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WVRPCPR1 ;HIOFO/FT-WV PROCEDURE file (790.1) RPCs (cont.) ;1/2/04 12:24
;;1.0;WOMEN'S HEALTH;**16**;Sep 30, 1998
; This routine uses the following IAs:
; <None>
NORMAL(WVIEN) ; Function determines if a result/dx entry (FILE 790.31) is
; categorized as Normal or Abnormal.
; Input: WVIEN - FILE 790.31 entry
; Output: 0 - NORMAL
; null - not in FILE 790.31
Q $P($G(^WV(790.31,+WVIEN,0)),U,21)
DXNAME(WVIEN) ; Function to return the name of an entry in the
; WV RESULTS/DIAGNOSIS file (#790.31).
; Input: WVIEN = FILE 790.31 ien
; Output: .01 value or null
I '$G(WVIEN) Q ""
Q $P($G(^WV(790.31,+WVIEN,0)),U,1)
ERROR() ; Function to return the IEN of the "Error/disregard" result/dx from
; FILE 790.31.
; Input: <none>
; Output: FILE 790.31 IEN for "Error/disregard"
Q $O(^WV(790.31,"B","Error/disregard",0))
BRTXIEN(WVNAME) ; Function converts WV BREAST TX NEED (#790.51) name to ien
; Input: WVNAME = FILE 790.51 name (.01 value)
; Output: FILE 790.51 IEN or 0 (zero)
I $G(WVNAME)="" Q 0
Q +$O(^WV(790.51,"B",WVNAME,0))
CXTXIEN(WVNAME) ; Function converts WV CERVICAL TX NEED (#790.5) name to ien
; Input: WVNAME = FILE 790.5 name (.01 value)
; Output: FILE 790.5 IEN or 0 (zero)
I $G(WVNAME)="" Q 0
Q +$O(^WV(790.5,"B",WVNAME,0))