report was last run"
^XWB(8994,1536,1,1,0)="Broker-enabled version of option DVBA NOTICE/DISCHARGE PRINT, Print New"
^XWB(8994,1536,1,2,0)="Notices of Discharge."
^XWB(8994,1538,1,1,0)="Returns 1 if current user has unresolved consults for current patient, 0 "
^XWB(8994,1538,1,2,0)="if not."
^XWB(8994,1538,2,1,0)="PATIENT DFN^1^32^1"
^XWB(8994,1538,2,"B","PATIENT DFN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1539,0)="ORWU1 NAMECVT^NAMECVT^ORWU1^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1541,0)="ORWDPS5 LESAPI^LESAPI^ORWDPS5^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1542,0)="ORWDXR ORCPLX^ORCPLX^ORWDXR^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1545,0)="ORWDXA OFCPLX^OFCPLX^ORWDXA^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1547,0)="ORWDPS1 IVDEA^FDEA1^ORWDPS1^1"
^XWB(8994,1549,1,1,0)="Returns True or False for a user depending on default division "
^XWB(8994,1549,3,1,0)="Returns single value - True or False."
^XWB(8994,1552,0)="ORECS01 SAVPATH^SAVPATH^ORECS01^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1553,0)="ORWU1 NEWLOC^NEWLOC^ORWU1^2"
^XWB(8994,1553,1,1,0)="Returns a list of Clinics, Wards, and ""Other"" category entries from the "
^XWB(8994,1553,1,2,0)="HOSPITAL LOCATION (#44) file."
^XWB(8994,1554,0)="ORPRF HASFLG^HASFLG^ORPRF^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1556,0)="ORPRF GETFLG^GETFLG^ORPRF^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1558,1,1,0)="Retrieve letter text for a WH letter"
^XWB(8994,1559,1,1,0)="Return value from file 790.403"
^XWB(8994,1560,1,1,0)="Return correct values for a WH procedure populate a combo box in Reminder"
^XWB(8994,1561,1,1,0)="Pass back data to be file in the Women's Health Package file 790.1."
^XWB(8994,1561,2,1,0)="WH RESULT^2^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1561,2,"B","WH RESULT",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1562,0)="ORWTPD GETOCM^GETOCM^ORWTPD^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1563,0)="ORWTPD PUTOCM^PUTOCM^ORWTPD^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1564,0)="ORB FORWARD ALERT^FWD^ORB31^1^R"
^XWB(8994,1564,1,1,0)="The rpc forwards an alert."
^XWB(8994,1564,2,1,1,1,0)="The alert identifier used by the Kernel Alert utility to uniquely identify"
^XWB(8994,1564,2,1,1,2,0)="an alert/notification. For OE/RR alerts, the format is:"
^XWB(8994,1564,2,1,1,3,0)="""OR,<dfn>,<notif ien>;<notif date.time>"""
^XWB(8994,1564,2,2,1,1,0)="DUZ (file 200 ien) of the person to receive the forwarded alert."
^XWB(8994,1564,2,3,1,1,0)="The type of message to be forwarded. ""A"" indicates an alert is to be "
^XWB(8994,1564,2,4,1,1,0)="The comment (optional) to be forwarded with the alert."
^XWB(8994,1565,0)="ORB RENEW ALERT^RENEW^ORB31^1^R"
^XWB(8994,1565,1,1,0)="This rpc renews an alert."
^XWB(8994,1565,2,1,1,1,0)="XQAID is the unique identifier used by Kernel Alerts to process and take "
^XWB(8994,1565,2,1,1,2,0)="actions on alerts."
^XWB(8994,1566,1,1,0)="This RPC will return the Radiology/Lab Report for a WH Procedure"
^XWB(8994,1566,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN is equal the Women's Health Procedure IEN"
^XWB(8994,1567,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call will allow users to pull an audit report"
^XWB(8994,1567,1,2,0)="from a remote site."
^XWB(8994,1567,2,1,1,1,0)="The VALUE can come in as 'I.ICN', 'S.SSN', 'D.DFN'or 'P.NAME'"
^XWB(8994,1568,2,2,1,1,0)="This will contain the form id and version of paper keyboard"
^XWB(8994,1568,3,1,0)="The value returned in the formspec file from file 359.2. This is to be"
^XWB(8994,1568,3,2,0)="stored by the AICS workstation as an EFnnn.fs or EF32_OInnnn.fs"
^XWB(8994,1569,1,1,0)="This RPC will return an array where the data reflects the page number of"
^XWB(8994,1569,1,2,0)="scannable pages, Piece 2 will display the date/time received."
^XWB(8994,1570,1,1,0)="This broker call will retrieve all the stations from the INSTITUTION"
^XWB(8994,1570,1,2,0)="(#4) file."
^XWB(8994,1570,3,1,0)="The return parameter is a global array ^TMP(""OOPSINST"",DUZ) in the format of:"
^XWB(8994,1571,1,1,0)="This Broker call is used to pass data to the bulletin routine for supervisors"
^XWB(8994,1571,1,2,0)="accessing sensitive data and not creating an ASISTS case. "
^XWB(8994,1571,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the DUZ of the supervisor accessing the Employee's data."
^XWB(8994,1571,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the Employee's name for which the sensitive date has been viewed."
^XWB(8994,1572,1,1,0)="Accepts the return array name containing predefined elements."
^XWB(8994,1572,1,2,0)="These contain the address and other demographic information"
^XWB(8994,1572,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN from local DPT file"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,1,0)="Subscripted list of demographic variables"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,2,0)="0=DOD numeric and text"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,3,0)="1=name text"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,5,0)="3=DOB numeric and text"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,6,0)="4=current address line 1"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,7,0)="5=current address line 2"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,8,0)="6=current address line 3"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,9,0)="7=current city"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,10,0)="8=current numeric and abbrev of state"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,11,0)="9=current zip"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,12,0)="10=temp start date numeric and text"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,13,0)="11=temp end dat4e numeric and text"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,14,0)="12=current phone"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,15,0)="13=eligibility status date numeric and text"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,16,0)="14=calculated eligibility"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,17,0)="15=eligibility status(V^Verified)"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,18,0)="16=sensitive record(1 or """")"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,19,0)="17=error message"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,20,0)="18=primary eligibility"
^XWB(8994,1572,3,21,0)="19=priority group"
^XWB(8994,1573,1,1,0)="Accepts the return array name containing pre-defined elements"
^XWB(8994,1573,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN from local DPT file"
^XWB(8994,1573,3,1,0)="ARRAY(0)=DOD numeric and text"
^XWB(8994,1573,3,2,0)="ARRAY(1)=eligibility status date (fm) and text"
^XWB(8994,1573,3,3,0)="ARRAY(2)=calculated ROES3 eligibility"
^XWB(8994,1573,3,4,0)="ARRAY(3)=eligibility status(V^Verified)"
^XWB(8994,1573,3,5,0)="ARRAY(4)=sensitive record(1 or """")"
^XWB(8994,1573,3,6,0)="ARRAY(5)=error msg"
^XWB(8994,1573,3,7,0)="ARRAY(6)=primary eligibility"
^XWB(8994,1573,3,8,0)="ARRAY(7)=priority group number"
^XWB(8994,1574,0)="RMPF ELIG MSG^START^RMPFRPC3^1^R^^^0"
^XWB(8994,1574,1,1,0)="This is the utility to send the request for eligibility"
^XWB(8994,1574,1,2,0)="confirmation from PSAS"
^XWB(8994,1574,2,1,1,1,0)="DUZ of the user sending the message"
^XWB(8994,1574,2,3,1,1,0)="Mail group to send to"
^XWB(8994,1574,2,4,1,1,0)="Subject for message"
^XWB(8994,1574,2,5,1,1,0)="This is the message text"
^XWB(8994,1574,3,1,0)="It returns the mail message number or an error."
^XWB(8994,1575,1,1,0)="Returns the IEN if the value is found in the GMRV VITAL TYPE (#120.51)"
^XWB(8994,1575,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1575,1,4,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4357."
^XWB(8994,1575,2,1,1,1,0)="GMVTYPE = Name of Vital Type (from FILE 120.51) (e.g., WEIGHT)"
^XWB(8994,1575,3,1,0)="Returns the IEN if GMVTYPE exists in FILE 120.51."
^XWB(8994,1575,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1575,3,4,0)=" > S GMVTYPE=""WEIGHT"""
^XWB(8994,1575,3,6,0)=" > RESULT=9"
^XWB(8994,1576,1,1,0)="Returns the IEN if the value is found in the GMRV VITAL CATEGORY (#120.53)"
^XWB(8994,1576,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1576,1,4,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4354."
^XWB(8994,1576,2,1,1,1,0)="GMVCAT = Name of Category (from FILE 120.53) (e.g., METHOD)"
^XWB(8994,1576,3,1,0)="Returns the IEN if GMVCAT exists in FILE 120.53"
^XWB(8994,1576,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1576,3,4,0)=" > S GMVCAT=""METHOD"""
^XWB(8994,1576,3,6,0)=" > RESULT=2"
^XWB(8994,1577,1,1,0)="Returns the server version of a particular option. This is used by ECS GUI "
^XWB(8994,1577,1,2,0)="to determine the current server version of the software."
^XWB(8994,1577,2,1,1,1,0)="ECARY contains the option name and client version of the software."
^XWB(8994,1577,3,1,0)="Returns the server version of the software."
^XWB(8994,1578,1,1,0)="This RPC gets the audiogram data for the selected entry"
^XWB(8994,1578,1,2,0)="in the Audiometric Exam Data file 509850.9 and returns"
^XWB(8994,1578,1,3,0)="it to the calling program in the array ACKQARR()"
^XWB(8994,1578,1,4,0)="This is for the Audiometric Display only."
^XWB(8994,1578,2,1,1,1,0)="The internal number in the PATIENT file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,1578,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal number in the AUDIOMETRIC EXAM DATA file (#509850.9)."
^XWB(8994,1578,3,1,0)="See routine ACKQAG01 for a complete description of the return array."
^XWB(8994,1578,3,2,0)="1=# audiograms[0-2]"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,3,0)="2=name of patient"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,4,0)="3=first audiogram date seen"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,5,0)="4=first tester name"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,6,0)="5=age of patient at first test"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,7,0)="6=title of tester for first audiogram"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,8,0)="7=SSN of patient"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,9,0)="8=second audiogram date(or error message if an error exists)"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,10,0)="9=tester name for second audiogram"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,11,0)="10=age of patient at second audiogram"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,12,0)="11=title of tester for second audiogram"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,13,0)="ACKQARR(ctr) pieces for each all X values"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,14,0)="1=X Value(Hz) being tested"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,15,0)="2=ACKQI - internal record number in 509850.9"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,17,0)="4=air Y(dB) val"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,20,0)="7=bone Y(dB) value"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,25,0)=";;Will return to Delphi app as subscripted array"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,26,0)=";;RETURN() subscripted values"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,27,0)=";; 1-12(1st audiogram R ear)"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,28,0)=";; 13-24(1st audiogram L ear)"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,29,0)=";; 25 is speech recog 1st audiogram"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,30,0)=";; 26 is the 120/121 nodes for 1st audiogram"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,31,0)=";; 27-38(2nd audiogram R ear)"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,32,0)=";; 39-50(2nd audiogram L ear)"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,33,0)=";;51 is the speech recog for the 2nd audiogram"
^XWB(8994,1578,3,34,0)="52 is the 120/121 nodes for the 2nd audiogram"
^XWB(8994,1579,1,1,0)="Input the IEN of the 509850.9 file entry as the second parameter."
^XWB(8994,1579,1,2,0)="Input the DFN as the third parameter, array by reference as first"
^XWB(8994,1579,1,3,0)="returns a subscripted array of data values for this audiogram"
^XWB(8994,1579,1,4,0)="data for the patient. Currently only uses 0 node for information."
^XWB(8994,1579,1,5,0)="Used in the Enter/Edit Audiogram Delphi program"
^XWB(8994,1579,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN of patient - IEN from DPT("
^XWB(8994,1579,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the 509850.9 file"
^XWB(8994,1579,2,2,1,2,0)="Used in the Audiogram Enter/Edit program"
^XWB(8994,1579,2,"PARAMSEQ",1,1)=" "
^XWB(8994,1579,3,1,0)="Subscripted array of values for various Hz. "
^XWB(8994,1579,3,2,0)="See routine ACKQAG02 for a complete description of the return array."
^XWB(8994,1580,1,1,0)="This is the RPC used to setup and send to the DDC, the"
^XWB(8994,1580,1,2,0)="signed audiometric data file entry to the DDC from the application "
^XWB(8994,1580,1,3,0)="Audiogram Enter/Edit (AKCQROES3E.EXE). It is triggered by"
^XWB(8994,1580,1,4,0)="the saving of a signed entry in 509850.9. The RPC calls routine "
^XWB(8994,1580,1,5,0)="START^ACKQAG03 which in turn calls EN^ACKQAG04. The VADPT utilities are "
^XWB(8994,1580,1,6,0)="also used."
^XWB(8994,1580,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient file."
^XWB(8994,1580,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the entry in 509850.9 that the user is working on."
^XWB(8994,1580,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the Sta # of the sending clinic"
^XWB(8994,1580,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the name of the submitting user"
^XWB(8994,1580,2,5,1,1,0)="This is the name of the submitting user's service"
^XWB(8994,1580,3,1,0)="It returns a literal containing the local confirmation msg number,"
^XWB(8994,1580,3,2,0)="the msg number sent to the DDC, the error number, & the error msg."
^XWB(8994,1581,1,1,0)="This will take a standard VistA person name in the format Last,First M "
^XWB(8994,1581,1,2,0)="and return the individual name components."
^XWB(8994,1581,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the standard VistA person name in the format Last,First M"
^XWB(8994,1581,3,1,0)="The name components will be returned in a string:"
^XWB(8994,1581,3,2,0)="return: LastName^FirstName^Middle^Suffix/Title"
^XWB(8994,1581,3,3,0)="on error return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1582,0)="DSIC FM DINUM^DINUM^DSICFM02^1^A"
^XWB(8994,1582,1,1,0)="This will do a lookup on the inputted file for the requested value. This "
^XWB(8994,1582,1,2,0)="is only for files whose .01 field is defined to be a DINUM pointer to a"
^XWB(8994,1582,1,3,0)="file. If the lookup value in not in the inputted file, then this will "
^XWB(8994,1582,1,4,0)="add that pointer to that file."
^XWB(8994,1582,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the file number of the DSS file which has a .01 DINUM'd field"
^XWB(8994,1582,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the ien of the pointed to file. If the .01 field is not a "
^XWB(8994,1582,2,2,1,2,0)="pointer field then this parameter should not be passed when trying to add "
^XWB(8994,1582,2,2,1,3,0)="a new entry to the file."
^XWB(8994,1582,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the external value of the .01 field. If the .01 field is a "
^XWB(8994,1582,2,3,1,2,0)="pointer field, then this would be some external lookup value for the "
^XWB(8994,1582,2,3,1,3,0)="pointed to file. If the .01 field is not a pointer, then this must "
^XWB(8994,1582,2,4,1,1,0)="This field is only valid if you are trying to add a DINUM'd value to a "
^XWB(8994,1582,2,4,1,2,0)="multiple in the FILE. The syntax of iens is ,S1,S2,S3, See M "
^XWB(8994,1582,2,4,1,3,0)="programmers for precise syntax to use if you need this."
^XWB(8994,1582,3,1,0)="Return the internal entry number (ien) of the item looked up or added."
^XWB(8994,1582,3,2,0)="On error, return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1583,1,1,0)="This will return specific patient demographic elements for a patient"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient's DFN or pointer to the PATIENT file"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1583,2,1,1,3,0)="You must pass either DFN or SSN"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the patient's 9 (or 10) digit SSN."
^XWB(8994,1583,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a boolean flag (1 or 0). The default value is zero."
^XWB(8994,1583,2,3,1,2,0)="If one, then always return the patient's permanent address information. "
^XWB(8994,1583,2,3,1,3,0)="Otherwise return was is configured in the MAS software."
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,1,0)="This flag determines whether or not to return the confidential address "
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,2,0)="information. It is optional. If this is passed, then TODAY will be the"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,3,0)="default date to use to check to see if a confidential address is active"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,4,0)="for that date."
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,6,0)=" DSICONF - optional - p1^p2"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,7,0)=" p1 - required - confidential address category - this is a string of"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,8,0)=" one or more numerics, e.g, 134, where category "
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,9,0)=" numbers are"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,10,0)=" 1 for Eligibility/Enrollment"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,11,0)=" 2 for Appointment/Scheduling"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,12,0)=" 3 for Co-payments/Veterans Billing"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,13,0)=" 4 for Medical Records"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,14,0)=" 5 for All Others"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,15,0)=" p2 - optional - fileman date to determine if confidential date is"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,4,1,16,0)=" effective. Default value is TODAY"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,5,1,1,0)="This boolean value (1 or 0) will determine the data returned for certain "
^XWB(8994,1583,2,5,1,2,0)="data elements. The default value is 0. Any state, county or zip code"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,5,1,3,0)="data elements return value will be affected by this flag"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,5,1,4,0)=" If DSIFLG=0, return state abbreviation, a 5 or 9 zip-code, and county "
^XWB(8994,1583,2,5,1,6,0)=" If DSIFLG=1, return ien to file 5^state name^state abbreviation"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,5,1,7,0)=" internal form of zip code^external zip code"
^XWB(8994,1583,2,5,1,8,0)=" multiple ien value^county name"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,1,0)="On error return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,2,0)="Else return:"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,3,0)=" DSICDAT() Description"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,4,0)=" --------- ------------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,5,0)=" 1 patient name"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,6,0)=" 2 ssn;dashed ssn"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,7,0)=" 3 dob int;ext"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,8,0)=" 4 age"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,9,0)=" 5 sex"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,10,0)=" 6 date of death int;ext"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,11,0)=" 7 race"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,12,0)=" 8 religion"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,13,0)=" 9 marital status"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,14,0)=" 10 employment status"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,15,0)=" 11 1st st add"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,16,0)=" 12 2nd st add"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,17,0)=" 13 3rd st add"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,18,0)=" 14 city"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,19,0)=" 15 state abbr [or ien^state name^state abbr]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,20,0)=" 16 zip (9 or 5) [or internal zip^external zip]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,21,0)=" 17 county [or multiple ien^county name]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,22,0)=" 18 home phone"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,23,0)=" 19 work phone"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,24,0)=" 20 LastName^FirstName^Middle^Suffix/Title"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,25,0)=" ---- ret(21) - ret(28) all refer to confidential address ----"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,26,0)=" 21 confidential address category bitmap. Default value of"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,27,0)=" ""00000"". This is a 5 char string of 0s and 1s where each bit"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,28,0)=" refers to whether or not the particular category is active or"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,29,0)=" not as of the date in the DSICONF param. Only those categories"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,30,0)=" requested in DSICONF param will have a bit value of 1"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,31,0)=" 22 street address 1"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,32,0)=" 23 street address 2"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,33,0)=" 24 street address 3"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,34,0)=" 25 city"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,35,0)=" 26 state abbr [or ien^state name^state abbr]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,36,0)=" 27 zip (9 or 5) [or internal zip^external zip]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,37,0)=" 28 county [or multiple ien^county name]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,38,0)=" -------------------------------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,39,0)=" 29 primary elig ^ other elig ^ other elig ^ ..."
^XWB(8994,1583,3,40,0)=" 30 1 if patient is a veteran, else 0"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,41,0)=" 31 code^name of current means test status"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,42,0)=" := file 5 ien^state name^state abbr [dsiflg=1]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,43,0)=" RET(26) := 5 char zip code or 9 digit zip code with dash [dsiflg=0]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,44,0)=" := internal zip code^external zip code [dsiflg=1]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,45,0)=" RET(27) := county name [dsiflg=0]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,46,0)=" := multiple ien value^county name [dsiflg=1]"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,47,0)=" ***********************************************************************"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,48,0)=" RET(28) := primary eligibility ^ other elig ^ other elig ^ ..."
^XWB(8994,1583,3,49,0)=" RET(29) := 1 if patient is a veteran, else 0"
^XWB(8994,1583,3,50,0)=" RET(30) := code^ name for current means test status"
^XWB(8994,1584,1,1,0)="This calls FILE^DIE to file data. It can only file data at a single "
^XWB(8994,1584,1,2,0)="level (top, multiple, a multiple within a multiple, etc.). It presumes "
^XWB(8994,1584,1,3,0)="you know how to set Param[x] properly in Fileman syntax."
^XWB(8994,1584,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the file number (or subfile number) for which data is to be filed."
^XWB(8994,1584,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IENS parameter to the FILE^DIE call. If you are filing data "
^XWB(8994,1584,2,2,1,2,0)="to a file at top level fields, then IENS must be <null>. If you are "
^XWB(8994,1584,2,2,1,3,0)="filing data to a subfile entry then IENS must be properly defined."
^XWB(8994,1584,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the FLAGS parameter used when invoking FILE^DIE."
^XWB(8994,1584,2,3,1,2,0)="If no value is passed, then the default value is ""KE"""
^XWB(8994,1584,2,4,1,1,0)="This is an array of fields in format: DATA(field_num)=value "
^XWB(8994,1584,3,1,0)=" Successful, return 1^"
^XWB(8994,1584,3,2,0)=" Else return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1585,0)="DSIC DDR FINDER^FIND^DSICDDR0^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1585,1,1,0)="Call FIND^DIC to get a list of matches on the file for the input value"
^XWB(8994,1585,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of the file in which you wish to search."
^XWB(8994,1585,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IENS through which you wish to search for the value VALUE."
^XWB(8994,1585,2,2,1,2,0)="If you are searching the top level of a file, this should be null. See"
^XWB(8994,1585,2,2,1,3,0)="the FileMan Programmers manual for instructions on constructing IENS"
^XWB(8994,1585,2,3,1,1,0)="This is an ^ (or "";"") delimited list of fields that you wish returned from"
^XWB(8994,1585,2,3,1,2,0)="each entry that matches the lookup conditions that you have specified."
^XWB(8994,1585,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the maximum number of entries to be returned. Defaults to all"
^XWB(8994,1585,2,4,1,2,0)="entries matching the lookup value VALUE."
^XWB(8994,1585,2,5,1,1,0)="If you wish to do the lookup on specific indexes, then enter that here. "
^XWB(8994,1585,2,5,1,2,0)="The index string must be compliant with the Fileman Documentation."
^XWB(8994,1585,2,6,1,1,0)="Enter a value that will be used by Fileman for the lookup. This call "
^XWB(8994,1585,2,6,1,2,0)="does not support the .VALUE syntax allowed by FIND^DIC"
^XWB(8994,1585,2,7,1,1,0)="If you wish to use the DIC(""S"") equivalent then enter it here."
^XWB(8994,1585,2,8,1,1,0)="This is the Fileman FLAGS parameter used in the FILE^DIC api."
^XWB(8994,1585,3,1,0)="Returns an array in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1585,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1585,3,3,0)="Array[0]=Number of entries found^Number of entries requested^Any more"
^XWB(8994,1585,3,4,0)="entries to return?"
^XWB(8994,1585,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1585,3,6,0)="Array[1]-[n]=IEN^Values of fields requested in VEJDVAL (in order)"
^XWB(8994,1585,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1585,3,8,0)="For instance: if FILE=2 (the PATIENT file) and FIELD="".01^.09"""
^XWB(8994,1585,3,9,0)="(name and SSAN respectively), then a sample return may look like:"
^XWB(8994,1585,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1585,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1585,3,14,0)="but if FIELD="".09^.01"", you would see:"
^XWB(8994,1585,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1586,1,1,0)="This calls GETS^DIQ to get a list of field values for a record"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of the file in which you wish to search."
^XWB(8994,1586,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IENS for the search. See the instructions on constructing an"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,2,1,2,0)="IENS in the FileMan Programmer's Manual"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,3,1,1,0)="This is an ^ (or "";"") delimited list of field numbers to return from the"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,3,1,2,0)="entry identified in IENS"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,1,0)="This is a string containing up to 3 characters that will modify how"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,2,0)="FileMan presents the results of this operation:"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,4,0)=" E: Return data in external format"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,5,0)=" I: Return data in internal format"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,7,0)=" N: Do NOT return null values - not to be used by DSS GUI"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,8,0)=" R: Resolves field numbers to field names"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,9,0)=" W: Input field is a word processing field"
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,11,0)="If the W flag is passed, then this call expects that the Field parameter "
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,12,0)="will have a single field number only. The W flag must be sent by "
^XWB(8994,1586,2,4,1,13,0)="itself. It cannot be combined with other flags. W introduced 12/9/2003."
^XWB(8994,1586,3,1,0)="Returns an array with the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1586,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1586,3,3,0)="For non-word processing fields, List[n] := p1^p2^p3^p4^p5 n=1,2,3,..."
^XWB(8994,1586,3,4,0)=" p1 = file number (or subfile#)"
^XWB(8994,1586,3,5,0)=" p2 = iens"
^XWB(8994,1586,3,6,0)=" p3 = field number or field name"
^XWB(8994,1586,3,7,0)=" p4 = value for that field"
^XWB(8994,1586,3,8,0)=" p5 = I if value in internal format, else E if in external format"
^XWB(8994,1586,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1586,3,10,0)="For a word processing field, return List[n] := text n=1,2,3,..."
^XWB(8994,1587,0)="DSIC DDR LISTER^LIST^DSICDDR0^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1587,1,1,0)="This calls the Fileman lister, LIST^DIC to get a list of records matching "
^XWB(8994,1587,1,2,0)="the input value"
^XWB(8994,1587,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the file number of the file that will be searched"
^XWB(8994,1587,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the standard Fileman IENS string when doing a search/lookup on a "
^XWB(8994,1587,2,2,1,2,0)="multiple in a file."
^XWB(8994,1587,2,3,1,1,0)="';' delimited list of fields requested for each record"
^XWB(8994,1587,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the FLAGS parameter for the LIST^DIC api"
^XWB(8994,1587,2,5,1,1,0)="Enter the maximum number of matching records you wish to retrieve."
^XWB(8994,1587,2,6,1,1,0)="Enter the string that will be the starting value to use when transversing "
^XWB(8994,1587,2,6,1,2,0)="the indexes looking for a match."
^XWB(8994,1587,2,7,1,1,0)="This is the PARTIAL parameter in the LIST^DIC call."
^XWB(8994,1587,2,8,1,1,0)="Enter the string of index names (separated by '^') which the search will"
^XWB(8994,1587,2,9,1,1,0)="If you wish to screen entries, then enter that executable M code. This "
^XWB(8994,1587,2,9,1,2,0)="is the same as DIC(""S"")"
^XWB(8994,1587,2,10,1,1,0)="This is the IDENTIFIER parameter in LIST^DIC call"
^XWB(8994,1587,3,1,0)="If successful, return array will be in the following order:"
^XWB(8994,1587,3,2,0)=" File Number^Field Number^IEN^Text"
^XWB(8994,1588,1,1,0)="This will delete a record from a file or subfile."
^XWB(8994,1588,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of the file or subfile of the record to be deleted"
^XWB(8994,1588,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the Fileman IENS input parameter. Its value must be applicable "
^XWB(8994,1588,2,2,1,2,0)="to the file or subfile for which a record is being deleted."
^XWB(8994,1588,3,1,0)="If the entry is successfully deleted, return 1^"
^XWB(8994,1588,3,2,0)="Else return 0^message"
^XWB(8994,1589,1,1,0)="This will add a new record to a file, but only at the top level of the "
^XWB(8994,1589,1,2,0)="file. It does not allow for adding a new record to a multiple. "
^XWB(8994,1589,1,3,0)="Additional fields to be filed at the same time can be passed."
^XWB(8994,1589,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of the file for which a new record is to be added"
^XWB(8994,1589,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a list of fields which will have data for filing with the new "
^XWB(8994,1589,2,2,1,2,0)="record. Obviously the .01 field must be present. Format of data array:"
^XWB(8994,1589,2,2,1,3,0)=" DATA(field#)=internal value"
^XWB(8994,1589,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1589,2,2,1,5,0)=" On the GUI side, Param.List['field#']= value"
^XWB(8994,1589,3,1,0)="If a new record is successfully created, return 1^new record number"
^XWB(8994,1589,3,2,0)="Else return, -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1590,1,1,0)="This will add a new record to a multiple in a file. The multiple can be "
^XWB(8994,1590,1,2,0)="at any level as long as the IENS is properly defined. Additional fields "
^XWB(8994,1590,1,3,0)="can filed with the record."
^XWB(8994,1590,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of the subfile to which a new record is to be added"
^XWB(8994,1590,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the standard Fileman DBS parameter for calling UPDATE^DIE when "
^XWB(8994,1590,2,2,1,2,0)="adding a record to a multiple in a file. If IENS is not passed or is "
^XWB(8994,1590,2,2,1,3,0)="passed as <null>, then this will add the record at the top level of the "
^XWB(8994,1590,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a list of fields and their internal values to be filed with the"
^XWB(8994,1590,2,3,1,2,0)="new record. Obviously the .01 field should have a value to be filed. The"
^XWB(8994,1590,2,3,1,3,0)="format of the DATA array: DATA(field#)=value"
^XWB(8994,1590,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1590,2,3,1,5,0)="On the GUI side this would be: Param.List['field#'] := value"
^XWB(8994,1590,3,1,0)="If the record is successfully created, return -1^new subfile record number"
^XWB(8994,1590,3,2,0)="Else, return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1591,1,1,0)="This will file the text into the specified word processing field."
^XWB(8994,1591,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the file (or subfile) number for which the word processing field "
^XWB(8994,1591,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the appropriate Fileman DBS IENS for filing the word processing "
^XWB(8994,1591,2,3,1,1,0)="This is field number of the word processing field"
^XWB(8994,1591,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the FLAGS parameter for the WP^DIE call."
^XWB(8994,1591,2,5,1,1,0)="This is the text to be filed into the word processing field."
^XWB(8994,1591,3,1,0)="If the text is successfully filed, then return 1^"
^XWB(8994,1591,3,2,0)="Else, return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1592,1,1,0)="This will return the external format for an internal Fileman field value"
^XWB(8994,1592,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of the file (or subfile) for which the external format "
^XWB(8994,1592,2,1,1,2,0)="of the the field is desired."
^XWB(8994,1592,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the field number for the file (or subfile)"
^XWB(8994,1592,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the internal Fileman format for the data stored at FILE,FIELD. "
^XWB(8994,1592,2,3,1,2,0)="This does not require a record number."
^XWB(8994,1592,3,1,0)="If it successfully translate the internal value to external format, then "
^XWB(8994,1592,3,2,0)="return 1^external format"
^XWB(8994,1592,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1592,3,4,0)="Else, return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1593,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the file (or subfile) number upon which the lookup will be done"
^XWB(8994,1593,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the standard IENS parameter when FIND1^DIC is invoked. It is "
^XWB(8994,1593,2,2,1,2,0)="only needed if the lookup is on a mutliple instead of the parent file."
^XWB(8994,1593,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the value in external format which will be used for doing the "
^XWB(8994,1593,3,1,0)="If the lookup is successful, return 1^internal file number"
^XWB(8994,1593,3,2,0)="If the lookup is unsuccessful, return 1^<null>"
^XWB(8994,1593,3,3,0)="If the lookup encountered an error, return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1594,1,1,0)="This will return the status(es) of import requests for an individual DSS "
^XWB(8994,1594,1,2,0)="application. If you pass the transaction ID then the status of that"
^XWB(8994,1594,1,3,0)="transaction will be returned. You can also retrieve the statuses of all"
^XWB(8994,1594,1,4,0)="requests or all requests of a certain status."
^XWB(8994,1594,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the transaction ID that was passed to the VistA Imaging Import "
^XWB(8994,1594,2,1,1,2,0)="Queue. It must be in the format DSS;xxxxxx."
^XWB(8994,1594,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a string of codes to determine which transaction statuses to "
^XWB(8994,1594,2,2,1,2,0)="return. The parameter WHICH and TRANID are mutually excluded. That is "
^XWB(8994,1594,2,2,1,3,0)="if TRANID is passed, the parameter WHICH will not even be evaluated or "
^XWB(8994,1594,2,2,1,4,0)="acted upon."
^XWB(8994,1594,2,2,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1594,2,2,1,6,0)="If WHICH contains A, then retrieve all transactions for all statuses"
^XWB(8994,1594,2,2,1,7,0)="If WHICH contains E, then retrieve all ERROR transactions"
^XWB(8994,1594,2,2,1,8,0)="If WHICH contains S, then retrieve all SUCCESSFUL transactions"
^XWB(8994,1594,2,2,1,9,0)="If WHICH contains P, then retrieve all PENDING transactions"
^XWB(8994,1594,2,3,1,1,0)="This flag (0 or 1) will control whether or not the transaction record "
^XWB(8994,1594,2,3,1,2,0)="should be deleted from file 19621. Default value is 0, do not delete"
^XWB(8994,1594,2,3,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1594,2,3,1,4,0)="If DEL=1 then delete all SUCCESSFUL transactions returned in the RPC"
^XWB(8994,1594,2,3,1,5,0)="call. So this will not delete import requests in an error state or"
^XWB(8994,1594,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the application code assigned to a DSS application. "
^XWB(8994,1594,3,1,0)="This will return a list:"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,2,0)=" on error, return error message(s) as array[n] = -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,3,0)=" if no errors, then return data as follows: "
^XWB(8994,1594,3,4,0)=" 1. The return array will be sorted by status and then by tranID"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,5,0)=" Any transaction in an error state come first"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,6,0)=" Then come the successfully imported transactions"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,7,0)=" Then come the pending transactions"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,8,0)=" 2. Each transaction returned will be multi-line"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,9,0)=" array[n] = tranID ^ status"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,10,0)=" array[n+j] = any messages passed back by Vista Imaging"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,11,0)=" where j = 1,2,3,..."
^XWB(8994,1594,3,12,0)=" array[n+m] = $END indicating the end of this transaction"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,13,0)=" where m = the value of the last j plus 1"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,14,0)=" The status text is as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,15,0)=" Error"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,16,0)=" Successfully Imported"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,17,0)=" Successfully Imported, record deleted (only if DEL=1)"
^XWB(8994,1594,3,18,0)=" Pending"
^XWB(8994,1595,1,1,0)="This will allow you to add or delete an entry to file 19621. When you "
^XWB(8994,1595,1,2,0)="use the VistA Imaging import an image API, you are returned a queue "
^XWB(8994,1595,1,3,0)="number. This number means that VistA Imaging background processor "
^XWB(8994,1595,1,4,0)="accepted your request and place it a queue and will process it in due "
^XWB(8994,1595,1,5,0)="time. After you get this successful queue message you should immediately "
^XWB(8994,1595,1,6,0)="file that data through this RPC."
^XWB(8994,1595,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1595,1,8,0)="This file is to allow communication between the VistA Imaging background "
^XWB(8994,1595,1,9,0)="processor and the DSS Document Management system."
^XWB(8994,1595,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the action that should be taken. The default value if not passed "
^XWB(8994,1595,2,1,1,2,0)="is A."
^XWB(8994,1595,2,1,1,3,0)=" ACT = A then add a record to file 19621 - TRANID and QUEUE required"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,1,1,4,0)=" ACT = D then delete a record in file 19621 - TRANID is only required"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the transaction ID you passed to the VistA Imaging import API. "
^XWB(8994,1595,2,2,1,2,0)="It must be in the format DSS;xxxxxx"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1595,2,2,1,4,0)="This is optional. If it is not passed, then a transaction ID will be "
^XWB(8994,1595,2,2,1,5,0)="built from the APP parameter."
^XWB(8994,1595,2,3,1,1,0)="This is only required if you have successfully queued an import request "
^XWB(8994,1595,2,3,1,2,0)="to VistA Imaging. VistA Imaging import API will return you a QUEUE "
^XWB(8994,1595,2,3,1,3,0)="number. This is only required if you are adding a record to file 19606."
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,1,0)="This is optional only for DocManager. For all othr DSS applications, "
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,2,0)="this is required."
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,4,0)="DSS Product Prefixes for VistA Imaging:"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,5,0)=" Product Name Product Prefix"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,6,0)=" DocManager DM"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,7,0)=" CNT CNT"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,8,0)=" Total Notes TNT"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,9,0)=" PFCS PFCS"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,10,0)=" PTF PTF"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,11,0)=" VRM VRM"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,12,0)=" DRM DRM"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,13,0)=" Dental Treatment Planner DTP"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,14,0)=" TRM TRM"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,15,0)=" PSS PSS"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,16,0)=" ROI ROI"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,17,0)=" MHTP MHTP"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,18,0)=" Draeger DRG"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,19,0)=" VistA Gateway/ProVation VGPRO"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,20,0)=" VistA Gateway/QuadraMed VGQM"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,21,0)=" VistA Gateway/Intisiq VGINQ"
^XWB(8994,1595,2,4,1,22,0)=" VistA Gateway/TheraDoc VGTHD"
^XWB(8994,1595,3,1,0)="Returns a string:"
^XWB(8994,1595,3,2,0)=" If successfully added return 1^message^TRANID"
^XWB(8994,1595,3,3,0)=" If successfully deleted return 1^message"
^XWB(8994,1595,3,4,0)=" If unsuccessful return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,1,0)="This will return a string indicating whether the service condition"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,2,0)="questions need to be asked:"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,3,0)=" Agent Orange exposure"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,4,0)=" Environmental Contaminant exposure"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,5,0)=" Ionizing Radiation Exposure"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,6,0)=" Service Connected"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,7,0)=" Military Sexual Trauma"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,8,0)=" Head & Neck Cancer"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,9,0)=" Combat Veteran"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1596,1,11,0)="If VST is not passed, then APPT must be the scheduling appointment"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,12,0)="date/time and LOC must be the the hospital location data"
^XWB(8994,1596,1,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1596,1,14,0)="If VST is passed, then APPT and LOC are optional."
^XWB(8994,1596,2,2,1,1,0)=" DATA = DFN ^ APPT ^ LOC ^ VST where"
^XWB(8994,1596,2,2,1,2,0)=" DFN = required - pointer to the Patient file (2)"
^XWB(8994,1596,2,2,1,3,0)=" APPT = optional/required - FM date/time for the visit or the scheduled"
^XWB(8994,1596,2,2,1,4,0)=" appointment. If VST passed, then APPT is optional"
^XWB(8994,1596,2,2,1,5,0)=" LOC = required - either the name of the location (file 44) or the"
^XWB(8994,1596,2,2,1,6,0)=" pointer to file 44"
^XWB(8994,1596,2,2,1,7,0)=" VST = optional/required - pointer to Visit file (#9000010)"
^XWB(8994,1596,2,2,1,8,0)=" If APPT passed, then VST is optional"
^XWB(8994,1596,2,2,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1596,2,2,1,10,0)=" You must send either APPT or VST or both."
^XWB(8994,1596,3,1,0)="This will return a string in the format p1^p2^...^pn where"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,2,0)=" pn = 1 or null If pn=1 then ask appropriate yes/no question:"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,3,0)=" p1 = ask Agent Orange"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,4,0)=" p2 = ask Environmental Contaminant"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,5,0)=" p3 = ask Ionizing Radiation"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,6,0)=" p4 = ask Service Connected"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,7,0)=" p5 = ask Military Sexual Trauma"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,8,0)=" p6 = ask Head & Neck Cancer"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,9,0)=" p7 = ask Combat Veteran"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1596,3,11,0)="If invalid DFN passed, then error message returned,"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,12,0)=" ""-1^Invalid patient DFN"""
^XWB(8994,1596,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1596,3,14,0)="If the visit date cannot be determined, then error message returned"
^XWB(8994,1596,3,15,0)=" ""-1^No appointment/visit date"""
^XWB(8994,1597,1,1,0)="This will invoke SDA^VADPT. It returns those appointments which were kept"
^XWB(8994,1597,1,2,0)="and all open future appointments depending upon the date range."
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA = DFN ^ BEG ^ END ^ ALOC ^ FLG where"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,3,0)=" DFN = required - pointer to patient file (#2)"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,4,0)=" BEG = optional - FM date/time - return all scheduled appointments"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,5,0)=" greater than BEG"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,6,0)=" END = optional - FM date/time - return all scheduled appointments"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,7,0)=" up to END"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,8,0)="ALOC = optional - name of location (file 44) or pointer to file 44"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,9,0)=" If present, then only appointments for that clinic returned"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,10,0)=" FLG = optional"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,11,0)=" 0 - return all kept appts from BEG to today"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,12,0)=" 1 - return future appts only"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,13,0)=" 2 - return appts from 0 & 1"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,15,0)="Date range takes precedence over FLG. So if you send BEG=DT-1,FLG=1 you"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,1,1,16,0)="will get no appointments since BEG not greater than NOW"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,2,1,1,0)="SCR - optional - added 7/3/2002 - sgm"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,2,1,2,0)=" passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,2,1,3,0)=" format: SCR(subscript) = code ^ value where"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,2,1,4,0)=" code = C for hospital location #44"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,2,1,5,0)=" D for medical center division #40.8"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,2,1,6,0)=" S for 3-digit stop code from file 40.7 (not ien)"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,2,1,7,0)=" value = for codes C,D - any unique lookup value or ien"
^XWB(8994,1597,2,2,1,8,0)=" for code S - 3-digit stop code (not ien to 40.7)"
^XWB(8994,1597,3,1,0)="Data passed to broker via the global ^TMP(""DSIC"",$J,""APT"",#)"
^XWB(8994,1597,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1597,3,3,0)="Returns array(#) = p1^p2^p3^p4 in reverse chronological order."
^XWB(8994,1597,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1597,3,5,0)="p1 :== external appointment date/time"
^XWB(8994,1597,3,6,0)="p2 :== external clinic name"
^XWB(8994,1597,3,7,0)="p3 :== appointment date/time - fileman format"
^XWB(8994,1597,3,8,0)="p4 :== pointer to Hospital Location file (44)"
^XWB(8994,1597,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1597,3,10,0)="Error messages:"
^XWB(8994,1597,3,11,0)="array(1) = ""-1^Invalid patient DFN"" if bad patient pointer"
^XWB(8994,1597,3,12,0)="array(1) ="" -1^No appointments found"""
^XWB(8994,1598,1,1,0)="This will call the DSIC GET SCHED APPTS rpc to get the scheduled"
^XWB(8994,1598,1,2,0)="appointments for the user inputted date range. It uses SELECTED^VSIT to "
^XWB(8994,1598,1,3,0)="find all visits. It uses IN5^VADPT to get the current admission."
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,1,0)=" DATA - required - DFN ^ BEG ^ END ^ ZLOC ^ FLG ^ MODS ^ CAT"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,2,0)=" DFN - required - pointer to file 2"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,3,0)=" BEG - optional - starting Fileman date/time"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,4,0)=" END - optional - ending fileman date/time - default = DT+.5"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,5,0)=" ZLOC - optional - clinic, either name or file 44 ien retained for"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,6,0)=" backwards compatibility"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,7,0)=" FLG - optional - type of appts to return"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,8,0)=" 0 - active/kept appts (past) - default"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,9,0)=" 1 - future appts only"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,10,0)=" 2 - both past and future appts"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,11,0)=" MODS - optional - string of codes determine which encounters to return"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,12,0)=" default value = ASV"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,13,0)=" MODS[""A"" - return current admission regardless of date"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,14,0)=" MODS[""S"" - return schedule appts"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,15,0)=" MODS[""V"" - return visit file entries (#9000010)"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,16,0)=" CAT - optional - default value is 0 screen visits by service category"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,17,0)=" 1 - return all visits"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,1,1,18,0)=" 0 or <null> - do not return historical type visits"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,2,1,1,0)="SCR - optional - added 7/3/2002 - sgm"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,2,1,2,0)=" passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,2,1,3,0)=" format: SCR(subscript) = code ^ value where"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,2,1,4,0)=" code = C for hospital location #44"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,2,1,5,0)=" D for medical center division #40.8"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,2,1,6,0)=" S for 3-digit stop code from file 40.7 (not ien)"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,2,1,7,0)=" value = for codes C,D - any unique lookup value or ien"
^XWB(8994,1598,2,2,1,8,0)=" for code S - 3-digit stop code (not ien to 40.7)"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,1,0)="It returns to the broker, via the global array ^TMP(""DSIC"",$J,""VSIT"",#)"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,2,0)=" 1. All visits and current admission"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,3,0)=" 2. Any scheduled visit for which there is no corresponding visit file"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,4,0)=" entry for the same date/time and clinic."
^XWB(8994,1598,3,5,0)=" 3. Format of data returned p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6 where"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,6,0)=" p1 := A (if admission) V (if visit) S (if scheduled appt)"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,7,0)=" p2 := visit file ien"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,8,0)=" p3 := date/time in external format"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,9,0)=" p4 := location name (from file 44)"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,10,0)=" p5 := date/time in internal fileman format"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,11,0)=" p6 := location file (#44) ien"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,12,0)=" 4. If no matching data was found then return"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,13,0)=" -1^Invalid patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,1598,3,14,0)=" -1^No visits or appointments found"
^XWB(8994,1599,0)="DSIC GET VISITS ONLY^VS^DSICVST2^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1599,1,1,0)="Using SELECTED^VSIT this retrieves all visits for the date range."
^XWB(8994,1599,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer value to the Patient file"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,2,1,1,0)="Optional - this is the starting date for the search in internal fileman"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,2,1,2,0)="date/time format of the visit. If not passed, then a date of T-365 will"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,2,1,3,0)="be used."
^XWB(8994,1599,2,3,1,1,0)="Optional - this is the ending date/time for the search in internal fileman"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,3,1,2,0)="format. If not passed, then a date of DT+.5 will be used."
^XWB(8994,1599,2,4,1,1,0)="Kept for backward compatibility. Do not use. See SCR parameter."
^XWB(8994,1599,2,4,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1599,2,4,1,3,0)="Optional - you can look for visits for specific locations (file 44). The"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,4,1,4,0)="ZLOC array is expected to be in the format ZLOC(ien)="""" where ien is the"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,4,1,5,0)="pointer to file 44."
^XWB(8994,1599,2,5,1,1,0)="This flag controls whether service categories should be screened or not."
^XWB(8994,1599,2,5,1,2,0)="It is optional, the default value is to screen entries."
^XWB(8994,1599,2,5,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1599,2,5,1,4,0)="I +CAT then do not screen entries."
^XWB(8994,1599,2,5,1,5,0)="I '$G(CAT) then screen entries to exclude those whose service category is"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,5,1,6,0)="E,D,X,N, or C"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,6,1,1,0)="SCR - optional - added 7/3/2002 - sgm"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,6,1,2,0)=" passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,6,1,3,0)=" format: SCR(subscript) = code ^ value where"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,6,1,4,0)=" code = C for hospital location #44"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,6,1,5,0)=" D for medical center division #40.8"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,6,1,6,0)=" S for 3-digit stop code from file 40.7 (not ien)"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,6,1,7,0)=" value = for codes C,D - any unique lookup value or ien"
^XWB(8994,1599,2,6,1,8,0)=" for code S - 3-digit stop code (not ien to 40.7)"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,1,0)="The data is passed to the broker in the ^TMP(""DSIC"",$J,""VSIT"",#) where"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,2,0)="^TMP(""DSIC"",$J,""VSIT"",#) = p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6 where"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,3,0)=" p1 := A (if admission) or V (if visit)"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,4,0)=" p2 := visit file pointer (#9000010)"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,5,0)=" p3 := visit/admission external date/time"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,6,0)=" p4 := location name (file 44)"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,7,0)=" p5 := visit/admission internal fileman date/time"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,8,0)=" p6 := pointer to location (file 44)"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1599,3,10,0)="Or it will return"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,11,0)=" -1^No Patient DFN or"
^XWB(8994,1599,3,12,0)=" -1^No visits found"
^XWB(8994,1600,1,1,0)="Add a new problem to the problem list"
^XWB(8994,1600,2,1,1,1,0)="For detailed description of the array setup see documentation in the"
^XWB(8994,1600,3,1,0)="If problem successfully added, returns 1^new IEN in problem list"
^XWB(8994,1600,3,2,0)="Otherwise, returns -1^Error message"
^XWB(8994,1601,1,1,0)="This will update an existing problem"
^XWB(8994,1601,2,1,1,1,0)="For detailed description of array format, see documentation in routine."
^XWB(8994,1601,3,1,0)="If update is successful, then returns 1^(data from gmplutl call)"
^XWB(8994,1601,3,2,0)="Otherwise, returns -1^(data from gmplutl call)"
^XWB(8994,1602,1,1,0)="This will send a Mailman message"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,1,0)="This array contains all the data needed to invoke Mailman's send a "
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,2,0)="message API. ARR format: ARR(sub) = p1 ^ p2 where"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,3,0)=" sub = any subscript value [0,1,2,3,...]"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,4,0)=" p1 = parameter name indicating the mail api entity"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,5,0)=" p2 = the value of the parameter p1"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,7,0)=" Req/"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,8,0)=" p1 Opt p2 (and description)"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,9,0)="--------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,10,0)=" FLAGS opt string of characters representing special instructions"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,11,0)=" P := priority I := informational only X := closed"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,12,0)=" C := confidential R := confirm receipt"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,14,0)=" FROM opt default to DUZ - sender of message"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,16,0)="SELF BSKT opt if FROM=DUZ then this canbe the name of DUZ's mail"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,17,0)=" basket to deliver the message [basket must already exist]"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,19,0)=" VAPOR opt Fileman date.time for which thismessage should be deleted"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,20,0)=" from recipient's mail baskets"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,22,0)=" SUBJ req subject of the message [3-65 characters]"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,24,0)=" NOTME opt if this equals 1, then DO NOT include user DUZ as a"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,25,0)=" recipient. Otherwise DUZ will always be a recipient even"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,26,0)=" if they are not included in the recipient list"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,28,0)=" REC opt this is only optional if the mail message will include"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,29,0)=" DUZ as a recipient. These are the recipients of the"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,30,0)=" message. Acceptable values are:"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,31,0)=" DUZ number"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,32,0)=" G.mail group name"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,33,0)=" D.VistA device name"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,34,0)=" S.server name"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,35,0)=" For DUZ and mail group recipients there are additional"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,36,0)=" parameters you can use as prefixes to the recipient:"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,37,0)=" I: - indicate this recipient is informational only"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,38,0)=" C: - indicate that this recipient is carbon copy (cc)"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,39,0)=" L@Fileman_date.time: - deliver this message to this"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,40,0)=" recipient at the specified date.time"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,41,0)=" Examples: for user 1301 - I:1301"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,42,0)=" C:G.IRM STAFF"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,43,0)=" IL@3021224.23:G.MCCR"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,44,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,45,0)=" TEXT req text of message. Each line of text will be a separate"
^XWB(8994,1602,2,1,1,46,0)=" ARR(sub) entry. No line should exceed 80 characters."
^XWB(8994,1602,3,1,0)="If the message is successfully created, return the mail message number"
^XWB(8994,1602,3,2,0)="Else return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1603,1,1,0)="RPC to send an alert"
^XWB(8994,1603,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA() is the input data to be passed to the Kernel's alert processor."
^XWB(8994,1603,2,1,1,2,0)="Prior to 10/1/2003 the subscripts of DATA() were numeric."
^XWB(8994,1603,2,1,1,3,0)="Since 10/1/2003 the subscripts should be strings. No one should be using "
^XWB(8994,1603,2,1,1,4,0)="the numeric subscripts after 10/1/2003."
^XWB(8994,1603,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1603,2,1,1,6,0)="For detailed description of the input array, see the routine DSICXQA."
^XWB(8994,1603,2,1,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1603,2,1,1,8,0)="End description as of 10/1/2003"
^XWB(8994,1603,3,1,0)="Returns 1 if an alert is sent. Else return -1^message."
^XWB(8994,1604,1,1,0)="This is used to add a new parameter value for an entity."
^XWB(8994,1604,2,1,1,1,0)="This string has different pieces for adding a new parameter for an entity"
^XWB(8994,1604,2,1,1,2,0)="DATA - required - p1~p2~p3~p4"
^XWB(8994,1604,2,1,1,3,0)=" p1 := optional - entity(s) - if not passed, set to ""USR"" for"
^XWB(8994,1604,2,1,1,4,0)=" current user"
^XWB(8994,1604,2,1,1,5,0)=" p2 := required - parameter name"
^XWB(8994,1604,2,1,1,6,0)=" p3 := optional - instance"
^XWB(8994,1604,2,1,1,7,0)=" p4 := required - value - see XPAR documentation"
^XWB(8994,1604,3,1,0)="If the parameter is successfully added, return 1"
^XWB(8994,1604,3,2,0)="Else return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1605,1,1,0)="This is used to change the value or delete an existing parameter value"
^XWB(8994,1605,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA - required - p1~p2~p3~p4"
^XWB(8994,1605,2,1,1,2,0)=" p1 := optional - entity(s) - if not passed, set to ""USR"" for"
^XWB(8994,1605,2,1,1,3,0)=" current user"
^XWB(8994,1605,2,1,1,4,0)=" p2 := required - parameter name"
^XWB(8994,1605,2,1,1,5,0)=" p3 := optional - instance"
^XWB(8994,1605,2,1,1,6,0)=" p4 := required - value - see XPAR documentation"
^XWB(8994,1605,3,1,0)="If the parameter is successfully changed, return 1"
^XWB(8994,1605,3,2,0)="Else return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1606,1,1,0)="Delete an existing parameter for an entity for a specific instance"
^XWB(8994,1606,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA - required - p1~p2~p3~p4"
^XWB(8994,1606,2,1,1,2,0)=" p1 := optional - entity(s) - if not passed, set to ""USR"" for"
^XWB(8994,1606,2,1,1,3,0)=" current user"
^XWB(8994,1606,2,1,1,4,0)=" p2 := required - parameter name"
^XWB(8994,1606,2,1,1,5,0)=" p3 := optional - instance"
^XWB(8994,1606,3,1,0)="If the parameter is successfully deleted, return 1"
^XWB(8994,1606,3,2,0)="Else return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1607,1,1,0)="This is used to delete the value for all instances of a parameter for a "
^XWB(8994,1607,1,2,0)="given entity"
^XWB(8994,1607,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA - required - p1~p2"
^XWB(8994,1607,2,1,1,2,0)=" p1 := optional - entity(s) - if not passed, set to ""USR"" for"
^XWB(8994,1607,2,1,1,3,0)=" current user"
^XWB(8994,1607,2,1,1,4,0)=" p2 := required - parameter name"
^XWB(8994,1607,3,1,0)="If the parameter(s) are successfully deleted, return 1"
^XWB(8994,1607,3,2,0)="Else return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1608,1,1,0)="This will get all instances of a parameter for an entity"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA - required - p1~p2~~~~p6"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,2,0)=" p1 := optional - entity(s) - if not passed, set to ""USR"" for"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,3,0)=" current user"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,4,0)=" p2 := required - parameter name"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,5,0)=" p6 := optional - format code determines return values"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,6,0)=" Q - internal instance, internal value"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,7,0)=" E - external instance, external value"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,8,0)=" N - external instance, internal value"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,9,0)=" B - internal & external instances and values"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,10,0)=" [default value]"
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1608,2,1,1,12,0)="Actually, p6 is ignored and is always set to B"
^XWB(8994,1608,3,1,0)="Return a list of values"
^XWB(8994,1608,3,2,0)="On error return list[1] = -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1608,3,3,0)="Else return list[n] = p1^p2^p3^p4 where n = 1,2,3,4,5,6,..."
^XWB(8994,1608,3,4,0)=" p1 = internal instance"
^XWB(8994,1608,3,5,0)=" p2 = external instance"
^XWB(8994,1608,3,6,0)=" p3 = internal value"
^XWB(8994,1608,3,7,0)=" p4 = extenral value"
^XWB(8994,1608,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1608,3,9,0)="p1,p2,p3,p4 may be <null> depending upon the format parameter passed in "
^XWB(8994,1608,3,10,0)="the 6th piece of the DATA input variable."
^XWB(8994,1609,1,1,0)="This will return the value of a single entity/param/instance"
^XWB(8994,1609,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA - required - p1~p2~p3~~~p6"
^XWB(8994,1609,2,1,1,2,0)=" p1 := optional - entity - if not passed, set to ""USR"" for"
^XWB(8994,1609,2,1,1,3,0)=" current user"
^XWB(8994,1609,2,1,1,4,0)=" p2 := required - parameter name"
^XWB(8994,1609,2,1,1,5,0)=" p3 := optional - instance"
^XWB(8994,1609,2,1,1,6,0)=" p6 := optional - format code determines return values"
^XWB(8994,1609,2,1,1,7,0)=" Q - internal value - [default]"
^XWB(8994,1609,2,1,1,8,0)=" E - external value"
^XWB(8994,1609,2,1,1,9,0)=" B - internal^external values"
^XWB(8994,1609,3,1,0)="If problem encountered getting value, return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1609,3,2,0)="Else return the value in the format requested for the"
^XWB(8994,1610,1,1,0)="This will return all entities for a given parameter and instance"
^XWB(8994,1610,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA - required - ~p2~p3~~~p6"
^XWB(8994,1610,2,1,1,2,0)=" p2 := required - parameter name"
^XWB(8994,1610,2,1,1,3,0)=" p3 := optional - instance"
^XWB(8994,1610,2,1,1,4,0)=" p6 := optional - format code - default=Q, anything else besides Q or "
^XWB(8994,1610,2,1,1,5,0)=" <null> will be treated as code B"
^XWB(8994,1610,3,1,0)="On error, return list[1] = -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1610,3,2,0)="Else return list[n] = p1^p2^p3^ where n = 1,2,3,4,...."
^XWB(8994,1610,3,3,0)=" p1 = 3 character code representing entity class"
^XWB(8994,1610,3,4,0)=" p2 = entity ien"
^XWB(8994,1610,3,5,0)=" p3 = internal value"
^XWB(8994,1610,3,6,0)=" p4 = external instance"
^XWB(8994,1610,3,7,0)=" p5 = internal value"
^XWB(8994,1610,3,8,0)=" p6 = external value"
^XWB(8994,1610,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1610,3,10,0)="p3,p4,p5,p6 - data returned depending upon format passed in DATA "
^XWB(8994,1611,1,1,0)="For an existing entity/parameter/instance, this will change the value of "
^XWB(8994,1611,1,2,0)="that instance"
^XWB(8994,1611,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA = p1~p2~p3~~p5 where"
^XWB(8994,1611,2,1,1,2,0)=" p1 - entity - optional - defaults to ""USR"""
^XWB(8994,1611,2,1,1,3,0)=" p2 - parameter - required"
^XWB(8994,1611,2,1,1,4,0)=" p3 - instance - required - current instance value"
^XWB(8994,1611,2,1,1,5,0)=" p5 - required - replacement value for current instance"
^XWB(8994,1611,3,1,0)="If replacement successfully occurred, then return 1"
^XWB(8994,1611,3,2,0)="Else return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1612,1,1,0)="Return a list of actual surgical cases for a patient for a date range"
^XWB(8994,1612,2,1,1,1,0)="This is patient pointer from file 2 for which to retrieve cases."
^XWB(8994,1612,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the starting date.time in Fileman format for retrieving surgical "
^XWB(8994,1612,2,2,1,2,0)="cases. Default value is 1/1/2000"
^XWB(8994,1612,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a Fileman date.time It is the ending date for surgical cases. "
^XWB(8994,1612,2,3,1,2,0)="The default value is TODAY"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,1,0)="On error or problems, return List[1] := -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1612,3,3,0)="Else return:"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,4,0)=" DSICX(#) = p1^p2^p3^...^p10"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,5,0)=" p1 = ien to file 130"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,6,0)=" p2 = principal procedure name"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,7,0)=" p3 = Fileman date.time of operation"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,8,0)=" p4 = external date.time or operation"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,9,0)=" p5 = provider DUZ number"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,10,0)=" p6 = provider name"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,11,0)=" p7 = TIU IEN of operation report"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,12,0)=" p8 = TIU IEN of anesthesia report"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,13,0)=" p9 = TIU IEN of nurse's report"
^XWB(8994,1612,3,14,0)=" p10 = TIU IEN of procedure report (NON-OR)"
^XWB(8994,1613,1,1,0)="For a surgical case, this returns the operation report, anesthesia "
^XWB(8994,1613,1,2,0)="report, nurse's report, and procedure report. Which reports are returned "
^XWB(8994,1613,1,3,0)="depends upon the input paramter FLAG value. It defaults to Op report and "
^XWB(8994,1613,1,4,0)="Anesthesia report."
^XWB(8994,1613,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal file number from file 130, i.e., CASE#"
^XWB(8994,1613,2,2,1,1,0)="Optional parameter - string of characters indicating which reports to "
^XWB(8994,1613,2,2,1,3,0)=" FLAG[""O"" - return Operation Report"
^XWB(8994,1613,2,2,1,4,0)=" ""A"" - return Anesthesia Report"
^XWB(8994,1613,2,2,1,5,0)=" ""N"" - return Nurse's Report"
^XWB(8994,1613,2,2,1,6,0)=" ""P"" - return Procedure Report (NON-OR)"
^XWB(8994,1613,2,2,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1613,2,2,1,8,0)="Default to FLAG=""OA"""
^XWB(8994,1613,3,1,0)="A local array with the report text."
^XWB(8994,1613,3,2,0)=" If error or problems, return DSICX(1)=-1^message"
^XWB(8994,1613,3,3,0)=" Else, return DSICX(n)=text of requested report where n=1,2,3,4..."
^XWB(8994,1613,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1613,3,5,0)="All reports will start with a header such as:"
^XWB(8994,1613,3,6,0)=" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,1613,3,7,0)=" <name of surgical report>"
^XWB(8994,1613,3,8,0)=" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,1613,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1613,3,10,0)="Note: the dash line consists of 77 '-'"
^XWB(8994,1614,0)="DSIC FM FILER^FILE^DSICFM04^2^A"
^XWB(8994,1614,1,1,0)="This invokes the Fileman filer to update records for an existing entry. "
^XWB(8994,1614,1,2,0)="This will allow you to update any field at the level of the FILE including"
^XWB(8994,1614,1,3,0)="word processing fields. It does not allow for updating different levels"
^XWB(8994,1614,1,4,0)="of the file. If you wish to update a subfile, then you will have to make"
^XWB(8994,1614,1,5,0)="multiple calls to this RPC for each file or subfile."
^XWB(8994,1614,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the file (or subfile) number for record which you wish to update"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the standard Fileman IENS for calling the Fileman DBS APIs. The "
^XWB(8994,1614,2,2,1,2,0)="format of iens is as follows (must have trailing commas):"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,2,1,3,0)=" record#, - to update a record at the top level of a file"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,2,1,4,0)=" sub1,ifn1, - to update multiple record sub1 in the file for record ifn1"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,2,1,5,0)=" sub2,sub1,ifn1 - update a multiple within a multiple within a file"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,3,1,1,0)="This parameter is optional. If passed it must be equal to ""T"""
^XWB(8994,1614,2,3,1,2,0)="FLAG=""T"" indicates that you wish transaction processing to occur. That "
^XWB(8994,1614,2,3,1,3,0)="is, all of the fields must successfully be updated or none of them are "
^XWB(8994,1614,2,3,1,4,0)="updated. Without this flag, Fileman will update those fields that he can."
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,1,0)="This list contains the fields to be updated in the file (or subfile). "
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,2,0)="The format of INPUT(x) = p1^p2^p3 where"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,4,0)=" x - the subscript of INPUT can be anything, numeric, string"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,6,0)=" p1 - required - this is the field number at the level in the file"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,8,0)=" p2 - optional - default value is ""I"" - this flag indicates the type"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,9,0)=" value being passed in, internal format, external format, word"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,10,0)=" processing"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,11,0)=" p2 = I - value is in Fileman internal format"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,12,0)=" p2 = E - value is on external format"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,13,0)=" p2 = W or WA - this field is a word processing field"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,14,0)=" see notes below for additional details for this"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,16,0)=" p3 - required - this is the value to be entered for this field#"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,18,0)="Notes on word process fields"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,20,0)=" if INPUT(x) = field#^W^@ then delete any existing text for this record"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,21,0)=" if INPUT(x) = field#^W^text then this will first remove any existing"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,22,0)=" text that may exist. It will then add the new text"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,23,0)=" if INPUT(x) = field#^WA^text then this will not delete the existing"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,24,0)=" text but will append the new text to the existing text if"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,25,0)=" there is any"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,26,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,27,0)=" For the same field# all lines of the array must have the same value for"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,28,0)=" the second piece. That is, all must be W or WA. You cannot have some"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,29,0)=" as W and some as WA. Each field# can have its own type. Field 1 could"
^XWB(8994,1614,2,4,1,30,0)=" be W and field 2 could be WA."
^XWB(8994,1614,3,1,0)="If no problems are encountered filing data, then return LIST[1] := 1^"
^XWB(8994,1614,3,2,0)="Else return LIST[1] := -1^general error message"
^XWB(8994,1614,3,3,0)=" LIST[2...n] := additional specific error messages "
^XWB(8994,1615,1,1,0)="This will take a date in any format and convert it to any other format."
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the input date.time value to be converted. If this parameters "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,2,0)="contains any alpha characters, this RPC will always assume that this "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,3,0)="input value is in external form (i.e., human readable format). When "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,4,0)="sending external (human readable) date.time, then following applies:"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,6,0)="1. If a two-digit year is entered, a year less than 20 years in the"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,7,0)=" future and no more than 80 years in the past is assumed. For"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,8,0)=" example, in the year 2000, two-digit years are assumed to be"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,9,0)=" between 1920 through 2019. "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,11,0)="2. For Internationalization, this assumes that in the input, the day"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,12,0)=" number precedes the month number. For example, input of 05/11/2000"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,13,0)=" is assumed to be November 5, 2000 (instead of May 11, 2000). Also,"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,14,0)=" with this flag, the month must be input as a number. For example,"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,15,0)=" November must be input as 11, not NOV."
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,17,0)="3. To simplify entering dates, you can use shortcuts such as T for"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,18,0)=" today, T-1 for yesterday, or T+1 for tomorrow. Or you can combine"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,19,0)=" T with D for day, W for week, M for month, or Y for year; T-2D"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,20,0)=" means two days ago, T+1W means today plus one week, T+4M means four "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,21,0)=" months from today, and T-3Y means three years ago from today."
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,23,0)="4. For time input, to be totally unambiguous, time can be as military"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,24,0)=" time (four or six digits, no colon), hour AM/PM, hour:minute AM/PM,"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,25,0)=" or hour:minute:second AM/PM. If you do omit an AM/PM notation, the"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,26,0)=" following assumptions are made:"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,27,0)=" a. If you enter a single digit for the hour, a time between 6AM"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,28,0)=" and 6PM is used. Thus, T@330 (or T@3:30) means today at 3:30 PM"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,29,0)=" and T@945 (or T@9:45) means today at 9:45 AM."
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,30,0)=" b. If you enter two digits for the hour, the actual hour entered is"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,31,0)=" used (as if military time were being used). Thus, T@0330 (or"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,32,0)=" T@03:30) means today at 3:30 AM."
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,33,0)=" c. As with dates, there are supported abbreviations you can use"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,34,0)=" when entering times in DATE/TIME fields."
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,35,0)=" 1) To enter the present moment, you can enter the word NOW"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,36,0)=" 2) To enter an hour from the present moment, enter NOW+1H"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,37,0)=" 3) To enter an hour ago from the present moment, enter NOW-1H"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,38,0)=" 4) You can also combine NOW with D for day, M for month, and"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,39,0)=" ' (apostrophe) for minute (NOW+3' for present time plus 3"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,40,0)=" minutes."
^XWB(8994,1615,2,1,1,41,0)=" 5) And you can enter MID for 12 a.m. and NOON for 12 p.m."
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,1,0)="optional - only if INVAL contains an alpha character. Else, this is "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,2,0)="required. Usually it is a single character. If two characters, then it "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,3,0)="must be one of the first 6 listed below plus ""I"". If INVAL=""I"" then "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,4,0)="assume INVAL in external format."
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,6,0)=" ""D"" - INVAL is in Delphi internal format"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,7,0)=" ""F"" - INVAL is in internal Fileman format"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,8,0)=" ""E"" - INVAL is in external format (human readable)"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,9,0)=" ""M"" - INVAL is in internal M format ($H)"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,10,0)=" ""H"" - INVAL is in HL7 format"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,11,0)=" ""G"" - INVAL is in UCT format"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,12,0)=" ""I"" - INVAL is in Internationalized format, i.e.,"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,2,1,13,0)=" the day number precedes the month number"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,3,1,1,0)="optional - default value is internal Fileman format ""F"". This is a "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,3,1,2,0)="string of characters designating output format(s)"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,3,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,3,1,4,0)="If OUTYPE contains ""F"" - return internal Fileman format"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,3,1,5,0)=" ""D"" - return internal Delphi format"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,3,1,6,0)=" ""E"" - return external format"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,3,1,7,0)=" ""M"" - return internal M format ($H)"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,3,1,8,0)=" ""A"" - return all formats"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,3,1,9,0)=" ""H"" - return HL7 format"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,3,1,10,0)=" ""G"" - return UCT format"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,1,0)="optional - this param controls the format of the returned value for "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,2,0)="external date value only. OUTFMT can contain only a single digit plus "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,3,0)="optional alpha characters."
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,5,0)="If OUTFMT = """" - then return mmm dd, yyyy@hh:mm:ss - default"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,6,0)=" contains 1 - mmm dd, yyyy@hh:mm:ss - default"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,7,0)=" 2 - mm/dd/yy@hh:mm:ss [no leading zeros]"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,8,0)=" 3 - dd/mm/yy@hh:mm:ss [no leading zeros]"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,9,0)=" 4 - yy/mm/dd@hh:mm:ss [no leading zeros]"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,10,0)=" 5 - mm/dd/yyyy@hh:mm:ss [no leading zeros]"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,11,0)=" 6 - dd/mm/yyyy@hh:mm:ss [no leading zeros]"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,12,0)=" 7 - yyyy/mm/dd@hh:mm:ss [no leading zeros]"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,13,0)=" D - return date only"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,14,0)=" F - output with leading blanks"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,15,0)=" S - force seconds in outputs"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,16,0)=" Z - pad months and days with leading zeros"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,4,1,17,0)=" P - output time in ' hh:mm:ss am/pm'"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,5,1,1,0)="Optional - controls what portion of the time part of the date will be "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,5,1,2,0)="returned. Default value is M"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,5,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,2,5,1,4,0)="If TIMEFMT = H, then return only hours"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,5,1,5,0)=" = M, then return only hour:minute"
^XWB(8994,1615,2,5,1,6,0)=" = S, then return seconds"
^XWB(8994,1615,3,1,0)="If OUTYPE is a single character, not equal to A, then return a single "
^XWB(8994,1615,3,2,0)="date.time value in the specified format."
^XWB(8994,1615,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,3,4,0)="If OUTYPE is equal to A or is more than one character, then return a "
^XWB(8994,1615,3,5,0)="string in the format p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6 where"
^XWB(8994,1615,3,6,0)=" p1 = internal Delphi format"
^XWB(8994,1615,3,7,0)=" p2 = internal Fileman format"
^XWB(8994,1615,3,8,0)=" p3 = external format (human readable)"
^XWB(8994,1615,3,9,0)=" p4 = internal M format ($H)"
^XWB(8994,1615,3,10,0)=" p5 = HL7 format"
^XWB(8994,1615,3,11,0)=" p6 = UCT format"
^XWB(8994,1615,3,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,3,13,0)="Only those pieces requested in OUTYPE will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1615,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,3,15,0)="If problems encountered, return the word ERR"
^XWB(8994,1615,3,16,0)="NOTES: -1 is a valid return value for an internal Delphi date.time"
^XWB(8994,1615,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1615,3,18,0)="Thus for any problems encountered, return ""ERR^message"". Not every ERR "
^XWB(8994,1615,3,19,0)="return value will have a message on the 2nd piece as many of the Kernel "
^XWB(8994,1615,3,20,0)="and Fileman date utilities only return a value of -1 if any problems "
^XWB(8994,1615,3,21,0)="encountered with no further explanation"
^XWB(8994,1616,1,1,0)="This returns the latest installed version of a KIDS build. It gets the "
^XWB(8994,1616,1,2,0)="data from the INSTALL file."
^XWB(8994,1616,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the name (.01 field value) from the INSTALL file."
^XWB(8994,1616,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1616,2,1,1,3,0)="The VA naming convention for KIDS builds:"
^XWB(8994,1616,2,1,1,4,0)=" <name><space><version> for a whole package"
^XWB(8994,1616,2,1,1,5,0)=" name*version*patch for a patch"
^XWB(8994,1616,2,1,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1616,2,1,1,7,0)="PKG can be the full name KIDS BUILD file name, or it can just be the name "
^XWB(8994,1616,2,1,1,8,0)="portion of the KIDS BUILD file name"
^XWB(8994,1616,3,1,0)="This returns the latest version installed for a KIDS package. It looks "
^XWB(8994,1616,3,2,0)="at the date installed field to determine the latest version installed."
^XWB(8994,1616,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1616,3,4,0)="Return values:"
^XWB(8994,1616,3,5,0)=" successful lookup: version number ^ date.time installed"
^XWB(8994,1616,3,6,0)=" no matches found for input value: 0^message"
^XWB(8994,1616,3,7,0)=" on error: -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1617,1,1,0)="This invokes the Kernel API to determine if a patch has been installed or "
^XWB(8994,1617,1,2,0)="not. As such, it requires that the application has an associated PACKAGE "
^XWB(8994,1617,1,3,0)="file entry. This will not work for VEJD applications, but will work for"
^XWB(8994,1617,1,4,0)="DSI applications."
^XWB(8994,1617,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the name of the patch, e.g., LR*5.2*98. This invokes the Kernel "
^XWB(8994,1617,2,1,1,2,0)="API. As such it expects a PACKAGE file entry whose PREFIX field value is "
^XWB(8994,1617,2,1,1,3,0)="equal to the first '*' piece of the inputted patch name (e.g, LR). This "
^XWB(8994,1617,2,1,1,4,0)="will work for DSI applications, but not for VEJD."
^XWB(8994,1617,3,1,0)="Return 1 if the patch is installed, else return 0"
^XWB(8994,1617,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1617,3,3,0)="This call is not 100% reliable. If the KIDS install successfully runs to "
^XWB(8994,1617,3,4,0)="completion, then this data will be present. If the KIDS install does not "
^XWB(8994,1617,3,5,0)="successfully run to completion, and that site does not rerun the KIDS "
^XWB(8994,1617,3,6,0)="install, then this patch data may or may not be available."
^XWB(8994,1618,1,1,0)="This will use the Kernel API to determine the current version of an "
^XWB(8994,1618,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the full name of the PACKAGE file entry or the namespace for that "
^XWB(8994,1618,3,1,0)="If the PACKAGE file entry is successfully found, then return the CURRENT "
^XWB(8994,1618,3,2,0)="VERSION value from the PACKAGE file. Else return -1"
^XWB(8994,1618,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1618,3,4,0)="This calls a Kernel API. As such it will only work for an application "
^XWB(8994,1618,3,5,0)="that has an associated PACKAGE file entry. It will work for DSI "
^XWB(8994,1618,3,6,0)="applications but not for VEJD."
^XWB(8994,1619,1,1,0)="This will return the default division for a user. If no default is "
^XWB(8994,1619,1,2,0)="indicated in the DIVISION multiple, then the return value will be:"
^XWB(8994,1619,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1619,1,4,0)=" 1. if the user has only one division, and that division is not"
^XWB(8994,1619,1,5,0)=" explicitly marked as NO for default division, then return that"
^XWB(8994,1619,1,6,0)=" division"
^XWB(8994,1619,1,7,0)=" 2. else, if the SITE parameter is passed with a value of 1, then"
^XWB(8994,1619,1,8,0)=" return the default value for the facility."
^XWB(8994,1619,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to file 200 for the user for which to return the "
^XWB(8994,1619,2,1,1,2,0)="default division. The default value is DUZ"
^XWB(8994,1619,2,2,1,1,0)="This boolean flag (1 or 0) will be used if the user has no default "
^XWB(8994,1619,2,2,1,2,0)="division specified in the DIVISION multiple in file 200. If no default "
^XWB(8994,1619,2,2,1,3,0)="division, then return the value from $$SITE^VASITE."
^XWB(8994,1619,3,1,0)="Return the default division for the user:"
^XWB(8994,1619,3,2,0)=" ien file 4 ^ institution name ^ institution station number"
^XWB(8994,1619,3,3,0)=" on error, or no default, return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1620,1,1,0)="This returns a patient's immunization list."
^XWB(8994,1620,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the PATIENT file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,1620,3,1,0)="On error return List[1] := -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1620,3,2,0)="Else return List[#] := p1^p2^p3^p4^p5 where"
^XWB(8994,1620,3,3,0)=" p1 = ifn (#9000010.11)"
^XWB(8994,1620,3,4,0)=" p2 = immunization name"
^XWB(8994,1620,3,5,0)=" p3 = event/visit/admit fileman date.time"
^XWB(8994,1620,3,6,0)=" p4 = reaction"
^XWB(8994,1620,3,7,0)=" p5 = inverse event/visit/admit date.time"
^XWB(8994,1621,1,1,0)="This will tell you whether or not a CPT code is active as of the date "
^XWB(8994,1621,1,2,0)="that you pass in."
^XWB(8994,1621,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the CPT, HCPCS, or level III code from file 81 in either internal "
^XWB(8994,1621,2,1,1,2,0)="or external format."
^XWB(8994,1621,2,2,1,1,0)="This date is optional. It can be <null>, TODAY, NOW, or a internal "
^XWB(8994,1621,2,2,1,2,0)="Fileman format date. Default value is TODAY. This date will be used to "
^XWB(8994,1621,2,2,1,3,0)="check if the code was active as of that date."
^XWB(8994,1621,2,3,1,1,0)="This boolean flag (1 or 0) indicates whether or not Level III codes "
^XWB(8994,1621,2,3,1,2,0)="should be screened out. If SCR=1 then allow Level III codes. Default "
^XWB(8994,1621,2,3,1,3,0)="value is 0."
^XWB(8994,1621,3,1,0)="On error, return -1"
^XWB(8994,1621,3,2,0)="Else return 1 if active, 0 if inactive"
^XWB(8994,1622,1,1,0)="This returns various information about a specific CPT code."
^XWB(8994,1622,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the CPT, HCPCS, or level III code in either internal or external "
^XWB(8994,1622,2,2,1,1,0)="This date is optional. It can be <null>, TODAY, NOW, or a internal "
^XWB(8994,1622,2,2,1,2,0)="Fileman format date. Default value is TODAY. This date will be used to "
^XWB(8994,1622,2,2,1,3,0)="check if the code was active as of that date."
^XWB(8994,1622,2,3,1,1,0)="This Boolean flag (1 or 0) is optional. Default value is 0. I SRC=1 "
^XWB(8994,1622,2,3,1,2,0)="then all level III codes to be returned."
^XWB(8994,1622,2,4,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the PATIENT file. It is not used at this time."
^XWB(8994,1622,3,1,0)="On error return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1622,3,2,0)="Else return p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7 where"
^XWB(8994,1622,3,3,0)=" p1 = ien of the code in file 81 (^ICPT)"
^XWB(8994,1622,3,4,0)=" p2 = name of the code (.01 field value)"
^XWB(8994,1622,3,5,0)=" p3 = short description (#2 field)"
^XWB(8994,1622,3,6,0)=" p4 = CATEGORY ien (#3 field)"
^XWB(8994,1622,3,7,0)=" p5 = SOURCE code (#6 field, C:CPT;H:HCPCS;L:VA LOCAL)"
^XWB(8994,1622,3,8,0)=" p6 = effective date (from field #60 multiple)"
^XWB(8994,1622,3,9,0)=" p7 = status (from #.02 field in #60 multiple, 0:inactive;1:active)"
^XWB(8994,1623,1,1,0)="This returns the full description for a code"
^XWB(8994,1623,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the CPT, HCPCS, or level III code in either internal or external "
^XWB(8994,1623,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the ien to the PATIENT file. It is not used at this time."
^XWB(8994,1623,2,3,1,1,0)="This date is optional. It can be <null>, TODAY, NOW, or a internal "
^XWB(8994,1623,2,3,1,2,0)="Fileman format date. Default value is TODAY. This date will be used to "
^XWB(8994,1623,2,3,1,3,0)="check if the code was active as of that date."
^XWB(8994,1623,3,1,0)="This returns the full description of the code."
^XWB(8994,1623,3,2,0)="If errors or problems return List[0] := -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,1623,3,3,0)="Else return List[n] = text for n=0,1,2,3,4,...."
^XWB(8994,1624,1,1,0)="Return a list of all acceptable modifiers for a CPT code"
^XWB(8994,1624,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the CPT, HCPCS, or level III code in either internal or external "
^XWB(8994,1624,2,2,1,1,0)="This date in internal Fileman format is optional."
^XWB(8994,1624,2,2,1,2,0)="Other acceptable input values: 0"
^XWB(8994,1624,2,2,1,3,0)=" TODAY, NOW, or <null> for today's date"
^XWB(8994,1624,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1624,2,2,1,5,0)="If CDT is 0 then both active and inactive modifiers will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1624,2,2,1,6,0)="Else, only return modifiers active as of that date."
^XWB(8994,1624,2,3,1,1,0)="This Boolean flag (1 or 0) indicates whether or not level III codes "
^XWB(8994,1624,2,3,1,2,0)="should be returned"
^XWB(8994,1624,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the ien to the PATIENT file. It is not used at this time."
^XWB(8994,1624,3,1,0)="Return List[n] := modifier (#.01 field) ^ name (#.02 field) ^ ien"
^XWB(8994,1624,3,2,0)="On error, return List[0] := -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1625,1,1,0)="This returns basic information for a MODIFIER, file 81.3"
^XWB(8994,1625,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the ifn or name of the MODIFIER, file 81.3"
^XWB(8994,1625,2,2,1,1,0)="This date is optional. It can be <null>, TODAY, NOW, or a internal "
^XWB(8994,1625,2,2,1,2,0)="Fileman format date. Default value is TODAY. This date will be used to "
^XWB(8994,1625,2,2,1,3,0)="check if the code was active as of that date."
^XWB(8994,1625,3,1,0)="If problems return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1625,3,2,0)="Else return p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7 where"
^XWB(8994,1625,3,3,0)=" p1 = ifn to MODIFIER file 81.3"
^XWB(8994,1625,3,4,0)=" p2 = MODIFIER .01 field value"
^XWB(8994,1625,3,5,0)=" p3 = NAME (#.02 field)"
^XWB(8994,1625,3,6,0)=" p4 = CODE (#.03 field - alternate 5 digit code for cpt modifiers)"
^XWB(8994,1625,3,7,0)=" p5 = SOURCE (#.04 field - C:CPT;H:HCPCS;V:VA NATIONAL)"
^XWB(8994,1625,3,8,0)=" p6 = EFFECTIVE DATE - from field 60 multiple"
^XWB(8994,1625,3,9,0)=" p7 = STATUS (#.02 field from #60 multiple, 0:inactive;1:active)"
^XWB(8994,1626,1,1,0)="This will check to see if a modifier can be used with a code as of the "
^XWB(8994,1626,1,2,0)="input date."
^XWB(8994,1626,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the ifn or CPT code name (file 81)"
^XWB(8994,1626,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the ifn or modifier .01 field value from file 81.3"
^XWB(8994,1626,2,3,1,1,0)="This parameter works in conjunction with the MOD parameter."
^XWB(8994,1626,2,3,1,2,0)="Default value = ""E"""
^XWB(8994,1626,2,3,1,3,0)="If MFT=""E"" then MOD parameter is an .01 field value for file 81.3"
^XWB(8994,1626,2,3,1,4,0)="If MFT=""I"" then MOD parameter is an ifn value for file 81.3"
^XWB(8994,1626,2,4,1,1,0)="This date is optional. It can be <null>, TODAY, NOW, or a internal "
^XWB(8994,1626,2,4,1,2,0)="Fileman format date. Default value is TODAY. This date will be used to "
^XWB(8994,1626,2,4,1,3,0)="check if the CPT/Modifier pair was acceptable as of that date."
^XWB(8994,1626,3,1,0)="Return 0 if pair was unacceptable"
^XWB(8994,1626,3,2,0)=" -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1626,3,3,0)=" ifn^modifier name (#.02 field value) from file 81.3"
^XWB(8994,1627,1,1,0)="Verify that an ICD9 code is active as of a certain date"
^XWB(8994,1627,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the ifn or .01 field value from the DIAGNOSIS file (#80 - ^ICD9)"
^XWB(8994,1627,2,2,1,1,0)="This date is optional. It can be <null>, TODAY, NOW, or a internal "
^XWB(8994,1627,2,2,1,2,0)="Fileman format date. Default value is TODAY. This date will be used to "
^XWB(8994,1627,2,2,1,3,0)="check if the code was active as of that date."
^XWB(8994,1627,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1627,2,2,1,5,0)="This parameter is not used at this time."
^XWB(8994,1627,3,1,0)="Return 1 if code is active, 0 if inactive"
^XWB(8994,1627,3,2,0)="On error or problems, return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1628,1,1,0)="This will return specific information for a diagnosis code"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the ifn or .01 field value from the DIAGNOSIS file (#80)"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a ""^""-delimited list of field values you wish returned for a"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,2,0)="diagnosis code."
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,4,0)="Acceptable field numbers:"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,5,0)=" ien - return ifn to file 80"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,6,0)=" .01 - ICD9 NAME (diagnosis code)"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,7,0)=" 3 - DIAGNOSIS (short description 2-30 char)"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,8,0)=" 5 - MAJOR DIAGNOSTIC CATEGORY (external value from 80.3)"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,9,0)=" 10 - DESCRIPTION (long description 1-245 char)"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,10,0)=" 9.5 - USE ONLY WITH SEX (M, F, or <null>)"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,11,0)=" 15 - AGE (N:newborn;P:pediatric;A:adult)"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,12,0)=" 100 - INACTIVE (1 or <null>)"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,13,0)=" 101 - UNACCEPTABLE AS PRINCIPAL DX (1 if not acceptable)"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,14,0)=" 102 - INACTIVE DATE"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1628,2,2,1,16,0)="Default value: ien^.01^3"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,3,1,1,0)="This date is optional. It can be <null>, TODAY, NOW, or a internal "
^XWB(8994,1628,2,3,1,2,0)="Fileman format date. Default value is TODAY. This date will be used to "
^XWB(8994,1628,2,3,1,3,0)="check if the code was active as of that date."
^XWB(8994,1628,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1628,2,3,1,5,0)="This parameter is not used at this time"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,4,1,1,0)="This is a single or double character code used to screen out diagnoses."
^XWB(8994,1628,2,4,1,2,0)=" SCR = ""A"" - default value - return only active codes"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,4,1,3,0)=" ""U"" - return codes which are acceptable as a principal diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,4,1,4,0)=" ""N"" - do not screen out any codes"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,4,1,5,0)=" ""AU"" - return codes which are both active and acceptable as a"
^XWB(8994,1628,2,4,1,6,0)=" principal diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,1628,3,2,0)=" If problems encountered, -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1628,3,3,0)=" If valid diagnosis but failed input screen, 0^message"
^XWB(8994,1628,3,4,0)=" If valid daignosis and passes input screen, p1^p2^..."
^XWB(8994,1628,3,5,0)=" for details on string returned see ICD9^DSICDRG"
^XWB(8994,1628,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1628,3,7,0)="end description 06-23-2003"
^XWB(8994,1629,1,1,0)="This will return text for a word processing type parameter for an entity "
^XWB(8994,1629,1,2,0)="and instance."
^XWB(8994,1629,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA - required - p1~p2~p3"
^XWB(8994,1629,2,1,1,2,0)=" p1 := optional - entity - if not passed, set to ""USR"" for"
^XWB(8994,1629,2,1,1,3,0)=" current user"
^XWB(8994,1629,2,1,1,4,0)=" p2 := required - parameter name"
^XWB(8994,1629,2,1,1,5,0)=" p3 := optional - instance"
^XWB(8994,1629,3,1,0)="Return the text in List[n] = text where n=1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1629,3,2,0)="On error, return List[1] = -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1630,1,1,0)="This is a multi-function front end to the Parameter APIs. It allows you "
^XWB(8994,1630,1,2,0)="with a single RPC call to take edit type actions on several "
^XWB(8994,1630,1,3,0)="parameter/entity/instance combinations."
^XWB(8994,1630,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1630,1,5,0)="You can only do these actions: add, change, or delete"
^XWB(8994,1630,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1630,1,7,0)="Each entry in the passed list is treated as if it was a separate RPC "
^XWB(8994,1630,1,8,0)="call. Thus each entry is totally independent of the others. So you can "
^XWB(8994,1630,1,9,0)="mix and match parameters, entities, instances, and actions."
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,1,0)="DSICLIST - required - p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7 where"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,3,0)="For p1 - p6 see the equivalent DSIC XPAR xxxxxx RPC definition to see "
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,4,0)="which p1 - p6 are required for the action requested"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,6,0)=" p1 := entity - default to USR"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,7,0)=" p2 := parameter name"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,8,0)=" p3 := instance"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,9,0)=" p4 := value"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,10,0)=" p5 := new instance value"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,11,0)=" p6 := format for GET1 call"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,12,0)=" p7 := action to be taken - must be ADD, CHG, or DEL"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,13,0)=" if p7 = ""ADD"" then for this list element perform ADD function"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,14,0)=" if p7 = ""CHG"" then for this list element perform change value"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,15,0)=" for a parameter/entity/instance"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,16,0)=" if p7 = ""DEL"" then for this list element perform delete of"
^XWB(8994,1630,2,1,1,17,0)=" of a parameter/entity/instance"
^XWB(8994,1630,3,1,0)="Return the input array exactly like inputted except each array element "
^XWB(8994,1630,3,2,0)="will have an 8th (or 8th and 9th tilde pieces)"
^XWB(8994,1630,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1630,3,4,0)="So the return array will be LIST[n] = p1~p2~p3~p4~p5~p6~p7~p8~p9"
^XWB(8994,1630,3,5,0)="where n=1,2,3,4,5,..."
^XWB(8994,1630,3,6,0)=" p1~...~p7 will be exactly what was input"
^XWB(8994,1630,3,7,0)=" if the action was successful, then p8 = 1 and there will be no p9"
^XWB(8994,1630,3,8,0)=" if the action was unsuccessful, the p8 = -1, p9 = error message"
^XWB(8994,1631,1,1,0)="This returns address demographics for a 5 or 9 digit zip code"
^XWB(8994,1631,1,2,0)="The return value is for the primary location associated with the ZIP code."
^XWB(8994,1631,2,1,1,1,0)="5 OR 9 DIGIT ZIP CODE"
^XWB(8994,1631,2,2,1,1,0)="Active date in internal Fileman format. If this parameter is passed, "
^XWB(8994,1631,2,2,1,2,0)="then only return zip code demographics for ones which were active as of "
^XWB(8994,1631,2,2,1,3,0)="the inputted date."
^XWB(8994,1631,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1631,2,2,1,5,0)="If it is not passed, then return zip code info regardless of active "
^XWB(8994,1631,3,1,0)="On error, return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1631,3,2,0)="Else return p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7^p8 where"
^XWB(8994,1631,3,3,0)=" p1 = inputted zip code p5 = FIPS county code"
^XWB(8994,1631,3,4,0)=" p2 = city p6 = state abbreviation"
^XWB(8994,1631,3,5,0)=" p3 = state (full name) p7 = ptr to STATE file (#5)"
^XWB(8994,1631,3,6,0)=" p4 = county (full name) p8 = ptr to COUNTY CODE file (#5.13)"
^XWB(8994,1632,0)="DSIC ICD9 GET LIST^LIST^DSICDRG^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1632,1,1,0)="This will return a list of active ICD9 codes for a lookup value."
^XWB(8994,1632,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the lookup value for file 80"
^XWB(8994,1632,2,2,1,1,0)="If SCR=""P"", then the matches to the lookup value will be screened to only "
^XWB(8994,1632,2,2,1,2,0)="return diagnoses which are acceptable as principal diagnoses."
^XWB(8994,1632,3,1,0)="This returns a list of active diagnosis codes matching the lookup value. "
^XWB(8994,1632,3,2,0)=" List[n] : = ien to file 80 ^ ICD9 code ^ diagnosis (short description)"
^XWB(8994,1632,3,3,0)=" n = 0,1,2,3,4,...."
^XWB(8994,1632,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1632,3,5,0)="On error or problems, List[0] = -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1633,1,1,0)="This RPC is a wrapper around the ENCEVENT^PXKENC api. It does not return "
^XWB(8994,1633,1,2,0)="all the data that the PX api does. It returns a subset of that data. "
^XWB(8994,1633,1,3,0)="The PX api is designed to return all the visit date in the various files "
^XWB(8994,1633,1,4,0)="for a VISIT ien. See routine for more detailed description."
^XWB(8994,1633,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number (ien) to the VISIT file (#9000010)"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,1,0)="On error return List[0] := -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1633,3,3,0)="Else return List[0] := p1^p2^p3^...p12"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,4,0)=" List[n] := secondary provider duz ^ sec prov name (1st m last)"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,5,0)=" where n = 1,2,3,..."
^XWB(8994,1633,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1633,3,7,0)=" p1 = fm visit date.time"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,8,0)=" p2 = external visit date.time"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,9,0)=" p3 = primary PCE diagnosis short description"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,10,0)=" p4 = primary PCE diagnosis code"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,11,0)=" p5 = primary PCE provider duz"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,12,0)=" p6 = primary PCE provider name (1st m last)"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,13,0)=" p7 = service connected (y)"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,14,0)=" p8 = agent orange (y)"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,15,0)=" p9 = ionizing radiation (y)"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,16,0)=" p10 = Persian Gulf exposure (y)"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,17,0)=" p11 = military sexual trauma (y)"
^XWB(8994,1633,3,18,0)=" p12 = head & neck cancer (y)"
^XWB(8994,1634,1,1,0)="This will check whether or not the current VistA system supports VistA "
^XWB(8994,1634,1,2,0)="Imagings import API."
^XWB(8994,1634,3,1,0)="If VistA Imaging supports import API, then return 1"
^XWB(8994,1634,3,2,0)="Else return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1635,1,1,0)="For a VISIT ien this will return the primary PCE diagnosis and the "
^XWB(8994,1635,1,2,0)="primary PCE provider."
^XWB(8994,1635,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the ien to the VISIT file (#9000010)."
^XWB(8994,1635,3,1,0)="Return p1^p2^p3^p4 where"
^XWB(8994,1635,3,2,0)=" p1 = primary pce diagnosis short description"
^XWB(8994,1635,3,3,0)=" p2 = primary pce diagnosis code"
^XWB(8994,1635,3,4,0)=" p3 = primary pce provider duz"
^XWB(8994,1635,3,5,0)=" p4 = primary pce provider name (first m last format)"
^XWB(8994,1635,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1635,3,7,0)="If problems, return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1635,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1635,3,9,0)="See DSICPX2 routine, this can also be called as an extrinsic function. "
^XWB(8994,1635,3,10,0)="In that case the return value is (all values are for primary pce:"
^XWB(8994,1635,3,11,0)=" icd9 ien ^ icd9 code ^ icd9 short desc ^ duz ^ name"
^XWB(8994,1636,1,1,0)="This will return the name and station number for a medical center "
^XWB(8994,1636,1,2,0)="division. Optional input parameters are allowed. However, if not passed "
^XWB(8994,1636,1,3,0)="then return the data for the primary division (or institution) as of "
^XWB(8994,1636,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the medical center division file (#40.8). If it is "
^XWB(8994,1636,2,1,1,2,0)="not passed then return data for the primary division as of that date."
^XWB(8994,1636,2,2,1,1,0)="This optional Fileman date only will be used to return division data of "
^XWB(8994,1636,2,2,1,2,0)="of that date. Default value if not passed is TODAY."
^XWB(8994,1636,3,1,0)="On error, return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1636,3,2,0)="Else return p1^p2^p3^p4 where"
^XWB(8994,1636,3,3,0)=" p1 = pointer to Institution file (#4)"
^XWB(8994,1636,3,4,0)=" p2 = Institution file name"
^XWB(8994,1636,3,5,0)=" p3 = Station number"
^XWB(8994,1636,3,6,0)=" p4 = pointer to Medical Center Division file (#40.8) for that division"
^XWB(8994,1636,3,7,0)=" which was the primary division as of that date."
^XWB(8994,1637,1,1,0)="This will return the inputted field attributes for a file."
^XWB(8994,1637,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,3,0)="As of 7/29/2003, these attributes are available:"
^XWB(8994,1637,1,4,0)="AUDIT "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,5,0)="AUDIT CONDITION "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,6,0)="COMPUTE ALGORITHM "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,7,0)="COMPUTED FIELDS USED "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,8,0)="DATE FIELD LAST EDITED "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,9,0)="DECIMAL DEFAULT "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,10,0)="DELETE ACCESS "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,11,0)="DESCRIPTION "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,12,0)="FIELD LENGTH "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,14,0)="HELP-PROMPT "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,15,0)="INPUT TRANSFORM "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,16,0)="LABEL "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,17,0)="MULTIPLE-VALUED "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,18,0)="OUTPUT TRANSFORM "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,19,0)="POINTER "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,20,0)="READ ACCESS "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,21,0)="SOURCE "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,22,0)="SPECIFIER "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,23,0)="TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,24,0)="TITLE "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,25,0)="TYPE "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,26,0)="WRITE ACCESS "
^XWB(8994,1637,1,27,0)="XECUTABLE HELP "
^XWB(8994,1637,2,1,1,1,0)="This can be the file number or the full name of the file. For subfiles, "
^XWB(8994,1637,2,1,1,2,0)="it must be the subfile number."
^XWB(8994,1637,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the field number or the full name of the field"
^XWB(8994,1637,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a flag controlling what will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1637,2,3,1,2,0)="The default value is <null>. FLAG can contain N."
^XWB(8994,1637,2,3,1,3,0)="If FLAG contains N then do not return attributes whose value is <null>"
^XWB(8994,1637,2,3,1,4,0)="If FLAGS contains Z, then for WOrd Processing attributes, include"
^XWB(8994,1637,2,3,1,5,0)=" the zeroth node with the text"
^XWB(8994,1637,2,4,1,1,0)="This is a list of attributes to return."
^XWB(8994,1637,2,4,1,2,0)=" List[n] := attribute name where n=0,1,2,3,..."
^XWB(8994,1637,2,4,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1637,2,4,1,4,0)="You can send List[0] := ""*"" to get all field attributes"
^XWB(8994,1637,3,1,0)="If problems or error, return List[0] := -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1637,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1637,3,3,0)="Else return List[n] := attribute name ^ value for n=0,1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1638,1,1,0)="This will convert an internal formatted data to external format. This "
^XWB(8994,1638,1,2,0)="differs from the GET Fileman calls in that a record ien is not required. "
^XWB(8994,1638,1,3,0)="However, it is the responsibility of the developer to make sure that for "
^XWB(8994,1638,1,4,0)="the particular file (or subfile) and field that the DD will output the "
^XWB(8994,1638,1,5,0)="data without an internal number (e.g., DA is not defined)."
^XWB(8994,1638,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of the file (or subfile) which has that field."
^XWB(8994,1638,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the field number for the data to be converted to external."
^XWB(8994,1638,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the value in internal Fileman format to be converted to external "
^XWB(8994,1638,3,1,0)="Return the external value for that file and field or -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1639,1,1,0)="This will verify whether or not a file exists."
^XWB(8994,1639,2,1,1,1,0)="This is number of the file (or subfile) or the full name of the file that "
^XWB(8994,1639,2,1,1,2,0)="you wish to verify."
^XWB(8994,1639,3,1,0)="If the file exists, return the file number."
^XWB(8994,1639,3,2,0)="Else return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1640,1,1,0)="This will verify whether or not a field exists in a file (or subfile)."
^XWB(8994,1640,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of the file (or subfile) or the full file name which "
^XWB(8994,1640,2,1,1,2,0)="contains the field to be verified."
^XWB(8994,1640,2,2,1,1,0)="This the the number of the field or its full field name."
^XWB(8994,1640,3,1,0)="If the field exists, return the field number."
