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2009-11-29 13:37:14 -05:00
FirstRelease WVEHR VER VOE1.0
Cache 31-Jan-2008 23:07:04 ZWR
^YSTX(604.26,0)="ASI PROGRAM TYPE^604.26I^21^21"
^YSTX(604.26,6,0)="6^INPATIENT ACUTE CARE^1"
^YSTX(604.26,17,0)="17^GENERAL MEDICINE^1"
^YSTX(604.26,18,0)="18^GENERAL PSYCHIATRY^1"
^YSTX(604.26,19,0)="19^GENERAL SURGERY^1"
^YSTX(604.26,21,0)="21^SCI PROGRAM^1"
^YSTX(604.26,"C","GENERAL MEDICINE",17)=""
^YSTX(604.26,"C","GENERAL PSYCHIATRY",18)=""
^YSTX(604.26,"C","GENERAL SURGERY",19)=""
^YSTX(604.26,"C","SCI PROGRAM",21)=""
^YSTX(604.3,0)="ASI LEGAL CODE^604.3I^21^20"
^YSTX(604.3,5,0)="5^DRUG CHARGES"
^YSTX(604.3,7,0)="7^WEAPONS OFFENSE"
^YSTX(604.3,8,0)="8^BURGLARY, LARCENY, B&E"
^YSTX(604.3,14.2,0)="15^CONTEMPT OF COURT"
^YSTX(604.3,"B","BURGLARY, LARCENY, B&E",8)="1"
^YSTX(604.3,"B","CONTEMPT OF COURT",14.2)="1"
^YSTX(604.3,"B","DRUG CHARGES",5)="1"
^YSTX(604.3,"B","WEAPONS OFFENSE",7)="1"
^YSTX(604.4,0)="ASI LIVING ARRANGEMENTS^604.4I^11^11"
^YSTX(604.4,4,0)="4^WITH PARENTS"
^YSTX(604.4,5,0)="5^WITH FAMILY"
^YSTX(604.4,6,0)="6^WITH FRIENDS"
^YSTX(604.4,"C","WITH FAMILY",5)=""
^YSTX(604.4,"C","WITH FRIENDS",6)=""
^YSTX(604.4,"C","WITH PARENTS",4)=""
^YSTX(604.45,0)="ASI PATIENT RATING SCALE^604.45I^7^7"
^YSTX(604.45,1,0)="0^NOT AT ALL"
^YSTX(604.45,"C","NOT AT ALL",1)=""
^YSTX(604.48,0)="ASI ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION^604.48I^99^7"
^YSTX(604.48,4,0)="4^NON IV INJ"
^YSTX(604.48,5,0)="5^IV INJ"
^YSTX(604.48,"C","IV INJ",5)=""
^YSTX(604.48,"C","NON IV INJ",4)=""
^YSTX(604.5,0)="ASI FAMILY HX CODES^604.5I^4^4"
^YSTX(604.5,1,0)="0^Clearly NO for all relatives in that category"
^YSTX(604.5,2,0)="1^Clearly YES for any relavites in that category"
^YSTX(604.5,3,0)="X^Uncertain or don't know"
^YSTX(604.5,4,0)="N^Never was a relative"
^YSTX(604.55,0)="ASI FOLLOW UP^604.55^10^10"
^YSTX(604.55,1,0)="00 AT DISCHARGE"
^YSTX(604.55,2,0)="03 MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.55,3,0)="06 MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.55,4,0)="12 MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.55,5,0)="18 MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.55,6,0)="24 MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.55,7,0)="30 MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.55,8,0)="36 MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.55,9,0)="42 MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.55,10,0)="48 MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.55,"B","00 AT DISCHARGE",1)=""
^YSTX(604.55,"B","03 MONTHS",2)=""
^YSTX(604.55,"B","06 MONTHS",3)=""
^YSTX(604.55,"B","12 MONTHS",4)=""
^YSTX(604.55,"B","18 MONTHS",5)=""
^YSTX(604.55,"B","24 MONTHS",6)=""
^YSTX(604.55,"B","30 MONTHS",7)=""
^YSTX(604.55,"B","36 MONTHS",8)=""
^YSTX(604.55,"B","42 MONTHS",9)=""
^YSTX(604.55,"B","48 MONTHS",10)=""
^YSTX(604.66,0)="ASI QUICK FORM^604.66I^26700^270"
^YSTX(604.66,200,0)="200^G3 Program^2^1^1^1^^1^W !?10,""##### General Information #####""^^G3"
^YSTX(604.66,200,2,1,0)="Enter Clinical Program"
^YSTX(604.66,200,3,1,0)="Enter ?? for a listing of VA program classifications."
^YSTX(604.66,250,0)="250^G4 Date of Admission^1^1^1^1^T^^^^G4"
^YSTX(604.66,250,2,1,0)="Date of Admission"
^YSTX(604.66,300,0)="300^G5 Date Of Interview^.05^3^3^3^^1^^^G5"
^YSTX(604.66,300,2,1,0)="Date of Interview"
^YSTX(604.66,400,0)="400^G6 Time Interview Began^.051^4^^^^^^^G6"
^YSTX(604.66,400,2,1,0)="Time Interview Began"
^YSTX(604.66,500,0)="500^G7 Time Interview Ended^.052^5^^^^^^^G7"
^YSTX(604.66,500,2,1,0)="Time Interview Ended"
^YSTX(604.66,600,0)="600^G8 Class^.04^^^^^^^^G8"
^YSTX(604.66,600,2,1,0)="Type of ASI"
^YSTX(604.66,700,0)="700^G9 Contact Code^.07^7^5^1^^1^^^G9"
^YSTX(604.66,700,2,1,0)="How was patient contacted?"
^YSTX(604.66,900,0)="900^G11 Interviewer^.09^9^7^1^^1^^^G11"
^YSTX(604.66,900,2,1,0)="Name of Interviewer"
^YSTX(604.66,900,3,1,0)="Enter ?? for a different way to select interviewer name from the"
^YSTX(604.66,900,3,2,0)="NEW PERSON file."
^YSTX(604.66,1000,0)="1000^G12 Special^.11^10^8^1^N^^^^G12"
^YSTX(604.66,1000,2,1,0)="Special: "
^YSTX(604.66,1200,0)="1200^G14 How Long at This Address (Years)^1.201^12^9^^0^1^^^G14 YRS"
^YSTX(604.66,1200,2,1,0)="How many years have you lived at this address?"
^YSTX(604.66,1300,0)="1300^ (Months)^1.202^13^10^^0^1^^^G14 MON"
^YSTX(604.66,1300,2,1,0)="How many months have you Lived at this address?"
^YSTX(604.66,1400,0)="1400^G15 Residence Owned by Patient or Family^1.203^14^^^^^^^G15"
^YSTX(604.66,1400,2,1,0)="Is this residence owned by you or your family?"
^YSTX(604.66,1600,0)="1600^G17 Race^.16^16^12^^^^^^G17"
^YSTX(604.66,1600,2,1,0)="Patient's Race:"
^YSTX(604.66,1700,0)="1700^G18 Religious Preference^.17^17^13^^6^^^^G18"
^YSTX(604.66,1700,2,1,0)="Patients Religious Preference:"
^YSTX(604.66,1800,0)="1800^G19 Type of Controlled Environment in Past 30 Days^2.01^18^13^1^1^1^^^G19"
^YSTX(604.66,1800,1)="I YSA=1 S YSFIELD=2.03,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=2299"
^YSTX(604.66,1800,2,1,0)="Have you been in a controlled environment in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,1900,0)="1900^G20 How Many Days^2.03^19^14^2^^1^^^G20"
^YSTX(604.66,1900,2,1,0)="How many days?"
^YSTX(604.66,2300,0)="2300^M1 Hospitalizations for Medical Problems (Number)^8.01^23^15^1^^1^W !?10,""##### Medical Status #####""^1^M1"
^YSTX(604.66,2300,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=8.02,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSV=""N"",YSFIELD=8.025 D VAL S YSN=2599"
^YSTX(604.66,2300,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been hospitalized for medical"
^YSTX(604.66,2400,0)="2400^M2 Time since Last Hospitalization (Years)^8.02^24^^^^^^^M2 YRS"
^YSTX(604.66,2400,2,1,0)="How many years ago was your last hospitalization for a physical"
^YSTX(604.66,2400,3,1,0)="IF never hospitalized for a medical problem enter 'N'"
^YSTX(604.66,2500,0)="2500^ (Months)^8.025^25^^^^^^^M2 MON"
^YSTX(604.66,2500,2,1,0)="How many months ago was your last hospitalization for a physical"
^YSTX(604.66,2500,3,1,0)="If never hospitalized enter 'N'"
^YSTX(604.66,2600,0)="2600^M3 Chronic Medical Problem^8.03^26^16^^0^1^^^M3"
^YSTX(604.66,2600,1)="S:YSA=0 YSN=2699"
^YSTX(604.66,2600,2,1,0)="Do you have any chronic medical problems which continue to"
^YSTX(604.66,2600,2,2,0)="interfere with your life?"
^YSTX(604.66,2630,0)="2630^ Specify Chronic Medical Problem^8.04^26.5^16.6^^^^^^M3 SPEC"
^YSTX(604.66,2630,2,1,0)="Specify these chronic medical problems:"
^YSTX(604.66,2700,0)="2700^M4 Taking Prescribed Medication^8.05^27^17^4^0^1^^^M4"
^YSTX(604.66,2700,2,1,0)="Are you taking any prescribed medication on a regular basis"
^YSTX(604.66,2700,2,2,0)="for a physical problem?"
^YSTX(604.66,2800,0)="2800^M5 Pension for Physical Problem^8.06^28^18^5^0^1^^^M5"
^YSTX(604.66,2800,1)="S:YSA=0 YSN=2999"
^YSTX(604.66,2800,2,1,0)="Do you receive a pension for a physical disability?"
^YSTX(604.66,2900,0)="2900^ Specify Pension^8.07^29^19^6^^^^^M5 SPEC"
^YSTX(604.66,2900,2,1,0)="Specify pension:"
^YSTX(604.66,3000,0)="3000^M6 # Days Medical Problems in Past 30 Days^8.08^30^20^7^0^1^^^M6"
^YSTX(604.66,3000,2,1,0)="How many days have you experienced medical problems in the"
^YSTX(604.66,3000,2,2,0)="past 30?"
^YSTX(604.66,3100,0)="3100^M7 Patient Medical Problem Severity Rating^8.09^31^21^8^0^1^^^M7"
^YSTX(604.66,3100,2,1,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been by these medical problems"
^YSTX(604.66,3100,2,2,0)="in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,3100,3,1,0)="Be sure to have patient restrict responses to those problems counted in M6"
^YSTX(604.66,3200,0)="3200^M8 Patient Medical Treatment Importance Rating^8.11^32^22^9^0^1^^^M8"
^YSTX(604.66,3200,2,1,0)="How important to you now is treatment for these medical problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,3200,3,1,0)="Emphasize you mean ADDITIONAL medical treatment for those problems"
^YSTX(604.66,3200,3,2,0)="specified in M6"
^YSTX(604.66,3300,0)="3300^M9 Interviewer Rating of Medical Treatment Need^8.12^33^^10^0^^^^M9"
^YSTX(604.66,3300,2,1,0)="How would you rate the patient's need for medical treatment?"
^YSTX(604.66,3300,3,1,0)="0-1= No problem 4-5= Moderate problem 8-9= Extreme Problem"
^YSTX(604.66,3300,3,2,0)="2-3= Slight Problem 6-7= Severe problem"
^YSTX(604.66,3400,0)="3400^M10 Patient Misrepresented Medical Problems^8.14^34^23^11^0^^^^M10"
^YSTX(604.66,3400,2,1,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.66,3400,2,2,0)="Patient's misrepresentation?"
^YSTX(604.66,3500,0)="3500^M11 Patient Misunderstood Medical Questions^8.15^35^24^12^0^^^^M11"
^YSTX(604.66,3500,2,1,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.66,3500,2,2,0)="Patient's inability to understand?"
^YSTX(604.66,3600,0)="3600^E1 Education Completed (Years)^9.01^36^25^13^^1^W !?10,""##### Employment/Support Status #####""^1^E1 YRS"
^YSTX(604.66,3600,2,1,0)="Years of Education completed:"
^YSTX(604.66,3600,3,1,0)="GED is entered as 12, Correspondence school will not be entered here"
^YSTX(604.66,3600,3,2,0)="Enter formal education only"
^YSTX(604.66,3700,0)="3700^ (Months)^9.02^37^26^14^^1^^1^E1 MON"
^YSTX(604.66,3700,2,1,0)="Months of Education completed:"
^YSTX(604.66,3800,0)="3800^E2 # Months of Training or Technical Education^9.03^38^27^15^^1^^1^E2"
^YSTX(604.66,3800,2,1,0)="Months of training or technical education completed:"
^YSTX(604.66,3800,3,1,0)="Formal/organized training only. For military training, only include"
^YSTX(604.66,3800,3,2,0)="training that can be used in civilian life, ie electronics vs. artillery"
^YSTX(604.66,3900,0)="3900^E3 Profession, Trade Or Skill^9.04^39^^^^^^^E3"
^YSTX(604.66,3900,1)="S:YSA=0 YSN=4099"
^YSTX(604.66,3900,2,1,0)="Do you have a profession, trade or skill?"
^YSTX(604.66,3900,3,1,0)="Employable, transferable skill acquired through training"
^YSTX(604.66,4000,0)="4000^ Specify Profession, Trade, or Skill^9.05^40^^^^^^^E3 SPEC"
^YSTX(604.66,4000,2,1,0)="Specify profession, trade or skill:"
^YSTX(604.66,4100,0)="4100^E4 Valid Drivers License^9.06^41^28^16^0^1^^^E4"
^YSTX(604.66,4100,1)="I YSA=0 S YSV=0,YSFIELD=9.09 D VAL S YSN=4299"
^YSTX(604.66,4100,2,1,0)="Do you have a valid driver's license?"
^YSTX(604.66,4100,3,1,0)="Valid license; not suspended or revoked"
^YSTX(604.66,4200,0)="4200^E5 Automobile Available^9.09^42^29^17^0^1^^^E5"
^YSTX(604.66,4200,2,1,0)="Do you have an automobile available for use?"
^YSTX(604.66,4200,3,1,0)="if E4 is NO then enter 0. Does not require ownership, only availability on"
^YSTX(604.66,4200,3,2,0)="a regular basis."
^YSTX(604.66,4300,0)="4300^E6 Longest Full-Time Job (Years)^9.11^43^30^^^1^^^E6 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,4300,2,1,0)="How long was your longest full-time job? YEARS:"
^YSTX(604.66,4300,3,1,0)="Employment while in military service will be counted only when it is"
^YSTX(604.66,4300,3,2,0)="beyond the subject's original enlistment period"
^YSTX(604.66,4400,0)="4400^ (Months)^9.12^44^31^^^1^^^E6 MON"
^YSTX(604.66,4400,2,1,0)="How long was your longest full-time job? MONTHS:"
^YSTX(604.66,4500,0)="4500^E7 Hollingshead Rating of Usual Or Last Occupation^9.14^45^32^18^^1^^1^E7"
^YSTX(604.66,4500,2,1,0)="Usual (or last) occupation:"
^YSTX(604.66,4500,3,1,0)="Enter ?? for the complete classification list. If patient does not have a"
^YSTX(604.66,4500,3,2,0)="usual occupation then record the most recent. Code 'N' only if patient has"
^YSTX(604.66,4500,3,3,0)="not worked at all"
^YSTX(604.66,4600,0)="4600^ Specify Usual or Last Occupation^9.145^46^33^19^^^^^E7 SPEC"
^YSTX(604.66,4600,2,1,0)="Specify usual (or last) occupation:"
^YSTX(604.66,4700,0)="4700^E8 Someone Contribute Support^9.15^47^^20^0^^^^E8"
^YSTX(604.66,4700,1)="I YSA=0 S YSV=""N"",YSFIELD=9.16 D VAL S YSN=4899"
^YSTX(604.66,4700,2,1,0)="Does someone contribute to your support in any way?"
^YSTX(604.66,4700,3,1,0)="Is patient receiving any regular support (cash, food, housing) from family"
^YSTX(604.66,4700,3,2,0)="or friends. Include spouse's contribution; exclude support by an"
^YSTX(604.66,4800,0)="4800^E9 Someone Contributes Majority of Support^9.16^48^34^21^0^1^^^E9"
^YSTX(604.66,4800,2,1,0)="Does this constitute the majority of your support?"
^YSTX(604.66,4800,3,1,0)="Enter 'N"" if E8 is NO"
^YSTX(604.66,4900,0)="4900^E10 Employment Pattern Past 3 Years^9.17^49^35^^^1^^^E10"
^YSTX(604.66,4900,2,1,0)="Usual employment pattern, past 3 years."
^YSTX(604.66,4900,3,1,0)="Most representative of the past 3 years; not simply the most recent."
^YSTX(604.66,5000,0)="5000^E11 Days Paid Last 30 Days^9.18^50^36^22^0^1^^^E11"
^YSTX(604.66,5000,2,1,0)="How many days were you paid for working in the past 30?"
^YSTX(604.66,5000,3,1,0)="Include ""under the table"" work, paid sick days and vacation. Jobs held in"
^YSTX(604.66,5000,3,2,0)="a prison or hospital are not counted"
^YSTX(604.66,5100,0)="5100^E12 Employment Income^9.19^51^37^23^0^1^^^E12"
^YSTX(604.66,5100,2,1,0)="How much money did you receive in the past 30 days from"
^YSTX(604.66,5100,3,1,0)="Net or take-home pay. Include pay for under-the-table work"
^YSTX(604.66,5200,0)="5200^E13 Unemployment Compensation^9.21^52^38^24^0^1^^^E13"
^YSTX(604.66,5200,2,1,0)="How much money did you receive in the past 30 days from"
^YSTX(604.66,5230,0)="5230^E14 DPA (Welfare)^9.22^52.3^38.3^24.3^0^1^^^E14"
^YSTX(604.66,5230,2,1,0)="How much money did you receive in the past 30 days from"
^YSTX(604.66,5230,3,1,0)="This refers to public assistance or welfare"
^YSTX(604.66,5240,0)="5240^E15 Pension, Benefits or Social Security^9.23^52.6^38.6^24.6^0^1^^^E15"
^YSTX(604.66,5240,2,1,0)="How much money did you receive in the past 30 days from"
^YSTX(604.66,5240,3,1,0)="Includes pensions for disability or retirement, veteran's benefits, SSI,"
^YSTX(604.66,5240,3,2,0)="workman's compensation, etc."
^YSTX(604.66,5300,0)="5300^E16 Mate Family Friends Income^9.24^53^39^25^0^1^^^E16"
^YSTX(604.66,5300,2,1,0)="How much money did you receive in the past 30 days from"
^YSTX(604.66,5300,2,2,0)="MATE, FAMILY or FRIENDS?"
^YSTX(604.66,5300,3,1,0)="Money for personal expenses; include unreliable sources of income (eg."
^YSTX(604.66,5300,3,2,0)="gambling). Record cash payments only, include windfalls, money from loans,"
^YSTX(604.66,5300,3,3,0)="gambling, inheritance, tax returns, etc."
^YSTX(604.66,5400,0)="5400^E17 Illegal Income^9.25^54^40^26^0^1^^^E17"
^YSTX(604.66,5400,2,1,0)="How much money did you receive in the past 30 days from"
^YSTX(604.66,5400,3,1,0)="Cash obtained from drug dealing, stealing, fencing stolen goods,"
^YSTX(604.66,5400,3,2,0)="prostitution, etc. Do NOT attempt to convert drug exchanges to a dollar"
^YSTX(604.66,5500,0)="5500^E18 Number Of Dependents^9.29^55^41^27^0^1^^^E18"
^YSTX(604.66,5500,2,1,0)="How many people depend on you for the majority of their"
^YSTX(604.66,5500,2,2,0)="food, shelter, etc.?"
^YSTX(604.66,5500,3,1,0)="Must be regularly depending on the patient, to include alimony/child"
^YSTX(604.66,5500,3,2,0)="support. Do not include the patient or self-supporting spouse, etc."
^YSTX(604.66,5600,0)="5600^E19 # Days of Employment Problems in Past 30 Days^9.31^56^^28^0^^^^E19"
^YSTX(604.66,5600,2,1,0)="How many days have you experienced employment problems in the past 30?"
^YSTX(604.66,5600,3,1,0)="Include inability to find work, training, or schooling, or problems with"
^YSTX(604.66,5600,3,2,0)="present job in which that job is jeopardized"
^YSTX(604.66,5700,0)="5700^E20 Patient Employment Problem Severity Rating^9.32^57^^29^0^^^^E20"
^YSTX(604.66,5700,2,1,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been by these employment problems"
^YSTX(604.66,5700,2,2,0)="in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,5700,3,1,0)="These ratings are restricted to those problems identified by E19"
^YSTX(604.66,5800,0)="5800^E21 Patient Emp Counseling Importance Rating^9.33^58^42^30^0^1^^^E21"
^YSTX(604.66,5800,2,1,0)="How important to you now is counseling for these employment problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,5800,3,1,0)="These ratings are restricted to those problems identified by E19. Stress"
^YSTX(604.66,5800,3,2,0)="you mean help finding or preparing for a job NOT giving them a job"
^YSTX(604.66,5900,0)="5900^E22 Interviewer Employment Counseling Rating^9.34^59^^31^0^^^^E22"
^YSTX(604.66,5900,2,1,0)="How would you rate the patient's need for employment counseling?"
^YSTX(604.66,5900,3,1,0)="0-1= No problem 4-5= Moderate problem 8-9= Extreme Problem"
^YSTX(604.66,5900,3,2,0)="2-3= Slight Problem 6-7= Severe problem"
^YSTX(604.66,6000,0)="6000^E23 Patient Misrepresented Employment Problems^9.35^60^43^32^0^^^^E23"
^YSTX(604.66,6000,2,1,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.66,6000,2,2,0)="Patient's misrepresentation?"
^YSTX(604.66,6100,0)="6100^E24 Patient Misunderstood Employment Questions^9.36^61^44^33^0^^^^E24"
^YSTX(604.66,6100,2,1,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.66,6100,2,2,0)="Patient's inability to understand?"
^YSTX(604.66,6200,0)="6200^D1 Alcohol Any Use Last 30 Days^10.01^62^45^34^0^1^W !?10,""##### Drug/Alcohol Use #####""^^D1 30"
^YSTX(604.66,6200,2,1,0)="Alcohol - Any use at all Past 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,6300,0)="6300^ Alcohol Any Use Lifetime (Years)^10.02^63^46^^0^1^^^D1 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,6300,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.01 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.03,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=6499"
^YSTX(604.66,6300,2,1,0)="Alcohol - Any use at all Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,6400,0)="6400^ Alcohol Route of Administration^10.03^64^47^36^1^1^^^D1 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,6400,2,1,0)="Alcohol - Any use at all Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,6400,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,6400,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,6500,0)="6500^D2 Alcohol Intox Use Last 30 Days^10.04^65^48^37^0^1^^^D2 30"
^YSTX(604.66,6500,2,1,0)="Alcohol - To intoxication Past 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,6500,3,1,0)="Does not necessarily mean getting drunk. No advisable to use the phrase"
^YSTX(604.66,6500,3,2,0)="""to intoxication""."
^YSTX(604.66,6600,0)="6600^ Alcohol Intox Lifetime (Years)^10.05^66^49^^0^1^^^D2 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,6600,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.04 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.06,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=6799"
^YSTX(604.66,6600,2,1,0)="Alcohol - To intoxication Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,6700,0)="6700^ Alcohol Route of Administration^10.06^67^50^39^1^1^^^D2 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,6700,2,1,0)="Alcohol - To intoxication Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,6700,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,6700,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,6800,0)="6800^D3 Heroin Last 30 Days^10.07^68^51^40^0^1^^^D3 30"
^YSTX(604.66,6800,2,1,0)="Heroin Past 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,6900,0)="6900^ Heroin Lifetime (Years)^10.08^69^52^^0^1^^^D3 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,6900,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.07 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.09,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=7099"
^YSTX(604.66,6900,2,1,0)="Heroin Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,7000,0)="7000^ Heroin Route of Administration^10.09^70^53^42^5^1^^^D3 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,7000,2,1,0)="Heroin Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,7000,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,7000,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,7100,0)="7100^D4 Methadone Last 30 Days^10.11^71^54^43^0^1^^^D4 30"
^YSTX(604.66,7100,2,1,0)="Methadone Last 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,7200,0)="7200^ Methadone Lifetime (Years)^10.12^72^55^^0^1^^^D4 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,7200,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.11 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.14,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=7399"
^YSTX(604.66,7200,2,1,0)="Methadone Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,7300,0)="7300^ Route of Administration^10.14^73^56^45^1^1^^^D4 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,7300,2,1,0)="Methadone Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,7300,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,7300,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,7400,0)="7400^D5 Other Opiates/Analgesics Last 30 Days^10.15^74^57^46^0^1^^^D5 30"
^YSTX(604.66,7400,2,1,0)="Other Opiates/Analgesics Last 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,7500,0)="7500^ Other Opiates/Analgesics Lifetime (Years)^10.16^75^58^^0^1^^^D5 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,7500,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.15 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.17,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=7699"
^YSTX(604.66,7500,2,1,0)="Other Opiates/Analgesics Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,7600,0)="7600^ Other Opiates/Analgesics Route^10.17^76^59^48^1^1^^^D5 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,7600,2,1,0)="Other Opiates/Analgesics Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,7600,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,7600,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,7700,0)="7700^D6 Barbituates Last 30 Days^10.18^77^60^49^0^1^^^D6 30"
^YSTX(604.66,7700,2,1,0)="Barbiturates Last 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,7800,0)="7800^ Barbituates Lifetime (Years)^10.19^78^61^^0^1^^^D6 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,7800,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.18 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.21,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=7999"
^YSTX(604.66,7800,2,1,0)="Barbiturates Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,7900,0)="7900^ Barbituates Route of Administration^10.21^79^62^51^1^1^^^D6 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,7900,2,1,0)="Barbiturates Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,7900,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,7900,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,8000,0)="8000^D7 Other Sed/Hyp/Tranq Last 30 Days^10.22^80^63^52^0^1^^^D7 30"
^YSTX(604.66,8000,2,1,0)="Other Sedatives/Hypnotics/Tranquilizers Past 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,8100,0)="8100^ Other Sed/Hyp/Tranq Lifetime (Years)^10.23^81^64^^0^1^^^D7 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,8100,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.22 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.24,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=8299"
^YSTX(604.66,8100,2,1,0)="Other Sedatives/Hypnotics/Tranquilizers Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,8200,0)="8200^ Other Sed/Hyp/Tranq Route of Administration^10.24^82^65^54^1^1^^^D7 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,8200,2,1,0)="Other Sedatives/Hypnotics/Tranquilizers "
^YSTX(604.66,8200,2,2,0)=" Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,8200,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,8200,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,8300,0)="8300^D8 Cocaine Last 30 Days^10.25^83^66^55^0^1^^^D8 30"
^YSTX(604.66,8300,2,1,0)="Cocaine Past 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,8400,0)="8400^ Cocaine Lifetime (Years)^10.26^84^67^^0^1^^^D8 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,8400,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.25 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.27,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=8599"
^YSTX(604.66,8400,2,1,0)="Cocaine Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,8500,0)="8500^ Cocaine Route of Administration^10.27^85^68^57^2^1^^^D8 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,8500,2,1,0)="Cocaine Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,8500,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,8500,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,8600,0)="8600^D9 Amphetamines Last 30 Days^10.28^86^69^58^0^1^^^D9 30"
^YSTX(604.66,8600,2,1,0)="Amphetamines Past 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,8700,0)="8700^ Amphetamines Lifetime (Years)^10.29^87^70^^0^1^^^D9 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,8700,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.28 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.31,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=8899"
^YSTX(604.66,8700,2,1,0)="Amphetamines Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,8800,0)="8800^ Amphetamines Route of Administration^10.31^88^71^60^1^1^^^D9 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,8800,2,1,0)="Amphetamines Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,8800,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,8800,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,8900,0)="8900^D10 Cannabis Last 30 Days^10.32^89^72^61^0^1^^^D10 30"
^YSTX(604.66,8900,2,1,0)="Cannabis Past 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,9000,0)="9000^ Cannabis Lifetime (Years)^10.33^90^73^^0^1^^^D10 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,9000,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.32 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.34,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=9199"
^YSTX(604.66,9000,2,1,0)="Cannabis Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,9100,0)="9100^ Cannabis Route of Administration^10.34^91^74^63^3^1^^^D10 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,9100,2,1,0)="Cannabis Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,9100,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,9100,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,9200,0)="9200^D11 Hallucinogens Last 30 Days^10.35^92^75^64^0^1^^^D11 30"
^YSTX(604.66,9200,2,1,0)="Hallucinogens Past 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,9300,0)="9300^ Hallucinogens Lifetime Yrs^10.36^93^76^^0^1^^^D11 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,9300,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.35 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.37,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=9499"
^YSTX(604.66,9300,2,1,0)="Hallucinogens Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,9400,0)="9400^ Hallucinogens Route of Administration^10.37^94^77^66^1^1^^^D11 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,9400,2,1,0)="Hallucinogens Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,9400,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,9400,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,9500,0)="9500^D12 Inhalants Last 30 Days^10.38^95^78^67^0^1^^^D12 30"
^YSTX(604.66,9500,2,1,0)="Inhalants Past 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,9600,0)="9600^ Inhalants Lifetime Yrs^10.39^96^79^^0^1^^^D12 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,9600,1)="I YSA=0 S YSFIELD=10.38 D FDAGET I Y'>0 S YSFIELD=10.41,YSV=""N"" D VAL S YSN=9799"
^YSTX(604.66,9600,2,1,0)="Inhalants Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,9700,0)="9700^ Inhalants Route of Administration^10.41^97^80^69^2^1^^^D12 RT"
^YSTX(604.66,9700,2,1,0)="Inhalants Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.66,9700,3,1,0)="Usual or most recent route of administration. Where two routes are"
^YSTX(604.66,9700,3,2,0)="routinely used, code the most serious."
^YSTX(604.66,9800,0)="9800^D13 More than 1 Substance per day Last 30 Days^10.42^98^81^70^0^1^^^D13 30"
^YSTX(604.66,9800,2,1,0)="More than one substance per day Past 30 Days"
^YSTX(604.66,9900,0)="9900^ More than 1 Substance per day Lifetime Yrs^10.43^99^82^^0^1^^^D13 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,9900,2,1,0)="More than one substance per day Lifetime Years"
^YSTX(604.66,10000,0)="10000^D14 Which Substance is the Greatest Problem^10.45^100^^72^2^^^^D14"
^YSTX(604.66,10000,2,1,0)="Which substance is the major problem?"
^YSTX(604.66,10000,3,1,0)="Enter ?? for a full list of substance abuse problems"
^YSTX(604.66,10100,0)="10100^D15 Length of Last Voluntary Abstinence (Months)^11.01^101^^^^^^^D15"
^YSTX(604.66,10100,2,1,0)="How long was your last period of voluntary abstinence from this"
^YSTX(604.66,10100,2,2,0)="major substance?"
^YSTX(604.66,10100,3,1,0)="Last attempt of at least one month, not necessarily the longest. Periods"
^YSTX(604.66,10100,3,2,0)="of hospitalization or incarceration are not counted"
^YSTX(604.66,10200,0)="10200^D16 Abstinence Ended How Many Months Ago^11.02^102^^^^^^^D16"
^YSTX(604.66,10200,2,1,0)="How many months ago did this abstinence end?"
^YSTX(604.66,10300,0)="10300^D17 Times Had Alcohol D.T.'S^11.03^103^^73^0^^^1^D17"
^YSTX(604.66,10300,2,1,0)="How many times have you had alcohol d.t's ?"
^YSTX(604.66,10300,3,1,0)="Occurs 24-48 hours after last drink or significant intake decrease with"
^YSTX(604.66,10300,3,2,0)="shaking, severe disorientation, fever and hallucinations. DTs usually"
^YSTX(604.66,10300,3,3,0)="require medical attention"
^YSTX(604.66,10400,0)="10400^D18 Times Overdosed On Drugs^11.04^104^^74^0^^^1^D18"
^YSTX(604.66,10400,2,1,0)="How many times have you overdosed on drugs?"
^YSTX(604.66,10400,3,1,0)="Overdoes require intervention by someone to recover; not simply sleeping"
^YSTX(604.66,10400,3,2,0)="it off. Include suicide attempts by OD."
^YSTX(604.66,10500,0)="10500^D19 Alcohol Abuse Treatments Lifetime^11.05^105^83^75^0^1^^1^D19"
^YSTX(604.66,10500,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been treated for"
^YSTX(604.66,10500,2,2,0)="Alcohol Abuse?"
^YSTX(604.66,10500,3,1,0)="Include detoxification, halfway houses, in/outpatient counseling and AA or"
^YSTX(604.66,10500,3,2,0)="NA (if 3+ meetings within a one month period). "
^YSTX(604.66,10600,0)="10600^D20 Drug Abuse Treatments Lifetime^11.06^106^84^76^0^1^^1^D20"
^YSTX(604.66,10600,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been treated for"
^YSTX(604.66,10600,2,2,0)="Drug Abuse?"
^YSTX(604.66,10600,3,1,0)="Include detoxification, halfway houses, in/outpatient counseling and AA or"
^YSTX(604.66,10600,3,2,0)="NA (if 3+ meetings within a one month period). "
^YSTX(604.66,10700,0)="10700^D21 Times Detox Only Alcohol^11.07^107^^77^0^^^1^D21"
^YSTX(604.66,10700,2,1,0)="How many of these were detox only: Alcohol?"
^YSTX(604.66,10700,3,1,0)="Record the number of treatments in D19 that were detoxification"
^YSTX(604.66,10700,3,2,0)="ONLY and did not include follow-up treatments."
^YSTX(604.66,10800,0)="10800^D22 Times Detox Only Drug^11.08^108^^78^0^^^1^D22"
^YSTX(604.66,10800,2,1,0)="How many of these were detox only: Drug?"
^YSTX(604.66,10800,3,1,0)="Record the number of treatments in D20 that were detoxification"
^YSTX(604.66,10800,3,2,0)="ONLY and did not include follow-up treatments."
^YSTX(604.66,10900,0)="10900^D23 Amount Spent Last 30 Days on Alcohol^11.09^109^85^79^0^1^^1^D23"
^YSTX(604.66,10900,2,1,0)="How much would you say you spent during the past 30 days on"
^YSTX(604.66,10900,3,1,0)="Enter only the money spent, not the street value used. What is the"
^YSTX(604.66,10900,3,2,0)="financial burden caused by Alcohol."
^YSTX(604.66,11000,0)="11000^D24 Amount Spent Last 30 Days on Drugs^11.11^110^86^80^0^1^^1^D24"
^YSTX(604.66,11000,2,1,0)="How much would you say you spent during the past 30 days on"
^YSTX(604.66,11000,3,1,0)="Enter only the money spent, not the street value used. What is the"
^YSTX(604.66,11000,3,2,0)="financial burden caused by Drugs."
^YSTX(604.66,11100,0)="11100^D25 # Days Opt Drug/Alcohol Treatment Last 30 Days^11.12^111^87^81^0^1^^^D25"
^YSTX(604.66,11100,2,1,0)="How many days have you been treated in an outpatient setting"
^YSTX(604.66,11100,2,2,0)="for alcohol or drugs in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,11200,0)="11200^D26 # Days Had Alcohol Problems Last 30 Days^11.14^112^88^82^0^1^^^D26"
^YSTX(604.66,11200,2,1,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you experienced"
^YSTX(604.66,11200,2,2,0)="Alcohol Problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,11200,3,1,0)="Include only craving, withdrawal symptoms, disturbing effects of"
^YSTX(604.66,11200,3,2,0)="intoxication, or wanting to stop and not being able to do so. Do NOT"
^YSTX(604.66,11200,3,3,0)="include inability to find drugs or alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,11300,0)="11300^D27 # Days Had Drug Problems Last 30 Days^11.15^113^89^83^0^1^^^D27"
^YSTX(604.66,11300,2,1,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you experienced"
^YSTX(604.66,11300,2,2,0)="Drug Problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,11300,3,1,0)="Include only craving, withdrawal symptoms, disturbing effects of"
^YSTX(604.66,11300,3,2,0)="intoxication, or wanting to stop and not being able to do so. Do NOT"
^YSTX(604.66,11300,3,3,0)="include inability to find drugs or alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,11400,0)="11400^D28 Patient Alcohol Problem Severity Rating^11.16^114^90^84^0^1^^^D28"
^YSTX(604.66,11400,2,1,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days"
^YSTX(604.66,11400,2,2,0)="by these Alcohol Problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,11500,0)="11500^D29 Patient Drug Problem Severity Rating^11.17^115^91^85^0^1^^^D29"
^YSTX(604.66,11500,2,1,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days"
^YSTX(604.66,11500,2,2,0)="by these Drug Problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,11600,0)="11600^D30 Patient Alcohol Treatment Importance Rating^11.165^116^92^86^0^1^^^D30"
^YSTX(604.66,11600,2,1,0)="How important to you now is treatment for these"
^YSTX(604.66,11600,2,2,0)="Alcohol Problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,11700,0)="11700^D31 Patient Drug Treatment Importance Rating^11.175^117^93^87^0^1^^^D31"
^YSTX(604.66,11700,2,1,0)="How important to you now is treatment for these"
^YSTX(604.66,11700,2,2,0)="Drug Problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,11800,0)="11800^D32 Interviewer Rating of Alcohol Treatment Need^11.18^118^^88^0^^^^D32"
^YSTX(604.66,11800,2,1,0)="How would you rate the patient's need for treatment for"
^YSTX(604.66,11800,2,2,0)="Alcohol Abuse?"
^YSTX(604.66,11800,3,1,0)="0-1= No problem 4-5= Moderate problem 8-9= Extreme Problem"
^YSTX(604.66,11800,3,2,0)="2-3= Slight Problem 6-7= Severe problem"
^YSTX(604.66,11900,0)="11900^D33 Interviewer Rating of Drug Treatment Need^11.185^119^^89^0^^^^D33"
^YSTX(604.66,11900,2,1,0)="How would you rate the patient's need for treatment for"
^YSTX(604.66,11900,2,2,0)="Drug Abuse?"
^YSTX(604.66,11900,3,1,0)="0-1= No problem 4-5= Moderate problem 8-9= Extreme Problem"
^YSTX(604.66,11900,3,2,0)="2-3= Slight Problem 6-7= Severe problem"
^YSTX(604.66,12000,0)="12000^D34 Patient Misrepresented Drug/Alcohol Use^11.19^120^1^90^0^^^^D34"
^YSTX(604.66,12000,2,1,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by the"
^YSTX(604.66,12000,2,2,0)="Patient's misrepresentation?"
^YSTX(604.66,12100,0)="12100^D35 Patient Misunderstood Drug/Alcohol Questions^11.21^121^1^91^0^^^^D35"
^YSTX(604.66,12100,2,1,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by the"
^YSTX(604.66,12100,2,2,0)="Patient's inability to understand?"
^YSTX(604.66,12200,0)="12200^L1 Admission Prompted by Legal System^14.01^122^94^^0^1^W !?10,""##### Legal Status #####""^^L1"
^YSTX(604.66,12200,2,1,0)="Was this admission prompted or suggested by the criminal"
^YSTX(604.66,12200,2,2,0)="justice system (judge, probation/parole officer, etc.)?"
^YSTX(604.66,12200,3,1,0)="Enter 1 if the patient will suffer undesirable legal consequences as a"
^YSTX(604.66,12200,3,2,0)="result of refusing or not completing treatment"
^YSTX(604.66,12300,0)="12300^L2 On Probation Or Parole^14.02^123^95^92^0^1^^^L2"
^YSTX(604.66,12300,2,1,0)="Are you on probation or parole"
^YSTX(604.66,12400,0)="12400^L3 Shoplifting/Vandalism^14.03^124^96^93^0^1^^1^L3"
^YSTX(604.66,12400,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,12400,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,12400,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,12400,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,12500,0)="12500^L4 Parole/Probation Violations^14.04^125^97^94^0^1^^1^L4"
^YSTX(604.66,12500,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,12500,2,2,0)="parole/probation violations?"
^YSTX(604.66,12500,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,12500,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,12500,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,12600,0)="12600^L5 Drug Charges^14.05^126^98^95^0^1^^1^L5"
^YSTX(604.66,12600,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,12600,2,2,0)="drug charges"
^YSTX(604.66,12600,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,12600,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,12600,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,12700,0)="12700^L6 Forgery^14.06^127^99^96^0^1^^1^L6"
^YSTX(604.66,12700,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,12700,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,12700,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,12700,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,12800,0)="12800^L7 Weapons Offense^14.07^128^100^97^0^1^^1^L7"
^YSTX(604.66,12800,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,12800,2,2,0)="weapons offense?"
^YSTX(604.66,12800,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,12800,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,12800,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,12900,0)="12900^L8 Burglary Larceny, B & E^14.08^129^101^98^0^1^^1^L8"
^YSTX(604.66,12900,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,12900,2,2,0)="burglary, larceny, B & E?"
^YSTX(604.66,12900,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,12900,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,12900,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,13000,0)="13000^L9 Robbery^14.09^130^102^99^0^1^^1^L9"
^YSTX(604.66,13000,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,13000,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,13000,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,13000,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,13100,0)="13100^L10 Assault^14.11^131^103^100^0^1^^1^L10"
^YSTX(604.66,13100,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,13100,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,13100,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,13100,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,13200,0)="13200^L11 Arson^14.12^132^104^101^0^1^^1^L11"
^YSTX(604.66,13200,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,13200,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,13200,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,13200,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,13300,0)="13300^L12 Rape^14.14^133^105^102^0^1^^1^L12"
^YSTX(604.66,13300,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,13300,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,13300,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,13300,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,13400,0)="13400^L13 Homicide, Manslaughter^14.15^134^106^103^0^1^^1^L13"
^YSTX(604.66,13400,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,13400,2,2,0)="homicide, manslaughter?"
^YSTX(604.66,13400,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,13400,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,13400,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,13500,0)="13500^L14 Prostitution^14.16^135^107^104^0^1^^1^L14"
^YSTX(604.66,13500,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,13500,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,13500,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,13500,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,13600,0)="13600^L15 Contempt Of Court^14.17^136^108^105^0^1^^1^L15"
^YSTX(604.66,13600,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,13600,2,2,0)="contempt of court?"
^YSTX(604.66,13600,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,13600,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,13600,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,13700,0)="13700^L16 Other Charges^14.18^137^109^106^0^1^^1^L16"
^YSTX(604.66,13700,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,13700,3,1,0)="Times in your life you have been arrested and charged. Include the total"
^YSTX(604.66,13700,3,2,0)="number of counts, not just convictions, Include only crimes charged as"
^YSTX(604.66,13700,3,3,0)="an adult. Include formal charges only."
^YSTX(604.66,13800,0)="13800^L17 # Convictions^14.19^138^110^107^0^1^^1^L17"
^YSTX(604.66,13800,2,1,0)="How many of these charges resulted in convictions?"
^YSTX(604.66,13900,0)="13900^L18 Disorderly Conduct, Vagrancy, Public Intox^14.21^139^111^108^0^1^^1^L18"
^YSTX(604.66,13900,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,13900,2,2,0)="disorderly conduct, vagrancy or public intoxication?"
^YSTX(604.66,14000,0)="14000^L19 Driving While Intoxicated^14.22^140^112^109^0^1^^1^L19"
^YSTX(604.66,14000,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,14000,2,2,0)="driving while intoxicated?"
^YSTX(604.66,14100,0)="14100^L20 Major Driving Violations^14.23^141^113^110^0^1^^1^L20"
^YSTX(604.66,14100,2,1,0)="How many times in your life have you been charged with"
^YSTX(604.66,14100,2,2,0)="major driving violations (reckless driving, speeding, no"
^YSTX(604.66,14100,2,3,0)="license, etc.)?"
^YSTX(604.66,14100,3,1,0)="Driving violations are MOVING violations. Do not include vehicle"
^YSTX(604.66,14100,3,2,0)="violations, registration infractions, parking tickets, etc."
^YSTX(604.66,14200,0)="14200^L21 How Many Months Incarcerated Lifetime^14.24^142^114^111^0^1^^1^L21"
^YSTX(604.66,14200,1)="I YSA=0 S YSV=""N"",YSFIELD=14.25 D VAL S YSV=""N"",YSFIELD=14.26 D VAL S YSN=14499"
^YSTX(604.66,14200,2,1,0)="How many months were you incarcerated in your life?"
^YSTX(604.66,14200,3,1,0)="Total number of months in jail (regardless of whether convicted) in"
^YSTX(604.66,14200,3,2,0)="patient's life since age 18. Count as one month any period 2 weeks or"
^YSTX(604.66,14300,0)="14300^L22 How Many Months was Last Incarceration^14.25^143^^112^N^^^^L22"
^YSTX(604.66,14300,2,1,0)="How long was your last incarceration?"
^YSTX(604.66,14400,0)="14400^L23 Last Incarcerated For^14.26^144^^113^NN^^^^L23"
^YSTX(604.66,14400,2,1,0)="What was it for?"
^YSTX(604.66,14400,3,1,0)="Enter ?? for a list of legal codes (3-16, 18-20). If multiple charges use"
^YSTX(604.66,14400,3,2,0)="the most severe"
^YSTX(604.66,14500,0)="14500^L24 Awaiting Charges, Trial, Sentence^14.27^145^115^114^0^1^^^L24"
^YSTX(604.66,14500,1)="I YSA=0 S YSV=""N"",YSFIELD=14.28 D VAL S YSN=14699"
^YSTX(604.66,14500,2,1,0)="Are you presently awaiting charges, trial or sentence?"
^YSTX(604.66,14600,0)="14600^L25 For What^14.28^146^116^115^NN^^^^L25"
^YSTX(604.66,14600,2,1,0)="What for?"
^YSTX(604.66,14600,3,1,0)="Enter ?? for a list of legal codes (3-16, 18-20). If multiple charges use"
^YSTX(604.66,14600,3,2,0)="the most severe"
^YSTX(604.66,14700,0)="14700^L26 Days Detained/Incarcerated Last 30 Days^14.29^147^117^116^0^1^^^L26"
^YSTX(604.66,14700,2,1,0)="How many days in the past 30 were you detained or incarcerated?"
^YSTX(604.66,14700,3,1,0)="Include being detained; e.g. arrested but released on the same day"
^YSTX(604.66,14800,0)="14800^L27 Illegal Activities/Profit Last 30 Days^14.31^148^118^117^0^1^^^L27"
^YSTX(604.66,14800,2,1,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you engaged in illegal"
^YSTX(604.66,14800,2,2,0)="activities for profit?"
^YSTX(604.66,14800,3,1,0)="Do not count simple drug possession or drug use but do include drug"
^YSTX(604.66,14800,3,2,0)="dealing, prostitution, burglary, selling stolen goods etc."
^YSTX(604.66,14900,0)="14900^L28 Patient Legal Problem Severity Rating^14.32^149^119^118^0^1^^^L28"
^YSTX(604.66,14900,2,1,0)="How serious do you feel your present legal problems are?"
^YSTX(604.66,14900,3,1,0)="Do not include any civil problems (e.g. custody fights, divorce etc.)"
^YSTX(604.66,15000,0)="15000^L29 Patient Rating of Need for Legal Counseling^14.33^150^120^119^0^1^^^L29"
^YSTX(604.66,15000,2,1,0)="How important to you NOW is counseling for these legal problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,15000,3,1,0)="Need for referral to legal counsel for defense against CRIMINAL charges"
^YSTX(604.66,15100,0)="15100^L30 Interviewer Rating of Legal Counseling Need^14.34^151^^120^0^^^^L30"
^YSTX(604.66,15100,2,1,0)="How would you rate the patient's need for legal services"
^YSTX(604.66,15100,2,2,0)="or counseling?"
^YSTX(604.66,15100,3,1,0)="0-1= No problem 4-5= Moderate problem 8-9= Extreme Problem"
^YSTX(604.66,15100,3,2,0)="2-3= Slight Problem 6-7= Severe problem"
^YSTX(604.66,15200,0)="15200^L31 Patient Misrepresented Legal Problems^14.35^152^121^121^0^^^^L31"
^YSTX(604.66,15200,2,1,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by the"
^YSTX(604.66,15200,2,2,0)="Patient's misrepresentation?"
^YSTX(604.66,15300,0)="15300^L32 Patient Misunderstood Legal Questions^14.36^153^122^122^0^^^^L32"
^YSTX(604.66,15300,2,1,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by the"
^YSTX(604.66,15300,2,2,0)="Patient's inability to understand?"
^YSTX(604.66,15400,0)="15400^H1 Maternal Grandmother Alc^15.01^154^^^0^^W !?10,""##### Family History #####""^^H1 A"
^YSTX(604.66,15400,2,1,0)="Maternal Grandmother Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,15400,3,1,0)="In cases where there is more than one person for a category, report the"
^YSTX(604.66,15400,3,2,0)="most severe. Accept the patient's judgments on these questions"
^YSTX(604.66,15500,0)="15500^ Maternal Grandmother Drug^15.02^155^^^0^^^^H1 D"
^YSTX(604.66,15500,2,1,0)="Maternal Grandmother Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,15600,0)="15600^ Maternal Grandmother Psych^15.03^156^^^0^^^^H1 P"
^YSTX(604.66,15600,2,1,0)="Maternal Grandmother Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,15700,0)="15700^H2 Maternal Grandfather Alc^15.04^157^^^0^^^^H2 A"
^YSTX(604.66,15700,2,1,0)="Maternal Grandfather Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,15800,0)="15800^ Maternal Grandfather Drug^15.05^158^^^0^^^^H2 D"
^YSTX(604.66,15800,2,1,0)="Maternal Grandfather Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,15900,0)="15900^ Maternal Grandfather Psych^15.06^159^^^0^^^^H2 P"
^YSTX(604.66,15900,2,1,0)="Maternal Grandfather Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,16000,0)="16000^H3 Mother Alc^15.07^160^^^0^^^^H3 A"
^YSTX(604.66,16000,2,1,0)="Mother Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,16100,0)="16100^ Mother Drug^15.08^161^^^0^^^^H3 D"
^YSTX(604.66,16100,2,1,0)="Mother Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,16200,0)="16200^ Mother Psych^15.09^162^^^0^^^^H3 P"
^YSTX(604.66,16200,2,1,0)="Mother Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,16300,0)="16300^H4 Maternal Aunt Alc^15.11^163^^^0^^^^H4 A"
^YSTX(604.66,16300,2,1,0)="Maternal Aunt Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,16400,0)="16400^ Maternal Aunt Drug^15.12^164^^^0^^^^H4 D"
^YSTX(604.66,16400,2,1,0)="Maternal Aunt Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,16500,0)="16500^ Maternal Aunt Psych^15.14^165^^^0^^^^H4 P"
^YSTX(604.66,16500,2,1,0)="Maternal Aunt Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,16600,0)="16600^H5 Maternal Uncle Alc^15.15^166^^^0^^^^H5 A"
^YSTX(604.66,16600,2,1,0)="Maternal Uncle Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,16700,0)="16700^ Maternal Uncle Drug^15.16^167^^^0^^^^H5 D"
^YSTX(604.66,16700,2,1,0)="Maternal Uncle Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,16800,0)="16800^ Maternal Uncle Psych^15.17^168^^^0^^^^H5 P"
^YSTX(604.66,16800,2,1,0)="Maternal Uncle Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,16900,0)="16900^H6 Paternal Grandmother Alc^15.18^169^^^0^^^^H6 A"
^YSTX(604.66,16900,2,1,0)="Paternal Grandmother Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,17000,0)="17000^ Paternal Grandmother Drug^15.19^170^^^0^^^^H6 D"
^YSTX(604.66,17000,2,1,0)="Paternal Grandmother Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,17100,0)="17100^ Paternal Grandmother Psych^15.21^171^^^0^^^^H6 P"
^YSTX(604.66,17100,2,1,0)="Paternal Grandmother Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,17200,0)="17200^H7 Paternal Grandfather Alc^15.22^172^^^0^^^^H7 A"
^YSTX(604.66,17200,2,1,0)="Paternal Grandfather Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,17300,0)="17300^ Paternal Grandfather Drug^15.23^173^^^0^^^^H7 D"
^YSTX(604.66,17300,2,1,0)="Paternal Grandfather Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,17400,0)="17400^ Paternal Grandfather Psych^15.24^174^^^0^^^^H7 P"
^YSTX(604.66,17400,2,1,0)="Paternal Grandfather Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,17500,0)="17500^H8 Father Alc^15.25^175^^^0^^^^H8 A"
^YSTX(604.66,17500,2,1,0)="Father Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,17600,0)="17600^ Father Drug^15.26^176^^^0^^^^H8 D"
^YSTX(604.66,17600,2,1,0)="Father Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,17700,0)="17700^ Father Psych^15.27^177^^^0^^^^H8 P"
^YSTX(604.66,17700,2,1,0)="Father Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,17800,0)="17800^H9 Paternal Aunt Alc^16.01^178^^^0^^^^H9 A"
^YSTX(604.66,17800,2,1,0)="Paternal Aunt Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,17900,0)="17900^ Paternal Aunt Drug^16.02^179^^^0^^^^H9 D"
^YSTX(604.66,17900,2,1,0)="Paternal Aunt Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,18000,0)="18000^ Paternal Aunt Psych^16.03^180^^^0^^^^H9 P"
^YSTX(604.66,18000,2,1,0)="Paternal Aunt Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,18100,0)="18100^H10 Paternal Uncle Alc^16.04^181^^^0^^^^H10 A"
^YSTX(604.66,18100,2,1,0)="Paternal Uncle Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,18200,0)="18200^ Paternal Uncle Drug^16.05^182^^^0^^^^H10 D"
^YSTX(604.66,18200,2,1,0)="Paternal Uncle Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,18300,0)="18300^ Paternal Uncle Psych^16.06^183^^^0^^^^H10 P"
^YSTX(604.66,18300,2,1,0)="Paternal Uncle Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,18310,0)="18310^H11 Brother Alc^16.07^1^^^0^^^^H11 A"
^YSTX(604.66,18310,2,1,0)="Brother Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,18320,0)="18320^ Brother Drug^16.08^1^^^0^^^^H11 D"
^YSTX(604.66,18320,2,1,0)="Brother Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,18330,0)="18330^ Brother Psych^16.09^1^^^0^^^^H11 P"
^YSTX(604.66,18330,2,1,0)="Brother Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,18340,0)="18340^H12 Sister Alc^16.11^1^^^0^^^^H12 A"
^YSTX(604.66,18340,2,1,0)="Sister Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.66,18350,0)="18350^ Sister Drug^16.12^1^^^0^^^^H12 D"
^YSTX(604.66,18350,2,1,0)="Sister Drug"
^YSTX(604.66,18360,0)="18360^ Sister Psych^16.14^1^^^0^^^^H12 P"
^YSTX(604.66,18360,2,1,0)="Sister Psych"
^YSTX(604.66,18400,0)="18400^F1 Maritial Status^17.01^184^123^123^^1^W !?10,""##### Family/Social Relationships #####""^^F1"
^YSTX(604.66,18400,2,1,0)="Marital Status:"
^YSTX(604.66,18400,3,1,0)="Consider common law marriage (seven years) as married"
^YSTX(604.66,18500,0)="18500^F2 Maritial Status (Years)^17.02^185^^^^^^^F2 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,18500,2,1,0)="How long have you been in this marital status: YEARS"
^YSTX(604.66,18500,3,1,0)="For patients who were never married enter the number of years since age 18"
^YSTX(604.66,18500,3,2,0)="(an indication of their adult status)"
^YSTX(604.66,18600,0)="18600^ (Months)^17.03^186^^^^^^^F2 MON"
^YSTX(604.66,18600,2,1,0)="How long have you been in this marital status: MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.66,18700,0)="18700^F3 Satisfied With Situation^17.04^187^124^124^^1^^^F3"
^YSTX(604.66,18700,2,1,0)="Are you satisfied with this situation?"
^YSTX(604.66,18700,3,1,0)="A satisfied response indicates the patient generally likes the situation"
^YSTX(604.66,18700,3,2,0)="and NOT that he/she is merely resigned to it"
^YSTX(604.66,18800,0)="18800^F4 Usual Living Arrangements (past 3 yr.)^17.05^188^125^125^^1^^1^F4"
^YSTX(604.66,18800,2,1,0)="Usual living arrangements (past 3 years):"
^YSTX(604.66,18800,3,1,0)="Choose arrangements most representative of the past 3 years. If there is"
^YSTX(604.66,18800,3,2,0)="an even split in time between these arrangements, choose the most recent"
^YSTX(604.66,18900,0)="18900^F5 How long in these arrangements (Years)^17.06^189^^^^^^^F5 YR"
^YSTX(604.66,18900,2,1,0)="How long have you lived in these arrangements? YEARS"
^YSTX(604.66,18900,3,1,0)="For patient's who usually live with parents, enter the number of years"
^YSTX(604.66,18900,3,2,0)="residing there since age 18"
^YSTX(604.66,19000,0)="19000^ (Months)^17.07^190^^^^^^^F5 MON"
^YSTX(604.66,19000,2,1,0)="How long have you lived in these arrangements? MONTHS"
^YSTX(604.66,19100,0)="19100^F6 Arrangements Satisfaction^17.08^191^126^126^^1^^^F6"
^YSTX(604.66,19100,2,1,0)="Are you satisfied with these living arrangements?"
^YSTX(604.66,19100,3,1,0)="A satisfied response must indicate that the patient generally likes the"
^YSTX(604.66,19100,3,2,0)="situation, not that he/she is resigned to it"
^YSTX(604.66,19200,0)="19200^F7 Live with Anyone with Alcohol Problem^17.09^192^127^127^0^1^^^F7"
^YSTX(604.66,19200,2,1,0)="Do you live with anyone who has a current alcohol problem?"
^YSTX(604.66,19300,0)="19300^F8 Live with Anyone with Drug Problem^17.11^193^128^128^0^1^^^F8"
^YSTX(604.66,19300,2,1,0)="Do you live with anyone who uses non-prescription drugs?"
^YSTX(604.66,19400,0)="19400^F9 Spend Free Time With^17.12^194^^129^^^^^F9"
^YSTX(604.66,19400,2,1,0)="With whom do you spend most of your free time?"
^YSTX(604.66,19400,3,1,0)="If a girlfriend/boyfriend is considered as family by the patient, then"
^YSTX(604.66,19400,3,2,0)="they must refer to them as family throughout this section. Family is not"
^YSTX(604.66,19400,3,3,0)="to be referred to as ""friend"""
^YSTX(604.66,19500,0)="19500^F10 Satisfied Spending Free Time^17.14^195^^130^^^^^F10"
^YSTX(604.66,19500,2,1,0)="Are you satisfied with spending your free time this way?"
^YSTX(604.66,19500,3,1,0)="A satisfied response must indicate that the person generally likes the"
^YSTX(604.66,19500,3,2,0)="situation referring to F9"
^YSTX(604.66,19600,0)="19600^F11 How Many Close Friends^17.15^196^^131^^^^^F11"
^YSTX(604.66,19600,2,1,0)="How many close friends do you have?"
^YSTX(604.66,19600,3,1,0)="Stress that you mean CLOSE. Do not include family members or a"
^YSTX(604.66,19600,3,2,0)="boyfriend/girlfriend who is considered to be a family member/spouse"
^YSTX(604.66,19700,0)="19700^F12 Close With Mother^17.16^197^^^^^^^F12"
^YSTX(604.66,19700,2,1,0)="Would you say you have had a close, long lasting personal relationship"
^YSTX(604.66,19700,2,2,0)="with your mother?"
^YSTX(604.66,19800,0)="19800^F13 Close With Father^17.17^198^^^^^^^F13"
^YSTX(604.66,19800,2,1,0)="Would you say you have had a close, long lasting personal relationship"
^YSTX(604.66,19800,2,2,0)="with your father?"
^YSTX(604.66,19900,0)="19900^F14 Close With Brothers/Sisters^17.18^199^^^^^^^F14"
^YSTX(604.66,19900,2,1,0)="Would you say you have had a close, long lasting personal relationship"
^YSTX(604.66,19900,2,2,0)="with your brothers/sisters?"
^YSTX(604.66,20000,0)="20000^F15 Close With Sex Partner/Spouse^17.19^200^^^^^^^F15"
^YSTX(604.66,20000,2,1,0)="Would you say you have had a close, long lasting personal relationship"
^YSTX(604.66,20000,2,2,0)="with your sexual partner/spouse?"
^YSTX(604.66,20100,0)="20100^F16 Close With Children^17.21^201^^^^^^^F16"
^YSTX(604.66,20100,2,1,0)="Would you say you have had a close, long lasting personal relationship"
^YSTX(604.66,20100,2,2,0)="with your children?"
