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1420 lines
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namespace IndianHealthService.ClinicalScheduling
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
/// <summary>
/// This class is reponsible for rendering the Calendar Grid.
/// </summary>
public class CalendarGrid : ScrollableControl
private IContainer components;
private Font fontArial10;
private Font fontArial8;
private CGAppointments m_Appointments;
private Hashtable m_ApptOverlapTable;
private bool m_bAutoDrag = true;
private bool m_bDragDropStart;
private bool m_bDrawWalkIns = true;
private bool m_bGridEnter;
private bool m_bInitialUpdate;
private bool m_bMouseDown;
private bool m_bScroll;
private bool m_bScrollDown;
private bool m_bSelectingRange;
private int m_cellHeight;
private int m_cellWidth;
private int m_col0Width;
private Hashtable m_ColumnInfoTable;
private CGCell m_currentCell;
private DateTime m_dtStart;
private Font m_fCell;
private string m_GridBackColor;
private CGCells m_gridCells;
private int m_nColumns = 5;
private int m_nSelectID;
private int m_nTimeScale = 20;
private ArrayList m_pAvArray;
private string m_sDragSource;
private CGAppointments m_SelectedAppointments;
private CGRange m_selectedRange;
private StringFormat m_sf;
private StringFormat m_sfHour;
private StringFormat m_sfRight;
private ArrayList m_sResourcesArray;
private Timer m_Timer; // Timeer used in Drag and Drop Operations
private ToolTip m_toolTip;
private const int WM_HSCROLL = 0x114; // Horizontal Scrolling Windows Message
private const int WM_VSCROLL = 0x115; // Vertical Scrolling Windows Message
private const int WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x20a; // Windows Mouse Scrolling Message
public delegate void CGAppointmentChangedHandler(object sender, CGAppointmentChangedArgs e);
public event CGAppointmentChangedHandler CGAppointmentChanged;
public event CGAppointmentChangedHandler CGAppointmentAdded;
public delegate void CGSelectionChangedHandler(object sender, CGSelectionChangedArgs e);
public event CGSelectionChangedHandler CGSelectionChanged;
public CalendarGrid()
base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
this.m_nColumns = 5;
this.m_gridCells = new CGCells();
this.m_selectedRange = new CGRange();
this.m_SelectedAppointments = new CGAppointments();
//this.m_Appointments = new CGAppointments();
this.m_dtStart = new DateTime(2003, 1, 27);
this.m_ApptOverlapTable = new Hashtable();
this.m_ColumnInfoTable = new Hashtable();
this.m_sResourcesArray = new ArrayList();
base.ResizeRedraw = true;
this.m_col0Width = 100;
this.fontArial8 = new Font("Arial", 8f);
this.fontArial10 = new Font("Arial", 10f);
this.m_fCell = this.fontArial10;
this.m_sf = new StringFormat();
this.m_sfRight = new StringFormat();
this.m_sfHour = new StringFormat();
this.m_sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
this.m_sfRight.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
this.m_sfRight.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
this.m_sfHour.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
this.m_sfHour.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
this.m_bInitialUpdate = false;
private Rectangle AdjustRectForOverlap()
return new Rectangle();
private void AutoDragStart()
this.m_bAutoDrag = true;
this.m_Timer = new Timer();
this.m_Timer.Interval = 5;
this.m_Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(this.tickEventHandler);
private void AutoDragStop()
this.m_bAutoDrag = false;
if (this.m_Timer != null)
this.m_Timer = null;
private void BuildGridCellsArray(Graphics g)
SizeF ef = g.MeasureString("Test", this.m_fCell);
this.m_cellHeight = ((int) ef.Height) + 4;
int nColumns = this.m_nColumns;
int num2 = 60 / this.m_nTimeScale;
int num3 = 24 * num2;
this.m_cellWidth = 600 / nColumns;
if (base.ClientRectangle.Width > 600)
this.m_cellWidth = (base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.m_col0Width) / (nColumns - 1);
if (this.m_nColumns == 1)
this.m_cellWidth = base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.m_col0Width;
g.TranslateTransform((float) base.AutoScrollPosition.X, (float) base.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
for (int i = num3; i > -1; i--)
for (int j = 1; j < nColumns; j++)
int x = 0;
if (j == 1)
x = this.m_col0Width;
if (j > 1)