^XWB(8994,1640,3,2,0)="Else return -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1641,1,1,0)="For a ward name (or a pointer to the WARD file), return that ward's"
^XWB(8994,1641,1,2,0)=" ptf specialty code ^ specialty name ^ specialty service"
^XWB(8994,1641,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the name of the ward or a pointer number to the WARD file."
^XWB(8994,1641,3,1,0)="Return ptf specialty code ^ specialty name ^ specialty service"
^XWB(8994,1641,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1641,3,3,0)="If problems return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1642,1,1,0)="This with return information about an admission event. This RPC is a "
^XWB(8994,1642,1,2,0)="wrapper around the IN5^VADPT API. If you pass in a date, then the data "
^XWB(8994,1642,1,3,0)="related to that date and admission will be returned, If no date is "
^XWB(8994,1642,1,4,0)="passed, then get inpatient status as of NOW."
^XWB(8994,1642,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1642,1,6,0)="For more detailed description, see IN^DSICDPT routine."
^XWB(8994,1642,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer value to the PATIENT file (i.e., DFN)"
^XWB(8994,1642,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the Fileman format, date only, for which you wish to retrieve "
^XWB(8994,1642,2,2,1,2,0)="inpatient movement information. If it is not passed, then the program "
^XWB(8994,1642,2,2,1,3,0)="will use NOW as the date."
^XWB(8994,1642,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a Boolean flag (1 or 0 or <null>). If LODGE=1 then allow for "
^XWB(8994,1642,2,3,1,2,0)="lodger type admissions. If not, exclude lodger type admissions from the "
^XWB(8994,1642,2,3,1,3,0)="search. The default value is <null>, exclude lodger admisssions."
^XWB(8994,1642,3,1,0)="For return format see description in the routine at IN^DSICDPT2"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,2,0)=" Summary of returned data"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,3,0)=" List[0] := data related the current admission"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,4,0)=" 0^message if the patient is not currently an inpatient"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,5,0)=" List[1] : = data related to the movement for the date passed in"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,6,0)=" If no date was passed, then this is the current movement"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,7,0)=" List[2] := data related to the admission associated with the movement"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,8,0)=" in List[1]"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,9,0)=" List[3] := data related to the discharge associated with the movement"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,10,0)=" in List[1]"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1642,3,12,0)="List[1], List[2], List[3] may have no data and be equal to <null>"
^XWB(8994,1642,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1642,3,14,0)="If problems, List[0] := -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1643,1,1,0)="This will return certain data related to a patient's current admission. "
^XWB(8994,1643,1,2,0)="The data returned and the order that it is returned is controlled by the "
^XWB(8994,1643,1,3,0)="FLAG parameter. For more detailed description, see routine INQ^DSICDPT"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the PATIENT file."
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,1,0)="This is 3 ""^""- piece string of single character codes which dictate what "
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,2,0)="data will be returned and the order that that data is returned for a "
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,3,0)="patient's current admission."
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,4,0)=" 1st ^-piece - flags related to the current patient movement"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,5,0)=" 2nd ^-piece - flags related to the admission movement"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,6,0)=" 3rd ^-piece - flags related to the discharge movement"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,7,0)=" Default FLAG = ""MDWFPpAa^MD^MD"""
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,9,0)=" Flag Code Description"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,10,0)=" --------- -----------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,11,0)=" M pointer to movement (#405)"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,12,0)=" D external movement date.time"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,13,0)=" d internal (Fileman movement date.time)"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,14,0)=" W external ward location"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,15,0)=" P name of Primary Care Physician"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,16,0)=" p DUZ of Primary Care Physician"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,17,0)=" Following only applicable to current movement"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,18,0)=" F pointer to PTF record (#45)"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,19,0)=" R external room-bed"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,20,0)=" A name of ATTENDING PHYSICIAN"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,21,0)=" a DUZ of ATTENDING PHYSICIAN"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,22,0)=" S external FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY (#42.4)"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,2,1,23,0)=" s internal FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY (#42.4)"
^XWB(8994,1643,2,3,1,1,0)="This boolean flag controls whether or not Lodger movements (admissions) "
^XWB(8994,1643,2,3,1,2,0)="should be included in search. If LODGE = 1 then return lodger "
^XWB(8994,1643,2,3,1,3,0)="movements. Else exclude them. Default value is 0, exclude them."
^XWB(8994,1643,3,1,0)="If problems or if the patient is not an inpatient, return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1643,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1643,3,3,0)="Else return a string, p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^... where the data returned in "
^XWB(8994,1643,3,4,0)="each piece is controled by the FLAG parameter."
^XWB(8994,1644,1,1,0)="This will determine if a user (DUZ value) is valid and is active. Also, "
^XWB(8994,1644,1,2,0)="additionally screening logic can be passed in to validate a user."
^XWB(8994,1644,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer value to the NEW PERSON file."
^XWB(8994,1644,2,2,1,1,0)="You may pass additional screening criteria to be checked. For a user to "
^XWB(8994,1644,2,2,1,2,0)="be returned, all screening criteria must be true in addition to being "
^XWB(8994,1644,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1644,2,2,1,5,0)="Allowable formats of DSISCR(n) = flag^val1^val2^val3^.."
^XWB(8994,1644,2,2,1,6,0)=" check for security key KEY^security key name"
^XWB(8994,1644,2,2,1,7,0)=" check for parameter PARM^ parameter name^parameter instance"
^XWB(8994,1644,2,2,1,8,0)=" execute M code"
^XWB(8994,1644,2,2,1,9,0)=" M^<return message>^<executable M code which sets $T>"
^XWB(8994,1644,3,1,0)="If user if found and is active, then return the user's DUZ value."
^XWB(8994,1644,3,2,0)="Else return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1645,0)="DSIC FM LIST^LIST^DSICFM05^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1645,1,1,0)="The RPC provides a wrapper around the LIST^DIC API. It exposes more of "
^XWB(8994,1645,1,2,0)="the functionality of the API than the DSIC DDR LISTER RPC."
^XWB(8994,1645,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1645,1,4,0)="For a lookup value, return all entries starting from that lookup value "
^XWB(8994,1645,1,5,0)="and which collates after that lookup value."
^XWB(8994,1645,2,1,1,1,0)="The INPUT(n) = tag^value where"
^XWB(8994,1645,2,1,1,2,0)=" tag = LIST^DIC input parameter name such as"
^XWB(8994,1645,2,1,1,4,0)=" value = value for that input parameter"
^XWB(8994,1645,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1645,2,1,1,6,0)="For those input parameters that allow an array, you can pass that array "
^XWB(8994,1645,2,1,1,7,0)="in the tag such as FROM(2)^lookup value"
^XWB(8994,1645,3,1,0)="If problems return List[0] = -1^error message. There may be addtional "
^XWB(8994,1645,3,2,0)="messages on subsequent lines where List[n] = message or -1^message for"
^XWB(8994,1645,3,3,0)="n = 1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1645,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1645,3,5,0)="Return values in list[n] = data where n = 0,1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1645,3,6,0)=" 1st ^-piece of data is the ien for that record"
^XWB(8994,1645,3,7,0)=" 2nd ^-piece is the value of the field in the 1st ;-piece of FIELDS"
^XWB(8994,1645,3,8,0)=" 3rd ^-piece is the value of the field in the 2nd ;-piece of FIELDS"
^XWB(8994,1645,3,9,0)=" 4th ^-piece is the value of the field in the 3rd ;-piece of FIELDS"
^XWB(8994,1645,3,10,0)=" etc., etc., ..."
^XWB(8994,1646,1,1,0)="This will return a list of active users matching the lookup value. You "
^XWB(8994,1646,1,2,0)="can pass in additional screening logic if so desired, such as security "
^XWB(8994,1646,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1646,1,5,0)="It is the programmers responsibility to ensure that the total length of "
^XWB(8994,1646,1,6,0)="the date returned in each return value does not exceed 250 characters."
^XWB(8994,1646,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the lookup value to find matches in file 200"
^XWB(8994,1646,2,2,1,1,0)="This RPC will return a list of active users. You may wish additional "
^XWB(8994,1646,2,2,1,2,0)="screening to occur. For example, return all active users matching SMITH "
^XWB(8994,1646,2,2,1,3,0)="who also own a particular security key. Acceptable format of SCR():"
^XWB(8994,1646,2,2,1,4,0)=" SCR(n) = KEY^<security key name>"
^XWB(8994,1646,2,2,1,5,0)=" SCR(n) = PARM^<parameter name>^<parameter instance>"
^XWB(8994,1646,2,2,1,6,0)=" SCR(n) = M^<return text>^<executable M code that sets $T>"
^XWB(8994,1646,3,1,0)="Data will be returned in ^TMP(""DSIC"",$J,""DILIST"",n,0)."
^XWB(8994,1646,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1646,3,3,0)="If a successful find for the lookup value, then return the following data:"
^XWB(8994,1646,3,4,0)=" ^TMP(""DSIC"",$J,""DILIST"",n,0) = p1^p2^p3^...^p8 for n=1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1646,3,5,0)=" for the GUI, you will have List[n] := p1^p2^...^p8 for n=0,1,2,3,..."
^XWB(8994,1646,3,6,0)=" where"
^XWB(8994,1646,3,7,0)=" p1 = ien p5 = first m last"
^XWB(8994,1646,3,8,0)=" p2 = name (.01 field) p6 = initials"
^XWB(8994,1646,3,9,0)=" p3 = sig block printed name p7 = title"
^XWB(8994,1646,3,10,0)=" p4 - sig block title p8 = service"
^XWB(8994,1646,3,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1646,3,12,0)="If problems are encountered, then return"
^XWB(8994,1646,3,13,0)=" ^TMP(""DSIC"",$J,""DILIST"",1,0) = -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1646,3,14,0)=" If additional messages are provided then they will be at"
^XWB(8994,1646,3,15,0)=" ^TMP(""DSIC"",$J,""DILIST"",n,0) = message for n=2,3,4,5,..."
^XWB(8994,1646,3,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1646,3,17,0)="If $Piece(List[0],""^"",1) := -1 then there were problems, else the lookup "
^XWB(8994,1646,3,18,0)="was successful."
^XWB(8994,1647,0)="DSIC FM FIND^FIND^DSICFM05^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1647,1,1,0)="This provides a wrapper around the FIND^DIC API. It exposes more of the "
^XWB(8994,1647,1,2,0)="functionality of the API to the RPC than the old DSIC DDR FINDER RPC."
^XWB(8994,1647,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1647,1,4,0)="For a lookup value, this RPC will return all matches. It allows for "
^XWB(8994,1647,1,5,0)="input a multiple screening logic which would be ANDed together."
^XWB(8994,1647,2,1,1,1,0)="he INPUT(n) = tag^value where "
^XWB(8994,1647,2,1,1,2,0)=" tag = LIST^DIC input parameter name such as"
^XWB(8994,1647,2,1,1,4,0)=" value = value for that input parameter"
^XWB(8994,1647,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1647,2,1,1,6,0)="For those input parameters that allow an array, you can pass that array "
^XWB(8994,1647,2,1,1,7,0)="in the tag such as SCREEN()^lookup value"
^XWB(8994,1647,3,1,0)="if problems return one or more rows:"
^XWB(8994,1647,3,2,0)=" List[0] = - 1^message"
^XWB(8994,1647,3,3,0)=" List[n] = message or -1^message for n=1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1647,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1647,3,5,0)="Return entries found that match the input value:"
^XWB(8994,1647,3,6,0)=" List[n] = results where n=0,1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1647,3,7,0)=" 1st ^-piece of results is the ien for the record from that file"
^XWB(8994,1647,3,8,0)=" 2nd ^-piece equals the value of the field in the 1st ;-piece of FIELDS"
^XWB(8994,1647,3,9,0)=" 3rd ^-piece equals the value of the field int he 2nd ;-piece of FIELDS"
^XWB(8994,1647,3,10,0)=" etc., etc., ...."
^XWB(8994,1648,0)="DENTV MULT PARAM^MULT^DENTVRX1^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1648,1,1,0)="This will return all instances for a parameter. The Parameter should be "
^XWB(8994,1648,1,2,0)="multi-instance. The difference between this call and the national XPAR "
^XWB(8994,1648,1,3,0)="call is that this call will return a value for every parameter-instance "
^XWB(8994,1648,1,4,0)="combination regardless of entity. It will return the value for the "
^XWB(8994,1648,1,5,0)="entity of highest precedence."
^XWB(8994,1648,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the name of the parameter."
^XWB(8994,1648,2,2,1,1,0)="This flag contains characters that control the information returned."
^XWB(8994,1648,2,2,1,2,0)="Flag can consists of these four characters, I, i, V, v. The default "
^XWB(8994,1648,2,2,1,3,0)="value for flag is ""iv""."
^XWB(8994,1648,2,2,1,4,0)=" If flag [ ""I"" - return internal instance"
^XWB(8994,1648,2,2,1,5,0)=" ""i"" - return external instance"
^XWB(8994,1648,2,2,1,6,0)=" ""V"" - return internal value"
^XWB(8994,1648,2,2,1,7,0)=" ""v"" - return external value"
^XWB(8994,1648,2,2,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1648,2,2,1,9,0)="In each array element retruned, the sequence of these values will depend "
^XWB(8994,1648,2,2,1,10,0)="upon the sequence of the character in FLAG."
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,1,0)="This list array will allow you send in specific entities. There defaults"
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,2,0)="for specific entity types, USR, PKG, and SYS. USR defaults to th current "
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,3,0)="DUZ. These can be over-ridden by passing an explicit entity in this "
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,4,0)="OTHER array. The format of OTHER():"
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,5,0)=" List[sub] := entity where sub =0,1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,6,0)=" The entity must be the full explicit entity. For example:"
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,7,0)=" USR.`12345 to get the defaults for NEW PERSON user whose DUZ is 12345"
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,8,0)=" In this case, USR.`duz will override the default of using the DUZ of"
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,9,0)=" the person who is signed on."
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,11,0)="This RPC uses the entities from the Parameter Definition file. For SYS "
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,12,0)="and PKG there should only be one occurrence for each entity-param-instance"
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,13,0)="combination. But this is not so for other entity classes, like HOSPTIAL "
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,14,0)="LOCATION, DEVICE, DIVISION, etc. Therefore for these entity classes you "
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,15,0)="must pass in the full entity syntax in this OTHER array. The will only "
^XWB(8994,1648,2,3,1,16,0)="be one occurrence of each param-instance combination for each entity "
^XWB(8994,1648,3,1,0)="On error return List[0] = -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1648,3,2,0)="Else return List[n] = entity^p2^p3^p4^p5 where n=0,1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1648,3,3,0)=" entity = three character code for the entity"
^XWB(8994,1648,3,4,0)=" p2,p3,p4,p5 = Instances and Value values"
^XWB(8994,1648,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1648,3,6,0)="How many p2,p3,p4,p5 are returned depends upon the number of characters "
^XWB(8994,1648,3,7,0)="and their sequence in the FLAG input parameter."
^XWB(8994,1648,3,8,0)="For example if FLAG = ""vIV"" then"
^XWB(8994,1648,3,9,0)=" p2 = external value"
^XWB(8994,1648,3,10,0)=" p3 = internal instance"
^XWB(8994,1648,3,11,0)=" p4 = internal value"
^XWB(8994,1649,1,1,0)="This will return a string indicating whether or not the patient is a "
^XWB(8994,1649,1,2,0)="current inpatient. If an inpatient, then also return, if possible, the "
^XWB(8994,1649,1,3,0)="PTF Specialty and Dental Bedsection associated with the current ward that "
^XWB(8994,1649,1,4,0)="the patient is lodged."
^XWB(8994,1649,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the PATIENT file."
^XWB(8994,1649,3,1,0)="RETURN: p1^p2^p3^p4^p5 where"
^XWB(8994,1649,3,2,0)=" p1 = Boolean flag (1 or 0) indicating inpatient status"
^XWB(8994,1649,3,3,0)=" p2 = PTF Specialty pointer"
^XWB(8994,1649,3,4,0)=" p3 = PTF Specialty name"
^XWB(8994,1649,3,5,0)=" p4 = DAS Bedsection pointer"
^XWB(8994,1649,3,6,0)=" p5 = DAS Bedsection name"
^XWB(8994,1649,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1649,3,8,0)=" p2,p3,p4,p5 - only returned if patient is an inpatient"
^XWB(8994,1649,3,9,0)=" On error, return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1649,3,10,0)=" If not an inpatient, then this will only return 0"
^XWB(8994,1650,1,1,0)="This broker call returns a list of IEN's that fall between the two dates"
^XWB(8994,1650,1,2,0)="sent as parameters."
^XWB(8994,1650,3,1,0)="Array of internal entry numbers."
^XWB(8994,1651,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to create an entry in file 19620.1 DSIR RELEASED DOCUMENT"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,1,0)="DATA ARRAY^2^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,1,1,1,0)="Input: Array of"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,1,1,2,0)=" (1): Pointer to VEJD ROI INSTANCE (19620) file"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,1,1,3,0)=" (2): Internal Set of Codes value for document type"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,1,1,4,0)=" (3): Document IEN (If applicable)"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,1,1,5,0)=" (4): Internal Set of Codes value for document media"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,1,1,6,0)=" (5): Caption"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,1,1,7,0)=" (6): Document length"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,1,1,8,0)=" (7): Date/time of document"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,1,1,9,0)=" (8): Creator of Document: Needs to be a pointer to the NEW PERSON file"
^XWB(8994,1651,2,"B","DATA ARRAY",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1651,3,1,0)="Return array consists of one node"
^XWB(8994,1651,3,2,0)=" -1 ^ Error message"
^XWB(8994,1651,3,3,0)=" 1 ^ IEN of new entry in File 19620.1"
^XWB(8994,1652,1,1,0)="Get a list of all documents for a request."
^XWB(8994,1652,2,1,0)="REQUEST IEN^1^99^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1652,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of entry in file 19620 ROI INSTANCE."
^XWB(8994,1652,2,"B","REQUEST IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1652,3,1,0)="Output: Array"
^XWB(8994,1652,3,2,0)=" IEN (file 19620.1 DSIR RELEASED DOCUMENT) ^"
^XWB(8994,1653,1,1,0)="This RPC kills global nodes TMP(""DSIROI"",$J) and TMP(""DSIRVAL"",$J)."
^XWB(8994,1653,3,1,0)="The return value is null."
^XWB(8994,1655,1,1,0)="This RPC finds any entries in file 19620 ROI INSTANCE that require a "
^XWB(8994,1655,1,2,0)="follow up letter."
^XWB(8994,1655,3,1,0)="Output: Array"
^XWB(8994,1655,3,2,0)=" IEN of entry in file 19620 ROI INSTANCE"
^XWB(8994,1656,1,1,0)="This RPC checks for previous request for the current patient and "
^XWB(8994,1656,1,2,0)="requestor. It then returns an array of entries in file 19620 ROI INSTANCE."
^XWB(8994,1656,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the DFN of the patient."
^XWB(8994,1656,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the requestor in file 19620.12 DSIR NEW REQUESTOR."
^XWB(8994,1656,3,1,0)="Output: Array of:"
^XWB(8994,1656,3,2,0)=" (1): Number of requests^"
^XWB(8994,1656,3,3,0)=" (2-n): Status^Date of request^Clerk of record for request^IEN "
^XWB(8994,1657,2,1,0)="REQUEST IEN^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1657,2,1,1,1,0)="IFN OF CURRENT ROI REQUEST"
^XWB(8994,1657,2,"B","REQUEST IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1657,3,1,0)="ARRAY OF:"
^XWB(8994,1657,3,2,0)="Line 1: Meds From^Meds To"
^XWB(8994,1657,3,3,0)="Line 2: Vitals From^Vitals To"
^XWB(8994,1657,3,4,0)="Line 3: Radiology From^Radiology To"
^XWB(8994,1657,3,5,0)="Line 4: Immunizations From^Immunizations To"
^XWB(8994,1657,3,6,0)="Line 5: Consults From^Consults To"
^XWB(8994,1657,3,7,0)="Line 6: Postings From^Postings To"
^XWB(8994,1657,3,8,0)="Line 7: Discharge Summary From^Discharge Summary To"
^XWB(8994,1657,3,9,0)="Line 8: Prog. Note From^Prog. Note to"
^XWB(8994,1658,2,1,1,1,0)="IFN OF CURRENT ROI REQUEST"
^XWB(8994,1658,2,2,1,1,0)="ARRAY OF:"
^XWB(8994,1658,2,2,1,3,0)="1) Medications From^Medications To"
^XWB(8994,1658,2,2,1,4,0)="2) Vitals From^Vitals To"
^XWB(8994,1658,2,2,1,5,0)="3) Radiology From^Radiology To"
^XWB(8994,1658,2,2,1,6,0)="4) Immunology From^Immunology To"
^XWB(8994,1658,2,2,1,7,0)="5) Consults From^Consults To"
^XWB(8994,1658,2,2,1,8,0)="6) Postings From^Postings To"
^XWB(8994,1658,2,2,1,9,0)="7) Discharge Summaries From^Discharge Summaries To"
^XWB(8994,1658,2,2,1,10,0)="8) Progress Notes From^Progress Notes To"
^XWB(8994,1658,3,1,0)="1^ IF SUCCESSFUL"
^XWB(8994,1659,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient's IFN."
^XWB(8994,1659,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the date from which to check, supplied in Fileman internal"
^XWB(8994,1659,2,2,1,2,0)="Date/Time format."
^XWB(8994,1659,3,1,0)="Returns one integer value which is -1 if there was an error, else returns"
^XWB(8994,1659,3,2,0)="the number of requests the patient has submitted since the date contained"
^XWB(8994,1659,3,3,0)="in VEJDDATE."
^XWB(8994,1660,1,1,0)="This routine will return a major version level and patch level given a"
^XWB(8994,1660,1,2,0)="routine name where the routine header is in accepted SAC format."
^XWB(8994,1660,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the routine name."
^XWB(8994,1660,3,1,0)="The version and patch level of the routine will be returned in the format:"
^XWB(8994,1660,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1661,0)="DSIR RPT BY REQUESTOR^BYREQ^DSIROIR^4^^^^1^5.2"
^XWB(8994,1661,1,1,0)="Retrieves ROI requests for a given date range for use in GUI reports."
^XWB(8994,1661,2,1,0)="FROM DATE^1^7^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,1,1,1,0)="The FileMan Date to start retrieval process."
^XWB(8994,1661,2,2,0)="TO DATE^1^7^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,2,1,1,0)="FileMan date to end retrieval process."
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,1,0)="""A"" : Get only the appealed requests (-RV,-PR)"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,2,0)="""O"" : Get only the open"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,3,0)="""C"" : "" "" closed (-D,-G,-P)"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,4,0)="""P"" : "" "" pending"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,5,0)="""N"" : "" ""other nondisclosured (-NR,-RF,-ND,-NV,-RC)"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,6,0)="""E"" : "" "" entered in error"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,7,0)="""X"" : "" "" cancelled"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,8,0)="""ALL"": Gets all statuses"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,10,0)="This parameter may be any combination of the codes delimited by the '^' "
^XWB(8994,1661,2,3,1,11,0)="or the word 'ALL'."
^XWB(8994,1661,2,4,1,1,0)="This is an array of clerk IENs."
^XWB(8994,1661,2,4,1,2,0)=" (1-n)=IEN to file 200"
^XWB(8994,1661,2,5,1,1,0)="This parameter is used by the routine if the person requesting this "
^XWB(8994,1661,2,5,1,2,0)="report holds the DSIR MDIV key. It is a list of internal Institution "
^XWB(8994,1661,2,5,1,3,0)="File entry numbers (File 4), delimited by '^'."
^XWB(8994,1661,2,"B","FROM DATE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1661,2,"B","TO DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1661,3,1,0)="Return Array ^ delimited"
^XWB(8994,1661,3,2,0)=" 1. Division Name"
^XWB(8994,1661,3,3,0)=" 2. ROI Clerk Name"
^XWB(8994,1661,3,4,0)=" 3. Patient Name"
^XWB(8994,1661,3,5,0)=" 4. Patient SSN"
^XWB(8994,1661,3,6,0)=" 5. Type of Request"
^XWB(8994,1661,3,7,0)=" 6. External Date Received"
^XWB(8994,1661,3,8,0)=" 7. External Date Closed (If present)"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,1,0)="FROM DATE^1^7^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,2,0)="TO DATE^1^7^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,1,0)="""A"" : Get only the appealed requests (-RV,-PR)"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,2,0)="""O"" : Get only the open"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,3,0)="""C"" : "" "" closed (-D,-G,-P)"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,4,0)="""P"" : "" "" pending"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,5,0)="""N"" : "" ""other nondisclosured (-NR,-RF,-ND,-NV,-RC)"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,6,0)="""E"" : "" "" entered in error"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,7,0)="""X"" : "" "" cancelled"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,8,0)="""ALL"": Gets all statuses"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,10,0)="This parameter may be any combination of the codes delimited by the '^'"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,3,1,11,0)="or the word 'ALL'."
^XWB(8994,1663,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter is used by the routine if the person requesting this"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,4,1,2,0)="report holds the DSIR MDIV key. It is a list of internal Institution"
^XWB(8994,1663,2,4,1,3,0)="File entry numbers (File 4), delimited by '^'."
^XWB(8994,1663,2,5,1,1,0)="This is an array of internal numbers to file 19620.61 DSIR TYPE OF "
^XWB(8994,1663,2,5,1,2,0)="REQUEST. It is used for reporting criteria if no types are specified "
^XWB(8994,1663,2,5,1,3,0)="then all types will be included in the report."
^XWB(8994,1663,2,"B","FROM DATE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1663,2,"B","TO DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1664,1,1,0)="This RPC compiles a list of ROI clerks in file 19620 ROI INSTANCE."
^XWB(8994,1664,3,1,0)="Output: Global Array"
^XWB(8994,1664,3,2,0)=" Clerk Name ^ Clerk IEN (file 200)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,1,0)="VEJD ROI UPDATE ADDRESS"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,2,0)=" Input Record Pieces '^' delimited:"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,3,0)="1. Address File Internal Number - Null to add new record"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,4,0)="2. Patient - Internal Number only (required)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,5,0)="3. Street Address Line One - Text 35 character max (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,6,0)="4. Street Address Line Two - Text 35 character max (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,7,0)="5. City - Text 40 character max (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,8,0)="6. State - Internal Number (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,9,0)="7. Zip Code - Numeric 5 or 9 numbers (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,10,0)="8. Address Holder - 1 character P or R (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,11,0)="9. Holder Internal Number - Numeric (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,12,0)="10. Begin Date - Internal FileMan format (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,13,0)="11. End Date - Same as 10"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,14,0)="12. Street Address Line Three - Text 30 character max (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,15,0)="Optional pieces will not update if null, pass '@' to delete/clear data "
^XWB(8994,1665,1,16,0)="for specific field. '@' in patient piece will delete entry in address "
^XWB(8994,1665,1,17,0)="table for internal number specified in piece 1."
^XWB(8994,1665,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1665,1,19,0)="Return Value:"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,20,0)="1. -1 ^ Error message"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,21,0)="2. 0 - Entry deleted"
^XWB(8994,1665,1,22,0)="3. Internal Number to address table"
^XWB(8994,1665,2,1,0)="ADDRESS RECORD^1^245^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1665,2,"B","ADDRESS RECORD",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1666,1,1,0)="This RPC gets all address know by the RELEASE OF INFORMATION - DSSI for a "
^XWB(8994,1666,1,2,0)="given patient."
^XWB(8994,1666,2,1,0)="PATIENT NUMBER^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1666,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN of the selected patient."
^XWB(8994,1666,2,"B","PATIENT NUMBER",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1666,3,1,0)="Return Array Pieces '^' delimited:"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,2,0)="1. Address File Internal Number - Numeric"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,3,0)="2. Patient - Internal Number ; Patient Name"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,4,0)="3. Street Address Line One - Text 35 character max"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,5,0)="4. Street Address Line Two - Text 35 character max"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,6,0)="5. City - Text 40 character max"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,7,0)="6. State - Internal Number ; Abbreviation"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,8,0)="7. Zip Code - Numeric 5 or 9 numbers"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,9,0)="8. Address Holder - Code ; Description (Patient/Requestor)"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,10,0)="9. Holder - Internal Number ; File Reference ; Holder Name (example:"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,11,0)="""444;VEJD(19620.12,;SMITH,JOHN M"")"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,12,0)="10. Begin Date - FileMan Date ; External Date"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,13,0)="11. End Date - same as 10"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,14,0)="12. Street Address Line Three - Text 30 character max"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,15,0)="Possible -1 ^ Error Message for invalid input parameter or no address"
^XWB(8994,1666,3,16,0)="records found."
^XWB(8994,1667,1,1,0)="VEJD ROI UPDATE STATUS"
^XWB(8994,1667,1,2,0)=" Input parameter:"
^XWB(8994,1667,1,3,0)="1. Request Internal Number"
^XWB(8994,1667,1,4,0)="2. Status Internal Code"
^XWB(8994,1667,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1667,1,6,0)="Return Value:"
^XWB(8994,1667,1,7,0)="1. -1 ^ Error Message"
^XWB(8994,1667,1,8,0)="2. Internal Number to Status History table"
^XWB(8994,1667,2,1,0)="ROI INSTANCE NUMBER^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1667,2,2,0)="STATUS CODE^1^1^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1667,2,"B","ROI INSTANCE NUMBER",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1667,2,"B","STATUS CODE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1668,1,1,0)="This RPC gets the current status of a request."
^XWB(8994,1668,2,1,0)="ROI INSTANCE NUMBER^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1668,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of the entry in file 19620 ROI INSTANCE."
^XWB(8994,1668,2,"B","ROI INSTANCE NUMBER",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1668,3,1,0)="Return Value:"
^XWB(8994,1668,3,2,0)="1. -1 ^ Error Message"
^XWB(8994,1668,3,3,0)="2. Internal Code : Description (example O:OPEN)"
^XWB(8994,1670,1,1,0)="Retrieve entries from file 19620.31 DSIR REQUEST REASON."
^XWB(8994,1670,3,1,0)="Output: Array"
^XWB(8994,1670,3,2,0)=" IEN (file 19620.31) ^ Description"
^XWB(8994,1671,1,1,0)="Retrieve entries from file 19620.61 DSIR TYPE OF REQUEST."
^XWB(8994,1671,3,1,0)="Output: Array"
^XWB(8994,1671,3,2,0)=" IEN (file 19620.61) ^ Description"
^XWB(8994,1672,1,1,0)="Retrieve entries from file 19620.71 DSIR REQUESTOR TYPE."
^XWB(8994,1672,3,1,0)="Output: Array"
^XWB(8994,1672,3,2,0)=" IEN (file 19620.71) ^ Description"
^XWB(8994,1673,1,1,0)="This gets the entries from file 19620.51 DSIR AUTHORITY FOR REQUEST."
^XWB(8994,1673,3,1,0)="IEN (file 19620.51) ^ Description"
^XWB(8994,1674,0)="DSIR GET ROIS^GETLIST^DSIROI^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to return an array of ROI INSTANCE (File 19620) entries."
^XWB(8994,1674,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1674,1,4,0)="Input: TYPE: Set of Codes:"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,5,0)=" ""P"" : Get list by patient"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,6,0)=" ""C"" : Get list by clerk"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,7,0)=" ""O"" : Get all open or pending requests."
^XWB(8994,1674,1,8,0)=" Defaults to all requests for a given status"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,9,0)=" ""R"" : Get list by requestor"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1674,1,11,0)=" STAT: Set of Codes: (Delimited by '^', defaults to *)"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,12,0)=" ""*"" : Get all requests of a given type"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,13,0)=" ""O"" : Get only the open requests of this type"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,14,0)=" ""C"" : "" "" closed "" "" (-D,-G,-P)"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,15,0)=" ""P"" : "" "" pending "" """
^XWB(8994,1674,1,16,0)=" ""N"" : "" "" other non-disclosure "" """
^XWB(8994,1674,1,17,0)=" (-NR,-RF,-ND,-NV,-RC,-NF,-NU)"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,18,0)=" ""E"" : "" "" entered in error "" """
^XWB(8994,1674,1,19,0)=" ""X"" : "" "" cancelled "" """
^XWB(8994,1674,1,20,0)=" ""A"" : "" "" appealed "" "" (-RV,-PR)"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1674,1,22,0)=" ID: IFN of patient, requestor or clerk."
^XWB(8994,1674,1,23,0)=" If not for requestor or clerk IEN should be one of the following "
^XWB(8994,1674,1,25,0)=" nnnn;DPT( - VA Patient file entry"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,26,0)=" nnnn;DSIR(19620.96, - DSIR NON-COMPUTERIZED RECORDS PATIENT"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,27,0)=" 1;DSIR(19620.95, - True FOIA requests"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,28,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1674,1,29,0)="Return: Global Array"
^XWB(8994,1674,1,30,0)=" IEN^Patient Name^External Date Entered^Status^Requestor^SSN^Priority^FMDT"
^XWB(8994,1674,2,1,0)="TYPE OF LIST^1^1^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1674,2,1,1,1,0)="""P"" : Get list by patient"
^XWB(8994,1674,2,1,1,2,0)="""C"" : Get list by clerk"
^XWB(8994,1674,2,1,1,3,0)="""O"" : Get all open or pending requests."
^XWB(8994,1674,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1674,2,1,1,5,0)="Defaults to all requests for a given status"
^XWB(8994,1674,2,2,1,1,0)="""A"" : Get only the appealed requests of this type"
^XWB(8994,1674,2,2,1,2,0)="""O"" : Get only the open requests of this type"
^XWB(8994,1674,2,2,1,3,0)="""C"" : "" "" closed "" """
^XWB(8994,1674,2,2,1,4,0)="""P"" : "" "" pending "" """
^XWB(8994,1674,2,2,1,5,0)="""N"" : "" "" Other Nondisclosures """
^XWB(8994,1674,2,2,1,6,0)="""E"" : "" "" entered in error "" """
^XWB(8994,1674,2,2,1,7,0)="""X"" : "" "" cancelled "" """
^XWB(8994,1674,2,2,1,8,0)="""*"" : Get all types"
^XWB(8994,1674,2,3,0)="PATIENT/CLERK ID^1^99^0^3"
^XWB(8994,1674,2,3,1,1,0)="DFN of patient or IEN of clerk."
^XWB(8994,1674,2,"B","PATIENT/CLERK ID",3)=""
^XWB(8994,1674,2,"B","TYPE OF LIST",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1674,3,1,0)="IEN^Patient Name^External Date Entered^Status^Requestor^SSN^Priority^FMDT"
^XWB(8994,1675,1,1,0)="Create new or update existing ROI Instance File 19620."
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,0)="DATA ARRAY^2^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,1,0)="Input: DATA: Array"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,2,0)=" (1): Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,3,0)=" (2): Purpose"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,4,0)=" (3): ROI Clerk (IFN)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,5,0)=" (4): Requestor (IFN)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,6,0)=" (5): Received Date (FM Format)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,7,0)=" (6): Authority for request (Pointer to 19620.51)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,8,0)=" (7): Type of request (Pointer to 19620.61)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,9,0)=" (8): Requestor type (Pointer to 19620.71)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,10,0)=" (9): **** FUTURE USE ****"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,11,0)=" (10): Priority (0 - Normal , 1 - High)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,12,0)=" (11): Release Drug Abuse Info? **(0 - Don't Release , 1 - Release)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,13,0)=" (12): ' ' Alcoholism Info?**"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,14,0)=" (13): ' ' HIV Info?**"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,15,0)=" (14): ' ' Sickle Cell Anemia?**"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,16,0)=" (15): ' ' Copy of Hospital Summary?**"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,17,0)=" (16): ' ' Copy of Outpatient Treatment Notes?**"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,18,0)=" (17): ' ' Other info?**"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,19,0)=" (18): Mail to address (Pointer to 19620.92)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,20,0)=" (19): Patient address (Pointer to 19620.92)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,21,0)=" (20): ROI IEN (Add new if null)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,1,1,22,0)=" (21): Status (Default to Open if (20) is null)"
^XWB(8994,1675,2,"B","DATA ARRAY",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1675,3,1,0)="Return: AXY"
^XWB(8994,1675,3,2,0)=" Successful Creation/Update: 1^IFN of file 19620"
^XWB(8994,1675,3,3,0)=" Unsuccessful Creation/Update: -1^Error Message"
^XWB(8994,1676,1,1,0)="This RPC will take a given report array and resize the length to fit into "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,2,0)="a smaller print area. It takes into account header and footer lines and "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,3,0)="resizes the main body of the report. It may return more pages than the "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,4,0)="input array. Example: Report A is 60 lines with 3 lines of header and 2 "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,5,0)="lines of footer. Report A has 50 lines of body. Report A needs to print "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,6,0)="on a preprinted form that only allows for 40 lines of text. Calling the "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,7,0)="RPC will return an 80 line array that will have lines 1 through 3 being "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,8,0)="header, lines 4 through 38 being text and lines 39 and 40 being footer. "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,9,0)="Lines 41 through 43 will be copies of lines 1 through 3, lines 44 through "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,10,0)="78 will be the remaining text with blank lines to fill to line 78 and "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,11,0)="lines 79 and 80 will be copies of lines 39 and 40. If there are blank "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,12,0)="lines that can be removed from the bottom of the body to fit onto one "
^XWB(8994,1676,1,13,0)="page they will be removed so that the report will fit."
^XWB(8994,1676,2,1,0)="NEW REPORT LENGTH^1^9^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1676,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the number of lines to format the old report into."
^XWB(8994,1676,2,2,0)="HEADER COUNT^1^9^0^2"
^XWB(8994,1676,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the number of line at the top of the report that are considered "
^XWB(8994,1676,2,2,1,2,0)="to be headers. The RPC will always take the first x number of lines as "
^XWB(8994,1676,2,2,1,3,0)="header, this parameter is that x. "
^XWB(8994,1676,2,3,0)="FOOTER COUNT^1^9^0^3"
^XWB(8994,1676,2,3,1,1,0)="This parameter tells the RPC how many lines are footer text."
^XWB(8994,1676,2,4,0)="OLD LINE COUNT^1^9^1^4"
^XWB(8994,1676,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter is needed for the RPC to know many lines per page are in "
^XWB(8994,1676,2,4,1,2,0)="the incoming report."
^XWB(8994,1676,2,5,0)="INCOMING (OLD) REPORT^2^^1^5"
^XWB(8994,1676,2,5,1,1,0)="This is the array of the old report to be reformatted."
^XWB(8994,1676,2,"B","FOOTER COUNT",3)=""
^XWB(8994,1676,2,"B","HEADER COUNT",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1676,2,"B","INCOMING (OLD) REPORT",5)=""
^XWB(8994,1676,2,"B","NEW REPORT LENGTH",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1676,2,"B","OLD LINE COUNT",4)=""
^XWB(8994,1676,3,1,0)="This RPC returns an array comprised of entries in the incoming array, "
^XWB(8994,1676,3,2,0)="with blank lines removed or text lines moved to fit into the print length "
^XWB(8994,1676,3,3,0)="defined in parameter 1."
^XWB(8994,1677,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the last status a request had on a given date. That is "
^XWB(8994,1677,1,2,0)="if a request is opened and then placed into a pending status on the same "
^XWB(8994,1677,1,3,0)="day, the pending status will be returned for any date starting on that "
^XWB(8994,1677,1,4,0)="date and ending on the next day the status was changed."
^XWB(8994,1677,2,1,1,1,0)="Pass the IEN of the ROI INSTANCE file(19620), entry"
^XWB(8994,1677,2,2,1,1,0)="Pass the FileMan date, no time."
^XWB(8994,1677,3,1,0)="The return value will be one of the following:"
^XWB(8994,1677,3,2,0)=" -1^Error message"
^XWB(8994,1677,3,3,0)=" Internal Status Code^External Status Code"
^XWB(8994,1677,3,4,0)=" Internal Status Code-Internal Status Disposition^External Status "
^XWB(8994,1677,3,5,0)="Code-External Status Disposition"
^XWB(8994,1678,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient name."
^XWB(8994,1678,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the patient Social Security Number"
^XWB(8994,1678,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the date of birth used for unique identification."
^XWB(8994,1678,2,3,1,2,0)="patient file and the dsir noncomputerized record patient file."
^XWB(8994,1678,2,4,1,1,0)="This is a flag (0 or 1) to override/bypass the lookups into xrefs. If "
^XWB(8994,1678,2,4,1,2,0)="true the RPC will laygo into file 19620.96 without checking for "
^XWB(8994,1678,3,1,0)="Return values may be one of the following:"
^XWB(8994,1678,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1678,3,3,0)="- -1^Unable to add patient record. Missing dat"
^XWB(8994,1678,3,4,0)=" Either name or ssn is missing."
^XWB(8994,1678,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1678,3,6,0)="-1^Social Security Number 123456789 on file for NAME,PATIENT!"
^XWB(8994,1678,3,7,0)=" SSN exists in patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1678,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1678,3,10,0)=" This is returned if the SSN exists in file 19620.96, the calling "
^XWB(8994,1678,3,11,0)="program must determine if this is the same name entered."
^XWB(8994,1678,3,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1678,3,14,0)=" This is returned upon completion of a new entry being created."
^XWB(8994,1678,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1678,3,16,0)="-1^Unable to create record!"
^XWB(8994,1678,3,17,0)=" Unknown reason why entry in file 19620.96 was unsuccessful."
^XWB(8994,1679,1,1,0)="Retrieve entries from file 19620.4 DSIR DOCUMENT TYPES"
^XWB(8994,1679,3,1,0)="Output: Array"
^XWB(8994,1679,3,2,0)=" IEN (file 19620.4) ^ Description ^^ Availability"
^XWB(8994,1680,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to delete orphan requestors or repoint and delete "
^XWB(8994,1680,1,2,0)="duplicate requestors."
^XWB(8994,1680,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1680,1,4,0)="If the first parameter only is passed the routine will check to see that "
^XWB(8994,1680,1,5,0)="the requestor is in fact not used then it will delete the requestor from "
^XWB(8994,1680,1,6,0)="file 19620.12."
^XWB(8994,1680,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1680,1,8,0)="If both the first and second parameters are passed the routine will check "
^XWB(8994,1680,1,9,0)="to see that both are valid requestors and then will repoint all entries "
^XWB(8994,1680,1,10,0)="that point to the requestor in parameter 1 to the requestor specified in "
^XWB(8994,1680,1,11,0)="parameter 2."
^XWB(8994,1680,1,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1680,1,13,0)="Input Parameters:"
^XWB(8994,1680,1,14,0)=" 1. Duplicate/Delete Requestor - IEN to file 19620.12 (Required)"
^XWB(8994,1680,1,15,0)=" 2. Repoint to Requestor - IEN to file 19620.12 (Optional)"
^XWB(8994,1680,1,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1680,1,17,0)="Return Values:"
^XWB(8994,1680,1,18,0)=" -1^Missing Requestor IEN!"
^XWB(8994,1680,1,19,0)=" -2^Must Repoint Requestors in Use!"
^XWB(8994,1680,1,20,0)=" -3^Invalid Requestor #1"
^XWB(8994,1680,1,21,0)=" -4^Invalid Requestor #2"
^XWB(8994,1680,1,22,0)=" IEN passed in parameter 1 - Orphan Deleted"
^XWB(8994,1680,1,23,0)=" IEN passed in parameter 2 - Duplicate repointed and deleted"
^XWB(8994,1680,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to file 19620.12 of the entry to replace/delete."
^XWB(8994,1680,2,2,0)="REPOINT TO^1^99^0^2"
^XWB(8994,1680,2,2,1,1,0)="When this parameter is passed it will become the new requestor in place "
^XWB(8994,1680,2,2,1,2,0)="of the pointer passed in parameter 1."
^XWB(8994,1680,2,"B","REPOINT TO",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1680,3,1,0)="Return Values:"
^XWB(8994,1680,3,2,0)=" -1^Missing Requestor IEN!"
^XWB(8994,1680,3,3,0)=" -2^Must Repoint Requestors in Use!"
^XWB(8994,1680,3,4,0)=" -3^Invalid Requestor #1"
^XWB(8994,1680,3,5,0)=" -4^Invalid Requestor #2"
^XWB(8994,1680,3,6,0)=" IEN passed in parameter 1 - Orphan Deleted"
^XWB(8994,1680,3,7,0)=" IEN passed in parameter 2 - Duplicate repointed and deleted"
^XWB(8994,1681,1,1,0)="This RPC will collect the data for the year end FOIA report for VA Form"
^XWB(8994,1681,2,1,0)="START DATE^1^7^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1681,2,1,1,1,0)="The FileMan Format date to start the report. Typically this will be "
^XWB(8994,1681,2,1,1,2,0)="October 1st of the previous year."
^XWB(8994,1681,2,2,0)="END DATE^1^7^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1681,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the end date for the report period. Typically this will be "
^XWB(8994,1681,2,2,1,2,0)="September 30th of the current year."
^XWB(8994,1681,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a list of internal division numbers seperated by '^' for "
^XWB(8994,1681,2,3,1,2,0)="multidivisional processing."
^XWB(8994,1681,2,4,1,1,0)="0 - Calculate the report and save the results if report for a fiscal year"
^XWB(8994,1681,2,4,1,2,0)="1 - Return the stored results of the report for a fiscal year"
^XWB(8994,1681,2,4,1,3,0)="2 - Return the combined stored results and user add ins for a fiscal year"
^XWB(8994,1681,2,"B","END DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1681,2,"B","START DATE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1681,3,1,0)="The return array will have entries with 2 pieces. The first piece will "
^XWB(8994,1681,3,2,0)="be the Roman Numerial Part Number - Section Letter - Line Number - Block "
^XWB(8994,1681,3,3,0)="Letter, the second piece will contain the value to go in the specified "
^XWB(8994,1681,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1681,3,6,0)="Example: IV-A-5701^N"
^XWB(8994,1681,3,7,0)=" IV-A-5705^N"
^XWB(8994,1681,3,8,0)=" V-A-1^7"
^XWB(8994,1681,3,9,0)=" V-B-3-A-10^0"
^XWB(8994,1682,1,1,0)="This returns the values from fields 13.01 thru 13.1."
^XWB(8994,1682,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1682,1,3,0)="13.01 - 13.04 are Y/N values indicated by 1 or 0."
^XWB(8994,1682,1,4,0)="13.05 - 13.1 are free text upto 20 characters each."
^XWB(8994,1682,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal pointer to file 19620."
^XWB(8994,1682,3,1,0)="The array will consist of 5 elements."
^XWB(8994,1682,3,2,0)="Items 1 thru 4 will be field values for fields 13.01 thru 13.04.( 1 or 0 )"
^XWB(8994,1682,3,3,0)="Item 5 will be the '^' delimited values of fields 13.05 thru 13.1."
^XWB(8994,1683,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a list of all internal entry numbers from file 19620 for "
^XWB(8994,1683,1,2,0)="a specified patient."
^XWB(8994,1683,2,1,1,1,0)="The DFN of the selected patient."
^XWB(8994,1683,2,2,0)="START DATE^1^7^0^2"
^XWB(8994,1683,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the FileMan date to start the report. If it is null the routine "
^XWB(8994,1683,2,2,1,2,0)="will start at the begining."
^XWB(8994,1683,2,3,0)="END DATE^1^7^0^3"
^XWB(8994,1683,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the FileMan date the report should stop counting. If null the "
^XWB(8994,1683,2,3,1,2,0)="report will count all records from the start date thru the current date."
^XWB(8994,1683,2,"B","END DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,1683,2,"B","START DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1683,3,1,0)="The array contains the internal numbers of the entries in file 19620."
^XWB(8994,1684,1,1,0)="Return available Divisions for reporting. Must be in the ADIV cross "
^XWB(8994,1684,1,2,0)="reference on file 19620."
^XWB(8994,1684,3,1,0)="The array will be the format: IEN ^ NAME."
^XWB(8994,1685,0)="XOBV TEST STRING^STRRP^XOBVLT^1^P^0^^^1^^1"
^XWB(8994,1685,1,1,0)="This simple RPC takes a string as input, adds some additional text "
^XWB(8994,1685,1,2,0)="to the string and returns the string back to the client."
^XWB(8994,1685,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1685,1,4,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed"
^XWB(8994,1685,1,5,0)="as part of VistALink."
^XWB(8994,1685,2,1,1,1,0)="A string to be returned back to the client."
^XWB(8994,1685,3,1,0)="Returns the input parameter string with additional text added."
^XWB(8994,1686,0)="XOBV TEST GLOBAL ARRAY^GARRRP^XOBVLT^4^P^0^^1^1^^1"
^XWB(8994,1686,1,1,0)="This simple RPC takes an array as input, sets the array into a global "
^XWB(8994,1686,1,2,0)="array and returns the global array information back to the client."
^XWB(8994,1686,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1686,1,4,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed "
^XWB(8994,1686,1,5,0)="as part of VistALink."
^XWB(8994,1686,2,1,1,1,0)="An array of information."
^XWB(8994,1686,3,1,0)="Returns the input array information to the client after being placed in"
^XWB(8994,1686,3,2,0)="a global array."
^XWB(8994,1687,1,1,0)="This simple RPC takes a string as input, sets it as a global node and"
^XWB(8994,1687,1,2,0)="returns the global node back to the client."
^XWB(8994,1687,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1687,1,4,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed"
^XWB(8994,1687,1,5,0)="as part of VistALink. "
^XWB(8994,1687,2,1,1,1,0)="A single string of information."
^XWB(8994,1687,3,1,0)="Returns the input string of information to the client after being"
^XWB(8994,1687,3,2,0)="placed in a global node."
^XWB(8994,1688,0)="XOBV TEST LOCAL ARRAY^LARRRP^XOBVLT^2^P^0^^0^1^^1"
^XWB(8994,1688,1,1,0)="This simple RPC takes an array as input, sets the array into a local "
^XWB(8994,1688,1,2,0)="array and returns the local array information back to the client."
^XWB(8994,1688,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1688,1,4,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed "
^XWB(8994,1688,1,5,0)="as part of VistALink."
^XWB(8994,1688,2,1,1,1,0)="An array of information."
^XWB(8994,1688,3,1,0)="Returns the input array information returned to the client after being"
^XWB(8994,1688,3,2,0)="placed in a local array."
^XWB(8994,1689,1,1,0)="This simple RPC takes no input parameters and returns a 'chunk' of text."
^XWB(8994,1689,1,2,0)="This RPC is used to test whether VistALink properly transports 'chunks' of"
^XWB(8994,1689,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1689,1,5,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed"
^XWB(8994,1689,1,6,0)="as part of VistALink."
^XWB(8994,1689,3,1,0)="Returns a 'chunk' of text. (Lincoln's Gettysburg Address)"
^XWB(8994,1690,0)="XOBV TEST PING^PINGRP^XOBVLT^1^P^0^^^1^^1"
^XWB(8994,1690,1,1,0)="This simple RPC takes no input and returns a success message. This is the "
^XWB(8994,1690,1,2,0)="primary mechanism to test whether the client successfully connects to"
^XWB(8994,1690,1,3,0)="an M server using VistALink."
^XWB(8994,1690,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1690,1,5,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed"
^XWB(8994,1690,1,6,0)="as part of VistALink."
^XWB(8994,1690,3,1,0)="Returns a message that the execution of the RPC has been successful."
^XWB(8994,1690,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1690,3,3,0)="The message is: Ping Successful!"
^XWB(8994,1691,0)="XOBV TEST RPC LIST^RPCRP^XOBVLT^2^P^0^^^1^^1"
^XWB(8994,1691,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a list of RPC names that begin with the characters "
^XWB(8994,1691,1,2,0)="indicated in the one input parameter."
^XWB(8994,1691,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1691,1,4,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed"
^XWB(8994,1691,1,5,0)="as part of VistALink."
^XWB(8994,1691,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter indicates the starting characters for the RPCs desired. "
^XWB(8994,1691,2,1,1,2,0)="(ie. the namespace prefix)"
^XWB(8994,1691,3,1,0)="Returns a list of RPC names all beginning with the prefix indicated by the"
^XWB(8994,1691,3,2,0)="one input parameter."
^XWB(8994,1692,0)="XOBV TEST XML RESULTS^XMLRP^XOBVLT^1^P^0^^^1^^1"
^XWB(8994,1692,1,1,0)="This simple RPC takes no input parameters and returns a 'chunk' of data "
^XWB(8994,1692,1,2,0)="that is in XML format."
^XWB(8994,1692,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1692,1,4,0)="This RPC is used to test whether VistALink properly transports and parses "
^XWB(8994,1692,1,5,0)="application results in XML format."
^XWB(8994,1692,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1692,1,7,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed"
^XWB(8994,1692,1,8,0)="as part of VistALink."
^XWB(8994,1692,3,1,0)="Returns a string in XML format."
^XWB(8994,1693,1,1,0)="This RPC should not be used and returns the empty string (null)."
^XWB(8994,1693,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1693,1,3,0)="This RPC is used to test the 'not in RPC context' check. "
^XWB(8994,1693,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1693,1,5,0)="For this reason, this RPC is specifically NOT in the 'XOBV VISTALINK"
^XWB(8994,1693,1,6,0)="TESTER' B-type option in the OPTION (#19) file."
^XWB(8994,1693,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1693,1,8,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed"
^XWB(8994,1693,1,9,0)="as part of VistALink."
^XWB(8994,1693,3,1,0)="Returns the empty string."
^XWB(8994,1693,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1693,3,3,0)="See description on the use of this RPC."
^XWB(8994,1694,0)="PSB CHECK IV^RPC^PSBCHKIV^2^P^0^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1694,1,1,0)="RPC PSB CHECK IV - When given a patient's data file number(DFN), this "
^XWB(8994,1694,1,2,0)="process will return infusing IV information pertaining to the given "
^XWB(8994,1694,1,3,0)="DFN. The information will be returned at the location presented by"
^XWB(8994,1694,1,4,0)="the ""RESULTS"" parameter."
^XWB(8994,1694,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,1694,2,1,1,2,0)="entry number (IEN) and a pointer to the PATIENT FILE (File#2 - ^DPT)."
^XWB(8994,1694,2,2,1,1,0)="LIST OF ORDER NUMBERS"
^XWB(8994,1694,2,2,1,2,0)="to contain the output from PSB CHECK IV processing."
^XWB(8994,1694,3,1,0)="RESULTS is an output array which will contain informaion about infusing "
^XWB(8994,1694,3,2,0)="IVs. The infusing IVs information will be relative to the given patient "
^XWB(8994,1694,3,3,0)="data file number (DFN)."
^XWB(8994,1695,0)="PSB VITALS^VITALS^PSBRPC^2^P^^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1695,1,1,0)="Passes array of Vital entries - Temp,Pulse,Resp,BP,Pain in the last 7 days"
^XWB(8994,1695,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,1695,3,2,0)="Results(1)=Vital Type^Date/Time vital taken^DFN^vital value"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,1,0)="This RPC has been built specifically to process the filing of BCMA "
^XWB(8994,1696,1,2,0)="Pain Score data. The processing of other VITAL type may be incorporated "
^XWB(8994,1696,1,3,0)="with some adjustments."
^XWB(8994,1696,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1696,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1696,1,6,0)=" This routine is to service BCMA 3.0 functionality and store VITALs'"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,7,0)=" data into the VITAL MEASUREMENT FILE - ^GMR(120.5 using the API"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,8,0)=" GMRVPCE0"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1696,1,10,0)=" Parameters:"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,11,0)=" Input - "
^XWB(8994,1696,1,12,0)=" DFN (r) Pointer to the PATIENT (#2) file"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,13,0)=" RATE (r) BCMA trigger event/transaction"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,14,0)=" VTYPE (o) Pointer to GMRV VITAL TYPE FILE (#120.51)"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,15,0)=" (default = Pain [""PN""])"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,16,0)=" DTTKN (o) Date/time (FileMan) measurment was taken"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,17,0)=" (default = $$NOW^XLFDT())"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1696,1,19,0)=" Output - RESULTS(0) = 1"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,20,0)=" RESULTS(1) =""1^Pain Score successfully filed"""
^XWB(8994,1696,1,21,0)=" or RESULTS(1) =""-1^ERROR * Pain Score NOT filed "
^XWB(8994,1696,1,22,0)=" successfully"""
^XWB(8994,1696,1,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1696,1,24,0)=" Process results in the storing of VITAL Measurement rate into the VITAL"
^XWB(8994,1696,1,25,0)=" MEASUREMENT FILE per the given patient and vital type."
^XWB(8994,1696,2,1,1,1,0)="PSBDFN presents the Pointer to the PATIENT File (#2) of the patient for "
^XWB(8994,1696,2,1,1,2,0)="whom this vital measurement data was entered."
^XWB(8994,1696,2,2,1,1,0)="PSBRATE presents the numeric value associated with this vital "
^XWB(8994,1696,2,3,1,1,0)="PSBVTYPE presents the type of measurement for this record and is a "
^XWB(8994,1696,2,3,1,2,0)="pointer to the GMRV VITAL TYPE File (#120.51)"
^XWB(8994,1696,2,4,1,1,0)="DTTKN (o) Date/time (FileMan) measurment was taken. The default is NOW."
^XWB(8994,1697,1,1,0)="This will return a user's active person class for a given date."
^XWB(8994,1697,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the user's DUZ value whose active person class is desired."
^XWB(8994,1697,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a Fileman date.time for the date to check for an active person "
^XWB(8994,1697,2,2,1,2,0)="class membership."
^XWB(8994,1697,3,1,0)="Return -1^message if problems or no active person class"
^XWB(8994,1697,3,2,0)="Else return p1^p2^p3^...^p8 where"
^XWB(8994,1697,3,3,0)=" p1 = IEN to file 8932.1 p5 = Effective date"
^XWB(8994,1697,3,4,0)=" p2 = Occupation p6 = expiration date"
^XWB(8994,1697,3,5,0)=" p3 = specialty p7 = VA Code"
^XWB(8994,1697,3,6,0)=" p4 = sub-specialty p8 = specialty code"
^XWB(8994,1698,1,1,0)="Returns the count of sensitive patients left to evaluate after a main"
^XWB(8994,1698,1,2,0)="query iteration run."
^XWB(8994,1699,1,1,0)="Similar to the main query iterator routine, except does not process"
^XWB(8994,1699,1,2,0)="the patients marked as sensitive, and saves them off without"
^XWB(8994,1699,1,3,0)="screening them. Subsequent routines are called to manage the list"
^XWB(8994,1699,1,4,0)="and process those selected for reporting."
^XWB(8994,1699,2,1,1,1,0)="Iterator that was returned from the last call to this routine."
^XWB(8994,1699,3,1,0)="Returns PtSearched^RecordsFound^Iterator; use the Iterator returned"
^XWB(8994,1699,3,2,0)="for subsequent calls."
^XWB(8994,1700,1,1,0)="Iterates through sensitive patients identified in a query tool report."
^XWB(8994,1700,1,2,0)="Screens patients based on report criteria, and reports sensitive"
^XWB(8994,1700,1,3,0)="patients as necessary."
^XWB(8994,1700,2,1,1,1,0)="Iterator to tell the routine from which patient to perform the search."
^XWB(8994,1700,3,1,0)="Returns PtSearched^RecordsFound^Iterator; use the Iterator returned in "
^XWB(8994,1700,3,2,0)="the subsequent call."
^XWB(8994,1701,1,1,0)="Gets sensitive patients from a query tool cohort, where the patients"
^XWB(8994,1701,1,2,0)="have not yet been screened."
^XWB(8994,1701,2,1,1,1,0)="Starting position, specified by Name!DFN. For example:"
^XWB(8994,1701,2,1,1,2,0)="Winchester, Charles Emmerson!78390"
^XWB(8994,1701,2,2,1,1,0)="Length of the return array from this routine."
^XWB(8994,1701,3,1,0)="List of items in the format DFN^Patient Name^Sensitivity Level, sorted"
^XWB(8994,1701,3,2,0)="by patient name."
^XWB(8994,1702,1,1,0)="When a query executes, the sensitive patients are saved off before they"
^XWB(8994,1702,1,2,0)="are evaluated, along with the sensitive information gathered from"
^XWB(8994,1702,1,3,0)="the routine PTSEC^DGSEC4. This RPC returns the sensitive message text"
^XWB(8994,1702,1,4,0)="for the given patient when this query attempted to query their record."
^XWB(8994,1702,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN of the sensitive patient."
^XWB(8994,1702,3,1,0)="Sensitive information text returned by PTSEC^DGSEC4 for this patient."
^XWB(8994,1703,1,1,0)="Deletes the sensitive patient from the sensitive patient list generated"
^XWB(8994,1703,1,2,0)="for the currently executing query. No further evaluation of the "
^XWB(8994,1703,1,3,0)="patients record will take place."
^XWB(8994,1703,2,1,1,1,0)="The DFN of the record to remove."
^XWB(8994,1703,3,1,0)="1=Success, -1=Failure"
^XWB(8994,1704,1,1,0)="Returns a mapping from criteria categories to display field categories"
^XWB(8994,1704,3,1,0)="The returned array is a mapping in the form A=B, where A is the criteria"
^XWB(8994,1704,3,2,0)="category and B is the display field category."
^XWB(8994,1705,1,1,0)="This call deletes parameter categories from the M backing store. If the "
^XWB(8994,1705,1,2,0)="second parameter, DELKIDS is passed as ""1"" (boolean true by M programming "
^XWB(8994,1705,1,3,0)="convention), all descendents of the category in question will also be "
^XWB(8994,1705,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (i.e., IEN) of the parameter category to be "
^XWB(8994,1705,2,2,1,1,0)="This boolean flag indicates whether to delete all descendents of the "
^XWB(8994,1705,2,2,1,2,0)="parameter category in question."
^XWB(8994,1705,3,1,0)="Error condition. Returns 0 if the category was successfully deleted, or"
^XWB(8994,1705,3,2,0)="1^message if the call failed."
^XWB(8994,1706,1,1,0)="Returns all Parameter Definitions."
^XWB(8994,1707,1,1,0)="Returns Configuration tree as XML in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1707,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the module id for the module in question."
^XWB(8994,1707,3,1,0)="Returns XML in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1708,1,1,0)="Returns Configuration tree as XML in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1708,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the module id for the module in question."
^XWB(8994,1708,3,1,0)="Returns XML in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1709,1,1,0)="Gets all parameter definitions as a list with IEN^NAME^DISPLAY NAME in "
^XWB(8994,1709,1,2,0)="each node of the return array."
^XWB(8994,1710,1,1,0)="This call returns an XML representation of a Parameter Definition."
^XWB(8994,1710,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the parameter in the Parameter Definition File "
^XWB(8994,1710,3,1,0)="This is an XML representation of the Parameter Definition."
^XWB(8994,1711,1,1,0)="Gets parameter definitions as a list with IEN^NAME^DISPLAY NAME^ENTITYLIST"
^XWB(8994,1711,1,2,0)="in each node of the return array. This call returns a local array of SIZE "
^XWB(8994,1711,1,3,0)="elements in DIR direction from the initial Definition FROM."
^XWB(8994,1711,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the definition from which the list should begin (i.e., inclusive "
^XWB(8994,1711,2,2,1,1,0)="OPTIONAL parameter. This is the DIRECTION from the origin in which the "
^XWB(8994,1711,2,2,1,2,0)="definitions will be retrieved. Pass ""+1"" to indicate ascending order, or "
^XWB(8994,1711,2,2,1,3,0)="""-1"" to indicate descending order). "
^XWB(8994,1711,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1711,2,2,1,5,0)="DEFAULT: ""+1"" or ascending order."
^XWB(8994,1711,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the number of definitions that should be returned with each "
^XWB(8994,1711,2,3,1,2,0)="invocation of the call."
^XWB(8994,1711,2,3,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1711,2,3,1,4,0)="DEFAULT: 44."
^XWB(8994,1711,3,1,0)="A local array of Parameter Definitions is returned with the following "
^XWB(8994,1711,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1711,3,5,0)=" IEN|ENTITY(1) NAME;ENTITY(2) IEN|ENTITY(2) NAME;...;ENTITY(n)"
^XWB(8994,1711,3,6,0)=" IEN|ENTITY(n) NAME"""
^XWB(8994,1712,1,1,0)="Inserts new parameter categories."
^XWB(8994,1712,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the list of fields, subscripted by Field Name."
^XWB(8994,1712,3,1,0)="This is an error flag, the first piece will be 0 if no error occurs "
^XWB(8994,1712,3,2,0)="during the filing process, or 1 if an error occurs, followed by an "
^XWB(8994,1712,3,3,0)="explanatory message."
^XWB(8994,1713,0)="XHD PUT PARAMETER^PUT^XHDPARAM^1^S^^^^.1"
^XWB(8994,1713,1,1,0)="Call PUT^XPAR or PUTWP^XPAR to file a given parameter."
^XWB(8994,1713,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the key for the parameter."
^XWB(8994,1713,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the value of the parameter."
^XWB(8994,1713,3,1,0)="An Error condition."
^XWB(8994,1714,1,1,0)="This call removes parameter categories from their parents (i.e., ""prunes"" "
^XWB(8994,1714,1,2,0)="the branch of which the the category is the root). It does NOT delete the "
^XWB(8994,1714,1,3,0)="Category or its descendents. Use the ORR DELETE PARAMETER CATEGORY to "
^XWB(8994,1714,1,4,0)="delete a given categor and all its descendents."
^XWB(8994,1714,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number (i.e., IEN) of the parameter category."
^XWB(8994,1714,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the record number (i.e., IEN) of the parameter category's parent."
^XWB(8994,1714,3,1,0)="Error condition. Returns 0 if the category was successfully removed from "
^XWB(8994,1714,3,2,0)="its parent, or 1^message if the call failed."
^XWB(8994,1715,1,1,0)="This call updates ParameterCategories."
^XWB(8994,1716,1,1,0)="Returns Division and Integration names and IDs."
^XWB(8994,1717,1,1,0)="Returns same demographics as XHD AUTHORIZE, w/o the authorization step. "
^XWB(8994,1717,1,2,0)="Used to populate the JAAS Subject when the SharedBroker is in use. "
^XWB(8994,1717,3,1,0)="<result xmlns:xsi="""" "
^XWB(8994,1717,3,3,0)=" <userInfo>"
^XWB(8994,1717,3,4,0)=" <uniqueId>11</uniqueId>"
^XWB(8994,1717,3,5,0)=" <firstName>JOEL</firstName>"
^XWB(8994,1717,3,6,0)=" <lastName>RUSSELL</lastName>"
^XWB(8994,1717,3,7,0)=" <middleInitial/>"
^XWB(8994,1717,3,8,0)=" <title>Clinical Systems Developer</title>"
^XWB(8994,1717,3,9,0)=" <lastFourSSN>4156</lastFourSSN>"
^XWB(8994,1717,3,10,0)=" </userInfo>"
^XWB(8994,1718,1,1,0)="This returns the list of perspective id's that should be visible for the"
^XWB(8994,1718,1,2,0)="current user."
^XWB(8994,1718,3,1,0)="The list returned contains the perspective ids, sorted in the order they"
^XWB(8994,1718,3,2,0)="should appear on the desktop."
^XWB(8994,1719,1,1,0)="Returns a list of options and the associated version numbers. The list of"
^XWB(8994,1719,1,2,0)="options is passed in. Returns is a list of OptionName^VersionNumber. The"
^XWB(8994,1719,1,3,0)="version number must be the last space piece in the MENU TEXT of the option."
^XWB(8994,1719,2,1,1,1,0)="A list of option names."
^XWB(8994,1719,3,1,0)="A list were each line is OptionName^VersionNumber"
^XWB(8994,1720,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the list that it's been passed. It's for test purposes "
^XWB(8994,1720,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the input list."
^XWB(8994,1720,3,1,0)="ORY is the list that's returned. It will match the input list."
^XWB(8994,1721,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of patients with recent activity (new results"
^XWB(8994,1721,1,2,0)="or ADT movements) or items that need attention (tasks that are due or"
^XWB(8994,1721,1,3,0)="unsigned orders and notes) for the specified user."
^XWB(8994,1721,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1721,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of patients for the Clinician Dashboard that are "
^XWB(8994,1721,3,2,0)="relevant for the specified user, along with lists of item ID's, as:"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,3,0)=" ""Patient=DFN^NAME^SSN^DOB^AGE"""
^XWB(8994,1721,3,4,0)=" ""Result=ORR:##^ORR:##^...^*ORR:##"""
^XWB(8994,1721,3,5,0)=" ""Task= TSK:##^TSK:##^...^*TSK:##"""
^XWB(8994,1721,3,6,0)=" ""Event=VST:ID^VST:ID^...^VST:ID"""
^XWB(8994,1721,3,7,0)=" ""Unsigned=ORU:##^...^ORU:##^DOC:##^...^DOC:##"""
^XWB(8994,1721,3,8,0)=" where DFN = Pointer to patient in Patient file #2"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,9,0)=" NAME = Patient name from file #2 (i.e. LAST,FIRST MI)"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,10,0)=" SSN = SSN or Primary Long ID from file #2"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,11,0)=" DOB = Date of Birth of patient in the form YYYYMMDD"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,12,0)=" AGE = Current age of patient (or age at death, if deceased)"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,13,0)=" and ORR:## = Identifier for an order w/results (##=file #100 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,14,0)=" TSK:## = Identifier for a task (##=file #102.3 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,15,0)=" [a leading * indicates abnormal results or high priority]"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,16,0)=" VST:ID = Identifier for an alert about a visit (including ADT)"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,17,0)=" ORU:## = Identifier for an unsigned order in (##=file #100 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1721,3,18,0)=" DOC:## = Identifier for a document (##=file #8925 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1722,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of orders for a patient placed by the user, that"
^XWB(8994,1722,1,2,0)="have new unacknowledged results."
^XWB(8994,1722,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1722,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient in the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1722,2,3,1,1,0)="This flag indicates whether to return the results with each order (true)"
^XWB(8994,1722,2,3,1,2,0)="or just the list of order ID's (false)."
^XWB(8994,1722,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of orders for PATIENT that were placed by USER"
^XWB(8994,1722,3,2,0)="and now have results available, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1722,3,3,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ Text ^ Result Date in HL7 format"
^XWB(8994,1722,3,4,0)="where ID is the order number in the form ""ORR:###"". If the RESULTS "
^XWB(8994,1722,3,5,0)="parameter was true, other entries will also be included as:"
^XWB(8994,1722,3,6,0)=" ""Data="" _ Test ^ value ^ units ^ reference range ^ critical flag, or"
^XWB(8994,1722,3,7,0)=" ""Text="" _ line of report text"
^XWB(8994,1722,3,8,0)="repeated as needed until the next ""Item"" entry."
^XWB(8994,1722,3,9,0)="repeated as needed until the next ""Item"" entry."
^XWB(8994,1723,1,1,0)="This call returns the results for a list of orders."
^XWB(8994,1723,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the list of order ID's for which to return results, in the form"
^XWB(8994,1723,2,1,1,2,0)="""ORR:###"" where ### is the order number from file #100."
^XWB(8994,1723,2,1,1,3,0)="the corresponding M file containing the data:"
^XWB(8994,1723,2,1,1,4,0)=" ORD = Orders file #100"
^XWB(8994,1723,2,1,1,5,0)=" DOC = TIU Documents file #8925"
^XWB(8994,1723,2,1,1,6,0)=" TSK = Patient Task file #102.3"
^XWB(8994,1723,3,1,0)="This call returns the list of order ID's and the results of each, in the "
^XWB(8994,1723,3,3,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ Text ^ Result Date in HL7 format"
^XWB(8994,1723,3,4,0)="and either of the following repeated as necessary until the next ""Item""."
^XWB(8994,1723,3,5,0)=" ""Data="" _ Test ^ value ^ units ^ reference range ^ critical flag"
^XWB(8994,1723,3,6,0)=" ""Text="" _ line of report text"
^XWB(8994,1724,1,1,0)="This call will mark new results as being acknowledged by the user; it"
^XWB(8994,1724,1,2,0)="will return a true or false value for each order ID if successfully saved."
^XWB(8994,1724,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1724,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the list of order ID's whose results may be acknowledged, in the"
^XWB(8994,1724,2,2,1,2,0)="form ""ORR:###^1"" where ### is the order number from file #100 and the"
^XWB(8994,1724,2,2,1,3,0)="second ^-piece is either 1 or 0 if the order was acknowledged."
^XWB(8994,1724,3,1,0)="This call returns the list of order ID's passed into the ORDERS input"
^XWB(8994,1724,3,2,0)="parameter, along with a flag indicating if the acknowledgment update"
^XWB(8994,1724,3,3,0)="was successful or not, in the form ORR:### ^ 1 or 0."
^XWB(8994,1725,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of tasks for a patient that are not yet"
^XWB(8994,1725,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient in the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1725,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200; if defined"
^XWB(8994,1725,2,2,1,2,0)="then tasks will be returned that USER created or all incomplete tasks if"
^XWB(8994,1725,2,2,1,3,0)="USER is linked to the patient in some way."
^XWB(8994,1725,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a date in the format YYYYMMDD[HHMMSS]; if defined, then only"
^XWB(8994,1725,2,3,1,2,0)="tasks that are past DUE (i.e. Due Date is prior to DUE) will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1725,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of incomplete tasks, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,2,0)=" ID^Subject^Created^ByWhom^Patient^Priority^Due^Completed^ByWhom^Items"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,3,0)=" where ID = TSK:##, where ## is the pointer to #102.3"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,4,0)=" Subject = Text subject of task"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,5,0)=" Created = date task was created, as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,6,0)=" ByWhom = user who created task, as pointer to #200"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,7,0)=" Patient = patient that task is for, as pointer to #2"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,8,0)=" Priority = H, M, or L"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,9,0)=" Due = date task is due to be completed, as YYYMMDD[HHMM]"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,10,0)=" Completed = date task was completed as, YYYYMMDDHHMM"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,11,0)=" ByWhom = user who completed task, as pointer to #200"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,12,0)=" Items = linked items as ID,ID,...,ID where ID is XXX:### as"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,13,0)=" DOC:### = unsigned documents in #8925"
^XWB(8994,1725,3,14,0)=" ORR:### = order results in #100"
^XWB(8994,1726,1,1,0)="This call returns the details of the tasks requested in the list of ID's"
^XWB(8994,1726,1,2,0)="passed in."
^XWB(8994,1726,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the list of task identifiers, as TSK:## where ## is the pointer"
^XWB(8994,1726,2,1,1,2,0)="to file #102.3"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of incomplete tasks, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,2,0)=" ID^Subject^Created^ByWhom^Patient^Priority^Due^Completed^ByWhom^Items"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,3,0)=" where ID = TSK:##, where ## is the pointer to #102.3"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,4,0)=" Subject = Text subject of task"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,5,0)=" Created = date task was created, as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,6,0)=" ByWhom = user who created task, as pointer to #200"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,7,0)=" Patient = patient that task is for, as pointer to #2"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,8,0)=" Priority = H, M, or L"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,9,0)=" Due = date task is due to be completed, as YYYMMDD[HHMM]"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,10,0)=" Completed = date task was completed as, YYYYMMDDHHMM"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,11,0)=" ByWhom = user who completed task, as pointer to #200"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,12,0)=" Items = linked items as ID,ID,...,ID where ID is XXX:### as"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,13,0)=" DOC:### = documents in #8925"
^XWB(8994,1726,3,14,0)=" ORR:### = order results in #100"
^XWB(8994,1727,1,1,0)="This call will accept data to create a new entry in the Patient Task"
^XWB(8994,1727,1,2,0)="file #102.3 and return the new identifier."
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a string of ^-delimited attributes of a new task, in the form"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,2,0)=" Subject^Created^ByWhom^Patient^Priority^Due^Completed^ByWhom^Items"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,3,0)="where Subject = Text subject of task"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,4,0)=" Created = date task was created, as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,5,0)=" ByWhom = user who created task, as pointer to #200"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,6,0)=" Patient = patient that task is for, as pointer to #2"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,7,0)=" Priority = H, M, or L"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,8,0)=" Due = date task is due to be completed, as YYYMMDD[HHMM]"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,9,0)=" Completed = date task was completed as, YYYYMMDDHHMM"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,10,0)=" ByWhom = user who completed task, as pointer to #200"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,11,0)=" Items = linked items as ID,ID,...,ID where ID is XXX:### as"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,12,0)=" DOC:### = documents in #8925"
^XWB(8994,1727,2,1,1,13,0)=" ORR:### = order results in #100"
^XWB(8994,1727,3,1,0)="This call returns either the identifier of the new task created in the"
^XWB(8994,1727,3,2,0)="form TSK:## (where ## is a pointer to the Patient Task file #102.3), or"
^XWB(8994,1727,3,3,0)="0^ErrorMessage to indicate that a new task could not be created."
^XWB(8994,1728,1,1,0)="This call will update patient tasks using the data strings passed in, and"
^XWB(8994,1728,1,2,0)="return a true or false flag with each ID indicating if the update was"
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a string of ^-delimited attributes of a new task, in the form"
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,2,0)=" ID^Subject^Created^ByWhom^Patient^Priority^Due^Completed^ByWhom^Items"
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,3,0)="where ID = Task identifier, as TSK:## [##=pointer to #102.3]"
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,4,0)=" Subject = Text subject of task "
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,5,0)=" Created = date task was created, as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS "
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,6,0)=" ByWhom = user who created task, as pointer to #200 "
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,7,0)=" Patient = patient that task is for, as pointer to #2 "
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,8,0)=" Priority = H, M, or L "
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,9,0)=" Due = date task is due to be completed, as YYYMMDD[HHMM] "
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,10,0)=" Completed = date task was completed as, YYYYMMDDHHMM "
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,11,0)=" ByWhom = user who completed task, as pointer to #200 "
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,12,0)=" Items = linked items as ID,ID,...,ID where ID is XXX:### as"
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,13,0)=" DOC:### = documents in #8925"
^XWB(8994,1728,2,1,1,14,0)=" ORR:### = order results in #100"
^XWB(8994,1728,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of the task identifiers passed into the call as"
^XWB(8994,1728,3,2,0)="well as a flag indicating if the requested update was successful, in the"
^XWB(8994,1728,3,3,0)="form ID ^ 1 or 0 ^ error message (if 0)."
^XWB(8994,1729,1,1,0)="This call accepts a list of patient task ID's to be marked as completed."
^XWB(8994,1729,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1729,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a list of task identifiers in the form TSK:##, where ## is the"
^XWB(8994,1729,2,2,1,2,0)="pointer to the Patient Task file #102.3."
^XWB(8994,1729,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of the task identifiers passed into the call as"
^XWB(8994,1729,3,2,0)="well as a flag indicating if the requested update was successful, in the"
^XWB(8994,1729,3,3,0)="form ID ^ 1 or 0 ^ error message (if 0)."
^XWB(8994,1730,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of the subjects previously used for tasks on"
^XWB(8994,1730,1,2,0)="this patient."
^XWB(8994,1730,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient in the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1730,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of text subjects previously used for this"
^XWB(8994,1730,3,2,0)="patient's tasks."
^XWB(8994,1731,1,1,0)="This call returns the details of a list of orders and/or documents."
^XWB(8994,1731,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the list of ID's of each item to return details for, in the form"
^XWB(8994,1731,2,1,1,2,0)="XXX:### where XXX indicates the type of item and ### is the pointer to"
^XWB(8994,1731,2,1,1,3,0)="the corresponding M file containing the data:"
^XWB(8994,1731,2,1,1,4,0)=" ORU = Orders file #100"
^XWB(8994,1731,2,1,1,5,0)=" DOC = TIU Documents file #8925"
^XWB(8994,1731,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of orders and documents for the Physician"
^XWB(8994,1731,3,2,0)="Dashboard with its details or text, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1731,3,3,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ Title ^ Date in HL7 format"
^XWB(8994,1731,3,4,0)=" ""Text="" _ line of report text"
^XWB(8994,1732,0)="ORRC EVENTS BY ID^TEXT^ORRCEVT^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1732,1,1,0)="This call returns the text of the documents associated with the events"
^XWB(8994,1732,1,2,0)="in the ID list passed in."
^XWB(8994,1732,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the list of alert IDs in the format ""VST:""_ID where ID is the"
^XWB(8994,1732,2,1,1,2,0)="alert identifier as defined by Kernel (""OR,<patient>,<Notification ien>;"
^XWB(8994,1732,2,1,1,3,0)="<creator>;<date created>"") or the appointment time/location (""<date.time>;"
^XWB(8994,1732,3,1,0)="This call returns the list of event IDs and the text of the document"
^XWB(8994,1732,3,2,0)="associated with the event, if any currently exists, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1732,3,3,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID"
^XWB(8994,1732,3,4,0)=" ""Text="" _ line of document text"
^XWB(8994,1733,1,1,0)="This call will clear the event alerts for this user, and return a true"
^XWB(8994,1733,1,2,0)="or false value for each ID if successful."
^XWB(8994,1733,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1733,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the list of alert IDs to be cleared, in the form ""VST:""_ID where"
^XWB(8994,1733,2,2,1,2,0)="ID is the alert identifier as defined by Kernel (""OR,<patient>,"
^XWB(8994,1733,2,2,1,3,0)="<Notification ien>;<creator>;<date created>"")."
^XWB(8994,1733,3,1,0)="This call returns the list of alert IDs passed in along with a flag"
^XWB(8994,1733,3,2,0)="indicating if the alert deletion was successful or not, in the form"
^XWB(8994,1733,3,3,0)="VST:ID ^ 1 or 0."
^XWB(8994,1734,0)="ORRC SIGN^SIGN^ORRCSIG^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1734,1,1,0)="This call will apply the user's electronic signature to the orders and "
^XWB(8994,1734,1,2,0)="documents in the ITEM array. It will return a boolean result for each "
^XWB(8994,1734,1,3,0)="item (indicating success or failure), with explanatory text in the event "
^XWB(8994,1734,1,4,0)="the call fails."
^XWB(8994,1734,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1734,2,4,1,1,0)="The hospital location. Essential in the OE/RR 3 for printing of orders,"
^XWB(8994,1734,2,4,1,2,0)="if available. Not essential for notes."
^XWB(8994,1734,2,5,1,1,0)="The network encrypted signature code of the person identified in ORNP. "
^XWB(8994,1734,2,6,1,1,0)="The array of items to which the electronic signature is being applied. "
^XWB(8994,1734,2,6,1,2,0)="Should have the format:"
^XWB(8994,1734,2,6,1,3,0)=" ITEM(#)=DOC:### for notes, or"
^XWB(8994,1734,2,6,1,4,0)=" ITEM(#)=ORU:###^DFN^Release Flag^Signature Status^Nature of Order"
^XWB(8994,1734,2,6,1,5,0)=" ITEM(#)=ORD:###^DFN^Release Flag^Signature Status^Nature of Order"
^XWB(8994,1734,3,1,0)="in @ORY@(#) = ID^Success Indicator^Error Message (if 'Success)."
^XWB(8994,1734,3,2,0)="where ID is ORU:IEN for Orders, or"
^XWB(8994,1734,3,3,0)=" DOC:IEN for Documents."
^XWB(8994,1734,3,4,0)=" DOC:IEN for Documents."
^XWB(8994,1735,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of orders for a patient with new results within"
^XWB(8994,1735,1,2,0)="a given time frame, that have not been acknowledged by the user."
^XWB(8994,1735,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient in the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1735,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1735,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the date to start searching for orders, in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS."
^XWB(8994,1735,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the date to stop searching for orders, in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS."
^XWB(8994,1735,2,5,1,1,0)="This flag indicates whether to return the results with each order (true)"
^XWB(8994,1735,2,5,1,2,0)="or just the list of order ID's (false)."
^XWB(8994,1735,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of orders for PATIENT that were placed between"
^XWB(8994,1735,3,2,0)="START and STOP and now have results available that have not yet been"
^XWB(8994,1735,3,3,0)="acknowledged by USER, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1735,3,4,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ Text ^ Result Date in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"
^XWB(8994,1735,3,5,0)="where ID is the order number in the form ""ORR:###"". If the RESULTS"
^XWB(8994,1735,3,6,0)="parameter was true, other entries will also be included as:"
^XWB(8994,1735,3,7,0)=" ""Data="" _ Test ^ Value ^ Units ^ Reference Range ^ Critical flag, or"
^XWB(8994,1735,3,8,0)=" ""Text="" _ line of report text"
^XWB(8994,1735,3,9,0)="repeated as needed until the next ""Item"" entry."
^XWB(8994,1736,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of the patient's appointments, including"
^XWB(8994,1736,1,2,0)="scheduled procedures, within a given time frame."
^XWB(8994,1736,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient in the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1736,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the date to start searching for appointments, in the form"
^XWB(8994,1736,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the date to stop searching for appointments, in the form"
^XWB(8994,1736,2,4,1,1,0)="This flag indicates whether to return the details or note text with each"
^XWB(8994,1736,2,4,1,2,0)="appointment (true) or just the list of appointment ID's (false)."
^XWB(8994,1736,3,1,0)="This call returns the list of appointment ID's, and optionally the details"
^XWB(8994,1736,3,2,0)="or note text associated with the appointment, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1736,3,3,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ Text ^ Date in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS ^ Status"
^XWB(8994,1736,3,4,0)="and also if DETAILS flag is true"
^XWB(8994,1736,3,5,0)=" ""Text="" _ line of document text"
^XWB(8994,1736,3,6,0)="where ID is the appointment identifier string prefixed by ""VST:""."
^XWB(8994,1737,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of orders for a patient by various views."
^XWB(8994,1737,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient in the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1737,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a 3-letter string identifying the type of orders to be returned:"
^XWB(8994,1737,2,2,1,2,0)=" ORN = Active Nursing (text) orders"
^XWB(8994,1737,2,2,1,3,0)=" ORV = Orders unverified by nursing"
^XWB(8994,1737,2,2,1,4,0)=" ORU = Unsigned orders by USER"
^XWB(8994,1737,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200; it is required"
^XWB(8994,1737,2,3,1,2,0)="for Unsigned Orders."
^XWB(8994,1737,2,4,1,1,0)="This flag indicates whether to return the details with each order (true),"
^XWB(8994,1737,2,4,1,2,0)="or just the list of order ID's (false)."
^XWB(8994,1737,2,5,1,1,0)="This is the date to start searching for orders, in the form YYYMMDDHHMMSS."
^XWB(8994,1737,2,6,1,1,0)="This is the date to stop searching for orders, in the form YYYMMDDHHMMSS."
^XWB(8994,1737,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of orders, and optionally the details of each,"
^XWB(8994,1737,3,2,0)="in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1737,3,3,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ Title ^ Date (in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) ^ Status"
^XWB(8994,1737,3,4,0)=" ""Order="" _ line of order text"
^XWB(8994,1737,3,5,0)="and also if DETAILS is true"
^XWB(8994,1737,3,6,0)=" ""Text="" _ line of report text"
^XWB(8994,1737,3,7,0)="where ID = TYPE_"":""_order#;action#"
^XWB(8994,1738,1,1,0)="This call returns recent vitals measurements taken for the patient."
^XWB(8994,1738,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient in the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1738,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the date to start searching for vitals, in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS;"
^XWB(8994,1738,2,2,1,2,0)="if no date range is specified, up to 5 sets of measurements will be "
^XWB(8994,1738,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the date to stop searching for vitals, in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS;"
^XWB(8994,1738,2,3,1,2,0)="if no date range is specified, up to 5 sets of measurements will be"
^XWB(8994,1738,2,4,1,1,0)="This flag indicates whether to return the details of each vital sign"
^XWB(8994,1738,2,4,1,2,0)="taken (true), or just the list of measurement set IDs (false)."
^XWB(8994,1738,3,1,0)="This call returns recent sets of vitals measurements for a patient, in the"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,3,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ ^ Measurement Date in the form YYYMMDDHHMMSS"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,4,0)="and also if DETAILS is true"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,5,0)=" ""Data="" _ Vital ^ Value ^ Unit ^ Metric ^ Unit ^ BMI ^ SO2 ^ Abn ^ Qual"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,6,0)="where ID = ""VIT:"" _ Patient pointer _"";""_ measurement date"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,7,0)=" Vital = name of vital measurement"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,8,0)=" Value = value of measurement (alphanumeric)"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,9,0)=" Unit = unit of measure"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,10,0)=" Metric = metric version of value, available for temp, weight, height,"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,11,0)=" circumference/girth"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,12,0)=" Unit = metric unit of measure, when Metric is returned"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,13,0)=" BMI = Body Mass Index, returned only for Weight"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,14,0)=" SO2 = Supplemental Oxygen (numeric), returned only for Pulse "
^XWB(8994,1738,3,15,0)=" Oximetry (PO2)"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,16,0)=" Abn = abnormal flag (* if value is considered critical else null)"
^XWB(8994,1738,3,17,0)=" Qual = list of qualifiers, as Q1;Q2;...;Qn"
^XWB(8994,1739,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of patients with recent activity (new results,"
^XWB(8994,1739,1,2,0)="vitals, or appointments) or items that need attention (tasks that are due,"
^XWB(8994,1739,1,3,0)="generic text or unverified orders) for nursing users."
^XWB(8994,1739,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1739,2,2,1,1,0)="These are the lists from which to return patients with data, in the form "
^XWB(8994,1739,2,2,1,2,0)="""type:ien:clinic start:clinic stop"" where"
^XWB(8994,1739,2,2,1,3,0)=" Provider list = ""p:<ien in New Person file #200>"""
^XWB(8994,1739,2,2,1,4,0)="OE/RR Team list = ""t:<ien in OE/RR List file #100.21>"""
^XWB(8994,1739,2,2,1,5,0)=" Specialty list = ""s:<ien in Facility Treating Specialty file #45.7>"""
^XWB(8994,1739,2,2,1,6,0)=" Ward list = ""w:<ien in Ward Location file #42>"""
^XWB(8994,1739,2,2,1,7,0)=" Clinic list = ""c:<ien in Hospital Location file #44>:<Start>:<Stop>"""
^XWB(8994,1739,2,2,1,8,0)=" where Start and Stop are FileMan-compatible dates"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of patients for the Nursing Dashboard that are "
^XWB(8994,1739,3,2,0)="relevant for the specified user, along with lists of item ID's, as:"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,3,0)=" ""Patient=DFN^NAME^SSN^DOB^AGE"""
^XWB(8994,1739,3,4,0)=" ""Result=*ORR:##^ORR:##^...^ORR:##"""
^XWB(8994,1739,3,5,0)=" ""Task=*TSK:##^TSK:##^...^TSK:##"""
^XWB(8994,1739,3,6,0)=" ""Event=VST:ID^VST:ID^...^VST:ID"""
^XWB(8994,1739,3,7,0)=" ""Unverified=ORV:##^...^ORV:##"""
^XWB(8994,1739,3,8,0)=" ""Nursing=!ORN:##^...^ORN:##"""
^XWB(8994,1739,3,9,0)=" ""Vital=*VIT:ID^...^VIT:ID"""
^XWB(8994,1739,3,10,0)=" where DFN = Pointer to patient in Patient file #2"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,11,0)=" NAME = Patient name from file #2 (i.e. LAST,FIRST MI)"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,12,0)=" SSN = SSN or Primary Long ID from file #2"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,13,0)=" DOB = Date of Birth of patient in the form YYYYMMDD"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,14,0)=" AGE = Current age of patient (or age at death, if deceased)"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,15,0)=" and ORR:## = Identifier for an order w/results (##=file #100 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,16,0)=" TSK:## = Identifier for a task (##=file #102.3 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,17,0)=" VST:ID = Identifier for an alert about an appointment"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,18,0)=" ORV:## = Identifier for an unverified order in (##=file #100 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,19,0)=" ORN:## = Identifier for a nursing order (##=file #100 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,20,0)=" VIT:ID = Identifier for a set of vitals measurements"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,21,0)=" [a leading * indicates abnormal results or high priority, and"
^XWB(8994,1739,3,22,0)=" a leading ! indicates a terminated or unreleased order]"
^XWB(8994,1740,1,1,0)="This call returns the details of the measurement sets requested in the"
^XWB(8994,1740,1,2,0)="list of ID's passed in."
^XWB(8994,1740,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the list of measurement set identifiers, as VIT:ID where ID is"
^XWB(8994,1740,2,1,1,2,0)="Patient#_"";""_Date.Time as returned by the patient list RPCs."
^XWB(8994,1740,3,1,0)="This call returns the values of the requested vitals measurements for a"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,2,0)="patient, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,3,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ ^ Measurement Date in the form YYYMMDDHHMMSS"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,4,0)=" ""Data="" _ Vital ^ Value ^ Unit ^ Metric ^ Unit ^ BMI ^ SO2 ^ Abn ^ Qual"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,5,0)="where ID = ""VIT:"" _ Patient pointer _"";""_ measurement date"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,6,0)=" Vital = name of vital measurement"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,7,0)=" Value = value of measurement (alphanumeric)"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,8,0)=" Unit = unit of measure"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,9,0)=" Metric = metric version of value, available for temp, weight, height,"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,10,0)=" circumference/girth"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,11,0)=" Unit = metric unit of measure, when Metric is returned"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,12,0)=" BMI = Body Mass Index, returned only for Weight"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,13,0)=" SO2 = Supplemental Oxygen (numeric), returned only for Pulse "
^XWB(8994,1740,3,14,0)=" Oximetry (PO2)"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,15,0)=" Abn = abnormal flag (* if value is considered critical else null)"
^XWB(8994,1740,3,16,0)=" Qual = list of qualifiers, as Q1;Q2;...;Qn"
^XWB(8994,1741,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of the patient's alerted events."
^XWB(8994,1741,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient in the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1741,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1741,2,3,1,1,0)="This flag indicates whether to return the details or note text with each"
^XWB(8994,1741,2,3,1,2,0)="event (true) or just the list of event ID's (false)."
^XWB(8994,1741,3,1,0)="This call returns the list of event ID's, and optionally the details or"
^XWB(8994,1741,3,2,0)="note text associated with the event, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1741,3,3,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ Text ^ Date in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"
^XWB(8994,1741,3,4,0)="and also if DETAILS is true"
^XWB(8994,1741,3,5,0)=" ""Text="" _ line of document text"
^XWB(8994,1741,3,6,0)="where ID is the alert identifier string prefixed by ""VST:""."
^XWB(8994,1742,1,1,0)="This call returns the Detailed Display report for the given order IDs."
^XWB(8994,1742,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the list of order IDs in the form ORx:##, where x denotes the view"
^XWB(8994,1742,2,1,1,2,0)="that this order belongs to int he dashboard and ## is the pointer to the"
^XWB(8994,1742,2,1,1,3,0)="Orders file #100."
^XWB(8994,1742,3,1,0)="This call returns the list of orders with the Detailed Display report of"
^XWB(8994,1742,3,2,0)="each, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1742,3,3,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ Title ^ Date (in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) ^ Status"
^XWB(8994,1742,3,4,0)=" ""Order="" _ line of order text"
^XWB(8994,1742,3,5,0)=" ""Text="" _ line of report text"
^XWB(8994,1742,3,6,0)="where ID = TYPE_"":""_order#;action#."
^XWB(8994,1743,1,1,0)="This call accepts a list of order IDs to be marked as verified."
^XWB(8994,1743,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1743,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a list of order identifiers in the form ORV:order#;action#, where"
^XWB(8994,1743,2,2,1,2,0)="order# is the pointer to the Orders file #100 and action# is the IEN in"
^XWB(8994,1743,2,2,1,3,0)="the Order Actions sub-file."
^XWB(8994,1743,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of the order identifiers passed into the call as"
^XWB(8994,1743,3,2,0)="well as a flag indicating if the requested update was successful, in the"
^XWB(8994,1743,3,3,0)="form ID^1 or ID^0^error if not."
^XWB(8994,1744,1,1,0)="This call accepts a list of order IDs to be marked as completed."
^XWB(8994,1744,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1744,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a list of order identifiers in the form ORN:order#;action# where"
^XWB(8994,1744,2,2,1,2,0)="order# is the pointer to the Orders file #100 and action# is the IEN in"
^XWB(8994,1744,2,2,1,3,0)="the Order Actions sub-file."
^XWB(8994,1744,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of the order identifiers passed into the call as"
^XWB(8994,1744,3,2,0)="well as a flag indicating if the requested update was successful, in the"
^XWB(8994,1744,3,3,0)="form ID^1 or ID^0^error if not."
^XWB(8994,1745,0)="ORRCQLPT PTDFN^PTDFN^ORRCQLPT^1^^^^^.1"
^XWB(8994,1745,2,1,1,1,0)="QUERY REPORT LINE IDENTIFIER"
^XWB(8994,1746,1,1,0)="Returns patient demographics info in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1747,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of patients with recent activity or items that"
^XWB(8994,1747,1,2,0)="need attention for the specified user."
^XWB(8994,1747,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1747,2,2,1,1,0)="These are the lists from which to return patients with data, in the form "
^XWB(8994,1747,2,2,1,2,0)="""type:ien:clinic start:clinic stop"" where"
^XWB(8994,1747,2,2,1,3,0)=" Provider list = ""p:<ien in New Person file #200>"""
^XWB(8994,1747,2,2,1,4,0)="OE/RR Team list = ""t:<ien in OE/RR List file #100.21>"""
^XWB(8994,1747,2,2,1,5,0)=" Specialty list = ""s:<ien in Facility Treating Specialty file #45.7>"""
^XWB(8994,1747,2,2,1,6,0)=" Ward list = ""w:<ien in Ward Location file #42>"""
^XWB(8994,1747,2,2,1,7,0)=" Clinic list = ""c:<ien in Hospital Location file #44>:<Start>:<Stop>"""
^XWB(8994,1747,2,2,1,8,0)=" where Start and Stop are FileMan-compatible dates"
^XWB(8994,1747,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the type of dashboard view desired, (C)linician or (N)urse."
^XWB(8994,1747,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of patients for the Care Management Dashboards"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,2,0)="that are relevant for the specified user, including item ID's, as:"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,3,0)=" ""Patient=DFN^NAME^SSN^DOB^AGE"""
^XWB(8994,1747,3,4,0)=" ""Result=*ORR:##^ORR:##^...^ORR:##"""
^XWB(8994,1747,3,5,0)=" ""Task=*TSK:##^TSK:##^...^TSK:##"""
^XWB(8994,1747,3,6,0)=" ""Event=VST:ID^VST:ID^...^VST:ID"""
^XWB(8994,1747,3,7,0)=" ""Error=^<Error Description>"""
^XWB(8994,1747,3,8,0)=" and also if TYPE=""N"":"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,9,0)=" ""Unverified=ORV:##^...^ORV:##"""
^XWB(8994,1747,3,10,0)=" ""Nursing=!ORN:##^...^ORN:##"""
^XWB(8994,1747,3,11,0)=" ""Vital=*VIT:ID^...^VIT:ID"""
^XWB(8994,1747,3,12,0)=" where DFN = Pointer to patient in Patient file #2"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,13,0)=" NAME = Patient name from file #2 (i.e. LAST,FIRST MI)"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,14,0)=" SSN = SSN or Primary Long ID from file #2"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,15,0)=" DOB = Date of Birth of patient in the form YYYYMMDD"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,16,0)=" AGE = Current age of patient (or age at death, if deceased)"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,17,0)=" and ORR:## = Identifier for an order w/results (##=file #100 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,18,0)=" TSK:## = Identifier for a task (##=file #102.3 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,19,0)=" VST:ID = Identifier for an alert about an appointment"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,20,0)=" ORV:## = Identifier for an unverified order in (##=file #100 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,21,0)=" ORN:## = Identifier for a nursing order (##=file #100 pointer)"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,22,0)=" VIT:ID = Identifier for a set of vitals measurements"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,23,0)=" [a leading * indicates abnormal results or high priority, and"
^XWB(8994,1747,3,24,0)=" a leading ! indicates a terminated or unreleased order]"
^XWB(8994,1748,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of the patient's non-ADT alerts."
^XWB(8994,1748,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient in the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1748,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1748,3,1,0)="This call returns the list of alert ID's, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1748,3,2,0)=" ""Item="" _ ID ^ Text ^ Date in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"
^XWB(8994,1748,3,3,0)="where ID is the alert identifier string prefixed by ""NOT:""."
^XWB(8994,1749,1,1,0)="This call returns a list of tasks for a patient that are now due."
