59 lines
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XBHEDDH2 ;402,DJB,10/23/91,EDD - Help Text - Main Menu cont.
;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2
;;David Bolduc - Togus, ME
F I=1:1 S TEXT=$P($T(TXT+I),";;;",2) Q:TEXT="***" W !,TEXT I $Y>SIZE D PAGE Q:FLAGQ
;;; 6) Individual Field Summary - Lists contents of the Data Dictionary
;;; for selected field. This option is equivalent
;;; to Filemanager's LIST FILE ATTRIBUTES.
;;; 7) Field Global Location - List of all fields and their global
;;; location (NODE;PIECE). See the 'HELP' that's
;;; available in this option.
;;; 8) Templates - Lists Print, Sort, and Input templates. If
;;; listing is too long for any type, you may
;;; enter 'S' and skip over to next type.
;;; 9) File Description - Narrative describing the selected file.
;;; 10) List Globals In ASCII Order - Gives listing of your system's globals
;;; sorted in ASCII order. Includes file number
;;; and name. Example: If you are looking at the
;;; RADIOLOGY PATIENT file, the Main Menu screen
;;; shows it's data global as ^RADPT. If you
;;; wanted to identify other Radiology files,
;;; you would use this option and start the
;;; listing at ^R.
;;; 11) File Characteristics - Displays post-selection actions, special
;;; look-up programs, and identifiers. For more
;;; information on any of these topics see Chapter 5
;;; Section D of the VA Fileman Programmers' manual
;;; (Version 18).
;;; 12) Printing On/Off - Allows you to send screens to a printer. You will
;;; be offered the DEVICE: prompt. Enter printer.
;;; After <RETURN>, Main Menu will reappear and
;;; PRINTING STATUS, in the top half of the screen,
;;; will be set to 'ON'. You then select a Main
;;; Menu option and output will go to the selected
;;; device. When you return to the Main Menu,
;;; PRINTING STATUS will be 'OFF'. To print again
;;; you must select Printing On/Off option again
;;; STATUS is 'ON' you may turn it off by selecting
;;; Printing On/Off option again. To slave
;;; print, enter '0;;60' at the DEVICE: prompt.
;;; NOTE: Since all screens are designed to be
;;; displayed on a CRT, printing to a 10 pitch,
;;; 80 margin printer looks best.
I FLAGP,IO'=IO(0) W @IOF,!!! Q
R !!?2,"<RETURN> to continue, '^' to quit: ",XX:DTIME S:'$T XX="^" S:XX="^" FLAGQ=1 I FLAGQ Q