x = this.m_col0Width + (this.m_cellWidth * (j - 1));
Point point = new Point(x, i * this.m_cellHeight);
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(point.X, point.Y, this.m_cellWidth, this.m_cellHeight);
if (i != 0)
CGCell cell = null;
cell = new CGCell(r, i, j);
catch (Exception exception)
string message = exception.Message;
private void CalendarGrid_DragDrop(object Sender, DragEventArgs e)
CGAppointment data = (CGAppointment) e.Data.GetData(typeof(CGAppointment));
Point point = base.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
int x = point.X - base.AutoScrollPosition.X;
int y = point.Y - base.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
Point pt = new Point(x, y);
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in this.m_gridCells.CellHashTable)
CGCell cgCell = (CGCell) entry.Value;
if (cgCell.CellRectangle.Contains(pt))
DateTime timeFromCell = this.GetTimeFromCell(cgCell);
string resourceFromColumn = this.GetResourceFromColumn(cgCell.CellColumn);
int duration = data.Duration;
TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(0, duration, 0);
DateTime time2 = timeFromCell + span;
data.Selected = false;
this.m_nSelectID = 0;
CGAppointmentChangedArgs args = new CGAppointmentChangedArgs();
args.Appointment = data;
args.StartTime = timeFromCell;
args.EndTime = time2;
args.Resource = resourceFromColumn;
args.OldResource = data.Resource;
args.AccessTypeID = data.AccessTypeID;
args.Slots = data.Slots;
if (this.ApptDragSource == "grid")
this.CGAppointmentChanged(this, args);
this.CGAppointmentAdded(this, args);
private void CalendarGrid_DragEnter(object Sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(CGAppointment)))
if ((e.KeyState & 8) == 8)
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;
private void CalendarGrid_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in this.m_gridCells.CellHashTable)
CGCell cell = (CGCell) entry.Value;
cell.IsSelected = false;
this.m_bMouseDown = true;
this.OnLButtonDown(e.X, e.Y, true);
private void CalendarGrid_MouseMove(object Sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (this.m_bMouseDown)
if ((e.Y >= base.ClientRectangle.Bottom) || (e.Y <= base.ClientRectangle.Top))
this.m_bScrollDown = e.Y >= base.ClientRectangle.Bottom;
if ((e.Y < base.ClientRectangle.Bottom) && (e.Y > base.ClientRectangle.Top))
bool bAutoDrag = this.m_bAutoDrag;
if (this.m_bSelectingRange)
this.OnLButtonDown(e.X, e.Y, false);
if (this.m_nSelectID != 0)
if (this.m_bGridEnter)
this.m_bGridEnter = false;
else if (!this.m_bDragDropStart)
CGAppointment data = (CGAppointment) this.m_Appointments.AppointmentTable[this.m_nSelectID];
this.ApptDragSource = "grid";
base.DoDragDrop(data, DragDropEffects.Move);
this.m_bDragDropStart = true;
int y = e.Y - base.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
int x = e.X - base.AutoScrollPosition.X;
Point pt = new Point(x, y);
foreach (CGAppointment appointment2 in this.m_Appointments.AppointmentTable.Values)
if (appointment2.GridRectangle.Contains(pt))
this.m_toolTip.SetToolTip(this, appointment2.ToString());
////smh new code -- select cell
//int nRow = -1;
//int nCol = -1;
////Is the mouse over a known cell? If so, highlight cell
//if (this.HitTest(x, y, ref nRow, ref nCol))
// CGCell cellFromRowCol = this.m_gridCells.GetCellFromRowCol(nRow, nCol);
// if (cellFromRowCol != null)
// {
// this.m_currentCell = cellFromRowCol;
// this.m_selectedRange.StartCell = null;
// this.m_selectedRange.EndCell = null;
// this.m_selectedRange.CreateRange(this.m_gridCells, cellFromRowCol, cellFromRowCol);
// this.m_bSelectingRange = true;
// cellFromRowCol.IsSelected = true;
// base.Invalidate(this.m_currentCell.CellRectangle);
// //base.Invalidate();
// }
private void CalendarGrid_MouseUp(object Sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (this.m_bAutoDrag)
this.m_bAutoDrag = false;
this.m_bMouseDown = false;
if (this.m_bSelectingRange)
CGSelectionChangedArgs args = new CGSelectionChangedArgs();
args.StartTime = this.GetTimeFromCell(this.m_selectedRange.StartCell);
args.EndTime = this.GetTimeFromCell(this.m_selectedRange.EndCell);
args.Resource = this.GetResourceFromColumn(this.m_selectedRange.StartCell.CellColumn);
if (args.EndTime < args.StartTime)
DateTime startTime = args.StartTime;
args.StartTime = args.EndTime;
args.EndTime = startTime;
TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(0, 0, this.m_nTimeScale, 0, 0);