^YSTX(604.66,20200,0)="20200^F17 Close With Friends^17.22^202^^^^^^^F17"
^YSTX(604.66,20200,2,1,0)="Would you say you have had a close, long lasting personal relationship"
^YSTX(604.66,20200,2,2,0)="with your friends?"
^YSTX(604.66,20300,0)="20300^F18 Problem with Mother (Past 30 Days)^18.01^203^129^132^0^1^^^F18 30"
^YSTX(604.66,20300,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,20300,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your MOTHER in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,20300,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,20300,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,20400,0)="20400^ Problem with Mother (Lifetime)^18.02^204^130^^0^1^^^F18 L"
^YSTX(604.66,20400,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,20400,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your MOTHER in your Lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,20400,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,20400,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,20500,0)="20500^F19 Problem with Father (Past 30 Days)^18.03^205^131^134^0^1^^^F19 30"
^YSTX(604.66,20500,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,20500,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your FATHER in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,20500,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,20500,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,20600,0)="20600^ Problem with Father (Lifetime)^18.04^206^132^^0^1^^^F19 L"
^YSTX(604.66,20600,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,20600,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your FATHER in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,20600,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,20600,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,20700,0)="20700^F20 Problem with Brothers Sisters (Past 30 Days)^18.05^207^133^136^0^1^^^F20 30"
^YSTX(604.66,20700,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,20700,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your BROTHERS/SISTERS in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,20700,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,20700,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,20800,0)="20800^ Problem with Brothers/Sisters (Lifetime)^18.06^208^134^^0^1^^^F20 L"
^YSTX(604.66,20800,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,20800,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your BROTHERS/SISTERS in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,20800,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,20800,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,20900,0)="20900^F21 Problem with Sex Partner/Spouse (Past 30 Days)^18.07^209^135^138^0^1^^^F21 30"
^YSTX(604.66,20900,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,20900,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your SEXUAL PARTNER/SPOUSE in"
^YSTX(604.66,20900,2,3,0)="the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,20900,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,20900,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,21000,0)="21000^ Problem with Sex Partner/Spouse (Lifetime)^18.08^210^136^^0^1^^^F21 L"
^YSTX(604.66,21000,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,21000,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your SEXUAL PARTNER/SPOUSE in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,21000,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,21000,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,21100,0)="21100^F22 Problem with Children (Past 30 Days)^18.09^211^137^140^0^1^^^F22 30"
^YSTX(604.66,21100,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,21100,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your CHILDREN in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,21100,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,21100,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,21200,0)="21200^ Problem with Children (Lifetime)^18.11^212^138^^0^1^^^F22 L"
^YSTX(604.66,21200,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,21200,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your CHILDREN in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,21200,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,21200,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,21300,0)="21300^F23 Problem with Other Family (Past 30 Days)^18.12^213^139^142^0^1^^^F23 30"
^YSTX(604.66,21300,1)="I YSA=0 S YSN=21499"
^YSTX(604.66,21300,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,21300,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your OTHER SIGNIFICANT FAMILY in the"
^YSTX(604.66,21300,2,3,0)="past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,21300,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,21300,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,21400,0)="21400^ Specify whom^18.125^214^140^143^^^^^F23 SPEC"
^YSTX(604.66,21400,2,1,0)="Specify whom:"
^YSTX(604.66,21500,0)="21500^ Problem with Other Family (Lifetime)^18.14^215^141^^0^1^^^F23 L"
^YSTX(604.66,21500,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,21500,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your OTHER SIGNIFICANT FAMILY in"
^YSTX(604.66,21500,2,3,0)="your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,21500,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,21500,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,21600,0)="21600^F24 Problem with Close Friends (Past 30 Days)^18.15^216^142^145^0^1^^^F24 30"
^YSTX(604.66,21600,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,21600,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your CLOSE FRIENDS in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,21600,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,21600,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,21700,0)="21700^ Problem with Close Friends (Lifetime)^18.16^217^143^^0^1^^^F24 L"
^YSTX(604.66,21700,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,21700,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your CLOSE FRIENDS in the your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,21700,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,21700,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,21800,0)="21800^F25 Problem with Neighbors (Past 30 Days)^18.17^218^144^147^0^1^^^F25 30"
^YSTX(604.66,21800,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,21800,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your NEIGHBORS in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,21800,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,21800,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,21900,0)="21900^ Problem with Neighbors (Lifetime)^18.18^219^145^^0^1^^^F25 L"
^YSTX(604.66,21900,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,21900,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your NEIGHBORS in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,21900,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,21900,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,22000,0)="22000^F26 Problem with Co-Workers (Past 30 Days)^18.185^220^146^149^0^1^^^F26 30"
^YSTX(604.66,22000,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,22000,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your CO-WORKERS in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,22000,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,22000,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,22100,0)="22100^ Problem with Co-Workers (Lifetime)^18.186^221^147^^0^1^^^F26 L"
^YSTX(604.66,22100,2,1,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.66,22100,2,2,0)="problems getting along with your CO-WORKERS in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,22100,3,1,0)="""Serious Problems"" mean those that endangered the relationship. A"
^YSTX(604.66,22100,3,2,0)="""problem"" requires contact of some sort, either by telephone or in person"
^YSTX(604.66,22200,0)="22200^F27 Emotional Abuse (Past 30 Days)^18.19^222^^151^0^^^^F27 30"
^YSTX(604.66,22200,2,1,0)="Did any of these people abuse you EMOTIONALLY (make you feel bad"
^YSTX(604.66,22200,2,2,0)="through harsh words) in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,22300,0)="22300^ Emotional Abuse (Lifetime)^18.195^223^^^0^^^^F27 L"
^YSTX(604.66,22300,2,1,0)="Did any of these people abuse you EMOTIONALLY (make you feel bad"
^YSTX(604.66,22300,2,2,0)="through harsh words) in your Lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,22400,0)="22400^F28 Physical Abuse (Past 30 Days)^18.21^224^148^153^0^1^^^F28 30"
^YSTX(604.66,22400,2,1,0)="Did any of these people abuse you PHYSICALLY (cause you physical harm)"
^YSTX(604.66,22400,2,2,0)="in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,22500,0)="22500^ Physical Abuse (Lifetime)^18.215^225^149^^0^1^^^F28 L"
^YSTX(604.66,22500,2,1,0)="Did any of these people abuse you PHYSICALLY (cause you physical harm)"
^YSTX(604.66,22500,2,2,0)="in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,22600,0)="22600^F29 Sexual Abuse (Past 30 Days)^18.22^226^150^155^0^1^^^F29 30"
^YSTX(604.66,22600,2,1,0)="Did any of these people abuse you SEXUALLY (force sexual advances or"
^YSTX(604.66,22600,2,2,0)="sexual acts) in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,22700,0)="22700^ Sexual Abuse (Lifetime)^18.225^227^151^^0^1^^^F29 L"
^YSTX(604.66,22700,2,1,0)="Did any of these people abuse you SEXUALLY (force sexual advances or"
^YSTX(604.66,22700,2,2,0)="sexual acts) in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,22800,0)="22800^F30 Family Conflict Past 30 Days^18.23^228^152^157^0^1^^^F30 30"
^YSTX(604.66,22800,2,1,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you had serious conflicts with"
^YSTX(604.66,22800,2,2,0)="your family?"
^YSTX(604.66,22800,3,1,0)="Conflicts require personal (or at least telephone) contact. Stress that"
^YSTX(604.66,22800,3,2,0)="you mean serious conflicts that jeopardize the relationship; not simply"
^YSTX(604.66,22800,3,3,0)="routine differences of opinion"
^YSTX(604.66,22900,0)="22900^F31 Conflict with Others Past 30 Days^18.24^229^153^158^0^1^^^F31"
^YSTX(604.66,22900,2,1,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you had serious conflicts with"
^YSTX(604.66,22900,2,2,0)="other people? (excluding family)"
^YSTX(604.66,22900,3,1,0)="Conflicts require personal (or at least telephone) contact. Stress that"
^YSTX(604.66,22900,3,2,0)="you mean serious conflicts that jeopardize the relationship; not simply"
^YSTX(604.66,22900,3,3,0)="routine differences of opinion"
^YSTX(604.66,23000,0)="23000^F32 Patient Family Problems Severity Rating^18.25^230^154^159^0^1^^^F32"
^YSTX(604.66,23000,2,1,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by"
^YSTX(604.66,23000,2,2,0)="FAMILY problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,23000,3,1,0)="These refer to any dissatisfaction, conflicts or other relationship"
^YSTX(604.66,23000,3,2,0)="problems reported in this section. Do NOT include problems that would be"
^YSTX(604.66,23000,3,3,0)="eliminated if patient didn't abuse"
^YSTX(604.66,23100,0)="23100^F33 Patient Social Problems Severity Rating^18.26^231^^160^^^^^F33"
^YSTX(604.66,23100,2,1,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by"
^YSTX(604.66,23100,2,2,0)="SOCIAL problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,23100,3,1,0)="These refer to any dissatisfaction, conflicts or other relationship"
^YSTX(604.66,23100,3,2,0)="problems reported in this section. Do NOT include problems that would be"
^YSTX(604.66,23100,3,3,0)="eliminated if patient didn't abuse"
^YSTX(604.66,23200,0)="23200^F34 Patient Family Counseling Importance Rating^18.27^232^155^161^0^1^^^F34"
^YSTX(604.66,23200,2,1,0)="How important to you now is treatment or counseling for these"
^YSTX(604.66,23200,2,2,0)="FAMILY problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,23200,3,1,0)="Have patient rate how badly he/she needs counseling for family problems,"
^YSTX(604.66,23200,3,2,0)="not whether the family would agree to participate"
^YSTX(604.66,23300,0)="23300^F35 Patient Social Counseling Importance Rating^18.28^233^^162^^^^^F35"
^YSTX(604.66,23300,2,1,0)="How important to you now is treatment or counseling for these"
^YSTX(604.66,23300,2,2,0)="SOCIAL problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,23300,3,1,0)="Include patient's need to seek treatment for such social problems as"
^YSTX(604.66,23300,3,2,0)="loneliness, inability to socialize and dissatisfaction with friends"
^YSTX(604.66,23400,0)="23400^F36 Interviewer Rating of Need for Family Rx^18.29^234^^163^^^^^F36"
^YSTX(604.66,23400,2,1,0)="How would you rate the patient's need for family and/or "
^YSTX(604.66,23400,2,2,0)="social counseling?"
^YSTX(604.66,23400,3,1,0)="0-1= No problem 4-5= Moderate problem 8-9= Extreme Problem"
^YSTX(604.66,23400,3,2,0)="2-3= Slight Problem 6-7= Severe problem"
^YSTX(604.66,23500,0)="23500^F37 Patient Misrepresented Family/Social Problems^18.31^235^156^164^0^^^^F37"
^YSTX(604.66,23500,2,1,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by the patient's"
^YSTX(604.66,23600,0)="23600^F38 Patient Misunderstood Family/Social Questions^18.32^236^157^165^0^^^^F38"
^YSTX(604.66,23600,2,1,0)="Is the above information significanlty distorted by the patient's"
^YSTX(604.66,23600,2,2,0)="inability to understand?"
^YSTX(604.66,23700,0)="23700^P1 # Prior Psych Treatments in a Hospital^19.01^237^158^166^0^1^W !?10,""##### Psychiatric Status #####""^1^P1 INPT"
^YSTX(604.66,23700,2,1,0)="How many times have you been treated for any psychological or emotional"
^YSTX(604.66,23700,2,2,0)="problems in a hospital?"
^YSTX(604.66,23700,3,1,0)="Exclude substance abuse, employment or family counseling. The unit of"
^YSTX(604.66,23700,3,2,0)="measure is a treatment episode, not the number of visits or days."
^YSTX(604.66,23800,0)="23800^ # Prior Psych Treatments as an Opt.^19.02^238^159^167^0^1^^1^P1 OPT"
^YSTX(604.66,23800,2,1,0)="How many times have you been treated for any psychological or emotional"
^YSTX(604.66,23800,2,2,0)="problems as an outpatient or private patient?"
^YSTX(604.66,23800,3,1,0)="Exclude substance abuse, employment or family counseling. The unit of"
^YSTX(604.66,23800,3,2,0)="measure is a treatment episode, not the number of visits or days."
^YSTX(604.66,23900,0)="23900^P2 Pension for Psychiatric Disability^19.03^239^160^168^0^1^^^P2"
^YSTX(604.66,23900,2,1,0)="Do you receive a pension for a psychiatric disability?"
^YSTX(604.66,24000,0)="24000^P3 Serious Depression (Past 30 Days)^19.04^240^161^169^0^1^^^P3 30"
^YSTX(604.66,24000,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,24000,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced serious depression"
^YSTX(604.66,24000,2,3,0)="in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,24000,3,1,0)="Suggested by sadness, hopelessness, significant loss of interest,"
^YSTX(604.66,24000,3,2,0)="listlessness, difficulty with daily function, guilt, ""crying jags"", etc."
^YSTX(604.66,24100,0)="24100^ Serious Depression (Lifetime)^19.05^241^162^^0^1^^^P3 L"
^YSTX(604.66,24100,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,24100,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced serious depression"
^YSTX(604.66,24100,2,3,0)="in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,24200,0)="24200^P4 Serious Anxiety/Tension (Past 30 Days)^19.06^242^163^171^0^1^^^P4 30"
^YSTX(604.66,24200,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,24200,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced serious anxiety or tension"
^YSTX(604.66,24200,2,3,0)="in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,24200,3,1,0)="Suggested by tension, feeling uptight, unable to feel relaxed,"
^YSTX(604.66,24200,3,2,0)="unreasonably worried, etc."
^YSTX(604.66,24300,0)="24300^ Serious Anxiety/Tension (Lifetime)^19.07^243^164^^0^1^^^P4 L"
^YSTX(604.66,24300,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,24300,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced serious anxiety or tension"
^YSTX(604.66,24300,2,3,0)="in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,24400,0)="24400^P5 Hallucinations (Past 30 Days)^19.08^244^165^173^0^1^^^P5 30"
^YSTX(604.66,24400,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,24400,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced hallucinations"
^YSTX(604.66,24400,2,3,0)="in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,24400,3,1,0)="Restricted to times when the patient was drug free and not suffering from"
^YSTX(604.66,24500,0)="24500^ Hallucinations (Lifetime)^19.09^245^166^^0^1^^^P5 L"
^YSTX(604.66,24500,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,24500,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced hallucinations"
^YSTX(604.66,24500,2,3,0)="in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,24500,3,1,0)="Restricted to times when the patient was drug free and not suffering from"
^YSTX(604.66,24600,0)="24600^P6 Trouble Understanding (Past 30 Days)^19.11^246^167^175^0^1^^^P6 30"
^YSTX(604.66,24600,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,24600,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced trouble understanding,"
^YSTX(604.66,24600,2,3,0)="concentrating or remembering in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,24600,3,1,0)="Restricted to times when the patient was drug free and not suffering from"
^YSTX(604.66,24700,0)="24700^ Trouble Understanding (Lifetime)^19.12^247^168^^0^1^^^P6 L"
^YSTX(604.66,24700,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,24700,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced trouble understanding,"
^YSTX(604.66,24700,2,3,0)="concentrating or remembering in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,24700,3,1,0)="Restricted to times when the patient was drug free and not suffering from"
^YSTX(604.66,24800,0)="24800^P7 Controlling Violent Behavior (Past 30 Days)^19.14^248^169^177^0^1^^^P7 30"
^YSTX(604.66,24800,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,24800,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced trouble controlling"
^YSTX(604.66,24800,2,3,0)="violent behavior in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,24800,3,1,0)="NOT restricted to times when the patient was drug free and not suffering"
^YSTX(604.66,24800,3,2,0)="from withdrawal"
^YSTX(604.66,24900,0)="24900^ Controlling Violent Behavior (Lifetime)^19.15^249^170^^0^1^^^P7 L"
^YSTX(604.66,24900,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,24900,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced trouble controlling"
^YSTX(604.66,24900,2,3,0)="violent behavior in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,24900,3,1,0)="NOT restricted to times when the patient was drug free and not suffering"
^YSTX(604.66,24900,3,2,0)="from withdrawal"
^YSTX(604.66,25000,0)="25000^P8 Serious Suicidal Thoughts (Past 30 Days)^19.16^250^171^179^0^1^^^P8 30"
^YSTX(604.66,25000,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,25000,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced serious thoughts of"
^YSTX(604.66,25000,2,3,0)="suicide in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,25000,3,1,0)="NOT restricted to times when the patient was drug free and not suffering"
^YSTX(604.66,25000,3,2,0)="from withdrawal"
^YSTX(604.66,25100,0)="25100^ Serious Suicidal Thoughts (Lifetime)^19.17^251^172^^0^1^^^P8 L"
^YSTX(604.66,25100,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,25100,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have experienced serious thoughts of"
^YSTX(604.66,25100,2,3,0)="suicide in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,25100,3,1,0)="NOT restricted to times when the patient was drug free and not suffering"
^YSTX(604.66,25100,3,2,0)="from withdrawal"
^YSTX(604.66,25200,0)="25200^P9 Attempted Suicide (Past 30 Days)^19.18^252^173^181^0^1^^^P9 30"
^YSTX(604.66,25200,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,25200,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have attempted suicide in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,25200,3,1,0)="NOT restricted to times when the patient was drug free and not suffering"
^YSTX(604.66,25200,3,2,0)="from withdrawal"
^YSTX(604.66,25300,0)="25300^ Attempted Suicide (Lifetime)^19.19^253^174^^0^1^^^P9 L"
^YSTX(604.66,25300,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,25300,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have attempted suicide in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,25300,3,1,0)="NOT restricted to times when the patient was drug free and not suffering"
^YSTX(604.66,25300,3,2,0)="from withdrawal"
^YSTX(604.66,25400,0)="25400^P10 Meds for Psychological Problem (Past 30 Days)^19.21^254^175^183^0^1^^^P10 30"
^YSTX(604.66,25400,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,25400,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have been prescribed medication for"
^YSTX(604.66,25400,2,3,0)="any psychological or emotional problem in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,25400,3,1,0)="Must have been prescribed by a physician for a psychiatric or emotional"
^YSTX(604.66,25400,3,2,0)="problem. Record yes if the medication was prescribed even if not taken by"
^YSTX(604.66,25400,3,3,0)="the patient"
^YSTX(604.66,25500,0)="25500^ Meds for Psychological Problem (Lifetime)^19.22^255^176^^0^1^^^P10 L"
^YSTX(604.66,25500,2,1,0)="Have you had a significant period (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.66,25500,2,2,0)="drug/alcohol use) in which you have been prescribed medication for"
^YSTX(604.66,25500,2,3,0)="any psychological or emotional problem in your lifetime?"
^YSTX(604.66,25500,3,1,0)="Must have been prescribed by a physician for a psychiatric or emotional"
^YSTX(604.66,25500,3,2,0)="problem. Record yes if the medication was prescribed even if not taken by"
^YSTX(604.66,25500,3,3,0)="the patient"
^YSTX(604.66,25600,0)="25600^P11 # Days with Psych Problems in Past 30 Days^19.23^256^177^185^^1^^^P11"
^YSTX(604.66,25600,2,1,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you experienced these psychological"
^YSTX(604.66,25600,2,2,0)="or emotional problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,25600,3,1,0)="Refers to those problems listed in P3-P9"
^YSTX(604.66,25700,0)="25700^P12 Patient Psychological Problem Severity Rating^19.24^257^178^186^0^1^^^P12"
^YSTX(604.66,25700,2,1,0)="How much have you been troubled or bothered by these psychological"
^YSTX(604.66,25700,2,2,0)="or emotional problems in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.66,25800,0)="25800^P13 Patient Psychological Problem Treatment Rating^19.25^258^179^187^0^1^^^P13"
^YSTX(604.66,25800,2,1,0)="How important to you now is treatment for these psychological problems?"
^YSTX(604.66,25900,0)="25900^P14 Patient Obviously Depressed/Withdrawn^19.26^259^^188^^^^^P14"
^YSTX(604.66,25900,2,1,0)="At the time of interview, is patient:"
^YSTX(604.66,25900,2,2,0)="Obviously depressed/withdrawn?"
^YSTX(604.66,26000,0)="26000^P15 Patient Obviously Hostile^19.27^260^^189^^^^^P15"
^YSTX(604.66,26000,2,1,0)="At the time of interview, is patient:"
^YSTX(604.66,26000,2,2,0)="Obviously hostile?"
^YSTX(604.66,26100,0)="26100^P16 Patient Obviously Anxious/Nervous^19.28^261^^190^^^^^P16"
^YSTX(604.66,26100,2,1,0)="At the time of interview, is patient:"
^YSTX(604.66,26100,2,2,0)="Obviously anxious/nervous?"
^YSTX(604.66,26200,0)="26200^P17 Patient Having Trouble with Reality Testing^19.29^262^^191^^^^^P17"
^YSTX(604.66,26200,2,1,0)="At the time of interview, is patient:"
^YSTX(604.66,26200,2,2,0)="Having trouble with reality testing, thought disorders, paranoid thinking?"
^YSTX(604.66,26300,0)="26300^P18 Patient Having Trouble Comprehending^19.31^263^^192^^^^^P18"
^YSTX(604.66,26300,2,1,0)="At the time of interview, is patient:"
^YSTX(604.66,26300,2,2,0)="Having trouble comprehending, concentrating, remembering?"
^YSTX(604.66,26400,0)="26400^P19 Patient Having Suicidal Thoughts^19.32^264^^193^^^^^P19"
^YSTX(604.66,26400,2,1,0)="At the time of interview, is patient:"
^YSTX(604.66,26400,2,2,0)="Having suicidal thoughts?"
^YSTX(604.66,26500,0)="26500^P20 Interviewer Rating of Psych Treatment Need^19.33^265^^194^^^^^P20"
^YSTX(604.66,26500,2,1,0)="How would you rate the patient's need for psychiatric/psychological"
^YSTX(604.66,26500,3,1,0)="0-1= No problem 4-5= Moderate problem 8-9= Extreme Problem"
^YSTX(604.66,26500,3,2,0)="2-3= Slight Problem 6-7= Severe problem"
^YSTX(604.66,26600,0)="26600^P21 Patient Misrepresented Psychiatric Problems^19.34^266^180^195^0^^^^P21"
^YSTX(604.66,26600,2,1,0)="Is the above significantly distorted by the patient's misrepresentation?"
^YSTX(604.66,26700,0)="26700^P22 Patient Misunderstood Psychiatric Questions^19.35^267^181^196^0^^^^P22"
^YSTX(604.66,26700,2,1,0)="Is the above significantly distorted by the patient's inability to"
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," ",2500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," ",19000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," (",1300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," (Mont",4400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," (Months",3700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," (Months)",18600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Specify Chronic Medical P",2630)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Brother Drug",18320)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Brother Psych",18330)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Cannabis Lifetime (Years)",9000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Cannabis Route of Administ",9100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Emotional Abuse (Lifetime)",22300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Hallucinogens Lifetime Yrs",9300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Hallucinogens Route of Adm",9400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Inhalants Lifetime Yrs",9600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Inhalants Route of Adminis",9700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Meds for Psychological Pro",25500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," More than 1 Substance per ",9900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Paternal Uncle Drug",18200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Paternal Uncle Psych",18300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Physical Abuse (Lifetime)",22500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Problem with Brothers/Sist",20800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Problem with Children (Lif",21200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Problem with Close Friends",21700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Problem with Co-Workers (L",22100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Problem with Father (Lifet",20600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Problem with Mother (Lifet",20400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Problem with Neighbors (Li",21900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Problem with Other Family ",21500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Problem with Sex Partner/S",21000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Sexual Abuse (Lifetime)",22700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Sister Drug",18350)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Sister Psych",18360)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Specify Pension",2900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Specify whom",21400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," # Prior Psych Treatments as",23800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Alcohol Any Use Lifetime (Y",6300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Alcohol Intox Lifetime (Yea",6600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Alcohol Route of Administra",6400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Alcohol Route of Administra",6700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Amphetamines Lifetime (Year",8700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Amphetamines Route of Admin",8800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Attempted Suicide (Lifetime",25300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Barbituates Lifetime (Years",7800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Barbituates Route of Admini",7900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Cocaine Lifetime (Years)",8400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Cocaine Route of Administra",8500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Controlling Violent Behavio",24900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Father Drug",17600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Father Psych",17700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Hallucinations (Lifetime)",24500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Heroin Lifetime (Years)",6900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Heroin Route of Administrat",7000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Maternal Aunt Drug",16400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Maternal Aunt Psych",16500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Maternal Grandfather Drug",15800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Maternal Grandfather Psych",15900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Maternal Grandmother Drug",15500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Maternal Grandmother Psych",15600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Maternal Uncle Drug",16700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Maternal Uncle Psych",16800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Methadone Lifetime (Years)",7200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Mother Drug",16100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Mother Psych",16200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Other Opiates/Analgesics Li",7500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Other Opiates/Analgesics Ro",7600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Other Sed/Hyp/Tranq Lifetim",8100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Other Sed/Hyp/Tranq Route o",8200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Paternal Aunt Drug",17900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Paternal Aunt Psych",18000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Paternal Grandfather Drug",17300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Paternal Grandfather Psych",17400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Paternal Grandmother Drug",17000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Paternal Grandmother Psych",17100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Route of Administration",7300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Serious Anxiety/Tension (Li",24300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Serious Depression (Lifetim",24100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Serious Suicidal Thoughts (",25100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Specify Profession, Trade, ",4000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Specify Usual or Last Occup",4600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C"," Trouble Understanding (Life",24700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D1 Alcohol Any Use Last 30 Day",6200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D10 Cannabis Last 30 Days",8900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D11 Hallucinogens Last 30 Days",9200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D12 Inhalants Last 30 Days",9500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D13 More than 1 Substance per ",9800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D14 Which Substance is the Gre",10000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D15 Length of Last Voluntary A",10100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D16 Abstinence Ended How Many ",10200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D17 Times Had Alcohol D.T.'S",10300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D18 Times Overdosed On Drugs",10400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D19 Alcohol Abuse Treatments L",10500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D2 Alcohol Intox Use Last 30 D",6500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D20 Drug Abuse Treatments Life",10600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D21 Times Detox Only Alcohol",10700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D22 Times Detox Only Drug",10800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D23 Amount Spent Last 30 Days ",10900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D24 Amount Spent Last 30 Days ",11000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D25 # Days Opt Drug/Alcohol Tr",11100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D26 # Days Had Alcohol Problem",11200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D27 # Days Had Drug Problems L",11300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D28 Patient Alcohol Problem Se",11400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D29 Patient Drug Problem Sever",11500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D3 Heroin Last 30 Days",6800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D30 Patient Alcohol Treatment ",11600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D31 Patient Drug Treatment Imp",11700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D32 Interviewer Rating of Alco",11800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D33 Interviewer Rating of Drug",11900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D34 Patient Misrepresented Dru",12000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D35 Patient Misunderstood Drug",12100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D4 Methadone Last 30 Days",7100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D5 Other Opiates/Analgesics La",7400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D6 Barbituates Last 30 Days",7700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D7 Other Sed/Hyp/Tranq Last 30",8000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D8 Cocaine Last 30 Days",8300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","D9 Amphetamines Last 30 Days",8600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E1 Education Completed (Years)",3600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E10 Employment Pattern Past 3 ",4900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E11 Days Paid Last 30 Days",5000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E12 Employment Income",5100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E13 Unemployment Compensation",5200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E14 DPA (Welfare)",5230)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E15 Pension, Benefits or Socia",5240)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E16 Mate Family Friends Income",5300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E17 Illegal Income",5400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E18 Number Of Dependents",5500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E19 # Days of Employment Probl",5600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E2 # Months of Training or Tec",3800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E20 Patient Employment Problem",5700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E21 Patient Emp Counseling Imp",5800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E22 Interviewer Employment Cou",5900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E23 Patient Misrepresented Emp",6000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E24 Patient Misunderstood Empl",6100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E3 Profession, Trade Or Skill",3900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E4 Valid Drivers License",4100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E5 Automobile Available",4200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E6 Longest Full-Time Job (Year",4300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E7 Hollingshead Rating of Usua",4500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E8 Someone Contribute Support",4700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","E9 Someone Contributes Majorit",4800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F1 Maritial Status",18400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F10 Satisfied Spending Free Ti",19500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F11 How Many Close Friends",19600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F12 Close With Mother",19700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F13 Close With Father",19800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F14 Close With Brothers/Sister",19900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F15 Close With Sex Partner/Spo",20000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F16 Close With Children",20100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F17 Close With Friends",20200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F18 Problem with Mother (Past ",20300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F19 Problem with Father (Past ",20500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F2 Maritial Status (Years)",18500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F20 Problem with Brothers Sist",20700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F21 Problem with Sex Partner/S",20900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F22 Problem with Children (Pas",21100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F23 Problem with Other Family ",21300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F24 Problem with Close Friends",21600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F25 Problem with Neighbors (Pa",21800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F26 Problem with Co-Workers (P",22000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F27 Emotional Abuse (Past 30 D",22200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F28 Physical Abuse (Past 30 Da",22400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F29 Sexual Abuse (Past 30 Days",22600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F3 Satisfied With Situation",18700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F30 Family Conflict Past 30 Da",22800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F31 Conflict with Others Past ",22900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F32 Patient Family Problems Se",23000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F33 Patient Social Problems Se",23100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F34 Patient Family Counseling ",23200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F35 Patient Social Counseling ",23300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F36 Interviewer Rating of Need",23400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F37 Patient Misrepresented Fam",23500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F38 Patient Misunderstood Fami",23600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F4 Usual Living Arrangements (",18800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F5 How long in these arrangeme",18900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F6 Arrangements Satisfaction",19100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F7 Live with Anyone with Alcoh",19200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F8 Live with Anyone with Drug ",19300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","F9 Spend Free Time With",19400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G11 Interviewer",900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G12 Special",1000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G14 How Long at This Address (",1200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G15 Residence Owned by Patient",1400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G17 Race",1600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G18 Religious Preference",1700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G19 Type of Controlled Environ",1800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G20 How Many Days",1900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G3 Program",200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G4 Date of Admission",250)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G5 Date Of Interview",300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G6 Time Interview Began",400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G7 Time Interview Ended",500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G8 Class",600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","G9 Contact Code",700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H1 Maternal Grandmother Alc",15400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H10 Paternal Uncle Alc",18100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H11 Brother Alc",18310)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H12 Sister Alc",18340)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H2 Maternal Grandfather Alc",15700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H3 Mother Alc",16000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H4 Maternal Aunt Alc",16300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H5 Maternal Uncle Alc",16600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H6 Paternal Grandmother Alc",16900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H7 Paternal Grandfather Alc",17200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H8 Father Alc",17500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","H9 Paternal Aunt Alc",17800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L1 Admission Prompted by Legal",12200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L10 Assault",13100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L11 Arson",13200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L12 Rape",13300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L13 Homicide, Manslaughter",13400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L14 Prostitution",13500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L15 Contempt Of Court",13600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L16 Other Charges",13700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L17 # Convictions",13800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L18 Disorderly Conduct, Vagran",13900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L19 Driving While Intoxicated",14000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L2 On Probation Or Parole",12300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L20 Major Driving Violations",14100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L21 How Many Months Incarcerat",14200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L22 How Many Months was Last I",14300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L23 Last Incarcerated For",14400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L24 Awaiting Charges, Trial, S",14500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L25 For What",14600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L26 Days Detained/Incarcerated",14700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L27 Illegal Activities/Profit ",14800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L28 Patient Legal Problem Seve",14900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L29 Patient Rating of Need for",15000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L3 Shoplifting/Vandalism",12400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L30 Interviewer Rating of Lega",15100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L31 Patient Misrepresented Leg",15200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L32 Patient Misunderstood Lega",15300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L4 Parole/Probation Violations",12500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L5 Drug Charges",12600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L6 Forgery",12700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L7 Weapons Offense",12800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L8 Burglary Larceny, B & E",12900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","L9 Robbery",13000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M1 Hospitalizations for Medica",2300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M10 Patient Misrepresented Med",3400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M11 Patient Misunderstood Medi",3500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M2 Time since Last Hospitaliza",2400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M3 Chronic Medical Problem",2600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M4 Taking Prescribed Medicatio",2700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M5 Pension for Physical Proble",2800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M6 # Days Medical Problems in ",3000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M7 Patient Medical Problem Sev",3100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M8 Patient Medical Treatment I",3200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","M9 Interviewer Rating of Medic",3300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P1 # Prior Psych Treatments in",23700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P10 Meds for Psychological Pro",25400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P11 # Days with Psych Problems",25600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P12 Patient Psychological Prob",25700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P13 Patient Psychological Prob",25800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P14 Patient Obviously Depresse",25900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P15 Patient Obviously Hostile",26000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P16 Patient Obviously Anxious/",26100)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P17 Patient Having Trouble wit",26200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P18 Patient Having Trouble Com",26300)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P19 Patient Having Suicidal Th",26400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P2 Pension for Psychiatric Dis",23900)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P20 Interviewer Rating of Psyc",26500)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P21 Patient Misrepresented Psy",26600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P22 Patient Misunderstood Psyc",26700)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P3 Serious Depression (Past 30",24000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P4 Serious Anxiety/Tension (Pa",24200)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P5 Hallucinations (Past 30 Day",24400)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P6 Trouble Understanding (Past",24600)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P7 Controlling Violent Behavio",24800)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P8 Serious Suicidal Thoughts (",25000)=""
^YSTX(604.66,"C","P9 Attempted Suicide (Past 30 ",25200)=""
^YSTX(604.68,0)="ASI NARRATIVE^604.68^27^23"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,1,0)=" *** PSYCHOSOCIAL HISTORY ***"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,5,0)="{Title} {Last} is a {.02:.033} year old {.16;;P},"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,6,0)="{17.01;V?1""Q"".E:""F1 ""_V_"" "",V="""":"""",1:"" ""_V;L} {.02:.02;;L} {.02:391;V?1""NSC"".E:""NSC veteran"",V?1""SC"".E:""SC veteran"",1:V}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,7,0)="{Pro} lists {pos} religious preference as {.17;;P}."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,8,0)=" {Pro} was admitted to the {2:1;;P} program on {1;V="""":""G4 blank"",1:V;P}."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,9,0)=" In the past 30 days, {pro} has "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,10,0)="{2.01;V=""NO"":""not been in a controlled environment"",V=""JAIL"":""been in jail"",V?1""A"".E:""been in controlled alcohol or drug treatment"",1:"""";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,11,0)="{2.01;V?1""M"".E:""been in a controlled medical setting"",V?1""P"".E:""been in a controlled psychiatric setting"",V?1""O"".E:""been in another controlled setting"",1:"""";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,12,0)="{2.03;V=1:"" for one day"",V>1:"" for ""_V_"" days"",1:""""}."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,13,0)="{2.01;V?1""Q"".E:"" G19 ""_V,V="""":"" G19 blank"",1:""""}{2.03;V?1""Q"".E:"" G20 ""_V,V="""":"" G20 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,14,0)=" {Field;YSV1;1.201}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,15,0)="{1.202;(V=0)&(YSV1=0):YSPROU_"" has no current address. "",(V=1)&(YSV1=0):YSPROU_"" has lived at ""_YSPOSL_"" current address for 1 month. "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,16,0)="{1.202;(V=1)&(YSV1=1):YSPROU_"" has lived at ""_YSPOSL_"" current address for 13 months. "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,17,0)="{1.202;(V=0)&(YSV1>1):YSPROU_"" has lived at ""_YSPOSL_"" current address for ""_YSV1_"" years. "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,18,0)="{1.202;(V="""")&(YSV1>1):YSPROU_"" has lived at ""_YSPOSL_"" current address for ""_YSV1_"" years. "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,19,0)="{1.202;(V>1)&(YSV1>1):YSPROU_"" has lived at ""_YSPOSL_"" current address for ""_YSV1_"" years, ""_V_"" months. "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,20,0)="{1.202;V?1""Q"".E!(YSV1?1""Q"".E):"" G14 NOT ANSWERED"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,22,0)="This report is based on {.04;V?1""L"".E:""an ASI Lite"",V?1""FU"".E:""a full ASI"",V?1""FO"".E:""a follow-up"",1:""an"";} interview "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,23,0)="conducted {.07;V?1""I"".E:""in person "",V?1""P"".E:""by phone "",1:"""";}{.05;V'=0:""on ""_V_"" "",1:"""";P}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,24,0)="by {.09;1:$P(V,"","",2)_"" ""_$P(V,"","");P}{.09:20.3;V'="""":"", ""_V,1:"""";P}. {Title} {Last} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,25,0)="{.11;V?.E1""TERM"".E:""terminated"",V?.E1""REFU"".E:""refused"",V?.E1""UNAB"".E:""was unable to respond during"",V?1""I"".E:""completed"",1:"""";} the interview."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,26,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,27,0)="{Blank} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,28,0)=" {.04;V'?1""L"".E:""Severity Rating"",1:"" ""} Composite Score"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,30,0)=" MEDICAL {8.12} {.61;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,31,0)=" EMPLOYMENT {9.34} {.62;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,32,0)=" ALCOHOL {11.18} {.63;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,33,0)=" DRUG {11.185} {.635;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,34,0)=" LEGAL {14.34} {.64;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,35,0)=" FAMILY {18.29} {.65;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,36,0)="PSYCHIATRIC {19.33} {.66;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,40,0)="MEDICAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,42,0)="{Title} {Last} reports {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,43,0)="{8.01;V=0:""has never been hospitalized for a medical problem"",V=1:""has been hospitalized once for a medical problem"",V>1:""has been hospitalized ""_V_"" times for medical problems"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""M1 ""_V,1:""M1 blank"";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,44,0)="{Pro} says that {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,45,0)="{8.03;V=""NO"":""has no chronic medical problems that interfere"",V=""YES"":""has a chronic medical problem"",V?1""Q"".E:""M3 ""_V,1:""M3 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,46,0)="{8.04;V'="""":"" (""_V_"")"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,47,0)="{8.03;V=""YES"":"" that interferes"",1:"""";} with {pos} life. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,48,0)="Further, {Title} {Last} states that {pro} is {8.05;V=""NO"":""not taking any"",V=""YES"":""taking"",V?1""Q"".E:""M4 ""_V,1:""M4 blank"";} prescribed medication on a regular basis, and "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,49,0)="{pro} {8.06;V=""NO"":""denies receiving"",V=""YES"":""says ""_YSPROL_"" receives"",V?1""Q"".E:""M5 ""_V,1:""M5 blank"";} a "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,50,0)="{8.07;V'="""":""(""_V_"") "",1:"""";}pension for a non-psychiatric physical disability. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,51,0)="In the 30 days prior to this interview, {Title} {Last} experienced medical problems "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,52,0)="{8.08;V=0:""at no time."",V=1:""on only 1 day"",(V>1)&(V<30):""on ""_V_"" days"",V=30:""every day"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""M6 ""_V,1:""M6 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,54,0)="{8.09;(YSV1>0)&(V=0):"", but those problems did not bother "",(YSV1>0)&(V=1):"", which bothered "",(YSV1>0)&(V=2):"", which bothered "",(YSV1>0)&(V=3):"", which bothered "",(YSV1>0)&(V=4):"", which bothered "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,55,0)="{8.09;(YSV1?1N.E)&(V?1N.E)&(+YSV1>0):YSHIML,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,56,0)="{8.09;(YSV1>0)&(V=0):""at all. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=1):""only slightly. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=2):""moderately. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=3):""considerably. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=4):""extremely. "",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" M7 ""_V_"". "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,57,0)="The patient considers treatment for medical problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,58,0)="{8.11;V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" M8 ""_V,1:""M8 blank"";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,60,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,61,0)="concerning medical problems "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,62,0)="{8.14;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" M10 ""_V,V="""":"" M10 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,63,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,64,0)="{8.15;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" M11 ""_V,V="""":"" M11 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,65,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,71,0)="{Title} {Last} completed {9.01;V?1""Q"".E:"" E1 ""_V,V=1:""1 year"",V'="""":V_"" years"",1:""unknown/blank"";} of education"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,72,0)="{9.03;V=0:"". "",V=1:"" and 1 month of technical training. "",V>0:"" and ""_V_"" months of technical training. "",V?1""Q"".E:"" E2 ""_V,1:"". "";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,73,0)="{Pro} {9.06;V=""NO"":""does not have"",V=""YES"":""has"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E4 ""_V,1:""E4 blank"";} a valid driver's license "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,75,0)="{9.09;(V=""NO"")&(YSV1=""NO""):""and does not have"",(V=""NO"")&(YSV1=""YES""):""but does not have"",V=""YES"":""and has"",V="""":""and so was not asked whether he has"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E5 ""_V,1:"""";} an automobile available for use. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,76,0)="{Pos} longest full-time job was {9.11;V=0:"""",V=1:""1 year"",V>1:V_"" years"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" E6 ""_V_"" "",1:""?? years"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,77,0)="{9.12;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""E6 MONTHS ""_V,V=1:"", 1 month"",V>1:"", ""_V_"" months"",1:"""";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,78,0)="{Pos} usual (or last) occupation is {9.145;V="""":""unknown/blank"",V'="""":V,1:"""";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,79,0)=" (Hollingshead Category = "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,80,0)="{9.14;V=""X"":V,V=""N"":V,V="""":""unknown/blank"",V=1:""Higher Executives"",V=2:""Business Managers"",V=3:""Administrative Personnel"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,81,0)="{9.14;V=4:""Clerical/Sales"",V=5:""Skilled Manual"",V=6:""Semi-skilled"",V=7:""Unskilled"",V=8:""Homemaker"",V=9:""Student/Disabled/No Occupation"",1:"""";}). "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,82,0)="{9.16;V=""N/A"":""It is not known whether anyone"",V=""NO"":""No one"",V=""YES"":""Someone"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E9 ""_V,1:""E9 blank"";} else contributes the majority of {pos} financial support. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,83,0)="In the past 3 years, {pos} usual employment pattern has been "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,84,0)="{9.17;V?1""Q"".E:""E10 ""_V,V="""":""(not reported)"",V'="""":V,1:"""";L}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,85,0)="In the past 30 days, {pro} was paid for working on "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,86,0)="{9.18;V=0:""no days"",V=1:""one day"",V>1:V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" E11 ""_V,1:""an unknown number of days"";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,87,0)="{Pro} reports {pos} income over the past month as"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,88,0)="{Field;YSV1;9.19;YSV1=""X""!(YSV1=""N""):""E12 ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""E12 blank"",YSV1'=0:""$""_YSV1_"" from employment"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,89,0)="{Field;YSV2;9.21;YSV2=""X""!(YSV2=""N""):""E13 ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""E13 blank"",YSV2'=0:""$""_YSV2_"" from unemployment compensation"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,90,0)="{Field;YSV3;9.22;YSV3=""X""!(YSV3=""N""):""E14 ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""E14 blank"",YSV3'=0:""$""_YSV3_"" from welfare"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,91,0)="{Field;YSV4;9.23;YSV4=""X""!(YSV4=""N""):""E15 ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""E15 blank"",YSV4'=0:""$""_YSV4_"" from pension, benefits or social security"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,92,0)="{Field;YSV5;9.24;YSV5=""X""!(YSV5=""N""):""E16 ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""E16 blank"",YSV5'=0:""$""_YSV5_"" from mate, family or friends"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,93,0)="{Field;YSV6;9.25;YSV6=""X""!(YSV6=""N""):""E17 ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""E17 blank"",YSV6'=0:""$""_YSV6_"" from illegal sources"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,94,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6; no income reported}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,101,0)=" for a total of ${.01;1:YSV1+YSV2+YSV3+YSV4+YSV5+YSV6}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,103,0)="{Title} {Last} reports that "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,104,0)="{9.29;V=0:""no one is"",V=1:""one person is"",V>1:V_"" people are"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""E18 ""_V,1:""E18 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,105,0)=" dependent on {him} for financial support. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,106,0)="The patient considers treatment for employment problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,107,0)="{9.33;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""E21 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""E21 blank"";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,109,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,110,0)="concerning employment problems "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,111,0)="{9.35;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E23 ""_V,V="""":"" E23 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,112,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,113,0)="{9.36;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E24 ""_V,V="""":"" E24 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,114,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,118,0)="DRUG/ALCOHOL USE"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,120,0)="{Title} {Last} reports the following substance use history:"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,122,0)=" Drug Past Month Lifetime Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,124,0)=" (Days) (Years) Route"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,126,0)=" Alcohol - any use at all: {10.01;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.02;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,127,0)="{10.03;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,129,0)=" Alcohol - to intoxication: {10.04;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.05;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,130,0)="{10.06;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,132,0)=" Heroin: {10.07;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.08;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,133,0)="{10.09;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,135,0)=" Methadone: {10.11;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.12;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,136,0)="{10.14;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,138,0)=" Other opiates/analgesics: {10.15;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.16;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,139,0)="{10.17;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,141,0)=" Barbiturates: {10.18;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.19;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,142,0)="{10.21;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,144,0)=" Other sed/hyp/tranq: {10.22;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.23;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,145,0)="{10.24;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,147,0)=" Cocaine: {10.25;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.26;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,148,0)="{10.27;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,150,0)=" Amphetamines: {10.28;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.29;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,151,0)="{10.31;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,153,0)=" Cannabis: {10.32;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.33;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,154,0)="{10.34;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,156,0)=" Hallucinogens: {10.35;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.36;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,157,0)="{10.37;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,159,0)=" Inhalants: {10.38;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.39;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,160,0)="{10.41;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,162,0)=" Multiple substances per day: {10.42;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.43;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,165,0)="{Title} {Last} says {pro} has "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,166,0)="{11.05;V=0:""never been treated"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D19 ""_V,V=1:""been treated once"",V>1:""been treated ""_V_"" times"",1:""D19 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,167,0)=" for alcohol abuse "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,169,0)="{11.06;((YSV1=0)&(V>0))!((YSV1>0)&(V=0)):""but"",1:""and"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,170,0)="{11.06;V=0:""has never been treated"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D20 ""_V,V=1:""has once been treated"",V>1:""has been treated ""_V_"" times"",1:""D20 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,171,0)=" for drug abuse. {Pro} reports {pro} spent "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,172,0)="{11.09;V=0:""nothing"",V>0:""$""_V,V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D23 ""_V,1:""D23 blank"";} on alcohol and "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,173,0)="{11.11;V=0:""nothing"",V>0:""$""_V,V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D24 ""_V,1:""D24 blank"";} on drugs during the past month. Further, {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,174,0)="{11.12;V=0:""denies"",V>0:""reports"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D25 ""_V,1:""D25 blank"";} being treated "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,175,0)="{11.12;V=0:"""",V=1:""one day "",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days "",1:"""";}in an outpatient setting "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,176,0)="for alcohol or drugs in the past 30 days. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,177,0)="During the month prior to this interview, the patient reports {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,179,0)="{11.15;(YSV1=0)&(V=0):""had no alcohol or drug problems"",(YSV1=1)&(V=0):""had alcohol problems one day but no drug problems"",(YSV1>1)&(V=0):""had alcohol problems on ""_YSV1_"" days but no drug problems"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,180,0)="{11.15;(YSV1=0)&(V=1):""had drug problems one day but no alcohol problems"",(YSV1=1)&(V=1):""had drug and alcohol problems one day"",(YSV1=1)&(V>1):""had alcohol problems one day and drug problems on ""_V_"" days"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,181,0)="{11.15;(YSV1=0)&(V>1):""had drug problems on ""_V_"" days but no alcohol problems"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,182,0)="{11.15;(YSV1>1)&(V>1):""had alcohol problems on ""_YSV1_"" days and drug problems on ""_V_"" days"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,183,0)="{11.14;V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" D26 ""_V,V="""":"" D26 blank "",1:""""}{11.15;V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" D27 ""_V,V="""":"" D27 blank "",1:""""}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,184,0)="{Pro} says {pro} was "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,185,0)="{11.16;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D28 ""_V,V=0:""not bothered at all"",V=1:""bothered slightly"",V=2:""bothered slightly"",V=3:""bothered considerably"",V=4:""extremely bothered"",1:""D28 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,186,0)="by alcohol problems "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,188,0)="{11.17;((YSV1=0)&(V>0))!((YSV1>0)&(V=0)):""but"",1:""and"";} was "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,189,0)="{11.17;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D29 ""_V,V=0:""not bothered"",V=1:""slightly bothered"",V=2:""moderately bothered"",V=3:""considerably bothered"",V=4:""extremely bothered"",1:""D29 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,190,0)="by drug problems during that time period. {Pro} considers treatment for alcohol problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,191,0)="{11.165;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D30 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""D30 blank"";} important and treatment for drug problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,192,0)="{11.175;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D31 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""D31 blank"";} important. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,194,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,195,0)="concerning drug/alcohol problems "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,196,0)="{11.19;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" D34 ""_V,V="""":"" D34 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,197,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,198,0)="{11.21;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" D35 ""_V,V="""":"" D35 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,199,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,203,0)="LEGAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,205,0)="{Title} {Last} says this admission was {14.01;V?1""Q"".E:""L1 ""_V_"" "",V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",1:""L1 blank "";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,206,0)="prompted or suggested by the criminal justice system. {Pro} states {pro} is "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,207,0)="{14.02;V?1""Q"".E:""L2 ""_V_"" "",V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",1:""L2 blank "";}on probation or parole."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,209,0)="In {pos} lifetime, {pro} reports being arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,210,0)="{Field;YSV1;14.03;YSV1?1U.E:""L3 ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""L3 blank"",YSV1=1:""shoplifting/vandalism (once)"",YSV1>0:""shoplifting/vandalism (""_YSV1_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,211,0)="{Field;YSV2;14.04;YSV2?1U.E:""L4 ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""L4 blank"",YSV2=1:""a parole/probation violation (once)"",YSV2>0:""parole/probation violations (""_YSV2_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,212,0)="{Field;YSV3;14.05;YSV3?1U.E:""L5 ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""L5 blank"",YSV3=1:""drug charges (once)"",YSV3>0:""drug charges (""_YSV3_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,213,0)="{Field;YSV4;14.06;YSV4?1U.E:""L6 ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""L6 blank"",YSV4=1:""forgery (once)"",YSV4>0:""forgery (""_YSV4_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,214,0)="{Field;YSV5;14.07;YSV5?1U.E:""L7 ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""L7 blank"",YSV5=1:""weapons offense (once)"",YSV5>0:""weapons offense (""_YSV5_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,215,0)="{Field;YSV6;14.08;YSV6?1U.E:""L8 ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""L8 blank"",YSV6=1:""burglary, larceny, B & E (once)"",YSV6>0:""burglary, larceny, B&E (""_YSV6_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,216,0)="{Field;YSV7;14.09;YSV7?1U.E:""L9 ""_YSV7,YSV7="""":""L9 blank"",YSV7=1:""robbery (once)"",YSV7>0:""robbery (""_YSV7_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,217,0)="{Field;YSV8;14.11;YSV8?1U.E:""L10 ""_YSV8,YSV8="""":""L10 blank"",YSV8=1:""assault (once)"",YSV8>0:""assault (""_YSV8_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,218,0)="{Field;YSV9;14.12;YSV9?1U.E:""L11 ""_YSV9,YSV9="""":""L11 blank"",YSV9=1:""arson (once)"",YSV9>0:""arson (""_YSV9_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,219,0)="{Field;YSV10;14.14;YSV10?1U.E:""L12 ""_YSV10,YSV10="""":""L12 blank"",YSV10=1:""rape (once)"",YSV10>0:""rape (""_YSV10_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,220,0)="{Field;YSV11;14.15;YSV11?1U.E:""L13 ""_YSV11,YSV11="""":""L13 blank"",YSV11=1:""homicide, manslaughter (once)"",YSV11>0:""homicide, manslaughter (""_YSV11_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,221,0)="{Field;YSV12;14.16;YSV12?1U.E:""L14 ""_YSV12,YSV12="""":""L14 blank"",YSV12=1:""prostitution (once)"",YSV12>0:""prostitution (""_YSV12_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,222,0)="{Field;YSV13;14.17;YSV13?1U.E:""L15 ""_YSV13,YSV13="""":""L15 blank"",YSV13=1:""contempt of court (once)"",YSV13>0:""contempt of court (""_YSV13_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,223,0)="{Field;YSV14;14.18;YSV14?1U.E:""L16 ""_YSV14,YSV14="""":""L16 blank"",YSV14=1:""other (once)"",YSV14>0:""other (""_YSV14_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,224,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6,YSV7,YSV8,YSV9,YSV10,YSV11,YSV12,YSV13,YSV14; no offenses}."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,225,0)=" {14.19;V=0:""None of these charges resulted in a conviction."",V=1:""One of these charges resulted in a conviction."",V>1:V_"" of these charges resulted in convictions"",V=""X"":"" L17 X "",V=""N"":"""",1:""L17 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,226,0)=" Reported lifetime history of legal problems related to substance use include "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,227,0)="{14.21;V=0:""no charges"",V=1:""one charge"",V>1:V_"" charges"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L18 ""_V,1:""L18 blank"";} for either disorderly "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,228,0)="conduct, vagrancy, or public intoxication and "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,229,0)="{14.22;V=0:""no charges"",V=1:""one charge"",V>1:V_"" charges"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L19 ""_V,1:""L19 blank"";} for driving "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,230,0)="while intoxicated. {Pro} states {pro} has "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,231,0)="{14.23;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L20 ""_V,V=0:""never been cited"",V=1:""been cited once"",V>1:""been cited ""_V_"" times"",1:""L20 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,232,0)="for {14.23;V=0:""major driving violations"",V=1:""a major driving violation"",V>1:""major driving violations"",1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,233,0)="such as reckless driving, speeding, or driving without a license. {Pro} reports "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,234,0)="spending {14.24;V=0:""no time"",V=1:""one month"",V>1:V_"" months"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L21 ""_V,1:""L21 blank"";} incarcerated "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,235,0)="during {pos} life. {Pro} is {14.27;V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",V?1""Q"".E:""L24 ""_V_"" "",1:""L24 blank "";}presently "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,236,0)="awaiting charges, trial or sentence"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,237,0)="{14.28;V="""":""L25 blank "",V=3:"" for shoplifting/vandalism"",V=4:"" for parole/probation violations"",V=5:"" for drug charges"",V=6:"" for forgery"",V=7:"" for weapons offense(s)"",V=8:"" for burglary, larceny, or B & E"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,238,0)="{14.28;V=""X"":""L25 ""_V,V=9:"" for robbery"",V=10:"" for assault"",V=11:"" for arson"",V=12:"" for rape"",V=13:"" for homicide/manslaughter"",V=14:"" for prostitution"",V=15:"" for comtempt of court"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,239,0)="{14.28;V=16:"" for charges other than those coded by this interview"",V=18:"" for disorderly conduct, vagrancy, or public intoxication"",V=19:"" for driving while intoxicated"",V=20:"" for a major driving violation (speeding, no license, etc)"",1:"""";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,240,0)="In the past 30 days, {Title} {Last} reports {pro} was detained or incarcerated "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,241,0)="{14.29;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""on one day"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L26 ""_V,1:""L26 blank"";} and was "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,242,0)="{14.31;V=0:""not engaged in illegal activities"",V=1:""engaged in illegal activities on one day"",V>1:""engaged in illegal activities on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L27 ""_V,1:""L27 blank"";}."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,244,0)="{Title} {Last} considers legal problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,245,0)="{14.32;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L28 ""_V,V=0:""no problem at all"",V=1:""a slight problem"",V=2:""a moderate problem"",V=3:""a considerable problem"",V=4:""an extremely serious problem"",1:""L28 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,246,0)="and is "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,247,0)="{14.33;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L29 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""L29 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,248,0)="interested in counseling or referral for legal problems. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,250,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,251,0)="concerning legal problems "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,252,0)="{14.35;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" L31 ""_V,V="""":"" L31 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,253,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,254,0)="{14.36;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" L32 ""_V,V="""":"" L32 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,255,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,259,0)="FAMILY/SOCIAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,261,0)="{Title} {Last} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,262,0)="{17.01;V?1""Q"".E:""F1 ""_V_"" "",V="""":""L1 blank "",V?1""NE"".E:""has ""_V_"" "",1:""is ""_V_"" "";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,263,0)="{17.04;V?1""Q"".E:""F2 ""_V_"" "",V?1""N"".E:""but is not satisfied with"",V?1""I"".E:""and is indifferent to"",V?1""Y"".E:""and is satisfied with"",1:""F3 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,264,0)="this situation. {Pos} usual living arrangement over the past three years has been "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,265,0)="{17.05;V=1:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" sexual partner and children"",V=2:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" sexual partner alone"",V=3:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" children"",V=4:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" parents"",V=5:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" family"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,266,0)="{17.05;V=6:""to live with friends"",V=7:""to live alone"",V=8:""to live in a controlled environment"",V=9:""completely unstable"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,267,0)="{17.05;V="""":""F4 (living arrangement not reported)"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F4 ""_V,1:"""";}, "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,268,0)="{17.08;V?1""Q"".E:""F6 ""_V,V?1""N"".E:""but ""_YSPROL_"" is not satisfied with"",V?1""I"".E:""and ""_YSPROL_"" is indifferent to"",V?1""Y"".E:""and ""_YSPROL_"" is satisfied with"",1:""F6 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,269,0)="this arrangement. {Pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,271,0)="{17.11;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""NO""):""does not live with anyone who has either a drug or alcohol problem"",(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""NO""):""lives with someone who has an alcohol problem"",(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""YES""):""lives with someone who has a drug problem"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,272,0)="{17.11;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""YES""):""lives with someone who has both a drug and alcohol problem"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,273,0)="{17.09;V?1""Q"".E:"" F7 ""_V,V="""":"" F7 blank "",1:"""";}{17.11;V?1""Q"".E:"" F8 ""_V,V="""":"" F8 blank "",1:"""";}."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,275,0)="{Pro} reports having significant periods in the past 30 days in which {pro}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,276,0)=" experienced serious problems getting along with"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,277,0)="{Field;YSV1;18.01;YSV1?1""u"".E:"" F18 30 ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""F18 30 blank"",YSV1=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" mother"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,278,0)="{Field;YSV2;18.03;YSV2?1""u"".E:"" F19 30 ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""F19 30 blank"",YSV2=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" father"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,279,0)="{Field;YSV3;18.05;YSV3?1""u"".E:"" F20 30 ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""F20 30 blank"",YSV3=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" brothers/sisters"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,280,0)="{Field;YSV4;18.07;YSV4?1""u"".E:"" F21 30 ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""F21 30 blank"",YSV4=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" sexual partner/spouse"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,281,0)="{Field;YSV5;18.09;YSV5?1""u"".E:"" F22 30 ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""F22 30 blank"",YSV5=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" children"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,282,0)="{Field;YSV6;18.12;YSV6?1""u"".E:"" F23 30 ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""F23 30 blank"",YSV6=""YES"":""other significant family"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,283,0)="{Field;YSV7;18.15;YSV7?1""u"".E:"" F24 30 ""_YSV7,YSV7="""":""F24 30 blank"",YSV7=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" close friends"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,284,0)="{Field;YSV8;18.17;YSV8?1""u"".E:"" F25 30 ""_YSV8,YSV8="""":""F25 30 blank"",YSV8=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" neighbors"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,285,0)="{Field;YSV9;18.185;YSV9?1""u"".E:"" F26 30 ""_YSV9,YSV9="""":""F26 30 blank"",YSV9=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" co-workers"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,286,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6,YSV7,YSV8,YSV9; no one}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,287,0)="Lifetime, {pro} reports having significant periods in which {pro}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,288,0)=" experienced serious problems getting along with"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,289,0)="{Field;YSV1;18.02;YSV1?1""u"".E:"" F18 L ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""F18 L blank"",YSV1=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" mother"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,290,0)="{Field;YSV2;18.04;YSV2?1""u"".E:"" F19 L ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""F19 L blank"",YSV2=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" father"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,291,0)="{Field;YSV3;18.06;YSV3?1""u"".E:"" F20 L ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""F20 L blank"",YSV3=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" brothers/sisters"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,292,0)="{Field;YSV4;18.08;YSV4?1""u"".E:"" F21 L ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""F21 L blank"",YSV4=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" sexual partner/spouse"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,293,0)="{Field;YSV5;18.11;YSV5?1""u"".E:"" F22 L ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""F22 L blank"",YSV5=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" children"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,294,0)="{Field;YSV6;18.14;YSV6?1""u"".E:"" F23 L ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""F23 L blank"",YSV6=""YES"":""other significant family"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,295,0)="{Field;YSV7;18.16;YSV7?1""u"".E:"" F24 L ""_YSV7,YSV7="""":""F24 L blank"",YSV7=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" close friends"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,296,0)="{Field;YSV8;18.18;YSV8?1""u"".E:"" F25 L ""_YSV8,YSV8="""":""F25 L blank"",YSV8=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" neighbors"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,297,0)="{Field;YSV9;18.186;YSV9?1""u"".E:"" F26 L ""_YSV9,YSV9="""":""F26 L blank"",YSV9=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" co-workers"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,298,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6,YSV7,YSV8,YSV9; no one}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,300,0)="{Pro} reports {18.21;V=""NO"":""no "",V=""YES"":"""",V?1""Q"".E:""F28 30 ""_V_"" "",1:""F28 30 blank "";}physical abuse in the past month "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,302,0)="{18.215;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""NO""):""and none prior to that"",(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""YES""):""but some prior physical abuse"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,303,0)="{18.215;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""NO""):""but none prior to that"",(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""YES""):""as well as prior to that"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,304,0)="{18.215;V?1""Q"".E:""F28 L ""_V_"" "",V="""":"" F28 L blank"",1:"""";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,305,0)="{Pro} reports {18.22;V?1""Q"".E:""F29 30 ""_V,V=""NO"":""no"",V=""YES"":""some"",1:""F29 30 blank "";} sexual abuse in the past month "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,307,0)="{18.225;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""NO""):""and none prior to that"",(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""YES""):""but some prior sexual abuse"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,308,0)="{18.225;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""NO""):""but none prior to that"",(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""YES""):""as well as prior to that"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,309,0)="{18.225;V?1""Q"".E:""F29 L ""_V,V="""":"" F29 L blank"",1:"""";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,310,0)="{Title} {Last} says that during the past month {pro} had serious conflicts with {pos} family "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,311,0)="{18.23;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""on one day"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F30 ""_V,1:"" F30 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,312,0)="and serious conflicts with other people "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,313,0)="{18.24;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""only once"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F31 ""_V,1:"" F31 blank "";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,315,0)="{Title} {Last} says {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,316,0)="{18.25;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F32 ""_V,V=0:""was not bothered at all"",V=1:""was bothered slightly"",V=2:""was bothered slightly"",V=3:""was bothered considerably"",V=4:""was extremely bothered"",1:"" F32 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,317,0)="by family/social problems in the month prior to this interview. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,318,0)="The patient considers treatment for family/social problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,319,0)="{18.27;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F34 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:"" F34 blank "";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,321,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,322,0)="concerning family problems "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,323,0)="{18.31;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" F37 ""_V,V="""":"" F37 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,324,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,325,0)="{18.32;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" F38 ""_V,V="""":"" F38 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,326,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,330,0)="PSYCHIATRIC STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,332,0)="{Title} {Last} states {pro} has been treated in a hospital for psychological or emotional problems "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,333,0)="{19.01;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""once"",V>1:V_"" times"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P1 ""_V,1:"" P1 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,334,0)="and as an outpatient or private patient "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,335,0)="{19.02;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""once"",V>1:V_"" times"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P1 ""_V,1:"" P1 blank "";}. {Pro} reports {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,336,0)="does {19.03;V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",V?1""Q"".E:""P2 ""_V_"" "",1:"" P2 blank "";}receive a pension for a psychiatric disability. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,338,0)="The patient reports having experienced psychological or emotional problems "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,339,0)="{19.23;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""on one day"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P11 ""_V,1:"" P11 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,340,0)="during the past 30 days. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,341,0)="{Field;YSV1;19.04;YSV1=""NO"":""NO"",YSV1=""YES"":""serious depression "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,342,0)="{Field;YSV2;19.05;YSV2=""YES""&(YSV1?1""s"".E):YSV1_""(30 day and lifetime)"",YSV1?1""s"".E&(YSV2=""NO""):YSV1_""(30 day)"",YSV2=""YES""&(YSV1=""NO""):""serious depression (lifetime)"",YSV1=""NO""&(YSV2=""NO""):"""",1:"" P3 blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,343,0)="{Field;YSV3;19.06;YSV3=""NO"":""NO"",YSV3=""YES"":""serious anxiety or tension "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,344,0)="{Field;YSV4;19.07;YSV3?1""s"".E&(YSV4=""YES""):YSV3_""(30 day and lifetime)"",YSV3?1""s"".E&(YSV4=""NO""):YSV3_""(30 day)"",YSV4=""YES""&(YSV3=""NO""):""serious anxiety or tension (lifetime)"",YSV3=""NO""&(YSV4=""NO""):"""",1:"" P4 blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,345,0)="{Field;YSV5;19.08;YSV5=""NO"":""NO"",YSV5=""YES"":""hallucinations "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,346,0)="{Field;YSV6;19.09;YSV5?1""h"".E&(YSV6=""YES""):YSV5_""(30 day and lifetime)"",YSV5?1""h"".E&(YSV6=""NO""):YSV5_""(30 day)"",YSV6=""YES""&(YSV5=""NO""):""hallucinations (lifetime)"",YSV5=""NO""&(YSV6=""NO""):"""",1:"" P5 blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,347,0)="{Field;YSV7;19.11;YSV7=""NO"":""NO"",YSV7=""YES"":""trouble understanding, concentrating or remembering "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,348,0)="{Field;YSV8;19.12;YSV7?1""t"".E&(YSV8=""YES""):YSV7_""(30 day and lifetime)"",YSV7?1""t"".E&(YSV8=""NO""):YSV7_""(30 day)"",YSV8=""YES""&(YSV7=""NO""):""trouble understanding, concentrating or remembering (lifetime)"",YSV7=""NO""&(YSV8=""NO""):"""",1:"" P6 blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,349,0)="{Field;YSV9;19.14;YSV9=""NO"":""NO"",YSV9=""YES"":""trouble controlling violent behavior "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,350,0)="{Field;YSV10;19.15;YSV9?1""t"".E&(YSV10=""YES""):YSV9_""(30 day and lifetime)"",YSV9?1""t"".E&(YSV10=""NO""):YSV9_""(30 day)"",YSV10=""YES""&(YSV9=""NO""):""trouble controlling violent behavior (lifetime)"",YSV9=""NO""&(YSV10=""NO""):"""",1:"" P7 blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,351,0)="{.01;$L(YSV2_YSV4_YSV6_YSV8_YSV10):""The patient reports experiencing"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,352,0)="{List;YSV2,YSV4,YSV6,YSV8,YSV10; The patient do not endorse significant psychiatric symptoms}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,353,0)=". "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,355,0)="{Pro} says {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,356,0)="{19.22;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""NO""):""has never been prescribed medication for psychological or emotional problems"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,357,0)="{19.22;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""NO""):""was prescribed medication for psychological or emotional problems during the past month but never prior to that"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,358,0)="{19.22;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""YES""):""was prescribed medication for psychological or emotional problems at some point during ""_YSPOSL_"" life but was not on such medication during the past month"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,359,0)="{19.22;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""YES""):""was prescribed medication for psychological or emotional problems both during the past month as well as at some time prior to that"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,360,0)="{19.21;V?1""Q"".E:""P10 30 ""_V,V="""":"" P10 30 blank "",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,361,0)="{19.22;V?1""Q"".E:""P10 L ""_V,V="""":"" P10 L blank "",1:""""}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,363,0)="{Field;YSV1;19.16;YSV1=""YES"":""*** The patient reports serious thoughts of suicide in the past 30 days "",YSV1=""NO"":YSV1,1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,364,0)="{19.17;YSV1?1""*"".E&(V=""YES""):YSV1_""and lifetime ***"",YSV1?1""*"".E&(V'=""YES""):YSV1_""but not prior ***"",V=""YES"":""The patient reports suicidal ideation but not in the past 30 days"",YSV1=""NO""&(V=""NO""):""Suicidal ideation is denied"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,365,0)="{19.16;V?1""Q"".E:""** P8 30 ""_V_"" ** "",V="""":"" ** P8 30 blank ** "",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,366,0)="{19.17;V?1""Q"".E:""** P8 L ""_V_"" ** "",V="""":""** P8 L blank ** "",1:""""}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,367,0)="{Field;YSV1;19.18;YSV1=""YES"":""*** The patient reports attempting suicide in the past 30 days "",YSV1=""NO"":YSV1,1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,368,0)="{19.19;YSV1?1""*"".E&(V=""YES""):YSV1_""and lifetime ***"",YSV1?1""*"".E&(V'=""YES""):YSV1_""but not prior ***"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,369,0)="{19.19;YSV1=""NO""&(V=""YES""):""The patient reports attempting suicide but not in the past 30 days."",YSV1=""NO""&(V=""NO""):""No history of suicide attempt is given"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,370,0)="{19.18;V?1""Q"".E:""** P9 30 ""_V_"" ** "",V="""":"" ** P9 30 blank ** "",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,371,0)="{19.19;V?1""Q"".E:""** P9 L ""_V_"" ** "",V="""":""** P9 L blank ** "",1:""""}. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,373,0)="{Title} {Last} says {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,374,0)="{19.24;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P12 ""_V,V=0:""was not bothered at all"",V=1:""was bothered slightly"",V=2:""was bothered slightly"",V=3:""was bothered considerably"",V=4:""was extremely bothered"",1:""P12 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,375,0)="by psychological or emotional problems in the month prior to this interview. "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,376,0)="The patient considers treatment for psychological or emotional problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,378,0)="{19.25;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P13 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:"" P13 blank "";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,380,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,381,0)="concerning psychiatric problems "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,382,0)="{19.34;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" P21 ""_V,V="""":"" P21 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,383,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,384,0)="{19.35;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" P22 ""_V,V="""":"" P22 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,385,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,389,0)="{0;$D(^YSTX(604,YSASDA,201,1)):""SPIRITUAL STATUS:"",1:""""} "
^YSTX(604.68,1,1,392,0)="{0;$D(^YSTX(604,YSASDA,200,1)):""LEISURE TIME STATUS:"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,2,0)="1.Higher execs, major professionals, owners of large businesses."