^XWB(8994,1749,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the patient in the Patient file #2."
^XWB(8994,1749,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of tasks that are due, in the form:"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,2,0)=" ID^Subject^Created^ByWhom^Patient^Priority^Due^Completed^ByWhom^Items"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,3,0)=" where ID = TSK:##, where ## is the pointer to #102.3"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,4,0)=" Subject = Text subject of task"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,5,0)=" Created = date task was created, as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,6,0)=" ByWhom = user who created task, as pointer to #200"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,7,0)=" Patient = patient that task is for, as pointer to #2"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,8,0)=" Priority = H, M, or L"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,9,0)=" Due = date task is due to be completed, as YYYMMDD[HHMM]"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,10,0)=" Completed = date task was completed as, YYYYMMDDHHMM"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,11,0)=" ByWhom = user who completed task, as pointer to #200"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,12,0)=" Items = linked items as ID,ID,...,ID where ID is XXX:### as"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,13,0)=" DOC:### = unsigned documents in #8925"
^XWB(8994,1749,3,14,0)=" ORR:### = order results in #100"
^XWB(8994,1750,1,1,0)="This call accepts a list of patient task ID's to be marked as canceled."
^XWB(8994,1750,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the user in the New Person file #200."
^XWB(8994,1750,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a list of task identifiers in the form TSK:##, where ## is the"
^XWB(8994,1750,2,2,1,2,0)="pointer to the Patient Task file #102.3."
^XWB(8994,1750,3,1,0)="This call returns a list of the task identifiers passed into the call as"
^XWB(8994,1750,3,2,0)="well as a flag indicating if the requested update was successful, in the"
^XWB(8994,1750,3,3,0)="form ID ^ 1 or 0 ^ error message (if 0)."
^XWB(8994,1755,0)="ORWOR ACTION TEXT^ACTXT^ORWOR^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1756,1,1,0)="This RPC will evaluate the Reminder Dialogs as the Finish button is click"
^XWB(8994,1756,1,2,0)="for the GEC Project. THis RPC will return an error messages if the four"
^XWB(8994,1756,1,3,0)="GEC Reminder Dialogs are done out of order."
^XWB(8994,1756,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Reminder Definition IEN or the Reminder Dialog IEN"
^XWB(8994,1756,2,2,1,1,0)="Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,1756,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the Visit Encounter String"
^XWB(8994,1756,2,4,1,1,0)="NOTEIEN is the progress Note IEN in file 8925."
^XWB(8994,1756,3,1,0)="A single string that will return a value to set in the V HF file an error"
^XWB(8994,1759,1,1,0)="This RPC pass a boolean value to PXRMGECU"
^XWB(8994,1759,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,1759,2,2,1,1,0)="Fin is a 1 or 0"
^XWB(8994,1760,3,1,0)="Single value"
^XWB(8994,1761,1,1,0)="This remote procedure will return the text value to display in CPRS of the "
^XWB(8994,1761,1,2,0)="status of the current GEC Referral."
^XWB(8994,1763,0)="ROR REPORT RETRIEVE^GETXML^RORRP011^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1763,1,1,0)="The ROR REPORT RETRIEVE remote procedure returns an array that contains"
^XWB(8994,1763,1,2,0)="the report (in XML format) generated by the task."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,1,1,1,0)="Task number returned either by the ROR REPORT SCHEDULE or ROR TASK LIST"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,1,1,2,0)="remote procedures."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,1,0)="A string that indicates where to start/continue the rendering process. It "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,2,0)="contains three ""^""-pieces:"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,4,0)=" ^1: IEN of the report element"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,6,0)=" ^2: Where exactly the rendering process has stopped"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,7,0)=" (see the $$XMLREP^RORTSK10 function for details)"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,9,0)=" ^3: IEN of the text line (if the 2nd piece = 3)"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,11,0)="To continue the rendering from the point where it stopped during the"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,12,0)="previous call of the remote procedure, just assign the non-empty value"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,13,0)="returned in the RESULT[0] by the previous call."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,15,0)="By default (if $G(FROM)'>0), the rendering starts from the beginning of "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,16,0)="the report."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,18,0)="NOTE: "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,20,0)="Despite this description, you must not make any assumptions about"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,21,0)="structure of this parameter (it can be changed at any time without"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,22,0)="warning). The only exception is the IEN of the report element. You can"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,23,0)="assign a positive value to this parameter before the call to start the"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,2,1,24,0)="rendering from the corresponding element."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,1,0)="Either the maximum number of lines to retrieve or the maximum size of the"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,2,0)="output in bytes (append the ""B"" to the number). By default (if"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,3,0)="$G(MAXSIZE)'>0,) the whole report (starting from the point indicated by"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,4,0)="the FROM parameter if it is defined) is retrieved."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,6,0)=" Examples:"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,7,0)=" 500 Retrieve no more that 500 lines"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,8,0)=" 4096B Retrieve no mor than 4Kb"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,10,0)="NOTE: If the ""B"" suffix is used, the size of the retrieved"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,11,0)=" portion of the document can be somewhat bigger than"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,12,0)=" MAXSIZE! The last line of the chunk is not truncated"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,3,1,13,0)=" even if the size will be bigger than MAXSIZE."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,1,0)="The SORT list defines how the different parts of the report are sorted."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,2,0)="It should be defined as follow:"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,4,0)=" SORT(i)=""ParentElementName=SortElementName"""
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,6,0)="An optional D[ESC] modifier (the abbreviation of 'descending') can be"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,7,0)="added after the SortElementName. They should be sepearted by the ':'."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,9,0)="For example, if the report has the following structure:"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,11,0)=" <REPORT>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,12,0)=" <PATIENT>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,13,0)=" <NAME> ... </NAME>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,14,0)=" <DOB> ... </DOB>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,15,0)=" <SELRULES>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,16,0)=" <RULE>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,17,0)=" <NAME> ... </NAME>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,18,0)=" <DATE> ... </DATE>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,19,0)=" </RULE>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,20,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,21,0)=" </SELRULES>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,22,0)=" </PATIENT>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,23,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,24,0)=" </REPORT>"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,25,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,26,0)="and the SORT parameter is defined by the client application as follow:"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,28,0)=" with RPCBroker do begin "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,29,0)=" Param[3].PType := list; "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,30,0)=" Param[3].Mult[1] := 'REPORT=NAME'; "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,31,0)=" Param[3].Mult[2] := 'SELRULES=DATE:D';"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,32,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,34,0)="then the procedure will sort the patients by their names and the selection"
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,35,0)="rules for each patient will be sorted by the corresponding dates in "
^XWB(8994,1763,2,4,1,36,0)="descending order."
^XWB(8994,1763,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,3,15,0)="Otherwise, it contains either a string that indicates the place where "
^XWB(8994,1763,3,16,0)="the rendering stopped because the maximum number of lines (defined by the "
^XWB(8994,1763,3,17,0)="NUMBER parameter) had been processed or an empty string if the processing "
^XWB(8994,1763,3,18,0)="of the report was completed."
^XWB(8994,1763,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,3,20,0)="You should pass this value (if it is not empty) as the FROM parameter to"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,21,0)="subsequent call of the remote procedure if you want to continue the"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,22,0)="rendering from the point where it stopped."
^XWB(8994,1763,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,3,24,0)="The subsequent elements of the resulting array (starting from 1) contain"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,25,0)="the lines of the report. An element can contain an XML tag, a single-line"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,26,0)="value between opening and closing tags or a line of text."
^XWB(8994,1763,3,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1763,3,28,0)="NOTE: If the MAXSIZE parameter is not defined or not greater"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,29,0)=" than zero (a request for the whole report), the new value"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,30,0)=" for the FROM parameter is not returned in the Results[0]"
^XWB(8994,1763,3,31,0)=" and the latter contains the first line of the report."
^XWB(8994,1764,1,1,0)="Schedules the report and returns the task information."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,1,1,1,0)="Registry IEN (if $G(REGIEN)'>0 the task will not be associated with any"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,1,1,2,0)="particular registry)."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,2,1,1,0)="Code of the report (value of the CODE field of the report descriptor in"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,2,1,2,0)="the ROR REPORT file)."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,3,1,1,0)="Date/time to start the task (external value). By default (if $G(ZDTH)=""""),"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,3,1,2,0)="the task will be scheduled to run after 3-second pause."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,1,0)="Report parameters in XML format. For example:"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,3,0)=" with RPCBroker.Param[4] do"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,4,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,5,0)=" PType :=list;"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,6,0)=" Mult[1] := '<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>'"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,7,0)=" Mult[2] := '<PARAMS>';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,8,0)=" Mult[3] := '<TASK_COMMENT>Ear procedures 2003</TASK_COMMENT>'"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,9,0)=" Mult[4] := '<DATE_RANGE TYPE=""YEAR"" YEAR=""2003""/>';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,10,0)=" Mult[5] := '<PATIENTS DE_DURING=""1"" INPATIENT=""1"" OUTPATIENT=""1"">';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,11,0)=" Mult[6] := '<CPTLST>';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,12,0)=" Mult[7] := '<CPT ID=""00120"">ANESTH, EAR SURGERY</CPT>';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,13,0)=" Mult[8] := '<CPT ID=""00124"">ANESTH, EAR EXAM</CPT>';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,14,0)=" Mult[9] := '</CPTLST>';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,15,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,16,0)=" Mult[n] := '</PARAMS>';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,17,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,22,0)=" <CLINICS [ALL=""1""]>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,23,0)=" <CLINIC ID=""IEN"">Name</CLINIC>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,24,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,25,0)=" </CLINICS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,26,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,27,0)="CPT Codes"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,30,0)=" <CPTLST [ALL=""1""]>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,31,0)=" <CPT ID=""CPT"">Name</CPT>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,32,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,33,0)=" </CPTLST>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,34,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,35,0)="Date Range"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,37,0)="(Medications date range for the Combined Meds and Labs report)"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,38,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,39,0)=" <DATE_RANGE TYPE=""Type"" [START=""..."" END=""...""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,40,0)=" [CUTOFF=""...""] [YEAR=""..."" [QUARTER=""...""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,41,0)=" [FISCAL=""1""]]/>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,42,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,43,0)="Lab Date Range"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,45,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,46,0)=" <DATE_RANGE_2 TYPE=""Type"" [START=""..."" END=""...""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,47,0)=" [CUTOFF=""...""] [YEAR=""..."" [QUARTER=""...""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,48,0)=" [FISCAL=""1""]]/>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,49,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,50,0)="Utilization Date Range"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,52,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,53,0)=" <DATE_RANGE_3 TYPE=""Type"" [START=""..."" END=""...""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,54,0)=" [CUTOFF=""...""] [YEAR=""..."" [QUARTER=""...""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,55,0)=" [FISCAL=""1""]]/>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,56,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,59,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,60,0)=" <DIVISIONS [ALL=""1""]>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,61,0)=" <DIV ID=""IEN"">Name</DIV>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,62,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,63,0)=" </DIVISIONS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,64,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,65,0)="Medications, Drug Classes, and Medication Groups"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,67,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,68,0)=" <DRUGS [AGGR_GENERIC=1] [AGGR_FORMUL=1] [ALL=""1""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,69,0)=" [INVESTIG=""1""] [REGMEDS=""1""]>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,70,0)=" <GROUP [ID=""GroupName""] [INVESTIG=""1""] [REGMEDS=""1""]>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,71,0)=" <GENERIC>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,72,0)=" <DRUG ID=""IEN"">Name</DRUG>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,73,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,74,0)=" </GENERIC>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,75,0)=" <FORMULATIONS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,76,0)=" <DRUG ID=""IEN"">Name</DRUG>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,77,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,78,0)=" </FORMULATIONS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,79,0)=" <VARXCLS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,80,0)=" <VARXCL ID=""IEN"" CODE=""ClassCode"">Name</VARXCL>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,81,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,82,0)=" </VARXCLS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,83,0)=" </GROUP>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,84,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,85,0)=" </DRUGS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,86,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,87,0)="ICD-9 Codes"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,89,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,90,0)=" <ICD9LST [ALL=""1""]>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,91,0)=" <ICD9 ID=""ICD-9"">Name</ICD9>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,92,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,93,0)=" </ICD9LST>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,94,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,95,0)="Lab Tests"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,97,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,98,0)=" <LABTESTS [ALL=""1""]>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,99,0)=" <LT ID=""IEN"" [LOW=""...""] [HIGH=""...""]>Name</LT>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,100,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,101,0)=" </LABTESTS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,102,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,103,0)="Local Fields"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,105,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,106,0)=" <LOCAL_FIELDS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,107,0)=" <FIELD ID=""IEN"" [MODE=""1""|""-1""] "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,108,0)=" [NAME=""FieldName""]>Description</FIELD>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,109,0)=" </LOCAL_FIELDS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,110,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,111,0)="Lab Result Ranges"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,113,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,114,0)=" <LRGRANGES>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,115,0)=" <LRGRANGE ID=""GroupCode"" USE=""1"""
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,116,0)=" [LOW=""...""] [HIGH=""...""]>GroupName</LRGRANGE>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,117,0)=" </LRGRANGES>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,118,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,119,0)="Number of patients with highest utilization"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,121,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,122,0)=" <MAXUTNUM>...</MAXUTNUM>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,123,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,124,0)="Minimum number of procedures/results to display"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,126,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,127,0)=" <MINRPNUM>...</MINRPNUM>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,128,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,129,0)="Optional Columns"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,131,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,132,0)=" <OPTIONAL_COLUMNS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,133,0)=" <COLUMN ID=""ColumnName""/>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,134,0)=" </OPTIONAL_COLUMNS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,135,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,136,0)="Report Options"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,138,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,139,0)=" <OPTIONS [COMPLETE=""1""] [SUMMARY=""1""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,140,0)=" [REGMEDSMRY=""1""] [PTLIST=""1""]/>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,141,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,142,0)="Other Registries"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,144,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,145,0)=" <OTHER_REGISTRIES>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,146,0)=" <REGISTRY ID=""RegIEN"" [MODE=""1""|""-1""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,147,0)=" [NAME=""RegName""]>Description</REGISTRY>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,148,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,149,0)=" </OTHER_REGISTRIES>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,150,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,151,0)="Subset of Patients"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,153,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,154,0)=" <PATIENTS [CONFIRMED=""1""] [PENDING=""1""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,155,0)=" [DE_BEFORE=""1""] [DE_DURING=""1""] [DE_AFTER=""1""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,156,0)=" [INPATIENT=""1""] [OUTPATIENT=""1""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,157,0)=" [COMPLEX=""1""] [BASIC=""1""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,158,0)=" [LAB=""1""] [NOLAB=""1""] "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,159,0)=" [NOTSEEN=""1""] [SEEN=""1""] [CAREONLY=""1""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,160,0)=" [PHARM=""1""] [NOPHARM=""1""]"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,161,0)=" [PROC=""1""] [NOPROC=""1""]/>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,162,0)=" <PT ID=""DFN"" [SSN=""SSN""]>Name</PT>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,163,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,164,0)=" </PATIENTS>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,165,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,166,0)="User Defined Comment"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,168,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,169,0)=" <TASK_COMMENT>...</TASK_COMMENT>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,170,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,171,0)="Utilization Types"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,173,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,174,0)=" <UTIL_TYPES [ALL=""1""]>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,175,0)=" <UT ID=""UtlCode""/>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,176,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,177,0)=" </UTIL_TYPES>"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,178,0)=" for i := 1 to Patients.Count do"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,179,0)=" Mult[i] := 'PTLST('+i+')=' + Patients[i-1].IEN;"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,180,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,181,0)=" REGIEN Registry IEN"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,182,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,183,0)=" Example:"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,184,0)=" Mult['""REGIEN""'] := RegInfo.IEN;"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,185,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,186,0)=" TASK_DESCR Description of the task that generates the report"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,187,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,188,0)=" VADRUGCLS VA drug classes included in the report"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,189,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,190,0)=" Example:"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,191,0)=" Mult['""VADRUGCLS(1)""'] := 'IN140';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,192,0)=" Mult['""VADRUGCLS(2)""'] := 'IN150';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,193,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,194,0)=" VIRAL_LOAD Viral Load options"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,195,0)=" ^01: Include Viral Load (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,196,0)=" ^02: Use range (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,197,0)=" ^03: Low"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,198,0)=" ^04: High"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,199,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,200,0)=" Example (include all):"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,201,0)=" Mult['""VIRAL_LOAD""'] := '1';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,202,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,203,0)=" Example (use range):"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,4,1,204,0)=" Mult['""VIRAL_LOAD""'] := '1^1^3000^100000';"
^XWB(8994,1764,2,5,1,1,0)="Rescheduling code (""1D"", ""1M"", ""D@12:00"", etc)."
^XWB(8994,1764,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array."
^XWB(8994,1764,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code (LASTERR)"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,3,11,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,12,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,13,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,14,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,3,16,0)="Error descriptors are returned in reverse chronological order (most recent"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,17,0)="error first). "
^XWB(8994,1764,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,3,19,0)="Otherwise, the Results[0] contains number of task descriptors returned in"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,20,0)="the Results array (always 1) and number of elements that comprise a task"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,3,23,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,24,0)=" ^01: 1"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,25,0)=" ^02: Number of elements that comprise a task"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,26,0)=" descriptor (TIN)"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1764,3,28,0)="The subsequent nodes of the Results array (from 1 to TIN) contain the"
^XWB(8994,1764,3,29,0)="information about the scheduled task (see the ROR TASK INFO remote "
^XWB(8994,1764,3,30,0)="procedure for more details)."
^XWB(8994,1765,0)="ROR TASK INFO^TASKINFO^RORRP010^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1765,1,1,0)="The ROR TASK INFO remote procedure returns the information about the task"
^XWB(8994,1765,1,2,0)="started from the GUI."
^XWB(8994,1765,2,1,1,1,0)="A valid task number should be assigned to the TASK parameter."
^XWB(8994,1765,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array."
^XWB(8994,1765,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1765,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code (LASTERR)"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1765,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1765,3,15,0)="Error descriptors are returned in reverse chronological order (most recent"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,16,0)="error first). "
^XWB(8994,1765,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1765,3,18,0)="Otherwise, the Results[0] contains number of task descriptors returned"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,19,0)="in the Results array (always 1) and number of elements that comprise a"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,20,0)="task descriptor:"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1765,3,22,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,23,0)=" ^01: 1"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,24,0)=" ^02: Number of elements that comprise a task"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,25,0)=" descriptor (TIN)"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,26,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1765,3,27,0)="The subsequent nodes of the Results array (from 1 to TIN) contain the"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,28,0)="information about the scheduled task:"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1765,3,30,0)=" Results[1] Task Number"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,31,0)=" Results[2] Task Type (internal^external)"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,32,0)=" Results[3] Registry (IEN^Name)"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,33,0)=" Results[4] Report (Code^Name)"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,34,0)=" Results[5] Task Description"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,35,0)=" Results[6] Task Status (internal^external)"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,36,0)=" Results[7] Creation Time (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,37,0)=" Results[8] User (DUZ^Name)"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,38,0)=" Results[9] Completion Time (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,39,0)=" Results[10] Progress Percentage"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,40,0)=" Results[11] Scheduled to Run at (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,41,0)=" Results[12] Task Log IEN"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,42,0)=" Results[13] Job Number"
^XWB(8994,1765,3,43,0)=" Results[14] User Comment"
^XWB(8994,1766,0)="ROR TASK LIST^TASKLIST^RORRP010^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1766,1,1,0)="The ROR TASK LIST remote procedure returns a list of user's tasks "
^XWB(8994,1766,1,2,0)="scheduled from the GUI."
^XWB(8994,1766,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the "
^XWB(8994,1766,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1). "
^XWB(8994,1766,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,2,1,1,4,0)="The tasks associated with the provided registry will be returned by the "
^XWB(8994,1766,2,1,1,5,0)="procere. By default ($G(REGIEN)'>0), all tasks are returned."
^XWB(8994,1766,2,2,1,1,0)="The TYPE parameter defines which tasks (1-Generic, 2-Report) are returned"
^XWB(8994,1766,2,2,1,2,0)="by the procedure. See the description of the TYPE field (.02) of the ROR"
^XWB(8994,1766,2,2,1,3,0)="TASK file (#798.8) for more details. By default ($G(TYPE)'>0), all tasks "
^XWB(8994,1766,2,2,1,4,0)="are retrieved."
^XWB(8994,1766,2,5,1,1,0)="A user IEN (DUZ) can be assigned to the USER parameter. Only tasks"
^XWB(8994,1766,2,5,1,2,0)="scheduled by this user are retrieved by the procedure. By default "
^XWB(8994,1766,2,5,1,3,0)="($G(USER)'>0), it utilizes the current user's DUZ."
^XWB(8994,1766,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the task descriptors are returned in the RESULTS array (see the"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,16,0)="ROR TASK INFO remote procedure for details)."
^XWB(8994,1766,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,19,0)=" ^01: Number of task descriptors returned"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,20,0)=" in the Results array (NTSK)"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,21,0)=" ^02: Number of nodes that make a single"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,22,0)=" task descriptor (TIN)"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,24,0)=" Results[i] Value returned by the $$TASKINFO^RORTSK"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,25,0)=" function. You can calculate the subscript"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,26,0)=" of the item TI (from 1 to TIN) of the task"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,27,0)=" TN (from 1 to NTSK) using the following"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,28,0)=" formula: i = (TN-1)*TIN+TI."
^XWB(8994,1766,3,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,30,0)="For example, if number of nodes returned by the $$TASKINFO^RORTSK function"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,31,0)="for each task is 13 and the RESULTS array contains information about 3"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,32,0)="tasks, the following nodes will be defined:"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,34,0)=" Results[0] = ""3^14"""
^XWB(8994,1766,3,35,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,36,0)=" Results[1] = Task Number 1"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,37,0)=" Results[2] = Task Type 1 (internal^external)"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,38,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1766,3,39,0)=" Results[14] = User Comment 1"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,40,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,41,0)=" Results[15] = Task Number 2"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,42,0)=" Results[16] = Task Type 2 (internal^external)"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,43,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1766,3,44,0)=" Results[28] = User Comment 2"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,45,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1766,3,46,0)=" Results[29] = Task Number 3"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,47,0)=" Results[30] = Task Type 3 (internal^external)"
^XWB(8994,1766,3,48,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1766,3,49,0)=" Results[42] = User Comment 3"
^XWB(8994,1767,0)="ROR GUI ACCESS^ACREGLST^RORRP013^2^P^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1767,1,1,0)="The ROR ACCESS remote procedure returns a list of registries that the "
^XWB(8994,1767,1,2,0)="user has access to (the user has appropriate security keys)."
^XWB(8994,1767,2,1,1,1,0)="User IEN in the NEW PERSON file. By default (if $G(USER)'>0), the DUZ is"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array."
^XWB(8994,1767,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1767,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code (LASTERR)"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1767,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1767,3,11,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,12,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,13,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,14,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1767,3,16,0)="Error descriptors are returned in reverse chronological order (most recent"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,17,0)="error first). "
^XWB(8994,1767,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1767,3,19,0)="Otherwise, the Results[0] number of accessible registries."
^XWB(8994,1767,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1767,3,21,0)=" Results[0] Number of Accessible Registries"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1767,3,23,0)=" Results[i] Registry Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,24,0)=" ^01: Registry IEN"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,25,0)=" ^02: Registry name"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,26,0)=" ^03: Administrator? (0 or 1)"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,27,0)=" ^04: Registry description"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,28,0)=" ^03: Administrator? (0 or 1)"
^XWB(8994,1767,3,29,0)=" ^04: Registry description"
^XWB(8994,1768,0)="ROR TASK DELETE^DELTASK^RORRP010^1^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1768,1,1,0)="The ROR TASK DELETE remote procedure completely deletes the task."
^XWB(8994,1768,2,1,1,1,0)="A valid task number should be assigned to the TASK parameter."
^XWB(8994,1768,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1768,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1768,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error "
^XWB(8994,1768,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1768,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1768,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1768,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1768,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1768,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1768,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1768,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1768,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1768,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1768,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1768,3,15,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,1769,0)="ROR LOG GET LIST^LOGLIST^RORRP007^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1769,1,1,0)="The ROR LOG GET LIST remote procedure returns a list of logs associated "
^XWB(8994,1769,1,2,0)="with the registry in the provided time frame."
^XWB(8994,1769,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1769,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1769,2,1,1,3,0)="The output list will contain log activities associated with the registry"
^XWB(8994,1769,2,1,1,4,0)="defined by this parameter."
^XWB(8994,1769,2,2,1,1,0)="The STDT parameter defines the start date for the search of the log "
^XWB(8994,1769,2,2,1,2,0)="activities. By default (if $G(STDT)'>0), the search starts from the "
^XWB(8994,1769,2,2,1,3,0)="earliest record of the ROR LOG file."
^XWB(8994,1769,2,3,1,1,0)="The ENDT parameter defines the end date for the search of the log"
^XWB(8994,1769,2,3,1,2,0)="activities. By default (if $G(ENDT)'>0), the search continues to the last"
^XWB(8994,1769,2,3,1,3,0)="record of the ROR LOG file."
^XWB(8994,1769,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1769,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1769,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1769,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the number of logs is returned in the Results[0] and the"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the Results array contain the information extracted"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,17,0)="from the ROR LOG file:"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1769,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Number of Logs"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1769,3,21,0)=" Results[i] Log Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,22,0)=" ^01: ""L"""
^XWB(8994,1769,3,23,0)=" ^02: Log IEN"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,24,0)=" ^03: Activity (ext)"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,25,0)=" ^04: Activity (int)"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,26,0)=" ^05: Start Date/Time (ext)"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,27,0)=" ^06: Contains messages (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,28,0)=" ^07: Job Number"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,29,0)=" ^08: End Date/Time (ext)"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,30,0)=" ^09: Number of Processed Patients"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,31,0)=" ^10: Number of Patients with Errors"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,32,0)=" ^11: Processing Rate"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,33,0)=" ^12: Task Number (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,34,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1769,3,35,0)=" Results[...] Registry Descriptor (optional)"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,36,0)=" ^01: ""R"""
^XWB(8994,1769,3,37,0)=" ^02: Registry IEN"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,38,0)=" ^03: Registry Name"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,39,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1769,3,40,0)=" Results[i+n] 'End of Log' Marker"
^XWB(8994,1769,3,41,0)=" ^01: ""L"""
^XWB(8994,1769,3,42,0)=" ^02: ""END"""
^XWB(8994,1770,0)="ROR LOG GET MESSAGES^MSGLIST^RORRP007^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1770,1,1,0)="The ROR LOG GET MESSAGES remote procedure returns a list of messages from"
^XWB(8994,1770,1,2,0)="the log defined by the parameter."
^XWB(8994,1770,2,2,1,1,0)="The LOGIEN parameter defines the log. It should contain a valid IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1770,2,2,1,2,0)="log record in the ROR LOG file."
^XWB(8994,1770,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1770,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1770,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1770,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the number of messages is returned in the Results[0] and the"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the Results array contain the messages:"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1770,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of Messages"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1770,3,20,0)=" Results[i] Message Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,21,0)=" ^01: ""M"""
^XWB(8994,1770,3,22,0)=" ^02: Message IENS"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,23,0)=" ^03: Type (external)"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,24,0)=" ^04: Type (internal)"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,25,0)=" ^05: Date/Time (external)"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,26,0)=" ^06: Has Additional Info (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,27,0)=" ^07: Patient Name"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,28,0)=" ^08: Patient IEN (DFN)"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1770,3,30,0)=" Results[i+1] Message"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,31,0)=" ^01: ""T"""
^XWB(8994,1770,3,32,0)=" ^02: Message Text"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1770,3,34,0)=" Results[...] Line of the ADDITIONAL INFO Text"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,35,0)=" ^01: ""A"""
^XWB(8994,1770,3,36,0)=" ^02: Text"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,37,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1770,3,38,0)=" Results[i+n] 'End of Message' Marker"
^XWB(8994,1770,3,39,0)=" ^01: ""M"""
^XWB(8994,1770,3,40,0)=" ^02: ""END"""
^XWB(8994,1771,0)="ROR GUI PARAMETER GET^GETPARM^RORRP038^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1771,1,1,0)="The ROR GUI PARAMETER GET remote procedure retrieves the value of the GUI"
^XWB(8994,1771,2,1,1,1,0)="The INSTANCE parameter defines the instance name of the GUI parameter. It "
^XWB(8994,1771,2,1,1,2,0)="can also contain the parameter name as the second ""^""-piece (by default, "
^XWB(8994,1771,2,1,1,3,0)="the ""ROR GUI PARAMETER"" is used)."
^XWB(8994,1771,2,2,1,1,0)="The ENTITY parameter defines the area(s) where the parameter value is"
^XWB(8994,1771,2,2,1,2,0)="searched for. By default ($G(ENTITY)=""""), the ""ALL"" value is used (see the"
^XWB(8994,1771,2,2,1,3,0)="DBIA #2263 for more details). The other values that are used most often"
^XWB(8994,1771,2,2,1,4,0)="are the ""USR"" (user settings) and the ""PKG"" (package settings)."
^XWB(8994,1771,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1771,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1771,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1771,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the Results[0] contains 0 and the subsequent node(s) of the"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,16,0)="Results array contain the string(s) of parameter value:"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1771,3,18,0)=" Results[0] 0"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1771,3,20,0)=" Results[1] Value of the single-line parameter or"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,21,0)=" the first line of the text value"
^XWB(8994,1771,3,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1771,3,23,0)=" Results[...] Subsequent lines of the text value"
^XWB(8994,1772,1,1,0)="The ROR GUI PARAMETER SET remote procedure stores the parameter value and"
^XWB(8994,1772,1,2,0)="associates it with the provided entity (see the DBIA #2263 for more "
^XWB(8994,1772,2,1,1,1,0)="The INSTANCE parameter defines the instance name of the GUI parameter. It "
^XWB(8994,1772,2,1,1,2,0)="can also contain the parameter name as the second ""^""-piece (by default, "
^XWB(8994,1772,2,1,1,3,0)="the ""ROR GUI PARAMETER"" is used)."
^XWB(8994,1772,2,2,1,1,0)="The ENTITY parameter defines the context that the parameter value is"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,2,1,2,0)="associated with. By default ($G(ENTITY)=""""), the ""USR"" (user settings)"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,2,1,3,0)="value is used (see the DBIA #2263 for more details). The other value that"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,2,1,4,0)="is used most often is the ""PKG"" (package settings)."
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,1,0)="The VALUE parameter defines the value of the GUI parameter. It should be"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,2,0)="either a literal (string value) or a list (text value). You can use the "
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,3,0)="""@"" value to delete the parameter."
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,5,0)=" NOTE: The list (the Mult property) should not contain"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,6,0)=" the 0 subscript (it will not be stored)."
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,8,0)="Example #1 (string value):"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,10,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[0].Value := 'MAIN FORM POS';"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,11,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[0].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,12,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[1].Value := '';"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,13,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[1].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,14,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[2].Value := '5,5,400,250';"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,15,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[2].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,17,0)="Example #2 (text value):"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,19,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[0].Value := 'COM PORT SETTINGS';"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,20,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[0].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,21,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[1].Value := 'PKG';"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,22,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[1].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,23,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[2].Mult[1] := 'Port=COM1';"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,24,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[2].Mult[2] := 'Baud=19200';"
^XWB(8994,1772,2,3,1,25,0)=" RPCBroker.Param[2].PType := list;"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1772,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1772,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1772,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1772,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the Results[0] contains 0."
^XWB(8994,1773,1,1,0)="The ROR LOG GET ACCESS VIOLATIONS remote procedure returns the list of"
^XWB(8994,1773,1,2,0)="access violation events recorded in the provided time frame."
^XWB(8994,1773,2,2,1,1,0)="The STDT parameter defines the start date for the search of the events. By"
^XWB(8994,1773,2,2,1,2,0)="default (if $G(STDT)'>0), the search starts from the earliest record of"
^XWB(8994,1773,2,2,1,3,0)="the ROR LOG file."
^XWB(8994,1773,2,3,1,1,0)="The ENDT parameter defines the end date for the search of the events. By"
^XWB(8994,1773,2,3,1,2,0)="default (if $G(ENDT)'>0), the search continues to the last record of the"
^XWB(8994,1773,2,3,1,3,0)="ROR LOG file."
^XWB(8994,1773,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1773,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1773,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1773,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the Results[0] contains number of access violation events and"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,16,0)="the subsequent node(s) of the Results array contain the event descriptors:"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1773,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of Access Violations"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1773,3,20,0)=" Results[i] Access Violation Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,21,0)=" ^01: Date/Time (internal)"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,22,0)=" ^02: User Name"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,23,0)=" ^03: User IEN"
^XWB(8994,1773,3,24,0)=" ^04: Message"
^XWB(8994,1774,1,1,0)="The ROR GET REGISTRY USERS remote procedure returns the list of registry "
^XWB(8994,1774,1,2,0)="users (VistA users who have the appropriate security keys)."
^XWB(8994,1774,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1774,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1774,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1774,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1774,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1774,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the number of users is returned in the Results[0] and the"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the Results array contain the user descriptors:"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1774,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of Users"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1774,3,20,0)=" Results[i] User Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,21,0)=" ^01: User IEN (DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,22,0)=" ^02: User Name"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,23,0)=" ^03: User (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,24,0)=" ^04: Administrator (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1774,3,25,0)=" ^05: IRM (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1775,0)="ROR GET REGISTRY INFO^REGINFO^RORRP014^2^P^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1775,1,1,0)="The ROR GET REGISTRY INFO remote procedure returns basic information about"
^XWB(8994,1775,1,2,0)="the registry."
^XWB(8994,1775,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGISTRY parameter should contain either a registry IEN or a registry "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,15,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent nodes of "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,16,0)="the Results array contain the registry information:"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,18,0)=" Results[0] 0"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,20,0)=" Results[1] Registry"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,21,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,22,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,24,0)=" Results[2] National (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,25,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,26,0)=" Results[3] Registry Description"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,28,0)=" Results[4] Last Registry Update Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,30,0)=" Results[5] Last Data Extraction Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,31,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,32,0)=" Results[6] Number of Patients"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,34,0)=" Results[7] Number of Active Patients"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,35,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,36,0)=" Results[8] Registry Status"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,37,0)=" ^01: Internal value (0-Active, 1-Inactive)"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,38,0)=" ^02: External value"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,39,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,40,0)=" Results[9] reserved (former Awaiting Acknowledgement)"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,41,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1775,3,42,0)=" Results[10] Version Information"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,43,0)=" ^01: Package version"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,44,0)=" ^02: Latest patch number"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,45,0)=" ^03: Date of the latest patch (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,46,0)=" ^02: Latest patch number"
^XWB(8994,1775,3,47,0)=" ^03: Date of the latest patch (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1776,1,1,0)="The ROR REPORTS AVAILABLE remote procedure returns a list of reports (and "
^XWB(8994,1776,1,2,0)="their parameters) available for the registry."
^XWB(8994,1776,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1776,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1776,2,1,1,3,0)="The output list will contain reports available for the registry defined by"
^XWB(8994,1776,2,1,1,4,0)="this parameter."
^XWB(8994,1776,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1776,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1776,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1776,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of reports and number of nodes in each report descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,16,0)="are returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent nodes of the Results"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,17,0)="array contain the report parameters extracted from the ROR REPORT"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,18,0)="PARAMETERS file (#799.12)."
^XWB(8994,1776,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1776,3,20,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,21,0)=" ^01: Number of report descriptors returned"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,22,0)=" in the Results array (NREP)"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,23,0)=" ^02: Number of nodes that make a single"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,24,0)=" report descriptor (RPN)"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,25,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1776,3,26,0)=" Results[1] Report Name"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,27,0)=" Results[2] Background Processing (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,28,0)=" Results[3] reserved"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,29,0)=" Results[4] Report Code"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,30,0)=" Results[5] Report Parameters IEN"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,31,0)=" Results[6] Inactivation Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,32,0)=" Results[7] National (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,33,0)=" Results[8] List of parameter panels"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,34,0)=" Results[9] Report Builder ($$TAG^ROUTINE)"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,35,0)=" Results[10] Default parameters (NAME=VALUE),"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,36,0)=" separated by '<*>'"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,37,0)=" Results[11] Default sorting modes (TABLE=FIELD),"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,38,0)=" separated by '<*>'"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,39,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1776,3,40,0)=" Results[12] Report Name"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,41,0)=" Results[13] Background Processing (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,42,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1776,3,43,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1776,3,44,0)="You can calculate the subscript of the item RI (from 1 to RPN) of the"
^XWB(8994,1776,3,45,0)="report RN (from 1 to NREP) using the following formula: i = (RN-1)*RPN+RI."
^XWB(8994,1777,0)="ROR LIST DIVISIONS^DIVLIST^RORRP015^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1777,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST DIVISIONS remote procedure returns a list of divisions "
^XWB(8994,1777,1,2,0)="defined in the MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION file (#40.8)."
^XWB(8994,1777,2,1,1,1,0)="The partial match restriction."
^XWB(8994,1777,2,2,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1777,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,2,2,1,3,0)=" B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite"
^XWB(8994,1777,2,2,1,4,0)=" direction of normal traversal."
^XWB(8994,1777,2,3,1,1,0)="Maximum number of entries to return. A value of ""*"" or no value in this "
^XWB(8994,1777,2,3,1,2,0)="parameter designates all entries."
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,1,0)="The index entry(s) from which to begin the list"
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,2,0)=" ^01: FromName"
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,3,0)=" ^02: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,5,0)="For example, a FROM value of ""VA"" would list entries following VA. You can"
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,6,0)="use the 2-nd and 3-rd ""^""- pieces of the @RESULTS@(0) node to continue the"
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,7,0)="listing in the subsequent procedure calls."
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,9,0)="NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in the"
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,10,0)=" resulting list."
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,12,0)="See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the PART, NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,1777,2,4,1,13,0)="and FROM parameters."
^XWB(8994,1777,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of divisions and the value of the FROM parameter for the"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,16,0)="next procedure call are returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,17,0)="nodes of the global array contain the divisions."
^XWB(8994,1777,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,20,0)=" ^01: Number of divisions"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,21,0)=" ^02: FromName"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,22,0)=" ^03: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,24,0)=" Results[i] Division"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,25,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,26,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,27,0)=" ^03: Facility Number"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,28,0)=" ^04: Institution IEN"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,31,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,32,0)=" // Get the list of divisions (10 items at a time), which"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,33,0)=" // names start with the 'S'"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,34,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,35,0)=" repeat"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,36,0)=" with RPCBroker do"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,37,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,38,0)=" Param[0].Value := 'S';"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,39,0)=" Param[0].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,40,0)=" Param[1].Value := '';"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,41,0)=" Param[1].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,42,0)=" Param[2].Value := '10';"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,43,0)=" Param[2].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,44,0)=" Param[3].Value := Piece(Results[0],'^',2,3);"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,45,0)=" Param[3].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,46,0)=" Call;"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,47,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,48,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1777,3,49,0)=" n := StrToIntDef(Piece(Results[0],'^'), 0);"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,50,0)=" for i:=1 to n do"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,51,0)=" // Process the division record (Results[i])"
^XWB(8994,1777,3,52,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1777,3,53,0)=" until Piece(Results[0],'^',2) = '';"
^XWB(8994,1778,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST HOSPITAL LOCATIONS remote procedure returns a list of "
^XWB(8994,1778,1,2,0)="hospital locations (defined in the HOSPITAL LOCATION file), which conform"
^XWB(8994,1778,1,3,0)="the criteria."
^XWB(8994,1778,2,1,1,1,0)="The partial match restriction."
^XWB(8994,1778,2,2,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,2,2,1,3,0)=" A Include active locations (default)"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,2,2,1,5,0)=" B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,2,1,6,0)=" direction of normal traversal."
^XWB(8994,1778,2,2,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,2,2,1,8,0)=" I Include inactive locations"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,3,1,1,0)="Maximum number of entries to return. A value of ""*"" or no value in this "
^XWB(8994,1778,2,3,1,2,0)="parameter designates all entries."
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,1,0)="The index entry(s) from which to begin the list"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,2,0)=" ^01: FromName"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,3,0)=" ^02: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,5,0)="For example, a FROM value of ""VA"" would list entries following VA. You can"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,6,0)="use the 2-nd and 3-rd ""^""- pieces of the @RESULTS@(0) node to continue the"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,7,0)="listing in the subsequent procedure calls."
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,9,0)="NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in the"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,10,0)=" resulting list."
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,12,0)="See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the PART, NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,4,1,13,0)="and FROM parameters."
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,1,0)="List of location types separated by commas (internal values of the TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,2,0)="field of the HOSPITAL LOCATION file):"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,4,0)=" C Clinic"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,5,0)=" F File Area"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,6,0)=" I Imaging"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,7,0)=" M Module"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,8,0)=" N Non-Clinic Stop"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,9,0)=" OR Operating Room"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,10,0)=" W Ward"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,11,0)=" Z Other Location"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,13,0)="Only locations of the types defined by this parameter are selected by the "
^XWB(8994,1778,2,5,1,14,0)="remote procedure. By default ($G(HLTYPES)=""""), all locations are selected."
^XWB(8994,1778,2,6,1,1,0)="Division IEN. If this parameter is defined and greater than zero then only"
^XWB(8994,1778,2,6,1,2,0)="the locations associated with this division are selected."
^XWB(8994,1778,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1778,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1778,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error "
^XWB(8994,1778,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of hospital locations and the value of the FROM"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,16,0)="parameter for the next procedure call are returned in the Results[0] and"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,17,0)="the subsequent nodes of the global array contain the locations."
^XWB(8994,1778,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,20,0)=" ^01: Number of locations"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,21,0)=" ^02: FromName"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,22,0)=" ^03: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,3,24,0)=" Results[i] Hospital Location"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,25,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,26,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,27,0)=" ^03: Location Type (internal)"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,28,0)=" ^04: Institution IEN"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,29,0)=" ^05: Division IEN"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,30,0)=" ^06: Active (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,31,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1778,3,32,0)="NOTE: The 6th ""^""-piece of the location record (Active) is"
^XWB(8994,1778,3,33,0)=" populated only if both ""A"" and ""I"" flags are used."
^XWB(8994,1779,0)="ROR LIST ICD-9^ICD9LIST^RORRP016^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1779,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST ICD-9 remote procedure returns a list of ICD-9 codes (from"
^XWB(8994,1779,1,2,0)="the ICD DIAGNOSIS or ICD OPERATION/PROCEDURE file), which conform the"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,1,1,1,0)="The partial match restriction."
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,3,0)=" A Exclude active codes"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,5,0)=" B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,6,0)=" direction of normal traversal"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,8,0)=" D Full search by description"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,10,0)=" F Exclude codes applicable to females only"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,12,0)=" I Exclude inactive codes"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,14,0)=" K Search in description keywords"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,16,0)=" M Exclude codes applicable to males only"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,18,0)=" 0 Return operation/procedure codes from the ICD "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,19,0)=" OPERATION/PROCEDURE file (#80.1) instead of "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,20,0)=" diagnosis codes from the ICD DIAGNOSIS file (#80)"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,22,0)=" P Exclude codes that are not acceptable"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,2,1,23,0)=" as primary diagnoses"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,3,1,1,0)="Maximum number of entries to return. A value of ""*"" or no value in this "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,3,1,2,0)="parameter designates all entries."
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,1,0)="The index entry(s) from which to begin the list"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,2,0)=" ^01: FromName"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,3,0)=" ^02: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,5,0)="For example, a FROM value of ""18"" would list entries following 18. You can"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,6,0)="use the 2-nd and 3-rd ""^""- pieces of the Results[0] to continue the"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,7,0)="listing in the subsequent procedure calls."
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,9,0)="NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in the"
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,10,0)=" resulting list."
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,12,0)="See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the PART, NUMBER "
^XWB(8994,1779,2,4,1,13,0)="and FROM parameters."
^XWB(8994,1779,2,5,1,1,0)="Date for the code set versioning."
^XWB(8994,1779,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1779,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1779,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error "
^XWB(8994,1779,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of ICD-9 codes and the value of the FROM parameter for"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,16,0)="the next procedure call are returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,17,0)="nodes of the global array contain the codes."
^XWB(8994,1779,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,20,0)=" ^01: Number of codes"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,21,0)=" ^02: FromName"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,22,0)=" ^03: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,3,24,0)=" Results[i] ICD-9"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,25,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,26,0)=" ^02: Diagnosis or operation/procedure"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,27,0)=" ^03: Code"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,28,0)=" ^04: Use only with Sex"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,29,0)=" ^05: Inactive (""""/1)"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,30,0)=" ^06: Inactivation Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1779,3,31,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1779,3,32,0)=" Results[i+1] ICD-9 Description"
^XWB(8994,1780,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST VA DRUG CLASSES remote procedure returns a list of VA drug "
^XWB(8994,1780,1,2,0)="classes (defined in the VA DRUG CLASS file), which conform to the search"
^XWB(8994,1780,2,2,1,1,0)="The partial match restriction."
^XWB(8994,1780,2,3,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1780,2,3,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1780,2,3,1,3,0)=" N Search the classes by their names"
^XWB(8994,1780,2,3,1,4,0)=" (by default, the search is performed by codes)"
^XWB(8994,1780,2,4,1,2,0)="parameter designates all entries."
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,2,0)=" ^01: FromName"
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,3,0)=" ^02: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,5,0)="For example, a FROM value of ""XA"" would list entries following XA. You can"
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,6,0)="use the 2-nd and 3-rd ""^""- pieces of the Results[0] to continue the"
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,7,0)="listing in the subsequent procedure calls."
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,9,0)="NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in the"
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,10,0)=" resulting list."
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,12,0)="See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the PART, NUMBER "
^XWB(8994,1780,2,5,1,13,0)="and FROM parameters."
^XWB(8994,1780,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1780,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1780,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1780,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1780,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1780,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of drug classes is returned in the Results[0] and the"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the global array contain the classes."
^XWB(8994,1780,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1780,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of classes"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1780,3,20,0)=" Results[i] VA Drug Class"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,21,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,22,0)=" ^02: Classification"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,23,0)=" ^03: Code"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,24,0)=" Results[i] VA Drug Class"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,25,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,26,0)=" ^02: Classification"
^XWB(8994,1780,3,27,0)=" ^03: Code"
^XWB(8994,1781,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST LABORATORY TESTS remote procedure returns a list of "
^XWB(8994,1781,1,2,0)="laboratory tests (defined in the LABORATORY TEST file), which conform the "
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,1,0)="List of test subscripts separated by commas (internal values of the "
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,2,0)="SUBSCRIPT field of the LABORATORY TEST file):"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,4,0)=" AU Autopsy"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,5,0)=" BB Blood Bank"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,6,0)=" CH CHEM, HEM, TOX, SER, RIA, ETC."
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,7,0)=" CY Cytology"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,8,0)=" EM Electronic Microscopy"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,9,0)=" MI Microbiology"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,10,0)=" SP Surgical Pathology"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,11,0)=" WK Workload"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,13,0)="Only tests of the types defined by this parameter are selected by the"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,1,1,14,0)="remote procedure. By default ($G(SUBSCR)=""""), all tests are selected."
^XWB(8994,1781,2,2,1,1,0)="The partial match restriction."
^XWB(8994,1781,2,3,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,3,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,2,3,1,3,0)=" B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,3,1,4,0)=" direction of normal traversal."
^XWB(8994,1781,2,3,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,2,3,1,6,0)=" P Include panels (by default, the panels are"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,3,1,7,0)=" excluded from the list)"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,4,1,1,0)="Maximum number of entries to return. A value of ""*"" or no value in this "
^XWB(8994,1781,2,4,1,2,0)="parameter designates all entries."
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,1,0)="The index entry(s) from which to begin the list"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,2,0)=" ^01: FromName"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,3,0)=" ^02: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,5,0)="For example, a FROM value of ""BI"" would list entries following BI. You can"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,6,0)="use the 2-nd and 3-rd ""^""- pieces of the Results[0] to continue the"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,7,0)="listing in the subsequent procedure calls."
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,9,0)="NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in the"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,10,0)=" resulting list."
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,12,0)="See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the PART, NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,1781,2,5,1,13,0)="and FROM parameters."
^XWB(8994,1781,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1781,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1781,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of laboratory tests and the value of the FROM parameter"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,16,0)="for the next procedure call are returned in the Results[0] and the"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,17,0)="subsequent nodes of the global array contain the tests."
^XWB(8994,1781,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,20,0)=" ^01: Number of tests"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,21,0)=" ^02: FromName"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,22,0)=" ^03: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1781,3,24,0)=" Results[i] Laboratory Test"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,25,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,26,0)=" ^02: Test Name"
^XWB(8994,1781,3,27,0)=" ^03: Subscript (internal)"
^XWB(8994,1782,0)="ROR LOG INFO^LOGINFO^RORRP007^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1782,1,1,0)="The ROR LOG INFO remote procedure returns the log information."
^XWB(8994,1782,2,1,1,1,0)="The LOGIEN parameter defines the log."
^XWB(8994,1782,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1782,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1782,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1782,3,15,0)="Otherwise, either 0 (an invalid log IEN or the log does not exist) or 1 is"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,16,0)="returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent nodes of the Results array"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,17,0)="contain the log information."
^XWB(8994,1782,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1782,3,19,0)=" Results[0] 0 or 1"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1782,3,21,0)=" Results[i] See description of the ROR LOG GET LIST"
^XWB(8994,1782,3,22,0)=" remote procedure (if the Results[0] = 1)"
^XWB(8994,1783,1,1,0)="The ROR REPORT STYLESHEET remote procedure retrieves the XSL stylesheet "
^XWB(8994,1783,1,2,0)="associated with the report. If there is no stylesheet available, the "
^XWB(8994,1783,1,3,0)="default one is returned."
^XWB(8994,1783,2,1,1,1,0)="Code of the report (value of the CODE field of the report descriptor in"
^XWB(8994,1783,2,1,1,2,0)="the ROR REPORT file)."
^XWB(8994,1783,2,2,1,1,0)="The TYPE parameter defines the type of requested stylesheet:"
^XWB(8994,1783,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1783,2,2,1,3,0)=" 1 Report preview (default)"
^XWB(8994,1783,2,2,1,4,0)=" 2 Comma-separated output"
^XWB(8994,1783,2,2,1,5,0)=" 3 Printer output"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1783,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1783,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1783,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the elements of the resulting array (starting from 0) contain"
^XWB(8994,1783,3,16,0)="the lines of the XSL stylesheet."
^XWB(8994,1784,1,1,0)="The ROR TASK VALIDATE RESCHEDULING remote procedure validates the "
^XWB(8994,1784,1,2,0)="rescheduling code and returns the next date/time to run."
^XWB(8994,1784,2,1,1,1,0)="Rescheduling code (""1D"", ""1M"", ""D@12:00"", etc)."
^XWB(8994,1784,2,2,1,1,0)="Date when a task is scheduled to run for the first time (FileMan). By "
^XWB(8994,1784,2,2,1,2,0)="default (if $G(SCHDT)'>0), the current date/time is used."
^XWB(8994,1784,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1784,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1784,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1784,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1784,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1784,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1784,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1784,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1784,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1784,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1784,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1784,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1784,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1784,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1784,3,15,0)="Otherwise, either 1 (the rescheduling code is valid) or 0 (the code is not"
^XWB(8994,1784,3,16,0)="valid) is returned in the Results[0]. If the code is valid then the next "
^XWB(8994,1784,3,17,0)="date/time to run the task (FileMan) is returned in the Results[1]."
^XWB(8994,1785,0)="ROR LIST PATIENTS^PTLIST^RORRP019^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1785,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST PATIENTS remote procedure returns either a list patients from"
^XWB(8994,1785,1,2,0)="the PATIENT file (#2) or a list of registry patients who conform the"
^XWB(8994,1785,1,3,0)="provided criteria."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,2,1,1,0)="Patients who were confirmed in the registry before the date defined by the"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,2,1,2,0)="DATE parameter will be skipped by the query (if the FLAGS parameter"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,2,1,3,0)="contains the 'C' flag)."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,1,0)="The PART parameter defines the search pattern. It can contain last 4 "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,2,0)="digits of the patient's SSN, the first letter of the patient's last name"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,3,0)="and last four digits of the SSN, the full SSN, the beginning of the"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,4,0)="patient name, or the '#' character followed by the coded SSN (11 digits"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,5,0)="and optional 'P' character)."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,7,0)="If the 'P' flag is defined (see the FLAGS parameter), the PART parameter"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,8,0)="should contain either the beginning of the patient name or an empty"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,11,0)="If this parameter is a number preceded by the '`' then a list containing"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,3,1,12,0)="only the patient with this IEN is compiled."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,3,0)=" 2 Search in the PATIENT file. By default, the "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,4,0)=" ROR LOCAL REGISTRY and ROR PATIENT files are"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,5,0)=" queried. This flag overrides the 'D' and 'P'"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,6,0)=" flags."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,8,0)=" B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,9,0)=" direction of normal traversal."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,11,0)=" D Ignore those patients who were added to the"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,12,0)=" registry before the date defined by the DATE"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,13,0)=" parameter."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,15,0)=" O Return values of the optional fields"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,17,0)=" P Include only pending patients"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,4,1,19,0)=" P Include only pending patients"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,5,1,1,0)="Maximum number of entries to return. A value of ""*"" or no value in this "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,5,1,2,0)="parameter designates all entries that conform the criteria."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,6,1,1,0)="The index entry(s) from which to begin the list. Use the pieces of the"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,6,1,2,0)="Results[0] (starting from the second one) to continue the listing in the"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,6,1,3,0)="subsequent procedure calls."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,6,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,6,1,5,0)="NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in the"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,6,1,6,0)=" resulting list."
^XWB(8994,1785,2,6,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,2,6,1,8,0)="See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the PART, NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,1785,2,6,1,9,0)="and FROM parameters."
^XWB(8994,1785,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of patients and the value of the FROM parameter for the"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,16,0)="next procedure call are returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,17,0)="nodes of the Results array contain the patients."
^XWB(8994,1785,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,20,0)=" ^01: Number of patients"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,21,0)=" ^02: Values that comprise the FROM parameter"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,22,0)=" ^nn: for the subsequent call of the procedure"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,24,0)=" Results[i] Patient"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,25,0)=" ^01: IEN (DFN)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,26,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,27,0)=" ^03: Date of Birth (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,28,0)=" ^04: SSN"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,29,0)=" ^05: Date of Death (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,30,0)=" ^06: Sex (internal)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,31,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,32,0)=" Results[i+1] Optional Fields (these nodes are created only"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,33,0)=" if the FLAGS parameter contains the 'O' flag)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,34,0)=" ^01: ""O"" (letter O)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,35,0)=" ^02: Date Entered (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,36,0)=" ^03: Status (internal)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,37,0)=" ^04: Active (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,38,0)=" ^05: Do not Send (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,39,0)=" ^06: Data Acknowledged Until (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,40,0)=" ^07: Data Extracted Until (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,41,0)=" ^08: Date Selected (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,42,0)=" ^09: Date Confirmed (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,43,0)=" ^10: Location Selected"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,44,0)=" ^11: Selection Rule Description"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,45,0)=" ^12: reserved"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,46,0)=" ^13: reserved"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,47,0)=" ^14: Action Flags (see the description below)"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,48,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,49,0)=" The Status field can have the following values"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,50,0)=" (see description of the STATUS field of the"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,51,0)=" ROR REGISTRY RECORD file for more details):"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,52,0)=" 0 Active"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,53,0)=" 4 Pending"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,54,0)=" 5 Deleted"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,55,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,56,0)=" The Action Flags field indicates the actions that"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,57,0)=" can be performed on the patient's record:"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,58,0)=" C CDC form can be edited/printed"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,59,0)=" D The record can be deleted"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,60,0)=" E The record can be edited"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,61,0)=" O Read-only mode"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,62,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,63,0)="Example #1 (search the PATIENT file):"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,64,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,65,0)=" with RPCBroker do"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,66,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,67,0)=" Param[0].Value := '2'; // Registry IEN"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,68,0)=" Param[0].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,69,0)=" Param[1].Value := ''; // Date"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,70,0)=" Param[1].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,71,0)=" Param[2].Value := '3456'; // Last four digits of the SSN"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,72,0)=" Param[2].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,73,0)=" Param[3].Value := '2'; // Flags"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,74,0)=" Param[3].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,75,0)=" Call;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,76,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,77,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,78,0)=" The Results array will contain something like this:"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,79,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,80,0)=" Results[0] = '1'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,81,0)=" Results[1] = '162^ATTENDING,PATIENT^3000617^321233456^^M'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,82,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,83,0)="Example 2 (query the registry):"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,84,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,85,0)=" with RPCBroker do"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,86,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,87,0)=" Param[0].Value := '2'; // Registry IEN"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,88,0)=" Param[0].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,89,0)=" Param[1].Value := ''; // Date"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,90,0)=" Param[1].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,91,0)=" Param[2].Value := 'B'; // Partial match"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,92,0)=" Param[2].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,93,0)=" Param[3].Value := 'O'; // Flags"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,94,0)=" Param[3].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,95,0)=" Param[4].Value := '3'; // Number"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,96,0)=" Param[4].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,97,0)=" Call;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,98,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,99,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,100,0)=" The Results array will contain something like this (see the Results[0]-"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,101,0)=" not all records have been loaded):"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,102,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,103,0)=" Results[0] = '2'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,104,0)=" Results[1] = '38^BARNEY,PURPLE^2450000^332456754^^M'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,105,0)=" Results[2] = 'O^3040729.151905^3^1^0^3041027^3041222^3040725^3040729"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,106,0)=" ^PALO ALTO^HepC Ab test positive^^^CDE'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,107,0)=" Results[3] = '127^BROWNING,CHARLES^2671227^601122767P^^M'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,108,0)=" Results[4] = 'O^3030716.152528^3^1^0^3040929^3040929^3030921^^^ICD-9 "
^XWB(8994,1785,3,109,0)=" codes in inpatient file^^^CDE'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,110,0)=" Results[1] = '1^TEST,A^2610400^107040061P^2931021.08^M'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,111,0)=" Results[2] = 'O^3021025.131352^1^1^0^^3030314'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,112,0)=" Results[3] = '2^TEST,B^2180000^222222222^2940719.135645^M'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,113,0)=" Results[4] = 'O^3021025.131414^1^0^0^^2940819^2940819.135645^^'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,114,0)=" Results[5] = '3^TEST,C^2340701^333333333^2981028.115324^M'"
^XWB(8994,1785,3,115,0)=" Results[6] = 'O^3021025.131537^1^0^0^^2981128^2981128.115324^^'"
^XWB(8994,1786,1,1,0)="The ROR PATIENT SELECTION RULES remote procedure returns a list of "
^XWB(8994,1786,1,2,0)="selection rules that have caused addition of the patient to the registry."
^XWB(8994,1786,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1786,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1786,2,2,1,1,0)="Valid IEN of a registry patient should be assigned to the PATIEN"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1786,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1786,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1786,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of selection rules is returned in the Results[0] and the"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the array contain the rules."
^XWB(8994,1786,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1786,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of Selection Rules"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1786,3,20,0)=" Results[i] Selection Rule"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,21,0)=" ^01: IEN in the SELECTION RULE multiple"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,22,0)=" of the ROR LOCAL REGISTRY file"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,23,0)=" ^02: IEN of the Rule (in the"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,24,0)=" ROR SELECTION RULE file)"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,25,0)=" ^03: Name of the Rule"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,26,0)=" ^04: Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,27,0)=" ^05: Location IEN (Institution IEN)"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,28,0)=" ^06: Location Name (Institution Name)"
^XWB(8994,1786,3,29,0)=" ^07: Short Description"
^XWB(8994,1787,0)="ROR LIST ITEMS^LSTITEMS^RORRP012^2^A^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1787,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST ITEMS remote procedure returns a list of registry-specific "
^XWB(8994,1787,1,2,0)="items from the ROR LIST ITEM file."
^XWB(8994,1787,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1787,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1787,2,2,1,1,0)="The TYPE parameter defines type of the items that should be extracted:"
^XWB(8994,1787,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1787,2,2,1,3,0)=" 3 Lab Groups"
^XWB(8994,1787,2,2,1,4,0)=" 4 Drug Groups"
^XWB(8994,1787,2,2,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1787,2,2,1,6,0)="See description of the TYPE field (.02) of the ROR LIST ITEM file (#799.1)"
^XWB(8994,1787,2,2,1,7,0)="for more details."
^XWB(8994,1787,2,2,1,8,0)="for more details."
^XWB(8994,1787,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1787,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1787,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1787,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of list items is returned in the Results[0] and the"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the array contain the items."
^XWB(8994,1787,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1787,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of Items"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1787,3,20,0)=" Results[i] List Item"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,21,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,22,0)=" ^02: Text"
^XWB(8994,1787,3,23,0)=" ^03: Code"
^XWB(8994,1788,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST COORDINATORS remote procedure returns a list of registry "
^XWB(8994,1788,1,2,0)="coordinators. The list is retrieved from the COORDINATOR multiple (14) of"
^XWB(8994,1788,1,3,0)="the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file (#798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1788,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the "
^XWB(8994,1788,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1788,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1788,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1788,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1788,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of coordinators is returned in the Results[0] and the "
^XWB(8994,1788,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the global array contain the coordinators."
^XWB(8994,1788,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1788,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of Coordinators"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1788,3,20,0)=" Results[i] Coordinator's Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,21,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1788,3,22,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,1789,1,1,0)="The ROR UPDATE COORDINATORS remote procedure updates the list of registry "
^XWB(8994,1789,1,2,0)="coordinators that is stored in the COORDINATOR (14) multiple of the ROR "
^XWB(8994,1789,1,3,0)="REGISTRY PARAMETERS file (#798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1789,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the "
^XWB(8994,1789,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1789,2,2,1,1,0)="The RCLST parameter should be an array containing a list of user IENs"
^XWB(8994,1789,2,2,1,2,0)="(DUZs). The corresponding users will be designated as the registry"
^XWB(8994,1789,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1789,2,2,1,6,0)=" with RPCBroker.Param[1] do"
^XWB(8994,1789,2,2,1,7,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,1789,2,2,1,8,0)=" PType :=list;"
^XWB(8994,1789,2,2,1,9,0)=" for i := 1 to Coordinators.Count do"
^XWB(8994,1789,2,2,1,10,0)=" Mult[i] := Coordinators[i-1].IEN;"
^XWB(8994,1789,2,2,1,11,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1789,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1789,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1789,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1789,3,15,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,1790,0)="ROR LIST VISTA USERS^USERLIST^RORRP024^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1790,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST VISTA USERS remote procedure returns a list of users from the"
^XWB(8994,1790,1,2,0)="NEW PERSON file (#200)."
^XWB(8994,1790,2,3,1,1,0)="The PART parameter defines the search pattern. It should contain the"
^XWB(8994,1790,2,3,1,2,0)="beginning of the user's name."
^XWB(8994,1790,2,4,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1790,2,4,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1790,2,4,1,3,0)=" B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite"
^XWB(8994,1790,2,4,1,4,0)=" direction of normal traversal."
^XWB(8994,1790,2,4,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1790,2,4,1,6,0)=" D Get default division for each user"
^XWB(8994,1790,2,4,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1790,2,4,1,8,0)=" P Select providers only (check for the PROVIDER"
^XWB(8994,1790,2,4,1,9,0)=" security key)."
^XWB(8994,1790,2,5,1,1,0)="Maximum number of entries to return. A value of ""*"" or no value in this "
^XWB(8994,1790,2,5,1,2,0)="parameter designates all entries that conform the criteria."
^XWB(8994,1790,2,6,1,1,0)="The index entry(s) from which to begin the list. Use the pieces of the"
^XWB(8994,1790,2,6,1,2,0)="Results[0] (starting from the second one) to continue the listing in the"
^XWB(8994,1790,2,6,1,3,0)="subsequent procedure calls."
^XWB(8994,1790,2,6,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1790,2,6,1,5,0)="NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in the"
^XWB(8994,1790,2,6,1,6,0)=" resulting list."
^XWB(8994,1790,2,6,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1790,2,6,1,8,0)="See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the PART, NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,1790,2,6,1,9,0)="and FROM parameters."
^XWB(8994,1790,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1790,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1790,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1790,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1790,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1790,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of VistA users and the value of the FROM parameter for"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,16,0)="the next procedure call are returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,17,0)="nodes of the Results array contain the users."
^XWB(8994,1790,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1790,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,20,0)=" ^01: Number of users"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,21,0)=" ^02: Values that comprise the FROM parameter"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,22,0)=" ^nn: for the subsequent call of the procedure"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1790,3,24,0)=" Results[i] VistA User"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,25,0)=" ^01: IEN (DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,26,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,27,0)=" ^03: Office Phone"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,28,0)=" ^04: Nickname"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,29,0)=" ^06: Default Division IEN (only if D flag)"
^XWB(8994,1790,3,30,0)=" ^07: Default Division Name (only if D flag)"
^XWB(8994,1791,0)="RORICR CDC LOAD^LOADCDC^RORRP025^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1791,1,1,0)="The RORICR CDC LOAD remote procedure loads the data for the CDC form "
^XWB(8994,1791,1,2,0)="that is edited/printed by the ICR registry."
^XWB(8994,1791,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1791,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1791,2,2,1,1,0)="A valid patient IEN (DFN) should be assigned to the PATIEN parameter."
^XWB(8994,1791,2,3,1,1,0)="If this parameter is defined and not zero then the RPC will try to lock"
^XWB(8994,1791,2,3,1,2,0)="the registry record before loading the data and will leave it locked."
^XWB(8994,1791,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,15,0)="If locking was requested (see the LOCK parameter) and the record could not"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,16,0)="be locked then the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] would be greater than"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,17,0)="0. The Results[0] would contain the lock descriptor and subsequent nodes"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,18,0)="of the global array would contain the data (see below). The lock "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,19,0)="descriptor contains information about the process, which owns the most "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,20,0)="recent lock of the record."
^XWB(8994,1791,3,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,22,0)=" Results[0] Lock Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,23,0)=" ^01: Date/Time (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,24,0)=" ^02: User/Process name"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,25,0)=" ^03: User IEN (DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,26,0)=" ^04: $JOB"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,27,0)=" ^05: Task number"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,28,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,30,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,31,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent nodes of"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,32,0)="the array contain the data. Some data items are optional (for example, RCE"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,33,0)="and ETN). Some other items can be repeated (e.g. AID and CMT)."
^XWB(8994,1791,3,34,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,35,0)=" Results[0] 0"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,36,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,37,0)=" Results[i] Demographic Information"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,38,0)=" ^01: ""DEM"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,39,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,40,0)=" ^03: Patient IEN (DFN)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,41,0)=" ^04: Patient Name"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,42,0)=" ^05: Date of Birth (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,43,0)=" ^06: SSN"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,44,0)=" ^07: Date of Death (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,45,0)=" ^08: Sex (F/M)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,46,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,47,0)=" Results[i] Patient's Address"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,48,0)=" ^01: ""ADR"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,49,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,50,0)=" ^03: Address (1)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,51,0)=" ^04: Address (2)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,52,0)=" ^05: Address (3)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,53,0)=" ^06: City"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,54,0)=" ^07: State (IEN)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,55,0)=" ^08: State (Name)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,56,0)=" ^09: ZIP"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,57,0)=" ^10: ZIP+4"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,58,0)=" ^11: County (IEN)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,59,0)=" ^12: County (Name)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,60,0)=" ^13: Home Phone"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,61,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,62,0)=" Results[i] Race Information"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,63,0)=" ^01: ""RCE"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,64,0)=" ^02: Race IEN"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,65,0)=" ^03: Race HL7 Value"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,66,0)=" ^04: Race"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,67,0)=" ^05: Collection Method HL7 Value"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,68,0)=" ^06: Collection Method"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,69,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,70,0)=" Race HL7 Values"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,71,0)=" 1002-5 American Indian or Alaska Native"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,72,0)=" 2028-9 Asian"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,73,0)=" 2054-5 Black or African American"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,74,0)=" 0000-0 Declined to Answer"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,75,0)=" 2076-8 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,76,0)=" 9999-4 Unknown by Patient"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,77,0)=" 2106-3 White"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,78,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,79,0)=" Collection Method HL7 Values"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,80,0)=" OBS Observer"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,81,0)=" PRX Proxy"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,82,0)=" SLF Self Identification"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,83,0)=" UNK Unknown"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,84,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,85,0)=" Results[i] Ethnicity Information"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,86,0)=" ^01: ""ETN"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,87,0)=" ^02: Ethnicity IEN"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,88,0)=" ^03: Ethnicity HL7 Value"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,89,0)=" ^04: Ethnicity"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,90,0)=" ^05: Collection Method HL7 value"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,91,0)=" ^06: Collection Method"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,92,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,93,0)=" Ethnicity HL7 Values"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,94,0)=" 0000-0 Declined to Answer"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,95,0)=" 2135-2 Hispanic or Latino"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,96,0)=" 2186-5 Not Hispanic or Latino"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,97,0)=" 9999-4 Unknown by Patient"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,98,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,99,0)=" Results[i] Form Headers"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,100,0)=" ^01: ""HDR"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,101,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,102,0)=" ^03: DATE CDC FORM COMPLETED (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,103,0)=" ^04: CDC FORM COMPLETED BY (DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,104,0)=" ^05: CDC FORM COMPLETED BY (Name)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,105,0)=" ^06: Phone number of person completed form"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,106,0)=" ^07: Medical Record Number"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,107,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,108,0)=" Results[i] CDC Demographics (III)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,109,0)=" ^01: ""CDM"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,110,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,111,0)=" ^03: STATUS AT REPORT {1|2}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,112,0)=" ^04: AGE AT DIAGNOSIS"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,113,0)=" ^05: PATIENT STATUS {1|2|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,114,0)=" ^06: STATE/TERRITORY OF DEATH"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,115,0)=" ^07: COUNTRY OF BIRTH {1|7|8|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,117,0)=" ^09: ONSET OF ILLNESS/AIDS- CITY"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,118,0)=" ^10: ONSET OF ILLNESS/AIDS- COUNTY"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,119,0)=" ^11: ONSET OF ILLNESS/AIDS- STATE (IEN)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,120,0)=" ^12: ONSET OF ILLNESS/AIDS- STATE (Name)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,121,0)=" ^13: ONSET OF ILLNESS/AIDS- COUNTRY"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,122,0)=" ^14: ONSET OF ILLNESS/AIDS- ZIP"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,123,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,124,0)=" Results[i] Facility of Diagnosis (IV)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,125,0)=" ^01: ""FD"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,126,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,127,0)=" ^03: AIDS DX - HOSPITAL"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,128,0)=" ^04: AIDS DX - CITY"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,129,0)=" ^05: AIDS DX - STATE (IEN)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,130,0)=" ^06: AIDS DX - STATE (Name)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,131,0)=" ^07: AIDS DX - COUNTRY"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,132,0)=" ^08: AIDS DX - FACILITY SETTING {1|2|3|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,133,0)=" ^09: AIDS DX - FACILITY TYPE {01|31|88}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,134,0)=" ^10: AIDS DX - OTHER FACILITY TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,135,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,136,0)=" Results[i] Patient History (V)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,137,0)=" ^01: ""PH"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,138,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,139,0)=" ^03: SEX RELATIONS W/MALE PARTNER {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,140,0)=" ^04: SEX RELATIONS W/FEMALE PARTNER {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,141,0)=" ^05: IV DRUGS AFTER 77 AND PRE HIV {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,142,0)=" ^06: REC'D CLOTTING FACTORS {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,143,0)=" ^07: TYPE OF HEMOPHILIA {1|2|8}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,144,0)=" ^08: OTHER HEMOPHILIA DESCRIPTION"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,145,0)=" ^09: SR WITH IV DRUG USER {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,146,0)=" ^10: SR WITH BISEXUAL MAN {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,147,0)=" ^11: SR W HEMOPHILIA/COAG DISORDER {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,148,0)=" ^12: SR W TRANS RECIPIENT WITH AIDS {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,149,0)=" ^13: TRANSPLANT RECIP-DOCUMNTD HIV {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,150,0)=" ^14: SR W AIDS/HIV INFECTION {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,151,0)=" ^15: TRANS AFTER 77 AND BEFORE HIV {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,152,0)=" ^16: DATE OF FIRST TRANSFUSION (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,153,0)=" ^17: DATE OF LAST TRANSFUSION (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,154,0)=" ^18: TRANSPLANT OR ARTIF INSEMIN {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,155,0)=" ^19: WORK IN HEALTH CARE OR LAB {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,156,0)=" ^20: OCCUPATION"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,157,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,158,0)=" Results[i] Laboratory Data (VI)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,159,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,160,0)=" ^01: ""LD1"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,161,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,162,0)=" ^03: HIV-1 EIA {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,163,0)=" ^04: HIV-1 EIA DATE (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,164,0)=" ^05: HIV-1/HIV-2 EIA {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,165,0)=" ^06: HIV-1/HIV-2 EIA DATE (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,166,0)=" ^07: HIV-1 WESTERN BLOT/IFA {0|1|8|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,167,0)=" ^08: HIV-1 WESTERN BLOT/IFA DATE (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,168,0)=" ^09: OTHER HIV ANTIBODY TEST {0|1|8|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,169,0)=" ^10: OTHER HIV ANTIBODY TEST DATE (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,170,0)=" ^11: OTHER HIV ANTIBODY TEST DESC"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,171,0)=" ^12: Positive HIV Detection Test {1|2|3}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,172,0)=" ^13: Date of the HIV Detection test (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,173,0)=" ^14: TYPE OF OTHER POSITIVE TEST"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,174,0)=" ^15: DATE OTHER POS DETECTION TEST (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,175,0)=" ^16: DETECTABLE VIRAL LOAD TEST {11|12|13|18}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,176,0)=" ^17: DETECTABLE VIRAL LOAD RESULT"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,177,0)=" ^18: DETECTABLE VIRAL LOAD DATE (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,178,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,179,0)=" ^01: ""LD2"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,180,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,181,0)=" ^03: TYPE FOR LAST NEG TEST"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,182,0)=" ^04: LAST DOCUMNTD NEG HIV TEST (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,183,0)=" ^05: PHYS DOCUMNTD DIAGNOSIS? {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,184,0)=" ^06: DATE PHYS DOCUMNTD DIAG (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,185,0)=" ^07: CD4+ COUNT FOR CDC"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,186,0)=" ^08: CD4+ COUNT FOR CDC DATE (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,187,0)=" ^09: CD4+ PERCENT FOR CDC"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,188,0)=" ^10: CD4+ PERCENT FOR CDC DATE (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,189,0)=" ^11: CD4 COUNT FIRST <200"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,190,0)=" ^12: CD4 COUNT FIRST <200 DATE (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,191,0)=" ^13: CD4 PERCENT FIRST <14%"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,192,0)=" ^14: CD4 PERCENT FIRST <14% DATE (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,193,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,194,0)=" Results[i] Clinical Status (VIII)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,195,0)=" ^01: ""CS"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,196,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,197,0)=" ^03: RECORD REVIEWED {0|1}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,198,0)=" ^04: DATE ASYMPTOMATIC (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,199,0)=" ^05: DATE SYMPTOMATIC (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,200,0)=" ^06: RVCT CASE NO."
^XWB(8994,1791,3,201,0)=" ^07: IMMUNODEF THAT DISQUALIFIES {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,202,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,203,0)=" Results[i] AIDS Indicator Disease (VIII)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,204,0)=" ^01: ""AID"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,205,0)=" ^02: Disease Code"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,206,0)=" ^03: Initial Diagnosis {1|2}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,207,0)=" ^04: Initial Date (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,208,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,209,0)=" Disease Codes:"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,210,0)=" 1 CANDIDIASIS, B, T, OR L"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,211,0)=" 2 CANDIDIASIS, ESOPHAGEAL"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,212,0)=" 3 CARCINOMA, INVASIVE CERVICAL"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,215,0)=" 6 CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS, CHRONIC"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,216,0)=" 7 CYTOMEGALOVIRUS DISEASE"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,217,0)=" 8 CYTOMEGALOVIRUS RETINITIS"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,218,0)=" 9 HIV ENCEPHALOPATHY"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,219,0)=" 10 HERPES SIMPLEX"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,220,0)=" 11 HISTOPLASMOSIS, DIS/EXTRAP"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,221,0)=" 12 ISOSPORIASIS, CHRONIC INTEST"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,222,0)=" 13 KAPOSI'S SARCOMA"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,223,0)=" 14 LYMPHOMA, BURKITT'S"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,224,0)=" 15 LYMPHOMA, IMMUNOBLASTIC"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,225,0)=" 16 LYMPHOMA, PRIMARY IN BRAIN"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,226,0)=" 17 MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM COMPLEX"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,227,0)=" 18 M. TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,228,0)=" 19 M TUBERCULOSIS, DIS/EXTRAP"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,229,0)=" 20 MYCOBACTERIUM"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,231,0)=" 22 PNEUMONIA, RECURRENT IN 12 MO"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,232,0)=" 23 PROGRESSIVE MULTIFOCAL LEUKO"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,233,0)=" 24 SALMONELLA SEPTICEMIA, RECURR"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,234,0)=" 25 TOXOPLASMOSIS OF BRAIN"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,235,0)=" 26 WASTING SYNDROME DUE TO HIV"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,236,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,237,0)=" Results[i] Treatment/Services (IX)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,238,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,239,0)=" ^01: ""TS1"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,240,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,241,0)=" ^03: PATIENT BEEN INFORMED OF HIV {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,242,0)=" ^04: PARTNERS NOTIFIED BY {1|2|3|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,243,0)=" ^05: HIV RELATED MED SERVICES"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,244,0)=" ^06: SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT {0|1|8|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,245,0)=" ^07: RCVD ANTI-RETROVIRAL THERAPY {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,246,0)=" ^08: RECEIVED PCP PROPHYLAXIS {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,247,0)=" ^09: ENROLLED AT CLINCAL TRIAL {1|2|3|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,248,0)=" ^10: ENROLLED AT CLINIC {1|2|3|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,249,0)=" ^11: PRIMARY REIMBURSER FOR MED RX {1|2|3|4|7|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,250,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,251,0)=" ^01: ""TS2"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,252,0)=" ^02: """" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,253,0)=" ^03: GYNECOLOGY OR OBSTETRIC CARE {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,254,0)=" ^04: CURRENTLY PREGNANT {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,255,0)=" ^05: DELIVERED LIVE BORN INFANT {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,256,0)=" ^06: CHILD'S DATE OF BIRTH"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,257,0)=" ^07: CHILD'S HOSPITAL OF BIRTH"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,258,0)=" ^08: CHILD'S HOSPITAL - CITY"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,259,0)=" ^09: CHILD'S HOSPITAL - STATE"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,260,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1791,3,261,0)=" Results[i] Comments (X)"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,262,0)=" ^01: ""CMT"""
^XWB(8994,1791,3,263,0)=" ^02: [1-3]"
^XWB(8994,1791,3,264,0)=" ^03: Comment"
^XWB(8994,1792,0)="ROR LIST STATES^STATELST^RORRP029^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1792,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST STATES remote procedure returns a list of states that conform"
^XWB(8994,1792,1,2,0)="the search criteria."
^XWB(8994,1792,2,1,1,1,0)="The PART parameter defines the search pattern. If it contains 2 character"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,1,1,2,0)="abbreviation of the state and the FLAGS parameter contains ""A"" then the"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,1,1,3,0)="corresponding state is returned (see the FLAGS parameter for more"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,1,1,4,0)="details). Otherwise, the regular search among state names is performed."
^XWB(8994,1792,2,2,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1792,2,2,1,3,0)=" A Enable abbreviation search. If PART contains 2"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,2,1,4,0)=" character abbreviation, the corresponding state"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,2,1,5,0)=" is returned. If the length of PART parameter is"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,2,1,6,0)=" not equal 2 or it does not contain a valid state"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,2,1,7,0)=" abbreviation then the regular search is performed."
^XWB(8994,1792,2,2,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1792,2,2,1,9,0)=" B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,2,1,10,0)=" direction of normal traversal."
^XWB(8994,1792,2,3,1,1,0)="Maximum number of entries to return. A value of ""*"" or no value in this "
^XWB(8994,1792,2,3,1,2,0)="parameter designates all entries that conform the criteria."
^XWB(8994,1792,2,4,1,1,0)="The index entry(s) from which to begin the list. Use the pieces of the"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,4,1,2,0)="Results[0] (starting from the second one) to continue the listing in the"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,4,1,3,0)="subsequent procedure calls."
^XWB(8994,1792,2,4,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1792,2,4,1,5,0)="NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in the"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,4,1,6,0)=" resulting list."
^XWB(8994,1792,2,4,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1792,2,4,1,8,0)="See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the PART, NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,1792,2,4,1,9,0)="and FROM parameters."
^XWB(8994,1792,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1792,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1792,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1792,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1792,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1792,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of states and the value of the FROM parameter for the "
^XWB(8994,1792,3,16,0)="next procedure call are returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent "
^XWB(8994,1792,3,17,0)="nodes of the global array contain the states."
^XWB(8994,1792,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1792,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,20,0)=" ^01: Number of states"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,21,0)=" ^02: Values that comprise the FROM"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,22,0)=" ^nn: parameter for the subsequent call"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1792,3,24,0)=" Results[i] State"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,25,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,26,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,27,0)=" ^03: Abbreviation"
^XWB(8994,1792,3,28,0)=" ^04: VA State Code"
^XWB(8994,1793,0)="RORICR CDC SAVE^SAVECDC^RORRP027^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1793,1,1,0)="The RORICR CDC SAVE remote procedure updates the fields that are used by "
^XWB(8994,1793,1,2,0)="the ICR CDC form."
^XWB(8994,1793,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1793,2,2,1,1,0)="A valid patient IEN (DFN) should be assigned to the PATIEN parameter."
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,1,0)="A list that contains the CDC data in the same format as the output of the"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,2,0)="RORICR CDC LOAD remote procedure (see the RORRP025 routine and description"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,3,0)="of the RPC for more details)."
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,7,0)=" with RPCBroker.Param[3] do"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,8,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,9,0)=" PType := list;"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,10,0)=" Mult[1] := 'HDR^^2990622';"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,11,0)=" Mult[2] := 'CDM^^2^22^1^^1^^Westmont^Du Page^17^ILLINOIS^US';"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,12,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,13,0)=" Mult[n] := 'CMT^1^Just a sample CDC comment';"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,14,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,16,0)="NOTE #1: The CS data segment must be always included before the"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,17,0)=" AID segments. Otherwise, the latter will be ignored."
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,19,0)="NOTE #2: Any AIDS indicator disease, which has empty 3rd piece"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,20,0)=" in the corresponding AID segment (or no segment at all),"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,21,0)=" will be removed from the patient record."
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,23,0)="NOTE #3: There should be at least one empty comment (i.e. the"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,24,0)=" ""CMT^1"" segment) among the data if you want to clear"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,3,1,25,0)=" the CDC comments. Otherwise, they will not be updated."
^XWB(8994,1793,2,4,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,4,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1793,2,4,1,3,0)=" H Update the patient history. If this flag is"
^XWB(8994,1793,2,4,1,4,0)=" not provided, the PH data segment is ignored."
^XWB(8994,1793,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1793,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1793,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1793,3,15,0)="A positive value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates an"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,16,0)="error in the CDC data. The value is the number of the erroneous piece of"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,17,0)="the data segment whose name is returned in the second piece of the"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,18,0)="Results[0]. For example, the ""11^CDM"" means that the 11th piece of the CDM"
^XWB(8994,1793,3,19,0)="data segment (ONSET OF ILLNESS/AIDS- STATE) contains an invalid value."
^XWB(8994,1793,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1793,3,21,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,1794,0)="ROR GET USER INFO^USERINFO^RORRP024^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1794,1,1,0)="The ROR GET USER INFO remote procedure returns basic information about the"
^XWB(8994,1794,2,1,1,1,0)="User IEN in the NEW PERSON file. By default (if $G(USER)'>0), the DUZ is"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array."
^XWB(8994,1794,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1794,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code (LASTERR)"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1794,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1794,3,11,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,12,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,13,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,14,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1794,3,16,0)="Error descriptors are returned in reverse chronological order (most recent"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,17,0)="error first)."
^XWB(8994,1794,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1794,3,19,0)="Otherwise, the user info is returned in the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,1794,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1794,3,21,0)=" Results[0] User Info"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,22,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,23,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,24,0)=" ^03: Office Phone"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,25,0)=" ^04: Nickname"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,26,0)=" ^05: Read Timeout"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,27,0)=" ^06: Default Division IEN"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,28,0)=" ^07: Default Division Name"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,29,0)=" ^08: Institution IEN"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,30,0)=" ^09: Institution Name"
^XWB(8994,1794,3,31,0)=" ^10: Station Number (with suffix)"
^XWB(8994,1795,0)="ROR PATIENT GET DATA^GETPTDAT^RORRP021^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1795,1,1,0)="The ROR GET PATIENT DATA remote procedure returns patient's data from the "
^XWB(8994,1795,1,2,0)="PATIENT file and (optionally) the registry record."
^XWB(8994,1795,2,1,1,1,0)="A valid patient IEN (DFN) should be assigned to the PATIEN parameter."
^XWB(8994,1795,2,2,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1795,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,2,2,1,3,0)=" A Load the patient's address"
^XWB(8994,1795,2,2,1,4,0)=" E Load the ethnicity information"
^XWB(8994,1795,2,2,1,5,0)=" L Load values of the registry local fields"
^XWB(8994,1795,2,2,1,6,0)=" R Load the race information"
^XWB(8994,1795,2,2,1,7,0)=" S Load the patient's selection rules"
^XWB(8994,1795,2,2,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,2,2,1,9,0)="The ""L"" and ""S"" flags require the REGIEN parameter. Otherwise, they are"
^XWB(8994,1795,2,3,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1795,2,3,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1795,2,3,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,2,3,1,4,0)="If this parameter is defined and its value is greater than 0 then the"
^XWB(8994,1795,2,3,1,5,0)="""PRD"" segment with the basic patient's registry data will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1795,2,3,1,6,0)="If the patient is not in the registry then an empty ""PRD"" segment will"
^XWB(8994,1795,2,3,1,7,0)="be returned anyway."
^XWB(8994,1795,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,15,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0] and subsequent nodes "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,16,0)="contain the patient's data."
^XWB(8994,1795,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,18,0)=" Results[0] 0"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,20,0)=" Results[i] Demographic Information"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,21,0)=" ^01: ""DEM"""
^XWB(8994,1795,3,22,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1795,3,23,0)=" ^03: Patient IEN (DFN)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,24,0)=" ^04: Patient Name"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,25,0)=" ^05: Date of Birth (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,26,0)=" ^06: SSN"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,27,0)=" ^07: Date of Death (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,28,0)=" ^08: Sex (F/M)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,30,0)=" Results[i] Patient's Address"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,31,0)=" ^01: ""ADR"""
^XWB(8994,1795,3,32,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1795,3,33,0)=" ^03: Address (1)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,34,0)=" ^04: Address (2)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,35,0)=" ^05: Address (3)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,36,0)=" ^06: City"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,37,0)=" ^07: State (IEN)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,38,0)=" ^08: State (Name)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,39,0)=" ^09: ZIP"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,40,0)=" ^10: ZIP+4"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,41,0)=" ^11: County (IEN)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,42,0)=" ^12: County (Name)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,43,0)=" ^13: Home Phone"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,44,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,45,0)=" Results[i] Race Information"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,46,0)=" ^01: ""RCE"""
^XWB(8994,1795,3,47,0)=" ^02: Race IEN"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,48,0)=" ^03: Race HL7 Value"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,49,0)=" ^04: Race"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,50,0)=" ^05: Collection Method HL7 Value"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,51,0)=" ^06: Collection Method"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,52,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,53,0)=" Race HL7 Values"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,54,0)=" 1002-5 American Indian or Alaska Native"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,55,0)=" 2028-9 Asian"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,56,0)=" 2054-5 Black or African American"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,57,0)=" 0000-0 Declined to Answer"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,58,0)=" 2076-8 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,59,0)=" 9999-4 Unknown by Patient"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,60,0)=" 2106-3 White"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,61,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,62,0)=" Collection Method HL7 Values"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,63,0)=" OBS Observer"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,64,0)=" PRX Proxy"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,65,0)=" SLF Self Identification"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,66,0)=" UNK Unknown"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,67,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,68,0)=" Results[i] Ethnicity Information"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,69,0)=" ^01: ""ETN"""
^XWB(8994,1795,3,70,0)=" ^02: Ethnicity IEN"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,71,0)=" ^03: Ethnicity HL7 Value"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,72,0)=" ^04: Ethnicity"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,73,0)=" ^05: Collection Method HL7 value"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,74,0)=" ^06: Collection Method"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,75,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,76,0)=" Ethnicity HL7 Values"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,77,0)=" 0000-0 Declined to Answer"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,78,0)=" 2135-2 Hispanic or Latino"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,79,0)=" 2186-5 Not Hispanic or Latino"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,80,0)=" 9999-4 Unknown by Patient"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,81,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,82,0)=" Results[i] Patient's Registry Data"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,83,0)=" ^01: ""PRD"""
^XWB(8994,1795,3,84,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1795,3,85,0)=" ^03: Date Entered (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,86,0)=" ^04: Status Code (Field 3, File #798)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,87,0)=" ^05: Active (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,88,0)=" ^06: Do not Send (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,89,0)=" ^07: Data Acknowledged Until (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,90,0)=" ^08: Data Extracted Until (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,91,0)=" ^09: Date Selected (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,92,0)=" ^10: Date Confirmed (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,93,0)=" ^11: Location Selected (Institution Name)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,94,0)=" ^12: Selection Rule Description"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,95,0)=" ^13: reserved"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,96,0)=" ^14: reserved"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,97,0)=" ^15: Action Flags (see the description below)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,98,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,99,0)=" The Status field can have the following values"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,100,0)=" (see description of the STATUS field of the"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,101,0)=" ROR REGISTRY RECORD file for more details):"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,102,0)=" 0 Confirmed"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,103,0)=" 4 Pending"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,104,0)=" 5 Deleted"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,105,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,106,0)=" The Action Flags field indicates the actions that"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,107,0)=" can be performed on the patient's record:"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,108,0)=" C CDC form can be edited/printed"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,109,0)=" D The record can be deleted"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,110,0)=" E The record can be edited"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,111,0)=" O Read-only mode"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,112,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,113,0)=" Results[i] Local field data"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,114,0)=" ^O1: ""LFV"""
^XWB(8994,1795,3,115,0)=" ^02: IEN in the LOCAL FIELD multiple"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,116,0)=" of the ROR REGISTRY RECORD file"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,117,0)=" ^03: Field Definition IEN"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,118,0)=" (in the ROR LOCAL FIELD file)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,119,0)=" ^04: Field Name"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,120,0)=" ^05: Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,121,0)=" ^06: Comment"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,122,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1795,3,123,0)=" Results[i] Selection Rule"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,124,0)=" ^01: ""PSR"""
^XWB(8994,1795,3,125,0)=" ^02: IEN in the SELECTION RULE multiple"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,126,0)=" of the ROR REGISTRY RECORD file"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,127,0)=" ^03: Rule Definition IEN"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,128,0)=" (in the ROR SELECTION RULE file)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,129,0)=" ^04: Name of the Rule"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,130,0)=" ^05: Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,131,0)=" ^06: Location IEN (Institution IEN)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,132,0)=" ^07: Location Name (Institution Name)"
^XWB(8994,1795,3,133,0)=" ^08: Short Description"
^XWB(8994,1797,0)="ROR PATIENT DELETE^DELETE^RORRP030^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1797,1,1,0)="The ROR PATIENT DELETE remote procedure marks the patient's record as "
^XWB(8994,1797,1,2,0)="deleted from the registry."
^XWB(8994,1797,1,3,0)="not deleted and an error code is returned."
^XWB(8994,1797,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1797,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1797,2,2,1,1,0)="A valid patient IEN (DFN) should be assigned to the RORDFN parameter."
^XWB(8994,1797,2,3,1,2,0)="record will be deleted from the registry even if some data has been sent "
^XWB(8994,1797,2,3,1,3,0)="to the AAC already. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS!"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1797,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1797,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1797,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1797,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1797,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the following codes can be returned in the Results[0]:"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1797,3,17,0)=" 0 The record cannot be deleted"
^XWB(8994,1797,3,18,0)=" 9 The record has been marked as deleted"
^XWB(8994,1798,0)="ROR LIST LOCAL LAB TESTS^LTLIST^RORRP031^4^A^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1798,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST LOCAL LAB TESTS remote procedure returns a list of local lab "
^XWB(8994,1798,1,2,0)="tests, which are referenced by the LOCAL TEST NAME multiple (28) of the"
^XWB(8994,1798,1,3,0)="ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file (#798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1798,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the "
^XWB(8994,1798,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1798,2,2,1,1,0)="If this parameter is defined and not zero, it should contain a valid code"
^XWB(8994,1798,2,2,1,2,0)="of the Lab Group. In this case, only the tests associated with this group"
^XWB(8994,1798,2,2,1,3,0)="will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1798,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1798,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1798,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1798,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of lab tests is returned in the Results[0] and the "
^XWB(8994,1798,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the global array contain the tests."
^XWB(8994,1798,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1798,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of Local Tests"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1798,3,20,0)=" Results[i] Test Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,21,0)=" ^01: IEN in the LOCAL TEST NAME multiple"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,22,0)=" ^02: Local test name"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,23,0)=" ^03: IEN of the local test (in the file #60)"
^XWB(8994,1798,3,24,0)=" ^04: Code of the Lab Group"
^XWB(8994,1799,1,1,0)="The ROR UPDATE LOCAL LAB TESTS remote procedure updates the list of local"
^XWB(8994,1799,1,2,0)="Lab test names, which is stored in the LOCAL TEST NAME (28) multiple of"
^XWB(8994,1799,1,3,0)="the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file (#798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1799,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the "
^XWB(8994,1799,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,1,0)="The LTLST parameter should be an array containing a list of laboratory "
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,2,0)="test IEN's and Lab Group codes. An item of the list should have the "
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,3,0)="following format:"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,5,0)=" ^01: Ignored"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,6,0)=" ^02: Ignored"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,7,0)=" ^03: IEN of the local test (in file #60)"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,8,0)=" ^04: Code of the Lab Group"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,9,0)=" (see also the GROUP parameter)"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,12,0)=" with RPCBroker.Param[1] do"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,13,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,14,0)=" PType :=list;"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,15,0)=" for i := 1 to Tests.Count do"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,16,0)=" Mult[i] := '^^' + Tests[i-1].TestIEN + '^' + Tests[i-1].GroupCode;"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,2,1,17,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,3,1,1,0)="If the GROUP parameter is equal to 0 then every item of the LTLST must "
^XWB(8994,1799,2,3,1,2,0)="contain a valid group code. If an empty list is passed into the RPC then "
^XWB(8994,1799,2,3,1,3,0)="ALL records will be deleted from the LOCAL TEST NAME multiple."
^XWB(8994,1799,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1799,2,3,1,5,0)="If this parameter is not zero then it should contain a valid group code."
^XWB(8994,1799,2,3,1,6,0)="All records of the LTLST will be associated with this group. If an empty"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,3,1,7,0)="list is passed into the RPC then only records associated with this group"
^XWB(8994,1799,2,3,1,8,0)="will be deleted from the multiple."
^XWB(8994,1799,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1799,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1799,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1799,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1799,3,15,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,1800,0)="ROR LIST LOCAL DRUGS^LDLIST^RORRP032^4^A^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1800,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST LOCAL DRUGS remote procedure returns a list of local drugs, "
^XWB(8994,1800,1,2,0)="which are referenced by the LOCAL DRUG NAME multiple (29) of the ROR"
^XWB(8994,1800,1,3,0)="REGISTRY PARAMETERS file (#798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1800,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the "
^XWB(8994,1800,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1800,2,2,1,1,0)="If this parameter is defined and not zero, it should contain a valid code"
^XWB(8994,1800,2,2,1,2,0)="of the Drug Group. In this case, only the drugs associated with this group"
^XWB(8994,1800,2,2,1,3,0)="will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1800,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1800,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1800,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1800,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of drugs is returned in the Results[0] and the "
^XWB(8994,1800,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the global array contain the drugs."
^XWB(8994,1800,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1800,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of Drugs"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1800,3,20,0)=" Results[i] Drug Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,21,0)=" ^01: IEN in the LOCAL DRUG NAME multiple"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,22,0)=" ^02: Local drug name"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,23,0)=" ^03: IEN of the local drug (in the file #50)"
^XWB(8994,1800,3,24,0)=" ^04: Code of the Drug Group"
^XWB(8994,1801,0)="ROR UPDATE LOCAL DRUGS^LDLUPD^RORRP032^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1801,1,1,0)="The ROR UPDATE LOCAL DRUGS remote procedure updates the list of local drug"
^XWB(8994,1801,1,2,0)="names, which is stored in the LOCAL DRUG NAME (29) multiple of the ROR"
^XWB(8994,1801,1,3,0)="REGISTRY PARAMETERS file (#798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1801,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the "
^XWB(8994,1801,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,1,0)="The LDLST parameter should be an array containing a list of drug IEN's and"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,2,0)="Drug Group codes. An item of the list should have the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,4,0)=" ^01: Ignored"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,5,0)=" ^02: Ignored"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,6,0)=" ^03: IEN of the local drug (in file #50)"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,7,0)=" ^04: Code of the Drug Group"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,8,0)=" (see also the GROUP parameter)"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,11,0)=" with RPCBroker.Param[1] do"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,12,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,13,0)=" PType :=list;"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,14,0)=" for i := 1 to Drugs.Count do"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,15,0)=" Mult[i] := '^^' + Drugs[i-1].DrugIEN + '^' + Drugs[i-1].GroupCode;"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,2,1,16,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,3,1,1,0)="If the GROUP parameter is equal to 0 then every item of the LDLST must "
^XWB(8994,1801,2,3,1,2,0)="contain a valid group code. If ane mpty list is passed into the RPC then "
^XWB(8994,1801,2,3,1,3,0)="ALL records will be deleted from the LOCAL DRUG NAME multiple."
^XWB(8994,1801,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1801,2,3,1,5,0)="If this parameter is not zero then it should contain a valid group code."
^XWB(8994,1801,2,3,1,6,0)="All records of the LDLST will be associated with this group. If an empty"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,3,1,7,0)="list is passed into the RPC then only records associated with this group"
^XWB(8994,1801,2,3,1,8,0)="will be deleted from the multiple."
^XWB(8994,1801,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1801,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1801,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1801,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1801,3,15,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,1802,0)="ROR LIST DRUGS^DRUGLIST^RORRP017^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1802,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST DRUGS remote procedure returns a list of drugs (defined in"
^XWB(8994,1802,1,2,0)="the DRUG file), which conform the criteria."
^XWB(8994,1802,2,2,1,1,0)="The partial match restriction."
^XWB(8994,1802,2,3,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,1802,2,3,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1802,2,3,1,3,0)=" B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite"
^XWB(8994,1802,2,3,1,4,0)=" direction of normal traversal"
^XWB(8994,1802,2,3,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1802,2,3,1,6,0)=" G Retrive generic drugs (from file #50.6)."
^XWB(8994,1802,2,3,1,7,0)=" Otherwise, list of dispensed drugs (from"
^XWB(8994,1802,2,3,1,8,0)=" file #50) is retrived."
^XWB(8994,1802,2,4,1,2,0)="parameter designates all entries."
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,2,0)=" ^01: FromName"
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,3,0)=" ^02: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,5,0)="For example, a FROM value of ""XA"" would list entries following XA. You can"
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,6,0)="use the 2-nd and 3-rd ""^""- pieces of the Results[0] to continue the"
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,7,0)="listing in the subsequent procedure calls."
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,9,0)="NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in the"
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,10,0)=" resulting list."
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,12,0)="See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the PART, NUMBER "
^XWB(8994,1802,2,5,1,13,0)="and FROM parameters."
^XWB(8994,1802,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,1802,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,1802,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1802,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1802,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1802,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of drugs is returned in the Results[0] and the"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the global array contain the drugs."