args.EndTime += span;
this.CGSelectionChanged(this, args);
this.m_bSelectingRange = false;
private void CalendarGrid_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
if (e.Graphics != null)
if (!this.m_bInitialUpdate)
this.m_bInitialUpdate = true;
public void CloseGrid()
foreach (CGAppointment appointment in this.m_Appointments.AppointmentTable.Values)
appointment.Selected = false;
this.m_nSelectID = 0;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing && (this.components != null))
private void DrawAppointments(Graphics g, int col0Width, int cellWidth, int cellHeight)
if (!base.DesignMode && (this.m_Appointments != null))
int num = 0;
int num2 = 0;
int x = 0;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach (CGAppointment appointment in this.m_Appointments.AppointmentTable.Values)
bool bRet = false;
Rectangle rect = this.GetAppointmentRect(appointment, col0Width, cellWidth, cellHeight, out bRet);
if (bRet && (!appointment.WalkIn || this.m_bDrawWalkIns))
rect.Inflate(-10, 0);
num = (int) this.m_ApptOverlapTable[appointment.m_nKey];
num2 = rect.Right - rect.Left;
x = num2 / (num + 1);
rect.Width = x;
if (num > 0)
foreach (object obj2 in list)
Rectangle rectangle2 = (Rectangle) obj2;
if (rect.IntersectsWith(rectangle2))
rect.Offset(x, 0);
appointment.GridRectangle = rect;
if (appointment.Selected)
Pen pen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 5f);
g.DrawRectangle(pen, rect);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, rect);
string s = appointment.ToString();
Rectangle rectangle3 = new Rectangle(rect.X + 1, rect.Y + 1, rect.Width - 1, rect.Height - 1);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, rectangle3);
Brush black = Brushes.Black;
if (appointment.CheckInTime.Ticks > 0L)
black = Brushes.Green;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGreen, rectangle3);
if (appointment.NoShow)
black = Brushes.Red;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightPink, rectangle3);
if (appointment.WalkIn)
black = Brushes.Blue;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightSteelBlue, rectangle3);
g.DrawString(s, this.fontArial8, black, rectangle3);
private void DrawGrid(Graphics g)
//Default color of grid lines is black
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
//each cell's height is Height of Arial Font 10pt + 10 pixels (by default 26 pixels)
SizeF ef = g.MeasureString("Test", this.m_fCell);
int num = 10;
this.m_cellHeight = ((int) ef.Height) + num;
// Number of columns is dynamic based on user of Grid. See Property Columns. Default 5 in init.
int nColumns = this.m_nColumns;
//Time scale is also dynamic. Property TimeScale. Default 20 (minutes)
//num3 stands for number of cells per hour
int num3 = 60 / this.m_nTimeScale;
//num4 stands for number of cells per day (aka rows in the grid)
int num4 = 24 * num3;
//Add extra column to hold time in the left hand corner
//add extra row to represent dates or resources (depending on which view we are in)
//Not sure of which variable controls view yet.
// 100 px is reserved no matter our column sizes for displaying the time scale
// Minimum cell width is 600/columns (100 px by default)
this.m_cellWidth = 600 / nColumns;
// if we happen to have more than 600 pixels in our Client Window then cell
// is (Width-100) / (number of date columns)
if (base.ClientRectangle.Width > 600)
this.m_cellWidth = (base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.m_col0Width) / (nColumns - 1);
// If we have one column, the cell width is the itself - 100
if (this.m_nColumns == 1)
this.m_cellWidth = base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.m_col0Width;
// Our rectangle will start scrolling if width is less than 600 and height less than height of all cells comb
// Of course Height will scroll all the time unless you have a humungous screen
base.AutoScrollMinSize = new Size(600, this.m_cellHeight * num4);
// Default Rectangle is Gray
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGray, base.ClientRectangle);
int num5 = 0; //Minutes (start at 0)
int num6 = 0; //Hour (starts at 0)
// flag is true only if there are no cells what so ever in the screen
// Only true when no resource is selected.
bool flag = this.m_gridCells.CellCount == 0;
// Move the base point from the client screen to the scrolling region top-left corner.