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,3,0)="2.Managers of medium sized businesses, nurses, opticians,"
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,4,0)=" pharmacists, social workers, teachers."
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,5,0)="3.Administrative personnel, managers, minor professionals,"
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,6,0)=" owners/small businesses: bakery, car dealership, engraving business,"
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,7,0)=" plumbing business, florist, decorator, actor, reporter, travel agent."
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,8,0)="4.Clerical and sales, technicians: bank teller,"
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,9,0)=" bookkeeper, clerk, draftsman, timekeeper, secretary."
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,10,0)="5.Skilled manual - usually having had training (baker,"
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,11,0)=" barber, brakeman, chef, electrician, fireman, lineman,"
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,12,0)=" machinist, mechanic, paperhanger, painter, repairman,"
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,13,0)=" tailor, welder, policeman, plumber)."
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,14,0)="6.Semi-skilled (hospital aide, painter, bartender, bus driver, cutter, cook,"
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,15,0)=" drill press, garage guard, checker, waiter, spot welder, machine operator)."
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,16,0)="7.Unskilled (attendant, janitor, construction helper,"
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,17,0)=" unspecified labor, porter, including unemployed)."
^YSTX(604.68,3,1,19,0)="9.Student, disabled, no occupation."
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,2,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,3,0)="Alcohol: Beer, wine, liquor"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,5,0)="Methadone: Dolophine, LAAM"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,7,0)="Opiates: Pain killers: Morphine, Dilaudid,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,8,0)=" Demerol, Percocet, Darvon, Talwin,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,9,0)=" Codeine, Tylenol 2,3,4, Syrups,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,10,0)=" Robitussin, Fentanyl"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,11,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,12,0)="Barbiturates: Nembutal, Seconal, Tuinol,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,13,0)=" Amytal, Pentobarbital, Secobarbital,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,14,0)=" Phenobarbital, Fiorinol"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,15,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,16,0)="Sed/Hyp/Tranq: Benzodiazepines: Valium,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,17,0)=" Xanax, Librium, Ativan,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,18,0)=" Serax, Quaaludes"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,19,0)=" Tranxene, Dalmane,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,20,0)=" Halcion, Miltown,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,21,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,22,0)="Cocaine: Cocaine Crystal, Free-Base Cocaine"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,23,0)=" or ""Crack"" and ""Rock"""
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,24,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,25,0)="Amphetamines: Monster, Crank, Benzedrine,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,26,0)=" Dexedrine, Ritalin, Preludin,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,27,0)=" Methamphetamine, Speed, Ice, Crystal"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,28,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,29,0)="Cannabis: Marijuana, Hashish, Pot"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,30,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,31,0)="Hallucinogens: LSD (Acid), Mescaline,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,32,0)=" Mushrooms (Psilocybin), Peyote, Green,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,33,0)=" PCP (Phencyclidine), Angel Dust, Ecstasy"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,34,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,35,0)="Inhalants: Nitrous Oxide, Amyl Nitrate,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,36,0)=" Whippits, Poppers, Glue, Solvents,"
^YSTX(604.68,4,1,37,0)=" Gasoline, Toluene, Etc."
^YSTX(604.68,6,0)="ASI USER GUIDE"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1,0)=" Addiction"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2,0)=" Severity"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,3,0)=" Index"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,5,0)=" 1 About the manual"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,6,0)=" 2 How to use this manual"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,7,0)=" 3 General Instructions"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,8,0)=" 4 General Information"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,9,0)=" 5 Medical Status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,10,0)=" 6 Employment/Support Status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,11,0)=" 7 Drug and Alcohol Use"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,12,0)=" 8 Legal Status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,13,0)=" 9 Family History"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,14,0)=" 10 Family/Social Relationships"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,15,0)=" 11 Psychiatric Status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,16,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,17,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,18,0)="1 About the manual"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,19,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,20,0)=" A Compilation of instructions, conventions, and suggestions"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,21,0)=" for each item on the Addiction Severity Index"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,22,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,23,0)=" Edited by Ian Fureman"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,24,0)=" University of Pennsylvania/Philadelphia VAMC Center for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,25,0)=" Studies of Addiction"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,26,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,27,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,28,0)=" Supported by NIDA Grant #P50-DA07705"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,29,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,30,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,31,0)=" This manual contains some information which first appeared"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,32,0)=" in earlier versions of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,33,0)=" Instruction Manual. Contributors to these earlier versions"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,34,0)=" of the ASI Instruction Manual include: Alicia Bragg, John"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,35,0)=" Cacciola, Barbara Fureman, Ian Fureman, Leslie Goehl, Ray"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,36,0)=" Incmikoski, A. Thomas McLellan, Gargi Parikh, and David Zanis."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,37,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,38,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,39,0)="2 How to use this manual..."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,40,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,41,0)=" This user's guide provides in depth instructions on asking each"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,42,0)=" question on the ASI. We consider the ASI a guide to a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,43,0)=" conversation. It is quite simply a set of questions that you may"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,44,0)=" find useful in gathering information about your patients. We"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,45,0)=" hope that you use this information to create an individual"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,46,0)=" treatment plan for each patient. The following information about"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,47,0)=" each item on the ASI is provided for you:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,48,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,49,0)=" Intent/Key points: The information contained in this section"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,50,0)=" describes why the question was originally included on the ASI."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,51,0)=" Sometimes, the reasons are easy to understand. Regardless,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,52,0)=" understanding the original intent can help you to use the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,53,0)=" appropriate judgment about how to code a response. We have based"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,54,0)=" the conventions that we have adopted and recorded in the Coding"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,55,0)=" Issues section on the original intent of the question."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,56,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,57,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: We recognize that for many"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,58,0)=" patients entering treatment, answering many seemingly meaningless"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,59,0)=" questions can be tiresome. In this section, we offer what we"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,60,0)=" feel are the most efficient ways to phrase each question. It has"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,61,0)=" been our experience that patients are more open to answering"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,62,0)=" questions if they are posed in a direct, non-confrontational"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,63,0)=" manner. In many cases, we recommend that the interviewer simply"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,64,0)=" read the question off the page as written. In other cases, we"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,65,0)=" offer examples of effective ways to paraphrase. We hope that the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,66,0)=" information in this section helps you to help the patient give"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,67,0)=" you the information you want."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,68,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,69,0)=" Additional Probes: A probe is a question that does not appear on"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,70,0)=" the ASI. The probe may provide information that helps you to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,71,0)=" understand the patient's problems more fully. The ASI has been"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,72,0)=" recognized by its creators as the minimum number of questions one"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,73,0)=" would need to begin a treatment plan. Within this section, we"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,74,0)=" offer some additional probes that you may want to ask following"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,75,0)=" each question. Sometimes, asking many probes in the first part"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,76,0)=" of the problem section helps the interview to flow more"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,77,0)=" naturally."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,78,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,79,0)=" Coding Issues: Coding is the term used to describe the act of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,80,0)=" recording the information you receive from the patient, into the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,81,0)=" boxes provided for you, with a numerical ""code."" Although we"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,82,0)=" have been doing ASI interviews for over ten years, nearly every"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,83,0)=" day we encounter a new situation that is difficult to code, given"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,84,0)=" the choices listed on the ASI. For each question or set of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,85,0)=" questions, we offer some solutions for coding issues that have"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,86,0)=" arisen at our facility. This should not be considered a complete"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,87,0)=" list of all the potential coding issues that could arise in other"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,88,0)=" populations."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,89,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,90,0)=" Cross-check item with: Similar bits of information are gathered"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,91,0)=" in several sections of the ASI. An alert interviewer can use"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,92,0)=" these internal cross-checks to verify information with the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,93,0)=" patient throughout the interview. For some items on the ASI, we"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,94,0)=" provide a list of a few other items that are related to it within"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,95,0)=" the interview."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,96,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,97,0)="3 General Instructions"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,98,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,99,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,100,0)=" HEADINGS - On the top of Page 1 we have supplied general"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,101,0)=" guidelines on the procedures used in filling out the form. A"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,102,0)=" brief description of severity ratings, and a summary of the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,103,0)=" Patient's Rating Scale is also included."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,104,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,105,0)=" NOTE: It is important to differentiate items that are not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,106,0)=" applicable to the patient (which should be coded as ""N""), from"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,107,0)=" items that the patient cannot understand or will not answer"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,108,0)=" (which should be coded as ""X."") Please code all items."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,109,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,110,0)=" LEFT COLUMN - This series of items was designed to provide"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,111,0)=" administrative information. Many facilities may wish to change"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,112,0)=" this section to conform to locally important information"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,113,0)=" regarding insurance coverage, particular program codes, referral"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,114,0)=" arrangements, case manager assignments, etc. This is entirely"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,115,0)=" appropriate and even completely different face sheets may be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,116,0)=" used. Additions or changes to these items should be made freely"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,117,0)=" as needed to reflect the administrative needs of your facility."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,118,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,119,0)=" CENTER COLUMN - These questions are generally demographic in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,120,0)=" nature and require little clarification. The one specific"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,121,0)=" instruction given here pertains to Item 6."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,122,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,123,0)=" Geographic Code: This is used to help determine the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,124,0)=" socioeconomic status of patients admitted to treatment. It is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,125,0)=" not necessary and may not pertain to your facility."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,126,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,127,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,128,0)=" 4 General Information"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,129,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,130,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,131,0)=" 6. Have you been in a controlled environment in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,132,0)=" 7. How many days?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,133,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,134,0)=" Intent/Key Points: To record whether or not the patient has had"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,135,0)=" restricted access to drugs or alcohol in the past 30 days. A"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,136,0)=" controlled environment will refer to a living situation in which"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,137,0)=" the subject was restricted in his freedom of movement and his"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,138,0)=" access to alcohol and drugs. This usually means residential"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,139,0)=" status in a treatment setting or penal institution. A halfway"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,140,0)=" house is generally NOT a controlled environment."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,141,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,142,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Technique: Read the question as written."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,143,0)=" Providing the patient with examples can help them to understand"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,144,0)=" what you mean by the term ""controlled environment."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,145,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,146,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, in the past 30 days, have you spent any time in a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,147,0)=" controlled environment...a lock-up situation like a jail...or a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,148,0)=" detox program...or a medical hospital...any place where you may"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,149,0)=" not have been able to get drugs and alcohol as easily as in your"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,150,0)=" neighborhood?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,151,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,152,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,153,0)=" The name of the institution from which the patient was released."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,154,0)=" The reason the patient was in the controlled environment (medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,155,0)=" problem, criminal charge)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,156,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,157,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,158,0)=" If the subject was in two types of controlled environments, enter"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,159,0)=" the number corresponding to the environment in which he/she spent"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,160,0)=" the majority of time. In these cases, time spent in a controlled"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,161,0)=" environment (Item 7) will reflect the total time in all settings."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,162,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,163,0)=" If response to Item 6 is ""1,"" enter ""N"" for Item 7."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,164,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,165,0)=" Cross-check this item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,166,0)=" 1. all the items that include information about the past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,167,0)=" days. For example, if the patient has been in a controlled"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,168,0)=" environment for twenty-five days out of the last thirty, one"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,169,0)=" would assume that the patient hasn't used substances"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,170,0)=" (Drug/Alcohol Questions 1-13) on more than five days. If the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,171,0)=" patient reports using on days in which he or she was in a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,172,0)=" controlled environment, record a comment that explains the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,173,0)=" details."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,174,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,175,0)=" 2. all the items within the instrument that refer to the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,176,0)=" specific controlled environment. For example, if the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,177,0)=" reports that he or she has been incarcerated for the last six"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,178,0)=" months, the same information should appear in the legal section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,179,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,180,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,181,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,182,0)=" 5 Medical Status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,183,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,184,0)=" Introduction: The medical status section of the ASI helps you to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,185,0)=" gather some basic information about your patient's medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,186,0)=" history. It addresses information about lifetime"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,187,0)=" hospitalizations, long term medical problems and recent physical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,188,0)=" ailments. We recommend that you add questions that you consider"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,189,0)=" relevant to your patient's treatment plan."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,190,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,191,0)=" M1. How many times in your life...hospitalized for medical problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,192,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,193,0)=" Intent/Key Points: To record basic information about medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,194,0)=" history. Enter the number of overnight hospitalizations for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,195,0)=" medical problems. Also, include hospitalizations for OD's and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,196,0)=" DT's but exclude detoxification or other forms of alcohol, drug"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,197,0)=" or psychiatric treatment."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,198,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,199,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Because this is the first"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,200,0)=" section of the interview, the patient may be prepared to tell you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,201,0)=" about psychiatric hospitalizations or treatments for drug"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,202,0)=" detoxification, rather than hospitalizations for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,203,0)=" problems. If this happens, we recommend that you support his"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,204,0)=" eagerness to tell you about drug-related problems, suggest that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,205,0)=" he remind you about those problems when you get to the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,206,0)=" drug/alcohol section, and direct him back to the medical status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,207,0)=" section. It may help you to reinforce that you are interested in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,208,0)=" medical hospitalizations by providing examples of physical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,209,0)=" problems."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,210,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,211,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, I understand that you may want to tell me about drug"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,212,0)=" detoxes. I appreciate that. Remind me about those when we get"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,213,0)=" to the drug/alcohol section. Right now, however, I need to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,214,0)=" record a little bit of information about your medical history."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,215,0)=" How many times in your life have you been hospitalized overnight"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,216,0)=" for physical medical problems, like to mend a broken bone or to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,217,0)=" get your tonsils out...?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,218,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,219,0)=" Note: Don't record a patient's estimate that seems to be offered"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,220,0)=" without much thought, like ""I've been in the hospital probably"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,221,0)=" about five or six times."" Instead, ask for some of the details"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,222,0)=" (year in which the hospitalization occurred, other events in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,223,0)=" patient's life at the time) surrounding each hospitalization. By"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,224,0)=" gathering much information early, through probing, you will more"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,225,0)=" fully understand the patient's situation. This additional"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,226,0)=" information may help you to move through the interview in a more"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,227,0)=" conversational fashion."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,228,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,229,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,230,0)=" The approximate age of the patient at each hospitalization"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,231,0)=" The name of each hospital"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,232,0)=" The types of medications they received for serious injuries"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,233,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,234,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,235,0)=" Normal childbirth would NOT be counted since it is not a medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,236,0)=" problem resulting from sickness or injury. Complications"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,237,0)=" resulting from childbirth would be counted and noted in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,238,0)=" comments section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,239,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,240,0)=" Recognize that patients may get treatment for fairly serious"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,241,0)=" medical problems through an emergency room. Do not include"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,242,0)=" treatment received through emergency room visits unless the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,243,0)=" patient was kept overnight."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,244,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,245,0)=" Cross-check items with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,246,0)=" Medical Status item # 2 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,247,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,248,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,249,0)=" M2. How long ago was your last hospitalization for medical problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,250,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,251,0)=" Intent/Key Points: To record basic information about medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,252,0)=" history. Enter the number of years and months since the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,253,0)=" was last hospitalized for a medical problem."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,254,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,255,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written unless you can"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,256,0)=" tell from the previous question exactly how long ago his last"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,257,0)=" hospitalization occurred."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,258,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,259,0)=" ""Mr. Smith how long ago was your last hospitalization?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,260,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,261,0)=" Note: This question is occasionally misread. ""How long was your"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,262,0)=" last hospitalization?"" You want to know how long ago was his"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,263,0)=" last hospitalization."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,264,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,265,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,266,0)=" The name of each hospital"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,267,0)=" The types of medications the patient received for serious injuries"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,268,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,269,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,270,0)=" If the last medical hospitalization occurred within the previous"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,271,0)=" month, code the blocks ""00 01."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,272,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,273,0)=" If the patient was never hospitalized for a medical problem,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,274,0)=" enter ""N."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,275,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,276,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,277,0)=" Medical Status item # 1 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,278,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,279,0)=" M3. Do you have a chronic medical problem that continues to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,280,0)=" interfere with your life?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,281,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,282,0)=" Intent/Key Points: A chronic condition is a serious or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,283,0)=" potentially serious physical or medical condition that requires"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,284,0)=" continuous or regular care on the part of the patient (e.g.,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,285,0)=" medication, dietary restrictions, inability to take part in or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,286,0)=" perform normal activities). Some examples of chronic conditions"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,287,0)=" are hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy, and physical handicaps."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,288,0)=" Focus on and record the presence of a chronic medical problem if"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,289,0)=" the patient needs continued care, even if the patient has grown"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,290,0)=" accustomed to the care. For example, a diabetic patient may"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,291,0)=" report that injecting insulin daily doesn't interfere with his or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,292,0)=" her life because it has become routine. Regardless, you would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,293,0)=" count the diabetes as a chronic medical problem."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,294,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,295,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Provide examples and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,296,0)=" emphasize the chronic aspect of the problem. It may help to de-"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,297,0)=" emphasize the problem's ""interference with the patient's life"" in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,298,0)=" cases where the patient has accepted the continued care as less"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,299,0)=" of an interference than a daily routine."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,300,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,301,0)=" ""Do you have a chronic medical problem Mr. diabetes"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,302,0)=" or high blood pressure or chronic back pain?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,303,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,304,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,305,0)=" Medical doctor's recognition of the problem as chronic"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,306,0)=" Year that the problem was diagnosed"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,307,0)=" HIV test status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,308,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,309,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,310,0)=" If a patient states his/her need for reading glasses or minor"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,311,0)=" allergies is a chronic problem, this is a misunderstanding of the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,312,0)=" question. If the patient does report a valid, chronic problem,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,313,0)=" comment on the nature of that problem in the space provided."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,314,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,315,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,316,0)=" Medical Status item # 4 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,317,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,318,0)=" M4. Are you taking any prescribed meds on a regular"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,319,0)=" basis...physical problem?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,320,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,321,0)=" Intent/Key Points: The purpose of this question is to validate"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,322,0)=" the severity of the disorder by the independent decision to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,323,0)=" medicate the problem by a physician. Therefore if the medication"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,324,0)=" was prescribed by a legitimate medical professional, for a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,325,0)=" medical (not psychiatric or substance abuse) condition, it should"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,326,0)=" be counted -- regardless of whether the patient actually took the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,327,0)=" medication. Medications prescribed for only short periods of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,328,0)=" time, or for specific temporary conditions (i.e., colds,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,329,0)=" detoxification) should not be counted. Only the continued need"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,330,0)=" for medication should be counted (e.g., high blood pressure,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,331,0)=" epilepsy, diabetes, etc.). Do not include medication for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,332,0)=" psychiatric disorders, this will be recorded later."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,333,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,334,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written, including the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,335,0)=" name of the chronic problem from the previous question, if"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,336,0)=" appropriate."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,337,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,338,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, Are you taking any prescribed medication on a regular"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,339,0)=" basis for any medical problem? For example, you mentioned that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,340,0)=" you have high blood pressure. Are you taking any prescribed"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,341,0)=" medication on a regular basis for the high blood pressure or any"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,342,0)=" other medical problem."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,343,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,344,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,345,0)=" Dosage of medication"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,346,0)=" Source of the medication (Name of physician, pharmacy)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,347,0)=" Compliance"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,348,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,349,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,350,0)=" Medications for sleep problems are usually temporary and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,351,0)=" generally fall under the psychiatric section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,352,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,353,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,354,0)=" Drug /Alcohol grid, Items # 1-13 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,355,0)=" Medical Status, Item #3, (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,356,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,357,0)=" M5. Do you receive a pension for a physical disability?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,358,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,359,0)=" Intent/Key Points: The pension must be for a physical (not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,360,0)=" psychiatric) disability."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,361,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,362,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written, with examples"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,363,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,364,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, are you receiving a pension for any physical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,365,0)=" disability from any source such as the VA, social security, or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,366,0)=" workman's compensation?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,367,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,368,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,369,0)=" Details of the pension"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,370,0)=" Details of the medical problem that warranted the pension."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,371,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,372,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,373,0)=" Employment/Support item #15"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,374,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,375,0)=" M6. How many days have you experienced medical problems in the past 30?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,376,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,377,0)=" Intent/Key Points: Ask the patient how many days in the past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,378,0)=" he/she experienced physical/medical problems. Do not include"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,379,0)=" problems directly caused only by alcohol or drugs. This means"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,380,0)=" problems such as hangovers, vomiting, or lack of sleep that would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,381,0)=" be removed if the patient were abstinent. However, if the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,382,0)=" patient has developed a continuing medical problem through"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,383,0)=" substance abuse that would not be eliminated simply by"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,384,0)=" abstinence, include the days on which he/she experienced these"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,385,0)=" problems such as cirrhosis, phlebitis, or pancreatitis. Include"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,386,0)=" symptoms of minor ailments such as a cold or the flu."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,387,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,388,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Technique: Ask as written, with examples"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,389,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,390,0)=" Help the patient to understand that you need to record the exact"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,391,0)=" number of days that he or she experienced medical problems. For"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,392,0)=" example, if the patient says that he felt short of breath ""some"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,393,0)=" of the time,"" ask him to tell you the exact number of days that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,394,0)=" he felt short of breath. Finally, make sure that the shortness"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,395,0)=" of breath was a medical problem unrelated to drug or alcohol use."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,396,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,397,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many days have you experienced any medical problems..."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,398,0)=" anything from a cold to the flu to the back pain (or other symptom"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,399,0)=" of a chronic medical problem) which you described earlier?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,400,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,401,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,402,0)=" Exact number of days...not a guess"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,403,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,404,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,405,0)=" Medical Status items #7 and #8"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,406,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,407,0)=" M7. How troubled or bothered ... by medical problems in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,408,0)=" M8. How important would it be ...treatment for these medical problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,409,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,410,0)=" Intent/Key Points: To record the patient's feelings about how"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,411,0)=" bothersome the previously mentioned physical ailments have been"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,412,0)=" in the last month and how interested they would be in receiving"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,413,0)=" (additional) treatment. Be sure to have the patient restrict"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,414,0)=" his/her response to those problems counted in Item 6."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,415,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,416,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: When asking the patient to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,417,0)=" rate the problem, use the name of it, rather than the term"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,418,0)=" ""problems."" For example, if the patient reports having trouble"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,419,0)=" with chest pains in the last thirty days, ask the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,420,0)=" question 7 in the following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,421,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,422,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how troubled or bothered have you been in the past"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,423,0)=" thirty days by the chest pains that you mentioned...or by any"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,424,0)=" other medical problems?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,425,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,426,0)=" Ask the patient question 8 in the following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,427,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,428,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how important would it be for you to get (additional)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,429,0)=" treatment for the chest pains that you mentioned, or for any"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,430,0)=" other medical problems?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,431,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,432,0)=" If 6=0, we suggest that you ask questions 7 and 8 in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,433,0)=" following way, to double-check that the patient really hasn't had"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,434,0)=" problems."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,435,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,436,0)=" ""So, Mr. Smith, it sounds like you haven't had any medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,437,0)=" problems in the past thirty days...may I assume that you haven't"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,438,0)=" been bothered by any medical problems...?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,439,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,440,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,441,0)=" For item 8, emphasize that you mean additional medical treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,442,0)=" for those problems specified in Item 6."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,443,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,444,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,445,0)=" Medical status, number 6. If Medical Status, number 6 equals 0,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,446,0)=" then item 7 and 8 must equal 0 also. You can't rate the extent"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,447,0)=" to which a non-existent problem is bothersome."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,448,0)=" M9. Medical Status Severity Rating:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,449,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,450,0)=" Remember the two step derivation method for severity ratings:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,451,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,452,0)=" Step 1: Reduce the ten point scale (0-9) to two or three points,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,453,0)=" using only the objective items (Items 1-6 in the Medical Status section)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,454,0)=" 0-1 No problem, treatment not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,455,0)=" 2-3 Slight problem, treatment probably not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,456,0)=" 4-5 Moderate problem, treatment probably necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,457,0)=" 6-7 Considerable problem, treatment necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,458,0)=" 8-9 Extreme problem, treatment absolutely necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,459,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,460,0)=" Consider adjusting the range based on the critical objective"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,461,0)=" items of the section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,462,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,463,0)=" Critical Objective Items of the Medical Section"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,464,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,465,0)=" ITEM DESCRIPTION"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,466,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,467,0)=" 1 Lifetime Hospitalizations"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,468,0)=" 3 Chronic problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,469,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,470,0)=" Step 2: Factor in the patient's rating scale. Pick the score"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,471,0)=" that represents the patient's rating scale. For example, if the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,472,0)=" interviewer's three point range is 4-5-6, and the patient reports"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,473,0)=" that he has been extremely (rates it a ""4"") bothered and he would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,474,0)=" be extremely (rates it a ""4"") interested in treatment for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,475,0)=" problems, then select the highest point of the three point range"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,476,0)=" (in this case, a ""6"") for the severity rating in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,477,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,478,0)=" The meaning of the ""6"" severity rating is that treatment is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,479,0)=" necessary for the medical section. The severity rating for this"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,480,0)=" section should have no effect on any other sections."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,481,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,482,0)=" In many cases patients suffer from conditions that may only be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,483,0)=" arrested and at least for now, cannot be cured (diabetes,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,484,0)=" hypertension, epilepsy, etc.). If the patient seems to be taking"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,485,0)=" appropriate care of his/her condition (medication, proper diet,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,486,0)=" etc.) and it is under control, there may be no need for an"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,487,0)=" additional form or type of treatment beyond the regimen he/she is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,488,0)=" currently receiving. This patient's severity rating may be low"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,489,0)=" since additional treatment is probably not necessary."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,490,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,491,0)=" If the condition is serious and problematic it should be rated as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,492,0)=" severe even if there is currently no effective treatment for that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,493,0)=" condition."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,494,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,495,0)="6 Employment/Support Status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,496,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,497,0)=" Introduction: The employment/support status section of the ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,498,0)=" was designed to help you to gather some basic information about"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,499,0)=" the resources your patient can record on a job application, as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,500,0)=" well as his or her current sources of income. Clients may be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,501,0)=" hesitant to disclose information about illegally receiving money"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,502,0)=" from two sources. For example, a patient may be working while"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,503,0)=" receiving unemployment benefits. They might feel unsure about"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,504,0)=" whether or not they can trust you to keep information"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,505,0)=" confidential. For this reason, we recommend that before you list"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,506,0)=" the possible sources of income (questions 12-17), you reinforce"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,507,0)=" that the information that they give you during this section will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,508,0)=" remain within the program."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,509,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,510,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,511,0)=" E/S1. Education completed?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,512,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,513,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record basic information about the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,514,0)=" patient's formal education. Enter the number of years and months"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,515,0)=" of completed formal education. A Graduate Equivalence Diploma"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,516,0)=" (GED) will be entered as ""12,"" but should be noted."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,517,0)=" Correspondence school will not be entered here."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,518,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,519,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written, however don't"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,520,0)=" forget to ask if the patient received their GED. Sometimes,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,521,0)=" patients earn their GED while incarcerated."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,522,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,523,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many years of education have you completed?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,524,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,525,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,526,0)=" College major if applicable)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,527,0)=" Name of high school or college"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,528,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,529,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,530,0)=" If a patient received an associate's degree, record 14 00; a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,531,0)=" bachelor's degree 16 00; a master's degree 18 00; or a doctorate 20 00."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,532,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,533,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,534,0)=" E/S2. Training or technical education completed"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,535,0)=" E/S3. Do you have a profession, trade or skill?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,536,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,537,0)=" Intent/Key points: For item #2, record basic information about"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,538,0)=" the patient's formal technical education or training that could"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,539,0)=" be listed on a job application. Enter the number of months of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,540,0)=" formal or organized training that the patient has completed. Try"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,541,0)=" to determine if this is valid training, such as a legitimate"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,542,0)=" training program or an apprenticeship through a recognized on-the-"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,543,0)=" job training program. If the patient answers ""Yes"" to item #3,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,544,0)=" note what his/her trade is. Generally, a trade will be counted"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,545,0)=" as any employable, transferable skill that was acquired through"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,546,0)=" specialized training or education."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,547,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,548,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: It may be helpful to ask"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,549,0)=" three separate questions. The first question identifies whether"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,550,0)=" the patient has ever received any formal technical training."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,551,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,552,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, have you ever received any job training through a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,553,0)=" formal on-the-job training program or a training school like"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,554,0)=" (name of local training school)."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,555,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,556,0)=" The second question addresses the length of the course."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,557,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,558,0)=" ""How long did that course take to complete?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,559,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,560,0)=" Finally, the third question (item #3) identifies the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,561,0)=" profession, trade or skill. The response to item #3 will not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,562,0)=" always coincide with the response to item #2 (for example, a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,563,0)=" school teacher who has been trained in carpentry)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,564,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,565,0)=" ""Do you have a profession, trade or skill?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,566,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,567,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,568,0)=" The name of the training institute"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,569,0)=" Information about programs that the patient started, but didn't finish"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,570,0)=" Information about the patient's skills that were acquired without"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,571,0)=" a formal training program"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,572,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,573,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,574,0)=" Judgment should be used in recording training during military"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,575,0)=" service. Count this training only if it has potential use in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,576,0)=" civilian life and is designed to give the patient a marketable"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,577,0)=" skill or trade. That is, cook, heavy equipment operation,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,578,0)=" equipment repair will be counted; infantry training or demolition"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,579,0)=" training generally will not be counted."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,580,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,581,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,582,0)=" E/S4. Do you have a valid driver's license?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,583,0)=" E/S5. Do you have an automobile available for your use?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,584,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,585,0)=" Intent/Key points: This item (and item #5) provides an"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,586,0)=" indication of the patient's opportunity to become employed, since"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,587,0)=" many jobs require driving while at work or at least the ability"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,588,0)=" to get to work in places where public transportation is not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,589,0)=" available. A valid driver's license is a license that has not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,590,0)=" expired or been suspended or revoked. Item #5 does not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,591,0)=" necessarily require ownership but availability on a regular basis"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,592,0)=" for personal transportation. Item #s 4 and 5 are to be used as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,593,0)=" indicators of the patient's ability to get to and from work."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,594,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written. It has been"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,595,0)=" our experience that some patients have a difficult time answering"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,596,0)=" this question in a direct way. They may attempt to qualify their"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,597,0)=" answer. For example, they may say, ""My license should be valid,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,598,0)=" but I just have to take care of some tickets."" Record that the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,599,0)=" patient has no license and code item #5 with a ""0"" also."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,600,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,601,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, do you have a valid driver's license?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,602,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,603,0)=" ""Do you have an automobile available for your use, if you needed"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,604,0)=" it to get to work every day?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,605,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,606,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,607,0)=" Reason for the license being invalid"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,608,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,609,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,610,0)=" If the patient has no valid driver's license, please code item #5"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,611,0)=" with a ""0,"" rather than an ""N."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,612,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,613,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,614,0)=" Legal Status, item # 17, 18 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,615,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,616,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,617,0)=" E/S6. How long was your longest full-time job?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,618,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,619,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record basic information about the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,620,0)=" patient's work history. Stress that you are interested in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,621,0)=" full time job the subject held for the longest time, not a part-"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,622,0)=" time job."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,623,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,624,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written. Emphasize"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,625,0)=" ""full-time."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,626,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,627,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, How long was your longest full-time job?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,628,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,629,0)=" It may be helpful, if the patient has a difficult time answering"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,630,0)=" this question as stated, to gather information about the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,631,0)=" patient's current job status, and work backwards in time,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,632,0)=" recording information about all of his or her full-time jobs."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,633,0)=" Although it may seem as if you are doing extra work, the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,634,0)=" information will help you answer Item #10 (usual employment"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,635,0)=" pattern, past 3 years)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,636,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,637,0)=" ""So, Mr. Smith are you currently working? How long have you been"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,638,0)=" working at this job?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,639,0)=" What were you doing before this job? How long were you working"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,640,0)=" at that job?"" and so on..."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,641,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,642,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,643,0)=" Names of places where the patient worked"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,644,0)=" Job position title"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,645,0)=" Reasons for leaving jobs"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,646,0)=" Years that the patient worked at each job"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,647,0)=" Information about part-time jobs"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,648,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,649,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,650,0)=" Employment while in military service will be counted only when it"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,651,0)=" is beyond the subject's original enlistment period."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,652,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,653,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,654,0)=" Employment/Support status, item #10 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,655,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,656,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,657,0)=" E/S7. Usual (or last) occupation"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,658,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,659,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,660,0)=" job, in addition to the level of skill the job demands as defined"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,661,0)=" by the Hollingshead scale. Record the name of the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,662,0)=" usual occupation. Record the usual occupation, even if the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,663,0)=" patient has recently been working in a different capacity. If"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,664,0)=" the patient does not have a usual occupation, then record the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,665,0)=" most recent job."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,666,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,667,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask about the patient's usual"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,668,0)=" job. If the patient reports doing ""whatever comes along,"" ask"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,669,0)=" about his last occupation."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,670,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,671,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, what do you usually do for a living?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,672,0)=" If Mr. Smith does many different things..."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,673,0)=" ""Mr. Smith what is the last job that you've held?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,674,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,675,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,676,0)=" Names of places where the patient has worked"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,677,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,678,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,679,0)=" Code as ""N"" only when the patient has never worked at all."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,680,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,681,0)=" Be sure to specify within general classes of work (i.e., if"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,682,0)=" salesman, then computer sales, used car sales, etc.)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,683,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,684,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,685,0)=" Employment/Support item #s 2,3,6 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,686,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,687,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,688,0)=" E/S8. Does someone contribute to your support in any way?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,689,0)=" E/S9. Does this constitute the majority if your support?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,690,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,691,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about additional"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,692,0)=" sources of financial support. Ascertain whether the patient is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,693,0)=" receiving any regular support in the form of cash, housing or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,694,0)=" food from a friend or family member, not an institution. A"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,695,0)=" spouse's contribution to the household is included."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,696,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,697,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written, with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,698,0)=" examples. Stress that you mean financial support. Help the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,699,0)=" patient to understand that financial support can mean housing and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,700,0)=" food, as well as cash."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,701,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,702,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, is anyone currently contributing to your support?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,703,0)=" For example, is anyone allowing you to stay with them? Is anyone"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,704,0)=" putting money toward your bills? Does your wife work?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,705,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,706,0)=" ""Is the support that you are receiving the majority of your support?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,707,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,708,0)=" Note: Clients who are living with their parents may get"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,709,0)=" defensive if you ask them directly about whether their parents"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,710,0)=" are helping them financially. There is no need to press them to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,711,0)=" admit that their parents are helping them. You already have"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,712,0)=" information about their current address (see ""Current Address"" on"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,713,0)=" front page). If they report that they aren't paying any room and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,714,0)=" board, you may code item #8 with a ""1."" You might consider"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,715,0)=" asking, ""Are you receiving money from any source other than your"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,716,0)=" parents?"" If the answer is no, you may code Item #9 with a ""1,"" also."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,717,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,718,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,719,0)=" If the information from Item #s 12 to 17 does not confirm the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,720,0)=" initial response from item #s 8 and 9, then clarify any"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,721,0)=" discrepancy."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,722,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,723,0)=" Code item 9 with an ""N"" if answer to Item 8 was ""No."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,724,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,725,0)=" Record information only about financial support from"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,726,0)=" individuals...not institutions, such as the Department of Public"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,727,0)=" Assistance."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,728,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,729,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,730,0)=" Employment/Support item #s 12-17 (support)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,731,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,732,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,733,0)=" E/S10. Usual employment pattern, past 3 years"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,734,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,735,0)=" Intent/Key points: The interviewer should determine which choice"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,736,0)=" is most representative of the past 3 years, not simply the most"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,737,0)=" recent. Full time work (including under-the-table jobs) is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,738,0)=" regular and greater than 35 hours per week. Regular part-time"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,739,0)=" work is a job in which the patient has a work schedule less than"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,740,0)=" 35 hours per week but it is regular and sustained. Irregular"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,741,0)=" part-time work refers to jobs in which the patient works on a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,742,0)=" part-time basis but not work on a reliable schedule. When there"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,743,0)=" are equal times for more than one category, record that which"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,744,0)=" best represents the current situation."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,745,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,746,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: It may take a series of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,747,0)=" questions to get the correct response to this item. Depending on"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,748,0)=" the patient, you might consider beginning by asking about their"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,749,0)=" current work situation, and working backwards in time. Other"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,750,0)=" patients find it easier to think back to what they were doing"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,751,0)=" three years ago, and work forwards."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,752,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,753,0)=" If you know he is employed:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,754,0)=" ""Is your current job full-time? How long have you held this job?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,755,0)=" What kind of work did you do before this job? Was that job full-"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,756,0)=" time?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,757,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,758,0)=" If you know he is unemployed:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,759,0)=" ""How long have you been unemployed? What were you doing in your"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,760,0)=" previous job?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,761,0)=" How long did you hold that job? Was it a full-time or part-time"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,762,0)=" job?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,763,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,764,0)=" Regardless, the information that you finally record will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,765,0)=" represent the patient's employment pattern during most of the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,766,0)=" past three years."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,767,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,768,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,769,0)=" Names of work places"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,770,0)=" Amount of overtime"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,771,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,772,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,773,0)=" Record the code that corresponds to the pattern that the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,774,0)=" held during the greatest part of the past three years. For"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,775,0)=" example, you would code this item, ""1"" for a patient who worked"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,776,0)=" full-time for two of the last three years, even if the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,777,0)=" had not worked for the past year."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,778,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,779,0)=" If the patient has been employed for the past year and a half"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,780,0)=" after being unemployed for a year and a half, record that the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,781,0)=" patient was ""usually"" employed (the periods of employment and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,782,0)=" unemployment were equal, however the period of employment was the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,783,0)=" most recent)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,784,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,785,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,786,0)=" Employment/Support # 6 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,787,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,788,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,789,0)=" E/S11. How many days were you paid for working in the past 30?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,790,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,791,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record basic information about current"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,792,0)=" work situation. Record number of days in which the patient was"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,793,0)=" paid (or will be paid) for working. Jobs held in a prison or in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,794,0)=" a hospital are not counted. ""Under-the-table"" jobs are included."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,795,0)=" Paid sick days and vacation days are included here."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,796,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,797,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written. Emphasize"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,798,0)=" that you're interested in ""under the table"" work also. Often"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,799,0)=" patients report that they were paid for working ""every day."" The"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,800,0)=" interviewer must clarify whether the patient worked a five day"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,801,0)=" week (20), or a six day week (24). Ask for the exact number of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,802,0)=" days worked this month."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,803,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,804,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many days were you paid for working, including"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,805,0)=" under the table work, in the past 30?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,806,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,807,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,808,0)=" Name of employer"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,809,0)=" Explanation for days of work missed"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,810,0)=" Days of overtime"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,811,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,812,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,813,0)=" A five day work week will be coded ""20"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,814,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,815,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,816,0)=" Employment/Support #10 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,817,0)=" E/S12-17. How much money did you receive from the following"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,818,0)=" sources in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,819,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,820,0)=" Intent/Key points:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,821,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,822,0)=" 12. Employment: This is net or take-home pay. Also include pay"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,823,0)=" for under-the-table work."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,824,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,825,0)=" 13. Unemployment Compensation: Self-explanatory."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,826,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,827,0)=" 14. DPA: This refers to public assistance or welfare. Include"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,828,0)=" dollar amount of food stamps here as well as transportation money"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,829,0)=" provided by an agency to assist the patient in getting to and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,830,0)=" from treatments."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,831,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,832,0)=" 15. Pension, Benefits or Social Security: This includes"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,833,0)=" pensions for disability or retirement, veteran's benefits, ""SSI"","
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,834,0)=" and workman's compensation."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,835,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,836,0)=" 16. Mate, Family or Friends: The purpose of this question is to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,837,0)=" determine how much additional pocket money the patient had during"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,838,0)=" the past 30 days -- not to determine whether he/she was supported"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,839,0)=" with food, clothing and shelter. Record only money borrowed or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,840,0)=" received from one's mate, family or friends. These refer only to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,841,0)=" cash payments given to the patient and not to an estimated value"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,842,0)=" of housing and food provided. (This was assessed in items 8 & 9.)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,843,0)=" Do not simply record the earnings of a spouse in this item --"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,844,0)=" just the dollars actually given to the patient to spend."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,845,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,846,0)=" 17. Illegal: This includes any money obtained illegally from"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,847,0)=" drug dealing, stealing, ""fencing"" stolen goods, illicit gambling,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,848,0)=" etc. If patient has received drugs in exchange for illegal"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,849,0)=" activity do not attempt to convert this to a dollar value."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,850,0)=" Simply note this in the comment sections here and in the legal"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,851,0)=" section. Again, the focus in on money available to the patient,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,852,0)=" not an estimate of the patient's net worth."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,853,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,854,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Read as written, with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,855,0)=" examples for each item."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,856,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,857,0)=" "" Mr. Smith how much money did you receive from employment in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,858,0)=" past 30 days?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,859,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,860,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,861,0)=" Information about bartering."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,862,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,863,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,864,0)=" Include under ""Mate, family or friends"" any coincidental or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,865,0)=" windfall income from licit gambling, loans, inheritance, tax"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,866,0)=" returns, etc., or any other unreliable source of income."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,867,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,868,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,869,0)=" Employment/Support status, items 8 and 9"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,870,0)=" Drug/Alcohol #20"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,871,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,872,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,873,0)=" E/S18. How many people depend ... for the majority of their"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,874,0)=" food, shelter, etc.?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,875,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,876,0)=" Intent/Key points: Stress that these people must regularly"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,877,0)=" depend upon the patient for financial support. These are not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,878,0)=" simply people to whom the patient has occasionally given money."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,879,0)=" Do not include the patient himself or a spouse who is self-"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,880,0)=" supporting. Do include dependents who are normally supported by"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,881,0)=" the patient but due to unusual circumstances, have not received"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,882,0)=" support recently. Alimony and child support payments are"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,883,0)=" included as indications of persons depending on the patient, if"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,884,0)=" appropriate."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,885,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,886,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Read as written, with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,887,0)=" examples."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,888,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,889,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many people depend on you for the majority of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,890,0)=" their food or shelter? For example, are any children living with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,891,0)=" you who depend on you to buy their food for them?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,892,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,893,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,894,0)=" Is the money taken out of your check?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,895,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,896,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,897,0)=" Other items that refer to children or other dependents."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,898,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,899,0)=" E/S19. How many days ... experienced employment problems in the past 30?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,900,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,901,0)=" Intent/Key points: Include inability to find work (only if"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,902,0)=" patient has tried), or problems with present employment (if"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,903,0)=" employment is in jeopardy or unsatisfactory, etc.)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,904,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,905,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: The way you ask this question"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,906,0)=" depends on the information that you have about the patient so"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,907,0)=" far. If the patient is working, it is appropriate to ask as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,908,0)=" written, with examples."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,909,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,910,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many days have you had employment problems in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,911,0)=" past 30? For example, have you been put on probation at work for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,912,0)=" any reason?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,913,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,914,0)=" If the patient has not worked in the past 30 days, you should ask"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,915,0)=" a preliminary question, which is not coded."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,916,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,917,0)=" ""Have you actively looked for work in the past 30 days?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,918,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,919,0)=" If the answer is ""yes,"" ask how many days the patient actively"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,920,0)=" looked for work."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,921,0)=" Record that response in item #19 and ask items #20 and #21."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,922,0)=" Refer to the number of days the patient couldn't find work as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,923,0)=" employment problems."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,924,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,925,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,926,0)=" Nature of employment problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,927,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,928,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,929,0)=" It is important to distinguish if the problems reported here are"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,930,0)=" simply interpersonal problems on the job (e.g., can't get along"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,931,0)=" with certain members of the work force), or if the problems are"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,932,0)=" entirely due to alcohol/drug use. Problems such as these would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,933,0)=" most likely be counted under the Family/Social or the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,934,0)=" Alcohol/Drug section, rather than this section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,935,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,936,0)=" Do not include problems in ""finding a job"" that are directly"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,937,0)=" related only to the patient's substance abuse such as withdrawal"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,938,0)=" or hangover."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,939,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,940,0)=" Do not include bad feelings about employment prospects, or the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,941,0)=" wish to make more money or change jobs unless the patient has"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,942,0)=" actively attempted these changes and has been frustrated."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,943,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,944,0)=" In a situation where the patient has not had the opportunity to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,945,0)=" work, due to incarceration or other controlled environment, it"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,946,0)=" is, by definition, not possible for him/her to have had"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,947,0)=" employment problems. In situations such as this where the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,948,0)=" patient has not had the opportunity to meet the definition of a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,949,0)=" problem day, the appropriate answer is an ""N"" and the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,950,0)=" ratings that follow should also be ""N's"" since they depend on the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,951,0)=" problem days question."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,952,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,953,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,954,0)=" E/S20. How troubled or bothered...employment problems in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,955,0)=" past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,956,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,957,0)=" E/S21. How important is it for you to get employment counseling?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,958,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,959,0)=" Intent/Key points: These ratings are restricted to those"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,960,0)=" problems identified by Item 19. For Item 21, stress that you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,961,0)=" mean help finding or preparing for a job -- not giving them a job."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,962,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,963,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: The way you ask this question"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,964,0)=" depends on the information that you have about the patient so far."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,965,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,966,0)=" In Item #19, if the patient identified either a problem on the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,967,0)=" job, or a problem finding a job after actively looking for one,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,968,0)=" ask the questions as written:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,969,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,970,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how troubled or bothered have you been by the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,971,0)=" employment problems that you had in the past 30 days, such as the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,972,0)=" time you spent on work probation?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,973,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,974,0)=" If the patient reported in Item #19 that he or she has not worked"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,975,0)=" in the past 30 days, you should code #20, ""0"" without asking it."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,976,0)=" We assume that if the patient has not actively looked for work in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,977,0)=" the past month, he or she has not been bothered by employment"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,978,0)=" problems. The interviewer should still ask #21 in the following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,979,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,980,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how important would it be for you to get employment"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,981,0)=" counseling?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,982,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,983,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,984,0)=" Job Sources contacted by the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,985,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,986,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,987,0)=" In a situation where the patient has not had the opportunity to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,988,0)=" work , due to incarceration or other controlled environment, it"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,989,0)=" is, by definition, not possible for him/her to have had"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,990,0)=" employment problems. In situations such as this where the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,991,0)=" patient has not had the opportunity to meet the definition of a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,992,0)=" problem day, the appropriate answer is an ""N"" and the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,993,0)=" ratings that follow should also be ""N's"" since they depend on the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,994,0)=" problem days question."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,995,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,996,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,997,0)=" Employment/Support item #19"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,998,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,999,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1000,0)=" E/S22. Employment/Support Severity rating"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1001,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1002,0)=" Remember the two step derivation method for severity ratings:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1003,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1004,0)=" Step 1: Reduce the ten point scale (0-9) to two or three points,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1005,0)=" using only the objective items (Items 1-19 in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1006,0)=" Employment/Support Status)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1007,0)=" 0-1 No problem, treatment not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1008,0)=" 2-3 Slight problem, treatment probably not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1009,0)=" 4-5 Moderate problem, treatment probably necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1010,0)=" 6-7 Considerable problem, treatment necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1011,0)=" 8-9 Extreme problem, treatment absolutely necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1012,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1013,0)=" Consider adjusting the range based on the critical objective"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1014,0)=" items of the section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1015,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1016,0)=" Critical Objective Items of the Employment/Support Section"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1017,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1018,0)=" ITEM DESCRIPTION"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1019,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1020,0)=" 1 & 2 Education and Training"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1021,0)=" 3 Skills"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1022,0)=" 6 Longest Full-time Job"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1023,0)=" 10 Recent Employment Pattern"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1024,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1025,0)=" Step 2: Factor in the patient's rating scale. Pick the score"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1026,0)=" that represents the patient's rating scale. For example, if the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1027,0)=" interviewer's three point range is 4-5-6, and the patient reports"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1028,0)=" that he has been extremely (rates it a ""4"") bothered and he would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1029,0)=" be extremely (rates it a ""4"") interested in treatment for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1030,0)=" problems, then select the highest point of the three point range"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1031,0)=" (in this case, a ""6"") for the severity rating in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1032,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1033,0)=" The meaning of the ""6"" severity rating is that treatment is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1034,0)=" necessary for problems related to employment or financial"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1035,0)=" support. The severity rating for this section should have no"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1036,0)=" effect on any other sections."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1037,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1038,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1039,0)="7 Drug and Alcohol Use"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1040,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1041,0)=" Introduction: The Drug/Alcohol use section of the ASI helps you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1042,0)=" to gather some basic information about the patient's substance"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1043,0)=" abuse history. It addresses information about current and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1044,0)=" lifetime substance abuse, consequences of abuse, periods of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1045,0)=" abstinence, treatment episodes, and financial burden of substance"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1046,0)=" abuse. We recommend that you add extra questions as you deem"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1047,0)=" necessary, to complete your treatment plan. The manual addresses"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1048,0)=" the ""Drug Grid,"" Drug and Alcohol items 1-12 in three separate"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1049,0)=" sections: the patient's use in the past 30 days, lifetime use,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1050,0)=" and the route of administration boxes. We recommend that for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1051,0)=" each substance, you ask the questions pertaining to the last"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1052,0)=" thirty days before you ask about lifetime use."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1053,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1054,0)=" D/A1-12: Drug and Alcohol Use Past 30 Days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1055,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1056,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about recent substance"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1057,0)=" use. Record the number of days in the last thirty that the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1058,0)=" patient reported any use at all of a particular substance. Note:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1059,0)=" It is important to ask all substance abuse history questions"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1060,0)=" regardless of the presenting problem (e.g., an alcoholic may be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1061,0)=" combining drugs with drinking; a cocaine user may be unaware of a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1062,0)=" drinking problem)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1063,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1064,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1065,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Be sure to prompt the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1066,0)=" with examples (using slang and brand names) of drugs for each"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1067,0)=" specific category. We recommend that you ask this question as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1068,0)=" written below."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1069,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1070,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1071,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many days in the past thirty have you used"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1072,0)=" ______________?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1073,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1074,0)=" NOT How many times in the past thirty days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1075,0)=" There may be a big difference between the number of days and the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1076,0)=" number of times."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1077,0)=" NOT...How many drinks or ""lines"" or ""rocks"" in the past thirty days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1078,0)=" There may be a big difference between the number of days and the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1079,0)=" number of drinks."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1080,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1081,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1082,0)=" Note: Item #2 -- Alcohol to Intoxication -- does not necessarily"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1083,0)=" mean getting drunk. In fact, it is not advisable to use the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1084,0)=" phrase ""to intoxication"" in asking the question since patients'"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1085,0)=" interpretations of this phrase vary so widely. Instead ask the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1086,0)=" number of days the patient felt the ""effects"" of alcohol, e.g.,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1087,0)=" got ""a buzz,"" ""high,"" or drunk. If the patient gives evidence of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1088,0)=" considerable drinking yet denies feeling the effects of the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1089,0)=" alcohol, get an estimate from the patient of how much he/she has"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1090,0)=" been drinking. (He/she may be denying the effects or manifesting"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1091,0)=" tolerance.). In such cases, as a rule, the equivalent of 3 or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1092,0)=" more drinks in one sitting or within a brief period of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1093,0)=" approximately one to two hours, can be considered ""Alcohol to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1094,0)=" Intoxication"" for Item 02."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1095,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1096,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1097,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1098,0)=" Quantity of use per day"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1099,0)=" Estimated amount of money spent on the substance per day"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1100,0)=" Usage patterns (only on week-ends, for example)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1101,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1102,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1103,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1104,0)=" 1. Prescribed medication is counted under the appropriate"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1105,0)=" generic category."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1106,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1107,0)=" 2. LAAM should be recorded under ""Methadone."" Antagonists, such"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1108,0)=" as Antabuse and Naltrexone are not recorded under the substance"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1109,0)=" history section but should be noted as comments at the bottom of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1110,0)=" the page."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1111,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1112,0)=" 3. Cocaine is used in many forms and these often have different"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1113,0)=" names. ""Crack"" or ""rock"" cocaine is simply the ""freebased"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1114,0)=" (smokable) form of cocaine. All different forms of cocaine"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1115,0)=" (e.g., crystal cocaine - snorted, freebase cocaine - smoked,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1116,0)=" crystal cocaine - injected) should be counted under the cocaine"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1117,0)=" category ."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1118,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1119,0)=" Cross-check Drug/Alcohol Use items 1-12 with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1120,0)=" Drug/Alcohol Use, Item 13"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1121,0)=" Drug/Alcohol Use, Item 20"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1122,0)=" Drug/Alcohol Use, Item 22 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1123,0)=" D/A1-12: Drug and Alcohol Use, Lifetime Use"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1124,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1125,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about extended periods"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1126,0)=" of regular use. The ""rule of thumb"" for regular use is a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1127,0)=" frequency of 3 or more times per week. However, it is true that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1128,0)=" cocaine, alcohol and even some other drugs can be regularly and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1129,0)=" severely abused in two-day binges. Therefore, the interviewer"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1130,0)=" should probe for evidence of regular problematic use, usually to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1131,0)=" the point of intoxication and to the point where it compromises"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1132,0)=" other normal activities such as work, school or family life."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1133,0)=" Problematic use here will generally be obvious and it should be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1134,0)=" counted even if it is less than 3 times per week. If there is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1135,0)=" substantial but irregular use of any drug (less than 3 times per"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1136,0)=" week for a month or longer), please record this under ""Comments"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1137,0)=" but do not include under Items 1-12."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1138,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1139,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Generally, you will need to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1140,0)=" ask a number of questions to get the information that you will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1141,0)=" eventually code in the boxes in the grid. With many patients, it"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1142,0)=" is possible to get a valid response by asking the question the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1143,0)=" following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1144,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1145,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, How many years of your life have you regularly used"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1146,0)=" ______________ ?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1147,0)=" By regularly, I mean three or more times per week."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1148,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1149,0)=" However, when interviewing patients with complicated substance"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1150,0)=" use histories, it may be helpful to ask them the year that they"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1151,0)=" began to use the substance regularly, and work forward in time"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1152,0)=" from there."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1153,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1154,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, when did you start using alcohol regularly?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1155,0)=" ""Since you started, have you ever abstained for over a month?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1156,0)=" ""When did you pick up again?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1157,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1158,0)=" After you have recorded the periods of time that the patient has"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1159,0)=" used each substance, you know what to record in the lifetime"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1160,0)=" section of the drug grid. You may consider summarizing it for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1161,0)=" the patient like this:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1162,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1163,0)=" ""So Mr. Smith, it sounds like you started using cocaine regularly"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1164,0)=" while you were in high school in 1978. You continued to use it"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1165,0)=" regularly until 1981, when you got into treatment. You stayed"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1166,0)=" clean until three months ago, when your brother died. You have"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1167,0)=" been using regularly since then. So, in your lifetime, you have"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1168,0)=" used it regularly for three years and three months (code three years)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1169,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1170,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1171,0)=" Events that occurred at the same time that the patient was using"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1172,0)=" (or abstaining from) a substance."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1173,0)=" Differences in route of administration over time"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1174,0)=" Substance combinations"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1175,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1176,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1177,0)=" 1. Six months or more of regular or problematic use will be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1178,0)=" considered one year; less than six months of problematic use"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1179,0)=" should be noted in the comments section but not counted as a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1180,0)=" year."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1181,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1182,0)=" 2. See Coding Issues, Drug and Alcohol Use Past 30 Days for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1183,0)=" other relevant coding issues."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1184,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1185,0)=" Cross-check items with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1186,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1187,0)=" Drug/Alcohol Use, Item #s 13, 20, 22"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1188,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1189,0)=" D/A1-12: Drug and Alcohol Use, Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1190,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1191,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1192,0)=" usual or most recent route of administration for each substance"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1193,0)=" listed. The code for the administration is listed below the drug"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1194,0)=" grid as follows: 1 - oral 2 - nasal 3 - smoking 4 - non IV"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1195,0)=" injection 5 - IV injection"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1196,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1197,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Use the name of the specific"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1198,0)=" drug. Provide examples."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1199,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1200,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how are you using the cocaine? For example, are you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1201,0)=" snorting it...or are you freebasing it...are you injecting it?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1202,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1203,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1204,0)=" Use of drug combinations"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1205,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1206,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1207,0)=" 1. In cases where two or more routes are routinely used, the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1208,0)=" most serious route should be coded."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1209,0)=" (the routes of administration are numbered in order of their severity.)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1210,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1211,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1212,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1213,0)=" D/A13. Multiple Substances:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1214,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1215,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about drug"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1216,0)=" combinations. Under ""Past 30 Days"" ask the patient how many days"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1217,0)=" he took more than one (ASI category) substance including alcohol."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1218,0)=" Under ""Lifetime Use"" ask the patient how long he regularly"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1219,0)=" (generally 3 times per week for a month or more) took more than"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1220,0)=" one substance per day including alcohol."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1221,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1222,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: By reviewing the information"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1223,0)=" in the drug grid, you should be able to estimate the number of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1224,0)=" days that the patient used more than one drug in the past 30, as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1225,0)=" well as the number of years he regularly used more than one"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1226,0)=" substance. To insure that you are getting accurate information,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1227,0)=" ask the following:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1228,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1229,0)=" ""How many days in the past 30 have you used more than one"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1230,0)=" substance per day?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1231,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1232,0)=" and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1233,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1234,0)=" ""How many years have you regularly used more than one substance"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1235,0)=" per day?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1236,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1237,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1238,0)=" The substances which the patient used together."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1239,0)=" Substances which the patient used within the same day, but did"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1240,0)=" not use together."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1241,0)=" The names of drugs that were prescribed."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1242,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1243,0)=" Cross-check items with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1244,0)=" Drug/Alcohol Item #s 1-12"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1245,0)=" D/A14. Which substance is the major problem?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1246,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1247,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record the patient's current major"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1248,0)=" substance of abuse. The interviewer should determine the major"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1249,0)=" drug of abuse based upon the years of use, number of treatments,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1250,0)=" number of DT's/overdoses. If the information provides no clear"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1251,0)=" indication of his drug problem, then ask the patient what he/she"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1252,0)=" thinks is the major substance problem. Enter one of the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1253,0)=" following codes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1254,0)=" 1 - ALCOHOL 9 - AMPHETAMINES"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1255,0)=" 3 - HEROIN 10 - CANNABIS"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1256,0)=" 4 - METHADONE 11 - HALLUCINOGENS"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1257,0)=" 5 - OTHER OPIATES/ANALGESICS 12 - INHALANTS"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1258,0)=" 6 - BARBITURATES 15 - ALCOHOL/DRUG"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1259,0)=" 7 - OTHER SED/HYP/TRANQ 16 - POLYDRUG"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1260,0)=" 8 - COCAINE"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1261,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1262,0)=" NOTE: Record a ""16"" if the patient has major problems with more"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1263,0)=" than one drug; or a ""15"" if the patient abuses alcohol and one or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1264,0)=" more drugs."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1265,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1266,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: If you have to ask the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1267,0)=" question, ask it as it appears on the ASI. Allow the patient to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1268,0)=" report more than one substance as his major problem."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1269,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1270,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, which substance is your major problem?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1271,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1272,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1273,0)=" 1. Some patients may report that legal methadone is their"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1274,0)=" primary drug problem, as in the case of patients who are seeking"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1275,0)=" detoxification and drug-free treatment. This can be used as the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1276,0)=" major problem in Item 14 and problems associated with the legal"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1277,0)=" methadone may be recorded in Item 22."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1278,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1279,0)=" 2. For follow-up interviews record what the patient thinks is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1280,0)=" the major substance abuse problem. If at follow-up the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1281,0)=" maintains he/she has no drug or alcohol problem but reports"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1282,0)=" experiencing drug or alcohol problems on Item 22, then clarify"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1283,0)=" Item 14 by asking if he/she considers that substance the current"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1284,0)=" major problem."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1285,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1286,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1287,0)=" Drug/Alcohol Items #1-12"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1288,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1289,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1290,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1291,0)=" D/A15. How long was your last period of voluntary abstinence"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1292,0)=" from this major substance?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1293,0)=" D/A16. How many months ago did this abstinence end?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1294,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1295,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record details about the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1296,0)=" successful attempts at abstaining from the current problem"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1297,0)=" substance. Ask the patient how long he/she was able to remain"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1298,0)=" abstinent from the major drug(s) of abuse (Item 14). Stress that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1299,0)=" this was the last attempt (of at least one month) at abstinence,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1300,0)=" not necessarily the longest."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1301,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1302,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: You may need to ask a series"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1303,0)=" of questions to get accurate responses to these items."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1304,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1305,0)=" For example, for Item #15, you may need to ask:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1306,0)=" ""Have you ever stopped using _____________for over a month?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1307,0)=" ""When was the last time you stopped using ___________ for over a month?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1308,0)=" ""Did you stay clean on your own, or were you in some sort of a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1309,0)=" controlled environment at the time?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1310,0)=" ""How long did that period of abstinence last?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1311,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1312,0)=" For Item #16, you should ask:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1313,0)=" ""How many months ago did this abstinence end?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1314,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1315,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1316,0)=" Circumstances surrounding the periods of abstinence"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1317,0)=" Circumstances surrounding the end of the abstinence period"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1318,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1319,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1320,0)=" Periods of hospitalization or incarceration are not counted."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1321,0)=" Periods of abstinence during which the patient was taking"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1322,0)=" Methadone, Antabuse or Naltrexone as an outpatient are included."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1323,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1324,0)=" If the code for item 14 was ""00-No problem,"" enter ""N"" for item"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1325,0)=" #s 15 and 16."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1326,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1327,0)=" If the code for item 14 was ""15-Alcohol and Drug"" then abstinence"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1328,0)=" will refer to both alcohol and the major drug(s)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1329,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1330,0)=" If the code for item 14 was ""16-Polydrug"" then abstinence will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1331,0)=" refer to all abused drugs. Enter ""99"" if the number of months"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1332,0)=" equals 99 or more."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1333,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1334,0)=" If the patient has not been abstinent for one month, enter ""00"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1335,0)=" for Item #15 and ""N"" for item 16."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1336,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1337,0)=" If the period of abstinence is current, enter ""00"" for item #16."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1338,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1339,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1340,0)=" Drug/Alcohol Items #1-12"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1341,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1342,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1343,0)=" D/A17. How many times have you had alcohol d.t.s/overdosed on drugs?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1344,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1345,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about consequences of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1346,0)=" using too much of a substance. If in doubt about a reported"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1347,0)=" ""OD,"" ask what was done to the patient to revive him/her. Simply"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1348,0)=" letting the patient ""sleep if off"" does not constitute an OD. If"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1349,0)=" the patient describes any incident in which intervention by"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1350,0)=" someone was needed to recover, do count this as an OD. The"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1351,0)=" nature of overdose will differ with the type of drug used. While"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1352,0)=" opiates and barbiturates produce coma-like effects, amphetamine"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1353,0)=" overdoses (""overamps"") frequently result in toxic psychoses."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1354,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1355,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written. Follow-up"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1356,0)=" with additional questions which will determine how you will code"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1357,0)=" the response."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1358,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1359,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many times have you had alcohol d.t.'s?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1360,0)=" ""How many times have you overdosed on drugs?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1361,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1362,0)=" ""Did someone have to help to revive you?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1363,0)=" ""Did someone have to calm you down?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1364,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1365,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1366,0)=" Whether or not the patient was hospitalized"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1367,0)=" Whether or not the OD was intentional"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1368,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1369,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1370,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1371,0)=" 1. Include suicide attempts if they were attempted by drug"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1372,0)=" overdose (Remember this in the Psychiatric section and be sure to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1373,0)=" check the Medical section to note hospitalization)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1374,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1375,0)=" 2. Definition of Delirium Tremens (DT's):"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1376,0)=" DT's occur 24 to 48 hours after a person's last drink. They"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1377,0)=" consist of tremors (shaking) and delirium (severe"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1378,0)=" disorientation). They are often accompanied by a fever. There"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1379,0)=" are sometimes, but not always, hallucinations. True DT's are"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1380,0)=" usually so serious that they require some type of medical care or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1381,0)=" outside intervention. Impending DT's as diagnosed by a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1382,0)=" professional would also be considered serious enough to count as DT's."