^XWB(8994,1802,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1802,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of drugs"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1802,3,20,0)=" Results[i] Drug"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,21,0)=" ^01: IEN in the DRUG file (#50)"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,22,0)=" ^02: Generic Name"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,23,0)=" ^03: VA Drug Class"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,24,0)=" Results[i] Drug"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,25,0)=" ^01: IEN in the DRUG file (#50)"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,26,0)=" ^02: Generic Name"
^XWB(8994,1802,3,27,0)=" ^03: VA Drug Class"
^XWB(8994,1803,0)="RORICR PATIENT LOAD^LOAD^RORRP033^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1803,1,1,0)="The RORICR PATIENT LOAD remote procedure loads the patient's data from the"
^XWB(8994,1803,1,2,0)="ICR registry and prepares the record for editing."
^XWB(8994,1803,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1803,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1803,2,2,1,1,0)="A valid patient IEN (DFN) should be assigned to the PATIEN parameter."
^XWB(8994,1803,2,3,1,1,0)="If this parameter is defined and not zero then the RPC will try to lock"
^XWB(8994,1803,2,3,1,2,0)="the registry record before loading the data and will leave it locked."
^XWB(8994,1803,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,15,0)="If locking was requested (see the LOCK parameter) and the record could not"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,16,0)="be locked then the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] would be greater than"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,17,0)="0. The Results[0] would contain the lock descriptor and subsequent nodes"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,18,0)="of the global array would contain the data (see below). The lock "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,19,0)="descriptor contains information about the process, which owns the most "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,20,0)="recent lock of the record. The ""O"" flag (read-only) would also be added to"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,21,0)="the 15th field of the ""PRD"" segment."
^XWB(8994,1803,3,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,23,0)=" Results[0] Lock Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,24,0)=" ^01: Date/Time (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,25,0)=" ^02: User/Process name"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,26,0)=" ^03: User IEN (DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,27,0)=" ^04: $JOB"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,28,0)=" ^05: Task number"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,31,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,32,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent nodes of"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,33,0)="the array contain the data."
^XWB(8994,1803,3,34,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,35,0)=" Results[0] 0"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,36,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,37,0)=" Results[i] Demographic Information"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,38,0)=" ^01: ""DEM"""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,39,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,40,0)=" ^03: Patient IEN (DFN)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,41,0)=" ^04: Patient Name"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,42,0)=" ^05: Date of Birth (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,43,0)=" ^06: SSN"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,44,0)=" ^07: Date of Death (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,45,0)=" ^08: Sex (F/M)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,46,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,47,0)=" Results[i] Basic Registry Data"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,48,0)=" ^01: ""PRD"""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,49,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,50,0)=" ^03: Date Entered (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,51,0)=" ^04: Status Code (Field 3, File #798)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,52,0)=" ^05: Active (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,53,0)=" ^06: Do not Send (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,54,0)=" ^07: Data Acknowledged Until (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,55,0)=" ^08: Data Extracted Until (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,56,0)=" ^09: Date Selected (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,57,0)=" ^10: Date Confirmed (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,58,0)=" ^11: Location Selected (Institution Name)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,59,0)=" ^12: Selection Rule Description"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,60,0)=" ^13: reserved"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,61,0)=" ^14: reserved"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,62,0)=" ^15: Action Flags (see the description below)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,63,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,64,0)=" The Status field can have the following values"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,65,0)=" (see description of the STATUS field of the"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,66,0)=" ROR REGISTRY RECORD file for more details):"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,67,0)=" 0 Confirmed"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,68,0)=" 4 Pending"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,69,0)=" 5 Deleted"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,70,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,71,0)=" The Action Flags field indicates the actions that"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,72,0)=" can be performed on the patient's record:"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,73,0)=" C CDC form can be edited/printed"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,74,0)=" D The record can be deleted"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,75,0)=" E The record can be edited"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,76,0)=" O Read-only mode"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,77,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,78,0)=" Results[i] Local field data"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,79,0)=" ^O1: ""LFV"""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,80,0)=" ^02: IEN in the LOCAL FIELD multiple"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,81,0)=" of the ROR REGISTRY RECORD file"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,82,0)=" ^03: Field Definition IEN"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,83,0)=" (in the ROR LOCAL FIELD file)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,84,0)=" ^04: Field Name"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,85,0)=" ^05: Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,86,0)=" ^06: Comment"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,87,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,88,0)=" Results[i] Selection Rule"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,89,0)=" ^01: ""PSR"""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,90,0)=" ^02: IEN in the SELECTION RULE multiple"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,91,0)=" of the ROR REGISTRY RECORD file"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,92,0)=" ^03: Rule Definition IEN"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,93,0)=" (in the ROR SELECTION RULE file)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,94,0)=" ^04: Name of the Rule"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,95,0)=" ^05: Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,96,0)=" ^06: Location IEN (Institution IEN)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,97,0)=" ^07: Location Name (Institution Name)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,98,0)=" ^08: Short Description"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,99,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,100,0)=" Results[i] Patient History (risk factors)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,101,0)=" ^01: ""PH"""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,102,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,103,0)=" ^03: SEX RELATIONS W/MALE PARTNER {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,104,0)=" ^04: SEX RELATIONS W/FEMALE PARTNER {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,105,0)=" ^05: IV DRUGS AFTER 77 AND PRE HIV {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,106,0)=" ^06: REC'D CLOTTING FACTORS {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,107,0)=" ^07: TYPE OF HEMOPHILIA {1|2|8}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,108,0)=" ^08: OTHER HEMOPHILIA DESCRIPTION"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,109,0)=" ^09: SR WITH IV DRUG USER {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,110,0)=" ^10: SR WITH BISEXUAL MAN {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,111,0)=" ^11: SR W HEMOPHILIA/COAG DISORDER {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,112,0)=" ^12: SR W TRANS RECIPIENT WITH AIDS {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,113,0)=" ^13: TRANSPLANT RECIP-DOCUMNTD HIV {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,114,0)=" ^14: SR W AIDS/HIV INFECTION {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,115,0)=" ^15: TRANS AFTER 77 AND BEFORE HIV {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,116,0)=" ^16: DATE OF FIRST TRANSFUSION (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,117,0)=" ^17: DATE OF LAST TRANSFUSION (MM/YY)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,118,0)=" ^18: TRANSPLANT OR ARTIF INSEMIN {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,119,0)=" ^19: WORK IN HEALTH CARE OR LAB {0|1|9}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,120,0)=" ^20: OCCUPATION"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,121,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,122,0)=" Results[i] Registry Data"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,123,0)=" ^01: ""ICR"""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,124,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,125,0)=" ^03: Clinical AIDS {0|1}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,126,0)=" ^04: Date of Clinical AIDS (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,127,0)=" ^05: reserved"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,128,0)=" ^06: Test name"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,129,0)=" ^07: Code of the group"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,130,0)=" ^08: Group name"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,131,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1803,3,132,0)=" Results[i] Registry Data"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,133,0)=" ^01: ""ICR"""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,134,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,1803,3,135,0)=" ^03: Clinical AIDS {0|1}"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,136,0)=" ^04: Date of Clinical AIDS (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,137,0)=" ^05: Code of the Supporting Evidence"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,138,0)=" ^06: Date of last CD4 (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,139,0)=" ^07: Last CD4"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,140,0)=" ^08: Date of lowest CD4 (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,141,0)=" ^09: Lowest CD4"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,142,0)=" ^10: Date of lowest CD4 % (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1803,3,143,0)=" ^11: Lowest CD4 %"
^XWB(8994,1804,0)="RORICR PATIENT SAVE^SAVE^RORRP034^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1804,1,1,0)="The RORICR PATIENT SAVE remote procedure updates the patient's record in"
^XWB(8994,1804,1,2,0)="the registry (or creates one)."
^XWB(8994,1804,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1804,2,2,1,1,0)="A valid patient IEN (DFN) should be assigned to the PATIEN parameter."
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,1,0)="A list that contains the data in the same format as the output of the"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,2,0)="RORICR PATIENT LOAD remote procedure. Only PH and ICR segments are"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,3,0)="processed; the others are ignored."
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,7,0)=" with RPCBroker do"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,8,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,9,0)=" RemoteProcedure:= 'RORICR PATIENT LOAD';"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,10,0)=" Param[0].Value := RegistryIEN;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,11,0)=" Param[0].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,12,0)=" Param[1].Value := DFN;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,13,0)=" Param[1].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,14,0)=" lstCall(PatientData); // Load the data"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,16,0)=" ... // Edit the data"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,18,0)=" RemoteProcedure:= 'RORICR PATIENT SAVE';"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,19,0)=" Param[0].Value := RegistryIEN;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,20,0)=" Param[0].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,21,0)=" Param[1].Value := DFN;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,22,0)=" Param[1].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,23,0)=" Param[2].PType := list;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,24,0)=" Param[2].Mult.Assign(PatientData);"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,25,0)=" Call; // Save the data"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,26,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,28,0)="NOTE: Only those items of the list are processed"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,29,0)=" that have numeric subscripts greater than 0;"
^XWB(8994,1804,2,3,1,30,0)=" all others are ignored."
^XWB(8994,1804,2,4,1,1,0)="Cancel the update and unlock the patient's registry data."
^XWB(8994,1804,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1804,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1804,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1804,3,15,0)="A positive value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates an"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,16,0)="error in the data. The value is the number of the erroneous piece of the"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,17,0)="data segment whose name is returned in the second piece of the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,1804,3,18,0)="For example, the ""16^PH"" means that the 16th piece of the PH data segment"
^XWB(8994,1804,3,19,0)="(DATE OF FIRST TRANSFUSION) contains an invalid value."
^XWB(8994,1804,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1804,3,21,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,1806,0)="RORICR CDC CANCEL^CANCEL^RORRP027^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1806,1,1,0)="The RORICR CDC CANCEL remote procedure cancels the editing process "
^XWB(8994,1806,1,2,0)="initiated by the RORICR CDC LOAD remote procedure (see the LOCK parameter)"
^XWB(8994,1806,1,3,0)="and unlocks the registry records."
^XWB(8994,1806,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,1806,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1806,2,2,1,1,0)="A valid patient IEN (DFN) should be assigned to the PATIEN parameter."
^XWB(8994,1806,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1806,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1806,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1806,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1806,3,15,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,1807,0)="ROR LIST GENERIC DRUGS^GDLIST^RORRP035^4^A^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1807,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST GENERIC DRUGS remote procedure returns a list of generic"
^XWB(8994,1807,1,2,0)="drugs, which are referenced by the ROR GENERIC DRUG file (#799.51)."
^XWB(8994,1807,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the "
^XWB(8994,1807,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,1807,2,2,1,1,0)="If this parameter is defined and not zero, it should contain a valid code"
^XWB(8994,1807,2,2,1,2,0)="of the Drug Group. In this case, only the drugs associated with this group"
^XWB(8994,1807,2,2,1,3,0)="will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1807,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1807,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1807,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1807,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of drugs is returned in the Results[0] and the "
^XWB(8994,1807,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the global array contain the drugs."
^XWB(8994,1807,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1807,3,18,0)=" Results[0] Number of Drugs"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1807,3,20,0)=" Results[i] Drug Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,21,0)=" ^01: IEN in the ROR GENERIC DRUG file"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,22,0)=" ^02: Generic drug name"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,23,0)=" ^03: IEN of the generic drug (in the file #50.6)"
^XWB(8994,1807,3,24,0)=" ^04: Code of the Drug Group (see file #799.51)"
^XWB(8994,1808,1,1,0)="Search for entries in file."
^XWB(8994,1808,2,1,1,1,0)="File Number."
^XWB(8994,1808,2,2,1,1,0)="Fields to return. This will be comma delimited."
^XWB(8994,1808,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1808,2,2,1,3,0)="Example: "".01,.04,1,12"" - would return fields .01, .01, 1 and 12"
^XWB(8994,1808,2,3,1,1,0)="Text to search for."
^XWB(8994,1808,2,3,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1808,2,3,1,3,0)="Example: ""DG"" - would retrieve all entries beginning with DG."
^XWB(8994,1808,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1808,2,3,1,5,0)=" - if text equals ""*"" or """" (null) then all entries will be "
^XWB(8994,1808,2,3,1,6,0)=" retrieved"
^XWB(8994,1808,2,4,1,1,0)="Name of array for temporary storage. This should be a global array, and"
^XWB(8994,1808,2,4,1,2,0)="must be either ^TMP or ^UTILITY."
^XWB(8994,1808,3,1,0)="Array with data from file in format:"
^XWB(8994,1808,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1808,3,3,0)=" ARRAY(0)=IEN^FieldName^FieldName^FieldName^..."
^XWB(8994,1808,3,4,0)=" ARRAY(...)=IEN^FieldData^FieldData^FieldData^..."
^XWB(8994,1808,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1808,3,6,0)="Please Note: - the first piece is always the IEN (internal entry number)."
^XWB(8994,1808,3,7,0)=" - the zero node is always the names of the fields, once"
^XWB(8994,1808,3,8,0)=" again with the IEN's being first."
^XWB(8994,1809,1,1,0)="Get version number for CM Developer Tools application."
^XWB(8994,1811,1,1,0)="Return all data in file for specific entry."
^XWB(8994,1811,2,1,1,1,0)="File number."
^XWB(8994,1811,2,2,1,1,0)="IEN for file in PARAM1."
^XWB(8994,1811,2,3,1,1,0)="Array for temporary data storage. This should be a global array, and must"
^XWB(8994,1811,2,3,1,2,0)="be either ^TMP or ^UTILITY."
^XWB(8994,1811,3,1,0)="Array containing data in format:"
^XWB(8994,1811,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1811,3,3,0)=" ARRAY(...)=FieldName^FieldData"
^XWB(8994,1812,1,1,0)="Global list."
^XWB(8994,1812,2,1,1,1,0)="Global to list. This can be an entire global (^DPT) or subscript"
^XWB(8994,1812,2,2,1,1,0)="Starting global node. If this is a continuation of a global list, then"
^XWB(8994,1812,2,2,1,2,0)="this will be the starting point. If the call is for the first time, then"
^XWB(8994,1812,2,2,1,3,0)="this should be set to null ("""")."
^XWB(8994,1812,2,3,1,1,0)="Number of lines to fill before quiting."
^XWB(8994,1812,3,1,0)="Array containing global data. However, the zero node will contain the"
^XWB(8994,1812,3,2,0)="last global reference accessed. This can then be used as the starting"
^XWB(8994,1812,3,3,0)="point for the next iteration (see PARAM2). If the end of the global has"
^XWB(8994,1812,3,4,0)="been reached, then the zero node will equal '***end of global***'."
^XWB(8994,1812,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1812,3,6,0)="In the follwing example: PARAM1 = ^DPT(25"
^XWB(8994,1812,3,7,0)=" PARAM2 = """""
^XWB(8994,1812,3,8,0)=" PARAM3 = 2"
^XWB(8994,1812,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1812,3,10,0)=" ARRAY(0)=""^DPT(25,.35)"""
^XWB(8994,1812,3,11,0)=" ARRAY(1)=""^DPT(25,0)=GlobalData..."""
^XWB(8994,1812,3,12,0)=" ARRAY(2)=""^DPT(25,.35)=GlobalData..."""
^XWB(8994,1813,1,1,0)="Get data from file #3.075 (ERROR LOG)."
^XWB(8994,1813,2,1,1,1,0)="Ien in format ""MultipleIen,Ien"" for file #3.075 (ERROR LOG)."
^XWB(8994,1813,2,2,1,1,0)="Temporary global storage. This must be either ^TMP or ^UTILITY."
^XWB(8994,1813,3,1,0)="Return data in array."
^XWB(8994,1814,1,1,0)="Return list of routine names."
^XWB(8994,1814,2,1,1,1,0)="Routine name to search for (may contain an asterisk (*) for a list)."
^XWB(8994,1814,2,3,1,1,0)="Temporary global storage name. Must be either ^TMP or ^UTILITY."
^XWB(8994,1814,3,1,0)="Array of routine names in format:"
^XWB(8994,1814,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1814,3,3,0)=" ARRAY(0)=RoutineName"
^XWB(8994,1814,3,4,0)=" ARRAY(1)=Checksum (if requested) else will be next RoutineName."
^XWB(8994,1815,1,1,0)="Routine inquiry."
^XWB(8994,1815,2,1,1,1,0)="Routine name."
^XWB(8994,1815,3,1,0)="Routine returned in array."
^XWB(8994,1816,1,1,0)="Search routine(s) for text."
^XWB(8994,1816,2,1,1,1,0)="Routine(s) to search for (may contain an asterisk)."
^XWB(8994,1816,2,2,1,1,0)="Text to search for."
^XWB(8994,1816,2,3,1,1,0)="Temporary global storage for data. Must be ^TMP or ^UTILITY."
^XWB(8994,1816,3,1,0)="Array containing matches."
^XWB(8994,1816,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1816,3,3,0)=" ARRAY(...)=RoutineName^Label+Offset M code"
^XWB(8994,1817,1,1,0)="Routine stats from file #8972.1 (CAPMAN ROUTINE STATS)."
^XWB(8994,1817,2,1,1,1,0)="Ien(s) for file #8972.1 (CAPMAN ROUTINE STATS). If more than one Ien then"
^XWB(8994,1817,2,1,1,2,0)="each will be seperated by a comma."
^XWB(8994,1817,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1817,2,1,1,4,0)="Example: ""12,98,38,123"""
^XWB(8994,1817,3,1,0)="Array containing data from zero node of file #8972.1 (CAPMAN ROUTINE"
^XWB(8994,1817,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1817,3,4,0)=" ARRAY(0)=TEST 1 AUG 27^Aug 27, 1999@09:53:17^577^0^0^1^0^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1817,3,5,0)=" ARRAY(1)=TEST 1 OCT 13^Oct 13, 1999@10:36:49^577^0^0^1^0^4^0"
^XWB(8994,1817,3,6,0)=" ARRAY(2)=EN~ZZRK OCT 29^Oct 29, 1999@04:33:27^577^0^0^1^0^4^0"
^XWB(8994,1817,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1817,3,8,0)="See data dictionary for details."
^XWB(8994,1817,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1817,3,10,0)="Note: The second piece (Date/Time Entered) has been changed to external"
^XWB(8994,1817,3,11,0)=" format."
^XWB(8994,1818,1,1,0)="Save Routine."
^XWB(8994,1818,2,1,1,1,0)="Routine name (limited to 8 characters)."
^XWB(8994,1818,2,2,1,1,0)="Array containing routine code."
^XWB(8994,1818,3,1,0)="Save routine to server."
^XWB(8994,1819,0)="KMPD FM DATE^FMDTI^KMPDU3^2^R"
^XWB(8994,1819,1,1,0)="Return user response as fm date."
^XWB(8994,1819,2,1,1,1,0)="User response to request for date: 'T'"
^XWB(8994,1819,2,1,1,2,0)=" 'T-1'"
^XWB(8994,1819,2,1,1,3,0)=" 01/02/00"
^XWB(8994,1819,3,1,0)="Return: ""^"" - invalid response"
^XWB(8994,1819,3,2,0)=" FMInternalDate^ExternalDate"
^XWB(8994,1820,1,1,0)="Get matching date or list of dates from file #3.075 (ERROR LOG)."
^XWB(8994,1820,2,1,1,1,0)="Date in internal fileman format or ""*"" for all dates in file #3.075 (ERROR"
^XWB(8994,1820,3,1,0)=" ARRAY(0)=ExternalDate^Ien - for one match "
^XWB(8994,1820,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1820,3,3,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,1820,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1820,3,5,0)=" ARRAY(0)=ExternalDate^Ien - for list of all dates"
^XWB(8994,1820,3,6,0)=" ARRAY(1)=ExternalDate^Ien"
^XWB(8994,1820,3,7,0)=" ARRAY(2)=ExternalDate^Ien"
^XWB(8994,1820,3,8,0)=" ARRAY(...)=ExternalDate^Ien"
^XWB(8994,1821,1,1,0)="Delete all entries in multiple field #11 (ASSOCIATED ROUTINE) in file"
^XWB(8994,1821,1,2,0)="#8972.1 (CM CODE EVALUATOR) and then add entries to multiple."
^XWB(8994,1821,2,1,1,1,0)="Ien for file #8972.1 (CM CODE EVALUATOR)."
^XWB(8994,1821,2,2,1,1,0)="Array containing routine names to be entered into field #11 (ASSOCIATED"
^XWB(8994,1821,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1821,2,2,1,4,0)=" ARRAY(1)=""ROUTINE1"""
^XWB(8994,1821,2,2,1,5,0)=" ARRAY(2)=""ROUTINE2"""
^XWB(8994,1821,2,2,1,6,0)=" ARRAY(...)=""..."""
^XWB(8994,1822,1,1,0)="C&P Worksheet Templates are made of 3 files: a form definition, a code "
^XWB(8994,1822,1,2,0)="definition, and a script definition."
^XWB(8994,1822,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1822,1,4,0)="Set DVBIEN to the internal entry number of the form"
^XWB(8994,1822,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1822,1,6,0)="Set DVBTYPE to the definition you want:"
^XWB(8994,1822,1,7,0)=" 1= Form, 2=Script, 3=Report"
^XWB(8994,1823,1,1,0)="Returns list of note titles from TIU in format"
^XWB(8994,1823,1,2,0)="name+"" ""+type+"" ""+status"
^XWB(8994,1825,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure returns the list of documents associated with a"
^XWB(8994,1825,1,2,0)="given Request (e.g., Consult Request, or Surgical Case)."
^XWB(8994,1825,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the variable pointer (e.g., ""12745;GMR(123,"" or ""14672;SRF("") that"
^XWB(8994,1825,2,1,1,2,0)="identifies the record in the requesting application."
^XWB(8994,1825,3,1,0)="The return array has elements with the following positional values:"
^XWB(8994,1825,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1825,3,4,0)=" (INT;EXT)^HOSPITAL LOCATION^SIGNATURE STATUS^Visit Date/Time^"
^XWB(8994,1825,3,5,0)=" Discharge Date/time^Variable Pointer to Request (e.g., Consult)^# of"
^XWB(8994,1825,3,6,0)=" Associated Images^Subject^Has Children^IEN of Parent Document"
^XWB(8994,1826,1,1,0)="BOOLEAN RPC which evaluates whether the title indicated is that of a"
^XWB(8994,1826,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the record number in file 8925.1 for the title selected."
^XWB(8994,1826,3,1,0)="Scalar value indicating the truth value of the result (i.e., 0 indicates"
^XWB(8994,1826,3,2,0)="FALSE - the title is NOT that of a SURGICAL REPORT or PROCEDURE REPORT"
^XWB(8994,1826,3,3,0)="(NON-O.R.); 1 indicates TRUE - the title IS that of a SURGICAL REPORT or"
^XWB(8994,1826,3,4,0)="PROCEDURE REPORT (NON-O.R.)."
^XWB(8994,1827,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the record number of the class identified by the CLNAME"
^XWB(8994,1827,1,2,0)="parameter in the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION file (#8925.1)."
^XWB(8994,1827,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the name (ASCII LITERAL) of the Class for which the calling"
^XWB(8994,1827,2,1,1,2,0)="application needs an IEN."
^XWB(8994,1827,3,1,0)="The value returned will be either a positive integer, corresponding to the"
^XWB(8994,1827,3,2,0)="record number identifying the class identified by the CLNAME parameter, or"
^XWB(8994,1827,3,3,0)="zero, indicating that the Surgery interface is not yet implemented in"
^XWB(8994,1828,1,1,0)="This RPC serves data to a longlist of selectable TITLES for the class"
^XWB(8994,1828,1,2,0)="named in the CLNAME parameter."
^XWB(8994,1828,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the reference title from which the longlist is scrolling."
^XWB(8994,1828,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the direction in which the longlist is scrolling from the"
^XWB(8994,1828,2,3,1,2,0)="reference title."
^XWB(8994,1828,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the name of the class for which titles are being presented."
^XWB(8994,1828,2,4,1,2,0)="Allowable values are:"
^XWB(8994,1828,2,4,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1828,2,4,1,4,0)="""SURGICAL REPORTS"""
^XWB(8994,1828,2,4,1,5,0)="""PROCEDURE REPORTS (NON-O.R.)"""
^XWB(8994,1828,3,1,0)="This is an array of the 44 nearest titles to that indicated by the user in"
^XWB(8994,1828,3,2,0)="the direction passed by the longlist component."
^XWB(8994,1829,0)="MD TMDUSER^RPC^MDRPCOU^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1829,1,1,0)="Manages the VistA interface to the TMDUser object."
^XWB(8994,1829,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1829,1,3,0)="Available options:"
^XWB(8994,1829,1,4,0)=" SIGNON Connects session to the server and attempts signon."
^XWB(8994,1829,1,5,0)=" ESIG Verifies passed e-sig."
^XWB(8994,1829,1,6,0)=" CHKVER Verifies client version is compatible with server."
^XWB(8994,1829,2,1,1,1,0)="See RPC description."
^XWB(8994,1829,2,2,1,1,0)="Required data for selected option."
^XWB(8994,1829,3,1,0)="Returns global array of status or requested data."
^XWB(8994,1830,1,1,0)="Used to set/retrieve/modify parameters in the Kernel ToolKit PARAMETERS"
^XWB(8994,1830,1,2,0)="(XPAR) files."
^XWB(8994,1830,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1830,1,4,0)="RPC is called as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1830,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1830,1,6,0)="Param[0] := OPTION"
^XWB(8994,1830,1,7,0)="Param[1] := Entity"
^XWB(8994,1830,1,8,0)="Param[2] := Parameter name"
^XWB(8994,1830,1,9,0)="Param[3] := Instance"
^XWB(8994,1830,1,10,0)="Param[4] := Value"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains the option for the RPC. RPC is called as shown:"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,3,0)="Options and other required parameters include:"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,5,0)="ENTVAL ENT"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,6,0)="GETPAR ENT,PAR,INST"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,7,0)="GETLST ENT,PAR"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,8,0)="GETWP ENT,PAR,INST"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,9,0)="SETPAR ENT,PAR,INST,VAL"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,10,0)="SETLST ENT,PAR,,.VAL (Uses instance 0-n)"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,11,0)="SETWP ENT,PAR,INST,.VAL"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,12,0)="DELPAR ENT,PAR,INST"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,1,1,13,0)="DELLST ENT,PAR"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,1,0)="An entity is a level at which you can define a parameter. The entities"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,2,0)="allowed are stored in the Parameter Entity file (#8989.518). The list of"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,3,0)="allowable entities at the time this utility was released were: "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,5,0)="Prefix Message Points to File "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,6,0)="PKG Package Package (9.4) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,7,0)="SYS System Domain (4.2) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,8,0)="DIV Division Institution (4) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,9,0)="SRV Service Service/Section (49) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,10,0)="LOC Location Hospital Location (44) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,11,0)="TEA Team Team (404.51) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,12,0)="CLS Class Usr Class (8930) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,13,0)="USR User New Person (200) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,14,0)="BED Room-Bed Room-Bed (405.4) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,15,0)="OTL Team (OE/RR) OE/RR List (101.21) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,17,0)="The entity may be referenced as follows: "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,18,0)="1) The internal variable pointer (nnn;GLO(123,) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,19,0)="2) The external format of the variable pointer using the 3 character"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,20,0)=" prefix (prefix.entryname)"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,21,0)="3) The prefix alone to set the parameter based on current entity selected."
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,22,0)=" (prefix)"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,24,0)="Method 3 uses the following values for the following entities: "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,25,0)="USR Current value of DUZ "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,26,0)="DIV Current value of DUZ(2) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,27,0)="SYS System (domain) "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,2,1,28,0)="PKG Package to which the parameter belongs "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,1,0)="A parameter is the actual name which values are stored under. The name of"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,2,0)="the parameter must be namespaced and it must be unique. Parameters can be"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,3,0)="defined to store the typical package parameter data (e.g. the default add"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,4,0)="order screen), but they can also be used to store GUI application screen"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,5,0)="settings a user has selected (e.g. font or window width). When a"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,6,0)="parameter is defined, the entities, which may set that parameter, are also"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,7,0)="defined. The definition of parameters is stored in the PARAMETER"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,8,0)="DEFINITION file (#8989.51). "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,10,0)="NOTE: This utility restricts the parameter name to those in the Clinical"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,3,1,11,0)="Procedures namespace (MD*)."
^XWB(8994,1830,2,4,1,1,0)="Most parameters will set instance to 1. Instances are used when more than"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,4,1,2,0)="one value may be assigned to a given entity/parameter combination. An"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,4,1,3,0)="example of this would be lab collection times at a division. A single"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,4,1,4,0)="division may have multiple collection times. Each collection time would"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,4,1,5,0)="be assigned a unique instance."
^XWB(8994,1830,2,5,1,1,0)="A value may be assigned to every parameter for the entities allowed in the"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,5,1,2,0)="parameter definition. Values are stored in the PARAMETERS file (#8989.5)."
^XWB(8994,1830,2,5,1,3,0)="VAL may be passed in external or internal format. If using internal"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,5,1,4,0)="format for a pointer type parameter, VAL must be preceded with the grave"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,5,1,5,0)="(`) character. If VAL is being assigned to a word processing parameter,"
^XWB(8994,1830,2,5,1,6,0)="the text is passed in the subordinate nodes of VAL (e.g. VAL(0-n)=Text)."
^XWB(8994,1830,3,1,0)="Returns requested data from the specified option."
^XWB(8994,1831,0)="MD TMDRECORDID^RPC^MDRPCOR^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,1,0)="General RPC for VA Fileman functions."
^XWB(8994,1831,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1831,1,3,0)="Param 1 is passed in as the function to perform and includes the"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1831,1,6,0)="LOOKUP: Performs very generic file lookup functionality"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,7,0)="VALIDATE: Validates input to a fileman field and saves to FDA"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,8,0)="DELREC: Validates ability to delete and if able deletes a record"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,9,0)="SETFDA: Validates input and stores in FDA"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,10,0)="SAVEFDA: Saves any data stored in FDA"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,11,0)="CLEARFDA: Clears any data in the FDA without saving"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,12,0)="GETDATA: Retrieves a single field value"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,13,0)="GETCODES: Retrieves the set of codes for a field"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,14,0)="GETLABEL: Retrieves a fields TITLE or LABEL if no Title"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,15,0)="GETIDS: Returns required identifiers for a DD Number"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,16,0)="GETHELP: Returns Fileman help for a field"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,17,0)="RENAME: Validates and renames .01 field if valid"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,18,0)="NEWREC: Creates a new record"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,19,0)="CHANGES: Returns 0/1 if changes exist in FDA"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,20,0)="CHKVER: Version check Client <-> Server"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,21,0)="LOCK: Locks a record by DD and IENS"
^XWB(8994,1831,1,22,0)="UNLOCK: Unlocks record locked by LOCK option"
^XWB(8994,1831,2,1,1,1,0)="See description of RPC."
^XWB(8994,1831,2,2,1,1,0)="Contains the Data Dictionary number of the item being manipulated."
^XWB(8994,1831,2,3,1,1,0)="Contains the IENS of the record being manipulated."
^XWB(8994,1831,2,4,1,1,0)="Contains field specifications for the record."
^XWB(8994,1831,2,5,1,1,0)="Contains any other needed information for the call."
^XWB(8994,1831,3,1,0)="Returns global array of requested data or status."
^XWB(8994,1832,0)="MD TMDOUTPUT^RPC^MDRPCOO^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1832,1,1,0)="Manages the output of VistA data to the client via the default HFS device."
^XWB(8994,1832,2,1,1,1,0)="Currently set to EXECUTE as the only option."
^XWB(8994,1832,2,2,1,1,0)="Contains the routine to produce the output. Currently to client produces"
^XWB(8994,1832,2,2,1,2,0)="this parameter in the form of TAG^ROUTINE(needed parameters) to simplify"
^XWB(8994,1832,2,2,1,3,0)="the calling process."
^XWB(8994,1832,3,1,0)="Text of the requested report."
^XWB(8994,1834,0)="MD TMDPATIENT^RPC^MDRPCOP^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1836,0)="MD UTILITIES^RPC^MDRPCU^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1837,0)="MD GATEWAY^RPC^MDRPCOG^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1838,0)="MAG DICOM AUDIT COUNT^COUNT^MAGDRPC7^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1838,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1838,1,16,0)="This RPC call updates (increments) an audit count for a DICOM Gateway."
^XWB(8994,1838,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1838,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1838,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a text-string."
^XWB(8994,1838,2,2,1,2,0)="This text value identifies the rubric for which a count is"
^XWB(8994,1838,2,2,1,3,0)="to be incremented."
^XWB(8994,1838,3,1,0)="The return value from this RPC shows whether or not a"
^XWB(8994,1838,3,2,0)="count was incremented. Possible values are:"
^XWB(8994,1838,3,3,0)=" ""-1,No Location Specified"""
^XWB(8994,1838,3,4,0)=" ""-2,No Message Specified"""
^XWB(8994,1838,3,5,0)=" >0: current value of the incremented counter"
^XWB(8994,1839,0)="MAG DICOM AUDIT PURGE^PURGE^MAGDRPC7^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1839,1,16,0)="This RPC call will purge audit information that was gathered"
^XWB(8994,1839,1,17,0)="by DICOM Gateways."
^XWB(8994,1839,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a number. This number identifies"
^XWB(8994,1839,2,1,1,2,0)="the FileMan table that is to be purged."
^XWB(8994,1839,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a (FileMan formatted) date."
^XWB(8994,1839,2,2,1,2,0)="Data generated before this date will be purged from the current"
^XWB(8994,1839,2,2,1,3,0)="FileMan table."
^XWB(8994,1839,3,1,0)="The return value from this RPC shows how much data has"
^XWB(8994,1839,3,2,0)="been purged. The value looks like:"
^XWB(8994,1839,3,3,0)=" ""nnn days purged."""
^XWB(8994,1840,0)="MAG DICOM AUDIT RANGE^RANGE^MAGDRPC7^2^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1840,1,16,0)="This RPC call returns information about the date-ranges"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,17,0)="for which audit information is available for the various"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,18,0)="kinds DICOM Gateways and the instruments that send"
^XWB(8994,1840,1,19,0)="images to them."
^XWB(8994,1840,3,1,0)="The output array contains information about the various"
^XWB(8994,1840,3,2,0)="audit files. The information looks like (for each file):"
^XWB(8994,1840,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1840,3,4,0)=" file number ^ first date ^ last date"
^XWB(8994,1840,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1840,3,6,0)="The final entry in the output array has the value ""-END-""."
^XWB(8994,1841,0)="MAG DICOM ET PHONE HOME^INFO^MAGDRPC1^2^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1841,1,16,0)="Each day, a DICOM Gateway reports a number of statistics"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,17,0)="to the Imaging Team in Silver Spring (Maryland)."
^XWB(8994,1841,1,18,0)="Part of that information that is transmitted needs to be fetched"
^XWB(8994,1841,1,19,0)="from the VistA System."
^XWB(8994,1841,1,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1841,1,21,0)="This RPC fetches all information to be reported from the VistA system."
^XWB(8994,1841,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1841,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which this DICOM Gateway"
^XWB(8994,1841,2,1,1,3,0)="is located."
^XWB(8994,1841,3,1,0)="This RPC returns an array with information."
^XWB(8994,1841,3,2,0)=" OUT(1) = number of returned information nodes"
^XWB(8994,1841,3,3,0)=" OUT(2) = Site ID"
^XWB(8994,1841,3,4,0)=" OUT(n1) = ""Route"""
^XWB(8994,1841,3,5,0)=" OUT(n1+i) = routing statistics"
^XWB(8994,1841,3,6,0)=" OUT(n2) = ""Audit"""
^XWB(8994,1841,3,7,0)=" OUT(n2+i) = Audit information"
^XWB(8994,1842,0)="MAG DICOM FILEMAN GET^FMGET^MAGDRPC1^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1842,1,16,0)="On occasion it is needed to fetch a value from a database."
^XWB(8994,1842,1,17,0)="This RPC is a general-purpose one that fetches the value"
^XWB(8994,1842,1,18,0)="of one specific field from a specific table."
^XWB(8994,1842,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a number. This value is the"
^XWB(8994,1842,2,1,1,2,0)="(FileMan) number of the table from which information is retrieved."
^XWB(8994,1842,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a number. This value is the"
^XWB(8994,1842,2,2,1,2,0)="internal entry number in the table from which information is retrieved."
^XWB(8994,1842,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a number. This value is the"
^XWB(8994,1842,2,3,1,2,0)="(FileMan) number of the field in the table from which information is retrieved."
^XWB(8994,1842,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string."
^XWB(8994,1842,3,2,0)="This string is either empty, or equal to the value of the retrieved"
^XWB(8994,1842,3,3,0)="data field."
^XWB(8994,1843,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1843,1,16,0)="This RPC returns the pointer value that identifies the"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,17,0)="entry in the institution file (^DIC(4)) that has a name that"
^XWB(8994,1843,1,18,0)="is equal to the value of the specified parameter."
^XWB(8994,1843,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string."
^XWB(8994,1843,2,1,1,2,0)="This parameter is assumed to be the name of a location or institution."
^XWB(8994,1843,3,1,0)="The output value of this RPC is an integer number that"
^XWB(8994,1843,3,2,0)="is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1844,0)="MAG DICOM GET BASIC IMAGE^IMAGE^MAGDRPC2^2^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1844,1,16,0)="This RPC returns information about an image."
^XWB(8994,1844,1,17,0)="The information that is returned consists of any of"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,18,0)="the fields listed below. Fields that do not have"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,19,0)="a value (or that have an ""empty"" value) are not"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1844,1,22,0)=" OBJECT NAME"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,23,0)=" FILEREF"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,24,0)=" DISK & VOLUME, MAGNETIC"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,25,0)=" DISK & VOLUME, ABSTRACT"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,26,0)=" DISK & VOLUME, WORM"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,27,0)=" OBJECT TYPE"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,28,0)=" PATIENT"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,29,0)=" PROCEDURE"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,30,0)=" LAST ACCESS DATE"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,31,0)=" IQ"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,32,0)=" GROUP PARENT"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,33,0)=" ACQUISITION SITE"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,34,0)=" DESCRIPTIVE CATEGORY"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,35,0)=" CLINIC"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,36,0)=" ACQUISITION DEVICE"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,37,0)=" TRACKING ID"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,38,0)=" DOCUMENT DATE"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,39,0)=" DATE/TIME IMAGE SAVED"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,40,0)=" IMAGE SAVE BY"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,41,0)=" SUMMARY OBJECT"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,42,0)=" SHORT DESCRIPTION"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,43,0)=" PROCEDURE/EXAM DATE/TIME"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,44,0)=" PARENT DATA FILE#"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,45,0)=" PARENT GLOBAL ROOT D0"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,47,0)=" EXPORT REQUEST STATUS"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,48,0)=" PARENT GLOBAL ROOT D1"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,49,0)=" Full FileName"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,50,0)=" Full Path+FileName"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,51,0)=" Big FileName"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,52,0)=" Big Path+FileName"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,53,0)=" Abstract FileName"
^XWB(8994,1844,1,54,0)=" Abstract Path+FileName"
^XWB(8994,1844,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^MAG(2005)."
^XWB(8994,1844,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the image for which information"
^XWB(8994,1844,2,1,1,3,0)="is being requested."
^XWB(8994,1844,3,1,0)="When an error occurs during the processing of this RPC,"
^XWB(8994,1844,3,2,0)="the output array consists only one element:"
^XWB(8994,1844,3,3,0)=" OUT(1) = -1,Invalid IEN (xxx)"
^XWB(8994,1844,3,4,0)=" OUT(1) = -3,Image #nnn has been deleted."
^XWB(8994,1844,3,5,0)=" OUT(1) = -2,No data for ""nnn""."
^XWB(8994,1844,3,6,0)="Otherwise, each element of the output array contains"
^XWB(8994,1844,3,7,0)="three or more caret-separated pieces of data:"
^XWB(8994,1844,3,8,0)=" OUT(i) = field-name ^ data (internal) [ ^ data (external) ]"
^XWB(8994,1845,0)="MAG DICOM GET DOMAIN^DOMAIN^MAGDRPC1^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1845,1,16,0)="This RPC retrieves the name of the MailMan Mail Domain"
^XWB(8994,1845,1,17,0)="for the VistA site."
^XWB(8994,1845,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that looks like"
^XWB(8994,1845,3,2,0)="xxx.MED.VA.GOV. In this string, the first part is the name"
^XWB(8994,1845,3,3,0)="of the VistA MailMan domain."
^XWB(8994,1846,0)="MAG DICOM GET HIGHEST HL7^HIGHHL7^MAGDRPC8^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1846,1,16,0)="This RPC returns the pointer value that identifies the"
^XWB(8994,1846,1,17,0)="highest-numbered HL7 message on the VistA system in ^MAGDHL7(2006.5)."
^XWB(8994,1846,3,1,0)="The output value of this RPC is an integer number that"
^XWB(8994,1846,3,2,0)="is a pointer to ^MAGDHL7(2006.5)."
^XWB(8994,1847,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1847,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1847,1,16,0)="This RPC returns the list of images in a group (if any)."
^XWB(8994,1847,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^MAG(2005)."
^XWB(8994,1847,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the image for which information"
^XWB(8994,1847,2,1,1,3,0)="is being requested."
^XWB(8994,1847,3,1,0)="The output array contains the list of pointers to images"
^XWB(8994,1847,3,2,0)="that are part of the specified image group. The value of"
^XWB(8994,1847,3,3,0)="OUT(1) is equal to the number of images in the group"
^XWB(8994,1847,3,4,0)="(0 if none)."
^XWB(8994,1848,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1848,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1848,1,16,0)="This RPC returns an array containing data about valid imaging"
^XWB(8994,1848,3,1,0)="The output array of this RPC contains information about valid"
^XWB(8994,1848,3,2,0)="imaging types. OUT(1) has a integer value that represents the"
^XWB(8994,1848,3,3,0)="number of returned values. Each other entry looks like:"
^XWB(8994,1848,3,4,0)=" Imaging Service ^ Imaging Type"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1849,1,16,0)="This RPC will check if there are any new images to be transmitted,"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,17,0)="and will return information about the first or next one (if any)"
^XWB(8994,1849,1,18,0)="in the DICOM transmission queue."
^XWB(8994,1849,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1849,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired,"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,1,1,3,0)="i.e., from where they are being transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1849,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this optional parameter is a pointer into the"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,2,1,2,0)="DICOM IMAGE OUTPUT file (#2006.574). If this paramater is omitted,"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,2,1,3,0)="this RPC will find the first (if any) study in this file to be"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,2,1,4,0)="transmitted. If this parameter is specified, its value is intended"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,2,1,5,0)="to be the ""D0"" value for the most recent image transmitted, and this"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,2,1,6,0)="RPC will find the next (if any) image to be transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1849,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this optional parameter is a pointer into the"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,3,1,2,0)="IMAGE multiple of the "
^XWB(8994,1849,2,3,1,3,0)="DICOM IMAGE OUTPUT file (#2006.574). If this paramater is omitted,"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,3,1,4,0)="this RPC will find the first (if any) image in this file for the"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,3,1,5,0)="current study to be"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,3,1,6,0)="transmitted. If this parameter is specified, its value is intended"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,3,1,7,0)="to be the ""D1"" value for the most recent image transmitted, and this"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,3,1,8,0)="RPC will find the next (if any) image to be transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1849,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter is an array. Each element of this array"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,4,1,2,0)="contains internal entry numbers that identify an entry"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,4,1,3,0)="in the send-queue that has been transmitted successfully."
^XWB(8994,1849,2,4,1,4,0)="The RPC will use the contents of this array to remove"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,4,1,5,0)="entries from the queue that have been transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1849,2,5,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a boolean value."
^XWB(8994,1849,2,5,1,2,0)="When the value of this parameter is non-zero (true),"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,5,1,3,0)="the RPC will not mark the queue entry as being ""in transmission""."
^XWB(8994,1849,2,5,1,4,0)="This feature is used when the RPC is being called for the"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,5,1,5,0)="sole purpose of deternining whether or not there are"
^XWB(8994,1849,2,5,1,6,0)="any entries in the queue."
^XWB(8994,1849,3,1,0)="The first element of the output array indicates whether there"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,2,0)="are any images to be transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1849,3,3,0)="If there are none, or if there is an error in one or more input parameters,"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,4,0)="OUT(1) will reflect this. Otherwise:"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,5,0)=" OUT(1) = 1"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,6,0)=" OUT(2) = New value for D0"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,7,0)=" OUT(3) = New value for D1"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,8,0)=" OUT(4) = Destination Application"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,9,0)=" OUT(5) = Group"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,10,0)=" OUT(6) = Accession number"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,11,0)=" OUT(7) = Image Number"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,12,0)=" OUT(8) = Object Type"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,13,0)=" OUT(9) = File Name (including directory path)"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,14,0)=" OUT(10) = File Name (file name only)"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,15,0)="Possible error messages:"
^XWB(8994,1849,3,16,0)=" OUT(1)=""-1,No Origin Specified"""
^XWB(8994,1849,3,17,0)=" OUT(1)=""-2,No studies to be transmitted"""
^XWB(8994,1849,3,18,0)=" OUT(1)=""-3,No files to be transmitted"""
^XWB(8994,1850,0)="MAG DICOM GET PATIENT^PAT^MAGDRPC1^2^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1850,1,16,0)="This RPC returns patient info, reporting in one single"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,17,0)="call the information from"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,18,0)=" DEM^VADPT -- Demographic Information"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,19,0)=" ADD^VADPT -- Address Information"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,20,0)=" INP^VADPT -- In-Patient Information"
^XWB(8994,1850,1,21,0)=" SDA^VADPT -- Appointment Information"
^XWB(8994,1850,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DPT()."
^XWB(8994,1850,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the patient for whom information"
^XWB(8994,1850,2,1,1,3,0)="is being requested."
^XWB(8994,1850,3,1,0)="When an error occurs during the processing of this RPC,"
^XWB(8994,1850,3,2,0)="the output array consists only one element:"
^XWB(8994,1850,3,3,0)=" OUT(1)=""-1,No Patient Identified"""
^XWB(8994,1850,3,4,0)="Otherwise, each element of the output array contains"
^XWB(8994,1850,3,5,0)="three or more caret-separated pieces of data:"
^XWB(8994,1850,3,6,0)=" OUT(i) = group ^ sequence ^ data [ ^ further data ... ]"
^XWB(8994,1850,3,7,0)="The group identifies the source of the data (""DEM"", "
^XWB(8994,1850,3,8,0)="""ADD"", ""INP"" or ""SDA""), the sequence number is equal to"
^XWB(8994,1850,3,9,0)="the subscript-number that ^VADPT would use in its output-arrays,"
^XWB(8994,1850,3,10,0)="and the data parts are the data returned by ^VADPT."
^XWB(8994,1851,0)="MAG DICOM GET PLACE^GETPLACE^MAGDRPC8^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1851,1,16,0)="This RPC returns the internal entry number in ^MAG(2006.1) for the"
^XWB(8994,1851,1,17,0)="""place"" that corresponds to the specified ""location""."
^XWB(8994,1851,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1851,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location for which ther ""place"""
^XWB(8994,1851,2,1,1,3,0)="is to be returned."
^XWB(8994,1851,3,1,0)="The output value of this RPC is either equal to"
^XWB(8994,1851,3,2,0)=" OUT = ""-1,Location ""xxx"" not found."""
^XWB(8994,1851,3,3,0)="or to the internal entry number of the ""place"" that corresponds"
^XWB(8994,1851,3,4,0)="to the ""location""."
^XWB(8994,1852,0)="MAG DICOM GET RAD RPT INFO^RARPTO^MAGDRPC1^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1852,1,16,0)="This RPC returns information from the Radiology Report Table."
^XWB(8994,1852,1,17,0)="The type of information returned depends on the values of the"
^XWB(8994,1852,1,18,0)="input parameters."
^XWB(8994,1852,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that indicates"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,1,1,2,0)="the type of information that is requested:"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,1,1,3,0)=" ""O1"": Next or Previous report pointer at highest level"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,1,1,4,0)=" ""O2"": Next pointer at deeper level"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,1,1,5,0)=" ""G1"": Data record at highest level"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,1,1,6,0)=" ""G2"": Data record at deeper level"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a numeric value that identifies"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,2,1,2,0)="the current record in the Radiology Report table."
^XWB(8994,1852,2,3,1,1,0)="If the value of the first input parameter is equal to ""O1"","
^XWB(8994,1852,2,3,1,2,0)="the value of this parameter is either -1 or +1, indicating"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,3,1,3,0)="the traversal direction through the table."
^XWB(8994,1852,2,3,1,4,0)="For the other values of the first input parameter, the value"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,3,1,5,0)="is the fixed subscript between the highest level entry number"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,3,1,6,0)="and the next level internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,1852,2,4,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is the second-level FileMan internal"
^XWB(8994,1852,2,4,1,2,0)="entry number into the Radiology Report table."
^XWB(8994,1852,3,1,0)="The output value is a string that contains the requested information"
^XWB(8994,1852,3,2,0)="(see input parameters)."
^XWB(8994,1853,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1853,1,16,0)="This RPC retrieves the credentials for the DICOM Gateway"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,17,0)="Service account."
^XWB(8994,1853,1,18,0)="When an end-user changes an access or verify code while"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,19,0)="a ""long-running"" process like ""Process Text Messages"" or"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,20,0)="""Process DICOM Images"" is running, the need my arise for"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,21,0)="the DICOM Gateway to re-connect to its VistA system."
^XWB(8994,1853,1,22,0)="When the stored user's credentials fail, the DICOM Gateway"
^XWB(8994,1853,1,23,0)="can temporarily continue to function using these credentials."
^XWB(8994,1853,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that contains"
^XWB(8994,1853,3,2,0)="an access and a verify code, both encrypted."
^XWB(8994,1854,0)="MAG DICOM GET VERSION^IMGVER^MAGDRPC2^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1854,1,16,0)="This RPC returns information from about the Imaging Patches"
^XWB(8994,1854,1,17,0)="that have been installed on the server system."
^XWB(8994,1854,3,1,0)="The output value is as string that contains a comma separated"
^XWB(8994,1854,3,2,0)="list. The first elements in this list are the patch numbers"
^XWB(8994,1854,3,3,0)="in the sequence that they were applied to the system."
^XWB(8994,1854,3,4,0)="The final element identifies the latest patch and its distribution date."
^XWB(8994,1855,0)="MAG DICOM HL7 POINTER ACTION^HL7PTR^MAGDRPC8^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1855,1,16,0)="This RPC retrieves information about HL7 messages."
^XWB(8994,1855,1,17,0)="Depending on the values of the parameters, different types of"
^XWB(8994,1855,1,18,0)="information can be returned."
^XWB(8994,1855,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that specifies the action"
^XWB(8994,1855,2,1,1,2,0)="to be taken by the remote procedure."
^XWB(8994,1855,2,1,1,3,0)="Currently, valid actions are ""GetDate"" and ""DatePtr""."
^XWB(8994,1855,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string. The meaning of this"
^XWB(8994,1855,2,2,1,2,0)="string depends on the value of parameter ACTION."
^XWB(8994,1855,2,2,1,3,0)="When ACTION=""GetDate"", the value of this parameter is interpreted"
^XWB(8994,1855,2,2,1,4,0)="as a pointer to the HL7 message for which the date is to be"
^XWB(8994,1855,2,2,1,6,0)="When ACTION=""DatePtr"", the value of this parameter is interpreted"
^XWB(8994,1855,2,2,1,7,0)="as the date for which a pointer to the first HL7 message that"
^XWB(8994,1855,2,2,1,8,0)="occurred on or past that date is to be retrieved."
^XWB(8994,1855,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that either has"
^XWB(8994,1855,3,2,0)="one of the values:"
^XWB(8994,1855,3,3,0)=" OUT = ""-1,Invalid Pointer ""xxx""."
^XWB(8994,1855,3,4,0)=" OUT = ""-2,Invalid Request ""xxx""."
^XWB(8994,1855,3,5,0)="or a non-negative value that corresponds to a result, based on"
^XWB(8994,1855,3,6,0)="the input parameters."
^XWB(8994,1856,0)="MAG DICOM IMAGE AUDIT GET^GET2^MAGDRPC7^2^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1856,1,16,0)="This RPC call fetches the statistical information"
^XWB(8994,1856,1,17,0)="that is collected about the acquisition of images."
^XWB(8994,1856,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1856,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1856,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a (FileMan) date."
^XWB(8994,1856,2,2,1,2,0)="This date, if specified, indicates the first day for which statistics"
^XWB(8994,1856,2,2,1,3,0)="are to be returned."
^XWB(8994,1856,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a (FileMan) date."
^XWB(8994,1856,2,3,1,2,0)="This date, if specified, indicates the last day for which statistics"
^XWB(8994,1856,2,3,1,3,0)="are to be returned."
^XWB(8994,1856,3,1,0)="The output array contains a number of entries."
^XWB(8994,1856,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1856,3,3,0)="Each entry has up to six pieces:"
^XWB(8994,1856,3,4,0)=" date ^ acquisition count ^ instrument ^ last acquisition ^"
^XWB(8994,1856,3,5,0)=" processing count ^ last processing timestamp"
^XWB(8994,1856,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1856,3,7,0)="The first couple of entries have no values for date"
^XWB(8994,1856,3,8,0)="and count; these entries are there to be able to first"
^XWB(8994,1856,3,9,0)="establish a list of all relevant instruments,"
^XWB(8994,1856,3,10,0)="and then present the counts for the various dates."
^XWB(8994,1857,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1857,1,16,0)="This Remote Procedure is used by a DICOM Gateway to interchange information"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,17,0)="with the VistA Server."
^XWB(8994,1857,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1857,1,19,0)="As images are acquired by the DICOM Gateway, information is"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,20,0)="extracted from the image-file-headers, and attempts are made"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,21,0)="to associate the image with a study for a patient."
^XWB(8994,1857,1,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1857,1,23,0)="This procedure will take care of storing any information in"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,24,0)="the VistA system, and will report any issues and problems"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,25,0)="back to the DICOM Gateway."
^XWB(8994,1857,1,26,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1857,1,27,0)="Information is exchanged about images that could not be processed,"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,28,0)="and when such images have been corrected, this procedure will"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,29,0)="notify the DICOM Gateway to make another attempt to process"
^XWB(8994,1857,1,30,0)="the (now corrected) image."
^XWB(8994,1857,3,1,0)="The array that is transmitted back to the DICOM Gateway through"
^XWB(8994,1857,3,2,0)="the return parameter contains a list of results."
^XWB(8994,1857,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1857,3,4,0)="Each result starts with a keyword (opcode), followed by the"
^XWB(8994,1857,3,5,0)="parameters for that result."
^XWB(8994,1858,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1858,1,16,0)="On occasion the software on the DICOM Gateway needs to know"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,17,0)="the number of image files that need to be corrected."
^XWB(8994,1858,1,18,0)="This RPC is a general-purpose one that fetches this value from"
^XWB(8994,1858,1,19,0)="the VistA system."
^XWB(8994,1858,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1858,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1858,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string."
^XWB(8994,1858,2,2,1,2,0)="This string (usually only one character) identifies the DICOM"
^XWB(8994,1858,2,2,1,3,0)="Gateway for which the request is being posted."
^XWB(8994,1858,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1858,3,2,0)="This number is the current amount of incorrect image files."
^XWB(8994,1859,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1859,1,16,0)="This RPC returns information from global variables on the"
^XWB(8994,1859,1,17,0)="server system."
^XWB(8994,1859,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that constitutes"
^XWB(8994,1859,2,1,1,2,0)="a wild-card for traversing a global variable."
^XWB(8994,1859,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer value that specifies"
^XWB(8994,1859,2,2,1,2,0)="the maximum number of name/value pairs to be returned."
^XWB(8994,1859,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer value that specifies"
^XWB(8994,1859,2,3,1,2,0)="the the point in the global variable traversal where the"
^XWB(8994,1859,2,3,1,3,0)="report is to be resumed."
^XWB(8994,1859,3,1,0)="The output value is an array that contains information about"
^XWB(8994,1859,3,2,0)="global variables on the server system."
^XWB(8994,1859,3,3,0)="The values in this array appear in pairs: each even-numbered element"
^XWB(8994,1859,3,4,0)="is a name, and the subsequent odd-numbered element is the value"
^XWB(8994,1859,3,5,0)="of the global variable with that name."
^XWB(8994,1860,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1860,1,16,0)="This RPC queries the VistA system for the details on a"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,17,0)="Radiology Study, given the casenumber (either the date+number"
^XWB(8994,1860,1,18,0)="or just the number) and the study date."
^XWB(8994,1860,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string. This value identifies"
^XWB(8994,1860,2,1,1,2,0)="the ""case number"" for the study. The case number may be specified"
^XWB(8994,1860,2,1,1,3,0)="as a ""date + case number"" or as just an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1860,2,1,1,4,0)="In the former case, the date is formatted as ""mmddyy""."
^XWB(8994,1860,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a (FileMan) date."
^XWB(8994,1860,2,2,1,2,0)="This value represents the date on which the study took place."
^XWB(8994,1860,3,1,0)="When an error occurs during the processing of this RPC,"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,2,0)="the output array consists only one element:"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,3,0)=" OUT(1) = -1,No Case Number Specified"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,4,0)="Otherwise, the value of OUT(1) = 1, and there will"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,5,0)="be 14 additional elements in the output array:"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,6,0)=" OUT(2) = RADPT1"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,7,0)=" OUT(3) = RADPT2"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,8,0)=" OUT(4) = RADPT3"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,9,0)=" OUT(5) = PROCIEN"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,10,0)=" OUT(6) = CPTCODE"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,11,0)=" OUT(7) = CPTNAME"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,12,0)=" OUT(8) = ^RAMIS(71,d0,0)"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,13,0)=" OUT(9) = Exam Status"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,14,0)=" OUT(10) = DFN"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,15,0)=" OUT(11) = DATETIME"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,16,0)=" OUT(12) = Procedure Description"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,17,0)=" OUT(13) = Modality (2-letter abbreviation)"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,18,0)=" OUT(14) = Site"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,19,0)=" OUT(15) = Pregnancy Status"
^XWB(8994,1860,3,20,0)=" OUT(16) = Accession Number"
^XWB(8994,1861,0)="MAG DICOM LOOKUP STUDY^LOOKUP^MAGDRPC4^2^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1861,1,16,0)="This RPC looks up a study that might be a Radiology Study"
^XWB(8994,1861,1,17,0)="or a Clinical Specialty, based on the specified (case) number."
^XWB(8994,1861,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a number that identifies a"
^XWB(8994,1861,2,1,1,2,0)="study. Such a number would be a date-case number for a Radiology"
^XWB(8994,1861,2,1,1,3,0)="study, or just a number for a Consult."
^XWB(8994,1861,2,1,1,4,0)="The value of this parameter may also be a string that consists of"
^XWB(8994,1861,2,1,1,5,0)="a ""tick-mark"" (`), followed by the internal entry number of"
^XWB(8994,1861,2,1,1,6,0)="an image."
^XWB(8994,1861,3,1,0)="The output array of this RPC is a list of all studies that"
^XWB(8994,1861,3,2,0)="match the specified number."
^XWB(8994,1861,3,3,0)="The first element of the output array indicates the number"
^XWB(8994,1861,3,4,0)="of studies that were found. The other elements of the"
^XWB(8994,1861,3,5,0)="output array each contain the following pieces of information,"
^XWB(8994,1861,3,6,0)="separated by carets:"
^XWB(8994,1861,3,7,0)=" 1. File number"
^XWB(8994,1861,3,8,0)=" 2. Internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,1861,3,9,0)=" 3. Image number"
^XWB(8994,1861,3,10,0)=" 4. Accession number"
^XWB(8994,1861,3,11,0)="Possible error messages:"
^XWB(8994,1861,3,12,0)=" OUT(1)=""-1,No Case or Consult Number Specified"""
^XWB(8994,1861,3,13,0)=" OUT(1)=""-2,No Study Date Specified"""
^XWB(8994,1861,3,14,0)=" OUT(1)=""-3,Invalid study date xxx."""
^XWB(8994,1861,3,15,0)=" OUT(1)=""-4,Consult is cancelled"""
^XWB(8994,1861,3,16,0)=" OUT(1)=""-5,Consult/procedure not on file"""
^XWB(8994,1861,3,17,0)=" OUT(1)=""-6,Invalid image (nnn)"""
^XWB(8994,1861,3,18,0)=" OUT(1)=""-7,Parent file xxx not yet supported."""
^XWB(8994,1862,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1862,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1862,1,16,0)="Mark a Network Location as being either on-line or off-line."
^XWB(8994,1862,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^MAG(2005.2)."
^XWB(8994,1862,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the network location for which the"
^XWB(8994,1862,2,1,1,3,0)="operational status is being defined."
^XWB(8994,1862,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a Boolean value that indicates"
^XWB(8994,1862,2,2,1,2,0)="the new operational status of the network location:"
^XWB(8994,1862,2,2,1,3,0)=" 0 = off-line"
^XWB(8994,1862,2,2,1,4,0)=" 1 = on-line"
^XWB(8994,1862,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is one of:"
^XWB(8994,1862,3,2,0)=" 1: operation successful"
^XWB(8994,1862,3,3,0)=" ""-1,No Network Location Specified"""
^XWB(8994,1863,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1863,1,16,0)="On occasion the software on the DICOM Gateway needs to know"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,17,0)="the number of days that files are retained on Magnetic Storage"
^XWB(8994,1863,1,18,0)="for files that are copied to a PACS."
^XWB(8994,1863,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to the Imaging"
^XWB(8994,1863,2,1,1,2,0)="Site Parameter Table (#2006.1)."
^XWB(8994,1863,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1863,2,1,1,4,0)="For non-consolidated sites, this value is always equal to 1 ."
^XWB(8994,1863,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1863,2,1,1,6,0)="For consolidated sites, this pointer identifies the ""place"""
^XWB(8994,1863,2,1,1,7,0)="for which information is to be retrieved."
^XWB(8994,1863,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1863,3,2,0)="This number is the number of days that files are to be retained"
^XWB(8994,1863,3,3,0)="at this location."
^XWB(8994,1864,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1864,1,16,0)="On occasion the software on the DICOM Gateway needs to know"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,17,0)="the minimum percentage of disk space that needs to remain on"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,18,0)="the Magnetic Disk Storage that is used for files that are"
^XWB(8994,1864,1,19,0)="copied to a PACS."
^XWB(8994,1864,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to the Imaging"
^XWB(8994,1864,2,1,1,2,0)="Site Parameter Table (#2006.1)."
^XWB(8994,1864,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1864,2,1,1,4,0)="For non-consolidated sites, this value is always equal to 1 ."
^XWB(8994,1864,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1864,2,1,1,6,0)="For consolidated sites, this pointer identifies the ""place"""
^XWB(8994,1864,2,1,1,7,0)="for which information is to be retrieved."
^XWB(8994,1864,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1864,3,2,0)="This number is the minimum percentage of disk space that"
^XWB(8994,1864,3,3,0)="needs to remain free at this location."
^XWB(8994,1865,0)="MAG DICOM PURGE HL7^HL7PURGE^MAGDRPC1^1^R^0^0^1^3.0^0"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1865,1,16,0)="This RPC purges HL7 messages that were created before the"
^XWB(8994,1865,1,17,0)="date specified."
^XWB(8994,1865,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a (FileMan) date."
^XWB(8994,1865,2,1,1,2,0)="This date indicates the cut-off date before which all messages"
^XWB(8994,1865,2,1,1,3,0)="are to be purged."
^XWB(8994,1865,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1865,3,2,0)="This number is equal to the number of messages deleted."
^XWB(8994,1866,0)="MAG DICOM QUEUE IMAGE^QUEUE^MAGDRPC3^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1866,1,16,0)="This RPC enters a study into the DICOM Transmission queue."
^XWB(8994,1866,1,17,0)="In the simplest case, a study contains only one image."
^XWB(8994,1866,1,18,0)="More normally, a study consists of several images."
^XWB(8994,1866,1,19,0)="For object types 3 (X-RAY) and 100 (DICOM image), a single image is entered"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,20,0)="into the transmission queue."
^XWB(8994,1866,1,21,0)="For object type 11 (X-RAY group) , all images for the study are"
^XWB(8994,1866,1,22,0)="entered into the transmission queue."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^MAG(2005)."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the image that is to be transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this field is the name of the DICOM SOP Class Provider"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,2,1,2,0)="to which the images are to be transmitted. This name must"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,2,1,3,0)="occur in the User Application List file (#2006.585)."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,3,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,4,1,1,0)="The value of this optional parameter is the accession number"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,4,1,2,0)="for the study."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,5,1,1,0)="The value of this optional parameter is a string that represents"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,5,1,2,0)="the reason for the transmission of the image."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,5,1,3,0)="This reason will be stored in ^MAG(2006.95) (IMAGE ACCESS LOG)."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,6,1,1,0)="The value of this optional parameter is a string that represents"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,6,1,2,0)="an e-mail address. This e-mail address is used to transmit a"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,6,1,3,0)="message when there are images that cannot be enqueued."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,7,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a positive integer number."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,7,1,2,0)="This value indicates the relative priority of an entry in the"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,7,1,3,0)="transmission queue. A higher number indicates a higher priority."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,7,1,4,0)="The default value of this optional parameter is 500."
^XWB(8994,1866,2,8,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a boolean switch that indicates"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,8,1,2,0)="whether or not a copy of the image file(s) is to be made on"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,8,1,3,0)="RAID. A true value indicates that a copy on magnetic storage"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,8,1,4,0)="is to be made, a false value indicates that no such copy is"
^XWB(8994,1866,2,8,1,5,0)="to be made."
^XWB(8994,1866,3,1,0)="The output value of this RPC indicates whether or not the"
^XWB(8994,1866,3,2,0)="queuing of the image(s) was successful. If successful, the return"
^XWB(8994,1866,3,3,0)="value is always equal to 1. Possible error messages:"
^XWB(8994,1866,3,4,0)=" OUT=""-1,No Image specified"""
^XWB(8994,1866,3,5,0)=" OUT=""-2,No Destination specified"""
^XWB(8994,1866,3,6,0)=" OUT=""-3,No Origin specified"""
^XWB(8994,1867,0)="MAG DICOM QUEUE INIT^INIT^MAGDRPC4^1^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1867,1,16,0)="This RPC (re)initializes the queue for DICOM transmission"
^XWB(8994,1867,1,17,0)="of images to (remote) DICOM Storage Providers."
^XWB(8994,1867,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1867,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location for which images are being"
^XWB(8994,1867,3,1,0)="The output value of this RPC indicates whether or not the"
^XWB(8994,1867,3,2,0)="initialization of the queue was successful. If successful, the return"
^XWB(8994,1867,3,3,0)="value is always equal to 1. Possible error messages:"
^XWB(8994,1867,3,4,0)=" OUT=""-1,No entries at all in queue"""
^XWB(8994,1867,3,5,0)=" OUT=""-2,No in queue for this location"""
^XWB(8994,1867,3,6,0)=" OUT=""-3,No Origin specified"""
^XWB(8994,1868,0)="MAG DICOM ROUTE EVAL LOG^EVALLOG^MAGDRPC6^2^R^0^0^1^3.0^0"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1868,1,16,0)="As a rule evaluator runs, it will produce an activity log."
^XWB(8994,1868,1,17,0)="This RPC can be called to return information from this log"
^XWB(8994,1868,1,18,0)="from the VistA system to the DICOM Gateway."
^XWB(8994,1868,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to a TaskMan task."
^XWB(8994,1868,2,1,1,2,0)="This RPC will return log-information for the specified task."
^XWB(8994,1868,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1868,2,2,1,2,0)="This value is ""one less than"" the number of the first log-entry"
^XWB(8994,1868,2,2,1,3,0)="to be returned."
^XWB(8994,1868,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1868,2,3,1,2,0)="This value is the maximum number of log-entries"
^XWB(8994,1868,2,3,1,3,0)="to be returned."
^XWB(8994,1868,2,4,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1868,2,4,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1868,3,1,0)="This RPC returns an array."
^XWB(8994,1868,3,2,0)="OUT(1) = either a negative value, indicating an error condition"
^XWB(8994,1868,3,3,0)=" or a string consisting of two non-negative integer values,"
^XWB(8994,1868,3,4,0)=" separated by a space ("" ""). The first of these numbers"
^XWB(8994,1868,3,5,0)=" indicates the number of log-entries returned, the second"
^XWB(8994,1868,3,6,0)=" is the internal sequence number of the last message returned."
^XWB(8994,1868,3,7,0)="OUT(i) = a log entry text"
^XWB(8994,1869,0)="MAG DICOM ROUTE EVAL START^START^MAGDRPC5^1^R^0^0^1^3.0^0"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1869,1,16,0)="Start one rule evaluator to evaluate the newly acquired"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,17,0)="images for one specific location."
^XWB(8994,1869,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1869,1,19,0)="The rule-evaluators will run on the VistA system. They will be"
^XWB(8994,1869,1,20,0)="started and stopped, however, from the DICOM Gateways."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an array (one integer subscript)."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,2,0)="This array contains the routing rules. Each element of this"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,3,0)="array represents one part of a rule; the strings in these elements"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,4,0)="each contain a number of fields, separated by carets (""^"")."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,6,0)="In all rule-elements, the first caret-piece is the rule-number."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,8,0)="The second piece is equal to either ""ACTION"", ""CONDITION"""
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,9,0)="or ""PRIORITY""."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,11,0)="When the second piece is equal to ""ACTION"", there may be one or more"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,12,0)="additional pieces. If there is only an additional third piece,"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,13,0)="this piece represents the action-verb (""SEND"" or ""BALANCE"""
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,15,0)="When there are four or more pieces, the third piece represents"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,16,0)="the sequence number of the command-parameter, and the additional"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,17,0)="pieces represent the command-specific parameters."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,19,0)="When the second piece is equal to ""PRIORITY"", the third piece"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,20,0)="will indicate the relative priority. Typical values are ""LOW"","
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,21,0)="""MEDIUM"" and ""HIGH""."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,23,0)="When the second piece is equal to ""CONDITION"", there are either"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,24,0)="five or seven pieces in total. "
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,25,0)="In that case, the third piece always represents the sequence number"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,26,0)="of the current condition for the current rule."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,27,0)="When there are five pieces,"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,28,0)="the fourth and fifth are a keyword=value pair and describe"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,29,0)="the nature of the condition. Valid keywords are ""KW"" (keyword),"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,30,0)="""DT"" (data-type), ""OP"" (operator) and ""VA"" (value)."
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,31,0)="A sequence of seven pieces only occurs when the data-type is"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,32,0)="equal to DT (Date/Time). When there are seven pieces, the fourth"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,33,0)="piece is always equal to ""VA"" (value) and the fifth through seventh"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,34,0)="pieces indicate a possible date/time range that applies for the"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,36,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,37,0)="Note that conditions are always ANDed with one another, and"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,38,0)="the multiple date/time ranges for a date/time value are always"
^XWB(8994,1869,2,2,1,39,0)="ORed with one another."
^XWB(8994,1869,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is one of:"
^XWB(8994,1869,3,2,0)=" ""0,TaskMan task#=nnn"""
^XWB(8994,1869,3,3,0)=" ""-1,No Location Specified"""
^XWB(8994,1869,3,4,0)=" ""-2,No Routing Rules Specified"""
^XWB(8994,1869,3,5,0)=" ""-3,A Rule Evaluator is Already Running for <location>"""
^XWB(8994,1869,3,6,0)=" ""-4,TaskMan did not Accept Request"""
^XWB(8994,1870,0)="MAG DICOM ROUTE EVAL STOP^STOP^MAGDRPC5^1^R^0^0^1^3.0^0"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1870,1,16,0)="Stop all rule evaluators."
^XWB(8994,1870,1,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1870,1,18,0)="The rule-evaluators will run on the VistA system. They will be"
^XWB(8994,1870,1,19,0)="started and stopped, however, from the DICOM Gateways."
^XWB(8994,1870,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is always equal to 1."
^XWB(8994,1871,0)="MAG DICOM ROUTE GET PURGE^PURGE^MAGDRPC5^2^R^0^0^1^3.0^0"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1871,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1871,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1871,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1871,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to either ^MAG(2005.2)"
^XWB(8994,1871,2,2,1,2,0)="or ^MAGDICOM(2006.585)."
^XWB(8994,1871,2,2,1,3,0)="This pointer identifies the destination to which the images"
^XWB(8994,1871,2,2,1,4,0)="were transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1871,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1871,2,3,1,2,0)="This number specifies the maximum number of names of files that"
^XWB(8994,1871,2,3,1,3,0)="is to be returned per call to this RPC."
^XWB(8994,1871,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter is an array. The values in this array (if any)"
^XWB(8994,1871,2,4,1,2,0)="are obtained in an earlier call to this same RPC."
^XWB(8994,1871,2,4,1,3,0)="Each call to this RPC returns a list of files to be purged"
^XWB(8994,1871,2,4,1,4,0)="at the remote location, and each subsequent call to this RPC"
^XWB(8994,1871,2,4,1,5,0)="should provide (through this parameter) the list of files that"
^XWB(8994,1871,2,4,1,6,0)="have been successfully purged. In the VistA system, a cross-reference"
^XWB(8994,1871,2,4,1,7,0)="is maintained that indicates which files are to be purged when,"
^XWB(8994,1871,2,4,1,8,0)="and the information from this parameter array is used to clean out"
^XWB(8994,1871,2,4,1,9,0)="this cross-reference."
^XWB(8994,1871,3,1,0)="This parameter is an array."
^XWB(8994,1871,3,2,0)="The value of OUT(1) is an integer number, describing the number"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,3,0)="of file-names that is returned in the current call to this RPC."
^XWB(8994,1871,3,4,0)="The other values in the output array are strings that each"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,5,0)="contain a number of data-fields, separated by carets (""^""):"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,6,0)=" OUT(i) = FileManFile# ^ d0 ^ d1 ^ timestamp ^ filename"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,8,0)=" FileManFile# = either 2005 or 2005.1"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,9,0)=" d0 = primary IEN in current FileMan table"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,10,0)=" d1 = secondary IEN in current FileMan table"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,11,0)=" timestamp = current timestamp in cross-reference being traversed"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,12,0)=" filename = name of file (at remote location) to be purged"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,13,0)="The information from the first four fields is used after the"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,14,0)="files have been purged at the remote location in a subsequent"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,15,0)="call to this same RPC."
^XWB(8994,1871,3,16,0)="After the files have been purged at their remote locations,"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,17,0)="the cross-references in the VistA system need to be cleaned up."
^XWB(8994,1871,3,18,0)="The values in these four fields indicate which entries"
^XWB(8994,1871,3,19,0)="can be then be removed."
^XWB(8994,1872,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1872,1,16,0)="This RPC generates a new Unique Transaction Identifier"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,17,0)="for the location specified. If no location is specified,"
^XWB(8994,1872,1,18,0)="the first ""place"" at the site will be used."
^XWB(8994,1872,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1872,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1872,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string consisting of a"
^XWB(8994,1872,3,2,0)="site-specific prefix (typically the 3-letter site code)"
^XWB(8994,1872,3,3,0)="and an integer number. This value uniquely identifies"
^XWB(8994,1872,3,4,0)="a group of files that were entered into a routing queue"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1873,1,16,0)="A routing transmitter will send files to any one out of a list of"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,17,0)="possible destinations. A site can decide to set up one"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,18,0)="transmitter to transmit to all their destinations, or set up"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,19,0)="multiple transmitters that each send to a (non-overlapping)"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,20,0)="subset of these destinations. When a transmitter is started, it"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,21,0)="will ask the end-user for the destination or list of destinations"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,22,0)="to which it will transmit files. In order to be able to ask this"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,23,0)="question, the transmitter will call this RPC"
^XWB(8994,1873,1,24,0)="to obtain a list of valid destinations from the VistA system."
^XWB(8994,1873,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1873,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1873,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an array that represents"
^XWB(8994,1873,3,2,0)="a list of valid destinations to which a routing transmitter might"
^XWB(8994,1873,3,3,0)="send files:"
^XWB(8994,1873,3,4,0)=" OUT(1) = number of valid destinations"
^XWB(8994,1873,3,5,0)=" OUT(2) = destination specification # 1"
^XWB(8994,1873,3,6,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,1873,3,7,0)=" OUT(n) = destination specification # (OUT(1))"
^XWB(8994,1873,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1873,3,9,0)="Each destination specification will look like:"
^XWB(8994,1873,3,10,0)=" D0 ^ Flag ^ Name."
^XWB(8994,1873,3,11,0)="The value of D0 is the internal entry number of the destination;"
^XWB(8994,1873,3,12,0)="the flag indicates whether or not a transmitter is already"
^XWB(8994,1873,3,13,0)="servicing this destination and the name is the name of the"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1874,1,16,0)="The various routing transmitters avoid that multiple transmitters"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,17,0)="attempt to do the same task at the same time by LOCKing some"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,18,0)="names of global variables. They will acquire and release these"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,19,0)="LOCKs by calling this RPC."
^XWB(8994,1874,1,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1874,1,21,0)="This RPC will either attempt to LOCK a name, or release its"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,22,0)="current LOCK on the name, depending on the value of input"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,23,0)="parameter PLUSMIN. The other input parameters identify a"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,24,0)="destination to which files are to be sent (D0) and the location"
^XWB(8994,1874,1,25,0)="from which the files are being sent (LOCATION)."
^XWB(8994,1874,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to either ^MAG(2005.2)"
^XWB(8994,1874,2,1,1,2,0)="or ^MAGDICOM(2006.585)."
^XWB(8994,1874,2,1,1,3,0)="This pointer identifies the destination to which the images"
^XWB(8994,1874,2,1,1,4,0)="are to be transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1874,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1874,2,2,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1874,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a number. When the value of this"
^XWB(8994,1874,2,3,1,2,0)="number is zero, this RPC will perform one (decremental) unLOCK;"
^XWB(8994,1874,2,3,1,3,0)="when the value of this number is nonzero, this RPC will attempt"
^XWB(8994,1874,2,3,1,4,0)="to perform one (incremental) LOCK with a time-out of zero seconds."
^XWB(8994,1874,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1874,3,2,0)="Possible values are:"
^XWB(8994,1874,3,3,0)=" 0 = name could not be LOCKed"
^XWB(8994,1874,3,4,0)=" 1 = name was successfully LOCKed"
^XWB(8994,1874,3,5,0)=" 2 = name was successfully unLOCKed"
^XWB(8994,1875,0)="MAG DICOM ROUTE LOG XMIT^LOGXIMG^MAGDRPC7^1^R^0^0^1^3.0^0"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1875,1,16,0)="When a file has been routed, information needs to be kept about"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,17,0)="the fact that a copy has been made. In order to log this"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,18,0)="information, the routing transmitter will call this RPC."
^XWB(8994,1875,1,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1875,1,20,0)="This RPC will take care of all logging of statistics that is"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,21,0)="needed after a file has been transmitted. There are six input"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,22,0)="parameters: the internal entry number of the queue entry (D0),"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,23,0)="the internal entry number of the destination to which it was"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,24,0)="transmitted (DEST) and the internal entry number of the location"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,25,0)="from which it was transmitted (LOCATION). The input parameter"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,26,0)="(STATUS) is equal to either ""SENT"" or ""FAILED"", depending on the"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,27,0)="outcome of the transmission. The value of the input-parameter TO"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,28,0)="is the name of the file at its destination (later to be used for"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,29,0)="purging the file). The value of the parameter XMIT is the"
^XWB(8994,1875,1,30,0)="timestamp of the start of the transmission."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^MAGQUEUE(2006.035)."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the queue-entry that caused the transmission."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,1,1,3,0)="The value of this pointer will be used to retrieve the time-stamp"
^XWB(8994,1875,2,1,1,4,0)="when the entry was made into the queue and the internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,1875,2,1,1,5,0)="of the image involved."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to either ^MAG(2005.2)"
^XWB(8994,1875,2,2,1,2,0)="or ^MAGDICOM(2006.585)."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,2,1,3,0)="This pointer identifies the destination to which the images"
^XWB(8994,1875,2,2,1,4,0)="were to be transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,3,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,4,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that identifies the"
^XWB(8994,1875,2,4,1,2,0)="new status of the current entry in the Transmission Queue."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,4,1,3,0)="Possible values are ""SENDING"", ""SENT"" and ""FAILED""."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,5,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,5,1,2,0)="This string value represents the name of the image file at its"
^XWB(8994,1875,2,5,1,3,0)="(remote) location."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,6,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a (FileMan-formatted) date/time value."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,6,1,2,0)="This value represents the time-stamp for the moment when the transmission"
^XWB(8994,1875,2,6,1,3,0)="of the image file started."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,7,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer value (1 or 2)."
^XWB(8994,1875,2,7,1,2,0)="This number defines the mechanism that will be used to transmit"
^XWB(8994,1875,2,7,1,3,0)="the images:"
^XWB(8994,1875,2,7,1,4,0)=" 1 = standard copy"
^XWB(8994,1875,2,7,1,5,0)=" 2 = DICOM copy"
^XWB(8994,1875,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1875,3,2,0)="Possible values:"
^XWB(8994,1875,3,3,0)=" <0 when a log-entry could not be made"
^XWB(8994,1875,3,4,0)=" 1 when all log entries are made successfully"
^XWB(8994,1876,0)="MAG DICOM ROUTE NEXT FILE^XMIT^MAGDRPC5^2^R^0^0^1^3.0^0"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1876,1,16,0)="The Routing Transmitter will continuously ask the VistA system"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,17,0)="for the next file to transmit. This RPC will be called to obtain"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,18,0)="the name of the next file to be transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1876,1,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1876,1,20,0)="This RPC returns information about the next image file to be"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,21,0)="transmitted by a certain Routing Transmitter."
^XWB(8994,1876,1,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1876,1,23,0)="The next file to be transmitted is either the next file for"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,24,0)="the current destination, or the next file with the highest"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,25,0)="priority in any of the queues for the destinations that are"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,26,0)="being served by the current transmitter."
^XWB(8994,1876,1,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1876,1,28,0)="If neither of the parameters DEST and PRIOR have a non-empty"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,29,0)="value, information about the first file (if any) to be transmitted"
^XWB(8994,1876,1,30,0)="will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1876,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1876,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1876,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to either ^MAG(2005.2)"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,2,1,2,0)="or ^MAGDICOM(2006.585)."
^XWB(8994,1876,2,2,1,3,0)="This pointer identifies the destination to which the images"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,2,1,4,0)="are to be transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1876,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number (> 0)."
^XWB(8994,1876,2,3,1,2,0)="This number establishes the priority of the new entry in its queue."
^XWB(8994,1876,2,4,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer value (1 or 2)."
^XWB(8994,1876,2,4,1,2,0)="This number defines the mechanism that will be used to transmit"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,4,1,3,0)="the images:"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,4,1,4,0)=" 1 = standard copy"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,4,1,5,0)=" 2 = DICOM copy"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,1,0)="This parameter is an array containing the list of destinations"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,2,0)="that is being served by the current transmitter."
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,3,0)="The values in this array each are string with two pieces of data,"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,4,0)="separated by a caret (""^"")."
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,6,0)="The first piece describes the transmission mechanism:"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,7,0)=" 1 = regular copy"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,8,0)=" 2 = DICOM copy"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,10,0)="The second piece is a pointer. When the first piece is equal"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,11,0)="to 1, this pointer points to table # 2005.2 (Network Location);"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,12,0)="when the first piece is equal to 2, this pointer points to"
^XWB(8994,1876,2,5,1,13,0)="table # 2006.585 (User Application)."
^XWB(8994,1876,3,1,0)="The output parameter is an array."
^XWB(8994,1876,3,2,0)="The meaning of the various elements is:"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,3,0)=" OUT(1) = 0: all OK"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,4,0)=" 2: no files to be transmitted for this image"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,5,0)=" 3: cannot yet transmit, purge first"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,6,0)=" -1: No Location Specified"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,7,0)=" -2: No Valid Destinations Specified"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,8,0)="If OUT(1) is equal to 0, the other elements are defined as:"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,9,0)=" OUT(2)=DEST"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,10,0)=" OUT(3)=PRIOR"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,11,0)=" OUT(4)=MECH"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,12,0)=" OUT(5)=logical name for destination"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,13,0)=" OUT(6)=physical name for destination"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,14,0)=" OUT(7)='from' file name"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,15,0)=" OUT(8)='to' file name"
^XWB(8994,1876,3,16,0)=" OUT(9)=D0 (^MAGQUEUE(2006.035))"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1877,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1877,1,16,0)="Periodic maintenance on the data in the Transmission Queue "
^XWB(8994,1877,1,17,0)="involves removal of entries that have a state of ""SENT"" after the "
^XWB(8994,1877,1,18,0)="image files would have been purged from their temporary "
^XWB(8994,1877,1,19,0)="destinations. In order to perform this maintenance, the user of "
^XWB(8994,1877,1,20,0)="the DICOM Gateway would invoke a menu option that calls this RPC."
^XWB(8994,1877,1,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1877,1,22,0)="This RPC will remove all entries in the Transmission Queue that "
^XWB(8994,1877,1,23,0)="were created for the specified LOCATION and have been in a state "
^XWB(8994,1877,1,24,0)="of ""SENT"" or ""FAILED"" for more days than specified."
^XWB(8994,1877,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1877,2,1,1,2,0)="This value represents the number of days for which information"
^XWB(8994,1877,2,1,1,3,0)="will be retained."
^XWB(8994,1877,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1877,2,1,1,5,0)="When this parameter is omitted, or when its value is less than 1,"
^XWB(8994,1877,2,1,1,6,0)="the retention periods for the destinations of the individual image files"
^XWB(8994,1877,2,1,1,7,0)="in question will be used as default values."
^XWB(8994,1877,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1877,2,2,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1877,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1877,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1877,3,3,0)="When the value of this number is negative, it indicates an error"
^XWB(8994,1877,3,4,0)="condition. Currently, only one error code is defined:"
^XWB(8994,1877,3,5,0)=" -1: No Location Specified"
^XWB(8994,1877,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1877,3,7,0)="When the value of this number is greater than or equal to"
^XWB(8994,1877,3,8,0)="zero, it represents the number of queue entries that"
^XWB(8994,1877,3,9,0)="have been purged."
^XWB(8994,1878,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1878,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,16,0)="When the connection between a transmitting and receiving site has "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,17,0)="been down for an extended period of time, the user of the DICOM "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,18,0)="Gateway may decide to forego transmission of any images that "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,19,0)="would already have been purged at the destination if it would "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,20,0)="have been possible to transmit them in the first place. In order "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,21,0)="to perform this maintenance, the user of the DICOM Gateway would "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,22,0)="invoke a menu option that calls this RPC."
^XWB(8994,1878,1,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,24,0)="This RPC will remove any entries from the Transmission Queue that "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,25,0)="were created for the specified location and that have a status of "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,26,0)="either ""WAITING"", ""SENDING"" or ""FAILED"" and that are older than "
^XWB(8994,1878,1,27,0)="the specified date."
^XWB(8994,1878,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a (FileMan-formatted) date/time value."
^XWB(8994,1878,2,1,1,2,0)="This value represents the date before which all entries are to be"
^XWB(8994,1878,2,1,1,3,0)="purged from the Transmission Queue."
^XWB(8994,1878,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1878,2,2,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1878,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1878,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1878,3,3,0)="When the value of this number is negative, it indicates an error"
^XWB(8994,1878,3,4,0)="condition. Currently, only one error code is defined:"
^XWB(8994,1878,3,5,0)=" -1: No Location Specified"
^XWB(8994,1878,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1878,3,7,0)="When the value of this number is greater than or equal to"
^XWB(8994,1878,3,8,0)="zero, it represents the number of queue entries that"
^XWB(8994,1878,3,9,0)="have been purged."
^XWB(8994,1879,0)="MAG DICOM ROUTE REQUEUE^REQUEUE^MAGDRPC6^1^R^0^0^1^3.0^0"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1879,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1879,1,16,0)="A normal maintenance activity is to re-queue any images that may "
^XWB(8994,1879,1,17,0)="not have been transmitted because the connection between the "
^XWB(8994,1879,1,18,0)="transmitting and receiving sites was temporarily unavailable. In "
^XWB(8994,1879,1,19,0)="order to perform this maintenance, the user of the DICOM Gateway "
^XWB(8994,1879,1,20,0)="would invoke a menu option that calls this RPC."
^XWB(8994,1879,1,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1879,1,22,0)="This RPC will requeue any entries in the Transmission Queue that "
^XWB(8994,1879,1,23,0)="were created for the specified LOCATION and that are currently in "
^XWB(8994,1879,1,24,0)="a state of ""FAILED""."
^XWB(8994,1879,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1879,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1879,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1879,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1879,3,3,0)="When the value of this number is negative, it indicates an error"
^XWB(8994,1879,3,4,0)="condition. Currently, only one error code is defined:"
^XWB(8994,1879,3,5,0)=" -1: No Location Specified"
^XWB(8994,1879,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1879,3,7,0)="When the value of this number is greater than or equal to"
^XWB(8994,1879,3,8,0)="zero, it represents the number of queue entries that"
^XWB(8994,1879,3,9,0)="have been re-queued."
^XWB(8994,1880,0)="MAG DICOM ROUTE STATUS^STATUS^MAGDRPC5^1^R^0^0^1^3.0^0"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1880,1,16,0)="When the Routing Gateway has made an attempt to transmit a file,"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,17,0)="it will call this RPC to change the status of the"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,18,0)="entry in the transmission queue to either ""SENT"" or ""FAILED""."
^XWB(8994,1880,1,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1880,1,20,0)="This RPC will change the status of the entry in the transmission"
^XWB(8994,1880,1,21,0)="queue (file # 2005.035) with entry-number D0 to the indicated"
^XWB(8994,1880,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to an entry in the"
^XWB(8994,1880,2,1,1,2,0)="Transmission Queue (^MAGQUEUE(2006.035,D0))."
^XWB(8994,1880,2,1,1,3,0)="The status of this entry in the Transmission Queue will be"
^XWB(8994,1880,2,1,1,4,0)="updated by this RPC."
^XWB(8994,1880,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that identifies the"
^XWB(8994,1880,2,2,1,2,0)="new status of the current entry in the Transmission Queue."
^XWB(8994,1880,2,2,1,3,0)="Possible values are ""SENDING"", ""SENT"" and ""FAILED""."
^XWB(8994,1880,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1880,2,3,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1880,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,1880,3,2,0)="Possible values:"
^XWB(8994,1880,3,3,0)=" 0: status not changed"
^XWB(8994,1880,3,4,0)=" 1: OK, status changed as requested"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1881,1,16,0)="This RPC checks the status of all entries in the routing queue for"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,17,0)="a specific transaction (group of files that was queued as a unit)."
^XWB(8994,1881,1,18,0)="The return value indicates how many files are in each of the"
^XWB(8994,1881,1,19,0)="possible statuses."
^XWB(8994,1881,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that uniquely defines"
^XWB(8994,1881,2,1,1,2,0)="a transaction in the routing queue. A transaction in this context"
^XWB(8994,1881,2,1,1,3,0)="is a number of files that was queued up as a group."
^XWB(8994,1881,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that either has"
^XWB(8994,1881,3,2,0)="one of the values:"
^XWB(8994,1881,3,3,0)=" OUT = ""-1,No Transaction ID Specified"""
^XWB(8994,1881,3,4,0)=" OUT = ""-2,Invalid Transaction ID"""
^XWB(8994,1881,3,5,0)="or a value that looks like"
^XWB(8994,1881,3,6,0)=" nnn=WAITING^nnn=SENDING^nnn=SENT^nnn=FAILED^nnn=?^"
^XWB(8994,1881,3,7,0)="where each ""nnn"" indicates the number of queue entries with"
^XWB(8994,1881,3,8,0)="that status."
^XWB(8994,1882,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1882,1,16,0)="A Routing Gateway needs to check the validity of names of"
^XWB(8994,1882,1,17,0)="destinations at several occasions. This RPC performs this validation."
^XWB(8994,1882,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string."
^XWB(8994,1882,2,1,1,2,0)="This string identifies the destination to which one or more"
^XWB(8994,1882,2,1,1,3,0)="images is or are to be transmitted."
^XWB(8994,1882,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is either integer number, or is"
^XWB(8994,1882,3,2,0)="equal to"
^XWB(8994,1882,3,3,0)=" ""-1,""""xxx"""" is not a valid name of a destination"""
^XWB(8994,1882,3,4,0)="When the value of the return parameter is >0, this value is"
^XWB(8994,1882,3,5,0)="an internal entry number in FileMan table #2005.2 (Network Location)."
^XWB(8994,1883,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1883,1,16,0)="This RPC ensures that proper values are stored for a number"
^XWB(8994,1883,1,17,0)="of Imaging Site Parameters for the current ""place""."
^XWB(8994,1883,1,18,0)="If proper values are already present, no change is made to the database."
^XWB(8994,1883,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^MAG(2006.1)"
^XWB(8994,1883,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the ""place"" for which parameters are"
^XWB(8994,1883,2,1,1,3,0)="to be entered."
^XWB(8994,1883,3,1,0)="The output value of this RPC is either equal to"
^XWB(8994,1883,3,2,0)=" OUT = ""-1,No Place Specified."""
^XWB(8994,1883,3,3,0)=" OUT = ""-2,Invalid Place Specified."""
^XWB(8994,1883,3,4,0)="or OUT = 1 to indicate successful completion."
^XWB(8994,1884,0)="MAG DICOM TEXT AUDIT GET^GET1^MAGDRPC7^2^R^0^0^1^3^0"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1884,1,16,0)="This RPC call fetches the statistical information"
^XWB(8994,1884,1,17,0)="that is collected about the transmission of Text Messages."
^XWB(8994,1884,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1884,2,1,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location at which images were acquired."
^XWB(8994,1884,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this Boolean parameter, if present, indicates whether"
^XWB(8994,1884,2,2,1,2,0)="information is to be retrieved for the current date only (value is true)"
^XWB(8994,1884,2,2,1,3,0)="or for all dates on which information was logged (value is"
^XWB(8994,1884,2,2,1,4,0)="absent or false)."
^XWB(8994,1884,3,1,0)="The output array contains a number of entries."
^XWB(8994,1884,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1884,3,3,0)="Each entry has four pieces:"
^XWB(8994,1884,3,4,0)=" date ^ count ^ message class ^ latest timestamp"
^XWB(8994,1884,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1884,3,6,0)="The first couple of entries have no values for date"
^XWB(8994,1884,3,7,0)="and count; these entries are there to be able to first"
^XWB(8994,1884,3,8,0)="establish a list of all relevant message classes,"
^XWB(8994,1884,3,9,0)="and then present the counts for the various dates."
^XWB(8994,1885,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1885,1,16,0)="This Remote Procedure is used by a DICOM Gateway to interchange information"
^XWB(8994,1885,1,17,0)="with the VistA Server."
^XWB(8994,1885,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1885,3,1,0)="The array that is transmitted back to the DICOM Gateway through"
^XWB(8994,1885,3,2,0)="the return parameter contains a list of results."
^XWB(8994,1885,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1885,3,4,0)="Each result starts with a keyword (opcode), followed by the"
^XWB(8994,1885,3,5,0)="parameters for that result."
^XWB(8994,1886,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1886,1,16,0)="This RPC updates the name and location of a DICOM Gateway in the"
^XWB(8994,1886,1,17,0)="database on the VistA system (table # 2006.587 in ^MAG(2006.587))."
^XWB(8994,1886,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that identifies"
^XWB(8994,1886,2,1,1,2,0)="the current DICOM Gateway."
^XWB(8994,1886,2,1,1,3,0)="This value corresponds to the one that is expected"
^XWB(8994,1886,2,1,1,4,0)="to be the one currently stored in the VistA database."
^XWB(8994,1886,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that identifies"
^XWB(8994,1886,2,2,1,2,0)="the current DICOM Gateway."
^XWB(8994,1886,2,2,1,3,0)="This value corresponds to the one that is to be entered"
^XWB(8994,1886,2,2,1,4,0)="in the VistA database."
^XWB(8994,1886,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1886,2,3,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location for which images are being"
^XWB(8994,1886,2,3,1,4,0)="This value corresponds to the one that is expected"
^XWB(8994,1886,2,3,1,5,0)="to be the one currently stored in the VistA database."
^XWB(8994,1886,2,4,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a pointer to ^DIC(4)."
^XWB(8994,1886,2,4,1,2,0)="This pointer identifies the location for which images are being"
^XWB(8994,1886,2,4,1,4,0)="This value corresponds to the one that is to be entered"
^XWB(8994,1886,2,4,1,5,0)="in the VistA database."
^XWB(8994,1886,3,1,0)="The output value of this RPC indicates whether or not the"
^XWB(8994,1886,3,2,0)="update was successful."
^XWB(8994,1886,3,3,0)="Possible return values are:"
^XWB(8994,1886,3,4,0)=" OUT = ""-1,No Gateway Name specified"""
^XWB(8994,1886,3,5,0)=" OUT = ""-2,No Gateway Location specified"""
^XWB(8994,1886,3,6,0)=" OUT >= 0: number of records updated in VistA database"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1887,1,16,0)="This RPC updates the information that is stored in VistA"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,17,0)="as the list of accessible C-Store providers for the current"
^XWB(8994,1887,1,18,0)="DICOM Gateway."
^XWB(8994,1887,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter is an array. Each element of this"
^XWB(8994,1887,2,1,1,2,0)="array must contain 7 non-empty values, separated by carets (""^""):"
^XWB(8994,1887,2,1,1,3,0)=" 1: Service Application Name"
^XWB(8994,1887,2,1,1,4,0)=" 2: Service Provider Application Entity Title"
^XWB(8994,1887,2,1,1,5,0)=" 3: IP Address"
^XWB(8994,1887,2,1,1,6,0)=" 4: Port Number"
^XWB(8994,1887,2,1,1,7,0)=" 5: Gateway System Title"
^XWB(8994,1887,2,1,1,8,0)=" 6: Gateway Application Entity Title"
^XWB(8994,1887,2,1,1,9,0)=" 7: Gateway Location Pointer (#4)"
^XWB(8994,1887,3,1,0)="The output value of this RPC indicates whether or not the"
^XWB(8994,1887,3,2,0)="update was successful."
^XWB(8994,1887,3,3,0)="If the input-array contains any empty values, or if the"
^XWB(8994,1887,3,4,0)="identification of the DICOM Gateway is inconsistent in"
^XWB(8994,1887,3,5,0)="the various elements, the return value will be:"
^XWB(8994,1887,3,6,0)=" OUT=""-1,Missing or Inconsistent Parameters."""
^XWB(8994,1887,3,7,0)="Otherwise, the return value will look like:"
^XWB(8994,1887,3,8,0)=" OUT=""1, nnn added, nnn removed, nnn updated"""
^XWB(8994,1888,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1888,1,16,0)="This RPC returns an array with all locations that are part"
^XWB(8994,1888,1,17,0)="of the current site, whether the site is ""consolidated"" or not."
^XWB(8994,1888,3,1,0)="Each element of the output array is of the form:"
^XWB(8994,1888,3,2,0)=" OUT(i) = D0 ^ name ^ Station"
^XWB(8994,1888,3,4,0)=" D0 internal entry number in ^DIC(4) of the location"
^XWB(8994,1888,3,5,0)=" name the name of the location"
^XWB(8994,1888,3,6,0)=" station the station identification for the location"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1889,1,16,0)="For the purposes of ""Mag Enterprise"", each DICOM Gateway"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,17,0)="will report its current software version each day to the VistA"
^XWB(8994,1889,1,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1889,1,20,0)="This RPC is called to register the current version information."
^XWB(8994,1889,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a text string (upper case only)."
^XWB(8994,1889,2,1,1,2,0)="This string uniquely identifies the ""station name"" of the"
^XWB(8994,1889,2,1,1,3,0)="DICOM Gateway that is reporting its version information."
^XWB(8994,1889,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a text string."
^XWB(8994,1889,2,2,1,2,0)="This text string represents the version identification for the"
^XWB(8994,1889,2,2,1,3,0)="version of the DICOM Gateway software that is running on the current"
^XWB(8994,1889,3,1,0)="This RPC will return a single value."