g.TranslateTransform((float) base.AutoScrollPosition.X, (float) base.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
// This for loop draws the time scale (although I haven't completely traced it out)
// For each row except the first one (i starts from 1 rather than zero)
for (int i = 1; i < num4; i++)
int x = 0;
//point is (0, 1st Cell Start) then (0, 2nd Cell Start) until we run out
Point point = new Point(x, i * this.m_cellHeight);
//rectangle2 represents each cell rectangle
Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle(point.X, point.Y, this.m_cellWidth, this.m_cellHeight);
//rect stands for the time scale rectangle; width is 100px; Height is length of the hour on grid
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, rectangle2.Y, this.m_col0Width, rectangle2.Height * num3);
//height is length of hour
int height = rect.Height;
//Min font height is 25 pixels (100/4)--see below where it's used
height = (height > (this.m_col0Width / 4)) ? (this.m_col0Width / 4) : height;
//if we are the top of the time scale (at hour:00) -- num5 is min
if (num5 == 0)
// Fill time scale triangle with Gray (remember, this is the whole hour!)
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGray, rect);
// Draw Rectangle
g.DrawRectangle(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
//Pad time with at least one zero to make it 2 digits
string str = string.Format("{0}", num6).PadLeft(2, '0');
//Font height using pixels. Min is 25 pixels
Font font = new Font("Arial", (float) height, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
// rectangle3 is the left half of the time rectangle
Rectangle rectangle3 = new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width / 2, rect.Height);
// In this left half, draw the hours (m_sfHour is the stringformat:
// Horizontal Center and Right Justified to rectangle3
g.DrawString(str, font, Brushes.Black, rectangle3, this.m_sfHour);
// Increment hour
// Pad minutes with zeros to be 2 digits long
string s = string.Format("{0}", num5);
s = ":" + s.PadLeft(2, '0');
// Rectangle starts at
// X: 2/3rds of width of Time Rectangle
// Y: Top of the current time slot cell
// Width: 1/3rd of the width of the Time Rectangle
// Height: Height of a time slot
Rectangle layoutRectangle = new Rectangle(rect.X + ((rect.Width * 2) / 3), rectangle2.Top, rect.Width / 3, rectangle2.Height);
// At in this rectangle, write the minutes. Horizontal Ctr and Right Justified to Rectangle
g.DrawString(s, this.m_fCell, Brushes.Black, layoutRectangle, this.m_sfRight);
// Draw Line from two points, just under the time we have just written
Point point2 = new Point(rect.X + ((rect.Width * 2) / 3), rectangle2.Bottom);
Point point3 = new Point(rect.Right, rectangle2.Bottom);
g.DrawLine(pen, point2, point3);
// Increment the minutes with the time scale
num5 += this.m_nTimeScale;
// If miniutes reaches 60, reset to zero
num5 = (num5 >= 60) ? 0 : num5;
// When we reach the bottom (num4 - 1 is # of rows) and we are not scrolling
if ((i == (num4 - 1)) && !this.m_bScroll)
// Fill the last cell with Gray (?)
g.TranslateTransform((float) -base.AutoScrollPosition.X, (float) -base.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.m_col0Width, this.m_cellHeight);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGray, rect);
g.DrawRectangle(pen, rect);
g.TranslateTransform((float) base.AutoScrollPosition.X, (float) base.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
//This for loop draws the cells
//Start from the bottom (num4 is # of rows) and go down to the zeroth row (ie date row/resource row)
for (int j = num4; j > -1; j--)
// For each column - 1 (we start at 1, not zero-->We drew the first column anyways in the 1st loop)
for (int k = 1; k < nColumns; k++)
int num12 = 0; // X-axis position
if (k == 1) // If we are at the first column, start at 100px (default)
num12 = this.m_col0Width;
if (k > 1) //
num12 = this.m_col0Width + (this.m_cellWidth * (k - 1));
Point point4 = new Point(num12, j * this.m_cellHeight);
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(point4.X, point4.Y, this.m_cellWidth, this.m_cellHeight);
if (j != 0)
CGCell cellFromRowCol = null;
if (flag)
cellFromRowCol = new CGCell(r, j, k);
cellFromRowCol = this.m_gridCells.GetCellFromRowCol(j, k);