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1383,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1384,0)=" Problems sometimes mistaken for DT's:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1385,0)=" DT's are not to be confused with ""the shakes"" which occur about 6"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1386,0)=" hours after alcohol has been withdrawn and do not include"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1387,0)=" delirium."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1388,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1389,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1390,0)=" 1. Medical Status Item #1 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1391,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1392,0)=" D/A18. How many times in your life have you been treated for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1393,0)=" alcohol abuse/drug abuse?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1394,0)=" D/A19. How many of the were detox only?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1395,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1396,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record the number of times the patient has"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1397,0)=" received help for their drug or alcohol problems. The purpose of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1398,0)=" item #19 is to determine the extent to which the patient has"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1399,0)=" sought extended rehabilitation versus minimal stabilization or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1400,0)=" acute crisis care. Therefore, record the number of treatments in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1401,0)=" #19 that were detoxification only and did not include any follow-"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1402,0)=" up treatment."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1403,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1404,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1405,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1406,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many times in your life have you been treated for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1407,0)=" alcohol or drug abuse?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1408,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1409,0)=" ""How many of those treatments involved a detox with no follow- up?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1410,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1411,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1412,0)=" The names of programs"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1413,0)=" Reasons for leaving programs"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1414,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1415,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1416,0)=" 1. Count any type of alcohol or drug treatment, including"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1417,0)=" detoxification, halfway houses, inpatient, outpatient counseling,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1418,0)=" and AA or NA (if 3 or more sessions) within a one month period."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1419,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1420,0)=" 2. If the patient was treated for both alcohol and drug problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1421,0)=" simultaneously, count the treatment under both categories. Note"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1422,0)=" that the treatment was for both."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1423,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1424,0)=" 3. Exclude ""Driver's School"" for D.W.I. violations. Ask"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1425,0)=" questions separately for alcohol and drugs. In the case of dual"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1426,0)=" problems try to get the number of treatments in each category."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1427,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1428,0)=" 4. Code as a single episode treatment experiences that occur in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1429,0)=" different facilities immediately following one another. For"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1430,0)=" example, a patient who spends two months in a residential program"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1431,0)=" followed immediately by a six month outpatient program has been"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1432,0)=" involved in one treatment episode, not two treatment episodes."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1433,0)=" However, if the patient returns home before being admitted to the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1434,0)=" outpatient program, the outpatient program should be counted as a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1435,0)=" separate treatment episode."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1436,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1437,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1438,0)=" Drug/Alcohol Use, Items 1-13"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1439,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1440,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1441,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1442,0)=" D/A20. How much would you say you spent during the past 30 days"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1443,0)=" on alcohol/drugs?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1444,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1445,0)=" Intent/Key points: This is primarily a measure of financial"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1446,0)=" burden, not amount of use. Therefore, enter only the money"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1447,0)=" spent, not the street value of what was used (e.g., dealer who"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1448,0)=" uses but does not buy; bartender who drinks heavily but does not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1449,0)=" buy, etc.)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1450,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1451,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: If you probed sufficiently"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1452,0)=" during the Drug/Alcohol grid, you should have information about"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1453,0)=" the amount of money that the patient spends daily on each"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1454,0)=" substance. By multiplying the daily dollar amount by the number"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1455,0)=" of days the patient says he or she used, you will get a good"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1456,0)=" estimate of the amount of money the patient spent in the last"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1457,0)=" month, without even asking the question. Regardless, ask the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1458,0)=" question as written. If a patient responds that he can not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1459,0)=" possibly estimate the amount of money he spent in the past month,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1460,0)=" remind him what he told you in the drug grid."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1461,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1462,0)=" ""How much have you spent on alcohol and drugs in the past 30 days?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1463,0)=" ""You told me that you spent about $20 a day on coke...and you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1464,0)=" used coke on sixteen it sounds as if you spent at least"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1465,0)=" three hundred twenty dollars on coke."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1466,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1467,0)=" Sometimes, the patient will argue about the amount of money he"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1468,0)=" spent. He may explain that although he used $320.00 worth, he"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1469,0)=" only spent $200 worth because he knows people who provide him"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1470,0)=" with cheap drugs. Code only what the patient reports he spent on"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1471,0)=" drugs."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1472,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1473,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1474,0)=" As described above, information that explains differences between"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1475,0)=" the reported amount of money spent and amount of drugs used."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1476,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1477,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1478,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1479,0)=" 1. Enter ""X"" only if patient cannot make a reasonable"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1480,0)=" determination."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1481,0)=" 2. Don't include the dollar amount of drugs for which the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1482,0)=" patient provided services (sex for drugs, acting as a ""middle"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1483,0)=" man"" for drug deals). Just include the amount of cash the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1484,0)=" patient put out for the drugs."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1485,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1486,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1487,0)=" Employment/Support item #s 12-17"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1488,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1489,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1490,0)=" D/A21. How many days have you been treated in an outpatient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1491,0)=" setting for alcohol or drugs in the past 30 (Include NA, AA)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1492,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1493,0)=" Intent/Key points: Treatment refers to any type of outpatient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1494,0)=" substance abuse therapy. This does not include psychological"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1495,0)=" counseling or other therapy for non-abuse problems."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1496,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1497,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written below."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1498,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1499,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many days in the past 30 have you been treated in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1500,0)=" an outpatient setting or attended self-help groups like AA or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1501,0)=" NA?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1502,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1503,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1504,0)=" Names of programs"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1505,0)=" Types of meetings"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1506,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1507,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1508,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1509,0)=" 1. Do include methadone maintenance, AA, NA or CA meetings,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1510,0)=" Antabuse, etc."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1511,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1512,0)=" 2. Treatment requires personal (or at least telephone) contact"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1513,0)=" with the treatment program."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1514,0)=" The fact that the patient was ""officially enrolled"" in a program"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1515,0)=" does not count if he/she has not attended at least 3 sessions."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1516,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1517,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1518,0)=" D/A22. How many days in the past 30 have you experienced alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1519,0)=" problems/drug problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1520,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1521,0)=" Intent/Key points: Be sure to stress that you are interested in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1522,0)=" the number of days the patient had problems directly related to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1523,0)=" alcohol or drug use. Include craving for alcohol or drugs,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1524,0)=" withdrawal symptoms, disturbing effects of drug or alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1525,0)=" intoxication, or wanting to stop and not being able to do so."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1526,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1527,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written, with plenty"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1528,0)=" of examples based on what the patient has already told you."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1529,0)=" Client's ""denial"" of problems may hinder the interviewer's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1530,0)=" ability to record accurate information. The interviewer should"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1531,0)=" focus the question on symptoms or situations already described by"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1532,0)=" the patient as problematic. For example, a patient may say, ""I"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1533,0)=" can handle my alcohol use. My lawyer said that I should get into"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1534,0)=" treatment because it will help my DUI case."" The interviewer"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1535,0)=" might say, ""How many days in the past 30 have you had problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1536,0)=" related to alcohol use...such as worrying about your DUI case?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1537,0)=" Another example follows:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1538,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1539,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many days in the past 30 have you experienced"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1540,0)=" alcohol problems...such as the fact that you've been getting in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1541,0)=" trouble at work because of your drinking, or the fact that you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1542,0)=" have been spending all of your money on alcohol."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1543,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1544,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1545,0)=" Thinking about using (craving)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1546,0)=" Inability to stop using after starting"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1547,0)=" Consequences of using"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1548,0)=" Experiencing physical withdrawal symptoms"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1549,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1550,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1551,0)=" Do not include the patient's inability to find drugs or alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1552,0)=" as a problem."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1553,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1554,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1555,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1556,0)=" Drug/Alcohol section, Items 23 and 24. If 22=0, then 23 and 24"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1557,0)=" must equal ""0"" also."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1558,0)=" One can't rate nonexistent problems."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1559,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1560,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1561,0)=" D/A23. How troubled or bothered ... past 30 days by alcohol or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1562,0)=" drug problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1563,0)=" D/A24. How important ... get treatment for alcohol or drug"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1564,0)=" problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1565,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1566,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record the patient's feelings about how"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1567,0)=" bothersome the previously mentioned drug or alcohol problems have"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1568,0)=" been in the last month, and how interested they would be in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1569,0)=" receiving (additional) treatment. Be sure to have the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1570,0)=" restrict his/her response to those problems counted in Item 22."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1571,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1572,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: When asking the patient to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1573,0)=" rate the problem, provide concrete examples of them, rather than"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1574,0)=" the term ""problems."" For example, if the patient reports that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1575,0)=" besides worrying about a DUI case, he has had physical problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1576,0)=" from alcohol, such as hangovers, the interviewer should ask Item"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1577,0)=" #23 in the following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1578,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1579,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how troubled or bothered have you been in the past"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1580,0)=" thirty days by alcohol problems such as the hangovers that you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1581,0)=" mentioned...or the worry over your upcoming case?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1582,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1583,0)=" Ask Item #24 in the following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1584,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1585,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, important would it be for you to talk to someone"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1586,0)=" about your alcohol problems...such as the hangovers that you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1587,0)=" mentioned...or the worry over your upcoming case?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1588,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1589,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1590,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1591,0)=" Drug/Alcohol section, Item 22. If 22=0, then 23 and 24 must"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1592,0)=" equal ""0"" also."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1593,0)=" One can't rate nonexistent problems."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1594,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1595,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1596,0)=" D/A 25."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1597,0)=" Drug Severity Rating"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1598,0)=" Alcohol Severity Rating"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1599,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1600,0)=" Remember the two step derivation method for severity ratings:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1601,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1602,0)=" Step 1: Reduce the ten point scale (0-9) to two or three points,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1603,0)=" using only the objective items (Items 1-22, Drug/Alcohol Section)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1604,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1605,0)=" 0-1 No problem, treatment not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1606,0)=" 2-3 Slight problem, treatment probably not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1607,0)=" 4-5 Moderate problem, treatment probably necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1608,0)=" 6-7 Considerable problem, treatment necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1609,0)=" 8-9 Extreme problem, treatment absolutely necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1610,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1611,0)=" Consider adjusting the range based on the critical objective"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1612,0)=" items of the section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1613,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1614,0)=" Critical Objective Items of the Drug and Alcohol Sections"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1615,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1616,0)=" ITEM DESCRIPTION"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1617,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1618,0)=" 1 - 13 Abuse History"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1619,0)=" 15 - 16 Abstinence"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1620,0)=" 17 ODs and DTs"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1621,0)=" 18 Lifetime Treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1622,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1623,0)=" Step 2: Factor in the patient's rating scale. Pick the score"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1624,0)=" that represents the patient's rating scale. For example, if the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1625,0)=" interviewer's three point range is 4-5-6, and the patient reports"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1626,0)=" that he has been extremely (rates it a ""4"") bothered and he would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1627,0)=" be extremely (rates it a ""4"") interested in treatment for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1628,0)=" problems, then select the highest point of the three point range"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1629,0)=" (in this case, a ""6"") for the severity rating in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1630,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1631,0)=" The meaning of the ""6"" severity rating is that treatment is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1632,0)=" necessary for problems related to drugs or alcohol use. The"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1633,0)=" severity rating for this section should have no effect on any"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1634,0)=" other sections."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1635,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1636,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1637,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1638,0)="8 Legal Status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1639,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1640,0)=" Introduction: The legal status section of the ASI helps you to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1641,0)=" gather some basic information about your patient's legal history."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1642,0)=" It addresses information about probation or parole, charges,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1643,0)=" convictions, incarcerations or detainments, and illegal"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1644,0)=" activities. We recommend that you add questions that you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1645,0)=" consider relevant to your patient's treatment plan. An"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1646,0)=" interviewer can most efficiently gather accurate information from"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1647,0)=" this section by doing a lot of probing in the first part of the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1648,0)=" section. For example, if a patient reports that he or she was"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1649,0)=" charged with a criminal offense, the interviewer should ask"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1650,0)=" whether he or she was convicted, and if so, whether any time was"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1651,0)=" spent in prison. By addressing and recording these details in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1652,0)=" the early part of the section, the interviewer can move more"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1653,0)=" quickly through the latter parts of the section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1654,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1655,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1656,0)=" L1. Was this admission prompted or suggested by the criminal"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1657,0)=" justice system?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1658,0)=" L2. Are you on probation or parole?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1659,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1660,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about the relationship"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1661,0)=" between the patient's treatment status and legal status. For"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1662,0)=" item #1, enter ""1"" if any member of the criminal justice system"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1663,0)=" was responsible for the patient's current admission or generally,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1664,0)=" if the patient will suffer undesirable legal consequences as a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1665,0)=" result of refusing or not completing treatment. For item #2,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1666,0)=" enter ""1"" if the patient is currently on probation or parole."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1667,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1668,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask both questions as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1669,0)=" written. Provide examples of referral sources that are related"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1670,0)=" to the criminal justice system to clarify any confusion related"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1671,0)=" to item #1."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1672,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1673,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, was your admission to this treatment program prompted"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1674,0)=" or suggested by the criminal justice system, like a lawyer or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1675,0)=" probation officer...(or did you decide to come here on your"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1676,0)=" own...or was it your family that persuaded you to seek help"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1677,0)=" here)?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1678,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1679,0)=" ""Are you on probation or parole?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1680,0)=" If a patient says that he or she is currently on probation or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1681,0)=" parole, we recommended that you routinely ask for details. For"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1682,0)=" example, you should ask :"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1683,0)=" ""Why are you on probation (With what criminal offense were you charged)?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1684,0)=" ""How long have you been on probation? When will your probation"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1685,0)=" period end?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1686,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1687,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1688,0)=" Who referred the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1689,0)=" Circumstances surrounding the referral"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1690,0)=" Nature of the probation or parole (Federal or State)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1691,0)=" Name of probation or parole officer"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1692,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1693,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1694,0)=" Legal Status, Item #s 3-14C"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1695,0)=" L3-14. How many times have you been arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1696,0)=" the following?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1697,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1698,0)=" Intent/Key points: This is a record of the number and type of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1699,0)=" arrest counts with official charges (not necessarily convictions)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1700,0)=" accumulated by the patient during his life. Be sure to include"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1701,0)=" the total number of counts and not just arrests. These include"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1702,0)=" only formal charges not times when the patient was just picked up"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1703,0)=" or questioned. Do not include juvenile (prior to the age of 18)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1704,0)=" crimes, unless the court tried the patient as an adult, which"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1705,0)=" happens in cases of particularly serious offenses."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1706,0)=" NOTE: The inclusion of adult crimes only is a convention adopted"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1707,0)=" for our purposes alone. We have found it is most appropriate for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1708,0)=" our population. The use of the ASI with different populations"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1709,0)=" may warrant consideration of juvenile legal history."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1710,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1711,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: If a patient responds that he"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1712,0)=" or she has been charged with an offense, we recommend that you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1713,0)=" ask for details (e.g., whether the patient was convicted or not,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1714,0)=" whether the patient was incarcerated, paid a fine, or spent time"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1715,0)=" on probation). These details will help you to move more quickly"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1716,0)=" through the latter part of the section. If you don't gather"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1717,0)=" information early, your attempts at gathering information from"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1718,0)=" patients with complicated legal histories may be hindered."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1719,0)=" Therefore, we recommend that you ask the question as written"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1720,0)=" below, with probes similar to the ones listed below asked"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1721,0)=" routinely."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1722,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1723,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many times in your life have you been charged"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1724,0)=" with ________________ ?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1725,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1726,0)=" If the patient reports that he or she was charged:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1727,0)=" ""What happened with that charge...for example, was it"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1728,0)=" dropped...were you convicted of it?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1729,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1730,0)=" If the patient reports that he or she was convicted:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1731,0)=" ""What happened when you were convicted...did you spend time in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1732,0)=" prison...did you pay a fine... were you on probation?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1733,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1734,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1735,0)=" The years in which they was charged with each offense"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1736,0)=" Details surrounding each criminal act"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1737,0)=" Significant events occurring at the same time that the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1738,0)=" was charged with each offense"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1739,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1740,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1741,0)=" 1. Do include arrests that occurred during military service but"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1742,0)=" do not include those that have no civilian life counterpart"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1743,0)=" (e.g., AWOL, insubordination) but do record these in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1744,0)=" ""Comments"" section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1745,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1746,0)=" 2. Code attempts at criminal activity (e.g. attempted robbery,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1747,0)=" attempted rape) the same way that you code the activity."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1748,0)=" Therefore, charges of attempted robbery would be coded with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1749,0)=" robbery."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1750,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1751,0)=" 3. In this state (Pennsylvania) ""contempt of court "" is the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1752,0)=" charge levied against someone who has failed to pay support or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1753,0)=" alimony payments"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1754,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1755,0)=" L15. How many of these charges resulted in convictions?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1756,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1757,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record basic information about the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1758,0)=" patient's legal history. Do not include the misdemeanor offenses"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1759,0)=" (16-18) in this item. Note that convictions include fines,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1760,0)=" probation, suspended sentences as well as sentences requiring"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1761,0)=" incarceration. Convictions also include guilty pleas. Charges"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1762,0)=" for parole and/or probation violations are automatically counted"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1763,0)=" as convictions."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1764,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1765,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: If you did not gather"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1766,0)=" information about convictions through probing during item #s 1- 14C,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1767,0)=" ask as written."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1768,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1769,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many of these charges resulted in convictions?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1770,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1771,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1772,0)=" Whether or not the patient was incarcerated"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1773,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1774,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1775,0)=" Code Item #15 with an ""N"" if Item #s 3-14C are all ""00"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1776,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1777,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1778,0)=" Legal Status Item #19 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1779,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1780,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1781,0)=" How many times have you been charged with the following?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1782,0)=" L16. Disorderly conduct, vagrancy, public intoxication"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1783,0)=" L17. Driving while intoxicated"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1784,0)=" L18. Major driving violations"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1785,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1786,0)=" Intent/Key points: Charges in item #16 category may include"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1787,0)=" those which generally relate to being a public annoyance without"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1788,0)=" the commission of a particular crime. Driving violations counted"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1789,0)=" in #18 are moving violations (speeding, reckless driving, leaving"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1790,0)=" the scene of an accident, etc.). This does not include vehicle"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1791,0)=" violations, registration infractions, parking tickets, etc."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1792,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1793,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1794,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1795,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many times have you been charged with the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1796,0)=" following...(disorderly conduct, vagrancy, or public"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1797,0)=" intoxication)?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1798,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1799,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1800,0)=" Outcomes of the charges"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1801,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1802,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1803,0)=" Employment/Support Item #4 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1804,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1805,0)=" L19. How many months were you incarcerated in your life?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1806,0)=" L20. How long was your last incarceration?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1807,0)=" L21. What was it for?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1808,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1809,0)=" Intent/Key points: For item #19, enter the number of total"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1810,0)=" months spent in jail (whether or not the charge resulted in a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1811,0)=" conviction), prison, or detention center in the patient's life"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1812,0)=" since the age of 18, unless the patient was detained as an adult"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1813,0)=" while still a juvenile. If the number equals 100 or more, enter"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1814,0)=" ""99."" Count as one month any period of incarceration two weeks"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1815,0)=" or longer. For item #21, use the number assigned in the first"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1816,0)=" part of the ""Legal Section"" (03-14 and 16-18) to indicate the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1817,0)=" charge for which the patient was incarcerated. If the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1818,0)=" was incarcerated for several charges, enter the most serious or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1819,0)=" the one for which he/she received the most severe sentence."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1820,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1821,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask the questions as written:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1822,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1823,0)=" ""How many months have you been incarcerated in your life?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1824,0)=" ""How long was your last incarceration?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1825,0)=" ""For what charge were you incarcerated?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1826,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1827,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1828,0)=" Details of unusual periods of incarceration (serving time for two"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1829,0)=" convictions concurrently)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1830,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1831,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1832,0)=" 1. Make sure that you code the total number of months that the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1833,0)=" patient was incarcerated for large periods of time. DO NOT code"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1834,0)=" large numbers (30+) of overnight incarcerations. For example, a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1835,0)=" barroom brawler may report getting thrown in jail over thirty"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1836,0)=" times for a couple of nights each time. Do not count those"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1837,0)=" thirty incarcerations"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1838,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1839,0)=" 2. If the patient has never been incarcerated for over a month,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1840,0)=" code item #19 with ""00,"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1841,0)=" item #20 with ""N,"" and item #21 with ""N."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1842,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1843,0)=" 3. Item #20 should always be smaller than item #19."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1844,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1845,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1846,0)=" 1. Make sure that long periods of incarceration are accounted"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1847,0)=" for in other parts of the interview, like the drug/alcohol grid."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1848,0)=" For example, if a patient reports spending a long time in jail,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1849,0)=" but never reported abstaining from drug use, you should clarify"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1850,0)=" whether he used drugs in jail. Record the information in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1851,0)=" comments section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1852,0)=" L22. Are you presently awaiting charges, trial or sentence?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1853,0)=" L23. What for:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1854,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1855,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1856,0)=" current legal status. For item #23, enter ""N"" if the patient is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1857,0)=" not awaiting charges, trial, or sentence. Do not include civil"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1858,0)=" lawsuits unless a criminal offense (contempt of court) is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1859,0)=" involved."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1860,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1861,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1862,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1863,0)=" ""Are you presently awaiting charges, trial or sentence for any reason?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1864,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1865,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1866,0)=" The date on which the sentencing will take place."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1867,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1868,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1869,0)=" Item #22 should never be coded with an ""N."" It should always be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1870,0)=" asked."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1871,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1872,0)=" If Item 22=""0,"" then Item #23 should be coded ""N"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1873,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1874,0)=" For item 23, use the numerical code on the left column which"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1875,0)=" corresponds to the charge."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1876,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1877,0)=" L24. How many days in the past 30 were you detained or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1878,0)=" incarcerated?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1879,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1880,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about whether the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1881,0)=" patient was detained in the last 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1882,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1883,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written. If he asks"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1884,0)=" for the difference between an incarceration and a detainment,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1885,0)=" (""Hey, didn't you ask me that question already?""), give him a few"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1886,0)=" examples of detainments. For example, if the patient was put in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1887,0)=" jail to sleep off a drunk, or detained and questioned by the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1888,0)=" police because he looked like someone who had committed a crime,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1889,0)=" you would code that he has been ""detained or incarcerated in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1890,0)=" past 30 days."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1891,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1892,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, How many days in the past 30 were you detained or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1893,0)=" incarcerated?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1894,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1895,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1896,0)=" Reasons for being detained"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1897,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1898,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1899,0)=" Include being detained but released on the same day."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1900,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1901,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1902,0)=" General information, Items 6, 7 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1903,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1904,0)=" L25. How many days in the past 30 have you engaged in illegal"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1905,0)=" activities for profit?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1906,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1907,0)=" Intent/Key points: Enter the number of days the patient engaged"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1908,0)=" in crime for profit."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1909,0)=" Do not count simple drug possession or drug use. However, do"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1910,0)=" include drug dealing, prostitution, burglary, selling stolen"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1911,0)=" goods, etc."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1912,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1913,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1914,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1915,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, How many days in the past 30 have you engaged in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1916,0)=" illegal activities for profit?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1917,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1918,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1919,0)=" The type of illegal activity"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1920,0)=" Whether the patient received cash or drugs"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1921,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1922,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1923,0)=" Include illegal activity as ""for profit"" even if the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1924,0)=" received drugs or other goods (rather than cash) in return for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1925,0)=" the illegal activity."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1926,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1927,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1928,0)=" Employment/Support Status item #17 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1929,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1930,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1931,0)=" L26. How serious do you feel your present legal problems are?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1932,0)=" L27. How important to you now is counseling or referral for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1933,0)=" these legal problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1934,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1935,0)=" Intent/Key Points: To record the patient's feelings about how"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1936,0)=" serious he feels his the previously mentioned legal problems are,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1937,0)=" and the importance of getting (additional) counseling or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1938,0)=" referral. For Item 27, the patient is rating the need for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1939,0)=" referral to legal counsel so that he can defend himself against"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1940,0)=" criminal charges."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1941,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1942,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: When asking the patient to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1943,0)=" rate the problem, use the name of it, rather than the term"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1944,0)=" ""problems."" For example, if the patient reports that he is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1945,0)=" awaiting trial on a criminal charge, ask him the questions in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1946,0)=" following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1947,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1948,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how serious are your present legal problems...such as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1949,0)=" your upcoming burglary trial?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1950,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1951,0)=" ""How important would it be for you to get counseling or referral"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1952,0)=" for the burglary trial that you mentioned?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1953,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1954,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1955,0)=" Allow the patient to describe their feelings about current legal"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1956,0)=" problems only...not potential legal problems. For example, if a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1957,0)=" patient reports selling drugs on a few days out of the past"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1958,0)=" thirty, but has not been caught, he does not have any current"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1959,0)=" legal problem. If he gets caught selling drugs then he will have"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1960,0)=" a legal problem."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1961,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1962,0)=" L28. Legal Status Severity Rating"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1963,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1964,0)=" Remember the two step derivation method for severity ratings:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1965,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1966,0)=" Step 1: Reduce the ten point scale (0-9) to two or three points,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1967,0)=" using only the objective items (Items 1-25 in the Legal Status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1968,0)=" section)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1969,0)=" 0-1 No problem, treatment not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1970,0)=" 2-3 Slight problem, treatment probably not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1971,0)=" 4-5 Moderate problem, treatment probably necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1972,0)=" 6-7 Considerable problem, treatment necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1973,0)=" 8-9 Extreme problem, treatment absolutely necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1974,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1975,0)=" Consider adjusting the range based on the critical objective"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1976,0)=" items of the section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1977,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1978,0)=" Critical Objective Items of the Legal Status Section"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1979,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1980,0)=" ITEM DESCRIPTION"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1981,0)=" 3 -14 Major Charges"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1982,0)=" 15 Convictions"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1983,0)=" 22 - 23 Current Charges"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1984,0)=" 25 Current Criminal Involvement"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1985,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1986,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1987,0)=" Step 2: Factor in the patient's rating scale. Pick the score"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1988,0)=" that represents the patient's rating scale. For example, if the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1989,0)=" interviewer's three point range is 4-5-6, and the patient reports"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1990,0)=" that he has been extremely (rates it a ""4"") bothered and he would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1991,0)=" be extremely (rates it a ""4"") interested in treatment for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1992,0)=" problems, then select the highest point of the three point range"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1993,0)=" (in this case, a ""6"") for the severity rating in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1994,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1995,0)=" The meaning of the ""6"" severity rating is that counseling or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1996,0)=" referral is necessary for the patient's legal problems. The"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1997,0)=" severity rating for this section should have no effect on any"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1998,0)=" other sections."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,1999,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2000,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2001,0)="9 Family History"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2002,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2003,0)=" Introduction: The Family History grid is designed to summarize"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2004,0)=" the psychiatric, alcohol and drug abuse problems of the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2005,0)=" relatives in each of the specified categories."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2006,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2007,0)=" FH: Have any of your relatives had what you would call a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2008,0)=" significant drinking, drug use or psych problem-one that did or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2009,0)=" should have led to treatment?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2010,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2011,0)=" Intent/Key points: The Family History grid is designed to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2012,0)=" summarize the psychiatric, alcohol and drug abuse problems of the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2013,0)=" patient's relatives in each of the specified categories. The"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2014,0)=" information supplied by the patient cannot generally be validated"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2015,0)=" and thus should be coded cautiously using the following"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2016,0)=" guidelines. Determination of ""problem"" status -- It is not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2017,0)=" necessary for there to be a medical diagnosis or formal treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2018,0)=" to count as a ""problem."" Again, the patient is the best source"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2019,0)=" of information here and should be told to count a problem as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2020,0)=" "" that either did or should have led to treatment."" In"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2021,0)=" general, a ""yes"" response should be recorded for any category"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2022,0)=" where at least one member of the relative category meets the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2023,0)=" criterion. For example, if the patient has two aunts on his"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2024,0)=" mother's side and feels that one of them had a serious drinking"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2025,0)=" problem and the other had a significant psychiatric problem,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2026,0)=" ""yes"" codes are recorded under the Aunt category (mother's side)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2027,0)=" for both alcohol and psych. A ""no"" response should only be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2028,0)=" counted if all relatives in the category fail to meet the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2029,0)=" criterion."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2030,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2031,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: A preliminary question can"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2032,0)=" help to determine whether any biological relatives exist in that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2033,0)=" category."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2034,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2035,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, did your mom have any sisters?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2036,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2037,0)=" Then, focus the question on whether any individual in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2038,0)=" category has had a problem."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2039,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2040,0)=" ""Mr. Smith. did any of your aunts have an alcohol problem that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2041,0)=" should have led to treatment?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2042,0)=" ""Mr. Smith. did any of your aunts have a drug problem that should"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2043,0)=" have led to treatment?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2044,0)=" ""Mr. Smith. did any of your aunts have a psychiatric problem that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2045,0)=" should have led to treatment?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2046,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2047,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2048,0)=" The names of individual family members with multiple problems."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2049,0)=" The birth order of individual family members with multiple"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2050,0)=" problems."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2051,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2052,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2053,0)=" Code information about biological family, only."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2054,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2055,0)=" It is particularly important for interviewers to make judicious"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2056,0)=" use of the ""N"" and ""X"" responses to these questions."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2057,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2058,0)=" An ""N"" should be coded for all categories where there is no"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2059,0)=" relative for the category."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2060,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2061,0)=" An ""X"" code should be used for any situation where the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2062,0)=" simply can't recall or is not sure for any reason. It is better"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2063,0)=" to use an ""X"" than to record possibly inaccurate information."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2064,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2065,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2066,0)=" Since the information gathered within this section refers only to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2067,0)=" biological family, the information gathered in the family/social"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2068,0)=" section may refer to a different set of relatives. Therefore,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2069,0)=" information within this section may not be consistent with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2070,0)=" information in other sections."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2071,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2072,0)="10 Family/Social Relationships"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2073,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2074,0)=" Introduction: In this section more than any other, there is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2075,0)=" difficulty in determining if a relationship problem is due to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2076,0)=" intrinsic problems or to the effects of alcohol and drugs. In"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2077,0)=" general, the patient should be asked whether he/she feels that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2078,0)=" ""if the alcohol or drug problem were absent,"" would there still"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2079,0)=" be a relationship problem. This is often a matter of some"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2080,0)=" question but the intent of the items is to assess inherent"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2081,0)=" relationship problems rather than the extent to which"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2082,0)=" alcohol/drugs have affected relationships."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2083,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2084,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2085,0)=" F/S1. Marital Status:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2086,0)=" F/S2. How long have you been in this marital status?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2087,0)=" F/S3. Are you satisfied with this situation?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2088,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2089,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2090,0)=" marital status, duration of marital status and satisfaction with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2091,0)=" marital status. For item #1, enter the code for present legal"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2092,0)=" marital status. For item #2, enter number of years and months"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2093,0)=" patient has been in the current marital status. For item #3, a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2094,0)=" ""satisfied"" response must indicate that the patient generally"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2095,0)=" likes the situation, not that he/she is merely resigned to it."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2096,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2097,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written, with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2098,0)=" examples."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2099,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2100,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, what is your marital status ..are you married,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2101,0)=" remarried,...single?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2102,0)=" ""How long have you been _______________?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2103,0)=" ""Are you satisfied with your marital status?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2104,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2105,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2106,0)=" Reasons for dissatisfaction or separation (if applicable)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2107,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2108,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2109,0)=" 1. Consider common law marriage (seven years in Pennsylvania) as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2110,0)=" married (1)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2111,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2112,0)=" 2. Individuals who consider themselves married because of a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2113,0)=" commitment ceremony or significant period of cohabitation should"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2114,0)=" be coded as married and considered married for the remainder of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2115,0)=" the questions pertaining to marriage or spousal relations."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2116,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2117,0)=" 3. For patients who were never married enter the number of years"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2118,0)=" since age 18 (an indication of their adult status) in item #2."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2119,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2120,0)=" F/S4. Usual living arrangements?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2121,0)=" F/S5. How long have you lived in these arrangements?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2122,0)=" F/S6. Are you satisfied with these living arrangements?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2123,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2124,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2125,0)=" usual living arrangements during the past three years. For item"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2126,0)=" #4, code the arrangement in which the patient spent most of the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2127,0)=" last three years, even if it is different from his or her most"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2128,0)=" recent living arrangement. If the patient lived in several"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2129,0)=" arrangements choose the most representative of the three year"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2130,0)=" period. If the amounts of time are evenly split, choose the most"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2131,0)=" recent situation. For patients who usually live with parents,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2132,0)=" enter the number of years residing there since age 18 in item #5."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2133,0)=" A ""satisfied"" response in item #6 must indicate that the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2134,0)=" generally likes the situation, not that he/she is merely resigned"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2135,0)=" to it."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2136,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2137,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: You may have to ask a number"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2138,0)=" of additional questions to get accurate responses to these items."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2139,0)=" For example, you may have to provide a frame of reference (the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2140,0)=" last three years). You may consider asking the patient for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2141,0)=" information about his current living arrangements, and all"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2142,0)=" previous arrangements for the past three years, as follows:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2143,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2144,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, you mentioned that you are currently living with your"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2145,0)=" mother. For how many years (or months) have you been living with her?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2146,0)=" ""With whom were you living before you moved in with your mom?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2147,0)=" ""How long were you living with those folks?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2148,0)=" and so on..."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2149,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2150,0)=" By recording this information, you can figure out not only which"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2151,0)=" living arrangement was the most representative, but the length of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2152,0)=" each arrangement, as well."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2153,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2154,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2155,0)=" Reasons for leaving each arrangement"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2156,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2157,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2158,0)=" 1. Ask the patient to describe the amount of time spent living"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2159,0)=" in prisons, hospitals, or other institutions where access to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2160,0)=" drugs and alcohol are restricted. If this amount of time is the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2161,0)=" most significant, enter an ""8."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2162,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2163,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2164,0)=" General information, item #1"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2165,0)=" All information related to recent controlled environments on the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2166,0)=" rest of the interview (if the response to #4 is ""8"")"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2167,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2168,0)=" F/S6 A&B. Do you live with anyone who has a current alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2169,0)=" problem/uses non-prescribed drugs?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2170,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2171,0)=" Intent/Key points: Items 6A & B address whether the patient will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2172,0)=" return to a drug and alcohol free living situation. This is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2173,0)=" intended as a measure of the integrity and support of the home"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2174,0)=" environment and does not refer to the neighborhood in which the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2175,0)=" patient lives. The home environment in question is the one in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2176,0)=" which the patient either currently lives (in the case of most"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2177,0)=" outpatient treatment settings) or the environment to which the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2178,0)=" patient expects to return following treatment. This situation"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2179,0)=" does not have to correspond to the environment discussed in items"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2180,0)=" 4 through 6."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2181,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2182,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Since you should already have"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2183,0)=" information about the patient's current living situation, you can"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2184,0)=" tailor the question to the patient. For example, if the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2185,0)=" reports living only with his mother, you may ask this series of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2186,0)=" questions:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2187,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2188,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, Does your mother drink?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2189,0)=" ""Do you think she has a problem with alcohol?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2190,0)=" ""Does she use non-prescribed drugs, or prescribed drugs in a non-"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2191,0)=" prescribed fashion?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2192,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2193,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2194,0)=" Client's relationship to people who use substances"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2195,0)=" (father/daughter, husband/wife)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2196,0)=" Number of people who use substances"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2197,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2198,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2199,0)=" 1. For the alcohol question (6A), code yes only if there is an"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2200,0)=" individual with an active alcohol problem (i.e., a drinking"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2201,0)=" alcoholic) in the living situation, regardless of whether the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2202,0)=" patient has an alcohol problem."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2203,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2204,0)=" 2. For the drug use question (6B), code yes if there is any form"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2205,0)=" of drug use in the living situation, regardless of whether that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2206,0)=" drug using individual has a problem or whether the patient has a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2207,0)=" drug problem."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2208,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2209,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2210,0)=" F/S7. With whom do you spend most of your free time?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2211,0)=" F/S8. Are you satisfied with spending your free time this way?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2212,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2213,0)=" Intent/Key points: The response to item #7 is usually easy to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2214,0)=" interpret. Immediate and extended family as well as in-laws are"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2215,0)=" to be included under ""Family"" for all items that refer to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2216,0)=" ""Family."" ""Friends"" can be considered any of the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2217,0)=" associates other than family members, and related problems should"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2218,0)=" be considered ""Social."""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2219,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2220,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written, with examples."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2221,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2222,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, with whom do you spend most of your free time...your"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2223,0)=" family, friends or alone...?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2224,0)=" Are you satisfied with spending your free time this way?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2225,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2226,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2227,0)=" Details about free time (going to movies, using drugs)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2228,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2229,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2230,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2231,0)=" A ""satisfied"" response to item #8 must indicate that the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2232,0)=" generally likes the situation, not that he/she is merely resigned"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2233,0)=" to it."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2234,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2235,0)=" IMPORTANT: Some patients may consider a girlfriend/boyfriend"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2236,0)=" with whom they have had a long standing relationship, as a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2237,0)=" ""family member."" In such cases he/she can be considered a family"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2238,0)=" member. If you have coded this person as a ""family member"" here,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2239,0)=" also consider him/her as a family member in questions 19a, 20 and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2240,0)=" 22 and as a ""spouse"" in question 9a. Don't consider him a close"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2241,0)=" friend for item #9."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2242,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2243,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2244,0)=" Family/Social status #9 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2245,0)=" F/S9. How many close friends do you have?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2246,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2247,0)=" Intent/Key points: Stress that you mean close. Do not include"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2248,0)=" family members or a girlfriend/boyfriend who is considered to be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2249,0)=" a family member/spouse."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2250,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2251,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2252,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2253,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many close friends do you that I mean"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2254,0)=" people outside of your family that you can trust ?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2255,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2256,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2257,0)=" Names of close friends"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2258,0)=" Amount of contact with close friends"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2259,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2260,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2261,0)=" Other items in the interview that address close relationships, such as"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2262,0)=" Family/Social #16"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2263,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2264,0)=" F/S9A Would you say you have had close, long lasting personal"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2265,0)=" relationships with any of the following people in your life?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2266,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2267,0)=" Intent/Key points: Item 9A assesses the extent to which the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2268,0)=" patient has a history of being able to establish and maintain"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2269,0)=" close, warm and mutually supportive relationships with any of the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2270,0)=" people listed. A simple yes response is not adequate for these"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2271,0)=" questions and some probing will be needed to determine"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2272,0)=" specifically if there has been the ability to feel closeness and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2273,0)=" mutual responsibility in the relationship. Does the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2274,0)=" feel a sense of value for the person (beyond simple self"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2275,0)=" benefit)? Is the patient willing to work to retain/maintain"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2276,0)=" these relationships?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2277,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2278,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: You will have to ask a number"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2279,0)=" of questions to get accurate responses to these items."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2280,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2281,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, have you had a long-lasting personal relationship"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2282,0)=" with your mother? For example, would you go out of your way to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2283,0)=" do things for her? Would you loan her money if she needed it?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2284,0)=" Have you seen her recently? Do you miss her when you don't see her?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2285,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2286,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2287,0)=" It is particularly important for interviewers to make judicious"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2288,0)=" use of the ""N"" and ""X"" responses to these questions. In"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2289,0)=" general, a ""yes"" response should be recorded for any category"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2290,0)=" where at least one member of the relative category meets the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2291,0)=" criterion. For example, if the patient has two brothers and has"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2292,0)=" had serious problems with one of them and has developed a warm,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2293,0)=" close relationship with the other, then items 9A"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2294,0)=" (Brothers/Sisters) and 12 would both be counted as ""yes."" In"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2295,0)=" contrast, a ""no"" response should only be counted if all relatives"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2296,0)=" in the category fail to meet the criterion. An ""N"" should be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2297,0)=" coded for all categories where there is no relative for the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2298,0)=" category."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2299,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2300,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2301,0)=" Family/Social status #10-18 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2302,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2303,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2304,0)=" F/S10-18. Have you had significant periods in which you have"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2305,0)=" experienced serious problems getting along with...?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2306,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2307,0)=" Intent/Key points: To record information about extended periods"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2308,0)=" of relationship problems. These items refer to serious problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2309,0)=" of sufficient duration and intensity to jeopardize the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2310,0)=" relationship. They include extremely poor communication,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2311,0)=" complete lack of trust or understanding, animosity, constant"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2312,0)=" arguments. If the patient has not been in contact with the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2313,0)=" person in the past 30 days it should be recorded as ""N."" An ""N"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2314,0)=" should also be entered in categories that are not applicable,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2315,0)=" e.g., in the case of a patient with no siblings."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2316,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2317,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: It is recommended that the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2318,0)=" interviewer ask the lifetime question from each pair, first. For example,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2319,0)=" ""Have you ever had a significant period in your past which you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2320,0)=" experienced serious problems with your father?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2321,0)=" Regardless of the answer the interviewer should inquire about the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2322,0)=" past 30 days. However, the interviewer should first inquire"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2323,0)=" about whether there has been recent contact."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2324,0)=" ""Have you had any personal or telephone contact with your father"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2325,0)=" in the past 30 days?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2326,0)=" (If ""No"", record an ""N"" in the ""Past 30 Days"" column) If ""Yes"", ask:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2327,0)=" How have things been going with your father recently? Have you"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2328,0)=" had any serious problems with him in the past 30 days?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2329,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2330,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2331,0)=" Nature of the problem"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2332,0)=" Facts about relationships (Number of siblings, children)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2333,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2334,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2335,0)=" 1. It is possible that a patient could have had serious problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2336,0)=" with a father in the past but because of death, not have a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2337,0)=" problem in the past month. The correct coding in this case would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2338,0)=" be ""yes"" under lifetime and ""N"" under past 30 days. An ""X"" code"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2339,0)=" should be used for any situation where the patient simply can't"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2340,0)=" recall or is not sure for any reason. It is better to use an ""X"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2341,0)=" than to record possibly inaccurate information."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2342,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2343,0)=" 2. Item 13 may include any regular, important sexual"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2344,0)=" relationship."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2345,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2346,0)=" 3. IMPORTANT: Understand that the ""Past 30 Days"" and the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2347,0)=" ""Lifetime"" intervals in items 10 to 18C are designed to be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2348,0)=" considered separately. The past 30 days will provide information"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2349,0)=" on recent problems while lifetime will indicate problems or a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2350,0)=" history of problems before the past 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2351,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2352,0)=" 4. It is particularly important for interviewers to make"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2353,0)=" judicious use of the ""N"" and ""X"" responses to these questions."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2354,0)=" In general, a ""yes"" response should be recorded for any category"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2355,0)=" where at least one member of the relative category meets the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2356,0)=" criterion. In contrast, a ""no"" response should only be counted"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2357,0)=" if all relatives in the category fail to meet the criterion. An"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2358,0)=" ""N"" should be coded for all categories where there is either no"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2359,0)=" relative for the category or no contact with the relative."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2360,0)=" F/S18A-C. Did any of these people abuse you:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2361,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2362,0)=" Intent/Key points: These items have been added to assess what"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2363,0)=" may be important aspects of the early home life for these"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2364,0)=" patients (lifetime answers) and to assess dangers in the recent"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2365,0)=" and possibly future environment (past 30 days' answers). It will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2366,0)=" be important to address these questions in a supportive manner,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2367,0)=" stressing the confidentiality of the information and the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2368,0)=" opportunities for the patient to raise this in subsequent"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2369,0)=" treatment sessions with an appropriate provider."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2370,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2371,0)=" Emotional abuse will generally be coded entirely by what the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2372,0)=" patient reports and it is understood that it will be difficult to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2373,0)=" judge whether the ""actual"" abuse reported (or lack of it ) would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2374,0)=" be considered abuse to another person. No attempt should be made"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2375,0)=" to do this since the intent here is to record the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2376,0)=" judgment."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2377,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2378,0)=" Physical abuse should follow the same guidelines as emotional"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2379,0)=" abuse, with one caution. Simple spankings or other punishments"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2380,0)=" should not be counted as abuse unless they were (in the eyes of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2381,0)=" the patient) extreme and unnecessary."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2382,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2383,0)=" Sexual abuse is not confined to intercourse but should be counted"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2384,0)=" if the patient reports any type of unwanted advances of a sexual"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2385,0)=" nature by a member of either sex."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2386,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2387,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written, with examples"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2388,0)=" as written."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2389,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2390,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, have any of the people that I just mentioned ever"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2391,0)=" abused you emotionally? For example, has anyone ever humiliated"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2392,0)=" you or made you feel ashamed by calling you names?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2393,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2394,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2395,0)=" Others' knowledge of the abuse"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2396,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2397,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2398,0)=" Family/Social item #s 9A (possibly), 10-18 (possibly)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2399,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2400,0)=" F/S19. How many days in the past 30 have you had serious"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2401,0)=" conflicts?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2402,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2403,0)=" Intent/Key points: Conflicts require personal (or at least"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2404,0)=" telephone) contact. Stress that you mean serious conflicts"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2405,0)=" (e.g., serious arguments; verbal abuse, etc.) not simply routine"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2406,0)=" differences of opinion. These conflicts should be of such a"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2407,0)=" magnitude that they jeopardize the patient's relationship with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2408,0)=" the person involved."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2409,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2410,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written, with"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2411,0)=" examples."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2412,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2413,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many days in the past 30 have you had serious"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2414,0)=" serious, I mean conflicts which may have put your"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2415,0)=" relationship with someone in your life in jeopardy...for example,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2416,0)=" a big blow-up...?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2417,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2418,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2419,0)=" The nature of the conflict (what did you fight about?)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2420,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2421,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2422,0)=" If a conflict occurred only because a patient was under the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2423,0)=" influence of a substance, you should record the problem days in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2424,0)=" the drug/alcohol problem section, rather than the family/social"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2425,0)=" section. Problem days recorded in this section should have their"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2426,0)=" origins in interpersonal conflict, not substance abuse. They"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2427,0)=" should be primarily relationship problems, not substance abuse"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2428,0)=" problems."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2429,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2430,0)=" F/S20. How troubled or bothered ... by family problems in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2431,0)=" F/S21. How important is it for you to get counseling for family problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2432,0)=" F/S22. How troubled or bothered social problems in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2433,0)=" F/S23. How important is it for you to get counseling for social problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2434,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2435,0)=" Intent/Key Points: To record the patient's feelings about how"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2436,0)=" bothersome any previously mentioned family or social problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2437,0)=" have been in the last month, and how interested they would be in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2438,0)=" receiving (additional) counseling. These refer to any"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2439,0)=" dissatisfaction, conflicts, or other relationship problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2440,0)=" reported in the Family/Social section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2441,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2442,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: When asking the patient to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2443,0)=" rate the problem, mention it specifically, rather than using the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2444,0)=" term ""problems."" For example, if the patient reports being"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2445,0)=" troubled by problems with his mother in the last thirty days, ask"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2446,0)=" the patient question 20 in the following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2447,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2448,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how troubled or bothered have you been in the past"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2449,0)=" thirty days by the problems that you have had with your mother?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2450,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2451,0)=" Ask the patient question 21 in the following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2452,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2453,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how important is it for you to talk to someone about"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2454,0)=" the problems that you and your mother have been having?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2455,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2456,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2457,0)=" Details of the problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2458,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2459,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2460,0)=" Do not include the patient's need to seek treatment for such"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2461,0)=" social problems as loneliness, inability to socialize, and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2462,0)=" dissatisfaction with friends."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2463,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2464,0)=" Do not include problems that would be eliminated if the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2465,0)=" abuse problems were absent."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2466,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2467,0)=" For Item 22, be sure that the patient is aware that he/she is not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2468,0)=" rating whether or not his/her family would agree to participate,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2469,0)=" but how badly he/she needs counseling for family problems in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2470,0)=" whatever form."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2471,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2472,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2473,0)=" Other items in the section that refer to problems. Problems"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2474,0)=" related to family and social relationships may be recorded in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2475,0)=" many places throughout the section. For example, dissatisfaction"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2476,0)=" with marital status (item #3) living arrangements (item #6),or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2477,0)=" free time (item #8) may be reported. In addition, patients may"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2478,0)=" indicate a need for treatment to address serious problems (item"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2479,0)=" #10-18), or serious conflicts (item #s 19A, 19B)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2480,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2481,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2482,0)=" F/S24. Family/Social Section Severity Rating"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2483,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2484,0)=" Remember the two step derivation method for severity ratings:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2485,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2486,0)=" Step 1: Reduce the ten point scale (0-9) to two or three points,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2487,0)=" using only the objective items."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2488,0)=" 0-1 No problem, treatment not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2489,0)=" 2-3 Slight problem, treatment probably not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2490,0)=" 4-5 Moderate problem, treatment probably necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2491,0)=" 6-7 Considerable problem, treatment necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2492,0)=" 8-9 Extreme problem, treatment absolutely necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2493,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2494,0)=" Consider adjusting the range based on the critical objective"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2495,0)=" items of the section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2496,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2497,0)=" Critical Objective Items of the Family/Social Section"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2498,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2499,0)=" ITEM DISCRIPTION"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2500,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2501,0)=" 2 - 3 Stability / Satisfaction - Marital"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2502,0)=" 5 -6 Stability / Satisfaction - Living"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2503,0)=" 8 Satisfaction with Free Time"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2504,0)=" 11 - 19 Lifetime Problems with Relatives"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2505,0)=" 19A & B Serious Conflicts"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2506,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2507,0)=" Step 2: Factor in the patient's rating scale. Pick the score"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2508,0)=" that represents the patient's rating scale. For example, if the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2509,0)=" interviewer's three point range is 4-5-6, and the patient reports"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2510,0)=" that he has been extremely (rates it a ""4"") bothered and he would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2511,0)=" be extremely (rates it a ""4"") interested in treatment for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2512,0)=" problems, then select the highest point of the three point range"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2513,0)=" (in this case, a ""6"") for the severity rating in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2514,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2515,0)=" The meaning of the ""6"" severity rating is that treatment is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2516,0)=" necessary for family and social issues The severity rating for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2517,0)=" this section should have no effect on any other sections."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2518,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2519,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2520,0)="11 Psychiatric Status"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2521,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2522,0)=" Introduction: When administering this section, it is important"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2523,0)=" to remember that the ASI should be considered a screening tool"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2524,0)=" rather than a diagnostic tool. Therefore, a patient need not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2525,0)=" meet diagnostic criteria for a symptom to have experienced the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2526,0)=" symptom. Further, the ASI will not provide definitive"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2527,0)=" information on whether drug problems preceded psychiatric"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2528,0)=" problems, or vice versa. All symptoms other than those"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2529,0)=" associated with drug effects should be counted in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2530,0)=" For example, depression and sluggishness related to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2531,0)=" detoxification should not be counted, whereas depression and"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2532,0)=" guilt associated with violating a friend's trust or losing a job"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2533,0)=" should be counted."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2534,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2535,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2536,0)=" P1. How many times have you been treated for any psychological"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2537,0)=" or emotional problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2538,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2539,0)=" Intent/Key points: This includes any type of treatment for any"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2540,0)=" type of psychiatric problem. This does not include substance"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2541,0)=" abuse, employment, or family counseling. The unit of measure is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2542,0)=" a treatment episode (usually a series of fairly continuous visits"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2543,0)=" or treatment days), not the number of visits or days in treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2544,0)=" per se."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2545,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2546,0)=" If the patient is aware of his/her diagnosis, enter this in the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2547,0)=" comments section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2548,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2549,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2550,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2551,0)=" ""How many times have you been treated for any psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2552,0)=" emotional problems?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2553,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2554,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2555,0)=" Names of programs"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2556,0)=" Reasons for leaving each program"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2557,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2558,0)=" P2. Do you receive a pension for a psychiatric disability?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2559,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2560,0)=" Intent/Key points: Pensions for physical problems of the nervous"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2561,0)=" system (e.g., epilepsy, etc.) should be counted under Item 5 in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2562,0)=" Medical Section, not here."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2563,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2564,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Ask as written."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2565,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, do you receive a pension for a psychiatric"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2566,0)=" disability?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2567,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2568,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2569,0)=" Source of pension"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2570,0)=" Amount of pension"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2571,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2572,0)=" Cross-check item with:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2573,0)=" Employment/Support Status, Item # 15"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2574,0)=" Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2575,0)=" of drug/alcohol use) in which you have...?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2576,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2577,0)=" P3. Experienced serious depression suggested by sadness,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2578,0)=" hopelessness, significant loss of interest, listlessness,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2579,0)=" difficulty with daily function, guilt, ""crying jags,"" etc."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2580,0)=" P4. Experienced serious anxiety or tension suggested by feeling"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2581,0)=" uptight, unable to feel relaxed, unreasonably worried, etc."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2582,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2583,0)=" Intent/Key points: These lifetime items refer to serious"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2584,0)=" psychiatric symptoms experienced over a significant time (at"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2585,0)=" least 2 weeks). The patient should understand that these periods"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2586,0)=" refer only to times when he/she was not under the direct effects"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2587,0)=" of alcohol, drugs or withdrawal. This means that the behavior or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2588,0)=" mood is not due to a state of drug or alcohol intoxication, or to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2589,0)=" withdrawal effects."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2590,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2591,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: We recommend that you ask the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2592,0)=" lifetime questions before you ask the questions pertaining to the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2593,0)=" last 30 days. Regardless of the answer, the interviewer should"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2594,0)=" inquire about the past 30 days. For example, the interviewer"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2595,0)=" should ask, ""How about more recently? Have you experienced"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2596,0)=" severe depression in the past 30 days?"" It has been our"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2597,0)=" experience that the patient will usually be able to differentiate"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2598,0)=" a sustained period of emotional problem from a drug or alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2599,0)=" induced effect. However, to avoid potential confusion, you may"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2600,0)=" want to ask them a general question, first."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2601,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2602,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, have you had a significant period in your life in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2603,0)=" which you have experienced serious depression?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2604,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2605,0)=" If the patient responds positively, then qualify his answer. You"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2606,0)=" may find it helpful to ask him about the circumstances"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2607,0)=" surrounding the time when he was experiencing the symptom:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2608,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2609,0)=" ""What was going on in your life that made you feel that way?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2610,0)=" You may decide to ask him directly."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2611,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2612,0)=" ""During that time, were you doing drugs that made you feel"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2613,0)=" anxious, or was it an anxiety that occurred even when you weren't"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2614,0)=" doing drugs?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2615,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2616,0)=" Finally, ask him about the last 30 days:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2617,0)=" ""Have you experienced any anxiety during the last 30 days?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2618,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2619,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2620,0)=" Circumstances surrounding the time when the patient experienced"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2621,0)=" the symptom"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2622,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2623,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2624,0)=" Again, understand that the ""Past 30 Days"" and the ""Lifetime"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2625,0)=" intervals are designed to be considered separately. The past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2626,0)=" days will provide information on recent problems while lifetime"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2627,0)=" will indicate problems or a history of problems prior to the past"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2628,0)=" 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2629,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2630,0)=" Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2631,0)=" of drug/alcohol use) in which you have...?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2632,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2633,0)=" P5. Experienced hallucinations (saw things or heard voices that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2634,0)=" were not there) restricted to times when patient was drug free"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2635,0)=" and not suffering from withdrawal."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2636,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2637,0)=" P6. Experienced trouble understanding, concentrating or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2638,0)=" remembering Suggested by serious trouble in concentrating,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2639,0)=" remembering and/or understanding, restricted to times when"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2640,0)=" patient was drug free and not suffering from withdrawal."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2641,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2642,0)=" Intent/Key Points: Item 6 refers to serious psychiatric symptoms"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2643,0)=" over a significant time (at least 2 weeks). Item 5 is of"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2644,0)=" sufficient importance that even its brief existence warrants that"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2645,0)=" it be recorded. For items 5 and 6, the patient should understand"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2646,0)=" that these periods refer only to times when he/she was not under"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2647,0)=" the direct effects of alcohol, drugs or withdrawal. This means"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2648,0)=" that the behavior or mood is not due to a state of drug or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2649,0)=" alcohol intoxication, or to withdrawal effects. It has been our"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2650,0)=" experience that the patient will usually be able to differentiate"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2651,0)=" a sustained period of emotional problem from a drug or alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2652,0)=" induced effect. Therefore in situations where doubts exist, the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2653,0)=" patient should generally be asked directly about his/her"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2654,0)=" perception of the symptoms or problems."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2655,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2656,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: We recommend that you ask the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2657,0)=" lifetime questions before you ask the questions pertaining to the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2658,0)=" last 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2659,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2660,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, have you had a significant period in your life in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2661,0)=" which you have experienced hallucinations...when you were not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2662,0)=" doing drugs or using alcohol?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2663,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2664,0)=" Finally, ask him about the last 30 days:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2665,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2666,0)=" ""Have you experienced any hallucinations during the last 30"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2667,0)=" days?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2668,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2669,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2670,0)=" The nature of the hallucination (what the patient saw or heard)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2671,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2672,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2673,0)=" Understand that the ""Past 30 Days"" and the ""Lifetime"" intervals"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2674,0)=" are designed to be considered separately. The past 30 days will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2675,0)=" provide information on recent problems while lifetime will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2676,0)=" indicate problems or a history of problems prior to the past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2677,0)=" days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2678,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2679,0)=" Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2680,0)=" of drug/alcohol use) in which you have...?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2681,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2682,0)=" P7. Experienced trouble controlling: violent behavior (or losing"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2683,0)=" control) rage, or violence."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2684,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2685,0)=" P8. Experienced serious thoughts of suicide: Times when patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2686,0)=" seriously considered a plan for taking his/her life."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2687,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2688,0)=" P9. Attempted suicide : Include discrete suicidal gestures or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2689,0)=" attempts."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2690,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2691,0)=" Intent/Key Points: Items 7,8 and 9 are of sufficient importance"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2692,0)=" that even their brief existence warrants that they be recorded."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2693,0)=" Further, the seriousness of item #s 7, 8, and 9 warrant inclusion"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2694,0)=" even if they were caused by or associated with alcohol or drug"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2695,0)=" use. Reports of recent suicide attempts or thoughts should be"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2696,0)=" brought to the attention of supervisor from the treatment staff"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2697,0)=" as soon as possible, even if this violates normal confidentiality"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2698,0)=" guidelines."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2699,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2700,0)=" IMPORTANT: For item #8 Ask the patient if he/she has recently"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2701,0)=" considered suicide. If the answer is ""Yes"" to this question,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2702,0)=" and/or the patient gives the distinct impression of being"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2703,0)=" depressed to the point where suicide may become a possibility,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2704,0)=" notify a member of the treatment staff of this situation as soon"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2705,0)=" as possible."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2706,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2707,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: We recommend that you ask the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2708,0)=" lifetime questions before you ask the questions pertaining to the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2709,0)=" last 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2710,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2711,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, have you had a significant period in your life in"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2712,0)=" which you have experienced trouble controlling violent behavior?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2713,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2714,0)=" Finally, ask him about the last 30 days:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2715,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2716,0)=" ""Have you experienced trouble controlling violent behavior during"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2717,0)=" the last 30 days?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2718,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2719,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2720,0)=" Circumstances surrounding the symptom (What made you get"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2721,0)=" violent?)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2722,0)=" Details of their suicide plan (How were you going to do it?)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2723,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2724,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2725,0)=" Understand that the ""Past 30 Days"" and the ""Lifetime"" intervals"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2726,0)=" are designed to be considered separately. The past 30 days will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2727,0)=" provide information on recent problems while lifetime will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2728,0)=" indicate problems or a history of problems prior to the past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2729,0)=" days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2730,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2731,0)=" Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2732,0)=" of drug/alcohol use) in which you have...?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2733,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2734,0)=" P10. Been prescribed medication for any psychological/emotional"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2735,0)=" problem: The medicine must have been prescribed by a physician"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2736,0)=" for a psychiatric or emotional problem. Record yes if the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2737,0)=" medication was prescribed, even if it was not taken by the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2738,0)=" patient."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2739,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2740,0)=" Intent/Key Points: To record information about whether the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2741,0)=" patient has had psychiatric problems that warrant medication."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2742,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2743,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: It is recommended that the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2744,0)=" interviewer ask the lifetime question from each pair, first. For"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2745,0)=" example:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2746,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2747,0)=" ""Have you ever taken prescribed medication for any psychological"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2748,0)=" or emotional problem?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2749,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2750,0)=" Regardless of the answer, the interviewer should inquire about"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2751,0)=" the past 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2752,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2753,0)=" ""How about more recently? Have you taken any psychiatric"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2754,0)=" medication in the past 30 days?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2755,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2756,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2757,0)=" The types of medication taken"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2758,0)=" The patient's perception of the reason for the medication to be taken"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2759,0)=" Whether or not the patient has been taking it as prescribed"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2760,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2761,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2762,0)=" Understand that the ""Past 30 Days"" and the ""Lifetime"" intervals"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2763,0)=" are designed to be considered separately. The past 30 days will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2764,0)=" provide information on recent problems while lifetime will"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2765,0)=" indicate problems or a history of problems before the past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2766,0)=" days."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2767,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2768,0)=" P11. How many days in the past 30 have you experienced these"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2769,0)=" psychological or emotional problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2770,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2771,0)=" Intent/Key Points: To record the number of days that the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2772,0)=" has experienced the previously mentioned psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2773,0)=" emotional problems. Be sure to have the patient restricts"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2774,0)=" his/her responses to those problems counted in Items 3 through 9."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2775,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2776,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: Although many patients admit"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2777,0)=" experiencing some of the individual symptoms, they may not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2778,0)=" identify them as ""psychological or emotional problems."" For"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2779,0)=" example, they may say that although they have had trouble"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2780,0)=" controlling violent behavior in the past 30 days, they have not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2781,0)=" experienced any emotional problems. (""Hey, I 'm not"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2782,0)=" crazy...People mess with me, I defend myself."") Therefore, we"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2783,0)=" have found it helpful to target the question to the specific"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2784,0)=" symptoms reported in Items #s 3-9. For example:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2785,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2786,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how many days in the past 30 have you experienced the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2787,0)=" anxiety (or the depression, or the trouble controlling violent"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2788,0)=" behavior) that you mentioned?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2789,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2790,0)=" Additional Probes:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2791,0)=" Duration of the symptom"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2792,0)=" Trigger for the symptom (if applicable)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2793,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2794,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2795,0)=" P12. How much have you been troubled or bothered by these"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2796,0)=" psychological or emotional problems in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2797,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2798,0)=" P13. How important to you now is treatment for these"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2799,0)=" psychological problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2800,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2801,0)=" Intent/Key Points: To record the patient's feelings about how"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2802,0)=" bothersome the previously mentioned psychological or emotional"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2803,0)=" problems have been in the last month and how interested they"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2804,0)=" would be in receiving (additional) treatment. Be sure to have"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2805,0)=" the patient restrict his/her response to those problems counted"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2806,0)=" in Items 3 through 9."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2807,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2808,0)=" Suggested Interviewing Techniques: When asking the patient to"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2809,0)=" rate the problem, use the name of it, rather than the term"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2810,0)=" ""psychological problems."" For example, if the patient reports"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2811,0)=" having trouble with serious anxiety in the last thirty days, ask"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2812,0)=" the patient question 11 in the following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2813,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2814,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how troubled or bothered have you been in the past"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2815,0)=" thirty days by the anxiety that you mentioned?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2816,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2817,0)=" Ask Item #13 in the following way:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2818,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2819,0)=" ""Mr. Smith, how important would it be for you to get (additional)"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2820,0)=" treatment for the anxiety that you mentioned?"""
