- Refactoring for OpenSelectedSchedule. No major changes.
- Splash Screen and Wait Cursor support in RequestRefershGrid
- Use lambda (hurray!) for ParameterizedThreadStart
- AddResource no longer updates views (they are empty at the point they added.)
- Removed unused SetDate method.
- Property SelectedDate no longer triggers updates to the database. Now you have to use RefershDocument instead.
CGDocumentManager: Added application-wide error handler on Application error exception; Added load timer to test how long it takes to load the GUI.
CGDocument: Just documentation updates.
DSplash: Changes intended to support Asynchronous invokation of Splash Screen.
CGDocumentManager: Extensive changes to increase speed and invoke Splash screen async.
Partial Rework of Clinic Patient List report
Other reports that used Crystal don't work yet.
Fixes for Strongly typed DataTables (change the RESOURCEID from uint to int) to support table merge from untyped table.
Support for command line arguments: /s= for server /p= for port /a= for access code /v= for verify code
Only the following combinations work: none; /s and /p; /s, /p, /a, /v
- Remove the non-functioning CalendarGrid.dll and associated project files.
- Add the code from CalendarGrid.dll generated using reflector.exe to ClinicalScheduling.csproj