cellFromRowCol.CellRectangle = r;
if (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count > 0)
if (this.m_selectedRange.CellIsInRange(cellFromRowCol))
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Aquamarine, r);
g.FillRectangle(cellFromRowCol.AppointmentTypeColor, r);
g.DrawRectangle(pen, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);
if (j == 1)
this.DrawAppointments(g, this.m_col0Width, this.m_cellWidth, this.m_cellHeight);
if (!this.m_bScroll)
g.TranslateTransform(0f, (float) -base.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
Rectangle rectangle6 = r;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightBlue, rectangle6);
g.DrawRectangle(pen, rectangle6.X, rectangle6.Y, rectangle6.Width, rectangle6.Height);
string str3 = "";
if (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count > 1)
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in this.m_ColumnInfoTable)
int num13 = (int) entry.Value;
if (num13 == k)
str3 = entry.Key.ToString();
DateTime dtStart = this.m_dtStart;
if (k > 1)
dtStart = dtStart.AddDays((double) (k - 1));
string format = "ddd, MMM d";
str3 = dtStart.ToString(format, DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
g.DrawString(str3, this.m_fCell, Brushes.Black, rectangle6, this.m_sf);
g.TranslateTransform(0f, (float) base.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
this.m_bScroll = false;
public Rectangle GetAppointmentRect(CGAppointment a, int col0Width, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, out bool bRet)
DateTime startTime = a.StartTime;
DateTime endTime = a.EndTime;
string resource = a.Resource;
int originX = 0;
int originY = 0;
int recHeight = 0;
int recWidth = 0;
int columnToPutAppt = 0;
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();
int startTotalMinutesoffset = (int) startTime.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes;
int endTotalMinutesoffset = (int) endTime.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes;
// To fix a bug with 1 day view: if the start time of appt is before Calendar Start Date, don't draw anything.
if (startTime < this.m_dtStart)
bRet = false;
return rectangle;
// if grid has more than one reource
if (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count > 1)
// get zero based index
columnToPutAppt = (int) this.m_ColumnInfoTable[resource];
// increment to 1 based index
columnToPutAppt = (startTime - this.m_dtStart).Days + 1;
// this if should not get tripped; it did the same function as the new first if check.
//if (columnToPutAppt < 1)
// bRet = false;
// return rectangle;
originX = col0Width + (cellWidth * (columnToPutAppt - 1));
int num8 = startTotalMinutesoffset + this.m_nTimeScale;
int num9 = (endTotalMinutesoffset > 0) ? endTotalMinutesoffset : 0x5a0;
num9 -= startTotalMinutesoffset;
originY = (cellHeight * num8) / this.m_nTimeScale;
recHeight = (cellHeight * num9) / this.m_nTimeScale;
recWidth = cellWidth;
rectangle.X = originX;
rectangle.Y = originY;
rectangle.Width = recWidth;
rectangle.Height = recHeight;
bRet = true;
return rectangle;
public bool GetCellFromTime(DateTime dDate, ref int nRow, ref int nCol, bool bStartCell, string sResource)
int num = (dDate.Hour * 60) + dDate.Minute;
nRow = num / this.m_nTimeScale;
if (bStartCell)
if (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count > 1)
if (sResource == "")
sResource = this.m_sResourcesArray[0].ToString();
nCol = (int) this.m_ColumnInfoTable[sResource];
return true;
DateTime time = new DateTime(dDate.Year, dDate.Month, dDate.Day);
TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan) (time - this.StartDate);
int totalDays = 0;
totalDays = (int) span.TotalDays;
nCol = totalDays;
return true;
private string GetResourceFromColumn(int nCol)
if (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count == 1)
return this.m_sResourcesArray[0].ToString();
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in this.m_ColumnInfoTable)
int num = (int) entry.Value;
if (num == nCol)
return entry.Key.ToString();
return "";
public bool GetSelectedTime(out DateTime dStart, out DateTime dEnd, out string sResource)
if (this.m_selectedRange.Cells.CellCount == 0)
dEnd = new DateTime();
dStart = dEnd;
sResource = "";
return false;