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2821,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2822,0)=" Coding Issues:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2823,0)=" Referring to item 11, have the patient rate the severity of those"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2824,0)=" problems in the past 30 days. Be sure that patient understands"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2825,0)=" that you do not necessarily mean transfer to a psychiatric ward,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2826,0)=" or psychotropic medication."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2827,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2828,0)=" P14 - 19. Patient Symptoms: These are ratings by the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2829,0)=" interviewer based on his/her observations of the patient. The"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2830,0)=" interviewer should use his judgment based upon the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2831,0)=" behavior and answers during the interview. Do not over"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2832,0)=" interpret; count only the presence of overt symptoms in these"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2833,0)=" categories. (See above for description)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2834,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2835,0)=" P20. Psychiatric Status Severity Rating:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2836,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2837,0)=" Remember the two step derivation method for severity ratings:"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2838,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2839,0)=" Step 1: Reduce the ten point scale (0-9) to two or three points,"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2840,0)=" using only the objective items (Items 1-11 in the Psychiatric"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2841,0)=" Status section)."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2842,0)=" 0-1 No problem, treatment not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2843,0)=" 2-3 Slight problem, treatment probably not necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2844,0)=" 4-5 Moderate problem, treatment probably necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2845,0)=" 6-7 Considerable problem, treatment necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2846,0)=" 8-9 Extreme problem, treatment absolutely necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2847,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2848,0)=" Consider adjusting the range based on the critical objective"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2849,0)=" items of the section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2850,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2851,0)=" Critical Objective Items of the Psychiatric Status Section"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2852,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2853,0)=" ITEM DESCRIPTION"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2854,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2855,0)=" 1 Lifetime Hospitalizations"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2856,0)=" 3 - 10 Present and Lifetime Symptoms"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2857,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2858,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2859,0)=" Step 2: Factor in the patient's rating scale. Pick the score"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2860,0)=" that represents the patient's rating scale. For example, if the"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2861,0)=" interviewer's three point range is 4-5-6, and the patient reports"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2862,0)=" that he has been extremely (rates it a ""4"") bothered and he would"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2863,0)=" be extremely (rates it a ""4"") interested in treatment for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2864,0)=" problems, then select the highest point of the three point range"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2865,0)=" (in this case, a ""6"") for the severity rating in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2866,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2867,0)=" The meaning of the ""6"" severity rating is that treatment is"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2868,0)=" necessary for the psychiatric section. The severity rating for"
^YSTX(604.68,6,1,2869,0)=" this section should have no effect on any other sections."
^YSTX(604.68,7,0)="ASI SHORT GUIDE"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,2,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,3,0)=" A SHORT GUIDE"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,4,0)=" TO THE ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,5,0)=" (VERSION 5 UPDATE)"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,7,0)="INFORMATION ON:"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,9,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,10,0)=" 0 About the Short Guide "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,11,0)=" 1 Introducing the ASI to a Patient "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,12,0)=" 2 Use of ""N"" in the ASI "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,13,0)=" 3 List of Commonly Abused Drugs "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,14,0)=" 4 Hollingshead Categories "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,15,0)=" 5 Severity Rating Procedure "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,16,0)=" 6 Critical Items by Section "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,17,0)=" 7 ASI Composite Scores "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,18,0)=" 8 Items for Cross-Checking the ASI "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,19,0)=" 9 Follow-Up Procedures "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,20,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,21,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,22,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,23,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,24,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,25,0)=" Please Note: This short guide is designed to be used in"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,26,0)=" conjunction with but not"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,27,0)="instead of the full Instruction Manual for the Addiction Severity"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,28,0)=" Index"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,29,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,30,0)=" FROM"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,31,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,32,0)=" The University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia VA"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,33,0)=" Center for Studies of Addiction"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,34,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,35,0)="With support from NIDA, NIAAA and the Veterans Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,36,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,37,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,38,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,39,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,40,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,41,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,42,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,43,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,44,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,45,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,47,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,48,0)=" ---All patients get this same interview."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,49,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,50,0)=" ---All information gathered is confidential and will be used"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,51,0)=" only by the treatment or research staff."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,52,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,53,0)=" ---The interview consists of seven parts, i.e. medical, legal,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,54,0)=" drugs, alcohol, etc."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,55,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,56,0)=" ---There are two time periods expressed, the past 30 days and"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,57,0)=" lifetime data."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,58,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,59,0)=" ---Patient input is important. For each area I will ask you to"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,60,0)=" use a scale to let me know how bothered you have been by any problems"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,61,0)=" in each section. Also, I will ask you how important treatment is for you"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,62,0)=" for the area being discussed."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,63,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,64,0)=" The scale is:"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,65,0)=" 0 not at all"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,66,0)=" 1 slightly"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,67,0)=" 2 moderately"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,68,0)=" 3 considerably"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,69,0)=" 4 extremely"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,70,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,71,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,72,0)=" --- If you are not comfortable giving an answer, simply decline"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,73,0)=" to answer."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,74,0)=" Please do not give inaccurate information!"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,75,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,76,0)=" The interviewer should mention each of these points."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,77,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,78,0)=" The most important considerations are that the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,79,0)=" understands the purpose of the interview and that it is"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,80,0)=" confidential."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,81,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,82,0)=" ****"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,83,0)=" Inform the patient of any follow-up interviews that will occur at a "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,84,0)=" later date"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,85,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,86,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,87,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,88,0)=" PLACEMENT OF THE ""N"" ON THE ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,89,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,90,0)=" Page 1:"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,91,0)=" Bottom Left, under ""SPECIAL"", if the interview has been completed,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,92,0)=" code as ""N"". If #6 is coded ""1"" for ""no"", then #7 is an ""N""."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,93,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,94,0)=" Medical Section :"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,95,0)=" If #1 is coded ""00"", then #2 is coded ""N N""."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,96,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,97,0)=" Employment/Support :"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,98,0)=" If #8 is coded ""0"" for ""no"", then #9 is coded ""N""."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,99,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,100,0)=" Drug/Alcohol Section :"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,101,0)=" If #15 is coded ""00"", Then #16 is coded ""N""."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,102,0)=" If #18 ""Alcohol Abuse"" is coded ""00"", then #19 ""Alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,103,0)=" Abuse"" is coded ""N"""
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,104,0)=" If #18 ""Drug Abuse"" is coded ""00"", then #19 ""Drug Abuse"" is"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,105,0)=" coded ""N""."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,106,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,107,0)=" Legal Section :"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,108,0)=" If #3 through #14 are all coded as ""00"", then # 15 is coded"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,109,0)=" ""N""."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,110,0)=" If #19 is coded ""00"", then #20 and 21 are coded ""N""."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,111,0)=" If #22 is coded ""0"" for ""no"", then #23 is coded ""N""."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,112,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,113,0)=" Family/Social Section :"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,114,0)=" Item 9A and Items 10-18 are the only items in this section"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,115,0)=" where an ""N"" may be used. To understand when to use an ""N"""
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,116,0)=" think in terms of the client's opportunity to have a"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,117,0)=" relationship with the person/people referred to in each item."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,118,0)=" For Item 9A, an ""N"" would be coded only if the relative didn't"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,119,0)=" exist (as in the case of a client who has no children). For "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,120,0)=" items 10-18, the rule of thumb is that if there was no opportunity"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,121,0)=" to experience the relationship in question (e.g.. if someone in a "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,122,0)=" particular category is deceased or if there has been no contact),"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,123,0)=" then an ""N"" is coded. If the client reports that there has never"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,124,0)=" been a relationship in a particular category (like no children,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,125,0)=" never any friends, never a relationship with father, etc.), then an"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,126,0)=" ""N"" would be coded in both the ""Lifetime and ""Past 30 Days"" boxes."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,127,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,128,0)=" If #9 in the F/S section is coded ""0"", then #16 in the""Past"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,129,0)=" 30 Days"" column is coded ""N"". In such cases, the interviewer"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,130,0)=" probes to see whether there had ever been any close friends to"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,131,0)=" determine if an ""N"" is also be coded under ""Lifetime"" in #16."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,132,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,133,0)=" If #11 in the E/S Section is coded ""00"" or if the client is"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,134,0)=" self-employed with no employees or co- workers, then #18 in the"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,135,0)=" F/S section is coded ""N"" for the past 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,136,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,137,0)=" Psychiatric Section :"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,138,0)=" There are no circumstances under which an ""N"" would be coded"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,139,0)=" in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,140,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,141,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,142,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,143,0)="LIST OF COMMONLY USED DRUGS:"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,144,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,145,0)="Alcohol: Beer, wine, liquor"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,146,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,147,0)="Methadone: Dolophine, LAAM"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,148,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,149,0)="Opiates: Pain killers: Morphine, Dilaudid,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,150,0)=" Demerol, Percocet, Darvon, Talwin,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,151,0)=" Codeine, Tylenol 2,3,4, Syrups,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,152,0)=" Robitussin, Fentanyl"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,153,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,154,0)="Barbiturates: Nembutal, Seconal, Tuinol,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,155,0)=" Amytal, Pentobarbital, Secobarbital,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,156,0)=" Phenobarbital, Fiorinol"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,157,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,158,0)="Sed/Hyp/Tranq: Benzodiazepines: Valium,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,159,0)=" Xanax, Librium, Ativan,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,160,0)=" Serax, Quaaludes"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,161,0)=" Tranxene, Dalmane,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,162,0)=" Halcion, Miltown,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,163,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,164,0)="Cocaine: Cocaine Crystal, Free-Base Cocaine"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,165,0)=" or ""Crack"" and ""Rock"""
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,166,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,167,0)="Amphetamines: Monster, Crank, Benzedrine,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,168,0)=" Dexedrine, Ritalin, Preludin,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,169,0)=" Methamphetamine, Speed, Ice, Crystal"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,170,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,171,0)="Cannabis: Marijuana, Hashish, Pot"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,172,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,173,0)="Hallucinogens: LSD (Acid), Mescaline,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,174,0)=" Mushrooms (Psilocybin), Peyote, Green,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,175,0)=" PCP (Phencyclidine), Angel Dust, Ecstasy"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,176,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,177,0)="Inhalants: Nitrous Oxide, Amyl Nitrate,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,178,0)=" Whippits, Poppers, Glue, Solvents,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,179,0)=" Gasoline, Toluene, Etc."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,180,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,181,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,182,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,184,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,185,0)="1.Higher execs, major professionals, owners of large"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,186,0)=" businesses."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,187,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,188,0)="2.Managers of medium sized businesses, nurses, opticians,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,189,0)=" pharmacists, social workers, teachers."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,190,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,191,0)="3.Administrative personnel, managers, minor professionals,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,192,0)=" owners/small businesses: bakery, car dealership,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,193,0)=" engraving business, plumbing business, florist,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,194,0)=" decorator, actor, reporter, travel agent."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,195,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,196,0)="4.Clerical and sales, technicians: bank teller,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,197,0)=" bookkeeper, clerk, draftsman, timekeeper, secretary."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,198,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,199,0)="5.Skilled manual - usually having had training (baker,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,200,0)=" barber, brakeman, chef, electrician, fireman, lineman,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,201,0)=" machinist, mechanic, paperhanger, painter, repairman,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,202,0)=" tailor, welder, policeman, plumber)."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,203,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,204,0)="6.Semi-skilled (hospital aide, painter, bartender, bus"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,205,0)=" driver, cutter, cook, drill press, garage guard, checker,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,206,0)=" waiter, spot welder, machine operator)."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,207,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,208,0)="7.Unskilled (attendant, janitor, construction helper,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,209,0)=" unspecified labor, porter, including unemployed)."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,210,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,212,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,213,0)="9.Student, disabled, no occupation."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,214,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,215,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,216,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,217,0)=" SEVERITY RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,218,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,219,0)=" Severity -defined as the need for new or additional treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,220,0)=" based on the amount, duration and intensity of symptoms within"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,221,0)=" each area."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,222,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,223,0)=" All ratings are based on objective and subjective data"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,224,0)=" within each area."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,225,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,226,0)=" A systematic method has been developed for Severity Ratings."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,227,0)=" Reliability is increased if this method is used."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,228,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,229,0)=" 2 - Step Method:"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,230,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,231,0)=" 1. Consider objective data with particular attention to"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,232,0)=" critical items."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,233,0)=" (Why are these critical - because over time they have been"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,234,0)=" found to be the most relevant to a valid estimate of Severity)."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,235,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,236,0)=" At this point the interviewer makes a preliminary rating,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,237,0)=" a 2 - 3 point range - based only on objective items."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,238,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,239,0)=" 2. Interviewer looks at subjective items and fine tunes his"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,240,0)=" rating to a single score."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,241,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,242,0)=" ****"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,243,0)=" REMEMBER We are not rating potential benefit but the extent to"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,244,0)=" which treatment is needed (regardless of availability or"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,245,0)=" potential efficacy)."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,246,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,247,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,248,0)=" Interviewer Rating Scale: Patient Rating Scale"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,249,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,250,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,251,0)=" 0 -1 No real problem, treatment not indicated. 0 -None, Not at all"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,252,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,253,0)=" 2 - 3 Slight problem, treatment probably not indicated. 1 -Slightly"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,254,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,255,0)=" 4 - 5 Moderate problem, some treatment indicated. 2 -Moderately"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,256,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,257,0)=" 6 - 7 Considerable problem, treatment necessary. 3 - Considerably"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,258,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,259,0)=" 8 - 9 Extreme problem, treatment absolutely necessary. 4 - Extremely"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,260,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,261,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,262,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,264,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,265,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,267,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,268,0)=" Medical 1 Lifetime Hospitalizations"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,269,0)=" 3 Chronic problems"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,270,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,271,0)=" Employment / Support 1 & 2 Education and Training"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,272,0)=" 3 Skills"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,273,0)=" 6 Longest Full-time Job"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,274,0)=" 10 Recent Employment Pattern"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,275,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,276,0)=" Drug / Alcohol 1 - 13 Abuse History"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,277,0)=" 15 - 16 Abstinence"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,278,0)=" 17 OD's and DT's"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,279,0)=" 18 Lifetime Treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,280,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,281,0)=" Legal 3 -14C Major Charges"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,282,0)=" 15 Convictions"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,283,0)=" 22 - 23 Current Charges"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,284,0)=" 25 Current Criminal"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,285,0)=" Involvement"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,286,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,287,0)=" Family / Social 2 -3 Stability / Satisfaction - Marital"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,288,0)=" 5 -6 Stability / Satisfaction - Living"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,289,0)=" 8 Satisfaction with Free"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,290,0)=" Time"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,291,0)=" 10 -18 Lifetime Problems"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,292,0)=" 19A & B Serious Conflicts"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,293,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,294,0)=" Psychiatric 1 Lifetime Hospitalizations"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,295,0)=" 3 - 10 Present and Lifetime Symptoms"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,296,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,297,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,298,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,299,0)=" COMPOSITE SCORES"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,300,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,301,0)=" There is a composite score for each problem area of the ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,302,0)=" that has been derived from sets of items within each of the ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,303,0)=" problem areas. The same items are used in initial and follow-up"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,304,0)=" scores. We feel the composite scores are better indicators of"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,305,0)=" overall problem severity and change in problem status, than any"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,306,0)=" single item would be. We have also found that the composite"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,307,0)=" scores are highly correlated with interviewer severity ratings."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,308,0)=" The time period for composite scores is the 30 days prior to the"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,309,0)=" interview."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,310,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,311,0)=" An example is the composite score for the Alcohol Section:"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,312,0)=" 1) Days of alcohol use in the past 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,313,0)=" 2) Days of alcohol use to intoxication in the past 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,314,0)=" 3) Days bothered by alcohol problems in the past 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,315,0)=" 4) How much troubled by alcohol problems in the past 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,316,0)=" 5) How important is additional treatment for these alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,317,0)=" problems."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,318,0)=" 6) How much spent on alcohol in the past 30 days."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,319,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,320,0)=" These items are combined using a mathematical procedure that"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,321,0)=" insures equal weighting of each variable in the total composite"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,322,0)=" score. There is a manual for the derivation of Composite Scores"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,323,0)=" from the ASI (MacGahan et Al., 1985), which details the items"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,324,0)=" from each area to be used and the mathematical procedure to"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,325,0)=" produce the composite scores."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,326,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,327,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,328,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,329,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,330,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,332,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,333,0)=" 1. If the patient tells you on page 1, item #6 that he/she has"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,334,0)=" been in a controlled environment in the last 30 days, make sure"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,335,0)=" this information is reflected in the appropriate area of the ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,336,0)=" (e.g.. if the patient was in jail, this would be reflected under"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,337,0)=" the Legal section; if in the hospital - under the medical"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,338,0)=" section, etc.)."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,339,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,340,0)=" 2. If the patient tells you in the Medical section (item #4)"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,341,0)=" that he/she is taking prescribed medication, check to see that"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,342,0)=" you have noted this medication under the D/A section. Also,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,343,0)=" where appropriate add the medication under the grid."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,344,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,345,0)=" 3. If the patient tells you in the Medical section (item #5)"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,346,0)=" that he/she gets a pension, check to make sure you have entered"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,347,0)=" the amount of money he gets under the E/S section (item #15)."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,348,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,349,0)=" 4. If a patient tells you that he/she spent a lot of money on"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,350,0)=" drugs/alcohol (D/A section, item #20) check the E/S section"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,351,0)=" (items #12 - 17) to see if the patient reported enough income to"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,352,0)=" cover the amount spent. Sometimes a patient may be living off"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,353,0)=" his/her savings - but not very often."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,354,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,355,0)=" 5. Sometimes patients will inform you in the D/A section (item"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,356,0)=" #17) of an O.D. that required hospitalization, which they forgot"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,357,0)=" to tell you about under the Medical section. Go back and clarify"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,358,0)=" items #1 and #2 under the Medical section."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,359,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,360,0)=" 6. If the patient admits to engaging in illegal activities for"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,361,0)=" profit in the Legal section (item #25) check the E/S section"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,362,0)=" (item #17) to make sure you entered the amount of money he made"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,363,0)=" illegally in the past month."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,364,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,365,0)=" 7. Sometimes a patient will admit to currently living with"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,366,0)=" someone under the F/S section"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,367,0)=" (item #4), however they may not have informed you of this under"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,368,0)=" the E/S section. Some probes you may want to ask are, ""Does"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,369,0)=" this person work?"", ""Does this person help out with the bills?"","
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,370,0)=" pertaining to E/S section items #8 & #9, ). If the patient does"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,371,0)=" give you his current living arrangements under F/S section"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,372,0)=" (item#4), check also to make sure the information correlates with"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,373,0)=" item #1 on page 1."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,374,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,375,0)=" 8. If the patient tells you of a psychiatric pension in the"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,376,0)=" Psychological section (item #2), check the E/S section (item #15)"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,377,0)=" to make sure you entered the amount of money received in the past"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,378,0)=" month for the disability."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,379,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,380,0)=" 9. Check the patient's age, against the number of years he/she"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,381,0)=" has been using drugs and alcohol regularly, and with the number"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,382,0)=" of years he/she has been incarcerated. Compare the total years"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,383,0)=" of regular substance use reported (D/A items 1 - 13) and the"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,384,0)=" total number of years of incarceration (Legal item 19) to see if"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,385,0)=" the patient is old enough to have used the substances as long as"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,386,0)=" was reported. If this seems unlikely, an extra probe may be,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,387,0)=" ""Did you use drugs/alcohol regularly while you were"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,388,0)=" incarcerated?"""
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,389,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,390,0)=" ** Check to see if the whole interview makes sense.**"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,391,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,392,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,393,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,394,0)=" FOLLOW-UP INTERVIEWS"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,395,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,396,0)=" They differ from initial evaluations in a number of ways:"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,397,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,398,0)=" _ Only a subset of items are are applicable and therefore used."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,399,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,400,0)=" _ Thus f /u interviews are briefer - 15 to 20 minutes."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,401,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,402,0)=" _ You can even get good information doing follow-ups"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,403,0)=" over the phone."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,404,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,405,0)=" _ Interviewer Rating Scales are not used at f/u ."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,406,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,407,0)=" _ Circled items are used at f/u interview."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,408,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,409,0)=" _ Asterisked items need to be rephrased to record cumulative "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,410,0)=" data since the time of the last interview."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,411,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,412,0)=" _ Lifetime questions are not asked in D/A items 1-13, F/S items"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,413,0)=" 10-18, or Psych items 3-10."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,414,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,415,0)=" How to achieve high follow-up rates:"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,416,0)=" 1. Inform patient at initial interview that f/u evaluation will"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,417,0)=" be conducted X-months later."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,418,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,419,0)=" 2. Get names, addresses and phone numbers of more than one"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,420,0)=" family members and/or friends. Be sure that they are different"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,421,0)=" addresses and numbers. Check these numbers and addresses"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,422,0)=" immediately, while the patient is in treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,423,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,424,0)=" 3. Get information about other people patient is involved with,"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,425,0)=" like Probation Officer, other Treatment Agencies, etc."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,426,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,427,0)=" 4. Insure confidentiality - a non-revealing telephone number for"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,428,0)=" the patient to call when you leave messages for the patient."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,429,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,430,0)=" 5. Insure patient confidentiality - let patient know that the"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,431,0)=" references will not be questioned concerning patient's status but"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,432,0)=" would only be used in locating the patient. Have a story handy to"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,433,0)=" explain curious relatives the reason for the call to the patient."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,434,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,435,0)=" 6. Keep detailed records of all follow-up attempts including"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,436,0)=" times attempted and the results. This helps to reduce overlap of"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,437,0)=" attempts and aids in spreading out efforts."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,438,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,439,0)=" 7. Can also mail a non-revealing but personalized letter stating"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,440,0)=" times a patient can call you or for him to mail back information when"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,441,0)=" you can contact him."
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,442,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,443,0)=" Be sure that people who do follow-ups are not involved in patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,7,1,444,0)=" treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,2,0)=" Addiction"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,3,0)=" Severity"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,4,0)=" Index"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,5,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,7,0)=" Checker's Manual"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,8,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,9,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,10,0)=" A Guide to Checking Data Collected with the Addiction"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,11,0)=" Severity Index"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,12,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,13,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,14,0)=" Ian Fureman"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,15,0)=" A. Thomas McLellan"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,16,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,17,0)=" From"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,18,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,19,0)=" University of Pennsylvania/Philadelphia VAMC Center for"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,20,0)=" Studies of Addiction"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,21,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,22,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,23,0)=" This work was supported by NIDA Grant #P50-DA07705"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,24,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,25,0)=" ASI CHECKING MANUAL"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,26,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,27,0)="Part I: Introduction"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,28,0)=" The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is a semi-structured"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,29,0)="interview which has been used widely for substance abuse treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,30,0)="planning and evaluation. As with any procedure where judgement is"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,31,0)="involved, the ASI works most successfully within an environment"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,32,0)="where a mechanism exists for the individuals administering it to"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,33,0)="have their work regularly checked for accuracy, consistency and"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,34,0)="completeness. The purpose of this manual is to provide guidelines"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,35,0)="for the individuals who are responsible for the integrity of the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,36,0)="data collected."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,37,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,38,0)=" What qualifications are needed to become an ASI checker? The"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,39,0)="same qualities which make a good ASI interviewer are essential for"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,40,0)="a good ASI checker. An ASI checker should be familiar with the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,41,0)="relationships between individual items within sections and across"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,42,0)="sections of the instrument. Many of these relationships become"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,43,0)="apparent only through extensive use of the ASI. Whenever"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,44,0)="possible, prospective ASI checkers should be selected from a pool"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,45,0)="of experienced ASI interviewers."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,46,0)=" There may be circumstances where it is impossible to assign the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,47,0)="job of checking ASI interviews to an experienced interviewer. For"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,48,0)="example, if an entire treatment program or research center is"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,49,0)="being introduced to the ASI at one time, all of the individuals"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,50,0)="within the organization will share the same lack of experience."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,51,0)="In cases where no experienced interviewers exist, we recommend a"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,52,0)="brief pilot phase, in which an individual within a system is"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,53,0)="designated as the future ASI checker. The checker designee should"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,54,0)="familiarize himself or herself with as much material as possible"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,55,0)="about the ASI before the pilot phase. During the pilot phase, the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,56,0)="checker designee should administer most of the ASI interviews"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,57,0)="conducted at the site."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,58,0)=" An alternative to a formal pilot phase is one in which two or"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,59,0)="more individuals of comparable levels of experience work together"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,60,0)="to increase their ASI skills. We recommend structured exercises"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,61,0)="designed to stimulate discussion about the finer points of ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,62,0)="administration and coding. One example of such an exercise would"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,63,0)="be for interviewers to exchange completed interviews, so that they"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,64,0)="can discover possible discrepancies in their understandings of how"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,65,0)="individual items are coded throughout the ASI. As these exercises"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,66,0)="improve the quality of the work done by a group of interviewers,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,67,0)="one or more may be identified as appropriate candidates to assume"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,68,0)="the formal role of ASI checker."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,69,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,70,0)=" Time Frame for Checking an ASI Each ASI interview should be"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,71,0)="checked as soon as possible after its completion. This provides"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,72,0)="an opportunity for the interviewer to answer any questions while"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,73,0)="the memory of the interview is still fresh. It may be necessary"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,74,0)="to schedule some time each day to review completed ASI interviews."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,75,0)="We have found it helpful to schedule ASI interviews in the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,76,0)="morning, leaving the afternoon for checking the completed"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,77,0)="interviews and performing other administrative duties. At the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,78,0)="very least, completed ASI interviews should be checked within a"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,79,0)="week of administration."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,80,0)="Part II. What should be addressed? (The 3 C's)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,81,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,82,0)=" During a checking session, the checker should discuss with the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,83,0)="interviewer any information that seems questionable or incomplete."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,84,0)="By combining the numerical codes in the boxes and the written"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,85,0)="comments, the checker should be able to ""read"" an ASI back to the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,86,0)="interviewer who originally administered it. The ASI checker"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,87,0)="should concentrate on the following issues (the three C's of ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,88,0)="checking), to insure that the interview has been efficiently"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,90,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,91,0)="Coding: The ASI checker should review the form for completeness"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,92,0)="(no missing values) and simple coding errors. An individual with"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,93,0)="only minimal training could probably find most coding errors on a"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,94,0)="completed ASI interview. For example, sometimes interviewers"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,95,0)="record a ""0"" in the general information section, item #6, rather"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,96,0)="than a ""1"", if the client has not been in any controlled"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,97,0)="environment in the past 30 days. This type of coding error is"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,98,0)="easy to spot and correct."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,99,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,100,0)="Consistency: Another type of error an ASI checker should look for"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,101,0)="is the inconsistency between related items. There are some items"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,102,0)="on the ASI which should be answered a certain way depending on the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,103,0)="responses to other items either within the problem section or"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,104,0)="across sections. For example, if a client reports during the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,105,0)="Legal Status section (item #25), that he has engaged in illegal"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,106,0)="activities for profit during the past 30 days, then the dollar"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,107,0)="amount received from the illegal activities should be recorded in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,108,0)="Employment/Support Status #17."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,109,0)=" In some instances, an apparent inconsistency may be explained"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,110,0)="by a comment recorded by the ASI interviewer. For example, in the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,111,0)="situation just described, the individual engaging in the illegal"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,112,0)="activity may have actually received no money in the past 30 days"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,113,0)="(as in the case of an illegal gambler who has not made any money"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,114,0)="in the past month). A comment recorded by the interviewer could"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,115,0)="explain why the information in the boxes was correct, although it"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,116,0)="appeared inconsistent."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,117,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,118,0)="Completeness (Comments): The most important bits of information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,119,0)="that a checker can use to verify the accuracy of a completed ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,120,0)="interview are the comments. The information recorded in the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,121,0)="comments section should help to qualify the quantifiable data"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,122,0)="collected in the boxes throughout the ASI. As described above, a"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,123,0)="checker may have a difficult time judging which, if any, of a"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,124,0)="number of items should be crossed out because of an apparent"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,125,0)="inconsistency. A comment may also help the checker to uncover"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,126,0)="apparent coding errors. A comment can help to clarify whether"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,127,0)="either a coding or a consistency error exists. An ASI checker"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,128,0)="should consider an ASI interview with no comments incomplete and"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,129,0)="therefore, incorrect."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,130,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,131,0)="PART III: Sample ASI Sections"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,132,0)="On the following page, you will find two samples of ASI sections,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,133,0)="which you can compare to each other. The first column includes"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,134,0)="comments, whereas the second one includes just the numerical"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,135,0)="codes. Only when one attempts to ""read"" an ASI does he or she"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,136,0)="understand the importance of comments in providing the client's"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,137,0)="complete story."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,138,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,139,0)=" While reviewing a completed ASI, the ASI checker should"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,140,0)="consider the ""story"" which has been recorded on the ASI. Imagine"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,141,0)="that a checker was asked to tell a story about the individual"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,142,0)="interviewed for the ASI which was recorded on the previous page."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,143,0)="Given the completed interview, a checker might tell the following"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,145,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,146,0)="Story 1: Mr. Smith has been hospitalized overnight four times in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,147,0)="his life. He was hospitalized as a child when he broke his arm"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,148,0)="playing football. In high school, he was hospitalized for"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,149,0)="appendicitis. A few years ago, he was stabbed in the side. He"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,150,0)="spent a day in the emergency room after the stabbing, because it"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,151,0)="was a deep wound. Two months ago, he spent a day in the hospital"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,152,0)="because he had severe chest pains. He says that he was on a"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,153,0)="cocaine binge when the chest pains started. Mr. Smith has chronic"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,154,0)="allergies which flare up throughout the summer months from May and"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,155,0)="September. He is prescribed Theodur which he uses regularly"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,156,0)="during the allergy season. He also has an inhaler which he uses"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,157,0)="in emergencies. He receives no pension for physical problems. In"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,158,0)="the past thirty days, he reports no significant medical problems."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,159,0)="His allergy medication seems to be controlling his problems. He"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,160,0)="reports no interest in any additional treatment for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,162,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,163,0)="Issues that the checker might consider when recording the details"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,164,0)="in the medical status section, include:."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,165,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,166,0)=" (1) the circumstances surrounding the stabbing that was"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,168,0)=" (2) the source of the money to binge."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,169,0)=" (3) the amount of money spent during the binge period."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,170,0)=" (4) the length of the binge period."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,171,0)=" (5) the circumstances surrounding the binge period."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,172,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,173,0)="Contrast the minimal information available throughout the Medical"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,174,0)="status section which includes only the numerical codes. The story"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,175,0)="told by the checker who has read the incomplete ASI reveals much"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,176,0)="less about the client, and therefore is less helpful for cross-"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,178,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,179,0)="Story 2: Mr. Smith has been hospitalized four times. He has a"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,180,0)="chronic medical problem. He takes prescribed medicine for the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,181,0)="problem. He has had no medical problems in the past 30 days. He"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,182,0)="isn't troubled or bothered by medical problems. He isn't"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,183,0)="interested in getting treatment for medical problems."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,184,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,185,0)="PART IV: What if an error is spotted?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,186,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,187,0)="Changing information - It may become necessary during a checking"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,188,0)="session for the checker to alter data which was collected on the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,189,0)="ASI. However, data should not be changed without discussing it"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,190,0)="with the interviewer who collected it. Each site using the ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,191,0)="should adopt a standard method for changing incorrect information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,192,0)="on the ASI. We have recommended that liquid paper (white-out"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,193,0)="correction fluid) not be used, because it might appear that data"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,194,0)="is being falsified. A single pen line through the incorrect"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,195,0)="response should be used. The correct information should be"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,196,0)="recorded and initialed on the form beside the crossed-out,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,197,0)="incorrect response."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,198,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,199,0)="Checkers should resist the temptation to alter information before"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,200,0)="consulting the interviewer who originally collected it. Below"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,201,0)="find some examples of responses that appear to be incorrect, with"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,202,0)="an explanation about what should be done."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,203,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,204,0)="Example #1:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,205,0)="Drug/Alcohol Section, Item #22:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,206,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you experienced alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,208,0)="#22=00 (No days of alcohol problems)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,209,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,210,0)="Drug/Alcohol Section, Item #23:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,211,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,212,0)="these alcohol problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,213,0)="#23=0 (Not at all bothered by alcohol problems)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,214,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,215,0)="Drug/Alcohol Section, Item #24:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,216,0)="How important to you now is treatment for these alcohol problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,217,0)="#24=3 (Considerably important to get treatment for alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,219,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,220,0)="The responses to the three questions are inconsistent. The"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,221,0)="interviewer recorded that although the client had no alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,222,0)="problems in the past 30 days (item #22=0), he reported"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,223,0)="considerable interest (item #24=3 ) in treatment for alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,224,0)="problems. Therefore, one could assume that either the client or"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,225,0)="the interviewer misunderstood the response to at least one of the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,226,0)="two questions."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,227,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,228,0)="For example, perhaps the client felt that the alcohol use was"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,229,0)="leading him to use other substances. Therefore, he didn't"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,230,0)="identify the alcohol use as problematic, but reported an interest"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,231,0)="in treatment."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,232,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,233,0)="Maybe the client had been feeling guilty about drinking but didn't"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,234,0)="think that the interviewer was including guilt this as a problem."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,235,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,236,0)="Perhaps the client misunderstood question #24, and feels that"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,237,0)="although he doesn't have a problem with alcohol, he is willing to"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,238,0)="be educated about alcohol related problems."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,239,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,240,0)="Regardless...because the interviewer did a poor job of clarifying"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,241,0)="and documenting what occurred during the interview, it made the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,242,0)="checker's job difficult."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,243,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,244,0)="Therefore, the checker should attempt to contact the interviewer"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,245,0)="to discuss whether he can provide the checker with any insight any"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,246,0)="which item (if any) should be changed. If the interviewer can not"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,247,0)="remember, and the client can not be contacted, both item #22 and"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,248,0)="#24 should be crossed out."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,249,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,250,0)="Example 2:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,251,0)="Employment/Support Status, Item #17"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,252,0)="How much money did you receive from illegal activity in the past 30?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,253,0)="#17=0000 (No illegal income this month)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,254,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,255,0)="Legal #25=10"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,256,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you engaged in illegal"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,257,0)="activities for profit?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,258,0)="#25=10 (10 days of illegal activity)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,259,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,260,0)="The responses to these two questions seem inconsistent. A checker"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,261,0)="might be tempted to immediately cross out item #17 in the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,262,0)="Employment/Support section, without checking first with the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,263,0)="interviewer. By crossing out item #17, however, the checker is"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,264,0)="assuming that either the client misled the interviewer or the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,265,0)="interviewer didn't listen for inconsistent responses. However,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,266,0)="the information may be correct. For example, the client may have"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,267,0)="earned no money through his illegal activity, such as gambling."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,268,0)="The interviewer should have included comments to clarify the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,269,0)="apparent inconsistency. The checker should attempt to contact the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,270,0)="interviewer to discuss whether he can provide him with any insight"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,271,0)="into which item (if any) should be changed. If the interviewer"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,272,0)="can not remember, and the client can not be contacted, both E/S"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,273,0)="item #17 and Legal Status item #25 should be crossed out."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,274,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,275,0)="Example 3:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,276,0)="General Information #6, #7"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,277,0)="Have you been in a controlled environment in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,278,0)="How many days?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,279,0)="#6=2, #7=10 (Ten days in jail this month)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,280,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,281,0)="Drug/Alcohol Use #8, past 30 days"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,282,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you used cocaine?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,283,0)="#8 (Past 30 Days)=30"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,284,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,285,0)="The responses to these two questions seem inconsistent. A checker"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,286,0)="might incorrectly consider reducing the number of days of cocaine"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,287,0)="use to ""20"" without consulting with the interviewer, because the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,288,0)="patient reported ten days in a controlled environment. If drugs"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,289,0)="were used on all thirty days, the interviewer should have"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,290,0)="documented the information concerning the drug use, so that the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,291,0)="checker knew not to cross out either item."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,292,0)=" PART V: Focal Points for Checking an ASI"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,293,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,294,0)="General Information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,295,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,296,0)=" Some of the information gathered throughout the general"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,297,0)="information section can be used to verify other information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,298,0)="collected throughout the rest of the interview. For example, the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,299,0)="client's years of alcohol or drug use should not exceed his age."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,300,0)="In addition, as noted below, the controlled environment question"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,301,0)="has implications for information gathered throughout the rest of"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,302,0)="the interview."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,303,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,304,0)="6. Have you been in a controlled environment in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,305,0)="7. How many days?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,306,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,307,0)=" The number of days that the client stayed in a controlled"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,308,0)="environment should be accounted for throughout the rest of the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,309,0)="interview. For example, if the client spent ten days in jail in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,310,0)="the past 30, there should be twenty days or less of substance"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,311,0)="abuse in the past thirty days. The interviewer should include a"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,312,0)=" explain the circumstances surrounding the time spent in a"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,313,0)="controlled environment that overlaps with the time in which a"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,314,0)="client used a substance."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,315,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,316,0)="Medical Status"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,317,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,318,0)=" The ASI checker should pay particular attention to the comments"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,319,0)="recorded throughout the medical status section. These comments"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,320,0)="may be used to verify information gathered in the other six"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,321,0)="problem sections. For each item listed below, note the section"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,322,0)="and the item number which may be cross-referenced."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,323,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,324,0)="1. How many times have you been hospitalized for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,326,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,327,0)=" Details of hospitalizations could reveal information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,329,0)=" a.) chronic medical problems, (Medical Status #3, possibly)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,330,0)=" b.) overdoses, which could appear in Drug/Alcohol Use #17."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,331,0)=" c.) car accidents, which might also be referred to in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,332,0)=" the Legal Status section (major driving violations, "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,333,0)=" driving while intoxicated)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,334,0)=" d.) substance abuse (chest pains from using cocaine,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,335,0)=" chronic pain which may have led to opiate abuse,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,336,0)=" organ damage due to alcohol use, abscesses due to"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,337,0)=" needle use, nasal problems from snorting"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,338,0)=" cocaine, lung problems from smoking)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,339,0)=" e.) an injury which warrants a pension through a job or"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,340,0)=" the military service, which would also appear in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,341,0)=" Medical Status #5."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,342,0)=" f.) violent activity, which might also be referred to"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,343,0)=" in: Legal Status #10 (assaults), #16 (disorderly"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,344,0)=" conduct), F/S Relationships #19A-(serious"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,345,0)=" conflicts), F/S Relationships 10-18 (serious problems),"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,346,0)=" or Psychiatric Status #4-(anxiety), #7( violent behavior)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,347,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,348,0)="3. Do you have a chronic medical problem which continues to interfere"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,349,0)=" with your life?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,350,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,351,0)="4. Are you taking any prescribed medication on a regular basis for a "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,352,0)=" physical problem?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,353,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,354,0)=" Details of chronic medical problems could reveal information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,356,0)=" a.) recent medical problems, which might appear in Medical Status #6."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,357,0)=" b.) prescribed meds, which should be recorded in Medical Status #4."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,358,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,359,0)="5. Do you receive a pension for a physical disability?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,360,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,361,0)=" Details of pension could reveal information concerning:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,362,0)=" a.) chronic medical problems, which should be recorded in Medical Status #3."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,363,0)=" b.) a dollar amount received through the pension, which should be recorded in Employment/Support"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,364,0)=" Status #15."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,365,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,366,0)="6. How many days have you experienced medical problems in the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,367,0)="past 30?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,368,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,369,0)=" If #6=00, then Medical Status #s 7 and 8 should be coded 0 also."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,370,0)=" In most cases, if #6>00, then #s 7 and 8 should be greater than 0 also."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,371,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,372,0)="Employment/Support Status"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,373,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,374,0)=" Within this section, an ASI checker should focus on comparing"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,375,0)="the amount of financial support that the client reports receiving,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,376,0)="to their other statements about financial support made throughout"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,377,0)="the interview."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,378,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,379,0)="4. Do you have a valid driver's license?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,380,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,381,0)=" - If 4=0, then #5 should be coded 0, also."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,382,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,383,0)="6. How long was your longest full-time job?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,384,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,385,0)=" Details of the patient's last job could reveal information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,386,0)="concerning #10, the patient's usual employment pattern."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,387,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,388,0)="8. Does someone contribute to your support in any way?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,389,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,390,0)=" - If #8 =0, then #9 should be coded ""N""."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,391,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,392,0)=" Details of regular contributions could reveal information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,394,0)=" a.) the client's living situation, which is also explored in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,395,0)=" General Information, #s 1 and 2, and Family/Social Status"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,396,0)=" #s 4 and 5."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,397,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,398,0)=" b.) the amount of money received by the client's mate, family or "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,399,0)=" friends in the past 30 days, which is recorded in E/S Status,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,400,0)=" #16."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,401,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,402,0)="9. Does this constitute the majority if your support?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,403,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,404,0)=" If Employment/Support #8=0, then 9 =N"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,405,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,406,0)="10. Usual employment pattern, past 3 years"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,407,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,408,0)=" Details of the client's usual employment pattern might reveal"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,409,0)="information concerning:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,410,0)=" a.) his or her longest full time job, which is recorded in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,411,0)=" E/S Status #6."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,412,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,413,0)="11. How many days were you paid for working in the past 30?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,414,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,415,0)=" If Employment/Support Status #11=00, then #12 should be 00 also."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,416,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,417,0)="12-17. How much money did you receive from the following sources"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,418,0)="in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,419,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,420,0)=" In most cases, the amount of money recorded in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,421,0)="Employment/Support status item #s 12-17 should exceed the amount"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,422,0)="of money that the client reports spending for drugs and alcohol in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,423,0)="the past 30 days. Discussion of illegal income (as recorded in #"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,424,0)="17) could reveal information which might also appear in the Legal"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,425,0)="Status, item #25 (number of days that the client engaged in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,426,0)="illegal activity in the past 30)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,427,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,428,0)="18. How many people depend on you for the majority of their"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,430,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,431,0)=" Details concerning dependents could reveal information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,433,0)=" a.) marital status (Family/Social Status section, #s 1, 2"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,434,0)=" and 3)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,435,0)=" b.) usual or current living arrangements, (Family/Social"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,436,0)=" Status section, #s 4, 5 and 6)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,437,0)=" c.) serious problems with relationships (Family/Social"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,438,0)=" Status section, #s 10 through 18)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,439,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,440,0)="19. How many days have you experienced employment problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,441,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,442,0)=" Details of recent employment problems could reveal information about:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,443,0)=" a.) recent substance use, as recorded in the D/A Use"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,444,0)=" section, #s 1-13)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,445,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,446,0)=" If E/S Status #11=00 and #19=00, then 20 should be coded 0"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,447,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,448,0)="Drug/Alcohol Use"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,449,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,450,0)=" The checker should focus on whether the years of substance use"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,451,0)="reported in the drug ""grid"" (Item #s 1-12) conflict with any"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,452,0)="periods of abstinence reported in the middle column of the section"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,453,0)="(Item #s. 15-16) or elsewhere on the interview.."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,454,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,455,0)="1-12: Drug and Alcohol Use Past 30 Days."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,456,0)=" Details of recent substance use could reveal information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,458,0)=" a.) Drug/Alcohol #20, (amount of money spent on daily"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,459,0)=" substance abuse multiplied by the number of days substances"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,460,0)=" are used.)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,461,0)=" b.) Consequences of the use (for example, number of"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,462,0)=" days missed at work which might be recorded in Employment/Support"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,463,0)=" Status #19.)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,464,0)=" c.) Drug/Alcohol #13, a record of the number of days in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,465,0)=" which the client used more than one substance per day."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,466,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,467,0)="1-12: Drug and Alcohol Use, Lifetime Use"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,468,0)=" Details of lifetime substance use could reveal information concerning:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,469,0)=" a.) Periods of abstinence, which might be recorded in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,470,0)=" D/A status #15."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,471,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,472,0)="1-12: Drug and Alcohol Use, Route of Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,473,0)=" Information about the route of administration might uncover"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,474,0)="possible reasons for medical problems. (HIV, hepatitis, abscesses"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,475,0)="might be related to needle use; Nasal problems may be related to"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,476,0)="snorting; breathing difficulties may be related to smoking)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,477,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,478,0)="15. How long was your last period of voluntary abstinence from this "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,479,0)=" major substance?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,480,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,481,0)="16. How many months ago did this abstinence end?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,482,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,483,0)=" Details of voluntary abstinence could reveal information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,485,0)=" a.) Treatment experiences, which could appear in the drug/alcohol section or the psychiatric section."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,486,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,487,0)="17. How many times have you had alcohol d.t.s/overdosed on drugs?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,488,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,489,0)=" Details of overdoses could reveal information concerning:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,490,0)=" a.) Hospitalizations, which could appear in the medical section"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,491,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,492,0)="20. How much would you say you spent during the past 30 days on"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,494,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,495,0)=" Details of the money spent on alcohol or drugs could reveal"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,496,0)="information c concerning:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,497,0)=" a.) recent substance use, which should be recorded in D/A #s 1-13."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,498,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,499,0)="22. How many days in the past 30 have you experienced alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,500,0)="problems/ drug problems"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,501,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,502,0)=" If Alcohol # 22=00, then both #23 and #24 should be 00."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,503,0)=" If Drug # 22=00, then both #23 and #24 should be 00."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,504,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,505,0)="Legal Status"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,506,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,507,0)=" Check primarily for consistency within the Legal Status section,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,508,0)="not across other sections. For example, if a client reports being"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,509,0)="convicted of an offense (Item #15>0), then the offense should be"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,510,0)="recorded in either 3-14C or 16-18."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,511,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,512,0)="1. Was this admission prompted or suggested by the criminal"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,513,0)=" justice system?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,514,0)="2. Are you on probation or parole?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,515,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,516,0)=" Details of the client's probation should be included in the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,517,0)="appropriate places throughout the Legal Status section (For"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,518,0)="example, the original offense for which the client was arrested"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,519,0)="and charged should be recorded in the list from Legal Status item"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,520,0)="#s 3-14C, and the conviction should be included in item #15)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,521,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,522,0)="3-14. How many times have you been arrested and charged with the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,524,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,525,0)=" Details of each of these charges could reveal information that"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,526,0)="should appear throughout the Legal Status section. For example,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,527,0)="the number of charges which became convictions should appear in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,528,0)="Legal Status section item #15. The details about the time that"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,529,0)="the client spent in prison should be recorded in Legal Status"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,530,0)="section item #s 19 through 21."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,531,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,532,0)="15. How many of these charges resulted in convictions?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,533,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,534,0)=" Details of each of these convictions could reveal information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,535,0)="that should appear throughout rest of the Legal Status section."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,536,0)="For example, the details about the time that the client spent in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,537,0)="prison should be recorded in Legal Status section item #s 19"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,538,0)="through 21."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,539,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,540,0)="How many times have you been charged with the following?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,541,0)="16. Disorderly conduct, vagrancy, public intoxication"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,542,0)="17. Driving while intoxicated"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,543,0)="18. Major driving violations"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,544,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,545,0)=" Information concerning these charges might appear in the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,546,0)="drug/alcohol section (alcohol related brawls, disorderly conduct,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,547,0)="drunk driving charges)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,548,0)="Related charges might show up in the legal status items 3-14 (assault)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,549,0)="Social problems due to assaultive behavior may appear in the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,550,0)="family/social section."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,551,0)="19. How many months were you incarcerated in your life?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,552,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,553,0)=" Periods of incarceration over a month should be accounted for"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,554,0)="throughout the rest of the interview. Generally, long periods of"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,555,0)="drug use should not overlap with long periods of incarcerations."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,556,0)="A record of long periods of jail time in which a client reports"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,557,0)="drug use occurring should be accompanied by a explanatory note."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,558,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,559,0)="20. How long was your last incarceration?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,560,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,561,0)=" Item #20 is a subset of item #19. Therefore, the response to"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,562,0)="item #20 should always be shorter than the response to #19. If"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,563,0)="#19=00, then item #20=NN."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,564,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,565,0)=" Periods of incarceration over a month should be accounted for"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,566,0)="throughout the rest of the interview. Generally, long periods of"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,567,0)="drug use should not overlap with long periods of incarcerations."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,568,0)="A record of long periods of jail time in which a client reports"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,569,0)="drug use occurring should be accompanied by a explanatory note."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,570,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,571,0)="21. What was it for?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,572,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,573,0)=" Conviction for which the client spent time in jail should"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,574,0)="appear in the Legal Status section grid (item #s 3-14C). In"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,575,0)="addition, the conviction should be accounted for in the Legal"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,576,0)="Status item #15."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,577,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,578,0)="22. Are you presently awaiting charges, trial or sentence?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,579,0)="23. What for:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,580,0)="24. How many days in the past 30 were you detained or"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,582,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,583,0)=" Periods of 24 hours or more in which the client was"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,584,0)="incarcerated should appear on the front page, questions 6 and 7."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,585,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,586,0)="25. How many days in the past 30 have you engaged in illegal"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,587,0)="activities for profit?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,588,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,589,0)=" If information regarding illegal activities is revealed here,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,590,0)="an amount of money may be recorded in Employment/Support #17."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,591,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,592,0)="26. How serious do you feel your present legal problems are?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,593,0)="27. How important to you now is counseling or referral for these"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,594,0)="legal problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,595,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,596,0)=" These question should be coded ""0"" unless current legal problem"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,598,0)="Family History"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,599,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,600,0)=" Responses to the Family/History section are difficult to cross-"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,601,0)="check with other items on the ASI. When checking an ASI, the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,602,0)="Family/History section should be reviewed for coding errors."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,603,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,604,0)="Family/Social Status"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,605,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,606,0)=" The ASI checker should focus on consistency within the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,607,0)="Family/Social status section, as well as between the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,608,0)="Family/Social section and other sections. Relationships that are"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,609,0)="described as problematic in one part of the Family/Social section"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,610,0)="should be described similarly throughout the section."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,611,0)="Descriptions about marital status and living arrangements should"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,612,0)="be cross-referenced with other sections. In some case, violent"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,613,0)="behavior and familial substance abuse described in other sections"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,614,0)="should also appear in the Family/Social section."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,615,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,616,0)="1. Marital Status:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,617,0)="2. How long have you been in this marital status?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,618,0)="3. Are you satisfied with this situation?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,619,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,620,0)=" Information about marital status should confirm the information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,621,0)="recorded in the Employment/Support section about the types of"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,622,0)="financial support available to the client. For example, if the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,623,0)="client reports during the general information section that his"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,624,0)="wife works, then information in this section regarding his"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,625,0)="marital status should confirm that he is married."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,626,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,627,0)="4. Usual living arrangements?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,628,0)="5. How long have you lived in these arrangements?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,629,0)="6. Are you satisfied with these living arrangements?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,630,0)="6 A&B. Do you live with anyone who has a current alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,631,0)="problem/uses non-prescribed drugs?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,632,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,633,0)=" Information about the client's usual living arrangements should"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,634,0)="confirm the information recorded throughout the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,635,0)="Employment/Support section about the types of financial support"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,636,0)="available to the client."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,637,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,638,0)="10-18. Have you had significant periods in which you have"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,639,0)="experienced serious problems getting along with...?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,640,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,641,0)=" Review the ""Past 30 Days"" column of the grid to insure that the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,642,0)="individuals who the patient reports having problems with in the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,643,0)="past 30 days have had contact with him. For example, if the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,644,0)="interviewer has recorded that the patient has had recent problems"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,645,0)="with co-workers, then information elsewhere in the interview"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,646,0)="should verify that he is currently working."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,647,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,648,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,649,0)="19. How many days in the past 30 have you had serious conflicts?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,650,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,651,0)=" A series of conflicts identified here may also be recorded in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,652,0)="#s 10-18 ."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,653,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,654,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,655,0)="20. family problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,656,0)="21. social problems"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,657,0)="How important for you now is counseling for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,658,0)="22. family problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,659,0)="23. social problems"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,660,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,661,0)=" A problem rated in #20-23 as troublesome should be identified"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,662,0)="somewhere else in the section (either item #3, 6, 6A, 6B, 8, 9,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,663,0)="9A, 10-18, 18A-C, or 19)."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,664,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,665,0)="Psychiatric Status"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,666,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,667,0)=" Information documented in the psychiatric section may support"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,668,0)="other information gathered throughout the ASI. For example,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,669,0)="prescribed Valium reported in the Drug/Alcohol section should be"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,670,0)="documented here. also. In addition, extreme symptoms (violence,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,671,0)="suicide attempts) which were uncovered in other sections should"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,672,0)="also be included here. Therefore, a checker may want to review"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,673,0)="the rest of the interview to see if information collected in the"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,674,0)="Psychiatric section is cross-referenced appropriately elsewhere."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,675,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,676,0)="1. How many times have you been treated for any psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,677,0)="emotional problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,678,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,679,0)=" Details regarding the treatment for psychological or emotional"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,680,0)="problems could reveal information concerning the specific"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,681,0)="psychological problem (recorded in Item #s 3-14) or the period in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,682,0)="which the treatment was to have taken place."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,683,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,684,0)="2. Do you receive a pension for a psychiatric disability?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,685,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,686,0)=" The dollar amount of the pension received should be recorded in"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,687,0)="E/S status #15."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,688,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,689,0)="3-10. Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,690,0)="result of drug/alcohol use) in which you have...?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,691,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,692,0)="7. Experienced trouble controlling: violent behavior (or losing"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,693,0)="control) rage, or violence."
