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;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
;;=The database is corrupted. The value for a specific field in one entry
;;=should be a certain data type, but it is not.
;;=In Entry #|1| of File #|FILE|, the value '|2|' for Field #|FIELD| is not a
;;=valid |3|.
;;=1^Entry #.
;;=2^Field Value.
;;=3^Data Type.
;;=FIELD^Field #.
;;=FILE^File #.
;;=The database is corrupted. In a specific variable pointer field of a
;;=certain entry, the field's value points to a file that either does not
;;=exist or that lacks a Header Node.
;;=In Entry #|1| of File #|FILE|, the value '|2|' for Field #|FIELD| points
;;=to a file that does not exist or lacks a Header Node.
;;=1^Entry #.
;;=2^Field Value.
;;=FILE^File #.
;;=FIELD^Field #.
;;=The value is invalid. Possible causes include: value did not pass input
;;=transform, value for a pointer or variable pointer field cannot be found in
;;=the pointed-to file, a screen was not passed.
;;=The value '|3|' for field |1| in file |2| is not valid.
;;=1^Field name.
;;=2^File name.
;;=3^Value that was found to be invalid.
;;=FIELD^Field number. (external only)
;;=FILE^File number. (external only)
;;=IENS^IEN string identifying entry with invalid value. (external only, sometimes returned)
;;=The value passed cannot be found in the indicated file using $$FIND1^DIC.
;;=The value '|1|' cannot be found in file #|FILE|.
;;=FILE^File #.
;;=IENS^IEN String.
;;=1^Lookup Value.
;;=The data dictionary specifies that the field is uneditable. Data already
;;=exists in the field. It cannot be changed.
;;=Data in Field #|FIELD| in File #|FILE| cannot be edited.
;;=FIELD^Field number.
;;=FILE^File number.
;;=The value of a field cannot be deleted either because it is a required
;;=field, because it is the .01 of a file, or because the test in the "DEL"
;;=node was not passed.
;;=The value of field |1| in file |2| cannot be deleted.
;;=1^Field name.
;;=2^File name.
;;=FIELD^Field number. (external only)
;;=FILE^File number. (external only)
;;=The field uses $Piece storage and the data contains an '^'. The data
;;=cannot be filed.
;;=Data for Field |1| in File |2| contains an '^'.
;;=1^Field name.
;;=2^File name.
;;=FILE^File number. (external only)
;;=FIELD^Field number. (external only)
;;=Data being filed is too long for the field. Specifically, this occurs
;;=when data of the wrong length is being filed in a $Extract (Em,n) field.
;;=Data for field |1| in file |2| is too long.
;;=1^Field name.
;;=2^File name.
;;=FIELD^Field number. (external only)
;;=FILE^File number. (external only)
;;=The lookup for a pointer fails. This is an error only when