CGCell startCell = this.m_selectedRange.StartCell;
CGCell endCell = this.m_selectedRange.EndCell;
if (startCell.CellRow > endCell.CellRow)
CGCell cell3 = startCell;
startCell = endCell;
endCell = cell3;
dStart = this.GetTimeFromCell(startCell);
dEnd = this.GetTimeFromCell(endCell);
dEnd = dEnd.AddMinutes((double) this.m_nTimeScale);
sResource = this.GetResourceFromColumn(startCell.CellColumn);
return true;
public bool GetSelectedType(out int nAccessTypeID)
nAccessTypeID = 0;
if (this.m_selectedRange.Cells.CellCount == 0)
return false;
CGCell startCell = this.m_selectedRange.StartCell;
CGCell endCell = this.m_selectedRange.EndCell;
if (startCell.CellRow > endCell.CellRow)
CGCell cell3 = startCell;
startCell = endCell;
endCell = cell3;
DateTime timeFromCell = this.GetTimeFromCell(startCell);
DateTime time2 = this.GetTimeFromCell(endCell).AddMinutes((double) this.m_nTimeScale);
foreach (CGAvailability availability in this.m_pAvArray)
if (TimesOverlap(availability.StartTime, availability.EndTime, timeFromCell, time2))
nAccessTypeID = availability.AvailabilityType;
return (nAccessTypeID > 0);
public DateTime GetTimeFromCell(CGCell cgCell)
int cellRow = cgCell.CellRow;
int cellColumn = cgCell.CellColumn;
DateTime dtStart = this.m_dtStart;
int num3 = (cellRow - 1) * this.m_nTimeScale;
int num4 = num3 / 60;
if (num4 > 0)
num3 = num3 % (num4 * 60);
dtStart = dtStart.AddHours((double) num4).AddMinutes((double) num3);
if (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count == 1)
dtStart = dtStart.AddDays((double) (cellColumn - 1));
return dtStart;
public bool GetTypeFromCell(CGCell cgCell, out int nAccessTypeID)
nAccessTypeID = 0;
CGCell cell = cgCell;
CGCell cell2 = cgCell;
if (cell.CellRow > cell2.CellRow)
CGCell cell3 = cell;
cell = cell2;
cell2 = cell3;
DateTime timeFromCell = this.GetTimeFromCell(cell);
DateTime time2 = this.GetTimeFromCell(cell2).AddMinutes((double) this.m_nTimeScale);
foreach (CGAvailability availability in this.m_pAvArray)
if (TimesOverlap(availability.StartTime, availability.EndTime, timeFromCell, time2))
nAccessTypeID = availability.AvailabilityType;
return (nAccessTypeID > 0);
private bool HitTest(int X, int Y, ref int nRow, ref int nCol)
Y -= base.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
X -= base.AutoScrollPosition.X;
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in this.m_gridCells)
CGCell cell = (CGCell) entry.Value;
if (cell.CellRectangle.Contains(X, Y))
nRow = cell.CellRow;
nCol = cell.CellColumn;
return true;
return false;
public void InitializeCalendarGrid()
this.AllowDrop = true;
private void InitializeComponent()
this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
this.m_toolTip = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(this.components);
// CalendarGrid
this.AutoScroll = true;
this.AutoScrollMinSize = new System.Drawing.Size(600, 400);
this.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;
this.Paint += new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(this.CalendarGrid_Paint);
this.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.CalendarGrid_MouseMove);
this.DragDrop += new System.Windows.Forms.DragEventHandler(this.CalendarGrid_DragDrop);
this.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.CalendarGrid_MouseDown);
this.MouseUp += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.CalendarGrid_MouseUp);
this.DragEnter += new System.Windows.Forms.DragEventHandler(this.CalendarGrid_DragEnter);
private static int MinSince80(DateTime d)
DateTime time = new DateTime(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan) (d - time);
return (int) span.TotalMinutes;
private void OnLButtonDown(int X, int Y, bool bStart)
this.m_bDragDropStart = false;
this.m_nSelectID = 0;
if (!this.m_bSelectingRange)
int y = Y - base.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
int x = X - base.AutoScrollPosition.X;
Point pt = new Point(x, y);
if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)
this.m_bMouseDown = false;
foreach (CGAppointment appointment in this.m_Appointments.AppointmentTable.Values)
if (!appointment.GridRectangle.Contains(pt))
if (this.m_SelectedAppointments.AppointmentTable.ContainsKey(appointment.AppointmentKey))
if (this.m_SelectedAppointments.AppointmentTable.Count == 0)