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,694,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,695,0)=" Details regarding violent behavior could reveal information"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,696,0)="which could appear in the legal status sections (assaults,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,697,0)="perhaps), or the family/social section (serious conflicts with"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,698,0)="other people)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,699,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,700,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,701,0)="10. Been prescribed medication for any psychological/emotional"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,703,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,704,0)=" Prescribed medicine should count in the Drug/Alcohol section,"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,705,0)="if it has any abuse potential (e.g. Valium, Xanax)"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,706,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,707,0)="11. How many days in the past 30 have you experienced these"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,708,0)="psychological or emotional problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,709,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,8,1,710,0)=" If #11=0, then #12 and #13 should = 0."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,3,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,4,0)=" 1 Credits"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,5,0)=" 2 General Questions"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,6,0)=" 3 General Errors"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,7,0)=" 4 Medical Section Questions"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,8,0)=" 5 Medical Section Errors$."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,9,0)=" 6 Employment/Support Section Questions"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,10,0)=" 7 Employment/Support Section Errors$."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,11,0)=" 8 Drug and Alcohol Section Questions"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,12,0)=" 9 Drug and Alcohol Section Errors"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,13,0)="10 Legal Section Questions"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,14,0)="11 Legal Section Errors"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,15,0)="12 Family/Social Section Questions"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,16,0)="13 Family/Social Section Errors"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,17,0)="14 Psychiatric Section Questions"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,18,0)="15 Psychiatric Section Errors"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,19,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,20,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,21,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,23,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,24,0)=" FROM THE"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,25,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,27,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,28,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,29,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,30,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,31,0)=" (VERSION 5 UPDATE)"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,32,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,33,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,34,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,35,0)="1 CREDITS"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,36,0)=" A Guide to Training and Supervising ASI Interviews"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,37,0)=" Based on the Past Ten Years"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,38,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,39,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,40,0)=" by"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,41,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,42,0)=" Barbara Fureman"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,43,0)=" Gargi Parikh"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,44,0)=" Alicia Bragg"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,45,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,46,0)=" from"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,47,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,48,0)=" The University of Pennsylvania/Veterans Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,49,0)=" Center for Studies of Addiction"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,50,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,51,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,52,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,53,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,54,0)=" Supported by Grants from the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,55,0)="National Institute on Drug Abuse and The Veterans Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,56,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,57,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,58,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,59,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,60,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,61,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,62,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,63,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,64,0)="2 GENERAL QUESTIONS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,65,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,66,0)=" 1. If you start an ASI on one day and don't finish it until a few days"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,67,0)=" later, how would you ask the remaining questions (what time period)?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,68,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,69,0)=" --- Same time period as started with / 30 days prior to"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,70,0)=" first day when interview started."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,71,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,72,0)=" 2. If the patient was in a half-way house and could come and go as he"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,73,0)=" pleased, would you call this a controlled environment?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,74,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,75,0)=" --- No - (patient has access to drugs, crime and work.)"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,76,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,77,0)=" 3. If a patient reports 30 days of problems in a particular area and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,78,0)=" says that he is bothered by these slightly (rating =2) on some days, but"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,79,0)=" extremely (rating =4) on other days. What is the correct rating?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,80,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,81,0)=" --- Ask the patient to give you an overall rating - If he can't,"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,82,0)=" make it a 3 and write a comment."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,83,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,84,0)=" 3 GENERAL ERRORS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,85,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,86,0)=" 1. Mistakes in Coding - Throughout most of the ASI, the answer ""NO"" is"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,87,0)=" coded as 0 and ""YES"" is coded 1. However, there are four times that this"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,88,0)=" does not apply: #6 on page 1, and in the F / S section #3, #6 and #8."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,89,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,90,0)=" 2. Forgetting to fill in the patient's social security #."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,91,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,92,0)=" 3. Recording an incorrect time frame patient's address - Patients often"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,93,0)=" say they have lived at the same address all their life. However, they"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,94,0)=" may have left for an extended period of time - it is good to probe. If"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,95,0)=" the patient was living away from this address for a period of time, then"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,96,0)=" you would enter the length of the most recent period of time he has been"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,97,0)=" staying there."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,98,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,99,0)=" 4. Alcohol/Drug Related Problems - If a reported employment, family or"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,100,0)=" other problem was due entirely to alcohol/drug use then it would be"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,101,0)=" reported as an alcohol/drug problem, not in the other sections."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,102,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,103,0)=" 5. Not writing notes in the comments sections. If anything seems odd or"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,104,0)=" unusual about the information a patient has shared make a note about it."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,105,0)=" In general if you're not sure what to do in any given situation, write"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,106,0)=" ample notes and decide later with the assistance of someone else who also"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,107,0)=" does the ASI."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,108,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,109,0)=" Checking for consistency. After finishing a section look back over"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,110,0)=" the information collected and make sure it makes sense; that it hangs"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,111,0)=" together with what you have learned about the patient thus far in the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,112,0)=" interview. If it doesn't, stop and clarify with the patient."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,113,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,114,0)=" Days bothered/Need for treatment - In many sections the patient will"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,115,0)=" not report any problem symptoms when asked the objective questions, but"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,116,0)=" then they will say they need treatment or that they are bothered....BY"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,117,0)=" WHAT? Go Back and Ask the Patient to Clarify his/her Problems. If a"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,118,0)=" patient reports that treatment is necessary then there must be a # of"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,119,0)=" days of reported problems in the last 30, to report being bothered and/or"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,120,0)=" wanting treatment. Otherwise those problems do not exist and treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,121,0)=" cannot be necessary. The only exception is in the E/S section."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,122,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,123,0)=" Sometimes patients cannot relate to the term ""bothered "" so replace it"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,124,0)=" with ""How bad were things on those days"" or ""How bad (serious) was the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,125,0)=" craving, withdrawal, etc. the fight (ES)...or the depression, anxiety"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,126,0)=" (psych), etc."""
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,127,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,128,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,129,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,131,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,133,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,134,0)=" 1. Would you count as a medical problem (Item # 6) a woman's menstruation"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,135,0)=" problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,136,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,137,0)=" --- Yes, if extreme. Interferes with the daily routine - needs Dr's"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,138,0)=" care, otherwise no."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,139,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,140,0)=" 2. What would you do if a person is prescribed medication but does not"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,141,0)=" take it (Medical Item #4 ) Would you enter yes or no?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,142,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,143,0)=" --- Enter yes but note that patient is not taking it. Purpose of"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,144,0)=" question is to get professional confirmation that the patient was sick"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,145,0)=" enough to need medication."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,146,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,147,0)=" Again on question #4 would you count medication that was prescribed by"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,148,0)=" a Quack Doctor (""Croaker"") even if the patient were taking it?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,149,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,150,0)=" --- No - again the purpose of the question is to get professional"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,151,0)=" confirmation that the patient was sick enough to need medication."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,152,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,153,0)=" 3. If a patient were having sleep problems in the past 30 days, would you"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,154,0)=" code it or just note it in the medical section? Briefly explain your"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,155,0)=" answer."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,156,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,157,0)=" --- Yes, but only if sleep problems are affecting him/her"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,158,0)=" physically (nausea, headaches, etc.) it would count under Medical"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,159,0)=" Section. Otherwise sleep problems are usually due to emotional problems"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,160,0)=" and would be recorded under Psychiatric Section. Also if sleep problems"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,161,0)=" are due to withdrawal, they would not count in any sections."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,162,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,163,0)=" 5 MEDICAL SECTION ERRORS"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,164,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,165,0)=" Delineate reasons for hospitalizations under Q#1. This is to assure that"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,166,0)=" psych, detox or rehab hospitalizations have not been included."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,167,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,168,0)=" Q#4 - Must be medications prescribed for other than brief problems."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,169,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,171,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,172,0)=" COMMON QUESTIONS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,173,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,174,0)=" 1. What would you do if a patient said (s)he worked for a couple days out"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,175,0)=" of the past 30 days but was not paid yet (for questions #11 and #12)?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,176,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,177,0)=" ---Put the days (s)he worked under Q#11 and if the patient expects to"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,178,0)=" get the money, (i.e.. (s)he is salaried or source of income sounds"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,179,0)=" reliable). Ask how much (s)he expects to get paid for the amount to be"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,180,0)=" recorded in Q#12."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,181,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,182,0)=" 2. Where would you put money from WHEELS?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,183,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,184,0)=" ---Usually under Q#14 since WHEELS is transportation money given to"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,185,0)=" people on DPA. However, if transportation to treatment money was granted"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,186,0)=" by social services then it would be coded under Q#15."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,187,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,188,0)=" 3. When a patient tells you that someone is ""helping him/her out"" and it"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,189,0)="is the majority of their support, do you usually check on item #16 that"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,190,0)=" the patient has received a large amount of money?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,191,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,192,0)=" ---Probe to find out what is the nature of the support. If the person"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,193,0)=" is letting the patient stay in their house or buying their groceries -"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,194,0)=" this would not count under Q#16. Item #16 refers only to actual cash"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,195,0)=" (pocket money) given to the patient. It is useful however, when a"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,196,0)=" patient reports that a person has given/lent them a lot of money (under"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,197,0)=" Item #16) to go back and see if that is the majority of their support"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,198,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,199,0)=" 4. If the patient's spouse is working and making enough money to support"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,200,0)=" her/himself, do you count this person as one of the patient's dependents?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,201,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,202,0)=" --- No."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,203,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,204,0)=" 5. If the patient is currently not working but the spouse is working,"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,205,0)=" would you say that the spouse is supporting their children or the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,206,0)=" patient?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,207,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,208,0)=" --- Depends on how long the patient has been out of work and how"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,209,0)=" much the spouse is making. Probably yes for item #8 but not necessarily"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,210,0)=" for item #9 (majority)."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,211,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,212,0)=" 6. If the patient is supposed to pay child support but he does not, would"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,213,0)=" you still count the children as dependents in item #18?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,214,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,215,0)=" ---Yes."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,216,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,217,0)=" 7. If the patient was just laid off, but normally supports children (and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,218,0)=" if his wife is still working), would you count his children as depending"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,219,0)=" on him for the majority of their food, shelter, etc.?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,220,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,221,0)=" ---Yes, if he normally contributed to the majority of their food and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,222,0)=" shelter but is temporarily unable to do so."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,223,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,224,0)=" 8. If a patient has not looked for work and has had no problems"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,225,0)=" on the job, can (s)he still be bothered by the ""problem"" and can they"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,226,0)=" feel treatment is important for the ""problem?"""
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,227,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,228,0)=" --- Yes."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,229,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,230,0)=" --- If patient is working, question #19 means problems on the job."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,231,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,232,0)=" --- If not working, question #19 means problems looking for a job."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,233,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,234,0)=" --- If working part-time, question #19 means any problems on the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,235,0)=" job and also problems finding more work, if looking."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,236,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,237,0)=" --- This is the only place in the ASI where the days bothered and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,238,0)=" treatment importance questions can be asymmetrical."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,239,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,240,0)=" 9. If patient gets a check in the past 30 days but it was for work done"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,241,0)=" in previous months, (e.g.. an income tax refund, etc.) where would this"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,242,0)=" money go?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,243,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,244,0)=" --- Put that money under Q#16 because it is not a regular source of"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,245,0)=" income and is not a usual or expected income from work. In general, all"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,246,0)=" windfall or temporary sources of income (e.g.. gambling winnings, income"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,247,0)=" tax refunds, etc.) that are not coded anywhere else are coded here."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,248,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,249,0)=" 10.If a patient tells you there are no ""real problems"" at work - but in"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,250,0)=" fact (s)he has been referred by the employer under threat of suspension -"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,251,0)=" how do you handle this situation?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,252,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,254,0)=" EVIDENT"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,255,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,256,0)=" --- Ask the patient if (s)he will definitely have a job when they"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,257,0)=" complete treatment. Ask about why the employer has referred the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,258,0)=" to treatment. Write comments - be suspicious but not rude. If the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,259,0)=" patient's answers do not make general sense you may wish to place ""X's"""
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,260,0)=" in certain blocks and even forego the section if you cannot have"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,261,0)=" confidence in the answers."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,262,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,264,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,265,0)="COMMON ERRORS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,266,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,267,0)=" Q#7 - Get details of the job because the Hollingshead Categories are"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,268,0)=" very specific (e.g.. Chef vs. Short-order Cook )."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,269,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,270,0)=" Q#16 - This refers to cash (i.e.. pocket money) given to the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,271,0)=" - NOT to the value of housing and food provided."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,272,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,273,0)=" Q#19 - Unlike the rest of the interview, this is one section where"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,274,0)=" the ""how important is treatment"" question (#21) can be a value >0 even"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,275,0)=" when the two preceding items indicate no problems and no need for"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,276,0)=" treatment (See Question above). Like the rest of the ASI sections, if"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,277,0)=" the ""past 30 days item"" (#19) has 1 or more days coded, then the ""how"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,278,0)=" bothered have you been"" question (#20) has to be coded as a value of 1-4."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,279,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,281,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,282,0)=" COMMON QUESTIONS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,283,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,284,0)=" 1. Do you just note Sinequan and Desipramine, or would you put them"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,285,0)=" under Sedatives?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,286,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,287,0)=" ---Just note use of these medications. There is no category for"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,288,0)=" anti-depressants."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,289,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,290,0)=" 2. If a patient tells you that (s)he goes to AA/CA/NA meetings as well as"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,291,0)=" attending an outpatient drug/alcohol program, do you code these as"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,292,0)=" different days or the same days, to answer question #21?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,293,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,294,0)=" --- Yes. If the patient attends these meetings on different days then"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,295,0)=" the answer is a total of all days attending. However, if the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,296,0)=" attends some of these different treatments/meetings on the same days then"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,297,0)=" only count one day for each day where two or more meetings are attended."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,298,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,299,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,301,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,302,0)=" COMMON ERRORS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,303,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,304,0)=" At times interviewers forget to ask patients if they took any"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,305,0)=" prescribed medication on a regular basis. Remember to enter the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,306,0)=" prescribed medication under the appropriate categories, or under the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,307,0)=" comments."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,308,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,309,0)=" Interviewers who are new to the substance abuse field often code"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,310,0)=" Doriden(Glutethimide)as an opiate, it is a sedative hypnotic. Similarly,"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,311,0)=" Valium , Librium, Serax, Xanax and Halcyon are benzodiazepines - not"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,312,0)=" barbiturates. When you are not sure about a drug class - note the name"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,313,0)=" and ask someone else (e.g.. a physician) about it later. Also, consult"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,314,0)=" the Appendix in the ASI Instruction Manual."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,315,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,316,0)=" Q#2 - refers to alcohol use to the point of feeling any ""effect"" NOT"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,317,0)=" SIMPLY INTOXICATION. There are many reasons why a patient (especially an"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,318,0)=" alcohol-dependent patient) would not feel intoxicated (tolerance). Ask"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,319,0)=" the patient if he felt a ""buzz"" or ""mellow"" or any other effect - all"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,320,0)=" these count as days of heavy alcohol use."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,321,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,322,0)=" Lifetime Use of a particular drug is only coded if the patient used"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,323,0)=" regularly 3 or more times a week. Be aware that alcohol, cocaine and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,324,0)=" even some other drugs are regularly used in excessive and problematic"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,325,0)=" amounts on weekends or other two-day binges. Excessive use of these"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,326,0)=" drugs will usually be quite apparent and even though this is not always"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,327,0)=" three days per week these episodes should be counted. If a patient used"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,328,0)=" a drug regularly 1 or 2 times per week a note should be made in the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,329,0)=" comments section but this would not be coded in the grid although it"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,330,0)=" would be considered in the overall severity rating."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,331,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,332,0)=" Q#17 - If the patient reports a lot of O.D's, did he/she really need"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,333,0)=" help with recovering from them or did he/she just sleep them off? - the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,334,0)=" latter are not coded as OD's"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,335,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,336,0)=" Q#18 - refers to treatment episodes. A treatment episode is defined"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,337,0)=" as a period of time in which the patient was in continuous treatment with"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,338,0)=" no breaks (i.e. if a patient is in the hospital and then follows-up with"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,339,0)=" outpatient, this would equal one treatment episode). Some interviewers"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,340,0)=" misunderstand this question to mean the number of sessions or days the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,341,0)=" patient attended."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,342,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,343,0)=" Q#20 - This is the actual money the patient had to put out to get the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,344,0)=" drugs/alcohol. Not how much the substances were worth. Sometimes friends"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,345,0)=" give the pt. the substances, or they are drug dealers so they do not have"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,346,0)=" to pay for the substances."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,347,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,348,0)="10 LEGAL SECTION QUESTION"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,349,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,350,0)=" COMMON QUESTIONS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,351,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,352,0)=" 1. When a patient is arrested and charged with Parole/Probation"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,353,0)=" violations, do you code those charges as automatic convictions?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,354,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,355,0)=" ---Yes, unless charges were dropped."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,356,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,357,0)=" 2. If a patient is arrested and charged with a criminal offense but then"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,358,0)=" it was dropped during the trial or through plea bargaining, would the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,359,0)=" charge be noted."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,360,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,361,0)=" --- Yes, code the charge under the appropriate offense category but"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,362,0)=" since it was dropped it would not be counted under convictions in Q#15."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,363,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,364,0)=" --- Note: If the patient was only arrested and not charged (Items"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,365,0)=" # 3 to #14) then it would not be coded. In order for a criminal offense"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,366,0)=" to be counted in this area, a person must be both arrested and charged."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,367,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,368,0)="11 LEGAL SECTION ERRORS"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,369,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,370,0)="COMMON ERRORS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,371,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,372,0)=" #24 (""Have you been detained or incarcerated in the past 30 days?"") is"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,373,0)=" never an N and always gets asked."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,374,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,375,0)=" If a patient reports a period of incarceration, then there should be some"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,376,0)=" indication that an arrest/charge has occurred. If not, there is an error"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,377,0)=" somewhere which requires some probing."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,378,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,379,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,381,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,382,0)=" COMMON QUESTIONS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,383,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,384,0)=" 1. If a patient tells you that (s)he is a Salesperson and (s)he has had"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,385,0)=" problems with the customers not the co- workers, where would you count"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,386,0)=" it?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,387,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,388,0)=" ---Enter under 19B and note in comments section."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,389,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,390,0)=" 2. If a patient is separated and still keeps in contact with his wife but"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,391,0)=" also has a new girlfriend, where would you enter his wife? Where would"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,392,0)=" you enter his girlfriend?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,393,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,394,0)=" --- Try to clarify the nature of both relationships and write notes"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,395,0)=" explaining the whole situation. The wife would be coded under"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,396,0)=" ""significant family"" and the new girlfriend will be coded under ""sexual"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,397,0)=" partner."""
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,398,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,399,0)=" 3. In a situation where the patient is separated/divorced but no longer"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,400,0)=" keeps in contact with his wife. He did have serious problems getting"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,401,0)=" along with his first wife but now has a new girlfriend/wife that he is"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,402,0)=" not having any problems with. Where would you count the first wife and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,403,0)=" where would you count the new girlfriend/wife?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,404,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,405,0)=" --- First wife would go under sexual partner/spouse in lifetime"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,406,0)=" category, but the new girlfriend/wife would be counted under the same"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,407,0)=" category in the past 30 days section."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,408,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,409,0)=" 4. What would you do if the patient tells you that (s)he has a few"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,410,0)=" different significant family members he keeps in contact with, some he"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,411,0)=" gets along with, others (s)he does not, who would you count?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,412,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,413,0)=" --- If the patient reports problems getting along with even one of"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,414,0)=" the significant family then it should be counted as a problem. Note the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,415,0)=" relation (aunt, uncle, etc.) that is a problem in the comments section."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,416,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,417,0)=" 5. Same principle as 4 --- If the patient gets along with some of his/her"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,418,0)=" brothers and sisters but not all, who would you enter?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,419,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,420,0)=" --- Count the ones (s)he does not get along with."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,421,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,422,0)=" 6. If a patient tells you that (s)he has been having problems with"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,423,0)=" his/her mother, sisters and other family members but it is all due to"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,424,0)=" the fact that (s)he is using alcohol/drugs, would you count these"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,425,0)=" problems?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,426,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,427,0)=" --- PROBE EXTENSIVELY"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,428,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,429,0)=" --- If the patient has been in the addiction for many years and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,430,0)=" cannot remember the relationship before (s)he started using drugs/alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,431,0)=" and cannot perceive if the problems will go away after the drugs/alcohol"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,432,0)=" problems are under control, do count those problems in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,433,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,434,0)=" --- If the patient is newly into the addiction, ask how the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,435,0)=" relationship was before (s)he started using drugs/alcohol and if (s)he"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,436,0)=" feels the problem will go away after the drugs/alcohol problems are under"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,437,0)=" control. If the nature of the conflicts/arguments are focused on the use"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,438,0)=" of alcohol/drugs then these may be simply alcohol/drug related and should"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,439,0)=" not be counted in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,440,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,441,0)=" --- If the nature of the arguments are not related to drugs and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,442,0)=" alcohol - these conflicts should be counted in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,443,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,444,0)=" 7. When a patient tells you that (s)he is living with his/her parents and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,445,0)=" there are sisters, grandparents, etc., living there also, what will the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,446,0)=" living situation be entered as (under #4)?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,447,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,448,0)=" --- If the parents are there, that would be entered as PARENTS."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,449,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,450,0)=" --- Family generally means relations other than parents, e.g.."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,451,0)=" brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,452,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,453,0)=" 8. When a patient has been in the hospital or a jail for a month or more,"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,454,0)=" what time period does question #7 on the F/S section relate to?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,455,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,456,0)=" ---Rephrase the question"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,457,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,458,0)=" --- When you are not in a controlled environment, with whom do you"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,459,0)=" spend your free time?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,460,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,461,0)=" 9. If a patient tells you that (s)he has been living with a girl/boy"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,462,0)=" friend, for the past 5 years and was satisfied for the most part but not"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,463,0)=" towards the end, what would you enter in Q#6?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,464,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,465,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,466,0)=" --- That (s)he was satisfied because that was for the majority of"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,467,0)=" the time. Make notes regarding the current situation. ."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,468,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,469,0)=" 13 FAMILY/SOCIAL SECTION ERRORS"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,470,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,471,0)="COMMON ERRORS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,472,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,473,0)=" General Note: It is particularly difficult to get good information in"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,474,0)=" this section. It is also the most confusing section because of the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,475,0)=" blurred distinction between problems that are directly related to drug"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,476,0)=" and alcohol use and those that are not. Attempts should be made to help"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,477,0)=" clarify the difference but be careful, if a patient is given the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,478,0)=" opportunity to deny either a family or psych problem, (s)he is likely to"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,479,0)=" do so. By simply saying ""was that a direct result of your drug and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,480,0)=" alcohol use"", the interviewer may give the patient a prepared excuse for"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,481,0)=" denying either family or psych problems that may exist independently of"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,482,0)=" the substance abuse. Similarly, like hepatitis in the medical section, a"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,483,0)=" family problem may have begun as a direct result of drug/alcohol use but"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,484,0)=" may have become a separate entity over time. Things like lack of trust"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,485,0)=" or fear of the patient because of the way (s)he has behaved (whether or"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,486,0)=" not s/he was high) are problems that are not likely to disappear with the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,487,0)=" cessation of the patient's drug use."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,488,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,489,0)=" If the patient says ""yes"" in response to any of the questions #10-#18,"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,490,0)=" ask what happened and listen for the basic content of the problem. Try"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,491,0)=" to decipher whether the problem occurred only during times when (s)he was"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,492,0)=" high and would not otherwise have happened. This is where it gets tough"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,493,0)=" and some judgment calls have to be made. If the patient says that the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,494,0)=" only times (s)he fights with his/her spouse are when (s)he's high and the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,495,0)=" content of the fight focuses on being high, then it would not count as a"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,496,0)=" family/social problem."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,497,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,498,0)=" If Q#3, Q#6, or Q#8 = 0, attempt to find out the nature of the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,499,0)=" dissatisfaction and inquire how much of a problem it is for comment and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,500,0)=" coding in items #20 or #21. It may provide information that the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,501,0)=" may not have revealed in questions #10-#19B."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,502,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,503,0)=" Questions 4, 5, &6 are related. What is coded in Q#6 is the patient's"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,504,0)=" satisfaction with the living arrangement that represents the majority of"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,505,0)=" the last 3 years (Q#4). Then Q#5 refers to what was coded in Q#4. If"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,506,0)=" the information in these three boxes does not represent the most current"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,507,0)=" situation (as in the example of a patient whose living arrangements have"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,508,0)=" changed in the last 2 months), it is important to note but does not get"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,509,0)=" coded in the boxes."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,510,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,512,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,513,0)=" COMMON QUESTIONS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,514,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,515,0)=" 1. (Pertaining to question #1), if a patient told you that (s)he was"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,516,0)=" seeing a Psychologist/Psychiatrist while in an outpatient drug treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,517,0)=" setting, should you count it as a psychiatric treatment?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,518,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,519,0)=" ---You should, if the visit was for a special psychiatric treatment"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,520,0)=" but it would not count if it were simply an extension of standard drug"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,521,0)=" treatment. To clarify this, the interviewer should ask if everyone in the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,522,0)=" program gets these sessions with the psychologist."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,523,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,524,0)=" 2. When a patient tells you that (s)he has problems controlling violent"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,525,0)=" behavior, but actually does control the urges, would this count?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,526,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,527,0)=" ---Yes, if the patient verges on losing control you would count it"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,528,0)=" even if (s)he has not yet lashed out and hit someone, etc."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,529,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,530,0)=" 3. When a patient tells you that (s)he has been experiencing"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,531,0)=" ""flashbacks,"" would you count it under Hallucinations?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,532,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,533,0)=" --- Yes if the flashbacks are from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,534,0)=" and/or if not drug-related."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,535,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,536,0)=" --- Flashbacks occur while in the awakened state --- not during"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,537,0)=" sleep or just coming in or out of sleep."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,538,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,539,0)=" --- Make sure these are intrusive images and not just thoughts that"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,540,0)=" come to the patient's mind - thoughts are not hallucinations."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,541,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,542,0)=" 4. If a patient tells you that (s)he has gone to 15 therapy sessions, how"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,543,0)=" many times has (s)he been treated for a psychiatric/emotional problem?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,544,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,545,0)=" --- Were those sessions all in one episode - that is part of"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,546,0)=" continuing care - if so the answer is one treatment."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,547,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,548,0)=" --- The intent of question #1 is to find out how many different"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,549,0)=" ""episodes "" of treatment the patient has been to, not individual sessions"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,550,0)=" or meetings."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,551,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,552,0)=" 5. When a patient tells you that (s)he has had serious thoughts of"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,553,0)=" suicide but this was while (s)he was on a drug - does this count as a"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,554,0)=" suicidal thought?"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,555,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,556,0)=" --- Yes - violent and suicidal thoughts/actions are serious symptoms"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,557,0)=" and should be counted regardless of whether the patient reports"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,558,0)=" associated drug/alcohol use. The interviewer should ask the patient"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,559,0)=" about how recent these problems have been and if there is a plan for the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,560,0)=" suicidal action."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,561,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,562,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,565,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,567,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,568,0)="COMMON ERRORS:"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,569,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,570,0)=" If there are no ""1's"" coded in the past 30 days column for items"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,571,0)=" #3-#9, then #11 has to be ""00"". If a patient says that (s)he has had"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,572,0)=" problems when asked #11 and there has been nothing coded for the prior"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,573,0)=" items, go back and get a description of the problem, determine whether"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,574,0)=" it fits in any of the categories listed and code it appropriately. For"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,575,0)=" instance if a patient tells you (s)he felt worthless, no good and like"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,576,0)=" things just didn't seem worth it for about 5 days, then it would be safe"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,577,0)=" to code a ""yes"" for depression. Feeling upset, pacing around, or being"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,578,0)=" jumpy (even though the patient does not use the word) would probably go"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,579,0)=" under anxiety."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,580,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,581,0)=" Here again, it is also necessary to separate out chemical effects of"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,582,0)=" substances (like craving, intoxication, or withdrawal) in this section."
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,583,0)=" Rather than use the phrase ""that isn't the direct result of drug or"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,584,0)=" alcohol"" it will give more useful information if you simply ask questions"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,585,0)=" #3-#6 and if the patient says ""yes"", ask, ""Would you please describe"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,586,0)=" that situation a little for me?"" If they say ""yes"" to depression and"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,587,0)=" report, ""I was speeding for 3 days and when I stopped, I crashed and felt"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,588,0)=" bad."", then it probably would not be counted. If the patient says ""yes"""
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,589,0)=" to anxiety and then says, ""I was running the streets looking for drugs"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,590,0)=" all wired up, etc."", then this would not count either. Once again the"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,591,0)=" content makes the distinction. If the patient describes his depression"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,592,0)=" as ""I was down because I messed up my life again by doing drugs. I'm"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,593,0)=" back in the same old hole and feeling desperate about ever beating this"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,594,0)=" problem."", then this would count. It's ""I ruined my life."" vs. ""I did a"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,595,0)=" cocaine run and crashed."" Sometimes it's harder to distinguish than this"
^YSTX(604.68,9,1,596,0)=" but this is the strategy to use in probing."
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,2,0)=" ***** GENERAL INFORMATION *****"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,5,0)=" Name: |.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,7,0)=" SS No.: |.02:.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,8,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,9,0)="Admission Date: |1|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,10,0)=" Interview: |.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,11,0)=" Time Begun: |.051|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,12,0)=" Time Ended: |.052|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,13,0)=" Contact Code: |.07|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,14,0)=" Class: |.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,15,0)=" Gender: |.02:.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,16,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,17,0)=" Transcriber: |.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,18,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,19,0)=" Interviewer: |.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,20,0)=" Special: |.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,21,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,22,0)="1. How long have you lived at this address? (Years-Months) |1.201|-|1.202|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,24,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,25,0)="2. Is this address owned by you or your family? |1.203|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,27,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,28,0)="3. Date of Birth: |.0203|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,30,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,31,0)="4. Of what race do you consider yourself? |.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,33,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,34,0)="5. Do you have a religious preference? |.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,36,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,37,0)="6. Have you been in a controlled environment in the past "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,38,0)="30 days? |2.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,40,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,10,1,41,0)="7. How many days? |2.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,0)="MEDICAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,2,0)=" ***** MEDICAL STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,5,0)="M1. How many times in your life have you been hospitalized for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,6,0)="problems? |8.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,7,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,8,0)="M2. How long ago was your last hospitalization for a physical problem? |8.02|/|8.025|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,9,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,10,0)="M3. Do you have any chronic medical problems which continue to interfere"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,11,0)="with your life? |8.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,13,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,14,0)="M4. Are you taking any prescribed medication on a regular basis for a"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,15,0)="physical problem? |8.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,16,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,17,0)="M5. Do you receive monetary compensation for a physical disability? |8.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,19,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,20,0)="M6. How many days have you experienced medical problems in the past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,21,0)="days? |8.08|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,22,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,23,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,25,0)="M7. How troubled or bothered have you been by these medical "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,26,0)="problems in the past 30 days? |8.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,27,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,28,0)="M8. How important to you now is treatment for these medical "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,29,0)="problems? |8.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,30,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,33,0)="M9. How do you rate the patient's need for medical treatment? |8.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,34,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,35,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,37,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,38,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,39,0)="M10. Patient's misrepresentation? |8.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,40,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,41,0)="M11. Patient's inability to understand? |8.15|"
^YSTX(604.68,11,1,42,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,2,0)=" ***** EMPLOYMENT/SUPPORT STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,5,0)="E1. Education completed (Years-Months) |9.01|-|9.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,7,0)="E2. Training or Technical education completed: |9.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,8,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,9,0)="E3. Do you have a profession, trade or skill? |9.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,10,0)=" If ""Yes"" specify: |9.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,11,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,12,0)="E4. Do you have a valid driver's license? |9.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,13,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,14,0)="E5. Do you have an automobile available? |9.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,15,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,16,0)="E6. How long was your longest full time job? (yrs-mos) |9.11|-|9.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,17,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,18,0)="E7. Usual (or last) occupation? |9.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,19,0)=" (specify) |9.145|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,20,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,21,0)="E8. Does someone contribute to your support in any way? |9.15|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,22,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,23,0)="E9. Does this constitute the majority of your support? |9.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,24,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,25,0)="E10. Usual employment pattern, past three years? |9.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,26,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,27,0)="E11. How many days were you paid for working in the past 30 days? |9.18|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,28,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,29,0)="How much money did you receive from the following sources in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,31,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,32,0)="E12. Employment? |9.19^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,33,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,34,0)="E13. Unemployment Compensation? |9.21^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,35,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,36,0)="E14. Welfare? |9.22^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,37,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,38,0)="E15. Pension, benefits, SSI or SSDI? |9.23^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,39,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,40,0)="E16. Mate, family, or friends? |9.24^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,41,0)=" If ""Any"", specify who: |9.245|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,42,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,43,0)="E17.Illegal? |9.25^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,44,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,45,0)="E18. How many people depend on you for the majority of their food, "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,46,0)="shelter, etc. ? |9.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,47,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,48,0)="E19. How many days have you experienced employment problems in the past "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,49,0)="30 days? |9.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,50,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,51,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,53,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,54,0)="E20. How troubled or bothered have you been by these employment problems in "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,55,0)="the past 30 days? |9.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,56,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,57,0)="E21. How important to you now, is counseling for these employment problems? |9.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,58,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,61,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,62,0)="E22. How would you rate the patient's need for employment counseling? |9.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,63,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,64,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,66,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,67,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,68,0)="E23. Patient's misrepresentation? |9.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,69,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,12,1,70,0)="E24. Patient's inability to understand? |9.36|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,0)="DRUG/ALCOHOL USE"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,2,0)=" ***** DRUG/ALCOHOL USE *****"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,3,0)="---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,4,0)="Route of Administration Types:"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,5,0)="1. Oral 2. Nasal 3. Smoking 4. Non-Iv injection 5. IV"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,7,0)=" Past 30 Route of"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,8,0)=" Days Lifetime Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,9,0)=" -------- -------- --------------"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,10,0)="D1 Alcohol (any use at all) |10.01^2| |10.02^2| |10.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,11,0)="D2 Alcohol (to intoxication) |10.04^2| |10.05^2| |10.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,12,0)="D3 Heroin |10.07^2| |10.08^2| |10.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,13,0)="D4 Methadone |10.11^2| |10.12^2| |10.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,14,0)="D5 Other Opiates Analgesics |10.15^2| |10.16^2| |10.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,15,0)="D6 Barbiturates |10.18^2| |10.19^2| |10.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,16,0)="D7 Sedatives Hypnotics Tranquilizers |10.22^2| |10.23^2| |10.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,17,0)="D8 Cocaine |10.25^2| |10.26^2| |10.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,18,0)="D9 Amphetamines |10.28^2| |10.29^2| |10.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,19,0)="D10 Cannabis |10.32^2| |10.33^2| |10.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,20,0)="D11 Hallucinogens |10.35^2| |10.36^2| |10.37|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,21,0)="D12 Inhalants |10.38^2| |10.39^2| |10.41|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,22,0)="D13 More than 1 substance per day |10.42^2| |10.43^2| "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,23,0)="(including alcohol)"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,24,0)="14. According to the interviewer, what substance(s) are the "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,25,0)="major problem? |10.45|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,26,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,27,0)="D15. How long was your last period of voluntary abstinence from this "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,28,0)="major substance? |11.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,29,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,30,0)="D16. How many months ago did this abstinence end? |11.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,31,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,32,0)=" How many times have you had:"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,33,0)=" D17 Alcohol DT's? |11.03^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,34,0)=" D18 Overdosed on Drugs? |11.04^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,35,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,36,0)=" How many times in your life have you been treated for:"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,37,0)=" D19 Alcohol abuse? |11.05^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,38,0)=" D20 Drug Abuse? |11.06^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,39,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,40,0)=" How many of these were detox only?"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,41,0)=" D21 Alcohol? |11.07^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,42,0)=" D22 Drugs? |11.08^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,43,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,44,0)=" How much money would you say you spent during the past 30 days on:"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,45,0)=" D23 Alcohol? |11.09^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,46,0)=" D24 Drugs? |11.11^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,47,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,48,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,49,0)="D25 How many days have you been treated as an outpatient for alcohol or"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,50,0)="drugs in the past 30 days? |11.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,51,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,52,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,53,0)=" How many days in the past 30 have you experienced:"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,54,0)=" D26 Alcohol problems? |11.14^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,55,0)=" D27 Drug problems? |11.15^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,56,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,57,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,59,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,60,0)=" How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by these:"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,61,0)=" D28 Alcohol problems? |11.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,62,0)=" D29 Drug problems? |11.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,63,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,64,0)=" How important to you now is treatment for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,65,0)=" D30 Alcohol problems? |11.165|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,66,0)=" D31 Drug problems? |11.175|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,67,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,68,0)="INTERVIEWER RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,70,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,71,0)=" How would you rate the patient's need for treatment:"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,72,0)=" D32 Alcohol problems? |11.18|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,73,0)=" D33 Drug problems? |11.185|"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,74,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,75,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,77,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,78,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,79,0)="D34 Patient's misrepresentation? |11.19| "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,80,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,13,1,81,0)="D35 Patient's inability to understand? |11.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,0)="LEGAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,2,0)=" ***** LEGAL STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,5,0)="L1. Was this admission prompted or suggested by the criminal justice"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,6,0)="system. |14.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,7,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,8,0)="L2. Are you on parole or probation? |14.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,9,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,10,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,12,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,13,0)="L3 Shoplifting-Vandalism |14.03^2| L10 Assault |14.11^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,14,0)="L4 Parole-Probation Violations |14.04^2| L11 Arson |14.12^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,15,0)="L5 Drug Charges |14.05^2| L12 Rape |14.14^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,16,0)="L6 Forgery |14.06^2| L13 Homicide-Manslaughter |14.15^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,17,0)="L7 Weapons Offense |14.07^2| L14 Prostitution |14.16^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,18,0)="L8 Burglary-Larceny-B&E |14.08^2| L15 Contempt of Court |14.17^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,19,0)="L9 Robbery |14.09^2| L16 Other |14.18^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,20,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,21,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,22,0)="L17 How many of these charges resulted in convictions? |14.19|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,23,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,24,0)="How many times in your life have your been charaged with the following:"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,26,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,27,0)="L18 Disorderly conduct, vagrancy, public intoxication? |14.21^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,28,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,29,0)="L19 Driving while intoxicated? |14.22^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,30,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,31,0)="L20 Major driving violations? |14.23^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,32,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,33,0)="L21 How many months were you incarcerated in your life? |14.24^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,34,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,35,0)="L22 How long was your last incarceration? |14.25^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,36,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,37,0)="L23 What was it for? |14.26|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,38,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,39,0)="L24 Are you presently awaiting charges, trial, or sentence? |14.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,40,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,41,0)="L25 What for? |14.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,42,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,43,0)="L26 How many days in the past 30, were you detained or "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,44,0)="incarcerated? |14.29^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,45,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,46,0)="L27 How many days in the past 30, have you engaged in illegal "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,47,0)="activities for profit? |14.31^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,48,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,49,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,50,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,52,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,53,0)="L28 How serious do you feel your present legal problems are? |14.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,54,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,55,0)="L29 How important to you now is counseling or referral for "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,56,0)="these legal problems? |14.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,57,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,58,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,61,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,62,0)="L30 How would you rate the patient's need for legal services"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,63,0)="or counseling? |14.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,64,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,65,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,66,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,68,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,69,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,70,0)="L31 Patient's misrepresentation? |14.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,71,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,14,1,72,0)="L32 Patient's inability to understand? |14.36|"
^YSTX(604.68,15,0)="FAMILY HISTORY"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,2,0)=" ***** FAMILY HISTORY *****"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,5,0)="Have any of yhour blood-related relatives had what your would call a"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,6,0)="significant drinking (A), drug use (D), or psychiatric (P) problem - One"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,7,0)="that did or should have led to treatment?"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,8,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,9,0)="Mother's Side A D P Father's Side A D P Sibilings Br/S A D P"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,10,0)="----------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,11,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,12,0)="Grandmother |15.01| |15.02| |15.03| Grandmother |15.18| |15.19| |15.21| |16.075| |16.07| |16.08| |16.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,13,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,14,0)="Grandfather |15.04| |15.05| |15.06| Grandfather |15.22| |15.23| |15.24| |16.115| |16.11| |16.12| |16.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,15,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,16,0)="Mother |15.07| |15.08| |15.09| Father |15.25| |15.26| |15.27| |16.155| |16.15| |16.16| |16.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,17,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,18,0)="Aunt |15.11| |15.12| |15.14| Aunt |16.01| |16.02| |16.03| |16.185| |16.18| |16.19| |16.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,19,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,15,1,20,0)="Uncle |15.15| |15.16| |15.17| Uncle |16.04| |16.05| |16.06| "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,2,0)=" ***** FAMILY/SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,5,0)="F1 Marital Status: |17.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,7,0)="F2 How long have you been in this marital status (Q#1)? (yrs-mos) |17.02|-|17.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,8,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,9,0)="F3 Are you satified with this situation? |17.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,10,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,11,0)="F4 Usual living arrangements (past 3 years): |17.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,12,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,13,0)="F5 How long have you lived in these arrangements? (yrs-mos) |17.06|-|17.07|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,14,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,15,0)="F6 Are you satisfied with these arrangements? |17.08|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,16,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,17,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,18,0)="Do you live with anyone who:"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,20,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,21,0)="F7 Has a current alcohol problem? |17.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,22,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,23,0)="F8 Uses non-prescribed drugs? |17.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,24,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,25,0)="F9 With whom do you spend most of your free time? |17.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,26,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,27,0)="F10 Are you satisfied with spending your free time in this way? |17.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,28,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,29,0)="F11 How many close friends do you have? |17.15|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,30,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,31,0)=" Would you say you have had a close reciprocal relationship"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,32,0)=" with any of the following people: "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,33,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,34,0)="F12 Mother |17.16| F15 Sexual Partner - Spouse |17.19|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,35,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,36,0)="F13 Father |17.17| F16 Children |17.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,37,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,38,0)="F14 Brothers - Sisters |17.18| F17 Friends |17.22|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,39,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,40,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,41,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,42,0)="problems getting along with:"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,43,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,44,0)=" Past In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,45,0)=" 30 Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,46,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,47,0)="F18 Mother |18.01^3| |18.02^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,48,0)="F19 Father |18.03^3| |18.04^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,49,0)="F20 Brother-Sister |18.05^3| |18.06^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,50,0)="F21 Sexual Partner-Spouse |18.07^3| |18.08^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,51,0)="F22 Children |18.09^3| |18.11^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,52,0)="F23 Other Significant Family "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,53,0)="|18.125^25| |18.12^3| |18.14^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,54,0)="F24 Close Friend |18.15^3| |18.16^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,55,0)="F25 Neighbors |18.17^3| |18.18^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,56,0)="F26 Co-workers |18.185^3| |18.186^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,57,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,58,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,59,0)="Has anyone abused you:"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,60,0)="---------------------- Past In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,61,0)=" 30 Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,62,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,63,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,64,0)="F27 Emotionally? |18.19^3| |18.195^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,65,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,66,0)="F28 Physically? |18.21^3| |18.215^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,67,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,68,0)="F29 Sexually? |18.22^3| |18.225^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,69,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,70,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,71,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you had serious conflicts:"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,73,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,74,0)="F30 With your family? |18.23|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,75,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,76,0)="F31 With other people (excluding family)? |18.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,77,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,78,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,79,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,81,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,82,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by:"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,83,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,84,0)="F32 Family Problems: |18.25|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,85,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,86,0)="F33 Social Problems: |18.26|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,87,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,88,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,89,0)="How important to you now is treatment or counseling for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,90,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,91,0)="F34 Family problems: |18.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,92,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,93,0)="F35 Social problems: |18.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,94,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,95,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,98,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,99,0)="F36 How would you rate the patient's need for family and or"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,100,0)="social counseling? |18.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,101,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,102,0)="CONFIDENCE RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,104,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,105,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,106,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,107,0)="F37 Patient's misrepresentation? |18.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,108,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,16,1,109,0)="F38 Patient's inability to understand? |18.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,2,0)=" ***** PSYCHIATRIC STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,5,0)="P1 How many times have you been treated for any psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,6,0)="emotional problems:"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,7,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,8,0)=" In a Hospital or inpatient setting? |19.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,9,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,10,0)=" Outpatient-private patient? |19.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,11,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,12,0)="P2 Do you receive monetary compensation for a psychiatric disability? |19.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,13,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,14,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,15,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,16,0)="Have you had a significant period of time (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,17,0)="alcohol-drug use) in which you have:"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,18,0)=" Past 30 In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,19,0)=" Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,20,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,21,0)="P3 Experienced serious depression, sadness "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,22,0)="hopelessness, loss of interest, difficulty "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,23,0)="with daily function? |19.04^3| |19.05^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,24,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,25,0)="P4 Experienced serious anxiety-tension-"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,26,0)="uptight, unreasonably worried, inability"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,27,0)="to feel relaxed? |19.06^3| |19.07^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,28,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,29,0)="P5 Experienced hallucinations-saw things"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,30,0)="or heard voices that were not there? |19.08^3| |19.09^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,31,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,32,0)="P6 Experienced trouble understanding,"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,33,0)="concentrating, or remembering? |19.11^3| |19.12^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,34,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,35,0)="P7 Experienced trouble controlling "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,36,0)="violent behavior including episodes "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,37,0)="of rage, or violence? |19.14^3| |19.15^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,38,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,39,0)="P8 Experienced serious thoughts of suicide? |19.16^3| |19.17^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,40,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,41,0)="P9 Attempted suicide? |19.18^3| |19.19^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,42,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,43,0)="P10 Been prescribed medication for any"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,44,0)="psychological or emotional problems? |19.21^3| |19.22^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,45,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,46,0)="P11 How many days in the past 30 have you experienced these "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,47,0)="psychological or emotional problems? |19.23|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,48,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,49,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,50,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,52,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,53,0)="P12 How much have you been troubled or bothered by these psychological"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,54,0)="or emotional problems in the past 30 days? |19.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,55,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,56,0)="P13 How important to you now is treatment for these psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,57,0)="emotional problems? |19.25|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,58,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,59,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,60,0)="The following items are to be completed by the interviewer:"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,62,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,63,0)="At the time of the interview, the patient was:"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,64,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,65,0)="P14 Obviously depressed-withdrawn |19.26|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,66,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,67,0)="P15 Obviously hostile |19.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,68,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,69,0)="P16 Obviously anxious-nervous |19.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,70,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,71,0)="P17 Having trouble with reality testing, thought disorders,"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,72,0)="paranoid thinking |19.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,73,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,74,0)="P18 Having trouble comprehending, concentrating, remembering |19.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,75,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,76,0)="P19 Having sucidal thoughts |19.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,77,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,78,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,81,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,82,0)="P20 How would you rate the patient's need for psychiatric-"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,83,0)="psychological treatment? |19.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,84,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,85,0)="CONFIDENCE RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,87,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,88,0)="P21 Patient's misrepresentation? |19.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,89,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,17,1,90,0)="P22 Patient's inability to understand? |19.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,20,0)="SEV RAT & COMP SCORES"
^YSTX(604.68,20,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,20,1,3,0)=" ---------------- ----------------"
^YSTX(604.68,20,1,4,0)=" MEDICAL |8.12^2| |.61|"
^YSTX(604.68,20,1,5,0)=" EMPLOYMENT |9.34^2| |.62|"
^YSTX(604.68,20,1,6,0)=" ALCOHOL |11.18^2| |.63|"
^YSTX(604.68,20,1,7,0)=" DRUG |11.185^2| |.635|"
^YSTX(604.68,20,1,8,0)=" LEGAL |14.34^2| |.64|"
^YSTX(604.68,20,1,9,0)=" FAMILY |18.29^2| |.65|"
^YSTX(604.68,20,1,10,0)=" PSYCHIATRIC |19.33^2| |.66|"
^YSTX(604.68,21,0)="ONLINE ENTRY"
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,1,0)=" *** On-line Entry Help ****"
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,2,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,3,0)="On-line entry screens are divided into several sections. Topmost is the"
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,4,0)="header with Patient demographics and type of interview. Next comes the"
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,5,0)="item designation and section. The full text of the question is then"
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,6,0)="followed by allowable answers. Under the bottom vertical line are any"
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,7,0)="hints on how to ask the question and record the answer."
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,8,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,9,0)="Jump to any question by typing the a ""^"" followed by the section"
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,10,0)="letter and the question number: ^P11"
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,11,0)="Return from a jump by typing ""^B"""
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,12,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,13,0)="Go directly to entering comments by typing ""^C"""
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,14,0)="Delete an answer by entering a ""@"""
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,15,0)="End the session by entering just ""^"""
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,16,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,17,0)="Remember there is full on-line documentation. For further computer"
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,18,0)="assistance call (412) 365-4127. For help with the ASI clinically call"
^YSTX(604.68,21,1,19,0)="(800) 238 2433."