^XWB(8994,1889,3,2,0)="This value will be equal to either"
^XWB(8994,1889,3,3,0)=" ""-1,No Station Identifier Specified"""
^XWB(8994,1889,3,4,0)="or the internal entry number of the current station"
^XWB(8994,1889,3,5,0)="in ^MAG(2006.83,...) (the DICOM WORKSTATION table)."
^XWB(8994,1890,1,1,0)="This RPC adds, or edits a record in the Dental Fee Basis file (#228.5)."
^XWB(8994,1890,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the input array for adding/updating a new record to the Dental Fee"
^XWB(8994,1890,2,1,1,2,0)="Basis file (#228.5). The following input format is required:"
^XWB(8994,1890,2,1,1,3,0)=" DATA(""DFN"")=DFN (pointer to file 2)"
^XWB(8994,1890,2,1,1,4,0)=" DATA(""DIVISION"")=dental division name (.01 field) from file 225"
^XWB(8994,1890,2,1,1,5,0)=" DATA(""CATEGORY"")=dental category (pointer to file 220.2)"
^XWB(8994,1890,2,1,1,6,0)=" DATA(""DATE"")=date authorized for payment, external MM/DD/YYYY"
^XWB(8994,1890,2,1,1,7,0)=" DATA(""COST"")=amount authorized for payment, dollar format"
^XWB(8994,1890,2,1,1,8,0)=" DATA(""IEN"")=pointer to 228.5 for Updating records"
^XWB(8994,1890,3,1,0)="Returns 1 if successful, else returns -1^message."
^XWB(8994,1891,1,1,0)="This RPC gets a list of DENTAL FEE BASIS EXTRACT (#228.5) records for"
^XWB(8994,1891,1,2,0)="a specified patient. The input is a single value, patient id (DFN)."
^XWB(8994,1891,2,1,1,1,0)="The input value is a single patient id (DFN)."
^XWB(8994,1891,3,1,0)="Returns an array containing the internal entry number (IEN) appended to "
^XWB(8994,1891,3,2,0)="the beginning of the zero node of the DENTAL FEE BASIS EXTRACT file, in "
^XWB(8994,1891,3,3,0)="the format: ien;txnUID^create dt^create person^patient^facility^"
^XWB(8994,1891,3,4,0)=" category^date authorized^cost^^^^"
^XWB(8994,1892,1,1,0)="This RPC adds (or updates) a record to the Treatment Plan Transaction/Exam"
^XWB(8994,1892,1,2,0)="file (#228.2). The only record type supported by this RPC is the PSR "
^XWB(8994,1892,1,3,0)="type, where the TYPE field (.29) = 3."
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the input array for adding or updating a PSR transaction type to "
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,2,0)="the Treatment Plan Transaction/Exam file (#228.2). The input array will "
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,3,0)="contain the following data:"
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,4,0)=" data(""ENC"")=pointer to the DENTAL HISTORY file (#228.1)"
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,5,0)=" required for Adding new records, optional for update records"
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,6,0)=" data(""PSR"")=p1^p2^p3^p4^p5 where"
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,7,0)=" p1=transaction id (-1 for add, valid txn id for update)"
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,8,0)=" p2=exam date in external format (MM/DD/YY@HH:MM)"
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,9,0)=" p3=provider id"
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,10,0)=" p4=PSR score string (1-6 chars)"
^XWB(8994,1892,2,1,1,11,0)=" p5=status flag (A for add, U for update)"
^XWB(8994,1892,3,1,0)="Returns ien^message if successful, else returns -1^error message if not."
^XWB(8994,1893,1,1,0)="This RPC adds (or updates) a reocrd to the Treatment Plan "
^XWB(8994,1893,1,2,0)="Transaction/Exam file (#228.2). The only record type supported by this "
^XWB(8994,1893,1,3,0)="RPC is the Perio type, where the TYPE field (.29) = 2."
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the input array for adding or updating a Perio transaction type "
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,2,0)="to the Treatment Plan Transaction/Exam file (#228.2). The input array "
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,3,0)="will contain the following data:"
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,4,0)=" data(""ENC"")=pointer to the DENTAL HISTORY file (#228.1)"
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,5,0)=" required for Adding new records, optional for update records"
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,6,0)=" data(""PER"")=p1^p2^p3^p4^p5 where"
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,7,0)=" p1=transaction id (-1 for add, valid txn id for update)"
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,8,0)=" p2=exam number (integer value, 0-99999)"
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,9,0)=" p3=exam date in external format (MM/DD/YY@HH:MM)"
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,10,0)=" p4=provider id"
^XWB(8994,1893,2,1,1,11,0)=" p5=status flag (A=add, U=update)"
^XWB(8994,1893,3,1,0)="Returns ien^message if successful, else -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,1894,1,1,0)="This RPC adds, updates or marks as deleted, records to the Treatment Plan "
^XWB(8994,1894,1,2,0)="Transaction/Exam file (#228.2). The only record type supported by this "
^XWB(8994,1894,1,3,0)="RPC is the Head and Neck type, where the TYPE field (.29)=4."
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the input array for adding, updating or deleting multiple "
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,2,0)="Head&Neck transaction types to the Treatment Plan Transaction/Exam file"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,3,0)="(#228.2). The input array will contain the following data:"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,4,0)=" data(""ENC"")=pointer to the DENTAL HISTORY file (#228.1)"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,5,0)=" required for Adding new records, optional for update records"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,6,0)=" data(n) =p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7^p8^p9^p10^p11^p12^p13^p14^p15 "
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,7,0)=" =WP^word processing text"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,8,0)=" =WP^word processing text, etc"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,9,0)=" where n=number "
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,10,0)=" and p1=txn id (-1 for add, valid txn id for update/delete) "
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,11,0)=" p2=prov id, p3=X coord (number), p4=Y coord (number)"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,12,0)=" p5=lesion dt in external fmt (MM/DD/YY@HH:MM)"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,13,0)=" p6=color (number), p7=shape (number),"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,14,0)=" p8=size (0,1,2 from 228.3)"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,15,0)=" p9=description, p10=deleted flag, p11=master flag"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,16,0)=" p12=link to master (pointer to 228.2), p13=result flag"
^XWB(8994,1894,2,1,1,17,0)=" p14=read only flag, p15=status (A=add,U=update,D=mark as deleted)"
^XWB(8994,1894,3,1,0)="Returns an array of messages based on the number of Head&Neck "
^XWB(8994,1894,3,2,0)="transactions that were sent, in the format:"
^XWB(8994,1894,3,3,0)=" return(n)=ien^message if successful, or"
^XWB(8994,1894,3,4,0)=" return(n)=-1^error message if not successful."
^XWB(8994,1895,1,1,0)="This will add a new record to the dental encounter file, 228.1"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA(sub) = value where"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,2,0)=" sub Req Description"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,3,0)=" --------- --- -------------------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,4,0)=" ""PAT"" x DFN - pointer to patient file"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,5,0)=" ""VISIT"" pointer to visit file (#9000010)"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,6,0)=" ""APPT"" scheduled appointment Fileman date.time"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,7,0)=" ""NEWAPPT"" create visit, no scheduled appt or existing visit"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,8,0)=" NOTE: VISIT supercedes APPT which supercedes NEWAPPT"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,9,0)=" ""LOC"" x pointer to HOSPITAL LOCATION file (#44)"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,10,0)=" ""PROV"" primary provider - pointer to NEW PERSON file"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,11,0)=" if not passed then use DUZ of existing user"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,12,0)=" ""PATTYPE"" I:inpatient; O:outpatient"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,13,0)=" if not passed, then determine from MAS records"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,14,0)=" ""DAS CAT"" x POINTER TO DENTAL CLASSIFICATION FILE (#220.2)"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,15,0)=" ""DAS BED"" POINTER TO DENTAL BED SECTION FILE (#220.4)"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,16,0)=" required if patient an inpatient"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,17,0)=" ""DAS DIV"" x station number"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,18,0)=" ""DAS DIS"" x 1:In progress; 2:Completed; 3:Terminated;"
^XWB(8994,1895,2,1,1,19,0)=" ""FLAGS"" 3 bytes - each byte 0 or 1 - <das><des><pce>"
^XWB(8994,1895,3,1,0)="If successfully add a new record, return ien to file 228.1^message"
^XWB(8994,1895,3,2,0)="Else return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1896,1,1,0)="This returns the ADA table (file 228) for the Discus Treatment Planning "
^XWB(8994,1896,3,1,0)="return ^TMP(""DENT"",$J,cpt_code) = p1^p2^...^p13"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,2,0)=" ^TMP(""DENT"",$J,cpt_code,1) = long description (250 chars)"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1896,3,4,0)=" p1 = cpt code p8 = endo (boolean)"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,5,0)=" p2 = cpt description p9 = local code (boolean)"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,6,0)=" p3 = condition p10 = quick code (boolean)"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,7,0)=" p4 = area p11 = apico (boolean)"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,8,0)=" p5 = material p12 = retro (boolean)"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,9,0)=" p6 = diagnosis code p13 = hemi (boolean)"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,10,0)=" p7 = ranged (boolean) p14 = tooth related (boolean)"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,11,0)=" P15 = diagnosis description"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,12,0)=" boolean in treatment planning is -1 for true, 0 for false"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1896,3,14,0)=" header records are also returned:"
^XWB(8994,1896,3,15,0)=" ^TMP(""DENT"",$J,cpt_header_code) = cpt code^cpt description"
^XWB(8994,1897,1,1,0)="This will return a list of all providers who have provided service to "
^XWB(8994,1897,1,2,0)="this patient. Each provider will have a flag indicating whether or not "
^XWB(8994,1897,1,3,0)="the provider is current."
^XWB(8994,1897,2,1,1,1,0)="DENTL(""StartDate"") - optional - start date in FM format - default = 0"
^XWB(8994,1897,2,1,1,2,0)="DENTL(""EndDate"") - optional - end date in FM format - default = today"
^XWB(8994,1897,2,1,1,3,0)="DENTL(""Patient"") - required - pointer to PATIENT file"
^XWB(8994,1897,3,1,0)="if problems, return DENT(1) = -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1897,3,2,0)="else return DENT(n) = DUZ^Initials^IsCurrent^Name"
^XWB(8994,1897,3,3,0)=" where n = 1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1897,3,4,0)=" IsCurrent is Boolean (-1 is true, 0 is false)"
^XWB(8994,1898,1,1,0)="This will allow you to add, update, or delete a record in file 228.6"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA(1) = $START"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,2,0)="DATA(2) = FLG ^ IEN ^ DFN ^ DATE ^ TOOTH ^ PLAN"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,3,0)=" if $G(FLG)="""",$G(IEN)<1 then default to ADD"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,4,0)=" FLG - optional - A add new note"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,5,0)=" U replace existing text"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,6,0)=" D delete note for this patient,date,tooth"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,7,0)=" IEN - opt/req - pointer to TP NOTE file (#228.6) required for Update or"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,8,0)=" Delete"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,9,0)=" DFN - required - pointer to the patient file"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,10,0)=" DATE - optional - external date (time not allowed) default to today"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,11,0)="TOOTH - required - 0, 1-32, 99"
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,13,0)="DATA(n) = text of note where n =3,4,5,6,..."
^XWB(8994,1898,2,1,1,14,0)="DATA(n) = $END"
^XWB(8994,1898,3,1,0)="If action is successful, RET(n)= 1^message"
^XWB(8994,1898,3,2,0)="Else RET(n)= -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1899,1,1,0)="This returns all the tooth notes for all dates for a patient. The data "
^XWB(8994,1899,1,2,0)="will be sorted by tooth number and then by reverse date."
^XWB(8994,1899,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the PATIENT file."
^XWB(8994,1899,3,1,0)="Return: global array List[n] := value"
^XWB(8994,1899,3,2,0)=" if problems, List[1] := -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1899,3,3,0)=" format of return of individual records:"
^XWB(8994,1899,3,4,0)=" List[n] := $START"
^XWB(8994,1899,3,5,0)=" List[n+1] := IEN^external date^tooth number^plannum"
^XWB(8994,1899,3,6,0)=" List[n+2] := 1st line of text"
^XWB(8994,1899,3,7,0)=" ...."
^XWB(8994,1899,3,8,0)=" List[n+m] := last line of text"
^XWB(8994,1899,3,9,0)=" List[n+m+1] := $END"
^XWB(8994,1900,0)="DENTV TP GET HNC^HNC^DENTVTP3^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1900,1,1,0)="Returns all of the Head&Neck records from the Treatment Plan "
^XWB(8994,1900,1,2,0)="Transaction/Exam file (#228.2) for a particular patient."
^XWB(8994,1900,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the PATIENT file."
^XWB(8994,1900,3,1,0)="Returns a global array List[n] = HNC data."
^XWB(8994,1900,3,2,0)="If problems, returns List[1] = -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,3,0)="The format of the HNC data will be as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,4,0)=" List[n] = p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7^p8^p9^p10^p11^p12^p13^p14 "
^XWB(8994,1900,3,5,0)=" [n] = WP^word processing text"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,6,0)=" [n] = WP^word processing text ...etc"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,8,0)=" p1 = transaction id p2 = provider name := provider name"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,9,0)=" p3 = X coord (numeric) p4 = Y coord (numeric)"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,10,0)=" p5 = Lesion dt (external fmt) p6 = color (numeric)"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,11,0)=" p7 = shape (numeric) p8 = size (constant VALUE field from 228.3)"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,12,0)=" p9 = description p10 = deleted flag (-1 = true, 0=false)"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,13,0)=" p11 = master flag (-1 = true, 0=false)"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,14,0)=" p12 = link to master (transaction id of master record)"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,15,0)=" p13 = result flag (-1 = true, 0=false)"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,16,0)=" p14 = read only flag (-1 = true, 0=false)"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,17,0)=" p13 := result flag (-1 = true, 0=false)"
^XWB(8994,1900,3,18,0)=" p14 := read only flag (-1 = true, 0=false)"
^XWB(8994,1901,0)="DENTV TP GET PSR^PSR^DENTVTP3^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1901,1,1,0)="Returns all of the PSR type records from the Treatment Plan "
^XWB(8994,1901,1,2,0)="Transaction/Exam file (#228.2) for a particular patient."
^XWB(8994,1901,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the PATIENT file."
^XWB(8994,1901,3,1,0)="Returns a global array List[n] := PSR data, or if problems returns"
^XWB(8994,1901,3,2,0)="List[1] : -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,1901,3,3,0)="The format of the PSR data will be:"
^XWB(8994,1901,3,4,0)=" List[n] := p1^p2^p3^p4 where"
^XWB(8994,1901,3,5,0)=" p1 := transaction id"
^XWB(8994,1901,3,6,0)=" p2 := exam date (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1901,3,7,0)=" p3 := provider name"
^XWB(8994,1901,3,8,0)=" p4 := PSR score string"
^XWB(8994,1902,1,1,0)="Returns all of the Perio type records from the Treatment Plan "
^XWB(8994,1902,1,2,0)="Transaction/Exam file (#228.2) for a particular patient."
^XWB(8994,1902,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the PATIENT file."
^XWB(8994,1902,3,1,0)="Returns a global array List[n] := Perio, or if there are problems, then"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,2,0)=" List[1] := -1^error message. The format for each of the perio records "
^XWB(8994,1902,3,3,0)="is as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,4,0)=" List[n] := $START ien (ien=internal entry# of the perio record)"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,5,0)=" List[n+1] := p1^p2^p3^p4 (see below)"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,6,0)=" List[n+2] := 1st line of Perio word processing text"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,7,0)=" List[n+m] := last line of text (note: max 5 lines of text)"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,8,0)=" List[n+m+1] := $END ien"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,9,0)=" where:"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,10,0)=" p1 := transaction id"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,11,0)=" p2 := exam number"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,12,0)=" p3 := exam date (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1902,3,13,0)=" p4 := provider name"
^XWB(8994,1903,1,1,0)="This will file transaction data types to file 228.2. It will also create "
^XWB(8994,1903,1,2,0)="the DAS record (#221) if appropriate. It will also file data to PCE if "
^XWB(8994,1903,2,1,1,1,0)="See documentation in FILE^DENTVTPA"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,1,0)="If all filing is successful, then the return array will contain:"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,2,0)=" 1^DAS record# <number> created"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,3,0)=" 1^<number> DES transactions successfully filed"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,4,0)=" 1^PCE data successfully filed, Visit#: <visit ien>^visit ien"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,5,0)=" The third line may be:"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,6,0)=" 1^Some exceptions encountered while filing PCE data for visit#:"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,7,0)=" <visit ien>^visit ien"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,8,0)=" there may be (or may not be) additional messages"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1903,3,10,0)="If unsuccessful, then return"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,11,0)=" -1^error messages"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,12,0)=" The first line returned will start with -1^"
^XWB(8994,1903,3,13,0)=" Subsequent message lines may or may not start with -1^"
^XWB(8994,1904,1,1,0)="This RPC deletes the dental encounter from the DENTAL HISTORY file "
^XWB(8994,1904,1,2,0)="(#228.1) and dental transactions from the DENTAL TREATMENT PLAN/EXAM file"
^XWB(8994,1904,1,3,0)="(#228.2) for types=PSR, PerioExam and Head&Neck if the Transaction(s) for"
^XWB(8994,1904,1,4,0)="type=Transaction fails to file."
^XWB(8994,1904,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry in file 228.1 to be deleted."
^XWB(8994,1904,3,1,0)="Returns 1^Records deleted, or -1^error message if the IEN lookup fails."
^XWB(8994,1905,1,1,0)="Returns all of the Transaction type records from the Treatment Plan "
^XWB(8994,1905,1,2,0)="Transaction/Exam file (228.2) for a particular patient.."
^XWB(8994,1905,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the PATIENT file."
^XWB(8994,1905,2,2,1,1,0)="This flag (T, E, P, or S) indicates the type of records to retrieve."
^XWB(8994,1905,2,2,1,2,0)=" T = transaction records"
^XWB(8994,1905,2,2,1,3,0)=" E = periodontal exams"
^XWB(8994,1905,2,2,1,4,0)=" P = periodontal screening & recording"
^XWB(8994,1905,2,2,1,5,0)=" S = soft tissue lesion"
^XWB(8994,1905,2,2,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1905,2,2,1,7,0)="If not passed, default value is T"
^XWB(8994,1905,2,3,1,1,0)="This is an optional date in Fileman format. If passed only records "
^XWB(8994,1905,2,3,1,2,0)="greater than or equal to this date will be retrieved."
^XWB(8994,1905,2,3,1,3,0)=" If not passed, default value is Jan 1, 2002"
^XWB(8994,1905,2,4,1,1,0)="This is an optional date in Fileman format. If passed only records "
^XWB(8994,1905,2,4,1,2,0)="less than or equal to this date will be retrieved."
^XWB(8994,1905,2,4,1,3,0)=" If not passed, default value is TODAY"
^XWB(8994,1905,2,5,1,1,0)="This optional parameter will be the provider's record number (ien) to the "
^XWB(8994,1905,2,5,1,2,0)="NEW PERSON file (i.e., their DUZ value). If passed, then only those "
^XWB(8994,1905,2,5,1,3,0)="records with that provider will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1905,3,1,0)="Returns a global array List[n] := txn data."
^XWB(8994,1905,3,2,0)="If there are problems, then the return will be List[1] := -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,3,0)="The format of the Transaction data in each node will be:"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,4,0)=" List[n] := p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7^p8^p9^p10^p11^p12^p13^p14^p15^p16^"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,5,0)=" p17^p18^p19^p20^p21^p22^p23^p24^p25^p26^p27^p28^p29^p30"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,6,0)=" p31^p32^p33^p34^p35^p36^p37 where"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,7,0)="p1 := txn id p20 :=group"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,8,0)="p2 := provider name p21 :=deleted flag (-1=true, 0=false)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,9,0)="p3 := ADA code p22 :=cost ($ amount)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,10,0)="p4 := ADA description p23 :=category (text)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,11,0)="p5 := aspect(VALUE from 228.3) p24 :=seq index (numeric)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,12,0)="p6 := chart type(VALUE from 228.3) p25 :=plaque index (numeric)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,13,0)="p7 := condition (VALUE from 228.3) p26 :=read only flag (-1=true)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,14,0)="p8 := material (VALUE from 228.3) p27 :=Date created (external)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,15,0)="p9 := region (VALUE from 228.3) p28 :=icd1 (external)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,16,0)="p10:= status (VALUE from 228.3) p29 :=icd2 (external)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,17,0)="p11:= date (external) p30 :=icd3 (external)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,18,0)="p12:= time counter (numeric) p31 :=icd4 (external)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,19,0)="p13:= tooth# (numeric) p32 :=icd5 (external)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,20,0)="p14:= surface (text) p33 :=ctv (numeric)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,21,0)="p15:= phase (numeric) p34 :=rvu (numeric)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,22,0)="p16:= isJuvenile (YES/NO/null) p35 :=Dental Encounter ien"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,23,0)="p17:= chart# (numeric) p36 :=product line (text)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,24,0)="p18:= visible (YES/NO/null) p37 :=canal# (text)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,25,0)="p19:= next appt (YES/NO/null) "
^XWB(8994,1905,3,26,0)="For Soft tissue leasions, each line format:"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,27,0)=" p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6^p7^p8^p9 where"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,28,0)=" p1 = transaction ID p6 = marker color"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,29,0)=" p2 = provider duz p7 = marker shape"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,30,0)=" p3 = fm date p8 = marker size"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,31,0)=" p4 = x coordinate p9 = description"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,32,0)=" p5 = y coordinate"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1905,3,34,0)="For PerioExams, the data returned is a multiline list:"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,35,0)=" 1st line: $# [starting record indicator]"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,36,0)=" 2nd line: transaction ID ^ provider duz ^ pe exam#"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,37,0)=" 3rd, 4th, 5th, ... lines: periodontal information"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,38,0)=" last line: $$ [ending record indicator]"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,39,0)=" The PC program needs to concantenate all the peridontal information"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,40,0)=" lines (lines 3,4,5,...,last-1) together to form one string (up to 604"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,41,0)=" bytes)"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,42,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1905,3,43,0)="In all record types, the transaction ID and the Fileman internal record"
^XWB(8994,1905,3,44,0)="number are the same."
^XWB(8994,1906,1,1,0)="This RPC will return a global array of all records thkat were looked at "
^XWB(8994,1906,1,2,0)="for the year end FOIA report. It will contain the internal request "
^XWB(8994,1906,1,3,0)="number and patient name/FOIA indicator, and a one for any block on the "
^XWB(8994,1906,1,4,0)="report that the given request was included on. It also contains all "
^XWB(8994,1906,1,5,0)="record that, during the report period, were entered in error or of the "
^XWB(8994,1906,1,6,0)="type of request/requestor type of an excluded state reporting agency."
^XWB(8994,1906,2,1,0)="START DATE^1^99^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1906,2,2,0)="END DATE^1^99^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1906,2,"B","END DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1906,2,"B","START DATE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1907,1,1,0)="This RPC will return a list of ROI Instance file IEN's and the Processing "
^XWB(8994,1907,1,2,0)="time to either complete or to the end of the selected date range."
^XWB(8994,1907,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the DUZ of the selected clerk."
^XWB(8994,1907,2,2,0)="START DATE^1^7^0^2"
^XWB(8994,1907,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the FileMan date to start the report. If null the process will "
^XWB(8994,1907,2,2,1,2,0)="start at the earilest date on file."
^XWB(8994,1907,2,3,0)="END DATE^1^7^0^3"
^XWB(8994,1907,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the FileMan date the report runs through. If null the current "
^XWB(8994,1907,2,3,1,2,0)="day is used as the end date."
^XWB(8994,1907,2,"B","END DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,1907,2,"B","START DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1907,3,1,0)="Return Array:"
^XWB(8994,1907,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1907,3,3,0)=" ROI IEN ^ Work Days"
^XWB(8994,1907,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1907,3,5,0)="Work days are calculated by using an open and closed date. These dates "
^XWB(8994,1907,3,6,0)="are determined as follows:"
^XWB(8994,1907,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1907,3,8,0)=" Open Date: Actual open date if it falls in the start stop range"
^XWB(8994,1907,3,9,0)=" If not in start stop range use the start date"
^XWB(8994,1907,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1907,3,11,0)=" Closed Date: Same as open date except using end date as a base."
^XWB(8994,1907,3,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1907,3,13,0)="Example: Report Start Date: 01/01/2003"
^XWB(8994,1907,3,14,0)=" Report End Date: 01/31/2003"
^XWB(8994,1907,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1907,3,16,0)=" ROI Open on 12/12/2002 use 01/01/2003"
^XWB(8994,1907,3,17,0)=" ROI Open on 01/15/2003 use 01/15/2003"
^XWB(8994,1907,3,18,0)=" ROI Close on 01/29/2003 use 01/29/2003"
^XWB(8994,1907,3,19,0)=" ROI not closed use 01/31/2003"
^XWB(8994,1908,1,1,0)="This RPC returna an array containing the internal numbers of any entry in "
^XWB(8994,1908,1,2,0)="file 19620 that may have bogus data stored in the exemption fields. This "
^XWB(8994,1908,1,3,0)="problem was corrected in the 5.2 version of the ROI package, this will "
^XWB(8994,1908,1,4,0)="allow the ROI manager to review and correct the individual ROI requests."
^XWB(8994,1908,2,1,0)="START DATE^1^7^1^1"
^XWB(8994,1908,2,1,1,1,0)="The date used to start the search for entries to check for bogus "
^XWB(8994,1908,2,1,1,2,0)="exemption data."
^XWB(8994,1908,2,2,0)="END DATE^1^7^0^2"
^XWB(8994,1908,2,2,1,1,0)="The date to stop the search. Defaults to the current day."
^XWB(8994,1908,2,"B","END DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1908,2,"B","START DATE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,1908,3,1,0)="Return Array '^' Delimited:"
^XWB(8994,1908,3,2,0)=" ROI Instance IEN"
^XWB(8994,1908,3,3,0)=" ROI Instance Patient/FOIA (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1908,3,4,0)=" Requestor (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1908,3,5,0)=" Clerk (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1908,3,6,0)=" Type of Request (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1908,3,7,0)=" Reason for Request (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1908,3,8,0)=" Authority for Request (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1908,3,9,0)=" Requestor Type (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1908,3,10,0)=" Current Status (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1908,3,11,0)=" Date Request Received (external format)"
^XWB(8994,1909,1,1,0)="This RPC will go through the ROI Instance file (19620) and set the "
^XWB(8994,1909,1,2,0)="current date as the Followup Letter Date for any entry that doesn't have "
^XWB(8994,1909,3,1,0)="The value 1 is returned when the RPC completes."
^XWB(8994,1910,1,1,0)="Returns list of Statement/Reasons for Non-VA medication orders."
^XWB(8994,1912,1,1,0)="Array of Order Package Types"
^XWB(8994,1912,2,1,1,1,0)="List of Order IENs"
^XWB(8994,1913,1,1,0)="Receive Order Entry Billing Aware data from CPRS."
^XWB(8994,1913,2,1,1,1,0)="Array of Orders and Clinical Indicators returned from CPRS"
^XWB(8994,1916,1,1,0)="Array of Order ID's and SC."
^XWB(8994,1916,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient IEN."
^XWB(8994,1916,2,2,1,1,0)="List of Orders."
^XWB(8994,1918,1,1,0)="Billing Awareness RPC."
^XWB(8994,1918,1,2,0)="Returns 0 if BA functionality is off or 1 if BA functionality is on."
^XWB(8994,1919,1,1,0)="Sets the GUI alert sort method for the user. This is set when a user "
^XWB(8994,1919,1,2,0)="clicks on the GUI alert columns to change the display sorting."
^XWB(8994,1920,1,1,0)="Returns the method for sorting GUI alert display."
^XWB(8994,1921,1,1,0)="Returns the Fileman Date/Time to begin searching for expired orders."
^XWB(8994,1923,1,1,0)="Checks restrictions for entering non-VA meds. If no restrictions, a 0 is"
^XWB(8994,1923,1,2,0)="returned. If there is a restriction, it is returned in the format:"
^XWB(8994,1923,1,3,0)="1^restriction text "
^XWB(8994,1924,1,1,0)="Returns an array containing all dental providers with 8 character "
^XWB(8994,1924,1,2,0)="Provider Ids that belong to the selected division. If the provider has "
^XWB(8994,1924,1,3,0)="no divisions listed in file 200, then they show up under any division "
^XWB(8994,1924,2,1,1,1,0)="Pass the division if we're screening providers by division."
^XWB(8994,1924,3,1,0)="Return data will be in the following format:"
^XWB(8994,1924,3,2,0)=" data(1)=p1^p2^p3^p4 where where"
^XWB(8994,1924,3,3,0)=" p1 = provider name"
^XWB(8994,1924,3,4,0)=" p2 = provider ien (pointer to file 200)"
^XWB(8994,1924,3,5,0)=" p3 = 8 character dental provider id"
^XWB(8994,1924,3,6,0)=" p4 = user's division(s) separated by commas"
^XWB(8994,1925,1,1,0)="Retrieves Dental Report data for a specified time period and station. "
^XWB(8994,1925,2,1,1,1,0)="The input parameter list contains the following:"
^XWB(8994,1925,2,1,1,2,0)=" PARAM(""RPT"") = Report to run:"
^XWB(8994,1925,2,1,1,3,0)=" 0=Provider Summary, 1=Sittings by Provider"
^XWB(8994,1925,2,1,1,4,0)=" 2=Clinic Summary 3=Individual Sittings"
^XWB(8994,1925,2,1,1,5,0)=" 4=Non Clinical Time 5=Dental Fee Basis"
^XWB(8994,1925,2,1,1,6,0)=" PARAM(""STN"") = station (external, e.g. 500, 500BZ)"
^XWB(8994,1925,2,1,1,7,0)=" PARAM(""PROV"")= ""ALL"", or p1^p2^p3 where the pieces are provider ids"
^XWB(8994,1925,2,1,1,8,0)=" PARAM(""START"")= start date in external format (11/1/2003)"
^XWB(8994,1925,2,1,1,9,0)=" PARAM(""END"") = end date in external format (11/30/2003)"
^XWB(8994,1925,3,1,0)="Returns a global array containing the report data. The array is specific "
^XWB(8994,1925,3,2,0)="to the report - see the M documentation in DENTVA1 and DENTVA2 (DENTVAU "
^XWB(8994,1925,3,3,0)="describes which routine is called for which report)."
^XWB(8994,1926,1,1,0)="Gets all providers (including inactive) for edit purposes."
^XWB(8994,1926,3,1,0)="Returns an array List[n] := dental provider data"
^XWB(8994,1926,3,2,0)="Returns List[1] := -1^error message if there are no dental providers."
^XWB(8994,1926,3,3,0)="The format of the dental provider data is List[n]:=p1^p2^p3^p4 where"
^XWB(8994,1926,3,4,0)=" p1=provider name (LAST,FIRST MI)"
^XWB(8994,1926,3,5,0)=" p2=provider id (pointer to file 200)"
^XWB(8994,1926,3,6,0)=" p3=dental provid (8 character numeric value - zero filled)er id"
^XWB(8994,1926,3,7,0)=" p4=status flag (-1=inactive)"
^XWB(8994,1927,1,1,0)="Gets a list of Provider Types from the DENTAL PROVIDER TYPE (220.51)"
^XWB(8994,1927,3,1,0)="Returns an array containing the Provider Types and their 1-2 digit code."
^XWB(8994,1927,3,2,0)="Returns List[1] := -1^error message if no active provider types found."
^XWB(8994,1927,3,3,0)="The format of the return array is:"
^XWB(8994,1927,3,4,0)=" list[n] := p1^p2 where"
^XWB(8994,1927,3,5,0)=" p1 := Provider Type name"
^XWB(8994,1927,3,6,0)=" p2 := code (numeric)"
^XWB(8994,1928,1,1,0)="Gets a list of all active Provider Specialties from file 220.52."
^XWB(8994,1928,3,1,0)="Returns an array List[n] := Provider Specialty info."
^XWB(8994,1928,3,2,0)="Returns List[1] := -1^error message if there are no active specialties."
^XWB(8994,1928,3,3,0)="The format of the return array is List[n] := p1^p2 where"
^XWB(8994,1928,3,4,0)=" p1:=Specialty name"
^XWB(8994,1928,3,5,0)=" p2:=Code (numeric)"
^XWB(8994,1929,1,1,0)="This RPC allows Dental Record Manager to add/edit their Dental Providers."
^XWB(8994,1929,2,1,1,1,0)="The input array contains the Dental Provider information to be "
^XWB(8994,1929,2,1,1,2,0)="added/updated into file 220.5. The following fields are sent:"
^XWB(8994,1929,2,1,1,3,0)=" DATA(""PERSON"")=pointer to file 200 (PERSON)"
^XWB(8994,1929,2,1,1,4,0)=" DATA(""IEN"")=pointer to file 220.5 (only for update records)"
^XWB(8994,1929,2,1,1,5,0)=" DATA(""PROVNUM"")=8 character Dental Provider Number"
^XWB(8994,1929,2,1,1,6,0)=" DATA(""INACTIVE"")=-1 if inactive, else = 0."
^XWB(8994,1929,3,1,0)="Returns ien^message if the filing was without errors, or"
^XWB(8994,1929,3,2,0)=" -1^error message if there were filing errors."
^XWB(8994,1930,1,1,0)="This RPC queues off the Dental Extract at a user designated time. Upon "
^XWB(8994,1930,1,2,0)="completion of the extract, a TCP/IP client will be called from the tasked "
^XWB(8994,1930,1,3,0)="job to send the data to a text file."
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the input array for queuing the Dental Extract. The following "
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,2,0)="input format is required:"
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,3,0)=" DATA(""STARTDT"")=Start Date MM/DD/YYYY"
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,4,0)=" DATA(""ENDDT"")=End Date MM/DD/YYYY"
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,5,0)=" DATA(""RUNDTTM"")=Run Date/Time (task date) MM/DD/YYYY@HH:MM:SS"
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,6,0)=" DATA(""FILE"")=folder/file location, e.g. C:\Temp\Extract.txt"
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,7,0)=" DATA(""IPADX"")=IP address"
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,8,0)=" DATA(""PORT"")=Port#"
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,9,0)=" DATA(""PROVIEN"")=optional Provider IENs p1^p2^p3, etc"
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,10,0)=" DATA(""FORMAT"")=0 for excel, 1 for access"
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,11,0)=" DATA(""TXNS"")=optional CPFO or any combination of transaction statuses "
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,12,0)=" (compl/plan/find/obs)"
^XWB(8994,1930,2,1,1,13,0)=" DATA(""STN"")=optional facility"
^XWB(8994,1930,3,1,0)="Returns Taskman job number^Extract successfully queued to run @dt/tm"
^XWB(8994,1930,3,2,0)="or -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,1931,1,1,0)="This remote procedure retrieves demographic data for a given patient "
^XWB(8994,1931,1,2,0)="needed to create a Veteran ID Card. As part of the demographic retrieval "
^XWB(8994,1931,1,3,0)="process, the veteran's VIC mailing address is algorithmically selected"
^XWB(8994,1931,1,4,0)="from the following addresses in priority order:"
^XWB(8994,1931,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1931,1,6,0)="1. HIPAA Confidential address"
^XWB(8994,1931,1,7,0)="2. Temporary address"
^XWB(8994,1931,1,8,0)="3. Permanent address"
^XWB(8994,1931,1,9,0)="4. Facility address"
^XWB(8994,1931,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1931,1,11,0)="A status value, called the Card Print Release Status, and a single "
^XWB(8994,1931,1,12,0)="remarks text line is returned with the veteran's demographics. The Card "
^XWB(8994,1931,1,13,0)="Print Release Status can have a value of ""P"", ""H"", ""I"", or ""C"" for Print, "
^XWB(8994,1931,1,14,0)="Hold, Ineligible, or Cancel."
^XWB(8994,1931,2,3,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the patient's Integration Control Number."
^XWB(8994,1931,3,1,0)="The return value is an array of text lines. Each text line consists of at"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,2,0)="least two circumflex(""^"")-delimited fields. The first field of each line"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,3,0)="contains an XML style tag (e.g. <RESULT>). The second through nth fields"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,4,0)="contain data."
^XWB(8994,1931,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1931,3,6,0)="Subscript Field# Field contents Description "
^XWB(8994,1931,3,7,0)="--------- ------ ------------------------- ---------------- "
^XWB(8994,1931,3,8,0)=" 1 1 <RESULT> RPC status tag"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,9,0)=" 2 Card Print Release Status"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,10,0)=" 3 ""VIC"""
^XWB(8994,1931,3,11,0)=" 2 1 <MSG> Remarks tag "
^XWB(8994,1931,3,12,0)=" 2 Free text remarks "
^XWB(8994,1931,3,13,0)=" 3 1 <NAME> Identifier tag"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,14,0)=" 2 Full Name"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,15,0)=" 3 Social Security Number"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,16,0)=" 4 Date of Birth"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,17,0)=" 4 1 <NAME1> Name components tag"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,18,0)=" 2 Last Name"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,19,0)=" 3 First Name"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,20,0)=" 4 Middle Name"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,21,0)=" 5 Name Suffix"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,22,0)=" 6 Name Prefix"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,23,0)=" 5 1 <TYPE> Veteran type tag"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,24,0)=" 2 Service Connected Indicator"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,25,0)=" 6 1 <PATAS> Mailing address tag"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,26,0)=" 2 Street Line 1"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,27,0)=" 3 Street Line 2"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,28,0)=" 4 Street Line 3"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,29,0)=" 7 1 <PATAZ> Mailing address tag"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,30,0)=" 2 City"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,31,0)=" 3 State"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,32,0)=" 4 Zip"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,33,0)=" 8 1 <MPI> Master Patient Index tag"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,34,0)=" 2 Integration Control Number"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,35,0)=" 3 DFN"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,36,0)=" 9 1 <SITE> Facility tag"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,37,0)=" 2 Facility Name"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,38,0)=" 3 Station Number"
^XWB(8994,1931,3,39,0)=" 4 VISN"
^XWB(8994,1932,1,1,0)="This RPC acts as a callback from the VIC PICS workstation. The callback"
^XWB(8994,1932,1,2,0)="occurs when the workstation has successfully submitted the veteran's"
^XWB(8994,1932,1,3,0)="photograph and demographic data to the National Card Management Directory"
^XWB(8994,1932,1,4,0)="(NCMD). The callback provides the CARD_CardID value from the PICS"
^XWB(8994,1932,1,5,0)="workstation, which is needed for the VistA to NCMD interface."
^XWB(8994,1932,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter is the Card Print Release Status as a single character set "
^XWB(8994,1932,2,2,1,2,0)="of codes: [""C"":Cancel,""I"":Ineligible,""H"":Hold,""P"":Print]."
^XWB(8994,1932,2,3,1,1,0)="This parameter is the Card ID assigned when the VIC PICS workstation "
^XWB(8994,1932,2,3,1,2,0)="creates a VIC Request entry the National Card Management Directory. The"
^XWB(8994,1932,2,3,1,3,0)="Card ID is unique for each request."
^XWB(8994,1932,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1932,2,3,1,5,0)="Card ID format:"
^XWB(8994,1932,2,3,1,6,0)=" patient lastname_""-""_patient SSN_""-""_number of patient's card requests"
^XWB(8994,1932,2,4,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the patient's Integration Control Number."
^XWB(8994,1932,3,1,0)="A literal ""1"" will be returned indicating success or a literal ""0"" will be"
^XWB(8994,1932,3,2,0)="returned indicating a failure."
^XWB(8994,1933,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call (RPC) allows the DQ team to remotely create a "
^XWB(8994,1933,1,2,0)="change of CMOR push."
^XWB(8994,1933,2,1,1,1,0)="ICN - not including the checksum"
^XWB(8994,1933,2,2,1,1,0)="The station number of the site that is to become the CMOR."
^XWB(8994,1933,3,1,0)="1 if successfully requested PUSH of CMOR to site NCMOR."
^XWB(8994,1933,3,2,0)="-1^error messag if unable to make the request."
^XWB(8994,1934,1,1,0)=" This is call to perform any post processing action required on"
^XWB(8994,1934,1,2,0)=" a newly saved image of this type. post processing (for now) is"
^XWB(8994,1934,1,3,0)=" determined by the IMAGE INDEX FOR TYPES file. If this image"
^XWB(8994,1934,1,4,0)=" points to an entry in that file that has Action turned ON, then"
^XWB(8994,1934,1,5,0)=" the TAG^ROUTINE will be called with the Image IEN."
^XWB(8994,1934,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal entry number in the Image File (^MAG(2005))"
^XWB(8994,1934,3,2,0)="0^Error message"
^XWB(8994,1935,0)="MAG4 INDEX GET TYPE^IGT^MAGSIXGT^2^R^0^^0^3"
^XWB(8994,1935,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call is used to filter out those"
^XWB(8994,1935,1,2,0)="image types that belong to a given image category (Class)."
^XWB(8994,1935,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1935,1,4,0)="When images are displayed, it is desirable to limit the"
^XWB(8994,1935,1,5,0)="list of presented images to only those that are likely"
^XWB(8994,1935,1,6,0)="to be relevant in the current context."
^XWB(8994,1935,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1935,1,8,0)="This procedure accepts an ""image class"" (either an IEN"
^XWB(8994,1935,1,9,0)="or the name of a class) and returns all ""image types"""
^XWB(8994,1935,1,10,0)="that belong to that class.."
^XWB(8994,1935,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter is a ',' (comma) delimited string of classes."
^XWB(8994,1935,2,1,1,2,0)="only those index types, that match a 'class' in the string will"
^XWB(8994,1935,2,1,1,3,0)="be returned in the result array."
^XWB(8994,1935,2,2,1,1,0)="; FLGS : An '^' delimited string"
^XWB(8994,1935,2,2,1,2,0)="; 1 IGN: Flag to IGNore the Status field"
^XWB(8994,1935,2,2,1,3,0)="; 2 INCL: Include Class in the Output string"
^XWB(8994,1935,2,2,1,4,0)="; 3 INST: Include Status in the Output String"
^XWB(8994,1935,3,1,0)="The result is an array of Image TYPES that are valid for the "
^XWB(8994,1935,3,2,0)="class or classes."
^XWB(8994,1935,3,3,0)="Each item in the result array is in the format:"
^XWB(8994,1935,3,4,0)="TYPE^Abbreviation (and optionally) ^CLASS^STATUS"
^XWB(8994,1935,3,5,0)=" -2: Invalid Category: ""[category]""."
^XWB(8994,1935,3,6,0)=" -3: No Types Found for ""[category]""."
^XWB(8994,1935,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1935,3,8,0)="The structure of the output array is:"
^XWB(8994,1935,3,9,0)=" OUT(0) = ""0^OK"" or one of the above error messages"
^XWB(8994,1935,3,10,0)=" OUT(i) = name of image type ^ ien of image type"
^XWB(8994,1936,0)="MAG4 INDEX GET EVENT^IGE^MAGSIXGT^2^R^0^^0^3"
^XWB(8994,1936,1,1,0)="This call will return an array of INDEX PROCEDURE/EVENT(s)"
^XWB(8994,1936,1,2,0)="based on the input parameters CLS (Class)"
^XWB(8994,1936,1,3,0)="and SPEC (Specialty/subspecialty)"
^XWB(8994,1936,1,4,0)="When images are displayed, it is desirable to limit the"
^XWB(8994,1936,1,5,0)="list of presented images to only those that are likely"
^XWB(8994,1936,1,6,0)="to be relevant in the current context."
^XWB(8994,1936,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1936,1,8,0)="This procedure accepts an ""image category"" (either an IEN"
^XWB(8994,1936,1,9,0)="or the name of a category) and returns all ""image events"""
^XWB(8994,1936,1,10,0)="that belong to that category."
^XWB(8994,1936,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter is a ',' (comma) delimited string of classes"
^XWB(8994,1936,2,1,1,2,0)="only those index types, that match a 'class' in the string"
^XWB(8994,1936,2,1,1,3,0)="will be returned in the array"
^XWB(8994,1936,2,2,1,1,0)="; FLGS : An '^' delimited string"
^XWB(8994,1936,2,2,1,2,0)="; 1 IGN: Flag to IGNore the Status field"
^XWB(8994,1936,2,2,1,3,0)="; 2 INCL: Include Class in the Output string"
^XWB(8994,1936,2,2,1,4,0)="; 3 INST: Include Status in the Output String"
^XWB(8994,1936,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a comma delimited list of Specialty/SubSpecialties"
^XWB(8994,1936,2,3,1,2,0)="Only Procedure/Events that are associated with one of these will be"
^XWB(8994,1936,2,3,1,3,0)="returned in the list."
^XWB(8994,1936,2,3,1,4,0)="If a Procedure/Event is not associated with any Specialty/Subspecialties"
^XWB(8994,1936,2,3,1,5,0)="it is considered valid for all, and will be returned."
^XWB(8994,1936,3,1,0)="The result array includes all Procedure/Events that match the"
^XWB(8994,1936,3,2,0)="Class and Specialty/SubSpecialty that were passes as input parameters."
^XWB(8994,1936,3,3,0)="The format of the result Array: "
^XWB(8994,1936,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1936,3,5,0)="Result(0)=""0^<error message>"" <- if error"
^XWB(8994,1936,3,6,0)="Result(0)=""1^OK"" <- if success"
^XWB(8994,1936,3,7,0)="the items in the array are in the format"
^XWB(8994,1936,3,8,0)="Result(1..n)=""Procedure/Event^Abbreviation"" and Optionally"
^XWB(8994,1936,3,9,0)=" the 3rd and 4th '^' pieces could be CLASS^STATUS"
^XWB(8994,1936,3,10,0)=" OUT(i) = name of event ^ ien of event ^ abbreviation for event"
^XWB(8994,1937,1,1,0)="This call will return an array of INDEX SPECIALTY/SUBSPECIALTIES"
^XWB(8994,1937,1,2,0)="based on the input parameters CLS (Class)"
^XWB(8994,1937,1,3,0)="and EVENT (Procedure/Event)"
^XWB(8994,1937,1,4,0)="When images are displayed, it is desirable to limit the"
^XWB(8994,1937,1,5,0)="list of presented images to only those that are likely"
^XWB(8994,1937,1,6,0)="to be relevant in the current context."
^XWB(8994,1937,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1937,1,8,0)="This procedure accepts an ""image category"" (either an IEN"
^XWB(8994,1937,1,9,0)="or the name of a category) and returns all ""(sub)specialties"""
^XWB(8994,1937,1,10,0)="that generate images in that category."
^XWB(8994,1937,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter is a ',' (comma) delimited string of classes"
^XWB(8994,1937,2,1,1,2,0)="only those specialties that match a 'class' in the string"
^XWB(8994,1937,2,1,1,3,0)="will be listed in the result array."
^XWB(8994,1937,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a ','(comma) delimited string of Procedure/Events"
^XWB(8994,1937,2,2,1,2,0)="only those Specialties associated with one of these Proc/Events "
^XWB(8994,1937,2,2,1,3,0)="will be listed in the output."
^XWB(8994,1937,2,3,1,1,0)="; FLGS : An '^' delimited string"
^XWB(8994,1937,2,3,1,2,0)="; 1 IGN: Flag to IGNore the Status field"
^XWB(8994,1937,2,3,1,3,0)="; 2 INCL: Include Class in the Output string"
^XWB(8994,1937,2,3,1,4,0)="; 3 INST: Include Status in the Output String"
^XWB(8994,1937,2,3,1,5,0)="; 4 INSP: Include Specialty in the OutPut String"
^XWB(8994,1937,3,1,0)="The result array includes all Specialty/SubSpecialties that match the"
^XWB(8994,1937,3,2,0)="Class and Procedure/Event that were passed as input parameters."
^XWB(8994,1937,3,3,0)="The format of the result array is : "
^XWB(8994,1937,3,4,0)="Result(0)=""0^<error message>"" <- if error"
^XWB(8994,1937,3,5,0)="Result(0)=""1^OK"" <- if success"
^XWB(8994,1937,3,6,0)="the items in the array are in the format"
^XWB(8994,1937,3,7,0)="Result(1..n)=""Specialty/SubSpecialty^Abbreviation"" "
^XWB(8994,1937,3,8,0)=" and optionally the 3rd,4th and 5th pieces could be"
^XWB(8994,1937,3,9,0)=" CLASS^STATUS^SPECIALTY"
^XWB(8994,1937,3,10,0)="The structure of the output array is:"
^XWB(8994,1937,3,11,0)=" OUT(0) = ""0^OK"" or one of the above error messages"
^XWB(8994,1937,3,12,0)=" OUT(i) = name of specialty ^ ien of specialty"
^XWB(8994,1938,0)="MAG4 PAT GET IMAGES^PGI^MAGSIXG1^2^R^0^^0^3"
^XWB(8994,1938,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call is used to filter out those"
^XWB(8994,1938,1,2,0)="specialty for which a given image category may be relevant."
^XWB(8994,1938,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1938,1,4,0)="When images are displayed, it is desirable to limit the"
^XWB(8994,1938,1,5,0)="list of presented images to only those that are likely"
^XWB(8994,1938,1,6,0)="to be relevant in the current context."
^XWB(8994,1938,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1938,1,8,0)="This procedure accepts a patient-IEN (DFN) and optionally"
^XWB(8994,1938,1,9,0)="also a category, type, event and specialty."
^XWB(8994,1938,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1938,1,11,0)="This procedure will return a list of all images for that"
^XWB(8994,1938,1,12,0)="patient that match the specified other input parameters."
^XWB(8994,1938,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is the IEN in the Patient File (#2)"
^XWB(8994,1938,2,1,1,2,0)="of a patient."
^XWB(8994,1938,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is either an IEN or a string that"
^XWB(8994,1938,2,2,1,2,0)="identifies an ""image category""."
^XWB(8994,1938,2,2,1,3,0)="Image categories are defined in file 2005.82."
^XWB(8994,1938,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is either an IEN or a string that"
^XWB(8994,1938,2,3,1,2,0)="identifies an ""image type""."
^XWB(8994,1938,2,3,1,3,0)="Image types are defined in file 2005.83."
^XWB(8994,1938,2,4,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is either an IEN or a string that"
^XWB(8994,1938,2,4,1,2,0)="identifies an ""image event""."
^XWB(8994,1938,2,4,1,3,0)="Image events are defined in file 2005.85."
^XWB(8994,1938,2,5,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is either an IEN or a string that"
^XWB(8994,1938,2,5,1,2,0)="identifies an ""image specialty or subspecialty""."
^XWB(8994,1938,2,5,1,3,0)="Image specialties are defined in file 2005.84."
^XWB(8994,1938,3,1,0)="The output of this procedure is an array."
^XWB(8994,1938,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1938,3,3,0)="This procedure may report the following errors:"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,4,0)=" -1: Invalid Category: ""[category]""."
^XWB(8994,1938,3,5,0)=" -2: Invalid Event: ""[event]""."
^XWB(8994,1938,3,6,0)=" -3: Invalid Specialty: ""[specialty]""."
^XWB(8994,1938,3,7,0)=" -4: Invalid Type: ""[type]""."
^XWB(8994,1938,3,8,0)=" -6: No images found for ""[dfn]"", ""[category]"", ""[type]"", ""[event]"", ""[specialty]""."
^XWB(8994,1938,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1938,3,10,0)="The structure of the output array is:"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,11,0)=" OUT(0) = ""0^OK"" or one of the above error messages"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,12,0)=" OUT(2) = list of headers"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,13,0)=" OUT(i) = list of image information fields"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1938,3,15,0)="The list of headers consists of the following ""^"" separated texts:"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,16,0)=" 1: Proc DT~S1"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,17,0)=" 2: Procedure"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,18,0)=" 3: Ct~S2"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,19,0)=" 4: Short Desc"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,20,0)=" 5: Category"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,21,0)=" 6: Type"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,22,0)=" 7: Event"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,23,0)=" 8: (Sub)Specialty"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,24,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1938,3,25,0)="A list of image information fields consists of the following"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,26,0)="""^"" separated pieces"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,27,0)=" 1: Field 2005, 15 (Timestamp for Procedure)"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,28,0)=" 2: Field 2005, 6 (Name of Procedure)"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,29,0)=" 3: Count (number of images in group)"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,30,0)=" 4: Field 2005, 10 (Short Description)"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,31,0)=" 5: Field 2005, 41 (Category)"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,32,0)=" 6: Field 2005, 42 (Type)"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,33,0)=" 7: Field 2005, 43 (Event)"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,34,0)=" 8: Field 2005, 44 ((Sub)Specialty)"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,35,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1938,3,36,0)="Following this list appears a vertical bar (""|"") and"
^XWB(8994,1938,3,37,0)="the IEN of the image in question."
^XWB(8994,1939,1,1,0)="Returns specific fields of an image entry, to be displayed"
^XWB(8994,1939,1,2,0)="in the image information window."
^XWB(8994,1939,2,1,1,1,0)="Image File internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,1939,3,1,0)="Array of information on a specific image"
^XWB(8994,1940,1,1,0)="Returns information given a file extension. (Format)"
^XWB(8994,1940,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the file Format. (The file extension)"
^XWB(8994,1940,2,1,1,2,0)="examples: JPG, TGA, DOC, HTM"
^XWB(8994,1940,3,1,0)="Returns Image File system information"
^XWB(8994,1940,3,2,0)=" based on the Image file extension. i.e. JPG"
^XWB(8994,1941,0)="MAG GET ENV^GETENV^MAGGTU6^1^R"
^XWB(8994,1941,1,1,0)="Returns environment variables from VistA server"
^XWB(8994,1942,1,1,0)="Returns the site specific CT Presets."
^XWB(8994,1942,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the string of CT Presets. "
^XWB(8994,1942,3,1,0)=" 1^message for success"
^XWB(8994,1942,3,2,0)=" 0^error message for error."
^XWB(8994,1943,1,1,0)="Returns the site specific CT Presets"
^XWB(8994,1943,3,1,0)="Returns a string of CT Presets."
^XWB(8994,1944,1,1,0)="Returns the property values of a single filter"
^XWB(8994,1944,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the filter ien in the IMAGE LIST FILTERS file."
^XWB(8994,1944,3,1,0)="Returns the property values of a single filter."
^XWB(8994,1944,3,2,0)=" ARRAY(0)= 1 ^ Filter name, IEN"
^XWB(8994,1944,3,3,0)=" or"
^XWB(8994,1944,3,4,0)=" ARRAY(0)= 0 ^ Error message"
^XWB(8994,1944,3,5,0)=" ARRAY(1)= Filter IEN _ ""0"" node of the entry"
^XWB(8994,1944,3,6,0)=" in the IMAGE LIST FILTERS file."
^XWB(8994,1945,1,1,0)="Returns a list of Image Filters"
^XWB(8994,1945,1,2,0)="Either for a specific user (Private filters)"
^XWB(8994,1945,1,3,0)="or Public filters."
^XWB(8994,1945,1,4,0)="Some Public filters are distributed with the installation."
^XWB(8994,1945,1,5,0)="Public filters can also be created by the Imaging site manager."
^XWB(8994,1945,2,1,1,1,0)="This is DUZ, if """" is sent, then the RPC retrieves the Public filters."
^XWB(8994,1945,3,1,0)="Returns a list of Filter IENs ^ Filter Name"
^XWB(8994,1946,1,1,0)="Saves a new Filter to the IMAGE LIST FILTERS file."
^XWB(8994,1946,2,1,1,1,0)="MAGGZ is the input array in format:"
^XWB(8994,1946,2,1,1,2,0)="MAGGZ(n)=""field number ^ field value"""
^XWB(8994,1946,2,1,1,3,0)="if field number = ""IEN"". User is modifying an existing filter."
^XWB(8994,1946,2,1,1,4,0)="field number = ""USER"". The filter is being saved for that user."
^XWB(8994,1946,3,1,0)="The return literal is two piece ""^"" delimited string"
^XWB(8994,1946,3,2,0)="If successful: Filter IEN ^ Filter NAME"
^XWB(8994,1946,3,3,0)="If an Error: 0^error message"
^XWB(8994,1947,1,1,0)="Deletes a Filter entry in the IMAGE LIST FILTERS file."
^XWB(8994,1947,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN to Delete."
^XWB(8994,1947,3,1,0)=" 1^success"
^XWB(8994,1947,3,2,0)=" 0^error message"
^XWB(8994,1948,0)="MAG DIRHASH^DHRPC^MAGQBUT4^1^R^^^^3"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,2,0)="| Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,3,0)="| No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,4,0)="| Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,5,0)="| to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,6,0)="| Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,7,0)="| telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,8,0)="| "
^XWB(8994,1948,1,9,0)="| The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,10,0)="| a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,11,0)="| Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,12,0)="| medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,13,0)="| to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,1948,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1948,1,16,0)="This function returns the current hash schema."
^XWB(8994,1948,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the Image file to be evaluated hashing."
^XWB(8994,1948,2,2,0)="Network location file pointer.^1^999^1^2"
^XWB(8994,1948,2,2,1,1,0)="This reference is used to determine whether hashing is enabled"
^XWB(8994,1948,2,2,1,2,0)="on the target network location."
^XWB(8994,1948,2,"B","Network location file pointer.",2)=""
^XWB(8994,1948,3,1,0)="This value is null if the network location does not have hashing enabled"
^XWB(8994,1948,3,2,0)="otherwise the appropriate hashing algorithm is applied to the filename "
^XWB(8994,1948,3,3,0)="and a string is returned for the network path segment between the drive or"
^XWB(8994,1948,3,4,0)="share and the filename itself:"
^XWB(8994,1948,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1948,3,6,0)="DM00\12\34\56\78 is returned from DM001234567812.TGA"
^XWB(8994,1948,3,7,0)="and DM\12\34 is returned from DM123456.TGA."
^XWB(8994,1949,1,1,0)="This is a list of all Image package installs on the host system."
^XWB(8994,1949,1,2,0)="This list comes from the Install file."
^XWB(8994,1950,1,1,0)="This function returns the boolean value used to determine"
^XWB(8994,1950,1,2,0)="whether the Imaging site is operating in the Consolidation"
^XWB(8994,1950,3,1,0)="0 means the site is running Non-consolidated Vista Imaging."
^XWB(8994,1950,3,2,0)="1 means the site is running Consolidated Vista Imaging."
^XWB(8994,1951,1,1,0)="This rpc returns the IEN of the 2006.1 entry that is appropriate for "
^XWB(8994,1951,1,2,0)="the multi institution parameter designated by the users DUZ(2)."
^XWB(8994,1951,3,1,0)="The ien or DA of the users Site Paramter file record."
^XWB(8994,1952,0)="MAG FLD ATT^DDLF^MAGQBUT4^2^R"
^XWB(8994,1952,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a list of field attributes."
^XWB(8994,1952,2,1,1,1,0)="The file number that contains the desired attribute."
^XWB(8994,1952,2,2,1,1,0)="The desired field attribute."
^XWB(8994,1952,2,4,1,1,0)="The field attribute desired."
^XWB(8994,1953,1,1,0)="This will return information on selected visits for a patient based upon "
^XWB(8994,1953,1,2,0)="the screening factors."
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,1,0)="Setup up Parm.Mult['""sub""'] := value or DATA(SUB)=value"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,3,0)=" sub description"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,4,0)=" -------- ------------------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,5,0)=" DFN pointer to the PATIENT file (#2)"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,6,0)=" SDT in external format or FM format"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,7,0)=" EDT in external format or FM format"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,8,0)=" LOC pointer to Hospital Location (#44)"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,9,0)=" ENCTYPE string of encounter types wanted set of codes from"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,10,0)=" ^DD(9000010,15003)"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,11,0)=" NENCTYPE string of encounter types not wanted set of codes from"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,12,0)=" ^DD(9000010,15003)"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,13,0)=" SERVCAT string of service categories to include set of codes from"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,14,0)=" ^DD(9000010,.07)"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,15,0)=" NSERVCAT string of service categories not to include set of codes from"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,16,0)=" ^DD(9000010,.07)"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,17,0)=" MAX maximum number of entries to return starting with end date and"
^XWB(8994,1953,2,1,1,18,0)=" going backwards"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,1,0)="RETURN: DSIC=$NA(^TMP(""VSIT"",$J))"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1953,3,3,0)=" ^TMP(""VSIT"",$J,visit ien,n) = p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6 where"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,4,0)=" p1 = FM date.time;external date.time"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,5,0)=" p2 = location pointer;external value"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,6,0)=" if visit's service category '= ""H"" then from file 44"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,7,0)=" else then from file #9999999.06"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,8,0)=" p3 = service category code (from field .07)"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,9,0)=" p4 = service connected (external value from field 80001)"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,10,0)=" p5 = patient status in/out code (from field 15002)"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,11,0)=" p6 = clinic stop ien (pointer to file 40.7;external name)"
^XWB(8994,1953,3,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1953,3,13,0)="If problems return @DSIC@(1) = -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1954,1,1,0)="Return all field values for a visit in internal or external format or "
^XWB(8994,1954,2,1,1,1,0)="DATA = p1^p2 where p1 = visit ien or visit's ID - required"
^XWB(8994,1954,2,1,1,2,0)=" p2 = return format"
^XWB(8994,1954,2,1,1,3,0)=" I := internal values"
^XWB(8994,1954,2,1,1,4,0)=" E := external values"
^XWB(8994,1954,2,1,1,5,0)=" B := both internal and external formats - default"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,1,0)="RETURN: DSIC(#) = p1^p2^p3^p4 where"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,2,0)=" p1 = field # from file 9000010"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,3,0)=" p2 = code representing type of data"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,4,0)=" p3 = internal value for field"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,5,0)=" p4 = external value for field"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1954,3,7,0)="If problems return DSIC(1) = -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1954,3,9,0)=" Field # Code Description "
^XWB(8994,1954,3,10,0)=" ------- ---- -----------------------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,11,0)=" .01 VDT VISIT/ADMIT DATE&TIME (date)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,12,0)=" .02 CDT DATE VISIT CREATED (date)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,13,0)=" .03 TYP TYPE (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,14,0)=" .05 PAT PATIENT NAME"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,15,0)=" .06 INS LOC. OF ENCOUNTER (ptr LOCATION file #9999999.06)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,16,0)=" (IHS file DINUMed to INSTITUTION file #4) "
^XWB(8994,1954,3,17,0)=" .07 SVC SERVICE CATEGORY (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,18,0)=" .08 DSS DSS ID (pointer to CLINIC STOP file)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,19,0)=" .09 CTR DEPENDENT ENTRY COUNTER (number)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,20,0)=" .11 DEL DELETE FLAG (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,21,0)=" .12 LNK PARENT VISIT LINK (pointer VISIT file #9000010)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,22,0)=" .13 MDT DATE LAST MODIFIED (date)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,23,0)=" .18 COD CHECK OUT DATE&TIME (date)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,24,0)=" .21 ELG ELIGIBILITY (pointer ELIGIBILITY CODE file #8)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,25,0)=" .22 LOC HOSPITAL LOCATION (pointer HOSPITAL LOCATION file #44)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,26,0)=" .23 USR CREATED BY USER (pointer NEW PERSON file #200)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,27,0)=" .24 OPT OPTION USED TO CREATE (pointer OPTION file #19)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,28,0)=" .25 PRO PROTOCOL (pointer PROTOCOL file #101)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,29,0)=" 2101 OUT OUTSIDE LOCATION (free text)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,30,0)=" 80001 SC SERVICE CONNECTED (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,31,0)=" 80002 AO AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,32,0)=" 80003 IR IONIZING RADIATION EXPOSURE (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,33,0)=" 80004 EC PERSIAN GULF EXPOSURE (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,34,0)=" 80005 MST MILITARY SEXUAL TRAUMA (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,35,0)=" 80006 HNC HEAD AND NECK CANCER (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,36,0)=" 15001 VID VISIT ID (free text)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,37,0)=" 15002 IO PATIENT STATUS IN/OUT (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,38,0)=" 15003 PRI ENCOUNTER TYPE (set)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,39,0)=" 81101 COM COMMENTS"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,40,0)=" 81202 PKG PACKAGE (pointer PACKAGE file #9.4)"
^XWB(8994,1954,3,41,0)=" 81203 SOR DATA SOURCE (pointer PCE DATA SOURCE file (#839.7) "
^XWB(8994,1955,1,1,0)="For a lookup value, this will return a list of CPT codes matching that "
^XWB(8994,1955,1,2,0)="lookup value."
^XWB(8994,1955,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the lookup value for getting a list of CPT codes"
^XWB(8994,1955,2,2,1,1,0)="This date is optional. Default to TODAY. Only CPT codes that were "
^XWB(8994,1955,2,2,1,2,0)="active as of this date will be included in the return list."
^XWB(8994,1955,3,1,0)="If lookup is successful, return List[n] := p1^p2^p3 for n=0,1,2,3,..."
^XWB(8994,1955,3,2,0)="where p1 = ien to file 81 p2 = CPT code p3 = CPT short description"
^XWB(8994,1955,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1955,3,4,0)="If there are problems then return"
^XWB(8994,1955,3,5,0)=" List[0] := -1^Problems encountered"
^XWB(8994,1955,3,6,0)=" List[n] := additional messges"
^XWB(8994,1955,3,7,0)=" where n = 1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,1955,3,8,0)=" There may or may not be any additional messages"
^XWB(8994,1956,1,1,0)="There are certain TIU documents which are in special classes. These "
^XWB(8994,1956,1,2,0)="documents are linked to other VistA files. The TIU Document file has a "
^XWB(8994,1956,1,3,0)="Fileman Variable Pointer linking that document to the owning file. "
^XWB(8994,1956,1,4,0)="Surgical Notes and Clinical Procedure notes are of this type. This RPC "
^XWB(8994,1956,1,5,0)="will return a list of TIU notes assoicated with a specific variable "
^XWB(8994,1956,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a Fileman Variable Pointer value to be used for looking up "
^XWB(8994,1956,2,1,1,2,0)="documents associated with it. This parameter is optional. However, if "
^XWB(8994,1956,2,1,1,3,0)="this parameter is not passed, then then REC parameter will be required."
^XWB(8994,1956,2,2,1,1,0)="This optional single character flag indicates the date order for the list "
^XWB(8994,1956,2,2,1,2,0)="of documents to return."
^XWB(8994,1956,2,2,1,3,0)=" D - return list in descending order, i.e., newest note first"
^XWB(8994,1956,2,2,1,4,0)=" A - return list in ascending order, i.e., oldest note first"
^XWB(8994,1956,2,3,1,1,0)="This parameter is optional. However, if the DSICVP parameter is not "
^XWB(8994,1956,2,3,1,2,0)="passed, then this parameter must be passed. This parameter allows the "
^XWB(8994,1956,2,3,1,3,0)="GUI to get a list of documents without having to pass the explicit "
^XWB(8994,1956,2,3,1,4,0)="Fileman Variable Pointer syntax. The format of REC is code^ien."
^XWB(8994,1956,2,3,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1956,2,3,1,6,0)="The following are the only allowed codes:"
^XWB(8994,1956,2,3,1,7,0)=" S - get documents associated with surgery case # from file 130"
^XWB(8994,1956,2,3,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1956,2,3,1,9,0)="Example: S^234 - get all TIU notes associated with surgical case# 234"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,1,0)="DSIC - return array - passed by reference"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,2,0)=" DSIC = $NA(^TMP(""TIULIST"",$J)) "
^XWB(8994,1956,3,3,0)=" @DSIC@(#) = p1^p2^...^p14 where"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,4,0)=" p1 = IFN"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,5,0)=" p2 = title"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,6,0)=" p3 = Reference date.time (int;ext)"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,7,0)=" p4 = Patient Name (LAST i/Last 4)"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,8,0)=" p5 = Author (int;ext)"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,9,0)=" p6 = Hospital Location"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,10,0)=" p7 = Signature Status"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,11,0)=" p8 = Visit Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,12,0)=" p9 = Discharge Date/time"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,13,0)=" p10 = Variable Pointer to Request (e.g., Consult)"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,14,0)=" p11 = # of Associated Images"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,15,0)=" p12 = Subject"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,16,0)=" p13 = Has Children"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,17,0)=" p14 = IEN of Parent Document"
^XWB(8994,1956,3,18,0)=" On error in input, return @DSIC@(1) = -1^message"
^XWB(8994,1957,1,1,0)="This was mainly written to allow one M routine to get the text of any "
^XWB(8994,1957,1,2,0)="signed progress note. This function is exposed to the GUI. However, GUI "
^XWB(8994,1957,1,3,0)="applications should use the TIU get document RPC in lieu of this RPC in "
^XWB(8994,1957,1,4,0)="most cases."
^XWB(8994,1957,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal record number for file 8925 [IEN or IFN]."
^XWB(8994,1957,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter is not well documented within TIU. So for this RPC, do "
^XWB(8994,1957,2,2,1,2,0)="not pass a value at this time. The default value is ""VIEW""."
^XWB(8994,1957,3,1,0)="Return the text portion of a signed progress note. If there are "
^XWB(8994,1957,3,2,0)="problems, the first line returned will be in the form -1^message."
^XWB(8994,1958,1,1,0)="Returns a list of all complete and/or terminated encounters for a "
^XWB(8994,1958,1,2,0)="selected patient."
^XWB(8994,1958,2,1,1,1,0)="Input parameter is the patient DFN."
^XWB(8994,1958,3,1,0)="Returns global array in the format:"
^XWB(8994,1958,3,2,0)=" ^TMP(""DENT"",$J,i)=p1^p2 where p1=date created"
^XWB(8994,1958,3,3,0)=" p2=""Complete"" or ""Terminated"""
^XWB(8994,1958,3,4,0)="Will return -1^error message if invalid patient/not a dental patient,"
^XWB(8994,1958,3,5,0)="or -1^no data for selected patient if no data."
^XWB(8994,1959,1,1,0)="This RPC allows the Dental software to file word processing type "
^XWB(8994,1959,2,1,1,1,0)="Entity is the level where the parameter is stored (USR, PKG, SYS), etc."
^XWB(8994,1959,2,2,1,1,0)="Parameter is the name of the parameter that values are stored under."
^XWB(8994,1959,2,3,1,1,0)="Instance is defaulted to 1 if not defined, otherwise it represents the "
^XWB(8994,1959,2,3,1,2,0)="next level where parameters are stored within the entity/parameter "
^XWB(8994,1959,2,4,1,1,0)="DATA is the value of the parameter, passed as a list to allow setting of "
^XWB(8994,1959,2,4,1,2,0)="word processing parameter data."
^XWB(8994,1959,3,1,0)="RET = 1^Success if parameter was filed okay, else"
^XWB(8994,1959,3,2,0)=" -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,1960,1,1,0)="Saves transaction information for a particular Dental provider and "
^XWB(8994,1960,1,2,0)="patient. Reserved transactions are not filed to Dental History, DAS or "
^XWB(8994,1960,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains filing information:"
^XWB(8994,1960,2,1,1,2,0)="DATA(1) = FLAG^Provider IEN^DFN "
^XWB(8994,1960,2,1,1,3,0)=" where FLAG=A for add, U for update, D for delete"
^XWB(8994,1960,2,1,1,4,0)="DATA(n) = txn data"
^XWB(8994,1960,3,1,0)="Returns 1^successful message, or -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,1961,1,1,0)="Returns all reserved transactions for a particular Dental provider and"
^XWB(8994,1961,2,1,1,1,0)="Provider IEN from file 200."
^XWB(8994,1961,2,2,1,1,0)="Patient DFN from file 2."
^XWB(8994,1961,3,1,0)="Global array of all reserved transactions for the submitted provider and "
^XWB(8994,1962,1,1,0)="Returns all of the VA-DSS product lines from the DENTAL GROUPING FOR "
^XWB(8994,1962,1,2,0)="VA-DSS file."
^XWB(8994,1962,3,1,0)="Returns ^TMP(""DENT"",$J,ien) = p1^p2 where"
^XWB(8994,1962,3,2,0)=" p1 = ien"
^XWB(8994,1962,3,3,0)=" p2 = Code-Description"
^XWB(8994,1962,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1962,3,5,0)="Returns -1^error message if error (or no product lines) found."
^XWB(8994,1963,0)="ORWGN GNLOC^GNLOC^ORWGN^2^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1965,1,1,0)="This broker call will return data to generate reports on the Delphi Client"
^XWB(8994,1965,1,2,0)="side. It is a generic call that needs the start date, end date, station"
^XWB(8994,1965,1,3,0)="number (or A for all stations), and the report call or name."
^XWB(8994,1967,1,1,0)="This broker call returns a list of valid Request for Compensation claims (CA-7)"
^XWB(8994,1967,1,2,0)="for the employee or Workers' Comp Specialist."
^XWB(8994,1967,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains either the employee's name or employee's social"
^XWB(8994,1967,2,1,1,2,0)="security number. Using this parameter a list of all the CA-7's for this"
^XWB(8994,1967,2,1,1,3,0)="individual will be returned. "
^XWB(8994,1967,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the file number and the menu that called this broker"
^XWB(8994,1967,2,2,1,2,0)="call. The menu the broker is called from helps determine which cases can"
^XWB(8994,1967,2,2,1,3,0)="be returned in the list. If from the employee menu, then only cases for that"
^XWB(8994,1967,2,2,1,4,0)="employee are included, if from the WC menu, then all the CA-7's for the person"
^XWB(8994,1967,2,2,1,5,0)="whose name is passed in."
^XWB(8994,1967,3,1,0)="The return array contains a list of valid CA-7's which includes the CA-7 Case"
^XWB(8994,1967,3,2,0)="number, CA-7 IEN, and the date of the incident that this CA-7 links to. "
^XWB(8994,1968,1,1,0)="This broker call returns a listing of all the valid CA's (either 1 or 2) that"
^XWB(8994,1968,1,2,0)="can be selected by this user to create a new Request for Compensation (CA-7)"
^XWB(8994,1968,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter passes in 3 pieces of information: the name or SSN to be used"
^XWB(8994,1968,2,1,1,2,0)="in building the selection list, the file number to be used for looking up, and"
^XWB(8994,1968,2,1,1,3,0)="the calling menu."
^XWB(8994,1968,3,1,0)="This return parameter returns a list of valid CA-1's and CA-2's containing"
^XWB(8994,1968,3,2,0)="the claim number, name and date of incident. Additional fields that are"
^XWB(8994,1968,3,3,0)="pulled back to be used as default values are: SSN, PAY AMOUNT, PAY PERIOD,"
^XWB(8994,1969,1,1,0)="This broker call will be used to both get and set data stored in a sub-record"
^XWB(8994,1969,1,2,0)="or multiple. When saving (setting) data, the entire subrecord is deleted then"
^XWB(8994,1969,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains three pieces of data, the top level file number to be"
^XWB(8994,1969,2,1,1,2,0)="filed into, the field number, and the IEN in the format: FILE^FIELD^IEN."
^XWB(8994,1969,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter is an array that contains the data to be filed into the "
^XWB(8994,1969,2,2,1,2,0)="multiple. If this parameter is null, then a GET will be preformed rather "
^XWB(8994,1969,2,2,1,3,0)="than a set."
^XWB(8994,1969,3,1,0)="Data from the multiple will be returned in the results array."
^XWB(8994,1970,1,1,0)="This broker call files data in the DUAL Node of the ASISTS Accident Reporting"
^XWB(8994,1970,1,2,0)="File (#2260)."
^XWB(8994,1970,2,1,1,1,0)="This field contains the IEN and the form of the record the data will"
^XWB(8994,1970,2,1,1,2,0)="be filed into. The format is IEN^FORM. An example is 373^DUAL."
^XWB(8994,1970,2,2,1,1,0)="This string contains the DUAL Benefits data. It is in the format of:"
^XWB(8994,1970,2,2,1,2,0)="P1 data^P2 data^P3 data^P4 data^P5 data^P6 data."
^XWB(8994,1970,3,1,0)="The return parameter will be Update Completed if successful, or No Changes"
^XWB(8994,1970,3,2,0)="filed, if not."
^XWB(8994,1971,1,1,0)="This broker call accepts an encrypted electronic signature, validates the "
^XWB(8994,1971,1,2,0)="entry and files the signature fields in the ASISTS COMPENSATION CLAIM (CA7) "
^XWB(8994,1971,1,3,0)="File (#2264)."
^XWB(8994,1971,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the file number, field number and internal record"
^XWB(8994,1971,2,1,1,2,0)="number for verifying and filing the electronic signature. The expected format"
^XWB(8994,1971,2,1,1,3,0)="is: FILE^FIELD^IEN. An Example being 2264^84^5."
^XWB(8994,1971,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the encrypted electronic signature code."
^XWB(8994,1971,3,1,0)="The return parameter, contains a message indicating the success of filing"
^XWB(8994,1971,3,2,0)="the electronic signature fields."
^XWB(8994,1972,1,1,0)="This broker call will return the SIGNATURE BLOCK PRINTED NAME from the New"
^XWB(8994,1972,1,2,0)="Person File (#200) if the validation logic for signing the case passes."
^XWB(8994,1972,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the internal record number for the case."
^XWB(8994,1972,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter contains the letter that cooresponds to the menu that was"
^XWB(8994,1972,2,2,1,2,0)="used to access the option passing in the data."
^XWB(8994,1972,2,3,1,1,0)="This paramter contains the type of form that is being accessed. As of ASISTS "
^XWB(8994,1972,2,3,1,2,0)="version 2, patch 5, the only value expected is CA7."
^XWB(8994,1972,3,1,0)="The return value will contain either the SIGNATURE BLOCK PRINTED NAME or an"
^XWB(8994,1972,3,2,0)="error message indicating that the electronic signature decoding failed."
^XWB(8994,1973,1,1,0)="This broker call will take the Zip Code and State Name and validate that the"
^XWB(8994,1973,1,2,0)="Zip Code exists and is valid for the State."
^XWB(8994,1973,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter will contain the Zip Code and the State name to validate in the"
^XWB(8994,1973,2,1,1,2,0)="format ZIPCODE^STATENAME. The zip code will be validated to ensure that it"
^XWB(8994,1973,2,1,1,3,0)="exists and then will obtain the State from the zip code file and check it"
^XWB(8994,1973,2,1,1,4,0)="against the cooresponding State entered by the user."
^XWB(8994,1973,3,1,0)="The RESULTS parameter will contain a text message indicating the success of"
^XWB(8994,1973,3,2,0)="the call or the reason it failed; missing parameters, zip code does not exist, "
^XWB(8994,1973,3,3,0)="or zip code does not match state."
^XWB(8994,1974,0)="PSB MED LOG LOOKUP^RPC^PSBMLLKU^2^P^0^^^3"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,1,0)="BCMA Medication Log Look Up Remote Procedures."
^XWB(8994,1974,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,3,0)="This routine is a conglomerate of Medication Log lookup functionality"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,4,0)="per the BCMA Graphical User Interface software."
^XWB(8994,1974,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,6,0)="Input: PSBREC (array)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,7,0)=" PSBREC (0) determine ""lookup"" function "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,8,0)=" ""PTLKUP"" (patient file (#2) lookup)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,9,0)=" ""ADMLKUP"" (MedLog administration lookup)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,10,0)=" ""SELECTAD"" (selected admin.)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,11,0)=" (1) values to use per lookup. (DFN per ADMLKUP)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,12,0)=" value of selected item. (PSB IEN per SELECTAD)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,13,0)=" (2) search date per ADMLKUP"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,15,0)="Output: RESULTS (array)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,16,0)=" RESULTS(0) number of lookup matches"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,17,0)=" (1) error message or data per match/selection"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,18,0)=" (n) data per subsequent match/selection."
^XWB(8994,1974,1,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,20,0)="""PTLKUP"" results data format:"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,21,0)="RPC Call: PSB MED LOG LOOKUP"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,22,0)="RESULTS(0) = 1"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,23,0)="RESULTS(1) = "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,24,0)="piece 1 Patient's DFN (""-1"" if error/message)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,25,0)="piece 2 Patient's Name"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,26,0)="piece 3 Sex"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,27,0)="piece 4 Date of Birth (FM format)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,28,0)="piece 5 Social Security Number"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,29,0)="piece 6 """""
^XWB(8994,1974,1,30,0)="piece 7 """""
^XWB(8994,1974,1,31,0)="piece 8 """""
^XWB(8994,1974,1,32,0)="piece 9 """""
^XWB(8994,1974,1,33,0)="piece 10 Date Of Birth (displayable format)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,34,0)="piece 11 Social Security Number (displayable format)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,35,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,36,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,37,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,38,0)="""ADMLKUP"" results data format:"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,39,0)="RESULTS(0)=Number of lines returned."
^XWB(8994,1974,1,40,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,42,0)="piece 1 DFN of Patient"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,43,0)="piece 2 DATE of Activity"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,44,0)="piece 3 Orderable Item_"" ""_Dosage Form"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,45,0)="piece 4 IV Unique ID"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,46,0)="piece 5 Action Status"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,47,0)="piece 6 Schedule Type"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,48,0)="piece 7 Action Date/Time (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,49,0)="piece 8 Action By Initials"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,50,0)="piece 9 PRN Reason"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,51,0)="piece 10 PRN Effectiveness"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,52,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,53,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,54,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,55,0)="""SELECTAD"" results data format:"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,56,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,57,0)="RESULTS(0)=Number of lines returned."
^XWB(8994,1974,1,58,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,60,0)="piece 1 PSBIEN of the administration selected for edit. (""-1"" if error/message)"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,61,0)="piece 2 DFN of Patient "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,62,0)="piece 3 Patient Name"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,63,0)="piece 4 SSN"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,64,0)="piece 5 Medication"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,65,0)="piece 6 BagID"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,66,0)="piece 7 AdminStat"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,67,0)="piece 8 ""for possible later use"""
^XWB(8994,1974,1,68,0)="piece 9 AdminD/T"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,69,0)="piece 10 InjctSt"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,70,0)="piece 11 ""IV""/""PB""/""UD"""
^XWB(8994,1974,1,71,0)="piece 12 ""for possible later use"""
^XWB(8994,1974,1,72,0)="piece 13 Order Status"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,73,0)="piece 14 Schedul. Type"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,74,0)="piece 15 Order Number_U/V"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,75,0)="piece 16 Order has given patch or infusing IVbag - Flag"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,76,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,78,0)="piece 1 PRN Reason"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,79,0)="piece 2 PRN Effectiveness"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,80,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1974,1,81,0)="RESULTS(3..n) [for each dd/add/sol] ="
^XWB(8994,1974,1,82,0)="piece 1 ""DD""/""ADD""/""SOL"""
^XWB(8994,1974,1,83,0)="piece 2 drug IEN"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,84,0)="piece 3 drug Name"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,85,0)="piece 4 Units Ordered"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,86,0)="piece 5 Units Given"
^XWB(8994,1974,1,87,0)="piece 6 Units of Administration"
^XWB(8994,1974,2,1,1,1,0)="PSBREC (array)"
^XWB(8994,1974,2,1,1,2,0)="(0) determines ""lookup"" function "
^XWB(8994,1974,2,1,1,3,0)=" ""PTLKUP"" (patient file (#2) lookup)"
^XWB(8994,1974,2,1,1,4,0)=" ""ADMLKUP"" (administration lookup)"
^XWB(8994,1974,2,1,1,5,0)=" ""SELECTAD"" (process selected administration. "
^XWB(8994,1974,2,1,1,6,0)="(1) values to use for the lookup. (DFN for the ADMLKUP)"
^XWB(8994,1974,2,1,1,7,0)=" ""SELECTAD"" must present the PSBIEN value"
^XWB(8994,1974,2,1,1,8,0)=" of the user-chosen administration."
^XWB(8994,1974,2,1,1,9,0)="(2) search date for ADMLKUP"
^XWB(8994,1974,3,1,0)="RESULTS (array)"
^XWB(8994,1974,3,2,0)="(0) number of lookup matches"
^XWB(8994,1974,3,3,0)="(1) error message or detail data per lookup match"
^XWB(8994,1974,3,4,0)="(n) continued data per subsequent lookup match."
^XWB(8994,1974,3,5,0)=" per SELECTAD - administration data ..."
^XWB(8994,1975,1,1,0)="Special Report for Pension and A&A"
^XWB(8994,1975,2,1,1,1,0)="List of IENs that are the ""Discharge Types"""
^XWB(8994,1975,2,1,1,2,0)="that if found, will be included in the report"
^XWB(8994,1975,2,2,1,1,0)="Beginning Date for the Date Range to use for the report"
^XWB(8994,1975,2,3,1,1,0)="Ending Date for the Date Range to use for the report"
^XWB(8994,1975,2,4,1,1,0)="Regional Office number should be passed if you"
^XWB(8994,1975,2,4,1,2,0)="wish to consider only one specific Regional Office"
^XWB(8994,1975,2,4,1,3,0)="in the report"
^XWB(8994,1975,2,6,1,1,0)="Pass 'A' for an A&A Report"
^XWB(8994,1975,2,6,1,2,0)="Pass 'P' for a Pension Report"
^XWB(8994,1976,1,1,0)="Set DVBIEN to the internal entry number of the form"
^XWB(8994,1976,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1976,1,3,0)="Set DVBLINES to the lines to be saved"
^XWB(8994,1976,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1976,1,5,0)="Set DVBLINEN to the starting line # in the global. This allows for forms"
^XWB(8994,1976,1,6,0)="to be sent in chunks."
^XWB(8994,1977,1,1,0)="Provides a report by date range of all AMIE/CAPRI exam requests."
^XWB(8994,1978,1,1,0)="Returns complete list of CAPRI templates."
^XWB(8994,1979,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN of the form data to retrieve."
^XWB(8994,1980,1,1,0)=" This RPC uses the new Global call to send down a BIG list of number to "
^XWB(8994,1980,1,2,0)=" sort. In the old Broker it would cause an allocation error but this one "
^XWB(8994,1980,1,3,0)=" saves the data into a temp global. "
^XWB(8994,1982,0)="ORRC SYSID^SYS^ORRCLNP^1^S"
^XWB(8994,1982,1,1,0)="This RPC will return the system identifier as a prodcution system or not."
^XWB(8994,1982,3,1,0)="1 if the system is a production system"
^XWB(8994,1982,3,2,0)="0 if the system is not marked as production"
^XWB(8994,1983,0)="RMPR PFFS LIST^EN^RMPRPFFS^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1983,1,3,0)=" ;RESULTS passed to broker in ^TMP($J,"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,4,0)=" ;delimited by ""^"""
^XWB(8994,1983,1,5,0)=" ;piece 1 = ENTRY DATE"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,6,0)=" ;piece 2 = PATIENT NAME"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,7,0)=" ;piece 3 = PSAS HCPCS with * if hcpcs has Calculation Flag"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,8,0)=" ;piece 4 = QTY"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,9,0)=" ;piece 5 = VENDOR"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,10,0)=" ;piece 6 = INITIAL ACTION DATE"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,11,0)=" ;piece 7 = TOTAL COST"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,12,0)=" ;piece 8 = DESCRIPTION"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,13,0)=" ;piece 9 = INITIATOR"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,14,0)=" ;piece 10 = NPPD LINE BEFORE GROUPER"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,15,0)=" ;piece 11 = STATION"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,16,0)=" ;piece 12 = GROUPER NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,17,0)=" ;piece 13 = FORM REQUESTED ON"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,18,0)=" ;piece 14 = TYPE OF TRANSACTION"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,19,0)=" ;piece 15 = SSN"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,20,0)=" ;piece 16 = IEN TO FILE 660"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,21,0)=" ;piece 17 = HCPCS SHORT DESCRIPTION"
^XWB(8994,1983,1,22,0)=" ;piece 18 = SOURCE"
^XWB(8994,1983,2,1,1,1,0)="The Fileman date to start the query. The begining date."
^XWB(8994,1983,2,2,1,1,0)="The Fileman date to end the query. The ending date."
^XWB(8994,1984,0)="RMPR DIS LIST 660^EN^RMPR9DM2^2^R^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1984,1,1,0)="GUI 2319 MAS DISABILITY AND PERCENT."
^XWB(8994,1984,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1984,1,3,0)="PASS IEN OF FILE 660."
^XWB(8994,1984,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1984,1,5,0)="RETURN RESULTS FROM FILE #2."
^XWB(8994,1984,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1984,1,8,0)="One line or multiple lines."
^XWB(8994,1984,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1984,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1985,0)="RMPR PFFS INS^EN^RMPR9DM3^2^R^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,1985,1,1,0)=" ;RESULTS passed to broker"
^XWB(8994,1985,1,2,0)=" ;delimited by ""^"""
^XWB(8994,1985,1,3,0)=" ;piece 1 = INSURANCE COMPANY"
^XWB(8994,1985,1,4,0)=" ;piece 2 = SUB ID"
^XWB(8994,1985,1,5,0)=" ;piece 3 = GROUP"
^XWB(8994,1985,1,6,0)=" ;piece 4 = HOLDER"
^XWB(8994,1985,1,7,0)=" ;piece 5 = EXPIRATION DATE"
^XWB(8994,1985,1,8,0)=" ;piece 6 = EFFECTIVE DATE"
^XWB(8994,1985,1,9,0)=" ;piece 7 = COB"
^XWB(8994,1985,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1985,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,1990,1,1,0)="Returns a clinician's personal diagnosis codes."
^XWB(8994,1990,2,1,1,1,0)="The clinician's internal ID number."
^XWB(8994,1991,1,1,0)="Add a new Clinician's Personal DX List or add new ICD9 codes to an "
^XWB(8994,1991,1,2,0)="existing Clinician's Personal DX List. The Personal DX list is stored in "
^XWB(8994,1991,1,3,0)="the CPRS Diagnosis Provider file, file # 5000017"
^XWB(8994,1991,2,1,1,1,0)="The clinician's internal ID number."
^XWB(8994,1991,2,2,1,1,0)="The array variable of diagnosis codes to be added to the clinician's "
^XWB(8994,1991,2,2,1,2,0)="personal diagnoses list."
^XWB(8994,1992,1,1,0)="Delete a selected diagnosis code from a Clinician's Personal DX List. The "
^XWB(8994,1992,1,2,0)="personal dx list is stored in CPRS Diagnosis Provider file, file # "
^XWB(8994,1992,2,1,1,1,0)="The clinician's internal ID number."
^XWB(8994,1992,2,2,1,1,0)="Array of diagnoses codes to be deleted from the clinician's personal"
^XWB(8994,1992,2,2,1,2,0)="dx list."
^XWB(8994,1993,1,1,0)="This returns a list of unique ICD9 diagnoses codes and their descriptions "
^XWB(8994,1993,1,2,0)="on orders placed by a clinician for a patient for today. This will be "
^XWB(8994,1993,1,3,0)="used to help in filling out the encounter form."
^XWB(8994,1993,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the clinician's internal ID number."
^XWB(8994,1993,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the patient's internal ID number."
^XWB(8994,1993,3,1,0)="This is an array of ICD9 diagnoses codes and their descriptions. "
^XWB(8994,1995,1,1,0)="Gets the value of the Enable Billing Awareness By User parameter. The "
^XWB(8994,1995,1,2,0)="value returned will be 1 for Yes, Billing Awareness Enabled, and 0 for "
^XWB(8994,1995,1,3,0)="No, Billing Awareness Disabled."
^XWB(8994,1995,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the interanl ID number of the clinicial who is being checked for "
^XWB(8994,1995,2,1,1,2,0)="the value of the Enable Billing Awareness Parameter."
^XWB(8994,1995,3,1,0)="The value of the return variable will be 1 for Yes, Billing Awareness "
^XWB(8994,1995,3,2,0)="Enabled or 0 for No, Billing Awareness Disabled."
^XWB(8994,1997,1,1,0)="Returns an array of 'Hints' for Treatment Factors for CPRS CI/BA Project."
^XWB(8994,1999,3,1,0)="Returns a single integer value."
^XWB(8994,2000,3,1,0)="Returns a single integer value."
^XWB(8994,2006,0)="ORWNSS NSSMSG^NSSMSG^ORWNSS^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2007,0)="ORWNSS QOSCH^QOSCH^ORWNSS^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2008,0)="ORWNSS VALSCH^VALSCH^ORWNSS^1^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2010,1,1,0)="Check for existence of text in TIU(8925,TIUDA, either in ""TEXT"" or ""TEMP"" "
^XWB(8994,2010,1,2,0)="nodes, before allowing signature."
^XWB(8994,2010,2,1,1,1,0)="Pointer to file 8925."
^XWB(8994,2010,3,1,0)="1 = text present"
^XWB(8994,2010,3,2,0)="0 = no text present"
^XWB(8994,2013,1,1,0)="Receive external ICD9 number and return IEN"
^XWB(8994,2013,2,1,1,1,0)="External ICD9 number"
^XWB(8994,2013,3,1,0)="Returns IEN for ICD9 number"
^XWB(8994,2014,1,1,0)="Returns array of subtopics for any given education topic"
^XWB(8994,2014,2,1,0)="EDUCATION TOPIC ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,2014,2,1,1,1,0)="Education topic (ien) from EDUCATION TOPIC file [#9999999.09]"
^XWB(8994,2014,2,"B","EDUCATION TOPIC ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2014,3,1,0)="FORMAT OF OUTPUT"
^XWB(8994,2014,3,2,0)="ARRAY(1) = ien^name^print name^sequence number"
^XWB(8994,2014,3,3,0)="ARRAY(2) = ien^name^print name^sequence number"
^XWB(8994,2015,1,1,0)="Returns list of education topics for a reminder"
^XWB(8994,2015,2,1,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,2015,2,1,1,1,0)="Clinical reminder (ien) from CLINICAL REMINDER DEFINITION file [#811.9]"
^XWB(8994,2015,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2015,3,1,0)="List of education topics for this reminder in format"
^XWB(8994,2015,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2015,3,3,0)=" ien^name^print name"
^XWB(8994,2016,1,1,0)=" Detailed description of education topic"
^XWB(8994,2016,2,1,0)="EDUCATION TOPIC ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,2016,2,1,1,1,0)="Education topic (ien) from EDUCATION TOPIC file [#9999999.09]"
^XWB(8994,2016,2,"B","EDUCATION TOPIC ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2016,3,1,0)="Detailed description of education topic as formatted text"
^XWB(8994,2016,3,2,0)=" FORMAT OF OUTPUT"
^XWB(8994,2016,3,3,0)=" ARRAY(1) = Display text line 1"
^XWB(8994,2016,3,4,0)=" ARRAY(2) = Display text line 2"
^XWB(8994,2016,3,5,0)=" ARRAY(3) = etc"
^XWB(8994,2017,1,1,0)="Returns list of all CPRS lookup categories and associated reminders"
^XWB(8994,2017,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,2017,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient Identifier from Patient file [#2]"
^XWB(8994,2017,2,2,0)="HOSPITAL LOCATION^1^16^1^2"
^XWB(8994,2017,2,2,1,1,0)="Patient's HOSPITAL LOCATION [#44]. May be null."
^XWB(8994,2017,2,"B","HOSPITAL LOCATION",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2017,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2017,3,1,0)="Returns array of categories and reminders based on CPRS lookup categories"
^XWB(8994,2017,3,2,0)=" for this patient service/location."
^XWB(8994,2017,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2017,3,4,0)=" FORMAT OF OUTPUT"
^XWB(8994,2017,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2017,3,6,0)=" ARRAY(1)=identifier^type^name^parent identifier^reminder ien"
^XWB(8994,2017,3,7,0)=" ARRAY(2)=identifier^type^name^parent identifier^reminder ien"
^XWB(8994,2018,1,1,0)="Dialog for a given reminder"
^XWB(8994,2018,2,1,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,2018,2,1,1,1,0)=" Clinical reminder (ien) from CLINICAL REMINDER DEFINITION file [#811.9]"
^XWB(8994,2018,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2018,3,1,0)="For each dialog item in the reminder dialog for the reminder :"
^XWB(8994,2018,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2018,3,3,0)=" 1) Initial states"
^XWB(8994,2018,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2018,3,5,0)=" 1^dialog item ien[#801.41]^dialog ien [#801.412]^^^^"
^XWB(8994,2018,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2018,3,7,0)=" 2) Question text "
^XWB(8994,2018,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2018,3,9,0)=" 2^dialog item ien[#801.41]^dialog ien [#801.412]^text "
^XWB(8994,2019,1,1,0)="Additional prompts for a given dialog element"
^XWB(8994,2019,2,1,0)="DIALOG ELEMENT IEN^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2019,2,1,1,1,0)="Reminder dialog element identifier (ien) from REMINDER DIALOG file [#801.41]"
^XWB(8994,2019,2,2,1,1,0)="Used only for taxonomy dialogs."
^XWB(8994,2019,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2019,2,2,1,3,0)=" 0 - Current Diagnosis/Procedure"
^XWB(8994,2019,2,2,1,4,0)=" 1 - Historical Diagnosis/Procedure"
^XWB(8994,2019,2,3,0)="DIALOG LINE CPT/POV^1^3^0^3"
^XWB(8994,2019,2,3,1,1,0)="For taxonomy dialog the type of finding (POV/CPT) for this dialog line"
^XWB(8994,2019,2,"B","DIALOG ELEMENT IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2019,2,"B","DIALOG LINE CPT/POV",3)=""
^XWB(8994,2019,3,1,0)="For a selected dialog element"
^XWB(8994,2019,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2019,3,3,0)=" 3) Resolutions"
^XWB(8994,2019,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2019,3,5,0)=" 3^dialog item ien[#801.41]^line id^resolution type code^ien[#various]"
^XWB(8994,2019,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2019,3,7,0)=" 4) Additional prompts"
^XWB(8994,2019,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2019,3,9,0)=" 4^dialog item ien[#801.41]^line id^prompt text"
^XWB(8994,2019,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2019,3,11,0)=" 5) Listbox items (cpt/pov)"
^XWB(8994,2019,3,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2019,3,13,0)=" 5^dialog item ien[#801.41]^line id^cpt/pov ien^code/desc"
^XWB(8994,2020,1,1,0)=" Allows evaluation of a list of reminders. Returns a list of clinical"
^XWB(8994,2020,1,2,0)=" reminders due/applicable or not applicable to the patient."
^XWB(8994,2020,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2020,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier from the patient file [#2]"
^XWB(8994,2020,2,2,0)="REMINDER ARRAY^2^16^1^2"
^XWB(8994,2020,2,2,1,1,0)="List of reminders in format :"
^XWB(8994,2020,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2020,2,2,1,3,0)=" array(1) = reminder ien1 (from #811.9)"
^XWB(8994,2020,2,2,1,4,0)=" array(2) = reminder ien2"
^XWB(8994,2020,2,2,1,5,0)=" etc"
^XWB(8994,2020,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2020,2,"B","REMINDER ARRAY",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2020,3,1,0)="List of reminders in format:"
^XWB(8994,2020,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2020,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2020,3,5,0)=" DUE=0 - Applicable"
^XWB(8994,2020,3,6,0)=" DUE=1 - Due"
^XWB(8994,2020,3,7,0)=" DUE=2 - Not Applicable"
^XWB(8994,2021,1,1,0)="Detailed description of reminder"
^XWB(8994,2021,2,1,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2021,2,1,1,1,0)="Clinical reminder (ien) from CLINICAL REMINDER DEFINITION file [#811.9]"
^XWB(8994,2021,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2021,3,1,0)="Detailed description of clinical reminder as formatted text"
^XWB(8994,2021,3,2,0)=" FORMAT OF OUTPUT"
^XWB(8994,2021,3,3,0)=" ARRAY(1) = Display text line 1"
^XWB(8994,2021,3,4,0)=" ARRAY(2) = Display text line 2"
^XWB(8994,2021,3,5,0)=" ARRAY(3) = etc"
^XWB(8994,2022,1,1,0)="Web addresses for selected reminder"
^XWB(8994,2022,2,1,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1"
^XWB(8994,2022,2,1,1,1,0)="Clinical reminder (ien) from CLINICAL REMINDER DEFINITION file [#811.9]"
^XWB(8994,2022,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2022,3,1,0)="Formatted list of web addresses"
^XWB(8994,2022,3,2,0)=" description^address"
^XWB(8994,2022,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2022,3,4,0)=" E.G."