this.m_nSelectID = 0;
foreach (CGAppointment appointment2 in this.m_Appointments.AppointmentTable.Values)
this.m_nSelectID = appointment2.AppointmentKey;
this.m_nSelectID = appointment.AppointmentKey;
appointment.Selected = !appointment.Selected;
foreach (CGAppointment appointment3 in this.m_Appointments.AppointmentTable.Values)
if (!appointment3.GridRectangle.Contains(pt))
this.m_bMouseDown = false;
if (appointment3.Selected)
appointment3.Selected = false;
this.m_nSelectID = 0;
foreach (CGAppointment appointment4 in this.m_Appointments.AppointmentTable.Values)
appointment4.Selected = false;
appointment3.Selected = true;
this.m_nSelectID = appointment3.AppointmentKey;
this.m_bMouseDown = true;
this.m_bGridEnter = true;
int nRow = -1;
int nCol = -1;
if (this.HitTest(X, Y, ref nRow, ref nCol))
CGCell cellFromRowCol = this.m_gridCells.GetCellFromRowCol(nRow, nCol);
if (cellFromRowCol != null)
if (bStart)
this.m_currentCell = cellFromRowCol;
this.m_selectedRange.StartCell = null;
this.m_selectedRange.EndCell = null;
this.m_selectedRange.CreateRange(this.m_gridCells, cellFromRowCol, cellFromRowCol);
bStart = false;
this.m_bMouseDown = true;
this.m_bSelectingRange = true;
else if (cellFromRowCol != this.m_currentCell)
if (!this.m_selectedRange.Cells.CellHashTable.ContainsKey(cellFromRowCol.Key))
this.m_selectedRange.AppendCell(this.m_gridCells, cellFromRowCol);
bool bUp = cellFromRowCol.CellRow < this.m_currentCell.CellRow;
this.m_selectedRange.SubtractCell(this.m_gridCells, cellFromRowCol, bUp);
this.m_currentCell = cellFromRowCol;
cellFromRowCol.IsSelected = true;
public void OnUpdateArrays()
Graphics g = base.CreateGraphics();
catch (Exception exception)
string message = exception.Message;
/// <summary>
/// Draws Availabilities. Draws Some of the Empty cells (don't know where the rest go) with the Khaki color
/// </summary>
private void SetAppointmentTypes()
if (this.m_gridCells.CellCount != 0)
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in this.m_gridCells.CellHashTable)
CGCell cell = (CGCell) entry.Value;
cell.AppointmentTypeColor = (this.m_GridBackColor == "blue") ? Brushes.CornflowerBlue : Brushes.Khaki;
if ((this.m_pAvArray != null) && (this.m_pAvArray.Count != 0))
foreach (CGAvailability availability in this.m_pAvArray)
int nRow = 0;
int nCol = 0;
int num3 = 0;
int num4 = 0;
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(availability.Red, availability.Green, availability.Blue));
this.GetCellFromTime(availability.StartTime, ref nRow, ref nCol, true, availability.ResourceList);
this.GetCellFromTime(availability.EndTime, ref num3, ref num4, false, availability.ResourceList);
for (int i = nCol; i <= num4; i++)
for (int j = nRow; (i == num4) && (j <= num3); j++)
string str = "r" + j.ToString() + "c" + i.ToString();
CGCell cell2 = (CGCell) this.m_gridCells.CellHashTable[str];
if (cell2 != null)
cell2.AppointmentTypeColor = brush;
private void SetColumnInfo()
for (int i = 0; i < this.m_sResourcesArray.Count; i++)
this.m_ColumnInfoTable.Add(this.m_sResourcesArray[i], i);
if (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count > 1)
this.m_nColumns = this.m_sResourcesArray.Count;
public void SetOverlapTable()
Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
int y = 0;
int num2 = 0;
int x = 0;
foreach (CGAppointment appointment in this.m_Appointments.AppointmentTable.Values)
if (!appointment.WalkIn || this.m_bDrawWalkIns)
string resource = appointment.Resource;
y = appointment.StartTime.Minute + (60 * appointment.StartTime.Hour);
num2 = appointment.EndTime.Minute + (60 * appointment.EndTime.Hour);
x = (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count > 1) ? (((int) this.m_ColumnInfoTable[resource]) + 1) : appointment.StartTime.DayOfYear;
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, 1, num2 - y);
hashtable.Add(appointment.m_nKey, rectangle);
foreach (int num4 in hashtable.Keys)
this.m_ApptOverlapTable.Add(num4, 0);
// Here it draws the Dates on Top
if (this.m_ApptOverlapTable.Count != 0)
int num5 = (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count > 1) ? 1 : this.StartDate.DayOfYear;
int num6 = (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count > 1) ? (this.m_sResourcesArray.Count + 1) : (this.Columns + this.StartDate.DayOfYear);