^YSTX(604.68,22,0)="FULL ITEM REPORT"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,2,0)=" ***** GENERAL INFORMATION *****"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,5,0)=" Name: |.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,7,0)=" SS No.: |.02:.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,8,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,9,0)="Admission Date: |1|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,10,0)=" Interview: |.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,11,0)=" Time Begun: |.051|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,12,0)=" Time Ended: |.052|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,13,0)=" Contact Code: |.07|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,14,0)=" Class: |.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,15,0)=" Gender: |.02:.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,16,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,17,0)=" Transcriber: |.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,18,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,19,0)=" Interviewer: |.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,20,0)=" Special: |.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,21,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,22,0)="G14. How long have you lived at this address? (Years-Months) |1.201|-|1.202|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,23,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,24,0)="G15. Is this address owned by you or your family? |1.203|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,25,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,26,0)="G16. Date of Birth: |.0203|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,27,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,28,0)="G17. Of what race do you consider yourself? |.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,29,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,30,0)="G18. Do you have a religious preference? |.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,31,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,32,0)="G19. Have you been in a controlled environment in the past "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,33,0)="30 days? |2.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,34,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,35,0)="G20. How many days? |2.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,36,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,37,0)="|.6| "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,38,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,39,0)=" ***** MEDICAL STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,41,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,42,0)="M1. How many times in your life have you been hospitalized for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,43,0)="problems? |8.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,44,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,45,0)="M2. How long ago was your last hospitalization for a physical problem? |8.02|/|8.025|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,46,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,47,0)="M3. Do you have any chronic medical problems which continue to interfere"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,48,0)="with your life? |8.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,50,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,51,0)="M4. Are you taking any prescribed medication on a regular basis for a"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,52,0)="physical problem? |8.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,53,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,54,0)="M5. Do you receive monetary compensation for a physical disability? |8.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,56,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,57,0)="M6. How many days have you experienced medical problems in the past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,58,0)="days? |8.08|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,59,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,60,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,62,0)="M7. How troubled or bothered have you been by these medical "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,63,0)="problems in the past 30 days? |8.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,64,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,65,0)="M8. How important to you now is treatment for these medical "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,66,0)="problems? |8.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,67,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,70,0)="M9. How do you rate the patient's need for medical treatment? |8.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,71,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,72,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,74,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,75,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,76,0)="M10. Patient's misrepresentation? |8.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,77,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,78,0)="M11. Patient's inability to understand? |8.15|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,79,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,81,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,82,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,83,0)=" ***** EMPLOYMENT/SUPPORT STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,85,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,86,0)="E1. Education completed (Years-Months) |9.01|-|9.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,87,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,88,0)="E2. Training or Technical education completed: |9.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,89,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,90,0)="E3. Do you have a profession, trade or skill? |9.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,91,0)=" If ""Yes"" specify: |9.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,92,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,93,0)="E4. Do you have a valid driver's license? |9.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,94,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,95,0)="E5. Do you have an automobile available? |9.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,96,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,97,0)="E6. How long was your longest full time job? (yrs-mos) |9.11|-|9.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,98,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,99,0)="E7. Usual (or last) occupation? |9.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,100,0)=" (specify) |9.145|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,101,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,102,0)="E8. Does someone contribute to your support in any way? |9.15|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,103,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,104,0)="E9. Does this constitute the majority of your support? |9.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,105,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,106,0)="E10. Usual employment pattern, past three years? |9.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,107,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,108,0)="E11. How many days were you paid for working in the past 30 days? |9.18|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,109,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,110,0)="How much money did you receive from the following sources in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,112,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,113,0)="E12. Employment? |9.19^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,114,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,115,0)="E13. Unemployment Compensation? |9.21^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,116,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,117,0)="E14. Welfare? |9.22^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,118,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,119,0)="E15. Pension, benefits, SSI or SSDI? |9.23^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,120,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,121,0)="E16. Mate, family, or friends? |9.24^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,122,0)=" If ""Any"", specify who: |9.245|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,123,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,124,0)="E17.Illegal? |9.25^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,125,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,126,0)="E18. How many people depend on you for the majority of their food, "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,127,0)="shelter, etc. ? |9.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,128,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,129,0)="E19. How many days have you experienced employment problems in the past "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,130,0)="30 days? |9.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,131,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,132,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,134,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,135,0)="E20. How troubled or bothered have you been by these employment problems in "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,136,0)="the past 30 days? |9.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,137,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,138,0)="E21. How important to you now, is counseling for these employment problems? |9.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,139,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,142,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,143,0)="E22. How would you rate the patient's need for employment counseling? |9.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,144,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,145,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,147,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,148,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,149,0)="E23. Patient's misrepresentation? |9.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,150,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,151,0)="E24. Patient's inability to understand? |9.36|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,152,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,153,0)="|9.5| "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,154,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,155,0)=" ***** DRUG/ALCOHOL USE *****"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,156,0)="---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,157,0)="Route of Administration Types:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,158,0)="1. Oral 2. Nasal 3. Smoking 4. Non-Iv injection 5. IV"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,159,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,160,0)=" Past 30 Route of"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,161,0)=" Days Lifetime Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,162,0)=" -------- -------- --------------"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,163,0)="D1 Alcohol (any use at all) |10.01^2| |10.02^2| |10.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,164,0)="D2 Alcohol (to intoxication) |10.04^2| |10.05^2| |10.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,165,0)="D3 Heroin |10.07^2| |10.08^2| |10.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,166,0)="D4 Methadone |10.11^2| |10.12^2| |10.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,167,0)="D5 Other Opiates Analgesics |10.15^2| |10.16^2| |10.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,168,0)="D6 Barbiturates |10.18^2| |10.19^2| |10.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,169,0)="D7 Sedatives Hypnotics Tranquilizers |10.22^2| |10.23^2| |10.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,170,0)="D8 Cocaine |10.25^2| |10.26^2| |10.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,171,0)="D9 Amphetamines |10.28^2| |10.29^2| |10.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,172,0)="D10 Cannabis |10.32^2| |10.33^2| |10.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,173,0)="D11 Hallucinogens |10.35^2| |10.36^2| |10.37|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,174,0)="D12 Inhalants |10.38^2| |10.39^2| |10.41|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,175,0)="D13 More than 1 substance per day |10.42^2| |10.43^2| "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,176,0)="(including alcohol)"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,177,0)="D14 According to the interviewer, what substance(s) are the "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,178,0)="major problem? |10.45|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,179,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,180,0)="D15. How long was your last period of voluntary abstinence from this "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,181,0)="major substance? |11.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,182,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,183,0)="D16. How many months ago did this abstinence end? |11.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,184,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,185,0)=" How many times have you had:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,186,0)=" D17 Alcohol DT's? |11.03^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,187,0)=" D18 Overdosed on Drugs? |11.04^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,188,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,189,0)=" How many times in your life have you been treated for:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,190,0)=" D19 Alcohol abuse? |11.05^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,191,0)=" D20 Drug Abuse? |11.06^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,192,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,193,0)=" How many of these were detox only?"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,194,0)=" D21 Alcohol? |11.07^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,195,0)=" D22 Drugs? |11.08^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,196,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,197,0)=" How much money would you say you spent during the past 30 days on:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,198,0)=" D23 Alcohol? |11.09^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,199,0)=" D24 Drugs? |11.11^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,200,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,201,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,202,0)="D25 How many days have you been treated as an outpatient for alcohol or"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,203,0)="drugs in the past 30 days? |11.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,204,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,205,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,206,0)=" How many days in the past 30 have you experienced:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,207,0)=" D26 Alcohol problems? |11.14^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,208,0)=" D27 Drug problems? |11.15^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,209,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,210,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,212,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,213,0)=" How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by these:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,214,0)=" D28 Alcohol problems? |11.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,215,0)=" D29 Drug problems? |11.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,216,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,217,0)=" How important to you now is treatment for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,218,0)=" D30 Alcohol problems? |11.165|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,219,0)=" D31 Drug problems? |11.175|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,220,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,221,0)="INTERVIEWER RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,223,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,224,0)=" How would you rate the patient's need for treatment:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,225,0)=" D32 Alcohol problems? |11.18|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,226,0)=" D33 Drug problems? |11.185|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,227,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,228,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,230,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,231,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,232,0)="D34 Patient's misrepresentation? |11.19| "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,233,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,234,0)="D35 Patient's inability to understand? |11.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,235,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,236,0)="|10.5| "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,237,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,238,0)=" ***** LEGAL STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,240,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,241,0)="L1. Was this admission prompted or suggested by the criminal justice"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,242,0)="system. |14.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,243,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,244,0)="L2. Are you on parole or probation? |14.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,245,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,246,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,248,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,249,0)="L3 Shoplifting-Vandalism |14.03^2| L10 Assault |14.11^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,250,0)="L4 Parole-Probation Violations |14.04^2| L11 Arson |14.12^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,251,0)="L5 Drug Charges |14.05^2| L12 Rape |14.14^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,252,0)="L6 Forgery |14.06^2| L13 Homicide-Manslaughter |14.15^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,253,0)="L7 Weapons Offense |14.07^2| L14 Prostitution |14.16^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,254,0)="L8 Burglary-Larceny-B&E |14.08^2| L15 Contempt of Court |14.17^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,255,0)="L9 Robbery |14.09^2| L16 Other |14.18^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,256,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,257,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,258,0)="L17 How many of these charges resulted in convictions? |14.19|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,259,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,260,0)="How many times in your life have your been charged with the following:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,262,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,263,0)="L18 Disorderly conduct, vagrancy, public intoxication? |14.21^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,264,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,265,0)="L19 Driving while intoxicated? |14.22^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,266,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,267,0)="L20 Major driving violations? |14.23^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,268,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,269,0)="L21 How many months were you incarcerated in your life? |14.24^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,270,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,271,0)="L22 How long was your last incarceration? |14.25^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,272,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,273,0)="L23 What was it for? |14.26|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,274,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,275,0)="L24 Are you presently awaiting charges, trial, or sentence? |14.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,276,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,277,0)="L25 What for? |14.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,278,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,279,0)="L26 How many days in the past 30, were you detained or "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,280,0)="incarcerated? |14.29^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,281,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,282,0)="L27 How many days in the past 30, have you engaged in illegal "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,283,0)="activities for profit? |14.31^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,284,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,285,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,286,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,288,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,289,0)="L28 How serious do you feel your present legal problems are? |14.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,290,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,291,0)="L29 How important to you now is counseling or referral for "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,292,0)="these legal problems? |14.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,293,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,294,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,297,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,298,0)="L30 How would you rate the patient's need for legal services"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,299,0)="or counseling? |14.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,300,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,301,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,302,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,304,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,305,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,306,0)="L31 Patient's misrepresentation? |14.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,307,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,308,0)="L32 Patient's inability to understand? |14.36|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,309,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,311,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,312,0)=" ***** FAMILY HISTORY *****"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,314,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,315,0)="Have any of your blood-related relatives had what your would call a"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,316,0)="significant drinking (A), drug use (D), or psychiatric (P) problem - One"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,317,0)="that did or should have led to treatment?"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,318,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,319,0)="Mother's Side A D P Father's Side A D P Siblings Br/S A D P"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,320,0)="----------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,321,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,322,0)="Grandmother |15.01| |15.02| |15.03| Grandmother |15.18| |15.19| |15.21| |16.075| |16.07| |16.08| |16.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,323,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,324,0)="Grandfather |15.04| |15.05| |15.06| Grandfather |15.22| |15.23| |15.24| |16.115| |16.11| |16.12| |16.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,325,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,326,0)="Mother |15.07| |15.08| |15.09| Father |15.25| |15.26| |15.27| |16.155| |16.15| |16.16| |16.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,327,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,328,0)="Aunt |15.11| |15.12| |15.14| Aunt |16.01| |16.02| |16.03| |16.185| |16.18| |16.19| |16.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,329,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,330,0)="Uncle |15.15| |15.16| |15.17| Uncle |16.04| |16.05| |16.06| "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,331,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,333,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,334,0)=" ***** FAMILY/SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,336,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,337,0)="F1 Marital Status: |17.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,338,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,339,0)="F2 How long have you been in this marital status (Q#1)? (yrs-mos) |17.02|-|17.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,340,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,341,0)="F3 Are you satisfied with this situation? |17.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,342,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,343,0)="F4 Usual living arrangements (past 3 years): |17.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,344,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,345,0)="F5 How long have you lived in these arrangements? (yrs-mos) |17.06|-|17.07|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,346,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,347,0)="F6 Are you satisfied with these arrangements? |17.08|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,348,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,349,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,350,0)="Do you live with anyone who:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,352,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,353,0)="F7 Has a current alcohol problem? |17.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,354,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,355,0)="F8 Uses non-prescribed drugs? |17.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,356,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,357,0)="F9 With whom do you spend most of your free time? |17.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,358,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,359,0)="F10 Are you satisfied with spending your free time in this way? |17.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,360,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,361,0)="F11 How many close friends do you have? |17.15|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,362,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,363,0)=" Would you say you have had a close reciprocal relationship"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,364,0)=" with any of the following people: "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,365,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,366,0)="F12 Mother |17.16| F15 Sexual Partner - Spouse |17.19|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,367,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,368,0)="F13 Father |17.17| F16 Children |17.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,369,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,370,0)="F14 Brothers - Sisters |17.18| F17 Friends |17.22|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,371,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,372,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,373,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,374,0)="problems getting along with:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,375,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,376,0)=" Past In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,377,0)=" 30 Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,378,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,379,0)="F18 Mother |18.01^3| |18.02^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,380,0)="F19 Father |18.03^3| |18.04^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,381,0)="F20 Brother-Sister |18.05^3| |18.06^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,382,0)="F21 Sexual Partner-Spouse |18.07^3| |18.08^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,383,0)="F22 Children |18.09^3| |18.11^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,384,0)="F23 Other Significant Family "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,385,0)="|18.125^25| |18.12^3| |18.14^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,386,0)="F24 Close Friend |18.15^3| |18.16^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,387,0)="F25 Neighbors |18.17^3| |18.18^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,388,0)="F26 Co-workers |18.185^3| |18.186^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,389,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,390,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,391,0)="Has anyone abused you:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,392,0)="---------------------- Past In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,393,0)=" 30 Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,394,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,395,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,396,0)="F27 Emotionally? |18.19^3| |18.195^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,397,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,398,0)="F28 Physically? |18.21^3| |18.215^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,399,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,400,0)="F29 Sexually? |18.22^3| |18.225^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,401,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,402,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,403,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you had serious conflicts:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,405,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,406,0)="F30 With your family? |18.23|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,407,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,408,0)="F31 With other people (excluding family)? |18.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,409,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,410,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,411,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,413,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,414,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,415,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,416,0)="F32 Family Problems: |18.25|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,417,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,418,0)="F33 Social Problems: |18.26|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,419,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,420,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,421,0)="How important to you now is treatment or counseling for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,422,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,423,0)="F34 Family problems: |18.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,424,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,425,0)="F35 Social problems: |18.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,426,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,427,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,430,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,431,0)="F36 How would you rate the patient's need for family and or"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,432,0)="social counseling? |18.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,433,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,434,0)="CONFIDENCE RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,436,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,437,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,438,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,439,0)="F37 Patient's misrepresentation? |18.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,440,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,441,0)="F38 Patient's inability to understand? |18.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,442,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,444,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,445,0)=" ***** PSYCHIATRIC STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,447,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,448,0)="P1 How many times have you been treated for any psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,449,0)="emotional problems:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,450,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,451,0)=" In a Hospital or inpatient setting? |19.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,452,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,453,0)=" Outpatient-private patient? |19.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,454,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,455,0)="P2 Do you receive monetary compensation for a psychiatric disability? |19.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,456,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,457,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,458,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,459,0)="Have you had a significant period of time (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,460,0)="alcohol-drug use) in which you have:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,461,0)=" Past 30 In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,462,0)=" Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,463,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,464,0)="P3 Experienced serious depression, sadness "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,465,0)="hopelessness, loss of interest, difficulty "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,466,0)="with daily function? |19.04^3| |19.05^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,467,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,468,0)="P4 Experienced serious anxiety-tension-"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,469,0)="uptight, unreasonably worried, inability"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,470,0)="to feel relaxed? |19.06^3| |19.07^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,471,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,472,0)="P5 Experienced hallucinations-saw things"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,473,0)="or heard voices that were not there? |19.08^3| |19.09^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,474,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,475,0)="P6 Experienced trouble understanding,"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,476,0)="concentrating, or remembering? |19.11^3| |19.12^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,477,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,478,0)="P7 Experienced trouble controlling "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,479,0)="violent behavior including episodes "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,480,0)="of rage, or violence? |19.14^3| |19.15^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,481,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,482,0)="P8 Experienced serious thoughts of suicide? |19.16^3| |19.17^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,483,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,484,0)="P9 Attempted suicide? |19.18^3| |19.19^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,485,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,486,0)="P10 Been prescribed medication for any"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,487,0)="psychological or emotional problems? |19.21^3| |19.22^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,488,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,489,0)="P11 How many days in the past 30 have you experienced these "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,490,0)="psychological or emotional problems? |19.23|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,491,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,492,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,493,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,495,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,496,0)="P12 How much have you been troubled or bothered by these psychological"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,497,0)="or emotional problems in the past 30 days? |19.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,498,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,499,0)="P13 How important to you now is treatment for these psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,500,0)="emotional problems? |19.25|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,501,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,502,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,503,0)="The following items are to be completed by the interviewer:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,505,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,506,0)="At the time of the interview, the patient was:"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,507,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,508,0)="P14 Obviously depressed-withdrawn |19.26|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,509,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,510,0)="P15 Obviously hostile |19.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,511,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,512,0)="P16 Obviously anxious-nervous |19.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,513,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,514,0)="P17 Having trouble with reality testing, thought disorders,"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,515,0)="paranoid thinking |19.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,516,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,517,0)="P18 Having trouble comprehending, concentrating, remembering |19.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,518,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,519,0)="P19 Having suicidal thoughts |19.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,520,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,521,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,524,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,525,0)="P20 How would you rate the patient's need for psychiatric-"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,526,0)="psychological treatment? |19.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,527,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,528,0)="CONFIDENCE RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,530,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,531,0)="P21 Patient's misrepresentation? |19.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,532,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,533,0)="P22 Patient's inability to understand? |19.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,534,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,536,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,22,1,539,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,0)="LITE ITEM REPORT"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,2,0)=" ***** GENERAL INFORMATION *****"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,5,0)=" Name: |.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,7,0)=" SS No.: |.02:.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,8,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,9,0)="Admission Date: |1|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,10,0)=" Interview: |.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,11,0)=" Time Begun: |.051|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,12,0)=" Time Ended: |.052|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,13,0)=" Contact Code: |.07|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,14,0)=" Class: |.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,15,0)=" Gender: |.02:.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,16,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,17,0)=" Transcriber: |.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,18,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,19,0)=" Interviewer: |.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,20,0)=" Special: |.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,21,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,22,0)="G14.How long have you lived at this address? (Years-Months) |1.201|-|1.202|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,23,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,24,0)="G16. Date of Birth: |.0203|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,25,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,26,0)="G17. Of what race do you consider yourself? |.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,27,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,28,0)="G18. Do you have a religious preference? |.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,29,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,30,0)="G19. Have you been in a controlled environment in the past "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,31,0)="30 days? |2.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,32,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,33,0)="G20. How many days? |2.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,34,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,36,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,37,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,38,0)=" ***** MEDICAL STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,40,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,41,0)="M1. How many times in your life have you been hospitalized for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,42,0)="problems? |8.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,43,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,44,0)="M3. Do you have any chronic medical problems which continue to interfere"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,45,0)="with your life? |8.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,46,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,47,0)="M4. Are you taking any prescribed medication on a regular basis for a"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,48,0)="physical problem? |8.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,49,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,50,0)="M5. Do you receive monetary compensation for a physical disability? |8.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,51,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,52,0)="M6. How many days have you experienced medical problems in the past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,53,0)="days? |8.08|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,54,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,55,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,57,0)="M7. How troubled or bothered have you been by these medical "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,58,0)="problems in the past 30 days? |8.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,59,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,60,0)="M8. How important to you now is treatment for these medical "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,61,0)="problems? |8.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,62,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,63,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,65,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,66,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,67,0)="M10. Patient's misrepresentation? |8.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,68,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,69,0)="M11. Patient's inability to understand? |8.15|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,70,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,72,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,73,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,74,0)=" ***** EMPLOYMENT/SUPPORT STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,76,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,77,0)="E1. Education completed (Years-Months) |9.01|-|9.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,78,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,79,0)="E2. Training or Technical education completed: |9.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,80,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,81,0)="E4. Do you have a valid driver's license? |9.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,82,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,83,0)="E5. Do you have an automobile available? |9.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,84,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,85,0)="E6. How long was your longest full time job? (yrs-mos) |9.11|-|9.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,86,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,87,0)="E7. Usual (or last) occupation? |9.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,88,0)=" (specify) |9.145|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,89,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,90,0)="E9. Does this constitute the majority of your support? |9.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,91,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,92,0)="E10. Usual employment pattern, past three years? |9.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,93,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,94,0)="E11. How many days were you paid for working in the past 30 days? |9.18|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,95,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,96,0)="How much money did you receive from the following sources in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,98,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,99,0)="E12. Employment? |9.19^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,100,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,101,0)="E13. Unemployment Compensation? |9.21^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,102,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,103,0)="E14. Welfare? |9.22^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,104,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,105,0)="E15. Pension, benefits, SSI or SSDI? |9.23^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,106,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,107,0)="E16. Mate, family, or friends? |9.24^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,108,0)=" If ""Any"", specify who: |9.245|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,109,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,110,0)="E17.Illegal? |9.25^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,111,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,112,0)="E18. How many people depend on you for the majority of their food, "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,113,0)="shelter, etc. ? |9.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,114,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,115,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,116,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,118,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,119,0)="E21. How important to you now, is counseling for these employment problems? |9.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,120,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,121,0)="E22. How would you rate the patient's need for employment counseling? |9.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,122,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,123,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,125,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,126,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,127,0)="E23. Patient's misrepresentation? |9.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,128,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,129,0)="E24. Patient's inability to understand? |9.36|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,130,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,131,0)="|9.5| "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,132,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,133,0)=" ***** DRUG/ALCOHOL USE *****"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,134,0)="---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,135,0)="Route of Administration Types:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,136,0)="1. Oral 2. Nasal 3. Smoking 4. Non-Iv injection 5. IV"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,137,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,138,0)=" Past 30 Route of"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,139,0)=" Days Lifetime Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,140,0)=" -------- -------- --------------"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,141,0)="D1 Alcohol (any use at all) |10.01^2| |10.02^2| |10.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,142,0)="D2 Alcohol (to intoxication) |10.04^2| |10.05^2| |10.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,143,0)="D3 Heroin |10.07^2| |10.08^2| |10.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,144,0)="D4 Methadone |10.11^2| |10.12^2| |10.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,145,0)="D5 Other Opiates Analgesics |10.15^2| |10.16^2| |10.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,146,0)="D6 Barbiturates |10.18^2| |10.19^2| |10.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,147,0)="D7 Sedatives Hypnotics Tranquilizers |10.22^2| |10.23^2| |10.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,148,0)="D8 Cocaine |10.25^2| |10.26^2| |10.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,149,0)="D9 Amphetamines |10.28^2| |10.29^2| |10.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,150,0)="D10 Cannabis |10.32^2| |10.33^2| |10.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,151,0)="D11 Hallucinogens |10.35^2| |10.36^2| |10.37|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,152,0)="D12 Inhalants |10.38^2| |10.39^2| |10.41|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,153,0)="D13 More than 1 substance per day |10.42^2| |10.43^2| "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,154,0)="(including alcohol)"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,155,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,156,0)=" How many times in your life have you been treated for:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,157,0)=" D19 Alcohol abuse? |11.05^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,158,0)=" D20 Drug Abuse? |11.06^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,159,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,160,0)=" How much money would you say you spent during the past 30 days on:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,161,0)=" D23 Alcohol? |11.09^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,162,0)=" D24 Drugs? |11.11^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,163,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,164,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,165,0)="D25 How many days have you been treated as an outpatient for alcohol or"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,166,0)="drugs in the past 30 days? |11.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,167,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,168,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,169,0)=" How many days in the past 30 have you experienced:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,170,0)=" D26 Alcohol problems? |11.14^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,171,0)=" D27 Drug problems? |11.15^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,172,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,173,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,175,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,176,0)=" How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by these:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,177,0)=" D28 Alcohol problems? |11.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,178,0)=" D29 Drug problems? |11.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,179,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,180,0)=" How important to you now is treatment for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,181,0)=" D30 Alcohol problems? |11.165|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,182,0)=" D31 Drug problems? |11.175|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,183,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,184,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,186,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,187,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,188,0)="D34 Patient's misrepresentation? |11.19| "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,189,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,190,0)="D35 Patient's inability to understand? |11.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,191,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,193,0)=" ***** LEGAL STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,195,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,196,0)="L1. Was this admission prompted or suggested by the criminal justice"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,197,0)="system. |14.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,198,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,199,0)="L2. Are you on parole or probation? |14.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,200,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,201,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,203,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,204,0)="L3 Shoplifting-Vandalism |14.03^2| L10 Assault |14.11^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,205,0)="L4 Parole-Probation Violations |14.04^2| L11 Arson |14.12^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,206,0)="L5 Drug Charges |14.05^2| L12 Rape |14.14^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,207,0)="L6 Forgery |14.06^2| L13 Homicide-Manslaughter |14.15^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,208,0)="L7 Weapons Offense |14.07^2| L14 Prostitution |14.16^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,209,0)="L8 Burglary-Larceny-B&E |14.08^2| L15 Contempt of Court |14.17^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,210,0)="L9 Robbery |14.09^2| L16 Other |14.18^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,211,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,212,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,213,0)="L17 How many of these charges resulted in convictions? |14.19|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,214,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,215,0)="How many times in your life have your been charged with the following:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,217,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,218,0)="L18 Disorderly conduct, vagrancy, public intoxication? |14.21^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,219,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,220,0)="L19 Driving while intoxicated? |14.22^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,221,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,222,0)="L20 Major driving violations? |14.23^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,223,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,224,0)="L21 How many months were you incarcerated in your life? |14.24^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,225,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,226,0)="L24 Are you presently awaiting charges, trial, or sentence? |14.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,227,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,228,0)="L25 What for? |14.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,229,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,230,0)="L26 How many days in the past 30, were you detained or "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,231,0)="incarcerated? |14.29^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,232,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,233,0)="L27 How many days in the past 30, have you engaged in illegal "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,234,0)="activities for profit? |14.31^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,235,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,236,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,237,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,239,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,240,0)="L28 How serious do you feel your present legal problems are? |14.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,241,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,242,0)="L29 How important to you now is counseling or referral for "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,243,0)="these legal problems? |14.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,244,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,245,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,246,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,248,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,249,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,250,0)="L31 Patient's misrepresentation? |14.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,251,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,252,0)="L32 Patient's inability to understand? |14.36|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,253,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,255,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,256,0)=" ***** FAMILY/SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,258,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,259,0)="F1 Marital Status: |17.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,260,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,261,0)="F3 Are you satisfied with this situation? |17.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,262,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,263,0)="F4 Usual living arrangements (past 3 years): |17.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,264,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,265,0)="F6 Are you satisfied with these arrangements? |17.08|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,266,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,267,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,268,0)="Do you live with anyone who:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,270,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,271,0)="F7 Has a current alcohol problem? |17.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,272,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,273,0)="F8 Uses non-prescribed drugs? |17.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,274,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,275,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,276,0)="problems getting along with:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,277,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,278,0)=" Past In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,279,0)=" 30 Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,280,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,281,0)="F18 Mother |18.01^3| |18.02^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,282,0)="F19 Father |18.03^3| |18.04^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,283,0)="F20 Brother-Sister |18.05^3| |18.06^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,284,0)="F21 Sexual Partner-Spouse |18.07^3| |18.08^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,285,0)="F22 Children |18.09^3| |18.11^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,286,0)="F23 Other Significant Family "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,287,0)="|18.125^25| |18.12^3| |18.14^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,288,0)="F24 Close Friend |18.15^3| |18.16^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,289,0)="F25 Neighbors |18.17^3| |18.18^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,290,0)="F26 Co-workers |18.185^3| |18.186^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,291,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,292,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,293,0)="Has anyone abused you:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,294,0)="---------------------- Past In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,295,0)=" 30 Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,296,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,297,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,298,0)="F28 Physically? |18.21^3| |18.215^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,299,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,300,0)="F29 Sexually? |18.22^3| |18.225^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,301,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,302,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,303,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you had serious conflicts:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,305,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,306,0)="F30 With your family? |18.23|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,307,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,308,0)="F31 With other people (excluding family)? |18.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,309,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,310,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,311,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,313,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,314,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,315,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,316,0)="F32 Family Problems: |18.25|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,317,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,318,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,319,0)="How important to you now is treatment or counseling for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,320,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,321,0)="F34 Family problems: |18.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,322,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,323,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,324,0)="CONFIDENCE RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,326,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,327,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,328,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,329,0)="F37 Patient's misrepresentation? |18.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,330,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,331,0)="F38 Patient's inability to understand? |18.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,332,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,334,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,335,0)=" ***** PSYCHIATRIC STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,337,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,338,0)="P1 How many times have you been treated for any psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,339,0)="emotional problems:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,340,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,341,0)=" In a Hospital or inpatient setting? |19.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,342,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,343,0)=" Outpatient-private patient? |19.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,344,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,345,0)="P2 Do you receive monetary compensation for a psychiatric disability? |19.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,346,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,347,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,348,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,349,0)="Have you had a significant period of time (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,350,0)="alcohol-drug use) in which you have:"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,351,0)=" Past 30 In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,352,0)=" Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,353,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,354,0)="P3 Experienced serious depression, sadness "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,355,0)="hopelessness, loss of interest, difficulty "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,356,0)="with daily function? |19.04^3| |19.05^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,357,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,358,0)="P4 Experienced serious anxiety-tension-"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,359,0)="uptight, unreasonably worried, inability"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,360,0)="to feel relaxed? |19.06^3| |19.07^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,361,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,362,0)="P5 Experienced hallucinations-saw things"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,363,0)="or heard voices that were not there? |19.08^3| |19.09^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,364,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,365,0)="P6 Experienced trouble understanding,"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,366,0)="concentrating, or remembering? |19.11^3| |19.12^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,367,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,368,0)="P7 Experienced trouble controlling "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,369,0)="violent behavior including episodes "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,370,0)="of rage, or violence? |19.14^3| |19.15^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,371,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,372,0)="P8 Experienced serious thoughts of suicide? |19.16^3| |19.17^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,373,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,374,0)="P9 Attempted suicide? |19.18^3| |19.19^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,375,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,376,0)="P10 Been prescribed medication for any"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,377,0)="psychological or emotional problems? |19.21^3| |19.22^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,378,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,379,0)="P11 How many days in the past 30 have you experienced these "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,380,0)="psychological or emotional problems? |19.23|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,381,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,382,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,383,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,385,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,386,0)="P12 How much have you been troubled or bothered by these psychological"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,387,0)="or emotional problems in the past 30 days? |19.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,388,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,389,0)="P13 How important to you now is treatment for these psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,390,0)="emotional problems? |19.25|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,391,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,392,0)="CONFIDENCE RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,394,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,395,0)="P21 Patient's misrepresentation? |19.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,396,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,397,0)="P22 Patient's inability to understand? |19.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,398,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,400,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,23,1,403,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,2,0)=" ***** GENERAL INFORMATION *****"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,5,0)=" Name: |.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,7,0)=" SS No.: |.02:.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,8,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,9,0)="Admission Date: |1|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,10,0)=" Interview: |.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,11,0)=" Time Begun: |.051|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,12,0)=" Time Ended: |.052|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,13,0)=" Contact Code: |.07|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,14,0)=" Class: |.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,15,0)=" Gender: |.02:.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,16,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,17,0)=" Transcriber: |.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,18,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,19,0)=" Interviewer: |.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,20,0)=" Special: |.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,21,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,22,0)="G19. Have you been in a controlled environment in the past "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,23,0)="30 days? |2.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,24,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,25,0)="G20. How many days? |2.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,26,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,27,0)="|.6| "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,28,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,29,0)=" ***** MEDICAL STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,31,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,32,0)="M1. How many times in your life have you been hospitalized for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,33,0)="problems? |8.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,34,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,35,0)="M4. Are you taking any prescribed medication on a regular basis for a"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,36,0)="physical problem? |8.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,37,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,38,0)="M5. Do you receive monetary compensation for a physical disability? |8.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,40,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,41,0)="M6. How many days have you experienced medical problems in the past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,42,0)="days? |8.08|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,43,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,44,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,46,0)="M7. How troubled or bothered have you been by these medical "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,47,0)="problems in the past 30 days? |8.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,48,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,49,0)="M8. How important to you now is treatment for these medical "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,50,0)="problems? |8.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,51,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,54,0)="M9. How do you rate the patient's need for medical treatment? |8.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,55,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,56,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,58,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,59,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,60,0)="M10. Patient's misrepresentation? |8.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,61,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,62,0)="M11. Patient's inability to understand? |8.15|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,63,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,65,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,66,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,67,0)=" ** *** EMPLOYMENT/SUPPORT STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,69,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,70,0)="E1. Education completed (Years-Months) |9.01|-|9.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,71,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,72,0)="E2. Training or Technical education completed: |9.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,73,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,74,0)="E3. Do you have a profession, trade or skill? |9.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,75,0)=" If ""Yes"" specify: |9.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,76,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,77,0)="E4. Do you have a valid driver's license? |9.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,78,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,79,0)="E5. Do you have an automobile available? |9.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,80,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,81,0)="E7. Usual (or last) occupation? |9.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,82,0)=" (specify) |9.145|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,83,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,84,0)="E8. Does someone contribute to your support in any way? |9.15|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,85,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,86,0)="E9. Does this constitute the majority of your support? |9.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,87,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,88,0)="E11. How many days were you paid for working in the past 30 days? |9.18|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,89,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,90,0)="How much money did you receive from the following sources in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,92,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,93,0)="E12. Employment? |9.19^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,94,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,95,0)="E13. Unemployment Compensation? |9.21^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,96,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,97,0)="E14. Welfare? |9.22^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,98,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,99,0)="E15. Pension, benefits, SSI or SSDI? |9.23^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,100,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,101,0)="E16. Mate, family, or friends? |9.24^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,102,0)=" If ""Any"", specify who: |9.245|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,103,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,104,0)="E17.Illegal? |9.25^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,105,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,106,0)="E18. How many people depend on you for the majority of their food, "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,107,0)="shelter, etc. ? |9.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,108,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,109,0)="E19. How many days have you experienced employment problems in the past "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,110,0)="30 days? |9.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,111,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,112,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,114,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,115,0)="E20. How troubled or bothered have you been by these employment problems in "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,116,0)="the past 30 days? |9.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,117,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,118,0)="E21. How important to you now, is counseling for these employment problems? |9.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,119,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,122,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,123,0)="E22. How would you rate the patient's need for employment counseling? |9.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,124,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,125,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,127,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,128,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,129,0)="E23. Patient's misrepresentation? |9.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,130,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,131,0)="E24. Patient's inability to understand? |9.36|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,132,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,134,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,135,0)=" ***** DRUG/ALCOHOL USE *****"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,136,0)="---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,137,0)="Route of Administration Types:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,138,0)="1. Oral 2. Nasal 3. Smoking 4. Non-Iv injection 5. IV"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,139,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,140,0)=" Past 30 Route of"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,141,0)=" Days Lifetime Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,142,0)=" -------- -------- --------------"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,143,0)="D1 Alcohol (any use at all) |10.01^2| |10.02^2| |10.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,144,0)="D2 Alcohol (to intoxication) |10.04^2| |10.05^2| |10.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,145,0)="D3 Heroin |10.07^2| |10.08^2| |10.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,146,0)="D4 Methadone |10.11^2| |10.12^2| |10.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,147,0)="D5 Other Opiates Analgesics |10.15^2| |10.16^2| |10.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,148,0)="D6 Barbiturates |10.18^2| |10.19^2| |10.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,149,0)="D7 Sedatives Hypnotics Tranquilizers |10.22^2| |10.23^2| |10.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,150,0)="D8 Cocaine |10.25^2| |10.26^2| |10.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,151,0)="D9 Amphetamines |10.28^2| |10.29^2| |10.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,152,0)="D10 Cannabis |10.32^2| |10.33^2| |10.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,153,0)="D11 Hallucinogens |10.35^2| |10.36^2| |10.37|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,154,0)="D12 Inhalants |10.38^2| |10.39^2| |10.41|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,155,0)="D13 More than 1 substance per day |10.42^2| |10.43^2| "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,156,0)="(including alcohol)"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,157,0)="14. According to the interviewer, what substance(s) are the "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,158,0)="major problem? |10.45|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,159,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,160,0)=" How many times have you had:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,161,0)=" D17 Alcohol DT's? |11.03^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,162,0)=" D18 Overdosed on Drugs? |11.04^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,163,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,164,0)=" How many times in your life have you been treated for:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,165,0)=" D19 Alcohol abuse? |11.05^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,166,0)=" D20 Drug Abuse? |11.06^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,167,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,168,0)=" How many of these were detox only?"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,169,0)=" D21 Alcohol? |11.07^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,170,0)=" D22 Drugs? |11.08^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,171,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,172,0)=" How much money would you say you spent during the past 30 days on:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,173,0)=" D23 Alcohol? |11.09^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,174,0)=" D24 Drugs? |11.11^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,175,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,176,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,177,0)="D25 How many days have you been treated as an outpatient for alcohol or"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,178,0)="drugs in the past 30 days? |11.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,179,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,180,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,181,0)=" How many days in the past 30 have you experienced:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,182,0)=" D26 Alcohol problems? |11.14^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,183,0)=" D27 Drug problems? |11.15^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,184,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,185,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,187,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,188,0)=" How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by these:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,189,0)=" D28 Alcohol problems? |11.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,190,0)=" D29 Drug problems? |11.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,191,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,192,0)=" How important to you now is treatment for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,193,0)=" D30 Alcohol problems? |11.165|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,194,0)=" D31 Drug problems? |11.175|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,195,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,196,0)="INTERVIEWER RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,198,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,199,0)=" How would you rate the patient's need for treatment:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,200,0)=" D32 Alcohol problems? |11.18|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,201,0)=" D33 Drug problems? |11.185|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,202,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,203,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,205,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,206,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,207,0)="D34 Patient's misrepresentation? |11.19| "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,208,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,209,0)="D35 Patient's inability to understand? |11.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,210,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,212,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,213,0)=" ***** LEGAL STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,215,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,216,0)="L2. Are you on parole or probation? |14.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,217,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,218,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,220,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,221,0)="L3 Shoplifting-Vandalism |14.03^2| L10 Assault |14.11^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,222,0)="L4 Parole-Probation Violations |14.04^2| L11 Arson |14.12^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,223,0)="L5 Drug Charges |14.05^2| L12 Rape |14.14^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,224,0)="L6 Forgery |14.06^2| L13 Homicide-Manslaughter |14.15^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,225,0)="L7 Weapons Offense |14.07^2| L14 Prostitution |14.16^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,226,0)="L8 Burglary-Larceny-B&E |14.08^2| L15 Contempt of Court |14.17^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,227,0)="L9 Robbery |14.09^2| L16 Other |14.18^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,228,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,229,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,230,0)="L17 How many of these charges resulted in convictions? |14.19|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,231,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,232,0)="How many times in your life have your been charaged with the following:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,234,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,235,0)="L18 Disorderly conduct, vagrancy, public intoxication? |14.21^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,236,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,237,0)="L19 Driving while intoxicated? |14.22^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,238,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,239,0)="L20 Major driving violations? |14.23^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,240,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,241,0)="L21 How many months were you incarcerated in your life? |14.24^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,242,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,243,0)="L22 How long was your last incarceration? |14.25^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,244,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,245,0)="L23 What was it for? |14.26|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,246,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,247,0)="L24 Are you presently awaiting charges, trial, or sentence? |14.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,248,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,249,0)="L25 What for? |14.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,250,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,251,0)="L26 How many days in the past 30, were you detained or "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,252,0)="incarcerated? |14.29^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,253,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,254,0)="L27 How many days in the past 30, have you engaged in illegal "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,255,0)="activities for profit? |14.31^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,256,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,257,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,258,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,260,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,261,0)="L28 How serious do you feel your present legal problems are? |14.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,262,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,263,0)="L29 How important to you now is counseling or referral for "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,264,0)="these legal problems? |14.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,265,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,266,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,269,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,270,0)="L30 How would you rate the patient's need for legal services"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,271,0)="or counseling? |14.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,272,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,273,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,274,0)="CONFIDENCE RATINGS"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,276,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,277,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,278,0)="L31 Patient's misrepresentation? |14.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,279,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,280,0)="L32 Patient's inability to understand? |14.36|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,281,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,283,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,284,0)=" ***** FAMILY/SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,286,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,287,0)="F1 Marital Status: |17.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,288,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,289,0)="F3 Are you satified with this situation? |17.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,290,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,291,0)="F4 Usual living arrangements (past 3 years): |17.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,292,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,293,0)="F6 Are you satisfied with these arrangements? |17.08|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,294,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,295,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,296,0)="Do you live with anyone who:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,298,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,299,0)="F7 Has a current alcohol problem? |17.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,300,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,301,0)="F8 Uses non-prescribed drugs? |17.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,302,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,303,0)="F9 With whom do you spend most of your free time? |17.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,304,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,305,0)="F10 Are you satisfied with spending your free time in this way? |17.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,306,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,307,0)="F11 How many close friends do you have? |17.15|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,308,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,309,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,310,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,311,0)="problems getting along with:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,312,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,313,0)=" Past In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,314,0)=" 30 Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,315,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,316,0)="F18 Mother |18.01^3| |18.02^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,317,0)="F19 Father |18.03^3| |18.04^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,318,0)="F20 Brother-Sister |18.05^3| |18.06^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,319,0)="F21 Sexual Partner-Spouse |18.07^3| |18.08^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,320,0)="F22 Children |18.09^3| |18.11^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,321,0)="F23 Other Significant Family "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,322,0)="|18.125^25| |18.12^3| |18.14^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,323,0)="F24 Close Friend |18.15^3| |18.16^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,324,0)="F25 Neighbors |18.17^3| |18.18^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,325,0)="F26 Co-workers |18.185^3| |18.186^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,326,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,327,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,328,0)="Has anyone abused you:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,329,0)="---------------------- Past In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,330,0)=" 30 Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,331,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,332,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,333,0)="F27 Emotionally? |18.19^3| |18.195^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,334,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,335,0)="F28 Physically? |18.21^3| |18.215^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,336,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,337,0)="F29 Sexually? |18.22^3| |18.225^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,338,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,339,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,340,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you had serious conflicts:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,342,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,343,0)="F30 With your family? |18.23|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,344,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,345,0)="F31 With other people (excluding family)? |18.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,346,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,347,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,348,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,350,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,351,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,352,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,353,0)="F32 Family Problems: |18.25|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,354,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,355,0)="F33 Social Problems: |18.26|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,356,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,357,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,358,0)="How important to you now is treatment or counseling for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,359,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,360,0)="F34 Family problems: |18.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,361,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,362,0)="F35 Social problems: |18.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,363,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,364,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,367,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,368,0)="F36 How would you rate the patient's need for family and or"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,369,0)="social counseling? |18.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,370,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,371,0)="CONFIDENCE RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,373,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,374,0)="Is the above information significantly distorted by:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,375,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,376,0)="F37 Patient's misrepresentation? |18.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,377,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,378,0)="F38 Patient's inability to understand? |18.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,379,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,381,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,382,0)=" ***** PSYCHIATRIC STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,384,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,385,0)="P1 How many times have you been treated for any psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,386,0)="emotional problems:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,387,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,388,0)=" In a Hospital or inpatient setting? |19.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,389,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,390,0)=" Outpatient-private patient? |19.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,391,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,392,0)="P2 Do you receive monetary compensation for a psychiatric disability? |19.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,393,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,394,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,395,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,396,0)="Have you had a significant period of time (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,397,0)="alcohol-drug use) in which you have:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,398,0)=" Past 30 In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,399,0)=" Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,400,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,401,0)="P3 Experienced serious depression, sadness "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,402,0)="hopelessness, loss of interest, difficulty "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,403,0)="with daily function? |19.04^3| |19.05^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,404,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,405,0)="P4 Experienced serious anxiety-tension-"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,406,0)="uptight, unreasonably worried, inability"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,407,0)="to feel relaxed? |19.06^3| |19.07^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,408,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,409,0)="P5 Experienced hallucinations-saw things"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,410,0)="or heard voices that were not there? |19.08^3| |19.09^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,411,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,412,0)="P6 Experienced trouble understanding,"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,413,0)="concentrating, or remembering? |19.11^3| |19.12^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,414,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,415,0)="P7 Experienced trouble controlling "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,416,0)="violent behavior including episodes "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,417,0)="of rage, or violence? |19.14^3| |19.15^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,418,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,419,0)="P8 Experienced serious thoughts of suicide? |19.16^3| |19.17^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,420,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,421,0)="P9 Attempted suicide? |19.18^3| |19.19^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,422,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,423,0)="P10 Been prescribed medication for any"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,424,0)="psychological or emotional problems? |19.21^3| |19.22^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,425,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,426,0)="P11 How many days in the past 30 have you experienced these "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,427,0)="psychological or emotional problems? |19.23|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,428,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,429,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,430,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,432,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,433,0)="P12 How much have you been troubled or bothered by these psychological"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,434,0)="or emotional problems in the past 30 days? |19.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,435,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,436,0)="P13 How important to you now is treatment for these psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,437,0)="emotional problems? |19.25|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,438,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,439,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,440,0)="The following items are to be completed by the interviewer:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,442,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,443,0)="At the time of the interview, the patient was:"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,444,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,445,0)="P14 Obviously depressed-withdrawn |19.26|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,446,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,447,0)="P15 Obviously hostile |19.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,448,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,449,0)="P16 Obviously anxious-nervous |19.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,450,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,451,0)="P17 Having trouble with reality testing, thought disorders,"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,452,0)="paranoid thinking |19.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,453,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,454,0)="P18 Having trouble comprehending, concentrating, remembering |19.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,455,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,456,0)="P19 Having sucidal thoughts |19.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,457,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,458,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,461,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,462,0)="P20 How would you rate the patient's need for psychiatric-"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,463,0)="psychological treatment? |19.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,464,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,465,0)="CONFIDENCE RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,467,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,468,0)="P21 Patient's misrepresentation? |19.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,469,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,470,0)="P22 Patient's inability to understand? |19.35|"
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,471,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,473,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,24,1,476,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,1,0)=" *** PSYCHOSOCIAL HISTORY ***"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,3,0)="GENERAL INFORMATION"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,5,0)="{Title} {Last} is a {.02:.033} year old,"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,6,0)="{17.01;V?1""Q"".E:""F1 ""_V_"" "",V="""":"""",1:"" ""_V;L} {.02:.02;;L} {.02:391;V?1""NSC"".E:""NSC veteran"",V?1""SC"".E:""SC veteran"",1:V}. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,7,0)=" In the past 30 days, {pro} has "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,8,0)="{2.01;V=""NO"":""not been in a controlled environment"",V=""JAIL"":""been in jail"",V?1""A"".E:""been in controlled alcohol or drug treatment"",1:"""";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,9,0)="{2.01;V?1""M"".E:""been in a controlled medical setting"",V?1""P"".E:""been in a controlled psychiatric setting"",V?1""O"".E:""been in another controlled setting"",1:"""";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,10,0)="{2.03;V=1:"" for one day"",V>1:"" for ""_V_"" days"",1:""""}."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,11,0)="{2.01;V?1""Q"".E:"" G19 ""_V,V="""":"" G19 blank"",1:""""}{2.03;V?1""Q"".E:"" G20 ""_V,V="""":"" G20 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,13,0)="This report is based on {.04;V?1""L"".E:""an ASI Lite"",V?1""FU"".E:""a full ASI"",V?1""FO"".E:""a follow-up"",1:""an"";} interview "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,14,0)="conducted {.07;V?1""I"".E:""in person "",V?1""P"".E:""by phone "",1:"""";}{.05;V'=0:""on ""_V_"" "",1:"""";P}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,15,0)="by {.09;1:$P(V,"","",2)_"" ""_$P(V,"","");P}{.09:20.3;V'="""":"", ""_V,1:"""";P}. {Title} {Last} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,16,0)="{.11;V?.E1""TERM"".E:""terminated"",V?.E1""REFU"".E:""refused"",V?.E1""UNAB"".E:""was unable to respond during"",V?1""I"".E:""completed"",1:"""";} the interview."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,17,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,18,0)="{Blank} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,19,0)=" {.04;V'?1""L"".E:""Severity Rating"",1:"" ""} Composite Score"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,21,0)=" MEDICAL {8.12} {.61;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,22,0)=" EMPLOYMENT {9.34} {.62;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,23,0)=" ALCOHOL {11.18} {.63;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,24,0)=" DRUG {11.185} {.635;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,25,0)=" LEGAL {14.34} {.64;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,26,0)=" FAMILY {18.29} {.65;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,27,0)="PSYCHIATRIC {19.33} {.66;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,31,0)="MEDICAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,33,0)="{Title} {Last} reports {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,34,0)="{8.01;V=0:""has not been hospitalized for a medical problem"",V=1:""has been hospitalized once for a medical problem"",V>1:""has been hospitalized ""_V_"" times for medical problems"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""M1 ""_V,1:""M1 blank"";} since {pos} last interview. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,35,0)="{Pro} states that {pro} is {8.05;V=""NO"":""not taking any"",V=""YES"":""taking"",V?1""Q"".E:""M4 ""_V,1:""M4 blank"";} prescribed medication on a regular basis, and "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,36,0)="{pro} {8.06;V=""NO"":""denies receiving"",V=""YES"":""says ""_YSPROL_"" receives"",V?1""Q"".E:""M5 ""_V,1:""M5 blank"";} a "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,37,0)="{8.07;V'="""":""(""_V_"") "",1:"""";}pension for a non-psychiatric physical disability. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,38,0)="In the 30 days prior to this interview, {Title} {Last} experienced medical problems "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,39,0)="{8.08;V=0:""at no time."",V=1:""on only 1 day"",(V>1)&(V<30):""on ""_V_"" days"",V=30:""every day"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""M6 ""_V,1:""M6 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,41,0)="{8.09;(YSV1>0)&(V=0):"", but those problems did not bother "",(YSV1>0)&(V=1):"", which bothered "",(YSV1>0)&(V=2):"", which bothered "",(YSV1>0)&(V=3):"", which bothered "",(YSV1>0)&(V=4):"", which bothered "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,42,0)="{8.09;(YSV1?1N.E)&(V?1N.E)&(+YSV1>0):YSHIML,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,43,0)="{8.09;(YSV1>0)&(V=0):""at all. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=1):""only slightly. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=2):""moderately. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=3):""considerably. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=4):""extremely. "",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" M7 ""_V_"". "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,44,0)="The patient considers treatment for medical problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,45,0)="{8.11;V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" M8 ""_V,1:""M8 blank"";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,47,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,48,0)="concerning medical problems "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,49,0)="{8.14;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" M10 ""_V,V="""":"" M10 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,50,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,51,0)="{8.15;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" M11 ""_V,V="""":"" M11 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,52,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,58,0)="Since the last interview, {Title} {Last} completed {9.01;V?1""Q"".E:"" E1 ""_V,V=1:""1 year"",V'="""":V_"" years"",1:""unknown/blank"";} of education"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,59,0)="{9.03;V=0:"". "",V=1:"" and 1 month of technical training. "",V>0:"" and ""_V_"" months of technical training. "",V?1""Q"".E:"" E2 ""_V,1:"". "";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,60,0)="{Pro} {9.06;V=""NO"":""does not have"",V=""YES"":""has"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E4 ""_V,1:""E4 blank"";} a valid driver's license "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,62,0)="{9.09;(V=""NO"")&(YSV1=""NO""):""and does not have"",(V=""NO"")&(YSV1=""YES""):""but does not have"",V=""YES"":""and has"",V="""":""and so was not asked whether he has"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E5 ""_V,1:"""";} an automobile available for use. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,63,0)="{Pos} usual (or last) occupation during this follow-up period has been {9.145;V="""":""unknown/blank"",V'="""":V,1:"""";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,64,0)=" (Hollingshead Category = "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,65,0)="{9.14;V=""X"":V,V=""N"":V,V="""":""unknown/blank"",V=1:""Higher Executives"",V=2:""Business Managers"",V=3:""Administrative Personnel"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,66,0)="{9.14;V=4:""Clerical/Sales"",V=5:""Skilled Manual"",V=6:""Semi-skilled"",V=7:""Unskilled"",V=8:""Homemaker"",V=9:""Student/Disabled/No Occupation"",1:"""";}). "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,68,0)="{9.16;YSV1=""NO"":""No one contributes to the patient's financial support ."",V?1""Q"".E:""It is not known whether anyone"",V=""NO"":""No one"",V=""YES"":""Someone"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,69,0)="{9.16;YSV1=""NO"":"""",V="""":"""",V'="""":"" else contributes the majority of the patient's financial support. "";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,70,0)="In the past 30 days, {pro} was paid for working on "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,71,0)="{9.18;V=0:""no days"",V=1:""one day"",V>1:V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" E11 ""_V,1:""an unknown number of days"";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,72,0)="{Pro} reports {pos} income over the past month as"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,73,0)="{Field;YSV1;9.19;YSV1=""X""!(YSV1=""N""):""E12 ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""E12 blank"",YSV1'=0:""$""_YSV1_"" from employment"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,74,0)="{Field;YSV2;9.21;YSV2=""X""!(YSV2=""N""):""E13 ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""E13 blank"",YSV2'=0:""$""_YSV2_"" from unemployment compensation"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,75,0)="{Field;YSV3;9.22;YSV3=""X""!(YSV3=""N""):""E14 ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""E14 blank"",YSV3'=0:""$""_YSV3_"" from welfare"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,76,0)="{Field;YSV4;9.23;YSV4=""X""!(YSV4=""N""):""E15 ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""E15 blank"",YSV4'=0:""$""_YSV4_"" from pension, benefits or social security"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,77,0)="{Field;YSV5;9.24;YSV5=""X""!(YSV5=""N""):""E16 ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""E16 blank"",YSV5'=0:""$""_YSV5_"" from mate, family or friends"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,78,0)="{Field;YSV6;9.25;YSV6=""X""!(YSV6=""N""):""E17 ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""E17 blank"",YSV6'=0:""$""_YSV6_"" from illegal sources"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,79,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6; no income reported}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,86,0)=" for a total of ${.01;1:YSV1+YSV2+YSV3+YSV4+YSV5+YSV6}. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,88,0)="{Title} {Last} reports that "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,89,0)="{9.29;V=0:""no one is"",V=1:""one person is"",V>1:V_"" people are"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""E18 ""_V,1:""E18 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,90,0)=" dependent on {him} for financial support. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,91,0)="The patient considers treatment for employment problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,92,0)="{9.33;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""E21 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""E21 blank"";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,94,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,95,0)="concerning employment problems "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,96,0)="{9.35;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E23 ""_V,V="""":"" E23 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,97,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,98,0)="{9.36;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E24 ""_V,V="""":"" E24 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,99,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,103,0)="DRUG/ALCOHOL USE"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,105,0)="{Title} {Last} reports the following substance use during the past month:"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,107,0)=" Drug Number of Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,109,0)=" Days Used Route"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,111,0)=" Alcohol - any use at all: {10.01;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.03;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,113,0)=" Alcohol - to intoxication: {10.04;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.06;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,115,0)=" Heroin: {10.07;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.09;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,117,0)=" Methadone: {10.11;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.14;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,119,0)=" Other opiates/analgesics: {10.15;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.17;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,121,0)=" Barbiturates: {10.18;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.21;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,123,0)=" Other sed/hyp/tranq: {10.22;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.24;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,125,0)=" Cocaine: {10.25;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.27;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,127,0)=" Amphetamines: {10.28;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.31;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,129,0)=" Cannabis: {10.32;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.34;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,131,0)=" Hallucinogens: {10.35;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.37;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,133,0)=" Inhalants: {10.38;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.41;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,135,0)=" Multiple substances per day: {10.42;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} N/A"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,137,0)="{Title} {Last} says {pro} has "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,138,0)="{11.05;V=0:""not been treated"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D19 ""_V,V=1:""been treated once"",V>1:""been treated ""_V_"" times"",1:""D19 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,139,0)=" for alcohol abuse "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,141,0)="{11.06;((YSV1=0)&(V>0))!((YSV1>0)&(V=0)):""but"",1:""and"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,142,0)="{11.06;V=0:""has not been treated"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D20 ""_V,V=1:""has once been treated"",V>1:""has been treated ""_V_"" times"",1:""D20 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,143,0)=" for drug abuse since {pos} last interview. {Pro} reports {pro} spent "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,144,0)="{11.09;V=0:""nothing"",V>0:""$""_V,V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D23 ""_V,1:""D23 blank"";} on alcohol and "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,145,0)="{11.11;V=0:""nothing"",V>0:""$""_V,V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D24 ""_V,1:""D24 blank"";} on drugs during the past month. Further, {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,146,0)="{11.12;V=0:""denies"",V>0:""reports"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D25 ""_V,1:""D25 blank"";} being treated "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,147,0)="{11.12;V=0:"""",V=1:""one day "",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days "",1:"""";}in an outpatient setting "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,148,0)="for alcohol or drugs in the past 30 days. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,149,0)="During the month prior to this interview, the patient reports {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,151,0)="{11.15;(YSV1=0)&(V=0):""had no alcohol or drug problems"",(YSV1=1)&(V=0):""had alcohol problems one day but no drug problems"",(YSV1>1)&(V=0):""had alcohol problems on ""_YSV1_"" days but no drug problems"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,152,0)="{11.15;(YSV1=0)&(V=1):""had drug problems one day but no alcohol problems"",(YSV1=1)&(V=1):""had drug and alcohol problems one day"",(YSV1=1)&(V>1):""had alcohol problems one day and drug problems on ""_V_"" days"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,153,0)="{11.15;(YSV1=0)&(V>1):""had drug problems on ""_V_"" days but no alcohol problems"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,154,0)="{11.15;(YSV1>1)&(V>1):""had alcohol problems on ""_YSV1_"" days and drug problems on ""_V_"" days"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,155,0)="{11.14;V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" D26 ""_V,V="""":"" D26 blank "",1:""""}{11.15;V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" D27 ""_V,V="""":"" D27 blank "",1:""""}. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,156,0)="{Pro} says {pro} was "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,157,0)="{11.16;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D28 ""_V,V=0:""not bothered at all"",V=1:""bothered slightly"",V=2:""bothered slightly"",V=3:""bothered considerably"",V=4:""extremely bothered"",1:""D28 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,158,0)="by alcohol problems "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,160,0)="{11.17;((YSV1=0)&(V>0))!((YSV1>0)&(V=0)):""but"",1:""and"";} was "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,161,0)="{11.17;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D29 ""_V,V=0:""not bothered"",V=1:""slightly bothered"",V=2:""moderately bothered"",V=3:""considerably bothered"",V=4:""extremely bothered"",1:""D29 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,162,0)="by drug problems during that time period. {Pro} considers treatment for alcohol problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,163,0)="{11.165;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D30 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""D30 blank"";} important and treatment for drug problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,164,0)="{11.175;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D31 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""D31 blank"";} important. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,166,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,167,0)="concerning drug/alcohol problems "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,168,0)="{11.19;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" D34 ""_V,V="""":"" D34 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,169,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,170,0)="{11.21;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" D35 ""_V,V="""":"" D35 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,171,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,175,0)="LEGAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,177,0)="{Title} {Last} states {pro} is "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,178,0)="{14.02;V?1""Q"".E:""L2 ""_V_"" "",V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",1:""L2 blank "";}on probation or parole at this time."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,180,0)="During this follow-up period, {pro} reports being arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,181,0)="{Field;YSV1;14.03;YSV1?1U.E:""L3 ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""L3 blank"",YSV1=1:""shoplifting/vandalism (once)"",YSV1>0:""shoplifting/vandalism (""_YSV1_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,182,0)="{Field;YSV2;14.04;YSV2?1U.E:""L4 ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""L4 blank"",YSV2=1:""a parole/probation violation (once)"",YSV2>0:""parole/probation violations (""_YSV2_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,183,0)="{Field;YSV3;14.05;YSV3?1U.E:""L5 ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""L5 blank"",YSV3=1:""drug charges (once)"",YSV3>0:""drug charges (""_YSV3_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,184,0)="{Field;YSV4;14.06;YSV4?1U.E:""L6 ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""L6 blank"",YSV4=1:""forgery (once)"",YSV4>0:""forgery (""_YSV4_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,185,0)="{Field;YSV5;14.07;YSV5?1U.E:""L7 ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""L7 blank"",YSV5=1:""weapons offense (once)"",YSV5>0:""weapons offense (""_YSV5_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,186,0)="{Field;YSV6;14.08;YSV6?1U.E:""L8 ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""L8 blank"",YSV6=1:""burglary, larceny, B & E (once)"",YSV6>0:""burglary, larceny, B&E (""_YSV6_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,187,0)="{Field;YSV7;14.09;YSV7?1U.E:""L9 ""_YSV7,YSV7="""":""L9 blank"",YSV7=1:""robbery (once)"",YSV7>0:""robbery (""_YSV7_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,188,0)="{Field;YSV8;14.11;YSV8?1U.E:""L10 ""_YSV8,YSV8="""":""L10 blank"",YSV8=1:""assault (once)"",YSV8>0:""assault (""_YSV8_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,189,0)="{Field;YSV9;14.12;YSV9?1U.E:""L11 ""_YSV9,YSV9="""":""L11 blank"",YSV9=1:""arson (once)"",YSV9>0:""arson (""_YSV9_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,190,0)="{Field;YSV10;14.14;YSV10?1U.E:""L12 ""_YSV10,YSV10="""":""L12 blank"",YSV10=1:""rape (once)"",YSV10>0:""rape (""_YSV10_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,191,0)="{Field;YSV11;14.15;YSV11?1U.E:""L13 ""_YSV11,YSV11="""":""L13 blank"",YSV11=1:""homicide, manslaughter (once)"",YSV11>0:""homicide, manslaughter (""_YSV11_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,192,0)="{Field;YSV12;14.16;YSV12?1U.E:""L14 ""_YSV12,YSV12="""":""L14 blank"",YSV12=1:""prostitution (once)"",YSV12>0:""prostitution (""_YSV12_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,193,0)="{Field;YSV13;14.17;YSV13?1U.E:""L15 ""_YSV13,YSV13="""":""L15 blank"",YSV13=1:""contempt of court (once)"",YSV13>0:""contempt of court (""_YSV13_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,194,0)="{Field;YSV14;14.18;YSV14?1U.E:""L16 ""_YSV14,YSV14="""":""L16 blank"",YSV14=1:""other (once)"",YSV14>0:""other (""_YSV14_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,195,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6,YSV7,YSV8,YSV9,YSV10,YSV11,YSV12,YSV13,YSV14; no offenses}."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,196,0)=" {14.19;V=0:""None of these charges resulted in a conviction."",V=1:""One of these charges resulted in a conviction."",V>1:V_"" of these charges resulted in convictions"",V=""X"":"" L17 X "",V=""N"":"""",1:""L17 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,197,0)=" Reported legal problems related to substance use during this follow-up period include "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,198,0)="{14.21;V=0:""no charges"",V=1:""one charge"",V>1:V_"" charges"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L18 ""_V,1:""L18 blank"";} for either disorderly "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,199,0)="conduct, vagrancy, or public intoxication and "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,200,0)="{14.22;V=0:""no charges"",V=1:""one charge"",V>1:V_"" charges"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L19 ""_V,1:""L19 blank"";} for driving "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,201,0)="while intoxicated. {Pro} states {pro} has "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,202,0)="{14.23;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L20 ""_V,V=0:""never been cited"",V=1:""been cited once"",V>1:""been cited ""_V_"" times"",1:""L20 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,203,0)="for {14.23;V=0:""major driving violations"",V=1:""a major driving violation"",V>1:""major driving violations"",1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,204,0)="such as reckless driving, speeding, or driving without a license. {Pro} reports "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,205,0)="spending {14.24;V=0:""no time"",V=1:""one month"",V>1:V_"" months"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L21 ""_V,1:""L21 blank"";} incarcerated "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,206,0)="since the last interview. {Pro} is {14.27;V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",V?1""Q"".E:""L24 ""_V_"" "",1:""L24 blank "";}presently "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,207,0)="awaiting charges, trial or sentence"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,208,0)="{14.28;V="""":""L25 blank "",V=3:"" for shoplifting/vandalism"",V=4:"" for parole/probation violations"",V=5:"" for drug charges"",V=6:"" for forgery"",V=7:"" for weapons offense(s)"",V=8:"" for burglary, larceny, or B & E"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,209,0)="{14.28;V=""X"":""L25 ""_V,V=9:"" for robbery"",V=10:"" for assault"",V=11:"" for arson"",V=12:"" for rape"",V=13:"" for homicide/manslaughter"",V=14:"" for prostitution"",V=15:"" for comtempt of court"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,210,0)="{14.28;V=16:"" for charges other than those coded by this interview"",V=18:"" for disorderly conduct, vagrancy, or public intoxication"",V=19:"" for driving while intoxicated"",V=20:"" for a major driving violation (speeding, no license, etc)"",1:"""";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,211,0)="In the past 30 days, {Title} {Last} reports {pro} was detained or incarcerated "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,212,0)="{14.29;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""on one day"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L26 ""_V,1:""L26 blank"";} and was "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,213,0)="{14.31;V=0:""not engaged in illegal activities"",V=1:""engaged in illegal activities on one day"",V>1:""engaged in illegal activities on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L27 ""_V,1:""L27 blank"";}."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,215,0)="{Title} {Last} considers legal problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,216,0)="{14.32;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L28 ""_V,V=0:""no problem at all"",V=1:""a slight problem"",V=2:""a moderate problem"",V=3:""a considerable problem"",V=4:""an extremely serious problem"",1:""L28 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,217,0)="and is "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,218,0)="{14.33;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L29 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""L29 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,219,0)="interested in counseling or referral for legal problems. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,221,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,222,0)="concerning legal problems "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,223,0)="{14.35;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" L31 ""_V,V="""":"" L31 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,224,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,225,0)="{14.36;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" L32 ""_V,V="""":"" L32 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,226,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,230,0)="FAMILY/SOCIAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,232,0)="{Title} {Last} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,233,0)="{17.01;V?1""Q"".E:""F1 ""_V_"" "",V="""":""L1 blank "",V?1""NE"".E:""has ""_V_"" "",1:""is ""_V_"" "";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,234,0)="{17.04;V?1""Q"".E:""F2 ""_V_"" "",V?1""N"".E:""but is not satisfied with"",V?1""I"".E:""and is indifferent to"",V?1""Y"".E:""and is satisfied with"",1:""F3 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,235,0)="this situation. {Pos} usual living arrangement during this follow-up period has been "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,236,0)="{17.05;V=1:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" sexual partner and children"",V=2:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" sexual partner alone"",V=3:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" children"",V=4:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" parents"",V=5:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" family"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,237,0)="{17.05;V=6:""to live with friends"",V=7:""to live alone"",V=8:""to live in a controlled environment"",V=9:""completely unstable"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,238,0)="{17.05;V="""":""F4 (living arrangement not reported)"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F4 ""_V,1:"""";}, "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,239,0)="{17.08;V?1""Q"".E:""F6 ""_V,V?1""N"".E:""but ""_YSPROL_"" is not satisfied with"",V?1""I"".E:""and ""_YSPROL_"" is indifferent to"",V?1""Y"".E:""and ""_YSPROL_"" is satisfied with"",1:""F6 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,240,0)="this arrangement. {Pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,242,0)="{17.11;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""NO""):""does not live with anyone who has either a drug or alcohol problem"",(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""NO""):""lives with someone who has an alcohol problem"",(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""YES""):""lives with someone who has a drug problem"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,243,0)="{17.11;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""YES""):""lives with someone who has both a drug and alcohol problem"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,244,0)="{17.09;V?1""Q"".E:"" F7 ""_V,V="""":"" F7 blank "",1:"""";}{17.11;V?1""Q"".E:"" F8 ""_V,V="""":"" F8 blank "",1:"""";}."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,246,0)="{Pro} reports having significant periods in the past 30 days in which {pro}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,247,0)=" experienced serious problems getting along with"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,248,0)="{Field;YSV1;18.01;YSV1?1""u"".E:"" F18 30 ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""F18 30 blank"",YSV1=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" mother"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,249,0)="{Field;YSV2;18.03;YSV2?1""u"".E:"" F19 30 ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""F19 30 blank"",YSV2=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" father"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,250,0)="{Field;YSV3;18.05;YSV3?1""u"".E:"" F20 30 ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""F20 30 blank"",YSV3=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" brothers/sisters"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,251,0)="{Field;YSV4;18.07;YSV4?1""u"".E:"" F21 30 ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""F21 30 blank"",YSV4=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" sexual partner/spouse"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,252,0)="{Field;YSV5;18.09;YSV5?1""u"".E:"" F22 30 ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""F22 30 blank"",YSV5=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" children"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,253,0)="{Field;YSV6;18.12;YSV6?1""u"".E:"" F23 30 ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""F23 30 blank"",YSV6=""YES"":""other significant family"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,254,0)="{Field;YSV7;18.15;YSV7?1""u"".E:"" F24 30 ""_YSV7,YSV7="""":""F24 30 blank"",YSV7=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" close friends"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,255,0)="{Field;YSV8;18.17;YSV8?1""u"".E:"" F25 30 ""_YSV8,YSV8="""":""F25 30 blank"",YSV8=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" neighbors"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,256,0)="{Field;YSV9;18.185;YSV9?1""u"".E:"" F26 30 ""_YSV9,YSV9="""":""F26 30 blank"",YSV9=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" co-workers"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,257,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6,YSV7,YSV8,YSV9; no one}. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,259,0)="{Pro} reports {18.21;V=""NO"":""no "",V=""YES"":"""",V?1""Q"".E:""F28 30 ""_V_"" "",1:""F28 30 blank "";}physical abuse in the past month, and "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,260,0)="{pro} reports {18.22;V?1""Q"".E:""F29 30 ""_V,V=""NO"":""no"",V=""YES"":""some"",1:""F29 30 blank "";} sexual abuse in the past month. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,261,0)="{Title} {Last} says that during the past month {pro} had serious conflicts with {pos} family "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,262,0)="{18.23;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""on one day"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F30 ""_V,1:"" F30 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,263,0)="and serious conflicts with other people "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,264,0)="{18.24;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""only once"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F31 ""_V,1:"" F31 blank "";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,266,0)="{Title} {Last} says {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,267,0)="{18.25;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F32 ""_V,V=0:""was not bothered at all"",V=1:""was bothered slightly"",V=2:""was bothered slightly"",V=3:""was bothered considerably"",V=4:""was extremely bothered"",1:"" F32 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,268,0)="by family/social problems in the month prior to this interview. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,269,0)="The patient considers treatment for family/social problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,270,0)="{18.27;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F34 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:"" F34 blank "";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,272,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,273,0)="concerning family problems "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,274,0)="{18.31;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" F37 ""_V,V="""":"" F37 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,275,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,276,0)="{18.32;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" F38 ""_V,V="""":"" F38 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,277,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,281,0)="PSYCHIATRIC STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,283,0)="Since the previous interview, {Title} {Last} states {pro} has been treated in a hospital for psychological or emotional problems "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,284,0)="{19.01;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""once"",V>1:V_"" times"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P1 ""_V,1:"" P1 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,285,0)="and as an outpatient or private patient "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,286,0)="{19.02;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""once"",V>1:V_"" times"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P1 ""_V,1:"" P1 blank "";}. {Pro} reports {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,287,0)="does {19.03;V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",V?1""Q"".E:""P2 ""_V_"" "",1:"" P2 blank "";}receive a pension for a psychiatric disability. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,289,0)="The patient reports having experienced psychological or emotional problems "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,290,0)="{19.23;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""on one day"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P11 ""_V,1:"" P11 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,291,0)="during the past 30 days. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,292,0)="{Field;YSV1;19.04;YSV1=""NO"":"""",YSV1=""YES"":""serious depression "",1:"" P3 Blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,293,0)="{Field;YSV2;19.06;YSV2=""NO"":"""",YSV2=""YES"":""serious anxiety or tension "",1:"" P4 Blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,294,0)="{Field;YSV3;19.08;YSV3=""NO"":"""",YSV3=""YES"":""hallucinations "",1:"" P5 Blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,295,0)="{Field;YSV4;19.11;YSV4=""NO"":"""",YSV4=""YES"":""trouble understanding, concentrating or remembering "",1:"" P6 Blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,296,0)="{Field;YSV5;19.14;YSV5=""NO"":"""",YSV5=""YES"":""trouble controlling violent behavior "",1:"" P7 Blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,297,0)="{.01;$L(YSV1_YSV2_YSV3_YSV4_YSV5):""The patient reports experiencing"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,298,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5; The patient do not endorse significant psychiatric symptoms}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,299,0)=". "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,300,0)="{Pro} says {pro} was {19.21;V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",1:""P10 blank ""}prescribed medication for a psychological or emotional problem during the past month. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,302,0)="{19.16;V=""YES"":""*** The patient reports serious thoughts of suicide in the past 30 days. "",V=""NO"":""The patient denies having experienced serious thoughts of suicide during the past 30 days. "",1:""Suicidal ideation was not assessed. "";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,303,0)="{19.18;V=""YES"":""*** The patient reports attempting suicide in the past month. "",V=""NO"":""The patient denies having attempted suicide during the past month. "",1:""Whether the patient attempted suicide during the past month was not assessed."";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,305,0)="{Title} {Last} says {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,306,0)="{19.24;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P12 ""_V,V=0:""was not bothered at all"",V=1:""was bothered slightly"",V=2:""was bothered slightly"",V=3:""was bothered considerably"",V=4:""was extremely bothered"",1:""P12 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,307,0)="by psychological or emotional problems in the month prior to this interview. "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,308,0)="The patient considers treatment for psychological or emotional problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,309,0)="{19.25;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P13 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:"" P13 blank "";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,311,0)="In the interviewer's opinion, the information that the patient provided "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,312,0)="concerning psychiatric problems "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,313,0)="{19.34;V=""YES"":""was"",V=""NO"":""was not"",V?1""Q"".E:"" P21 ""_V,V="""":"" P21 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,314,0)=" significantly distorted by misrepresentation. The patient "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,315,0)="{19.35;V=""YES"":""did not"",V=""NO"":""did"",V?1""Q"".E:"" P22 ""_V,V="""":"" P22 blank "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,316,0)=" understand the questions."