^XWB(8994,2022,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2022,3,6,0)=" ARRAY(0)=4"
^XWB(8994,2022,3,7,0)=" ARRAY(1)=Influenza Directive^"
^XWB(8994,2022,3,8,0)=" ARRAY(2)=Medical Home Pages^"
^XWB(8994,2022,3,9,0)=" ARRAY(3)=National Guideline Clearinghouse^"
^XWB(8994,2022,3,10,0)=" ARRAY(4)=VISN01 Web Page^"
^XWB(8994,2023,1,1,0)="Returns list of CPRS reminders for patient/location (no evaluation is done)"
^XWB(8994,2023,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2023,2,1,1,1,0)=" Patient identifier from the patient file [#2]"
^XWB(8994,2023,2,2,0)="HOSPITAL LOCATION^1^16^1^2"
^XWB(8994,2023,2,2,1,1,0)="Patients location from HOSPITAL LOCATION [#44]. May be null"
^XWB(8994,2023,2,"B","HOSPITAL LOCATION",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2023,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2023,3,1,0)="List of reminder iens."
^XWB(8994,2024,1,1,0)="Returns the details of a clinical reminder"
^XWB(8994,2024,2,1,0)="PATIENT ID^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2024,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient identifier from Patient file [#2]"
^XWB(8994,2024,2,2,0)="CLINICAL REMINDER ID^1^16^1^2"
^XWB(8994,2024,2,2,1,1,0)="Clinical reminder (ien) from CLINICAL REMINDER DEFINITION file [#811.9]"
^XWB(8994,2024,2,"B","CLINICAL REMINDER ID",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2024,2,"B","PATIENT ID",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2024,3,1,0)="Formatted details of the clinical reminder"
^XWB(8994,2025,1,1,0)="Returns array for given mental health instrument"
^XWB(8994,2025,2,1,0)="MENTAL HEALTH INSTRUMENT^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2025,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of the mental health instrument"
^XWB(8994,2025,2,"B","MENTAL HEALTH INSTRUMENT",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2025,3,1,0)="Returns array of mental health instrument questions/answers"
^XWB(8994,2026,1,1,0)="Returns header text to be inserted in each progress note."
^XWB(8994,2026,2,1,0)="HOSPITAL LOCATION^1^16^^1"
^XWB(8994,2026,2,1,1,1,0)="Patients location from HOSPITAL LOCATION [#44]. May be null."
^XWB(8994,2026,2,"B","HOSPITAL LOCATION",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2027,1,1,0)="Returns progress note text based on the results of the test."
^XWB(8994,2027,2,2,0)="TEST RESULTS^1^16^1^3"
^XWB(8994,2027,2,2,1,1,0)="Dummy field to represent results. Probably needs to pass contents of the"
^XWB(8994,2027,2,2,1,2,0)="YS array (R1,R2,DFN,DUZ,ADATE etc)."
^XWB(8994,2027,2,3,0)="RESULT GROUP/ELEMENT^1^16^0^2"
^XWB(8994,2027,2,3,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to the result group for the test."
^XWB(8994,2027,2,"B","RESULT GROUP/ELEMENT",3)=""
^XWB(8994,2027,2,"B","TEST RESULTS",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2027,3,1,0)="Returns array of progress note text as multiple type 7 records."
^XWB(8994,2028,1,1,0)="Stores test result responses from a reminder dialog."
^XWB(8994,2028,2,1,0)="TEST RESULTS^1^16^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2028,2,1,1,1,0)="Test results. Needs to pass contents of the YS array (R1,R2,DFN,DUZ,ADATE"
^XWB(8994,2028,2,"B","TEST RESULTS",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2028,3,1,0)="Returns either "
^XWB(8994,2028,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2028,3,3,0)="[DATA]saved ok"
^XWB(8994,2028,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2028,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2028,3,7,0)="-1^[ERROR]description of error"
^XWB(8994,2029,1,1,0)="Standard RPC for all Reminder GUI applications"
^XWB(8994,2029,2,1,1,1,0)="Type of RPC call to be performed"
^XWB(8994,2029,2,2,1,1,0)="Input parameters"
^XWB(8994,2029,3,1,0)="Returned parameter is a variable format array"
^XWB(8994,2029,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2029,3,3,0)="FORMAT OF OUTPUT"
^XWB(8994,2029,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2030,1,1,0)="This returns data about a TIU TEMPLATE entry."
^XWB(8994,2030,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number to the TIU TEMPLATE file (#8927)."
^XWB(8994,2030,3,1,0)="Returns data from TIU TEMPLATE"
^XWB(8994,2031,0)="OOPS SET OSHA300A^OSHA300^OOPSGUIC^1"
^XWB(8994,2032,0)="FSC RPC^RPC^FSCRPX^4^P^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2032,1,1,0)="NOIS remote procedure entry. All RPCs for NOIS route through this entry."
^XWB(8994,2033,1,1,0)="CIDC RPC"
^XWB(8994,2033,2,1,1,1,0)="PATIENT'S IEN"
^XWB(8994,2035,0)="DVBAB FETCH 1U4N^U1N4^DVBABFRM^4^S^0^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,2035,1,1,0)="Retrieve the 1u4n field for the list of patient IENS"
^XWB(8994,2035,1,2,0)="provided as the only argument. Each IEN will be"
^XWB(8994,2035,1,3,0)="sent back with field .0905 appended after a caret."
^XWB(8994,2035,2,1,1,1,0)="List of patient IENs"
^XWB(8994,2035,3,1,0)="List of Patient IENs in piece 1,"
^XWB(8994,2035,3,2,0)="followed by 1U4N in piece 2"
^XWB(8994,2036,1,1,0)="Returns report of exam templates, including current status"
^XWB(8994,2037,1,1,0)="Makes a backup copy of a CAPRI template in case of data loss. The backup "
^XWB(8994,2037,1,2,0)="is restored through the CAPRI GUI."
^XWB(8994,2037,2,1,1,1,0)="The IEN of the template for which a backup is being created"
^XWB(8994,2037,2,2,0)="LISTBOX TEXT^1^50^0"
^XWB(8994,2037,2,2,1,1,0)="Option field to allow the user to enter custom text to be attached to the "
^XWB(8994,2037,2,2,1,2,0)="saved data. Displayed in the listbox on the GUI side."
^XWB(8994,2037,2,"B","LISTBOX TEXT",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2038,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN in file 396.17"
^XWB(8994,2038,3,1,0)="String returned is ""^"" piece separated, as follows:"
^XWB(8994,2038,3,2,0)=" Piece Item"
^XWB(8994,2038,3,3,0)=" 1"
^XWB(8994,2039,2,2,1,1,0)="Sub-IEN in file 397.17"
^XWB(8994,2040,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2040,1,2,0)="Copies a CAPRI form in file 396.17 to a new entry. Clears key field so "
^XWB(8994,2040,1,3,0)="the form becomes editable as a new draft document."
^XWB(8994,2040,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2040,1,5,0)="DVBAB1 = IEN in 396.17 to copy"
^XWB(8994,2040,1,6,0)="DVBAB2 = IEN in patient file"
^XWB(8994,2040,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2040,1,8,0)="If DVBAB2 is null, the copied form will be filed under the same patient "
^XWB(8994,2040,1,9,0)="it previously belonged to."
^XWB(8994,2040,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2040,1,11,0)="If DVBAB2 has a value, it'll be copied to the new patient."
^XWB(8994,2040,3,1,0)="Returns the IEN of the newly copied form."
^XWB(8994,2041,0)="DVBAB FIND DUPS^DUP^DVBAB84^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2041,1,1,0)="Find potential duplicates within the PATIENT File (#2)"
^XWB(8994,2041,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2041,1,3,0)="At least one of NAM, DOB, or SSN must be passed"
^XWB(8994,2041,1,4,0)="Possible matches are ""better"" when more than one of these is passed"
^XWB(8994,2041,2,1,1,1,0)="Name of possible patient"
^XWB(8994,2041,2,2,1,1,0)="Date of Birth of possible patient"
^XWB(8994,2041,2,3,1,1,0)="Social Security Number of possible patient"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,1,0)="BYREF - Passed by reference, will contain name of a TMP Global housing the results"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2041,3,3,0)="Subscript 0: -1^ERROR_MESSAGE (in the event of an error)"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2041,3,5,0)=" OR"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2041,3,7,0)="Subscript 0: Number of potential matches found (if no errors)"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,8,0)="Subscript 1-K: Patient's matching ALL 3 of NAM, DOB, SSN have a weighting of 3 (see Note)"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,9,0)="Subscript K+1-L: Patient's matching ANY 2 of NAM, DOB, SSN have a weighting of 2 (see Note)"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,10,0)="Subscript L+1-M: Patient's matching ONLY 1 of NAM, DOB, SSN have a weighting of 1 (see Note)"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2041,3,12,0)="^TMP(1-M) = DFN^ZERO_NODE"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,13,0)=" where DFN is the Patient IEN"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,14,0)=" ZERO_NODE is the data from ^DPT(DFN,0)"
^XWB(8994,2041,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2041,3,16,0)="NOTE: Potential matches within a weighting (if any) will be sorted by Patient Name"
^XWB(8994,2042,0)="DVBAB SET DIVISION^DUZ2^DVBAB84^1^S^^^0"
^XWB(8994,2042,1,1,0)="Set the Division"
^XWB(8994,2042,2,1,1,1,0)="The Station Number"
^XWB(8994,2042,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2042,3,3,0)=" O^ERR_MESSAGE (upon failure)"
^XWB(8994,2042,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2042,3,5,0)=" IEN^INSTITUTION_NAME (upon success)"
^XWB(8994,2043,0)="DENTV REPORT KLF^KLF^DENTVAU^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2043,1,1,0)="Retrieves Dental KLF Report data for specified time period.Rep"
^XWB(8994,2043,2,1,1,1,0)="The input parameter list contains the following:"
^XWB(8994,2043,2,1,1,2,0)=" PARAM(""RPT"") = Report to run:"
^XWB(8994,2043,2,1,1,3,0)=" 0=all 1 through 11 or any combination,"
^XWB(8994,2043,2,1,1,4,0)=" separated by commas retrieves KLF tables 1-11"
^XWB(8994,2043,2,1,1,5,0)=" PARAM(""STN"") = station (external, e.g. 500, 500BZ), optional"
^XWB(8994,2043,2,1,1,6,0)=" PARAM(""START"")= start date in external format (11/1/2003)"
^XWB(8994,2043,2,1,1,7,0)=" PARAM(""END"") = end date in external format (11/30/2003)"
^XWB(8994,2043,2,1,1,8,0)=" PARAM(""FY"") = fiscal year (2005, 2004, etc)"
^XWB(8994,2043,3,1,0)="Returns a global array containing the report data. The array is specific"
^XWB(8994,2043,3,2,0)=" to the report - see the M documentation in DENTVA3, DENTVA4, DENTVA5"
^XWB(8994,2043,3,3,0)=" and DENTVA6. DENTVAU describes which routine is called for which report."
^XWB(8994,2044,1,1,0)="This rpc gets or sets the primary and secondary providers for a"
^XWB(8994,2044,1,2,0)="dental patient."
^XWB(8994,2044,2,1,1,1,0)="The first parameter is the patient ien (DFN) which is the ien to"
^XWB(8994,2044,2,1,1,2,0)="the DENTAL PATIENT (#220) file."
^XWB(8994,2044,2,2,1,1,0)="The second, optional, parameter is the primary and secondary provider"
^XWB(8994,2044,2,2,1,2,0)="iens, in the format p1^p2."
^XWB(8994,2044,3,1,0)="If there is no second parameter, then we are ""getting"" the providers"
^XWB(8994,2044,3,2,0)="and the rpc will return p1^p2 for primary^secondary provider."
^XWB(8994,2044,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2044,3,4,0)="If there is a second parameter, then we are ""setting"" the providers"
^XWB(8994,2044,3,5,0)="into the DENTAL PATIENT file and we will return DFN^Successful if"
^XWB(8994,2044,3,6,0)="we were able to file the data."
^XWB(8994,2044,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2044,3,8,0)="Errors will be returned as -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,2045,0)="DENTV ADA GET COSTS^GC^DENTVRP3^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2045,1,1,0)="Returns all entries in file 228 and their cost fields."
^XWB(8994,2045,3,1,0)="Returns p1^p2^p3^p4 where where"
^XWB(8994,2045,3,2,0)=" p1 = ADA/CPT code (internal)"
^XWB(8994,2045,3,3,0)=" p2 = ADA/CPT code (external)"
^XWB(8994,2045,3,4,0)=" p3 = VA Cost to Perform"
^XWB(8994,2045,3,5,0)=" p4 = Equivalent Private Cost "
^XWB(8994,2046,0)="RMPR OPEN PEN LIST^EN^RMPR9LST^4^P^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,2046,1,1,0)="T his procedure retrieves the list of the main purchasing grid, file (3668)."
^XWB(8994,2046,1,2,0)="No Input Parameters besides SITE needed."
^XWB(8994,2046,3,1,0)="Returns the list of all open pending consults from file 668."
^XWB(8994,2046,3,2,0)="The array format:"
^XWB(8994,2046,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2046,3,4,0)="RMPR9EO(line number,0)=date^patient name^ssn^type^days^status^des"
^XWB(8994,2047,0)="RMPR LIST PCARD^ENA^RMPR9AUT^2^P^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2047,1,1,0)="RPC to pass all the credit card numbers of a user. Only credit card numers that belong to a user or surrogate user will be passed by this rpc."
^XWB(8994,2047,1,2,0)="number that belongs to a user or surrogate user will be passed by this"
^XWB(8994,2048,0)="RMPR CREATE PO^ENB^RMPR9AUT^2^^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2048,1,1,0)="RPC call to get the next Common Numbering Series from 442.6"
^XWB(8994,2049,1,1,0)="RPC to list all available Cost Center(s) for a given fud control point."
^XWB(8994,2050,0)="RMPR LIST BOC^ENE^RMPR9AUT^2^P^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2050,1,1,0)="RPC to list all available Budget Object Code (BOC)'s for a given Cost Center"
^XWB(8994,2051,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2051,2,1,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2051,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2052,1,1,0)="Remote Procedure for Purchasing Actions. The firs 2 will be:"
^XWB(8994,2052,1,2,0)="Post complete note"
^XWB(8994,2052,1,3,0)="Post initial action"
^XWB(8994,2053,0)="RMPR SEND PURCHASE ORDER^GUI^RMPR121B^1^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2053,1,1,0)="This will pass the array from Kernel Broker to CoreFLS to create"
^XWB(8994,2053,1,2,0)="a Patient po. After checking for E-Sig."
^XWB(8994,2054,0)="RMPR PO CREATE VISTA IEN^EN1^RMPR9CS^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2054,1,1,0)="This will pass the array from Kernel Broker to create Patient 2319."
^XWB(8994,2054,1,2,0)="Return will be Line Number^Vista IEN^Grouper Number."
^XWB(8994,2054,2,1,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2054,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2054,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2054,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2055,0)="RMPR ENCRYPT PCARD^EN^RMPR9ENC^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2055,1,1,0)="Remote Procedure to update the PROSTHETICS 1358 file #664 with the "
^XWB(8994,2055,1,2,0)="encrypted PCARD."
^XWB(8994,2056,1,1,0)="RPC call to get the Manager Comment from file 669.9."
^XWB(8994,2057,0)="RMPR DELETE PO^EN1^RMPR9CA^2^R^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2057,1,1,0)="RPC to delete record in file 664."
^XWB(8994,2058,0)="RMPR NPPD LIST X^EN^RMPR9LN1^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2058,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2058,1,3,0)=" ;RESULTS passed to broker in ^TMP($J,"
^XWB(8994,2058,1,4,0)=" ;delimited by ""^"""
^XWB(8994,2058,1,5,0)=" ;piece 1 = DATA TO DISPLAY"
^XWB(8994,2058,1,6,0)=" ;piece 2 = FIELD NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,2059,1,1,0)="RPC to check user authorization for a Fund Control Point"
^XWB(8994,2060,0)="RMPR PC PO PRINT^PRT^RMPR9P21^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2060,1,1,0)="Purchase Order Information to be printed from a PC Device Fax/Printer"
^XWB(8994,2060,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2061,1,1,0)="This broker call returns the entries in the Detail Location sub file in"
^XWB(8994,2061,1,2,0)="the ASISTS SETTING OF INJURY File (#2261.4)."
^XWB(8994,2061,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter consists of the File, Station, and IEN of the data element to be"
^XWB(8994,2061,2,1,1,2,0)="returned in the results."
^XWB(8994,2061,3,1,0)="The return value is a listing of all entries in the sub file for the "
^XWB(8994,2061,3,2,0)="station passed in the input parameter. The return format is:"
^XWB(8994,2061,3,3,0)=" Data Name_""^""_Data IEN."
^XWB(8994,2062,1,1,0)="This broker call files sub record level data in the Detail Location sub record"
^XWB(8994,2062,1,2,0)="in the ASISTS SETTING OF INJURY File (#2261.4)."
^XWB(8994,2062,2,2,1,1,0)="This parameter contains a list of detail locations for a specific"
^XWB(8994,2062,2,2,1,2,0)="location and station (from the Site Parameter file)."
^XWB(8994,2062,3,1,0)="The return parameter will indicate the success of filing the data."
^XWB(8994,2063,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to create and edit the ROI Bill entries."
^XWB(8994,2063,2,1,1,1,0)="Request pointer to file 19620"
^XWB(8994,2063,2,2,1,1,0)="Internal Entry Number to file 19620.2 (Optional)"
^XWB(8994,2063,2,2,1,2,0)="If null new entry in 19620.2 will be created"
^XWB(8994,2063,2,3,1,1,0)="Array of data for the fields in file 19620.2 (Required)"
^XWB(8994,2063,2,3,1,2,0)="Format of Array:"
^XWB(8994,2063,2,3,1,3,0)=" Field Number ^ Internal Data Value "
^XWB(8994,2063,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2063,2,3,1,5,0)=" .01^12345"
^XWB(8994,2063,2,3,1,6,0)=" .02^3030911"
^XWB(8994,2063,3,1,0)="-1^Missing Required Input Variable(s)"
^XWB(8994,2063,3,2,0)="-2^Request IEN Missing in file 19620"
^XWB(8994,2063,3,3,0)="-3^Bill IEN Missing in file 19620.2"
^XWB(8994,2063,3,4,0)="-4^Unable to add Bill"
^XWB(8994,2063,3,5,0)="BILL IEN"
^XWB(8994,2064,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to record payments on ROI bills"
^XWB(8994,2064,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal Bill Number to file 19620.2"
^XWB(8994,2064,2,2,1,1,0)="Payment amount - Numeric dollar value or 'W' to indicate fee is to be "
^XWB(8994,2064,3,1,0)="-1^Missing Required Input Variable(s)"
^XWB(8994,2064,3,2,0)="-2^Bill IEN Missing in file 19620.2"
^XWB(8994,2064,3,3,0)="BILL IEN - Successful Payment Recorded"
^XWB(8994,2065,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to get the bill info for an ROI request."
^XWB(8994,2065,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal Entry Number to file 19620"
^XWB(8994,2065,3,1,0)="-1^Missing Request Number!"
^XWB(8994,2065,3,2,0)="-2^No Bill on File!"
^XWB(8994,2065,3,3,0)="Field Number^Internal Value^External Value"
^XWB(8994,2066,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to return the payment history records for an ROI bill."
^XWB(8994,2066,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal Entry Number to file 19620.2"
^XWB(8994,2066,3,1,0)="-1^Missing Bill Number!"
^XWB(8994,2066,3,2,0)="-2^Bill Number not on File!"
^XWB(8994,2066,3,3,0)="-3^No History Records for Bill!"
^XWB(8994,2066,3,4,0)="History IEN^Amount Received I;E^Received By I;E^Date Received I;E^Status "
^XWB(8994,2067,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to get the total charges entered for a time period."
^XWB(8994,2067,2,1,1,1,0)="SEE ROUTINE"
^XWB(8994,2067,2,2,1,1,0)="SEE ROUTINE"
^XWB(8994,2067,3,1,0)="SEE ROUTINE"
^XWB(8994,2068,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to return the fees paid during a period."
^XWB(8994,2068,2,1,1,1,0)="SEE ROUTINE"
^XWB(8994,2068,2,2,1,1,0)="SEE ROUTINE"
^XWB(8994,2068,3,1,0)="SEE ROUTINE"
^XWB(8994,2069,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to return the fees uncollected during a period."
^XWB(8994,2069,2,1,1,1,0)="SEE ROUTINE"
^XWB(8994,2069,2,2,1,1,0)="SEE ROUTINE"
^XWB(8994,2069,3,1,0)="SEE ROUTINE"
^XWB(8994,2070,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to get a list of document types and internal number of "
^XWB(8994,2070,1,2,0)="documents that were previously release under the type of patient/veteran."
^XWB(8994,2070,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient Internal Number"
^XWB(8994,2070,3,1,0)="Return Array:"
^XWB(8994,2070,3,2,0)=" -1^Missing Patient Number!"
^XWB(8994,2070,3,3,0)=" -2^No Documents Found!"
^XWB(8994,2070,3,4,0)=" Document Type External^Document IEN"
^XWB(8994,2071,1,1,0)="This RPC returns all bill edit history for a given bill number."
^XWB(8994,2071,2,1,0)="BILL IEN^1^999^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2071,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number into file 19620.2."
^XWB(8994,2071,2,"B","BILL IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2071,3,1,0)="Return Array '^' delimited"
^XWB(8994,2071,3,2,0)=" 1 - Date of Edit Internal ; External (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2071,3,3,0)=" 2 - Edited By (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2071,3,4,0)=" 3 - Field Edited (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2071,3,5,0)=" 4 - Old Value Internal (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2071,3,6,0)=" 5 - New Value Internal (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2072,1,1,0)="Retrieve the audit history for a given bill."
^XWB(8994,2072,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal Bill Number"
^XWB(8994,2072,3,1,0)="Return Array (Global):"
^XWB(8994,2072,3,2,0)=" -1^Invalid Bill Number!"
^XWB(8994,2072,3,3,0)=" -2^No Audit History Found!"
^XWB(8994,2072,3,4,0)=" Date Modified I;E^Edited by I;E^Field Number^Old Value^New Value"
^XWB(8994,2073,1,1,0)="This RPC will update the the field that indicates if a released document "
^XWB(8994,2073,1,2,0)="is to be included on the bill. The default is to include on bill."
^XWB(8994,2073,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number to file 19620.1 DSIR RELEASED DOCUMENT."
^XWB(8994,2073,2,2,1,1,0)="This is either 0 for no, or 1 or null for yes."
^XWB(8994,2073,3,1,0)="Single value returned."
^XWB(8994,2073,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2073,3,3,0)="-1^Missing Document Entry Number!"
^XWB(8994,2073,3,4,0)="-2^Released Document Not Found!"
^XWB(8994,2073,3,5,0)=" 1 = Succesful Update"
^XWB(8994,2074,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the combined data from the following RPC's:"
^XWB(8994,2074,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2074,1,3,0)="DSIR BILL HISTORY"
^XWB(8994,2074,1,4,0)="DSIR GET PAYMENT HISTORY"
^XWB(8994,2074,2,1,0)="BILL IEN^1^999^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2074,2,1,1,1,0)="The internal entry number to file 19620.2"
^XWB(8994,2074,2,"B","BILL IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2074,3,1,0)="Return Array"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,2,0)="-1^Missing Internal Bill Number!"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,3,0)="-2^No Payment or Audit History Found!"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,4,0)="Audit Records '^' delimited"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,5,0)=" 1 - A (literal)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,6,0)=" 2 - Date of Edit Internal ; External (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,7,0)=" 3 - Edited By (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,8,0)=" 4 - Field Edited (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,9,0)=" 5 - Old Value Internal (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,10,0)=" 6 - New Value Internal (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,11,0)="Payment Records '^' delimited"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,12,0)=" 1 - P (literal)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,13,0)=" 2 - History IEN"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,14,0)=" 3 - Amount Received (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,15,0)=" 4 - Received By (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,16,0)=" 5 - Date Received (I ; E)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,17,0)=" 6 - Waived (1/0)"
^XWB(8994,2074,3,18,0)=" 7 - Comments"
^XWB(8994,2075,1,1,0)="This RPC produces the data for the Fees Recieved report."
^XWB(8994,2075,2,1,0)="START DATE^1^7^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2075,2,1,1,1,0)="The internal FileMan format date to start the report."
^XWB(8994,2075,2,2,0)="END DATE^1^7^0^2"
^XWB(8994,2075,2,2,1,1,0)="This is an optional date (FM format) to end the reporting period. The "
^XWB(8994,2075,2,2,1,2,0)="default will be the current date the report is requested."
^XWB(8994,2075,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a variable '^' delimited containing selected Divisions from which "
^XWB(8994,2075,2,3,1,2,0)="the user may see data."
^XWB(8994,2075,2,"B","END DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2075,2,"B","START DATE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2075,3,1,0)="Global Array - '^' delimited."
^XWB(8994,2075,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2075,3,3,0)="-1^Missing Start Date!"
^XWB(8994,2075,3,4,0)="-2^No Payment Activity Found for Date Range!"
^XWB(8994,2075,3,5,0)="Bill IEN ^ Patient Name/FOIA^ Requestor ^ Open Date ^ Date Bill Entered ^"
^XWB(8994,2075,3,6,0)=" Payment Date ^ Payment Amount ^ Waived ^ Allowance"
^XWB(8994,2076,1,1,0)="This RPC produces the data for the Fees Outstanding Report."
^XWB(8994,2076,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a variable '^' delimited containing selected Divisions from which"
^XWB(8994,2076,2,1,1,2,0)="the user may see data."
^XWB(8994,2076,3,1,0)="Global Arrar - '^' delimited"
^XWB(8994,2076,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2076,3,3,0)="-1^No Fees Outstanding Found!"
^XWB(8994,2076,3,4,0)="Bill IEN ^ Patient Name/FOIA ^ Requestor ^ Open Date ^ Bill Entered Date "
^XWB(8994,2076,3,5,0)=" ^ Current Status ^ Current Balance Due"
^XWB(8994,2077,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the data for the Amount Billed report."
^XWB(8994,2077,2,1,0)="Start Date^1^7^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2077,2,1,1,1,0)="Pass in the FileMan format date to start the reporting period."
^XWB(8994,2077,2,2,0)="End Date^1^7^0^2"
^XWB(8994,2077,2,2,1,1,0)="Pass the FileMan format ending date for the reporting period. This "
^XWB(8994,2077,2,2,1,2,0)="parameter will default to the current date."
^XWB(8994,2077,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a variable '^' delimited containing selected Divisions from which"
^XWB(8994,2077,2,3,1,2,0)="the user may see data."
^XWB(8994,2077,2,"B","End Date",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2077,2,"B","Start Date",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2077,3,1,0)="Global Array '^' delimited"
^XWB(8994,2077,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2077,3,3,0)="-1^Missing Start Date!"
^XWB(8994,2077,3,4,0)="-2^No bills entered in selected date range!"
^XWB(8994,2077,3,5,0)="Bill IEN ^ Patient Name/FOIA ^ Requestor ^ Open Date ^ Bill Entered Date "
^XWB(8994,2077,3,6,0)=" ^ Current Status ^ Amount Billed"
^XWB(8994,2078,1,1,0)="This RPC produces a turnaround time report for all request that are not "
^XWB(8994,2078,1,2,0)="in a closed status."
^XWB(8994,2078,3,1,0)="Return Array ^ Delimited"
^XWB(8994,2078,3,2,0)=" 1 Clerk (IEN ; NAME)"
^XWB(8994,2078,3,3,0)=" 2 Request IEN"
^XWB(8994,2078,3,4,0)=" 3 Open Date - FileMan Format"
^XWB(8994,2078,3,5,0)=" 4 Work Days from Open date till curre date"
^XWB(8994,2078,3,6,0)=" 5 Patient Name/FOIA"
^XWB(8994,2079,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the data for the High Priority Request Report."
^XWB(8994,2079,2,1,0)="START DATE^1^7^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2079,2,1,1,1,0)="FileMan date to start report."
^XWB(8994,2079,2,2,0)="END DATE^1^7^0^2"
^XWB(8994,2079,2,2,1,1,0)="FileMan date to report through, defaults to current day."
^XWB(8994,2079,2,3,1,1,0)="'^' delimited string of internal division numbers to use for "
^XWB(8994,2079,2,3,1,2,0)="multi-divisional reporting. If string is null only the division of the "
^XWB(8994,2079,2,3,1,3,0)="user or all if user holds the DSIR MDIV key."
^XWB(8994,2079,2,"B","END DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2079,2,"B","START DATE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2079,3,1,0)="Return Array"
^XWB(8994,2079,3,2,0)=" -1^Missing Start Date!"
^XWB(8994,2079,3,3,0)=" -2^No Records Found!"
^XWB(8994,2079,3,4,0)=" H^Request IEN^Patient(I;E)^Date of Request(I;E)^Date First Closed(I;E)"
^XWB(8994,2079,3,5,0)=" C ^ Request IEN ^ Comment"
^XWB(8994,2079,3,6,0)=" C ^ Request IEN ^ Comment"
^XWB(8994,2079,3,7,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2079,3,8,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2079,3,9,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2079,3,10,0)=" (Note: Internal Comments field is word processing, C records may occur 0"
^XWB(8994,2079,3,11,0)=" to infinity.)"
^XWB(8994,2080,1,1,0)="This RPC will delete a bill and all related entries in the DSIR BILL "
^XWB(8994,2080,1,2,0)="HISTORY and DSIR BILL TRACKING files."
^XWB(8994,2080,2,1,0)="BILL IEN^1^9999^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2080,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal Number to file 19620.2 DISR BILLS."
^XWB(8994,2080,2,2,0)="ADMIN OVERRIDE^1^1^0^2"
^XWB(8994,2080,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a set of codes 0 = No, 1 = Yes to override the checking for any "
^XWB(8994,2080,2,2,1,2,0)="payments and delete the bill and all payments."
^XWB(8994,2080,2,"B","ADMIN OVERRIDE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2080,2,"B","BILL IEN",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2080,3,1,0)="Return Values"
^XWB(8994,2080,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2080,3,3,0)=" 1 - Successful deletion"
^XWB(8994,2080,3,4,0)=" -1^Missing Bill Number!"
^XWB(8994,2080,3,5,0)=" -2^No Bill on file for Bill IEN!"
^XWB(8994,2080,3,6,0)=" -3^Payment(s) received for $ nnn.nn. Unable to delete!"
^XWB(8994,2081,1,1,0)="This RPC adds entries into file 19620.98 which is for internal "
^XWB(8994,2081,1,2,0)="annotations on patients pertinent to the ROI department."
^XWB(8994,2081,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to either the Patient File #2 or the DSIR "
^XWB(8994,2081,2,1,1,2,0)="Non-Computerized Patient file #19620.96."
^XWB(8994,2081,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2081,2,1,1,4,0)="Example values:"
^XWB(8994,2081,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2081,2,1,1,6,0)=" 2345;DPT("
^XWB(8994,2081,2,1,1,7,0)=" 23111;DSIR(19620.96,"
^XWB(8994,2081,3,1,0)="-1^Missing/Invalid Patient Pointer!"
^XWB(8994,2081,3,2,0)="-2^Unable to add record!"
^XWB(8994,2081,3,3,0)="NNNN - File Entry Number of added record in 19620.98"
^XWB(8994,2082,1,1,0)="This RPC returns data from the DSIR STATUS HISTORY file to review which "
^XWB(8994,2082,1,2,0)="request are being entered as closed on one day yet the status date is a "
^XWB(8994,2082,1,3,0)="previous date."
^XWB(8994,2082,2,1,0)="START DATE^1^7^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2082,2,1,1,1,0)="FileMan format start date."
^XWB(8994,2082,2,2,0)="END DATE^1^7^0^2"
^XWB(8994,2082,2,2,1,1,0)="FileMan end date. Optional - defaults to current date."
^XWB(8994,2082,2,3,1,1,0)="Array where each element is equal to the DUZ of selected clerks. "
^XWB(8994,2082,2,3,1,2,0)="Optional - no entries passed will return all clerks for time period."
^XWB(8994,2082,2,"B","END DATE",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2082,2,"B","START DATE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2082,3,1,0)="Return Values:"
^XWB(8994,2082,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2082,3,3,0)="-1 ^ Missing Start Date!"
^XWB(8994,2082,3,4,0)="-2 ^ No Records Found For Specified Clerk(s)!"
^XWB(8994,2082,3,5,0)="Clerk Name ^ Request Name ^ Open Date ^ Closed Date ^ Status Code ^ "
^XWB(8994,2082,3,6,0)="Status Date ^ Date User Entered Status"
^XWB(8994,2083,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the external data for a request from the DSIR ROI "
^XWB(8994,2083,1,2,0)="INSTANCE File #19620 and all DSIR STATUS HISTORY File entries for the "
^XWB(8994,2083,1,3,0)="specified request."
^XWB(8994,2083,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal number to file 19620."
^XWB(8994,2083,3,1,0)="Return Array"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,2,0)=" Request Info (These occur once):"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,3,0)=" R0 ^ Patient/FOIA Name ^ ROI Clerk Name ^ Expedite Requested ^"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,4,0)=" Expedite Granted"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,5,0)=" R1 ^ Requestor Name"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,6,0)=" R2 ^ Follup Letter Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,7,0)=" R3 ^ Comments available (Yes/No)"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,8,0)=" R6 ^ Division ^ SF544 ^ Request Priority"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,9,0)=" R7 ^ Drug Abuse ^ Alcoholism ^ HIV ^ Sickle Cell Anemia ^ Info Req"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,10,0)=" Hospital Summary ^ Info Req Outpatient Notes ^ Info Req Other"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,11,0)=" R81 ^ Mail To Address Street 1 ^ Street 2 ^ Street 3 ^ City ^ State ^"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,12,0)=" Zip"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,13,0)=" R82 ^ Patient Address Street 1 ^ Street 2 ^ Street 3 ^ City ^ State ^"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,14,0)=" Zip"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,15,0)=" R9 ^ Internal Comments available (Yes/No)"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,16,0)=" R10 ^ Type of Request ^ Reason for Request ^ Authority for Request ^"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,17,0)=" Requestor Type ^ Current Status ^ Date Received ^ First Closed Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,18,0)=" R11 ^ Other Reason Comment"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,19,0)=" R12 ^ Exemption 1 ^ Ex 2 ^ Ex 3 ^ Ex 4 ^ Ex 5 ^ Ex 6 ^ Ex 7a ^ Ex 7b ^"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,20,0)=" Ex 7c ^ Ex 7d ^ Ex 7e ^ Ex 7f ^ Ex 8 ^ Ex 9"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,21,0)=" R13 ^ 38 USC 5701 ^ 38 USC 5705 ^ 35 USC 205 ^ 38 USC 7332 ^ Ex 3"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,22,0)=" Other 1 ^ Other 2 ^ Other 3 ^ Other 4 ^ Other 5 ^ Other 6"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,23,0)=" CON ^ Consults From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,24,0)=" DSCG ^ Discharge Summary From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,25,0)=" IMM ^ Immunizations From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,26,0)=" LAB ^ Labs From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,27,0)=" MED ^ Medications From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,28,0)=" POST ^ Postings From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,29,0)=" PGN ^ Progress Notes From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,30,0)=" RAD ^ Radiology From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,31,0)=" SURG ^ Surgical From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,32,0)=" VIT ^ Vitals From Date ^ To Date"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,33,0)=" Status History (These may occur multiple times):"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,34,0)=" STH0 ^ Status Code ^ Status Date ^ Clerk ^ Date Entered ^ Closed"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,35,0)=" Disposition ^ Pending Payment"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,36,0)=" STH1 ^ Other Remarks"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,37,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2083,3,38,0)="Error Message(s):"
^XWB(8994,2083,3,39,0)=" -1 ^ Missing ROI Parameter!"
^XWB(8994,2084,1,1,0)="Returns the date the request was placed into a closed status."
^XWB(8994,2084,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to file 19620."
^XWB(8994,2085,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the latest effective date a request was closed."
^XWB(8994,2085,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the pointer to file 19620."
^XWB(8994,2086,1,1,0)="Gets the admin and coding guidelines for an ADA/CPT code."
^XWB(8994,2086,2,1,1,1,0)="The external ADA or CPT code.ADA or CPT code"
^XWB(8994,2086,2,2,1,1,0)="Set to 1 to include Admin guidelines with the Coding Guidelines. Set to "
^XWB(8994,2086,2,2,1,2,0)="0 to send only Coding Guidelines."
^XWB(8994,2086,3,1,0)="Returns RET(n)=admin guideline"
^XWB(8994,2086,3,2,0)=" RET(n)=coding guideline"
^XWB(8994,2086,3,3,0)=" RET(n)=coding guideline (continued...wp field))"
^XWB(8994,2086,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2086,3,5,0)="Admin and coding guidelines are independent and optional. If an error "
^XWB(8994,2086,3,6,0)="occurs, the return value is -1^error message."
^XWB(8994,2087,0)="DENTV ALERTS^GAL^DENTVUTL^2^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2087,1,1,0)="This RPC gets Dental Alerts from file 220. It also sets them into 220."
^XWB(8994,2087,2,1,1,1,0)="The patient ien to look up Dental Alerts in file 220."
^XWB(8994,2087,2,2,1,1,0)="List of Alert text entries to be added to the dental patient, e.g.:"
^XWB(8994,2087,2,2,1,2,0)="Sedation Premed"
^XWB(8994,2087,2,2,1,3,0)="Travel Issue"
^XWB(8994,2087,3,1,0)="Returns list of Alert text for the patient in parameter 1."
^XWB(8994,2087,3,2,0)="Or, returns ""-1^error message"""
^XWB(8994,2088,1,1,0)="Sets and kills the ^XTMP(""DENTVPT"",DFN,DUZ) global to keep track of"
^XWB(8994,2088,1,2,0)="which provider(s) are accessing which patients. Users are warned"
^XWB(8994,2088,1,3,0)="if another provider is accessing the same patient."
^XWB(8994,2088,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains the patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,2088,2,2,1,1,0)="1=SET (set the index) 2=KILL (kill off current pt/prov index)"
^XWB(8994,2088,3,1,0)="Returns a single value. If the user is doing a SET, then returns"
^XWB(8994,2088,3,2,0)="0^none or 1^provider name(s), otherwise returns 0 for OK kill."
^XWB(8994,2089,1,1,0)="Returns a list of active users matching the lookup value. If a matching "
^XWB(8994,2089,1,2,0)="user is not active, but has the XUORES security key, then they are valid "
^XWB(8994,2089,1,3,0)="providers and will also be returned by this call."
^XWB(8994,2089,2,1,1,1,0)="The lookup value entered by the user to find matches against the NEW USER "
^XWB(8994,2089,3,1,0)="Data will be returned in ^TMP(""DENTVU"",$J,""DILIST"",n,0)"
^XWB(8994,2089,3,2,0)="If a successful find for the lookup value, then return the following data:"
^XWB(8994,2089,3,3,0)=" ^TMP(""DENTVU"",$J,""DILIST"",n,0) = p1^p2^p3^...^p8 for n=1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,2089,3,4,0)=" for the GUI, you will have List[n] := p1^p2^...^p8 for n=0,1,2,3,..."
^XWB(8994,2089,3,5,0)=" where"
^XWB(8994,2089,3,6,0)=" p1 = ien p5 = first m last"
^XWB(8994,2089,3,7,0)=" p2 = name (.01 field) p6 = initials"
^XWB(8994,2089,3,8,0)=" p3 = sig block printed name p7 = title"
^XWB(8994,2089,3,9,0)=" p4 - sig block title p8 = service"
^XWB(8994,2089,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2089,3,11,0)=" If problems are encountered, then return"
^XWB(8994,2089,3,12,0)=" ^TMP(""DENTVU"",$J,""DILIST"",1,0) = -1^message"
^XWB(8994,2090,0)="PSB COVERSHEET1^RPC^PSBCSUTL^4^A^0^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,1,0)="(modified 05/08/2007)"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,3,0)="PSB COVERSHEET1 is to return order data per patient and construction of "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,4,0)="BCMA Coversheet view as presented by the BCMA-HSC Coversheet Phase II"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,5,0)="SRS and SDD documentation."
^XWB(8994,2090,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,7,0)="INPUT: communications area - """" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,8,0)=" patient's DFN - DFN (patient ptr.)"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,9,0)=" - TIME RANGE (24/48/72)"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,11,0)="OUTPUT: results data - RESULTS array containing order data "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,12,0)=" per +/-TIME RANGE hours."
^XWB(8994,2090,1,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,17,0)="Example ""M"" call and results:"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,21,0)="D RPC^PSBCSUTL("""",783,24)"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,23,0)="RPC Call: PSB COVERSHEET1"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,24,0)="Results[0] = 90"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,25,0)="Results[1] = 1^0^1^1^COVERSHEET DATA FOLLOWS"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,26,0)="Results[2] = ORD^783^85U^85^U^C^Q6H^^NITROGLYCERIN PATCH^200MG "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,29,0)="Results[3] = ORC^!TEST MED THERAPY ANTIANGINALS"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,30,0)="Results[4] = DD^2313^NITROGLYCERIN PATCHES 10MG/24HR^1^"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,31,0)="Results[5] = "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,33,0)="Results[6] = CMT^THIS SHOULD SHOW ON THE MED THERAPY PER 56 "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,35,0)="Results[7] = ADM^3070506.15^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,36,0)="Results[8] = ADM^3070506.21^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,37,0)="Results[9] = ADM^3070507.03^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,38,0)="Results[10] = ADM^3070507.09^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,39,0)="Results[11] = ADM^3070507.15^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,40,0)="Results[12] = ADM^3070507.21^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,41,0)="Results[13] = ADM^3070508.03^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,42,0)="Results[14] = ADM^3070508.09^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,43,0)="Results[15] = END"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,44,0)="Results[16] = ORD^783^83U^83^U^C^Q3H^^RANITIDINE TAB^150MG "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,46,0)="Results[17] = ORC^!TEST THE ADMIN TIMES REPORT W/ DATE RANGE +3DAYS"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,47,0)="Results[18] = DD^5094^RANITIDINE 150MG TAB^1^"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,48,0)="Results[19] = ADM^3070506.13^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,49,0)="Results[20] = ADM^3070506.16^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,50,0)="Results[21] = ADM^3070506.19^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,51,0)="Results[22] = ADM^3070506.22^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,52,0)="Results[23] = ADM^3070507.01^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,53,0)="Results[24] = ADM^3070507.04^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,54,0)="Results[25] = ADM^3070507.07^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,55,0)="Results[26] = ADM^3070507.1^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,56,0)="Results[27] = ADM^3070507.13^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,57,0)="Results[28] = ADM^3070507.16^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,58,0)="Results[29] = ADM^3070507.19^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,59,0)="Results[30] = ADM^3070507.22^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,60,0)="Results[31] = ADM^3070508.01^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,61,0)="Results[32] = ADM^3070508.04^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,62,0)="Results[33] = ADM^3070508.07^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,63,0)="Results[34] = ADM^3070508.1^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,64,0)="Results[35] = ADM^3070508.13^^^^^^^^3070430.1000"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,65,0)="Results[36] = END"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,66,0)="Results[37] = ORD^783^84U^84^U^C^Q3H^^ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE TAB,ORAL^40MG "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,68,0)="Results[38] = ORC^!TEST MED THERAPY ANTIANGINALS"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,69,0)="Results[39] = DD^2191^ISOSORBIDE 20MG TAB ^2^"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,70,0)="Results[40] = ADM^3070506.13^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,71,0)="Results[41] = ADM^3070506.16^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,72,0)="Results[42] = ADM^3070506.19^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,73,0)="Results[43] = ADM^3070506.22^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,74,0)="Results[44] = ADM^3070507.01^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,75,0)="Results[45] = ADM^3070507.04^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,76,0)="Results[46] = ADM^3070507.07^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,77,0)="Results[47] = ADM^3070507.1^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,78,0)="Results[48] = ADM^3070507.13^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,79,0)="Results[49] = ADM^3070507.16^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,80,0)="Results[50] = ADM^3070507.19^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,81,0)="Results[51] = ADM^3070507.22^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,82,0)="Results[52] = ADM^3070508.01^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,83,0)="Results[53] = ADM^3070508.04^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,84,0)="Results[54] = ADM^3070508.07^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,85,0)="Results[55] = ADM^3070508.1^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,86,0)="Results[56] = ADM^3070508.13^^^^^^^^3070501.0700"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,87,0)="Results[57] = END"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,88,0)="Results[58] = ORD^783^86U^86^U^C^Q3H^^PENTAERYTHRITOL TETRANITRATE "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,89,0)="TAB,ORAL^10MG "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,92,0)="Results[59] = ORC^!TEST THIS ONE TOO ANTIANGINALS"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,93,0)="Results[60] = DD^251^PENTAERYTHRITOL 10MG TAB^1^"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,94,0)="Results[61] = "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,97,0)="Results[62] = ADM^3070506.15^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,98,0)="Results[63] = ADM^3070506.18^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,99,0)="Results[64] = ADM^3070506.21^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,100,0)="Results[65] = ADM^3070506.24^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,101,0)="Results[66] = ADM^3070507.03^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,102,0)="Results[67] = ADM^3070507.06^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,103,0)="Results[68] = ADM^3070507.09^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,104,0)="Results[69] = ADM^3070507.12^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,105,0)="Results[70] = ADM^3070507.15^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,106,0)="Results[71] = ADM^3070507.18^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,107,0)="Results[72] = ADM^3070507.21^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,108,0)="Results[73] = ADM^3070507.24^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,109,0)="Results[74] = ADM^3070508.03^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,110,0)="Results[75] = ADM^3070508.06^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,111,0)="Results[76] = ADM^3070508.09^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,112,0)="Results[77] = ADM^3070508.12^^^^^^^^3070501.1500"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,113,0)="Results[78] = END"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,114,0)="Results[79] = ORD^783^56V^56^V^C^^^POTASSIUM (K) LIQUID,ORAL^ 780 "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,115,0)="ml/hr^INTRACARDIAC INTRA-ARTICULAR "
^XWB(8994,2090,1,118,0)="Results[80] = ORC^!THERE WILL BE NO ACTION ON THIS ORDER!! nox)"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,119,0)="Results[81] = ORF^CPRS^CPRS^REASON FOR THE CPRS FLAG..."
^XWB(8994,2090,1,120,0)="Results[82] = ORF^NOX^No Action Taken On Order"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,121,0)="Results[83] = ADD^24^KCL^78 MEQ^"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,122,0)="Results[84] = SOL^14^DEXTROSE 5% IN N. SALINE^1000 ML^"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,123,0)="Results[85] = ID^783V241^ADD;24^SOL;14"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,124,0)="Results[86] = ID^783V240^ADD;24^SOL;14"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,125,0)="Results[87] = ID^783V239^ADD;24^SOL;14"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,126,0)="Results[88] = ID^783V238^ADD;24^SOL;14"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,127,0)="Results[89] = ID^783V237^ADD;24^SOL;14"
^XWB(8994,2090,1,128,0)="Results[90] = END"
^XWB(8994,2090,2,2,1,1,0)="DFN is the internal entity number per the patient file (file #2)."
^XWB(8994,2090,2,3,1,1,0)="HRSBACK - (optional) The number of hours in the past the coversheet will "
^XWB(8994,2090,2,3,1,2,0)="supply order information for. [default is 24 hours]"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,1,0)="(modified 05/08/2007)"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,3,0)="Remote Procedure Call - PSB COVERSHEET1"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,5,0)="The return data will be listed in the RESULTS ""global""."
^XWB(8994,2090,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,7,0)="RESULTS data will presented with ""headers"":"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,9,0)="ORD - Order data"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,10,0)=" Order specific data"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,11,0)="^1 ""ORD""-header"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,12,0)="^2 Patient's IEN"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,13,0)="^3 Order #_Order type"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,14,0)="^4 Order #"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,15,0)="^5 Order type"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,16,0)="^6 Schedule type"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,17,0)="^7 Schedule"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,18,0)="^8 Self med"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,19,0)="^9 Drug name"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,20,0)="^10 Dosage/Flow rate"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,21,0)="^11 Med route"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,22,0)="^12 Last Action Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,23,0)="^13 """""
^XWB(8994,2090,3,24,0)="^14 """""
^XWB(8994,2090,3,25,0)="^15 """""
^XWB(8994,2090,3,26,0)="^16 Orderable item (IEN)"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,27,0)="^17 Injectable?"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,28,0)="^18 Variable dose?"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,29,0)="^19 Dosage form"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,30,0)="^20 Verifying nurse initials (*** if none)"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,31,0)="^21 Last action status (whole order)"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,32,0)="^22 Order start date/time (FM)"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,33,0)="^23 Order status"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,34,0)="^24 """""
^XWB(8994,2090,3,35,0)="^25 """""
^XWB(8994,2090,3,36,0)="^26 Transaction type"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,37,0)="^27 Order stop date/time (FM)"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,38,0)="^28 Last Given Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,39,0)="^29 Virtual Due List (VDL) tab indicator = ""UD"":1 ""IVPB"":2 ""IV"":3"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,40,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,41,0)="ORC - Order Comment/Special instruction"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,42,0)="^1 ""ORC""- header"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,43,0)="^2 Special instruction"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,44,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,45,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,46,0)="ORF - Order Flag"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,47,0)="^1 ""ORF""- header"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,48,0)="^2 type of flag"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,49,0)="^3 flag origin"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,50,0)="^4 associated comment"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,51,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,52,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,53,0)="DD - Dispense Drug"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,54,0)="^1 ""DD"" - header"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,55,0)="^2 Dispense drug IEN"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,56,0)="^3 Dispense drug name"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,57,0)="^4 Units per dose"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,58,0)="^5 Inactive date"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,59,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,60,0)="ADD - Additive"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,61,0)="^1 ""ADD"" - header"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,62,0)="^2 Additive IEN"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,63,0)="^3 Additive name"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,64,0)="^4 Strength"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,65,0)="^5 Bottle"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,66,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,67,0)="SOL - Solution"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,68,0)="^1 ""SOL"" - header"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,69,0)="^2 Solution IEN"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,70,0)="^3 Solution name"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,71,0)="^4 Volume"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,72,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,73,0)="ID - Identification"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,74,0)="^1 ""ID"" - header"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,75,0)="^2 ID number"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,76,0)="^3 Additive IEN"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,77,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,78,0)="ADM - Administration"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,79,0)="^1 ""ADM"" - header"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,80,0)="^2 Scheduled admin date/time"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,81,0)="^3 Bag id"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,82,0)="^4 Med log ien"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,83,0)="^5 Action"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,84,0)="^6 Date/time"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,85,0)="^7 Action by initials"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,86,0)="^8 Action by ien"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,87,0)="^9 Prn reason"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,88,0)="^10 Next Action Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,89,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,90,0)="CMT - Comment per administration"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,91,0)="^1 ""CMT"" - header"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,92,0)="^2 Comment"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,93,0)="^3 Prn effectiveness "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,94,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2090,3,95,0)="END - End"
^XWB(8994,2090,3,96,0)="^1 ""END"" - header"
^XWB(8994,2091,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call will return the primary DFN and ICN for"
^XWB(8994,2091,1,2,0)="a particular station and DFN."
^XWB(8994,2091,2,1,1,1,0)=" This is the site's station number ... a legacy station number can be passed."
^XWB(8994,2091,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a patient's internal IEN in the PATIENT file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,2091,2,2,1,2,0)="A legacy IEN can be passed along with a legacy station number."
^XWB(8994,2091,3,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call will return the primary IEN (DFN) in the "
^XWB(8994,2091,3,2,0)="PATIENT file (#2) along with the Integration Control Number (ICN) if"
^XWB(8994,2091,3,3,0)="available on a successful RETURN, otherwise a -1 along with a problem"
^XWB(8994,2091,3,4,0)="type and problem text."
^XWB(8994,2092,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a value for use with the CCOW vault."
^XWB(8994,2093,0)="XUS GET CCOW TOKEN^CCOW^XUSRB4^2^R^^^0"
^XWB(8994,2093,1,1,0)="This RPC gets a token to save in the CCOW context to aid in sign-on."
^XWB(8994,2094,0)="XUS ALLKEYS^ALLKEYS^XUSRB^4^^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2094,1,1,0)="This RPC will return all the KEYS that a user holds."
^XWB(8994,2094,1,2,0)="If the FLAG is set to some value the list of KEYS will be screened to "
^XWB(8994,2094,1,3,0)="only be those for J2EE use."
^XWB(8994,2094,1,4,0)="This may need refinement as we get some experience."
^XWB(8994,2094,1,5,0)="For FATKAAT and KAAJEE."
^XWB(8994,2094,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the IEN or DUZ of the user in question."
^XWB(8994,2094,2,1,1,2,0)="If not passed in the RPC will user the current DUZ."
^XWB(8994,2094,2,2,1,1,0)="Not in use at this time."
^XWB(8994,2094,3,1,0)="Returns -1 if failed for some reason."
^XWB(8994,2094,3,2,0)="Otherwise it returns a list of the names of the Security KEYS the user"
^XWB(8994,2095,1,1,0)="Returns an array with ARR(0)=# of audiograms for DFN ^ DFN name"
^XWB(8994,2095,1,2,0)="Each numbered line after 0 has the IEN of the entry:"
^XWB(8994,2095,2,1,1,1,0)="Pointer to the PATIENT file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,2095,3,1,0)="Zero node of array has number of audiograms in the AUDIOMETRIC EXAM DATA "
^XWB(8994,2095,3,2,0)="file (#509850.9). Each successive node has the IEN for each one."
^XWB(8994,2096,1,1,0)="This is the RPC used to setup and send a deletion of an audiogram to the "
^XWB(8994,2096,1,2,0)="DDc when a deletion is processed on the home system for an audiogram that "
^XWB(8994,2096,1,3,0)="has been sent to the DDC. It is triggered by the mDelete.OnClick action "
^XWB(8994,2096,1,4,0)="from the Enter/Edit program ACKQROES3E.EXE."
^XWB(8994,2096,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal number of the patient in the PATIENT file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,2096,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the internal number of the record in the AUDIOMETRIC EXAM DATA "
^XWB(8994,2096,2,2,1,2,0)="file (#509850.9)."
^XWB(8994,2096,2,4,1,1,0)="This is the Station Number of the sending clinic"
^XWB(8994,2096,2,5,1,1,0)="This is the name of the submitting user"
^XWB(8994,2096,2,6,1,1,0)="This is the name of the submitting user's service."
^XWB(8994,2096,3,1,0)="This RPC returns a literal containing the local confirmation msg number, "
^XWB(8994,2096,3,2,0)="The msg number sent to the DDC, the error number, and the error msg if "
^XWB(8994,2096,3,3,0)="any. It functions similarly to RPC ACKQROES, that transmits the "
^XWB(8994,2096,3,4,0)="audiogram to the DDC."
^XWB(8994,2097,1,1,0)="This will return the patient's Integration Control Number (ICN) and a "
^XWB(8994,2097,1,2,0)="flag indicating whether or not it is a local ICN."
^XWB(8994,2097,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient lookup value which can be the DFN or name or SSN."
^XWB(8994,2097,2,2,1,1,0)="This Boolean (0, 1) flag indicates whether or not PAT (the patient lookup"
^XWB(8994,2097,2,2,1,2,0)="value) is a SSN value."
^XWB(8994,2097,3,1,0)="On error, return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,2097,3,2,0)="Else, return ICN ^ flag where"
^XWB(8994,2097,3,3,0)=" ICN is either a national or local ICN with checksum"
^XWB(8994,2097,3,4,0)=" flag is N:national; L:local"
^XWB(8994,2098,1,1,0)="Convert a patient's ICN value to the patient's DFN."
^XWB(8994,2098,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a patient's ICN value (either local or national)."
^XWB(8994,2098,2,1,1,2,0)="national or local ICN."
^XWB(8994,2098,3,1,0)="On error, return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,2098,3,2,0)="Else, return the patient's DFN value"
^XWB(8994,2099,1,1,0)="This will allow a GUI application issue a LOCK or UNLOCK on a global node "
^XWB(8994,2099,1,2,0)="or a record in a file. If the LOCK is issued, it is the responsibility "
^XWB(8994,2099,1,3,0)="of the application to issue the UNLOCK."
^XWB(8994,2099,2,1,1,1,0)="This can be a closed form of a global or it can be a file number. If it "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,1,1,2,0)="is a file number, then IFN is also required. The file number can be the "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,1,1,3,0)="file number of the entire file or the subfile number of corresponding to "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,1,1,4,0)="the ^DD() value. If it is a subfile, then the IFN parameter must be set "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,1,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,1,1,7,0)="Examples of globals:"
^XWB(8994,2099,2,1,1,8,0)=" ^DSI(19621,0) - since there is no record number the global name has to"
^XWB(8994,2099,2,1,1,9,0)=" be passed"
^XWB(8994,2099,2,1,1,10,0)=" ^DSI(19621,""B"")"
^XWB(8994,2099,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number (record number) of the record that you "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,2,1,2,0)="wish to lock or unlock in the file specified in the REF parameter. IFN "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,2,1,3,0)="is required if the REF parameter is a file or subfile number."
^XWB(8994,2099,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,2,1,5,0)="IFN is the IEN if you are locking the entire record. If you are locking "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,2,1,6,0)="a subrecord in a multiple, the IFN must be a proper IENS at the "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,2,1,7,0)="appropriate level as documented in the Fileman DBS manuals."
^XWB(8994,2099,2,3,1,1,0)="This flag indicates whether or not the global reference should be locked "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,3,1,2,0)="or unlocked. The default value is 1 which means to lock the global. If "
^XWB(8994,2099,2,3,1,3,0)="it has a value of -1 then unlock the global reference."
^XWB(8994,2099,3,1,0)="If the operation was successful, return 1"
^XWB(8994,2099,3,2,0)="Else return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,2100,1,1,0)="For a given user and optional date, return class memberships for that "
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,1,0)="INPUT(n) := label name ^ label value where n=0,1,2,3,... and"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,2,0)=" label name label value"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,3,0)=" ---------- -------------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,4,0)=" USER required = DUZ [pointer to file 200]"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,6,0)=" DATE optional - will accept multiple formats:"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,7,0)=" if not passed, then default to TODAY"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,8,0)=" if <null>, then default to TODAY"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,9,0)=" if ""T"", then default to TODAY"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,10,0)=" it can be any Fileman date"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,11,0)=" if ""*"", then return all class memberships whether or"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,12,0)=" not if they are currently active"
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,14,0)="If a date is passed (or if the input value is converted to TODAY's date), "
^XWB(8994,2100,2,1,1,15,0)="then only return those class memberships that were active as of that date"
^XWB(8994,2100,3,1,0)="If problems encountered or no memberships found, return -1^msg"
^XWB(8994,2100,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2100,3,3,0)="Else, return List[n] := p1^p2^p3^p4^p5 where"
^XWB(8994,2100,3,4,0)=" p1 = pointer to file 8930 [USR CLASS]"
^XWB(8994,2100,3,5,0)=" p2 = pointer to file 8930.3 [USR CLASS MEMBERSHIP]"
^XWB(8994,2100,3,6,0)=" p3 = class display name"
^XWB(8994,2100,3,7,0)=" p4 = effective date [internal FM;external date]"
^XWB(8994,2100,3,8,0)=" p5 = expiration date [internal FM;external date]"
^XWB(8994,2101,1,1,0)="This will return the internal and external values for selected fields "
^XWB(8994,2101,1,2,0)="from the VISIT file (#9000010)."
^XWB(8994,2101,2,1,1,1,0)="DSICD(n) = p1^p2 for n=0,1,2,3,... where"
^XWB(8994,2101,2,1,1,2,0)=" p1 := ""V"" if this is the VISIT ifn, or VISIT field#"
^XWB(8994,2101,2,1,1,3,0)=" p2 := VISIT ifn (if p1=""V""), or format code (if p1=field#)"
^XWB(8994,2101,2,1,1,4,0)=" Format codes: I:internal E:external B:both"
^XWB(8994,2101,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2101,2,1,1,6,0)=" DSICD(n) = V^ifn is required"
^XWB(8994,2101,3,1,0)="Return List(n) = p1^p2^p3 for n=1,2,3,4,... where"
^XWB(8994,2101,3,2,0)=" p1 := field number"
^XWB(8994,2101,3,3,0)=" p2 := internal value"
^XWB(8994,2101,3,4,0)=" p3 := external value"
^XWB(8994,2101,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2101,3,6,0)="If problems, return List(1) = -1^message"
^XWB(8994,2102,1,1,0)="This will return a detailed list of one or more Kernel Parameter"
^XWB(8994,2102,1,2,0)="Definitions. It does not return every Param Definition field."
^XWB(8994,2102,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2102,1,4,0)="Either the NAME input parameter or the PREFIX input parameter is "
^XWB(8994,2102,1,5,0)="required. If you pass a NAME then PREFIX is ignored."
^XWB(8994,2102,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the name or the IFN for a Parameter Definition. Pass this value "
^XWB(8994,2102,2,1,1,2,0)="only if you wish to retrieve the data for one specific Parameter "
^XWB(8994,2102,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the namespace or the leading characters for the Parameter "
^XWB(8994,2102,2,2,1,2,0)="Definitions you wished to be returned. For example, PREFIX=""DSIC"" will "
^XWB(8994,2102,2,2,1,3,0)="return all DSIC Kernel Parameter Definitions."
^XWB(8994,2102,3,1,0)="Returns List[n] = value for n=0,1,2,3,..."
^XWB(8994,2102,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2102,3,3,0)="If problems encounter, the first row returned will be"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,4,0)=" List[0] := -1^message"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,5,0)=" List[i] := message for i=1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,2102,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2102,3,7,0)="Return list is a multi-lined return for each entry found. For each "
^XWB(8994,2102,3,8,0)="Parameter definition return:"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,9,0)=" List[j] := p1^p2^p3^p4 where"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,10,0)=" p1 = $START p2 = Param Def ifn p3 = Param Def name"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,11,0)=" p4 = Multivalued Param [Boolean 1/0/null)"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,12,0)=" List[j+1] := p1^p2^p3^p4 for Param Def Instance"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,13,0)=" p1 = term p2 = data type code p3 = data type"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,14,0)=" p4 = domain"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,15,0)=" List[j+2] := p1^p2^p3^p4 for Param Def Value"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,16,0)=" p1 = term p2 = data type code p3 = data type"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,17,0)=" p4 = domain"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,18,0)=" List[j+3] := s1;s2;s3^s1;s2;s3^s1;s2;s3^... list of entities"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,19,0)=" s1 = precedence order number"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,20,0)=" s2 = entity name s3 = entity abbreviation"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,21,0)=" List[j+k] := text where k=4,5,6,... Parameter description"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,22,0)=" these lines will not be returned if there is no "
^XWB(8994,2102,3,23,0)=" description for the Parameter Definition"
^XWB(8994,2102,3,24,0)=" List[j+k+1] := $END"
^XWB(8994,2103,1,1,0)="This will return field attributes from a selected file for one or more "
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,1,0)="DSIN(i) := label ^ value for i = 0,1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,3,0)="Label can be one of five values:"
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,4,0)=" FILE - req - file (or subfile) number or file name"
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,6,0)=" FLAG - opt - N or <null> - default value is <null>"
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,7,0)=" if FLAG[""N"" - do not return attributes which are <null>"
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,9,0)=" ATT - req - list of field attributes to return"
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,10,0)=" this can be a ';'-delimited string of field attribute names"
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,11,0)=" or individual field attribute names"
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,12,0)=" Examples: DSIN(i)=""ATT^LABEL;TYPE;GLOBAL LOCATION;"""
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,13,0)=" DSIN(i)=""ATT^SPECIFIER"""
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,14,0)=" DSIN(i)=""ATT^*"" - the '*' means get all field attrib"
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,16,0)=" FIELD - req - field number or field name"
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,17,0)=" Examples: DSIN(i)=""FIELD^.01"""
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,18,0)=" DSIN(i)=""FIELD^.01;.02;.03;.09"""
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,19,0)=" DSIN(i)=""FIELD^.01:.09"""
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,20,0)=" DSIN(i)=""FIELD^.01;.02;.03;1:9;99"""
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,21,0)=" Field numbers (or names) can be separated by ';'"
^XWB(8994,2103,2,1,1,22,0)=" An inclusive range of field numbers is separated by ':'"
^XWB(8994,2103,3,1,0)="On error or problems, return List[0] := -1^message"
^XWB(8994,2103,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2103,3,3,0)="Else, return"
^XWB(8994,2103,3,4,0)=" List[i] := field # ^ attribute name ^ attribute value"
^XWB(8994,2103,3,5,0)=" for i = 0,1,2,3,4,..."
^XWB(8994,2103,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2103,3,7,0)="Attribute value will be a line of text if the field attribute is a word "
^XWB(8994,2103,3,8,0)="processing type."
^XWB(8994,2104,1,1,0)="This does not have any input parameters. It returns a value indicating "
^XWB(8994,2104,1,2,0)="whether or not this system is a Production account or a test account."
^XWB(8994,2104,3,1,0)="Return 1 if this is a Production account"
^XWB(8994,2104,3,2,0)=" 0 if this is a test account"
^XWB(8994,2104,3,3,0)=" -1 if patch XU*8.0*284 has not been installed"
^XWB(8994,2105,0)="ROR GET SERVER TIME^GETSRVDT^RORRP012^2^P^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2105,1,1,0)="The ROR GET SERVER TIME remiote procedure returns the current date/time "
^XWB(8994,2105,1,2,0)="from the VistA server."
^XWB(8994,2105,3,1,0)="The current date/time from the VistA server (in internal FileMan format) "
^XWB(8994,2105,3,2,0)="is returned in the Results[1]. Results[0] always contains 0."
^XWB(8994,2106,0)="RORHEPC PATIENT LOAD^LOAD^RORRP036^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2106,1,1,0)="The RORHEPC PATIENT LOAD remote procedure loads the patient's data from"
^XWB(8994,2106,1,2,0)="the Hepatitis C registry and prepares the record for editing."
^XWB(8994,2106,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,2106,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,2106,2,2,1,1,0)="A valid patient IEN (DFN) should be assigned to the PATIEN parameter."
^XWB(8994,2106,2,3,1,1,0)="If this parameter is defined and not zero then the RPC will try to lock"
^XWB(8994,2106,2,3,1,2,0)="the registry record before loading the data and will leave it locked."
^XWB(8994,2106,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,15,0)="If locking was requested (see the LOCK parameter) and the record could not"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,16,0)="be locked then the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] would be greater than"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,17,0)="0. The Results[0] would contain the lock descriptor and subsequent nodes"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,18,0)="of the global array would contain the data (see below). The lock "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,19,0)="descriptor contains information about the process, which owns the most "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,20,0)="recent lock of the record. The ""O"" flag (read-only) would also be added to"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,21,0)="the 15th field of the ""PRD"" segment."
^XWB(8994,2106,3,22,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,23,0)=" Results[0] Lock Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,24,0)=" ^01: Date/Time (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,25,0)=" ^02: User/Process name"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,26,0)=" ^03: User IEN (DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,27,0)=" ^04: $JOB"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,28,0)=" ^05: Task number"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,31,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,32,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent nodes of"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,33,0)="the array contain the data."
^XWB(8994,2106,3,34,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,35,0)=" Results[0] 0"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,36,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,37,0)=" Results[i] Demographic Information"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,38,0)=" ^01: ""DEM"""
^XWB(8994,2106,3,39,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,2106,3,40,0)=" ^03: Patient IEN (DFN)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,41,0)=" ^04: Patient Name"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,42,0)=" ^05: Date of Birth (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,43,0)=" ^06: SSN"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,44,0)=" ^07: Date of Death (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,45,0)=" ^08: Sex (F/M)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,46,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,47,0)=" Results[i] Basic Registry Data"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,48,0)=" ^01: ""PRD"""
^XWB(8994,2106,3,49,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,2106,3,50,0)=" ^03: Date Entered (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,51,0)=" ^04: Status Code (Field 3, File #798)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,52,0)=" ^05: Active (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,53,0)=" ^06: Do not Send (0/1)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,54,0)=" ^07: Data Acknowledged Until (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,55,0)=" ^08: Data Extracted Until (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,56,0)=" ^09: Date Selected (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,57,0)=" ^10: Date Confirmed (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,58,0)=" ^11: Location Selected (Institution Name)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,59,0)=" ^12: Selection Rule Description"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,60,0)=" ^13: reserved"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,61,0)=" ^14: reserved"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,62,0)=" ^15: Action Flags (see the description below)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,63,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,64,0)=" Results[i] Local field data"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,65,0)=" ^O1: ""LFV"""
^XWB(8994,2106,3,66,0)=" ^02: IEN in the LOCAL FIELD multiple"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,67,0)=" of the ROR REGISTRY RECORD file"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,68,0)=" ^03: Field Definition IEN"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,69,0)=" (in the ROR LOCAL FIELD file)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,70,0)=" ^04: Field Name"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,71,0)=" ^05: Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,72,0)=" ^06: Comment"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,73,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,74,0)=" Results[i] Selection Rule"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,75,0)=" ^01: ""PSR"""
^XWB(8994,2106,3,76,0)=" ^02: IEN in the SELECTION RULE multiple"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,77,0)=" of the ROR REGISTRY RECORD file"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,78,0)=" ^03: Rule Definition IEN"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,79,0)=" (in the ROR SELECTION RULE file)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,80,0)=" ^04: Name of the Rule"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,81,0)=" ^05: Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,82,0)=" ^06: Location IEN (Institution IEN)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,83,0)=" ^07: Location Name (Institution Name)"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,84,0)=" ^08: Short Description"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,85,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2106,3,86,0)=" Results[i] Registry Data"
^XWB(8994,2106,3,87,0)=" ^01: ""HEPC"""
^XWB(8994,2106,3,88,0)=" ^02: """""
^XWB(8994,2106,3,89,0)=" ^03: reserved"
^XWB(8994,2107,0)="RORHEPC PATIENT SAVE^SAVE^RORRP037^2^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2107,1,1,0)="The RORHEPC PATIENT SAVE remote procedure updates the patient's record in"
^XWB(8994,2107,1,2,0)="the registry (or creates one)."
^XWB(8994,2107,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,2107,2,2,1,1,0)="A valid patient IEN (DFN) should be assigned to the PATIEN parameter."
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,1,0)="A list that contains the data in the same format as the output of the"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,2,0)="RORHEPC PATIENT LOAD remote procedure. Only HEPC segment is processed; the"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,3,0)="others are ignored."
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,7,0)=" with RPCBroker do"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,8,0)=" begin"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,9,0)=" RemoteProcedure:= 'RORHEPC PATIENT LOAD';"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,10,0)=" Param[0].Value := RegistryIEN;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,11,0)=" Param[0].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,12,0)=" Param[1].Value := DFN;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,13,0)=" Param[1].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,14,0)=" lstCall(PatientData); // Load the data"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,16,0)=" ... // Edit the data"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,18,0)=" RemoteProcedure:= 'RORHEPC PATIENT SAVE';"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,19,0)=" Param[0].Value := RegistryIEN;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,20,0)=" Param[0].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,21,0)=" Param[1].Value := DFN;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,22,0)=" Param[1].PType := literal;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,23,0)=" Param[2].PType := list;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,24,0)=" Param[2].Mult.Assign(PatientData);"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,25,0)=" Call; // Save the data"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,26,0)=" end;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,28,0)="NOTE: Only those items of the list are processed"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,29,0)=" that have numeric subscripts greater than 0;"
^XWB(8994,2107,2,3,1,30,0)=" all others are ignored."
^XWB(8994,2107,2,4,1,1,0)="Cancel the update and unlock the patient's registry data."
^XWB(8994,2107,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2107,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2107,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2107,3,15,0)="A positive value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates an"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,16,0)="error in the data. The value is the number of the erroneous piece of the"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,17,0)="data segment whose name is returned in the second piece of the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,2107,3,18,0)="For example, the ""5^HEPC"" means that the 5th piece of the HEPC data"
^XWB(8994,2107,3,19,0)="segment (SUPPORTING EVIDENCE) contains an invalid value."
^XWB(8994,2107,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2107,3,21,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,2108,2,1,1,1,0)="The NAME parameter defines the name of the parameter."
^XWB(8994,2108,2,2,1,1,0)="The ENTITY parameter defines the area(s) where the parameter value is"
^XWB(8994,2108,2,2,1,2,0)="searched for. By default ($G(ENTITY)=""""), the ""ALL"" value is used (see the"
^XWB(8994,2108,2,2,1,3,0)="DBIA #2263 for more details). The other values that are used most often"
^XWB(8994,2108,2,2,1,4,0)="are the ""USR"" (user settings) and the ""PKG"" (package settings)."
^XWB(8994,2108,2,3,1,1,0)="Only those instances are selected whose names begin from a value of this "
^XWB(8994,2108,2,3,1,2,0)="parameter. By default ($G(PREFIX)=""""), all instances are selected."
^XWB(8994,2108,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2108,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2108,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2108,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the Results[0] contains number of parameter instances and the"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,16,0)="subsequent node(s) of the Results array contain the instance names and"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2108,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Number of instances"
^XWB(8994,2108,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2108,3,21,0)=" Results[i] Instance name^Internal value"
^XWB(8994,2109,1,1,0)="The ROR GUI PARAMETER RENAME remote procedure renames the instance of the "
^XWB(8994,2109,2,1,1,1,0)="The ENTITY parameter defines the context that the parameter value is"
^XWB(8994,2109,2,1,1,2,0)="associated with. The values that are used most often are the ""USR"" (user "
^XWB(8994,2109,2,1,1,3,0)="settings) and ""PKG"" (package settings). See the DBIA #2263 for more "
^XWB(8994,2109,2,2,1,1,0)="The NAME parameter defines the name of the GUI parameter."
^XWB(8994,2109,2,3,1,1,0)="Current instance name of the GUI parameter."
^XWB(8994,2109,2,4,1,1,0)="New instance name for the GUI parameter."
^XWB(8994,2109,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2109,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2109,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,2109,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2109,3,15,0)="Otherwise, the Results[0] contains 0."
^XWB(8994,2110,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST LOCAL FIELDS remote procedure returns a list of"
^XWB(8994,2110,1,2,0)="registry-specific field definitions from the ROR LOCAL FIELD file"
^XWB(8994,2110,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,2110,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,2110,2,2,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,2110,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2110,2,2,1,3,0)=" I Include inactive field definitions"
^XWB(8994,2110,2,3,1,1,0)="Lock the local fields before loading the data and leave them locked."
^XWB(8994,2110,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2110,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2110,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2110,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of local fields is returned in the Results[0] and the"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,16,0)="subsequent nodes of the array contain the field definitions."
^XWB(8994,2110,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2110,3,18,0)="If the local fields cannot be locked then the second ""^""-piece of the"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,19,0)="Results[0] will be greater than 0 and the node will contain the lock"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,20,0)="descriptor. "
^XWB(8994,2110,3,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2110,3,22,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,23,0)=" ^01: Number of local fields"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,24,0)=" [Lock Descriptor]"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,25,0)=" ^02: Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,26,0)=" ^03: User/Process name"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,27,0)=" ^04: User IEN (DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,28,0)=" ^05: $JOB"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,29,0)=" ^06: Task number"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,30,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2110,3,31,0)=" Results[i] Field Definition"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,32,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,33,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,34,0)=" ^03: Date of Inactivation"
^XWB(8994,2110,3,35,0)=" ^04: Description"
^XWB(8994,2111,1,1,0)="The ROR UPDATE LOCAL FIELDS remote procedure updates a list of"
^XWB(8994,2111,1,2,0)="registry-specific field definitions in the the ROR LOCAL FIELD file"
^XWB(8994,2111,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the "
^XWB(8994,2111,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,2111,2,2,1,1,0)="Cancel the update and unlock the local fields."
^XWB(8994,2111,2,3,1,1,0)="Reference to a local variable that contains a list of local fields."
^XWB(8994,2111,2,3,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2111,2,3,1,3,0)=" LFLST[i] Local Field Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2111,2,3,1,4,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,2111,2,3,1,5,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,2111,2,3,1,6,0)=" ^03: Inactivation Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2111,2,3,1,7,0)=" ^04: Description"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2111,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2111,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,2111,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2111,3,15,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0]."
^XWB(8994,2112,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST SELECTION RULES remote procedure returns a list "
^XWB(8994,2112,1,2,0)="of registry selection rules from the ROR SELECTION RULE file"
^XWB(8994,2112,1,3,0)="(#798.2) that are referenced by the SELCTION RULE multiple (3)"
^XWB(8994,2112,1,4,0)="of the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file (#798.1)."
^XWB(8994,2112,2,1,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,2112,2,1,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,2112,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2112,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2112,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2112,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of top-level selection rules is returned in the"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,16,0)="Results[0] and the subsequent nodes of the array contain the rule"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2112,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Number of Selection Rules"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2112,3,21,0)=" Results[i] Rule Definition"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,22,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,23,0)=" ^02: Name"
^XWB(8994,2112,3,24,0)=" ^03: Short Description"
^XWB(8994,2113,1,1,0)="This RPC checks if the current account is a "
^XWB(8994,2113,1,2,0)="production one."
^XWB(8994,2113,3,1,0)="1 is returned in Results[0] in case of a production account. Otherwise, "
^XWB(8994,2113,3,2,0)="zero is returned."
^XWB(8994,2114,1,1,0)="This remote procedure returns the results of registry-specific lab tests "
^XWB(8994,2114,1,2,0)="for the patient and group statistics for these results."
^XWB(8994,2114,2,1,1,1,0)="A valid patient IEN (DFN) should be assigned to the PTIEN parameter."
^XWB(8994,2114,2,2,1,1,0)="The REGIEN parameter should contain a valid registry IEN (IEN of the"
^XWB(8994,2114,2,2,1,2,0)="registry parameters record in the ROR REGISTRY PARAMETERS file #798.1)."
^XWB(8994,2114,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,2114,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,2114,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2114,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2114,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2114,3,15,0)="Otherwise, zero is returned in the Results[0] and subsequent nodes "
^XWB(8994,2114,3,16,0)="contain the patient's data."
^XWB(8994,2114,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2114,3,18,0)=" Results[0] 0"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2114,3,20,0)=" Results[i] Registry-specific Lab Result"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,21,0)=" ^01: ""LTR"""
^XWB(8994,2114,3,22,0)=" ^02: Result IEN (inverted date/time)"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,23,0)=" ^03: Date/time of the test (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,24,0)=" ^04: Result"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,25,0)=" ^05: Test IEN (in file #60)"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,26,0)=" ^06: Test name"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,27,0)=" ^07: Code of the group"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,28,0)=" ^08: Group name"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2114,3,30,0)=" Results[i] Lab Group Statistics"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,31,0)=" ^01: ""LTG"""
^XWB(8994,2114,3,32,0)=" ^02: Code of the group"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,33,0)=" ^03: Group name"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,34,0)=" ^04: Latest result value"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,35,0)=" ^05: Date of the latest result (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,36,0)=" ^06: Lowest result value"
^XWB(8994,2114,3,37,0)=" ^07: Date of the lowest value (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2115,0)="ROR LIST CPT^CPTLIST^RORRP042^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2115,1,1,0)="The ROR LIST CPT remote procedure returns a list of CPT codes (defined in"
^XWB(8994,2115,1,2,0)="the CPT file), which conform the criteria."
^XWB(8994,2115,2,1,1,1,0)="The partial match restriction."
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,1,0)="Flags that control the execution (can be combined):"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,3,0)=" A Exclude active codes"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,5,0)=" B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,6,0)=" direction of normal traversal"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,8,0)=" D Full search by short name"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,10,0)=" I Exclude inactive codes"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,2,2,1,12,0)=" K Search in description keywords"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,3,1,1,0)="Maximum number of entries to return. A value of ""*"" or no value in this "
^XWB(8994,2115,2,3,1,2,0)="parameter designates all entries."
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,1,0)="The index entry(s) from which to begin the list"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,2,0)=" ^01: FromName"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,3,0)=" ^02: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,5,0)="For example, a FROM value of ""18"" would list entries following 18. You can"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,6,0)="use the 2-nd and 3-rd ""^""- pieces of the Results[0] to continue the"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,7,0)="listing in the subsequent procedure calls."
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,9,0)="NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in the"
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,10,0)=" resulting list."
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,12,0)="See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the PART, NUMBER "
^XWB(8994,2115,2,4,1,13,0)="and FROM parameters."
^XWB(8994,2115,2,5,1,1,0)="Date for the code set versioning."
^XWB(8994,2115,3,1,0)="A negative value of the first ""^""-piece of the Results[0] indicates that "
^XWB(8994,2115,3,2,0)="an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this "
^XWB(8994,2115,3,3,0)="case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error "
^XWB(8994,2115,3,4,0)="descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,3,6,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,7,0)=" ^01: The last error code"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,8,0)=" ^02: Number of the error descriptors"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,3,10,0)=" Results[i] Error Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,11,0)=" ^01: Error code"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,12,0)=" ^02: Message"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,13,0)=" ^03: Place of the error"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,3,15,0)="Otherwise, number of CPT codes and the value of the FROM parameter for the"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,16,0)="next procedure call are returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,17,0)="nodes of the global array contain the codes."
^XWB(8994,2115,3,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,3,19,0)=" Results[0] Result Descriptor"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,20,0)=" ^01: Number of codes"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,21,0)=" ^02: FromName"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,22,0)=" ^03: FromIEN"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2115,3,24,0)=" Results[i] CPT"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,25,0)=" ^01: IEN"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,26,0)=" ^02: Short Description"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,27,0)=" ^03: Code"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,28,0)=" ^04: reserved"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,29,0)=" ^05: Inactive (""""/1)"
^XWB(8994,2115,3,30,0)=" ^06: Inactivation Date (FileMan)"
^XWB(8994,2116,0)="GMV DLL VERSION^DLL^GMVUTL8^1^S^0^^"
^XWB(8994,2116,1,1,0)="Returns a YES or NO response to indicate if the Dynamic Link Library (DLL)"
^XWB(8994,2116,1,2,0)="file should be used."
^XWB(8994,2116,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2116,1,4,0)="This remote procedure call is documented in Integration Agreement 4420."
^XWB(8994,2116,2,1,1,1,0)="This value is the name of the file and the date/time associated with it "
^XWB(8994,2116,2,1,1,2,0)="(e.g., GMV_VITALSVIEWENTER.DLL:v. 07/21/05 10:34)."
^XWB(8994,2116,3,1,0)="Returns YES if the file can be used. Returns NO, if the file cannot be"
^XWB(8994,2116,3,2,0)="used. Returns null if the file was not found."
^XWB(8994,2116,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2116,3,5,0)=" > S GMVX=""GMV_VITALSVIEWENTER.DLL:v. 07/21/05 10:34"""
^XWB(8994,2116,3,6,0)=" > D DLL^GMVUTL8(.RESULT,GMVX) ZW RESULT"
^XWB(8994,2116,3,7,0)=" > RESULT=""NO"""
^XWB(8994,2117,1,1,0)="Select a hospital location by name, from a patient appointment or from a"
^XWB(8994,2117,1,2,0)="patient admission."
^XWB(8994,2117,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,1,4,0)="This remote procedure is documented in Integration Agreement 4461."
^XWB(8994,2117,2,1,1,1,0)="Routine tag line in GMVRPCHL to call."
^XWB(8994,2117,2,2,1,1,0)="Other data as required for the call."
^XWB(8994,2117,3,1,0)="This remote procedure call allows the user to select a hospital location. "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,2,0)="The entry point is RPC^GMVRPCHL. It has input parameters of RESULTS, "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,5,0)="The RESULTS variable will contain the ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J) global array "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,6,0)="reference. The ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J) global array contains the results."
^XWB(8994,2117,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,8,0)="The OPTION variable identifies a line label in the GMVRPCHL routine that "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,9,0)="will be invoked to process the call."
^XWB(8994,2117,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,11,0)="The DATA variable contains any additional values needed by the OPTION "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,12,0)="variable to process the call."
^XWB(8994,2117,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,14,0)=" 1) When the OPTION value is NAME, this RPC will do a file lookup."
^XWB(8994,2117,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,16,0)=" The DATA value is a three part value separated by carets(^). The first "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,17,0)=" part is a file number. The second part is a value to look up. The third"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,18,0)=" part is the field or fields to do the look up on. If the third piece is"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,19,0)=" not defined, the lookup is done on the .01 field of the file."
^XWB(8994,2117,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,21,0)=" The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,22,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J,0)=piece1"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,23,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J,n)=piece2^piece3"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,24,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,25,0)=" where piece1 = number of entries found"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,26,0)=" piece2 = file number, a semi-colon and record IEN"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,27,0)=" piece3 = field value"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,28,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,29,0)=" Example:"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,30,0)=" >S OPTION=""NAME"",DATA=""44^OUTPATIENT^.01"" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,32,0)=" >RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",539052767)"""
^XWB(8994,2117,3,33,0)=" >D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,34,0)=" >Global ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,35,0)=" >^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",539052767,0)=3"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,36,0)=" 1)=44;75^OUTPATIENT NUC MED"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,37,0)=" 2)=44;74^OUTPATIENT RADIOLOGY"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,38,0)=" 3)=44;80^OUTPATIENT ULTRASOUND"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,39,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,40,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,41,0)=" 2) When the OPTION value is APPT, this RPC will return a list of clinic "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,42,0)=" appointments for the patient."
^XWB(8994,2117,3,43,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,44,0)=" The DATA value is a four part value separated by carets(^). The first "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,45,0)=" piece is DFN. The second piece is the start date of the search. If "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,46,0)=" not defined, this value defaults to 365 days prior to today. The third "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,47,0)=" piece is the end date of the search. If not defined, the value defaults "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,48,0)=" to today. Both dates are in FileMan internal format. The fourth piece is"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,49,0)=" a string of numbers to indicate what types of appointments to return. If"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,50,0)=" not defined, the value defaults to ""123456789"" (i.e., all appointment"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,51,0)=" types) where:"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,52,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,53,0)=" 1 - Active/Kept"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,54,0)=" 2 - Inpatient appts. only"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,55,0)=" 3 - No-shows "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,56,0)=" 4 - No-shows, auto-rebook"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,57,0)=" 5 - Cancelled by clinic"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,58,0)=" 6 - Cancelled by clinic, auto rebook"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,59,0)=" 7 - Cancelled by patient"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,60,0)=" 8 - Cancelled by patient, auto rebook"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,61,0)=" 9 - No action taken"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,62,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,63,0)=" The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,64,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J,0)=piece1"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,65,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J,n)=piece2^piece3^piece4^piece5^piece6^piece7"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,66,0)=" ^piece8^piece9^"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,67,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,68,0)=" where piece1 = number of entries found"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,69,0)=" piece2 = date/time of appt (FM internal)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,70,0)=" piece3 = date/time of appt (external)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,71,0)=" piece4 = hospital location IEN (FILE 44)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,72,0)=" piece5 = hospital location name (FILE 44, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,73,0)=" piece6 = appt status (internal)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,74,0)=" piece7 = appt status (external)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,75,0)=" piece8 = appt type (internal)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,76,0)=" piece9 = appt type (external)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,77,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,78,0)=" Example:"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,79,0)=" > S OPTION=""APPT"",DATA=""78^3051201^3051206^"" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,81,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",539052767)"""
^XWB(8994,2117,3,82,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,83,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,84,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",539052767,0)=1"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,85,0)=" 1)=3051206.1^DEC 6,2005@10:00^88^WEIGHT "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,86,0)=" CLINIC^^^9^REGULAR"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,87,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,88,0)=" 3) When the OPTION value is ADMIT, this RPC will return a list of "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,89,0)=" hospital admissions for the patient specified."
^XWB(8994,2117,3,90,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,91,0)=" The DATA value is the patient's DFN."
^XWB(8994,2117,3,92,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,93,0)=" The TMP global contains:"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,94,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J,0)=piece1"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,95,0)=" ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J,n)=piece2^piece3^piece4^piece5^piece6"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,96,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,97,0)=" where piece1 = number of entries found"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,98,0)=" piece2 = date/time of admission (external) "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,99,0)=" piece3 = hospital location IEN (FILE 44)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,100,0)=" piece4 = hospital location name (FILE 44, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,101,0)=" piece5 = type of movement (FILE 405.1, Field .01)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,102,0)=" piece6 = movement IEN (FILE 405)"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,103,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,104,0)=" Example:"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,105,0)=" > S OPTION=""ADMIT"",DATA=134"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,107,0)=" > RESULT=""^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",539052767)"""
^XWB(8994,2117,3,108,0)=" > D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,109,0)=" > Global ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,110,0)=" > ^TMP(""GMVHLOC"",539052767,0)=1 "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,111,0)=" 1)=Apr 09, 2001 1:48:43 pm^67^"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,112,0)=" 2-ASM^DIRECT^1712 "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,113,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,114,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2117,3,115,0)="If an error is encountered for NAME, ADMIT or APPT, a ""-1"" followed by a"
^XWB(8994,2117,3,116,0)="caret and the error message text (i.e., -1^error message) is returned in "
^XWB(8994,2118,1,1,0)="Returns a URL for some items used within CAPRI"
^XWB(8994,2118,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2118,1,3,0)="1=VBA's AMIE worksheet website"
^XWB(8994,2119,0)="TIU ISPRF^ISPRFTTL^TIUPRF2^1^A^0"
^XWB(8994,2119,1,1,0)="This RPC is to check to see if the passed in TIU DOCUMENT TITLE IEN is a "
^XWB(8994,2119,1,2,0)="Patient Record Flag TITLE."
^XWB(8994,2119,2,1,1,1,0)="TIU DOCUMENT TITLE IEN"
^XWB(8994,2119,3,1,0)="1 if TIUTTL is a PRF Title"
^XWB(8994,2119,3,2,0)="0 if TIUTTL is not a PRF Title"
^XWB(8994,2120,1,1,0)="This RPC gets the Patient Record Flag History Assignments/Actions for a "
^XWB(8994,2120,1,2,0)="Patient/Title Combination."
^XWB(8994,2120,2,2,1,1,0)="Patient Pointer (file 2 IEN)"
^XWB(8994,2120,3,1,0)="Returns data in the following format for each Flag Assignment/Action"
^XWB(8994,2120,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2121,0)="TIU LINK TO FLAG^LINK^TIUPRF2^1^^0"
^XWB(8994,2121,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to link a Progress Note to a Patient Record Flag"
^XWB(8994,2121,2,1,1,1,0)="TIU DOCUMENT IEN (8925)"
^XWB(8994,2121,2,2,1,1,0)="Flag IEN (26.11 or 26.15)"
^XWB(8994,2121,2,3,1,1,0)="PRF Assignment History IEN (26.14)"
^XWB(8994,2121,2,4,1,1,0)="Patient IEN (File 2)"
^XWB(8994,2122,1,1,0)="This RPC is used to retrieve the Status (8925.6 IEN) of a TIU DOCUMENT."
^XWB(8994,2122,2,1,1,1,0)="TIU DOCUMENT IEN (8925)"
^XWB(8994,2122,3,1,0)="TIU DOCUMENT STATUS IEN (8925.6)"
^XWB(8994,2123,1,1,0)="Returns list of SIGNED, LINKED PRF notes for given patient, for given"
^XWB(8994,2123,1,2,0)="PRF Title"
^XWB(8994,2123,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient IEN in Patient file"
^XWB(8994,2123,2,2,1,1,0)="PRF Title IEN in file 8925.1"
^XWB(8994,2123,2,3,1,1,0)="Optional. Boolean flag, with 1 indicating to subscript the list of notes"
^XWB(8994,2123,2,3,1,2,0)="in reverse chronological order. Default is chronological order."
^XWB(8994,2123,3,1,0)=" TIUY = # of notes"
^XWB(8994,2123,3,2,0)=" TIUY(InternalNoteDate) = NoteIEN^Action^ExternalNoteDate^Author"
^XWB(8994,2123,3,3,0)="where Internal Note Date is REFERENCE DATE in file 8925, (or"
^XWB(8994,2123,3,4,0)="9999999-REFERENCE DATE if REVORDER=1)."
^XWB(8994,2124,1,1,0)="Returns IEN of the TIU Note Title in file 8925.1 which is associated"
^XWB(8994,2124,1,2,0)="with given flag for given patient."
^XWB(8994,2124,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient IEN in Patient file"
^XWB(8994,2124,2,2,1,1,0)="The unique number for a particular Active Record Flag returned by "
^XWB(8994,2124,2,2,1,2,0)="$$GETACT^DGPFAPI. See IA #3860. See also GETFLAG^ORPRF."
^XWB(8994,2124,3,1,0)="Returns TIUY = TitleIEN^Title,"
^XWB(8994,2124,3,2,0)="where Title is the .01 field in file 8925.1"
^XWB(8994,2125,0)="ORVAA VAA^VAA^ORVAA^2"
^XWB(8994,2125,1,1,0)="Returns the policy name for a veteran with VA Advantage. If the veteran "
^XWB(8994,2125,1,2,0)="does not have VA Advantage the return value will be 0."
^XWB(8994,2125,2,1,1,1,0)="The DFN is the veteran patient's Internal Entry Number in the PATIENT "
^XWB(8994,2128,1,1,0)="Returns current version of package or namespace"
^XWB(8994,2129,1,1,0)="Return patient's Blood Bank information."
^XWB(8994,2130,0)="ORWDXVB RAW^RAW^ORWDXVB^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2130,1,1,0)="Return raw Lab Test Results associated with Blood Bank order"
^XWB(8994,2131,1,1,0)="Return patient's Lab Test Results associated with Blood Bank order"
^XWB(8994,2132,1,1,0)="Check to see if user is allowed to order STAT orders through VBECS."
^XWB(8994,2132,1,2,0)="Checks users with parameter: OR VBECS STAT USER"
^XWB(8994,2133,1,1,0)="Get sequence order of Blood Components for selection."
^XWB(8994,2134,1,1,0)="Return '1' if hospital location has been entered in NUTRITION LOCATION "
^XWB(8994,2134,1,2,0)="file for outpatient meal ordering."
^XWB(8994,2134,1,3,0)="Return '0' if not yet entered."
^XWB(8994,2136,0)="ORWGRPC TYPES^TYPES^ORWGRPC^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2137,0)="ORWGRPC ITEMS^ITEMS^ORWGRPC^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2138,0)="ORWGRPC CLASS^CLASS^ORWGRPC^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2148,1,1,0)="Is a given HOSPITAL LOCATION (file 44) a non-count clinic? (DBIA #964)"
^XWB(8994,2148,2,1,1,1,0)="Pointer to file 44."
^XWB(8994,2148,3,1,0)="1 = non-count clinic"
^XWB(8994,2148,3,2,0)="0 = not a non-count clinic"
^XWB(8994,2149,1,1,0)="Determine if user can perform cover sheet allergy actions."
^XWB(8994,2149,3,1,0)="1^ = user has access"
^XWB(8994,2149,3,2,0)="0^reason = user does not have access"
^XWB(8994,2150,3,1,0)="Is PFSS active for this system/user/etc?"
^XWB(8994,2150,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2150,3,3,0)=" 1=PFSS active - pass visit string with order"
^XWB(8994,2150,3,4,0)=" 0=PFSS not active - do not pass visit string"
^XWB(8994,2154,0)="ORWMHV MHV^MHV^ORWMHV^1"
^XWB(8994,2154,3,1,0)="""0"" if patient has no My HealtheVet (MHV) data"
^XWB(8994,2154,3,2,0)="""MHV"" if patient has MHV data"
^XWB(8994,2155,1,1,0)="Returns 1 if VistaWeb is enabled."
^XWB(8994,2156,1,1,0)="Changes the value of VistaWeb parameter ORWRP VISTAWEB"
^XWB(8994,2159,1,1,0)="Get VistaWeb Web Address."
^XWB(8994,2161,0)="ORWGRPC TAX^TAX^ORWGRPC^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2162,3,1,0)="Returns either a 0 patient is not on ward or a 1 patient is on a ward."
^XWB(8994,2163,0)="ORWRP4 HDR MODIFY^HDR^ORWRP4^1^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2163,1,1,0)="This RPC looks at data returned from the HDR and makes any modifications"
^XWB(8994,2163,1,2,0)="necessary to make the data compatible with CPRS Reports."
^XWB(8994,2163,2,1,1,1,0)="Remote Broker ID needed to find data in ^XTMP(HANDLE,""D"","
^XWB(8994,2163,2,2,0)="ID ^1^30^1^2"
^XWB(8994,2163,2,2,1,1,0)="Report ID found in field .02 of file 101.24"
^XWB(8994,2163,2,"B","ID ",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2163,3,1,0)="The return value is the success/failure flag. In the event of an error"
^XWB(8994,2163,3,2,0)="condition, the first node of the string is equal to the"
^XWB(8994,2163,3,3,0)="syntax ""-1^error text""."
^XWB(8994,2166,0)="ORWDX1 DCREN^DCREN^ORWDX1^2"
^XWB(8994,2169,1,1,0)="Get parameter value for ORWRP CIRN AUTOMATIC."
^XWB(8994,2170,1,1,0)="Returns 1 if popup flag display should be triggered for given patient upon"
^XWB(8994,2170,1,2,0)="patient selection. If not, returns 0. Does not require clean-up after"
^XWB(8994,2170,1,3,0)="calling it since it does not set arrays or globals."
^XWB(8994,2170,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN in Patient file of given patient."
^XWB(8994,2170,3,1,0)="Returns 1 if popup flag display should be triggered for given patient upon"
^XWB(8994,2170,3,2,0)="patient selection. If not, returns 0."
^XWB(8994,2171,1,1,0)="Get parameter value for ORWRP HDR ON"
^XWB(8994,2172,0)="XUPS PERSONQUERY^EN1^XUPSQRY^4^P^0^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2172,2,1,1,1,0)="Required if lookup by name."
^XWB(8994,2172,2,8,1,1,0)="Required if lookup by VPID."
^XWB(8994,2172,3,1,0)="Output data stored in a global array:"
^XWB(8994,2172,3,2,0)=" ^TMP($J,""XUPSQRY"",1)= -1 if found, 0 if not found"
^XWB(8994,2172,3,3,0)=" ^TMP($J,""XUPSQRY"",n,0)= VPID^IEN^Last Name^First Name^"
^XWB(8994,2172,3,4,0)=" Middle Name^SSN^DOB^SEX"
^XWB(8994,2172,3,5,0)=" ^TMP($J,""XUPSQRY"",n,0)= Provider Type"
^XWB(8994,2172,3,6,0)=" ^TMP($J,""XUPSQRY"",n,0)= Provider Classification"
^XWB(8994,2172,3,7,0)=" ^TMP($J,""XUPSQRY"",n,0)= Provider Area of Specialization"
^XWB(8994,2172,3,8,0)=" ^TMP($J,""XUPSQRY"",n,0)= VA CODE^X12 CODE^Specialty Code^"
^XWB(8994,2172,3,9,0)=" end-of-record character ""|"""
^XWB(8994,2173,1,1,0)="This rpc is set to return an xml document via VistaLink that contains"
^XWB(8994,2173,1,2,0)="the display data for a gui patient lookup. "
^XWB(8994,2173,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2173,2,1,1,1,0)="Input PARAM(""SEARCH TYPE"") = type of search requested"
^XWB(8994,2173,2,1,1,2,0)="Input PARAM(""SEARCH VALUE"") = value to search on"
^XWB(8994,2173,2,1,1,3,0)="Input PARAM(""JOB"") = a unique job # used to check for cancelled jobs"
^XWB(8994,2173,3,1,0)="XML document with list of patients found based on search type and "
^XWB(8994,2173,3,2,0)="search value."
^XWB(8994,2173,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2173,3,4,0)="<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>"
^XWB(8994,2173,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2173,3,6,0)="<record count='1'>"
^XWB(8994,2173,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2173,3,8,0)="<patient num='1' dfn='40' sensitive='true' name='RUCKER,JOHN W III' dob='2560306 ' ssn='123456799' type='SC VETERAN' primaryeligibility='SC LESS THAN 50%' servic econnected='true' scpercent='20' gender='M' icn='' veteran='true' ward='5 WEST P"
^XWB(8994,2173,3,9,0)="SYCH' roombed='501-1'></patient>"
^XWB(8994,2173,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2174,0)="DGRR GET PTLK BUSINESS DATA^BUS^DGRRLU1^4^P^^^1^.001^^0"
^XWB(8994,2174,1,1,0)="Returns XML document containing data needed to perform business logic"
^XWB(8994,2174,1,2,0)="checks on patient lookup."