for (int i = num5; i < num6; i++)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
for (int j = 1; j < this.Rows; j++)
Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle(i, j * this.m_nTimeScale, 1, this.m_nTimeScale);
int num9 = -1;
foreach (int num10 in hashtable.Keys)
Rectangle rect = (Rectangle) hashtable[num10];
if (rectangle2.IntersectsWith(rect))
if (num9 > 0)
foreach (object obj2 in list)
int num11 = (int) obj2;
if (((int) this.m_ApptOverlapTable[num11]) < num9)
this.m_ApptOverlapTable[num11] = num9;
private void tickEventHandler(object o, EventArgs e)
Point point = new Point(base.AutoScrollPosition.X, base.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
int x = point.X;
int num = point.Y * -1;
num = this.m_bScrollDown ? (num + 5) : (num - 5);
point.Y = num;
base.AutoScrollPosition = point;
/// <summary>
/// Do 2 time ranges overlap each other?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dStart1">First Start Time</param>
/// <param name="dEnd1">First End Time</param>
/// <param name="dStart2">Second Start Time</param>
/// <param name="dEnd2">Second End Time</param>
/// <returns>True or False</returns>
public static bool TimesOverlap(DateTime dStart1, DateTime dEnd1, DateTime dStart2, DateTime dEnd2)
long ticks = dEnd1.Ticks - dStart1.Ticks;
TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(ticks);
ticks = dEnd2.Ticks - dStart2.Ticks;
new TimeSpan(ticks).Subtract(ts);
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle();
rect.X = 0;
rectangle2.X = 0;
rect.Width = 1;
rectangle2.Width = 1;
rect.Y = MinSince80(dStart1);
rect.Height = MinSince80(dEnd1) - rect.Y;
rectangle2.Y = MinSince80(dStart2);
rectangle2.Height = MinSince80(dEnd2) - rectangle2.Y;
return rectangle2.IntersectsWith(rect);
public void PositionGrid(int nHour)
//Position grid to nHour
int nRow = 0, nCol = 0;
DateTime dStart = DateTime.Today;
dStart = dStart.AddHours(nHour);
this.GetCellFromTime(dStart, ref nRow, ref nCol, false, "");
int nHeight = this.CellHeight + 10;
nHeight *= nRow;
this.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(50, nHeight);
/// <summary>
/// The purpose of this is to properly draw the date boxes at the top of the calendar grid.
/// Otherwise, when scrolling, it gets garbled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msg">Handles three messages:
/// WM_VSCROLL (0x115 - Vertical Scrolling)
/// WM_HSCROLL (0x114 - Horizontal Scrolling)
/// WM_MOUSEWHEEL (0x20a - Mouse Wheel Movement)
/// </param>
protected override void WndProc(ref Message msg)
if (msg.Msg == WM_VSCROLL || msg.Msg == WM_MOUSEWHEEL)
this.m_bScroll = true;
this.m_bScroll = false;
if (msg.Msg == WM_HSCROLL)
base.WndProc(ref msg);
catch (Exception exception)
MessageBox.Show("CalendarGrid::WndProc: " + exception.Message + "\nStack: " + exception.StackTrace);
public CGAppointments Appointments
return this.m_Appointments;
this.m_Appointments = value;
public string ApptDragSource
return this.m_sDragSource;
this.m_sDragSource = value;
public ArrayList AvailabilityArray
return this.m_pAvArray;
this.m_pAvArray = value;
public int CellHeight
return this.m_cellHeight;
public ToolTip CGToolTip
return this.m_toolTip;
public int Columns
return this.m_nColumns;
if ((value > 0) && (value < 11))
this.m_nColumns = value;
Graphics g = base.CreateGraphics();
public bool DrawWalkIns
return this.m_bDrawWalkIns;
this.m_bDrawWalkIns = value;
public string GridBackColor
return this.m_GridBackColor;
this.m_GridBackColor = value;
public bool GridEnter
return this.m_bGridEnter;
this.m_bGridEnter = value;
public ArrayList Resources
return this.m_sResourcesArray;
this.m_sResourcesArray = value;
public int Rows
return (0x5a0 / this.m_nTimeScale);
public int SelectedAppointment
return this.m_nSelectID;
this.m_nSelectID = value;
public CGAppointments SelectedAppointments
return this.m_SelectedAppointments;
public CGRange SelectedRange
return this.m_selectedRange;
public DateTime StartDate
return this.m_dtStart;
this.m_dtStart = value;
public int TimeScale
return this.m_nTimeScale;
if ((((value == 5) || (value == 10)) || ((value == 15) || (value == 20))) || ((value == 30) || (value == 60)))
this.m_nTimeScale = value;
Graphics g = base.CreateGraphics();