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,320,0)="{0;$D(^YSTX(604,YSASDA,201,1)):""SPIRITUAL STATUS:"",1:""""} "
^YSTX(604.68,25,1,323,0)="{0;$D(^YSTX(604,YSASDA,200,1)):""LEISURE TIME STATUS:"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,26,0)="ASI-MV ITEM REPORT"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,1,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,2,0)=" ***** GENERAL INFORMATION *****"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,4,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,5,0)=" Name: |.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,6,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,7,0)=" SS No.: |.02:.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,8,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,9,0)=" Interview: |.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,10,0)=" Contact Code: |.07|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,11,0)=" Class: |.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,12,0)=" Gender: |.02:.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,13,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,14,0)=" Transcriber: |.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,15,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,16,0)=" Interviewer: |.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,17,0)=" Special: |.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,18,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,19,0)="G14.How long have you lived at this address? (Years-Months) |1.201|-|1.202|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,20,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,21,0)="G16. Date of Birth: |.0203|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,22,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,23,0)="G17. Of what race do you consider yourself? |.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,24,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,25,0)="G18. Do you have a religious preference? |.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,26,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,27,0)="G19. Have you been in a controlled environment in the past "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,28,0)="30 days? |2.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,29,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,30,0)="G20. How many days? |2.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,31,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,33,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,34,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,35,0)=" ***** MEDICAL STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,37,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,38,0)="M1. How many times in your life have you been hospitalized for medical"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,39,0)="problems? |8.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,40,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,41,0)="M3. Do you have any chronic medical problems which continue to interfere"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,42,0)="with your life? |8.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,43,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,44,0)="M4. Are you taking any prescribed medication on a regular basis for a"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,45,0)="physical problem? |8.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,46,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,47,0)="M5. Do you receive monetary compensation for a physical disability? |8.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,48,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,49,0)="M6. How many days have you experienced medical problems in the past 30"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,50,0)="days? |8.08|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,51,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,52,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,54,0)="M7. How troubled or bothered have you been by these medical "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,55,0)="problems in the past 30 days? |8.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,56,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,57,0)="M8. How important to you now is treatment for these medical "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,58,0)="problems? |8.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,59,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,61,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,62,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,63,0)=" ***** EMPLOYMENT/SUPPORT STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,65,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,66,0)="E1. Education completed (Years-Months) |9.01|-|9.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,67,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,68,0)="E2. Training or Technical education completed: |9.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,69,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,70,0)="E4. Do you have a valid driver's license? |9.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,71,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,72,0)="E5. Do you have an automobile available? |9.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,73,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,74,0)="E6. How long was your longest full time job? (yrs-mos) |9.11|-|9.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,75,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,76,0)="E7. Usual (or last) occupation? |9.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,77,0)=" (specify) |9.145|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,78,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,79,0)="E9. Does this constitute the majority of your support? |9.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,80,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,81,0)="E10. Usual employment pattern, past three years? |9.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,82,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,83,0)="E11. How many days were you paid for working in the past 30 days? |9.18|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,84,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,85,0)="How much money did you receive from the following sources in the past 30 days?"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,87,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,88,0)="E12. Employment? |9.19^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,89,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,90,0)="E13. Unemployment Compensation? |9.21^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,91,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,92,0)="E14. Welfare? |9.22^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,93,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,94,0)="E15. Pension, benefits, SSI or SSDI? |9.23^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,95,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,96,0)="E16. Mate, family, or friends? |9.24^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,97,0)=" If ""Any"", specify who: |9.245|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,98,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,99,0)="E17.Illegal? |9.25^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,100,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,101,0)="E18. How many people depend on you for the majority of their food, "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,102,0)="shelter, etc. ? |9.29|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,103,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,104,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,105,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,107,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,108,0)="E21. How important to you now, is counseling for these employment problems? |9.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,109,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,110,0)="E22. How would you rate the patient's need for employment counseling? |9.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,111,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,112,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,113,0)="|9.5| "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,114,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,115,0)=" ***** DRUG/ALCOHOL USE *****"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,116,0)="---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,117,0)="Route of Administration Types:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,118,0)="1. Oral 2. Nasal 3. Smoking 4. Non-Iv injection 5. IV"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,119,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,120,0)=" Past 30 Route of"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,121,0)=" Days Lifetime Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,122,0)=" -------- -------- --------------"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,123,0)="D1 Alcohol (any use at all) |10.01^2| |10.02^2| |10.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,124,0)="D2 Alcohol (to intoxication) |10.04^2| |10.05^2| |10.06|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,125,0)="D3 Heroin |10.07^2| |10.08^2| |10.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,126,0)="D4 Methadone |10.11^2| |10.12^2| |10.14|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,127,0)="D5 Other Opiates Analgesics |10.15^2| |10.16^2| |10.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,128,0)="D6 Barbiturates |10.18^2| |10.19^2| |10.21|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,129,0)="D7 Sedatives Hypnotics Tranquilizers |10.22^2| |10.23^2| |10.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,130,0)="D8 Cocaine |10.25^2| |10.26^2| |10.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,131,0)="D9 Amphetamines |10.28^2| |10.29^2| |10.31|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,132,0)="D10 Cannabis |10.32^2| |10.33^2| |10.34|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,133,0)="D11 Hallucinogens |10.35^2| |10.36^2| |10.37|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,134,0)="D12 Inhalants |10.38^2| |10.39^2| |10.41|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,135,0)="D13 More than 1 substance per day |10.42^2| |10.43^2| "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,136,0)="(including alcohol)"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,137,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,138,0)=" How many times in your life have you been treated for:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,139,0)=" D19 Alcohol abuse? |11.05^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,140,0)=" D20 Drug Abuse? |11.06^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,141,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,142,0)=" How much money would you say you spent during the past 30 days on:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,143,0)=" D23 Alcohol? |11.09^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,144,0)=" D24 Drugs? |11.11^4|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,145,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,146,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,147,0)="D25 How many days have you been treated as an outpatient for alcohol or"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,148,0)="drugs in the past 30 days? |11.12|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,149,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,150,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,151,0)=" How many days in the past 30 have you experienced:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,152,0)=" D26 Alcohol problems? |11.14^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,153,0)=" D27 Drug problems? |11.15^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,154,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,155,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,157,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,158,0)=" How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by these:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,159,0)=" D28 Alcohol problems? |11.16|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,160,0)=" D29 Drug problems? |11.17|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,161,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,162,0)=" How important to you now is treatment for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,163,0)=" D30 Alcohol problems? |11.165|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,164,0)=" D31 Drug problems? |11.175|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,165,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,166,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,168,0)=" ***** LEGAL STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,170,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,171,0)="L1. Was this admission prompted or suggested by the criminal justice"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,172,0)="system. |14.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,173,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,174,0)="L2. Are you on parole or probation? |14.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,175,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,176,0)="How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,178,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,179,0)="L3 Shoplifting-Vandalism |14.03^2| L10 Assault |14.11^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,180,0)="L4 Parole-Probation Violations |14.04^2| L11 Arson |14.12^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,181,0)="L5 Drug Charges |14.05^2| L12 Rape |14.14^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,182,0)="L6 Forgery |14.06^2| L13 Homicide-Manslaughter |14.15^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,183,0)="L7 Weapons Offense |14.07^2| L14 Prostitution |14.16^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,184,0)="L8 Burglary-Larceny-B&E |14.08^2| L15 Contempt of Court |14.17^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,185,0)="L9 Robbery |14.09^2| L16 Other |14.18^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,186,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,187,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,188,0)="L17 How many of these charges resulted in convictions? |14.19|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,189,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,190,0)="How many times in your life have your been charged with the following:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,192,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,193,0)="L18 Disorderly conduct, vagrancy, public intoxication? |14.21^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,194,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,195,0)="L19 Driving while intoxicated? |14.22^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,196,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,197,0)="L20 Major driving violations? |14.23^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,198,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,199,0)="L21 How many months were you incarcerated in your life? |14.24^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,200,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,201,0)="L24 Are you presently awaiting charges, trial, or sentence? |14.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,202,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,203,0)="L25 What for? |14.28|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,204,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,205,0)="L26 How many days in the past 30, were you detained or "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,206,0)="incarcerated? |14.29^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,207,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,208,0)="L27 How many days in the past 30, have you engaged in illegal "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,209,0)="activities for profit? |14.31^2|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,210,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,211,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,212,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,214,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,215,0)="L28 How serious do you feel your present legal problems are? |14.32|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,216,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,217,0)="L29 How important to you now is counseling or referral for "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,218,0)="these legal problems? |14.33|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,219,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,221,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,222,0)=" ***** FAMILY/SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,224,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,225,0)="F1 Marital Status: |17.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,226,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,227,0)="F3 Are you satisfied with this situation? |17.04|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,228,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,229,0)="F4 Usual living arrangements (past 3 years): |17.05|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,230,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,231,0)="F6 Are you satisfied with these arrangements? |17.08|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,232,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,233,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,234,0)="Do you live with anyone who:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,236,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,237,0)="F7 Has a current alcohol problem? |17.09|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,238,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,239,0)="F8 Uses non-prescribed drugs? |17.11|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,240,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,241,0)="Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,242,0)="problems getting along with:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,243,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,244,0)=" Past In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,245,0)=" 30 Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,246,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,247,0)="F18 Mother |18.01^3| |18.02^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,248,0)="F19 Father |18.03^3| |18.04^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,249,0)="F20 Brother-Sister |18.05^3| |18.06^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,250,0)="F21 Sexual Partner-Spouse |18.07^3| |18.08^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,251,0)="F22 Children |18.09^3| |18.11^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,252,0)="F23 Other Significant Family "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,253,0)="|18.125^25| |18.12^3| |18.14^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,254,0)="F24 Close Friend |18.15^3| |18.16^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,255,0)="F25 Neighbors |18.17^3| |18.18^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,256,0)="F26 Co-workers |18.185^3| |18.186^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,257,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,258,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,259,0)="Has anyone abused you:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,260,0)="---------------------- Past In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,261,0)=" 30 Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,262,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,263,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,264,0)="F28 Physically? |18.21^3| |18.215^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,265,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,266,0)="F29 Sexually? |18.22^3| |18.225^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,267,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,268,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,269,0)="How many days in the past 30 have you had serious conflicts:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,271,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,272,0)="F30 With your family? |18.23|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,273,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,274,0)="F31 With other people (excluding family)? |18.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,275,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,276,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,277,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,279,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,280,0)="How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,281,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,282,0)="F32 Family Problems: |18.25|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,283,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,284,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,285,0)="How important to you now is treatment or counseling for these:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,286,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,287,0)="F34 Family problems: |18.27|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,288,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,289,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,291,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,292,0)=" ***** PSYCHIATRIC STATUS *****"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,294,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,295,0)="P1 How many times have you been treated for any psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,296,0)="emotional problems:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,297,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,298,0)=" In a Hospital or inpatient setting? |19.01|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,299,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,300,0)=" Outpatient-private patient? |19.02|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,301,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,302,0)="P2 Do you receive monetary compensation for a psychiatric disability? |19.03|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,303,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,304,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,305,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,306,0)="Have you had a significant period of time (that was not a direct result of"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,307,0)="alcohol-drug use) in which you have:"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,308,0)=" Past 30 In Your"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,309,0)=" Days Life"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,310,0)=" ------- -------"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,311,0)="P3 Experienced serious depression, sadness "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,312,0)="hopelessness, loss of interest, difficulty "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,313,0)="with daily function? |19.04^3| |19.05^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,314,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,315,0)="P4 Experienced serious anxiety-tension-"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,316,0)="uptight, unreasonably worried, inability"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,317,0)="to feel relaxed? |19.06^3| |19.07^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,318,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,319,0)="P5 Experienced hallucinations-saw things"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,320,0)="or heard voices that were not there? |19.08^3| |19.09^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,321,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,322,0)="P6 Experienced trouble understanding,"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,323,0)="concentrating, or remembering? |19.11^3| |19.12^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,324,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,325,0)="P7 Experienced trouble controlling "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,326,0)="violent behavior including episodes "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,327,0)="of rage, or violence? |19.14^3| |19.15^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,328,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,329,0)="P8 Experienced serious thoughts of suicide? |19.16^3| |19.17^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,330,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,331,0)="P9 Attempted suicide? |19.18^3| |19.19^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,332,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,333,0)="P10 Been prescribed medication for any"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,334,0)="psychological or emotional problems? |19.21^3| |19.22^3|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,335,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,336,0)="P11 How many days in the past 30 have you experienced these "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,337,0)="psychological or emotional problems? |19.23|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,338,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,339,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,340,0)="PATIENT RATING"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,342,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,343,0)="P12 How much have you been troubled or bothered by these psychological"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,344,0)="or emotional problems in the past 30 days? |19.24|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,345,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,346,0)="P13 How important to you now is treatment for these psychological or"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,347,0)="emotional problems? |19.25|"
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,348,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,350,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,26,1,353,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,27,0)="ASI-MV NARRATIVE"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,1,0)=" *** PSYCHOSOCIAL HISTORY ***"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,3,0)="GENERAL INFORMATION"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,5,0)="{Title} {Last} is a {.02:.033} year old {.16;;P},"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,6,0)="{17.01;V?1""Q"".E:""F1 ""_V_"" "",V="""":"""",1:"" ""_V;L} {.02:.02;;L} {.02:391;V?1""NSC"".E:""NSC veteran"",V?1""SC"".E:""SC veteran"",1:V}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,7,0)="{Pro} lists {pos} religious preference as {.17;;P}."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,8,0)=" {Pro} was admitted to the {2:1;;P} program."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,9,0)=" In the past 30 days, {pro} has "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,10,0)="{2.01;V=""NO"":""not been in a controlled environment"",V=""JAIL"":""been in jail"",V?1""A"".E:""been in controlled alcohol or drug treatment"",1:"""";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,11,0)="{2.01;V?1""M"".E:""been in a controlled medical setting"",V?1""P"".E:""been in a controlled psychiatric setting"",V?1""O"".E:""been in another controlled setting"",1:"""";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,12,0)="{2.03;V=1:"" for one day"",V>1:"" for ""_V_"" days"",1:""""}."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,13,0)="{2.01;V?1""Q"".E:"" G19 ""_V,V="""":"" G19 blank"",1:""""}{2.03;V?1""Q"".E:"" G20 ""_V,V="""":"" G20 blank"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,14,0)=" {Field;YSV1;1.201}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,15,0)="{1.202;(V=0)&(YSV1=0):YSPROU_"" has no current address. "",(V=1)&(YSV1=0):YSPROU_"" has lived at ""_YSPOSL_"" current address for 1 month. "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,16,0)="{1.202;(V=1)&(YSV1=1):YSPROU_"" has lived at ""_YSPOSL_"" current address for 13 months. "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,17,0)="{1.202;(V=0)&(YSV1>1):YSPROU_"" has lived at ""_YSPOSL_"" current address for ""_YSV1_"" years. "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,18,0)="{1.202;(V="""")&(YSV1>1):YSPROU_"" has lived at ""_YSPOSL_"" current address for ""_YSV1_"" years. "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,19,0)="{1.202;(V>1)&(YSV1>1):YSPROU_"" has lived at ""_YSPOSL_"" current address for ""_YSV1_"" years, ""_V_"" months. "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,20,0)="{1.202;V?1""Q"".E!(YSV1?1""Q"".E):"" G14 NOT ANSWERED"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,22,0)="This report is based on {.04;V?1""L"".E:""an ASI Lite"",V?1""FU"".E:""a full ASI"",V?1""FO"".E:""a follow-up"",1:""an"";} interview "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,23,0)="conducted {.07;V?1""I"".E:""in person "",V?1""P"".E:""by phone "",1:"""";}{.05;V'=0:""on ""_V_"" "",1:"""";P}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,24,0)="by {.09;1:$P(V,"","",2)_"" ""_$P(V,"","");P}{.09:20.3;V'="""":"", ""_V,1:"""";P}. {Title} {Last} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,25,0)="{.11;V?.E1""TERM"".E:""terminated"",V?.E1""REFU"".E:""refused"",V?.E1""UNAB"".E:""was unable to respond during"",V?1""I"".E:""completed"",1:"""";} the interview."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,26,0)=" "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,27,0)="{Blank} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,28,0)=" {.04;V'?1""L"".E:""Severity Rating"",1:"" ""} Composite Score"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,30,0)=" MEDICAL {8.12} {.61;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,31,0)=" EMPLOYMENT {9.34} {.62;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,32,0)=" ALCOHOL {11.18} {.63;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,33,0)=" DRUG {11.185} {.635;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,34,0)=" LEGAL {14.34} {.64;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,35,0)=" FAMILY {18.29} {.65;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,36,0)="PSYCHIATRIC {19.33} {.66;V="""":""----"",1:V} {Line}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,40,0)="MEDICAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,42,0)="{Title} {Last} reports {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,43,0)="{8.01;V=0:""has never been hospitalized for a medical problem"",V=1:""has been hospitalized once for a medical problem"",V>1:""has been hospitalized ""_V_"" times for medical problems"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""M1 ""_V,1:""M1 blank"";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,44,0)="{Pro} says that {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,45,0)="{8.03;V=""NO"":""has no chronic medical problems that interfere"",V=""YES"":""has a chronic medical problem"",V?1""Q"".E:""M3 ""_V,1:""M3 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,46,0)="{8.04;V'="""":"" (""_V_"")"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,47,0)="{8.03;V=""YES"":"" that interferes"",1:"""";} with {pos} life. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,48,0)="Further, {Title} {Last} states that {pro} is {8.05;V=""NO"":""not taking any"",V=""YES"":""taking"",V?1""Q"".E:""M4 ""_V,1:""M4 blank"";} prescribed medication on a regular basis, and "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,49,0)="{pro} {8.06;V=""NO"":""denies receiving"",V=""YES"":""says ""_YSPROL_"" receives"",V?1""Q"".E:""M5 ""_V,1:""M5 blank"";} a "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,50,0)="{8.07;V'="""":""(""_V_"") "",1:"""";}pension for a non-psychiatric physical disability. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,51,0)="In the 30 days prior to this interview, {Title} {Last} experienced medical problems "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,52,0)="{8.08;V=0:""at no time."",V=1:""on only 1 day"",(V>1)&(V<30):""on ""_V_"" days"",V=30:""every day"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""M6 ""_V,1:""M6 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,54,0)="{8.09;(YSV1>0)&(V=0):"", but those problems did not bother "",(YSV1>0)&(V=1):"", which bothered "",(YSV1>0)&(V=2):"", which bothered "",(YSV1>0)&(V=3):"", which bothered "",(YSV1>0)&(V=4):"", which bothered "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,55,0)="{8.09;(YSV1?1N.E)&(V?1N.E)&(+YSV1>0):YSHIML,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,56,0)="{8.09;(YSV1>0)&(V=0):""at all. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=1):""only slightly. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=2):""moderately. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=3):""considerably. "",(YSV1>0)&(V=4):""extremely. "",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" M7 ""_V_"". "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,57,0)="The patient considers treatment for medical problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,58,0)="{8.11;V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" M8 ""_V,1:""M8 blank"";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,64,0)="{Title} {Last} completed {9.01;V?1""Q"".E:"" E1 ""_V,V=1:""1 year"",V'="""":V_"" years"",1:""unknown/blank"";} of education"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,65,0)="{9.03;V=0:"". "",V=1:"" and 1 month of technical training. "",V>0:"" and ""_V_"" months of technical training. "",V?1""Q"".E:"" E2 ""_V,1:"". "";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,66,0)="{Pro} {9.06;V=""NO"":""does not have"",V=""YES"":""has"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E4 ""_V,1:""E4 blank"";} a valid driver's license "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,68,0)="{9.09;(V=""NO"")&(YSV1=""NO""):""and does not have"",(V=""NO"")&(YSV1=""YES""):""but does not have"",V=""YES"":""and has"",V="""":""and so was not asked whether he has"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E5 ""_V,1:"""";} an automobile available for use. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,69,0)="{Pos} longest full-time job was {9.11;V=0:"""",V=1:""1 year"",V>1:V_"" years"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" E6 ""_V_"" "",1:""?? years"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,70,0)="{9.12;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""E6 MONTHS ""_V,V=1:"", 1 month"",V>1:"", ""_V_"" months"",1:"""";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,71,0)="{Pos} usual (or last) occupation is Hollingshead Category:"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,72,0)="{9.14;V=""X"":V,V=""N"":V,V="""":""unknown/blank"",V=1:""Higher Executives"",V=2:""Business Managers"",V=3:""Administrative Personnel"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,73,0)="{9.14;V=4:""Clerical/Sales"",V=5:""Skilled Manual"",V=6:""Semi-skilled"",V=7:""Unskilled"",V=8:""Homemaker"",V=9:""Student/Disabled/No Occupation"",1:"""";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,74,0)="{9.16;V=""N/A"":""It is not known whether anyone"",V=""NO"":""No one"",V=""YES"":""Someone"",V?1""Q"".E:"" E9 ""_V,1:""E9 blank"";} else contributes the majority of {pos} financial support. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,75,0)="In the past 3 years, {pos} usual employment pattern has been "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,76,0)="{9.17;V?1""Q"".E:""E10 ""_V,V="""":""(not reported)"",V'="""":V,1:"""";L}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,77,0)="In the past 30 days, {pro} was paid for working on "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,78,0)="{9.18;V=0:""no days"",V=1:""one day"",V>1:V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" E11 ""_V,1:""an unknown number of days"";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,79,0)="{Pro} reports {pos} income over the past month as"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,80,0)="{Field;YSV1;9.19;YSV1=""X""!(YSV1=""N""):""E12 ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""E12 blank"",YSV1'=0:""$""_YSV1_"" from employment"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,81,0)="{Field;YSV2;9.21;YSV2=""X""!(YSV2=""N""):""E13 ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""E13 blank"",YSV2'=0:""$""_YSV2_"" from unemployment compensation"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,82,0)="{Field;YSV3;9.22;YSV3=""X""!(YSV3=""N""):""E14 ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""E14 blank"",YSV3'=0:""$""_YSV3_"" from welfare"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,83,0)="{Field;YSV4;9.23;YSV4=""X""!(YSV4=""N""):""E15 ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""E15 blank"",YSV4'=0:""$""_YSV4_"" from pension, benefits or social security"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,84,0)="{Field;YSV5;9.24;YSV5=""X""!(YSV5=""N""):""E16 ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""E16 blank"",YSV5'=0:""$""_YSV5_"" from mate, family or friends"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,85,0)="{Field;YSV6;9.25;YSV6=""X""!(YSV6=""N""):""E17 ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""E17 blank"",YSV6'=0:""$""_YSV6_"" from illegal sources"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,86,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6; no income reported}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,93,0)=" for a total of ${.01;1:YSV1+YSV2+YSV3+YSV4+YSV5+YSV6}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,95,0)="{Title} {Last} reports that "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,96,0)="{9.29;V=0:""no one is"",V=1:""one person is"",V>1:V_"" people are"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""E18 ""_V,1:""E18 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,97,0)=" dependent on {him} for financial support. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,98,0)="The patient considers treatment for employment problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,99,0)="{9.33;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""E21 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""E21 blank"";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,103,0)="DRUG/ALCOHOL USE"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,105,0)="{Title} {Last} reports the following substance use history:"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,107,0)=" Drug Past Month Lifetime Administration"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,109,0)=" (Days) (Years) Route"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,111,0)=" Alcohol - any use at all: {10.01;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.02;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,112,0)="{10.03;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,114,0)=" Alcohol - to intoxication: {10.04;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.05;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,115,0)="{10.06;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,117,0)=" Heroin: {10.07;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.08;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,118,0)="{10.09;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,120,0)=" Methadone: {10.11;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.12;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,121,0)="{10.14;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,123,0)=" Other opiates/analgesics: {10.15;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.16;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,124,0)="{10.17;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,126,0)=" Barbiturates: {10.18;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.19;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,127,0)="{10.21;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,129,0)=" Other sed/hyp/tranq: {10.22;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.23;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,130,0)="{10.24;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,132,0)=" Cocaine: {10.25;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.26;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,133,0)="{10.27;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,135,0)=" Amphetamines: {10.28;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.29;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,136,0)="{10.31;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,138,0)=" Cannabis: {10.32;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.33;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,139,0)="{10.34;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,141,0)=" Hallucinogens: {10.35;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.36;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,142,0)="{10.37;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,144,0)=" Inhalants: {10.38;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.39;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,145,0)="{10.41;V=1:""Oral"",V=2:""Nasal"",V=3:""Smoking"",V=4:""Non-IV Inj."",V=5:""IV Inj."",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,147,0)=" Multiple substances per day: {10.42;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} {10.43;V<10:"" ""_V,V>9:V,1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,150,0)="{Title} {Last} says {pro} has "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,151,0)="{11.05;V=0:""never been treated"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D19 ""_V,V=1:""been treated once"",V>1:""been treated ""_V_"" times"",1:""D19 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,152,0)=" for alcohol abuse "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,154,0)="{11.06;((YSV1=0)&(V>0))!((YSV1>0)&(V=0)):""but"",1:""and"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,155,0)="{11.06;V=0:""has never been treated"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D20 ""_V,V=1:""has once been treated"",V>1:""has been treated ""_V_"" times"",1:""D20 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,156,0)=" for drug abuse. {Pro} reports {pro} spent "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,157,0)="{11.09;V=0:""nothing"",V>0:""$""_V,V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D23 ""_V,1:""D23 blank"";} on alcohol and "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,158,0)="{11.11;V=0:""nothing"",V>0:""$""_V,V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D24 ""_V,1:""D24 blank"";} on drugs during the past month. Further, {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,159,0)="{11.12;V=0:""denies"",V>0:""reports"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D25 ""_V,1:""D25 blank"";} being treated "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,160,0)="{11.12;V=0:"""",V=1:""one day "",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days "",1:"""";}in an outpatient setting "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,161,0)="for alcohol or drugs in the past 30 days. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,162,0)="During the month prior to this interview, the patient reports {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,164,0)="{11.15;(YSV1=0)&(V=0):""had no alcohol or drug problems"",(YSV1=1)&(V=0):""had alcohol problems one day but no drug problems"",(YSV1>1)&(V=0):""had alcohol problems on ""_YSV1_"" days but no drug problems"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,165,0)="{11.15;(YSV1=0)&(V=1):""had drug problems one day but no alcohol problems"",(YSV1=1)&(V=1):""had drug and alcohol problems one day"",(YSV1=1)&(V>1):""had alcohol problems one day and drug problems on ""_V_"" days"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,166,0)="{11.15;(YSV1=0)&(V>1):""had drug problems on ""_V_"" days but no alcohol problems"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,167,0)="{11.15;(YSV1>1)&(V>1):""had alcohol problems on ""_YSV1_"" days and drug problems on ""_V_"" days"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,168,0)="{11.14;V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" D26 ""_V,V="""":"" D26 blank "",1:""""}{11.15;V=""X""!(V=""N""):"" D27 ""_V,V="""":"" D27 blank "",1:""""}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,169,0)="{Pro} says {pro} was "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,170,0)="{11.16;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D28 ""_V,V=0:""not bothered at all"",V=1:""bothered slightly"",V=2:""bothered slightly"",V=3:""bothered considerably"",V=4:""extremely bothered"",1:""D28 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,171,0)="by alcohol problems "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,173,0)="{11.17;((YSV1=0)&(V>0))!((YSV1>0)&(V=0)):""but"",1:""and"";} was "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,174,0)="{11.17;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D29 ""_V,V=0:""not bothered"",V=1:""slightly bothered"",V=2:""moderately bothered"",V=3:""considerably bothered"",V=4:""extremely bothered"",1:""D29 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,175,0)="by drug problems during that time period. {Pro} considers treatment for alcohol problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,176,0)="{11.165;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D30 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""D30 blank"";} important and treatment for drug problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,177,0)="{11.175;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""D31 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""D31 blank"";} important. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,181,0)="LEGAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,183,0)="{Title} {Last} says this admission was {14.01;V?1""Q"".E:""L1 ""_V_"" "",V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",1:""L1 blank "";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,184,0)="prompted or suggested by the criminal justice system. {Pro} states {pro} is "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,185,0)="{14.02;V?1""Q"".E:""L2 ""_V_"" "",V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",1:""L2 blank "";}on probation or parole."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,187,0)="In {pos} lifetime, {pro} reports being arrested and charged with"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,188,0)="{Field;YSV1;14.03;YSV1?1U.E:""L3 ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""L3 blank"",YSV1=1:""shoplifting/vandalism (once)"",YSV1>0:""shoplifting/vandalism (""_YSV1_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,189,0)="{Field;YSV2;14.04;YSV2?1U.E:""L4 ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""L4 blank"",YSV2=1:""a parole/probation violation (once)"",YSV2>0:""parole/probation violations (""_YSV2_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,190,0)="{Field;YSV3;14.05;YSV3?1U.E:""L5 ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""L5 blank"",YSV3=1:""drug charges (once)"",YSV3>0:""drug charges (""_YSV3_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,191,0)="{Field;YSV4;14.06;YSV4?1U.E:""L6 ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""L6 blank"",YSV4=1:""forgery (once)"",YSV4>0:""forgery (""_YSV4_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,192,0)="{Field;YSV5;14.07;YSV5?1U.E:""L7 ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""L7 blank"",YSV5=1:""weapons offense (once)"",YSV5>0:""weapons offense (""_YSV5_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,193,0)="{Field;YSV6;14.08;YSV6?1U.E:""L8 ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""L8 blank"",YSV6=1:""burglary, larceny, B & E (once)"",YSV6>0:""burglary, larceny, B&E (""_YSV6_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,194,0)="{Field;YSV7;14.09;YSV7?1U.E:""L9 ""_YSV7,YSV7="""":""L9 blank"",YSV7=1:""robbery (once)"",YSV7>0:""robbery (""_YSV7_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,195,0)="{Field;YSV8;14.11;YSV8?1U.E:""L10 ""_YSV8,YSV8="""":""L10 blank"",YSV8=1:""assault (once)"",YSV8>0:""assault (""_YSV8_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,196,0)="{Field;YSV9;14.12;YSV9?1U.E:""L11 ""_YSV9,YSV9="""":""L11 blank"",YSV9=1:""arson (once)"",YSV9>0:""arson (""_YSV9_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,197,0)="{Field;YSV10;14.14;YSV10?1U.E:""L12 ""_YSV10,YSV10="""":""L12 blank"",YSV10=1:""rape (once)"",YSV10>0:""rape (""_YSV10_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,198,0)="{Field;YSV11;14.15;YSV11?1U.E:""L13 ""_YSV11,YSV11="""":""L13 blank"",YSV11=1:""homicide, manslaughter (once)"",YSV11>0:""homicide, manslaughter (""_YSV11_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,199,0)="{Field;YSV12;14.16;YSV12?1U.E:""L14 ""_YSV12,YSV12="""":""L14 blank"",YSV12=1:""prostitution (once)"",YSV12>0:""prostitution (""_YSV12_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,200,0)="{Field;YSV13;14.17;YSV13?1U.E:""L15 ""_YSV13,YSV13="""":""L15 blank"",YSV13=1:""contempt of court (once)"",YSV13>0:""contempt of court (""_YSV13_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,201,0)="{Field;YSV14;14.18;YSV14?1U.E:""L16 ""_YSV14,YSV14="""":""L16 blank"",YSV14=1:""other (once)"",YSV14>0:""other (""_YSV14_"" times)"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,202,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6,YSV7,YSV8,YSV9,YSV10,YSV11,YSV12,YSV13,YSV14; no offenses}."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,203,0)=" {14.19;V=0:""None of these charges resulted in a conviction."",V=1:""One of these charges resulted in a conviction."",V>1:V_"" of these charges resulted in convictions."",V=""X"":"" L17 X "",V=""N"":"""",1:""L17 blank"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,204,0)=" Reported lifetime history of legal problems related to substance use include "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,205,0)="{14.21;V=0:""no charges"",V=1:""one charge"",V>1:V_"" charges"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L18 ""_V,1:""L18 blank"";} for either disorderly "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,206,0)="conduct, vagrancy, or public intoxication and "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,207,0)="{14.22;V=0:""no charges"",V=1:""one charge"",V>1:V_"" charges"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L19 ""_V,1:""L19 blank"";} for driving "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,208,0)="while intoxicated. {Pro} states {pro} has "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,209,0)="{14.23;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L20 ""_V,V=0:""never been cited"",V=1:""been cited once"",V>1:""been cited ""_V_"" times"",1:""L20 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,210,0)="for {14.23;V=0:""major driving violations"",V=1:""a major driving violation"",V>1:""major driving violations"",1:"""";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,211,0)="such as reckless driving, speeding, or driving without a license. {Pro} reports "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,212,0)="spending {14.24;V=0:""no time"",V=1:""one month"",V>1:V_"" months"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L21 ""_V,1:""L21 blank"";} incarcerated "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,213,0)="during {pos} life. {Pro} is {14.27;V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",V?1""Q"".E:""L24 ""_V_"" "",1:""L24 blank "";}presently "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,214,0)="awaiting charges, trial or sentence"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,215,0)="{14.28;V="""":""L25 blank "",V=3:"" for shoplifting/vandalism"",V=4:"" for parole/probation violations"",V=5:"" for drug charges"",V=6:"" for forgery"",V=7:"" for weapons offense(s)"",V=8:"" for burglary, larceny, or B & E"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,216,0)="{14.28;V=""X"":""L25 ""_V,V=9:"" for robbery"",V=10:"" for assault"",V=11:"" for arson"",V=12:"" for rape"",V=13:"" for homicide/manslaughter"",V=14:"" for prostitution"",V=15:"" for comtempt of court"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,217,0)="{14.28;V=16:"" for charges other than those coded by this interview"",V=18:"" for disorderly conduct, vagrancy, or public intoxication"",V=19:"" for driving while intoxicated"",V=20:"" for a major driving violation (speeding, no license, etc)"",1:"""";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,218,0)="In the past 30 days, {Title} {Last} reports {pro} was detained or incarcerated "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,219,0)="{14.29;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""on one day"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L26 ""_V,1:""L26 blank"";} and was "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,220,0)="{14.31;V=0:""not engaged in illegal activities"",V=1:""engaged in illegal activities on one day"",V>1:""engaged in illegal activities on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L27 ""_V,1:""L27 blank"";}."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,222,0)="{Title} {Last} considers legal problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,223,0)="{14.32;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L28 ""_V,V=0:""no problem at all"",V=1:""a slight problem"",V=2:""a moderate problem"",V=3:""a considerable problem"",V=4:""an extremely serious problem"",1:""L28 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,224,0)="and is "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,225,0)="{14.33;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""L29 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:""L29 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,226,0)="interested in counseling or referral for legal problems. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,230,0)="FAMILY/SOCIAL STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,232,0)="{Title} {Last} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,233,0)="{17.01;V?1""Q"".E:""F1 ""_V_"" "",V="""":""L1 blank "",V?1""NE"".E:""has ""_V_"" "",1:""is ""_V_"" "";L}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,234,0)="{17.04;V?1""Q"".E:""F2 ""_V_"" "",V?1""N"".E:""but is not satisfied with"",V?1""I"".E:""and is indifferent to"",V?1""Y"".E:""and is satisfied with"",1:""F3 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,235,0)="this situation. {Pos} usual living arrangement over the past three years has been "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,236,0)="{17.05;V=1:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" sexual partner and children"",V=2:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" sexual partner alone"",V=3:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" children"",V=4:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" parents"",V=5:""to live with ""_YSPOSL_"" family"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,237,0)="{17.05;V=6:""to live with friends"",V=7:""to live alone"",V=8:""to live in a controlled environment"",V=9:""completely unstable"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,238,0)="{17.05;V="""":""F4 (living arrangement not reported)"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F4 ""_V,1:"""";}, "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,239,0)="{17.08;V?1""Q"".E:""F6 ""_V,V?1""N"".E:""but ""_YSPROL_"" is not satisfied with"",V?1""I"".E:""and ""_YSPROL_"" is indifferent to"",V?1""Y"".E:""and ""_YSPROL_"" is satisfied with"",1:""F6 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,240,0)="this arrangement. {Pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,242,0)="{17.11;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""NO""):""does not live with anyone who has either a drug or alcohol problem"",(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""NO""):""lives with someone who has an alcohol problem"",(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""YES""):""lives with someone who has a drug problem"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,243,0)="{17.11;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""YES""):""lives with someone who has both a drug and alcohol problem"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,244,0)="{17.09;V?1""Q"".E:"" F7 ""_V,V="""":"" F7 blank "",1:"""";}{17.11;V?1""Q"".E:"" F8 ""_V,V="""":"" F8 blank "",1:"""";}."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,246,0)="{Pro} reports having significant periods in the past 30 days in which {pro}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,247,0)=" experienced serious problems getting along with"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,248,0)="{Field;YSV1;18.01;YSV1?1""u"".E:"" F18 30 ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""F18 30 blank"",YSV1=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" mother"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,249,0)="{Field;YSV2;18.03;YSV2?1""u"".E:"" F19 30 ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""F19 30 blank"",YSV2=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" father"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,250,0)="{Field;YSV3;18.05;YSV3?1""u"".E:"" F20 30 ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""F20 30 blank"",YSV3=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" brothers/sisters"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,251,0)="{Field;YSV4;18.07;YSV4?1""u"".E:"" F21 30 ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""F21 30 blank"",YSV4=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" sexual partner/spouse"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,252,0)="{Field;YSV5;18.09;YSV5?1""u"".E:"" F22 30 ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""F22 30 blank"",YSV5=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" children"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,253,0)="{Field;YSV6;18.12;YSV6?1""u"".E:"" F23 30 ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""F23 30 blank"",YSV6=""YES"":""other significant family"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,254,0)="{Field;YSV7;18.15;YSV7?1""u"".E:"" F24 30 ""_YSV7,YSV7="""":""F24 30 blank"",YSV7=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" close friends"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,255,0)="{Field;YSV8;18.17;YSV8?1""u"".E:"" F25 30 ""_YSV8,YSV8="""":""F25 30 blank"",YSV8=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" neighbors"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,256,0)="{Field;YSV9;18.185;YSV9?1""u"".E:"" F26 30 ""_YSV9,YSV9="""":""F26 30 blank"",YSV9=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" co-workers"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,257,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6,YSV7,YSV8,YSV9; no one}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,258,0)="Lifetime, {pro} reports having significant periods in which {pro}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,259,0)=" experienced serious problems getting along with"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,260,0)="{Field;YSV1;18.02;YSV1?1""u"".E:"" F18 L ""_YSV1,YSV1="""":""F18 L blank"",YSV1=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" mother"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,261,0)="{Field;YSV2;18.04;YSV2?1""u"".E:"" F19 L ""_YSV2,YSV2="""":""F19 L blank"",YSV2=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" father"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,262,0)="{Field;YSV3;18.06;YSV3?1""u"".E:"" F20 L ""_YSV3,YSV3="""":""F20 L blank"",YSV3=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" brothers/sisters"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,263,0)="{Field;YSV4;18.08;YSV4?1""u"".E:"" F21 L ""_YSV4,YSV4="""":""F21 L blank"",YSV4=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" sexual partner/spouse"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,264,0)="{Field;YSV5;18.11;YSV5?1""u"".E:"" F22 L ""_YSV5,YSV5="""":""F22 L blank"",YSV5=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" children"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,265,0)="{Field;YSV6;18.14;YSV6?1""u"".E:"" F23 L ""_YSV6,YSV6="""":""F23 L blank"",YSV6=""YES"":""other significant family"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,266,0)="{Field;YSV7;18.16;YSV7?1""u"".E:"" F24 L ""_YSV7,YSV7="""":""F24 L blank"",YSV7=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" close friends"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,267,0)="{Field;YSV8;18.18;YSV8?1""u"".E:"" F25 L ""_YSV8,YSV8="""":""F25 L blank"",YSV8=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" neighbors"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,268,0)="{Field;YSV9;18.186;YSV9?1""u"".E:"" F26 L ""_YSV9,YSV9="""":""F26 L blank"",YSV9=""YES"":YSPOSL_"" co-workers"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,269,0)="{List;YSV1,YSV2,YSV3,YSV4,YSV5,YSV6,YSV7,YSV8,YSV9; no one}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,271,0)="{Pro} reports {18.21;V=""NO"":""no "",V=""YES"":"""",V?1""Q"".E:""F28 30 ""_V_"" "",1:""F28 30 blank "";}physical abuse in the past month "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,273,0)="{18.215;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""NO""):""and none prior to that"",(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""YES""):""but some prior physical abuse"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,274,0)="{18.215;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""NO""):""but none prior to that"",(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""YES""):""as well as prior to that"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,275,0)="{18.215;V?1""Q"".E:""F28 L ""_V_"" "",V="""":"" F28 L blank"",1:"""";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,276,0)="{Pro} reports {18.22;V?1""Q"".E:""F29 30 ""_V,V=""NO"":""no"",V=""YES"":""some"",1:""F29 30 blank "";} sexual abuse in the past month "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,278,0)="{18.225;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""NO""):""and none prior to that"",(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""YES""):""but some prior sexual abuse"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,279,0)="{18.225;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""NO""):""but none prior to that"",(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""YES""):""as well as prior to that"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,280,0)="{18.225;V?1""Q"".E:""F29 L ""_V,V="""":"" F29 L blank"",1:"""";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,281,0)="{Title} {Last} says that during the past month {pro} had serious conflicts with {pos} family "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,282,0)="{18.23;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""on one day"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F30 ""_V,1:"" F30 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,283,0)="and serious conflicts with other people "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,284,0)="{18.24;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""only once"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F31 ""_V,1:"" F31 blank "";}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,286,0)="{Title} {Last} says {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,287,0)="{18.25;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F32 ""_V,V=0:""was not bothered at all"",V=1:""was bothered slightly"",V=2:""was bothered slightly"",V=3:""was bothered considerably"",V=4:""was extremely bothered"",1:"" F32 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,288,0)="by family/social problems in the month prior to this interview. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,289,0)="The patient considers treatment for family/social problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,290,0)="{18.27;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""F34 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:"" F34 blank "";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,294,0)="PSYCHIATRIC STATUS"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,296,0)="{Title} {Last} states {pro} has been treated in a hospital for psychological or emotional problems "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,297,0)="{19.01;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""once"",V>1:V_"" times"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P1 ""_V,1:"" P1 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,298,0)="and as an outpatient or private patient "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,299,0)="{19.02;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""once"",V>1:V_"" times"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P1 ""_V,1:"" P1 blank "";}. {Pro} reports {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,300,0)="does {19.03;V=""NO"":""not "",V=""YES"":"""",V?1""Q"".E:""P2 ""_V_"" "",1:"" P2 blank "";}receive a pension for a psychiatric disability. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,302,0)="The patient reports having experienced psychological or emotional problems "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,303,0)="{19.23;V=0:""at no time"",V=1:""on one day"",V>1:""on ""_V_"" days"",V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P11 ""_V,1:"" P11 blank "";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,304,0)="during the past 30 days. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,305,0)="{Field;YSV1;19.04;YSV1=""NO"":""NO"",YSV1=""YES"":""serious depression "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,306,0)="{Field;YSV2;19.05;YSV2=""YES""&(YSV1?1""s"".E):YSV1_""(30 day and lifetime)"",YSV1?1""s"".E&(YSV2=""NO""):YSV1_""(30 day)"",YSV2=""YES""&(YSV1=""NO""):""serious depression (lifetime)"",YSV1=""NO""&(YSV2=""NO""):"""",1:"" P3 blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,307,0)="{Field;YSV3;19.06;YSV3=""NO"":""NO"",YSV3=""YES"":""serious anxiety or tension "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,308,0)="{Field;YSV4;19.07;YSV3?1""s"".E&(YSV4=""YES""):YSV3_""(30 day and lifetime)"",YSV3?1""s"".E&(YSV4=""NO""):YSV3_""(30 day)"",YSV4=""YES""&(YSV3=""NO""):""serious anxiety or tension (lifetime)"",YSV3=""NO""&(YSV4=""NO""):"""",1:"" P4 blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,309,0)="{Field;YSV5;19.08;YSV5=""NO"":""NO"",YSV5=""YES"":""hallucinations "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,310,0)="{Field;YSV6;19.09;YSV5?1""h"".E&(YSV6=""YES""):YSV5_""(30 day and lifetime)"",YSV5?1""h"".E&(YSV6=""NO""):YSV5_""(30 day)"",YSV6=""YES""&(YSV5=""NO""):""hallucinations (lifetime)"",YSV5=""NO""&(YSV6=""NO""):"""",1:"" P5 blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,311,0)="{Field;YSV7;19.11;YSV7=""NO"":""NO"",YSV7=""YES"":""trouble understanding, concentrating or remembering "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,312,0)="{Field;YSV8;19.12;YSV7?1""t"".E&(YSV8=""YES""):YSV7_""(30 day and lifetime)"",YSV7?1""t"".E&(YSV8=""NO""):YSV7_""(30 day)"",YSV8=""YES""&(YSV7=""NO""):""trouble understanding, concentrating or remembering (lifetime)"",YSV7=""NO""&(YSV8=""NO""):"""",1:"" P6 blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,313,0)="{Field;YSV9;19.14;YSV9=""NO"":""NO"",YSV9=""YES"":""trouble controlling violent behavior "",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,314,0)="{Field;YSV10;19.15;YSV9?1""t"".E&(YSV10=""YES""):YSV9_""(30 day and lifetime)"",YSV9?1""t"".E&(YSV10=""NO""):YSV9_""(30 day)"",YSV10=""YES""&(YSV9=""NO""):""trouble controlling violent behavior (lifetime)"",YSV9=""NO""&(YSV10=""NO""):"""",1:"" P7 blank/X/N"";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,315,0)="{.01;$L(YSV2_YSV4_YSV6_YSV8_YSV10):""The patient reports experiencing"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,316,0)="{List;YSV2,YSV4,YSV6,YSV8,YSV10; The patient do not endorse significant psychiatric symptoms}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,317,0)=". "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,319,0)="{Pro} says {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,320,0)="{19.22;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""NO""):""has never been prescribed medication for psychological or emotional problems"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,321,0)="{19.22;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""NO""):""was prescribed medication for psychological or emotional problems during the past month but never prior to that"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,322,0)="{19.22;(YSV1=""NO"")&(V=""YES""):""was prescribed medication for psychological or emotional problems at some point during ""_YSPOSL_"" life but was not on such medication during the past month"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,323,0)="{19.22;(YSV1=""YES"")&(V=""YES""):""was prescribed medication for psychological or emotional problems both during the past month as well as at some time prior to that"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,324,0)="{19.21;V?1""Q"".E:""P10 30 ""_V,V="""":"" P10 30 blank "",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,325,0)="{19.22;V?1""Q"".E:""P10 L ""_V,V="""":"" P10 L blank "",1:""""}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,327,0)="{Field;YSV1;19.16;YSV1=""YES"":""*** The patient reports serious thoughts of suicide in the past 30 days "",YSV1=""NO"":YSV1,1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,328,0)="{19.17;YSV1?1""*"".E&(V=""YES""):YSV1_""and lifetime ***"",YSV1?1""*"".E&(V'=""YES""):YSV1_""but not prior ***"",V=""YES"":""The patient reports suicidal ideation but not in the past 30 days"",YSV1=""NO""&(V=""NO""):""Suicidal ideation is denied"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,329,0)="{19.16;V?1""Q"".E:""** P8 30 ""_V_"" ** "",V="""":"" ** P8 30 blank ** "",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,330,0)="{19.17;V?1""Q"".E:""** P8 L ""_V_"" ** "",V="""":""** P8 L blank ** "",1:""""}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,331,0)="{Field;YSV1;19.18;YSV1=""YES"":""*** The patient reports attempting suicide in the past 30 days "",YSV1=""NO"":YSV1,1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,332,0)="{19.19;YSV1?1""*"".E&(V=""YES""):YSV1_""and lifetime ***"",YSV1?1""*"".E&(V'=""YES""):YSV1_""but not prior ***"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,333,0)="{19.19;YSV1=""NO""&(V=""YES""):""The patient reports attempting suicide but not in the past 30 days."",YSV1=""NO""&(V=""NO""):""No history of suicide attempt is given"",1:"""";}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,334,0)="{19.18;V?1""Q"".E:""** P9 30 ""_V_"" ** "",V="""":"" ** P9 30 blank ** "",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,335,0)="{19.19;V?1""Q"".E:""** P9 L ""_V_"" ** "",V="""":""** P9 L blank ** "",1:""""}. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,337,0)="{Title} {Last} says {pro} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,338,0)="{19.24;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P12 ""_V,V=0:""was not bothered at all"",V=1:""was bothered slightly"",V=2:""was bothered slightly"",V=3:""was bothered considerably"",V=4:""was extremely bothered"",1:""P12 blank"";} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,339,0)="by psychological or emotional problems in the month prior to this interview. "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,340,0)="The patient considers treatment for psychological or emotional problems to be "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,342,0)="{19.25;V=""X""!(V=""N""):""P13 ""_V,V=0:""not at all"",V=1:""slightly"",V=2:""moderately"",V=3:""considerably"",V=4:""extremely"",1:"" P13 blank "";} important."
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,346,0)="{0;$D(^YSTX(604,YSASDA,201,1)):""SPIRITUAL STATUS:"",1:""""} "
^YSTX(604.68,27,1,349,0)="{0;$D(^YSTX(604,YSASDA,200,1)):""LEISURE TIME STATUS:"",1:""""}"
^YSTX(604.68,"B","ASI CHECKING MANUAL",8)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","ASI SHORT GUIDE",7)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","ASI USER GUIDE",6)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","ASI-MV ITEM REPORT",26)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","ASI-MV NARRATIVE",27)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","DRUG/ALCOHOL USE",13)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","FAMILY HISTORY",15)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","FOLLOWUP ITEM REPORT",24)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","FOLLOWUP NARRATIVE",25)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","FULL ITEM REPORT",22)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","LEGAL STATUS",14)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","LITE ITEM REPORT",23)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","MEDICAL STATUS",11)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","ONLINE ENTRY",21)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","PSYCHIATRIC STATUS",17)=""
^YSTX(604.68,"B","SEV RAT & COMP SCORES",20)=""
^YSTX(604.77,0)="ASI SUBSTANCE CODE^604.77I^102^17"
^YSTX(604.77,1,0)="1^ALCOHOL - ANY USE AT ALL"
^YSTX(604.77,7,0)="7^OTHER SED/HYP/TRANQ"
^YSTX(604.77,100,0)="0^NO PROBLEM"
^YSTX(604.77,"C","ALCOHOL - ANY USE AT ALL",1)=""
^YSTX(604.77,"C","NO PROBLEM",100)=""
^YSTX(604.77,"C","OTHER SED/HYP/TRANQ",7)=""
^YSTX(604.77,"C","QUESTION NOT ANSWERED",101)=""
^YSTX(604.8,0)="ASI PARAMETERS^604.8P^1^1"