232 lines
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;;22.0;VA FileMan;**41**;Mar 30, 1999
;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
;;=You cannot use the Form Editor to delete entire forms or blocks. A separate
;;=utility provides that functionality.
;;=Help Screen 9 of Form Editor.
;;= \BHelp Screen 9 of 9\n
;;=After creating and arranging all the elements on a block, you can quickly
;;=make the field orders of all the elements equivalent to the tab order
;;=by doing the following:
;;= 1. Go to the Block Viewer page (<PF1>V)
;;= 2. Select the block (<SpaceBar> over the block name)
;;= 3. Press <PF1>O
;;=The field order is the order in which the elements on the block are
;;=traversed when the user presses the <Enter> key. The <PF1>O key
;;=sequence reassigns field order numbers to all the elements on the
;;=block, so that the <Enter> key takes the user from element to element
;;=in the same order as the <Tab> key (left to right, top to bottom).
;;=DIFROM Server, FIA array does not exist or invalid.
;;=FIA array does not exist or invalid.
;;=FIA file number invalid.
;;=FIA file number invalid.
;;=DIFROM Server; FIA node is set to "NO DD UPDATE"
;;=Data Dictionary not installed; FIA node is set to "No DD Update"
;;=DIFROM Server; Installing DD only if file is new on target system.
;;=Data Dictionary not installed; DD already exist on target system.
;;=DIFROM Server; Did not pass DD screen.
;;=Data Dictionary not updated; Did not pass DD Screen.
;;=DIFROM Server; Transport structure does not exist or invalid.
;;=Transport array does not exist or invalid.
;;=DIFROM Server; FIA file number invalid.
;;=Data Dictionary not installed; FIA file number invalid.
;;=DIFROM Server; File does not exist on target system (Partial DD).
;;=Data Dictionary not installed; Partial DD/File does not exist.
;;=DIFROMS Server; FIA node is set to send "No Data"
;;=FIA array is set to "No data"
;;=DIFROM Server; Records to transport do not exist.
;;=Records do not exist.
;;=DIFROM Server; DD not installed because FIA array does not exist.
;;=Data Dictionary not installed; FIA array does not exist.
;;=Parent DD missing on Partial DD.
;;=DD: |1| not installed, parent DD(s) missing.
;;=Invalid record in file.
;;=IEN: |1| in file |2| is invalid.
;;=Incoming data record has a .001 field or is DINUMed. There is already a
;;=record at that IEN on the target site. The .01 field, required
;;=Identifiers or Primary KEY don't match incoming record. Therefore record is
;;=not added at target site.
;;=Record with .01 value |.01| and internal entry #|IEN|
;;=could not be added to file |FILE|.
;;=.01^.01 value from incoming record
;;=IEN^IEN of incoming record
;;=FILE^File Number
;;=Dangling pointer. File, IEN and field.
;;=Dangling pointer. FILE: |1|, IEN: |2| FIELD: |3|
;;=No sending data on partial DDs.