198 lines
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198 lines
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;;22.0;VA FileMan;**150**;Mar 30, 1999;Build 2
;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
;;=This file stores the dialog used to 'talk' to a user (error messages,
;;=help text, and other prompts.) Entry points in the ^DIALOG routine
;;=retrieve text from this file. Variable parameters can be passed to these
;;=calls. The parameters are inserted into windows within the text as it is
;;=built. The text is returned in an array. This file and associated calls
;;=can be used by any package to pass information in arrays rather than
;;=writing to the current device. Record numbers 1 through 10000 are
;;=reserved for VA FileMan.
;;=N DIALID S DIALID(1)=$P($G(^(0)),U,5) S:DIALID(1)="" DIALID=+$O(^(2,0)),DIALID(1)=$E($G(^(DIALID,0)),1,42) S DIALID(1,"F")="?10" D EN^DDIOL(.DIALID)
;;=DIALOG NUMBER^RNJ14,3X^^0;1^K:+X'=X!(X>9999999999.999)!(('$G(DIFROM))&(X<10000.001))!(X?.E1"."4N.N) X S:$G(X) DINUM=X
;;=S ^DI(.84,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
;;=K ^DI(.84,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
;;=Type a Number between 10000.001 and 9999999999.999, up to 3 Decimal Digits
;;=The dialogue number is used to uniquely identify a message.
;;=Enter code that reflects how this dialogue is used when talking to the users.
;;=This code is used to group the entries in the FileMan DIALOG file,
;;=according to how they are used when interacting with the user.
;;=This field is used to tell the DIALOG routines what array to use in
;;=returning the dialogue. It is also used for grouping the dialogue for
;;=reporting purposes.
;;=S ^DI(.84,"C",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
;;=K ^DI(.84,"C",$E(X,1,30),DA)
;;=Cross-reference on Package file. Used for identifying DIALOG entries by
;;=the package that owns the entry, and for populating the BUILD file during
;;=package distribution.
;;=Enter the name of the Package that owns and distributes this entry.
;;=This is a pointer to the Package file. Each entry in this file belongs
;;=to, and is distributed by, a certain package. The Package field should be
;;=filled in for each entry on this file.
;;=SHORT DESCRIPTION^F^^0;5^K:$L(X)>42!($L(X)<1) X
;;=S ^DI(.84,"D",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
;;=K ^DI(.84,"D",$E(X,1,30),DA)
;;=Description used to identify entry on lookup. Answer must be 1-42 characters in length.
;;=Short description is used to identify an entry on lookup. The "WRITE"
;;=identifier will display this description if it is not null.
;;= Used for internal documentation purposes.
;;= Some dialogue is built by inserting variable text (internal parameters)
;;=into windows in the word-processing TEXT field. The insertable text might
;;=be, for example, File or Field names. This field should be set to YES if
;;=any internal parameters need to be inserted into the TEXT. If the field
;;=is not set to YES, the DIALOG routine will not go through the part of the
;;=code that stuffs the internal parameters into the text.
;;=Actual text of the message. If parameters (variable pieces of text) are
;;=to be inserted into the dialogue when the message is built, the parameter
;;=will appear as a 'window' in this TEXT field, surrounded by vertical bars.
;;=The data within the 'window' will represent a subscript of the input
;;=parameter list that is passed to BLD^DIALOG or $$EZBLD^DIALOG when
;;=building the message. This same subscript should be used as the .01 of the
;;=PARAMETER field in this file to document the parameter.
;;=POST MESSAGE ACTION^K^^6;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
;;=This is Standard MUMPS code. This code will be executed whenever this message is retrieved through a call to BLD^DIALOG or $$EZBLD^DIALOG.
;;=If some special action should be taken whenever this message is built,
;;=MUMPS code can be entered here. This code will be executed by the
;;=BLD^DIALOG or $$EZBLD^DIALOG routines, immediately after the message text
;;=has been built in the output array. For example, the code could set a