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2009-12-04 00:11:15 -05:00
MAGGTU41 ;WOIFO/GEK - Version Control utilities ; [ 06/20/2001 08:57 ]
;;3.0;IMAGING;**46**;16-February-2007;;Build 1023
;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+
;; | Property of the US Government. |
;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |
;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |
;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |
;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |
;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. |
;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |
;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |
;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |
;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |
;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |
;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+
NOTOKB(X) ; Client Not Supported. Server is Beta
; Client will not be supported when this version is Released. Warn Client.
S X(0)="0^ This site is a test site for Version: "_SV_"."
S X(5)=" Client is running Version: "_CV
S X(7)=" "
S X(10)=" When Version : "_SV_" is Released, "
S X(15)=" Client Version: "_CV_" will no longer be supported."
S X(17)=" "
S X(18)=" This Client Application will not work correctly."
S X(19)=" "
S X(20)=" Contact the Imaging System Manager to update this workstation."
S X(30)=" "
S X(40)=" APPLICATION Will Continue"
NOTOK(X) ; Client Not Supported.
S X(0)="2^ Server is running Imaging V. "_SV_" "_$P(SVSTAT,"^",2)
S X(1)=" "
S X(5)=" Client is running Imaging V. "_CV
S X(7)=" "
S X(10)=" Version "_CV_" is no longer supported."
S X(15)=" "
S X(20)=" Contact the Imaging System Manager to update this workstation."
S X(30)=" "
; Clients prior to 8, have a 'Cancel' button on Message Dialog (oversight)
I $P(CV,".",1)=2 S X(50)="(clicking 'Cancel' will not stop the Abort.)"
OKBADTB(X) ; Client not Equal, but it is supported.
; But it's T isn't the T of it's Released Patch
S X(0)="0^ Server is running Imaging V. "_SV_" "_$P(SVSTAT,"^",2)
S X(3)=" "
S X(5)=" Client is running Imaging V. "_CLVER
S X(10)=" The Released Version of Patch "_CP_" is V. "_CV_"."_$G(OKVER(CV))
S X(12)=" "
S X(18)=" This Client Application will not work correctly. You should"
S X(20)=" update this workstation with the Released Version of Patch "_CP
S X(21)=" "
S X(22)=" Contact the Imaging System Manager to update this workstation."
S X(27)=" "
S X(30)=" APPLICATION will Continue "
OKBADT(X) ; Client not Equal, but it is supported.
; But it's T isn't the T of it's Released Patch
S X(0)="2^ Server is running Imaging V. "_SV_" "_$P(SVSTAT,"^",2)
S X(3)=" "
S X(5)=" Client is running Imaging V. "_CLVER
S X(10)=" The Released Version of Patch "_CP_" is V. "_CV_"."_$G(OKVER(CV))
S X(15)=" "
S X(18)=" Version "_CLVER_" is not supported."
S X(19)=" "
S X(20)=" You must update this workstation."
S X(22)=" "
S X(25)=" Contact the Imaging System Manager to update this workstation."
S X(27)=" "
OKB(X) ; Client is Not Equal to server. Server Version / Beta
; Alpha/Beta Version so allow to continue. no message
S X(0)="1^ Alpha/Beta testing in progress for: "_SV
OK(X) ; Client is Not Equal to the server. Warn
S X(0)="0^ Server is running Imaging V. "_SV_" "_$P(SVSTAT,"^",2)
S X(5)=" Client is running Imaging V. "_CV
S X(7)=" "
S X(10)=" The Client application should be updated "
S X(15)=" "
S X(20)=" Contact the Imaging System Manager to update this workstation."
S X(30)=" "
S X(40)=" APPLICATION Will Continue"
; Clients prior to 8, have a 'Cancel' button on Message Dialog (oversight)
I $P(CV,".",1)=2 S X(50)="(clicking 'Cancel' will not stop the Client.)"
; Versions are the Same: If T versions are not, warn the Client.
; Released Client (of any version) will have the T version that the server expects, and
; no warning will be displayed.
TNOTOKB(X) ; Client T is Not Equal to Server T, Beta Site.
;I CT,(CT'=ST) D Q
S X(0)="0^ Server is running Imaging V. "_SV_"."_ST_" "_$P(SVSTAT,"^",2)
S X(5)=" Client is running Imaging V. "_CLVER
S X(10)=" "
S X(20)=" Test Versions of Patch "_SV_" other than T"_ST_" may not work correctly."
S X(25)=" "
S X(30)=" APPLICATION will Continue "
TNOTOK(X) ; Client T is Not Equal to Server T.
;I CT,(CT'=ST) D Q
S X(0)="0^ Server is running Imaging V. "_SV_"."_ST_" "_$P(SVSTAT,"^",2)
S X(5)=" Client is running Imaging V. "_CLVER
S X(10)=" "
S X(12)=" For Patch "_CP_" the released T version is: "_ST
S X(20)=" You must update this workstation with the Released Version."
S X(22)=" "
S X(25)=" Contact the Imaging System Manager to update this workstation."
S X(27)=" "
S X(30)=" APPLICATION will Continue "
BADPLC(X) ; The call to $$PLACE^MAGBAPI($G(DUZ(2))) Failed, return a message.
I '$G(DUZ(2)) S X(0)="2^ Error: Undefined DUZ(2)"
. S X(0)="2^ Error: Division "_$P($G(^DIC(4,DUZ(2),0)),"^",1)_" ["_DUZ(2)_"]"
. S X(2)=" is not an Imaging Site Parameter."
. Q
S X(5)=" Contact IRM. Application will abort"