181 lines
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181 lines
6.7 KiB
;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
;;=Answer must be 1-80 characters in length.
;;=A caption is uneditable text that appears on the screen. Captions of
;;=data dictionary, form-only, and computed fields serve to identify for
;;=the user the data portion of the fields. Captions for these types of
;;=fields are automatically followed by a colon, unless the Suppress Colon
;;=After Caption property is set to 'YES.' A field with an Executable
;;=Caption must have '!M' as a Caption.
;;=EXECUTABLE CAPTION^K^^.1;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
;;=Enter standard MUMPS code that sets the variable Y.
;;=Enter MUMPS code that sets the variable Y equal to the caption you
;;=want displayed. This code is executed and the caption evaluated whenever
;;=the page on which this caption is located is painted.
;;=Enter the field type.
;;=S DIC("S")="I Y"
;;=Enter the field type.
;;=CAPTION ONLY fields are for displaying text on the screen.
;;=FORM ONLY fields are fields defined only on the form and are not tied to a
;;=field in a FileMan file.
;;=DATA DICTIONARY fields are fields from a FileMan file.
;;=COMPUTED fields, like form-only fields, are fields that are defined only
;;=on the form. Associated with a COMPUTED field is a computed expression.
;;=DISPLAY GROUP^F^^0;4^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<1) X
;;=Enter text, 1-20 characters in length, which represents the group to which this field belongs.
;;=Display group helps users resolve ambiguity when they attempt to ^-jump to
;;=a field that has a caption that is not unique. If more than one field has
;;=the same caption, when users try to ^-jump to a field with that caption,
;;=they are presented with a list of fields to choose from. The text in the
;;=Display Group property is displayed in parentheses after the caption to
;;=help the user identify the correct field.
;;=For example, if two fields have the caption 'NAME:', but one of those
;;=fields has a Display Group 'Next of Kin', when users enter ^NAME, they
;;=will be asked to choose between 'NAME' and 'NAME (Next of Kin)'.
;;=UNIQUE NAME^FX^^0;5^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>50!($L(X)<1)!$D(^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"D",X)) X
;;=S ^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"D",$TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"),DA)=""
;;=K ^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"D",$TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"),DA)
;;=Programmer only
;;=This is a regular index of the Unique Name converted to uppercase.
;;=Answer must be 1-50 characters in length.
;;=This is the unique name of the element on the block. No two elements on
;;=the block can have the same Unique Name. Unique Names are never seen by
;;=the user. You can refer to an element on a block by its Unique Name in
;;=some of the ScreenMan utilities such as PUT^DDSVAL and $$GET^DDSVAL, and
;;=in the computed expressions of computed fields.
;;=FIELD^FX^^1;1^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>245!($L(X)<1) X I $D(X),$D(DDGFDD) D IXF^DDS0
;;=Answer must be 1-245 characters in length.
;;=I $D(DDGFDD) N D0,DA,DIC,D,DZ S DIC="^DD("_DDGFDD_",",DIC(0)="",D="B" S:$G(X)="??" DZ=X D DQ^DICQ
;;=Enter the number or name of a field in the file defined by the data
;;=dictionary number for this block.
;;=DATA COORDINATE^F^^2;1^K:$L(X)>7!($L(X)<1)!'(X?.N1",".N) X
;;=Enter the field coordinate relative to the block. Answer must be two positive integers separated by a comma (,), as follows: 'Row,Column'.
;;=Data coordinate is relative to the position of the block. The top left
;;=corner of the block has a coordinate of 1,1.
;;=DATA LENGTH^NJ3,0^^2;2^K:+X'=X!(X>245)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
;;=Enter a Number between 1 and 245, inclusive, which represents the maximum length of the data to be displayed on the screen.
;;=The data length defines the size of the editing window. The editing
;;=window is a single line and must not extend into or beyond the rightmost
;;=column on the screen. On an 80 column screen, the editing window
;;=must not extend beyond column 79.
;;=CAPTION COORDINATE^F^^2;3^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>7!($L(X)<1)!'(X?.N1",".N) X