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2009-11-29 13:37:14 -05:00
;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995
F I=1:1 S LY=$T(@LX+I) Q:LY["END" D:LY["|TOP|" HD2^DVBCVSCK W:LY'["|TOP|" $P(LY,";;",2),!
;;C. Diplopia - (The measurement of muscle function will be performed using a
;; Goldmann Perimeter Chart. The examiner will chart the areas in which
;; diplopia exists. This plotted chart will be made a part of the examination
;; report and the entire report is to be mailed to the regional office.):
;; Yes No (circle one)
;; 1. If diplopia is present, state whether it is constant or intermittent,
;; whether it is present at all distances or only for near or distant vision,
;; and whether it is correctable by use of lenses or prisms.
;; 2. If diplopia is constant and not correctable, indicate which sectors
;; of the visual field are affected and provide the Goldmann perimeter chart
;; showing actual areas of diplopia. Diplopia outside these areas is not
;; considered disabling but can be used in evaluation of the underlying
;; disease or injury.
;; a. Central 20 degrees
;; b. 21 to 30 degrees
;; down
;; right lateral
;; left lateral
;; up
;; c. 31 to 40 degrees
;; down
;; right lateral
;; left lateral
;; up
;;D. Visual field deficit: Yes No (circle one)
;; If Yes, chart fields per the following instructions and provide visual
;; field charts (see attachment).
;; 1. For aphakic eye which cannot be fitted with contact lens or intra-ocular
;; implant, use the IV/4e test object.
;; 2. In all other cases, use the III/4e test object.
;; 3. Visual field charts submitted for evaluation purposes should contain
;; only one field chart with only the III/4e or IV/4e object as above.
;; If the examiner feels that charting with other objects is necessary,
;; for confirmation of test results, they should be reported on a
;; separate chart along with an explanation of the need and the significance
;; of any discrepancies noted.
;; 4. All scotomas should be plotted carefully so that the rating board
;; can make appropriate allowances in calculating the extent of the
;; effective visual field in each eye.
;;E. Indicate the presence or absence of disease or damage to the retina
;; cornea, iris, or other part of the eye -- detached retina, glaucoma,
;; cataract, iritis, etc. Describe any episodes of incapaciting pain or
;; other need for bed rest. If keratoconus is present, state whether
;; contact lenses are required or adequate correction is possible by other
;; means. Include any other remarks or comments as deemed appropriate.