- Some arabic phrases and spelling changed.
- Printing Routing Slip now does not include next appointment instructions per Al-Najjar's request.
New Exe's and Dlls
1. Dragover handler to handle auto scrolling when dragging. Also highlights destination cell in dragging.
2. Solution for the click-right click problem by better handling of right click issues.
3. New method OnRButtonDown()
4. Extra comments everywhere.
5. Fix for single column being enabled when there are multiple resources. Columns property now calls this.SetColumnInfo() to rectify that problem.
1. EditAppoitment Used to send request a refresh from the DB and update the view itself, rather than letting the view handle that. That's now changed.
1. MessageBox displayed during login splash now are shown BY the splash form.
1. Shortcuts and some display text updated.
2. Splash screen when updating now removed.
3. If print appointment slip checkbox is checked when EditAppointment is chosen, now it will print the routing slip.
4. Tiny change in appointment structure generated during drag and drop (added Patient member, as it was causing a crash)
1. Change of name of Appointment to Slot, for better user understanding.
1. RemoteMessage box methods and associated delegates for mickey mousing the form from another thread.
Updated release exes and dlls
CGView: Nothing important. Designer moves around stuff; again.
Printing: Routing slip arabized; page starts at a lower level to allow for a watermark. Graphics.Dispose now called at the end of all prints to allow for faster gc.
strings: Updated with more translations.
strings.resx and strings.resx.ar: AppoinmentRoutingSlip identifier and name in strings changed to AppointmentReminderSlip
Printing: Corresponding change.
CGView: Appointment Order to be passed to routing slip was wrong if there were more than one resource open.
CGDocument: Appointment Creation Code now reuses appt object passed in rather than creating a new one.
ctxPrintScheduleT3 added. Print schedule in 3 days. For weekday after weekend.
Scaling of grid now restricted. You can't scale down from the original TimeScale, but you can scale up.
DCheckIn: Remove unused variables.
DResource: Remove unused variables.
- CalendarGrid needs to have StartDate as 12:00:00, otherwise a subtraction to calculate the column number of each availability doesn't work properly
- CGDocument needs to have SelectedDate set otherwise when it refreshes, it uses the selected date and makes the screen suddenly blank.
- DApptSearch needs to make date/times proper to send over to DB. CGSchedLib.CreateAvailabilitySchedule needs the startDate to be the beginning of the day and end date to be the end of the day. Now this is done.
- Updated exes.