- DAppointPage now uses UCPatientAppts to provide functionality of seeing patient's previous appointments. DPatientApptDisplay does not yet, but will soon.
- Fixes for Strongly typed DataTables (change the RESOURCEID from uint to int) to support table merge from untyped table.
- Support for command line arguments: /s= for server /p= for port /a= for access code /v= for verify code. Only the following combinations work: none; /s and /p; /s, /p, /a, /v (/e added later for encoding in v1.4)
- CGView: Added various shortcuts keys for menus; removed extra overbook prompt after booking if doing an overbook. You already get one before booking.
- CGDocumentManager: Mickey mouse connection check to prevent prompting for access and verify if there's no connection to VISTA.
- CGDocumentManager: Test SQL statement to retrieve Hospital Locations and default providers associated with them. (doesn't work, moved to new routine later).
- DCheckIn.cs: Handling of providers for hospital locations (HL). If provider(s) assigned to HL linked to resource, they are brought over and if a default one is in VISTA, it's picked as the default in the combobox. If no default, combobox defaults to <None>. If resource not linked to HL, then all providers in system brought over, and combobox default is <None>.
- CGDocumentManager.cs: Remove loading of ClinicSetupParameters file. File doesn't exist in VISTA.
- Add RTL support for letters printed in Arabic Locale.
- StartDate for CGAVView, 1st try.
- CGDocument uses StartDate from Current thread locale rather than current culture. Enables controlling the behavior of the Scheduling GUI via thread locale.
- CGAVDocument contains changes for start day of grid based on weekday locale and colummns
- CGDocument: changes for start day of grid. Modified algorithm.
- DAccessTemplate: Takes any weekday now for applying a template, not just Monday. Then calculation of start day is done in CGAVView based on locale in the same algorithm that the rest of the GUI uses.
- Drag and drop is fixed. It reference a non-existent cancellation reason, so it failed.
- If a patient has a Patient Cancelled appointment, scheduling the patient at the same time doesn't work anymore.
- MAKE^BSDXAPI occasionally failed. Use of Old ileman API not successful. New Fileman API seems to work better in MAKE for filing data into patient subfile of ppointment subfile of Hosp Location file.
- Logging into the right division didn't work properly. Now it does. Required changes in BMX.
- Drag and drop and Delete Message Boxes (prompts) for users when manipulating Access Blocks have been removed (no need for them).
- Printing from the View Apppointment user control (visible in the Make Appointment dialog) no longer causes an error if there are no appointments for patients.
- Saving access slots is not async, but that causes other bugs because of multiple threads accessing data concurrently. It's an intermediate fix until a better saving program can be devised using BMX Updatable DataTables.
- Access block grid now refreshes itself after access blocks are added from a template. No need to change dates to see the effect.
- New option in Access block grid to mass delete access blocks on File menu (tied to Ctrl-D).
- Application wide error handlers to handle application errors.
- DateTime Picker format and behavior change. Schedule is no longer updated based on a value change but only when leaving the box or pressing the enter key.
- Polling for events and responding to them is now done asynchornously.
- A lot of refactoring to avoid calling the server when it's not needed. This involved not asking the server for updates after each operation as that's very expensive.
- Algorithms to calculate remaining slots and for finding empty slots are now much improved. Slots are now time scale sensitive; contiguous slots are joined toether.
- Remove all Mumps Transactions from the Scheduling GUI code, because long running transactions present a problem to VISTA because unfiled transaction data can overwrite data not done via a transaction which is filed immediately, and the interaction between transactions and locking causes a freeze in GT.M which lead to stop the entire system.
- Supporting for BMX 4, which has a bunch of new capabilities and is much much faster.
- Appointment and Routing slips were changed to include EHS's changes, wich was support printing them dinamically on different page's sizes and protrait and land scape.
- Fixing the long time of geting all pending and on hold radiology exams when creating a new radiology appointment(30 seconds and more), and now it take lees than a second or two.
- Fix in the Scheduling GUI C# code in v1.7 to prevent crashing if an unlinked clinic (unlinked to PIMS that is) exists.
- Cancel and Remove check-in check for check-out data on the PIMS appointment
- No-show now calls the PIMS event driver.
- KIDS build doesn't include BMX remote procedures in the BSDXRPC context anymore as BMX 4 handles context switching internally in the M layer between different contexts. Note that this doesn't mean that the user can forgo having access to BMXRPC. He/She? still needs access to that option.