^XWB(8994,2174,2,1,1,1,0)="PARAM(""PatientId_Type"") = DFN (default) or ICN"
^XWB(8994,2174,2,1,1,2,0)="PARAM(""PatientId"") = value for dfn or ICN"
^XWB(8994,2174,2,1,1,3,0)="PARAM(""UserId"") = DUZ"
^XWB(8994,2174,2,1,1,4,0)="PARAM(""UserInstitution"") = division usage default to DUZ(2)"
^XWB(8994,2175,1,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call (RPC) will add an entry to the DG SECURITY LOG"
^XWB(8994,2175,1,2,0)="(#38.1) file and/or generate the sensitive record access bulletin"
^XWB(8994,2175,1,3,0)="depending on the value in ACTION input parameter. If ACTION parameter not"
^XWB(8994,2175,1,4,0)="defined, defaults to update DG Security Log file and generate Sensitive"
^XWB(8994,2175,1,5,0)="Record Access mail message."
^XWB(8994,2175,2,1,1,1,0)="ACTION = 1 - Set DG Security Log entry"
^XWB(8994,2175,2,1,1,2,0)=" 2 - Generate Sensitive Record Access bulletin"
^XWB(8994,2175,2,1,1,3,0)=" 3 - Both"
^XWB(8994,2175,2,2,1,1,0)="DFN = Patient (#2) file DFN"
^XWB(8994,2175,2,5,1,1,0)="DGOPT = Option Name^Menu test "
^XWB(8994,2175,2,5,1,2,0)=" If not defined, OP^XQCHK identifies option or defaults to UNKNOWN."
^XWB(8994,2175,3,1,0)="RESULT=1 - successfully added entry and/or generated sensitive record"
^XWB(8994,2175,3,2,0)=" access bulletin"
^XWB(8994,2175,3,3,0)=" 0 - unsuccessful"
^XWB(8994,2176,1,1,0)="Returns an XML document containing a list of wards or a list of"
^XWB(8994,2176,1,2,0)="clinics (depending on what was requested)"
^XWB(8994,2176,2,1,1,1,0)="PARAM(""TYPE"")=""ward"" returns a list of wards"
^XWB(8994,2176,2,1,1,2,0)="PARAM(""TYPE"")=""clinic"" returns a list of clinics"
^XWB(8994,2176,2,1,1,3,0)="PARAM(""TYPE"")=""provider"" returns a list of providers"
^XWB(8994,2176,2,1,1,4,0)="PARAM(""VALUE"")=Beginning value or null to start at the beginning"
^XWB(8994,2176,2,1,1,5,0)=" or end of the file."
^XWB(8994,2176,2,1,1,6,0)="PARAM(""MAXNUM"")=Number of entries to be returned. Defaults to"
^XWB(8994,2176,2,1,1,7,0)=" traversing forward. If MAXNUM contains a negative"
^XWB(8994,2176,2,1,1,8,0)=" number, traverses through the file backwards."
^XWB(8994,2177,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call returns an xml document containing the division"
^XWB(8994,2177,1,2,0)="or package preferences. "
^XWB(8994,2177,2,1,1,1,0)="PARAM(""stationNumber"") = station number for institution. If not "
^XWB(8994,2177,2,1,1,2,0)="defined, RPC will return the package default values."
^XWB(8994,2177,3,1,0)="Returns xml document containing a list of preferences:"
^XWB(8994,2177,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2177,3,3,0)="<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>"
^XWB(8994,2178,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call updates the division/institutional preferences "
^XWB(8994,2178,1,2,0)="passed to the call. It returns an xml document containing the station"
^XWB(8994,2178,1,3,0)="number and status. If update was successful, status is returned as"
^XWB(8994,2178,1,4,0)="true. If errors were encountered during the update, false is returned"
^XWB(8994,2178,1,5,0)="with an error message."
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,1,0)="PARAMS(""stationNumber"")=station number for division/institution"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,2,0)="PARAMS(""maxNumberPatients"")=Number between 20 and 100"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,3,0)="PARAMS(""patientsPerPage"")=Number between 5 and 20"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,4,0)="PARAMS(""patientType"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,5,0)="PARAMS(""gender"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,6,0)="PARAMS(""primaryEligibility"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,7,0)="PARAMS(""roomBed"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,8,0)="PARAMS(""serviceConnected"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,9,0)="PARAMS(""veteranStatus"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,10,0)="PARAMS(""ward"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,11,0)="PARAMS(""veteranImage"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,12,0)="PARAMS(""veteranStatus"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,13,0)="PARAMS(""ward"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,2,1,1,14,0)="PARAMS(""veteranImage"")=Disabled or Enabled"
^XWB(8994,2178,3,1,0)="XML file documenting error condition or successful update."
^XWB(8994,2178,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2178,3,3,0)="Successful update xml format:"
^XWB(8994,2178,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2178,3,5,0)=" <?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?> "
^XWB(8994,2178,3,6,0)="- <preferences>"
^XWB(8994,2178,3,7,0)=" <error /> "
^XWB(8994,2178,3,8,0)="- <institutionPreferences>"
^XWB(8994,2178,3,9,0)=" <stationNumber>500</stationNumber> "
^XWB(8994,2178,3,10,0)=" <preferencesUpdated>true</preferencesUpdated> "
^XWB(8994,2178,3,11,0)=" </institutionPreferences>"
^XWB(8994,2178,3,12,0)=" </preferences>"
^XWB(8994,2179,0)="DGRR CANCEL SEARCH^CANCEL^DGRRLU^1^^^^^^^0"
^XWB(8994,2179,1,1,0)="The DGRR CANCEL SEARCH RPC will cancel a patient search in VistA."
^XWB(8994,2179,2,1,1,1,0)="JOB = A unique JOB ID used to cancel a VistA search."
^XWB(8994,2180,1,1,0)="This RPC will return an XML via VistaLink containing Patient Service"
^XWB(8994,2180,1,2,0)="Demographic information for any given Patient ICN"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,1,0)="Input Parameters: (Rq) Required parameter (Op) Optional parameter"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,3,0)=" (Rq) PARAMS(""PatientId_Type"") = the three letters ""DFN"" or ""ICN"""
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,4,0)=" (Rq) PARAMS(""PatientId"") = the actual value of the patient DFN or ICN"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,5,0)=" (Op) PARAMS(REQUESTED_DATE) = Date to be used for ADT Movement"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,6,0)=" List - defaults to DT "
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,7,0)=" (Op) PARAMS(""PrimaryDemo"") = 0 or 1 to request Primary Demographic"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,8,0)=" Info "
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,9,0)=" (Op) PARAMS(""SecondaryDemo"") = 0 or 1 to request Secondary"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,10,0)=" Demographic Info "
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,11,0)=" (Op) PARAMS(""TertiaryDemo"") = 0 or 1 to request Tertiary Demographic"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,12,0)=" Info "
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,13,0)=" (Op) PARAMS(""MainAddress"") = 0 or 1 to request Main Address Info "
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,14,0)=" (Op) PARAMS(""TemporaryAddress"") = 0 or 1 to request Temporary"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,15,0)=" Address Info "
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,16,0)=" (Op) PARAMS(""ConfidentialAddress"") = 0 or 1 to request"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,17,0)=" Confidential Address Info "
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,18,0)=" (Op) PARAMS(""ContactInfo"") = 0 or 1 to request Contact Information"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,19,0)=" (Op) PARAMS(""ADTInfo"") = 0 or 1 to request ADT Information "
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,20,0)=" (Op) PARAMS(""EnrollEligibility"") = 0 or 1 to request Enrollment/"
^XWB(8994,2180,2,1,1,21,0)=" Eligibility Information"
^XWB(8994,2180,3,1,0)="<XML schema doc>"
^XWB(8994,2181,1,1,0)="This RPC receives an array set up by a client. The client code indicates"
^XWB(8994,2181,1,2,0)="that the array should be presented to the RPC as multiple M subscripts"
^XWB(8994,2181,1,3,0)="(ex: DATA(""TEXT"",1,0) and not the usual DATA(1)."
^XWB(8994,2181,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2181,1,5,0)="It sets the array into a local array and returns the local array"
^XWB(8994,2181,1,6,0)="information back to the client."
^XWB(8994,2181,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2181,1,8,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed "
^XWB(8994,2181,1,9,0)="as part of VistALink."
^XWB(8994,2181,2,1,1,1,0)="An array of information."
^XWB(8994,2181,3,1,0)="Returns the input array information returned to the client after being "
^XWB(8994,2181,3,2,0)="placed in a local array."
^XWB(8994,2182,1,1,0)="This RPC receives 3 arrays set up by a client. This tests the capability"
^XWB(8994,2182,1,2,0)="of VistaLink to support multiple array-type RPC parameters."
^XWB(8994,2182,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2182,1,4,0)="It sets each of the three arrays into a local array, sequentially, and"
^XWB(8994,2182,1,5,0)="returns the local array back to the client."
^XWB(8994,2182,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2182,1,7,0)="This RPC is used as part of the test and learning application distributed"
^XWB(8994,2182,1,8,0)="part of VistALink."
^XWB(8994,2182,2,1,1,1,0)="An array of information."
^XWB(8994,2182,2,2,1,1,0)="An array of information."
^XWB(8994,2182,2,3,1,1,0)="An array of information."
^XWB(8994,2182,3,1,0)="The input array information returned to the client after being placed in a"
^XWB(8994,2182,3,2,0)="local array."
^XWB(8994,2183,1,1,0)="RPC returns the XWBAPVER value."
^XWB(8994,2183,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2183,1,3,0)="This RPC is used only by the VistALink package as part of its"
^XWB(8994,2183,1,4,0)="JUNIT testing."
^XWB(8994,2183,3,1,0)="Value of the XWBAPVER variable."
^XWB(8994,2184,1,1,0)="Called by JUint to test swithch format from 'array / no wrap' to 'global"
^XWB(8994,2184,1,2,0)="array ; wrap'."
^XWB(8994,2184,3,1,0)="Returns the list of media types (CD, DVD and TAPE) passed from tester "
^XWB(8994,2185,1,1,0)="Called by JUint to test swithch format from 'global array / no wrap' to '"
^XWB(8994,2185,1,2,0)="array ; wrap'."
^XWB(8994,2185,3,1,0)="Returns the list of media types (BETA, VHS and 8 TRACK) passed from tester"
^XWB(8994,2186,1,1,0)="Called by JUint to test swithch format from 'array / no wrap' to "
^XWB(8994,2186,1,2,0)="'single value'."
^XWB(8994,2186,3,1,0)="String of media types 'CD:TAPE:DVD:'."
^XWB(8994,2187,1,1,0)="Called by JUint to test swithch format from 'global array / no wrap' to "
^XWB(8994,2187,1,2,0)="'single value'."
^XWB(8994,2187,3,1,0)="String of media types 'BETA/8 TRACK/VHS/'."
^XWB(8994,2188,1,1,0)="Called by JUint to test swithch format from 'single value' to 'global"
^XWB(8994,2188,1,2,0)="array ; wrap'."
^XWB(8994,2188,3,1,0)="Returns the list of media types (CD, DVD and TAPE) passed from tester "
^XWB(8994,2189,1,1,0)="Called by JUint to test swithch format from 'single value' to '"
^XWB(8994,2189,1,2,0)="array ; wrap'."
^XWB(8994,2189,3,1,0)="Returns the list of media types (BETA, VHS and 8 TRACK) passed from tester"
^XWB(8994,2190,0)="XOBV SYSTEMINFO^RPC^XOBVSYSI^2^R^^^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2190,1,1,0)="Returns name^value pairs of system information about the M system."
^XWB(8994,2191,1,1,0)="Copy of XOBV TEST PING, with APP PROXY ALLOWED turned off, for JUNIT "
^XWB(8994,2192,1,1,0)="Unit test to check whether VistALink is passing through ASCII extended "
^XWB(8994,2192,1,2,0)="characters 128-255."
^XWB(8994,2192,2,1,1,1,0)="128-character long string of ASCII characters from 128 to 255,"
^XWB(8994,2193,2,1,0)="TEST TYPE^1^10^1"
^XWB(8994,2193,2,1,1,1,0)="Indicates if HANG command should be executed to cause a graceful timeout"
^XWB(8994,2193,2,1,1,2,0)="condition to occur."
^XWB(8994,2193,2,"B","TEST TYPE",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2193,3,1,0)="Simple indication of the type of test executed (quick or timeout "
^XWB(8994,2194,1,1,0)="Returns a variety of information needed for the KAAJEE logon."
^XWB(8994,2194,2,1,1,1,0)="IP address of the client workstation, used for logging (signon log)"
^XWB(8994,2194,2,1,1,2,0)="and IP blocking (failed access attempts)."
^XWB(8994,2194,2,2,1,1,0)="Identifying name for the calling application or server,"
^XWB(8994,2194,2,2,1,2,0)="used for logging (signon log)."
^XWB(8994,2194,3,2,0)="Result(0) is the users DUZ."
^XWB(8994,2194,3,3,0)="Result(1) is the user name from the .01 field."
^XWB(8994,2194,3,4,0)="Result(2) is the users full name from the name standard file."
^XWB(8994,2194,3,5,0)="Result(3) is the FAMILY (LAST) NAME"
^XWB(8994,2194,3,6,0)="Result(4) is the GIVEN (FIRST) NAME"
^XWB(8994,2194,3,7,0)="Result(5) is the MIDDLE NAME"
^XWB(8994,2194,3,8,0)="Result(6) is the PREFIX"
^XWB(8994,2194,3,9,0)="Result(7) is the SUFFIX"
^XWB(8994,2194,3,10,0)="Result(8) is the DEGREE"
^XWB(8994,2194,3,11,0)="Result(9) is station # of the division that the user is working in."
^XWB(8994,2194,3,12,0)="Result(10) is the station # of the parent facility for the login division"
^XWB(8994,2194,3,13,0)="Result(11) is the station # from the KSP site parameters, the parent "
^XWB(8994,2194,3,14,0)="""computer system"""
^XWB(8994,2194,3,15,0)="Result(12) is the signon log entry IEN"
^XWB(8994,2194,3,16,0)="Result(13) = # of permissible divisions"
^XWB(8994,2194,3,17,0)="Result(14-n) are the permissible divisions for user login, in the format:"
^XWB(8994,2194,3,18,0)="IEN of file 4^Station Name^Station Number^default? (1 or 0)"
^XWB(8994,2195,1,1,0)="This RPC calls the LOUT^XUSCLEAN tag to mark a KAAJEE-signed-on user's"
^XWB(8994,2195,1,2,0)="entry in the sign-on log as signed off."
^XWB(8994,2195,2,1,1,1,0)="The DA (IEN) of the user's signon log entry."
^XWB(8994,2195,3,1,0)="Returns 1. The return value has no significance."
^XWB(8994,2196,0)="MAG CFIND QUERY^FIND^MAGDQR01^2^R^0^^0^3"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,1,16,0)="This RPC performs a DICOM C-FIND request."
^XWB(8994,2196,1,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,1,18,0)="A request is executed through a TaskMan process,"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,19,0)="which stores the results in temporary storage (^MAGDQR(2006.5732))."
^XWB(8994,2196,1,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,1,21,0)="Subsequent calls to this same RPC will retrieve the"
^XWB(8994,2196,1,22,0)="results from the result-set to the client."
^XWB(8994,2196,1,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,1,24,0)="A final call to this RPC will clean up the temporary storage."
^XWB(8994,2196,2,1,1,1,0)="This parameter is an array. Each element in this array"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,1,1,2,0)="has a value that looks like:"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,1,1,3,0)=" tag | VR | flag | value"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,2,1,1,5,0)="Each 'tag' is a DICOM tag (two groups of 4 hexadecimal"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,1,1,6,0)="digits, separated by a comma)."
^XWB(8994,2196,2,1,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,2,1,1,8,0)="When the value is non-empty, it will be used as a search"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,1,1,9,0)="criterion in the actual C-Find processing."
^XWB(8994,2196,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number that"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,2,1,2,0)="identifies a Result-Set."
^XWB(8994,2196,2,2,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,2,2,1,4,0)="The value of this parameter is either 0 (when a new"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,2,1,5,0)="result-set is to be created) or equal to the internal"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,2,1,6,0)="entry number of an existing result-set."
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,2,0)="When the value of this number is equal to 0,"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,3,0)="the RPC will either create a new result-set,"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,4,0)="(when the value of RESULT is also equal to 0),"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,5,0)="or else check whether TaskMan has finished building"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,6,0)="the result-set, and if so, return the first batch of"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,9,0)="When the value of this number is greater than 0,"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,10,0)="the RPC will return the next batch of results, starting"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,11,0)="from the one indicated by the value of this parameter."
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,13,0)="When the value of this number is less than 0,"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,3,1,14,0)="the RPC will clean up the result-set."
^XWB(8994,2196,2,4,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,2196,2,4,1,2,0)="This value indicates the number of results to be returned"
^XWB(8994,2196,2,4,1,3,0)="in each call to this RPC."
^XWB(8994,2196,3,1,0)="The return parameter of this RPC is an array."
^XWB(8994,2196,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,3,3,0)="The first element of this array indicates whether"
^XWB(8994,2196,3,4,0)="or not the RPC completed successfully: a positive number"
^XWB(8994,2196,3,5,0)="indicates success, a negative number indicates a failure."
^XWB(8994,2196,3,6,0)="A zero value indicates success, but with no further"
^XWB(8994,2196,3,7,0)="data to be returned."
^XWB(8994,2196,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2196,3,9,0)="The rest of the elements in the array contain either"
^XWB(8994,2196,3,10,0)="valid data elements (successful completion) or"
^XWB(8994,2196,3,11,0)="error messages (failure)."
^XWB(8994,2197,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2197,1,16,0)="Each DICOM Gateway has a ""Machine ID"", which is a single"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,17,0)="upper case letter code that uniquely identifies that Gateway."
^XWB(8994,2197,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2197,1,19,0)="This RPC can be called to check whether a specific"
^XWB(8994,2197,1,20,0)="computer can use a specific ID letter and still be uniquely identified."
^XWB(8994,2197,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a single upper case letter code."
^XWB(8994,2197,2,1,1,2,0)="This code is intended to uniquely identify a DICOM Gateway computer."
^XWB(8994,2197,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string. This string is used"
^XWB(8994,2197,2,2,1,2,0)="at the host operating system level to uniquely identify a computer"
^XWB(8994,2197,2,2,1,3,0)="that is being used as a DICOM Gateway."
^XWB(8994,2197,3,1,0)="The value of the return parameter is a string. When the string"
^XWB(8994,2197,3,2,0)="has a negative value, the return value indicates an error."
^XWB(8994,2197,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2197,3,4,0)="A return value of ""1"" indicates that the ID letter can be used"
^XWB(8994,2197,3,5,0)="uniquely for the specified hostname."
^XWB(8994,2197,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2197,3,7,0)="A return value >1 indicates that the ID letter is already being"
^XWB(8994,2197,3,8,0)="used. The non-numeric part of the return value identifies the"
^XWB(8994,2197,3,9,0)="computer(s) that is/are already using the specified ID letter."
^XWB(8994,2198,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2198,1,16,0)="This Remote Procedure validates the structure of the table"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,17,0)="that contains information about images that are ""to be corrected""."
^XWB(8994,2198,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2198,1,19,0)="Any inconsistencies are corrected, any pointers to obsolete"
^XWB(8994,2198,1,20,0)="information are removed, all cross-references are rebuilt."
^XWB(8994,2198,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a numeric value. This value indicates"
^XWB(8994,2198,2,1,1,2,0)="whether or not the procedure is called from the VistA menu."
^XWB(8994,2198,2,1,1,3,0)="When called from the menu (the value of this parameter is TRUE),"
^XWB(8994,2198,2,1,1,4,0)="status information is displayed interactively as the procedure"
^XWB(8994,2198,2,1,1,5,0)="is active."
^XWB(8994,2198,2,1,1,6,0)="When called as a Remote Procedure (the value of this parameter"
^XWB(8994,2198,2,1,1,7,0)="is FALSE), only a status code is returned to the client and no"
^XWB(8994,2198,2,1,1,8,0)="interactive output is generated."
^XWB(8994,2198,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number. This value"
^XWB(8994,2198,3,2,0)="indicates the number of valid entries in the ""to be corrected"""
^XWB(8994,2199,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2199,1,16,0)="This RPC can be used to register the ""Machine ID"" of a DICOM"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,17,0)="Gateway. A ""Machine ID"" is a code (single upper case letter)"
^XWB(8994,2199,1,18,0)="that uniquely identifies a DICOM Gateway."
^XWB(8994,2199,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a single upper case letter code."
^XWB(8994,2199,2,1,1,2,0)="This code is intended to uniquely identify a DICOM Gateway computer."
^XWB(8994,2199,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string. This string is used"
^XWB(8994,2199,2,2,1,2,0)="at the host operating system level to uniquely identify a computer"
^XWB(8994,2199,2,2,1,3,0)="that is being used as a DICOM Gateway."
^XWB(8994,2199,3,1,0)="The value of the return parameter is a string. When the string"
^XWB(8994,2199,3,2,0)="has a negative value, the return value indicates an error."
^XWB(8994,2199,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2199,3,4,0)="A return value of ""1"" indicates that the ID letter can be used"
^XWB(8994,2199,3,5,0)="uniquely for the specified hostname."
^XWB(8994,2199,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2199,3,7,0)="A return value >1 indicates that the ID letter is already being"
^XWB(8994,2199,3,8,0)="used. The non-numeric part of the return value identifies the"
^XWB(8994,2199,3,9,0)="computer(s) that is/are already using the specified ID letter."
^XWB(8994,2200,0)="MAG STUDY UID QUERY^STUDY^MAGDQR04^2^R^0^^0^3"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2200,1,16,0)="This RPC returns information about the images that were"
^XWB(8994,2200,1,17,0)="acquired for a specific study."
^XWB(8994,2200,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string."
^XWB(8994,2200,2,1,1,2,0)="This string is a DICOM UID (unique identifier) that specifies"
^XWB(8994,2200,2,1,1,3,0)="the study for which the image information is to be retrieved."
^XWB(8994,2200,2,1,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2200,2,1,1,5,0)="A DICOM UID is a string consisting of only digits and periods,"
^XWB(8994,2200,2,1,1,6,0)="and may be up to 64 characters long."
^XWB(8994,2200,3,1,0)="The return parameter of this RPC is an array."
^XWB(8994,2200,3,2,0)="The first element indicates success or failure:"
^XWB(8994,2200,3,3,0)="a negative value indicates an error status,"
^XWB(8994,2200,3,4,0)="a non-negative value indicates the number of images"
^XWB(8994,2200,3,5,0)="found for the specified Study UID."
^XWB(8994,2200,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2200,3,7,0)="The other elements of the output array all have the"
^XWB(8994,2200,3,8,0)="following format:"
^XWB(8994,2200,3,9,0)=" image# ^ filename ^ username ^ password (encrypted)"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2201,1,16,0)="This RPC queues up a TaskMan task that calculates the checksums"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,17,0)="of all Imaging routines and that e-mails the result to the"
^XWB(8994,2201,1,18,0)="central database in Silver Spring."
^XWB(8994,2201,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this paramater is a string. This string is the"
^XWB(8994,2201,2,1,1,2,0)="e-mail address for the mailgroup in MailMan to which the"
^XWB(8994,2201,2,1,1,3,0)="message with the checksums is to be sent."
^XWB(8994,2201,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is an integer number."
^XWB(8994,2201,3,2,0)="When the value is 0, the remote procedure was not able to queue"
^XWB(8994,2201,3,3,0)="up a TaskMan task."
^XWB(8994,2201,3,4,0)="When the value is greater than 0, the value corresponds to"
^XWB(8994,2201,3,5,0)="the internal entry number of the task that was created."
^XWB(8994,2202,0)="MAGJ USER DATA^RPCIN^MAGJPRF1^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2202,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2202,1,16,0)="Store/retrieve Vistarad USer preferences, including hanging protocols, etc."
^XWB(8994,2202,2,2,1,1,0)="TXID ^ SYSUPDAT ^ TXDUZ ^ TXDIV"
^XWB(8994,2202,2,2,1,2,0)="TXID: Transaction ID--identifies the type of transaction being requested;"
^XWB(8994,2202,2,2,1,3,0)="TXDUZ: Optional; DUZ value for retrieving another users stored data."
^XWB(8994,2202,2,2,1,4,0)=" E.g., allow User X to see User Y's Hanging Protocols"
^XWB(8994,2202,2,2,1,5,0)="TXDIV: Optional; DIVision value for viewing data stored from other divisions."
^XWB(8994,2202,2,3,1,1,0)="Optional Block of text sent from the client side; has structure as follows"
^XWB(8994,2202,2,3,1,2,0)=" *LABEL"
^XWB(8994,2202,2,3,1,3,0)=" Label Value"
^XWB(8994,2202,2,3,1,4,0)=" 0:N lines of text associated with Label Value"
^XWB(8994,2202,2,3,1,5,0)=" *END"
^XWB(8994,2202,2,3,1,6,0)="Note: multiple sequences of the above may be included."
^XWB(8994,2202,3,1,0)="DATA returned varies according to the TXID, but generally is a block"
^XWB(8994,2202,3,2,0)="of text data that was created by the Client application."
^XWB(8994,2203,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2203,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2203,1,16,0)="Function to determine if the exam has been Tech-Verified (at least)."
^XWB(8994,2203,1,17,0)="Images are assumed to be verified if Exam Status is Examined, or higher status"
^XWB(8994,2203,2,1,1,1,0)="String consisting: RADFN^RADTI^RACNI^RARPT"
^XWB(8994,2203,2,1,1,2,0)="Input is either RADFN, RADTI, and RACNI; or, RARPT only may be input in piece 4"
^XWB(8994,2203,2,1,1,3,0)="Patient DFN^Exam Internal Date^Exam Number^Rad Report IEN"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2204,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2204,1,16,0)="Manage Exam Reserve/Lock interactions."
^XWB(8994,2204,2,1,1,1,0)="Input string = OPEN FLAG ^ RADFN ^ RADTI ^ RACNI ^ RARPT"
^XWB(8994,2204,2,1,1,2,0)=" OPEN_FLAG = 3: Reserve-to-Lock; 4: Lock-to-Reserve; 5: Lock/Take"
^XWB(8994,2204,2,1,1,3,0)=" RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RARPT = pointers to Rad Patient File for the exam"
^XWB(8994,2204,3,1,0)="Returns string = Count ^ CODE ~ RESULT | RADFN ^ RADTI ^ RACNI ^ RARPT"
^XWB(8994,2204,3,2,0)=" Count = # lines to follow (always zero)"
^XWB(8994,2204,3,3,0)=" CODE - numeric code indicating success/failure"
^XWB(8994,2204,3,4,0)=" RESULT--text description of the update results"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2205,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2205,1,16,0)="Functions for maintaining and displaying the Vistarad Exam History List"
^XWB(8994,2205,2,1,1,1,0)="TXID ^ TXDUZ ^ TXDIV"
^XWB(8994,2205,2,1,1,2,0)="TXID: Required; designates action to take:"
^XWB(8994,2205,2,1,1,3,0)=" 1--Add entries; 2--Update/refresh data; 3--Delete entries"
^XWB(8994,2205,2,1,1,4,0)="TXDUZ: Optional; if supplied, get data for another user (Read Only)"
^XWB(8994,2205,2,1,1,5,0)="TXDIV: Optional; if supplied, get data for another division (Read Only)"
^XWB(8994,2205,2,2,1,1,0)="Exam ID ""|"" Display data"
^XWB(8994,2206,0)="MAGJ STUDY_DATA^RPCIN^MAGJEX3^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2206,1,16,0)="This rpc is used to obtain various study and/or image data. The data"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,17,0)="is stored in blocks of free-text (word-processing) in XML format created"
^XWB(8994,2206,1,18,0)="by the Vistarad Client."
^XWB(8994,2206,1,19,0)="Current data items include: Key Images; Presentation State data."
^XWB(8994,2206,2,1,1,1,0)="TXID ^ DFN ^ DTI ^ CNI ^ RARPT ^ MAGIEN"
^XWB(8994,2206,2,1,1,2,0)="TXID: Required; designates action to take"
^XWB(8994,2206,2,1,1,3,0)="DFN...RARPT: standard Vistarad Exam Identifier string (keys to"
^XWB(8994,2206,2,1,1,4,0)=" RAD Exam file and Report file)."
^XWB(8994,2206,2,1,1,5,0)="MAGIEN: Image IEN to identify the exam (Image or Group ien OK)"
^XWB(8994,2206,2,2,1,1,0)="List of image identifiers with optional Presentation State UIDs"
^XWB(8994,2206,2,2,1,2,0)="in format IMGIEN^PS_UID."
^XWB(8994,2206,3,1,0)="Array containing Key Image and/or Image Presentation State data,"
^XWB(8994,2206,3,2,0)="according to requesting TXID:"
^XWB(8994,2206,3,4,0)="Image_IEN ^ ""KEY"""
^XWB(8994,2206,3,6,0)="PS_UID ^ ""KEY"""
^XWB(8994,2206,3,7,0)="xml text lines 1"
^XWB(8994,2206,3,8,0)="xml text lines 2:N (as needed)"
^XWB(8994,2206,3,10,0)="[*PS . . . *END_PS] (as many as for this image)"
^XWB(8994,2206,3,12,0)="[*IMAGE . . . *END_IMAGE] (as many as for the exam)"
^XWB(8994,2207,0)="MAGJ USER2^USERINF2^MAGJUTL3^2^R"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2207,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2207,1,16,0)="Returns info about user, and site settings."
^XWB(8994,2207,2,1,1,1,0)="Workstation ID"
^XWB(8994,2207,3,1,0)=" = DUZ ^ FULL NAME ^ INITIALS ^ REQ_FLAG ^ Network UserName ^ PassWord"
^XWB(8994,2207,3,2,0)="REQ_FLAG = 1/0 (Enable/Disable Requisition for non-rad staff)"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,15,0)="Imaging Vistarad RPC for finding related procedures based on CPT"
^XWB(8994,2208,1,16,0)="matching table (file #2006.67 -- MAG RAD CPT MATCHING FILE)."
^XWB(8994,2208,2,1,1,1,0)="CPT Code ^ Matching Criteria"
^XWB(8994,2208,2,1,1,2,0)="MAtching Criteria is a number, 1:n, to indicate basis for matching:"
^XWB(8994,2208,2,1,1,3,0)=" 1--Similar CPT; 2--Body Part; 3--Body Part & Modality"
^XWB(8994,2208,3,1,0)="List of results; each result consists of:"
^XWB(8994,2208,3,2,0)=" CPT ^ Short Procedure Description"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2209,1,16,0)="VistARad client calls this to set/clear flag to show/not show remote"
^XWB(8994,2209,1,17,0)="exams only when displaying exam lists for a routing/remote read user."
^XWB(8994,2209,2,1,1,1,0)="Input is 1 or 0; 1=screen for remote only; 0=no screen applied"
^XWB(8994,2209,3,1,0)="Return: Reply^Code~msg"
^XWB(8994,2209,3,2,0)=" Reply -- 0=Problem; 1=Success"
^XWB(8994,2209,3,3,0)=" Code -- 4=Error; 1=ok"
^XWB(8994,2209,3,4,0)=" msg -- display text if error"
^XWB(8994,2210,0)="DSIC DPT GET ID^ID^DSICDPT^1^A"
^XWB(8994,2210,1,1,0)="This returns the patient's identifier based upon their eligibility code. "
^XWB(8994,2210,1,2,0)="For the VA, this will be the SSN (dashed) ^ last 4 of SSN. For non-VA "
^XWB(8994,2210,1,3,0)="systems this will be that systems ID."
^XWB(8994,2210,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the patient's name, IFN, or any other acceptable lookup value."
^XWB(8994,2210,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a Boolean flag (1 or 0). If 1 then the lookup value in the PAT "
^XWB(8994,2210,2,2,1,2,0)="input parameter is the patient's SSN."
^XWB(8994,2210,2,3,1,1,0)="This is a pointer value to the Eligibility file (#8)."
^XWB(8994,2210,3,1,0)="If problems, return -1^message"
^XWB(8994,2210,3,2,0)="Else return:"
^XWB(8994,2210,3,3,0)=" For VA systems, SSN (dashed) ^ last 4 of SSN"
^XWB(8994,2210,3,4,0)=" For non-VA systems, return patient identifier for that system"
^XWB(8994,2210,3,5,0)=" Note, this will only work if the VAPTYP parameter is passed"
^XWB(8994,2210,3,6,0)=" and that eligibility code is listed in that patient's record"
^XWB(8994,2210,3,7,0)=" in the eligibility multiple in the (or primary eligibility"
^XWB(8994,2210,3,8,0)=" field) in the PATIENT file (#2)."
^XWB(8994,2211,1,1,0)="This will return a Boolean value indicating whether or not the patient "
^XWB(8994,2211,1,2,0)="record is a test patient or a real patient."
^XWB(8994,2211,2,1,1,1,0)="This is any lookup value for a patient (name, SSN, DFN, etc.)"
^XWB(8994,2211,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a Boolean flag. If 1, then the PAT lookup value is the patient's "
^XWB(8994,2211,3,1,0)="Return 1 if the patient is a test patient"
^XWB(8994,2211,3,2,0)=" 0 if the patient is not a test patient"
^XWB(8994,2211,3,3,0)=" -1^message if there are problems"
^XWB(8994,2212,1,1,0)="This will determine if a user is an active CPRS provider. The logic "
^XWB(8994,2212,1,2,0)="steps for this determination flows as follows:"
^XWB(8994,2212,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2212,1,4,0)=" Provider Condition"
^XWB(8994,2212,1,5,0)=" -------- --------------------------------------------------"
^XWB(8994,2212,1,6,0)=" 1 NO User DUZ value passed is not valid"
^XWB(8994,2212,1,7,0)=" 2 YES User has an ACCESS CODE: A provider"
^XWB(8994,2212,1,8,0)=" 3 NO User is terminated and does not own the XUORES key"
^XWB(8994,2212,1,9,0)=" 4 YES User owns the XUORES key"
^XWB(8994,2212,1,10,0)=" 5 YES User is a visitor and the RDV flag was passed"
^XWB(8994,2212,1,11,0)=" 6 NO User is not a provider"
^XWB(8994,2212,2,1,1,1,0)="This is a pointer to the NEW PERSON file."
^XWB(8994,2212,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a Boolean flag (1 or 0) indicating whether or not remote data "
^XWB(8994,2212,2,2,1,2,0)="view (or visitors) should be allowed as a provider."
^XWB(8994,2212,3,1,0)="Return: 3, 2, 1, 0, or -1^message"
^XWB(8994,2212,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2212,3,3,0)=" 3: active user"
^XWB(8994,2212,3,4,0)=" 2: active user via the XUORES security key"
^XWB(8994,2212,3,5,0)=" 1: remote data view visitor AND RDV=1"
^XWB(8994,2212,3,6,0)=" 0: remote data view visitor AND RDV=0"
^XWB(8994,2212,3,7,0)=" -1^error message"
^XWB(8994,2213,0)="MAGQ COQ^FOQUE^MAGQBUT^1^S^0"
^XWB(8994,2213,1,1,0)="The QUEUE types: ""JUKEBOX"",""JBTOHD"",""PREFET"",""IMPORT"",""GCC"",""DELETE"""
^XWB(8994,2213,1,2,0)="are purged that are in the failed queue partion of the queue file. "
^XWB(8994,2213,1,3,0)="The partition is designated by the position in the queue file (#2006.03)"
^XWB(8994,2213,1,4,0)="by the queue pointer from the Queue pointer file (#2006.031)."
^XWB(8994,2213,3,1,0)="This is the queue type."
^XWB(8994,2214,0)="MAGQ QCNT^QCNT^MAGQBUT4^1^R"
^XWB(8994,2214,1,1,0)="This call resets the Queue pointer settings in the Imaging Queue Pointer file, #2006.031."
^XWB(8994,2214,2,1,1,1,0)="This field represents the internal entry number of the site parameter file, #2006.1."
^XWB(8994,2214,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the queue entry to be updated by this method."
^XWB(8994,2215,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2215,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2215,1,16,0)="Returns the ICN (with checksum) for a given DFN, if it exists."
^XWB(8994,2215,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient pointer."
^XWB(8994,2215,3,1,0)="Integration Control Number for the given DFN."
^XWB(8994,2216,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2216,1,16,0)="This RPC stores a new SOP Instance UID in the Image File (#2005)"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,17,0)="for corrected images that are to be exported."
^XWB(8994,2216,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2216,1,19,0)="This RPC stores a new SOP Instance UID in the Image File (#2005)"
^XWB(8994,2216,1,20,0)="for corrected images that are to be exported."
^XWB(8994,2216,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string."
^XWB(8994,2216,2,1,1,2,0)="This value represents the original SOP Instance UID of an image"
^XWB(8994,2216,2,1,1,3,0)="that is to be exported."
^XWB(8994,2216,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string."
^XWB(8994,2216,2,2,1,2,0)="This value represents the new SOP Instance UID that is to"
^XWB(8994,2216,2,2,1,3,0)="be assigned to the corrected image that is to be exported."
^XWB(8994,2216,2,3,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a"
^XWB(8994,2216,2,3,1,2,0)="number. This number is a pointer that identifies"
^XWB(8994,2216,2,3,1,3,0)="an image (pointer to file # 2005)."
^XWB(8994,2216,2,3,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2216,2,3,1,5,0)="When this parameter is specified, it identifies the"
^XWB(8994,2216,2,3,1,6,0)="image to which the new UID is intended to be added."
^XWB(8994,2216,3,1,0)="The value of this parameter is one of several possible strings:"
^XWB(8994,2216,3,2,0)="A value >0 indicates the new SOP Instance UID that is assigned"
^XWB(8994,2216,3,3,0)="to the image."
^XWB(8994,2216,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2216,3,5,0)="When no new SOP Instance UID can be assigned, the return value can be:"
^XWB(8994,2216,3,6,0)=" -1, No UID specified"
^XWB(8994,2216,3,7,0)=" -2, Cannot find image with UID xxx"
^XWB(8994,2216,3,8,0)=" -3, Cannot use xxx to create valid UID"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2217,1,16,0)="This RPC looks for the next radiology report,"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,17,0)="while traversing the ""AR"" cross-reference on"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,18,0)="the Radiology Patient file."
^XWB(8994,2217,1,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2217,1,20,0)="This RPC looks for the next radiology report,"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,21,0)="while traversing the ""AR"" cross-reference on"
^XWB(8994,2217,1,22,0)="the Radiology Patient file."
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that consists of three"
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,2,0)="pieces, separated by a caret."
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,4,0)="The first piece represents the EXAM DATE, the second"
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,5,0)="piece represents the Patient Number (DFN) and the third"
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,6,0)="piece represents the final internal entry number in the"
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,7,0)="Radiology Patient file (D2)."
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,9,0)="The RPC will start looking through the ""AR"" cross-reference,"
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,10,0)="based on the specified ""seed"" value, and will return the"
^XWB(8994,2217,2,1,1,11,0)="first pointer to a Radiology report that it encounters."
^XWB(8994,2217,2,2,1,1,0)="The value of this parameter is a string that indicates the direction"
^XWB(8994,2217,2,2,1,2,0)="in which the RPC will traverse the ""AR"" cross-reference."
^XWB(8994,2217,2,2,1,3,0)="A value that starts with the letter ""A"" will cause an"
^XWB(8994,2217,2,2,1,4,0)="""ascending"" traversal."
^XWB(8994,2217,2,2,1,5,0)="A value that starts with the letter ""D"" will cause a"
^XWB(8994,2217,2,2,1,6,0)="""descending"" traversal."
^XWB(8994,2217,2,2,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2217,2,2,1,8,0)="When this parameter is not specified, ""ascending"" traversal will take place."
^XWB(8994,2217,3,1,0)="The value of the output parameter is a string that consists of up"
^XWB(8994,2217,3,2,0)="to four pieces, separated by carets."
^XWB(8994,2217,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2217,3,4,0)="The first piece is a value that is either equal to ""-1"" to indicate"
^XWB(8994,2217,3,5,0)="that no further reports are to be found, or equal to a pointer value"
^XWB(8994,2217,3,6,0)="that identifies a Radiology Report (file #74)."
^XWB(8994,2217,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2217,3,8,0)="The other three pieces correspond to Exam Date, Patient Number (DFN)"
^XWB(8994,2217,3,9,0)="and final IEN (D2) to be specified as the ""seed"" value in the"
^XWB(8994,2217,3,10,0)="next call to this RPC."
^XWB(8994,2218,1,1,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,2,0)=" | Property of the US Government. |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,3,0)=" | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,4,0)=" | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,5,0)=" | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,6,0)=" | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,7,0)=" | telephone (301) 734-0100. |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,8,0)=" | |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,9,0)=" | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,10,0)=" | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,11,0)=" | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,12,0)=" | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,13,0)=" | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,14,0)=" +---------------------------------------------------------------+"
^XWB(8994,2218,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2218,1,16,0)="Returns the next ^RARPT entry for the patient."
^XWB(8994,2218,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient pointer."
^XWB(8994,2218,2,2,1,1,0)="^RARPT pointer - origin of search. Next one is before it or after it."
^XWB(8994,2218,2,3,1,1,0)="Direction to transverse ^RADPT (increasing or decreasing report number)."
^XWB(8994,2218,2,3,1,2,0)="1 = increasing report number, -1 = decreasing report number."
^XWB(8994,2218,3,1,0)="Returns the next or previous ^RARPT pointer for the patient."
^XWB(8994,2219,0)="MHV LOG ON^LOGON^MHVUL1^1^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2219,1,1,0)="Turns on MHV application logging."
^XWB(8994,2219,2,1,1,1,0)="Purge Date/Time."
^XWB(8994,2219,2,1,1,2,0)="Defaults to Today + 30."
^XWB(8994,2219,3,1,0)="Success flag ^ Purge Date/Time ^ Created Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,2220,0)="MHV LOG OFF^LOGOFF^MHVUL1^1^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2220,1,1,0)="Turns off MHV application logging."
^XWB(8994,2220,3,1,0)="Success Flag ^ Purge Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,2221,0)="MHV LOG PURGE^LOGPRG^MHVUL1^1^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2221,1,1,0)="Purge MHV application log."
^XWB(8994,2221,2,1,1,1,0)="Purge Date/Time."
^XWB(8994,2221,2,1,1,2,0)="Default is Today - 7."
^XWB(8994,2221,3,1,0)="Success Flag ^ Purge Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,2222,0)="MHV LOG INFO^LOGINFO^MHVUL1^2^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2222,1,1,0)="Returns information on MHV application logging settings."
^XWB(8994,2222,3,1,0)="RESULT(""HEAD"") - Zero node of log XTMP"
^XWB(8994,2222,3,2,0)="RESULT(""PURGE"") - Purge Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,2222,3,3,0)="RESULT(""CREATED"") - Created Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,2222,3,4,0)="RESULT(""TITLE"") - Title of Log"
^XWB(8994,2222,3,5,0)="RESULT(""STATE"") - Logging State ON/OFF"
^XWB(8994,2222,3,6,0)="RESULT(""LEVEL"") - Logging Level"
^XWB(8994,2222,3,7,0)="RESULT(""NAMES"") - List of names to log, caret delimited"
^XWB(8994,2222,3,8,0)="RESULT(""OLDEST"") - Date/Time of oldest entry - Fileman internal format"
^XWB(8994,2222,3,9,0)="RESULT(""NEWEST"") - Date/Time of newest entry - Fileman internal format"
^XWB(8994,2222,3,10,0)="RESULT(""AUTOPURGE"") - Auto Purge ON/OFF"
^XWB(8994,2222,3,11,0)="RESULT(""DAYS"") - Number of days to keep"
^XWB(8994,2223,0)="MHV LOG SIZE^LOGSIZE^MHVUL1^1^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2223,1,1,0)="Returns information on size of MHV application log."
^XWB(8994,2223,3,1,0)="RESULT(""ENTRY COUNT"") - number of entries in the log"
^XWB(8994,2223,3,2,0)="RESULT(""NODE COUNT"") - number of nodes in the log"
^XWB(8994,2223,3,3,0)="RESULT(""BYTE COUNT"") - approx. number of bytes consumed by log"
^XWB(8994,2223,3,4,0)="RESULT(""BYTE COUNT"") - approx. number of bytes consumed by log"
^XWB(8994,2224,0)="MHV LOG SUMMARY^LOGSUM^MHVUL2^4^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2224,1,1,0)="Retrieve MHV application log summary."
^XWB(8994,2224,3,1,0)="RESULT - Global Root of Result Array"
^XWB(8994,2224,3,2,0)=" @RESULT - success flag ^ message or entry count ^ name"
^XWB(8994,2224,3,3,0)=" @RESULT@(n)=nth entry of log"
^XWB(8994,2225,0)="MHV LOG DETAIL^LOGDET^MHVUL2^4^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2225,1,1,0)="Retrieve an MHV application log entry."
^XWB(8994,2225,2,1,1,1,0)="Negative Date/Time of entry in Fileman format."
^XWB(8994,2225,2,2,1,1,0)="Job number of log entry."
^XWB(8994,2225,3,1,0)="RESULT - Global Root of Result Array"
^XWB(8994,2225,3,2,0)=" @RESULT - success flag ^ message or node count"
^XWB(8994,2225,3,3,0)=" @RESULT@(0)= log entry header"
^XWB(8994,2225,3,4,0)=" @RESULT@(n)=nth node of entry"
^XWB(8994,2226,0)="MHV LOG CONFIG^LOGSET^MHVUL1^1^R^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2226,1,1,0)="Configure MHV application logging parameters."
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,1,0)="Configuration parameters to update"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,3,0)=" UPDATE(""STATE"") - Flag 0/1"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,4,0)=" On or Off"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,5,0)=" UPDATE(""PURGE"") - Purge Date/Time"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,6,0)=" Fileman date/time"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,7,0)=" Default 30 days from Today"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,8,0)=" UPDATE(""LEVEL"") - Logging level"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,9,0)=" Error, Trace, Debug, Name"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,10,0)=" Default - Trace"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,11,0)=" UPDATE(""NAMES"") - Caret delimited list of log entry names"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,12,0)="UPDATE(""AUTOPURGE"") - Flag 0/1"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,13,0)=" Default - 0 Off"
^XWB(8994,2226,2,1,1,14,0)=" UPDATE(""DAYS"") - Number of Days to keep"
^XWB(8994,2226,3,1,0)="RESULT - success flag ^ state ^ purge date/time ^ created date/time ^ "
^XWB(8994,2226,3,2,0)="level ^ names ^ autopurge ^ days"
^XWB(8994,2227,1,1,0)="RESULTS(0)=returned line count"
^XWB(8994,2227,1,2,0)="RESULTS(1)=patients location during activity"
^XWB(8994,2227,1,4,0)="RESULTS(3)= action fileman date&time"
^XWB(8994,2227,1,5,0)="RESULTS(4)= scheduled administration fileman date&time"
^XWB(8994,2227,2,1,1,1,0)="RESULTS array (ref)"
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,1,0)="^ piece"
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,2,0)="#1 - DFN (required)"
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,3,0)="#2 - OrderNumber"
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,4,0)="#3 - Action (status) to search for"
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,5,0)="#4 - TimeFrame"
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,6,0)=" NOTE: =""FREQ"" This Function will use order's "
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,7,0)=" frequency."
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,8,0)=" ; 1. If the order is a PRN, On Call or One-Time"
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,9,0)=" ; the look back a default of 72 hours."
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,10,0)=" ; 2. if the order is a Continuous order key "
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,11,0)=" off of the frequency as follows."
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,12,0)=" ; a.) if the frequency is <24 hours "
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,13,0)=" use the default of 72 hours."
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,14,0)=" ; b.) if the frequency is >= 24 hour, "
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,15,0)=" look back 3.5 times the frequency"
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,16,0)=" ; NOTE: [""X#"" This Function will search back # "
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,17,0)=" of admins."
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,18,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2227,2,2,1,19,0)=" ; Example call: D FNDACTV^PSBVDLU3(.results,""1234^1U^H^12"")"
^XWB(8994,2230,1,1,0)="This RPC will add or delete entries in file 19620.94 (DSIR SENSITIVE "
^XWB(8994,2230,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal entry number of the New Person file (#200) of the "
^XWB(8994,2230,2,1,1,2,0)="person to be flagged as a sensitive provider in the ROI package."
^XWB(8994,2230,2,2,1,1,0)="This is a flag that if true will delete the record pointed to by "
^XWB(8994,2230,2,2,1,2,0)="parameter 1 from file 19620.94."
^XWB(8994,2230,3,1,0)="-1 ^ Missing Provider Pointer!"
^XWB(8994,2230,3,2,0)="@ - Record deleted"
^XWB(8994,2230,3,3,0)="PROV - Internal Number to file 200 of provider marked as sensitive"
^XWB(8994,2231,1,1,0)="This RPC returns a list of all persons flagged as sensitive in the ROI "
^XWB(8994,2231,3,1,0)="Array '^' delimited"
^XWB(8994,2231,3,2,0)=" IEN - Pointer to file 200"
^XWB(8994,2231,3,3,0)=" NAME - Provider Name"
^XWB(8994,2231,3,4,0)=" TITLE - Title from field 8 in file 200"
^XWB(8994,2231,3,6,0)=" -1 ^ No Provider Found!"
^XWB(8994,2232,1,1,0)="This RPC gets IENS for 19620.3 and returns them through areferenced local "
^XWB(8994,2232,3,1,0)="Return Array Contains Pointers to file 19620.3"
^XWB(8994,2233,3,3,0)=" OR "
^XWB(8994,2233,3,4,0)=" -1 IF RECORD NOT FOUND"
^XWB(8994,2234,1,1,0)="This RPC updates the manually entered offsets for the annual FOIA report."
^XWB(8994,2234,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal number from file 19620.3."
^XWB(8994,2234,2,2,1,1,0)="This is an array '^' delimited containing the following:"
^XWB(8994,2234,2,2,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2234,2,2,1,3,0)=" Field Number (File 19620.3) ^ Numeric Value to store"
^XWB(8994,2234,2,2,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2234,2,2,1,5,0)="Field numbers must be 100.02 thru 137.02 and all .02, the .01 fields are "
^XWB(8994,2234,2,2,1,6,0)="populated by the annual FOIA report."
^XWB(8994,2234,3,1,0)="Successful Filing"
^XWB(8994,2234,3,2,0)=" FOIA - IEN to file 19620.3"
^XWB(8994,2234,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2234,3,4,0)="Error Message"
^XWB(8994,2234,3,5,0)=" -1 ^ Missing FOIA Pointer!"
^XWB(8994,2234,3,6,0)=" -1 ^ Nothing Updated!"
^XWB(8994,2235,1,1,0)="This RPC sets the lock on the annual FOIA report add in numbers."
^XWB(8994,2235,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the internal number of the entry in 19620.3"
^XWB(8994,2235,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the lock status 0 = Unlock, 1 = Lock"
^XWB(8994,2235,3,1,0)="The return is either -1^RECORD NOT FOUND or the internal number passed in "
^XWB(8994,2235,3,2,0)="input parameter 1 if successful."
^XWB(8994,2236,1,1,0)="Returns the electronic signature code for the user from the NEW PERSON"
^XWB(8994,2237,1,1,0)="Saves the user's electronic signature code in the NEW PERSON file."
^XWB(8994,2238,1,1,0)="Returns the data for the electronic signature block-related fields from "
^XWB(8994,2238,1,2,0)="the NEW PERSON file."
^XWB(8994,2239,1,1,0)="Saves the electronic signature block-related data in the NEW PERSON file."
^XWB(8994,2240,1,1,0)="Returns whether the user currently has an Electronic Signature Code "
^XWB(8994,2240,1,2,0)="defined. Returns 0 if the e-sig code is null, 1 otherwise."
^XWB(8994,2241,1,1,0)="This is the main entry point for calling line tags in routine ANRVJ1. "
^XWB(8994,2241,1,2,0)="The format is:"
^XWB(8994,2241,1,3,0)=" Parameter 1 = OPTION (name of the line tag to call)"
^XWB(8994,2241,1,4,0)=" Parameter 2 = DFN (value being passed in)"
^XWB(8994,2241,1,5,0)=" Parameter 3 = DATA (any additional values to be passed in)"
^XWB(8994,2241,2,1,1,1,0)="Routine Line tag you wish to call."
^XWB(8994,2241,2,2,1,1,0)="Parameter variable to be passed into routine tag."
^XWB(8994,2241,2,3,1,1,0)="Any additional parameters to be passed into the routine line tag."
^XWB(8994,2241,3,1,0)="Results are a global array."
^XWB(8994,2242,1,1,0)="Create an encounter."
^XWB(8994,2243,0)="ANRV PROBLEM LIST^LIST^ORQQPL^2^S^^^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2244,0)="ANRV GET PN TITLES^NOTES^TIUSRVD^2^S^^^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2244,1,1,0)="This API returns a list of Progress Notes Titles, including a SHORT LIST "
^XWB(8994,2244,1,2,0)="or preferred titles as defined by the user, and a LONG LIST of all titles "
^XWB(8994,2244,1,3,0)="defined at the site. This has been added to the Blind Rehab software to "
^XWB(8994,2244,1,4,0)="allow the lookup of TIU Document Definitions to set as site parameters "
^XWB(8994,2244,1,5,0)="for the current institution."
^XWB(8994,2245,1,1,0)="Determine if provider has exceeded 1.0 FTEE"
^XWB(8994,2245,2,1,1,1,0)="PatchVersion ^ ClientVersion"
^XWB(8994,2245,3,1,0)="Zero if OK otherwise 1^current FTEE"
^XWB(8994,2246,1,1,0)="Return list of patients by position that will be inactive in next 60 days"
^XWB(8994,2246,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal Team Number"
^XWB(8994,2247,1,1,0)="File FTEE value"
^XWB(8994,2248,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,2248,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2249,1,1,0)="Get list of clinics that this position is associated to."
^XWB(8994,2249,2,1,0)="PARAMETER LIST^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,2249,2,"B","PARAMETER LIST",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2250,1,1,0)="File Associate clinics to the team position"
^XWB(8994,2251,1,1,0)="Send provider entry return 1 or zero if eligible to be Primary Care"
^XWB(8994,2251,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal file 200 provider entry"
^XWB(8994,2252,1,1,0)="On position setup check if consistent assignment"
^XWB(8994,2252,2,2,1,1,0)="TEAM POSITION ENTRY"
^XWB(8994,2252,3,1,0)="Zero if OK otherwise 1^current FTEE"
^XWB(8994,2253,1,1,0)="Check Whether patient is enrolled in the position associated clincs"
^XWB(8994,2253,2,1,0)="LIST ATTRIBUTES^2^512^1"
^XWB(8994,2253,2,"B","LIST ATTRIBUTES",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2254,0)="SCMC ROLE^ROLE^SCMCTSK2^2^P^0"
^XWB(8994,2254,1,1,0)="Determine boxes based on Role"
^XWB(8994,2254,2,1,1,1,0)="PatchVersion ^ ClientVersion"
^XWB(8994,2254,2,2,1,1,0)="ROLE^TEAM POSITION"
^XWB(8994,2255,1,1,0)="Returns demographic, case management and recent dental activity data for "
^XWB(8994,2255,1,2,0)="the Cover Page in DRM Plus."
^XWB(8994,2255,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains the patient dfn."
^XWB(8994,2255,3,1,0)="Returns an array of demographic and additional data: "
^XWB(8994,2255,3,2,0)=" RET(0)=""-1^ERROR"" or"
^XWB(8994,2255,3,3,0)=" RET(1)=elig^AdjMedCon^SCTeeth^CMStatus^RecareDt^LCompDt^LBriefDt^LPerioDt"
^XWB(8994,2255,3,4,0)=" ^LPanoDt^LFMX^LBW^LProphy"
^XWB(8994,2255,3,5,0)=" RET(2)=$START^DEMO"
^XWB(8994,2255,3,6,0)=" RET(3)=fieldname: data (FBStat,PrefFAC,ENRLDt,POWStatus,POWCL,POWFrom,"
^XWB(8994,2255,3,7,0)=" POWTo,CSInd,CSL,CSFrom,CSTo"
^XWB(8994,2255,3,8,0)=" RET(n)=...etc"
^XWB(8994,2255,3,9,0)=" RET(n)=$START^AN"
^XWB(8994,2255,3,10,0)=" RET(n)...admin notes"
^XWB(8994,2255,3,11,0)=" RET(n)=$START^PL"
^XWB(8994,2255,3,12,0)=" RET(n)...planned data"
^XWB(8994,2256,1,1,0)="Sends back the status of the last, non-deleted, encounter."
^XWB(8994,2256,2,1,1,1,0)="Contains the patient dfn (ien)."
^XWB(8994,2256,3,1,0)="Returns: 1-4 for In Progress, Completed, Terminated or Maintenance."
^XWB(8994,2256,3,2,0)="Default is 1 for In Progress."
^XWB(8994,2257,0)="PRPF DATABASE DIAG^RPC^PRPFDR3^4^R^0^^1^.001"
^XWB(8994,2258,0)="PRPF DATABASE EXTR^RPC^PRPFMR1^4^R^0^^1^.001"
^XWB(8994,2258,1,1,0)="THIS USED FOR J2EE MIGRATION"
^XWB(8994,2259,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call will return the Primary View Reject report for "
^XWB(8994,2259,1,2,0)="a particular station, ICN, and date range. The date range will be from "
^XWB(8994,2259,1,3,0)="the date of the exception to the current date."
^XWB(8994,2259,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the requesting site's station number."
^XWB(8994,2259,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the Integration Control Number of the patient for whom data is "
^XWB(8994,2259,2,3,0)="EXCEPTION DATE^1^25^1^3"
^XWB(8994,2259,2,3,1,1,0)="The date/time of the exception will be used as the begin date for the "
^XWB(8994,2259,2,3,1,2,0)="report data extraction."
^XWB(8994,2259,2,"B","EXCEPTION DATE",3)=""
^XWB(8994,2259,3,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call will return the Primary View Rejection Report "
^XWB(8994,2259,3,2,0)="to the requesting VistA facility."
^XWB(8994,2260,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2260,2,1,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2260,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2261,0)="RMPR CREATE WORK ORDER^CR^RMPR29GU^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2261,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2261,2,1,1,1,0)="IEN OF 664.1"
^XWB(8994,2261,2,2,1,1,0)="Source of Procurement"
^XWB(8994,2261,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2262,1,1,0)="Remote Procedure for Work Order Actions. The first 2 will be:"
^XWB(8994,2262,1,2,0)="Post complete note"
^XWB(8994,2262,1,3,0)="Post initial action"
^XWB(8994,2263,0)="RMPR OWL WORK ORDER LIST^EN^RMPR29WO^4^P^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,2263,1,1,0)="GUI Order controll processing. Returns the list of all open pending "
^XWB(8994,2263,1,2,0)="Work Orders from file 664.1."
^XWB(8994,2263,3,1,0)="The array format:"
^XWB(8994,2263,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2263,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2263,3,4,0)="^TMP(543169513,file668ien)=Suspense Record "
^XWB(8994,2263,3,5,0)="create date^DFN^Patient Name^SSN no dash^SSN dashes^Suspense Record "
^XWB(8994,2263,3,6,0)="Type^Suspense Record Description^Status^Suspense Record IEN^664.1 "
^XWB(8994,2263,3,7,0)="IEN^HCPCS Item number^Work Order Number^Requsting Official "
^XWB(8994,2263,3,8,0)="(PA)^Technician^Source of Procurement^Nppd Station official number^Npd "
^XWB(8994,2263,3,9,0)="Station official name^Requesting Station official number^requesting "
^XWB(8994,2263,3,10,0)="statio official name^receiving station official number^receiving station "
^XWB(8994,2263,3,11,0)="official name"
^XWB(8994,2264,0)="RMPR OWL PC PRINT^PRT^RMPR29RG^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2264,1,1,0)="Purchase Order Information to be printed from a PC Device Fax/Printer"
^XWB(8994,2264,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2265,0)="RMPR OWL ITEM LIST^EN^RMPR29W1^4^P^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,2265,1,1,0)="GUI Order controll processing. Returns the list of all open pending "
^XWB(8994,2265,1,2,0)="Work Orders from file 664.1."
^XWB(8994,2265,3,1,0)="The array format:"
^XWB(8994,2265,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2265,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2265,3,4,0)="^TMP(543169513,file668ien)=Suspense Record "
^XWB(8994,2265,3,5,0)="create date^DFN^Patient Name^SSN no dash^SSN dashes^Suspense Record "
^XWB(8994,2265,3,6,0)="Type^Suspense Record Description^Status^Suspense Record IEN^664.1 "
^XWB(8994,2265,3,7,0)="IEN^HCPCS Item number^Work Order Number^Requsting Official "
^XWB(8994,2265,3,8,0)="(PA)^Technician^Source of Procurement^Nppd Station official number^Npd "
^XWB(8994,2265,3,9,0)="Station official name^Requesting Station official number^requesting "
^XWB(8994,2265,3,10,0)="statio official name^receiving station official number^receiving station "
^XWB(8994,2265,3,11,0)="official name"
^XWB(8994,2266,1,1,0)="GUI Order controll processing. Returns the list of all open pending "
^XWB(8994,2266,1,2,0)="consults from file 668."
^XWB(8994,2266,3,1,0)="Returns the list of all open pending consults from file 668."
^XWB(8994,2266,3,2,0)="The array format:"
^XWB(8994,2266,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2266,3,4,0)="RMPR9EO(line number,0)=date^patient name^ssn^type^days^status^des"
^XWB(8994,2267,0)="RMPR OWL ADD ON LIST^EN^RMPR29W2^4^P^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,2267,1,1,0)="GUI Order controll processing. Returns Add On's from material multiple "
^XWB(8994,2267,1,2,0)="of 664.2."
^XWB(8994,2267,3,1,0)="The array format:"
^XWB(8994,2267,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2267,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2267,3,4,0)="^TMP(543169513,file668ien)=Suspense Record "
^XWB(8994,2267,3,5,0)="create date^DFN^Patient Name^SSN no dash^SSN dashes^Suspense Record "
^XWB(8994,2267,3,6,0)="Type^Suspense Record Description^Status^Suspense Record IEN^664.1 "
^XWB(8994,2267,3,7,0)="IEN^HCPCS Item number^Work Order Number^Requsting Official "
^XWB(8994,2267,3,8,0)="(PA)^Technician^Source of Procurement^Nppd Station official number^Npd "
^XWB(8994,2267,3,9,0)="Station official name^Requesting Station official number^requesting "
^XWB(8994,2267,3,10,0)="statio official name^receiving station official number^receiving station "
^XWB(8994,2267,3,11,0)="official name"
^XWB(8994,2268,0)="RMPR OWL ENTER/EDIT ADD ON^EN^RMPR29MG^2^P^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,2268,1,1,0)="GUI Order controll processing. ENTER/EDIT"
^XWB(8994,2268,1,2,0)="Add On's from material multiple"
^XWB(8994,2268,1,3,0)="of 664.2."
^XWB(8994,2269,1,1,0)="GUI Order controll processing. ENTER/EDIT"
^XWB(8994,2269,1,2,0)="Primary Items Base Codes multiple"
^XWB(8994,2269,1,3,0)="of 664.1."
^XWB(8994,2270,0)="RMPR OWL ENTER/EDIT HRS/RATE^EN2^RMPR29MG^2^P^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,2270,1,1,0)="GUI Order controll processing. ENTER/EDIT"
^XWB(8994,2270,1,2,0)="Technisions, Rate of Labor and Hours to 664.3 for the associated work "
^XWB(8994,2271,0)="RMPR OWL TECH/HOUR/RATE LIST^EN^RMPR29L2^4^P^0^^1"
^XWB(8994,2271,1,1,0)="GUI Order controll processing. Returns Technision, Hours, Rate,664.2 "
^XWB(8994,2271,1,2,0)="IEN,DUZ from file# 664.3. ."
^XWB(8994,2271,3,1,0)="The array format:"
^XWB(8994,2271,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2271,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2271,3,4,0)="^TMP($J,""RMLH"",DATE,CNT)=0(ZERO,GOOD "
^XWB(8994,2272,0)="RMPR OWL VISTA PRINT^PRT^RMPR29RG^2^S^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2272,1,1,0)="Purchase Order Information to be printed from a PC Device Fax/Printer"
^XWB(8994,2272,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2273,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2273,2,1,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2273,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2274,1,1,0)="This RPC deletes the lists of legacy table data and Contact (ROC) numbers"
^XWB(8994,2274,1,2,0)="that have been migrated from the old Patient Representative files to the"
^XWB(8994,2274,1,3,0)="new PATS Oracle Tables. It is called from a Java routine after the"
^XWB(8994,2274,1,4,0)="migrated data has been deleted from the Oracle tables. This is done ONLY"
^XWB(8994,2274,1,5,0)="if for some reason a site has decided that they need to completely restart"
^XWB(8994,2274,1,6,0)="the data migration to PATS."
^XWB(8994,2274,3,1,0)="Returns a number set to 1 to indicate success."
^XWB(8994,2275,1,1,0)="This RPC assumes that the user has previously run the option QACI "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,2,0)="MIGRATION DATA BUILD to build the lists of reference table data for all"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,3,0)="entries referenced by at least one CONSUMER CONTACT record."
^XWB(8994,2275,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,5,0)="You must set up separate code to load each table, because the FLAG "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,6,0)="parameter will be different for each table. The order in which the tables "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,7,0)="are updated is not important. Each table update can call the RPC multiple"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,8,0)="times in a loop. When all of the data for a single table has been"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,9,0)="processed, the output array is returned empty. Exit the loop for that "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,10,0)="table and go on to process the next table."
^XWB(8994,2275,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,12,0)="The first time the RPC is called (based on an input parameter) two checks "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,13,0)="are done. If there is no data to migrate in any of the tables, the RPC"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,14,0)="returns 0 in the 0th entry of the array. If the 'ready to migrate' flag"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,15,0)="has not been set, the RPC returns 1 in the 0th entry of the array "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,16,0)="indicating that the user has not yet flagged the data ready for migration."
^XWB(8994,2275,1,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,18,0)="So you would do the following in the Java calling code:"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,19,0)="1) Set the flag to indicate the table you wish to update, then call the"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,20,0)="RPC using VistALink. On the first call, the input array will be empty, "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,21,0)="and the input parameter indicating whether this is the first call should "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,22,0)="be set to 1."
^XWB(8994,2275,1,23,0)="2) Check to make sure the 0 entry of the array is not set to 1 or 0. If"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,24,0)="it is, generate an appropriate message and quit."
^XWB(8994,2275,1,25,0)="3) Check the output list from the RPC. If empty, return to step 1 to"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,26,0)="process the next table."
^XWB(8994,2275,1,27,0)="4) Otherwise, pass the list returned by the RPC to the appropriate Oracle"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,28,0)="procedure to update the current table."
^XWB(8994,2275,1,29,0)="5) Move the output from the Oracle procedure into the array that will be "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,30,0)="used as input to the next RPC call, then return to step 1, still"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,31,0)="processing the same table."
^XWB(8994,2275,1,32,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2275,1,33,0)="Each entry in the output list from this RPC contains up-arrow delimited"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,34,0)="strings of reference table data, each one containing all the data to"
^XWB(8994,2275,1,35,0)="update a single entry on the Oracle table indicated by the flag parameter."
^XWB(8994,2275,2,2,1,1,0)="Number of entries to be returned in one call to the RPC. If set to 0 or "
^XWB(8994,2275,2,2,1,2,0)="null, the RPC returns all entries for the current reference table."
^XWB(8994,2275,2,3,1,1,0)="If defined, contains a list of VistA_IEN^Ids entries for the previous "
^XWB(8994,2275,2,3,1,2,0)="group of entries that was migrated from VistA to the Oracle table. "
^XWB(8994,2275,2,3,1,3,0)="Information indicating which table the data belongs to is included as "
^XWB(8994,2275,2,3,1,4,0)="part of the list itself."
^XWB(8994,2275,2,4,1,1,0)="Must be set to the following, to indicate what type of data is to be "
^XWB(8994,2275,2,4,1,2,0)="returned in the output list."
^XWB(8994,2275,2,4,1,3,0)="H = hospital_location entries (HOSPITAL LOCATION #44)"
^XWB(8994,2275,2,4,1,4,0)="P = pats_patient entries (PATIENT file #2)"
^XWB(8994,2275,2,4,1,5,0)="U = pats_user entries (NEW PERSON file #200)"
^XWB(8994,2275,2,4,1,6,0)="C = congressional_contact (CONGRESSIONAL OFFICE file #745.4)"
^XWB(8994,2275,2,4,1,7,0)="E = employee_involved (NEW PERSON file #200)"
^XWB(8994,2275,2,4,1,8,0)="F = facility_service_or_section (QAC SERVICE/DISCIPLINE file 745.55)"
^XWB(8994,2275,2,5,1,1,0)="This boolean value indicates whether this RPC is being called the first "
^XWB(8994,2275,2,5,1,2,0)="time, or subsequent times. On the first call, the parameter should be set "
^XWB(8994,2275,2,5,1,3,0)="to 1. On subsequent calls, it should be set to 0."
^XWB(8994,2275,2,5,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2275,2,5,1,5,0)="This controls additional checks in the routine that will tell the calling "
^XWB(8994,2275,2,5,1,6,0)="routine if there is no data to migrate, or if the user flag that allows "
^XWB(8994,2275,2,5,1,7,0)="the migration to be done has been set to allow migration at this time."
^XWB(8994,2275,3,1,0)="Returns an M global which is an array of up-arrow delimited strings."
^XWB(8994,2276,0)="QACI LOAD ROC^EN^QACI4^4^P^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2276,1,1,0)="This RPC assumes that the user has previously run the option QACI "
^XWB(8994,2276,1,2,0)="MIGRATION DATA BUILD to build the list of data to be migrated."
^XWB(8994,2276,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2276,1,4,0)="You will call this RPC multiple times in a loop. You can tell when all of "
^XWB(8994,2276,1,5,0)="the ROCs have been processed when the output list comes back empty."
^XWB(8994,2276,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2276,1,7,0)="So you would do the following in the Java calling code:"
^XWB(8994,2276,1,8,0)="1) Call the RPC using VistALink. (On the first call, the input array will"
^XWB(8994,2276,1,9,0)="be empty)."
^XWB(8994,2276,1,10,0)="2) Check the output list from the RPC. If empty, you're done."
^XWB(8994,2276,1,11,0)="3) Otherwise, pass the list returned by the RPC to the Oracle procedure to"
^XWB(8994,2276,1,12,0)="update the ROCs."
^XWB(8994,2276,1,13,0)="4) Move the output from the Oracle procedure into the array that will be "
^XWB(8994,2276,1,14,0)="used as input to the next RPC call, then return to step 1."
^XWB(8994,2276,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2276,1,16,0)="Each entry in the output list from this RPC contains up-arrow delimited"
^XWB(8994,2276,1,17,0)="strings of ROC data. The data tells the procedure both what ROC number it "
^XWB(8994,2276,1,18,0)="belongs to, and the type of data. The data for the main table comes first,"
^XWB(8994,2276,1,19,0)="followed by the issue text entries, the resolution text entries, and the"
^XWB(8994,2276,1,20,0)="method-of-contact entries."
^XWB(8994,2276,2,3,1,1,0)="If defined, contains a list of ROC numbers for the previous group of ROCs"
^XWB(8994,2276,2,3,1,2,0)="that was migrated from VistA to the Oracle table. "
^XWB(8994,2276,3,1,0)="Returns an M global which is an array of up-arrow delimited strings."
^XWB(8994,2277,1,1,0)="Pass the name of an employee formatted as ""last_name,first_name"". "
^XWB(8994,2277,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2277,1,3,0)="The routine does a lister call on the VistA NEW PERSON file (200) to find"
^XWB(8994,2277,1,4,0)="the next set of records that match the name. Partial name lookup is"
^XWB(8994,2277,1,5,0)="supported. For example, ""Sm"" will find all ""Smiths"" and Smurfs, ""Sm,J"""
^XWB(8994,2277,1,6,0)="will find ""Smith,Joe"", and ""Smurf,Jimmy""."
^XWB(8994,2277,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2277,1,8,0)="The routine returns the IEN, name components, title and mail code for the"
^XWB(8994,2277,1,9,0)="person(s) who match the lookup value, in XML format. In addition, the XML"
^XWB(8994,2277,1,10,0)="data contains a flag indicating whether there are more matching records to"
^XWB(8994,2277,1,11,0)="return. If it is set to 1, then the caller can make another call to get"
^XWB(8994,2277,1,12,0)="the next 'N' records. The XML data also contains a 'next name' and 'next"
^XWB(8994,2277,1,13,0)="IEN' value. This is used to tell the FileMan Lister where to start looking"
^XWB(8994,2277,1,14,0)="on subsequent calls, in order to return the next N records. These two"
^XWB(8994,2277,1,15,0)="'from' values must be passed as input parameters to subsequent calls."
^XWB(8994,2277,2,2,1,1,0)="Employee's name with last name first. Ex: Smith,Joe"
^XWB(8994,2277,2,3,1,1,0)="Number of employees to return in each call. If not passed, the default"
^XWB(8994,2277,2,3,1,2,0)="value will be the next 10 matching employees."
^XWB(8994,2277,2,4,1,1,0)="On the first call to this RPC, this parameter should be set to the empty"
^XWB(8994,2277,2,4,1,2,0)="string """". On subsequent calls to find more matches to the same lookup "
^XWB(8994,2277,2,4,1,3,0)="value, the parameter must be set to the ""patsFrom0"" attribute value from"
^XWB(8994,2277,2,4,1,4,0)="the XML document output by the previous call. The attribute will contain "
^XWB(8994,2277,2,4,1,5,0)="the starting NAME value for the next search."
^XWB(8994,2277,2,5,1,1,0)="On the first call to this RPC, this parameter should be set to the empty"
^XWB(8994,2277,2,5,1,2,0)="string """". On subsequent calls to find more matches to the same lookup "
^XWB(8994,2277,2,5,1,3,0)="value, the parameter must be set to the ""patsFrom1"" attribute value from"
^XWB(8994,2277,2,5,1,4,0)="the XML document output by the previous call. The attribute will contain "
^XWB(8994,2277,2,5,1,5,0)="the starting IEN value for the next search."
^XWB(8994,2277,3,1,0)="Returns an M global which contains employee data in XML format."
^XWB(8994,2278,1,1,0)="Pass a list of SECURITY KEY names. The routine returns the next 'n' "
^XWB(8994,2278,1,2,0)="persons who have been granted access to one or more of the keys in the "
^XWB(8994,2278,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2278,1,5,0)="The routine returns the IEN, name components, title and mail code for the"
^XWB(8994,2278,1,6,0)="person(s) who match the lookup value, in XML format. In addition, the XML"
^XWB(8994,2278,1,7,0)="header contains a flag indicating whether there are more matching records"
^XWB(8994,2278,1,8,0)="to return. If it is set to 1, then the caller can make another call to get"
^XWB(8994,2278,1,9,0)="the next 'N' records. The XML header also contains a 'next name' and 'next"
^XWB(8994,2278,1,10,0)="IEN' value. These values are used like the FROM array in a FileMan Lister "
^XWB(8994,2278,1,11,0)="call LIST^DIC. They are used to tell the routine where to start looking on"
^XWB(8994,2278,1,12,0)="subsequent calls, in order to return the next N records. These two 'from'"
^XWB(8994,2278,1,13,0)="values must be passed as input parameters to subsequent calls."
^XWB(8994,2278,2,2,1,1,0)="An array containing names of one or more SECURITY KEYS in the VistA "
^XWB(8994,2278,2,2,1,2,0)="system. The array looks like LIST(N)=KEYNAME where N is a integer."
^XWB(8994,2278,2,3,1,1,0)="Number of employees to return in each call. If not passed, the default"
^XWB(8994,2278,2,3,1,2,0)="value will be the next 10 matching employees."
^XWB(8994,2278,2,4,1,1,0)="On the first call to this RPC, this parameter should be set to the empty"
^XWB(8994,2278,2,4,1,2,0)="string """". On subsequent calls to find more matches to the same lookup "
^XWB(8994,2278,2,4,1,3,0)="value, the parameter must be set to the ""patsFrom0"" attribute value from"
^XWB(8994,2278,2,4,1,4,0)="the XML document output by the previous call. The attribute will contain "
^XWB(8994,2278,2,4,1,5,0)="the starting NAME value for the next search."
^XWB(8994,2278,2,5,1,1,0)="On the first call to this RPC, this parameter should be set to the empty"
^XWB(8994,2278,2,5,1,2,0)="string """". On subsequent calls to find more matches to the same lookup "
^XWB(8994,2278,2,5,1,3,0)="value, the parameter must be set to the ""patsFrom1"" attribute value from"
^XWB(8994,2278,2,5,1,4,0)="the XML document output by the previous call. The attribute will contain "
^XWB(8994,2278,2,5,1,5,0)="the starting IEN value for the next search."
^XWB(8994,2278,3,1,0)="Returns an M global which contains employee data in XML format."
^XWB(8994,2279,1,1,0)="This RPC receives a list of station numbers from the Standard Data "
^XWB(8994,2279,1,2,0)="Services institution table std_institution. The list contains all station "
^XWB(8994,2279,1,3,0)="numbers that begin with the 3 character computing facility station number."
^XWB(8994,2279,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2279,1,5,0)="The list is stored in the ^XTMP array, and is used in the pre-migration"
^XWB(8994,2279,1,6,0)="data cleanup option to make sure that any data references only valid"
^XWB(8994,2279,1,7,0)="station numbers."
^XWB(8994,2279,3,1,0)="Returns a number set to 1 to indicate success, 0 to indicate failure."
^XWB(8994,2280,0)="PRCHL LIST^EN^PRCHL4^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2280,2,1,1,1,0)="The Fileman date to start the query. The beginning date."
^XWB(8994,2280,2,2,1,1,0)="The Fileman date to end the query. The ending date."
^XWB(8994,2281,0)="PRCHL LIST X^EN^PRCHL5^4^A^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2281,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2281,1,3,0)=" ;RESULTS passed to broker in ^TMP($J,"
^XWB(8994,2281,1,4,0)=" ;delimited by ""^"""
^XWB(8994,2281,1,5,0)=" ;piece 1 = DATA TO DISPLAY"
^XWB(8994,2281,1,6,0)=" ;piece 2 = FIELD NUMBER"
^XWB(8994,2282,0)="PRCHL ITEM DET^EN^PRCHL6^2^R^0^^0"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,1,0)="A ;piece 1 - line item number"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,2,0)=" ;piece 2 - Item Master number"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,3,0)=" ;piece 3 - qty"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,4,0)=" ;piece 4 - unit of purchase"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,5,0)=" ;piece 5 - BOC"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,6,0)=" ;piece 6 - contract BOA"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,7,0)=" ;piece 7 - actual unit cost"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,8,0)=" ;piece 8 - fed supply classification"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,9,0)=" ;piece 9 - vendor stock number"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,10,0)=" ;piece 10 - unit conversion factor"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,11,0)=" ;piece 11 - total cost"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,12,0)=" ;piece 12 - nif number"
^XWB(8994,2282,1,13,0)=" ;piece 13 - item master short description 441- .05"
^XWB(8994,2282,3,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2282,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,1,1,0)="This RPC will allow the MPI IMDQ staff to view VistA exceptions for a "
^XWB(8994,2283,1,2,0)="given patient logged during a specific date range."
^XWB(8994,2283,2,1,1,1,0)="Integration Control Number for patient exceptions are being requested "
^XWB(8994,2283,2,1,1,2,0)="for. If ICN is not passed, then SSN or DFN must be."
^XWB(8994,2283,2,2,1,1,0)="Social Security Number for patient exceptions are being requested "
^XWB(8994,2283,2,2,1,2,0)="for. If SSN is not passed, then ICN or DFN must be."
^XWB(8994,2283,2,3,1,1,0)="Internal Entry Number for patient, in the PATIENT (#2) file, exceptions"
^XWB(8994,2283,2,3,1,2,0)="are being requested for If DFN is not passed, then ICN or SSN must be."
^XWB(8994,2283,2,4,1,1,0)="Beginning Date Range for exceptions to be in."
^XWB(8994,2283,2,5,1,1,0)="Ending Date Range for Exceptions to have been logged in."
^XWB(8994,2283,3,1,0)="Exceptions found for the patient in the given date range. Fields "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,2,0)="returned are from file 991.1:"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,4,0)="991.1,.01 NUMBER 0;1 NUMBER (Required)"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,5,0)=" DESCRIPTION: This is the internal entry number (IEN) "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,6,0)="of this HL7 exception. "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,8,0)="991.1,1 START 0;2 DATE (Required)"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,9,0)=" DESCRIPTION: This the date/time the message processing "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,10,0)="started. "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,12,0)="991.12,2 TYPE 0;3 POINTER TO CIRN HL7 EXCEPTION "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,13,0)="TYPE FILE (#991.11)"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,14,0)=" DESCRIPTION: This is a pointer to the CIRN HL7 "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,15,0)="EXCEPTION TYPE file (#991.11). "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,16,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,17,0)="991.12,3 PATIENT 0;4 POINTER TO PATIENT FILE (#2)"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,18,0)=" DESCRIPTION: Pointer to PATIENT file (#2) for the "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,19,0)="patient involved in this exception (DFN). This field is not required as"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,20,0)="every exception type does not have an associated DFN."
^XWB(8994,2283,3,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,22,0)="991.12,6 EXCEPTION STATUS 0;5 SET"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,23,0)=" '0' FOR NOT PROCESSED; "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,24,0)=" '1' FOR PROCESSED; "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,25,0)=" DESCRIPTION: This is the exception status for this "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,26,0)="message. A status of NOT PROCESSED indicates that user intervention is"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,27,0)="necessary. The status should be changed to PROCESSED after confirming"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,28,0)="that the patient data is correct."
^XWB(8994,2283,3,29,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,30,0)="991.12,10 TEXT 10;E1,250 FREE TEXT"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,31,0)=" DESCRIPTION: This is a free text field used for "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,32,0)="supplemental text for the exception. "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,34,0)="991.12,11 NOTES 11;0 WORD-PROCESSING #991.1211"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,35,0)=" DESCRIPTION: This field allows users to enter notes "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,36,0)="regarding an exception to aid in resolving the exception. "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,37,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,38,0)="and new fields:"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,39,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,40,0)="991.12,7 DATE/TIME PROCESSED 0;6 DATE"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,41,0)=" DESCRIPTION: This field will capture the date/time the"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,42,0)="exception was marked processed. "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,43,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,44,0)="991.12,8 WHO MARKED PROCESSED 0;7 POINTER TO NEW PERSON FILE (#200)"
^XWB(8994,2283,3,45,0)=" DESCRIPTION: This field will capture who has marked "
^XWB(8994,2283,3,46,0)="the exception as processed. "
^XWB(8994,2284,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call will return the MPI Patient Data Inquiry [MPI "
^XWB(8994,2284,1,2,0)="DATA MGT PDAT MPI] (PDAT) report for a requested ICN."
^XWB(8994,2284,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the Integration Control Number of the patient for whom data is "
^XWB(8994,2284,3,1,0)="This Remote Procedure Call will return the MPI Patient Data Inquiry "
^XWB(8994,2284,3,2,0)="(PDAT) Report to the requesting VistA facility."
^XWB(8994,2285,0)="YTQ TSLIST^TSLIST^YTQAPI^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2285,1,1,0)="Returns a list of tests and surveys from 601.71."
^XWB(8994,2286,0)="YTQ TSLIST1^TSLIST1^YTQAPI^2^S"
^XWB(8994,2286,1,1,0)="Returns a delimited list, one field per line of all fields in 601.71 for "
^XWB(8994,2286,1,2,0)="a specified entry."
^XWB(8994,2286,1,3,0)="FIELD LABEL ^ FIELD VALUE"
^XWB(8994,2286,2,1,1,1,0)=".01 entry IN 601.71"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,1,0)="Retuns Item text, Intro, Choicetypes and Display information for all "
^XWB(8994,2287,1,2,0)="Questions in a Specified Instrument."
^XWB(8994,2287,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2287,1,4,0)="Input: YS(""CODE""):As test name"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2287,1,6,0)="Output: YSDATA(1)=[DATA] or [ERROR]"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,7,0)=" YSDATA(2)=""NUMBER OF QUESTIONS=""_N3"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,8,0)=" YSDATA(3)=QUESTION NUMBER1=ien for MH Question^QUESTION "
^XWB(8994,2287,1,9,0)=" SEQUENCE^DESIGNATOR "
^XWB(8994,2287,1,10,0)=" YSDATA(4)=QUESTION TEXT1=fIRST line of text"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,11,0)=" YSDATA(5)=additional text lines as needed"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,12,0)=" YSDATA(6)=INTRO TEXT1=IEN FOR MH INTRO^First intro line"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,13,0)=" YSDATA(7)=additional intro lines as needed"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,14,0)=" YSDATA(8)=DESC1=Respone Type^CHOICETYPE^MIN^MAX^IS REQUIRED"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,15,0)=" ^HINT^CHOICEIDENTIFIER "
^XWB(8994,2287,1,16,0)=" YSDATA(9)=QDISPLAY1=DisplayId^FontName^FontBold^FontItalic"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,17,0)=" ^FontUnderlined ^ Fontsize^FontColor ^Alignment"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,18,0)=" ^left^Mask^Colums^Component (for question text)"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,19,0)=" YSDATA(10)=IDISPLAY1=DisplayId^FontName^FontBold^FontItalic"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,20,0)=" ^FontUnderlined ^Fontsize^FontColor^Alignment"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,21,0)=" ^left^Mask^Colums^Component (for intro text)"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,22,0)=" YSDATA(11)=CDISPLAY1=DisplayId^FontName^FontBold^FontItalic"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,23,0)=" ^FontUnderlined ^Fontsize^FontColor^Alignment"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,24,0)=" ^left^Mask^Colums^Component (for choice)"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,25,0)=" :"
^XWB(8994,2287,1,26,0)=" Repeat for each item in test"
^XWB(8994,2288,1,1,0)="Returns Choice all for an instrument."
^XWB(8994,2288,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2288,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2288,1,4,0)=";input: CODE as test name"
^XWB(8994,2288,1,5,0)=" ;output: 601.75(1) CHOICETYPE ID^SEQUENCE^CHOICE IFN^CHOICE TEXT"
^XWB(8994,2289,0)="YTQ BATTC^BATTC^YTQAPI3^2^S"
^XWB(8994,2289,1,1,0)="Return: Battery Name^ Instrument"
^XWB(8994,2289,1,2,0)="ordered Battery Name and then by sequence."
^XWB(8994,2290,1,1,0)="INPUT: CODE as MH TEST SURVEY name"
^XWB(8994,2290,1,2,0)="OUTPUT: QuestionID^SkippedQuestionID"
^XWB(8994,2290,1,3,0)="ordered by QuestionID,SkippedQuestionID"
^XWB(8994,2291,1,1,0)="INPUT: CODE as instrument NAME"
^XWB(8994,2291,1,2,0)="OUTPUT: FirstQuestionId^TabCaption^SectionCaption"
^XWB(8994,2292,0)="YTQ SAVE^EDAD^YTQAPI1^2^S"
^XWB(8994,2292,1,1,0)="Generic proceedure to add or edit a MH file entry"
^XWB(8994,2292,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2292,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2292,1,4,0)="Input: YS(""FILEN"")=File Number"
^XWB(8994,2292,1,5,0)=" (i.e. the file# for administrations would be 601.84)"
^XWB(8994,2292,1,6,0)=" YS(""IEN"")= : the internal number of the record you want to edit."
^XWB(8994,2292,1,7,0)="Leave blank if creating a new record. If creating a new record you must"
^XWB(8994,2292,1,8,0)="send .01^NEW for those MH files using the New input transform."
^XWB(8994,2292,1,9,0)=" YS(1)=FIELD #^Value^[3rd piece is 1 if you need to bypass"
^XWB(8994,2292,1,10,0)=" validation (use only if approved by developer)"
^XWB(8994,2292,1,11,0)=" :"
^XWB(8994,2292,1,12,0)=" :"
^XWB(8994,2292,1,13,0)=" YS(x)=YS(1)=FIELD #^Value^[3rd piece]"
^XWB(8994,2292,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2292,1,15,0)="Output: YSDATA(1)=[DATA] or [ERROR]"
^XWB(8994,2293,0)="YTQ RULES^RULES^YTQAPI1^2^S"
^XWB(8994,2293,1,1,0)="Returns all the Rules for a specified Instrument"
^XWB(8994,2293,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2293,1,3,0)="Input: YS(""CODE"")= test name"
^XWB(8994,2293,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2293,1,6,0)=" YSDATA(1)=[DATA]"
^XWB(8994,2293,1,7,0)=" YSDATA(x): RULE ID= IndexQuestion^IndexValue^ IndexValueDataType"
^XWB(8994,2293,1,8,0)=" ^IndexOperator^BoolOperator^TargetQuestion"
^XWB(8994,2293,1,9,0)=" YSDATA(x+1):TargetValue^TargetValueDataType^ TargeOperator"
^XWB(8994,2293,1,10,0)=" YSDATA(X+2):MessageText^IsConsistencyCheck"
^XWB(8994,2294,1,1,0)="Returns answers to an MH TESTS AND SURVEYS"
^XWB(8994,2294,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2294,1,3,0)="Input: AD= Administration number"
^XWB(8994,2294,1,4,0)=" QN=Question Number"
^XWB(8994,2295,0)="YTQ CAPIE^CAPIE^YTQAPI1^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2295,1,1,0)="Returns array of data from specified file and IENS"
^XWB(8994,2295,1,2,0)="INPUT: FILEN as number"
^XWB(8994,2295,1,3,0)=" FIELDS ""**"" or a field Number"
^XWB(8994,2295,1,4,0)=" IENS as internal record number (no comma)"
^XWB(8994,2295,1,5,0)="OUTPUT: Field #(;subfield)^ Field label ^ internal data ^ [external data] if"
^XWB(8994,2296,0)="YTQ WP FILER^WPED^YTQAPI1^2^S"
^XWB(8994,2296,1,1,0)="Files single Word Processing Field."
^XWB(8994,2296,1,2,0)="It REPLACES previous text if any with current text."
^XWB(8994,2296,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2296,1,5,0)=" FILEN= fileman file Number"
^XWB(8994,2296,1,6,0)=" IEN= internal record number (cannot create a new record)"
^XWB(8994,2296,1,7,0)=" FIELD= field to be modified (must be a WP field)"
^XWB(8994,2296,1,8,0)=" YS(1)= TEXT line 1"
^XWB(8994,2296,1,9,0)=" ..."
^XWB(8994,2296,1,10,0)=" YS(X)=TEXT line X"
^XWB(8994,2296,1,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2296,1,13,0)=" [DATA] if no errors VS [ERROR]"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,1,0)="Returns a lists of all entries in a file for a specified field. "
^XWB(8994,2297,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2297,1,3,0)="Input: FIELN: file or subfile Number"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,4,0)=" FIELD: filed number"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2297,1,6,0)=" optionals"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,7,0)=" FLAG: 'I' returns internal format, 'B' backwards sort"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,8,0)=" defaul= external, forward"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,9,0)=" NUMBER: number of entries requested default=500"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,10,0)=" FROM: last ien already retrieved default= start"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,11,0)=" INDEX: index to sort on default= regular cross-ref on IEN"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,12,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2297,1,13,0)="Output: [DATA]"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,14,0)=" # of entries returned^#requested (often 500)^any more (0 or 1)"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,15,0)=" IEN^Data requested"
^XWB(8994,2297,1,16,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2297,1,17,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2297,1,18,0)=" IEN^Data requested"
^XWB(8994,2298,1,1,0)="Returns all the answers given to a particular MH administration"
^XWB(8994,2298,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2298,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2298,1,4,0)="input: AD = ADMINISTRATION #"
^XWB(8994,2298,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2298,1,6,0)="output: [DATA]"
^XWB(8994,2298,1,8,0)=" QUESTION #^seq^ANSWER"
^XWB(8994,2298,1,9,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2298,1,10,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2298,1,11,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2298,1,12,0)=" QUESTION #^seq^ANSWER"
^XWB(8994,2299,0)="YTQ SET ANSWER^SETANS^YTQAPI2^2^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2299,1,1,0)="Save an answer to a specified MH Question of a specified MH "
^XWB(8994,2299,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2299,1,4,0)="Input: AD as MH adminisration ID"
^XWB(8994,2299,1,5,0)=" QN as MH Question ID"
^XWB(8994,2299,1,6,0)=" YS(1) as Answer 1"
^XWB(8994,2299,1,7,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2299,1,8,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2299,1,9,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2299,1,10,0)=" YS(N) as Answer N"
^XWB(8994,2300,1,1,0)="Returns all MH Administrations for a specified patient."
^XWB(8994,2300,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2300,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2300,1,4,0)="input : DFN"
^XWB(8994,2300,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2301,1,1,0)="No input needed returns all choice id^sequnce^chice ifn^choice text."
^XWB(8994,2302,0)="YTQ GET SCALES^SCALEG^YTQAPI3^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2302,1,1,0)="Returns a list of scale for a given test in order of their scale groups."
^XWB(8994,2302,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2302,1,3,0)="Input: CODE: alphabetic 601.71 entry"
^XWB(8994,2302,1,4,0)="Output: [DATA] vs [Error]"
^XWB(8994,2302,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2302,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2302,1,10,0)="Output is sorted by Scale Group Sequence and Scale Sequence"
^XWB(8994,2303,0)="YTQ FIRST WP^FIRSTWP^YTQAPI3^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2303,1,1,0)="Returns the first line only of a WP field"
^XWB(8994,2303,1,2,0)=" ;Input: FILEN(file number), FIELD (WP filed #)"
^XWB(8994,2303,1,3,0)=" ;Ouput IEN^WP Text line 1"
^XWB(8994,2304,0)="YTQ PURGE^PURGE^YTQAPI3^2^S"
^XWB(8994,2304,1,1,0)="Deletes a specific record from a specific file. Works only at top level "
^XWB(8994,2304,1,2,0)="and does not check pointers or del node."
^XWB(8994,2304,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2304,1,4,0)="Take care using this API"
^XWB(8994,2304,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2304,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2304,1,7,0)="Input: FILEN (file #)"
^XWB(8994,2304,1,8,0)=" IEN (internal record #)"
^XWB(8994,2304,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2304,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2304,1,11,0)="Output: conformation only"
^XWB(8994,2305,1,1,0)="This API is to be used to enter a new MH CHOICE 601.75. It searches for "
^XWB(8994,2305,1,2,0)="already present choices and if available returns that 601.75 ien."
^XWB(8994,2305,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2305,1,4,0)="Also checked are non-case sensitive matches."
^XWB(8994,2305,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2305,1,6,0)="Input: TEXT as text of the choice"
^XWB(8994,2305,1,7,0)=" FORCE: set as Y to force an add when there is a non case "
^XWB(8994,2305,1,8,0)="sensitive match"
^XWB(8994,2305,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2305,1,10,0)="Output: error and message or"
^XWB(8994,2305,1,11,0)=" 601.75 ien added"
^XWB(8994,2305,1,12,0)=" Question Force returned when Force not equal Y and non case "
^XWB(8994,2305,1,13,0)="sensitive match found."
^XWB(8994,2306,1,1,0)="Use this API to enter a new choicetype (MH CHOICETYPE 601.751). A "
^XWB(8994,2306,1,2,0)="choicetype is a collection of choices (MH CHOICE 601.75) and"
^XWB(8994,2306,1,3,0)="their sequence."
^XWB(8994,2306,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2306,1,5,0)=" input: list of choice iens in numbered sequence ex "
^XWB(8994,2306,1,7,0)=" output NEW choice type number"
^XWB(8994,2307,1,1,0)="This API will safely delete all 601.751 enteries of the choicetype "
^XWB(8994,2307,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2307,1,4,0)="This API will not allow deletions of Choicetypes referrefd to in the MH "
^XWB(8994,2307,1,5,0)="Question file (601.72)"
^XWB(8994,2307,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2307,1,7,0)=" Input: CHOICETYPE"
^XWB(8994,2307,1,8,0)=" Output: DELETED if sucessful"
^XWB(8994,2307,1,9,0)=" LIST OF question iens if in use"
^XWB(8994,2308,1,1,0)="This API lists the properites of a specified CHOICETYPE."
^XWB(8994,2308,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2308,1,3,0)=" input; CHOICETYPE"
^XWB(8994,2308,1,4,0)=" output: CHOICETYPE^choicetype ien^sequence^choice ien^choice text"
^XWB(8994,2309,1,1,0)="This API will safely remove all CHOICETYPES (601.751) that have no "
^XWB(8994,2309,1,2,0)="question (601.72) referncing them."
^XWB(8994,2309,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2309,1,4,0)=" INPUT: none"
^XWB(8994,2309,1,5,0)=" OUTPUT: list of choicetypes deleted"
^XWB(8994,2310,1,1,0)="This API will remove all choices (601.75) that are not part of a "
^XWB(8994,2310,1,2,0)="CHOICETYPE (601.751)"
^XWB(8994,2310,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2310,1,4,0)="It is suggested that API YTQ CHOICETYPE ORPHAN DELETE will be run before "
^XWB(8994,2310,1,5,0)="the API."
^XWB(8994,2310,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2310,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2310,1,8,0)=" INPUT none"
^XWB(8994,2310,1,9,0)=" OUTPUT list of choices deleted"
^XWB(8994,2311,1,1,0)="Returns all display data in internal format"
^XWB(8994,2311,1,2,0)="Input: list of DisplayIDs"
^XWB(8994,2311,1,3,0)=" YS(1)=DisplayId1"
^XWB(8994,2311,1,4,0)=" YS(2)=DisplayId2"
^XWB(8994,2311,1,5,0)=" :"
^XWB(8994,2311,1,6,0)=" :"
^XWB(8994,2311,1,7,0)=" YS(x)=DisplayId(x)"
^XWB(8994,2311,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2311,1,9,0)="Output: YSDATA(1)=[DATA]"
^XWB(8994,2311,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2312,0)="YTQ GAF HX^GAFRET^YTQAPI6^2^S"
^XWB(8994,2312,1,1,0)="Returns all GAF diagnosis for a specified Patient"
^XWB(8994,2312,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2312,1,3,0)="Input: YS(""DFN"")= Pt DFN"
^XWB(8994,2312,1,4,0)=" YS(""END"")- Date of last GAF requested [optional]"
^XWB(8994,2312,1,5,0)=" YS(""BEGIN"") : Date of first GAF requested [optional]"
^XWB(8994,2312,1,6,0)=" YS(""LIMIT""): To limit output to the last x diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,2312,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2312,1,9,0)=" YSDATA(1): [DATA] or [ERROR]"
^XWB(8994,2312,1,10,0)=" YSDATA(X): 627.8 IEN = external date of dx^GAF^rater DUZ^Rater "
^XWB(8994,2312,1,11,0)=" name^error msg"
^XWB(8994,2313,1,1,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2313,1,2,0)="Returns all testing administrations for a specified patient.Returns data "
^XWB(8994,2313,1,3,0)="from 601.84, 601.2 and 601.4. This is new and legacy data."
^XWB(8994,2313,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2313,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2313,1,6,0)="input : DFN"
^XWB(8994,2313,1,7,0)=" COMPLETE: Y for all completed admins, N for all incompletes "
^XWB(8994,2313,1,8,0)=" (Reqiured)"
^XWB(8994,2313,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2313,1,10,0)="output: Administration ID D^Instrument Name^Date Given^Date Saved"
^XWB(8994,2313,1,11,0)=" ^Orderer^Admin.By^Signed^# Answers^R_Privl"
^XWB(8994,2313,1,12,0)=" ^Is Legacy^INSTRUMENT id 601.71^Test IENS 601^Is copyright"
^XWB(8994,2313,1,13,0)=" ^Location IENS"
^XWB(8994,2313,1,14,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2313,1,15,0)=" This does NOT return ASI or GAF data."
