210 lines
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;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
;;=The block has no 0 node in the Block file or was not found in the "B"
;;=Block |1| does not exist in the Block file.
;;=1^Block number or name
;;=The specified block was not found on the page. For example, it was not
;;=found in the "AC" or "B" index in the block multiple of the page multiple
;;=of the Form file, or the 0 node of the block in the block multiple is
;;=Block |1| was not found on page |2|.
;;=1^Block order, name, or number
;;=2^Page number and/or name
;;=There are no blocks defined on the page.
;;=There are no blocks defined on page |1|.
;;=1^Page name and/or number
;;=The specified block has no fields on it.
;;=There are no fields defined on block |1|.
;;=1^Block name
;;=The specified field was not found on the block.
;;=Field |1| was not found on block |2|.
;;=1^Field order, number, caption, or unique name
;;=2^Block name
;;=The field specified by FO(field) in the pointer link or computed expression
;;=is not a form only field.
;;=The specified field is not a form-only field.
;;=The field, block, and/or page is missing or invalid in the expression
;;=FO(field,block,page), used in the pointer link, parent field, or computed
;;=Parameters are missing or invalid in an FO() expression.
;;=The relational expression is incomplete.
;;=The relational expression is incomplete.
;;=In a computed expression, a form-only field should be referenced as
;;={FO(field,block)} or {FO(field)}. The page parameter should not be
;;=The FO() expression should not contain a page parameter.
;;=In a computed expression, a form-only field should be referenced as
;;={FO(field,block)} or {FO(field)}. The block parameter should be
;;=either the block name or `block number. It should not be a block order.
;;=The FO() expression should not use block order to specify a block.
;;=Reject calls to PUT^DDSVAL which attempt to set the .01 field of a file to
;;="" or "@".
;;=PUT^DDSVAL cannot be used to delete an entry.
;;=The data could not be filed.
;;=The given field is required and its current value is null.
;;=|1|, |2| is a required field |3|
;;=1^Page name
;;=3^Subrecord name in parentheses
;;=This is the general Yes/No Prompt
;;=Insert/Replace Switch
;;=Insert ^Replace