^XWB(8994,2314,1,1,0)="Use this API to add a new instrument to the MH TESTS and SURVEYS file "
^XWB(8994,2314,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2314,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2314,1,5,0)="Input: CODE as name of test"
^XWB(8994,2314,1,6,0)="OUTPUT: new ien^added"
^XWB(8994,2315,1,1,0)="Add enter choiceIdentifiers"
^XWB(8994,2315,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2316,1,1,0)="Returns all information from file MH SCALEGROUPS (601.86) for a specified "
^XWB(8994,2316,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2316,1,4,0)=" input: CODE as instrument name"
^XWB(8994,2316,1,7,0)=" GRID3"
^XWB(8994,2317,1,1,0)="Returns scoring for all scales for a specified Administration in "
^XWB(8994,2317,1,2,0)="Scalegroup and Scale Sequence order."
^XWB(8994,2317,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2317,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2317,1,5,0)="Input: AD as ien for MH Administrations"
^XWB(8994,2317,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2317,1,7,0)=" (required for full legacy only): CODE as Instrument Name"
^XWB(8994,2317,1,8,0)=" DFN as pt IEN"
^XWB(8994,2317,1,9,0)=" ADATE as SAVE DATE in FM format"
^XWB(8994,2317,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2317,1,11,0)="output: Scale name=Raw Score"
^XWB(8994,2319,1,1,0)="****Use with Care***"
^XWB(8994,2319,1,2,0)="Deletes a ScaleGroup and ALL its scales!"
^XWB(8994,2319,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2319,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2319,1,5,0)="Input : ID as ien of MH Scalegroups (601.86)"
^XWB(8994,2319,1,6,0)="Output: Data vs Error"
^XWB(8994,2320,0)="YTQ KEYS^KEY^YTQAPI7^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2320,1,1,0)="Get all keys for a specified test"
^XWB(8994,2320,1,2,0)=" input: CODE as TEST name"
^XWB(8994,2320,1,3,0)=" output:SCALE=ScaleName^scale Id "
^XWB(8994,2320,1,4,0)=" KEY=Question ID^Target^Value^Key Ien "
^XWB(8994,2321,1,1,0)="This procedure allows version checking by using the Option (19) menu "
^XWB(8994,2321,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2321,1,4,0)="Input: YSB as option name to be checked."
^XWB(8994,2321,1,5,0)="Output: [DATA] vs [ERROR]"
^XWB(8994,2321,1,6,0)=" 2= mha3 version"
^XWB(8994,2321,1,7,0)=" 3= CR dll version"
^XWB(8994,2321,1,8,0)=" 4= mh dll version"
^XWB(8994,2322,1,1,0)="Deletes a rule and all associated skips and instrument rules"
^XWB(8994,2322,1,2,0)=" Input: IEN as ien of file 601.82"
^XWB(8994,2322,1,3,0)=" Output Data vs Error"
^XWB(8994,2323,1,1,0)="Send message to psych test ordering clinician"
^XWB(8994,2323,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2323,1,3,0)="Input: DFN as patient ien "
^XWB(8994,2323,1,4,0)=" : ORD as ordered for (in duz form)"
^XWB(8994,2323,1,5,0)=" : TEST1 as name of test ordered (required;string)"
^XWB(8994,2323,1,6,0)=" :TEST2-TEST10 as name of other tests ordered (optional but in"
^XWB(8994,2323,1,7,0)=" order;string)"
^XWB(8994,2323,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2323,1,9,0)="Output: [DATA] VS [ERROR] "
^XWB(8994,2324,1,1,0)="Deletes a battery and all associated MH Battery COntents and MH Battery "
^XWB(8994,2324,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2324,1,4,0)=" Input: IEN as ien of file 601.77"
^XWB(8994,2324,1,5,0)=" Output Data vs Error"
^XWB(8994,2325,1,1,0)="Patient demographic and eligibility information"
^XWB(8994,2325,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2325,1,3,0)=" Input DFN as ien of file 2"
^XWB(8994,2325,1,4,0)=" Output"
^XWB(8994,2325,1,5,0)=" ; YSDATA(2)= name"
^XWB(8994,2325,1,6,0)=" ; YSDATA(3)=ssn"
^XWB(8994,2325,1,7,0)=" ; YSDATA(4)=dob"
^XWB(8994,2325,1,8,0)=" ; YSDATA(5)=age"
^XWB(8994,2325,1,9,0)=" ; YSDATA(6)=sex"
^XWB(8994,2325,1,10,0)=" ; YSDATA(7)=date of death"
^XWB(8994,2325,1,11,0)=" ; YSDATA(8)=0 NCS/ 1 SC^%^service connected"
^XWB(8994,2326,0)="YTQ USERQ^USERQ^YTQAPI9^2^S"
^XWB(8994,2326,1,1,0)="Returns name of current user and optionally checks a security Key"
^XWB(8994,2326,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2326,1,3,0)=" Input DUZ as internal ien file 200 for user to check [optional "
^XWB(8994,2326,1,4,0)=" default is current user]"
^XWB(8994,2326,1,5,0)=" KEY as name of security key to check [optional]"
^XWB(8994,2326,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2326,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2326,1,8,0)=" Output YSDATA(2)= name of user^DUZ "
^XWB(8994,2326,1,9,0)=" YSDATA(3) if key sent 1^holds VS 0^lacks KEY"
^XWB(8994,2326,1,10,0)=" YSDATA(4)= Institution file pointer^Institution name^station"
^XWB(8994,2326,1,11,0)=" number with suffix^new name of medical centers"
^XWB(8994,2326,1,12,0)=" that have integrated"
^XWB(8994,2327,1,1,0)="Allows Psychological test editor to save test data in IENS under 100000"
^XWB(8994,2327,1,2,0)="for national distribution."
^XWB(8994,2327,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2327,1,4,0)=" input: NATIONAL as Yes or No"
^XWB(8994,2327,1,5,0)=" output: YSPROG=1"
^XWB(8994,2328,0)="YTQ WP ALL^FULLWP^YTQAPI11^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2328,1,1,0)="Returns any Word processing field data for any file. Used to return"
^XWB(8994,2328,1,2,0)="intoductions as an example."
^XWB(8994,2328,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2328,1,4,0)="Input: FILEN as the nimber of the file"
^XWB(8994,2328,1,5,0)=" FIELD; as the field number"
^XWB(8994,2328,1,6,0)="Ouput: IEN of the entry^line of text"
^XWB(8994,2329,1,1,0)="Deletes a test, quiz or survey. Only removes the top level entry (601.71) "
^XWB(8994,2329,1,2,0)="and entires in MH Instrument Content (601.76)."
^XWB(8994,2329,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2329,1,4,0)="Will not remove a test that HAS BEEN OPERATIONAL (ie has answers entered "
^XWB(8994,2329,1,5,0)="while OPERATIONAL is set)."
^XWB(8994,2329,1,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2329,1,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2329,1,8,0)=" input: CODE as test name"
^XWB(8994,2329,1,9,0)=" output: DATA vs ERROR"
^XWB(8994,2330,0)="YTQ COPY TEST^COPY^YTQAPI10^2"
^XWB(8994,2330,1,1,0)="Copies a test to a new name. Used when design for one test is based on "
^XWB(8994,2330,1,2,0)="another. Questions, Intros, Content, Sections, Scales, Rule and Keys are "
^XWB(8994,2330,1,3,0)="all duplicated."
^XWB(8994,2330,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2330,1,5,0)="Input: ORIGINAL: As name of test to be copied. ie 'MH Survey'"
^XWB(8994,2330,1,6,0)=" New: Name of new test ie 'MH Survey Copy'"
^XWB(8994,2330,1,7,0)=" NATIIONAL : optional if test is to be distributed nationally. "
^XWB(8994,2330,1,8,0)=" Available only to MH developers."
^XWB(8994,2330,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2330,1,10,0)="Output: DATA vs Error"
^XWB(8994,2331,1,1,0)="Save results to MH Results (601.92). Use only for completed tests."
^XWB(8994,2331,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2331,1,3,0)=" Input: AD as administration ID"
^XWB(8994,2331,1,4,0)=" Output : DATA vs ERROR "
^XWB(8994,2332,0)="YTQ EXPORT^EXPORT^YTQAPI13^2^S"
^XWB(8994,2332,1,1,0)="Exports a test to a Mailman message for sharing over the network."
^XWB(8994,2332,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2332,1,3,0)="Input: Code as name of test to be exported"
^XWB(8994,2332,1,4,0)="Output: DATA vs ERROR"
^XWB(8994,2333,0)="YTQ IMPORT^IMPORT^YTQAPI12^2^S"
^XWB(8994,2333,1,1,0)="Used to import a test description into the VISTA database from"
^XWB(8994,2333,1,2,0)="a mailman message created by the export function."
^XWB(8994,2333,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2333,1,4,0)="Input: Message as message number from file 3.9"
^XWB(8994,2333,1,5,0)="Output: DATA vs ERROR"
^XWB(8994,2334,0)="YTQ EXPORTED MAIL^MLIST^YTQAPI12^4^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2334,1,1,0)="Returns a list of mail created by the export utility in reverse date order."
^XWB(8994,2334,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2334,1,3,0)="Input: NONE"
^XWB(8994,2334,1,4,0)="Output: DATA vs EROR"
^XWB(8994,2334,1,5,0)=" 1)Message #^Subject line^date"
^XWB(8994,2334,1,6,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2334,1,7,0)=" ."
^XWB(8994,2334,1,8,0)=" x)Message #^Subject line^date"
^XWB(8994,2335,1,1,0)="Patient lookup utility. "
^XWB(8994,2335,1,2,0)=" ; input: "
^XWB(8994,2335,1,3,0)=" ; VALUE = value to lookup"
^XWB(8994,2335,1,4,0)=" ; NUMBER= maximum number to find [optional]"
^XWB(8994,2335,1,5,0)=" ; Lookup uses multiple index lookup of File #2 "
^XWB(8994,2335,1,6,0)=" ; output: "
^XWB(8994,2335,1,7,0)=" ; [DATA]^number of records returned "
^XWB(8994,2335,1,8,0)=" ; DFN^patient name^DOB^PID (ssn)^Gender"
^XWB(8994,2336,0)="YTQ ASI LISTER^LISTASI^YTQAPI12^4^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2336,1,1,0)="API returns a list of ASI administrations for a single patient."
^XWB(8994,2336,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2336,1,3,0)="Input: DFN as ien of Pateint file"
^XWB(8994,2336,1,5,0)="[DATA]^# of admins returned vs [ERROR]"
^XWB(8994,2336,1,7,0)="(#.05) DATE OF INTERVIEW^ "
^XWB(8994,2336,1,8,0)="(#.04) CLASS^"
^XWB(8994,2336,1,9,0)="(#.11) SPECIAL^"
^XWB(8994,2336,1,10,0)="(#.51) ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED [1S]^"
^XWB(8994,2336,1,11,0)="(#.09) INTERVIEWER (external)^"
^XWB(8994,2336,1,12,0)="(#.09) INTERVIEWER (internal) "
^XWB(8994,2337,0)="YTQ PN CREATE^PCREATE^YTQTIU^2^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2337,1,1,0)="API creates a progress note representation of the narrative report for "
^XWB(8994,2337,1,2,0)="an administration."
^XWB(8994,2337,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2337,1,4,0)="Input AD AS ien of 601.84 mh administration"
^XWB(8994,2337,1,5,0)=" HOSP: as ien of hospital location"
^XWB(8994,2337,1,6,0)=" YS(1...X) as text of note"
^XWB(8994,2337,1,7,0)="Output: DATA vs ERROR"
^XWB(8994,2338,1,1,0)="Gets a report format from MH REPORTS file (#601.93)"
^XWB(8994,2338,1,2,0)=" Input: CODE as instrument name"
^XWB(8994,2338,1,3,0)=" Output:[DATA]^IENS of 601.93 vs [ERROR] "
^XWB(8994,2338,1,4,0)=" LINE# ^ line text"
^XWB(8994,2339,1,1,0)="This API evaluates wheher one of 3 conditions is meet for the stored ASI "
^XWB(8994,2339,1,2,0)="in file Addiction Severity Index (#604)."
^XWB(8994,2339,1,3,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2339,1,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2339,1,5,0)=" Input: IENS as iens for 604"
^XWB(8994,2339,1,6,0)=" Output: 1^OK TO SIGN"
^XWB(8994,2339,1,7,0)=" 0^MISSING REQUIRED FIELDS"
^XWB(8994,2339,1,8,0)=" 2^A G12 RECORD"
^XWB(8994,2339,1,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2339,1,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2339,1,11,0)="Missing fields are listed in YSDATA(3...x)"
^XWB(8994,2340,0)="YTQ HL7^HL7^YTQHL7^2^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2341,0)="YTQ LEGCR^LEGCR^YTQAPI9^2^S^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2342,0)="YTQ ALLKEYS^ALLKEYS^YTQPXRM5^2^^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2342,1,1,0)="Returns all security keys for a specified user."
^XWB(8994,2342,1,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2342,1,3,0)="input IEN as internal of file 200 [optional/DUZ] "
^XWB(8994,2343,0)="EAS ESR MESSAGING^TAG^EAS1071A^2^^^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2343,1,1,0)="This is a stub RPC to trigger dual messaging changes on Vista Sites"
^XWB(8994,2343,3,1,0)="The RPC will return error if the Vista process is unable to perform the "
^XWB(8994,2343,3,2,0)="required messaging changes for Vista/ESR or Vista/HEC."
^XWB(8994,2344,0)="MDK GET VISTA DATA^RPC^MDKRPC1^2^R^0"
^XWB(8994,2344,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the routine tag that will be called to retrieve the data."
^XWB(8994,2344,2,2,1,1,0)="This is whatever data is needed by the subroutine to process the request "
^XWB(8994,2344,2,2,1,2,0)="for data. In many cases it will be a single value (e.g., patient id - "
^XWB(8994,2344,3,1,0)="Returns an array."
^XWB(8994,2344,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2344,3,3,0)=" RESULT(0)=number or"
^XWB(8994,2344,3,4,0)=" RESULT(0)=-1^error message"
^XWB(8994,2344,3,5,0)=" RESULT(1)=data"
^XWB(8994,2344,3,6,0)=" RESULT(n)=data"
^XWB(8994,2344,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2344,3,8,0)="If data is not found, RESULT(0) will be contain a ""-1"" in the first piece "
^XWB(8994,2344,3,9,0)="and an error message in the second piece."
^XWB(8994,2344,3,10,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2344,3,11,0)="If data is found, RESULT(0) will contain a number that indicates how many "
^XWB(8994,2344,3,12,0)="entries are returned."
^XWB(8994,2344,3,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2344,3,14,0)="RESULT(1) through RESULT(n) will contain the data that is found."
^XWB(8994,2345,0)="MD TMDWIDGET^RPC^MDRPCOW^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2346,0)="MDK UTILITY^RPC^MDKUTLR^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2347,0)="MDK GET/SET RENAL DATA^RPC^MDKRPC2^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2348,0)="MD TMDNOTE^RPC^MDRPCNT^4^R^0^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,1,0)="This remote procedure call does the following:"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,2,0)="Accepts the following Inputs:"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,3,0)=" RESULTS - Both (Input and Output) - Passed in as the array to return"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,4,0)=" results in."
^XWB(8994,2348,1,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,6,0)=" OPTION - NEWDOC = Add additional new document to the Hemodialysis"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,7,0)=" study."
^XWB(8994,2348,1,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,9,0)=" NOTELIST = Returns a list of documents associated with the"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,10,0)=" study. The pieces returned are: Note IEN, Note"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,11,0)=" title, Date/Time Creation, Author, and Hospital"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,12,0)=" Location."
^XWB(8994,2348,1,13,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,14,0)=" VIEWTIU = Return the text lines of a document from NOTELST."
^XWB(8994,2348,1,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,16,0)=" MDSID - Study internal Entry Number."
^XWB(8994,2348,1,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,18,0)=" MDTIU - TIU Document Internal Entry Number."
^XWB(8994,2348,1,19,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,20,0)=" MDDTE - Date/Time of Document Creation."
^XWB(8994,2348,1,21,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,22,0)=" MDAUTH - Author of document."
^XWB(8994,2348,1,23,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,24,0)=" MDESIG - Encrypted Electronic Signature."
^XWB(8994,2348,1,25,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,26,0)=" MDTXT - Text of the new document in an array."
^XWB(8994,2348,1,27,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,28,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,29,0)="Return Results are the following:"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,30,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,31,0)="OPTION = NEWDOC"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,32,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,33,0)="> D RPC^MDRPCNT(.RESULTS,""NEWDOC"",904,"""",3050524.0915,679,74RHLld;flk,MDTXT)"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,34,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,35,0)="> D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,36,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,37,0)="Global ^TMP(""MDKUTL"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,38,0)=" TMP(""MDKUTL"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,39,0)="^TMP(""MDKUTL"",538992716,0) = Note internal entry number or -1^Error Message"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,40,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,41,0)="OPTION = NOTELIST"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,42,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,43,0)="> D RPC^MDRPCNT(.RESULTS,""NOTELST"",476)"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,44,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,45,0)="> D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,46,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,47,0)="Global ^TMP(""MDKUTL"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,48,0)=" TMP(""MDKUTL"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,49,0)="^TMP(""MDKUTL"",538992716,1) = 968^PROCEDURE NOTE^OCT 10, 2001@17:08:36"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,51,0)="^TMP(""MDKUTL"",538992716,2) = 969^PROCEDURE NOTE^OCT 10, 2001@17:10:44^^PROSTHETI"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,53,0)="^TMP(""MDKUTL"",538992716,3) = 970^PROCEDURE NOTE^OCT 10, 2001@17:11:50^^PROSTHETI"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,55,0)="^TMP(""MDKUTL"",538992716,4) = 971^PROCEDURE NOTE^OCT 10, 2001@17:15:45^^PROSTHETI"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,57,0)="^TMP(""MDKUTL"",538992716,5) = 972^PROCEDURE NOTE^OCT 10, 2001@17:16:34^^PROSTHETI"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,59,0)="^TMP(""MDKUTL"",538992716,6) = 974^PROCEDURE NOTE^OCT 11, 2001@10:56:03^^PROSTHETI"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,61,0)="^TMP(""MDKUTL"",538992716,7) = 975^PROCEDURE NOTE^OCT 11, 2001@12:50:29^^PROSTHETI"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,63,0)="Global ^"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,64,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,65,0)="OPTION = VIEWTIU"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,66,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,67,0)="> D RPC^MDRPCNT(.RESULTS,""VIEWTIU"",476,968)"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,68,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,69,0)="> D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,70,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,71,0)="Global ^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,72,0)=" TMP(""TIUVIEW"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,73,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,1) = TITLE: PROCEDURE NOTE "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,74,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,75,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,2) = DATE OF NOTE: OCT 10, 2001@17:08:36 ENTRY DATE: O"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,76,0)="CT 10, 2001@17:08:36 "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,77,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,3) = AUTHOR: MDPROVIDER,ONE EXP COSIGNER:"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,78,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,79,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,4) = URGENCY: STATUS: C"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,80,0)="OMPLETED "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,81,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,5) = "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,82,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,6) = PROCEDURE SUMMARY CODE: Abnormal "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,83,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,84,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,7) = DATE/TIME PERFORMED: OCT 15, 2001 "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,85,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,8) = "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,86,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,9) = *** PROCEDURE NOTE Has ADDENDA ***"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,87,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,10) = "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,88,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,11) = Complete consult 1104. 6 attached images. "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,89,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,12) = "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,90,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,13) = /es/ MDPROVIDER,ONE"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,91,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,14) = "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,92,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,15) = Signed: 10/15/2001 13:02"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,93,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,16) = "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,94,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,17) = 10/15/2001 ADDENDUM STATUS: "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,96,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,18) = aDDENDUM LA LA LA "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,97,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,19) = LA LA LA"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,98,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,20) = "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,99,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,21) = /es/ MDPROVIDER,ONE"
^XWB(8994,2348,1,100,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,22) = "
^XWB(8994,2348,1,101,0)="^TMP(""TIUVIEW"",538992716,23) = Signed: 10/15/2001 13:04"
^XWB(8994,2349,0)="MD TMDCIDC^RPC^MDRPCW^4^R^0^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2349,1,1,0)="This RPC will do the following:"
^XWB(8994,2349,1,2,0)=" Input Parameter: RESULTS - (Both Input/Output) Passed in as the array to"
^XWB(8994,2349,1,3,0)=" return the results."
^XWB(8994,2349,1,4,0)=" OPTION - (Input) PROC - obtain a list of Procedures"
^XWB(8994,2349,1,5,0)=" defined for a clinic."
^XWB(8994,2349,1,6,0)=" DIAG - obtain a list of diagnosis"
^XWB(8994,2349,1,7,0)=" defined for a clinic."
^XWB(8994,2349,1,8,0)=" SCDISP - Obtain the patient's service"
^XWB(8994,2349,1,9,0)=" connection and rated disability."
^XWB(8994,2349,1,10,0)=" DFN - (Input) Patient internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,2349,1,11,0)=" MDSTUD - (Input) CP Study internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,1,0)="> D RPC^MDRPCW(.RESULTS,""PROC"",162,212)"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,3,0)="> ZW RESULTS"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,5,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,7,0)=" @RESULTS@(0)=count of array element (0 if nothing found) "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,8,0)=" @RESULTS@(1)=^group header "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,9,0)=" @RESULTS@(2) = P1 := cpt or icd code / ien of other items "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,10,0)=" P2 := user defined text "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,11,0)=" P6 := user defined expanded text to send to PCE "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,12,0)=" P7 := second code or item defined for line item "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,13,0)=" P8 := third code or item defined for line item "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,14,0)=" P9 := associated clinical lexicon term "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,15,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,16,0)="> D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,17,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,18,0)="Global ^TMP(""MDRPCW"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,19,0)=" TMP(""MDRPCW"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,20,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,21,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,0) = 7"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,22,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,1) = ^PFT PROCEDURES"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,23,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,2) = G0125^Lung image (PET) ^^^^^^^"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,24,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,3) = S9473^Pulmonary rehabilitation pro^^^^^^^"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,25,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,4) = S2060^Lobar lung transplantation ^^^^^^^"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,26,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,5) = S2060^Lobar lung transplantation ^^^^^^^"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,27,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,6) = A4480^Vabra aspirator ^^^^^^^"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,28,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,7) = 43450^DILAT ESOPH-SOUND/BOUGIE-1/M^^^^^^^"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,29,0)="Global ^"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,30,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,31,0)="> D RPC^MDRPCW(.RESULTS,""DIAG"",162,212)"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,32,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,33,0)="> D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,34,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,35,0)="Global ^TMP(""MDRPCW"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,36,0)=" TMP(""MDRPCW"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,37,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,0) = 31"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,38,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,1) = ^PFT"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,39,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,2) = 397.1^RHEUM PULMON VALVE DIS^^^^^^^269587"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,40,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,3) = 417.1^PULMON ARTERY ANEURYSM^^^^^^^269688"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,41,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,4) = 417.8^PULMON CIRCULAT DIS NEC^^^^^^^269690"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,42,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,5) = 417.9^PULMON CIRCULAT DIS NOS^^^^^^^269691"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,43,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,6) = 424.3^PULMONARY VALVE DISORDER^^^^^^^101164"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,44,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,7) = 516.1^IDIO PULM HEMOSIDEROSIS^^^^^^^61083"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,45,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,8) = 746.01^CONG PULMON VALV ATRESIA^^^^^^^265805"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,46,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,9) = 673.82^PULM EMBOL NEC-DEL W P/P^^^^^^^271756"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,47,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,10) = 747.3^PULMONARY ARTERY ANOM^^^^^^^27406"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,48,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,11) = 770.3^NB PULMONARY HEMORRHAGE^^^^^^^273240"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,49,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,12) = 794.2^ABN PULMONARY FUNC STUDY^^^^^^^273442"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,50,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,13) = 901.41^INJURY PULMONARY ARTERY^^^^^901.42^^275136"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,51,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,14) = 162.3^MAL NEO UPPER LOBE LUNG^^^^^162.4^162.5^7353"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,53,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,15) = 235.7^UNC BEHAV NEO LUNG^^^^^^^267754"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,54,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,16) = 875.0^OPEN WOUND OF CHEST^^^^^^^274991"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,55,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,17) = 162.9^MAL NEO BRONCH/LUNG NOS^^^^^^^73521"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,56,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,18) = 786.6^CHEST SWELLING/MASS/LUMP^^^^^^^273380"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,57,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,19) = 518.89^OTHER DISEASE OF LUNG, NEC^^^^^^^87486"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,58,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,20) = ^BRONCHOSCOPY"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,59,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,21) = 012.20^ISOL TRACHEAL TB-UNSPEC^^^^^012.21^^266107"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,60,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,22) = 012.22^ISOL TRACH TB-EXAM UNKN^^^^^^^266109"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,61,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,23) = 012.23^ISOLAT TRACH TB-MICRO DX^^^^^^^266110"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,62,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,24) = 012.24^ISOL TRACHEAL TB-CULT DX^^^^^^^266111"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,63,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,25) = 748.61^CONGEN BRONCHIECTASIS^^^^^^^265478"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,64,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,26) = 011.50^TB BRONCHIECTASIS-UNSPEC^^^^^011.51^^266056"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,65,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,27) = 784.1^THROAT PAIN^^^^^^^276881"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,66,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,28) = 784.8^HEMORRHAGE FROM THROAT^^^^^^^273371"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,67,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,29) = 034.0^STREP SORE THROAT^^^^^^^114610"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,68,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,30) = 466.11^AC. BRONCH/RESP SYNCYT V (RSV)^^^^^466.19^^"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,70,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,31) = 530.10^ESOPHAGITIS, UNSP.^^^^^^^295809"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,71,0)="Global ^"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,72,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,73,0)="> D RPC^MDRPCW(.RESULTS,""SCDISP"",17,212)"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,74,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,75,0)=" @RESULTS@(n)=""Lines of text"""
^XWB(8994,2349,3,76,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,77,0)="> D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,78,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2349,3,79,0)="Global ^TMP(""MDRPCW"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,80,0)=" TMP(""MDRPCW"",$J"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,81,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,1) = Service Connected: 50%"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,82,0)="^TMP(""MDRPCW"",539023945,2) = Rated Disabilities: NONE STATED"
^XWB(8994,2349,3,83,0)="Global ^"
^XWB(8994,2350,0)="MD TMDLEX^LEX^MDRPCW1^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2350,1,1,0)="This RPC will return a list of CPT or ICD for a search typed in."
^XWB(8994,2350,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the text typed in for the look-up."
^XWB(8994,2350,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the application indicator. It is either ""CPT"" or ""ICD""."
^XWB(8994,2350,3,1,0)="^TMP(""MDLEX"",$J,#)=P1 - CPT/ICD Code"
^XWB(8994,2350,3,2,0)=" P2 - Internal Entry Number"
^XWB(8994,2350,3,3,0)=" P3 - Lexicon text"
^XWB(8994,2350,3,4,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2350,3,5,0)=">D LEX^MDRPCW1(.RESULTS,""BORE"",""CPT"")"
^XWB(8994,2350,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2350,3,7,0)=">ZW RESULTS"
^XWB(8994,2350,3,9,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2350,3,10,0)=">D ^%G"
^XWB(8994,2350,3,11,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2350,3,12,0)="Global ^TMP(""MDLEX"",$J -- NOTE: translation in effect"
^XWB(8994,2350,3,13,0)="^TMP(""MDLEX"",539152953,1)=86618^302213^Borella Burgdorferi (Lyme Disease) "
^XWB(8994,2350,3,14,0)="Antibody (CP T-4 86618)"
^XWB(8994,2351,0)="MD TMDENCOUNTER^GETENC^MDRPCW1^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2351,1,1,0)="This remote procedure will return the existing data in an encounter."
^XWB(8994,2351,2,1,1,1,0)="This is the CP Study internal entry number."
^XWB(8994,2351,3,1,0)="The result is returned in ^TMP(""MDENC"",$J) global."
^XWB(8994,2351,3,2,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2351,3,5,0)=" P1 = ""SC"" - Service Connected"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,6,0)=" P2 = first ""^"" piece 1 if the condition can be answered"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,7,0)=" 0 if the condition should be null not asked"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,8,0)=" second ""^"" piece - If Scheduling has the answer, 1 = yes 0 = no"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,9,0)=" P3 = ""AO"" - Agent Orange Exposure"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,10,0)=" P4 = first ""^"" piece 1 if the condition can be answered"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,11,0)=" 0 if the condition should be null not asked"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,12,0)=" second ""^"" piece - If Scheduling has the answer, 1 = yes 0 = no"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,13,0)=" P5 = ""IR"" - Ionizing Radiation Exposure"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,14,0)=" P6 = first ""^"" piece 1 if the condition can be answered"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,15,0)=" 0 if the condition should be null not asked"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,16,0)=" second ""^"" piece - If Scheduling has the answer, 1 = yes 0 = no"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,17,0)=" P7 = ""EC"" - Environmental Contaminants"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,18,0)=" P8 = first ""^"" piece 1 if the condition can be answered"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,19,0)=" 0 if the condition should be null not asked"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,20,0)=" second ""^"" piece - If Scheduling has the answer, 1 = yes 0 = no"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,21,0)=" P9 = ""HNC"" - Head and/or Neck Cancer"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,22,0)=" P10 = first ""^"" piece 1 if the condition can be answered"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,23,0)=" 0 if the condition should be null not asked"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,24,0)=" second ""^"" piece - If Scheduling has the answer, 1 = yes 0 = no"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,25,0)=" P11 = ""MST"" - Military Sexual Trauma"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,26,0)=" P12 = first ""^"" piece 1 if the condition can be answered"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,27,0)=" 0 if the condition should be null not asked"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,28,0)=" second ""^"" piece - If Scheduling has the answer, 1 = yes 0 = no"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,29,0)=" P13 = ""CV"" - Combat Veteran"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,30,0)=" P14 = first ""^"" piece 1 if the condition can be answered"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,31,0)=" 0 if the condition should be null not asked"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,32,0)=" second ""^"" piece - If Scheduling has the answer, 1 = yes 0 = no"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,33,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2351,3,34,0)="^TMP(""MDENC"",$J,n)=""PRV""^CODE^^NARR^^Primary (1=Yes,0=No)"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,35,0)=" P1 = ""PRV""- Provider segment"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,36,0)=" P2 = CODE - New Person internal Entry Number"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,37,0)=" P3 = Null"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,38,0)=" P4 = NARR - Provider name"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,39,0)=" P5 = Null"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,40,0)=" P6 = Primary - 1/0/null (1=Yes,0/Null=No)"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,41,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2351,3,42,0)=" =""POV""^ICD9 IEN^ICD9 CODE^provider narrative category^"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,43,0)="provider narrative (Short Description)^Primary (1=Yes,0/Null=No)"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,44,0)=" P1 = ""POV"" - ICD segment"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,45,0)=" P2 = ICD internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,46,0)=" P3 = ICD9 Code"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,47,0)=" P4 = Provider Narrative Category"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,48,0)=" P5 = Short Description"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,49,0)=" P6 = Primary - 1/0/null (1=Yes,0/Null=No)"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,50,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2351,3,51,0)=" =""CPT""^CPT IEN^CPT CODE^provider narrative category^"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,52,0)="provider narrative (Short Description)^^Quantity"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,53,0)=" P1 = ""CPT"" - CPT segment"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,54,0)=" P2 = CPT internal entry number"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,55,0)=" P3 = CPT Code"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,56,0)=" P4 = Provider Narrative Category (CPT Category Grouping)"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,57,0)=" P5 = Short Description"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,58,0)=" P6 = null"
^XWB(8994,2351,3,59,0)=" P7 = Quantity"
^XWB(8994,2352,0)="MD TMDSUBMITU^RPC^MDRPCOWU^4^R^^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2353,1,1,0)="Return the sites and diagnostic specialties for the tele reader."
^XWB(8994,2354,1,1,0)="This allows the user to select/deselect an item from his/her site"
^XWB(8994,2354,1,2,0)="and specialty list."
^XWB(8994,2354,2,1,1,1,0)="User selection preference - 1=select, 0=ignore"
^XWB(8994,2354,2,2,1,1,0)="Pointer to User Parameter file 2006.5843"
^XWB(8994,2355,1,1,0)="This RPC returns the list of acquisition sites that"
^XWB(8994,2355,1,2,0)="are defined for the reading site."
^XWB(8994,2355,3,1,0)="Three fields"
^XWB(8994,2355,3,2,0)="1) File 4 pointer to the acquisition site"
^XWB(8994,2355,3,3,0)="2) Name of the acquisition site"
^XWB(8994,2355,3,4,0)="3) Active Flag - 1=active, 0=inactive"
^XWB(8994,2356,2,1,1,1,0)="ACQUISITION SITE"
^XWB(8994,2356,2,2,0)="SPECIALITY INDEX^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,2356,2,2,1,1,0)="INDEX TO SPECIALTY (FILE 2006.84)"
^XWB(8994,2356,2,3,0)="PROCEDURE INDEX^1^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,2356,2,3,1,1,0)="INDEX TO PROCEDURE (FILE 2006.85)"
^XWB(8994,2356,2,5,1,1,0)="POINTER TO FILE 200 FOR THE READER"
^XWB(8994,2356,2,6,0)="READER SITE^1^^0^6"
^XWB(8994,2356,2,"B","PROCEDURE INDEX",3)=""
^XWB(8994,2356,2,"B","READER SITE",6)=""
^XWB(8994,2356,2,"B","SPECIALITY INDEX",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2357,2,1,0)="UNREAD LIST POINTER^1^^1^1"
^XWB(8994,2357,2,1,1,1,0)="POINTER TO THE ENTRY IN THE UNREAD LIST (FILE 2006.5849)"
^XWB(8994,2357,2,2,0)="LOCK FLAG^1^^1^2"
^XWB(8994,2357,2,2,1,1,0)="LOCK FLAG = 1 TO CREATE THE LOCK"
^XWB(8994,2357,2,2,1,2,0)="LOCK FLAG = 0 TO REMOVE THE LOCK"
^XWB(8994,2357,2,3,0)="FULL NAME^1^^1^3"
^XWB(8994,2357,2,4,0)="NAME ABBREVIATION^1^^1^4"
^XWB(8994,2357,2,4,1,1,0)="INITIALS FOR THE READER"
^XWB(8994,2357,2,5,1,1,0)="POINTER TO FILE 200 FOR THE READER"
^XWB(8994,2357,2,6,0)="READER SITE^1^^1^6"
^XWB(8994,2357,2,"B","FULL NAME",3)=""
^XWB(8994,2357,2,"B","LOCK FLAG",2)=""
^XWB(8994,2357,2,"B","NAME ABBREVIATION",4)=""
^XWB(8994,2357,2,"B","READER SITE",6)=""
^XWB(8994,2357,2,"B","UNREAD LIST POINTER",1)=""
^XWB(8994,2358,0)="MAGD CT PARAMS^RPCIN^MAGDCTP^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2358,1,1,0)="Returns history of Modality.dic settings for CT modalities for the site."
^XWB(8994,2358,2,1,1,1,0)="Site code"
^XWB(8994,2358,3,1,0)="List of CT settings in format:"
^XWB(8994,2359,0)="MAGD CR PARAMS^RPCIN^MAGDCRP^4^R^^^1"
^XWB(8994,2359,1,1,0)="Returns list of CR processing rules for Pixel Spacing calculations."
^XWB(8994,2359,2,1,1,1,0)="Site code"
^XWB(8994,2359,3,1,0)="Site_Code|Manufacturer|Model|Software Version|Use Old Pixel Spacing?"
^XWB(8994,2360,0)="MAGQ VOK^VOKR^MAGQBUT4^1^P"
^XWB(8994,2360,1,1,0)="This procedure checks the 2nd line of the routine MAGQBUT4 for"
^XWB(8994,2360,1,2,0)="the latest version number. It will return 1 if the version"
^XWB(8994,2360,1,3,0)="matches the input ""version"" parameter and 0 if there is no"
^XWB(8994,2360,2,1,1,1,0)="This version number is expect to be the VistA Imaging major release number (x.x)"
^XWB(8994,2360,2,1,1,2,0)="concatenated with P and then concatenated with the patch number."
^XWB(8994,2360,2,1,1,3,0)="For example 3.0P81"
^XWB(8994,2383,0)="CRHD MGR^MGR^CRHD7^1"
^XWB(8994,2406,0)="CRHD TM PRV LIST^TMLIST^CRHD10^2"
^XWB(8994,2418,0)="MAG3 TIU NEW^NEW^MAGGNTI1^1^R"
^XWB(8994,2418,1,1,0)="RPC Call to create a New Note "
^XWB(8994,2418,1,2,0)=" and Optionally : "
^XWB(8994,2418,1,3,0)=" Electronically Sign the Note."
^XWB(8994,2418,1,4,0)=" Administratively Close the Note."
^XWB(8994,2418,1,5,0)=" Add Text to the Note."
^XWB(8994,2418,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN of the Patient."
^XWB(8994,2418,2,2,1,1,0)="IEN of TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION entry in file ^TIU(8925.1"
^XWB(8994,2418,2,3,1,1,0)=" 1 = Mark this Note as Administratively Closed"
^XWB(8994,2418,2,3,1,2,0)=" otherwise it will be Un-Signed"
^XWB(8994,2418,2,4,1,1,0)="Mode of Admin Closure:"
^XWB(8994,2418,2,4,1,2,0)=" ""S"" = Scanned Document"
^XWB(8994,2418,2,4,1,3,0)=" ""M"" = Manual closure"
^XWB(8994,2418,2,5,1,1,0)=" The encrypted Electronic Signature"
^XWB(8994,2418,2,6,1,1,0)=" The DUZ of the Signer (Defaults to DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,2418,2,7,1,1,0)="IEN in Hospital Location File #44, Global ^SC("
^XWB(8994,2418,2,8,1,1,0)="Array of Text to add to the New Note."
^XWB(8994,2418,2,9,1,1,0)="Date of the Note. For New Notes."
^XWB(8994,2418,2,10,1,1,0)="DA of Consult to Link this note to."
^XWB(8994,2418,3,1,0)="If success : result = ""1^Note was created."""
^XWB(8994,2418,3,2,0)="If success and Administratively Closed."
^XWB(8994,2418,3,3,0)=" result = ""1^Note was created. Administrative Closure."""
^XWB(8994,2418,3,4,0)="If success and Signed"
^XWB(8994,2418,3,5,0)=" result = ""1^Note was created. Signed."""
^XWB(8994,2418,3,6,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2418,3,7,0)="If error: result = ""0^<error message>"" "
^XWB(8994,2419,1,1,0)="For the Document Class that is input,"
^XWB(8994,2419,1,2,0)=" get a list of Progress Note titles"
^XWB(8994,2419,2,1,1,1,0)=""","" Delimited list of Classes to get the list of Note Titles for."
^XWB(8994,2419,2,2,1,1,0)="If '1', then return list of 'Users' TIU Titles."
^XWB(8994,2419,2,2,1,2,0)="If '0' or null, then return long list of titles."
^XWB(8994,2419,3,1,0)="Returns a list of Note Titles for the class."
^XWB(8994,2420,1,1,0)="Creates a TIU Addendum to a document."
^XWB(8994,2420,1,2,0)=" RPC call to create an Addendum to a Note"
^XWB(8994,2420,1,3,0)=" and Optionally : "
^XWB(8994,2420,1,4,0)=" Electronically Sign the Addendum"
^XWB(8994,2420,1,5,0)=" Administratively Close the Addendum"
^XWB(8994,2420,1,6,0)=" Add Text to the Addendum"
^XWB(8994,2420,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN of the Patient."
^XWB(8994,2420,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the Note in file ^TIU(8925"
^XWB(8994,2420,2,3,1,1,0)=" 1 = Mark this Note as Administratively Closed"
^XWB(8994,2420,2,3,1,2,0)=" otherwise it will be Un-Signed"
^XWB(8994,2420,2,4,1,1,0)="Mode of Admin Closure:"
^XWB(8994,2420,2,4,1,2,0)="""S"" = Scanned Document"
^XWB(8994,2420,2,4,1,3,0)="""M"" = Manual closure"
^XWB(8994,2420,2,5,1,1,0)="The encrypted Electronic Signature"
^XWB(8994,2420,2,6,1,1,0)=" The DUZ of the Signer (Defaults to DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,2420,2,7,1,1,0)="Array of Text to add to the New Note."
^XWB(8994,2420,2,8,1,1,0)="The Date of the New TIU Note/Addendum"
^XWB(8994,2420,3,1,0)="If success :"
^XWB(8994,2420,3,2,0)=" result = ""<TIU IEN>^Addendum was created."""
^XWB(8994,2420,3,3,0)="If success and Administratively Closed."
^XWB(8994,2420,3,4,0)=" result =""<TIU IEN>^Addendum was created. Administrative Closure."""
^XWB(8994,2420,3,5,0)="If success and signed."
^XWB(8994,2420,3,6,0)=" result =""<TIU IEN>^Addendum was created. Signed."""
^XWB(8994,2420,3,7,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2420,3,8,0)="If error: "
^XWB(8994,2420,3,9,0)=" result =""0^<error message>"""
^XWB(8994,2421,1,1,0)="Calls TIU API : SIGN^TIUSRVP"
^XWB(8994,2421,1,2,0)="If the call succeeds the Note will be changed to 'completed'"
^XWB(8994,2421,1,3,0)="If the call fails, the Note status will not be changed."
^XWB(8994,2421,2,1,1,1,0)="Patient DFN"
^XWB(8994,2421,2,2,1,1,0)="The TIU Document IEN from File ^TIU(8925"
^XWB(8994,2421,2,3,1,1,0)="The users encrypted Electronic Signature."
^XWB(8994,2421,2,4,1,1,0)="The DUZ of the Signer (defaults to Partition Variable: DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,2421,3,1,0)="If success the result is: ""1^Success: Note has been Signed."""
^XWB(8994,2421,3,2,0)="If error the result is: ""0^<error message>"""
^XWB(8994,2422,1,1,0)="Modify an Existing Note. "
^XWB(8994,2422,1,2,0)="Change it's status from unsigned to administrative closure"
^XWB(8994,2422,1,3,0)="or to signed."
^XWB(8994,2422,2,1,1,1,0)="DFN of the Patient."
^XWB(8994,2422,2,2,1,1,0)="This is the IEN of the Note in file ^TIU(8925"
^XWB(8994,2422,2,3,1,1,0)=" 1 = Mark this Note as Administratively Closed"
^XWB(8994,2422,2,3,1,2,0)=" otherwise it will be Un-Signed"
^XWB(8994,2422,2,4,1,1,0)="Mode of Admin Closure:"
^XWB(8994,2422,2,4,1,2,0)="""S"" = Scanned Document"
^XWB(8994,2422,2,4,1,3,0)="""M"" = Manual closure"
^XWB(8994,2422,2,5,1,1,0)="The encrypted Electronic Signature"
^XWB(8994,2422,2,6,1,1,0)=" The DUZ of the Signer (Defaults to DUZ)"
^XWB(8994,2422,2,7,1,1,0)="Array of Text to add to the Note."
^XWB(8994,2422,3,1,0)="If success :"
^XWB(8994,2422,3,2,0)=" result = ""<TIU IEN>^Addendum was created."""
^XWB(8994,2422,3,3,0)="If success and Administratively Closed."
^XWB(8994,2422,3,4,0)=" result =""<TIU IEN>^Addendum was created..."
^XWB(8994,2422,3,5,0)=" Administrative Closure."""
^XWB(8994,2422,3,6,0)="If success and signed."
^XWB(8994,2422,3,7,0)=" result =""<TIU IEN>^Addendum was created. Signed."""
^XWB(8994,2422,3,8,0)=" "
^XWB(8994,2422,3,9,0)="If error:"
^XWB(8994,2422,3,10,0)=" result =""0^<error message>"""
^XWB(8994,2423,1,1,0)="RPC to evaluate the status of an Imaging Version."
^XWB(8994,2423,2,1,1,1,0)="The Imaging Version to be checked. In the format"
^XWB(8994,2423,2,1,1,2,0)=" MAG*3.0*59 or 3.0.59"
^XWB(8994,2423,3,2,0)=" 0^No Install record for KIDs Build : MAGVER"
^XWB(8994,2423,3,3,0)=" 1^Unknown Release Status for : MAGVER"
^XWB(8994,2423,3,4,0)=" 2^Alpha/Beta Version"
^XWB(8994,2423,3,5,0)=" 3^Released Version"
^XWB(8994,2424,1,1,0)="Checks to see if IEN of TIU Files 8925 or 8925.1 is of a certain Doc Class"
^XWB(8994,2424,2,1,1,1,0)="Internal Entry Number in the TIUFILE"
^XWB(8994,2424,2,2,1,1,0)=" IS - 8925 if we need to see if a Note is of a Document Class"
^XWB(8994,2424,2,2,1,2,0)=" IS - 8925.1 if we need to see if a Title is of a Document Class"
^XWB(8994,2424,2,3,1,1,0)="Text Name of the Document Class example: ""ADVANCE DIRECTIVE"""
^XWB(8994,2424,3,1,0)="MAGRY= Return String "
^XWB(8994,2424,3,2,0)=" for Success ""1^message"""
^XWB(8994,2424,3,3,0)=" for Failure ""0^message"""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV CREATE ENCOUNTER",2242)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV CREATE OUTCOME",1484)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV FULLSSN",1496)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV GET OUTCOME TEXT",1485)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV GET PN TITLES",2244)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV GET PT OUTCOMES",1486)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV GET PTALL",1487)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV GET PTLAST5",1488)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV GUI PARAMETER",1494)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV PROBLEM LIST",2243)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV PTINFO CORE",1489)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV SET RECORD STATUS",1492)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV TANRVMESSAGE",1491)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV TANRVPATIENT",1493)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ANRV TANRVUSER",1495)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD COMB TM LIST",2413)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET CONSULT",2370)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET DNR TITLES",2377)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET IMAGING",2371)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET LABS",2372)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET ONE PARAMETER",2369)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET PAT LIST",2367)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET PREFERENCES",2379)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET TEAM FILENAME",2416)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET TEMP FLD",2366)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET USER DIVISIONS",2387)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD GET XPAR VALUES",2404)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT CAN EDIT",2391)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT DELETE PAT/PRV",2397)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT DELETE TEAM LIST",2395)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT MODIFY LIST",2392)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT PATIENT LIST",2389)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT PATPRV",2396)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT PROVIDER LIST",2390)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT PROVIDER LIST2",2398)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT PRV INFO",2393)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT TEAM LIST",2388)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT TEAM MGR",2415)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT TEAM PHONE INFO",2402)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD HOT TEAM SAVE",2394)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD INPT LIST",2414)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD IS RECORD LOCKED",2382)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD LIST DIVISIONS",2375)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD LIST SERVICES",2374)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD MGR",2383)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD MOD TM PROVIDERS",2405)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD PAT ACTMEDS",2364)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD PAT ALLERGIES",2363)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD PAT CODESTS",2365)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD PAT DEMO",2362)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD SAVE DNR TITLES",2376)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD SAVE PARAMETERS",2373)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD SAVE TEAM FILENAME",2417)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD SAVE TEMP FLD",2361)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD SERVICE INFO",2384)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD SORT PRINT LIST",2386)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD SPECIALTY INFO",2385)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD TM PRV INFO",2407)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD TM PRV LIST",2406)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD USER PHONE INFO",2381)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","CRHD USER PHONE NUMBERS",2401)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DDR DELETE ENTRY",143)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DDR FILER",141)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DDR FIND1",145)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DDR FINDER",147)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DDR GET DD HELP",146)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DDR GETS ENTRY DATA",139)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DDR KEY VALIDATOR",353)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DDR LISTER",140)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DDR LOCK/UNLOCK NODE",144)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DDR VALIDATOR",142)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV ADA CODES QUICK",1067)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV ADA GET COSTS",2045)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV ADD QL ENTRY",1068)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV ALERTS",2087)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV DD FIELD UPDATE",1069)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV DD GET 228",1070)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV DD GET DATA",1072)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV DD GET/ADD RECORD",1073)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV DD SECURITY KEY",1074)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV DELETE QL ENTRY",1076)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV DENT HISTORY ENC",1077)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV DENTAL PROVIDER",1087)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV EXCEL EXTRACT",1079)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV FEE BASIS ADD",1890)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV FEE BASIS LIST",1891)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV FILE ADMIN TIME",1080)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV FILE DATA",1081)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV FILE PARAMETERS",1959)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV GET ALL PROVIDERS",1926)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV GET CATEG/CODES",1082)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV GET CATEGORIES",1083)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV GET CODE LIST",1084)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV GET COVER PAGE INFO",2255)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV GET VA-DSS PRODUCTS",1962)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV MULT PARAM",1648)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV NEW EXTRACT",1930)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV REPORT DATA",1925)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV REPORT KLF",2043)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TIU GET TEMPL DATA",2030)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TOOTH HISTORY",1085)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP ADD ENCOUNTER",1895)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP FILE HNC",1894)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP FILE PERIO",1893)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP FILE PSR",1892)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP FILE TOOTH NOTE",1898)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP GET ADA TABLE",1896)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP GET HNC",1900)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP GET LAST STATUS",2256)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP GET PERIO",1902)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP GET PROVIDERS",1897)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP GET PSR",1901)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DENTV TP GET TOOTH NOTES",1899)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DG CHK BS5 XREF ARRAY",406)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DG CHK BS5 XREF Y/N",405)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DG CHK PAT/DIV MEANS TEST",409)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGQE GET PATIENT DEMO",1931)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGQE SET CARD ID",1932)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGRR CANCEL SEARCH",2179)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGRR GET LOOKUP TYPE LIST",2176)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGWPT BYWARD",1222)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGWPT CLINRNG",1221)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGWPT DFLTSRC",1217)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGWPT DIEDON",1223)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGWPT SAVDFLT",1220)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGWPT SELCHK",1219)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGWPT SELECT",1225)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGWPT TOP",1218)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DGWPT1 PRCARE",1224)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC ACTIVE USER",1644)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC ACTIVE USER LIST",1646)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC ADD PROBLEM",1600)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC CPT FIND",1955)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC CPT GET CODE",1622)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC CPT GET DETAIL DESC",1623)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC CPT GET MODIFIER",1625)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC CPT MOD PAIR",1626)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DATE CONVERT",1615)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DDR DELETE ENTRY",1588)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DDR FILER",1584)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DDR FINDER",1585)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DDR GETS ENTRY DATA",1586)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DDR LISTER",1587)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DDR UPDATE FILE",1589)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DDR UPDATE SUBFILE",1590)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DDR WP FILER",1591)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DDVG XLATE DATA2IDX",1593)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DDVG XLATE IDX2DATA",1592)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DM ADD/DELETE QUEUE",1595)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DM CHECK",1634)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DM GET STATUS",1594)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DPT GET DEMO",1583)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DPT GET ICN",2097)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DPT GET ID",2210)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DPT ICN TO DFN",2098)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DPT INP INFO",1642)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DPT INP INFO BRIEF",1643)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC DPT TEST PATIENT",2211)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC FM DINUM",1582)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC FM EXTERNAL",1638)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC FM FILER",1614)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC FM FIND",1647)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC FM GET FIELD ATTRIB",1637)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC FM LIST",1645)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC FM VERIFY FIELD",1640)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC FM VERIFY FILE",1639)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC GET SC CONDITIONS",1596)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC GET SCHED APPTS",1597)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC GET VISITS ONLY",1599)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC ICD9 ACTIVE",1627)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC ICD9 GET DIAGNOSIS",1628)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC ICD9 GET LIST",1632)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC LOCK",2099)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC PX GET VISIT FLDS",2101)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC PX GET VISIT INFO",1633)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC PX GET VISIT INFO2",1954)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC PX IMMUN LIST",1620)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC PX PRIMARY",1635)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC SEND ALERT",1603)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC SEND MAIL MSG",1602)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC SR DETAIL",1613)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC SR LIST",1612)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC TIU GET RECORD TEXT",1957)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC UPDATE PROBLEM",1601)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC USER DEF DIV",1619)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC VA DEFAULT SITE",1636)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC WARD PTF SPECIALTY",1641)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XIP",1631)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR ADD",1604)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR DEL",1606)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR DEL ALL",1607)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR EDIT",1605)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR GET ALL",1610)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR GET ALL FOR ENT",1608)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR GET PARAM LIST",2102)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR GET VALUE",1609)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR GET WP",1629)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR MULT ACTION",1630)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPAR REPLACE INST",1611)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPD LAST INSTALL",1616)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPD PATCH",1617)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XPD VERSION",1618)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIC XUPROD",2104)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR ADD ANNOTATION",2081)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR ADD DOCUMENT",1651)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR ADD NONCOMP PAT",1678)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR ADD/EDIT ROI",1675)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR AMOUNT BILLED RPT",2077)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR BILL AUDIT HISTORY",2072)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR BILL HISTORY",2071)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR CHECK PREV REQ",1656)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR CLEANUP",1653)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR CLERKS LIST",1664)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR COMB PAY AND AUD HIST",2074)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR CURRENT STATUS",1668)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR DELETE REQUESTOR",1680)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR FEES OUT RPT",2076)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR FEES OUTSTANDING",2069)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR FEES REC RPT",2075)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR FEES RECEIVED",2068)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR FIRST CLOSED DATE",2084)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR FOIA VALIDATION",1906)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET ADDRESSES",1666)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET AUTHORITY",1673)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET BILL DOCS",2070)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET BILL INFO",2065)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET DIVISIONS",1684)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET DOC DATES",1657)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET DOCUMENT TYPES",1679)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET DOCUMENTS",1652)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET EXEMPTION 3 INFO",1682)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET FOIA OFFSETS",2233)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET REQUEST TYPES",1671)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR GET ROIS",1674)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR KILL BILL",2080)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR LAST CLOSED DATE",2085)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR LIST FOIA OFFSETS",2232)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR PAYMENT",2064)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR PRIORTY REPORT",2079)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR REFORMAT REPORTS",1676)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR REQUEST INQUIRY",2083)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR REQUESTS BY DATE",1650)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR RPT BY REQUESTOR",1661)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR RPT REQUESTS BY TYPE",1663)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR SET DOC DATES",1658)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR SET FOLLOWUP DATE",1654)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR SET LOCKED STATUS",2235)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR STATUS HISTORY",1669)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR STATUS ON DATE",1677)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR STILL OPEN",2078)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR TOTAL CHARGES",2067)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR UPDATE ADDRESS",1665)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR UPDATE BILL",2063)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR UPDATE STATUS",1667)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DSIR YEAR END FOIA REPORT",1681)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB 2507 PENDING REPORT",886)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB AMIS REPORT",889)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB DATETIME",888)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB DIVISION",903)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB EXAMS BY DATE",1977)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB FETCH 1U4N",2035)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB FIND DUPS",2041)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB FIND EXAMS",879)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB FORM COPY",2040)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB FORM DATA BACKUP",2037)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB GET URL",2118)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB GET VISIT INFO",1824)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB INST LIST",887)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB LABLIST",901)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB LOAD FORM",1979)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB MAIL INIT",1531)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB MPI ASSIGN ICN",1534)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB NEW PERSON FILE",2034)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB NOTE TITLES",1823)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB PENDING C&P REPORT",891)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB PTINQ",883)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB REPORT 7131INQ",900)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB REPORT ADMINQ",893)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB REPORT LISTS",882)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB REPORT PENDING7131",898)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB REPORT READMIT",896)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB REPORT SPECIAL",1975)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB REPORTS",1530)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB SAVE FORM",1976)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB SEND MSG",880)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB SET DIVISION",2042)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB SURGERY CASE",1532)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB TEAM PATIENTS",1529)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB TEMPLATE LIST",1978)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","DVBAB VERSION",902)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EAS ESR MESSAGING",2343)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC CLASHELP",936)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC DIEDON",1161)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC DSSCATCHECK",929)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC FILER",930)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETBATPROCS",915)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETCAT",927)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETCPTLST",912)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETDATE",935)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETDSSECS",932)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETDSSUNIT",926)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETDSSUNITUSRS",904)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETECLOC",910)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETECSCATS",914)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETECSCREEN",905)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETECSDETAIL",907)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETECSPROCS",913)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETENCDXS",925)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETIEN",917)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETLIST",931)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETLOC",933)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETNATPX",921)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETPATCH",1375)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETPATCLASTAT",924)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETPATELIG",923)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETPATINFO",918)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETPATPROCS",908)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETPRODEFS",934)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETPROVIDER",920)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETPXLST",928)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETPXMODIFIER",919)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETPXREASON",906)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETSCNHELP",909)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETUSRDSSUNIT",911)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETVERSION",1577)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC GETVISITINFO",1374)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC REPORTS",916)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","EC SPACEBAR",1140)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","FSC RPC",2032)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV ADD VM",1267)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV ALLERGY",1275)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV CHECK DEVICE",1291)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV CLINIC PT",1276)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV CONVERT DATE",1266)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV CUMULATIVE REPORT",1281)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV DLL VERSION",2116)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV EXTRACT REC",1268)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV GET CATEGORY IEN",1576)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV GET CURRENT TIME",1288)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV GET VITAL TYPE IEN",1575)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV LATEST VM",1279)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV LOCATION SELECT",2117)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV MANAGER",1286)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV MARK ERROR",1271)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV NUR UNIT PT",1290)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV PARAMETER",1292)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV PT GRAPH",1272)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV PTSELECT",1278)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV QUALIFIER TABLE",1285)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV ROOM/BED",1280)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV TEAM PATIENTS",1274)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV USER",1289)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV V/M ALLDATA",1273)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV VITALS/CAT/QUAL",1277)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV WARD LOCATION",1269)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV WARD PT",1270)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","GMV WARD/ROOM PATIENTS",1287)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBARXM QUERY ONLY",769)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBARXM TRANS BILL",1117)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBARXM TRANS DATA",770)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBCN INSURANCE QUERY",1497)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD ELAPSED TIME",79)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD EXPAND FORMID",70)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD GET ALL PCE DATA",113)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD GET FORMSPEC",71)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD GET FORMSPEC GLOBAL",1568)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD GET PAST APPT LIST",114)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD GET SCAN PAGE INFO",1569)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD RECEIVE DATA",77)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD RECEIVE FORM DATA",75)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD RETURN IMAGE ID",78)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD STORE IMAGE NAME",81)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBD VALIDATE USER",76)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","IBO MT LTC COPAY QUERY",1320)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD ENVIRONMENT",1810)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD ERROR LOG DATA",1813)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD ERROR LOG DATE",1820)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD FILE INQUIRY",1811)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD FILE SEARCH",1808)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD FM DATE",1819)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD GLOBAL LIST",1812)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD ROUTINE FIND",1814)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD ROUTINE INQ",1815)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD ROUTINE LINE SRCH",1816)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD ROUTINE SAVE",1818)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD ROUTINE STATS",1817)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","KMPD VERSION",1809)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG ABSJB",946)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG CFIND QUERY",2196)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG CONSULT MSG CREATE",939)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM AUDIT COUNT",1838)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM AUDIT PURGE",1839)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM AUDIT RANGE",1840)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM ET PHONE HOME",1841)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM FILEMAN GET",1842)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM FIND LOCATION",1843)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM GET BASIC IMAGE",1844)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM GET DOMAIN",1845)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM GET HIGHEST HL7",1846)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM GET ICN",2215)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM GET IMAGE GROUP",1847)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM GET PATIENT",1850)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM GET PLACE",1851)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM GET RAD RPT INFO",1852)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM GET VERSION",1854)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM IMAGE AUDIT GET",1856)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM LOOKUP STUDY",1861)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM PURGE HL7",1865)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM QUEUE IMAGE",1866)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM QUEUE INIT",1867)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM ROUTE EVAL LOG",1868)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM ROUTE EVAL STOP",1870)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM ROUTE GET PURGE",1871)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM ROUTE LOG XMIT",1875)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM ROUTE NEXT FILE",1876)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM ROUTE REQUEUE",1879)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM ROUTE STATUS",1880)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM SET PACS PARAMS",1883)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM TEXT AUDIT GET",1884)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DICOM UPDATE SCU LIST",1887)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG DIRHASH",1948)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG EKG ONLINE",1024)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG FLD ATT",1952)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG GET ENV",1941)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG GET NETLOC",1023)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG NEW SOP INSTANCE UID",2216)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG RAD GET NEXT RPT BY DATE",2217)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG RAD GET NEXT RPT BY PT",2218)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG STUDY UID QUERY",2200)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG VISTA CHECKSUMS",2201)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG3 CPRS TIU NOTE",1015)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG3 LOGACTION",977)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG3 LOOKUP ANY",1013)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG3 TIU CREATE ADDENDUM",2420)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG3 TIU DATA FROM DA",1014)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG3 TIU IMAGE",1012)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG3 TIU LONG LIST OF TITLES",2419)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG3 TIU MODIFY NOTE",2422)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG3 TIU NEW",2418)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG3 TIU SIGN RECORD",2421)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 ADD IMAGE",1256)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 CP CONSULT TO TIUDA",1258)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 CP GET REQUESTS",1259)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 CP GET VISITS",1260)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 CP UPDATE CONSULT",1262)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 CT PRESETS GET",1943)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 CT PRESETS SAVE",1942)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 DATA FROM IMPORT QUEUE",1255)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 FILTER DELETE",1947)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 FILTER DETAILS",1944)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 FILTER GET LIST",1945)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 FILTER SAVE",1946)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 GET FILE FORMAT INFO",1940)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 GET IMAGE INFO",1939)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 INDEX GET EVENT",1936)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 INDEX GET SPECIALTY",1937)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 INDEX GET TYPE",1935)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 PAT GET IMAGES",1938)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 POST PROCESS ACTIONS",1934)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 POST PROCESSING",1122)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 REMOTE IMPORT",1254)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 STATUS CALLBACK",1257)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 VALIDATE DATA",1253)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 VERSION CHECK",1123)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAG4 VERSION STATUS",2423)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGD CR PARAMS",2359)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGD CT PARAMS",2358)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG CONS",1950)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG CPRS RAD EXAM",997)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG DEV FIELD VALUES",937)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG DEV SHOW NODE",974)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG DTTM",964)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG GET TIMEOUT",1006)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG GROUP IMAGES",999)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG IMAGE DELETE",973)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG IMAGE INFO",972)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG INSTALL",1949)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG IS DOC CLASS",2424)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG LOG ERROR TEXT",1026)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG LOGOFF",969)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG MED DICOMID",982)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG MED NEW",971)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG PAT BS5 CHECK",1022)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG PAT EACH IMAGE",1004)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG PAT FIND",1020)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG PAT IMAGES",1000)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG PAT INFO",1021)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG PAT PHOTOS",1025)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG PLACE",1951)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG QUE IMAGE",978)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG QUE IMAGE GROUP",979)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG QUE LIST",981)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG QUE PATIENT",980)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG SYS GLOBAL NODE",998)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG SYS WRKS DISPLAY",970)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG SYS WRKS SESSIONS",975)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG VERIFY ESIG",967)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGG WRKS UPDATES",968)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGGACTION LOG",963)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGGLAB FILE",956)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGGLAB MICRO",953)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGGLAB SECT",954)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGGLAB STAIN",952)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGGLAB START",955)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGGSUR FILE",962)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGGSUR GET",961)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ CACHELOCATION",1135)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ CPTMATCH",2208)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ CUSTOM LISTS",1136)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ EXAM REPORT",1138)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ HISTORYLIST",2205)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ LOGOFF",1431)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ PRIOREXAMS",1132)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ PT ALL EXAMS",1137)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ PT INFO",1139)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ PTRADEXAMS",1126)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ RADACTIVEEXAMS",1130)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ RADCASEIMAGES",1131)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ RADCASELOCKS",2204)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ RADORDERDISP",1134)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ RADSTATUSCHECK",2203)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ REMOTESCREEN",2209)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ ROUTE ENABLE",1127)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ ROUTE EXAMS",1129)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ ROUTE REQUEST",1128)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ STUDY_DATA",2206)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ USER DATA",2202)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGJ USER2",2207)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ ABP",984)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ ALL SERVER",988)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ COQ",2213)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ CUPDTE",996)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ DFNIQ",1105)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ DIK",1018)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ ELOGR",1002)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ FS CHNGE",990)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ FS UPDATE",989)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ FTYPE",991)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ GET",987)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ ISN",1019)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ JBQUE",1001)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ JBS",1009)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ JBSCN",1010)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ JH RPT",1003)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ JPUD",1016)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ QCNT",2214)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ QUD",986)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ REQ",985)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ SHARES",1011)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ SYSTEM",1027)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ VCUD",1017)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQ VOK",2360)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQB PURNUL",1008)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQB QSL",1005)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQB QUEDEL",1007)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQBP ALL SHARES",995)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQBP FREF",994)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQBP PARM",993)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MAGQBP UPDATE",992)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD GATEWAY",1837)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDCIDC",2349)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDENCOUNTER",2351)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDLEX",2350)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDNOTE",2348)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDOUTPUT",1832)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDPARAMETER",1830)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDPATIENT",1834)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDPROCEDURE",1833)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDRECORDID",1831)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDSUBMITU",2352)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDTRANSACTION",1835)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDUSER",1829)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD TMDWIDGET",2345)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MD UTILITIES",1836)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MDK GET VISTA DATA",2344)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MDK GET/SET RENAL DATA",2347)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MDK UTILITY",2346)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MHV LOG CONFIG",2226)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MHV LOG DETAIL",2225)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MHV LOG INFO",2222)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MHV LOG OFF",2220)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MHV LOG ON",2219)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MHV LOG PURGE",2221)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MHV LOG SIZE",2223)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MHV LOG SUMMARY",2224)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF ACK CHECK",1263)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF CHANGE CMOR",1245)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF CMOR PUSH REMOTE",1933)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF EXT PDAT REMOTE",1248)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF ICN STATS",1247)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF INACTIVATE",1249)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF REMOTE ICN UPDATE",1251)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF REMOTE SPI",1250)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF SEEDING STATS",1433)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF SEEDING UPDATE",1432)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","MPIF SSN DUPS",1246)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS CHANGE CASE STATUS",1396)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS CHECK PAID EMP DATA",1429)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS CLEAR SIGNATURE",1423)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS CREATE AMENDMENT",1394)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS DELETE UNION",1401)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS DELETE WITNESS",1408)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS EDIT 2260",1395)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS EMPLOYEE DATA",1386)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET 2260 DATA",1388)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET ASISTS CASE",1428)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET BODY PART",1382)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET CASE NUMBERS",1383)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET CKRANGE",1390)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET DATA",1399)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET DEFAULT MD",1392)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET DUPLICATES",1384)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET FAC SHORT LIST",1966)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET INSTITUTIONS",1570)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET MISC REPORT DATA",1965)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET NOI CODE",1425)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET OSHA DATA",1421)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET POINTED TO",1381)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET PRT ACC STATUS RPT",1422)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET SINGLE FIELD",1430)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET SITE PARAMETER",1403)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET SUPERVISOR",1393)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET UNION",1400)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS GET WITNESSES",1391)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS INCIDENT REPORT",1419)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS LIST CAS",1968)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS LOAD OOPS",1385)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS MANUAL XMIT DATA",1418)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS MULTIPLE DATA",1969)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS NEEDLESTICK LOG",1424)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS NEW PERSON DATA",1387)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS PUT UNION",1402)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS REPLACE DATE/TIME",1389)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS REPLACE MULTIPLE",1415)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS REPLACE WP",1397)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS SELECT CA7",1967)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS SENSITIVE DATA",1571)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS SET FIELD",1404)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS SET OSHA300A",2031)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS SET RECORD LOCK",1426)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS SIGN CA7",1971)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS UNION CONSENT",1416)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS VALIDATE AND SIGN",1414)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS VALIDATE TIME",1398)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS WCEDIT",1420)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS WITNESS CREATE",1409)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS WITNESS DELETE",1411)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OOPS WITNESS EDIT",1410)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORB DELETE ALERT",184)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORB FOLLOW-UP ARRAY",187)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORB FOLLOW-UP STRING",183)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORB FOLLOW-UP TYPE",186)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORB FORWARD ALERT",1564)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORB RENEW ALERT",1565)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORB SORT METHOD",203)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA1 CHK94",1148)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA1 DOSEALT",1151)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA1 FAILDEA",1149)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA1 FORMALT",1150)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA1 ODSLCT",1147)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA1 SCHALL",1152)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA32 AUTH",1153)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA32 DLGSLCT",1146)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA32 DRUGMSG",1154)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA32 FORMALT",1155)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA32 ISSPLY",1157)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA32 IVAMT",1158)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA32 VALRATE",1159)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA32 VALROUTE",1156)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA32 VALSCH",1160)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA5 GETIVID",1143)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA5 GETUD",1141)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA5 GETUDID",1142)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORBCMA5 ODITMBC",1144)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORECS01 CHKESSO",1347)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORECS01 ECPRINT",1350)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORECS01 ECRPT",1351)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORECS01 GETDIV",1361)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORECS01 SAVPATH",1552)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORECS01 VSITID",1348)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX ACTIVE",1324)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX LIST",1349)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX PAT",1323)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 AUTHMREL",1364)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 CHGEVT",1337)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 CMEVTS",1366)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 COMP",1369)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 CPACT",1345)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 CURSPE",1342)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 DEFLTS",1355)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 DELDFLT",1359)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 DELPTEVT",1339)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 DFLTDLG",1360)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 DFLTEVT",1343)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 DIV",1333)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 DIV1",1334)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 DLGIEN",1373)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 DONE",1344)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 EMPTY",1338)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 EVT",1328)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 EXISTS",1329)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 GETDLG",1341)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 GETSTS",1550)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 GTEVT",1326)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 GTEVT1",1332)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 HAVEPRT",1365)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 ISDCOD",1352)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 ISHDORD",1370)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 ISPASS",1371)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 ISPASS1",1372)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 LOC",1335)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 LOC1",1336)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 MATCH",1331)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 MULTS",1356)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 NAME",1330)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 ODPTEVID",1367)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 PRMPTID",1346)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 PROMPT IDS",1357)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 PUTEVNT",1325)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 SETDFLT",1353)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 TYPEXT",1362)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","OREVNTX1 WRLSTED",1327)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORIMO IMOLOC",1751)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORIMO IMOOD",1752)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORIMO ISCLOC",2011)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORIMO ISIVQO",2012)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORK TRIGGER",479)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORPRF CLEAR",1557)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORPRF GETFLG",1556)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORPRF HASCAT1",1922)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORPRF HASFLG",1554)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORPRF TRIGGER POPUP",2170)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQ NULL LIST",207)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQOR DETAIL",188)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQOR LIST",198)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQORB SORT",552)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT CLINICS",181)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT KILL RPL",1164)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT MAKE RPL",1162)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT PROVIDERS",173)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT READ RPL",1163)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT SPECIALTIES",176)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT TEAM PATIENTS",179)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT TEAMS",178)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT WARD PATIENTS",180)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT WARDRMBED",196)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQPT WARDS",185)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQAL DETAIL",166)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQAL LIST",165)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQAL LIST REPORT",209)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN ADDCMT",485)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN CANEDIT",684)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN DETAIL",478)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN DISCONTINUE",481)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN FIND CONSULT",562)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN FORWARD",482)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN GET CONSULT",486)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN GET PROC IEN",1044)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN GET PROC SVCS",563)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN GET SERVICE IEN",663)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN LIST",477)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN LOAD FOR EDIT",613)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN MED RESULTS",489)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN PRINT SF513",497)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN PROVDX",664)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN RECEIVE",480)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN RESUBMIT",610)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN SET ACT MENUS",483)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN SF513 WINDOWS PRINT",667)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN SHOW SF513",496)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN SIGFIND",549)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN STATUS",488)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN SVC W/SYNONYMS",832)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN SVCLIST",618)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN SVCTREE",487)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN UNRESOLVED",1538)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN URGENCIES",484)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN2 GET CONTEXT",647)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQCN2 SAVE CONTEXT",648)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQLR DETAIL",199)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL ADD SAVE",257)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL AUDIT HIST",262)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL CHECK DUP",658)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL CLIN SRCH",256)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL DELETE",260)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL DETAIL",168)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL EDIT LOAD",248)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL EDIT SAVE",254)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL INACTIVATE",623)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL INIT PT",249)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL INIT USER",258)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL LIST",167)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL PROB COMMENTS",602)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL PROBLEM LIST",243)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL PROVIDER LIST",251)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL REPLACE",263)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL SAVEVIEW",639)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL SRVC SRCH",274)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL UPDATE",259)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL USER PROB CATS",245)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL USER PROB LIST",246)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPL VERIFY",264)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPP LIST",195)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPS DETAIL",202)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPS LIST",182)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPX GET FOLDERS",835)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPX GET NOT PURPOSE",1546)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPX IMMUN LIST",197)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPX LVREMLST",865)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPX SAVELVL",866)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPX SET FOLDERS",836)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPXRM GEC DIALOG",1756)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPXRM GEC FINISHED?",1759)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPXRM MHV",2165)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQPXRM MST UPDATE",1061)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQVI NOTEVIT",548)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQVI VITALS",171)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQVI1 DETAIL",632)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQVI1 GRID",346)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQVI2 VITALS HELP",491)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQVI2 VITALS VAL & STORE",495)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORQQVS DETAIL NOTES",200)=""
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^XWB(8994,"B","ORWLRR UTGA",292)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWLRR UTGD",294)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWLRR UTGR",293)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWMHV MHV",2154)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWNSS CHKSCH",2009)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWNSS NSSMSG",2006)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWNSS QOSCH",2007)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWNSS VALSCH",2008)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR ACTION TEXT",1755)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR EXPIRED",1921)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR PKISITE",1368)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR PKIUSE",1167)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR RESULT",515)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR RESULT HISTORY",1321)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR SHEETS",633)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR TSALL",634)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR UNSIGN",722)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR VWGET",694)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR VWSET",695)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR1 CHKDIG",1170)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR1 GETDEA",1527)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR1 GETDSCH",1528)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR1 GETDSIG",1172)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR1 GETDTEXT",1171)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR1 SETDTEXT",1526)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWOR1 SIG",1173)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORB FASTUSER",551)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORB GETDATA",561)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORB GETSORT",1920)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORB SETSORT",1919)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORB TEXT FOLLOWUP",1252)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORDG ALLTREE",333)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORDG GRPSEQB",530)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORDG IEN",335)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORDG MAPSEQ",330)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORDG REVSTS",334)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORR AGET",547)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORR GET",210)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORR GET4LST",546)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORR GETBYIFN",614)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORR GETTXT",573)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWORR RGET",1363)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE ACTIVE CODE",1555)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE ACTIVE PROV",521)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE ACTPROB",560)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE ANYTIME",853)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE ASKPCE",702)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE CPTMODS",740)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE CPTREQD",337)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE CXNOSHOW",1989)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE DELETE",339)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE DIAG",320)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE FORCE",692)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE GAFOK",688)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE GAFURL",703)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE GET EXAM TYPE",458)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE GET EXCLUDED",869)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE GET SET OF CODES",453)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE GET VISIT",683)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE GETMOD",741)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE GETSVC",831)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE HASCPT",701)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE HASVISIT",739)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE HF",450)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE HNCOK",1111)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE IMM",447)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE ISCLINIC",1059)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE LEX",340)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE LEXCODE",341)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE LOADGAF",689)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE MHCLINIC",687)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE MHTESTOK",720)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE NOTEVSTR",338)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE PCE4NOTE",329)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE PED",449)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE PROC",321)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE SAVE",336)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE SAVEGAF",690)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE SCDIS",326)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE SCSEL",327)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE SK",448)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE TRT",451)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE VISIT",322)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE XAM",452)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPCE1 NONCOUNT",2148)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPFSS IS PFSS ACTIVE?",2150)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPS ACTIVE",347)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPS COVER",538)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPS DETAIL",349)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPS MEDHIST",1114)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPS REASON",1910)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPS1 NEWDLG",619)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPS1 PICKUP",620)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPS1 REFILL",621)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT ADMITLST",224)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT APPTLST",222)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT BYWARD",665)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT CLINRNG",279)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT CWAD",629)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT DFLTSRC",348)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT DIEDON",627)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT DISCHARGE",537)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT ENCTITL",284)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT FULLSSN",646)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT FULLSSN RPL",1169)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT ID INFO",190)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT INPLOC",723)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT LAST5",277)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT LAST5 RPL",1168)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT LEGACY",686)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT LIST ALL",191)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT PTINQ",319)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT SAVDFLT",545)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT SELCHK",282)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT SELECT",283)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT SHARE",352)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT TOP",281)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT1 PCDETAIL",588)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT1 PRCARE",587)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT16 ADMITLST",304)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT16 APPTLST",303)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT16 DEMOG",301)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT16 GETVSIT",302)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT16 ID INFO",298)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT16 LIST ALL",299)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT16 LOOKUP",300)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWPT16 PSCNVT",305)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRA IMAGING EXAMS",241)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRA IMAGING EXAMS1",1063)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRA PRINT REPORT",261)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRA REPORT TEXT",242)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRA REPORT TEXT1",1064)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP COLUMN HEADERS",860)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP LAB REPORT LISTS",830)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP PRINT LAB REMOTE",731)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP PRINT REPORT",252)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP PRINT V REPORT",1053)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP REPORT LISTS",244)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP REPORT TEXT",250)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP1 LISTNUTR",345)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP16 REPORT LISTS",324)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP16 REPORT TEXT",323)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP2 COMPABV",1055)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP2 COMPDISP",1058)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP2 GETLKUP",1057)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP2 HS COMP FILES",677)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP2 HS COMPONENT SUBS",735)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP2 HS COMPONENTS",676)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP2 HS FILE LOOKUP",679)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP2 HS REPORT TEXT",678)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP2 HS SUBITEMS",680)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP2 SAVLKUP",1056)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP3 EXPAND COLUMNS",1045)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWRP4 HDR MODIFY",2163)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWSR CASELIST",1041)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWSR GET SURG CONTEXT",1036)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWSR IS NON-OR PROCEDURE",1043)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWSR LIST",1035)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWSR ONECASE",1040)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWSR RPTLIST",1060)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWSR SAVE SURG CONTEXT",1037)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWSR SHOW SURG TAB",1034)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTIU CANLINK",876)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTIU CHKTXT",2010)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTIU GET TIU CONTEXT",649)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTIU WINPRINT NOTE",675)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD ACTDF",1051)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD DELDFLT",1046)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD GETDFLT",1047)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD GETIMG",1175)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD GETOCM",1562)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD GETSETS",1052)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD PUTOCM",1563)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD RSDFLT",1049)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD SUDF",1050)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD SUINDV",1048)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD1 GETCSDEF",2002)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD1 GETCSRNG",2003)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD1 GETEAFL",2005)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD1 GETEDATS",2000)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD1 GETEFDAT",1999)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD1 PUTCSRNG",2004)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPD1 PUTEDATS",2001)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPN GETCLASS",803)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPN GETTC",804)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPO CSARNGD",806)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPO CSLABD",807)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPO GETIMGD",855)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPO GETTABS",808)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP ADDLIST",809)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP CHKSURR",810)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP CLDAYS",811)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP CLEARNOT",812)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP CLRANGE",813)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP CSARNG",814)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP CSLAB",815)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP DELLIST",816)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETCOMBO",817)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETCOS",826)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETDCOS",827)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETIMG",854)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETNOT",818)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETNOTO",819)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETOC",820)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETOTHER",821)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETREM",822)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETSUB",823)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETSURR",824)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETTD",825)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP GETTU",780)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP LSDEF",781)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP NEWLIST",782)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP PLISTS",783)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP PLTEAMS",799)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP REMLIST",784)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SAVECD",785)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SAVECS",786)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SAVELIST",787)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SAVENOT",788)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SAVENOTO",789)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SAVEOC",790)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SAVEPLD",791)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SAVESURR",792)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SAVET",793)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SETCOMBO",794)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SETDCOS",828)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SETIMG",856)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SETOTHER",795)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SETREM",796)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SETSUB",797)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP SORTDEF",798)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPP TEAMS",800)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPR NOTDESC",874)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPR OCDESC",873)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPT ATEAMS",801)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWTPT GETTEAM",802)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU CLINLOC",280)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU DEFAULT DIVISION",1549)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU DEVICE",240)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU DT",278)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU EXTNAME",313)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU GBLREF",594)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU GENERIC",443)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU HAS OPTION ACCESS",867)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU HASKEY",332)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU HOSPLOC",223)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU INPLOC",643)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU NEWPERS",239)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU NPHASKEY",589)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU PARAM",696)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU PATCH",350)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU TOOLMENU",331)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU USERINFO",211)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU VALDT",532)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU VALIDSIG",221)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU VERSION",2128)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU VERSRV",554)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU1 NAMECVT",1539)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU1 NEWLOC",1553)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU16 DEVICE",311)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU16 HOSPLOC",308)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU16 NEWPERS",310)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU16 USERINFO",306)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU16 VALDT",309)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWU16 VALIDSIG",307)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUBCMA USERINFO",1145)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUH POPUP",192)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUL FV4DG",846)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUL FVIDX",848)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUL FVSUB",847)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUL QV4DG",845)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUL QVIDX",850)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUL QVSUB",849)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUX SYMTAB",328)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUXT LST",596)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUXT REF",598)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ORWUXT VAL",597)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PRCHL ITEM DET",2282)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PRCHL LIST",2280)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PRCHL LIST X",2281)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PRPF DATABASE DIAG",2257)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PRPF DATABASE EXTR",2258)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSA UPLOAD",1502)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB ALLERGY",1183)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB BAG DETAIL",1182)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB CHECK IV",1694)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB CHECK SERVER",410)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB COVERSHEET1",2090)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB CPRS ORDER",1186)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB DEVICE",1179)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB FMDATE",364)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB GETIVPAR",1178)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB GETORDERTAB",1176)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB GETPRNS",373)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB GETPROVIDER",1184)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB INSTRUCTOR",361)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB IV ORDER HISTORY",1181)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB LOCK",378)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB MAIL",742)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB MAXDAYS",1188)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB MED LOG LOOKUP",1974)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB MOB DRUG LIST",1185)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB NURS WARDLIST",1187)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB PARAMETER",367)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB PUTIVPAR",1180)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB REPORT",374)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB SCANMED",366)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB SCANPT",359)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB TRANSACTION",368)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB USERLOAD",362)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB USERSAVE",363)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB UTL XSTATUS SRCH",2227)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB VALIDATE ESIG",377)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB VALIDATE ORDER",369)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB VERSION CHECK",1379)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB VITAL MEAS FILE",1696)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB VITALS",1695)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PSB WARDLIST",1177)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PXRM EDUCATION TOPIC",2016)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PXRM MENTAL HEALTH",2025)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PXRM MENTAL HEALTH SAVE",2028)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PXRM REMINDER DETAIL",2024)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PXRM REMINDER DIALOG",2018)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PXRM REMINDER DIALOG (TIU)",771)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PXRM REMINDER INQUIRY",2021)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PXRM REMINDER RPC",2029)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","PXRM REMINDER WEB",2022)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","QACI DELETE ALL LISTS",2274)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","QACI LOAD ROC",2276)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","QACV KEY HOLDERS VLH",2278)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","QACV PERSON LOOKUP VLH",2277)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RG PRIMARY VIEW FROM MPI",2284)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RG PRIMARY VIEW REJECT",2259)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RG REM ACTIVITY",1216)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RG REMOTE HL7 TASK",1215)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM AUTHOR LOOKUP",1477)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM CHECK DUPLICATE",1483)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM CONSULT LIST",1481)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM CONVERT DATE",1465)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM FIM PARAMETER",1472)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM GET CASES",1468)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM GET DFN",1471)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM GET FORM",1467)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM GET PATIENT DME",1473)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM GET SELECTED CASE",1469)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM GET USER INFO",1470)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM LOCATION LOOKUP",1478)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM LOCK PATIENT",1482)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM PATIENT INFO",1476)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM PATIENT LOOKUP",1475)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM SAVE FSOD",1474)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM SEND EMAIL",1466)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMIM VERSION",1480)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPF ELIG MSG",1574)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR ADD ITEM",1510)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR CHECK PROS PATIENT",2260)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR CLINIC LETTER LIST",1515)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR CPRS DISPLAY",1514)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR CREATE PO",2048)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR CREATE WORK ORDER",2261)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR CRITICAL COM",1508)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR DELETE PO",2057)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR DIS LIST",1509)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR DIS LIST 660",1984)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR DOR",1525)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR ENCRYPT PCARD",2055)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR IFCAP CHECK AUTH",1517)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR LAST PT MOVEMENTS",1511)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR LIST BOC",2050)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR LIST COST CENTER",2049)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR LIST PCARD",2047)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR MANAGER COMMENT",2056)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR NPPD LIST",1378)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR NPPD LIST X",2058)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR OPEN PEN LIST",2046)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR OWL ADD ON LIST",2267)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR OWL ENTER/EDIT ADD ON",2268)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR OWL ITEM LIST",2265)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR OWL LOCK FILE",2273)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR OWL PC PRINT",2264)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR OWL VISTA PRINT",2272)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR OWL WORK ORDER LIST",2263)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR PC PO PRINT",2060)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR PFFS INS",1985)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR PFFS LIST",1983)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR PO CREATE VISTA IEN",2054)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR PT ADD",1505)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR PT DEM",1504)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR SUSPENSE ACTIONS",2052)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR TRANS HISA",1506)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR TRANS HOME O2",1507)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR TRANS HOME O2 RX",1520)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR TRANS LIST",1503)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR VEN ADDRESS",1512)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR VIEW REQ",1521)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR VIEW REQ COMP NOTE",1524)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR VIEW REQ DESC",1522)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RMPR VIEW REQ IA NOTE",1523)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR GET REGISTRY INFO",1775)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR GET SERVER TIME",2105)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR GET USER INFO",1794)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR GUI ACCESS",1767)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR GUI PARAMETER GET",1771)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR GUI PARAMETER SET",1772)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST COORDINATORS",1788)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST CPT",2115)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST DIVISIONS",1777)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST DRUGS",1802)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST GENERIC DRUGS",1807)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST ICD-9",1779)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST ITEMS",1787)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST LOCAL DRUGS",1800)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST LOCAL FIELDS",2110)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST LOCAL LAB TESTS",1798)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST PATIENTS",1785)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST REGISTRY USERS",1774)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST STATES",1792)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST VA DRUG CLASSES",1780)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LIST VISTA USERS",1790)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LOG GET LIST",1769)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LOG GET MESSAGES",1770)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LOG INFO",1782)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR LOG MESSAGE DETAILS",1202)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR PATIENT DELETE",1797)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR PATIENT GET DATA",1795)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR REPORT RETRIEVE",1763)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR REPORT SCHEDULE",1764)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR REPORT STYLESHEET",1783)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR REPORTS AVAILABLE",1776)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR TASK DELETE",1768)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR TASK INFO",1765)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR TASK LIST",1766)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR UPDATE LOCAL DRUGS",1801)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","ROR UPDATE LOCAL FIELDS",2111)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RORHEPC PATIENT LOAD",2106)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RORHEPC PATIENT SAVE",2107)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RORICR CDC CANCEL",1806)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RORICR CDC LOAD",1791)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RORICR CDC SAVE",1793)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RORICR PATIENT LOAD",1803)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","RORICR PATIENT SAVE",1804)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC BLD NOPC TM LIST",68)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC BLD PAT APT LIST",66)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC BLD PAT CLN LIST",58)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC BLD PAT LIST",56)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC BLD PAT POS LIST",62)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC BLD PAT SCDE LIST",60)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC BLD PAT TM LIST",61)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC CHANGE HISTORY OK",28)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC CHECK FOR ENROLLMENT",2253)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC CHECK FOR PC POS",64)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC DELETE ENTRY",17)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC DELETE HISTORY",30)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC EXTEND BUILD LIST",2246)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC EXTEND FILE LIST",2247)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC FILE ALL PAT POS ASGN",67)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC FILE ALL PAT TM ASGN",65)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC FILE NUMBER",19)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC FILE PAT POS ASGN",59)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC FILE PAT TM ASGN",57)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC FILE SINGLE VALUE",36)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC FILER",16)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC FIND",18)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC FTEE BUILD LIST",1316)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC FTEE FILE LIST",1317)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC GET PAT BLOCK",55)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC GETS ENTRY DATA",21)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC GLOBAL NODE",20)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC GLOBAL NODE COUNT",24)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC HISTORY STATUS OK",31)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC INACTIVATE ENTRY",29)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC KEY CHECK",38)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC LISTER",15)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC LOCK/UNLOCK NODE",22)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC MAILMAN",26)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC MEAN TEST",32)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC NEW HISTORY OK",27)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC PAT ASGN MAILMAN",69)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC PAT ENROLL CLN",63)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC PATIENT LOOKUP",34)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC PC PROVIDER",1318)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC POSITION MEMBERS",35)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC PRIMARY CARE TEAM",54)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC PRTP",25)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC SC CONDITION LIST",1319)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC STAFF LOOKUP",52)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC TEAM LIST",33)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC USER CLASS STATUS",53)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SC VALIDATOR",23)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC BLD POS PAT LIST",154)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC BLD TEAM PAT LIST",148)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC DIS TEAM POS",152)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC FILE PAT POS REASGN",153)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC FILE PAT TM REASGN",150)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC GET PARAMETER IEN",163)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC PCMM CHECK FTEE",2245)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC POSITION PC CHECK",2252)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC ROLE",2254)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC VERIFY C/S SYNC",164)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCMC WAIT LIST ENTRY",1315)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCRP QUERY CHECK NAME",49)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCRP QUERY DELETE",48)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCRP QUERY SAVE",46)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCRP QUERY VALIDATE",47)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCRP REPORT PRINT",51)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SCUT GET USER RECORD",42)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L CREATE DISPOSITION",1312)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L CREATE FILE",1294)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L CREATE M/R",1313)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L CURRENT STATUS(409.3)",1309)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L DISPOSITION(409.3)",1308)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L IMPORT API",1314)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L NEW ENROLLEE(409.3)",1311)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L PACKAGE(409.3)",1310)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L PRIORITY(#409.3)",1305)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L REQ BY(409.3)",1306)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L RETRIVE BRIEF",1295)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L RETRIVE CLINIC(#409.32)",1299)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L RETRIVE FULL DATA",1293)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L RETRIVE HOSP LOC(#44)",1300)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L RETRIVE INSTITUTION(#4)",1298)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L RETRIVE PERSON(200)",1304)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L RETRIVE SER/SP(409.31)",1303)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L RETRIVE TEAM(#404.51)",1301)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L RETRIVE TM POS(404.57)",1302)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SD W/L TYPE(409.3)",1307)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SDOE FIND DIAGNOSIS",122)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SDOE FIND PROCEDURE",123)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SDOE FIND PROVIDER",121)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SDOE GET DIAGNOSES",115)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SDOE GET GENERAL DATA",128)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SDOE GET PROCEDURES",117)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SDOE GET PROVIDERS",116)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","SDOE GET ZERO NODE",130)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU AUTHORIZATION",102)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU CAN CHANGE COSIGNER?",160)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU CREATE RECORD",97)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU DELETE RECORD",98)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU DIV AND CLASS INFO",768)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD CAN EDIT",752)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD CHECK",1106)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD DELETE",760)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD DOLMTEXT",763)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD EXPORT",757)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD IMPORT",756)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD LIST",751)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD LIST ADD",1107)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD LIST IMPORT",1108)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD LOAD",750)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD LOAD BY IEN",758)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD LOCK",753)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD NAME IS UNIQUE",759)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD SAVE",755)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU FIELD UNLOCK",754)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET ALERT INFO",162)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET BOILERPLATE",418)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET DOC COUNT BY VISIT",354)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET DOCUMENT STATUS",2122)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET DOCUMENT TITLE",412)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET DS TITLES",88)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET DS URGENCIES",101)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET LINKED PRF NOTES",2123)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET LIST OF OBJECTS",389)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET PN TITLES",87)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET PRF ACTIONS",2120)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET PRF TITLE",2124)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET PRINT NAME",427)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET RECORD TEXT",83)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU GET REQUEST",423)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU HAS AUTHOR SIGNED?",1501)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU ID ATTACH ENTRY",745)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU ID CAN ATTACH",743)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU ID CAN RECEIVE",744)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU ID DETACH ENTRY",746)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU IS THIS A CLINPROC?",1212)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU IS THIS A CONSULT?",134)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU IS THIS A SURGERY?",1826)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU IS USER A PROVIDER?",426)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU ISPRF",2119)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU JUSTIFY DELETE?",161)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU LINK TO FLAG",2121)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU LOCK RECORD",158)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU LONG LIST OF TITLES",135)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU NOTES",82)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU NOTES 16 BIT",104)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU NOTES BY VISIT",85)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU ONE VISIT NOTE?",1500)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU PRINT RECORD",99)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU REM DLG OK AS TEMPLATE",762)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU REMINDER DIALOGS",761)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU REMOVE LINK TO IMAGE",393)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU SET DOCUMENT TEXT",1109)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU SIGN RECORD",90)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU SUMMARIES",84)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU TEMPLATE ALL TITLES",1029)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU TEMPLATE DELETE",390)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU TEMPLATE GETBOIL",382)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU TEMPLATE GETLINK",1028)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU TEMPLATE GETTEXT",383)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU TEMPLATE LOCK",765)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU TEMPLATE SET ITEMS",388)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU TEMPLATE UNLOCK",766)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU UNLOCK RECORD",159)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU UPDATE RECORD",92)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU USER CLASS LONG LIST",767)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU USER INACTIVE?",1499)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","TIU WAS THIS SAVED?",428)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VAFC REMOTE AUDIT",1567)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VAFC REMOTE PDAT",1121)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VAFCTFU LOCAL ICN",415)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJD DDR DELETE ENTRY",1098)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJD DDR FILER",1100)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJD DDR FINDER",1094)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJD DDR GETS ENTRY DATA",1095)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJD DDR LISTER",1096)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJD DDR UPDATE FILE",1099)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJD DDR UPDATE SUBFILE",1102)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJD DDR WP FILER",1097)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJD TPA GET KIDS STATUS",1065)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJDWPB ADD PROBLEM",1091)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJDWPB GET SCHED APPTS",1088)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","VEJDWPB GET VISITS ONLY",1093)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XHD GET CONFIGURATION",1707)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XHD GET SITE INFO",1716)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XHD PUT PARAMETER",1713)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XHD TEST INPUT LIST",1720)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XHDX PERSEL",1718)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XHDX VERSRV",1719)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBE ESIG GET CODE",2236)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBE ESIG GET DATA",2238)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBE ESIG IS DEFINED",2240)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBE ESIG SET CODE",2237)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBE ESIG SET DATA",2239)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBV SYSTEMINFO",2190)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBV TEST GLOBAL ARRAY",1686)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBV TEST GLOBAL NODE",1687)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBV TEST LOCAL ARRAY",1688)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBV TEST NOT IN CONTEXT",1693)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBV TEST PING",1690)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBV TEST RPC LIST",1691)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBV TEST STRING",1685)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XOBV TEST XML RESULTS",1692)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XQAL GUI ALERTS",1211)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUPS PERSONQUERY",2172)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS ALLKEYS",2094)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS AV CODE",12)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS AV HELP",112)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS CCOW VAULT PARAM",2092)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS CVC",111)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS DIVISION GET",357)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS DIVISION SET",355)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS GET CCOW TOKEN",2093)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS GET TOKEN",441)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS GET USER INFO",356)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS GET VISITOR",2229)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS INTRO MSG",13)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS KAAJEE GET USER INFO",2194)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS KAAJEE LOGOUT",2195)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS KEY CHECK",110)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS SEND KEYS",11)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS SET VISITOR",2228)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XUS SIGNON SETUP",10)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB ARE RPCS AVAILABLE",430)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB CREATE CONTEXT",14)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB DEFERRED CLEAR",439)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB DEFERRED GETDATA",436)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB DEFERRED RPC",434)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB DEFERRED STATUS",435)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB DIRECT RPC",437)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB EGCHO BIG LIST",3)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB EGCHO LIST",2)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB EGCHO MEMO",5)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB EGCHO SORT LIST",4)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB EGCHO STRING",1)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB EXAMPLE BIG TEXT",1981)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB EXAMPLE GET LIST",107)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB EXAMPLE GLOBAL SORT",1980)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB EXAMPLE TRAP PARAMS",1103)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB EXAMPLE WPTEXT",108)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB FILE LIST",6)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB FILENAME CHECK",7)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB GET BROKER INFO",358)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB IM HERE",379)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB IS RPC AVAILABLE",429)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB M2M EXAMPLE LARRY",1264)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB M2M EXAMPLE REF",1265)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB REMOTE CLEAR",438)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB REMOTE GETDATA",433)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB REMOTE RPC",431)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","XWB RPC LIST",8)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YS GAF API",402)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YSRP ASI ITEM",1236)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YSRP ASI NARRATIVE",1235)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI ASI FACTORS",1244)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI ASI LISTER",1233)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI ASI PNOTE",1241)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI ASI SAVE DATA",1240)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI ASI SIGNER",1237)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI CLERK RESPONSES",1239)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI GET ASI RESPONSES",1234)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI GET INCOMPLETE",1230)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI LISTALL",396)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI LISTONE",397)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI NEW ASI",1104)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI NEW GAF",1232)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI OUTNOTE",422)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI PREVIEW",421)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI PRIVLEGE",1228)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI QUEST",1227)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI SAVE TEST COMMENT",1243)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI SAVEIT",399)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI SCOREIT",398)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI SHOWALL",401)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI SHOWIT",400)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI TEST BATTERY",1242)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTAPI TEST BULLETIN",1238)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ ADMINS BOTH",2313)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ ALL ANSWERS",2298)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ ALL CHOICES",2301)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ ALLKEYS",2342)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ ASI LISTER",2336)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ ASI SIGNOK",2339)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ BATTC",2289)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ BATTDEL",2324)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ CAPIE",2295)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ CHOICE ADD",2305)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ CHOICEIDENT",2315)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ CHOICES",2288)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ CHOICETYPE ADD",2306)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ CHOICETYPE DELETE",2307)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ COPY TEST",2330)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ DELETE TEST",2329)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ DISPLAY",2311)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ EXPORT",2332)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ EXPORTED MAIL",2334)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ FIRST WP",2303)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ GAF HX",2312)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ GENERIC LISTER",2297)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ GET REPORT",2338)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ GET SCALES",2302)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ GETANS",2294)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ HL7",2340)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ IMPORT",2333)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ KEYS",2320)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ LEGACY REPORT",2318)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ LEGCR",2341)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ PATIENT INFO",2325)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ PATIENT LOOKUP",2335)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ PN CREATE",2337)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ PURGE",2304)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ QUESTALL",2287)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ RULEDEL",2322)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ RULES",2293)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ SAVE",2292)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ SCALEGROUP",2316)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ SCORE ADMIN",2317)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ SCORE SAVE",2331)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ SECTION",2291)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ SET ANSWER",2299)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ SET NATIONAL",2327)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ SKIP",2290)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ TEST ADD",2314)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ TEST ORDER",2323)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ TSLIST",2285)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ TSLIST1",2286)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ USERQ",2326)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ VERSRV",2321)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ WP ALL",2328)=""
^XWB(8994,"B","YTQ WP FILER",2296)=""
^XWB(8994.1,0)="RPC BROKER SITE PARAMETERS^8994.1P^1^1"
^XWB(8994.5,0)="REMOTE APPLICATION^8994.5^4^4"
^XWB(8994.5,1,0)="XUSBSE TEST1^7903^{h6'={zC3{8=-JP1!O"
^XWB(8994.5,2,0)="XUSBSE TEST2^7903^]?zvB$<ZwW6e$yG&9S<"
^XWB(8994.5,3,0)="XUSBSE TEST3^7903^9~ioRB[m`Q9yS?/j?q?5"
^XWB(8994.5,"B","XUSBSE TEST1",1)=""
^XWB(8994.5,"B","XUSBSE TEST2",2)=""
^XWB(8994.5,"B","XUSBSE TEST3",3)=""